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The holiday residence “ Agrifoglio”<br />

Località San Savino<br />

06040 Cerreto di Spoleto – Perugia (Italy)<br />

Phone/Fax +39.0742.350845<br />

The holiday residence<br />

“Agrifoglio”<br />

Mob. +39.3357050751- Mr. Erasmo Mattia Fiorelli<br />

http://www.casevacanzeagrifoglio.com<br />

erasmomattia@libero.it<br />

Pag. 1

The holiday residence “ Agrifoglio”<br />

Località San Savino<br />

06040 Cerreto di Spoleto – Perugia (Italy)<br />

Phone/Fax +39.0742.350845<br />

Mob. +39.3357050751- Mr. Erasmo Mattia Fiorelli<br />

http://www.casevacanzeagrifoglio.com<br />

erasmomattia@libero.it<br />

Agenda<br />

Pag. 2

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The holiday residence “ Agrifoglio”<br />

Località San Savino<br />

The Structure<br />

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06040 Cerreto di Spoleto – Perugia (Italy)<br />

Phone/Fax +39.0742.350845<br />

Mob. +39.3357050751- Mr. Erasmo Mattia Fiorelli<br />

http://www.casevacanzeagrifoglio.com<br />

erasmomattia@libero.it<br />

Pag. 3

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The holiday residence “ Agrifoglio”<br />

Località San Savino<br />

06040 Cerreto di Spoleto – Perugia (Italy)<br />

Phone/Fax +39.0742.350845<br />

Mob. +39.3357050751- Mr. Erasmo Mattia Fiorelli<br />

http://www.casevacanzeagrifoglio.com<br />

erasmomattia@libero.it<br />

Pag. 4

The holiday residence “ Agrifoglio”<br />

Località San Savino<br />

06040 Cerreto di Spoleto – Perugia (Italy)<br />

Phone/Fax +39.0742.350845<br />

Activities<br />

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Mob. +39.3357050751- Mr. Erasmo Mattia Fiorelli<br />

http://www.casevacanzeagrifoglio.com<br />

erasmomattia@libero.it<br />

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Pag. 5

The holiday residence “ Agrifoglio”<br />

Località San Savino<br />

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06040 Cerreto di Spoleto – Perugia (Italy)<br />

Phone/Fax +39.0742.350845<br />

Mob. +39.3357050751- Mr. Erasmo Mattia Fiorelli<br />

http://www.casevacanzeagrifoglio.com<br />

erasmomattia@libero.it<br />

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Itineraries<br />

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The holiday residence “ Agrifoglio”<br />

Località San Savino<br />

06040 Cerreto di Spoleto – Perugia (Italy)<br />

Phone/Fax +39.0742.350845<br />

Mob. +39.3357050751- Mr. Erasmo Mattia Fiorelli<br />

http://www.casevacanzeagrifoglio.com<br />

erasmomattia@libero.it<br />

Pag. 7

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The holiday residence “ Agrifoglio”<br />

Località San Savino<br />

06040 Cerreto di Spoleto – Perugia (Italy)<br />

Phone/Fax +39.0742.350845<br />

Mob. +39.3357050751- Mr. Erasmo Mattia Fiorelli<br />

http://www.casevacanzeagrifoglio.com<br />

erasmomattia@libero.it<br />

Pag. 8

Cascia is of medieval origin with many churches, such as the church of St.Francis rebuilt in 1339<br />

and in 1424, the former church of St. Antonio Abate (14th to 15th century) which is now the seat of<br />

the local museum, and the famous cathedral of St. Rita built between 1937 and 1947 on the old<br />

Agostinian church close to the monastery where the Saint died in 1457. At about 5 km from Cascia<br />

there is Roccaporena, the birthplace of St. Rita. The house where she was born was transformed<br />

into a church in 1630 and a sanctuary was built next to it. Cascia is dominated by a rock called<br />

St.Rita’s cliff, because she used to go there to pray<br />

The Via Flaminia (The Flaminia route): “ Cascata delle Marmore” (The Marmore Falls)<br />

Spoleto, Foligno. Driving backwards along the Valnerina (Nera Valley) you come to the Flaminia<br />

Route which has been a very important communication link between Rome and the North since<br />

Roman times. Heading south, you will reach Terni, the second provincial capital. Although it is an<br />

industrial pole, you can also find some worthseeing monuments, but its main attraction are the<br />

Marmore Falls which were already admired by the Romans as a unique and fascinating wonder of<br />

nature. From the height of 165 m the foamy mass of white water falls down in three big bounds.<br />

Returning towards the holiday residence “Agrifoglio”, you will arrive at Spoleto, famous for the<br />

“Festival dei Due Mondi” (Festival of the Two Worlds), but also for its many churches, amphitheatres<br />

and buildings more or less dating back to Roman times. The cathedral with its big central rosewindow<br />

in the façade, its vigorous church bell tower and its beautiful portal is a Romanesque<br />

building of the end of the 12th century. Foligno is one of the few Umbrian towns located in a plain.<br />

Piazza della Repubblica together with Piazza del Duomo (main squares of Foligno) are the vital<br />

centre of the town. Only a few people know that the first edition of the “Divina Commedia” (Divine<br />

Comedy) was printed in Foligno in 1472. Foligno is also famous for the “Giostra della Quintana” (a<br />

horse-riding tournament). Trevi, famous for its olive groves, offers an extraordinary scenery thanks<br />

to its position on a hill overlooking the plain of Spoleto.This really uncontaminated centre is the<br />

home of history, art and culture.<br />

From Foligno to Perugia. Montefalco which is also called “Ringhiera dell’Umbria” (The railing of<br />

Umbria) due to its position on a hill, overlooks and dominates the plain of the Topino-River and<br />

Clitunno-River and offers a panorama of extraordinary beauty. Of particolar interest for the Umbrian<br />

art are the frescoes of Benozzo Gozzoli in the church of St. Francis. Bevagna surrounded by rivers<br />

which have always been its first natural defense, is famous for the “Mercato delle Gaite”, now a<br />

joyful challenge among artisan shops which recalls the division into districts of the town in medieval<br />

times and which had once the task to protect it. In Spello, an ancient village on the hills, more than<br />

in any other Umbrian places, you can see traces of the Romans. You should not miss the “Infiorate”<br />

of the Corpus Christi Day where flower petals are used to create street pictures the night before the<br />

procession. Every year millions of tourists visit Assisi. As soon as you get into this town, you will be<br />

surrounded by the francescan atmosphere. Its monuments and buildings embellish every angle of its<br />

lanes. The Upper and the Lower Basilica with Giotto’s frescoes are of great artistic and spiritual<br />

interest. Do not miss the “Eremo delle Carceri” ( prison hermitage) climbing up towards the Mount<br />

Subasio: It is situated in a naturalistic park of about 7500 hectares and protected by the district<br />

authorities. Perugia is the seat of the local government and offers many facets from a historic,<br />

artistic and town-planning point of view. The Rocca Paolina (Paolina fortress) built by Pope Paul III<br />

Farnese in the middle of the 16th century and designed by Antonio da Sangallo, the Umbrian<br />

National Gallery with Perugino’s frescoes, the streets of the historic centre within the Etruscan walls,<br />

the “Fontana Maggiore” ( major fountain) are destinations which should not be missed.<br />

The holiday residence “ Agrifoglio”<br />

Località San Savino<br />

06040 Cerreto di Spoleto – Perugia (Italy)<br />

Phone/Fax +39.0742.350845<br />

Mob. +39.3357050751- Mr. Erasmo Mattia Fiorelli<br />

http://www.casevacanzeagrifoglio.com<br />

erasmomattia@libero.it<br />

Pag. 9

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