selekcijska komisija selection committee - Hrvatski filmski savez

selekcijska komisija selection committee - Hrvatski filmski savez

selekcijska komisija selection committee - Hrvatski filmski savez


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Rođen 1968. u Splitu. Diplomirao je filmsko i televizijsko<br />

snimanja na Akademiji dramske umjetnosti<br />

u Zagrebu. Uz snimateljski rad na igranim<br />

i dokumentarnim filmovima, snimio je i režirao<br />

brojne glazbene i namjenske spotove, te kratkometražne<br />

namjenske filmove. Autor je brojnih<br />

eksperimentalnih filmova i video radova. Njegovi<br />

autorski filmovi prikazuju se na brojnim<br />

svjetskim festivalima. Video radove i fotografije<br />

izlagao je na samostalnim i skupnim izložbama<br />

Born in Split in 1968. He graduated from the Academy<br />

of Dramatic Art, Zagreb, from the Department<br />

of Cinematography. In addition to cinematographic<br />

work on fiction and documentary films, he has<br />

directed and shot numerous music and commercial<br />

videos, as well as short commisioned videos.<br />

He is the author of numerous experimental films<br />

and videos. His author films have been screened<br />

on a number of international festivals while his<br />

videos and photographs have been shown at individual<br />

and group exhibitions in Croatia and<br />

Vedran Šamanović<br />

u Hrvatskoj i svijetu. Za svoj je rad višestruko nagrađivan.<br />

Idejni je začetnik i autor zagrebačkog<br />

˝One Take Film Festivala˝. Od 1995. bavi se i pedagoškim<br />

radom, pa kao predavač sudjeluje u<br />

radu brojnih <strong>filmski</strong>h radionica i <strong>filmski</strong>h škola.<br />

Od 2007. predaje na zagrebačkoj Akademiji likovnih<br />

umjetnosti. Od 1999. član je Hrvatskog društva<br />

<strong>filmski</strong>h djelatnika, od 2002. Hrvatske zajednice<br />

samostalnih umjetnika, a od 2008. član društva<br />

<strong>Hrvatski</strong>h <strong>filmski</strong>h snimatelja.<br />

world-wide. He has received numerous awards<br />

for his work. Šamanović is also one of the founders<br />

and the director of the international “One Take<br />

Film Festival”. Since 1995, he has also been involved<br />

in pedagogical work, teaching at a number<br />

of film workshops and film schools. Since 2007 he<br />

is a lecturer at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb.<br />

Since 1999, a member of the Guild of Croatian Film<br />

Workers, since 2002, of the Croatian Association of<br />

Independent Artist and since 2008, of the Croatian<br />

Cinematographers’ Society.<br />

Rođen u Karlovcu 1983. Od 1995. do 2002. pohađa tečaj<br />

crtanja i slikanja kod akademske slikarice Aleksandre<br />

Gorete. Sudjeluje na dvadesetak skupnih izložba, a<br />

1998. ima prvu samostalnu izložbu.<br />

U Gimnaziji Karlovac 1999. godine, u suradnji s profesorom<br />

Damirom Jelićem i nekolicinom kolega, osniva<br />

školsku sekciju Videodružina Gimnazije Karlovac koja<br />

i danas djeluje. Za vrijeme srednjoškolskog obrazovanja<br />

sudjelovao je u realizaciji tridesetak kratkometražnih,<br />

animiranih, dokumentarnih i igranih filmova te napravio<br />

tri autorska animirana filma.<br />

Godine 2002. s nekolicinom kolega iz Videodružine osniva<br />

Kinoklub Karlovac gdje se i dalje bavi filmom, posebice<br />

animiranim, i organizacijom, te pomaže mlađim članovima<br />

Kinokluba Karlovac i Videodružine Gimnazije<br />

Karlovac u realizaciji njihovih filmova. U istom klubu od<br />

2002. do 2007. obnaša dužnost dopredsjednika kluba.<br />

Born in Karlovac in 1983. Between 1995 and 2002 he attended<br />

classes of drawing and painting with the academically<br />

trained painter Aleksandra Goreta. He participated<br />

in about twenty exhibitions and in 1998 he had<br />

his first solo exhibition.<br />

In 1999, together with his teacher Damir Jelić and<br />

a dozen of his school colleagues, he participated in<br />

forming the Karlovac Gymnasium Video group, still<br />

active today. While in high school he participated in<br />

making around thirty short, animated, documentary<br />

and fiction films and he made three animated films<br />

of his own.<br />

In 2002, along with a few of his colleagues from the Video<br />

group, he was involved in founding the Cinema Club<br />

Karlovac where he still actively pursues film, especially<br />

animated film. He is also engaged in the organization of<br />

the Cinema Club and in helping younger members of<br />

the club and the Video group with their film projects.<br />

Between 2002 and 2007 he was vice president of the Cinema<br />

Club Karlovac.<br />

Vjekoslav Živković<br />

Godine 2006. diplomirao je na Akademiji likovnih<br />

umjetnosti u Zagrebu na Odsjeku za animirani film i<br />

nove medije s filmom “Žene na brodu”.<br />

Od 2005. godine voditelj je programa Škole crtanog filma<br />

“Dubrava“ u Narodnom sveučilištu Dubrava u Zagrebu<br />

gdje radi s djecom osnovnoškolskog i srednjoškolskog<br />

uzrasta. Od 2005. do danas bio je voditelj desetak radionica<br />

animiranog filma za djecu i mladež u organizaciji<br />

Narodnog sveučilišta Dubrava, Šibenskog dječjeg festivala,<br />

Hrvatskog filmskog <strong>savez</strong>a i Kinokluba Karlovac.<br />

Od 2007. radi kao supervizor animacije na dugometražnom<br />

animiranom filmu Joška Marušića radnog naziva “Duga“.<br />

Sa svojim autorskim filmovima sudjelovao je na brojnim<br />

domaćim i inozemnim <strong>filmski</strong>m festivalima, revijama i<br />

izložbama. Za iste je višestruko nagrađivan. Trenutno<br />

živi i radi na relaciji Karlovac – Zagreb.<br />

In 2006 he graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in<br />

Zagreb, Department of Animation and New Media with<br />

the film “Women Aboard”.<br />

Since 2005 he has been in charge of the program called<br />

School of animation “Dubrava” at the Dubrava Cultural<br />

Centre in Zagreb where he works with primary and<br />

high school kids. Since 2005 he has conducted around<br />

ten workshops of animated film for kids and teenagers,<br />

organized by the Dubrava Cultural Centre, International<br />

Children’s Festival Šibenik, Croatian Film Club’s Association<br />

and Cinema Club Karlovac.<br />

Since 2007 he works as the animation supervisor on<br />

the feature animated film by Joško Marušić. The film’s<br />

working title is “Rainbow”.<br />

His films, for which he has won numerous awards, have<br />

participated in many Croatian and international film<br />

festivals, revues and exhibitions.<br />

He currently divides his time between Karlovac and Zagreb.<br />

15<br />

<strong>selection</strong><br />

<strong>committee</strong><br />

<strong>selekcijska</strong><br />


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