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:fc a. !i ! w Hi 1 a JjBaBL. ; fi&n-Wr- , r , , aj.. . e aJBirfNmn &,., ... i fr I tafflMfciny fir - -- " La?.J.,.JjUf... PACE TEN THE HASKELL FREE PRESS, HASKELL. TEXAS .": THURSDAY, May 13.1 fcnwrT'lrkmS: fiTHRnilfirllS FREE Some person will got this $i39, " Most sizes. Plus tax and 2 old tires. I.M T TRANSISTOR RADIO ,i!f!?s?5 rntt GRAND OPENING SPECIALS THURSDAY MAY 6 THROUGH SATURDAY MAY 15 JHift WHITEWALL RETREADS USED ORIG. EQUIP. TIRES NYLON TUBELESS frZl ZforZZ ZrrZo BBBP BLr Kmw Reconditioned Custom Super-Cushio- n tires, 75 original tread depth left. Blackwalls or White. All-Ne- w tire with wrap-a-roun- d Hm tread 3K8l mMmamtrmrmlmmmlmtmA SAFETY ALL-WEATHE- R t with 3-- T nylon triple-tempere- d for extra strength and safety $-- tl P"QFi HTlDl 6.00x13 black tubeless plus tax and old tiro TIRE GIVES A SECOND CHANCEI GET THE A THAT YOU The finest lire in the world, with up to twice the strength of new-ca- r tires. LifeGuartt Safety Spare Goes inside Uie Double Eagle, takes over it it U punctured or damaged. FULL I ON with up to Jm I l full year to aMa CAR mH uLcs. r.Ji uflBSBRiSBHBHBBflL 6.70x15 or 7.50x14 tube-les-s "42" plus tax and 2 old tires, with TUFSYN toughest rubber ever used In Goodyear tires NO MONEY DOWN! FREE MOUNTING! Nation-Wid- e "No Limit" Guarantee Double Eagle WA 1fVOVm mmmmWKmk. Save Deluxe 50 on car mat 9.48 fvlt front ol covtrast V Wovy moldwf rvbbtr Choko of 6 colon On plot, doot la door J4.f4 Itgvlat plto SkWkm supply limited POWER-PACKE- D BATTERY frein cAka naJSfW law FrceWf li-C- Exch. 12 Volt, 21 months guar- antee1 . . . Fast, easy starting in any weather. FRONT END ALIGN- MENT G. E. DISHWASHER Cokes and Coffee Come visit and register You may be one of the WINNERS! Nothing to buy . . . . . . No Obligation PRICE-BREA- K SPECIAL!' unarm llntehet lift, for easy height itdjuitment of ehrome-pUta- l crlil. Ilnndln on both grid and erlll. Stunt'. Kfutly a. temblnl. Diameter 22". Aildltlonnl Qunntltici JI.SS en. si PPl i 11 n mm - A.m i. vj L..W j 1 tk '""?: Family-Siz- e' Sparkling Multi-Purpo- se GRILL GOBLETS All Six $1 ff For Only JL.UU I Clock Radio I $0.00 Down $i QOG 1 $0.00 Weekly 1 XU 1 H Gentle snooze-alar- m n muted wakes you to music, slumber switch H mm calls you to sleep. Auto. jM JJH matlc start and shut-of-f. ML Oven-Pro- of Double Roaster Full 3 Qunrt Capacity Roaster and 2 separate bak ing vessels, Only fci HEI.IXK I'NIT Portable Hair Dryer Buy 2Vory Budget JM QOB Terms Travels and stores with ease only 10" x 10 Vi". Dials warm, hot, copl; fits over all size curVs. 1.00 - l1' yWik Tip Big 14 table-settin- g capacity (National Electrical Manufacturers' Association Standards) Automatic detergent dispenser Needs no installation Rolls right up to the sink Waist high control Vinyl-cushion- ed interior ThoroWh meint mere thin en level wilhlnf ecUon coupled with nuihaoey drain. s52fiE3 mm FAMILY SIZE Model TB F15 SAC General Electric 15 Frost-Guar- d REFRIGERATOR-FREEZE- R e Ko Difrostlnt ivir, sot tven In Freeztrl e Blf Zero-Degre- e Freezer, HoldsUflto 128 tbs.l eSllfc-Ofl- t Shelves! 2 PercW YeteUbli Dnwert! 13.7 cu. ft Net Volume $339-9- 5 300 S. Ave. E GIANT 3-Cycle Filter-Fl-o MOBILE MAID DISHWASHER so automatic you can no out when the dishes go in... THORO Ci WASH" i 9 1, POWER TOWER Ktur 2, SHOWER veen now and the 15th. N0 nothing to buy. We want you t0 ,,:.., w sec uui " '-- vjuuuyenr 5i J tlMbli h FREE s 3, POWER ARM Unit Ml AI0UK0 GE WASHER Value Meed 4, FLUSHAWAY Big I2-L- Capacity RIftr-R- o Waihing Syifem Wafer Tomperaturo Selection Safofy Lid Swifeh $5 DOWN DELIVERS fay Only $2 Weekly AVOW AN AIR CONDITIONER THAT IS SPECIALLY DESIGNED FOR BEDROOMS! mm bbbbI-p.- ' III O 1 wKa buUtHa rxa. yo can FLO HcttOC DRAIN itaii tlHTIOH 1000 rMiiciu $13995 (mm mm C(.fcMkhtb-TMitktiCooUiffcc-tl- rtly o4 m qultt. Jy. for voodcrfst lununcr iktflaf. BI kKvfw B I ZAEJ I $579.00 --It Mutt Be Right or We Make It Right Haskell, Texa-s- te..j?-- f a I i J'iiS"i SiiMlfc;?! Spring Special 0WIT...UCfi7W6Hr... lit almoM ur wlrlnjl Worlt on uif tdcqnate, llSrolt circuit; driwt only 10 unpere, 4,000 UTIT, Vou Meed $12995 ' -- BgvLaaiaBp . ' 1 ,1 . f ,i 1 l i t 1 19" Rotary Mower with throttle cottrd 4 Cilmt Htlfbi $3995 Only $5 Down $1.25 Wed! Built for Many Seasons ef Eaiy Lawn Cartl TMt rugjtd rla call M V f kvii Cm and (rlptl" It UtUiu H.P. Briggi I Strallon .nglnt Il iif Spin" rtcetl tltrttr. Stand upnU W tlorag. Mdt by St'ig. bSbbSI ULTRA-COLO- R TELEVI Model M 941 AWD u from Atr Conditio' .MielJl r . r . e All cnannei vnr u r ,w new G E Synchro ' t? B. ' J( tuninn jysiem fci'w I"' "4I(rfpermatronietfjrwW GE jlmplinedMtJfltttTfpi IUI iuuptf wv '" strenRth and tint. m --. rc .n. r...ninfi" Cocincwj j ln matched wood veff Jl unais iciu""t, 'i turn nnwr. Other Colored Oftfl PASt I U AUH .1 Models Priced tDy tCBMDI Anderson Tire Co Phone S6I1 wuer&ktesmtrsr fsiimmpFW' ? L "T r. iM I0H i

of copy. Br wee. JOT MAY 13, 1965 fAJTf AD S Ol0A iS5RSSsss IKIAIES rOU SALE NOTICE A0VCTTI8INO rtortlon wltlouK KNOW THAT Sher-i Floors imcnur hv nendoiw sioc uhui at any pnco rongo uu- - J1UU Dccnls nnu tno Pressure Sensitive letters lunbers, V to 3"; also letters, HI Uic nuawu press. 10HP Pickups NEW 1965 GMC $1749 jrr Motor Co. order your encrnved invitations. bccmenis, iiiann-yu- u land nankins from the kl Free Press. lGtfp SALE: Good used high Inquire at Frazicrs. lOtfc BALE: Old sheet iron nt 205 N. 3rd. 18-1- 0p bull-Ehe- ap feALE: Portable air condl-likc new, used only three Sec at the Sweet Sliop. 17tfc SALE Outside and insidn $2.95 per gal. Trade Ccn- - iThrockmorton Highway. 18tfc BALE: Sheet iron barn, al-den Darn, 12 miles south :. See Mrs. Claude Ash--316- 8. 18-1- 0p PROVEN Carpet Cleaner Lustre is oasv on thn t. Restores forgotten col- - Kent electric shampooer Sherman's Floors and In- - Haskell. 10c OR SACKED feed dellv- - to your feeder or barn. i lot rations, hog pellets, ll mixes. Give us vour problems. Phono SP 4- - Pied Piper Mills, Hamlin, owe POQUE GROCERY We kliver Lean Gooch Blue Keith Keith Pear Armour Shape HAM FOR SALE 3 BEDROOM HOME SIS Addison Drive For Call for Appointment ROBKUT DALE WATSON I'hone 801-23- Inspection: 15 41tfc FOIl SALE: New 3 bedroom re- nnd 2i bath brick home, central air nnd heat. Lot 100 by 100 ft. Call for appointment. 801-315- frigerated 8, 008 N. Ave L. S. W. Bradford. lstfc FOR SALE: Two bedroom mod-c- rn house, carpeted, draped, washer-plumbe- fenced, d, 1102 North Ave. L. 801-23- Call 23 or 804-330- 7. 17-2- 1p FOK SALE : Three bedroom house, living room, kitchen, den, patio, brick barbecue pit, pood location, pood neighbors, close 804-25- in, call 72 after 5:30 p. m. 014 S. 1st. 18-2- 0p FOR SALE BRICK - 3 BEDROOM WANTED 2 FULL MATHS KITCHEN - DEN LIVING ROOM CARPETED 1301 N. AVE. L Phone 864-302- 3 WANT TO HUY: KUrnituie ano appliances or wliat have you Buy or trade for most anything. Trade Center, Throckmorton Hpwnv Phon 804-327- 8. 3ftfc WANTED: To care for elderly or sick in their home. 804-211- 7, Mrs. W. H. Matthews, 200 S. Ave. L. 17-1- 0p WANTED: To buy windmill with steel tower. A. T. Bnllard, Phone 884-20- 00 or 804-321- 5. 18-2- 0c WANTED: Pasture for 50 or 00 head of cattle for one or two months. G. H. Haggard of Jay-to- n. POULTRY 10-2- 0p FOR SALE: Bantams and rabbits. M. O. Brlnlee, 011 N. Ave. C. 864-241- 5. 18-1- 0p 6 oz. 4 vn. P- 3 Hamburger 2 Chuck Steak Beef Ribs Frozen V.. - lb. NOTICE OF EQUALIZATION In obedience to the order of the Board of Equalization regularly convened and sitting notice Is hereby given that said Board of Equalization will be in session at its regular meeting place In the Courthouse in Uio town of Haskell, Haskell County, Texas, at 10:00 A. M. on Wednesday, the 20th day of May, 1005, for the purpose of determining, fixing and equalizing the value of any and all taxable property located in Haskell County, Texas, for taxable purpose for the year 1005, and any and nil persons interested or having business with said Board are hereby notified to be present. W. V. Reeves County Clerk, Haskell County, Texas Haskell County, Hnskell, Texas 12 Day of April, 1005. FOR RENT 10-2- 0c FOR RENT: 2 bedroom house. Plenty closet nnd cabinet spaco, plumbed for automatic washer. 1003 N. Ave. I. Call C. V. Oates. 804.2117. 2tfc FOR RENT: Large 0 room, house, plumbed for washer, call Morrell Dick, 864- - 2530. l4tfc FOR RENT: House at 011 S. 12th St. See Mrs. Mary Scott across street. Whites only, price $30.00 per month. 18-1- 0p FOR RENT: 2 bedroom modern homo, two garages, available June 1 1100 North Ave. K. Apply at Biggon's Mobile Station. Phone S04 -- 8907. 18tfc FOR RENT: 2 bedroom house, furnished, bills paid. W. H. Pitman. Call 801-21- 80 or 801-33- 18-2- 10 GET YOUR Dccnls and the new Pressure Sensitive letters and numbers, " to 3"; also boat letters, at the Haskell Free Press. 15tfp lbs. lb. LOANS to Buy Build Remodel COGGINS & HARTSFIELD Blackeyed 1 9C Donald Duck Frozen Orange Juice Frozen Ribbon Whole Okra Peas . THE HASKELL FREE PRESS, HASKELL. TEXAS FAttM WE PICK UP and Sorvico with genuine IHC parts, FarmnlU nnd International Tractors. Factory trained mechanics. Richardson Truck & Tractor. Phone 804-317- 4. Haskell. 12Uc for SALE: One International tractor, one one-w- ay and one 12-fo- ot one-wa- y. Sco Jim 804-230- Alvls, 5. 13tfc Two NEW No. 6 John Deere Two-Ro-w Cutters Reg. Price $2470.00 Sale Price Only $1975.00 PICK-U- P and delivery service on your John Deere tractor service Job. Factory trained mechanics. Genuine John Deere Parts, all work guaranteed. Gllmore Implement Co. Phone 804-201- 1. istfc FOR SALE: Two Masscy Harris combines 14 ft. one 80 and one 00, very good condition, worth the money. Elmer Hut-che- na, Gorce, Texas. 17-1-8p WANTED : 500 customers to eut 14 fried chicken or catfish steak with snowflakc potatoes, green garden salad, hot rolls, coffee or tea for 60c, each Friday night from 5:00 to 9:00 at Felkcris Restaurant. 15tfc REAL ESTATE FOR SfiLB LOTS FOR SALE: 105 foot frontage, by 140 feet. South front on paved street. Corner lot on 804-25- noith 7th Street. Call 72 after 5:30 p. 18-2- m. 0p FOR SALE: One International HOUSE to be moved, 5 rooms tractor and one 12-fo- ot one- - nnd ibath, 30 gallon water heater way. See Jim Alvls, 804-230- 5. and floor furnace 804-312- 0. 13tfc 10-2- 2p Approx. $12,500.00 Ladies and Children's Wear, Housewares, Paints, Variety Goods TO BE SOLD AT Tues, May 18, 1965 -- 10.00 A.M. on the Premises of 5c to $5.00 HIS. McHARG AVE. N. SIDE ENTIRETY . . . DEALER LOTS COMPLETE LIQUIDATION STOCK: Ladies' Lingerie: Slips, Panties, Hose, Gowns. Sox. Jewelry, Zippers, Gift Items, Scarfs, etc. Toys, Games, Books, Dolls, Pots, Pans, Cooking Wares, Pottery, Notions. Paint, Varnish, Thinners, Brushes, Pyrex and Fire King Ware, Mops, Brooms, Belts, Ties, Rugs, etc. THIS IS A FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OF VARIETY GOODS. ALL FIXTURES SELL: 2 Cash Registers, Tables, Counters, Shelvings, Cases, Stands, etc. This is a Big Sale with 30 or 40,000 items EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD REGARD- LESS OF PRICE. Sale to be Conducted by Del Monte No. 2 cans Del 14 oz. Del 46 oz. Del Valley Mills, Texas Del No. 303 cans Del Monte No. 303 Golden i can. Del Monte No. 303 cans Del Monte No. BUSINESS SERVICE COUNTER & CABINET TOP- PING, Laminated plastic, 18 different colors, 55o sq. ft. Shormnn'a Floors and Interior. 83tfc FOR ALL your welding and blacksmith needs for the cheapest price and best service- - L. L. Hiso Blacksmith and welding. 900 N. 1st St. ltfc LIFE OF GUARANTEED YOUR CAR . . . INSTALL- ED .. . LOW PRICE. White's Auto Store WE INVITE YOU TO SHOP AND COMPARE O UR LOWER EVERYDAY PRICES! - ,. 29 89 55' 25' 19 l 3 5 3 IMPLEMENT! ENSILAGE CUTTERS Ensilage GILM0RE Company PUBLIC AUCTION GAMBLE'S VARIETY STORE Stamford, Texas STANLEY PEACHES cans 89 CATSUP Pineapple Implement Auctioneer, Liquidator Monte bottles Monte and G'fruit DRINK Monte MOORE 5 SQUARE FRUIT COCKTAIL 5 1 CORN CUT GREEN BEANS 4 Monte 303 MUFFLERS SINGER AUTHORIZED deal, or sales & service. Western Auto Store, Haskell, Texas, pho. 804-223- 6. lOtfc DRY CLEANING Saves you money Clothes wear longer and look better Dry Cleaning gets out deep down dirt. Cleaners Service That Satisfies FOR SALE: Two used 12x38 tractor tires. Shamrock Service Station. 18-1- 0c After sorghum has emerged, spray Atrazine to control weeds and grasses. jKe idea is to spray Atrazine BOW Kertff-cid- e right after sorghum has emerged, but before weeds are 1 V2 inches high. This one application, moved to the weed root zone by rainfall, will control most annual broad-le- af weeds and grasses in sorghum for the entire season. Control ofweeds and grasses in sorghum with Atrazine can greatly reduce the need for cultivating. And so your crop goes through the entire season without weed competition for moisture and soil nutrients. The results of weed control in sorghum are higher yields and lower production costs . . . giving you more profit per acre. So this year, use Atrazine for control of weeds and grasses after sorghum has emerged. Contact your local supplier now for Atrazine SOW herbicide. Geigy Agricultural Chemicals, of Geigy Chemical Corporation, Division Saw Mill River Road, Ardsley, New York. Fresh Valentine Biard's CHATCMl Of OIIMJCAU IO MOMtN ACMOATUM GREEN DUNS Geigy Atrazine PAGE ELEVEN 4Sj WE HAVE now added upaco for three bath nnd aged women. New dining area will bo shared by the women, LVN, reasonable rates. Contact Alma or Travis Solomon Jr. Phone 804-34- 73, 400 South F, Haskell, Texas. 16tfa LIVESTOCK FOR SALE: Registered Angus yearling bulls, six miles west of Aspcrmont on Peacock Highway. 19-2- Earnest Kob. 1p O. H. HARTLEY Registered PUBLIC SURVEYOB County Surveyor Phono 888-24- 54 SEYMOUR, TEXAS D 15e 12 HEW POTATOES Fresh 13 m BANANA SMASH , 'x Pound 3 oz. Instant LIPTON LIPTON TEA TEA 39 I 69 , t id .t. i' 1 ii . if? Cattleman's liMu TUNA SPINACH B-B- -Q SAUCE 19c3 - 89c 6 " $1. " 39 - H ' ,V- - M ;h!t X .J1 fe-- rm .Jk. . a BBBtnKKKnnKHKBBKMMKKBMmmamMmmmmmimm-MKm- M 9i f vpyjij pi ' Ivf I J " I I 9 l W

:fc<br />

a.<br />

!i !<br />

w<br />

Hi<br />

1<br />

a<br />

JjBaBL. ; fi&n-Wr- , r , , aj.. . e<br />

aJBirfNmn &,., ... i fr I tafflMfciny fir - -- " La?.J.,.JjUf...<br />


.":<br />

THURSDAY, May 13.1<br />

fcnwrT'lrkmS: fiTHRnilfirllS FREE<br />

Some person will got this $i39,<br />

"<br />

Most sizes. Plus tax and 2<br />

old tires.<br />

I.M<br />

T<br />


,i!f!?s?5 rntt<br />





JHift<br />


frZl ZforZZ ZrrZo<br />

BBBP BLr Kmw<br />

Reconditioned Custom<br />

Super-Cushio- n tires, 75<br />

original tread depth left.<br />

Blackwalls or White.<br />

All-Ne- w<br />

tire with<br />

wrap-a-roun- d<br />

Hm tread<br />

3K8l mMmamtrmrmlmmmlmtmA<br />


t with 3-- T nylon<br />

triple-tempere- d for extra<br />

strength and safety<br />

$-- tl P"QFi<br />

HTlDl<br />

6.00x13 black<br />

tubeless plus tax<br />

and old tiro<br />



GET THE<br />

A<br />

THAT YOU<br />

The finest lire in the world, with up<br />

to twice the strength of new-ca- r tires.<br />

LifeGuartt Safety Spare<br />

Goes inside Uie Double Eagle, takes<br />

over it it U punctured or damaged.<br />

FULL<br />

I<br />

ON with up to Jm<br />

I<br />

l<br />

full year to aMa<br />

CAR<br />

mH<br />

uLcs. r.Ji uflBSBRiSBHBHBBflL<br />

6.70x15 or 7.50x14 tube-les-s<br />

"42" plus<br />

tax and 2 old tires,<br />

with TUFSYN<br />

toughest rubber ever used<br />

In Goodyear tires<br />


Nation-Wid- e "No Limit" Guarantee<br />

Double Eagle<br />

WA 1fVOVm<br />

mmmmWKmk.<br />

Save Deluxe<br />

50 on car mat<br />

9.48<br />

fvlt front ol covtrast V<br />

Wovy moldwf rvbbtr<br />

Choko of 6 colon<br />

On plot, doot la door<br />

J4.f4 Itgvlat plto<br />

SkWkm supply limited<br />



frein<br />

cAka<br />

naJSfW<br />

law FrceWf<br />

li-C- Exch.<br />

12 Volt, 21 months guar-<br />

antee1 . . . Fast, easy starting<br />

in any weather.<br />


MENT<br />


Cokes and Coffee<br />

Come visit and register<br />

You may be one of the<br />

WINNERS!<br />

Nothing to buy . . .<br />

. . . No Obligation<br />


unarm<br />

llntehet lift, for easy height<br />

itdjuitment of ehrome-pUta- l<br />

crlil. Ilnndln on both grid<br />

and erlll. Stunt'. Kfutly a.<br />

temblnl. Diameter 22".<br />

Aildltlonnl Qunntltici JI.SS en.<br />

si<br />

PPl<br />

i 11 n mm - A.m i. vj L..W j<br />

1<br />

tk '""?:<br />

Family-Siz- e'<br />

Sparkling Multi-Purpo- se<br />

GRILL<br />


All Six $1 ff<br />

For Only JL.UU<br />

I Clock Radio I<br />

$0.00 Down $i QOG<br />

1 $0.00 Weekly 1 XU 1<br />

H Gentle snooze-alar- m<br />

n muted<br />

wakes you to music,<br />

slumber switch H<br />

mm calls you to sleep. Auto. jM<br />

JJH matlc start and shut-of-f. ML<br />

Oven-Pro- of<br />

Double Roaster<br />

Full 3 Qunrt Capacity<br />

Roaster and 2 separate bak<br />

ing vessels,<br />

Only<br />

fci<br />

HEI.IXK<br />

I'NIT<br />

Portable Hair Dryer<br />

Buy 2Vory<br />

Budget JM QOB<br />

Terms<br />

Travels and stores with<br />

ease only 10" x 10 Vi".<br />

Dials warm, hot, copl;<br />

fits over all size curVs.<br />

1.00<br />

-<br />

l1' yWik<br />

Tip<br />

Big 14 table-settin- g capacity<br />

(National Electrical Manufacturers'<br />

Association Standards)<br />

Automatic detergent dispenser<br />

Needs no installation<br />

Rolls right up to the sink<br />

Waist high control<br />

Vinyl-cushion- ed<br />

interior<br />

ThoroWh meint mere thin en level<br />

wilhlnf ecUon coupled with nuihaoey drain.<br />

s52fiE3<br />

mm<br />


Model TB F15 SAC<br />

General Electric<br />

15<br />

Frost-Guar- d<br />


e Ko Difrostlnt ivir, sot tven<br />

In Freeztrl<br />

e Blf Zero-Degre- e Freezer,<br />

HoldsUflto 128 tbs.l<br />

eSllfc-Ofl- t Shelves!<br />

2 PercW YeteUbli Dnwert!<br />

13.7 cu. ft Net Volume<br />

$339-9- 5<br />

300 S. Ave. E<br />

GIANT<br />

3-Cycle<br />

Filter-Fl-o<br />



so automatic you can<br />

no out when the<br />

dishes go in...<br />

THORO Ci WASH"<br />

i<br />

9<br />

1, POWER<br />

TOWER<br />

Ktur<br />

2, SHOWER<br />

veen now and the 15th. N0<br />

nothing to buy. We want you t0 ,,:.., w<br />

sec uui " '-- vjuuuyenr 5i<br />

J tlMbli h<br />

FREE<br />

s<br />

3, POWER ARM<br />

Unit Ml<br />

AI0UK0<br />


Value<br />

Meed<br />

4, FLUSHAWAY<br />

Big I2-L-<br />

Capacity<br />

RIftr-R- o Waihing Syifem<br />

Wafer Tomperaturo Selection<br />

Safofy Lid Swifeh<br />


fay Only $2 Weekly<br />



mm<br />

bbbbI-p.-<br />

' III O 1<br />

wKa buUtHa rxa.<br />

yo can<br />

FLO<br />

HcttOC<br />

DRAIN itaii<br />

tlHTIOH 1000<br />

rMiiciu<br />

$13995<br />

(mm mm<br />

C(.fcMkhtb-TMitktiCooUiffcc-tl- rtly<br />

o4 m qultt.<br />

Jy. for voodcrfst<br />

lununcr iktflaf.<br />

BI kKvfw<br />

B<br />

I ZAEJ I<br />

$579.00<br />

--It Mutt Be Right or We Make It Right<br />

Haskell, Texa-s-<br />

te..j?-- f<br />

a I<br />

i J'iiS"i<br />

SiiMlfc;?!<br />

Spring<br />

Special<br />

0WIT...UCfi7W6Hr...<br />

lit almoM ur wlrlnjl<br />

Worlt on uif tdcqnate,<br />

llSrolt circuit; driwt only<br />

10 unpere, 4,000 UTIT,<br />

Vou<br />

Meed<br />

$12995<br />

'<br />

--<br />

BgvLaaiaBp .<br />

'<br />

1 ,1<br />

. f ,i<br />

1<br />

l<br />

i<br />

t 1<br />

19" Rotary<br />

Mower<br />

with<br />

throttle<br />

cottrd<br />

4 Cilmt<br />

Htlfbi<br />

$3995<br />

Only $5 Down $1.25 Wed!<br />

Built for Many Seasons<br />

ef Eaiy Lawn Cartl<br />

TMt rugjtd rla call M V f<br />

kvii<br />

Cm and (rlptl" It UtUiu<br />

H.P. Briggi I Strallon .nglnt Il iif<br />

Spin" rtcetl tltrttr. Stand upnU W<br />

tlorag. Mdt by St'ig.<br />

bSbbSI<br />


Model M 941 AWD u from<br />

Atr Conditio'<br />

.MielJl<br />

r . r .<br />

e All cnannei vnr u r ,w<br />

new G E Synchro ' t? B. ' J(<br />

tuninn jysiem fci'w I"'<br />

"4I(rfpermatronietfjrwW<br />

GE jlmplinedMtJfltttTfpi<br />

IUI iuuptf wv '"<br />

strenRth and tint. m<br />

--. rc .n. r...ninfi" Cocincwj j<br />

ln matched wood veff Jl<br />

unais iciu""t, 'i<br />

turn nnwr.<br />

Other Colored Oftfl PASt I<br />

U AUH .1<br />

Models Priced tDy tCBMDI<br />

Anderson Tire Co<br />

Phone S6I1<br />

wuer&ktesmtrsr fsiimmpFW' ? L "T r. iM<br />

I0H<br />


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