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Prattle<br />

By AL IlCflDS<br />

nI; Jal<br />

Lions viewed a film and<br />

heard a talk on 'Operation<br />

Mohole," Tuesday noon, which<br />

revealed millions of dollars are<br />

being spent on "off-shor- e"<br />

drilling' for experimental purposes<br />

In comparison to "Operation<br />

Mohole," Dr J. G. Va lighter<br />

and Dr Wm Kemp's drilling<br />

is just about as costly Just<br />

couldn t help but get this little<br />

jibe in, but hope "No Pipe To- -<br />

bacco" Kemp and "Grandfath- -<br />

er's Clock" Vaughter don't take<br />

offense.<br />

o-- o-- o<br />

Just about the time the mechanical<br />

department completed<br />

printing last week s Free Press,<br />

a big, shaggy dog made his way<br />

into the building through the<br />

back entrance He came by,<br />

sniffing at the presses, stones,<br />

type cases, etc Roger Weath-erfor- d,<br />

printer, seemed happy<br />

to see the dog, and gave the<br />

critter a "first-han- d tour" of<br />

the print shop Roger walked<br />

over to the linotype machine<br />

where Vance Abeldt was setting<br />

type- - He explained the mechanism<br />

of the machine to the<br />

"soup hound." just as it were<br />

a person The dog followed<br />

Roger to the big press from<br />

which the newspaper is printed.<br />

The doggone dog was pretty<br />

smart, as he never did seem<br />

too interested in printing and<br />

after looking the situation over,<br />

he trotted out the back door,<br />

and lay down in the cool shade<br />

of the building The old adage,<br />

"working like a dog," did not<br />

hold true, as he stayed around<br />

only a short while, seeming to<br />

realize the printing industry was<br />

too rough.<br />

o- - --o o<br />

Since 'ole Prattler had another<br />

birthday this week. I did<br />

a little reminiscing, and this<br />

little poem came to my mind.<br />

Who wrote it, and where it<br />

came from. I cannot remember,<br />

but it went something like<br />

this:<br />

I wish I were a boy again.<br />

Away back through tho years,<br />

Beyond these days of mist<br />

and rain<br />

The mist and. rain of tears<br />

Away back in the morning<br />

time<br />

When life was oh, how sweet.<br />

And all was making merry<br />

chime<br />

For my light dancing feet.<br />

Tho days were full of light<br />

and Joy,<br />

The nights were full of rest.<br />

And happiness was In a toy,<br />

I hugged clot; to my breast.<br />

The skies wore but a tent of<br />

blue.<br />

And all the stars at night<br />

Were lights from hoaven<br />

shining through<br />

To fill my world with Ught<br />

My heart w light thistledown<br />

Ami laughter rulad the day.<br />

For Ufa had dooaod W gayest<br />

frown<br />

And boile nw romp awl piay.<br />

The roe Woonwnl on vry<br />

tree.<br />

The thrush na for joy.<br />

And all the world wr mmi<br />

for me,<br />

Ught-hearti- A young Hi boy<br />

I wish I wr a boy again.<br />

Away back through the yars.<br />

Beyond rNwe days of mist<br />

ami rain<br />

Tlie mist and rain of tears.<br />

o<br />

o- - --o<br />

The Jaycees annual Rice<br />

Springs Roundup and rodeo officially<br />

gets underway today.<br />

Thursday, at 5 00 p. m , when<br />

the all-west- parade will begin<br />

winding its way through<br />

the downtown section of Haskell<br />

Immediately following the<br />

parade at 630 p m., a big<br />

barbecue, catered by Beth's AA<br />

catering service, will be held at<br />

the Corral building at the rodeo<br />

grounds At p m sharp,<br />

the rodeo will get underway, so<br />

it appears that plenty of action<br />

will be on "tap" for residents<br />

of this area. Rodeo performances<br />

will be held also on Friday<br />

and Saturday nights, with<br />

the pig scramble Contest as an<br />

added attraction. Better head<br />

for Haskell earlv today, to get<br />

in on all the activities<br />

The Jaycees have spent a lot<br />

of time and money In staring<br />

this year's rodeo, so let's show<br />

our appreciation to the live-wi-re<br />

younjr men by purchasing<br />

rodeo tickets, even if you can't<br />

attend. The new all-ste- el bucking<br />

chutes and new lights cost<br />

a "pot" of money, and Jaycees<br />

will do good if they reak even<br />

on this year's show So podner,<br />

I'll see you at the rodeo.<br />

PreeraatkwHen la the thief<br />

f time, and how many of us<br />

a aiwaya anytaff we'll leek up<br />

the meaning of "procrastination"<br />

tomorrow.<br />

o o o<br />

It's almost Impossible for a<br />

single man to save money these<br />

days and a married man<br />

doesn't oven try.<br />

o o o<br />

Friday, May 31, will be "mop<br />

and broom sale day" for members<br />

of the Haskell Lions Club.<br />

Both the downtown area and<br />

residential section will be worked<br />

during the day by Lions who<br />

will be selling mops, brooms,<br />

ironing board covers and pads,<br />

brushes, rakes, dish towels and<br />

many other useful household<br />

Items, so when a "Lion" knocks<br />

on your door, treat him kindly<br />

Items of merchandise for<br />

sale are made by the blind<br />

workers in blind shops, or<br />

Lighthouses in Texas, furnishing<br />

them employment on a nonprofit<br />

basis.<br />

Money from the mop and<br />

broom sale will not only .benefit<br />

the Teaa Lighthouse for the<br />

blind, but will also help support<br />

local worthwhile projects<br />

such as "Ooodfellows," which<br />

each year helps less-fortunfamilies<br />

here at Christmastime<br />

Need we say more'<br />

DcClll Of<br />

(Continued From. Page 1)<br />

lives, as If they were a slot<br />

machine This does not pay-o- ff<br />

whether It is for an individual<br />

or a nation<br />

7 You cannot always tell by<br />

the looks of someone, or something<br />

as to how valuable he is.<br />

We must raise up the hood, so<br />

to speak, and look at the engine<br />

Looks does not determine the<br />

quality found therein whether<br />

It be human or a machine.<br />

S. Public apathy is the greatest<br />

default of the human race.<br />

To keep silent when words need<br />

to be spoken, or when a stand Is<br />

to be made. Is a sin.<br />

Concluding his talk. Mr.<br />

Faulker said "Be alert and<br />

to the opportunities and<br />

areas of responsibilities which<br />

become our lot in life We must<br />

make a place for ourselves by<br />

using the God given abilities as<br />

he intended for us to do "<br />

Rov Johnson served as<br />

and Rev. J<br />

V Patterson, pastor of the<br />

First Methodist Church, gave<br />

the invocation.<br />

Guests introduced at the<br />

meeting by Ira Hester include<br />

the following . District Governor<br />

Doddv Dodsworth and Horace<br />

Turns of Bowie. Earl Alvis and<br />

wife of Rochester Mrs Way-mo- nd<br />

McBroom. Mrs Jimmy<br />

Browning, and Paula Hanes of<br />

Haskell, student guest of the<br />

month, ami wives of all Ro-taria-<br />

President Rov Johnson pre<br />

sented the incoming officers<br />

and recognized those who had<br />

done a fine Job the post year<br />

New directors for the coming<br />

vear will bo Gene Hunter and<br />

R C Couch, who will he serving<br />

with Bob Wheatley and<br />

Bnunett Russell Those retiring<br />

from the directorship are Alvln<br />

Sherman and Henry Withers.<br />

President for the coming year<br />

Is Woody Woodard. vice-chairm- an,<br />

Alvin Sherman,<br />

secretary-treasure- r.<br />

Desmond Dulaney.<br />

Rotarlon Bob Herren was<br />

commended for the splendid Job<br />

he had done In presenting such<br />

helpful programs this year<br />

'N'lne-Teo- ns<br />

Haskell's talented<br />

" under the direction of<br />

Mr. and Mrs Hubert Bell, furn-Lh- ed<br />

entertainment for the evening<br />

fnvselot. Winged<br />

J?rot Indian. Is<br />

Mppcd At Wire<br />

Joe Joaaelet. the winged-foote- d<br />

ItvJian trtttn Haskell, ran<br />

trvmendouftiy n the 100-ya- rd<br />

dash at Austin in the state finals<br />

last wekenl Jo.eelet ckx k-- ed<br />

S only to be nipped at the<br />

wire by both Tommy Green rt<br />

St n ton and Johnny Holmes of<br />

Quaitah who worded identnaj<br />

tri Cltt-- II<br />

Jam Duncan. O'Brien, look<br />

ftrat place in state finals, class<br />

B. m pole vault with J2-1- 11<br />

v eLkJvr j K<br />

W" "l -- - 1 ""<br />

r--<br />

. jrs i i tjh. .. a rw --<br />

i TnB V'f tihiib - a.<br />

im. 41<br />

.n rrmSP JWBW uiFncMiiiifcapria<br />

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v ..wii<br />

m<br />

.<br />

wV<br />

1 4SIS &.' .jtiKviaraiiemui:ujWIeSAVVK<br />

WILD 31AKK ItACINU Wild maro racing,<br />

one of tlio luowt colorful and dangerous<br />

ccnts In niiy rodeo, will bo featured thin<br />

jwvr In the OUi itnnunl Sanln Kosa Kouiul-ti- p<br />

tjigttl by K. 1'aiil WngRoner at<br />

May 26-21- ). In tho action, three men arc<br />

allowed to tangle uith ench wild horse,<br />

which H turned Into the arena with a ropi"<br />

Santa Rosa Roundup, Quarter Horse<br />

Show Slated At Vernon May 26-2- 9<br />

Plans for E Paul Waggoner's<br />

20th annual Santa Rosa Roundup<br />

and Quarter Horse Show to<br />

be held May W through May 29<br />

in Vernon, Texas were announced<br />

today by Dr T. W.<br />

Williams. Ramon Liles, and<br />

Jetty V Clare, local members<br />

of the Board of Directors. The<br />

directors approved plans for<br />

the big rodeo and quarter horse<br />

show recognized as one of<br />

the greatest events of Its type<br />

staged anywhere at the annual<br />

Directors meeting Monday<br />

In Vernon, Texas. The directors<br />

were guests of Mr Waggoner at<br />

a barbecue at his home on Santa<br />

Rosa Iake<br />

In addition to the top rate<br />

speciality acts and by popular<br />

request, the Santa Rosa Roundup<br />

will feature the return of<br />

such exciting events as the wild<br />

mare race, girl's barrel race,<br />

and 4-- H and FFA calf scramble<br />

Competition between the<br />

world champion cowboys and<br />

their top challengers promise<br />

to mane ires nxieo oiai '<br />

surpass the greatest ever pre- -<br />

Mayor Walling<br />

Asks Cooperation<br />

Of Ordinance<br />

A City Ordinance, which was<br />

passed bv the Citv of Haskell on<br />

the 9th "day of February. 1965,<br />

regulates the use of the landing<br />

strip and road leading to<br />

the air strip<br />

It is unlawful for any person<br />

to operate a motor vehicle upon<br />

the landing strip of the City of<br />

Haskell, or upon the parking<br />

anron adjacent thereto, except<br />

Mc-Gul- Clnncey Lehrmann, 'Floyd re,<br />

Hix Martindale, John K.<br />

Patterson, Glyn Quade and R<br />

R. Ramm, to meet the distribu<br />

tion unit at the Haskell Post<br />

for business purposes connected office. Friday, May 14, at 10:30<br />

with the use of the landing a m ( for tnc purpose of re-str- ip,<br />

celving fish they have request--<br />


WI.2I91<br />


13-14--<br />

HASKELL - MAY 15<br />

We know you will<br />

enjoy your visit nntl<br />

we invite you to<br />

come see us<br />

while in Haskell<br />






!<br />


sented In the Santa Rosa<br />

area In Its 20 year<br />

history. professional cowboys<br />

will be competing for<br />

prize money plus entry<br />

fees in traditionally rugged<br />

events of bareback riding, calf<br />

saddle riding,<br />

steer wrestling and brahma bull<br />

riding. Tills Is the largest<br />

of money offered<br />

for any RCA rodeo at this time<br />

of year anywhere in America.<br />

Cy Taillon, recognized as rodeo's<br />

greatest announcer, will<br />

be back this year to give colorful<br />

descriptions of tbe events<br />

taking plaie The classic nnd<br />

colorful precision by the<br />

famous Sanla R'ki Palomlna<br />

of Vernon will head a long<br />

list of riding organizations in-<br />

Roundup<br />

These<br />

$7,-500- .00<br />

the<br />

roping, bronc<br />

unt<br />

prize<br />

drills<br />

Club<br />

cluding the Pike's Peak Range<br />

Riders from Colorado Springs.<br />

Colorado<br />

The Beutler Brothers. Lynn<br />

and Jake of Elk City, Okla ,<br />

foremost producors In the nation<br />

til 4 7<br />

AppUCClIHS ASvCfl nA<br />

To Pick Up Fish<br />

Friday Morning<br />

Ernest C Young, Hatchery<br />

Manager, 17 S Department of<br />

Interior, Fish and Wildlife<br />

Service, Bureau of Sport Fisheries<br />

and Wildlife. National<br />

Fish Hatchery. Fort Worth.<br />

Texas, has notified the follow-<br />

ing applicants. C C Campbell,<br />

Duward Campbell, Charles<br />

M. Conner, W. R. Hagcr Jr ,<br />

The road leading to the air- -<br />

strip has been heavily damaged j C- - Ycary Jr.. work unit<br />

bv farm tractors, and Mayor Con-Walli- ng<br />

conservationist, USDA Soil<br />

is urging the coopera- - nsen-atlo-<br />

Service, will assist<br />

Phone<br />

!<br />

THE<br />

Vernon<br />

Del<br />

ai<br />

on hkii. Tlio polut of tlio rnco Li to nnddlo<br />

tlio horse, ride him the length of tlio arena<br />

and baric, unsaddle him. and Uiko the snddlo<br />

to The flrM contestant to com-plo- to<br />

the Judges.<br />

tho action It winner, and before tlio<br />

winner is declared the audience, ha wen<br />

plenty of action, spills and thrill.<br />

29c<br />

of fast action professional rodeos<br />

with one of the largest<br />

strings of top bucking stock, will<br />

again be producing the rodeo.<br />

Advance tickets are<br />

by calling LI in Vernon,<br />

or by writing the Santa Rosa<br />

Roundup Ticket Headquarters,<br />

Vernon, Texas.<br />

ult JPOtltlS t"s<br />

KEEP<br />


tap<br />


Publlihed u 1 public tervlce In coop-eritrc- n<br />

wltft Tin Advertising Council.<br />

Don't<br />

forget...<br />

every<br />

litter<br />

bit<br />

hurts<br />

Dad! Moml PUasa . . . lead the way<br />

to the litter basket Use car Utter-bag- s,<br />

too. Make It a family project to<br />

keep streets, highways litter-fre-<br />

tlon of everyone in helping to<br />

abide by the Ordinance.<br />

The Ordinance carries a<br />

fine of up to $50, but we hope<br />

with the cooperation of the<br />

public we will not have to enforce<br />

It " Mayor Wnlllng said<br />

"We of the City Council, feel<br />

that upon pointing out this matter<br />

to the public. wi!l receive<br />

full cooperation" Mayor Walling<br />

said<br />

M the distribution,<br />

!<br />

a U S. census has been taken<br />

eVery 10 years since 1790<br />

Grocery Shoppers<br />

CARPET<br />


Take Advantage of Our Extra Low<br />

Prices and You Will Be Dollars<br />

Ahead . . .<br />

Dry or Wet. Clean. Wax,<br />

1'olNh Linoleum hi your<br />

home.<br />

Regular or Drip<br />

Folger's COFFEE lb. 69<br />

MILK<br />

Gallon<br />

69<br />


Monte<br />


FRYERS<br />

Pound<br />


Published at a public service In cooperation<br />

with Ttit Advertising Council.<br />

BREAD<br />

Large Loaf<br />

18<br />

8 lb. bag 69'<br />

5<br />

cans 85c<br />

BACON<br />

Gooches<br />

i<br />

available<br />

2ib.pkg.99c<br />

BACCUS<br />


Price Good Friday and Saturday, May 14-1- 5<br />

608 S. A ve. E Phone 864-210- 2<br />

End of School<br />

Activities Set<br />

By Rule School<br />

Exercises for<br />

Rule High School will be on<br />

Suivlav nlfiht, May 23, at<br />

p in in the school auditorium.<br />

The Rev Marlon Von<br />

Rent-rol- l,<br />

pastor of the Zlon Lutheran<br />

Church In SnRcrton, will<br />

1k the speaker and in charge of<br />

the services. Mr. Lnvon Weakley<br />

high school principal, will<br />

introduce tho speaker.<br />

Sam Turner will slnp<br />

"Ma-Ea- ch<br />

Day " Linda Simpson a<br />

the piano<br />

Mrs Mike HcrrlnRton will<br />

plav the processional and recessional<br />

for both exercise.<br />

Commencement exercises will<br />

,e Monday nlphl, May 24, at 3<br />

p in in the auditorium<br />

Joe Cloud will Rive the<br />

invocation Tlie class will sini;<br />

their class song. "Graduation<br />

Day "<br />

Linda Simpson will give tlie<br />

Valedictory address and Joo<br />

Cannon will give the salutator-Inn- 's<br />

welcome<br />

Connor Horton, superinten-<br />

dent, will introduce the speaker<br />

of the evening:. Ray<br />

Pulen-wide- r,<br />

elementary principal.<br />

Lavon Beakley, high school<br />

principal, will present the class<br />

for diplomas, and L. W. Jones,<br />

Jr , president of the school<br />

board, will present the diplomas.<br />

Mr. Beakley will give the<br />

benediction.<br />

Too Late to<br />

Classify<br />


Four cute little puppies, about<br />

weaning age, have been abandoned<br />

on the Jim Strain road<br />

one mile south of Kennedy<br />

Lumber Co They have been<br />

left In the bar ditch on the east<br />

side of the road about a quarter<br />

mile south of the railroad stock<br />

pons. They show to be well<br />

cared for and would mnke some<br />

child a wonderful companion<br />

FOR SALE One of the nicest<br />

young milk cows we have offered<br />

in a number of years with<br />

first calf E W. Andrews. 1107<br />

N Ave. E. l9p<br />

FOR SALE: Brick home, three<br />

bedroom, two full baths, kitchen-den<br />

and living room, carpeted<br />

Central heating 1301 N<br />

Ave L. phone S64-30- 23 after 5<br />

P ni I9tfp<br />

FOR SALE : Cheap, all but new<br />

set of Signature golf clubs. 1<br />

irons, putter. 2 woods. Call 861-337- 0.<br />

or sec them at 1101 North<br />

Ave. IC 19-2- 0p<br />

FOR SALE One blond bedroom<br />

suite, bed complete with Inner-spri- ng<br />

mattress and springs.<br />

$59.50. One Hotpolnt Automatic<br />

cook stove, good as new, $59.50.<br />

One dining room suite, buffet,<br />

table and chairs, $49.50 Two<br />

occasional chairs, nice ones,<br />

$7.50 each. Several other Items.<br />

O. W. Toolev, 1201 North F<br />

19-2- 1p<br />

WANTED- - Pasture for 60 head<br />

of cows. Ray Steele. Box S23<br />

Brownfleld, Texas. Phone 637-65- 15.<br />

19-2- 0p<br />

Capacity Crowd<br />

Attend Band<br />

Concert Friday<br />

Last Friday evening the Hos-ke- ll<br />

High School Band presented<br />

its sixth annunl coronation<br />

concert under the direction of<br />

Wendell Gideon, to n capacity<br />

crowd In tho high chool gymnasium.<br />

Richard Roger's "Sound of<br />

Music," nnd John Philip Sousa's<br />

"Stars and Stripes Forever.''<br />

especially stood out among the<br />

much varied program. Other<br />

numbers presented were a<br />

Mexican Overtuie. a bcgulno,<br />

conceit marches, a suite, two<br />

solos, two trios and other var-<br />

ious pieces.<br />

Highlighting the evening, of<br />

ZS& 13 w 35 US<br />

u 2<br />

E mi tsa<br />

BH rv<br />

Just arrived at your Texas Ford Deatpr;-- -<br />

an extra supply of Mustangs, America's<br />

t!SlujiM<br />

ar<br />

hottest<br />

aenmg new car. racKS 200 cubic<br />

inches of sizzle in a new standard<br />

Six. Plenty of V 8's tosUTake<br />

rioliwon; i<br />

20f Soutk Avenue E<br />


V the .<br />

...- - ..<br />

ii.,. i. ... " spoil J?<br />

beautiful Mcncr,tak<br />

tonnVisiScW<br />

wn award .,,, T;<br />

the lln.Oc.il Ml<br />

f<br />

Sampson. vLTl<br />

IOn. Prised win. i<br />

1hys<br />

"v" """a ma or v7,<br />

Stewait<br />

Joyce Cook fn.<br />

son.<br />

Turn to<br />

umns nf ,. VM<br />

profitable reading?<br />

FURRH<br />


&<br />

104 S. Avenue E Haskell, TeuJ<br />


The rain tii<br />

U.S. Royal<br />

J<br />

As Low As<br />

Recappable Tire<br />

U. S. Royal Front Safety Air<br />

Ride<br />

500x14 - $9.95 6.70x1<br />

Plus Tax and<br />

cappable Tire<br />

Plus<br />

cappable<br />

Re- - Tax and Re<br />

Tire<br />

W00TEN OIL CO,<br />


SWITCH<br />

Never CIoe" Phone 864-26-H<br />

"We<br />

DEAL!<br />

Stamford Highway - Haskell, Teul<br />

TOTHE<br />

SJm 2 iS 5r 2S &<br />

EFmi 2 BE? 3 az-W- a ckS<br />

mm S S SZ<br />

?!tMr'2iVi9Sl5,S 0wmumiimii.<br />

llll<br />

SEE<br />


Tractor Tire<br />

ZbLx<br />

COtlr.ii<br />

....!.<br />

And<br />

may<br />

into.<br />

Ji'rnesS<br />

""U!<br />

tkiM Mu'J" ""a"1-- iut o4 tool Un<br />

Itviet.<br />

--Phone 8 34-26- 11<br />

bnnuS.W<br />

Zl '"Si<br />

Jr.,Gu!<br />

Dial 864-321- 6<br />

Night 864-254- 9<br />



&<br />

ii4<br />


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