October 15, 2012 - City of Laredo

October 15, 2012 - City of Laredo October 15, 2012 - City of Laredo

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, K+M:[C;N.. PR3i:XJI."I' and LTMI:'W\IY ro duct Narne: KI'kWX- , C3Nfa1'1'PCY\It' IWIiWTIIN on

tn~nol 1s a clear, colorl~is, rrub4.l.e 1i.wi.d with mild alcohol odor, FWIiJG' amble liquid and vapor por is he!aviw thar~ air and c:an tfavel. considerable stance t.o a source! of ignition an(j flab back. terial can burn wl.t-h 3.j.ti,l.e ur no1 visll>le flame, (IN : 1 seatal (I r p!'o long& c:ontac:t c:ausdr; dry 1119, br'itt.:lenms, r,ackdng and ir.ritat.ion, Pra l.onged land ~*r*eated .din conlart ith wt.l.lano l.-!i;oak~d materi.al has d~roduc:exi toxic: &fects scluding vision rPfr*:t.s and death1 ES : 1 ! 3.y cause we injury hich m3y pw(ist for ~sevw~al. xvuid ( and vapor in high conc@ntrJ~.t @aping and a burning sensation, 1 1 ~ i days, io 115) c:aus irsr 1.t.a.t ion, W.AIION : i xtrmly high lewls cause s ~ u ~ ) h~adilc11~, o ~ ~ ~ , nausea, j.z~inc+js, unrranr;c::i.~ilsn~~~ and may1 produce adwrcje effects TI visl.on, i MXSl'IiN : I olsonous or fatal if sc~iillowxl, A I 41li3l:l amuunt (uslal1.y lilo or nwre ounc:~) can c:aurjg rnental slug~iritmss, nau=a nd vo~nit.:ing leadj.ng to %*re ill.t~tis, arid m y produce d~?(*l fle~ts on vision with podr,ihle blindnew or i1pat.h f treatment is not receivcnj. IELAYEDA-CM TERM F.FFECTS 1 n human!;, danmye to the eyes (~pfiic ncrve) , 08 dcpr'ession ORDER NQ: W PRO@ M3 : 297870

, K+M:[C;N.. PR3i:XJI."I' and LTMI:'W\IY<br />

ro duct Narne: KI'kWX-<br />

, C3Nfa1'1'PCY\It' IWIiWTIIN on

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