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PAGE TWO<br />

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President Johnson recently signed the $1.1 billion aid to hla<br />

bill, tunning it on example of "creative Federalism.,,<br />

This event brought an Interesting comment from The Wall Street<br />

Journal,<br />

The paper said, "Yet that same Federalism s Impeding<br />

possibly more significant developments of private enterprise In<br />

the same area. Specifically, a private electric power company In<br />

Appalachla Is ready to spend $910 million of Its own money on two<br />

power projects. So far It Is being held back from spending a dime<br />

by Congress and a Federal agency."<br />

One project Involves a $210 million power plant on the Savannah<br />

River, but Congress has not given the necessary approval.<br />

The other project, in upper South Carolina, carries a $700 million<br />

price tag and can be authorized by the Federal Power Commission.<br />

But a number of rural electric cooperatives oppose it, and<br />

FPC has not acted.<br />

These tremendous developments would provide private,<br />

heavily-taxe- d Investments totalling almost as much as the Appalachian<br />

bill. Further, as The Journal points out, It is a rule<br />

of thumb that for every dollar Invested to generate power In an<br />

area, three more dollars are Invested by industlal customers<br />

there. To quote the paper again. "Surely It is a strange inconsistency<br />

when Federalism, .which can create nothing without first<br />

taxing the rewards of private initiative. . .whoops it up for a<br />

$1.1 billion handout while It lets creative business, with its own<br />

sending program potentially three times as big, go begging."<br />


Graduation time is here again. Armies of young people will<br />

venture out into what they hope will be an exciting and receptive<br />

world.<br />

It will, for a certainty, be a world which is vastly different<br />

from that their forebears knew. It is troubled, complex, and restive.<br />

Its demands are enormous and implacable. Change takes<br />

place at dizzying pace. The challenges are all but endless.<br />

Yet, at the same time, it is a world of marvelous opportunity.<br />

New frontiers are constantly being opened . in industry . busi-ens- s.<br />

government medicine the physical sciences. In the<br />

space of a few years, more material progress has been made<br />

than in preceding centuries. And the future will bring more and<br />

greater wonders . all the way from homes of virtually incredible<br />

comfort and convenience to the landing of human 'beings on<br />

the moon.<br />

The world will welcome the young people who will soon<br />

leave the schools and colleges. In return, it will ask much of<br />

them. It will, often, require skills that didn't even exist a comparatively<br />

short time ago. Above all, it will demand a willingness<br />

to keep on learning. For formal education is a beginning,<br />

and not an end in itself.<br />

One more thing may be said. Surrounded as we are by material<br />

abundance and achievement. It is easy to lose sight of the<br />

old spiritual virtues. But, without them, the world is essentially<br />

meaningly and empty. This is a truth that never changes. ..and<br />

a truth that, one profoundly hopes, our young people will not<br />

Read Free Press Want Ads and Save<br />

H<br />

FREE<br />

SZZeeSSSSSSeS82SSSS3Sas:eseeSSSeSSeSSSSSSSSSSi week's stand Mon- -<br />

Haskell County History sriritfsJ"<br />

30 YEAKS AUO<br />

(May . 1933)<br />

formerly Hurley Snillcra own<br />

carries<br />

is- -<br />

company and me<br />

day, May 18, 1925: H. E. Abbot, tlnctlon of one of the best on<br />

E. J. Cloud. Guy Mayes, W. P. the rood.<br />

uin. n i v.niuh v. m. a olnirlnir Bchool is now In<br />

Top-kic- k in the army after Qy e. D. Allison, W. H. Cox, progress at the Center Tlew<br />

only two hitches! That's the e, Mosley. R. L. Foote, O. C. Church. The school is oelng<br />

record of First Sgt. Hugh Rat- - Brooks, R. W. Cross, R. L. taught by Mr. Free of Haskell.<br />

liff, young Texas man who this Dean, J. L. Earls, C. E. Ellis,<br />

week for the third Fred Monke, H. H. Cook, J. B.<br />

time after being promoted to Bcu( w. D. Payne, Jesse Col- - ltAKa AUU<br />

first sergeant of one of two ma- - ucr j n. Post, M. S. Short, J. (May 13, 1903)<br />

jor stationed at H. J. Josselet, G. ,<br />

Barksdale field. He Is the son H ch Jr organizations Campbell, V.<br />

Mr-- J- - T. J. Bennett, J. Allcn f the5'<br />

of Judge and Mrs. L. D. Ratllff A. pinkeston, S. A. Latimer, M. west corner was in town Satur-o- f<br />

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm<br />

THE<br />

v1<br />


PRESS,<br />


lRitajJ<br />

Haskell. H. Overton, Jno. E. Fouts, R. day and said that the new post-An- na<br />

Belle Stanton of Has- - D. R. B. Fowler, office 8<br />

second Jno. A. Couch, much better mall facilities.<br />

kell High School won Jno. Chltwood,<br />

Place In the piano contest of C. M. A. D. Bennett, The little boy of Mr. L. D.<br />

first annual piano Abilene John L. Tubbs, J. T. Woodall, Courtney, who resides about 10<br />

Christian ColIeKc fine arts O. B. Norman, M. O. Daugh- - miles northeast of town, was<br />

at Abilene try, J. F Norman, M. E. Car.<br />

A golf which will others. H. L. Smith<br />

oe ior rmsKeii iniijei-- .<br />

Chambers,<br />

Thompson,<br />

tournament<br />

badly dug-o- ut<br />

hurt door<br />

tournament<br />

falling him. family went<br />

into the dug-o- ut the<br />

nr n M. nunst local il..n<br />

held here durinir the week be<br />

appeared to be a storm.<br />

ginning Saturday, May 11 Ap- tlst. recently Installed a Victor on conung out a gust<br />

X-r- ay<br />

propriate prizes will be award-<br />

Hospital all bone the on<br />

work, has machine in<br />

ed. jltlc<br />

For the purpose of determin excellent condition. against the stunning<br />

ing whether the sum of $35,000<br />

morning another and bruising him pretty badly<br />

t,n k,. ,tca nmito mrt.'iln good rain fell over Haskell Messrs. L. M. Garrett and<br />

repairs nnd Improvement of the county, 1 19 Inches fell in J. S. Mencfce went to Stam- -<br />

Citv's water svstcm an election city, according to records kept ford Monday to place the orders<br />

has been called members of Judge P. D. Sanders. for lumber for their new resl- -<br />

tho Citv Council to bo held on After staying awny from his denccs. Mrs. Garrett will build<br />

Mnndiv Juno 12 Funds for the store pnrt of two weeks, w. H in the north part of town, ana<br />

water system project will be Pcnrscy back at his post Menefce<br />

raised through the issuance of and is feeling o. k.<br />

acre he pur-<br />

n..v...n,i hnmU Th election The recent rains have cnus- - chased about of<br />

will be held at the City Hall, ed the water In new lake at town.<br />

R E Sherrill be presiding English Park to begin flowing Haskell prairies are now<br />

judge-<br />

"Survey<br />

Thurman,<br />

Monday afternoon<br />

YEARS<br />

Anonymous<br />

- XL111"1<br />

the<br />

by a<br />

on The<br />

at npproach<br />

of what<br />

and<br />

or<br />

for UHnd slammed door the<br />

and the fcHow, knocking his head<br />

sill, him<br />

Wednesday<br />

the<br />

by<br />

hy<br />

is<br />

Mr<br />

will build on the<br />

30 block recently<br />

21. miles west<br />

the<br />

will<br />

a<br />

F G Alexander, judge; around the spillway This is thing of beauty and joy to look<br />

Mrs J. T. Wilson, clerk; Miss now one of the prettiest little upon. In their heavy carpet of<br />

Duiin Fields, clerk. lakes to be found in this section living green bespangled with<br />

The Haskell Braves, local Mannger J. E. Bernard stntes countless thousands of wild<br />

Wichita Valley league repre- - that he expects to have the park flowers in kaleidoscopic confu- -<br />

sentatives will wage warfare ready to open In about a week sion of white, yellow, red, pink,<br />

against the Seymour baseball The bath houses arc being h'ue and purple blossoms peeptcam<br />

here next Sunday. erected anil will be ready for ing through the velvety sui face.<br />

Notice is hereby given that use on the opening day or waving their graceful stems<br />

a citv election will be held at Harris Comedv Players arc in the breezes It all presents<br />

the City Hall in Haskell. Texas, coming to Haskell for one a panorama of benuty worth<br />

on Monday, June 10. iws, ior<br />

the purpose of determining<br />

.?33:3SeiSA-'.55g3SBiA- ?;<br />

whether or not the voters of the<br />

City of Haskell favor the expenditure<br />

of $750 for a<br />

'<br />

--<br />

of a Municipal Power Plant<br />

...MUhed .Innunrj' 1 W<br />

A F. Mayor. R H.<br />


Banks. City Secretary<br />

y0 f<br />

Wallace Klmbrough. son of<br />

JWX.iW<br />

,<br />

Mrs. W A. Klmbrough. was<br />

LAlXtilll 96S<br />

operated on at the Stamford I TEXrfSSSP<br />


Sanitarium<br />

for appendicitis<br />

JETTY V. CLARE Owner and Publlshor<br />

ALFRED HINDS Editor<br />

to AGO<br />

(May 8, 19M)<br />

Entered as<br />

List of Jurors summoned for<br />

the fourth week of District<br />

Court for Haskell County, Mon- -<br />

For Information or<br />

Services of<br />

Alcohol<br />

Telephone<br />

Day 801 -- 2010<br />

801-22- Night 88<br />

second-clas- s matter at the postotflce at<br />

Haskell. Texas, under. the act of March 3, 18TO.<br />


Haskell, Throckmorton, Stonewall, Jones<br />

and Knox Counties, 1 Year $2.50<br />

6 Months $1.50<br />

Elsewhere, 1 Year $3.75<br />

C Months $2.25<br />

NOTICE TO PUBLIC Any erroneous reflection upon<br />

tho character, reputation or standing of any firm, individual<br />

or corporation will be gladly corrected upon<br />

being called to tho attention of the publishers.<br />

gggggggggggggggSgggggggSggggSggggggggggggi<br />

golng to see<br />

Mrs Green, national lecturer<br />

for the W.CTU. ollvew<br />

three lectures In Haskell last<br />

Saturday ami Sunday to large<br />

audiences. Her lectures were<br />

made especially interesting by<br />

the chalk drawings made while<br />

she talked.<br />

Capt. B. II. Dodson came<br />

home this week from an extensive<br />

trip in the southern part<br />

of the state.<br />

Quite a number of our citizens<br />

are out on a fishing frolic<br />

this week.<br />

IftTK (MU<br />

rcvv<br />

fc<br />

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JrfAJBJ<br />

SBM<br />

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Cahill &<br />

06 N. Street p<br />

ft<br />

- KUAL ESTM<br />


& LOANS<br />

LET<br />

First<br />


ffauKMM.<br />


Duncan Agencv<br />

rnw tom wouot run<br />

.(T'"<br />

fcJksfe&& gBsfea<br />


w-- rr<br />

e. ""s ; r .<br />

, 7Mt!tJ<br />

r"j'1 .f--<br />

--A<br />

If you're completely satisfied with humdrum driving stay out of tiger coari<br />

This Is tho homo of tho GTO, tho Grand Prix and Bonncvlllo, tho Lo Mans<br />

. .<br />

nnH 90.9 tho Tatnllnn .mrt Tnmnml. Rnrknt snnK nnd luxurv flourish. 1110 nlPA-lfl-<br />

Peoplo seen entering trjer country never loavo. You'vo boon warnodl Pontlac Tigcri<br />


Th w.<br />


200 N. A ve. E Phone 864-336- 4 Haskell, Tex<br />

WEL COME T<br />




MAY 13-14-- 15<br />




US OFTEN.<br />

The Haskell Free Press

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