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sUrGical treatment of hypospadias: technical<br />

procedUres and resUlts<br />

Stanca Dan Vasile, Prundus Paul, Boc Andrei, Manescu Razvan Mihai, Coman Ioan<br />

Clinical Municipal Hospital Cluj Napoca, Pediatric Urology Department<br />

Address for correspondence:<br />

Dan Vasile Stanca<br />

Clinical Municipal Hospital, Urology Department<br />

11 Tabacarilor Street, 400331 Cluj-Napoca, Romania<br />

phone: +40744.622.933; +4035.406.182, fax: +40264.485.295<br />

Email: vasilestanca@yahoo.com<br />

Received: 31.01.2012<br />

Accepted: 20.05.2012<br />

Med Con June 2012, Vol 7, No 2, 31-34<br />

Abstract<br />

Hypospadias has an important influence on the<br />

sexual life and fertility of teenagers and young men. We<br />

present the results obtained in our department by using<br />

various urethroplasty techniques for congenital urethral<br />

defects.<br />

Material and methods: We evaluated the data of<br />

patients treated in our department for hypospadias<br />

between 2004 and 2011. For urethroplasty we used<br />

Tiersch-Duplay, Duckett and Snodgrass techniques. A<br />

urethral catheter and a suprapubic bladder catheter were<br />

used for bladder drainage in the postoperative period.<br />

We recorded the type of urethroplasty, the results and<br />

complication rate.<br />

Results: Twenty-five boys with different grades of<br />

severity of hypospadias were treated in our department.<br />

Fourteen children were treated only in our department;<br />

the other 11 children had antecedents of multiple<br />

urethroplasties done in other medical services. We opted<br />

for the Tiersch-Duplay or Duckett technique for<br />

proximal hypospadias and we preferred the Snodgrass<br />

technique for the distal variety. We recorded a failure<br />

rate after the first surgical intervention (urethrocutaneous<br />

fistula) of 55% on patients with proximal<br />

hypospadias; the results were improved only after the<br />

routine use of a dartos flap for covering the neo-urethra.<br />

For patients with distal hypospadias, the percentage of<br />

post-operative complications (urethral stenosis) was<br />

10%. We did not record any incidents during the<br />

suprapubic bladder drainage.<br />

Conclusions: Hypospadias (especially proximal<br />

hypospadias) is still a challenging disease. Routine use of<br />

the suprapubic bladder drainage and of dartos flaps<br />

offers better results.<br />

Keywords: hypospadias, urethroplasty, suprapubic<br />

bladder drainage<br />

Introduction<br />

Hypospadias is a disease that occurs as a result of an<br />

abnormal embryogenesis of the urethra. This pathology<br />

entails esthetical and functional issues. It is not<br />

uncommon that patients develop inferiority complexes,<br />

aggravated by the difficulty of normally directing the<br />

urinary stream while standing, that in turn imposes a<br />

Surgical Treatment Of Hypospadias: Technical Procedures And Results 31


sitting-down position while urinating. Severe<br />

hypospadias may interfere with the semen deposit in the<br />

vagina during intercourse.<br />

Hypospadias is associated with the following<br />

pathological situations:<br />

– The glans does not have a conical aspect; it is<br />

flat, with spread wings;<br />

– The foreskin has a hood-like appearance,<br />

dorsally oriented. As an exception we mention<br />

the cases with megameatus and intact foreskin.<br />

The anomaly is discovered accidentally during a<br />

circumcision;<br />

– At least 15% of cases present a ventral penile<br />

curvature. This is generated by insufficient<br />

development of the ventral penile structures<br />

and tissues;<br />

– External urethral meatal stenosis.<br />

Hypospadias caught the attention and therapeutic<br />

efforts of many surgeons and urologists. Over 200<br />

surgical techniques described and 4800 medical articles<br />

published and indexed in Pubmed database signal the<br />

fact that there are still unmet needs regarding the<br />

etiology and treatment of this disease. The failure rate<br />

after surgery is still too high and this is all the more<br />

frustrating if we consider the accessibility of the organ<br />

for clinical examination and surgery and the availability<br />

of well vascularized tissues for urethroplasty.<br />

Over the years the surgical techniques used for the<br />

urethroplasty have evolved. Initially the structure used for<br />

surgery was the urethral plate; later various skin grafts<br />

were used, and then vascularized cutaneous flaps, buccal<br />

mucosa grafts, bladder mucosa grafts, only to go back to<br />

the urethral plate and penile skin once again. The surgical<br />

techniques differ in the basic principles and the type of<br />

hypospadias for which they are designed (proximal, dorsal,<br />

with/without penile curvature, firstly operated or multiple<br />

relapse). The large number of surgical techniques may not<br />

offer a surgeon the opportunity to accumulate enough<br />

experience with each one of it, placing him always on the<br />

beginning of the learning curve. This situation leads to<br />

disappointing results; it would be therefore useful to limit<br />

oneself to a limited number of surgical procedures which<br />

can be used successfully in most cases of hypospadias.<br />

Our aim is to evaluate the surgical techniques used<br />

and results obtained in our department with different<br />

types of urethroplasties designed for urethral congenital<br />

defects.<br />

32<br />

Material and Methods<br />

We evaluated the data of pediatric patients treated<br />

in our department for hypospadias between 2004 and<br />


2011. For proximal hypospadias the urethroplasty was<br />

made using the Tiersch-Duplay or Duckett techniques.<br />

For the distal type of hypospadias we preferred the<br />

Snodgrass repair. For the first cases the urine drainage<br />

was made by a urethral catheter; then through a<br />

suprapubic bladder catheter. We recorded the results<br />

obtained and the postoperative complication rate.<br />

Twenty-five boys aged 18 months to 15 years were<br />

treated in our department. They had hypospadias with<br />

different degrees of severity. Fourteen children were<br />

firstly operated in our service. Eleven children had<br />

previous interventions done in other medical services.<br />

Ten boys had distal hypospadias, twelve patients had the<br />

urethral meatus on the mid shaft and three had it at the<br />

level of the perineum.<br />

Results<br />

Proximal hypospadias (Figure 1) was operated using<br />

the Tiersch-Duplay technique (on children with goodquality<br />

urethral plate) or the Duckett technique (in case<br />

of compromised plate due to scarring or chordee). The<br />

main surgical steps in the urethroplasty with preputial<br />

pediculated flap are presented in Figures 2-6.<br />

For the distal hypospadias (Figure 7) we preferred<br />

the Snodgrass repair.<br />

We recorded good cosmetic and functional results<br />

following the first intervention on 90% of patients with<br />

distal hypospadias (Figure 8) and 45% of patients with<br />

penile or perineal meatus (Figure 9).<br />

In patients with proximal hypospadias we recorded<br />

a failure rate of 55%: 2 cases with total dehiscence and 6<br />

cases with urethro-cutaneous fistula (Figure 10). We<br />

obtained the best results in patients without previous<br />

surgery of the penis, to whom the bladder was drained<br />

through a suprapubic catheter and whose urethra was<br />

covered using a pediculated dartos flap.<br />

For children with distal hypospadias, the percentage<br />

of postoperative complications was 10% (one case of<br />

urethral stenosis). We did not record any incidents<br />

regarding the insertion of the suprapubic catheter.<br />

Discussions<br />

The correcting surgical intervention needs to reach<br />

more goals: ortoplasty (correction of the penile<br />

curvature, when present), urethroplasty (creating a<br />

neourethra from the hypospad meatus to the extremity<br />

of the gland) and glanuloplasty (creating a normal<br />

aspect glans) [1]. The multitude of surgical procedures<br />

described suggest that the perfect operation has yet to be<br />

invented.<br />

Stanca et al


Figure 1. Proximal hypospadias<br />

Figure 3. Preputial flap<br />

tubularization on a 10 Fr tube<br />

Figure 5. Anastomosis of the<br />

neourethra to the hypospad<br />

urethral meatus<br />

Figure 7. Coronal hypospadias<br />

Figure 9. The aspect of the penis<br />

at 3 weeks after Tiersch-Duplay<br />

and Snodgrass urethroplasty at<br />

an 11 year old boy with<br />

proximal hypospadias and 3<br />

failed previous urethroplasties<br />

Figure 2. The preputial flap is<br />

disected. We use stay sutures for<br />

tissue manipulation to<br />

minimize local trauma<br />

Figure 4. Vascularized<br />

preputial tube<br />

Figure 6. Urinary drainage is<br />

assured by a urethral catheter<br />

and a suprapubic bladder<br />

catheter<br />

Figure 8. The aspect of the<br />

penis at 3 months after the<br />

Snodgrass uretheroplasty for<br />

coronal hypospadias<br />

Figure 10. Urethro-cutaneous<br />

fistula after hypospadias surgery<br />


Nowadays there is a trend of opinion that states the<br />

need to identify operative principles that can be applied<br />

to the majority of cases. They simplify the decisionmaking<br />

process and allow the pediatric urologist to<br />

accumulate experience:<br />

– all the therapeutic objectives should be attained<br />

within a single surgical intervention. In our<br />

experience we managed to finalize all<br />

interventions in this manner. Severe cases with<br />

multiple prior interventions or associated<br />

anomalies (cryptorchidia) may require serial<br />

interventions.<br />

– the urethral plate should be used whenever<br />

possible for urethroplasty. The vascularized skin<br />

flaps or bladder mucosa should form the<br />

neourethra together with the urethral plate and<br />

not by themselves through tubularization. A<br />

well anchored neourethra with low risk of<br />

fistula or stenosis is obtained in this manner. In<br />

case of severe chordee ortoplasty by Nesbit<br />

procedure leads to an important reduction in<br />

penile length. In this case the urethral plate<br />

should be incised and the above-mentioned<br />

structures (prepuce, penile skin, buccal mucosa)<br />

should be used instead [2].<br />

We used the Tiersch-Duplay and Duckett<br />

techniques for all cases of proximal hypospadias. We<br />

tubularized the pediculated preputial flap only in cases<br />

in which the fibrous scar tissue on the ventral face of the<br />

penis had to be excised.<br />

– In case of insufficient width for tubularization,<br />

the urethral plate should be incised in the Snodgrass<br />

manner for a tension-free suture [3]. The main long<br />

term risk of this approach is the stenosis of the<br />

neourethra or the external urinary meatus [4]. We<br />

operated five cases of distal hypospadias using this<br />

technique; the only complication we encountered was<br />

meatal stenosis in one case. This was resolved in one<br />

session with urethral calibration. The good results<br />

encouraged us to use it as an addition to the Tiersch-<br />

Duplay urethroplasty on the distal segment of the<br />

urethra, where the dissection of the glans wings for<br />

glanuloplasty might lead to a narrower urethral plate.<br />

– Interposition of a dartos flap between the skin<br />

and the neourethra diminishes the risk of postoperative<br />

urethro-cutaneous fistula. We can use the preputial<br />

dartos (for distal hypospadias) or the scrotal dartos (for<br />

proximal dartos). The vascularized flap must be long<br />

enough not to cause postoperative chordee. Extensive<br />

preparation of this flap may have a negative effect on the<br />

vascularization; microsurgery dissection techniques<br />

allow for better results [5-7].<br />

Surgical Treatment Of Hypospadias: Technical Procedures And Results 33


– Urethral catheter should not be used for bladder<br />

drainage. The urine is to be evacuated through a<br />

suprapubic catheter. In this manner the postoperative<br />

pain and erections due to manipulation of the urethral<br />

catheter are avoided. This type of approach allowed us<br />

to avoid these unpleasant incidents that otherwise<br />

would have required administration of ketoconazole or<br />

Amil Nitrate [8,9].<br />

– The operative wound should be handled as little<br />

as possible in the first 7 days postoperatively. Antibiotic<br />

ointments or special penile foam dressings that protect<br />

the penis and urethra for 5-7 days have proved to be<br />

especially helpful.<br />

– The preputium is not to be excised at the moment<br />

of the urethroplasty. A “cosmetic” intervention is to be<br />

done preferably several years after the initial intervention,<br />

when the penis attains its definitive dimensions<br />

following puberty. Circumcision done at the same time<br />

as the urethroplasty creates the risk of not having<br />

enough tissue available for a possible postoperative<br />

complication such as urethro-cutaneous fistula or<br />

dehiscence of sutures.<br />

The quality of penile tissues has a major influence<br />

on the result of the urethroplasty. A scarred penis forces<br />

us to adapt the surgical technique (tubularizing the<br />

preputial flap or buccal mucosa graft) if the nearby<br />

tissues are poorly vascularized or the foreskin is lacking.<br />

34<br />

Conclusions<br />

The surgical approach of hypospadias is still an<br />

intervention with significant complication risks.<br />

Identifying several surgical techniques suitable for the<br />

majority of cases allows for better results and up scaling<br />

of the learning curve.<br />


The Tiersch-Duplay, Duckett and Snodgrass<br />

techniques allowed us to treat all cases of proximal and<br />

distal hypospadias.<br />

References<br />

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Stanca et al

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