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DESIIlG,m:iOW Till WH(M^ m AM) D i m W OPPOSE AN! E R R O R - - « S f IS MY M l h F, C M ® E D M '<br />

TOt. X l l l .<br />

( ' ra> Bouoxaui ABTAvea,<br />

jTxmu AX ZBX ns or raa TUB. N A S H V I L L E , T E N N E S S E E , S A T U R D A Y , M A R C H , 2 1 , 1 8 5 7 a<br />

•ibi<br />


SHQST SEBXOEBB.—Bo. 45.<br />

ST J . RAMIRAI<br />

{B CrlKiaT—WSAS ma exp'ain. Sjppose there lu4 cc>n.no otfsr-<br />

ing made of the body of Christ, aod he had timplT<br />

di^d aad men agaia. What then " Ada-n would<br />

have been the progenitvoran acctirsed ia?e i whc,<br />

after the appointed time of th«e i^tly|<br />

apprthssdcd t B;a eommasds na be a&JeTsUNn,|<br />

B. EDITORIn j«aai~ year paper of BV<br />

vOTber 2M, I notioe t& Wkwiie qtjestiTB:<br />

or otherwise th^ hold aooaeocds obt^aiioD tor I'Bapti^, what divides aal^ The ^erieHs bs<br />

obey them. Rir, to U «bc,ed, aoA bs im-]t»j»t, so far u the Hoaatsia IHstricts oe Vopaia;'<br />

dantood. The coiama.'id to repen^ bdieve au be! Tcnsetsee, sad NorOi Ctroia^<br />

bapUsed, Btean tlwsaiaj thing to dl men, asd are Mis^ aaj i^tli-Miatina Naw.Tkoow<br />

ladividaal in their appUwtioo. Each iodividBal imtUttlesf'tl^jiaHel Toi^otbe Uountih<br />

repeaUacd believes far himsdf; a^id fwbsmsolf,' •<br />

aad upoj his proper req«oaJ)Uity, is baptised ; acd<br />

for Itself observes all the eommaadsof Jaaas<br />

No one can act for hin. Kx does Ihe jomv:<br />

mand to *>e baptised, immctso cne, poor aaother,<br />

and sprinkle a third. Ftr such » state of<br />

there ia no satharity ia the lawa of Jesus Ctria|<br />

ssd 1 bops the day may never come when the Sa^K<br />

tiaU winbei«>tttteriyde»oi4of liiri.:,* asto<br />

sadli Bivaaons of tho law* , of CSaist with<br />

.UooatHB. Butl duka-^wsamethu^ofTei<br />

isee acd Socth Caniins, W BaptatsiatiiW<br />

Ftta* amal Asaodalkw WM yrtapitiai oUest<br />

tedrofSo^^ia time Umnbca DiatticiB. and<br />

was i&tUi Aswfwtina tika (bat ffirisias lock<br />

tw^ ysata taftm m the<br />

gibbet or tho homing stake, by a digbt goecms^'<br />

to her enames, having planted themselves npoa ihe<br />

Bible slone, th^ chose ts seal thf> testimony to-<br />

ils tnitbea with their blood. We should aot trcst<br />

ihs system of the OospU «ith less Bdslity.<br />

Thm are Gcme great issoes befoie as, and<br />

will have them to mttt<br />

paring for th<<br />

luaed, fiuih in Jesus Ctuii^ is pre-rtquiEits to btp^<br />

titm—baptisn to ehurch-<br />

sf y-^ns bccxiae amli^ aon ta sr^tirtive<br />

years afterwards. Ths IGssuaaty pHa^pl Waa<br />

aatqKkeacf;whcatbisdiTiaiaBia6k plaoc. ^<br />

an were United Baptists, adboiiiiB tsBaosttsty to<br />

the principlea speed npoa m Vs^ala the vntf<br />

between the Rsssl" a^d Sepatatea. ^ t<br />

Eld. Garrett D»uae; a pcpsuar id«wber of Iha<br />

Fteaoo Broad Asaodatim, ooannaneed ths dmiiiiaB<br />

by o?jring qoeiie^ oas of wfaidi WS9 ia tbt foOiw-<br />

jsg words (or neatly:}' Are we airtwnraHe lor<br />

:eaeh ot2.Bi*a wmtifr-Tfiitii in prea^Mag or eeiT* ^Thia<br />

was ia 1824—from this time tbe divtes ecatawe-<br />

It is time ws were prt^jed, upon the doctriee of !am wasorociSed and<br />

pat to death upon the cmhs, it vru axesBMry that<br />

he, Christ, should eot only ntc again, but that he<br />

should rise vrith the energy of a sfirituil pruganitor,<br />

by reason cf which be mi;;ht bt come (be head of a<br />

spiritoal family, asd the buildu o: a S[ iritual boose<br />

not made with hands eUmal in the heavens. Uii<br />

side mnst therefore ba opemJ. aft« ho was dead,<br />

that his death might not only become the vromb :f<br />

life to all, but of immortahtj- to his "body," the<br />

(^urch. So he poured out hm blood, and vrith it<br />

the emblem of his sprit, by wtith to sanctify "the<br />

oiEiring of bis body once for aa."' ' Fur both he<br />

that sanc'.lBeth, and tbey who are sanctified are all<br />

ef one." In these astonnrling facts, v-have tbe<br />

1, the agency, and ihe trndition of tU<br />

creation. Tbe cause is tie drath .if Christ, the<br />

agency is the,Eternal Spirit, tho coiiditicn is tbe<br />

Bfe of Christ, which is his word. 'Hiwefore beiiig<br />

made peifect, be became the eatbor of etimal sa'.-<br />

Tationtoalltijemthatob^yLiiii'' Baptism, there-<br />

fore, is intended to tipnify our tmion with bi^ ••<br />

the Mrfiator 0' tbe New Testament, in bis death,<br />

acd m h-'s life. This anica is e££cted inwardly,<br />

that Ur«Uly, bythe apencyo^tbe Spirit Who<br />

acta as independently of the word ns ha cid in<br />

qniekjniiig tha dead body cf Christ, yfor iu t*-*<br />

dead body of Christ, was all tU churrh; und there-<br />

fore it is S^ we ere quickened together wish him }<br />

But ho aOs la the wo^3, as Ic tcljd In the tody c'<br />

Christ, and raised him up. Christ ia ths wcri, the<br />

a^cu whidi was putted in lUath—tse tmlh—tbe<br />

embcdiment of the trath of od. So the Spirit<br />

acts in the wtcd, the seed which is planted in onr<br />

IL fce!d in Fincaiile, list Septeisbtr, a miniatcrial<br />

brother in a speech a^iinst tbe dteulation of sad<br />

books as the -GreU Iron Whcil," Theci^ Er-<br />

nest, &C., muvcd that the members of the Assoda-<br />

trtja comm t to metairy the thirteenth chapter of<br />

and, caHiag for the vote, lost the<br />

mstion. I will cot i retend to give the Itason,<br />

perhaps many have memorized i» before, f thangM<br />

I its contents, and bave since repeated it by<br />

meissry. Ti:e orcumitances baa cajed up in my<br />

miad some qusstiocs whi^h will not be stiJl, though<br />

lul'ed to deep for a time.<br />

On greit issues between Bipiists and<br />

P=dofcip'U:£, Uiiii^ r' I- *tT bo"E8 refcrrr* to—<br />

I asi.-, if'taJ d'ti Jwii'y Uack ? Non-interference,<br />

or not! Tbe tctm ckarity will be used to mean<br />

/•««, which falfi'Is the whole law, and without<br />

which an other attainments ars vwa and u elta.<br />

ri'-il, Lle=, what doea lo»e to God teach on those<br />

great issues 1 Tba Kutjtcts irtolvfd in tiose i^a<br />

«r" cf the nature of Jisirtticr.sry mstters,<br />

which arc Icfi -In the gospel to be done or not dene<br />

at the option of each ir.dmdaal. bat duties oom-<br />

maiivl,,! bj (Jed himstlf, and tanding alike cn all<br />

Miry tbirg« arc left to the CT«rdse of iniiiridss!<br />

disfTotion—tuch as keeping holy days, (not the<br />

Lord's day.) rtir worldly vcsi'.ion, forming the<br />

mamage acioa. As. Bat the great issaes between<br />

cur opfcnen'.s and ouiselves are or aotxher Kiad,<br />

atd itrv.-lTe 'bi cipren ccrroinds of ear L-rd<br />

Jesus Christ If tArist is to rule over In pec^le,<br />

the New Testament is his code cf laws, snposeding<br />

all traditioa. Tbe gi^ commteto'afpeeiaiiegevqy<br />

thirg of trniaa anthorify, whether p^astor pro-<br />

»»-.i«nt, eonfiMP^ the obscrrancc of cloisfiata to a<br />

definite li=« of duties. Doss our Lard Jesas s«i<br />

Ib^jMtaiA iMi^^ te Bar. ltr. feeysHOB,<br />

H M tobai>wl>t Sb-Chaife ttMeor tba .<br />

jete ^ WtM Oml B«dcir.; tba Besi>-<br />

itoL tbvbaim VaUto.^ Blabop, flttediaa^bed t»<br />

ttkSaetiattdrS^txtol «•• aOtnir-gaAwta<br />

•ayasd ij maSu was<br />

-g^ sC » Hral HnTiBnittoa" as ibs<br />

dtSftsMti^^l<br />

'S<br />


V O L . X I I L<br />

ft-<br />

» -•SB?'<br />

i-<br />

M<br />

1<br />

T H E<br />

THE HfflESffiE BiPnSt<br />

I S V T H 4&4INST T E S WOBLD<br />

rrBreMwRttftiw'-Sennmoo U»<br />

of Cfai*, A»«>«Hto<br />

cnd pafaUaiied bxnqu^s^^•i««<br />

gnnof tlw SBOtli WwWa PttMSthiisgHoo«, in<br />

fioa itete. Um»k«i«nact»»obookef«ity-fonr<br />

piW |»p«- tnd<br />

oDght il«l tWBrty-fire erato per copy to<br />

coTwalt rtpenwa of i»« pnKkation, fittight,<br />

loaHi ari • hmS p« cMit te HlfiiiK Ui».<br />

II ^ MeaaUT it tnlfi • nasaifiscgt Strtnon<br />

interest, KStU! enxj Baptist in<br />

Abibusa tad (a«ffxi% tal AT it h ridily worth<br />

tMBt]Miiac«l«. We ho(« th« hnthrsn of Bro<br />

gaAo'a 1111 iiHwi will sMt aQow biin to ta&tt<br />

faeasaMtj ira^ eaSisgc niioo him to pabtiih<br />

IBthta. L*t«• bar rmtberthatUDtlMrcdilSao<br />

ti*% wbal—Ja and lataiK<br />

Oses b* a« leveal tow dt«r tb* woond brother<br />

Jatii^ steel inflicted, aad how aaaitiT* U ia fron<br />

tefliianfHnBB .IhaBaptiatpteaa vi^edkngoat<br />

aiIaat,aBdtiih*ftei*bo«rk**alf-«)Atte* ia<br />

aa agiaUwt hat >md ita W k is Lotuavfile,<br />

tCecdM^, aad this wtte aamaakblMr of alL<br />

Aatirtat,kaaUt. O. a>*iwaaiiniU«i>to a^f<br />

Tka( sB dia, iHtidi haa wdlsigh thnvn Um fatto<br />

prodaced a ripple in Uie surface of<br />

the I^Pl^iea of Campbe!lLsm!! If co, then has<br />

Cain'pM^ become indeed a Daad eta, if* waurs<br />

ao poison that ncthirg of sjiritaal life<br />

can iici^ia it, and no winda, howem tompcstaoos,<br />

can n^a war* or a ripple upon them!<br />

Mr-Hl^q^lidl next annoances that "one of tlie<br />

gradtute ef Bethany Orilege has reviewed brother<br />

Jeter,'^^ji4Ur. C. mdortes him, acd write* a pre-<br />

faae t^lti* hook!!! Is aot this'eigmScantl Is it<br />

not aa oonfesrini that, to Mr. 0., Jeter's Ex-<br />

amlnaiiwi. of Campbeliigm is temltterabU! One<br />

of hia boya ia for catching a penny, by replying,<br />

and Mfrfkaipbell helping on the Cuce, by writing<br />

a prefM»:aad crying off the w«k by the wholesale<br />

and reti^!H .<br />

Bat tl^iwitenee strikes as as cbaraeteristietlly<br />

dishoi^ in Mr. Campbell:<br />

" t h»a no lingering doubt, that the Review<br />

will b« gwatedifyint; aad acoepUble to every ma^,<br />

Baptiata and Disciple*, and that it will icreatly oou-<br />

tribat* to the Btble Union Caase all over the<br />

weat. :<br />

1 apeeiallv interestod in beha'f of ray warm<br />

friend Bd. S B. Ford, of Looisville, Ky. And<br />

willetpeetfrom him a Review of tb* Review of<br />

Or JiamMt B. Jeter."<br />

1. Mr. Claapbell says he has no lingering doubt<br />

that tb* Srriew of brother Jeter's book, by his<br />

Betbaay bojr, will be most edifying and Aeci.w»etB<br />

TO EVERY MAN, BAPTISTS ami Disoplesll!-<br />

Wbo wrer r*ad such a barefaced falsehood! Hear<br />

it, every man hear it! Mr. Cuopbsli knew that he<br />

was wtitiag an iatentiosal falsehood! Re had j>isi.<br />

dedared that some twenty or thirty Knights —many<br />

or mcotly Baptists—men of eminence and fnfluecce<br />

ia their ewa ranks, bad assailed him for heresy!<br />

He btd last confessed how generally brottier Jeter*<br />

book bad bm received with acclamation and gloii-<br />

tloatiin, from New York to Kew Orleans and from<br />

U«stoa to the Missoari nrer, inclodit^g tho entire<br />

Scatlxm Baptist prrss; and DOT he fwys in the<br />

face of this, that he has no liagericg doabt that the<br />

aUack of this young sprout of his College, apou<br />

brotlwr Jeta's work, will be xou ACRAPTASUI TO<br />

rvsar BJUTOI!!!<br />

Reader, Mr. Campbell penned the above just to<br />

sell that young graduate's prodacuoo—jrrote it to<br />

inSaence jou to buy the book. Will yaa do it!<br />

2 Bat mark again. Mr. C. says he ha^ ' no Un<br />

gKring doabt that the review of Jeter by bis grad<br />

uato will greatly contribute to the Bible cause ill<br />

orer the West" This is acotier pif e of dishon<br />

esty, (diaiaeteri^tic of Mr. Campbell- We arc writ-<br />

ing scvtivly about him. We know it But we<br />

have reason to do it, ard we are doing it intention-<br />

ally, and with cor whole heart, and with the b*r of<br />

Gd in view. This arch deceiver and defamer is<br />

bein^ exposed, and shall be exposed. lie is defil-<br />

bg the Kbie Union by his toach. acd w« volonteer<br />

a detiettce of it.<br />

What had, or has brother Jeter's book to with<br />

the Bible Unioa'. Does brother Jeter attack Revi-<br />

sion io his Exposition of Campbeiii^m' He is him-<br />

self a Bevisiocist!' Does brother Jeter attack the<br />

Bibie Union cause'<br />

Haw, then, can the demolishiag of hij bock, and<br />

of his charactrr—suppose this stnyplinr. sofi Mr.<br />

Campbell could do both—subatri e the Bible Um-a<br />

cause ail over the West, as well as prove moat »c-<br />

ceptable to every nun, Ba;>usts not excepted!'<br />

This but iUostraUs the game at whi-h Sir Cur p<br />

hell has been playing ever since hs has been receiv-<br />

ed fir the first time mto rejpectitlc compinj-— i c.<br />

the Revisionistsand. alas! a'ai. oevcr tco inncb to<br />

be regretted, without due reflection OD '.he part af<br />

the ofiBotrs t f ' c Bible Coion, publisl ed as one of<br />

the -Eta^g'-i.. J denominations. ' Whtnertr »i<br />

tacked, be has sssayed to hide bebird i^e Bib!e<br />

Revision cause," and raise the alani;—the faise cry<br />

—that the assailant is attacking the RcTixon ' r<br />

the English Scnptures—is oppofing ^ht BtbU<br />

Uoioacaa&e!" Why ia this? Eridcnilj to<br />

the sympathies of the friends of that cause, and .n-<br />

dun thm to take up arms for biir, tt.e;r faithru!<br />

and devoted rival! Tbis hss becomc so trauspu-ect<br />

as to be aiasifeai to all observers. If tbe officem<br />

bsoome the vdnt acd abetters of Mr. Campbell<br />

itad his cause, the sooaer they are rtrntretl tlie be;.<br />

ter—they are playing the p»rt if Judas. Ttit-y<br />

have ao basinets to declare Mr. C. '8 sec; ird par'j<br />

aa cvaiig*/i'M^ denom^uauun. Tbe; sfseri wha-.<br />

iw< tmr, and what thej ought to Inovr is liunui:<br />

and their assrri ion ia a foul b!ot up'^o the fare aixi<br />

faith of the Society, if our voio^ roa!d be bear!,<br />

we woold saj to the BaptisU of the West and<br />

South, refasti to contnbute one cent to tbe Bible<br />

Union tuitil th»; endorsement is with'iriim fur the<br />

officers of the Un-on, by that ilecltraLx®, cot ociy<br />

declare what is Uhe, but accu^ the must eoiintnt<br />

Baptists in £ag!snd and America, and Bevisior^ws<br />

['ran li»ft L»»1»'Pr«»bft»rt«B.J<br />

The Baptist IffoveL<br />

"Scmo time rinoe, we }i»l o..'ca*ioi> briefly to re-<br />

view a BOB«i, written for the porpoaeof prcpagatirp<br />

tie peculiar views of the Bap'it*. thn title of which<br />

is, T%eoJositt Eraat, or tkt Heroine of Faitk. In<br />

that review w* stated, that th* author has atonn-<br />

factwtd facts snd history to suit his forpoae*. Tbe<br />

friend who sent us the buok, requests up to point<br />

oat some imtanoes in which b« ha* laid himself<br />

liable to thi* charge. We might famish a large<br />

number, but we will now give ot»a iiwtanc* which<br />

is SQ gluirg that it ought to ehake tbe conBdenc*<br />

of every reader in hij integrity.<br />

After stating, on page 338. (kat a dedsimi of a<br />

eertam council, tbe nama of which is not given,<br />

anathematising all wbo denied tbe saving i iBeacy of<br />

bsptism in lbs case of Infints, was saoctioned br<br />

the Pope, in ito jear 117. he prccwdH in the fol-<br />

lowing strain:<br />

• But the decree with its appended carse, proved<br />

insuffi:imt to convince tho stDbbom-h««rtcd tap-<br />

tists. They refn'el to baptise their children, and<br />

ibey disowned tho baptism of ihe Cntholics by re-<br />

foiinR tn receive thtm into their oimmurion till<br />

tftey bad been b.iptixal by themseltcs. This the<br />

Oatholirs e»5Ied re-baptwrn, "r Anab»pt!Rn hence<br />

tbe nanie of AnabapUsts, which has been applied<br />

to us almost tn the p-eseat daf. Fur these great<br />

crimes, the Oatholics tumisl s^ainst them tho strong<br />

arm of the .secuUr power. They proc irtd a de<br />

crto of the Empemr, that not only tbttie who re<br />

biptited, bat those who received the erditianc* at<br />

heir hutdj, bo put to death. 'By thi» law,' fays<br />

Qibboo, three hundred hi^bops. and seven ihous-<br />

and of the inferior clergy, were torn from their<br />

churches, stripped of their eccleeiasti'jal po-ses-<br />

sions, and bansbed to tbe Islands.' From this<br />

day down to the present, in every countrj- where<br />

Pedobeptiits JUw W tkt power, our brBChran t-ie<br />

been tl.e aubj'cts of bitttr and unrelenaDg pe.-se-<br />

cution.''<br />

Now. let the reader cartfully 6xaiaiM> these his-<br />

torical statemw.iH, and whether they do not<br />

coataiu the two following declarations, V'X: I. That<br />

in the early part of the fifth ccntury, there were<br />

larRe namlwrs of persons bishope, inferior clergy<br />

and churcbi-s, boldiog Baptist sentimeots. and re-<br />

fusing on Ibis ground eiih-r to baptix« tlieir child-<br />

ren. or to receive into their commanicn lbo£e who<br />

practiced infict baptism. 2. That these were wa-<br />

•«uincd bv a council whMe decrces were sanctiorj.<br />

by the Pope ; aad afterwards the Emrr («rbi>se<br />

name not given) wa» induced to en»'?t apitnst<br />

them theseverast Uws: and that the histiriaa Gib-<br />

1>J11 Icstitirs three hundred of thes* Baptist<br />

buihop«i, and stveiai ihousandsof the inferior clergy<br />

xcrt thus driven from their churchtss-<br />

S.ich are the gtatemenls of -Vor authfrt<br />

Now. what mil ibe reader tliink. wb«n we assure<br />

hiui. ibat ikerr no/ a particle oj tnlk tn tkem^<br />

In the limt plaro. there were in the flilh ctnwry,<br />

so far as we can ascertain from history,. nochuP'iss<br />

or bi-ih^p?, rr inferior clergy holding Bap'ist prind-<br />

plei Dr Wall whose te"tin»pii»' biiihofj. and clergy dnvcn from their<br />

chnrcbe-v. In our d b»te wrh Alexandtr Canip-<br />

bril, br broug'M to light no such the Sfth<br />

cer'ury<br />

In th* s«;pnd p'are. the perre'-utirg decree of<br />

wh;!t.'= Ki'it »-:r«'ti3t the Djnj/ If.t ; aid GiVum "qicie<br />

of The Uonmtists, not of Bapiifl", when bp «aid -<br />

••T'Eiree hundrc! bi'sH.^pi), with tranv<br />

the inferior clergv, were torn fpjm their cifurctes '<br />

Ac See Gihbon s ii:* , v. 2 ch .1.5, p. 3>>7. We<br />

ciT*DOt ho* it H pt-ssiible for cur autki>r to ^Tt<br />

b3»ri mi^tukpf iT!»nof comtnoii Nfire<br />

rttrmrtir*^ prrsThsMn>, Lebanon, Mu<br />

MuUierry Gip, Noluchacky, Northera, Tennehsee,<br />

Unioa, Western District.<br />

Who will send 1<br />

In Tsx.ts tbe following are still wanted:<br />

Bethlehem, Central, Eastern, Rm Fork Jtidiia,<br />

Little River, Sabine, Sister Grorc, Soda<br />

Trtnity River, West Fork.<br />

Who will sendl Will Brother Barnes ask<br />

Of the Viaowu. associaboos the foilowing xta-<br />

utes tor 1S5G are still wanted:<br />

Accjmac, Broad River, James' River. Ji<br />

Lebanon District MUdle District, Mt. Pis^gab, ^<br />

ktrsbarg, Rappahamioc, Zioo, Union. f<br />

WiU not the clerks send ns a copy ! Will c^ur<br />

brethren of the Herald help ns to get ap the ferfeet<br />

statitfjcs of Virginia for 18561<br />

Minutes in Nnam Ciitct-iKA for 1856 wanhsi :<br />

Briar Creek, Freoch Bread, Hiwassee, Jcfiia^ai,<br />

Kiig-'s Mcantain. Lewis Fork, Liberty, Lewis Cre«k^<br />

Raleigh, Roan Mountain, Salcis. Sandy Crfiek,<br />

Tuckasegee, Union Ea-'t and Union West.<br />

Will Brother J*aies ask who will «od as<br />

of the above, and accept cor thasks*<br />

The fidlowing Miauten of Sot^ Caaouu<br />

ciatioas fcr IS56 are wanted:<br />

Brawn Creek, £diacD, £aotec, Fcrk, ^stuo.<br />

Twelve MBe River, West Unica.<br />

Will the brother receirisg this paper marked<br />

send a muiute of his assooatioo, and receive a Reg-<br />

ister ia retora ? Will the Southem Bapiis* copy<br />

once aod oblige<br />

Gaoasu..—Minates of aasoaatiatis fi* 1S56<br />

wanted:<br />

Bethel, tVttahocchee, (Tocs'atee, Mcuntain, Mi^<br />

alee, Piedijcot, a«rp Mooatain, Suvo I^ne^<br />

bury, Toojoah, Tagulo, Union, Uiiited<br />

United Cattahoochee.<br />

I also With the inmates of all the PntajtiaSSis-<br />

sodatioas acd Unassociated bodies in Gecr^a and<br />

the SDuth—aUo of tU Separates aatt Free WiU<br />

Baptists.<br />

KaSTVctT.—The m natcs in the mmules of the<br />

General AiSOC»Ufr:», Keatncky, are far 185^ we<br />

wish to present the perfect itatisiios fu lfS6, and<br />

therviore .thall warn the mmuaa of the folkiwing<br />

associatwi* for 1S5S Will any brother seeing the<br />

name of his association in thu lis'- ssrd a copy<br />

pcuJy aid tho cause of statiitics. i<br />

AssocuTioKS.- Baptist, Bay's Fork, Itoon Cg^k,<br />

Barairg Sjncg, Campbeil Countj. Concord, C-am"<br />

btiland Biter, Davi-' Counij. Franklin, Fre«-%»m,<br />

Gasper River, (JoiJieii. Greeaup, Little River, Mid-<br />

dle Districi., Nelfon. New Sakm, Solin, SouthJBwd<br />

North Bend, Point CoiOn. Rasscil s Cree», Saiim,<br />

Siuth Concord, S>u'h Cumiicriand River, Soath<br />

Diitrict, Sicoth Kecjatky, Souih BtfAisl, South<br />

Union, Sulpber Fork, Taus' Creek, Tennessee Mfll;<br />

CaioD, Un.ou -<br />

tistawhoaet as tboagh th«T areubaoMd to hsv«it<br />

known that tfa^ an B*iiiiiitif, t'"* aha** all<br />

teat B*Bte^tb*r,an ww. aahaoMd of Ci^<br />

^oftlMminBlMte aataaiad kafcnUsntkar<br />

asdtitea&iala. - ''<br />

any ootncc of these calls from the represeataihcs of<br />

entire deaominaticn, fifty thmisaad strong, is this<br />

State? Not a sentence has escaped bim^Tbe<br />

cbar|;e—the fahrkood, tbe siar^er—iaa^g^ c-o<br />

tie pages of hia Harb-jiger and for the «f tbe<br />

fc-tare Uistorian uncanceled—msaitiBg the -cciire<br />

Btptist ministry cf Tenoes»e! Are we ti» ttti-<br />

charitable when we arra^ Mr. A- Caatpbdl oi<br />

bger,pc.w S<br />

to tb* reakns above, whkh antow does not<br />

and where all teai»ar» wiped away., irks^iftha<br />

M«t«aiiwofipRascdwith aaeaaaof its^i^ ud<br />

itsioqFetfectioBa? Hope aatkapatta aaeai^ bcli-<br />

tM and iauataaltte p^eotkm befontbe ^roaaiit<br />

koavea.: What, if «k mast di* aad ga dtnra iato<br />

QmOmA maasioaa of the gran? Bopecaidti^.<br />

with coafidenc* on fanmnrtal fif* mPntdia*,^ tad<br />

kasm fall that a gVnioas nsarrectia* fon<br />

tb* pave wSl trioinpkaally icp*« aa th* itui^<br />

d*atk caa do. Bhaatd, ^t^m Wof^ mis<br />

vooUL sin a? iu coaariatiwia tam^ ksw tten<br />

mergeiin^froitioesfitaoh^otrf'^' '<br />

t. u.r.<br />

Peabody with asplw^<br />

(ha ISiti imt^ at aa<br />

the miiTioBsof c.-editDM, ,<br />

einment to the eniwaDBa anenat *«<br />

miiliaaiordBUBis, kavetol .<br />

c„aer ofthiBZS. WhatadeUteM<br />

w kk<br />

^PMEtanoj! tw TBaWoai®.—"JJf'J<br />

taufibt m OCT old Bdwol-noy days, iftataai^<br />

titS^ofthewarWwasSOO.OOOm Ukm^^<br />

somcwliat aiaca thea. - '<br />

^tisBowaaiitohe aafaOova:<br />

AfriciS<br />

A*>er^<br />

Axis tad Hands, ^<br />

Aannlia acd Isbnds,<br />

-Mr. Oafcsraa, Use baskcr,<br />

aomett^todoacd soaietkiBg lahwfata^j'^<br />

worthy ot hamtmty, aad whi^ ky<br />

eapadtiea of tbe Bwil, gives expaa^ «»<br />

try to the body which cjmtaiasii.^—Rj***"^<br />

Roxasisa Bnnss L S K S S - " F T S ^ I ^<br />

priests and monks Bf Switierlaad, at* •••WJ<br />

their moperty intocath, aadjawafiagitM*<br />

Sates lasd. They have settled a euiaaffrfB"*<br />

ists in Iowa.<br />

A Macaixvacs Pitaor ——la<br />

parrot ihat was kQit atioarda ship, Wrt<br />

teresudia vra!ch%the day* that e**L<br />

goods on die whart Oaeday ai*dnv*r*ra«<br />

left Ks tatm and weut dowato the »<br />

ship. Tbepanatwatchedtfm, a^<br />

oat of f i At began to m'ate the ^ tottiiW^<br />

'^VThoal^backthare-badt ftay!- exdaaa^<br />

bird The horses bicked; aaa tk* p*mc, ***<br />

^l^ibesncoeasof Wa exp«riia«^<br />

JfSiSm B«il back I t-li^ *<br />

tcaabackeJ over the wbsrf iato a*<br />

ooeofthehoOfcswaadrowBad. '<br />

Itfc a iwoHemyet to b* mim*,<br />

pso;4e the Bri-ish Wand oil<br />

^ pnaent state f ^<br />

nonneas watlth aad atgeotpova^."^^;<br />

ter s-raineu rardolsoeid ooJiW«»e«^.<br />

five pltre to dvil ocmmKiCB #<br />

"That dayomaaoooer oeU^M^g^^^<br />

security which poiitiaaB* bak iir m to f ^<br />

tke tost, gatat, icd<br />

ataarac* cmeyaetapMi li****<br />

maht^tny, ia WaMcNSH*^<br />

cr agao.- , - -- , ii:.-- ^^li-i<br />

iofioaj JfttMT. ^ ••-f^' - f<br />

qOM. • 'I<br />

IHE KM<br />


Bpttaal<br />

MUMt* aiCa<br />

^ T.X OIM.<br />

» V. a cuu.<br />

OOT table bat w* j<br />

p^vious nanibe.-. TU<br />

FJT-I and the iUma.<br />

asK ta the wadtly jsi<br />

Ofc-j Qitwrma<br />

A daacon of the Frit<br />

in the iMt dinrdi n<br />

p^mitted to wciqiy 4<br />

iDg,lriaeldet«U«vmtt<br />

qaestion wan dacaM<br />

„ttled in the negaii**]<br />

IT* ware not prseat; i<br />

ttthari6id,'lB»!t«d'i<br />

^Boaragmg, ami<br />

fust Ohnrch. Th*<br />

jnortifyli* fuAOmlww<br />

Cbnrdt, and BIHA an<br />

tkaich, sbacJd i^yj<br />

tbe pulpit to a (Suapb<br />

ts Philip S. FaE^ tii* ^<br />

the Baptist cans ia-<<br />

Bieeting-liou^ into<br />

leaving the few<br />

ujtitfafalamid la*!<br />

ftsbelter' Tettiiiti<br />

aS to be ohtradid iaia |<br />

iaocalate oar pivpia-<br />

if postifalc, witl ^ f<br />

W* fai« cor trettoaiil<br />

mere feeling but to<br />

they occupy ask<<br />

dpi*, Isar a btd I<br />

the estimatioB of aO<br />

State.<br />

Wekaowourl<br />

taken motives tf r<br />

(till in payable -rii<br />

PenMmlEfe for =<br />

There is quis. a i<br />

to act by pnsy.<br />

singing in this ^y.<br />

to praise God Cir theml<br />

of the gaikry fnp<br />

aiEcmbly Maiy i<br />

minister* dvmlii doaUl<br />

tkm of aiaaeni, Tli^^<br />

caving machines, and I<br />

pulpit arc an i<br />

the circilc, aad I<br />

is an egregious I<br />

iahor—no ebqcent i<br />

of trath in tiw pripii<br />

with th* impeniteat i<br />

lease christian* from i<br />

e&jrt br ii»<br />

qiomibdity-a i<br />

feiieJ ia a pismineBt|<br />

disci|^tif Obaiat mi<br />

to do what be can iat I<br />

Will ai7 hrolko- or I<br />

kn3w of sooiirg I<br />

ptoves that yoar love i<br />

fectivc. Fav^oveitl<br />

the hearttad be t<br />

ever be isven'nj I<br />

Will not every i<br />

aolve in the SDS^<<br />

Btraaicitial, dciog<br />

same aoalV Wbatai<br />

In coaipariaDa wftklM<br />

pjrati«;» iif"<br />

macy—and the<br />

pricelets jewel, wb<br />

tun ai|d therutnaaf i<br />

faciOian^ ia tk* ]<br />

tiaa, would yat not 1<br />

of jour Redeamez^t i<br />

Is oar fc<br />

makv '^Aw AxnaanJ<br />

{EupoK^ to atswac<br />

peiBeveiance, lod<br />

wbldi Annerazia* i<br />

mane than cae year ]<br />

Budti paoagts seat<br />

fartboDming wurit,<br />

ExadasC: tl.<br />

Nembei* 14: „<br />

1 Samuel 2 : 11-<br />

Isaiab 59: CSt<br />

BoMia 9; ITi.<br />

1 ChraaidesSS:<br />

2 * •<br />

Esefcid 18: 26. ^<br />

] Bsmaei 10: 6—1<br />

SSamust 11: 7-<br />

P«lms41: B.<br />

Matthew 2n 16, iS|<br />

ai; 13,19: JUL 10: I<br />

Jafanl: IS,15tl|<br />

AETALTSS. f<br />

Roman*2: r, H;1<br />

1 CDCtatkiaw<br />

GaUatianfio: 1-<br />

Ooloaaea l:<br />

1 Tm«cliy2; 84-<br />

Bebnw* 3 •, 8—1<br />

S 1.<br />

1 Jaha3: Ifi-<br />

JadeltU-<br />

Revelatiau U: lOj<br />

Iiistaooe*«f<br />

grace aad gkir?.<br />

1. Tbeaagtit,<br />

3. Tbe Israeitaci<br />

4. SoiaoMn.<br />

5 Jadaa. ,<br />

6 IlynMnittiaaij<br />

7. Daxoaa.<br />

Instaaces I<br />

ncDvand.<br />

Allwfaotak*<br />

of thit-vexxd^a<br />

aawefl aa B-fti<br />

P*«*sn of<br />

itcOosa.<br />

"^Meha&t<br />

»>• PtatdQtanaa i<br />

""oalB^mioti^l<br />

^pet^of aU]<br />

the dair=lt,iB<br />

tp oepaln]<br />

««««itr,wiu<br />

••^aaftwtl<br />

on^aeiadfatiBa iaJ<br />


2 8 . V O L . X I I I .<br />

T H E - T E N N E S S E E ^ B I A F T 1 S T .<br />

N O . a s .<br />

IISSORS. fflg fflffiSffl BAPnsr. . GEHERIL ITEMS.:<br />

8AIU53I&?, H4BCH. S. 18S7.<br />


I oBt^ida.<br />

. t— - '"Si<br />

g.g-Rtfrifc^<br />

i u d B w ^ ^<br />

tpih. B«i« "<br />

B-thBBMBt ,<br />

•It tONU t i M W<br />

[M^^rar BOS.<br />

EQMpMTr<br />

.wbQ ^<br />

tf.»t» valiMdA<br />

wait BHid he Bee<br />

'•Saaaof tba estate<br />

t9 patmal<br />

i aut« thMt Oto kte<br />

• laa btqntatbtd tfea<br />

I • sMte «ximele,*i*<br />

—^ taiHnKli^aA<br />

ata in tbe CSolten<br />

IT of vhma<br />

LUSmteadtD<br />

rrvmml,<br />

I eel pcriaia •ana Sir<br />

, Esi it ia tsiaidaaj tiv<br />

• bmaan nea is<br />

iima uan^.Mtffi<br />

I good crutaa af ftat,"<br />

H m ,<br />

laiiafjMuall^<br />

as a Quudacafv ttlM<br />

—» «f inataMM<br />

Ileppedrf ja4i*tiEl'm<br />

gained fay imm^'<br />

-WioD Uia ImA aetma^<br />

I SBxUia thiir raqpaob*<br />

•atfacdtsta pay an atauga<br />

faents^ PijabitafiiiM, af<br />

of tss;<br />

.af r<br />

Bonia Wkfm ilat i<br />

n (bi> aoD^ of<br />

•r? a t ^ «a nffimarn te<br />

.aaddaaoi<br />

ti» Wwaunatcr Be-<br />

.to 2 ICota, IB: S7,<br />

deficite tfasB tba Kbf-<br />

— L'tM QHvalicr BmiaEii is<br />

ihwj. mm nana.<br />

I onamsn pascie, «ttl> a<br />

Tba Ont-nilon hia a{K<br />

I txftci*d tiia ;aBr. Tba<br />

I bjf SosKQssii ^i^Enl^<br />

I SsBadl*f,m vamtmmj<br />

rontanuon at furl<br />

ri at Hazioa: '-IniF-<br />

: jaafti vlusLi laoMlly<br />

S«w Tak,tai tlM<br />

Epttofa! paver in<br />

BTO 1*10Q8SO4 IBfiflSSR^BlSL<br />

paper h ia statad Oa:<br />

laavaaidinLiMiAMt wtib.<br />

ttisaionaTaidaarifaa an-<br />

-BJT. Aatoiaatta Bam,<br />

llBadnreU, Manatolm<br />

paatnraar. Hwdtaidi<br />

. OTCF wfaidi ifaa ••lait-<br />

i liumeatmsbnaadacd.<br />

toim "'<br />

Wa know not wtei*<br />

[pastonl cJHce or wllott«r<br />

• her »i>iHpia»<br />

^nru—•••l fcaTatfltai*<br />

andaaaaeiMta<br />

euiiKwiah ta ia><br />

1 baaulj, ftMa^ ^<br />

aaad umuuaM -t^tonnf<br />

ttbiJk ta^facididhif<br />

taring rxa«i£a(iw<br />

rtii'n"^'"" aof<br />

iit."—<br />

lie I_iJO»—Tta<br />

, aa^iamatiasitra<br />

tHtttcd acoMmyaf'<br />

f AUoi. la B®^?*'*<br />

aria ship, «« to-<br />

idn;athsceaa»te<br />

paday<br />

rdomtD tfaa eaianaf<br />

^ ^ aol whan ha «<br />

^ a t&a taflt totha<br />

•acSc I la^t" axs^asEaaa tat<br />

nd; aadtba paiiiit,<br />

1 kia Kxpsiant, euuii""*<br />

bk! badt I m'" ^<br />

; wJnof mto she watar. «»<br />

ba saw x> aabairt m<br />

t po»«t7,«a«t profcnBt!<br />

We hare read kbc« IttOoA poblidied bU<br />

• oo the DiTiae Ooreraaieot. The man who<br />

-<br />

^czxesal Effint for the Salystion. of Souls.<br />

There is qnrta a diapoaitiniij on the part of many,<br />

a let by proxy. Ua^y eospcfatians do their<br />

sqiag in t^ji way. Cfaoita ara Tirtoany depot, d<br />

(t psise God {far theo, sad the ftshionahis nrnsic<br />

tf ihasalletT cnperaedea tbe dcrent Eoogs of the<br />

MMuiJj- Haay dmrches aeem to think that thdr<br />

•iiiiitan Aaald do aa that is done the saha-<br />

teflfiinnefa. They regard thar Pastors as labor-<br />

HTIfH .nH gippnt tlw* Itm<br />

ar« aa atoamoit to inacti'TitT'ic the &suly,<br />

fta SBciai drde, the ccmnuxsi^ at large. Thia<br />

iimegRgioita Distils. Ho anxjimt of nunisterial<br />

l^or—oo ctoqnm nmestnea in the preaentation<br />

d inth in iha'pol^t—no pathetic exposti^tiao<br />

igh ti» impenitent ia tba botue cf God—can r^<br />

kna n'mnT fioiu obBgataon ta make personal<br />

far tbe satntkai of aool;:. Indindoai re-<br />

jpusnalilj a raspossiUity that cannot be ^rsns-<br />

Smd—4sapramiBent ideaof thego^d. Erery<br />

jgaafia tf Chnat is aaerediy aod ademaly boond<br />

lidaiAat b*eaate th! disctpledup cf OUmis.—<br />

van^brotheror sister say,''What can I dc? I<br />

tor srf Dothiag I can do." Thia rery Ungnage<br />

pmt that ymr lore of inuDcrta! smb is sadly de-<br />

hriirc. For "lore ia the most inTestiTe paaon of<br />

&e-haBrt f aad he who lores tbe sonla of men wiQ<br />

ner be tsren'ins some method of doing them good.<br />

Viliat erery dristiaa who reads these Bnes rt-<br />

•iia in tha strength of tha T ^ to try aad be in-<br />

ftwaiKil.darsiK^ this year, in the aalrataon of<br />

•HBon What« niAia, what a sab&aa objed!<br />

baaparisonwOhit bow^tridal appMr tbe inaa-<br />

pnfiaa af Preddents—the eaosaHatim s of dipto-<br />

aMj AT Tsa Som.—Deaths fran fretsiae and<br />

(xposnre seem to hare been modi more nai^etGas<br />

thia at the Korth, owing, no donbt, in soma meaa-<br />

un, to the people being uoaccastoizied to inch rig-<br />

crtiQS weather.<br />

Tsa •^Wandering Jew" has been gairotad ia<br />

Balthnore, the back of his vest was foond thickly<br />

liaed with gold coin of sU aations.<br />

Ajr instrument cdled "S^w's Gsrrot Sgnsliser,''<br />

ii adrertiaed m the Laodoa Times, wlu^ when in<br />

tctioti, giTca asharp, knd report, and will strike a<br />

I>owcrfaI Uow at the same time. They caa be car-<br />

ried in tbe pocket, and the adTertisement tays,<br />

'^re a sore defenca against garrotsts."<br />

Tbb Circoit Court of Hardeman county, Tenn..<br />

adjoomed on Fciday. We learn firom the Boiirar<br />

I>emocrat that the Grand Jory foand thirty-eight<br />

truly bil^ of which ibarteen were for betting co<br />

tte dectioD and eight for ratuling Kqaors •, tbe<br />

balance for larany. ic.<br />

WAsm3R7ro5, Manh 6—The dedsiOD of the<br />

I'nited States S irprsme Court in tbe Dred Ssott<br />

case was delirerHl by Chief JaRtice Saney In a<br />

fill and elaborate statement of the rews of tbe<br />

Cburt, we have tb* foUowini; all important pointa :<br />

Fast—That negroes, whether eUre or free, aa<br />

«iea of the Afiricaa race, are not citizeas of the<br />

United States.<br />


Hciixas ATBUIK. noder its forsu of FkBtVisn, Jfa-<br />

teriallim, Secdariam. Ac.. Br Jamn Bae,HaaaB, D.<br />

D. L U D., Oiviaity Protax^ in tb* He** CoHege<br />

at Sdinborgh. and Author of the Office aad Work<br />

of the Ho!^ SjHriL ^Bostoc : Gonld Liaedn.<br />

19 mo. ppTOsT »<br />

We (hall oaJke BO extracU fr«m thb btok. het«4ii>««lr» M<br />

folloTi': ••The arguments in defence of the Christian<br />

faith against philosophical objeetota are onsttrpa-wd<br />

by thoee of any modem writer; clear, Icgird. rigor-<br />

ou«, Icaraed and elrong aa a Titan, b» fdriy f tn-<br />

qnisbee all antagonisu by pure mental sui^orily;<br />

seTcr Biisaadentanding toetr views or tTaeief; their I<br />

arg-imenta. bat meeting them in all their force and<br />

cnnhing them." "It is a gmt argnnwut for ThuiBm<br />

•ItaiBst Athdsm, magnificent in iu strength, order<br />

»a4 beanty. The style is Ineid. grare. harmonious,<br />

and ereiy way conaMOSorBte with the dignity and<br />

iinaartance of the work."<br />

HsTinK reid with eire erery line of the book, we<br />

express the opinion thattheM ftrong encomiuiES are<br />

not extrari^nt. Let thoee who wish lo see the<br />

absntdities of modem Atheism, in its ingenious and<br />

dangerous deTelopmeats, exposed by a master band<br />

re»d th* work. Wb (let them be prepaied to lUnk<br />

prafoan}y nd cootincoaslT. r-<br />

Hxmsaa or Joaa Kirro. D. D.. F. S. A,. Author of<br />

"Daily Bible Illustrations," and editor of "The<br />

Cyclopedia of KMieal Literatare," Ac. C^piled<br />

ehieily from his Letters and Journals. By J . E.<br />

Erland. M. A. With a critical estimate of Dr.<br />

SiUoe'sLife >nd Writini^: br Professor Cadie. D.<br />

D. L. L. D. Olasgow. IntwoVolumes. New York:<br />

Robert Carter A Brothers 1856. 12 mo. pp. m.<br />

I 343.<br />

! KG one can read these rdumes without being sur-<br />

prised at the eleration to which an ladiTidusI msj<br />

ria* from the most disadrantaceoos obscurity Kiuo<br />

was a man of rery humble binh. Be Ecarcely hsd<br />

the prospect in his early years of being able to -est<br />

brvad is the sweat of his brow." In his eleTenth<br />

: rear he fell from tbe roof of a house, and though the<br />

ill did not proTe fatal, as was appreh»nded, it ren-<br />

dered him drsX—a calamity from which he nerer<br />

recoTertd. He had an ardent thirst for knowledge,<br />

and in its acquisition triumphed orer obstacles spps<br />

rentlT iusuperable. "The measure of his suews^"<br />

says "Professor Cadie. "is not more smssing in its<br />

amount thui in tha means br which he Tpsched ia<br />

His life is as instructiTe as his labors, and both com<br />

<<br />


Appointments for March ami April<br />

At the Second Uwrob, NashriUe, e-momnr<br />

taonung.'<br />

At Hndsteis' and Deacons'meet^, at KaUaada,<br />

fifth Sabbath.<br />

At New Bethel, tm the first Stbbatb in April. -<br />

McCroiy's Cteek, on the 2J Sabbath la ApriL<br />

At Cdambia, oa the third Sibbith m April.<br />

J. R. Gaarss.<br />

BOOKS TBAT WAKY OwKits.—Brother Selph in-<br />

orms OS that theie are packsges of ^ks in hiit<br />

pi.V8e«Bon, and bare been fork loeg time, thu<br />

fbUowbJg chutehes in Wert Teoaesjee, Prt^perity,<br />

ZnL, Sl^oh, Clear Creek j MjtsiMi{.oi, Ebeoeser<br />

W. L. Slack, 'niey are the ' Dseire oi' dl Na-<br />

tiona," a sermon preached before the Kg Hatcbie<br />

Astociatido at Bolirar. These were pud for by the<br />

brethrea'aad duly aUrttd, but lost their way. Tha<br />

brethren can taks ateps to get tht-m, if tbcj &tiU<br />

wish th9>.<br />

A Bom WASTXD — Who will str>d oi a copy of<br />

BiUiop Dopktni •»Kod of Contiorersy Coatiovei te j?'^<br />

Wo wish a copy w»lh tha new of tsariog i rcTireii<br />

ia the Jane noobtr of the Smttem Bapist B:-<br />

eiew. We will dteerfuUy aend tJbe pn» or reiorn<br />

the book to the poMcssor.<br />

AcsxowLSDoifEVT OF PAYioarn.<br />


J S W'Utsr pdt t> Wik Astest. ISH. s ^ ^<br />

n«ridW>{af nbtaltan kanixM tothsMlMWHiiH<<br />

Ub tetiao of the ~<br />

A GIGAXTKI LAVS SraciTLAiiojf —The Lexing-<br />

ton Expreas of M 14th states that it has reliable<br />

information that a large eompany Ims been formed<br />

in the East for the purpose of edtering all the<br />

cant lands in the State of Uissoari. Hca. H<br />

formerly of MisEooii, bat aov of Pdladd-<br />

pbia, is at the bead of this morcaunt. He is to<br />

net sa ageat for this oompasy aad make the ea-<br />

FIIES^<br />


of Waduagtoa, Tc, has no leas ihaa 300 roteis,<br />

aad takes «9 newspapers-<br />

n>e bat aews from Paris, is, that the Eapreas<br />

appeared m the streeU recently without any hoops<br />

Louis 2Ta|ideoniasud to b« opposed ta b o ^ aad<br />

ia ddermmed to crush crtndine aa he has done the<br />

litMity of the press and freedom of speech in<br />

France.<br />

According to a puplication recently made by<br />

Parliameot, it appears that the totd income of tbe<br />

-Britiah Goremmeat for the year 1856, was £71,.<br />

mOOO. or about $356740,000, aod tbe total ex-<br />

neadituM for ihe same period, (441,535,000, ex<br />

ixedmg the income by S84.79S 000-<br />

A spaa of woIre8,regnlirly trained to the bar.<br />

sesa, were.driTen, aooog a crawdofydping, appa-<br />

reaUy indignant dogs and woadaicg people, down<br />

Foarth sad Pine Saaets, SL Lo^s, tm Saiur*<br />

dsy.<br />

Dnnmoss OP raa ViasoriA Burs Bmcs Ttn;-<br />

m-—Length of tannd,4S84. feet; dimensiaasef<br />

sections,<br />

31 feet hish aad 18 wide; dimeadoDS<br />

arehni, 700 feet; cabie contents, 50000 yards, ca-<br />

% contents po'lineal ftoi, 117; cubK yaida ma-<br />

aorrr bid, 2,750 ;iaefinatioa of grade. 70 feet per<br />

aile; t ^ oast S4fi4:000 ; cost per foot, SI 03; to-<br />

td coat per cubic yar4S8.80; coat for excaratioD<br />

alooe, S6 ^ tima of ooasiructjoa, serea years.<br />

The osud lora enpl^ed upen this work was 200<br />

sm aad 15 hmaas- - Gie work proceeded aigbt<br />

. . - I and day, tiie men bdng rdiernd ewry 8 boors<br />

tatsaees of a w wtaliaw anally qaarts-^<br />

paeeasd^bKy. | ezeedtogiy bsid sad difficult ta blast. Tbe grade<br />

L. Tbi ^HpJ*. is. op to and thnugfa Ots tannd from tha east ii 70<br />

S. feet per mile, md n perfectly rtrsight, with<br />

1 TtelmStaht tha desert. | d ^ of sir upward. There are ao shafts, wit is<br />

i-aUmaoD. • I 700 feat below the top of the rtdgs.<br />

iJmi*. ^ , , - --- I A Salt Lake cfcy letter of Dee-4 aanooncesthe<br />

CffissMiBSarfAfexiBider. . . [deathof Jedefiah M. Graat, Secood couaidior of<br />

. f e ' ' ~ . IBri^hamTsuar, and Mayt>rcf the city. He was a<br />

Ibtsacas ef those who fdl ftmngraee sad I aabra of Hew Hampehiit, sad was about fcr^ years<br />

I of age St bis death. Be leares seren fiseooBdate<br />

widoaa, and sererd dddren—four of tiis iatter<br />

I he^ oader e ^ weeks of age.<br />

I&s moat iaportaat item of news by^ the Peoia<br />

[istberepMtedtotaldestiudiuacfftrtco. Iftha<br />

' " ' I tnc^ a terible ttfa^of c s n ^ and<br />

I to cone. With a popuIotiaB modi<br />

encounter, and which fewer still haie mastered to<br />

soch adeant^. For he did not merelr neutrdiie the<br />

adrersc- position of his earlier years, out he wrung<br />

from it the lessons and hsbita which slovly built up<br />

his fame, as they prepared him for his ultimste<br />

achierementa. Truly he hss realised the nddle of<br />

Samson—'Out of the eater csme forth meat, and out of<br />

the strong came forth sweetness." What a contrast<br />

between the deaf and psuper boy o( 1819 vhesdled<br />

into a work-bouse to keep him from •huncer ».-id<br />

fasting, cold and nakedcess,' and the John Eitto of<br />

li^t; Doctor of Theolcgr, thou^ a Isjman; member<br />

of the Society of Antiqmirics: Rlitnr of the Picsonsl<br />

Biblo and tte Cyclopia cf Biblical Literature; snd<br />

Author of "Daily Bible lUnstratioos."<br />

Kitto was the aulhorof rarinus works, the most ira-<br />

mrtant of which are "The Pictorid Bible," in thn*<br />

ar«;« Tolumes; "Pictorid HistOT of Pdestine." io<br />

two Tolumea; "Cyclopedia of BibUcd Literature." in<br />

two Tolumes; "Daily Bible Illustrations," in eight<br />

volumes, Of the last named work it has t>trD<br />

said. "Thew eight rolomes are, in fact, the cresm<br />

of dl thst Eitto hsd preriously written. There is a<br />

specisl charm shout them, aad a rein of serious<br />

instruction runs through them."<br />

We sdriae those who either from choice or necessity<br />

select, fnim amon^ Kitto's works, to procure tbe 'Daily<br />

Bible Illustrations." Th«T hare been published in<br />

this country by Carter A Brothers The reputation<br />

of the author is not only established in England, ibe<br />

place of his binh. but wherever the English Ungusg*<br />

!« spoken. We hail with pleasure eve-y effort, by<br />

whomsoever made, to elucidate th^ sacred volume.<br />

r.<br />

Kauioaa's ScanTcau. Ezroemon or mi Ensnx or<br />

PsLX TO TBB PaiLimASs AXD m GxsaaAi. Ensru<br />

o» Juna. Traulated from the German, by Tho«<br />

H. C. Consnt. Author of History of -English Bible<br />

niustrations." JTewTork: Sheldon. Blake man 4<br />

Uo. Boston : Gould A Lincoln. 13 mo. pp 255<br />

1856.<br />

These Vxpcutions were the "tanning of s series<br />

of popular prActicd comtaentaries. intended u> em-<br />

bram the more important portions of the Bible "<br />

They bear the impress of Neander's mind. They are<br />

worthy of in attentive perusal. The practical element<br />

infused into the'" adds {greatly to their ^'due. It is<br />

scarcely necessary to ssy thst the death of Neander<br />

prevented the eoapleU< execution of his pnrpuses to<br />

rxpound "die more important portioas of the Bibie."<br />

Alaa, how tcany good purposes are defeated by the<br />

stroke of death I What ii, done in this world mui^t<br />

be done quickly. p.<br />

Tauaa Saaaora; or Fifty.Two Plain and Short Dip-<br />

eounwa on the Principle Doctrines of the Gcvpel.<br />

By S. Burder. American Tract Society. ro<br />

Apoctacy.<br />

b our fartheaiauig wiak, which we wish to<br />

•lis "As kwsaaara% AaxmAjnaM." I have<br />

|a|HBd ta ssswar STery obXeetsn urged against<br />

{•smranee, and examine eeery Scriptoia upon<br />

sBA pra£csta thdr f«th. I bare far<br />

an than ooe year past rtqoested objections, aad<br />

•dl iMiti 1 aeit to me te) be examined in the<br />

Irfcuuiiag work, and soch are still rB^oested.<br />

fasdaaSr 8.<br />

Hasberf 141 30-35.<br />

lasansi 23111—IS<br />

bdshSS: Z 83: 9,24: S.<br />

lOraiffibBSS: 9,9: 27,101 Ls.<br />

SCSaiaida IS: 2.<br />

^tankiti 18 * 2S»<br />

1 Smd lb: 6—13,28: 15—1ft.<br />

Stead 11: 7—0.<br />

Pafaia41:9.<br />

nw TKtAHBXT.<br />

fctthmr 20:18,5:13,13:43-45,1«: ai-3^<br />

3fcl3,19:28.10: 15-<br />

iaiml:U, 15: 1-7,17: 12.<br />

AetaliJS/<br />

Bamana ai 7, n 116-22,14 f 15.<br />

lCWathiaaa»:ar,lfl: 1—12.<br />

GBSSSsibS:!.<br />

ODle timeto cooM^ At hat<br />

iHcB^dsa Sdnqr,Ta, laoaooats,itwfflbereaaembM»d,—Oerawasaprob.<br />

tethe^haaaidBMater.Bsn: t*>>l>9^tbeAfflaieaas,i*«BBe« the Bntish,<br />

acepehie oor<br />

— Ihe<br />

^•eepd<br />

W»rd *Baai?ecinadmSageiarK^ieKfiheof|eomitiy^ m -<br />

.*»fti*alsiiifci Badd.h! baa bnn ill.<br />

esatUisal aa r«nisad hia bnaki wiU ba aant aoon, ud<br />

doea aa dlractad.<br />

Tkia la lo iafcrm Dr BaTUia tbat h'l dlrac'lcra bara taao<br />

tiolyazaentad .<br />

Brothati A Facatt la natiflad tbat bta rrqual will w<br />

Uolad to iB daa eoarsa. WaJ don*'<br />

Sittar Joasu T MaOoj ia Isforxaad that Soatb'a Braa;s>a<br />

vin ba aaat aa loon aa {ICQ ed vlib albar bsoka.<br />

Brathar a M rorttabairj ta iBforzad tbat ail o^ tha Uar c f<br />

(abaarlbata ha Mat oa haa beaa Bailed rtcai»r:^ nisaa ITia<br />

JaBnarr<br />

B-athar T B Bmilh, of Red Baaha. la Icfonatd «a not blm<br />

tba St oa tba eth iBataat, aad if ha vlabaa tha bo;ba vili<br />

tat aa baar Irca blm?<br />

If brotbar W. r Fca will l^fo^m aa of tha eania ci D Mjff.<br />

Dacial^i FMl-cBea, b'a rrqrMt viil ta attfcdal to T\tn<br />

booka yoq oKarad bara ali lact<br />

Btalhar J BO W It Adama la fcarabr laforistd tliat t:ii<br />

eout (tor TaBsaaaaa BapUatitaBdafcalaactd.asd bta o-b#rra<br />

qaaata attaadad to.<br />

Brrthar BOarsett U iafocssad that tbtb.-.ob «ai>astt« Kn<br />

M A Qaraatt<br />

arothtr 0 Croaby. of Cadar Cliff. rt»a, ia iaforsiad Uia!<br />

b4a boosa wara all Ballad at tha «aure lima.<br />

SiiUr Laar i B Gbantata' eoatribaUDa to thn Tadiaa Ld.<br />

brary ia racaiaad.<br />

B^athar O D FitaiaralC baa mttd pat tsUj- aa rorwart<br />

hia tha boah and cradit hja acsomat.<br />

J DtOarao wrltaa frou Uarcaotrao K<br />

Botrd, a a<br />

J B Bah.r, of S yt^s . ba, erai^il 'i-r te M o-<br />

Caaant baiaf hi|barthaa $1. Bock, a-iu ba aaat tooa aa 90,.<br />

•ttaa<br />

Brcthar J V Eai.aC-.Wa £sd .rt-ar dira^liona bara ill baar<br />

azaenfead-aoeoBBt eradttad tui toi ka aaat.<br />

Bmthar Hiisar ta tafcrnrad that hia bock arfiJ ba i«Bt to •<br />

fa« dara.<br />

BrotharCdBB'a raiailtasca ti ncelTfd, crd.-ri ict (Tha<br />

Uoliaam) —la akait tbU tba -.JahoTsa" af tha 0 4 TaMa-<br />

taeat acl tha -'Obnat" of tba Xav, daaoU ans aad ths ssna<br />

Baina<br />

I ExMei /ro« Bt. rsyfar'a /atra^aclara Latur J<br />

-Taa ar^BmaatiaaltotatbarBavaalangtaai; aad iTasiU,<br />

pror>a ahat aaay of tba atbat th.oletia(r;ial4"<br />

•sriaar>a salpMlla'a -<br />

BactUL Ula£a:phiaBaak>. •<br />

Coaatry »• . .<br />

Saw Tark—Otty Baaka, . - - .<br />

& aatry « • - . . .<br />

Maasaahasatts—aU laad-Baaka,<br />

Tanaaat, .. . . .<br />

»*w BaatpaUra, «aetaat.<br />

rr^.Saaasaw Caia,)<br />

"j" S'iL?-""" f »»«>t«»>« lU*«sI Bapsita<br />

w(M BaTtti aasxiactss,^<br />

lira: caasa, Oraaaaatal We k;<br />

Shs auj> Makraa<br />

CTTha;<br />

of t^Li latS'atioa hu •<br />

Mia Mt eatlartae praiWlteL<br />

«1»adaai5l.ara^ ihaaaha.|aaa far aaaa. yam<br />

af w»aiaitr, eta aa kaad aaC an<br />

r«I ss aaOsd te. Xodaa laatssias aad tka<br />

iny With Fortraltii ef Tya-<br />

daia acd Wick:iSs. $1 SS.<br />

rHS LADY AXUEJ-tyS: A la-»f tha ApalaeUaaa,<br />

tha B-ara, and olha •aa iaara aomathlaii to hia lalerrat.<br />

aarab El. lUI U<br />

Baooa Boaraaad, IIiaIIiiea.ia.—Cora,<br />

ClaarSUaa, H Wbaat, whita, . ~<br />

KhbadSd**, - llialljl Bad, - - lU<br />

aaaa.. . 1 Jalli Oaa,<br />

PhoaUara. • lolFtsrvkaa —Far Ib. 4^* a<br />

FaatLT Laao —la kbla l31a1s;rsrtT —B'd Pcachas 1 55aS K<br />

lakap 1S:!3}' DHedAaplr,,- »1 »<br />

la tiaem . Id G-am Applas - *t W<br />

Bvrras-Cboica • •aa'Jrocl—OatUaoafoal, .<br />

Ooacoa - ItiUil Ha*s,|ftMa, - «<br />

FLOCB -Biaaadaka pr Wiba : BF:a WithBtaal<br />

Portrait of tba actbor 1 Toiaaa- iS^a St.<br />

IT.<br />

B; Hra Uaxr A Dntaex,<br />

GKACS AMSSE. 1 aoinaa, iSaia. SI<br />

OLSHACEfrS COMaxyTtRIES. TolaaalU<br />

Eiiwan Be Baodrtek. Sro S- Baady la Marsh.<br />

Tt<br />

By W W BrssTS D D.<br />


llan SI.<br />

TIL<br />


By B'r W W ErarW, D 0.<br />

Oar f*aaf.c«,,'a«s ara for aala hr Bookaallan gaanal-<br />

iy tLicafhoat th* Us>t*d Plata* aad Caatda. Bat wa*a aat<br />

to b* tha Local BookaaUatsl, aay a*ctioaof tk«as«a.<br />

t,r wa will forward any of tbaa, FOBTAQB FBZB, aa n-<br />

ea'ipt of tha prica adrartiasd<br />

Tbera ara roanr Clt^ra asd Trwna whara a Book Arat, ar<br />

Golpa.-taar carrriac tka abava, woald ba r«o*i**d with kiad<br />

n— and ffrstitada, and and a la-aa as:a.<br />


TSTB hSTB sew la atera, et fraah taporl<br />

ft B alaad. aad Orraaaa. a i.rp Jay and eeaplata ate<br />

af FKEXCH CHIHA D/.TiAO SSTS. TaaSata. B*<br />

Bata. Ckaabar 8«a. aad T»l!at Sala With aaRavsrtetT<br />

FA!fC TAB TJCL ES, botaaaafkl sad oraaaaKsl, af CM»<br />

OU« aa< Qaaaa * W*la-KlT.r ijatad C*.to^ Sp^ P ^<br />

• Katliah aid Aa«rlcaa T»M* C»i:*r». Ta* Traya. A*<br />

tor tba tiato, a rary haarr «te*k -if liCSMlPa WAM^<br />

AKD Gi-AES—tean of wklsk U»aadata^a** Uvite t.«=<br />

mclal atteati(.a r.f mii wha Ttait BaahaSOa<br />

E. 'tI-Sl»<br />

FaMiahera<br />

Marcb >4. M-St lli Basaaa Btrsa:. Bev Ti:k-<br />



He. SO Caiaa Street, HarhaUIa, Traa<br />

A. C E ^ K E R ,<br />

t s aww raeaiTlac Ma Sprts; ateck of MILLnrnY t FAXtJT<br />

eoovi. Hbsaxa baas ta*larreatk?ptia tha ci^, Mar<br />

ekaata sad Killiaars vtll do ar«D te caU oakla<br />

Ik* pakli* caa !*lj Sfaa ksUtf kaaasUy dail-. with, ks<br />

la k%«sra ssssa.<br />

[From tk* Watehana and BraajaUat. LaBiaTUI*,Ky.]<br />


T HI9l>th*UUaof aB«ady ptUtad aad haadaonaly koasl<br />

aoiaa*, enatalaiar ITS pa(«a. It •Detains tk* Ksiary<br />

aad atatialica ot ha toJow-.r«ord»D: Gwod TaaFl*ra,,8aat<br />

of TiBp^ranca. T*apl* oJ Haaor. aad Taapa«B*a tjstoa;<br />

ia addi'.iea ta wkirh ia Ui* kiatery ct FiahibitiaB a th* aiv-<br />

aralButea. aad a aatBhar.of fvpiiax taaparaac^t aoags. The<br />

nth*r baa a:aa faralAad aa tha faaarai acraaaaiss af<br />

-J>» 6 ji.d T^aplaT*. and thal^raof dedi-alioaif a ball. •*<br />

soaaidar tha anlBxa.'aabla w«ih to ttr* friaada*' teaparaaca,<br />

who aiah teka axli^taaod ia rrfsrd te th* (r«al t*r-<br />

dar of Oooa Itoplars. Brathar Hii!aisaac8c*f s{ thaBa-<br />

tioaal I.od», atao 6. W S oTtkat diaof Miascnrt. Iksra<br />

a ao laa ia tha ardar batter qsaltSad. ar wha aaa «oaaad<br />

( aaUr iacOttia for a pablieal oa of thia character thaa b*<br />

It csataicstka oat* faaaral caraaosiM aaar pabUihad,.sa<<br />

tba oaiycoaptata history of tha t

II<br />

•S<br />

I ^<br />

V 0 1 ; . ^ X I J L<br />

^ H E T E K N E S S E E P T<br />


.A togy taJWiabpc<br />


flat TKT A C M of BTR CIX, I T E WIUIFTTD»TB«A«IIFIAWH«»««« « P * ^ ?<br />

Jet t h e WERIFLI of YONR DIPPER L»LU wings and FLY<br />

XMWR, M H OFTW "T'TI indeprnd-<br />

EBK.aadasaa AEOMPUDIED instrnctof, eaanors<br />

TLIW RTNCT* AS BCR ksses.<br />

7. TOATE jva DAAGHTOA WD YW wfll AIT« YOAR<br />

fOBf. ffawtsMojctymmms of Wgli «dncation<br />

AAD ptniliM, ASOCUTCA WILH EOMPAI&NS of great<br />


A OOOD SPEECH fraax ^ Benton.<br />


BoooiaS.fpKcIi-oidEiaKnce. Tbej b m * tarn<br />

j m w t m u A U A i m , BODT, UCUABAUU NAD^<br />

Jab, Abnhaa, Dctid, OSm Cmam^ GEORGS<br />


T«TKE»CKTTIEMKT]»T UM!RM«BT to }>«T« beets.<br />


oTTtakaea, FTEY<br />

SEV B G F ^ SOMIR IS NOV T«K cttf, VBXJT aa-<br />


•OBT}! Hock, on tin 2II of December, 16^0. On<br />

"THA W M B W M I I R R ^ W »<br />

ESAISB. AA MTO EF aiea OINEA to and DRING. asd<br />

J» HDT OR dcqwnt, «nd WIT^ apeeiies, to<br />

jpaea A» oeeaooo. It. Barton WM preaot, by<br />

tafltatiaB, ND aaida A AINAI^ V I ^ TUNK<br />


MATM, gacdhawor and wHptetiaii. HawaseaOed<br />

TOAAT,—• tampesance coeof<br />

K>NSII«RAI«L with so mental enltnr*. hare W«B<br />

(iaed LIOM HOOM far UTEMR toaety and eootpia-<br />

WHIP, aad met fceic destroyaak tba saloon and<br />

ihetbea'je.<br />

8. SOCH aa ED«?«FIOB oter era conntiy wffl F<br />

to oar INTND, atd tapeeially oor new States, the<br />

thoosanda cf :cacheni so NRGEBTLY demurfed f?R oor<br />

primary adicoli As in the old Slates, a UI^ for-<br />

tion of the edncatioa ^OAR joath HVL B ^ ITMST<br />

HOAANUY eocdncted by females, N also mast the<br />

dasghters of the WTTT be trained FICR this great<br />

WWT, if we woold e»«R hare the MATSA propsriy<br />

edaeated.<br />

9. The age NQ^IREG soth an edacatiOB. The ED-<br />

M*tioocf the past will not AAAWO' forthefatnre<br />

Aad THOSE who wtjuld keep np wilh the wtwld'S<br />

^OGRESS aad hdp to mstild its character, atsd hast-<br />

en and cosnzmate its Uessednecs CAST stand amocgs<br />

the edssaied of the nee.<br />

10. SAD aa edncalioo fa brt»ght within the<br />

reach of most of our deurmiaed and eoergetie<br />

daughters. WHTSE hearts ate strongly set npoo it<br />

ELONTIAI^ INI^TIOBA are multiplied, expenses<br />

an bfooght DOWN: pvrtnts ate WAK^NP tothe IM-<br />

pcrtineesffetnaleedacatiw, and will D^ anything<br />

M their power to eocconge aad ^ a BELOTAD<br />

daughter, LONGIESSW I^^>IOTELA«^I and STROGSIMG<br />

FBR aa edncasoa.<br />

o-lit fTaSid SlBia •/ Jauridt-Oar oooiitry^<br />

• B wioli eenatry. New X A G M eMtribated tfte<br />

INIDA»AEHERA(AT«DAAA9D:TLA«ALI» EF h e r a d -<br />

SestoefltalBditla fisandatlBDsefeerBber^ »d<br />

e!IR7BIN;ITEWFFLVITH]»M eeitlter TTO wisdom<br />

TF HS SIA!«»M aar "I^OF beraoIdicntOFR-<br />

NATEATSNGOR Ok taast iBdted MC* bearty<br />

after W K A Sir. BNILOO waaintiodneed aad<br />

WMIED with A'VNRN cfsfplanse.''<br />

DA MLNTTD the KWBDENT. Tiee P:E^DCDT, cScers;<br />


BAI^«ATHEB}HAAABTTRI his fur ooostiy-wtimen.<br />

thiladiaa. Be waaSOT: laid. UWT thekrdsof<br />

enatioa weald patden his tmsinghia back npoc<br />

thrta,.tad addxtaiBg TBOM whom TH^Y de&ght:d<br />


BE paid UM tafiea ths eoapiattcnt of rtealEs;<br />

TTW&ELTIAT&RIYTARETEKITA ^ Job had titrte<br />

DAT^HTEN, 'HHAAWSNN no BITER women were fixmd<br />

I& AN T&ELSADF*TTET their SUNS are given and<br />

THRFRII-S'I^'SD-ERIBED; sad that JBH had al«E<br />

MRTN MMA LAKTI IHE NAMBET of daaghiets acd<br />

imeonr—«F WTAM no DCSNIPTIBIHM G^RM, BQ^ a<br />

m IBAYLW<br />

no<br />

I<br />

School Aimivemi;.<br />


DSAPTIAT Sablath School, came off oa<br />

SIFANDAX^T HDBIE the first Sabbath IA Febniary,<br />

<strong>1857</strong>. ITO FCAT year's fcistoiy of this has<br />

been AA^nicrtfa] ME—it met and braved a trarent<br />

of OPPI^LITT^ WFLODIF at INE time, to all human<br />

appeamaee^ threatened its MY existenea, but<br />

thaabttaOa A&[^TY,IT still SRE^ to (^ERTBE<br />

heaifs af Mafriertds IVRE and dsewhere. Doiicg<br />

the YW^EOMMAMTY aad A^MOI hare coa^bated<br />

some TWII^Y DA3TI3 to its sopport Soon after its<br />

orgaiosaQn «AR hearb were cheered by a docation<br />

OF th« FIN D>DI0 Ubiaiy, fifty nolames, as a tsken<br />

of ^TTAT^ fcrtlmnuawmsdioid, bytheSAbbath<br />

RF the First OHNRCH, KxshTille. Tho?e<br />

books WEREHOU^T of brethren XO<br />

piO|iilata BEN to meptwn nature PVEA as most<br />

EAUMUT ( X U N ^ of the can which die has tak«N<br />

Iftsdd the mwU: and iateleetnal attBiina the gryes<br />

(ifSKmaadpenuawhicfa distinguish her DS:^B-<br />

[IPPBOSE.!<br />



1. AgoedednEatiooiatheridiertpatrimany we<br />

can giie them. We say A «OOO NCRUMS—not<br />

AU*]Y TATN^ to read, write aad dphar.aa was<br />


DDEAFIBH-BUT ASTUE maWatfng I&Ftendiaad<br />

Gnaa, sad ailev eaity FKIWNNAWE aecospliah.<br />

MNITB,MTTO be bosk w»a sad lock ^ with<br />


K ) ^ MADAAII«6ELIIB;BAT» aaOd, TLANNN^ and<br />

oBs&dcdacatiai—atbody, MIAD aad Matt, sab-<br />

RTN«TE9RSAEHAI«C>^ to ear aaD«,(as&raa<br />

>TI|>>Sll III fwilll '—" ^ I vi<br />

TBTIOBA^AAA that VIA ftkthaialbc iha NAER X«a!I.<br />

tin W^poasfliflitiea of BFC^ a fctane in<br />

jiiaiawhiefcttwrcsa ANW TNAA^ WHIDI aad wfll<br />

.atetea topsataof jafiinsnw aad asafUaesaia<br />

'tad^. ••<br />

S. ATEI^ WBITE YTN took ia the ^<br />

^ JVOR TEITT «{EA that bstefti FCMILY FEW^<br />

mthricaaealtBnd TEA^, wtnld<br />

jfliish TILTNA BEL^T JSWDI. HJT ^ ^ adoni*-<br />


iithawaridaadlphaaiitif^tl^.cwwm^EF th>S>-<br />

ITEL • -<br />


L E W T I W ^ S N M ajantiwi. ibr MIFCELT>A% *IT<br />


Ifiaa. ~ ' -<br />

- T L T & L I N S A A D T Y M I * ^ ^ • OA fiat<br />

TIWD fcsailj DHRTIHIII aad slwaUMa. BNR<br />

TESTER<br />

ta«CT-<br />

^lar itwmtnaiaa<br />

Save This!—Try IMI.<br />

BBILLUXT WBHSWASH.—SOW is t h e time<br />

whltea op the yard fettces, Eummer-bouses, aad<br />

YOOR dweUisgs. A few dclian expense WBI beau<br />

HTJR year PTCMI»« aad ycur homes.<br />

This is a beautiful, cheap, and durable paint for<br />

meeticg-bonscs asd sdiool HOOCES. Try it:<br />

"Miny hare heard cf TFCE brilliant stnceo white-<br />

wash «a the east end of the P.sdicat's house at<br />

WA^SGTEN. The rol'ovieg is a redpe IBR it as<br />

JTEABCL FROM tbe Sationcl l^flligtncer, with 9om«<br />

T.I£tiocaI improvemeats TEU. 1 by experiments.<br />

Take half a boshd of nice aulacked Gme, SLA^ it<br />

withboiliDc cater, COF^R it daring the process to<br />

keep in the stcx=. SERAIS TH? IH^OID throsigfa a fise<br />

reve or straicer. and add to it a PICK cf I«It, pre-<br />

rioosly well dissclrtd in warm water; three pounds<br />

it grcand rice, hotled to a this paste, acd stirred<br />

in BI£ISG ; halt* a peosd cf powdered SPAAISH<br />

«faittsg. an-1 a pcund cf ckaa glue, whidi has bees<br />

pnriossly DISEDFTD by soaJdog it well, and then<br />

bargicg it UTCR a alow fire, in a small ke;T?e with a<br />

large ot.e filled with water. Add FIT« GA'TONS of<br />

hot WATER to the mixture, TTIR it wtll, and let U<br />

STAM a f t w DIJS C-'ER*"! ^OM t h e dirt.<br />

'^IT shanM be pat oa rigbt H >T; for this purpo&e<br />

it can be KVPL in a kettle ON a portaKe fursa.X. It<br />

is aaid that about a pint of this mixture will cc»er<br />

a square yard Bpoa4he cutsice of a boose if pre-<br />

petty applied. BNBHES M^RE RR LEU SNULL MAY be<br />

KCOIDHIG 'o the ceatn-ss of the rub RNJUUED.<br />

It ANSWERS as WEI; AS » for wood, brick, Cr<br />

atciue. and is cheaper. It retains its bnlliaocy far<br />

maay yeirs. TH:R« is notbir; of the kind that<br />

wiU compare with it, tithcr inside or oatside<br />

wails.<br />

-CIIIARIT^ =IAUER MAY be put ia and madecf any<br />

shado you UKE. Spanuhbcowa stirred in will make<br />

nd P I ^ BUTE or less deep aeeording T» the quaa.<br />

TITY. A delicate TII^ of this ia very pretty fcr in.<br />

^ waH. Tajely pnhtrised cocaam day, well<br />

mixed WITH S^MA^ BTOWA, make a reddith stoM<br />

color. TEL!O»-.AA9E tastes are djSVrent; it WOULD ba best to try<br />

ejcperieeots ss a ahirgie and Ut it dry. ^E bare<br />

VCCT T ^ that green BEST not be mixed wilh litse<br />

Tbe lime destroys the color, and th: color has M<br />

TS*T UN the whitewash, which MA&AS it crack and<br />

ptti. When waits hare been BAIKY ttuskcd, and<br />

you with to hare TBEM a CLEAN white, it is well to<br />

SQATCM ntdigo plentiful!; TIROOIH a bag iota the<br />

water yoa uaa. b( F^IRE it TS stirred in the whale mix<br />

ture. If a iarger quantity than fire galloos be<br />

wanted. the sameportioa ifaould be ohierTtd."<br />

agreeable to all, she wa-i hetered and refpected. and<br />

her death rrneb d.flcred by all who knew her.<br />

She tad entertained a comfortaWehopeinChrts},<br />

atd been a regular member of the Baptist Church<br />

frr a rumber of years—and those who were l*st<br />

acqoaiattd with tbe bifetcty cf her life, and were<br />

h'r »t«fi*datiis duritg her last iCness, enterUioed<br />

We on the Sabbath School Harp, published by the j no fears but tv»t fht has entered into liat nst Aat<br />

sameaodety—it ismoct excellent. 1 wwild Trcnrr- ; r'tna'rc«h for tbe people of God. She entertained<br />

mend it to aU Baptist Sabbath Sehocds, as the best I co feam of deatb, bet that to her had test i s stiitg.<br />

Hyam BOok She Irofeed fcrward wi'h joj fol anUcfaticns to her<br />

Wa haw conceired the design of making the safe arriT*! cn Canaan's sidecf Jordan. Ber pense<br />

SabbaOl Sciool Library a Vessing to the church, of human imperfections, ard of tbe an-«uf8dency<br />

and to that part of the 'community who will aTaii of Clrist ard his atcofment, was tery f trorg and<br />

themnlreaof theadrantajtea wbidi U affords. In , marked. a. a. c.<br />

In ptwcoalmn thia deagn we bare asked tbe |<br />

eo-opetatioo of cnote of car brethren abroad. ar.d '<br />

nctw by the beceeoleaee of our belored brethren. I pj^j ^ ^f F.bniarr. <strong>1857</strong>, of Scarlct<br />

thepabtiahcrs, th* Children'a Book, the Tennessee 1 VircrsKS VtactKia. daughter of Sclomcn<br />

Baptist, the Westera Recorder and the Christian L^ckett ronntT, Texas aged 3 years, 7<br />

Bepcaitory aD ccme gratnitioudy to our sch=oI, to , ^^^ '<br />

^aldden the hearts of the teachers and to bentfit ^ ^jt^-fCT the litUe sufferer, with-<br />

aad interert an who read them. Our hearts hiTe ^ ^^^^ f^jj jn the arms of Jesas,<br />

recently been eacoaiaged by an expression cf in- aisctnMla'e rarents to mourn their los.i<br />

terest in our behalf by the reception of dghl dol | ghe was a irnghtly. inttresfing ehil.J—the pride<br />

larsand fifteen cents frcm the Sabbath Sdicdof^ the family circle She i« gone! But as a tender<br />

the Walnut Street Baptist church, LonisrUle. Ky. ^^^ f,^^ f^rth by that Sa-<br />

lt fills us with gtaUtude to know that friends abroad ^^^ ^ ^^ ^^^^ • SriTtr Iitt!c chndren to ceme unto<br />

who lore the institution of Sabbath Schools, fpii- i<br />

pathixe with our efijrts in this department cf mis-<br />

swiary labor, aad we will here say to all the friends '<br />

of iSnch an enterprise, that ary contribuiion in the<br />

way of good bocks, papers or funds, with which to I<br />

purchase. wfJ be most thankfully receittd. ard I<br />

appropriated to the gcod of the schcfl!. Wc c'esire<br />

io make considerable addition to oor Library (his<br />

4. TBEODOSIA ERNEST-Volume <strong>21</strong>-Or, TTA<br />


TS TO!«M. SOAM FC. ia .»«T<br />


A ronrih AILRF "A CO«M»KO» ' Ji r--<br />

FTTOARAIATOK^ I, ba, tfca ««««F «A<br />

©•TEA. , ^<br />


RTIMWCN.<br />

ire/ ard bcm trarfvlanted in the paradise of Gtd.<br />

Tbiir lofs IS btr eteiral tfriin C.<br />

Tribute pf Respcct<br />

At a TNERT'NG of the Phi Gamma Delu Assccia-<br />

•.sco cf L'NIAN rnirtrsi'Y, ea!!cd to pay a tribute of<br />

-F'PCCT to the MEM.IRY rf W. II. Goanox. who DTV<br />

year. We pray a blessing UF<br />

9 "TOE MODERN WBITnELD"'—Eld. C. 11<br />

SaarcYoa.OF Laa.ioa. KMI TolaM, TORTJ 8»r=OB«, WILK<br />

AA I>R SOW t^'* »'<br />



B iaur.of aUhmona, Virrala<br />

Thia U a «l««i. leelealaal "admJiaUT TfxlrM" «i»o«i<br />

tiMor tha wrora at C«a»l»lHia. aad wimi^lli.Qtmp-<br />



" rr»aJ««J-a, wltk of Oil lafliah Tairti<br />

0v Wra. B O. Coaatt-<br />

Siarr Ohrwtiaa. «»»ry ratar, aoi frerr<br />

,»,..raaat -itb tk!. a rn-t pa'mcal<br />

H wall u r»HfkiBf batca i. y»t w b. I»a«tt la tkl. ooai<br />

u^onraftaa aar* B.L:a Prita II tf.<br />

12 TB E ABRAH AMiC CX)YEN .ANT NO Gaocjro<br />

„,a l»n»T Baerts. B, Mat RU^aa. w.Ui axUM-.<br />

f,«D . LAWAA-* W!>ck OT tk. Poat K.LT^. .ko-u* tkat<br />

ka aai a tkoreatk aad ahta Sajptiiit Prio. li »att.<br />


ESOW T A * K ? ttriii»»jmmBt. M Y i m<br />

aisawtwiiaaaaarw eaaJmi IA.^>»BA>NBNAA>L MTAA<br />

_ iTitiUkh XimftB, fai 11W1 art mtm^ Sf^<br />

fcrtaaaaitaU EAIAALUIIXIAADDSM.<br />

WkatpfcliiclaatBT«naaa«aaarMaa(^'<br />

ft..k (rcwa . wn-t. a af trJ'i-.l «iiat.To..c-<br />

U.! *« TT' . 1. '.raj.R IN K-ATA^KR TI. -<br />

• «i>. > ~.a»a of ti. ulnt. «»J jatlo.<br />

t\. icaoi .-IN .r Ik-T ».r« • »{ ta. r»ea<br />

Uay Kod k^. taalar.. tk* .jat.ci fkoa(t<br />

'ijk:. M.-Ii«s r%e~ wr-.'ima. la tk» laa»a*.<br />

OF ^A'UAJ (R,O» I- *A. . F«LR 'AL T.EITNA.1-<br />

tc »a. who !>.. Wc la ti>a .art.<br />

K>.U«W LA TIM «RL*«A«AL». '<br />

7 BAPTISM OF JBM1&—BY N -M IVawfc;<br />

Ca>..ratr 'k. ralaia eiullntlaa au tm'^iiin ut tk. |>'ioau aa tb. woik to<br />

Ik. aatbor. aill it Ul .Bpn-wiatM to tka CtnUU arri^<br />

>»t»M.ia. Te a ra,* it l< d.^lrabla tktt.ail. .fr"-a<br />

Hoa. ikoaM b» sada to tka A^aat. ot tka Soatkara Boi^Ht<br />

Pabl.catioa ako af« t>» ftorar raNI»>i.ra PrlcaSt.<br />

83IITH 4t WNTBOXN. at.,<br />

JIB ir. 'JT lni CAWTMAIB, S. 0<br />

10<br />

C A X C E E S C A N B E C C A X C E E S C I M E D .<br />

.TO CCRJIJP I > I J 7 «<br />

RJTHJT PARTE*^^ — -<br />


iniara, by ii«aal era<br />

Tk. aadantawrd UK*-. TTH WAFTM ta<br />


fkrt ba I. fmammmaOj<br />

- IAP"<br />

w-ta—kia lasBX'<br />


I>R. OilUid, B D-. ULIATTIA. KT.<br />

Warwr Sriad-'a. Pwianrt^hariE. Va.<br />


%Y HF FT T4A4R»—R«MTF*se> is. CHMRTHTMI O^TTTY.<br />

J4B 17. U 7 R&Z9ULCS FB#KXAIR<br />

- E X C E L S I G R ' - C O B Y & C T I ^<br />

pw^-lit aaaih tea J" awwe li<br />

Wrtor, d'co« c4wTS<br />

"-•SS?<br />

aaaa aa amaca art .-. Wi^- r.Z<br />

ia cast Kixiala ud<br />

at<br />

a. mwin STEWART & OWES,<br />

aaxrrACrraaa. cr<br />

COerttL. AM> SKHCKT IBOM<br />

Ko. 11. MARKET Street,<br />


ivjaa was.<br />

aP ov<br />

H aTtSn r.?ara.,l to car el! tt.Bd. wbi<br />

4 iraa b? Sr., a. u* a-. rrfja .d t. att.*;^<br />

nid r BALTAIKAFF<br />

^.I. A. s: R^IFF AUAAIIA. JB^<br />

1:7- T... ». TW.. '<br />

•.IU ia e^radu. —<br />

tb..r!ai ^ r.ecu^ad It ta Unsiabi.<br />

ETATXA<br />

IT B NOT A DYE.<br />

TA<br />

' K«BT<br />

' tk.<br />


"tJi f. Wisi. a»^ jalfa of<br />

• as « » illEN S WOStLD S Kiia BX!N«Ml<br />

Itre * TRUCBIS a aatiod ia U. k-'ttorr ai tk. ral fioaa aM<br />

Clioal w«M wbaa Waaiaa eatkt ta W<br />

>r awer akireUaa aaa Aavtioaa patriot. To MBk wa<br />

T^asnadtkialiUUMT. ItiaaMded jwtcttkia tiaw.<br />

The Baptist Dtaotnination: iu history aoc<br />

btmaMo.«aMWf «r O. O. •an«-.w«k aa lati*.<br />

dBetioBkrMwi>«. » V a!->. a>D<br />

Sis. BXV.« rstTT. I ^^<br />

"rivi^ raal. thu Sat. Hislf tk. ,Vo.. M V<br />

br ell tk. rrlBci^a: VarcAe»t» tB tk. C» ,ld SUtoa.<br />

L>»pat. Wo r» Br«wn. .ea.t<br />

^ txy » ..n .rt.oi«, « or<br />

tkar -ae pr.a:, if ea, w,.v. to ^<br />

-d LAFOR-AKC^ ^ "SLT-?^:*^*"<br />

No la. 8«!-.h si*a PakUdJ^Bu. SakTiSt. TaiB<br />

- T -<br />

•MN<br />


CtAzr Simt, »ear ike Fott-<br />


DAILUA N<br />

iNTS,<br />

S E A G O . A B B O T T & C<br />



Atlut:!. Gaarsia.<br />

PciU taj?<br />


* E:A »-N KA D—MIME<br />

X>r. J Baitrttrr*. Iwri^rwtlit<br />




^MUMT .M CT aS PIS:^ kad BIMAWMFTI^<br />

ARL.^'C TNA A. IN^areetoral tk. kkped.<br />

Knr» cay krj». tatjk »a>. aaa wi'eaaeat IketlhB (<br />

Ct J BMaicar-a aa l.il|iiiilli^ »!• •><br />

•nr '-.'ET: a a.' t.. e^caek. loacaied%ftta<br />

ckaarae E^ ?a mea^n'y ewrw wteChK. Ml liw<br />

kara at li LI eBiil I'N ki bm > eitll.aB I<br />

-rd.. u* ca.:d ara-iwt aer .4 ibr abcTt-tad i iwta wewaS<br />

•d.ieea3wk.kar. aMtMtb«l.(atawq»;r. tMM<br />

tar- (jr^B a 'a!r crt.', axd akaa li >|lw<br />

c a9» «ka< w. aa. Ladi.e aaj ckBdM.<br />

:, «ad ttara •at» »ji-B WI-TO a kA » wl:; be le«*ti«*f» »<br />

ftxii-f Mna. tkr.. Bsnan fcan. fer tkek a^'iimmwi<br />

IB .u cam cf I>,»r*faia. P^ta CatMII4e. aadbaaroaTMicaa-wliickasarTeatar e«aal»l»r<br />

paCBk.'^ra tbu kea mr kaaa oSa..d lx4oia i*<br />

AprU l», IKa—tf<br />

Important to Dealers in Iron<br />

SOUTHERxlioN WOj<br />


Padacab, KT-<br />

BIRRRTRTESBAA or .to. sixsa or<br />

X E R C u j y r s SHEET ^ boilsk nnox<br />


of iaoaiior wortaiaadMp aod autarM.<br />

trr AU order, addr t^l - ako.., wi't »» txTC«t>4 witk<br />

di^ck, aad aacB tk > «ao.t taaaoaabia linea.<br />

daaoT, ll»->J A C AB D.<br />

1 TAelStJ lB«t co'Bj'.t.l aar eitaaaiaa w.vk l« tk» oiB.<br />

rl fia^ of all k^w'e of Si.-kul Iwo, KaiK rfttn. ^<br />

wa ar. dtwjoae to iafoia^ Paalata. BaUd.-^ ktekt .aitka.«X<br />

otkMB. wko BBod ttai« ajticla.. tkat tb... drf .<br />

• ' • " fewaarBmaB-<br />

IBBU cr par.<br />

BTB A CO<br />


POX TBI ^IB CCTI or<br />


tia. Whooping-Qwga, CnHqi,lito<br />

uid CoanuBptioa.^<br />

TO CiBB « Cia-a. WTT. IlBaixeaa A»B BMBS •> «<br />

R-CT Tak. tb. ckiecTr PwtcrJ aa feie<br />

cr varB. to nni dfrtac tk. slfkt-<br />

toM A COLK .a» Ci«a. t.ke It •"SL'^irT^^rf-<br />

tai, .eoctdtaj to direraiaiB oa tka aaWajBjatjJ^<br />

« It«-ab.?»moT.d Kea* wn lBay*222*5,<br />

wkea th.r iad il caa k. eo laadllr B«A«.<br />

.ilka M.But Riw k. wMck kreakalkemi*<br />

wil Sod ky aUle* tta Okarty Pt«a.B^<br />

ka IBT. of eoaal. Babnkaa ala*a.airil<br />

IRE'"'- "LL.FIR«.»B».RTII^<br />

eS»rde 1 ta tbcoaaBdiwko are taBsaeaWtlrwe<br />

' flS It. a^.kl..lfMt. ia ^-wearww<br />

..T«aBBw(.Iin »a fcresB itaaa wbaa mmmK^<br />

]UAO(«I^ • ^<br />

To eiMitiiKf rcat le araiiaas AM iwya^<br />

a. k. la ea-i-a aa tka iarM« tad laa»a waeaSB»Jg<br />

.Mtitiaa. itroa: waaJk^niewmajwaiga^<br />

Aa laMatBijUw, ^ ka Saaaf^<br />

fbci».aadlkatla -<br />

Pertst^wwB<br />

• bo* arimdwaea*^^^^<br />

•trt PeeOtA w«B •tfffil^*^<br />

The PKwresJt of Baptist Principles in the la»»<br />

TSSTAM BRT.P.Cartia. YRI«aMi«MliteM< iMriW, pwWiaM<br />

htkt4 - • . • .<br />

•utatta, AAA. MJK TI<br />

,KABN*OA<br />

bona If JBDIC'-A^RANI.I-<br />

.dm^asirw ltwtn«rtdi«ei«la» „<br />

PMeetilkd cojuw:i • cf l»o i«a»a.»<br />

.boa'd b. tinnimalwdtewkiyi<br />

•adaaabeu. It alwan<br />

carce paUaat. tk.t wrr. maiMniitja* 1<br />

mtMT tboat.ade acttarad aU<br />

T^UTU mtf^M<br />

TC tb." Daarry PeckaBi<br />

•aajmnaf trtO. laaMadaf lap<br />

deao. I. tkis at-dia-B., baa MB <br />

frii^iS T.r.ieedla«tk.e*eiei^<br />

friaxh. Botlirr,»T nwHf wwtw.ylw <br />

PDPERJ^ Tjf<br />

ncoroatlr lar I<br />

•rerrUiiag, it yt<br />

layman,<br />

wrttera lay not<br />

Tbey aerar aili<br />

U«ary. ner*<br />

as ^y di eT '<br />

tizal byai<br />

Cismmtcat<br />

Tin refansca<br />

doMdcod iai<br />


oeJy aaiiastiy 1<br />

(• the saalBtart<br />

bnanattf, boil<br />

«a,saj. «lBi<br />



Bat tha<br />


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