WSCAD 51 - FTP Directory Listing

WSCAD 51 - FTP Directory Listing

WSCAD 51 - FTP Directory Listing


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<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong>

Table Of Contents<br />

Introduction.......................................................................................................... 1<br />

General ............................................................................................................. 1<br />

Digitizing Drawings: Transferring “Paper” Drawings into CAD ................................... 2<br />

Continuous Development = Subscription ............................................................... 3<br />

Features of <strong>WSCAD</strong>................................................................................................ 5<br />

General Information of <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 .......................................................................... 5<br />

Features of <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 .......................................................................................... 6<br />

New Features of <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5.1 ................................................................................ 8<br />

Hardware requirements ......................................................................................10<br />

Contact <strong>WSCAD</strong>....................................................................................................11<br />

The fastest way to contact <strong>WSCAD</strong>.......................................................................11<br />

Working with <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 .........................................................................................13<br />

Screen Layout ...................................................................................................13<br />

Menu bar ..........................................................................................................15<br />

Toolbars ...........................................................................................................16<br />

Information bar .................................................................................................17<br />

Status bar.........................................................................................................19<br />

Mouse operation ................................................................................................20<br />

Function keys ....................................................................................................21<br />

Multiple windows ...............................................................................................24<br />

Full screen mode ...............................................................................................26<br />

Project Manager ...................................................................................................27<br />

Project Manager in general..................................................................................27<br />

General ............................................................................................................27<br />

Starting Project Manager (PM).............................................................................29<br />

The Project Manager window...............................................................................31<br />

Changing the size of the Project Manager dialog ....................................................33<br />

Closing the Project Manager ................................................................................34<br />

Project functions................................................................................................35<br />

Creating a new project .......................................................................................35<br />

Creating project templates..................................................................................38<br />

Project settings .................................................................................................43<br />

Opening a project ..............................................................................................45<br />

Copying a project ..............................................................................................46<br />

Deleting a project or files....................................................................................48<br />

Closing a project................................................................................................49<br />

Integrate a project.............................................................................................50<br />

Inserting external files........................................................................................53<br />

Printing a project ...............................................................................................55<br />

Selective printing...............................................................................................58<br />

Graphic ............................................................................................................61<br />

DWG-DXF .........................................................................................................63<br />

Save in <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5.0 file format ..........................................................................65<br />

Password protection ...........................................................................................66<br />

User.................................................................................................................67<br />

Project information ............................................................................................68<br />

Editing fields in the Project Manager.....................................................................68<br />

Arranging project information..............................................................................69<br />

Project information with special functions .............................................................70<br />

Additional project information .............................................................................72<br />

Project Export Import Backup and Restore ............................................................73<br />

Backup and restore ............................................................................................73<br />

Export ..............................................................................................................74<br />

Import..............................................................................................................77<br />

File functions.....................................................................................................81<br />

Creating a file....................................................................................................81<br />


Table Of Contents<br />

Creating (circuit diagram) subpages.....................................................................83<br />

Opening files .....................................................................................................85<br />

Deleting files (diagrams of lists) using the PM........................................................86<br />

Selecting several files.........................................................................................87<br />

Copying files .....................................................................................................88<br />

Changing a file type ...........................................................................................90<br />

Changing filenames............................................................................................91<br />

Moving the page number of the file ......................................................................93<br />

Linking project files to <strong>WSCAD</strong> files with “NOT”......................................................95<br />

Copying and pasting a file...................................................................................97<br />

Copying one file.................................................................................................99<br />

Copying several files ........................................................................................103<br />

Updating the Contactor- PLC manager................................................................104<br />

Project view ....................................................................................................105<br />

Switch between floorplan and schematics ...........................................................105<br />

Preview ..........................................................................................................107<br />

Option Projects................................................................................................108<br />

Option Sorting.................................................................................................109<br />

Projects and Folders (file types).........................................................................112<br />

General ..........................................................................................................112<br />

Hide folders or projects ....................................................................................113<br />

Showing folders...............................................................................................115<br />

Changing the sequence of folders and CPP part-projects .......................................116<br />

All folders .......................................................................................................117<br />

Creating folders ...............................................................................................118<br />

Project customer database, manufacturer, construction site and architect...............120<br />

Customer, manufacturer, construction site and architect database .........................120<br />

Database assignment .......................................................................................121<br />

Creating a Customer, manufacturer, construction site and architect record .............122<br />

Saving customer, manufacturer, construction-site and architect information ...........123<br />

Assigning Creating a Customer, manufacturer, construction site and architect data..124<br />

Linking the customer database to email..............................................................125<br />

CPP Project .....................................................................................................126<br />

Creating a CPP project......................................................................................126<br />

Creating a part-project .....................................................................................128<br />

Creating diagram pages for a CPP part-project ....................................................130<br />

Converting a project into a CPP project...............................................................133<br />

Including diagram pages in a CPP part-project ....................................................134<br />

Re-build a CPP project ......................................................................................135<br />

UFD manager ..................................................................................................136<br />

Automated listings ...........................................................................................138<br />

Project evaluations, the advantages ...................................................................138<br />

Automated listing.............................................................................................139<br />

Separate listing ...............................................................................................142<br />

Page number default for generated files .............................................................143<br />

Text allocator 'Project Page' ..............................................................................144<br />

Revision level ..................................................................................................145<br />

Starting the revision level .................................................................................145<br />

Closing the revision level ..................................................................................147<br />

Making changes (enabled for modifications) ........................................................150<br />

Removing revision levels from a project (reset) ...................................................154<br />

<strong>WSCAD</strong> 4.x and 5.0 users can include entire existing projects ...............................155<br />

Import a 4.x and 5.0 project list .......................................................................155<br />

Integrate projects from <strong>WSCAD</strong> 4.x ...................................................................157<br />

File ...................................................................................................................159<br />

General ..........................................................................................................159<br />

New file (page)................................................................................................160<br />

Load file (page) ...............................................................................................162<br />


Table Of Contents<br />

Close file (page) ..............................................................................................164<br />

Page up/dn .....................................................................................................165<br />

Copy file (page)...............................................................................................167<br />

Move file (page) ..............................................................................................168<br />

Deleting file (page) ..........................................................................................170<br />

File - Compress (Clear file) ..............................................................................171<br />

File - Save (Save page) ....................................................................................172<br />

File - Save As (Save page as)............................................................................173<br />

Store block .....................................................................................................174<br />

Insert a block ..................................................................................................176<br />

Creating a drawing macro .................................................................................177<br />

Inserting a drawing macro by using Drawing macro Explorer.................................179<br />

Import-Export .................................................................................................182<br />

Insert graphic..................................................................................................182<br />

Inserting graphics as a link ...............................................................................183<br />

HPGL into <strong>WSCAD</strong>............................................................................................184<br />

DXF/DWG -> <strong>WSCAD</strong> .......................................................................................185<br />

<strong>WSCAD</strong> into DXF/DWG or Bitmap.......................................................................191<br />

<strong>WSCAD</strong> into VNS .............................................................................................192<br />

Printing ..........................................................................................................194<br />

Abort .............................................................................................................198<br />

Exit................................................................................................................199<br />

File list ...........................................................................................................200<br />

Schematic .........................................................................................................201<br />

Connection line................................................................................................201<br />

Line ...............................................................................................................201<br />

Line + Node/Arrow ..........................................................................................203<br />

DW point presentation......................................................................................204<br />

Nodes ............................................................................................................205<br />

Inserting symbols ............................................................................................206<br />

Loading symbols or items .................................................................................206<br />

Symbol Explorer ..............................................................................................207<br />

Loading a symbol via the Library tab ..................................................................208<br />

Loading a symbol via the designation tab............................................................209<br />

Loading a symbol via the Search tab ..................................................................210<br />

Loading a symbol via the Favourites tab .............................................................214<br />

Placing symbols ...............................................................................................216<br />

Loading a symbol in the Professional version.......................................................218<br />

Loading a symbol in the Basic and Compact version .............................................220<br />

Loading items..................................................................................................221<br />

Graphics symbol selection.................................................................................222<br />

Line name.......................................................................................................223<br />

General ..........................................................................................................223<br />

Cables ............................................................................................................226<br />

Drawing in cables ............................................................................................226<br />

Drawing cables and using wires from existing cables ............................................230<br />

Deleting cables................................................................................................232<br />

Deleting cables graphically................................................................................233<br />

Cables as symbols ...........................................................................................234<br />

Pasting circuit diagram macros with cables or copying cables ................................235<br />

Cable shield ....................................................................................................238<br />

Settings..........................................................................................................238<br />

Draw a cable shield..........................................................................................240<br />

Cable shield drawn on both cable ends ...............................................................242<br />

Black-Box .......................................................................................................244<br />

Creating a Black Box ........................................................................................244<br />

Black Box Pins.................................................................................................245<br />

Editing the Black Box .......................................................................................246<br />


Table Of Contents<br />

Contact connections .........................................................................................249<br />

Changing the symbol connection designations .....................................................249<br />

Plug Socket.....................................................................................................252<br />

Plug+socket ....................................................................................................252<br />

Inserting connection diagram macro with plug/socket or copying plug/socket..........257<br />

Inserting plugs or sockets separately .................................................................258<br />

Deleting plugs or sockets separately ..................................................................259<br />

Deleting plugs or sockets at one time .................................................................260<br />

Changing a pin assignment ...............................................................................261<br />

Destination wiring............................................................................................263<br />

General ..........................................................................................................263<br />

Aids for drawing connection lines .......................................................................264<br />

Destination wiring library ..................................................................................265<br />

The destination wiring elements ........................................................................266<br />

Creating a destination wiring element.................................................................269<br />

Working with Destination wiring ........................................................................270<br />

Language settings............................................................................................279<br />

Using a foreign languages character set..............................................................279<br />

Functionalities .................................................................................................281<br />

Unit and Field designation.................................................................................281<br />

UFD Area ........................................................................................................283<br />

Bus ................................................................................................................287<br />

Path text ........................................................................................................288<br />

Sheet texts .....................................................................................................289<br />

Modify...............................................................................................................291<br />

Modify component ...........................................................................................291<br />

Component elements .......................................................................................291<br />

Pins ...............................................................................................................292<br />

Active parts ....................................................................................................293<br />

Pin number .....................................................................................................294<br />

Component type ..............................................................................................295<br />

Modify Symbol parameters................................................................................296<br />

General ..........................................................................................................296<br />

Symbol – additional texts .................................................................................298<br />

Enabling additional texts to be displayed ............................................................299<br />

Additional texts in the material lists ...................................................................301<br />

Linking additional texts to fields from the database ..............................................302<br />

Additional items...............................................................................................303<br />

Object Properties .............................................................................................305<br />

Object Properties .............................................................................................305<br />

Simple Text ....................................................................................................306<br />

Text ...............................................................................................................307<br />

Line, Rectangle, Circle and Connection Line.........................................................309<br />

Symbol modification.........................................................................................310<br />

Excluding components from the Materials List .....................................................311<br />

Navigating within the Dialog..............................................................................312<br />

Component Name , Function Text and Additional Text 1..16 and Manufacturer ........313<br />

Assigning Parts................................................................................................314<br />

Hints to use the Dialog .....................................................................................315<br />

Reference replacement .....................................................................................317<br />

Reference replacement .....................................................................................317<br />

Change size ....................................................................................................319<br />

Foreign languages............................................................................................320<br />

General ..........................................................................................................320<br />

Lexicon file format ...........................................................................................321<br />

Editing the lexicon ...........................................................................................322<br />

Cyrillic character set.........................................................................................326<br />

Manager dialog for the foreign language display ..................................................329<br />


Table Of Contents<br />

Install and delete a foreign language..................................................................332<br />

Displaying several languages.............................................................................333<br />

Special character set ........................................................................................334<br />

Foreign languages in the basic version ...............................................................335<br />

Quick Text ......................................................................................................337<br />

Connection line................................................................................................338<br />

General ..........................................................................................................338<br />

Functionality ...................................................................................................341<br />

Reference name ..............................................................................................341<br />

Component name ............................................................................................342<br />

Search + Replace ............................................................................................343<br />

Cable name/type .............................................................................................346<br />

Text allocators.................................................................................................347<br />

Contactor........................................................................................................348<br />

Make text invisible ...........................................................................................350<br />

Exclude from material list .................................................................................3<strong>51</strong><br />

Exclude from auto-numbering ...........................................................................352<br />

Terminal/Cable numbers...................................................................................353<br />

Terminal destination ........................................................................................354<br />

Draw.................................................................................................................355<br />

General ..........................................................................................................355<br />

Line ...............................................................................................................356<br />

Automatic pre-assignment of line parameters......................................................357<br />

Rectangle, Full Rectangle..................................................................................358<br />

Circle (parts)...................................................................................................359<br />

Ellipse ............................................................................................................361<br />

Simple text .....................................................................................................362<br />

Text ...............................................................................................................363<br />

General ..........................................................................................................363<br />

Entering a text ................................................................................................364<br />

Text entry using the window default...................................................................365<br />

Overwriting text ..............................................................................................366<br />

Changing the text attributes and properties ........................................................367<br />

Character sets (fonts) ......................................................................................369<br />

Text alignment ................................................................................................370<br />

Text Box.........................................................................................................372<br />

Dimension ......................................................................................................378<br />

Color..............................................................................................................380<br />

Line width.......................................................................................................381<br />

Line type ........................................................................................................382<br />

Delete / Move ....................................................................................................383<br />

General ..........................................................................................................383<br />

1 Window / M-Window......................................................................................384<br />

1 Object / Objects............................................................................................385<br />

Rotate / Mirror ................................................................................................386<br />

Delete ............................................................................................................387<br />

Copy ..............................................................................................................388<br />

Move..............................................................................................................389<br />

Drag ..............................................................................................................390<br />

Repeat ...........................................................................................................391<br />

UNDO.............................................................................................................392<br />

REDO .............................................................................................................393<br />

Automatic function..............................................................................................395<br />

General ..........................................................................................................395<br />

Automatic numbering .......................................................................................396<br />

Automatic numbering .......................................................................................396<br />

How symbols are numbered ..............................................................................398<br />

Numbering types and additional variants ............................................................402<br />


Table Of Contents<br />

vi<br />

Expanded view in the autonumbering dialog........................................................406<br />

Auto. cross-reference .......................................................................................411<br />

Auto. cross-reference .......................................................................................411<br />

Reference algorithm.........................................................................................412<br />

Line-related cross references.............................................................................413<br />

Contact cross-reference without contact reflectors ...............................................415<br />

Contact cross-reference with contact reflectors....................................................416<br />

Contactors ......................................................................................................417<br />

PLC + Main/side element ..................................................................................418<br />

Control Cabinet Manager (CCM).........................................................................419<br />

General ..........................................................................................................419<br />

Create Control Cabinet file type .........................................................................423<br />

Scale presentation in Control Cabinet Manager (CCM) ..........................................424<br />

Reading in diagrams (in the CCM)......................................................................426<br />

Display lock for symbols ...................................................................................428<br />

Calculate dimensions........................................................................................430<br />

Display options for the CCM and the control cabinet diagram pages .......................431<br />

Required entries in the parts database ...............................................................436<br />

Creating a mechanical Control cabinet layout with supplements.............................438<br />

Placing the symbols in the control cabinet...........................................................442<br />

Navigating from the CCM to the switch-cabinet pages ..........................................444<br />

Cable manager ................................................................................................445<br />

General ..........................................................................................................445<br />

The cable database ..........................................................................................447<br />

The conductors file...........................................................................................449<br />

Change wire colour ..........................................................................................4<strong>51</strong><br />

Removing cables..............................................................................................453<br />

Working on existing circuit diagrams in <strong>WSCAD</strong> 4.0 format ...................................454<br />

Connector manager..........................................................................................455<br />

Connector manager..........................................................................................455<br />

Auto. line names..............................................................................................457<br />

Create line names............................................................................................457<br />

Delete line names ............................................................................................460<br />

Contactor manager ..........................................................................................461<br />

Contactor manager ..........................................................................................461<br />

Project data ....................................................................................................462<br />

Project data ....................................................................................................462<br />

Variables ........................................................................................................463<br />

Drawing sheet Variables ...................................................................................463<br />

New/modify ....................................................................................................464<br />

Automatic .......................................................................................................465<br />

Position and size remain unchanged...................................................................466<br />

Fix date ..........................................................................................................467<br />

PLC ................................................................................................................468<br />

Activating PLC Manager ....................................................................................468<br />

Creating project database .................................................................................469<br />

Importing / Exporting PLC list............................................................................470<br />

Drawing frames ...............................................................................................471<br />

Replace drawing frames....................................................................................471<br />

Manually replace a drawing frame......................................................................472<br />

Automatic drawing frame replacement ...............................................................473<br />

Project data ....................................................................................................474<br />

Project data (first sheet)...................................................................................474<br />

Material list .....................................................................................................475<br />

General ..........................................................................................................475<br />

Material lists with additional items .....................................................................478<br />

Material list considering Unit and Field designation...............................................480<br />

Material list in form ..........................................................................................481

Table Of Contents<br />

Material list while using the Project Manager .......................................................482<br />

Material list according to Access, Excel, ASCII, dBASE or UGS or KWP format..........483<br />

Material list in the Compact Version ...................................................................485<br />

General ..........................................................................................................486<br />

Changing items ...............................................................................................487<br />

Contactor online ..............................................................................................491<br />

Show destination .............................................................................................492<br />

Lock module for material list .............................................................................493<br />

Module name, function texts and additional text 1-16 ..........................................494<br />

Organisation in the Material browser dialog.........................................................495<br />

Material browser with catalogue ........................................................................497<br />

External Text Source ........................................................................................498<br />

Connection list ................................................................................................501<br />

General connection list .....................................................................................501<br />

Reference name connection list .........................................................................502<br />

Wiring diagram................................................................................................503<br />

Wiring diagram browser....................................................................................505<br />

Terminal diagram ............................................................................................507<br />

Terminal diagram ............................................................................................507<br />

1 Terminal strip ...............................................................................................<strong>51</strong>0<br />

All Terminal strips............................................................................................<strong>51</strong>3<br />

Terminal browser interface................................................................................<strong>51</strong>4<br />

Generating a terminal diagram from the browser .................................................520<br />

Numbering terminal browser .............................................................................522<br />

Manual sequence terminal browser ....................................................................524<br />

Allocating item numbers in the terminal browser .................................................526<br />

Function text in the terminal browser .................................................................527<br />

Show button in the terminal browser..................................................................528<br />

Multi-stage in the terminal browser....................................................................529<br />

Fields in the terminal browser ...........................................................................533<br />

Terminal destination ........................................................................................534<br />

Set Color ........................................................................................................535<br />

Connector chart...............................................................................................537<br />

General Connector chart ...................................................................................537<br />

Cable .............................................................................................................538<br />

Cable list ........................................................................................................538<br />

Cable chart .....................................................................................................539<br />

Option: 1 Cable ...............................................................................................542<br />

Option: All cables.............................................................................................543<br />

Summary........................................................................................................544<br />

Summary specification .....................................................................................544<br />

Summary from information from Project Manager................................................545<br />

Summary with the variables..............................................................................547<br />

Modification list ...............................................................................................549<br />

Modification list ...............................................................................................549<br />

Reference list ..................................................................................................550<br />

Reference list ..................................................................................................550<br />

Labels ............................................................................................................552<br />

Labels in general .............................................................................................552<br />

Symbol editor ....................................................................................................553<br />

General information .........................................................................................553<br />

General ..........................................................................................................553<br />

Background and grid colors ...............................................................................554<br />

Summary........................................................................................................555<br />

Exit Symbol editor ...........................................................................................557<br />

Libraries .........................................................................................................558<br />

General ..........................................................................................................558<br />

New library .....................................................................................................559<br />


Table Of Contents<br />

Control cabinet libraries....................................................................................560<br />

Content ..........................................................................................................561<br />

Change symbol size .........................................................................................562<br />

IEC 61346 libraries ..........................................................................................563<br />

IEC 40719-libraries ..........................................................................................564<br />

Pin .................................................................................................................565<br />

Place pin.........................................................................................................565<br />

Pin type..........................................................................................................567<br />

Pin form .........................................................................................................568<br />

Pin direction....................................................................................................569<br />

Size of pin number and pin name.......................................................................570<br />

Move pin.........................................................................................................571<br />

Delete pin .......................................................................................................572<br />

Enter pin name................................................................................................573<br />

Enter pin number.............................................................................................574<br />

Editing pins (connections).................................................................................575<br />

Symbols .........................................................................................................576<br />

New symbol ....................................................................................................576<br />

Characteristics of a component..........................................................................577<br />

Create symbol body .........................................................................................578<br />

Edit symbol parameters....................................................................................579<br />

Determine component type ...............................................................................581<br />

Modify size......................................................................................................584<br />

Symbol link with graphic...................................................................................585<br />

Functions........................................................................................................588<br />

Content specification ........................................................................................588<br />

Reset editor and load symbol ............................................................................589<br />

Insert symbol..................................................................................................590<br />

Save symbol ...................................................................................................591<br />

Copy / delete symbol .......................................................................................592<br />

Extras ...............................................................................................................595<br />

Repair database...............................................................................................595<br />

Line name database .........................................................................................596<br />

System files ....................................................................................................598<br />

Select objects..................................................................................................601<br />

Output library as graphics.................................................................................602<br />

ECAD module standard.....................................................................................603<br />

Conversion parameters.....................................................................................603<br />

Starting ECAD import .......................................................................................605<br />

Part manager ..................................................................................................607<br />

Part Manager ..................................................................................................608<br />

ACCESS 97 (Standard) or ACCESS 2000.............................................................609<br />

Structure or fields of the database .....................................................................610<br />

Catalogues in the database ...............................................................................612<br />

Activating catalogue forwarding.........................................................................614<br />

Part Manager – interface of the dialog ................................................................615<br />

Part Manager – Symbol view .............................................................................616<br />

Part Manager tabs............................................................................................617<br />

Part during symbol selection .............................................................................623<br />

Specifying the selection for a data record............................................................624<br />

Additional information for the Part Manager ........................................................627<br />

Conversion of dBASE to ACCESS xx ...................................................................629<br />

Changing the item entry in the dialog.................................................................630<br />

Create / Change / Delete an Part entry...............................................................631<br />

Link with symbol..............................................................................................633<br />

Combination element .......................................................................................635<br />

Editing the combination element........................................................................637<br />

Data import ....................................................................................................638<br />


Table Of Contents<br />

Data transfer into the <strong>WSCAD</strong> database..............................................................641<br />

Data transfer from outside -> <strong>WSCAD</strong>................................................................644<br />

Adjusting database fields ..................................................................................645<br />

Additional database fields .................................................................................649<br />

Database fields and their meaning .....................................................................6<strong>51</strong><br />

Checking the database .....................................................................................655<br />

Converting a database......................................................................................656<br />

Creating a catalogue ........................................................................................657<br />

Datanorm import to a catalogue table ................................................................659<br />

Linking a catalogue to an Part root....................................................................661<br />

Part Management filters...................................................................................662<br />

Views................................................................................................................667<br />

Zoom in..........................................................................................................667<br />

Zoom out........................................................................................................668<br />

Zoom Extents..................................................................................................669<br />

Zoom Window .................................................................................................670<br />

1/1 Middle ......................................................................................................671<br />

Zoom last .......................................................................................................672<br />

Display dimensions ..........................................................................................673<br />

Show invisible texts .........................................................................................675<br />

Identify symbols with number locks ...................................................................677<br />

Identify symbols with material locks...................................................................678<br />

Mouse wheel zoom...........................................................................................679<br />

Cable visible or invisible ...................................................................................680<br />

Text Box visible or invisible ...............................................................................681<br />

Settings ............................................................................................................683<br />

General ..........................................................................................................683<br />

Color and Font settings.....................................................................................684<br />

Color settings..................................................................................................684<br />

Screen colors ..................................................................................................685<br />

Printer colors...................................................................................................686<br />

Fonts..............................................................................................................687<br />

Options ..........................................................................................................689<br />

Options ..........................................................................................................689<br />

Snap settings ..................................................................................................691<br />

Ortho mode ....................................................................................................692<br />

Grid setting.....................................................................................................693<br />

Auto-connection ..............................................................................................694<br />

Cursor ............................................................................................................695<br />

Cursor scale ....................................................................................................696<br />

Page scale ......................................................................................................697<br />

File type .........................................................................................................698<br />

Invisible text ...................................................................................................700<br />

Margins ..........................................................................................................701<br />

Auxiliary lines..................................................................................................702<br />

Exact conversion .............................................................................................703<br />

Format ...........................................................................................................704<br />

Desktop interface.............................................................................................705<br />

Arranging the (desktop) interface ......................................................................705<br />

Toolbars general..............................................................................................706<br />

Managing function bars ....................................................................................708<br />

Command bars ................................................................................................712<br />

Configuring a command toolbar .........................................................................714<br />

Library bars ....................................................................................................716<br />

Library bars and IEC 61346...............................................................................717<br />

Generating library bars.....................................................................................718<br />

Configuring a library toolbar..............................................................................720<br />

Library bar cabinet...........................................................................................721<br />


Table Of Contents<br />

Creating a new cabinet library bar .....................................................................722<br />

System performance ........................................................................................724<br />

Design............................................................................................................726<br />

Common Settings ...............................................................................................729<br />

Tabs...............................................................................................................729<br />

Directories ......................................................................................................729<br />

File ................................................................................................................730<br />

Printer............................................................................................................732<br />

Cross reference ...............................................................................................733<br />

Miscellaneous ..................................................................................................736<br />

Contactors + PLC modules ................................................................................739<br />

Connect + Load ...............................................................................................742<br />

Compatibility...................................................................................................744<br />

Cables ............................................................................................................745<br />

Terminals .......................................................................................................747<br />

Plug/Socket ....................................................................................................7<strong>51</strong><br />

Database ........................................................................................................752<br />

Labels ............................................................................................................753<br />

Labels ............................................................................................................753<br />

Equipment labels .............................................................................................754<br />

Cable labels ....................................................................................................756<br />

Terminal labels................................................................................................758<br />

Output lists .....................................................................................................760<br />

General ..........................................................................................................760<br />

Summary specification with variables .................................................................761<br />

Reference list ..................................................................................................763<br />

Connection list ................................................................................................764<br />

Tablet ............................................................................................................765<br />

Requirements..................................................................................................765<br />

Activate..........................................................................................................766<br />

Create or select template..................................................................................767<br />

Scale tablet.....................................................................................................769<br />

Windows ...........................................................................................................771<br />

General ..........................................................................................................771<br />

Tile horizontally ...............................................................................................772<br />

Tile vertically...................................................................................................773<br />

Window list .....................................................................................................774<br />

Cascade..........................................................................................................775<br />

The full screen.................................................................................................776<br />

Help..................................................................................................................777<br />

Online Hilfe .....................................................................................................777<br />

Online help overview........................................................................................777<br />

Help in Search mode ........................................................................................779<br />

Services .........................................................................................................780<br />

Software maintenance via the internet and version status checking .......................780<br />

Time interval...................................................................................................781<br />

Online checking and download...........................................................................782<br />

Activating the new version ................................................................................783<br />

Online update directly from the program ............................................................784<br />

DLL information ...............................................................................................785<br />

Error log .........................................................................................................786<br />

Function keys ..................................................................................................787<br />

Terminals ..........................................................................................................789<br />

General ..........................................................................................................789<br />

Terminal chart algorithm ..................................................................................790<br />

Terminal destination ........................................................................................792<br />

Terminal numbering.........................................................................................793<br />

Vertical terminals.............................................................................................795<br />


Table Of Contents<br />

Terminals with several connections (e.g. multi-storey terminals) ...........................796<br />

Jumpers .........................................................................................................797<br />

Jumpers display (standard)...............................................................................798<br />

Plug-in jumpers ...............................................................................................800<br />

Wire jumper....................................................................................................802<br />

Contactor Management .......................................................................................803<br />

Fundamentals of contactor management ............................................................803<br />

Rebuilding the contactor database .....................................................................807<br />

Cross reference coil-contact ..............................................................................808<br />

Creating symbols .............................................................................................809<br />

Creating coil and contact symbols ......................................................................809<br />

Contact comb in general ...................................................................................812<br />

Characteristics of a contactor contact .................................................................814<br />

Creating a contact comb for contactor ................................................................816<br />

Fully automatic................................................................................................818<br />

General information on fully automatic Contactor Management..............................818<br />

Loading contactor coil (first)..............................................................................820<br />

Reference name ..............................................................................................828<br />

Changing part numbers ....................................................................................829<br />

Symbol name ..................................................................................................832<br />

Changing addition text2....................................................................................833<br />

Changing the function text................................................................................834<br />

Naming a contact comb ....................................................................................835<br />

Loading contact with existing coil.......................................................................836<br />

Contact without a coil (creating a virtual contactor coil)........................................838<br />

Expanding a contactor contact...........................................................................844<br />

Changing the basic contactor or contact block .....................................................846<br />

Adding the contact block from the database again ...............................................8<strong>51</strong><br />

Assembling a contact block yourself ...................................................................855<br />

Changing the pin numbers in the Expand dialog ..................................................864<br />

Semi automatic ...............................................................................................866<br />

General information on semi-automatic contactor management.............................866<br />

Re-loading contactor coil (semi-automatic) .........................................................867<br />

Using virtual contactor coil (semi-automatic).......................................................870<br />

Loading contact with existing coil (semi-automatic) .............................................872<br />

Loading a contact without a coil (creating a virtual contactor coil)..........................874<br />

Contactor Manager...........................................................................................877<br />

Contactor Manager in general............................................................................877<br />

Activating Contactor Manager............................................................................878<br />

Contactor Manager interface .............................................................................879<br />

Contactor Manager functions.............................................................................886<br />

Contactor Management Compact Version ............................................................893<br />

PLC Manager......................................................................................................901<br />

General overview of the PLC manager ................................................................901<br />

Activating the PLC manager ..............................................................................902<br />

PLC Manager interface......................................................................................903<br />

PLC Manager functions .....................................................................................908<br />

RE-addressing PLC inputs and outputs................................................................912<br />

Import Export PLC lists.....................................................................................913<br />

PLC database ..................................................................................................915<br />

PLC Manager prerequisites ................................................................................917<br />

Procedure when working with a PLC ...................................................................918<br />

Inserting PLC elements with the PLC selection .....................................................919<br />

Deleting the PLC main element and auxiliary elements .........................................921<br />

Entering a comment text and/or symbol text directly in the symbol .......................922<br />

Assigning a PLC text online ...............................................................................923<br />

PLC cross reference navigator ...........................................................................924<br />

PLC assemblies without PLC Manager .................................................................925<br />


Table Of Contents<br />

Creating a PLC symbol......................................................................................926<br />

General rules ..................................................................................................926<br />

Creating a PLC symbol......................................................................................927<br />

Creating the database entry..............................................................................929<br />

Form layout .......................................................................................................930<br />

General ..........................................................................................................930<br />

Why Form / Drawing frame ...............................................................................931<br />

New Form (or change an existing) .....................................................................932<br />

Form type.......................................................................................................934<br />

Inserting a frame.............................................................................................935<br />

Draw lines ......................................................................................................936<br />

Form dialog.....................................................................................................937<br />

Managing text allocators using the form dialog ....................................................937<br />

Starting the form dialog....................................................................................938<br />

Organising the Text allocators ...........................................................................939<br />

Formatting and inserting the Text allocators........................................................941<br />

Text allocators which specify the number of lines on each form page (obligatory) ....944<br />

Sum value of the Text allocator .........................................................................945<br />

Text allocators based on additional database fields ..............................................946<br />

Formatting the unit (only additional database fields) ............................................947<br />

Formatting the number format ..........................................................................948<br />

Multi-line texts with Text allocators ....................................................................949<br />

Moveable Text allocators ..................................................................................950<br />

Fixed Text allocators ........................................................................................9<strong>51</strong><br />

Manual additional texts.....................................................................................952<br />

Multi-page forms with Text allocators .................................................................953<br />

Text allocator ..................................................................................................954<br />

What Text allocators are available? ....................................................................954<br />

Text allocators which can be placed for each terminal form ...................................956<br />

Text allocator of the material-list form which can be placed ..................................958<br />

Universal database Text allocators for the material list .........................................960<br />

Text allocators for revision history .....................................................................961<br />

Text allocators for cable lists .............................................................................963<br />

Special case of several cables per form page.......................................................964<br />

Text allocators for cable diagram .......................................................................965<br />

Text allocators for content specification ..............................................................966<br />

Text allocators for content specification from variables .........................................967<br />

Text allocators for summary specification from the Project Manager .......................969<br />

The following text allocators can be used for connector chart ................................970<br />

Text allocator for connection list ........................................................................972<br />

Text allocators for reference list.........................................................................974<br />

Text allocators for Project manager texts ............................................................976<br />

Text allocator for drawing macro .......................................................................977<br />

Glossary ............................................................ Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert.<br />

Index ................................................................ Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert.<br />


Introduction<br />

General<br />

By offering a software-service contract we carry essential further developing as<br />

possibility adaptation for new legal regulation in scope of the software service<br />

automatically as update as disposal. You profit automatically with each release of news in<br />

our software product. This involves, that documentation changes in the course of a year,<br />

because permanently updates and new functions in the software flow into.<br />

As the documentation and the software is one “unit”, we had<br />

determined to delive only one manual “First steps …” as a printed<br />

documentation.<br />

An actually documentation you will find as 'WebHelp' on our web-site. You activate<br />

it directly from the <strong>WSCAD</strong> software with .<br />

Online Help – WebHelp<br />

With the menu entry 'Help –WebHelp' or , you can start directly the online help.<br />

The online help is installed automatically on your system and you can use it every time.<br />

If your PC has a web access and the connection (menu entry 'Help-WebHelp') is<br />

activated, you get direct with key help form the internet.<br />

If you need a special information to a subject, press the key and the related files<br />

are loaded from the internet. You find the information what you need.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Digitizing Drawings: Transferring “Paper”<br />

Drawings into CAD<br />

<strong>WSCAD</strong> is offering a digitizing service which can free you from the time-consuming<br />

task of recreating drawings in CAD format.<br />

2<br />

• This service include the transfer of paper documentation into CAD-based circuit<br />

and installation diagrams, in accordance with your requirements, and the<br />

conversion of US and other symbol standards into other standards<br />

• The digitized CAD diagrams can be delivered in <strong>WSCAD</strong> or AutoCAD format<br />

• Prices will be quoted individually and are based on paper size, range of services<br />

provided (e.g. whether automated listings using <strong>WSCAD</strong> are needed) and<br />

quantities<br />

This digitizing service is suitable both for individual drawings and for the conversion of<br />

entire archives. We can also digitize non-electrical schematics, like architectural plans.<br />

Our staff are always happy to give you help and advice.<br />

Contact your dealer for details and a quotation

Continuous Development = Subscription<br />

Introduction<br />

We are constantly improving on our products. We aim to keep our software in step, or<br />

ahead of the best technology available. We understand that our customers need to keep<br />

up with technological developments and expect software tools to maintain their<br />

competitive edge. This is why it is so important to ensure that you have access to the<br />

advantages of constant product development. The availability of a Subscription contract<br />

from <strong>WSCAD</strong> will ensure that you can maintain that edge. New developments, including<br />

any necessary changes to meet new requirements, become automatically available to<br />

you as part of the subscription contract. By entering into a subscription contract you are<br />

assured of the following advantages:<br />

• Continuous improvements to functionality<br />

• Amendments to the program to suit new standards<br />

• Free updates during the validity of the contract<br />

• Online access to the current program release via the internet<br />

• Quantifiable ongoing software costs<br />

• Hotline service: telephone support and priority customer care via email<br />

• Adaptation of symbols to new standards<br />

• Password-protected internet download of the latest libraries and database<br />

• Special prices for seminars<br />

• Special service rates<br />


Features of <strong>WSCAD</strong><br />

General Information of <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5<br />

<strong>WSCAD</strong> has a modular structure, meaning that you are able to start with the Basic -<br />

version and at a later time expand it to a higher-version (Compact or Professional).<br />

Drawings that have been made with a lower version are fully compatible with the higher<br />

versions.<br />

The three on top of each other set up software versions contains a reflexive and practical<br />

experience features.<br />

Basic - version<br />

The Basic - version fit for especially initial operation, if the actually project planning already<br />

completed and there is no more changes to be expected. Also you can use it as tool for<br />

small and not so extensive schematics<br />

Compact - version<br />

The Compact - version you find it frequently in the maintenance. The strength of the<br />

Compact - version is the adaptable schematic construction, in example, if a plant or<br />

machine existence and will be expand in middle circumference. Over out it is fit for<br />

schematic construction of small and middle projects. The user can use some different<br />

automatic functions like: auto numbering; cross reference; terminal charts; contact<br />

reflection and much more.<br />

Professional - Version<br />

The Professional - Version is used in planning, developing and documentation of new schematics.<br />

In this case, the user is use difficult on-line and control functions, which he need in a new project.<br />

Errors become lock out and productivity grows up.<br />

Add-On ProjectWizard<br />

There is an Add-On ProjectWizard for automated creating of schematics. The<br />

ProjectWizard works with drawing macros which contains text allocators. This text<br />

allocators (representing reference name, part number,...) can be filled in a table.<br />

After you're generating an automatic schematic, the text allocator were replaced and the<br />

schematic is finished without any further work.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Features of <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5<br />

6<br />

General Basic Compact Professional<br />

- Schematic<br />

Drawing pages 10000 10000 >10000<br />

Sub pages <br />

New design <br />

Project management with file preview and sorting functions <br />

Project manager with individual listings. Project-specific<br />

information is automatically copied into the drawing frame <br />

Project import/export <br />

Unit/Field management; Unit/Field region - - <br />

Text box <br />

Path text <br />

Black Box - <br />

Destination wiring <br />

Material browser - - <br />

Text find/replace - <br />

Free configuration of drawing frames and lists (layout) <br />

Foreign language display/translate / - / - / <br />

Dimensions <br />

Printout labels of equipment, cables and terminals - <br />

Drawing functions Basic Compact Professional<br />

- Schematic<br />

Choice of standards: Facility to work with old standard JEC 40719<br />

or new JEC 61346 standard <br />

Symbol explorer with preview when loading a symbol, including<br />

symbol search and favourites <br />

Symbol editor for drawing own schematic symbols <br />

Drawing macro Explorer with preview <br />

Terminal browser functions - <br />

Drawing plug + socket separately / plug + socket together / - / / <br />

- Floor plan<br />

Symbol libraries of all areas for electrical installation <br />

Symbol editor for drawing own electrical installation <br />

Drawing functions for floor plans <br />

Drawing format DIN and free format until 30mx30m <br />

Scale 1:1 until 1:1000 <br />

Fly Eye for display actually position in the drawing <br />

Clearly arranged floor management with installation zones <br />

Print preview of the drawings <br />

Snap functions <br />

- Schematic<br />

Automatic functions Basic Compact Professional

Features of <strong>WSCAD</strong><br />

Numbering of symbols - <br />

Generating cross references with designation wiring/online - / - - / / <br />

Automatic generation of line names in various forms - - <br />

Control cabinet manually / semi automatic / - / - / <br />

Terminal browser for locating and modifying terminals, single terminal,<br />

multi level terminal, jumper - <br />

Cable manager and connector manager online - - <br />

Contactor management - <br />

Contactor manager - - <br />

Coil cross reference/ generate reflector - <br />

Coil cross reference and contact manager online - - <br />

Generate PLC cross references - <br />

PLC cross references and PLC manager online - - <br />

Replacing drawing frames - <br />

- Schematic<br />

Automated listings/charts Basic Compact Professional<br />

Separate listings (terminal chart, material list, …) - <br />

Automated listing for all lists - - <br />

Project data - <br />

Summary - <br />

Revision history - - <br />

Terminal Chart - <br />

Connector chart - - <br />

Cable list - - <br />

Cable chart - - <br />

Wiring chart - - <br />

Reference list - - <br />

Material list - <br />

Interfaces Basic Compact Professional<br />

- Schematic<br />

DWG/DXF/HPGL Export <br />

DWG/DXF/HPGL Import <br />

VNS Export - - <br />

ASCII, ACCESS, Excel, dBase, Import/Export (Data) - - <br />

Import of parts data via ECAD standard component interface - - <br />

UGL/UGS Export - - <br />

Import of ASCII-, Excel- and Datanorm 4.0 - files - - <br />

Material list output as ACCESS, dBase, ASCII or Excel - - <br />

Label-Export to Grafoplast, Phoenix, Murrplastik, Excel or ACCESS - <br />

Import/Export of SEQ list for PLC module as Excel, SEQ-txt-format - - <br />

- Floor plan<br />

DWG/DXF Import with taking over all layers <br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

New Features of <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5.1<br />

- Project management:<br />

8<br />

New Features of <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5.1 Basic Compact Professional<br />

Hide and show of several projects <br />

Export of several projects <br />

Sorting in 2 levels <br />

Advanced copy function for projects <br />

Exclude components for additional material listings <br />

DWG/DXF- import and -export <br />

Export to BMP-, PCX- and PNG- format <br />

-CPP and UFD-management:<br />

Fast navigation through CPP-projects - - <br />

UFD-management with view of concerned pages - - <br />

Changing of UFD for one or several pages - - <br />

Using of UFD-region without CPP-mode - - <br />

- Contactor management:<br />

Contactor management - <br />

New contactor manager with advanced functionality: - - <br />

- intuitive handling - <br />

- smart listing of contactors during work - <br />

- assigning contacts to preselect pin numbers - - <br />

- split a 3pole power contact to a 3 single power contacts - - <br />

- simple expand functionality for aux. contactor block - - <br />

- creating an individual contact block - - <br />

- free changings or moves of pin designations - <br />

- Lexicon:<br />

Selective text import and translation with new dialogue - - <br />

- Drawing functions:<br />

Simple text: expanded to 100 characters <br />

Simple text: Rotation 0°/90°/180°/270° adjustable <br />

Text box: used for more than 100 characters with import functionality <br />

Direct access to File description and Comments (1+2) with Sheet text functionality <br />

Direct access to function text and additional texts <br />

Zooming with mouse wheel and keyboard +/- <br />

Page up/down: goto; button next / prev; shortcuts <br />

Sequential and unique number for project pages - - <br />

Variable sheet number , sheet quantity l, filename short/long would be updated <br />

Terminal browser: changing the terminal destination - <br />

Material browser: insert external texts by using drag'n drop - - <br />

Protect frame elements <br />

Cabel visible or invisible by using a menu item <br />

Graphic - company logo & graphic as link resizeable <br />

Graphic used in symbols <br />

Drawing macro Explorer for fast selection of drawing macros

Features of <strong>WSCAD</strong><br />

Accessibility Quick Text: preselect already known text - - <br />

- Interface/Printing:<br />

Output to ASCII: Material list - <br />

Print: Margins are adjustable for printout <br />

- Help:<br />

Informations refering the Update-Download <br />

Display the available shortkeys <br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Hardware requirements<br />

10<br />

Minimum requirements Recommend<br />

Operation System: Windows 98/2000/XP Windows 2000/XP<br />

CPU: 800 MHz 2 GHz<br />

RAM: 128MB <strong>51</strong>2 MB<br />

Harddisk 100MB 500 MB<br />

Graphics Card: 32 MB 128 MB

Contact <strong>WSCAD</strong><br />

The fastest way to contact <strong>WSCAD</strong><br />

Central office: +49 -8131-3627-0<br />

Orders /<br />

invoices:<br />

+49 -8131-3627-97<br />

Fax: +49 -8131-3627-50<br />

Email: office@<strong>WSCAD</strong>.com<br />

Sales: +49 -8131-3627-98<br />

Fax: +49 -8131-3627-52<br />

Email: sales@<strong>WSCAD</strong>.com<br />

Support: +49 -8131-3627-99<br />

Fax: +49 -8131-3627-<strong>51</strong><br />

Email: support@<strong>WSCAD</strong>.com<br />

Homepage: www.<strong>WSCAD</strong>.com<br />

If you contact the technical support via email we strongly recommend our<br />

troubleshooting form. You can find this form in the support section of our website<br />

Troubleshooting–Formular .<br />


Working with <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5<br />

Screen Layout<br />

The illustration below shows only one possible configuration, as you can rearrange the<br />

screen layout entirely as you wish.<br />

The main window shows the name of the application (<strong>WSCAD</strong> 5) and the version<br />

number. You will also recognize other important components of the display:<br />

• The menu bar<br />

• Below the menu bar: a toolbar, in this case a command toolbar<br />

• On the left-hand edge of the screen: another toolbar, in this case a library toolbar<br />

• In the client area: a drawing windows<br />

• Below the drawing space: the information bar (with input field)<br />

• At the bottom: the fixed status bar<br />

You can of course change the size of the whole window yourself, using either of the two<br />

normal methods (with the buttons in the top right hand corner or by dragging with the<br />

mouse).<br />

Configuring the screen layout<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

The Command toolbars and the Library toolbars can be docked’ against the other side of<br />

the screen or placed as a free-standing window. You can try this easily: move the<br />

cursor onto a toolbar (but not onto a button), press the left mouse button and then move<br />

the cursor, keeping the mouse button pressed. The new position of the toolbar appears<br />

in outline and as soon as you release the mouse button the toolbar appears in this<br />

position.<br />

If you click once with the right mouse button on the area beside a docked toolbar or in<br />

the window header, you will get a small menu that gives you (e.g.) a list of all available<br />

library toolbars. With one mouse click you can activate or hide a Library toolbar.<br />

You can of course configure the toolbars: If you click with the right mouse button on a<br />

button, you can immediately insert a new button (or a separator) in this position.<br />

Click on the new button, select ‚Record’ and then use the relevant command from the<br />

menu bar. The command is accepted and its icon appears on the button.<br />

You can design the buttons on the library toolbars yourself, using the Symbol editor.<br />

The buttons of the command toolbar have preset icons, but for the icons on the symbol<br />

toolbars you have a completely free hand. The button is assigned via the Symbol editor,<br />

because each button must be assigned to both a component name and a library. You<br />

can ‚snapshot’ the relevant icon out of the symbol editor and apply different background<br />

colours if you wish.<br />


Menu bar<br />

Working with <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5<br />

The menu bar, together with the command toolbar, gives access to all the functions and<br />

commands of <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5.<br />

Simply click on a command with the mouse and a pull-down menu appears. The same<br />

effect can be achieved by pressing the -key and then the underlined letters in the<br />

appropriate menu item:<br />

Some commands may appear in light grey; this means that these commands cannot be<br />

used at the present time. The small arrow on the right-hand edge indicates a further<br />

sub-menu which can be accessed in different ways according to the operating system. If<br />

you are working under Windows95 you merely need to position the mouse cursor on this<br />

arrow and the sub-menu will open up automatically. The menu can also change to suit<br />

the current conditions (e.g. in the symbol editor).<br />

Hint<br />

During certain actions the menu is disabled. The whole menu bar<br />

appears in light grey and no command can be activated. The menu<br />

bar becomes enabled again as soon as the action has been<br />

completed, or cancelled with the key.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Toolbars<br />

Toolbars enable specific actions to be started up directly and rapidly. The appearance of<br />

the individual buttons is always intuitively linked to the relevant action.<br />

Each toolbar can be “docked” or it can be positioned as a “floating” window. You can of<br />

course display several toolbars or delete, move or insert buttons within a toolbar, with<br />

virtually no restrictions. There are two different types of toolbar:<br />

Command toolbars allow the rapid execution of commands which would otherwise need<br />

to be accessed via the menu bar. We recommend combining functional groups of<br />

commands.<br />

For every available command there is a corresponding graphic symbol within <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5<br />

which is inserted automatically when you allocate the command to a button. The button<br />

display is linked to the relevant command: if the command is not available (it would be<br />

shown in grey in the menu) its button is also shown in grey and cannot be ‘pressed’.<br />

Within the Library toolbars components from any of the libraries can be allocated to<br />

individual buttons.<br />

The component is loaded simply by clicking with the mouse and it can then be placed<br />

immediately. You can make the allocations yourself within the Symbol editor. It is also<br />

quite easy to apply your own symbol to a button. As a maximum of 200 toolbars can be<br />

handled, you have the facility to create various toolbars in advance and call them up only<br />

when needed.<br />

Note<br />

16<br />

The buttons for the Library toolbars which are supplied with the<br />

program are available in two different standard sizes so that you<br />

can choose the optimal size for your screen. When creating a new<br />

toolbar you can also select other sizes.

Information bar<br />

Working with <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5<br />

The Information bar is in a special situation as it combines several functions in one<br />

element.<br />

• On the extreme left hand side is the field for indicating Snap [S], Orthogonal<br />

modes [O] and Auto-connection [A].<br />

• Next to it are displayed the mouse key functions when you are working within a<br />

function. Thus you can see at any time what function you are carrying out with<br />

the mouse keys. This also ensures that you know in advance what the next action<br />

should be.<br />

• Most of the space is taken up with the field for text input. Whenever <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5<br />

expects an input other than via a dialog box (e.g. entering a function text) this<br />

field is activated and highlighted in colour. Simply click on the small button (‘’)<br />

to the right of the input field and you will be given a list of the last 20 inputs.<br />

Additional when you're using the Foreign Languages Function / Quick Text<br />

you will get the corresponding entries of the lexicon. This listing is resizeable. You<br />

can then make your selection and transfer it using the button next to it on the<br />

right.<br />

• The next field shows the current drawing colour. There are 16 colours<br />

available in <strong>WSCAD</strong> and these colours can be defined as you wish. The field is<br />

opened with a single mouse click and you can then change the colour quickly and<br />

easily.<br />

• The procedure is equally simple for the Line type: simply click and you get a list<br />

of the existing line types. This field does have an additional function: click with<br />

the right mouse button and a menu for Line width will appear. As all the choices<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Hint<br />

18<br />

are displayed in the selected line or background colour, this eliminates the need<br />

for choosing by trial and error.<br />

You can of course attach the information bar to the upper edge of<br />

the screen or show it in its own window. In order to make more<br />

space it can also be made invisible: when a text input is required it<br />

appears automatically and disappears again after the text has been<br />


Status bar<br />

Working with <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5<br />

The status bar displays information in conventional form. Apart from the indicators for<br />

coordinates, page format and the size of available memory, hints relating to the commands<br />

are shown on the far left hand side.<br />

If you click on a menu item and keep it pressed, you can scroll through the menu<br />

choices. If you pause on an active command you will see a description of the relevant<br />

command. The command will only be executed when you release the mouse button.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Mouse operation<br />

When working in a graphical user interface such as Windows it is normal to work with the<br />

mouse. However the cursor can also be used for such tasks as inserting components.<br />

One click with the left mouse button indicates positive confirmation. The internal<br />

functions of <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 allow the right button to be used for cancelling, as in the earlier<br />

version, but not in the case of the main menu, as this is not compatible with standard<br />

Windows functions.<br />

Moving and sizing of individual windows is a normal part of the Windows operation and<br />

the form of the cursor gives visual hints on how to do this.<br />

The right mouse button gives you access to a very important function of the program.<br />

When you position the cursor on any object, you will see a special menu which matches<br />

the characteristics of the object. This applies not only to elements within the drawings<br />

but also to the buttons on the toolbars.<br />

You can use the mouse to mark an area (rectangle) of the drawing. You can then, for<br />

example, move or copy the selected components.<br />

When you wish to select a particular area of a drawing window for further processing,<br />

you can do this with the mouse as well: click with the left mouse button on a corner of<br />

the desired area, hold the mouse button down and move the cursor with the mouse.<br />

This will cause a rectangle to be drawn and when the mouse button is released all the<br />

components within the rectangle will be shown highlighted. You can then apply the Copy<br />

command () to this area. To cancel the selection you simply click anywhere in<br />

the drawing window.<br />

Another familiar feature is the ‘Panning’ feature, which moves the whole picture in the<br />

drawing window when the cursor reaches the edge of the window. However this function<br />

is only activated when you hold the key down. This prevents the screen from<br />

‘panning’ every time you move the mouse towards the menus or toolbars.<br />

The Object properties concept embraces a new and very fundamental feature. A click<br />

with the right mouse button opens up a menu which relates exactly to the object on<br />

which the cursor is located. For example, if the object is a component, you will get the<br />

Symbol parameters menu and its applicable commands, if you click near a command<br />

toolbar you can insert and extract the function bars. You will soon come to appreciate<br />

the usefulness of this feature!.<br />


Function keys<br />

Working with <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5<br />

Even with a graphical interface the function keys should of course not be forgotten, as<br />

they can also be used to give fast access to frequently used operators. For instance you<br />

will often find the F4 key very useful for fitting your drawing to the current window, F2<br />

and F3 for rapid Zooming, F5 for Snap mode switching or F7 for Grid display<br />

switching.<br />

load keyboard-stripes from our homepage this will help you to get familiar with<br />

the function keys:<br />

PDF:<br />

www.wscad.com/HELP/<strong>WSCAD</strong>5_Tastaturaufkleber.pdf<br />

Excel:<br />

www.wscad.com/HELP/<strong>WSCAD</strong>5_Tastaturaufkleber.xls<br />

Every Windows user will of course already be familiar with one function key: F1 for the<br />

Online help. This gives access to the whole of the reference manual and there are also<br />

“topical” hints and tips.<br />

The full list of the available function keys is as follows:<br />

Overview of available function keys<br />

F1<br />

Key Function<br />

Invokes the online help for the menu item to which you are pointing<br />

or the respective dialogue<br />

F2 Zooms in (picture larger)<br />

F3 Zooms out (picture smaller)<br />

F4 Zoom to size (fit window)<br />

STRG + F4 Presentation 1:1 in relation to the page format<br />

ALT + F4 End program<br />

F5 Snap grid on/off<br />

F6 Orthogonalmodus ein / aus<br />

F7 Grid on/off<br />

F8 Coordinates display in mm / in<br />

F9 Cursor zero point absolute / relative<br />

F10 Autolink on/off<br />

F11 Redraw<br />

F12 Full screen mode<br />

Mainly has the same function as the left mouse button<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

22<br />

or<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

or<br />

<br />

or<br />

<br />

Pages through a set of drawings<br />

Starts the Page up/down dialogue which allows you to navigate<br />

easily through the schematics<br />

The goto function shows you immediately the page which page<br />

number you've entered in the text field (information bar)<br />

Copies the symbols from a selected area, i.e. saves the symbols in<br />

an buffer file and transfers them to the clipboard<br />

Restores the buffer file. This is the same as the insert-block<br />

command<br />

Cuts the elements in the selected area<br />

Invokes the UNDO function<br />

Starts the load-file dialogue<br />

Starts the print dialogue<br />

Closes a file<br />

Starts info for <strong>WSCAD</strong><br />

Jumps to first page of current plan<br />

-<br />

<br />

-<br />

<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

<br />

Jumps to first page of current project<br />

Jumps to last page of current project<br />

Jumps to previous area<br />

Jumps to next area<br />

Undoes the last POS1<br />

Jumps to last page of current project<br />

-<br />

<br />

-<br />

<br />

-<br />

<br />

-<br />

<br />

Undoes the last END<br />

Starts Symbol Explorer<br />

Starts Item Management<br />

Starts Terminal Dialogue (Browser)<br />

- Starts Cable Management<br />

- Starts Plug Management<br />

- Starts Contactor Manager<br />

- Starts Protection Semiautomatic on / off<br />

- Starts PLC Manager

Hint<br />

- Starts Drawing macro Explorer<br />

- Starts Parameters / Common Settings<br />

Working with <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5<br />

When a keyboard input has a default text, this is already selected.<br />

This can be seen on the inverted view. If you wish to retain the<br />

default text and merely edit it, the cursor must be positioned<br />

beforehand using the cursor keys (or or ). If you<br />

wish to enter text directly, the default text will be deleted<br />

immediately.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Multiple windows<br />

In <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 you work with several drawing windows. The following example shows a<br />

typical drawing window.<br />

The title bar shows what is being displayed. With the button in the upper right hand<br />

corner you can minimise the drawing window (put it down to an icon), maximise it (bring<br />

it up to full size) or close it completely. When a window is closed, any changes are<br />

saved.<br />

Hint<br />

24<br />

The appearance of the buttons depends on what version of<br />

Windows you are using.<br />

Each page on the circuit diagram is assigned to a drawing window, i.e. a page cannot be<br />

displayed in two different windows at the same time. Each window takes up space in the<br />

drawing memory, which of course increases the amount of memory required. You can<br />

therefore configure <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 to work in multiple window mode.<br />

With functions which involve other pages (e.g. ‘Cross-reference navigator’ or ‘Page<br />

up/down) it is important to check first that the page is not already linked to a drawing<br />

window. If this is the case, the relevant window will be made active. This may have the<br />

effect, with the ‘Page up/down function for instance, that a second drawing window in the<br />

background is made active.

Working with <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5<br />

Each drawing window can be moved, resized, tiled side by side or overlapped with others<br />

within the main window.<br />

Hint<br />

In the menu under the command ‘Window’ you will find a range of<br />

commands which will enable you to arrange the windows on the<br />

screen. The menu also includes a list of all open windows.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Full screen mode<br />

You can switch between Normal mode and Full-screen mode using the menu<br />

command Window / Full screen or the function key. The menu bar, window<br />

title, status bar and information bar are not visible on the bottom edge of the screen. The<br />

symbol and library bars, on the other hand, are still visible.<br />

Hint<br />

26<br />

If it is necessary to input text, the information bar automatically<br />

appears with the general text field and disappears again after the<br />

text has been input.

Project Manager<br />

Project Manager in general<br />

General<br />

With the revised version of Project Manager (PM) in <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5, the Installation<br />

diagram module is invoked for the first time directly using a fully synchronised Project<br />

Manager (PM). The two Project Managers (PMs) look identical and access a common<br />

database. They therefore always see the same project listings and you can therefore<br />

edit the project information and save, delete or open projects etc. in both PMs.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

The difference lies in the enabled functionalities for the specialised file types at any one<br />

time. The Project Manager (PM) of the Installation diagram module is used exclusively<br />

for editing the files types installation diagram in the folder of the same name. All<br />

other file types are edited in the Project Manager (PM) of <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5.<br />


Starting Project Manager (PM)<br />

Project Manager<br />

PM is started under the menu option File / Project Manager. The PM obtains project<br />

information from several ACCESS databases which are located in the default project<br />

directory.<br />

The (PRJKND.MDB, PRJVERW.MDB and PRJDATA.MDB) ACCESS databases contain<br />

all of the information for project manager. These are located in the configured project<br />

path under Parameters / General / Directories / Project database .<br />

Function of the different project databases<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

30<br />

• Prjknd.mdb: stores information relating to customers.<br />

• Prjverw.mdb: stores all projects and project information for each project<br />

• Prjdata.mdb: stores templates which determine the structure of your project.<br />

• PRJARC.MDB: stores information relating to architects.<br />

• PRJBAU.MDB: stores information relating to construction sites.

The Project Manager window<br />

Project Manager<br />

In the header bar you can always see the current status of the Project manager (here,<br />

for example: -> Open: <strong>WSCAD</strong> Example project 1 ; this means that the project<br />

<strong>WSCAD</strong> Example project1 is active).<br />

Additionally you can see at the top right the Windows control symbols Maximize and<br />

Close.<br />

Note<br />

The Project Manager cannot be placed onto the Taskbar !!!<br />

In the left-hand window you can see the project structure (tree) with the project<br />

name as the description and the individual folders (shown in color). These in turn<br />

contain files of the corresponding type.<br />

Note<br />

The individual folders are not directories as such but simply a filter<br />

for display purposes within the Project Manager.<br />

In the right-hand window you can see the project settings fields or the project data<br />

for each selected project, folder or single file. These project data fields can be used for<br />

automated listings in forms using the text allocators. (not in Basic module)<br />

At the bottom of the screen the display shows the currently highlighted object and the<br />

contents of the clipboard. This is also where hints are displayed when you select a<br />

command or a function.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

In the center of the screen there are some buttons for menu commands, for easier<br />

access to frequently used functions. The activity of each function is dependent on the<br />

status of each project (whether open or not) and on the current selection in the left-hand<br />

window.<br />


Project Manager<br />

Changing the size of the Project Manager dialog<br />

The size of the project action window can be changed and the size of the fields in the<br />

right hand window are readjusted to fit. In order to change the size, the cursor must be<br />

moved to the side of the window and the double arrow which then appears by pressing<br />

the left mouse button moves to the desired position (many of the dialogs can be made to<br />

fit in this way). The width of the left area can also be changed. Move the cursor to the<br />

side edge of the left window and then a double arrow will appear.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Closing the Project Manager<br />

The menu item 'Project -/ Close' closes the Project manager and displays the current<br />

drawing page of the selected <strong>WSCAD</strong> project. The Project manager don't must be<br />

closed, you can use 2 screen solutions to set them on the second screen.<br />


Project functions<br />

Creating a new project<br />

Project Manager<br />

To create a new project, start up the Project manager and activate the menu item<br />

'Project – New'. This opens up the dialog 'New project'.<br />

Enter project name and working directory<br />

In the Project name field at the top, enter the name of the new project (see above).<br />

You can then choose either to set the working directory yourself via the Search button, or<br />

to use the standard setting which stores the project name in a subdirectory of the preset<br />

project path (’Settings – Common Settings - Directories’).<br />

Using templates<br />

To avoid always having to set the general parameters of a project such as the drawing<br />

frames for the schematic diagrams or the forms for the various lists, <strong>WSCAD</strong> 4. for<br />

Windows uses Templates. The descriptive texts and comment texts are copied into the<br />

new project. They can be used in automated listings in the various forms(e.g. the cover<br />

sheet).<br />

Note<br />

These templates 'note' the references for the forms, drawing frame,<br />

file name and optional texts for all file types that are handled by<br />

<strong>WSCAD</strong>.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Settings in the dialog – New project entry<br />

36<br />

• DIN 61346 This option has the effect of applying the new DIN libraries to the<br />

new project. After a standard <strong>WSCAD</strong> installation, the DIN libraries are located in<br />

the directory which was configured in the configuration under Parameters /<br />

General / Directories / Field libraries 61346. If the option DIN 61346 has<br />

been switched on, the database field designation DIN 61346 is used for the<br />

assignment routines between DIN symbols and items and many processes then<br />

relate to this setting. Otherwise, the DIN 40719 option is used.<br />

• Project-specific configuration You can define whether a project-specific<br />

configuration (WS_PRJ50.INI in the project directory) should be created or<br />

whether you are able to work with the global configuration WS_WIN.50.INI and<br />

(WS_PRJ50.INI in the Windows system directory). The advantage is that you<br />

retain the settings in regard to the configuration which apply to this project and<br />

do not transfer them to other projects when changing the project<br />

• CPP This option has the effect of converting the project to a CPP project.<br />

You will also see the folders belonging to the project for the respective file types.<br />

(Cover sheet, Change state and Contents information etc.). In the right hand<br />

working window of the Project Manager, you can supplement all other project data<br />

(Name, Description, Number and Customer etc.) of the individual projects according<br />

to need.<br />

Example<br />

New project DEMO_PROJECT in the automatically created DEMO_PROJECT directory<br />


Tip<br />

You can assemble different templates and save them under<br />

different template names.<br />

By using specific templates for each of your project types, it is very<br />

easy to ensure that your projects have a uniform appearance.<br />

Summary of procedure<br />

• Enter the project name.<br />

• Adjust the template<br />

• Set the required options<br />

Project Manager<br />

You can also change the project-specific configuration options, the project mode<br />

(standard or CPP) and the standard (DIN 61346) again later on. Now click on the OK<br />

button in the New project entry dialog. The dialog will close and the configured<br />

template data will be saved in the project.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Creating project templates<br />

Project templates can only be created or changed when you generate a new project.<br />

Select an existing project template and click on the Templates field in the New<br />

project entry dialog.<br />

The New button becomes active. After clicking on the button, you will see the new<br />

description of the template in a text box.<br />

Now change the existing settings. The individual objects (drawing frames, forms and<br />

texts) are assigned with a double click on the element for which you wish to assign or<br />

enter something.<br />

e.g. in the >>Cover sheet

Project Manager<br />

After double clicking, the Windows standard dialog opens. In this way, you can set up<br />

a permanent link by marking the form and clicking on the Open button.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Text input dialogs are activated in which you can permanently link any test with the<br />

elements Filename, Comment or Description of each folder. Click on the OK button<br />

and the text box closes and is saved.<br />


Special function for cover sheet<br />

Project Manager<br />

With Cover sheet, several different cover sheets are created when the sequential<br />

forms *.0002, *.0003... are also present in the template directory.<br />

Changing a filename or form<br />

1st Method<br />

Specify a fixed name Filenames => Diagram i.e. all the diagram<br />

pages of this project are named: Schematic.0000...Schematic.9999<br />

2nd Method<br />

Do not specify a fixed filename but use the abbreviation %P => corresponds to a<br />

wildcard for the project names.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Example<br />

e.g. for , filenames => %P i.e. all diagram pages for the project<br />

with the name XYZ are labelled:<br />

XYZ.0000...XYZ.9999<br />

e.g. for , filenames => %Ptermch<br />

i.e. all the pages of the terminal diagram of the project with the name XYZ are labelled:<br />

XYZk.0000...XYZk.9999<br />


Project settings<br />

Your PM can be configured using the PM menu option Tools / Settings.<br />

Project Manager<br />

• By using Restore project representation, the PM is opened in the state in<br />

which it was left. However, note that a large number of open projects can slow<br />

the system down, particularly when these projects are stored on network drives.<br />

• When Modifications... , an entry in which the current user can be selected or<br />

entered is only activated before starting the program after a user has been<br />

entered.<br />

• When inserting pages, New Page Numbers monitors the respective project<br />

directory to see whether filenames exist and what those filenames are. If you<br />

want to save new diagram pages but files with identical names already exist in the<br />

project directory, then the project extension is set to the free page number. E.g.<br />

Controller.0001 and Controller.0002 already exist, so the next file will be named<br />

Controller.0003 .<br />

• If the option Automatically open newly created projects is activated, then a<br />

new project will be opened immediately after it has been created.<br />

• You can select whether the evaluations (terminal diagram and material list etc.)<br />

should be carried out in a file or on the printer.<br />

• With the Configuring the content information option, the information comes<br />

from the variables on the diagram pages (such as procedure versions, but<br />

requires old equations) or if this option is not activated, from the PM. You<br />

define how the contents information produced is organised in the box. Here, it is<br />

possible to select different modes.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

44<br />

• Texts in part-projects enables the comments which can be freely defined to be<br />

fitted to the individual part-projects in CPP mode.<br />

In the PM, you will see your replacement text instead of the word Text1.<br />

• The option 'Set revision'... has the effect of making the revision level the same<br />

for all pages of the project. The number of change levels affects the<br />

presentation of the change level data on the diagrams and lists. For example,<br />

these can display only 3 change levels (even though a maximum of 15 can be<br />


Opening a project<br />

Project Manager<br />

In order to open the project, first start the PM, search for the relevant project on the<br />

left in the directory tree and click on the project name with the right mouse button and<br />

a context menu will open; select the menu option Open. Alternatively, you can also use<br />

the main menu of the PM (Project / Open) instead of the context menu.<br />

In this case, opening is in the form of activation since only projects which are open<br />

can be sensibly edited. Open files which do not belong to the project which is<br />

currently open are identified as external and should only be used for observation or<br />

for copying symbols or drawing areas.<br />

The status of the project is indicated in the top window line in the PM. Here you can also<br />

check the name of the project currently open. After creating a project, this will be<br />

opened automatically depending on the general settings which have been configured.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Copying a project<br />

In order to copy an existing project, it is only necessary to click on the project name to<br />

be copied with the right mouse button and select the option Copy in the context menu.<br />

At the bottom in the PM window, you will see a description of the project which has been<br />

copied along with the clipboard.<br />

Now click with the right mouse button and select Paste from the context menu (mouse<br />

menu).<br />

This starts the dialog Include existing project.<br />


Project Manager<br />

Now here you can specify the new project name while all other settings templates and<br />

CPP yes/no are copied from the project and transferred to the clipboard. All files, lists<br />

and all project information are transferred at the same time. The new (copied) project<br />

copy_of_project appears in the project list.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Deleting a project or files<br />

You can delete any project which is not open or individual files in the PM by marking<br />

the relevant item using the right mouse button and then selecting the Delete command<br />

from the context menu. Alternatively, you can always use the main menu (Edit /<br />

Delete) instead of the context menu. You can then choose whether just the project<br />

entry in the manager or all the files, all the diagram pages, lists and databases and<br />

all subdirectories (including contents) in the working directory should be deleted.<br />

48<br />

Very dangerously, if you selected a directory as working directory,<br />

contains other data than <strong>WSCAD</strong> data<br />

By ticking the option Deleted files to the recycle bin, the deleted files are stored in the<br />

Windows recycle bin. This setting can be made under Parameters / General / File.

Closing a project<br />

Project Manager<br />

In order to close the project, mark it using the left mouse button and select the option<br />

Project / Close in the PM menu. Or click with the right mouse button and select Close<br />

from the context menu.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Integrate a project<br />

With this function you can integrate existing projects into the PM in a similar way to the<br />

Import function. The essential difference is that the program only refers to an already<br />

existing project directory containing <strong>WSCAD</strong> files. The existing project remains initially<br />

unaltered. Files are neither moved, copied nor replaced, nor is a Zip file used. If the<br />

drive in question is a CD-Rom or a Ram disk, <strong>WSCAD</strong> will offer to copy all the files into<br />

the displayed project directory (a project cannot be edited on a CD-Rom). If the files<br />

come from a CD-Rom, the write-protection is removed from the files. Start by using the<br />

menu item 'Project– Integrate'. Then the dialog 'Integrate existing project' opens.<br />

Enter your new project name and use Search to select the existing project directory<br />

containing the file you want to associate.<br />

Click on 'OK' two times to associate the project into your project structure as an<br />

autonomous project. All the features, files and lists are integrated. Even <strong>WSCAD</strong> 4.x<br />

projects can be included.<br />


Project Manager<br />

You have to confirm a dialog , about updating the project information and also the hint<br />

how to recreate a CPP project. Select Yes.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Hint<br />

52<br />

In the case of older projects that were created with V4.0 or older,<br />

not all features can be automatically integrated. For example, you<br />

will need to amend the file data in the lists, because the various file<br />

types were not yet available in the drawing format. You can also<br />

amend them directly via the Project manager.

Inserting external files<br />

Project Manager<br />

When a project is open, you can also insert files to the current project that do not belong<br />

to the project (i.e. external files). These files must of course be in <strong>WSCAD</strong> format. With<br />

the cursor activate the folder Schematics; this makes the menu item 'Edit – Insert<br />

external files' active.<br />

When this is activated, the File selection dialog with preview dialog opens up. This<br />

searches all the drives on the PC for <strong>WSCAD</strong> files and displays them in a list:<br />

When you select a <strong>WSCAD</strong> file in one of the directories, you can see a preview of the file<br />

and can insert specific files by clicking on OK. This opens up the standard Windows<br />

dialog with the file name preset and showing the next free page number (this can be set<br />

optionally in the project settings under Preset sheet numbers when inserting<br />

pages).<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Note<br />

54<br />

If contactors /contacts are inserted, automatic functions such as<br />

the contactor manager take control.

Printing a project<br />

Project Manager<br />

In the PM, you can only print out open projects. Select Project / Print in the menu in<br />

order to activate the printing process. A selection dialog will open which lists all the<br />

available diagram types. In this dialog, you can decide which file types should be output.<br />

See also<br />

Selective printing<br />

Here you can also select the print order in CPP Projects. After clicking on the Start<br />

button, a list is produced of the files which are actually being printed out.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

The files being printed out can be determined according to date and selection with the<br />

button Limit to>>. Only those files will then be printed out which match the date which<br />

you have set in the selection filter. You can select either before, on or after a date or<br />

according to a time period, e.g. after 1.01.2000 and before 1.04.2000. Or only<br />

selected file types or files are included or excluded.<br />

The dialog only shows the files which can be printed out, for the purpose of checking.<br />


Project Manager<br />

After clicking on the OK button, the Print output dialog starts. You can use this to start<br />

printing and, if necessary, configure any setting on your printer driver.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Selective printing<br />

If you only wish to print out certain files, then you must make the selection beforehand<br />

in the Project Manager dialog.<br />

A few selection variants<br />

These variants apply to all other file types as well as copying functions etc. In order to<br />

select several files, hold down the key and click on the relevant files with the left<br />

mouse button.<br />

In order to mark ranges, hold down the key and click on the lowest of the<br />

diagram pages to be marked. All the diagram pages above and up to the selection which<br />

has already made will be marked at the same time.<br />


Project Manager<br />

Once you have marked the files you want, select Project / Print from the menu or click<br />

on the appropriate button in the dialog. A list is produced of the files actually being<br />

printed out. Start the output with OK.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />


Convert<br />

Graphic<br />

Project Manager<br />

You are only able to print out opened projects. Choose the menuitem Project / Export<br />

/ Graphic then you'll get a Selection dialogue where you see all existing schematics<br />

and listings.<br />

Select the relevant files an press OK.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

The files being printed out as a graphic can be determined according to date and<br />

selection with the button Limit to>>. Only those files will then be printed out which<br />

match the date which you have set in the selection filter. You can select either before,<br />

on or after a date or according to a time period, e.g. after 1.01.2000 and before<br />

1.04.2000. Or only selected file types or files are included or excluded. Then press<br />

OK.<br />

Select now the graphic format. After pressing OK each file will be saved as an graphic<br />

file.<br />


DWG-DXF<br />

Project Manager<br />

Choose Project / Export / DWG-DXF to create DWG or DXF files from the schematics<br />

and listings. You'll get a Selection dialogue where you see all existing schematics and<br />

listings.<br />

Select the relevant files an press OK.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

The files being converted as a DWG/DXF-file can be determined according to date and<br />

selection with the button Limit to>>. Only those files will then be printed out which<br />

match the date which you have set in the selection filter. You can select either before,<br />

on or after a date or according to a time period, e.g. after 1.01.2000 and before<br />

1.04.2000. Or only selected file types or files are included or excluded. Then press<br />

OK.<br />

Select now the output format. After pressing OK each file will be saved as an DWG or<br />

DXF file.<br />


Save in <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5.0 file format<br />

Project Manager<br />

This function is used to start the output of the complete project or a file (depending on<br />

whether you invoke the command from the main menu or from the project manager<br />

menu) in the format of the previous version <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5.0 .<br />

All new extensions are converted so that the files are readable in the old format. Of<br />

course, some of the functions of <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 will no longer be available.<br />

Pages above 999 will be ignored<br />

In the main menu file, the command for outputting to <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5.0 file format is also<br />

available, but only the current file is converted.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Password protection<br />

In order to protect projects from unauthorized access, you can protect your files with a<br />

password. This ensures that projects can only be opened after a password has been<br />

entered.<br />

To apply a password, open a project in the PM and select the menu option Projects -<br />

Password. You are now prompted to enter a password and then re-enter it to confirm.<br />

Note<br />

66<br />

The password protection is now active for the project and will be<br />

prompted for whenever the project is opened. However you can<br />

still load and edit individual files from the protected project. The<br />

files themselves are not write-protected.<br />

You can deactivate the password protection by calling up the menu item 'Project –<br />

Password' for the protected and open project and accepting the inputs 'New<br />

Password' and 'Confirm password' each time without entering anything and finishing<br />

with .<br />

If you have forgotten your password, please ring our Hotline +49 8131-3627-99.

User<br />

Project Manager<br />

In larger companies or at workstations where several users may be using the program,<br />

the 'User' function allows you to identify which project belongs to which user.<br />

Hint<br />

You can also display the projects in the Project manager, sorted by<br />

username<br />

When you confirm the menu item 'Project – User', this opens up the dialog 'Input:<br />

Username'. Here you can input new usernames; use 'OK' to confirm. Individual<br />

usernames can be deleted from the list with 'Delete'.<br />

You can choose whether to work with the Username manager by setting the option in the<br />

Project manager.<br />

When the option is set, you must always specify a username (or select from the list)<br />

when starting up <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5.<br />

Hint<br />

The selected person will also be identified as project editor for new<br />

projects and when editing different revision histories of a project.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Project information<br />

Editing fields in the Project Manager<br />

The fields in the right-hand window of the Project manager contain the description of<br />

the project. These fields can be filled in or edited and their contents can be<br />

transferred into forms and lists by means of text allocators. If you click once on a<br />

field and begin the input via the keyboard, you will overwrite the old texts. Start with<br />

to complement the existing text. The project information in the right<br />

hand working window of the PM is used to describe the project. This project<br />

information can be edited. Click once on a field and start inputting using the keyboard,<br />

then write over the old texts and use to supplement the existing text.<br />

If you double click the field, this also puts the field into input mode, but the old text<br />

remains. Press the key and the current field is closed (together with the<br />

alterations) and the active input field jumps to the next line down. To cancel the action<br />

or discard the changes, press the key.<br />


Arranging project information<br />

Project Manager<br />

The project information in the PM can be rearranged or can be included or excluded.<br />

In this way, your projects will only be shown with the information which is really<br />

important for you. Using the right mouse button, click on the field which is to be moved<br />

into position in order to move project-information fields into the list position. In the<br />

context menu which appears, select Cut. Move the mouse pointer to the position to<br />

which the field is to be moved. Click again with the right mouse button and now select<br />

the desired field from the context menu using Paste. The field will now move to the new<br />

position.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Project information with special functions<br />

The general default setting is implemented in the configuration under Parameters /<br />

General / Directories by the setting for the project list. New projects are normally<br />

created in a subdirectory of the path entered there.<br />

Customer or customer number<br />

Double click on the Customer or Customer number field and it will branch automatically<br />

into the customer database.<br />

Editor<br />

Opens an entry box from which a choice can also be made from the editors already<br />

entered.<br />

Working directory<br />

The working directory can be selected via the file dialog by double clicking on the working<br />

directory field. However, this procedure should only be used with care in case you have<br />

moved a project using an external program (such as Windows Explorer) and now have to<br />

move the working directory saved in the PM.<br />

Project mode<br />

Click on the Project mode field and then a list field will open. This is where the settings<br />

Standard and CPP UFD are located.<br />

CPP mode is not available in the Standard setting. The CPP UFD setting allows the<br />

allocation of system and location designations. Sorting is according to system.<br />

Hint<br />

70<br />

Normally, the mode of the project is already set when re-creating<br />

the project.<br />

Date<br />

After double clicking in the Date field, a calendar opens in which you can set the date.<br />

This value is then saved in the Date field. This field is saved by means of a wild card,<br />

e.g. in the drawing frame.<br />

External configuration

Project Manager<br />

Each project can have its own configuration file which is located in the relevant<br />

project directory. (WS_PRJ50.ini). With this field, you can provide a project with its<br />

own configuration file subsequently or delete an existing one. You can also refer to a<br />

WS_PRJ50.ini file located in another project directory (external). If you do not use<br />

project-specific configuration files, the settings in the WS_PRJ50.ini file in the<br />

<strong>WSCAD</strong>50 folder in the CFG system directory will be used instead. This is also where the<br />

WS_WIN50.ini file is located.<br />

Standard<br />

Standard is used to change the standard format used. This setting controls access to the<br />

libraries used.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Additional project information<br />

If you need you can add additional fields to the Project manager. You must open the<br />

Project manager database PRJVERW.MDB using MS Access, and you can add<br />

additional fields (only to the existing table).<br />

For this additional fields text allocators are also available, which you can add to your<br />

drawing frame of the graphic forms (project data).<br />


Project Export Import Backup and Restore<br />

Backup and restore<br />

Project Manager<br />

The operation of these functions corresponds to that of the Export and Import function<br />

(please look up the operation under these topics) but Backup and Restore functions are<br />

only used on open projects. This should make the user aware of which activity he really<br />

wants to carry out.<br />

The difference between Restore and Import is that a new project is not created. With<br />

Restore, the zip file is merely extracted into the current project directory and the<br />

open project is overwritten. Note here that the existing files are moved to the backup<br />

directory WSPRJBAK .<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Export<br />

One useful feature is the direct link to a file-compression program. You can save the<br />

complete project from the PM as a zip file, which is compatible with WinZip®. The<br />

filename of the export file can be anything you like and is normally saved in the<br />

project path. The export file also backs up forms, comb library and cable/plug text<br />

files. You can use this file to make your project files available to <strong>WSCAD</strong> Support.<br />

Single project export<br />

In order to do this, mark the relevant project by clicking on it with the left mouse button<br />

and select the option Export from the PM Project menu.<br />

The Windows standard dialog opens for saving a file and suggests a directory and<br />

name for the zip file. The suggested name is always made up of the project<br />

designation plus the current date. The Linked Graphic subfolder is always saved in<br />

the zip archive at the same time.<br />


Project Manager<br />

Click on the save button and then the Compress / Extract dialog will appear. In this<br />

dialog, you will see a list of all the compressed files which have been included in the zip<br />

file. This dialog is closed by clicking on the OK button. The zip file is now located in the<br />

selected directory.<br />

multi project export<br />

If make a multiple selection of projects an then you choose Project / Export then<br />

you've got a message box which count the selected projects and you have to decide that<br />

the Zip File's are created in one directory or several directories.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />


Import<br />

Project Manager<br />

The Import function is the reverse of the Export function. For this, execute the menu<br />

option Project / Import.<br />

This opens the dialogue Include existing project. There, specify your new project<br />

name. Via the Search button, you can select an existing working directory in which to<br />

import the files.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

After clicking on OK, the file dialog opens. There, select a zip file (backup or exported<br />

project).<br />

An additional instruction dialog starts:<br />


Project Manager<br />

Confirm this with Yes and then all previously existing files are moved into the backup<br />

directory WSPRJBAK. The zipped files are extracted and copied into the project<br />

directory. The Compress / Extract dialog becomes active and is closed after<br />

confirming with the OK button.<br />

When you import a project with Project database, then you can decide here whether<br />

you want to use it or not. This enables you to take over the original item files of the<br />

project generator.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />


File functions<br />

Creating a file<br />

Project Manager<br />

With the PM, a single file or several files at once can be created in each open project<br />

by marking the relevant file type (folder) by clicking using the right mouse button and<br />

then selecting the Create (for file type diagram) command or Generate (for file type<br />

lists) from the context menu.<br />

Then determine the number of pages to be created simultaneously (for file type<br />

diagram).<br />

The filename dialog starts, enter the filenames there with the start value of the new<br />

file(s).<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

The files are created using the drawing frame created in the template for this project<br />

and the PM is closed. Enter the PM again and select the new file in the project tree,<br />

then you will see the properties for this file on the right. The Filename, File content<br />

and Comment 1..2 fields can be used during the evaluation via wildcards e.g. in the<br />

contents entry.<br />


Creating (circuit diagram) subpages<br />

Project Manager<br />

If you have to document extensions or changes etc. without changing existing drawings,<br />

then use the <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 function of the circuit-diagram subpages. The subpages are<br />

generated on the relevant circuit-diagram page directly in the PM.<br />

Select Create and a previously populated page-creation dialog opens.<br />

The current page number (1000) can be extended with characters (a-z) on 2 levels<br />

where Level 1 must be filled and Level 2 can be filled.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

The circuit diagram subpages in the PM are sorted alphabetically.<br />

Further subpages can be created for circuit diagram subpages in exactly the same way<br />

by marking the circuit-diagram subpage, choosing the relevant subpage and then<br />

selecting Create in the context menu. You will then see the complete filename<br />

displayed again which you confirm by clicking on the OK button.<br />


Opening files<br />

Project Manager<br />

When you mark a diagram page, you will see the data for the diagram in the right<br />

hand window of the PM at the top and the relevant content in the Preview underneath.<br />

You can open the diagrams by double clicking on the filenames. The PM menu option<br />

Edit / Open leads to the same result.<br />

The PM closes when the file opens. If no project is open, then the project which<br />

belongs to the diagram page opens after double clicking with the mouse.<br />

Caution<br />

If diagram pages are open which do not belong to the current<br />

project, then these will be opened as external files. In this case,<br />

any alterations are not monitored by the automatic functions.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Deleting files (diagrams of lists) using the PM<br />

The project for which you wish to create circuit diagrams, terminal diagrams,<br />

wiring diagrams or cabinet plans etc. using the PM must be in the open status<br />

(activated). Now use the right mouse button to select the relevant folder for which you<br />

wish to create or generate new or further diagrams or lists.<br />

Deleting files<br />

Also use the right mouse button for deletion. Move the cursor to the relevant file in the<br />

open project and then click with the right mouse button and select Delete in the<br />

context menu.<br />


Selecting several files<br />

Project Manager<br />

Mark the desired diagram pages of any particular project by holding down the <br />

key and clicking on the relevant files with the left mouse button.<br />

In order to mark a range, hold down the key and click on the lowest of the<br />

diagram pages to be marked. All diagram pages above and up to the selection already<br />

made will be marked at the same time.<br />

Unlike Windows Explorer, this procedure can be used many times over in order to select<br />

several ranges with the greatest of ease. Now click on the marked range with the right<br />

mouse button and, in the context menu which now opens, select Copy.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Copying files<br />

Mark the file and select the PM menu option Edit / Copy file.<br />

In the following standard dialog, you can enter the filename and with the file<br />

extension (.0001, .0002, usw.) the first page number for the new files. You can also<br />

enter another target directory for the copied files. Circuit diagram (main) pages<br />

are created in the case of circuit diagram subpages.<br />

Use Open to open a display where you can decide on the number of copies. By selecting<br />

the number here, the corresponding copies are created in the selected folder.<br />


Project Manager<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Changing a file type<br />

Mark the file <strong>WSCAD</strong> example_project 2.0011 and select the PM menu option Edit /<br />

Change file type.<br />

A dialog then opens in which you can allocate a file type to the selected file from the<br />

available file types. This file type is saved with OK.<br />

Important<br />

90<br />

You should only do this in exceptional cases since changing the file<br />

type also affects the presentation of the files in the folder as well<br />

as changing the properties of the files in general.

Changing filenames<br />

Project Manager<br />

If you wish to change the filenames, then you can change one or more filenames here.<br />

Method 1<br />

In order to do so, mark the filename(s) and select the menu option Edit / Rename.<br />

Enter the new filename in the File specification entry dialog.<br />

After confirming with the OK button, the dialog closes and the marked files are renamed.<br />

‘*’ and ‘?’ can also be used. For example, you can use them to correct a typing error<br />

e.g. if bintroller ventilation is renamed with co*, only the first two characters will be<br />

changed.<br />

Caution<br />

If the new filename no longer correspond to the specifications in<br />

the PM, these files will be filtered out of the folder view.<br />

Method 2<br />

If you wish to rename all the filenames within a folder, under certain circumstances, this<br />

can be a very large number of files. For this reason, click directly on the folder (e.g.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

diagram pages) and change the default filenames under the project information. Pay<br />

attention to the PM display at bottom left in regard to the number of marked files.<br />

Example<br />

After making the entry, all filenames are renamed when you confirm the prompt with<br />

Yes.<br />


Moving the page number of the file<br />

Project Manager<br />

You can move the file extension (*.0002 corresponds to the current page number) of<br />

files within the PM by marking the file(s) and selecting the PM menu option Edit /<br />

Move.<br />

Enter the offset in the entry dialog by which the selected pages should be increased. You<br />

can also mark and offset several pages and shift the numbers in the opposite direction<br />

by using a negative offset. In this way, page numbers which become free can be used<br />

again. If you enter a “-5” minus sign as the offset, then the file will move forwards.<br />

The function will notice that this file number already exists and will cancel the process.<br />

However, if you enter the value 5 in the offset dialog for example, then Page 1 will<br />

become Page 6:<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Result<br />


Project Manager<br />

Linking project files to <strong>WSCAD</strong> files with “NOT”<br />

If you require secondary documentation of if you want to link your layouts to pictures,<br />

then the “Link” function of <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 is the tool which is used for this purpose. It is<br />

simple to use. In the link field, any file can be allocated to each drawing using the path<br />

and filename (via a double click and Search for file, in this case, Layout.001 and a Word<br />

file).<br />

The respective file appears in the Preview window when you double click on the field<br />

name Link or click on the Show link command in the menu view and can even be<br />

edited (e.g. Word, but of course not with all Word functions).<br />

The program which can be used to generate or edit the linked file type must be installed<br />

on the computer system (in this case, for example, Word). One special feature in this<br />

case is the ability to enter an internet address (such as www.<strong>WSCAD</strong>.com).<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />


Copying and pasting files<br />

Copying and pasting a file<br />

Project Manager<br />

In order to copy an existing file of whatever type, it is only necessary to click on the file<br />

to be copied with the right mouse button and select the option Copy from the Context<br />

menu. This file may also be located in a project which is not open. (Check in the<br />

bottom display of the clipboard to see which file has been selected for copying).<br />

Now switch to your open target project and select the folder into which the file is to be<br />

copied. The project which is to receive the file must be open. Now click with the<br />

right mouse button and select Paste from the context menu.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />


Copying one file<br />

Project Manager<br />

If you are only copying one file, then all the automatic management actions up to<br />

automatic numbering are executed depending on the configuration level<br />

(professional or compact) and parameter settings in the open (target) project.<br />

Keyword Cable manager, Protection manager, PLC manager and Plug manager.<br />

The file dialog opens with the preview and offers the default filename for the folder with<br />

the next available page number.<br />

Save this name with Open and the file will be saved in the file circuit.<br />

Each manager (Cable, Plug, Protection and PLC) starts up and reads the reference<br />

name of the component from the copied diagram and attempts to adjust the respective<br />

database accordingly. See below the examples on the left which are the reference<br />

names of the components which are currently available on the diagram and on the right<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

the corrected reference names for these components which have consequently been resaved<br />

in the managers.<br />

Cable manager<br />

Above you see the content of cables in this sheet. Insert a new Reference Name and<br />

select the target cable which receive the new Reference Name by a double click.<br />

Plug manager<br />


Project Manager<br />

Here you see the content of connectors in this sheet. Insert a new Reference Name and<br />

select the target connector which receive the new Reference Name by a double click.<br />

Contactor manager<br />

A new reference name for each coil or contact is created and it's saved in the<br />

Contactor manager.<br />

Here you can correct the assignment.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />


Copying several files<br />

Project Manager<br />

When copying several files (by holding down the key and clicking on the files) the<br />

automatic management actions are suppressed and will have to be restarted manually<br />

later on. The difference between this procedure and the procedure involving single files is<br />

the message that the automatic management actions for this procedure have been<br />

disabled.<br />

Once you have confirmed this, the file dialog starts as before in order to define the first<br />

filename. The subsequent filenames are then automatically increased by 1. During the<br />

copying process, the reference names of the symbols on the existing diagram pages are<br />

compared with those which are being copied. If a reference name already exists, then<br />

the default value 0 is added to the reference name being copied.<br />

Example<br />

–K1 is changed to –K1/1<br />

and<br />

–1K1 is changed to –1K1/1<br />

Then renumber again in order to correct the changed reference name again.<br />

The following applies here also<br />

All of the necessary generation functions are executed in order to<br />

obtain a functioning project.<br />

Example<br />

You have copied several pages with cables and are working with the Cable manager:<br />

you can manually adjust the reference names which are now added or re-issue them<br />

via the automatic numbering system. After this, the Cable manager can be reactivated.<br />

The cable database is updated with the Read diagram command.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Updating the Contactor- PLC manager<br />

These functions must always be executed whenever you add or remove several files<br />

and/or drawing macros (which contain coils, contacts or PLC modules or cables) to or<br />

from existing drawings in projects.<br />

This has to be carried out for CPP projects in particular. Because all automatic functions<br />

were switched off when copying several files, the PLC manager and the Contactor<br />

manager must be activated and executed (General parameters / Tab / Contactor<br />

and PLC).<br />

For this, start the command:<br />

104<br />

Automatic / Contactor manager / New project file<br />

Automatic / PLC/ Create new PLC manager file<br />

Automatic / Cable manager<br />

Automatic / Plug manager

Project view<br />

Switch between floorplan and schematics<br />

Project Manager<br />

In each case, switch over to the other program under the menu option View / Partner<br />

program PM and the Project Manager (PM) of the relevant program will open. In this<br />

way, you can very quickly switch between Circuit diagram and Edit installation<br />

diagram.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />


Preview<br />

Project Manager<br />

The preview (activated or deactivated by clicking) allows you to display the files<br />

graphically, once these have been highlighted in the left-hand project window.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Option Projects<br />

Under 'View – Projects' there are three options which can help you to navigate around<br />

the Project manager.<br />

Within the project tree, the 'Currently open' option jumps to the project that is<br />

currently open. This can be a great help when there are many open projects and folders,<br />

each containing a large number of files.<br />

With the command 'Close all folders' all the detailed project information are hidden and<br />

only the project folders with their names are listed.<br />

The command 'Restore' restores all the projects to the state they were in before you<br />

last left the Project manager.<br />


Option Sorting<br />

Project Manager<br />

Sorting allows you to list projects in a specific way. You can sort either by project name<br />

(Standard) or by other project data. The project data are located in the Project<br />

manager on the right-hand side.<br />

Example:<br />

In the illustration below the 'Drawn by' field is highlighted.<br />

For the purposes of selecting the project data it does not matter which project you are in<br />

at the moment.<br />

Highlight the field 'Drawn by' in the project data and select the menu item 'View –<br />

Sorting – Selection'. The project directory will then be sorted by 'Drawn by'. Similarly<br />

you can also determine whether alphabetical sorting is done ascending or descending.<br />

Now you can see that all the identified editors are given their own group containing their<br />

respective projects.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Further possible selections are sorting by (e.g.) >> Drawn by

Project Manager<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Projects and Folders (file types)<br />

General<br />

Each project has a standard number of folders. These can be included or excluded in<br />

any way you choose and also positioned in the sequence.<br />

Each folder reflects a file type which is identified by specific functionalities and properties.<br />

While creating the relevant diagram pages or drawings via the PM, the correct file types<br />

for the new element are configured automatically. This is essential for automatic<br />

evaluation later on. For this reason, the PM must always be used for creating new<br />

drawings and diagrams etc. The names of the folders are almost unambiguous and in<br />

most cases, it is not necessary to explain to the specialist in detail what they mean.<br />

On the other hand, free graphics and others are special folders. These folders are<br />

required for supplementary documentation. The free graphics allows <strong>WSCAD</strong> drawings to<br />

be created with any content desired which will not be used for the evaluation. Others are<br />

files of any type (not <strong>WSCAD</strong>) which, in spite of this, can be displayed in the Preview of<br />

the PM window. The Installation diagram allows diagrams to be created which<br />

document the position of the field equipment within a layout (e.g. building).<br />


Hide folders or projects<br />

Project Manager<br />

Within the Project manager the folders or projects can be filtered in or out as<br />

required. If for example you want to filter out the folder Cable list, select the folder and<br />

click on ‘'View - Hide folder’. The folders list is amended accordingly.<br />

Hide several projects at one time<br />

Keep the Ctrl Button pressed and select the project entries with a mouse click. Then<br />

you have to choose View / Hide Folder.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

To make the folders and projects visible again choose View / Show Folder. You get<br />

an extended menu where you see the invisible folders and a project menuitem to start<br />

a listing of all projects which are invisible. Another option is to select the menu<br />

command ‘View – Show folder – All’. This command reveals all hidden folders of the<br />

project.<br />

If you select Projects.. then you will see the listing. Here you select the project (or<br />

multi selection) and confirm OK then the project will be visible again.<br />


Showing folders<br />

Project Manager<br />

When you click on the plus sign + in front of a project name, the project opens up.<br />

Here, you will now see the folders (Cover sheet and change level etc.) and may<br />

contain several files of identical name and type (e.g. diagram.0001-diagram.9999). You<br />

will not see plus signs on the folders when there are no files of the respective name<br />

and type present in the project directory.<br />

Hint<br />

When opening a project folder, the structure of the relevant project<br />

is analysed on the hard disk. This process may take a moment,<br />

depending on the number of files and on whether it is a network<br />

drive which is being accessed.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Changing the sequence of folders and CPP partprojects<br />

The sequence of the folders within a project (or even part-project) is standardized but<br />

can be easily changed using drag & drop by clicking on the folder concerned with the<br />

left mouse button, holding the button down and moving the folder to the desired position<br />

where it is then pasted.<br />

In this way, it is also possible to change the sequence of the individual part-projects<br />

within a KTP project.<br />

Hint<br />

116<br />

This also controls the sequence when printing out the entire<br />

project / part-project.

All folders<br />

Project Manager<br />

With the aid of this option the folders list in the project tree is reduced to show only<br />

those folders where files are actually present.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Creating folders<br />

You can define other folders in order to generate a second material list with a separate<br />

form. This feature is only available in the Professional version. This and other features<br />

also mean that each project which is clicked on in the PM must be supplemented with<br />

fields which relate to the PRJDATA.MDB database.<br />

In general, this becomes visible with Project / New where the additional fields which<br />

may be available come after the fixed fields when the template is allocated. It is also<br />

possible to enter a form if additional material lists are required, for example.<br />


Project Manager<br />

With a project which has already been created under View / Additional areas, the<br />

entry is made via a special dialog, but with a new project, it is made within the Project /<br />

New dialog. There, it is possible to define a maximum of 5 folders by giving the name<br />

of the folder e.g. Parts list while selecting the list type e.g. Material list at the same<br />

time. You must then define the file type.<br />

With the folder, these entries cause these defaults to appear also. With a project which<br />

has already been created, the entry must be made afterwards for the form and<br />

filename evaluations, even in existing part-projects. It is better to specify this with<br />

Project / New since the entries always relate to the whole project and therefore<br />

equally to all part-projects created afterwards. The menu option Invoke for additional<br />

extensions is View / Additional areas.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Project customer database, manufacturer,<br />

construction site and architect<br />

Customer, manufacturer, construction site and<br />

architect database<br />

The procedures and functionalities described in this section apply equally to the<br />

construction site and architect fields each with their own databases. The<br />

manufacturer fields are addressed via the customer database.<br />

A PRJKND.MDB customer database in ACCESS format stores the specific customer<br />

data for repeated use in new projects. The menu is invoked via the open PM under Tools<br />

/ Customer file, a list of customers in the form of a table opens up with all the<br />

customers recorded. This database can be extended by separate fields using ACCESS.<br />


Database assignment<br />

Project Manager<br />

The procedures and functionalities described in this section apply equally to the<br />

construction site and architect fields each with their own databases. The<br />

manufacturer fields are addressed via the customer database. The transfer of data<br />

from additional databases (customer, construction site and architect) into the project<br />

database can be configured, either via PM menu option Tools / Database fields, or<br />

via the right mouse button in the project fields.<br />

An assignment dialogue appears for configuring the project database fields with the<br />

additional databases. Populated fields in bold indicate the assignments specified by the<br />

program. Every other field can be linked by double-clicking on the fields of the respective<br />

additional database.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Creating a Customer, manufacturer, construction<br />

site and architect record<br />

The procedures and functionalities described in this section apply equally to the<br />

construction site and architect fields each with their own databases. The<br />

manufacturer fields are addressed via the customer database. To create a new<br />

customer, click on the New button and another line will be created in which you can<br />

edit the customer data. The individual pieces of customer data can also be edited<br />

directly by double clicking or clicking once on the field and using the keyboard to edit the<br />

entry. With , the entry moves one field on and with the key the entry<br />

is cancelled. With the Save button, you can transfer the customer data from the<br />

customer file to the currently marked project in the PM.<br />


Project Manager<br />

Saving customer, manufacturer, construction-site<br />

and architect information<br />

The procedures and functionalities described in this section apply equally to the<br />

construction site and architect fields each with their own databases. The<br />

manufacturer fields are addressed via the customer database.<br />

Information which has been amended in the customer-specific project information can<br />

be returned to the customer database. Double click on the customer or manufacturer<br />

field in the project information and the automatic monitoring system will recognise<br />

whether the customer is already present in the database. A transfer confirmation is<br />

invoked which carries out the data transfer with Yes (useful for importing new projects<br />

etc.).<br />

Extending the customer database<br />

Several identical customer entries are accepted which differ in the department or<br />

contact field.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Assigning Creating a Customer, manufacturer,<br />

construction site and architect data<br />

You can save customer data to the current project from the customer manager. Mark<br />

the project name in the left project manager window. Then enter one of the project<br />

information fields, customer or customer number, by double clicking and then the<br />

customer database will open. Select the record that you wish to assign by clicking on<br />

the default number of the record. Then click on the Save button of the customer file<br />

dialog.<br />

.<br />

This increases the number of data fields for the customer in the Project Manager for<br />

the desired project. Make sure that you have marked the project for which you want to<br />

assign the customer data. This is not determined in this case by the project which is<br />

currently open.<br />


Linking the customer database to email<br />

Project Manager<br />

If there is a homepage or WWW field in the customer database (PRJKND.MDB), then<br />

double clicking it will lead to the internet page; exactly the same happens with email, a<br />

new email is generated to the address which is entered.<br />

Tip<br />

If you wish to enter other customer data, you can repeat the<br />

procedure at will. The customer data can also be evaluated in the<br />

forms, since wild cards are available for each field of the project<br />

manager.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

CPP Project<br />

Creating a CPP project<br />

When you create a new project, mark the option CPP in the dialog.<br />

The project then automatically becomes a CPP project. Alternatively, switch into<br />

Project information of the existing project (in this case <strong>WSCAD</strong> CPP example<br />

project) and select the option CPP UFD (i.e. not standard) for the project settings<br />

under project mode in the right hand window. The CPP setting should be implemented<br />

immediately when creating the project. If you have selected the setting CPP UFD, then<br />

the display of the project tree with the folders changes.<br />

Example<br />


Project Manager<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Creating a part-project<br />

In order to create a new part-project, you must first open an existing CPP project.<br />

Click on the part-projects folder with the right mouse button and select the option<br />

Create from the context menu.<br />

Alternatively, you can always use the main menu (in this case Project / New partproject<br />

) instead of the context menu. A dialog now becomes active where you can enter<br />

the designation of the system identification. The list also shows which system<br />

identifications have already been assigned. After clicking on the OK button, the<br />

system identification (in this case H5) is generated as a new folder in the parent<br />

folder Part-projects.<br />

An alternative possibility is to select a <strong>WSCAD</strong> file via the . button. There, the<br />

system identification is read out from the drawing frame and transferred to the dialog.<br />


Project Manager<br />

All parent folders data in this part-project are also transferred to this part-project at<br />

the same time i.e. all part-projects, for example, have identical drawing frames with<br />

the diagram pages as standard.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Creating diagram pages for a CPP part-project<br />

The CPP project must be opened in order to create diagram pages for the partprojects.<br />

Here, pay attention to the heading in the PM dialog. Select the diagram<br />

pages folder in the relevant part-project by clicking with the right mouse button and<br />

then select the Create command from the context menu.<br />

During creation, the dialog Number of pages opens. Here, you can enter the desired<br />

number of new pages as well as the location identification which is to be used for<br />

these pages.<br />

After clicking on the OK button, you can check the filenames in the file dialog again or<br />

correct the first page number. The number can differ from .001, if pages are already<br />

present.<br />


Project Manager<br />

The corresponding number of files is now created. The system identification, as specified<br />

beforehand for this part-project, and the previously specified location identification are<br />

placed simultaneously in the file at the position intended for them. At the same time,<br />

the system and location identification (as = and + signs) must have already<br />

been specified in the intended drawing frame. In this case, for example, 5 circuit<br />

diagram pages for Part-project with Unit =H5 and Field +Location1.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Result on the circuit diagram<br />

Using alternative drawing frames and file names<br />

If you wish to have another drawing frame or file name for this part-project, before<br />

you create the sheets, you only need to make the appropriate changes in the project<br />

information fields, drawing frame and filename in the right working window of the<br />

PM.<br />


Converting a project into a CPP project<br />

Project Manager<br />

In order to convert a standard project into a CPP project, you must provide all circuit<br />

diagram pages manually with a Unit and Field designation (UFD, here =<br />

H5+Location1).<br />

UFD= abbreviation for the Unit and Field designation within CPP mode. The UFD must be<br />

present on each design of a CPP project. (=House1+heating corresponds to<br />

=system+location).<br />

Then set the project mode to CPP system/Location in the PM for this project.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Including diagram pages in a CPP part-project<br />

In order to insert existing diagram pages (with a separate identification) of a project into<br />

a CPP project as a new part-project, first create a new part-project as described<br />

before. Then copy the files into the part-project.<br />

Defining a part-project system<br />

After you have copied the files into the system memory, switch to the relevant folder of<br />

the part-project created in the open CPP project. Click on the folder with the right<br />

mouse button and select Paste e.g. Circuit diagram folder. With several files, the same<br />

procedure is repeated, insert as with conventional files, i.e. the automatic actions are<br />

suppressed and an information dialog also offers the possibility of aborting the<br />

procedure. A dialog is now offered to you which transfers the filenames from the<br />

information for this part-project. The files which have been copied are now given the<br />

specified name.<br />

E.g. the files which are to be copied are now given the name =Heating_House1.001<br />

(beginning with the first free number).<br />


Re-build a CPP project<br />

Project Manager<br />

In order to reorganise a project, the Re-build command from the PM must be invoked.<br />

The UFD found on the circuit diagram are saved in the project and the folder for each<br />

part-project re-created. This command is only active when you have marked the<br />

identification of the open CPP project.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

UFD manager<br />

In the PM menu, a dialog appears under Tools / UFD manager with a display of all the<br />

Unit designation and Field designation being used. All of the pages of the project are<br />

searched and the information collected for this purpose. The individual Unit and Field<br />

Designation for the entire project can be changed by using the Change button. All<br />

diagram pages are updated.<br />

Mark the identification symbol (here, Field Designation OG1) to be changed, click on<br />

the Modify button and enter the new Field Designation in the text entry line.<br />

You see in the Edit-Field al modified UFD's.<br />


Project Manager<br />

After clicking on the OK button, the Field Designation (referring to System ) is replaced<br />

on all diagram pages.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Automated listings<br />

Project evaluations, the advantages<br />

Instead of invoking the individual commands from the menu-command group Automatic<br />

in the <strong>WSCAD</strong> main menu, it is possible to start generating automatic evaluations<br />

(Terminal diagram, Material list and Cable diagram etc.) directly in the Project<br />

Manager.<br />

This has a number of advantages<br />

The dialog for selecting the graphics form is no longer necessary since the form is<br />

already fixed.<br />

It is possible to specify beforehand whether the output should be to a <strong>WSCAD</strong> file or to<br />

the printer.<br />

When outputting to a <strong>WSCAD</strong> file, the standard dialog for determining the filename is<br />

no longer necessary since this has already been determined.<br />

When invoked for the first time, the relevant dialog for determining the evaluation<br />

parameters (such as Terminal diagram: sorted or unsorted, Material list:<br />

separately or collectively) appears for each output. When working with a projectspecific<br />

configuration, the evaluation parameters are already known when an evaluation<br />

is repeatedly invoked, so these dialogs are also no longer necessary.<br />

Hint<br />

138<br />

If you wish to output your evaluations in a special file format (such<br />

as ACCESS or EXCEL) or still want to influence the evaluation<br />

parameters of an output list later, you must work with the menu<br />

commands of the automatic group.

Automated listing<br />

This function only applies within an open project.<br />

Project Manager<br />

The total evaluation should enable the user to have all the default lists (Cover sheet,<br />

Contents, Change lists, Cable lists, Cable diagrams, Plug diagrams, Terminal<br />

diagrams, Connection lists and Material lists etc.) generated automatically without<br />

ever first having to start the command for creating the relevant list manually.<br />

The lists are generated with the names used for saving them in the Project<br />

specifications. Select the PM menu option Tools / Automated listing. A dialog opens in<br />

which you can select all the evaluations you desire.<br />

Start the process by clicking on the Start button.<br />

Hint<br />

Deactivate the option for the type of evaluation which you do not<br />

want to execute. The sequence in which the lists are shown here<br />

and therefore printed out, for example, can be configured<br />

beforehand by dragging-and-dropping the folder in the project<br />

tree.<br />

Additional options<br />

• The option Output into part-projects in each case (only possible with KTP<br />

projects) implies that the automatic evaluation only processes the individual part-<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

140<br />

projects one after the other. Therefore, prepare all lists, entered for each partproject<br />

but, for example, not a total material list.<br />

• A project database can also be created with all of the items used in the project<br />

by activating the option create project database.<br />

• The option, Place text for contents information in lists<br />

automatically has the effect of creating the described text file content<br />

automatically for all lists prepared, e.g. Terminal diagram X1, X2. This ensures<br />

that the text File content is entered for all files in the contents information.<br />

• The option, Place text for contents information in lists<br />

automatically has the effect of creating the described text file content<br />

automatically for all lists prepared, e.g. Terminal diagram X1, X2. This ensures<br />

that the text File content is entered for all files in the contents information.<br />

Caution<br />

only possible when working with a project-specific configuration.<br />

Example Supplying the file <strong>WSCAD</strong> Example project 2.0001 with file content<br />

Dazu die Auswertung des Dateiinhalts in der Inhaltsangabe.

Tipp<br />

Möchten Sie die Auswerteparameter nur einer Ausgabeliste (z.B.<br />

Materialliste: einzeln oder zusammengefasst) nachträglich noch<br />

einmal ändern, so können Sie auch die Ausgabeliste direkt mit dem<br />

entsprechenden Menübefehl der Automatik Gruppe erzeugen.<br />

Project Manager<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Separate listing<br />

This function only applies within an open project.<br />

To start a listing, click on a folder (e.g. Terminal diagram) with the right mouse button<br />

and select the command Automated list<br />

from the menu that appears next.<br />

You will therefore start the creation of the terminal diagram, equivalent to main menu<br />

command Automatic / Terminal diagram.<br />


Page number default for generated files<br />

Project Manager<br />

When you have clicked on a folder and then set the default in the filename field e.g.<br />

Terminal_diagram.1000 in the PM in the right hand window, then the pages which are<br />

generated are named terminal diagram starting with the page number 1000.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Text allocator 'Project Page'<br />

The text allocator Project Page seq. and Project Page total within the design<br />

framework permit counting functions to the sequential and the total numbers of project<br />

pages.<br />

If both text allocator within the frame were positioned, you can start then with the<br />

project management menu extra/ Text allocator ' Project page '/ create the<br />

procedure.<br />

The total number depends on the pages found in the project with or without existing<br />

text allocator.<br />

The sequential page number depends on the position of the side in the current project.<br />

The arrangement of the folders is considered thereby. If you change the folder sequence,<br />

then a generation process must be accomplished again.<br />

The sequential page number is indicated in the project management.<br />

In the summary the current page number can be indicated likewise by a text allocator<br />

symbol.<br />


Revision level<br />

Starting the revision level<br />

Project Manager<br />

A new revision level can only be created once the project has been completed. You<br />

can start a new revision level for the currently open and completed project in the PM<br />

menu under Extras / revision level. After a prompt to save it, you can, if this has not<br />

already happened, save the entire project (as a compressed zip file, this process is<br />

skipped with Cancel).<br />

A change entry is then generated in the PM and the status of the project changed<br />

Example<br />

1.revision level = Completed on 09062005<br />

Status = In progress<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />


Closing the revision level<br />

Project Manager<br />

The status closed can be assigned to the current open project using the PM menu Extras<br />

(means: finished for the time being).<br />

Activate the menu option, then the entry dialog appears in which you will have to enter a<br />

meaningful designation for the project status to be completed. We suggest using the<br />

current date set in the date format under Parameters / General / Miscellaneous.<br />

A good variant is to name the first conclusion Initial setup and simply add characters<br />

(A and B) or numbers for subsequent change levels.<br />

Caution<br />

Pay attention to the information dialog which appears between<br />

each step. When assigning the identification, bear in mind the<br />

limited space in the drawing frame.<br />

You will now be able to create a compressed file (zip) of the complete project status.<br />

This file is saved in the project path with a combination of project name and current<br />

date as the filename.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

After clicking on the Save button, you will see a progress dialog which indicates the<br />

progress of compression.<br />

148<br />

You have now made a backup of your final project status<br />

All files in the project are now in their final state, i.e. they can only be edited in the<br />

project via a revision level which has to be restarted. An indication of this is the<br />

shortened main menu. If you have the wild cards for the revision level on the<br />

diagrams then these will show the current status.<br />

Hint<br />

The files of a finished project are not provided with a write protect.<br />

Thus, when using the Project Manager, you are not prevented from<br />

accessing these files and carrying out changes in them.<br />

Aligning the revision level of all diagram pages<br />

Due to the option Project conclusion, which sets all pages to the same status, all<br />

diagram pages of a project are assigned the identical project status and the display<br />

within the drawing frame is adjusted. This option is located under the PM menu option<br />

Tools / Settings.

Project Manager<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Making changes (enabled for modifications)<br />

If editing has been enabled again by the start of a new revision level in the current<br />

project, then the editor must release each of the drawings which are to be changed.<br />

When you have opened the drawing, use the main menu File / enabled for<br />

modifications.<br />

Then enter a comment to describe the change.<br />


Project Manager<br />

Otherwise, the operator only sees a shortened Editing menu in the main menu which<br />

does not allow changes.<br />

Hint<br />

You do not have to work with revision levels. However, if you<br />

decide to, this will activate certain rules by which you will have to<br />

abide later.<br />

Revision levels in the drawing frame<br />

The wild cards in the drawing frame (normally bottom left) are also a visible reference<br />

to revision levels. The 3 fields on the left in the following screenshot are intended for<br />

revision levels while the area next to them on the right applies to the initial setup. In<br />

the PM for the respective initial setup on 03.04.01, also enter completed by editor<br />

Widmann and 2 further revision levels (B and C).<br />

Hint<br />

Altogether, 15 revision levels (with wild cards) can be managed in<br />

the drawing frame. 3 revision levels are usually configured. Using<br />

the new wild cards makes the use of a variable date superfluous.<br />

The wild cards contained in the drawing frame are updated<br />

automatically according to the revision levels.<br />

Documenting changes by means of the PM project information<br />

If information on the project is changed in the PM, then the changes must be made in<br />

the drawing frame, such as whether the pages concerned have been released for<br />

changes or not.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Releasing several files for changes immediately<br />

Mark those files in the project which are to be released and use the Project<br />

management menu / Set change state.<br />

The switch AutoFileWrite=0 under the section [Config cross references] in the<br />

WS_PRJ<strong>51</strong>.INI file prevents accidental activation of the revision level by<br />

implementing the line cross reference for a circuit diagram page on which only the line<br />

cross reference has been re-written and otherwise none.<br />


Project Manager<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Removing revision levels from a project (reset)<br />

The current revision level in a project can be defined as a new base state by copying<br />

the complete project, for example, CTRL+C and CTRL+V while assigning a new<br />

identification, then the information appears which enables you to refuse acceptance<br />

of the revision levels. All revision levels are therefore free again and the project is in<br />

the state before the first completion.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> 4.x and 5.0 users can include entire<br />

existing projects<br />

Import a 4.x and 5.0 project list<br />

Project Manager<br />

<strong>WSCAD</strong> 4.x and 5.0 users can include entire existing projects from their old project lists (<br />

e.g. project41.mdb) into the Project manager, in one single action. This has the same<br />

result as if you had integrated each individual project (see command Integrate a<br />

project). To do this, activate the menu item 'Project – Project list 4.x'; this opens the<br />

standard Windows File Open dialog.<br />

Look for your previous Project4x.mdb, which will normally be found in your old<br />

installation path for <strong>WSCAD</strong> 4x in the Projects subdirectory. Select 'Open' and you will<br />

see a Hint dialog which allows you to abort the process by selecting No.<br />

Now you can decide to assume the customer database or not.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

If you select Yes, the file reading will commence. A confirmatory message will show you<br />

again which projects have been included. If you select No, the projects have been<br />

included without copying the files.<br />

If project directories are shown in the old project list but in fact no longer exist, these<br />

projects are not transferred and a message dialog will inform you accordingly.<br />

Projects with the same name are not included.<br />

Note<br />

156<br />

Afterwards you must enter for every folder (Schematics, Project<br />

data, Terminal chart ….) the file name and you must assign a<br />

drawing frame (if you want to create new pages).

Integrate projects from <strong>WSCAD</strong> 4.x<br />

Project Manager<br />

In order to include individual projects, select the PM menu option Project / Integrate.<br />

In the dialog, now specify a new project identification or search (Search key) for the<br />

project folder directly which contains the project to be included.<br />

Select the project folder with save, then the project identification will be saved at<br />

the same time.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

If this already contains identical project information, then this is updated on request or<br />

not.<br />

The complete information is copied with OK.<br />


File<br />

General<br />

<strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 has the ability to display on-screen several pages at once, including pages<br />

from different projects. The integral Project manager not only manages a list of current<br />

projects but also, in the Professional module, can combine part-projects within a<br />

directory into a complete new project (Combined part-projects or CPP mode).<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

New file (page)<br />

Using the Project Manager<br />

This menu option should only be used for creating drawing frames and/or forms. Use<br />

the Project Manager for creating new diagram pages for a project since the default<br />

drawing frames are also transferred here. Several diagram pages can also be created<br />

here immediately.<br />

After clicking on the menu option File / New, the filename dialog opens. There, you<br />

can open or create the desired directory in which the new page is to be saved. Then<br />

enter the new filename. The number in the file extension = page number in the set<br />

of drawings.<br />

Use the File preview in order to find your way about.<br />


This command produces a new empty page for your set of drawings or as a new form. In<br />

this case, the page setting from the active drawing such as grid, snap grid, size or<br />

even file type (circuit diagram or switch cabinet etc.) are transferred.<br />

File<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Load file (page)<br />

Using the Project Manager<br />

This main menu command allows an existing file (circuit diagram pages, lists and<br />

diagrams) to be loaded (activated). In order to do this, start the Windows standard<br />

dialog for opening a file appropriately populated and a preview.<br />

With the function Load file, please note that certain parameters (such as file type, snap<br />

grid and path information etc.) are saved at the same time. If the option Include the<br />

settings for the drawing is ticked on the General configuration tab “File”, then the<br />

parameters which have been set for the page in question apply.<br />

Hint<br />


If a project is already open and you load a file which does not<br />

belong to the current project, then this file will be designated<br />

External in the title line.<br />

This message will always appear when you wish to edit an external<br />

file.<br />

File<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Close file (page)<br />

This command closes the active working window and saves the file being edited within it.<br />

All changes are saved along with the current date. If you have activated other<br />

working windows, then the next working window in the window list will be activated and<br />

displayed.<br />


Page up/dn<br />

Indicates in the dialogue all identically designated files. This files must be stored in the<br />

same folder.<br />

hint<br />

Dialogue in the standard mode<br />

Dialogue in the cpp mode<br />

File<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

166<br />

During page up/down the schematics are stored<br />

Select from the dialogue the target sheet and click on OK, or you select by doubleclick.<br />

The sheet is displayed automatically and old sheet will be secured. The sheet method is<br />

simpler and faster by using page up/page down from keys.

Copy file (page)<br />

This command makes it possible to copy the page of the active working window but<br />

not when you are working with KTP mode from a part-project in another. Load the page<br />

which you wish to copy and activate the copy command. In the entry line, you must now<br />

enter the FIRST and LAST page number to which the active page is to be copied.<br />

Hint<br />

A separate file is produced for each page number, the file<br />

extension corresponding to the page number.<br />

If you wish to copy Page *.001 twice and attach the new pages to the end of the set of<br />

drawings (consisting of 11 pages), then activate the Page *.001, select the copy file<br />

command, enter the First page no. = 12 and the Last page no. = 13 in the entry field of<br />

the status bar. Two pages *.012 and *.013 are then generated with the contents of Page<br />

*.001.<br />

If Page *.012 already exists, then a dialog is started in which you can decide whether the<br />

process should be aborted or whether you would like to replace the existing file.<br />

If the active working window does not belong to the project, a message will appear to<br />

that effect. This prevents you from accidentally accessing a project which you have only<br />

opened temporarily.<br />

File<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Move file (page)<br />

If you are going to paste a page into an existing character set, then you can use the<br />

command Move file (page) for this purpose. This command enables you to move one or<br />

more pages and therefore create or close a gap in the numbers. This operation is<br />

always used on the character set (or in CPP mode, on the part-project) which belongs to<br />

the drawing window currently open. You must enter a total of 3 page numbers during<br />

the moving process. The range is determined by the last number which you have<br />

entered. This last number may also be larger than the last existing page number.<br />

Hint<br />

168<br />

If a file is being overwritten, a prompt will appear beforehand.<br />

Example<br />

Move file (page) :[Create gap]<br />

Your set of drawings includes the page numbers (=number extension) from *.0001 to<br />

*.0020 and *.0040 to *.0060. You want to create a gap for a new page *.0004. The<br />

previous page *.0004 should then receive the page number *.0005. The numbers from<br />

40 onwards should not be changed.<br />

• Load Page *.0004<br />

• Activate the Move file command<br />

• Enter the following in the entry field of the information bar on request:<br />

Text type Value<br />

Start number: 4 (gap for new page)<br />

End number: 5<br />

Last number:<br />

20<br />

(of the set of drawings with are<br />

to be moved at the same time)<br />

Result:<br />

Page 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, ....20, 21, 40 ... 60 => Page number 4 is missing.<br />

Use the New file or Copy file command in order to create a new Page *.004.<br />

Move file (page): [close gap]<br />

Your set of drawings has the page numbers (=number extension) from *.0001 to *.0020<br />

and *.0040 to *.0060. You want to close a gap (assuming that Page number *.0004 is<br />

missing). The previous Page *.0005 should then receive the page number *.0004. The<br />

numbers from 40 onwards should not be changed.<br />

• Load Page *.0005<br />

• Activate the Move file command<br />

• Enter the following in the entry field of the information bar on request:

Text type Value<br />

Start number: 5 (gap for new page)<br />

End number: 4<br />

Last number:<br />

20<br />

(of the set of drawings with<br />

are to be moved at the same<br />

time)<br />

Result:<br />

Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, .…19, 40 ... 60 => Page number 20 is missing.<br />

Use the New file or Copy file command in order to create a new Page *.0020.<br />

Hint<br />

If the active working window does not belong to the project, when<br />

using the Move file (page) function, a message will appear to that<br />

effect. This prevents you from accidentally accessing a project<br />

which you have only opened temporarily. Numbering and crossreferences<br />

are not automatically adjusted during this operation.<br />

Then use the appropriate automatic functions.<br />

File<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Deleting file (page)<br />

Activate the Delete file command. If you are working without CPP mode, you will<br />

enter a dialog directly which will show you all of the <strong>WSCAD</strong> files from the directory<br />

belonging to the active drawing window.<br />

When you select the desired drawing and start the deleting process with OK, a prompt<br />

will appear for each file (page). Confirm with Yes if you want this action to be carried<br />

out.<br />

Hint<br />

170<br />

When you delete the current drawing, the next lower or higher<br />

page number will appear automatically.

File - Compress (Clear file)<br />

When you delete parts from your drawing, you can no longer see them on the<br />

display, but at this point they are only tagged for deletion and still exist in memory.<br />

This is why you are able to use the UNDO command to rapidly recall deleted parts.<br />

Hint<br />

Both the active page and the whole project can be compressed and<br />

cleared.<br />

If you want to make room for more memory and remove the deleted parts, activate the<br />

'Compress' command. This will clear the memory of parts that are tagged as 'deleted'<br />

and at this point nothing will be available when UNDO is selected.<br />

During this process, overlapping and broken connection lines will be regenerated to<br />

complete lines. Even open line-ends, that did not fit exactly to a component will be<br />

connected, provided that the gap is smaller than the half of the current snap range.<br />

Identical components located at exactly the same position are also removed even if they<br />

have different component names and/or reference names.<br />

After activating this command, you can still specify whether only the active drawing or<br />

the whole drawing set or the total project is to be affected.<br />

Warning<br />

This command deletes the UNDO/REDO buffer.<br />

File<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

File - Save (Save page)<br />

Hint<br />

172<br />

This command stores the page which is in the active drawing window.<br />

<strong>WSCAD</strong> can save automatically.<br />

This action overwrites the contents of the existing file. If you have not yet given your<br />

drawing a name, you will be prompted to do so.<br />

With every drawing several settings are also saved:<br />

• Page size<br />

• View size<br />

• Last cursor position<br />

• Snap range<br />

• Cross-reference values (page/path, first co-ordinate sign, zero point, distance,<br />

unit...)<br />

• space between reflector contacts<br />

• max. 30 UNDO values and 10 REDO values.<br />

When you load the drawing, these values are regenerated.<br />

Hint<br />

When you load a drawing, you must disable the transfer of the<br />

saved settings if you change one of these values in the<br />

configuration. Otherwise the values you have entered will always<br />

be overwritten every time you load the drawing!!

File - Save As (Save page as)<br />

Using the standard Windows dialog for entering file name and path, you can save<br />

the file in the active window under another name and path. The original drawing remains<br />

unchanged.<br />

Hint<br />

If you wish to duplicate the current page, you should use the Copy<br />

file command.<br />

In multiple window mode a new window is opened for the new page, unless one already<br />

exists for this page.<br />

Hint<br />

This command copies the file, but bypasses the Contactor manager<br />

and the PLC manager. Use the command only when you need to<br />

make a short-term, temporary copy of the current page.<br />

File<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Store block<br />

Use this command to transfer objects of the current drawing to other drawings or<br />

other positions in the current drawing. This menu command operates like the other wellknown<br />

functions Copy/Paste. However, the elements of the active drawing window are<br />

saved in the <strong>WSCAD</strong> intermediate file P1BLOK01.<br />

174<br />

Once you have selected objects by clicking on them with the left mouse<br />

button or have selected a window, you can also use the key combination<br />

to save the block to the Windows clipboard.<br />

After menu option activation, you must select an option in the menu (top left in the<br />

working window) in order to determine the choice of objects belonging to the block.<br />

Possible choices<br />

• All (if active) selects the contents of the complete <strong>WSCAD</strong> page<br />

• 1Object Click on the relevant element with the left mouse button<br />

• Objects Click on several elements with the left mouse button (finish<br />

selection using the right mouse button and )<br />

• 1Window Draw a selection window with the left mouse button held down<br />

• M-Window Draw several selection windows with the left mouse button held<br />

down<br />

Finish the selection by clicking on the right mouse button and confirming with the<br />

key. The temporary file is overwritten every time the command is executed but<br />

the contents remains available even after restarting the program. Use this function to<br />

transfer parts of a drawing from one page to another page.<br />

Selecting a circuit diagram by using the Windows method<br />

All elements within a window are added to the block.<br />

Hint<br />

This does not apply to the CPP range function<br />

graphics Example

File<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Insert a block<br />

Elements which have been saved to the buffer memory with Save block can be<br />

pasted to the active working window. You can also carry out this function by using the<br />

key combination . The entire contents of the buffer memory are now located at<br />

the cursor and can be repositioned.<br />

If coils, contacts or PLC modules are located in the temporary files, then you are<br />

prompted to execute further actions depending on the configuration level and the<br />

settings under Parameters / General / Protection and PLC, of the Protection<br />

manager or the PLC manager, for example.<br />

Hint<br />

176<br />

This does not apply to the UFD region function<br />

graphics Example

Creating a drawing macro<br />

Using this command, parts of a page or entire pages which you want to use more<br />

often in other drawings or in other positions on the current drawing can be selected and<br />

saved.<br />

There are different ways available for selecting the individual elements which you can use<br />

in any sequence or as often as you wish.<br />

Hint<br />

This does not apply to the SLI range function<br />

Activate the menu option, then an entry dialog appears in which you will have to enter a<br />

name for the drawing macro to be created. The drawing macro should be stored in the<br />

corresponding directory otherwise it will be difficult to find again. The standard dialog is<br />

already defaulted with this directory so that you only have to enter a name. If you do not<br />

enter a file extension, this will automatically set to 000.<br />

Example<br />

Select the individual parts of the drawing (in this case, the Windows method). You need<br />

to position the cursor as accurately as possible (tolerance of a few pixels).<br />

After menu option activation, you must select an option in the menu, top left in the<br />

working window in order to determine the choice of objects belonging to the drawing<br />

macro.<br />

Possible choices<br />

• All (if active) selects the contents of the complete <strong>WSCAD</strong> page<br />

• 1Object Click on the relevant element (including texts and lines) with the<br />

left mouse button<br />

• Objects Click on several elements with the left mouse button (finish<br />

selection using the right mouse button and )<br />

• 1Window Draw a selection window with the left mouse button held down<br />

File<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

178<br />

• M-Window Draw several selection windows with the left mouse button held<br />

down<br />

Finish the selection by clicking on the right mouse button and confirming with the<br />

key. Each multi-selection is finished with or the right mouse button. Also<br />

pay attention to the status display on the status bar at the bottom of the screen.<br />

Hint<br />

Tip<br />

You can only extract parts selected by means of the M window by<br />

using ‘Objects’ to select again from the selection.<br />

Using your own drawing macro will speed up your work<br />


Inserting a drawing macro by using Drawing<br />

macro Explorer<br />

With this Menuitem you can insert a drawing macro into the current schematic.<br />

The Drawing macro Explorer has access to the preset directory.<br />

In the Drawing macro Explorer see you down tree, which corresponds to an exact<br />

structure of the folder Drawing macro. The elements with + indications are further<br />

subdirectory . This structure can be extended or amended independently.<br />

File<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Refresh<br />

The listing structure is again read in and indicated in the Drawing macro Explorer.<br />

External<br />

It is indicated to the file open dialogue and you be able to select drawing macros<br />

outside of the given listing structure.<br />

Display<br />

A ICON (*.ico) can be assigned to each subdirectory (+ element) over the right mouse<br />

button. These are contained in the Windows system or in external editors themselves to<br />

provide.<br />


File<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Import-Export<br />

Insert graphic<br />

With the menu command File / Import / Insert graphics, you can insert small<br />

graphics (max. 30 kB) in the drawing. The colour resolution is essentially determined by<br />

the size of the graphics file. The size (dimensions) must be set in a graphics program.<br />

The Windows standard dialog will appear for opening the file. Select the file and position<br />

it on the circuit diagram.<br />

Under <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5, the graphics can be moved, copied and deleted but not edited.<br />

When creating the graphics, bear in mind the output medium since a very colourful<br />

bitmap can appear somewhat strange on a black and white printer.<br />

If you click on the Bitmap with the right mouse button, then a context menu opens<br />

where you can choose one of the displayed functions to change the Bitmap.<br />

Caution<br />

182<br />

Not all printers support the output functions for graphics. Pay<br />

attention to the size of the graphics. Maximum: 30 kB (with an<br />

external graphics program, you can reduce the colour intensity etc.<br />

and therefore the file size.)

Inserting graphics as a link<br />

With the menu command File / Import / link to graphic, you can insert graphics<br />

(without any limitation in size) as a link in the drawing. In this case, the file will be<br />

copied into the (LinkedGraphic) subdirectory of the project where it will remain. When<br />

exporting the project, this subdirectory must be given at the same time. (Do not use<br />

in drawing frames or forms).<br />

File<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

HPGL into <strong>WSCAD</strong><br />

This function converts an HPGL file into the <strong>WSCAD</strong> format. Nearly all CAD<br />

programs are able to store drawings in an HPGL format. The command 'HPGL-><strong>WSCAD</strong>'<br />

converts the file into the <strong>WSCAD</strong> internal format.<br />

The information converted into the <strong>WSCAD</strong> format is only represented by Basic Graphics,<br />

e.g. lines, circles, etc. There are problems with further processing of these drawings,<br />

because they do not have the necessary additional intelligence associated with the<br />

elements for the automatic functions to recognise.<br />

Lines and circles (arcs) will be converted, but special commands such as hatching and<br />

special fonts will be ignored. The following HPGL commands will be processed: AA, CI,<br />

IP, PU, PD, PA, PR, SC, SP.<br />

A conversion scale can be entered in order to adjust the size.<br />

If there is no clean separation between the HPGL commands (separator is ‘;’), the<br />

drawing translation could be faulty or incomplete.<br />

Notice that some CAD programs output circles and arcs as multiple lines. If that is the<br />

case, when moving these elements, you must select them with ‘Window’ (not ‘Object’),<br />

as you cannot easily pick the individual lines.<br />


DXF/DWG -> <strong>WSCAD</strong><br />

Importing a DXF/DWG file into a <strong>WSCAD</strong> drawing<br />

A DXF/DWG file is changed into a <strong>WSCAD</strong> drawing. Only basic<br />

elements of the DXF/DWG format are transferred because of the<br />

complexity of the DXF/DWG format and because the information cannot<br />

be used by the automatic functions.<br />

Lines, polylines, circles, arcs and text.<br />

The command SOLID (e.g. in the case of arrow heads) without filling and blocks without<br />

scaling / turning are also supported. These components are changed into elements from<br />

free drawing and the texts are displayed in 90 o steps. Before changing, you will be<br />

prompted to enter a scale. The colour can be adjusted in the configuration Parameters<br />

/ Colours / Drawing colours – DXF/HPGL Import. If a colour other than the current<br />

background colour of the screen has been selected, any colour information in the DXF<br />

file will be ignored and the picture will be displayed exclusively with the colour which has<br />

been selected. Once the current background colour of the screen has been adjusted, the<br />

colour information of the DXF files will be transferred. If there is no colour information<br />

in the DXF file, the picture will be displayed with the complementary colour to the<br />

background.<br />

Flow<br />

Invoke menu File\Import\DXF or DWG. Define the <strong>WSCAD</strong> file to be created.<br />

Select the DXF/DWG file (preview). The import factors must then be adjusted.<br />

File<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Importing several DXF/DWG files into several <strong>WSCAD</strong> drawings<br />

In order to do this, start the DXF/DWG Import as above but in this case you must<br />

name the DXF/DWG files in a certain way so that the multi-import function can operate.<br />

The filenames must be displayed with an underscore and a serial number with the<br />

extension DXF/DWG. The files must be located in one directory.<br />


Select the first DXF/DWG file.<br />

File<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />


Select the <strong>WSCAD</strong> file with which the import process is to begin.<br />

File<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Decide on the scaling parameters (once).<br />

190<br />

• Auto-centered centers the imported file into the <strong>WSCAD</strong> sheet<br />

• Factor scales the imported file around the entered value<br />

• Offset shifts the graphic in X and/or Y direction by the entered value<br />

• Text is DOS-Code for older plans needed<br />

• Adjust all pages with multiple import one needs<br />

• Keep page numbers the page number is like the number in the file name<br />

(Plan_15.dwg => Plan.0015)<br />

All DXF/DWG files will then be imported.

<strong>WSCAD</strong> into DXF/DWG or Bitmap<br />

This converts one or more pages of the current drawing set into<br />

DXF/DWG or Bitmap format. For each page of the drawing set a<br />

DXF/DWG or Bitmap file will be created.<br />

You are given a dialog in which to choose the path and file name. From<br />

this file name all characters will be used separated by (_) and the (fourdigit)<br />

page number. The file name extension is always ‘.DXF/DWG or bmp<br />

(png or pcx)’/<br />

Example<br />

The conversion of pages 4 and 5 of the project AEROPLANE will generate files<br />

AEROPLANE_0004.DXF and AEROPLANE_0005.DXF.<br />

File<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

<strong>WSCAD</strong> into VNS<br />

The Standard DIN V40950 ‘Neutral interchange format for diagram data’ was drawn<br />

up with the participation of many large companies with the aim of facilitating the transfer<br />

of data between widely differing CAD programs. A further, and important aim of VNS is<br />

the archiving of circuit diagram data in a form which is independent of manufacturers.<br />

One outcome was the fact that the format could not be defined too strictly, so that each<br />

CAD manufacturer could introduce the specific characteristics of his program into the<br />

process. Thus a detailed knowledge of both the source and the target system is needed,<br />

if a conversion via VNS is to be successful. Certainly the capabilities of level 1 are still<br />

limited, so one should not expect to be able to continue in the target system without<br />

doing some reworking.<br />

In the meantime we have Version 2.0 of this interface specification, which controls the<br />

exchange not only of charts (documentation) but of all the data associated with a<br />

project. This does however considerably increase the required processing time.<br />

192<br />

During the transfer process, temporary files ‘*.TPL’ or ‘*.TSY’ are<br />

created. If an error occurs the VNS write-processor gives an<br />

appropriate error message. You can then use the temporary files to<br />

find the source of the error in the project.<br />

During the transfer process, the whole drawing set is converted into two ASCII files.<br />

These files, with the extension ‘.VPL’ and ‘.VSY’ are stored in the same directory as the<br />

files of the current drawing set. Both files are ASCII files, which can be manipulated with<br />

any normal editor. In the ‘.VSY file’ (symbol file) are the symbol definitions and in the<br />

‘.VPL’ file (connection file) are the call commands for the symbols, the electrical connections,<br />

texts and free graphics. For the transfer process, project data is required (the<br />

so-called header data), which <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 cannot automatically take from the circuit diagram<br />

(drawing number, sender etc.). You are prompted for these after the conversion<br />

process has started and then have to enter them. The configuration of the VNS interface<br />

enables you to control the transfer of the component-related texts (e.g. function text).<br />

For those familiar with the VNS standard, the important features of the<br />

<strong>WSCAD</strong> conversion are summed up below in note form:<br />

Hint<br />

• As <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 does not recognise a drawing frame as a separate element (the<br />

frame is more usually produced in ‘Draw’ mode), the necessary symbol for the DF<br />

(drawing frame) set is automatically generated, but is marked as invisible.<br />

• In the case of the SD (symbol definition) data set, the component type is<br />

transferred as symbol form. The admissible values are: (STANDARD, SPULE,<br />



• In the case of terminals, the designation of the internal side is transferred with an<br />

SA data set, which follows the symbol definition. Here the ‘RICHT’ sign is defined,<br />

and the value can be 'OBEN', 'UNTEN, 'LINKS' or 'RECHTS'.<br />

• Using the line types defined by V40950, <strong>WSCAD</strong> recognises four further types<br />

which are transferred with the identification numbers 5 to 8.<br />

• <strong>WSCAD</strong> supports two features of a connection point: the pin number and the pin<br />

name. If the connection of a symbol only has one of the two, the value (pin<br />

number or pin name) is transferred by means of a TA set and a ‘:’-attribute<br />

according to the semantic table. If both features are present, the pin number is<br />

transferred as a TA set and the pin name is transferred as an AT set.

The wording for the SA and SD data set has been kept to German<br />

words, because the VNS is a German standard and is mainly<br />

supported by German CAD software)<br />

File<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Printing<br />

<strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 uses a printer installed under Windows for printing out drawings and<br />

lists. This can be configured independently from another printer which is used exclusively<br />

for the label printout. When starting the program for the first time, both printers will be<br />

configured to the Windows standard printer configured in your system. If you wish to<br />

invoke this command, a dialog will appear which will offer you a large number of options<br />

in controlling the output.<br />

Printer<br />

For your information, see where your printout will take place. If one of the pieces of<br />

information in the printer area does not correspond to how you would like it or you would<br />

like to check other printer parameters, this can be done via Printer properties. The<br />

printer dialog, which may vary from printer to printer (depending on the printer<br />

features), will then appear.<br />

Output<br />

The page range of the printer output can be determined under Output. You can still<br />

decide whether the sequence of pages printed out should be reversed (i.e. starting with<br />

the highest page number) and/or, in the case of multiple copies, whether the pages<br />

should be sorted (i.e. 1,2,3….1,2,3) or unsorted (i.e. 1,1,...1,2,2,....2,3,3,3.....3). It does<br />

not matter whether you enter the last or the first page first in a page range. The colour<br />

option can only be activated when the printer driver of your printer is able to provide a<br />

colour printout. If you select the option automatic sizing, then each page (whatever the<br />

drawing format) will be adjusted to the remaining printable area of the page format<br />

configured in the printer. On the other hand, if you select a fixed scale, then this factor<br />

will be applied to all printouts. However, if the available area on the paper is too small, a<br />

message will appear informing you of how many sheets the page will be divided into. You<br />

can either accept this or abort the printout.<br />

Page area<br />


If you have selected an area marked with a rectangle on the circuit diagram page, you<br />

can print just this selected area alone with the option Select. Otherwise, either just the<br />

open page will be printed out or the pages which have been entered.<br />

Tip<br />

You can very easily divert the printer output into a file by<br />

configuring your printer to do so under Windows (Control panel –<br />

Printers). Printing can be very easily carried out directly from the<br />

Project Manager.<br />

Line weight<br />

On popular request from users, a feature has been added for adjusting the line weight of<br />

thin lines according to personal preference (the settings are located under Parameters /<br />

General, “Printer” tab).<br />

File<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

For certain line types, you can adjust the line thickness to Line weight 1 (thinnest<br />

line). The option Correction in pixels is another option for adjusting the printout.<br />

Because some printer drivers do not represent the colour correctly and the option of the<br />

colour printout in the printer dialog therefore cannot be activated, it is always possible to<br />

override the printer driver data using the colour switch. Adjust the printer dialog<br />

according to whether you really want to print in colour.<br />

Hint<br />

196<br />

In most cases, printing colours on a black and white printer usually<br />

results in grey scaling. The two buttons for the printer selection<br />

operate the same as the menu commands File / Change printer.<br />

Changing printers<br />

<strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 manages 2 different printers:<br />

One for the drawing output<br />

One for the label output<br />

The printers are managed separately, i.e. changes to one printer have no<br />

effect on the other printer. Under modern Windows systems, it is very

easy to set up several printers with different settings. <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 does not<br />

remember the settings but just the names of the drawing and label<br />

printers. Select which printer you wish to change and a Windows standard<br />

dialog will appear for the printer configuration.<br />

With the aid of this dialog, it is possible to choose between all the printers<br />

which are available under Windows and, of course, change the default<br />

standard values such as paper size or orientation. When you have<br />

confirmed with OK, all information from the Windows printer driver is<br />

copied (e.g. margins and interface etc.).<br />

File<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Abort<br />

This exits the program without saving the current changes to the drawing. A prompt<br />

requests confirmation to exit without saving. Modifications to component libraries are<br />

always saved.<br />

Hint<br />

198<br />

In the case of all automatic functions, the whole project is<br />

automatically saved beforehand.

Exit<br />

This ends your work by saving your drawing(s) and closing the project.<br />

Modifications to component libraries are also saved. In addition the desktop settings are<br />

saved and the MRU list (list of the most recently opened files/projects) is updated.<br />

File<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

File list<br />

This MRU list at the end of the menu shows you the 4 most recently opened files.<br />

When the program is started for the first time, the file list is empty and is not displayed.<br />

The list is managed dynamically and adjusts itself automatically. When the program is<br />

terminated, the active drawing window is always placed at the top of the list, provided<br />

that this file belongs to the project currently being edited, with the Project manager<br />

active.<br />


Schematic<br />

Connection line<br />

Line<br />

The 'Line' command is used to connect components in a schematic. Components<br />

must be connected using this command (as opposed to the 'Line' command under<br />

'Draw') because only these lines will be recognised by <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 for checking and list<br />

generation.<br />


Do not use 'Draw - Line' command to connect components.<br />

Lines will be stored as single line segments, instead of single lines. This provides for<br />

easier manipulation and requires a minimum amount of memory. To ensure that<br />

connections between lines and components are made correctly, turn on the 'Snap'<br />

mode (function key turns it on, and off, and is indicated by 'S' as first character<br />

in the status line at the bottom of the screen). Components are created with the<br />

connection pins positioned on grid points, so with the 'Snap' mode on, the cursor will<br />

jump from grid to grid where the pins are located. This is the only secure way to ensure<br />

that connections to the component pins are made exactly.<br />

<strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 can automatically create horizontal or vertical connection<br />

lines.<br />

When inserting and deleting components in the schematic, lines will become fragmented<br />

and connection points between lines and components may be overlapped. Note the<br />

'Compress' command on the 'File' menu. This function will correct overlapped and<br />

fragmented lines automatically. It is good practice to run the 'Compress' command from<br />

time to time to 'cleanup' the drawing.<br />

TIP<br />

Turn on the 'Automatic Connection' mode (function key <br />

turns it on and off, and is indicated by 'A' as the third character in<br />

the status line). With the 'Automatic Connection' mode on, when<br />

components are placed, all vertical (or horizontal depending on the<br />

connection mode selected, connections will be done automatically.<br />

Input line name<br />

If the line has an open end, the dialog 'Input line name' opens, and you can enter line<br />

name, connection name, colour, cross section and length.:<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Hint<br />

202<br />

If you do not need all this information, you can disable the dialog in<br />

the configuration.<br />

Connection lines (menu command 'Schematic - Line') can be created in different<br />

colours. These are conditional on the colour configuration for connection lines ('Settings -<br />

Colours - Connection Lines'). Nevertheless if you want to see all connection lines in the<br />

same colour, you can ignore the colour information by setting the option 'Ignore<br />

connection line colours' in the colour dialog.<br />

Important<br />

Connection lines from earlier projects have no colour information.<br />

Therefore, when converting the file into the new file format, the<br />

program adopts the current colour settings. You should therefore<br />

note these settings before transferring an old project. If necessary<br />

refer back to the automatically produced safety copies.<br />

Preset of line parameters<br />

When you draw a new connection line the parameters like colour, line type and line width<br />

can be taken from an existing line, when you make the start point exactly on an existing<br />

line.<br />

Hint<br />

When you place a node on an existing line and a connection line is<br />

created automatically, the line parameters are also adopted.

Line + Node/Arrow<br />

Schematic<br />

The menu option Line + Node/Arrow is only active once you have switched off the<br />

option Activate online destination wiring under Parameters / General /<br />

Compatibility tab. You must restart the program when you want to activate this.<br />

This command is used to set connection nodes or arrows at the beginning or<br />

end of the line depending on the option selected. These options are available for<br />

selection after applying the menu option.<br />

However, the nodes or arrows are only visible after fixing the line. Arrows are only<br />

drawn for vertical or horizontal connection lines, they are there only for display purposes<br />

and have no significance for automatic functions such as cross references.<br />

The command Schematic / Repeat only collects the last element drawn, i.e. node or<br />

arrow.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

DW point presentation<br />

<strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 also offers the option of displaying the 3-pole Destination-Wiring elements<br />

in point form. The display can be switched over at any time by using the menu command<br />

Schematic / DW point display. Full functionality is retained during this process.<br />

Hint<br />

204<br />

point display destination-wiring display<br />

The switch over can only operate properly providing the correct<br />

destination wiring library has been set in the configuration. Apart<br />

from that, for the point presentation, additional symbols must be<br />

present with symbol names that agree with those of the<br />

corresponding 3-pole symbols up to an attached P. These are then<br />

displayed during the point presentation instead of the normal DW<br />

elements. Just look at the library supplied with the software.

Nodes<br />

Schematic<br />

Component-pins and line ends that exactly hit the end of a line are recognised as a<br />

connection without a node being placed. Line ends, that exactly hit another line are also<br />

recognised as a connection without a node being placed. A node can be placed at the<br />

connection point to visually identify the connection.<br />

<strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 can automatically draw a connection line, when the node is<br />

drawn on a line that is directly in line with a component pin.<br />

If two lines that cross each other are to be connected, then the 'List generator' requires<br />

that a node be placed, at the connection point, to recognise the connection. However,<br />

two lines that cross each other are also recognised as a connection, if a segment of one<br />

of the lines ends exactly on the other line. Nodes are always displayed on the screen as<br />

squares. However, when plotting you have the option of representing the nodes as<br />

circles.<br />

TIP<br />

With the 'Automatic Connection' mode switched on ( turns<br />

on/off), connection lines are drawn automatically between<br />

components, if the component pins are exactly in line with each<br />

other.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Inserting symbols<br />

Loading symbols or items<br />

Symbol standard (DIN 61346)<br />

In the <strong>WSCAD</strong> Version 5, the symbols are available in two versions of the library. The<br />

first version shows the symbols in libraries with the previous arrangement and<br />

identification letters (reference names). The second version re-categorises the<br />

symbols while supplying the identification letters for the symbols according to DIN<br />

61346. The new DIN has been in force since 01.06.2003.<br />

A graphics symbol search is available with the menu option Schematic / Graphics<br />

symbol selection / Load component or Library.<br />

The best route to the symbol is without doubt the Symbol Explorer, which is started via<br />

the menu option Schematic / Symbol. The directory is selected under Parameters /<br />

common settings / <strong>Directory</strong> tab.<br />


Symbol Explorer<br />

Schematic<br />

The Symbol Explorer interface makes it suited to virtually all methods of working. This<br />

functionality is available in all the versions (Basic, Compact and Professional). Start<br />

the Symbol Explorer via the menu item ‘Schematic - Load Symbol’.<br />

It is no longer necessary to activate the library as in earlier versions.<br />

Positioning the symbol in the schematic gives rise to further actions, dependent on such<br />

things as method of positioning (simple mouse click or double click), version of the<br />

program being used and parameter settings.<br />

The dialog can be resized as you wish, likewise the split between preview and library<br />

view (whenever the cursor style changes ). The Symbol Explorer always displays the<br />

libraries which are located in the directories under ‘Settings – Common Settings –<br />

Directories’ in the lines ‘Libraries’ or ‘Libraries IEC . Which of the two directories is<br />

used will depend on the current setting in the Project manager for the active (open)<br />

project under the project data standard.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Loading a symbol via the Library tab<br />

Symbol Explorer is started via the menu option Connect+load / Load symbol. Then<br />

click on the Library tab.<br />

In the lower part of Symbol Explorer, you will now see all the libraries which are<br />

located in the active library directory.<br />

The library name in the new version is determined by the word “DIN” and the relevant<br />

identification letter of the symbols contained. In Symbol Explorer, click on the<br />

extension character in front of the relevant library from which you wish to load the<br />

symbol. The library then opens up showing the symbols listed according to name.<br />

Select the symbol name you are looking for. The symbol preview is then activated in<br />

the upper part of Symbol Explorer and the symbol you have selected will appear. The<br />

preview only works when the drawing is loaded. Double click in the Symbol preview<br />

and the symbol will appear larger. Selection is then made via the OK button or by double<br />

clicking on the symbol name.<br />


Loading a symbol via the designation tab<br />

Schematic<br />

Select the Designation tab. In Symbol Explorer, click on the extension character in<br />

front of the relevant designation from which you wish to load the symbol. The<br />

designation then opens up showing the symbols listed according to name. Select the<br />

symbol name you are looking for. The Symbol preview is then activated in the upper<br />

part of Symbol Explorer and the symbol you have selected will appear. Selection is then<br />

made via the OK button or by double clicking on the symbol name.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Loading a symbol via the Search tab<br />

Select the Search tab. In Symbol Explorer, click on the Search symbol field and enter<br />

just one or several parts of the symbol name. The separators are: Space ( ), semicolon<br />

(;) and comma (,).<br />

210<br />

The search is activated by clicking on the binocular symbol or the key.<br />

Available input options<br />

switch single word fragment

emerg switch several word fragments<br />

Schematic<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

emerg switch lock any number of word fragments<br />


Schematic<br />

Select the symbol name you are looking for. The symbol preview is then activated in<br />

the upper part of Symbol Explorer and the symbol you have selected will appear.<br />

Selection is then made via the OK button or by double clicking on the symbol name.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Loading a symbol via the Favourites tab<br />

Select the Favourites tab. Favourites should contain the symbols which you often use.<br />

You yourself should choose which symbols go into Favourites. A right mouse button<br />

function (which becomes active under the tabs Library and Designation) has been<br />

created for adding a symbol to Favourites. Just select the symbol and press the right<br />

mouse button and then the Favourites context menu appears.<br />

Here, you can specify a functional structure via the sub-option New folder. Here, you<br />

can decide on the generic terms under which the symbols can be saved later. Enter<br />

descriptive terms in the text box.<br />


Schematic<br />

In Symbol Explorer, see the generic term. The selected symbol is added to this<br />

generic term by clicking on it.<br />

In Symbol Explorer, click on the Favourites tab and then you will see the generic<br />

term with the associated symbols. Select the symbol name you are looking for. The<br />

symbol preview is then activated in the upper part of Symbol Explorer and the<br />

symbol you have selected will appear. Selection is then made via the OK button or by<br />

double clicking on the symbol name.<br />

Here, you can also click on the symbol with the right mouse button and delete it from<br />

Favourites again. The same applies to the generic terms.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Placing symbols<br />

When a symbol has been inserted in the drawing from the active symbol library,<br />

then other entries are necessary according to the parameter settings and configuration<br />

level.<br />

Hint<br />

216<br />

<strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 can adjust the size of a symbol automatically during<br />

loading. This can be useful when you do not have the matching<br />

libraries for the grid dimensions of the current drawing. This<br />

function should only be activated with care. It is better to adapt<br />

the grid dimensions of the drawing since incorrect adjustment can<br />

make it impossible to position the symbols precisely.<br />

Possible direct events when placing the symbols<br />

Before fixing the symbol on the circuit diagram (left mouse button or ), a<br />

menu can be activated by means of the right mouse button (or ) which offers the<br />

following options:<br />

• Rotate or flip the symbol.<br />

• Enter general text (or several, one after the other) to add a security value to the<br />

symbol, for example.<br />

• Change the symbol name.<br />

• Change the reference name.<br />

• Show or change all symbol parameters<br />

• Change the terminal destination by rotating the terminal virtually.<br />

• Determine the active component (electronics only, for several similar components<br />

in one housing).<br />

• Abort the entire process and delete the symbol again. (Must be carried out in<br />

order to remove the symbol from the cursor again).<br />

All symbols are placed on the connection line simply with a click of the left mouse<br />

button and the line opens up automatically. If there is still no connection line on the

Schematic<br />

circuit diagram at this position but another symbol connection (pin) has been placed in<br />

direct line beforehand, then the connection line is drawn automatically.<br />

With standard symbols, in the Professional version, you are requested to select and<br />

assign an item from the Item Manager. If you abort the assignment, the symbol will<br />

still be placed on the circuit diagram and the symbol parameters will open in which you<br />

can enter the information for the symbol.<br />

Symbol (parameters)<br />

In the Professional version, if you activate the database access by selecting option<br />

When loading a symbol: take values from the database under Parameters /<br />

General / Connection tab / Load, the menu for the symbol parameters opens<br />

automatically after placement.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Loading a symbol in the Professional version<br />

If you work with activated Contactor Manager and/or active PLC Manager, then the<br />

process changes as follows:<br />

Contactor coil<br />

After positioning a contactor coil, first the Item Database Manager will open with the<br />

contactors inside. After selecting an item in the database, the values are transferred<br />

from the Contactor Manager, the comb is loaded automatically and its position on the<br />

circuit diagram pre-populated.<br />

However, if you abort from the Item Database Manager ( or right mouse button)<br />

the Contactor Manager offers you the list of contactors already located on the circuit<br />

diagram. All virtual contactors are designated (with *) so that you can assign the coil<br />

to a virtual contactor. A contactor from which contacts have already been loaded but<br />

the contactor coil of which does not yet exist on the circuit diagram is called a virtual<br />

contactor<br />

Contactor contact<br />

When loading a contact, the Item Database Manager likewise opens first. Only select<br />

a database entry when you are in the process of loading the first contact of a new<br />

contactor. The Contactor Manager then generates a so-called virtual contactor. You<br />

can work completely normally although the contactor coil has not been inserted in the<br />

circuit diagram. If you abort from the Item Database Manager ( or right mouse<br />

button) the Contactor Manager offers you the list of available contactors and you<br />

must assign the contact to a contactor. The reference name is then transferred<br />

automatically.<br />

Hint<br />

218<br />

Position the contact or the contactor with a double click of the<br />

mouse or the space bar, then skip the database selection and<br />

access the assignment dialogue directly.<br />

PLC main element<br />

After positioning a PLC main module, the Item Database Manager will open first and<br />

display the associated database entries. After selecting the database entry, the values<br />

are transferred from the PLC Manager.<br />

However, if you abort from the Item Database Manager ( or right mouse<br />

button) the PLC Manager offers you the selection of available PLC modules. All virtual<br />

modules are designated (with *) so that you can assign the main module to a virtual<br />

PLC module. A PLC module from which PLC auxiliary elements (the individual<br />

channels) have already been applied but the main module of which does not yet exist<br />

in the circuit diagram is called a virtual PLC module.<br />

PLC auxiliary element<br />

When loading a PLC auxiliary module, the Item Database Manager with the PLC<br />

modules opens first. Only select a database entry when you are in the process of

Schematic<br />

loading the first channel of a new PLC module. The PLC Manager then generates a socalled<br />

virtual module; you can work completely normally even though the main<br />

module has not yet been inserted in the circuit diagram. If you abort from the Item<br />

Database Manager ( or right mouse button) the PLC Manager offers you the<br />

selection of available PLC modules and you must assign the PLC auxiliary module<br />

(separate channel) to a PLC module. The reference name is then transferred<br />

automatically.<br />

Hint<br />

Position the PLC module with a double click of the mouse or by<br />

using the space bar, then skip the Item Database Manager and<br />

access the assignment dialogue directly.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Loading a symbol in the Basic and Compact<br />

version<br />

When loading coils, contacts and terminals which can be cross-referenced, you must<br />

enter a reference name such as K4711 or X1.<br />

With contacts and terminals, you can also enter the contact numbers. If you enter a<br />

+ or - sign, all existing pin numbers which are made up solely of numbers for this<br />

component are increased or decreased by 10 respectively (contactor contacts).<br />

With contacts which can be cross-referenced (symbol type, contact), if no reference<br />

has been entered or pre-populated core name (e.g. K) transferred, the reference of a<br />

coil or contact which is located at the same height on the left will be assigned and a<br />

broken line drawn to this component.<br />

Hint<br />

220<br />

With terminals, if no reference is entered, the reference from the<br />

terminal which is found at the same height on the left (or top in the<br />

case of a horizontal work direction) will be transferred. The<br />

suspension point of the terminal is the deciding factor for the<br />

position comparison rather than the position of the reference<br />


Loading items<br />

Loading a symbol and assigning an item at the same time<br />

Schematic<br />

In the Professional version, use a database in which the individual items are stored. In<br />

order to obtain immediate connection between symbol + item data, use the menu<br />

option Schematic / Load item. The Load symbol and Assign item dialog is a<br />

combination between the Symbol Explorer and an Item Manager. In the symbol<br />

tree, search for the appropriate symbol and select the item from the Item Manager<br />

(both must be marked). Only then can you load the symbol at the cursor by using the<br />

OK button or a double click of the mouse and place it on the circuit diagram.<br />

Note whether the Synchronisation option has been activated or not. This option<br />

activates the link between the symbol and item and then jumps to the assigned item<br />

or symbol during selection.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Graphics symbol selection<br />

Load component<br />

The menu option Graph.symbol selection with the sub-menu Load component and<br />

library is the graphics method (for Version 4.2 standard) for inserting symbols in a<br />

<strong>WSCAD</strong> circuit diagram. This method is only active when you have activated the option<br />

Graphics symbol selection under Parameters / General / Compatibility tab. You<br />

must restart the program when you want to activate this. When using the Load<br />

component command, the graphics display (template page) appears first<br />

Selecting a symbol via graphics symbol selection<br />

After selecting a symbol from the template page, the circuit diagram<br />

appears and the selected symbol can be positioned. After positioning, the<br />

graphics symbol selection appears again. The template used is<br />

oriented to the activated library so that several different templates can<br />

be available. If no symbol is selected (Abort with or right mouse<br />

button) the normal dialog will appear showing a list of the symbols of the<br />

active library for selection. This also appears when no template page is<br />

available.<br />

Symbol selection via a dialog<br />

When a search term for the name of the symbol to be looked for is entered in the<br />

Search term field, the selection bar is automatically positioned at the relevant symbol<br />

according to the character sequence which has been entered.<br />

The symbol is selected via OK or a double click.<br />

Creating a library template<br />

You can easily create a graphics template yourself since this is a normal <strong>WSCAD</strong><br />

drawing which need only satisfy the following criteria:<br />

Hint<br />

222<br />

• The filename corresponds exactly to the library name<br />

• The file extension (=page number) is .000<br />

• The template is stored in the same directory as the library itself.<br />

The template is displayed in the same scale in which it was<br />

created. You can easily adjust this scale to your resolution by<br />

loading the template, zooming as required and saving it again.

Line name<br />

General<br />

Schematic<br />

Every electrical connection line which is open at one (or both) ends (such as a<br />

connection to a BUS or a continuous line to other pages) requires a line name when this<br />

line is continued to other points in the set of drawings, otherwise the list generator will<br />

not be able to assign the lines.<br />

What are the different ways of entering the line name?<br />

Changing the line name: The dialog is only active when you have switched off the<br />

option ‘Activate online destination wiring’ under Parameters / General /<br />

Compatibility tab and have not activated the option ‘Enter line name via general<br />

input field’ under Tab / Connect and load. Several connections can be managed for<br />

one and the same line name. A connection database is created at the same time.<br />

Alternatively, enter the line name via the input field, in which case, only the line<br />

names are compared on the drawing and used for cross-referencing. By doing this, it is<br />

not possible to manage several connections for a single line name. No connection<br />

database is created.<br />

Enter / change / edit line name<br />

When you activate the menu option Line name, at first, a context menu appears in<br />

which you can decide which functions you want to execute in relation to the line name.<br />

Here, select Enter.<br />

The dialog Enter line name appears.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Enter the line name, click on OK and position it on the line. By clicking with the left<br />

mouse button (or: pressing the key), the line name is fixed and the Enter<br />

line name dialog immediately opens again.<br />

However, if you select the context menu option Change, then you must first select an<br />

existing line name from the circuit diagram. Only then does the above Enter line name<br />

dialog appear.<br />

Placing the name at the end of the line is important: The beginning of the name must<br />

lie on the line (distance e.g. due to movement with grid switched on) between the end of<br />

the line and the next coordinate point (kink or other line end) of the line, otherwise<br />

another applicable name will be assigned for this line group. You can also rotate the line<br />

name, change its size or even make it invisible (by placing an object in front).<br />

Input line name dialog<br />

In the Input line name dialog: define the line name, connection, colour, cross section<br />

and the length of the wire to be laid.<br />

Line names<br />

Enter a new line name and confirm with the Enter key (not the OK button) or open the<br />

list field and select an existing name.<br />

Connection<br />

If you enter a new connection designation or select one of the existing connections<br />

for this line name then this will appear in the large list field on the right. With the set<br />

option Show double connections, you will see all connections with this line name.<br />

Assign line - connection<br />

If you wish to assign the line just drawn to an existing open connection, simply select<br />

the relevant entry on the right in the list field with a double click. Any existing<br />


Schematic<br />

information such as connection name and colour etc. will be transferred immediately.<br />

Otherwise, give the line a connection name in addition. Each open connection can only<br />

be assigned once (beginning and end count as one open connection in each case). This is<br />

the only way to make it possible to identify this open line end precisely later on.<br />

Placing the line name<br />

After clicking on the OK button, the line name is placed automatically. Abort with<br />

or the right mouse button.<br />

Hint<br />

The values for colour and cross section are also saved in test files<br />

(Colour.TXT or Crosssection.TXT in the database directory) in<br />

addition and are therefore available for future entries.<br />

Special function for electronics<br />

For lines with names that end in numbers (e.g. data or address lines) and which lie on<br />

top of one another within the fixed distance, only the first line name needs be entered.<br />

If you abort the entry via the dialog, the other names will be written and positioned<br />

automatically with the command Draw free hand / Repeat. The numbers at the end of<br />

the name are increased by one each time. The direction of the repeat is up to you. For<br />

example, you can choose for the names to be counted in ascending order.<br />

Line cross reference when lines have the same potential<br />

Different line names can be assigned to open line ends. However, in this case, use the<br />

Connection field in the dialog to assign open line ends. You can only use a connection<br />

twice. This makes it possible for the cross references to be unambiguous. Only line ends<br />

to which the same line name and the same connection have been assigned refer to one<br />

another.<br />

Automatic pre-assignment of text parameters<br />

When entering General text and line name, the size and direction as well as the angle<br />

of rotation of the last entry or change is used as a pre-assignment.<br />

Hint<br />

The length of the test is restricted to 48 characters.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Cables<br />

Drawing in cables<br />

The cables are managed in the Professional version when you have activated the option<br />

Activate online Cable Manager under Parameters / General / Cable tab. In order<br />

to manage cables in general, they must be placed on the circuit diagram by using the<br />

menu command Connect+Load / Cable name/type. The start point of the cable is<br />

now set with a click of the left mouse button. Draw the (cable)line over the area of the<br />

wires which should belong to this cable and place the end point with another click of<br />

the left mouse button.<br />

When the Cable Manager is activated, the cable database dialog appears.<br />

Now click on the New button. Enter the cable name e.g. –W105 and place the text<br />

with the cursor and a click of the left mouse button.<br />


In the Professional version, the Item Database Manager then appears.<br />

Schematic<br />

Select the appropriate cable with a double click of the mouse or by clicking on OK.<br />

Then the Cable Manager dialog opens again to show the available cables and the new<br />

cable from the cable database. The colour code is transferred from the database. If<br />

no colour code has been saved in the database, then you can select one of the existing<br />

colour codes. This new assignment is written back in the database.<br />

Hint<br />

A colour code can only be changed if no wires of the selected cable<br />

have been used in the circuit diagram.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

When you leave the database dialog, the new cable is pre-selected. The selected<br />

colours are indicated below. You can only select as many wire colours as lines you have<br />

intersected with the (cable)line. If you select fewer wire colours than there are<br />

intersected lines, then the missing wire colours will be automatically supplemented from<br />

the last selected wire colour onwards.<br />

The cable symbol also determines the alignment of the wire colour (derived from the pin<br />

name) horizontal or vertical. You can adjust this by the setting under Parameters /<br />

General / Cables.<br />


Schematic<br />

oder<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Drawing cables and using wires from existing<br />

cables<br />

It is also possible to assign free wires from cables which have already been laid to cables<br />

which have just been drawn. Use the menu command Schematic / Cable name type<br />

and set the start point of the cable. Draw the line over the area of the line wires and set<br />

the end point. Thereafter, abort entering the cable designation with . The Cable<br />

Manager dialog appears.<br />

You will see whether free wires exist in an existing cable by the colour difference and<br />

when there is a number greater than 0 in the Free column.<br />

Select the cable that you wish to use and then the information concerning the colourcode<br />

name which was stored in the item database for this cable will appear in the<br />

colour-code area. The colours or numbers of this cable which are assigned and still free<br />

are indicated below. These colour abbreviations are also distinguished from one another<br />

by colour. Fully assigned cables are labelled in the text by special colours. Now colours<br />

which have not yet been used can be assigned with a double click of the mouse. Confirm<br />

with OK, then the Cable Manager closes and you can place the cable designation on<br />

the cable line. (-W104).<br />

Hint<br />

230<br />

A cable with a sufficient number of free wires has been selected.

Schematic<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Deleting cables<br />

It is not necessary to delete all the wires on the diagram to remove a cable completely<br />

from the set of drawings. Once a cable in the list is selected in the Cable Manger dialog,<br />

the Delete button becomes active.<br />

In so doing, the cable can be deleted from the entire set of drawings. All cable wires and<br />

cable shields with the identical reference name are removed at the same time.<br />

Hint<br />

232<br />

This function is not subject to the UNDO/REDO Manager and<br />

cannot be undone.

Deleting cables graphically<br />

Schematic<br />

Only when you have activated the option Cable management on-line under<br />

Parameters / General / Cables.<br />

Delete a cable, for example, by marking with a window and then pressing the <br />

key, then the entry in the cable database is removed automatically.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Cables as symbols<br />

<strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 draws the cables in circuit diagrams by means of a cable wire symbol.<br />

Cable-wire type symbols are positioned on the connection lines. While the cable line<br />

formerly represented a special element, which is still supported for reasons of<br />

compatibility with previous versions, the cable-wire type symbols are flexible in<br />

application and numbering.<br />

When drawing the line, the cable-wire symbols are placed on the intersections<br />

automatically. Each cable-wire type symbol therefore corresponds to a wire in the<br />

cable and can be numbered automatically from top to bottom or from left to right.<br />

The symbols themselves consist of a body (e.g. a short, diagonal line) and a pin. In<br />

addition, the cable designation and the cable type are converted into reference<br />

names and symbol names of the cable wire symbols. Using a symbol for a cable also<br />

has the advantage that it is possible to work with the database, so that values from the<br />

database can be processed in the task lists (e.g. material lists).<br />

Cable-wire type symbols can be numbered manually and automatically, in the same<br />

way as terminal connections. The type of numbering is determined in the<br />

configuration.<br />

Instructions on creating cable lists and cable diagrams<br />

234<br />

Cable designations are only transferred when the cable type and<br />

the cable designation are both present or can be assigned by the<br />

external destination. (When the cable designation for the external<br />

destination is missing but the cable type is present, the reference<br />

name of the external destination with the prefix W is used as the<br />

cable designation.)<br />

When creating cable lists/cable diagrams, the automatic system<br />

must know which components are internal and which components<br />

are external. In the case of a terminal/symbol connection, the<br />

assignment is given by the terminal connection: if the symbol (e.g.<br />

motor) is connected to the external connection of the terminal then<br />

the symbol is external and the terminal strip is internal. With a<br />

terminal/terminal connection, the assignment is somewhat more<br />

difficult. Every symbol which is not a terminal is recognised as an<br />

external destination but is connected to a terminal. Or this symbol<br />

is explicitly labelled using !ext.<br />

When connecting external terminals / externally or internal terminal / internally<br />

or connecting between two symbols, it is not possible to assign automatically without<br />

additional information. This information must be entered in the form of the word !ext<br />

(also possible without the ! character) in the Text1 or Text2 lines of the symbol<br />

parameters of the external symbol. With several symbols (e.g. terminals), this<br />

information must be entered for each symbol.<br />

Hint<br />

The information !ext is necessary for symbol/symbol or<br />

terminal/terminal connections

Pasting circuit diagram macros with cables or<br />

copying cables<br />

Schematic<br />

Special feature for pasting circuit diagram macros or circuit diagram pages which<br />

already contain cables. If you have activated the Cable Manager when pasting the<br />

circuit diagram macro or copying cables then, after placement, a cable dialog starts<br />

which lists the cables which have been pasted or copied. During this process, the old<br />

cable designations are used. A function text then only appears in the dialog when all<br />

wires of the cable have the identical function text. If the function text is not<br />

changed, then it is left as it is. The function text can be removed from all wires of the<br />

cable by entering a space.<br />

1st Method<br />

The Change button starts the item database selection in which the cable type can be<br />

changed. Another reference name can then be given to the new cable via the<br />

Reference name window. In order to do this, you must change the reference name and<br />

then click again at the top on the cable that you want to change<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

2nd Method<br />

The cable management dialogue starts via Assign. There, from the cables already laid,<br />

you can select the cable which has the necessary number of free wires in order to<br />

assign the newly added cable to the selected cable. There, you can also decide on the<br />

wire colours.<br />


3rd Method<br />

Schematic<br />

Alternatively, you must correct the reference name of the cable used in the Reference<br />

name field.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Cable shield<br />

Settings<br />

In the configuration Terminals + Cables you find settings which determine the shape of<br />

a shield and the information transferred into automated listings. All these settings only<br />

have an effect on newly drawn cable shields.<br />

Settings<br />

238<br />

• Line type: Determines the line type (not: half circle)<br />

• Radius: Determines the size of the half circle<br />

• Name: This text becomes the function text of the cable shield<br />

• Pin name: This is the name of the connection point (pin)<br />

All these texts are normally not shown in the schematics, therefore they are marked as<br />

invisible.<br />

Example: Shield of the cable –W5<br />

Note<br />

Cables with shields must have a '1' in the field 'height' of the<br />

material database, if you wish to work with the cable manager.

Schematic<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Draw a cable shield<br />

With the 'Schematic – Cable shield' command you start drawing a cable shield.<br />

Set the start point and then the end point of the line, then cancel the command with the<br />

right mouse button or . The component 'Cable shield' is created automatically.<br />

The pin will be at the start point position, at the end point you will see a half circle.<br />

Note<br />

240<br />

You can draw a cable shield only horizontally or vertically<br />

The following screen shot shows 4 vertical connection lines, on the right is the starting<br />

point of the cable shield.<br />

1 2 3 4 start<br />

Draw the line for the cable shield across the connection lines, set the end point and<br />

cancel the line drawing function.<br />

Compact module or Professional module without cable manager<br />

Now you must enter the reference name of the cable that the shield belongs to.<br />

Professional module with cable manager<br />

The dialog of the cable manager appears:<br />

All cables of the current project are listed in the dialog, cables which may have a shield<br />

are marked with a '+' in the column 'Shield'.<br />

Select an existing cable and click on OK. The dialog closes and the cable shield will be<br />

completed in the schematics. The reference name is taken from the selected cable,<br />

function text and pin name are marked as invisible. With the option 'Show all' of the

Schematic<br />

cable manager you can list all cables in the current project, independent of whether the<br />

cable has the correct entry in the material database ('1' in the field 'height').<br />

If you select a cable without a cable shield, a dialog will ask you if the material database<br />

should be adapted. If you answer with YES, the database field 'height' of that particular<br />

cable will be set to '1'.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Cable shield drawn on both cable ends<br />

Often a cable shield is shown twice in the schematics, sometimes it is connected on both<br />

sides (externally and internally in the cabinet).<br />

-X1 extern X2 intern<br />

If you draw a cable shield twice, you must determine which of the shield components is<br />

listed on the external side in the cable chart. Please enter '!ext' in Text1 or Text2 of the<br />

Symbol parameters of the component 'cable shield' which is on the external side.<br />

Note<br />


You can also use cables with more than one shield. Matching<br />

shields must have the same function text!!<br />

Schematic<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Black-Box<br />

Creating a Black Box<br />

The Black Box makes it easier to use <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 without interruption. This function<br />

allows you to create symbols directly in a schematics without having to open up the<br />

Symbol editor.<br />

To start this process, activate the menu item ‘Schematic - Black Box’. The first<br />

instruction to appear in the information toolbar is: "Set first corner of rectangle".<br />

The first click generates the start point of the rectangle which can be dragged to size with<br />

the cursor. The second click fixes the size of the Black Box.<br />


Black Box Pins<br />

Schematic<br />

Where the Black Box cuts into connection lines, pins are automatically placed and<br />

numbered.<br />

Note<br />

The automatic numbering only applies to vertical connection lines<br />

The sequence of the pin numbers follows the order in which the connection lines were<br />

drawn (chronological order). The "oldest" of the connection lines is thus number "1".<br />

Further pins can also be placed and numbered automatically. The process is ended with<br />

the key or with a click of the right mouse button.<br />

Please note that connection pins must always be placed on the "body"<br />

of the Black Box<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Editing the Black Box<br />

When all the pins have been placed, the Black Box dialog opens up automatically. This<br />

displays all the information about the Black Box, which can be edited.<br />

Reference name, Symbol name and Part number<br />

In the Professional module, the reference name must be entered, then you can move<br />

directly into the Parts manager dialog via the button Parts from material database.<br />


Schematic<br />

When selecting parts, the values for Symbol name and Part name are copied across<br />

(these are invisible in the drawing because of their prefixed "!").<br />

In the Compact and Basic versions the fields can be filled in manually.<br />

Pin name and number<br />

The name and number of the pins can also be edited. After the dialog has been closed<br />

with OK, the values in the Black Box are amended with extended, modified or new data.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />


Contact connections<br />

Changing the symbol connection designations<br />

Schematic<br />

In order to start this process, activate the relevant symbol with the right mouse button.<br />

Then select Connections in the context menu.<br />

Changing the connections for a symbol<br />

When you activate this command for a symbol, all parameters in the dialog are activated.<br />

However, the way this looks depends on the symbol type chosen. The symbol type<br />

affects the possible changes.<br />

Symbol type Standard Symbol type Coil<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Connection name, connection number<br />

The name and number of the connection pin can also be edited. After ending the<br />

dialog by clicking on the OK button, the changed values are supplemented, changed or<br />

re-positioned at the symbol. The reference name and the symbol name can be<br />

changed directly in the text field. In the Professional version, the change takes place<br />

directly in the Item Manager by means of the command button Item out of database<br />

(invoke the Item Manager with the pre-selection Designation). In the Compact and<br />

Basic version, the fields can be filled in manually. The values for Symbol name and<br />

Item designation are transferred by the Item Selector (not visible on the circuit<br />

diagram due to “!” prefix).<br />


Schematic<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Plug Socket<br />

Plug+socket<br />

The Online Plug Manager is activated via Parameters / General / Plug/Socket<br />

option: Online Plug Manager. The menu option Schematic/ Plug opens a context<br />

menu in which you can decide whether you want to insert the symbols separately (plug,<br />

socket) or in a process.<br />

Insert Plug+Socket<br />

Use this menu option when you want to insert plug symbols and socket symbols in<br />

one or more existing connection line(s) simultaneously.<br />

Procedure<br />

Activate the menu option Connect+Load / Plug /Plug+Socket. Place the start point<br />

of the plug line next to the connection line into which the Plug + Socket is to be<br />

inserted. Click on the other end of the connection line and the Plug Manager dialog will<br />

open.<br />

Click on the New button and the Reference name input will open.<br />

Click on the OK button and the Item Manager will open (the selection is determined by<br />

the selection text in the std-st module).<br />


Schematic<br />

Select an item by clicking on it and the OK button and the information is saved in the<br />

Plug Manger.<br />

If you want to select an item for the socket immediately then you must confirm the<br />

following dialog.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Click on the Yes button and the Item Manager will open (the selection is determined by<br />

the selection text in the std-bu module).<br />

Select an item by clicking on it and the OK button and the information is saved in the<br />

Plug Manger.<br />

The plug belonging to the selected socket is shown to you in the top of the dialog in the<br />

Plug line (here, the identical reference name is crucial). See the selected coding in the<br />

dialog on the right (in this case, the number code). The coding is stored in the<br />

PLUG.TXT file. This is located in the database directory. This file contains the plug<br />

coding and can be edited. Now select the appropriate connection assignment by<br />

double clicking on the relevant numbers or colours (the current selection is shown to<br />

you below).<br />


Schematic<br />

Now end the Plug Manager dialog with OK and the symbols in the circuit diagram will<br />

be supplemented and numbered after you have placed the reference name.<br />

Caution<br />

The direction in which the line is drawn determines the direction of<br />

the numbering. The order of the symbols is reversed with the shift<br />

key.<br />

Examples<br />

Drawing direction of the plug line: from right to left + shift key<br />

Drawing direction of the plug line: from right to left + shift key<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Drawing direction of the plug line: from left to right<br />

Drawing direction of the plug line: from left to right + shift key<br />


Inserting connection diagram macro with<br />

plug/socket or copying plug/socket<br />

Schematic<br />

Special feature for pasting circuit diagram macros or circuit diagram pages which<br />

already contain plugs/sockets. If you have activated the Plug Manager when inserting<br />

the circuit diagram macro or copying plugs/sockets then, after placement, a plug<br />

dialog starts which lists the plugs/sockets which have been pasted or copied. During<br />

this process, the old plug/socket designations are used. A function text then only<br />

appears in the dialog when all the elements of the plug/socket have the identical<br />

function text. If the function text is not changed, then it is left as it is. The function<br />

text can be removed from all the elements of the plug/socket by entering a space.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Inserting plugs or sockets separately<br />

Use this menu option when you only want to add plug symbols and socket symbols to<br />

existing connection line(s).<br />

Procedure<br />

Activate the menu option Schematic / Plug /Plug (or Socket). The symbol set in the<br />

Parameters is located at the cursor. If you want to rotate it, confirm with the right<br />

mouse button and select the context menu option Flip X (horizontal) or Y (vertical).<br />

Place the symbol at the end of the line.<br />

Place it with a click of the left mouse button or Return and the Item assignment<br />

will start in which you can select an item number and confirm the selection with OK.<br />

(Abort the Item Selector with ESC and you will switch into the Online Plug Manager<br />

automatically). However, if you place the symbol with the space bar or double click<br />

then the Online Plug Manager opens immediately.<br />

The elements listed here are available for you to assign. Select the plug (in this<br />

example). The associated socket appears in the dialogue at the top and the current<br />

allocation on the right. Now select the current pin which should be used on the right. If<br />

sockets or plug symbols are already located on the left of the current symbol then this<br />

reference name is used automatically.<br />


Deleting plugs or sockets separately<br />

Schematic<br />

Select the symbol with the right mouse button and choose Delete in the context menu.<br />

The element is removed.<br />

When the Online Plug Manager is activated, corrections are carried out there<br />

immediately (the contact is enabled again, in this case, Plug contact assignment 3).<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Deleting plugs or sockets at one time<br />

When the Online Plug Manager is activated, select the element and select the<br />

Remove button.<br />

And confirm the message box.<br />


Changing a pin assignment<br />

Click on a plug or socket symbol with the right mouse button.<br />

Schematic<br />

This opens up the associated context menu, select ‘Change pin / wire’. The<br />

numbering/lettering of the connector pins or sockets is displayed in a dialog and the<br />

connection of the currently selected pin is marked with an arrow.<br />

Select a free pin and confirm with OK . The new pin assignment will then be copied<br />

across.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />


Destination wiring<br />

General<br />

Schematic<br />

To activate the destination wiring functionality you have to select the option Activate<br />

destination wiring with menuitem Parameters / Common settings / Compatibility<br />

.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Aids for drawing connection lines<br />

Destination wiring is an important tool when you want to define the wiring in the<br />

circuit diagram unambiguously. After that, you can then create a circuit diagram which<br />

shows the exact point-to-point connections (keyword: obligatory wiring).<br />

In order to use Destination wiring, three separate symbol libraries have been created in<br />

which all elements of Destination wiring have been assembled.<br />

Important<br />

264<br />

It is important to define the connection points for this element<br />

precisely in order to establish the direction of the destination.<br />

The wiring sequence is defined unambiguously by the choice of the respective<br />

Destination-Wiring symbol. Each line which is to be laid is provided with the line<br />

name and the name of the connection but the cross section, length and wire<br />

colour can be provided as an option. This supplementary information will then be<br />

available to you in the connection list (circuit diagram).<br />

Hint<br />

Destination wiring is only useful for circuit-diagram files.<br />

Caution<br />

All the information mentioned above up to the line names is only<br />

available within a project. If diagram components (such as circuit<br />

diagram pages) are copied within projects, then the lines which are<br />

copied at the same time must be supplemented with the additional<br />

information manually.

Destination wiring library<br />

Schematic<br />

The 'Destination wiring’ library (DW.BIB) contains all the components needed to use<br />

destination wiring.<br />

To enable the destination wiring to function, the symbols must be drawn up according to<br />

certain rules and conventions.<br />

The illustration shows the Destination wiring symbol bar.<br />

If you allow the cursor to linger on a symbol, this generates a Tooltip which shows the<br />

component name for the symbol. This is very helpful for identification purposes.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

The destination wiring elements<br />

There are various destination wiring elements with different functions or tasks.<br />

DW elements with 1 or 2 connection points could also be replaced by<br />

connection lines.<br />

Elements with 1 or 2 connection points serve mainly to use the advantages of the<br />

automatic connections (horizontal and vertical). Corner pieces (or angles) are used to<br />

connect two lines running at right angles to each other; arrows document the<br />

continuation of the line in another position.<br />

Corner pieces or angles<br />

266<br />

• Corner(1) Connection line from the left turns up or vice versa<br />

• Corner(2) Connection line from the left turns down or vice versa<br />

• Corner(3) Connection line from above turns right or vice versa<br />

• Corner(4) Connection line from below turns right or vice versa<br />

links It is essential to define the line name in order to create the line cross<br />

references.<br />

Arrows<br />

indicate lines which end at one position and continue at another position. The line name<br />

and connection name must be entered. The conductor colour, cross-section and length<br />

can also optionally be specified<br />

Outgoing arrows (connection line is continued in another position)<br />

• Arrow(1) Arrow direction to the left<br />

• Arrow(2) Arrow direction upwards<br />

• Arrow(3) Arrow direction to the right<br />

• Arrow(4) Arrow direction downwards<br />

Incoming arrows (connection line is continued from another position)<br />

• Arrow(1) Arrow direction from the left<br />

• Arrow(2) Arrow direction from above<br />

• Arrow(3) Arrow direction from the right<br />

• Arrow(4) Arrow direction from below

Elements with 3 connection points (T-pieces)<br />

Schematic<br />

Only by using these elements is it possible to create T-connections which make it clear<br />

which points are to be connected to each other. The names of all 3-pole DW elements<br />

are derived from these.<br />

If you look at the buttons on the first toolbar illustrated above, you will note the<br />

following:<br />

The common connection point (with 2 wires) is depicted by a small triangle.<br />

The secondary connection is depicted by a red line.<br />

The following illustration explains in detail the naming of the DW elements, using as an<br />

example the element 'T-piece left, destination 1 up -> destination 2 down'.<br />

On the far left the element is shown as it appears in the toolbar (button). Picture the<br />

connection as a T-piece left consisting of 2 connections. Connection 1 begins on the left<br />

on the common point and leads upwards to destination 1. Connection 2 begins at the<br />

same point but leads downwards.<br />

Rule<br />

The following rule must be adhered to when using these DW elements:<br />

The common connection point, identified by a triangle, must ONLY<br />

be connected to a component, NOT to another 3-pole DW element.<br />

T-pieces T left<br />

• T-piece1 T left; destination 1 up, destination 2 left<br />

• T-piece2 T left; destination 1 up, destination 2 down<br />

• T-piece3 T left; destination 1 down, destination 2 left<br />

• T-piece4 T left; destination 1 down, destination 2 up<br />

T-pieces T up<br />

• T-piece1 T up; destination 1 left, destination 2 up<br />

• T-piece2 T up; destination 1 left, destination 2 right<br />

• T-piece3 T up; destination 1 right, destination 2 left<br />

• T-piece4 T up; destination 1 right, destination 2 up<br />

T-pieces T down<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

268<br />

• T-piece1 T down; destination 1 left, destination 2 right<br />

• T-piece2 T down; destination 1 left, destination 2 down<br />

• T-piece3 T down; destination 1 right, destination 2 left<br />

• T-piece4 T down; destination 1 right, destination 2 down<br />

T-pieces T right<br />

• T-piece1 T right; destination 1 up, destination 2 right<br />

• T-piece2 T right; destination 1 up, destination 2 down<br />

• T-piece3 T right; destination 1 down, destination 2 up<br />

• T-piece4 T right; destination 1 down, destination 2 right

Creating a destination wiring element<br />

Schematic<br />

Normally the standard symbols supplied with the destination wiring library cover all<br />

applications. These symbols have been created in a 1.28mm grid and thus fit into the<br />

2.5mm drawing grid which is normally used.<br />

However, if you wish to create new destination wiring symbols, you must make sure that<br />

these T symbols (with 3 connection points) conform to the following rules:<br />

Rule<br />

• Component type 'Destination wiring'<br />

• Reference name 'DW'<br />

• 3 connection points<br />

• The common pin (which must only be connected to a component) is given the pin<br />

name '!a'<br />

• The pin which gives the 'primary' connection to the common pin, is given the pin<br />

name '!1'<br />

• The pin which gives the secondary connection to the common pin, is given the pin<br />

name '!2!<br />

• The component name should describe the intended application exactly<br />

• The grid spacing of the connection points must fit the drawing grid normally used<br />

According to standard practice, the incoming connection line<br />

always joins pin !1 and the outgoing one leaves pin !2. The<br />

component to be connected is always attached to pin !a.<br />

Example<br />

Component name: T-piece down: Destination1 left -> Destination2 right<br />

Component connection (Pin name !a)<br />

Incoming connection from the left (Pin name !1)<br />

Outgoing connection to the right (Pin name !2)<br />

Reference name (!DW)<br />

Tip<br />

The shape and colour of the DW element should be drawn such that<br />

you can easily recognize both the common connection and the<br />

secondary connection.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Working with Destination wiring<br />

One advantage of the destination wiring symbols is that connection lines are<br />

automatically created (and broken) – both horizontally and vertically – when DW<br />

elements are added. If the DW elements are inserted logically and automatic connection<br />

line generation is used, the manual drawing of connection lines can be largely dispensed<br />

with.<br />

The additional data such as connection name, cross-section, length and colour are not<br />

saved in the drawing pages themselves but in an Access database. The name of this<br />

database is formed from the Project name + the extension '_Vltgn.MDB' and saved in the<br />

project directory. The database is automatically updated when the UNDO, REDO, File<br />

Copy, Delete File and Auto Line Name commands are used, but only within the project, if<br />

the file is not loaded as an 'external' file.<br />

When the project is opened, an Access database is created for the line names, if not<br />

already in existence.<br />

Warning<br />

270<br />

If the database *_Vltgn.MDB is lost, it can NOT be fully restored<br />

from the drawing files. If it is rebuilt, it will not contain the<br />

connection name, colour, cross section or line length. The data<br />

must then be filled in manually.<br />

The data on colour and cross section are not intended to be used on screen but are<br />

meant to be included in the wiring chart. The colours on the screen can be altered via<br />

the menu command 'Settings – Colours' for connection lines and line names.<br />

Please make sure you differentiate clearly between the destination wiring (for internal<br />

connections) and the cables (for external connections). When inserting cables, use the<br />

Cable manager as before, under the menu item 'Automatic - Cables – Cable manager<br />

.<br />

Important<br />

If entire drawing pages are copied across between projects or if<br />

you insert drawing macros, only the line names are copied across.<br />

The rest of the data must be added manually.<br />

Inserting the DW element 'Corner'<br />

Angles are used to change the direction of connection lines. Choose an corner symbol<br />

from the DW.BIB library by clicking with the left mouse button on the symbol. After the<br />

element has been placed (likewise with a click of the left mouse button) a connection is<br />

automatically generated to the symbols or to the other DW elements. Also note the<br />

contents of the tooltip when you select the element.<br />

Example: Angle => Auto. connection to Q2.

Inserting T-pieces<br />

Schematic<br />

The T-pieces form the connection between the attached components and other DW<br />

elements. This allows the line routing to be traced accurately. They allow the branching<br />

of connection lines.<br />

Example<br />

When you place the DW element T down: Destination1 left -> Destination2 right (in<br />

the Example) above the circuit breaker , the connection line is automatically drawn<br />

between the angle and the circuit breaker contact.<br />

Line routing<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

At the same time the form of the T-pieces determines the wiring route (from the<br />

common connection to the primary destination, and from the common connection to the<br />

secondary destination).<br />

A useful feature<br />

As there are many different forms of destination wiring elements in the DW symbol bar,<br />

special attention must be paid to the selection of the appropriate element. A helpful<br />

feature is that when 3-pole DW elements (T pieces) are placed on an existing DW<br />

element or a node, the previous element is deleted. This allows DW elements to be<br />

exchanged very easily.<br />

Rule<br />

272<br />

The common connection point, marked with a triangle, must ONLY<br />

be connected with a component, NOT with another 3-pole DW<br />

element.<br />

Example of correctly used destination wiring<br />

Analysis of the connection list for the correct application<br />

Example of incorrectly used destination wiring:

Error<br />

The common connections of the DW elements (via K1 and K2) do<br />

not point to component connections, thus breaking the rule<br />

Inserting the DW element 'Arrow'<br />

Schematic<br />

Arrows indicate line routings which end in one position and continue in another<br />

position. In this case you must enter a line name and, where there are more than two<br />

line ends with the same line name (wire number), the connection name as well. The<br />

other data such as conductor colour, cross section and length is optional for this item and<br />

are only taken into account in the wiring chart.<br />

When a connection line is automatically generated after a DW element 'Arrow' has been<br />

placed, the dialog 'Enter line name' appears, so that you are reminded to specify the<br />

line name, the connection, the colour, the cross section and the length of the conductor<br />

to be placed.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Enter a new line name and confirm with the enter key (not the OK button), or open the<br />

List field 'Name' and select an existing name. If connections with exactly the same line<br />

name already exist, these will be displayed in the large list field on the right.<br />

Each open connection can only be assigned once (a beginning and an<br />

end each count as an open connection).<br />

If you want to assign the newly-drawn line to an existing open line, simply select with a<br />

double click the appropriate entry in the list field on the right. Any existing data such as<br />

connection name, colour etc. will be copied immediately.<br />

Otherwise you should additionally give the line a connection name. Only then will<br />

you later be able to identify this open line end exactly. Select the OK button and the line<br />

name will be placed automatically and a further arrow symbol will be placed under the<br />

cursor.<br />

Quit out with or the right mouse button.<br />

Hint<br />

274<br />

The values for colour and cross section are stored additionally in<br />

text files ('Colours.TXT' or. 'CrossSec.TXT') in the database<br />

directory and can be added to later.<br />

Example<br />

In the drawing you can see, on the right-hand side, the first arrow to be placed (direction<br />

right), with the line name L1 which you assigned or entered as described earlier.<br />

The next arrow is under the cursor and is ready to be placed, which you do by clicking<br />

the left mouse button or by pressing .<br />

When the element '>' is placed the lines are automatically drawn to the left as far as<br />

the next symbol connections or DW elements. They must therefore be exactly aligned (Y<br />

– co-ordinate).<br />

A further feature is that an identical line name can be entered several times on a drawing<br />

page (to wires with identical potential). The individual connections are differentiated<br />

here by means of the connection name. The individual connections can then be<br />

analysed exactly in a wiring chart.<br />

Example<br />

Extract from a possible application with line cross references. Within the drawing the line<br />

cross references indicate the continuation point of each connection.

Shortcuts<br />

Schematic<br />

You can greatly increase your speed of working by using shortcuts instead of the normal<br />

selection of DW elements with the mouse. <strong>WSCAD</strong> supports the following shortcuts for<br />

DW elements:<br />

Shortcut DW elements<br />

- Left arrow T-Pieces left<br />

- Right arrow T-Pieces right<br />

- Up arrow T-Pieces up<br />

- Down arrow T-Pieces down<br />

- Left arrow Arrows<br />

- Right arrow "<br />

- Up arrow Corner<br />

- Down arrow "<br />

When you use a shortcut a small dialog appears offering the corresponding DW<br />

elements:<br />

You can also navigate using the arrow keys. Make the selection with the key<br />

and quit out with the key.<br />

Drawing a connection line manually<br />

When creating open lines manually, by drawing a connection line, the connection<br />

parameters dialog appears just as it does when working with DW arrow elements:<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

If however you do not wish to input this information immediately when drawing the<br />

connection lines, or generally prefer just to enter the line names and dispense with the<br />

extended line information, you can set this option in the configuration.<br />

The relevant options can be found under 'Settings – General – Connect + Load'.<br />


Schematic<br />

If the option 'Disable request to enter line name' is set, the 'Input line name' prompt<br />

does not automatically appear after you have manually drawn an open line. If you later<br />

enter the line name via the menu command 'Connect + Load – Line name', a dialog<br />

appears with the full range of options.<br />

The option 'Input line name in general input field' disables the 'Input line name'<br />

dialog and the general input field is used to make the entries. This means that the<br />

additional data such as connection name, cross section, colour etc., can no longer be<br />

entered.<br />

Modifying line parameters later<br />

To modify line parameters later, click with the right mouse button on the connection line.<br />

DW point representation<br />

<strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 also allows you to display 3-pole DW elements as points (nodes). You can<br />

change the setting at any time via the menu command 'Schematic – DW Point<br />

representation'. Full functionality is retained.<br />

DW point<br />

representation<br />

DW representation<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Hint<br />

278<br />

The conversion can only work properly if the correct destination<br />

wiring library is set in the configuration. There must also be<br />

additional components for the point (node) forms in the destination<br />

wiring library, with the same component names as the<br />

corresponding 3-pole components but with a trailing '_P'. The<br />

normal DW elements will then be replaced by nodes when the<br />

option is set. These components are included in the library<br />

supplied with the program.

Language settings<br />

Using a foreign languages character set<br />

Schematic<br />

Activate the Windows Language settings in the control panel under Regional options<br />

and choose the desired character sets (languages). The example shows Windows 2000.<br />

In <strong>WSCAD</strong> for Windows under Parameters / Fonts for general text, select a font<br />

which supports the current style (in this case Kyrillic) and activate the Change font<br />

option under Parameters / Desktop.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

General text, for example, is now entered in the style of the Greek keyboard, i.e. with<br />

the Greek characters.<br />


Functionalities<br />

Unit and Field designation<br />

Schematic<br />

The elements Unit and Field designation (abbreviated to UFD) are used for<br />

forming groups within a project. Only one system and location identification is available<br />

per page and is assigned to all reference names (identification of the resource) of the<br />

page automatically. The identifiers = and + must be present so that it is possible to<br />

distinguish between reference names.<br />

• The Unit designation is prefixed with an ‘=’.<br />

• The Field designation is prefixed with an ‘+’.<br />

There may only be Unit designation or only Field designation present, however both<br />

will usually be used. A complete reference name (see also DIN 40719, Part 2) however<br />

always consists of a Unit and Field designation and resource identification:<br />

=1EB14+12A1E-F6<br />

The length of a reference name is limited to 48 characters, even if the Unit and Field<br />

designation is only assigned virtually.<br />

Hint<br />

If you want to assign an UFD to a symbol, which differs from the<br />

default UFD assigned to this page, then you need only add the<br />

desired UFD to the reference name. However, it is crucial that the<br />

identifiers =, + and - are assigned at the same time.<br />

Only the different identification needs to be entered, thus only Unit, or only Field, or<br />

possibly also both if neither system nor location are identical to that of the page, or<br />

none if system and location of the page apply.<br />

Example<br />

+12A1E-F6 Field identification +12A1E resource identification -F6 system<br />

identification as for page (if available)<br />

Visible system location identifications are displayed using several lines. In this case,<br />

only that part of the UFD is shown which differs from the UFD which generally applies.<br />

Hint<br />

Decide in advance whether you want to work with UFD. Use the<br />

UFD on all pages. It is easily possible to change an existing UFD<br />

while introducing it afterwards is substantially more difficult and<br />

more time-consuming.<br />

You can also change an existing UFD later. With activated Contactor Manager, the<br />

contactor project list is likewise adjusted automatically just as the PLC project file is<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

with active PLC Manager. Change the UFD on all pages and replace by means of the<br />

reference or in the Project Manager.<br />

Hint<br />

282<br />

Do not use Delete Immediately or Delete/Move for removing the<br />

UFD, otherwise you will bypass Contactor Manager and PLC<br />

Manager.<br />

When working with Unit and Field designation, the local UFD is placed in front of the<br />

reference names of the symbols if no other UFD has been placed in front of the<br />

symbols manually. Complete references are always processed internally.<br />

When changing an UFD, you must enter the portion which has to be replaced completely.<br />

For example, if you want to change = Sys+Loc1 to = Sys+Loc2 on all pages, then you<br />

must also enter the leading system component at the same time. With the automatic<br />

functions, the Unit and Field designation act differently:<br />

• Cross-reference to line: The Unit and/or Field designation of the destination<br />

are placed in front of the cross-reference text when these differ from the<br />

identifications of the source. Only the texts which differ are displayed, i.e. with the<br />

same system but different location, for example, the local identification only and<br />

not the system identification.<br />

• Terminal diagram: The reference name of the terminal strip is output with the<br />

system and local identification. Destination designations with the same UFD as the<br />

terminal strip are output without the UFD.<br />

• Material list: Unit and Field designation are placed in front of all reference<br />

names when the output is without a graphics form.<br />

• Connection lists: System and location identifications are placed in front of all<br />

reference names.<br />

• Separate reference: The complete reference name including the Unit and Field<br />

designation must be entered. Reference group: Complete reference name<br />

including the system location identification, without attached numbers, e.g.<br />

+Loc1-F for all safety devices with location identification Loc1.

UFD Area<br />

Schematic<br />

With UFD Area, it is also possible to draw a Unit and Field designation on an existing<br />

page which differs from the UFD on the page. I.e. the symbols within this area are<br />

located at another Unit and Field.<br />

Restrictions for UFD area<br />

In a standard project (not a CPP project), identifications (UFD's) must be present in<br />

the drawing frame for which an additional independent UFD area is to be created. In<br />

other words, a Unit designation when the new area is to contain a system<br />

identification and/or a Field designation when the new area is to contain a location<br />

area. If this is not the case, a message will appear and the process will be aborted.<br />

In a CPP project, systems are always present in the drawing frame and in most cases<br />

location identifications also. The symbol types to which the new area applies are coils,<br />

PLC main elements, standard symbols and terminals. Excluded are contacts, PLC<br />

auxiliary elements, cables, plugs and shields.<br />

Caution<br />

With terminals, you must specify new reference names for the<br />

terminal-strip component which lies outside the UFD area (i.e.<br />

when the terminal strip does not lie completely within the UFD<br />

area).<br />

After activating the menu option, you must enclose the new UFD area with a rectangle.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

After completion, a dialogue appears from which you can select a new Unit and Field<br />

designation. In a CPP project, you can select the system identifications from the<br />

existing part-projects, the location identification is according to choice. In a standard<br />

project, you can specify any system and location identification you like. During the<br />

input, the necessary characters = and + are produced automatically. The graphics can<br />

be organised using the parameter settings. The colour, type of line, text size and<br />

the text position of the UFD are changed.<br />

The UFD area is created and the Unit and Field designation (= H1+C1) is placed with<br />

OK.<br />

Once the UFD area has been created, this can be changed again later with a click of the<br />

right mouse button. In the context menu, the commands Delete or Change UFD are<br />

made visible. Delete removes this area again and corrects the display of contactor<br />

contacts and PLC auxiliary elements again (Contactor manager and PLC active).<br />

Change restarts the dialogue in which you can make changes (graphics and<br />

identifications) to the selected area.<br />


Schematic<br />

The use of the UFD area can be seen in the Material browser, for example. A new<br />

UFD is assigned to the emergency-stop key marked in the example. It is therefore<br />

recognised in all automatically generated lists.<br />

For example, coil Q2 is given its own UFD area, and the contacts are copied in the<br />

reference name online.<br />

Important: UFD areas can only be drawn, deleted or changed. No other<br />

operations such as copy or move, are possible, and neither is inserting a drawing macro<br />

into a UFD area.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Visible in the Contactor browser.<br />


Bus<br />

Schematic<br />

The 'Bus' command is used to draw lines representing a common connection bus.<br />

This is most often used in electronic schematics, where it is logical not to have<br />

connection lines directly between components, when you have multiple common<br />

connections between components that represent a similar function, e.g. data bus,<br />

address bus, etc.. It can also be used to represent many lines that continue in another<br />

location, e.g. other pages.<br />

To draw a bus, select the 'Bus' command and enter the start and end points on the<br />

screen, or by inputting the co-ordinates. The procedure is the same as for the 'Lines'<br />

command.<br />

The bus is drawn in a line width thicker than the normal connection lines and the default<br />

colour can be set independently of the other lines.<br />

Hint<br />

You cannot name a BUS line<br />

The function of a bus differs enormously from a normal connection line:<br />

The bus line is only a visual representation for when many lines are continued at<br />

other locations, e.g. different pages. Connection lines can end at a Bus, but each<br />

connection line must have a 'line name' associated with it. For those connection lines<br />

ending at a bus, the cross reference capability, (to other line ends with the same name),<br />

is disabled. The bus has no effect on the electrical connection, open ended lines,<br />

connected to the bus, with the same line name are recognised as being connected (there<br />

will just be no cross reference generated). The list generator recognises the connection<br />

lines as being tied together (and NOT to the BUS) only by use of the line names. It<br />

makes no difference if the connection lines end at one or more busses, if they are open<br />

or go to a plug.<br />

You can draw as many separate Bus lines as you want.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Path text<br />

There is a special text entry under the menu option Schematic / Path text. This text<br />

should only be set once for each circuit diagram. The display is in the colour of the<br />

variables.<br />

The Path text becomes listed as function text for all symbols which are placed in the<br />

path (if the symbol has no own function text).<br />


Sheet texts<br />

Schematic<br />

Under menu option Schematic / Sheet texts are there a special text input. Over a<br />

dialogue you be able to edit the file specific texts directly.<br />

The editing is not affected by the frame protection. The Text allocators for this must<br />

be in the frame present.<br />

See also<br />

What Text allocators are available?<br />

Alternatively the texts can be worked on over the project management for the<br />

individual files.<br />


Modify<br />

Modify component<br />

Component elements<br />

The 'Component elements' command is used to modify the graphic elements that<br />

make up the shape of the component (e.g. lines, circles,...).<br />

It can also be used to modify any text that has been entered for the component (e.g.<br />

Part number, Function text, Aux. text 1, etc.). The features and operation are the same<br />

as the symbol editor.<br />

To use 'Component elements', select the command and identify a component using the<br />

left mouse button. Then identify the element that you wish to modify. If you are<br />

modifying graphic elements, the appropriate option will be displayed (e.g. if you select a<br />

line, you may modify the line type or delete the line). Also, when identifying graphic<br />

elements, <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 highlights the selected element and the cursor points to it. This<br />

helps when the component has a lot of graphics associated with it and you may be<br />

unsure as to which element you are about to modify.<br />

If, after identifying the component, you then identify text associated with the component,<br />

instead of a graphic element, the appropriate text modification menu appears. (e.g. if<br />

you selected the Function text, the 'Function text' menu appears), where you can select<br />

the appropriate modification command.<br />

Note that if the text is invisible on the drawing (!), but you know its location in reference<br />

to the component, you can still identify the text for modification by pointing to the text<br />

location and the appropriate text modification menu will appear.<br />

Hint<br />

You cannot modify: Pins, Component names and Reference names<br />

as they have specific modification commands associated with them.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Pins<br />

With this command you can modify pins of components already placed in your<br />

schedule. Feature and operation are the same as the function of the symbol editor. First<br />

select the component, and you get a menu with all available pin parameters. Decide what<br />

parameter you want to modify and then select the pin you want to modify.<br />


Active parts<br />

Modify<br />

In one enclosure there could be more than one component (e.g. 74LS00). This<br />

typically refers to electronic components where there could be several similar<br />

components included in one enclosure (or device), e.g. several NAND gates on one chip.<br />

If a component is selected, a window appears with the numbers of components per<br />

enclosure. With the component 7400, the numbers from 1 to 4 are displayed, and with<br />

7404 it would be the numbers 1 to 6. Every number represents a group number. If you<br />

select a group (= number), all pin names and numbers will be assigned automatically.<br />

In the menu 'Automatic function-Automatic numbering' the distribution will<br />

automatically be done for the complete drawing set, with automatic assignment. If this is<br />

not desired, you should create only one Component/Enclosure with the 'Create Component'<br />

command. The single subcomponents of such a component, must not be placed on<br />

the same page, but may be placed on any other page in the drawing set.<br />

The first group (first number) of a component must definitely be drawn (even if it does<br />

not have a direct function), because the Power pins (invisible) are only in the first group.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Pin number<br />

Pin numbers are normally entered when a component is created using the<br />

commands on the 'Editor database' menu. However, after a component has been placed,<br />

the pin numbers can be modified at any time using the 'Pin numbers' command.<br />

To modify a pin number:<br />

• Select the command and then select a component with the left mouse<br />

button (or key).<br />

• The cursor is automatically positioned at the first pin.<br />

• The input field, at the bottom of the screen, displays the existing<br />

component pin number.<br />

• Enter a new pin number or accept the old one by pressing the <br />

key.<br />

• The cursor jumps automatically to the next pin.<br />

After the last pin has been numbered the procedure terminates, or you can terminate at<br />

any time by pressing the right mouse button (or key).<br />

Hint<br />

294<br />

With this command it is very easy to number component pins<br />

manually. However, the position and direction of the pin numbers<br />

are determined by the pins. To modify the position and direction<br />

use the 'Modify- Pins' command.

Component type<br />

Modify<br />

With this command you can change the type of a component already placed in your<br />

schedule. Many automatic functions like cross-reference, numbering, contactor manager<br />

of PLC manager apply to the component type, therefore you should only use this<br />

command with care. For most components the type is Standard.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Modify Symbol parameters<br />

General<br />

To modify Symbol parameters, select the 'Symbol parameters' command, then<br />

the symbol you want to modify and the 'Symbol parameters' menu appears, displaying<br />

the corresponding information associated with the component (The width of the menu<br />

window is dynamic, as it expands to fit the length of the text):<br />

Move the selection bar to the parameter to be modified and select it with the left mouse<br />

button (or key) and epending on the parameter chosen, you will then be<br />

prompted for the modification.<br />

Hint<br />

296<br />

In addition to the Symbol parameters some frequently used<br />

commands are available in this menu<br />

You can modify:<br />

• Reference name<br />

• Component name<br />

• Part number This is used as an index for the database access. When 'Part<br />

number' is selected and the database access is enable, a dialog appears showing<br />

a list of the corresponding part numbers available in the database, from which a<br />

selection can be made. If you identify the required part and accept it with the left<br />

mouse button the component name, part number and text2 will be taken from<br />

the database, whereas function text and text1 will be unchanged. If you cancel<br />

the database dialog, or if there are no appropriate parts in the database, you can<br />

modify the part number manually.

Note<br />

Note<br />

If the contactor manager is on and you change the part number of a<br />

contactor, the comb, pin numbers and cross reference text will<br />

automatically be updated (same function as 'Modify contactor').<br />

Modify<br />

• Function text This can be transferred to terminal chart, cable chart and material<br />

list by use of text allocators. If the contactor manager is on, the function text is<br />

also shown when a corresponding contact is to be placed.<br />

• You can change the component type<br />

• Text 1 … Text 16 for additional information such as power consumption. You can<br />

transfer this information to graphic forms using the appropriate text allocators<br />

(Text 3…. Text 16 only in the material list).<br />

• Text 2 is also used by the automatic contactor determination.<br />

• Direct changing of function text and additional texts by right mouse-click on<br />

the text<br />

Using the Object properties with the right mouse click you have<br />

fast access to the Symbol parameters<br />

Take information from the database<br />

Information can be taken from the database and copied into the symbol, when the<br />

database access is enabled, and when you make a selection in the database selection<br />

dialog. Text2 always gets the text from the database field 'Text2'. If Text2 has already<br />

be set in the symbol editor, position and visibility are kept. Otherwise the text will<br />

become invisible and set under the reference name of the symbol.<br />

Text3….. Text16 only get completed if the text is already specified in the symbol editor,<br />

AND if a database field is assigned in the configuration.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Symbol – additional texts<br />

The symbol parameters cover 16 additional texts altogether. You can edit these<br />

additional texts at any time via the Symbol parameter menu.<br />


Enabling additional texts to be displayed<br />

Modify<br />

In order to fill the additional texts in the circuit diagram with values from the Item<br />

database, you must pre-assign these texts in the Symbol editor (except for Text 2).<br />

The additional texts must also be linked to fields of the database.<br />

Example Parameters of a power coil<br />

Here, in the Symbol editor, you can see an Additional text 3 in position : x for a<br />

power-coil symbol.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />


Additional texts in the material lists<br />

Modify<br />

Only the wild cards which are provided for this purpose have to be on the form for the<br />

material list to enable the symbol parameter texts in the material list to be used.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Linking additional texts to fields from the<br />

database<br />

The Additional texts 2 to 16 can accept values directly from the database while a<br />

symbol is being loaded. However, this is so providing the additional texts of the symbol<br />

have already been assigned in the symbol editor. It is also necessary to specify which<br />

values from the database are to be transferred into which additional text. In the<br />

configuration under Parameters / General / Connect+Load, set up the reference<br />

between the additional texts and the material database. Set the respective Additional<br />

texts 3, 4 and 5 to 16 in the Symbol parameters list field and, in the database field,<br />

set the field from which the respective additional text is to accept the information. After<br />

placing the symbol and assigning the item concerned, the existing additional texts are<br />

swapped with the values from the database.<br />

Example Additional text 3 linked to the Voltage field from item database<br />


Additional items<br />

Modify<br />

Standard, main element and coil type symbols can be used to manage additional<br />

items. Clicking on the additional items symbol parameter starts a dialogue in which<br />

you can store up to 10 more item numbers for the currently selected symbol in<br />

addition so that these can be evaluated later as well in the material list. The settings<br />

made apply to this symbol alone. However, they are transferred at the same time when<br />

copying a symbol.<br />

In this dialogue, select the Module name field, click on the Database button and then<br />

the Item Manager opens. There, look for the relevant item and transfer it to the table.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

The minimum information for the values to be saved is the data in the fields for<br />

Number and Module name.<br />

With the control commands + and - you can vary the number of selected items and<br />

remove them again with the Delete X button.<br />


Object Properties<br />

Object Properties<br />

Modify<br />

This menu command is located within the menu 'Modify'. The object properties (line<br />

type, line width, color, text size etc.) can be altered very easily here. Objects are<br />

Simple Text, Text, Line, Rectangle, Circle, Connection Line and Symbol. The<br />

changes are made with reference to the page and the selection, i.e. all the selected<br />

objects of one type within one page of the schematic can be modified identically. In order<br />

to carry out a modification at least one object must be selected ( by selecting with a<br />

window). It does not matter whether this has been done before the menu item is opened<br />

or subsequently.<br />

First select the object type to be modified before you select any objects. This opens up a<br />

context menu.<br />

Choose the desired selection function and select a range or individual objects. Quit out<br />

from the procedure with the right mouse button or . The number of modifiable<br />

properties depends on the object.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Simple Text<br />

The modifiable properties of the object Text are grouped into their own dialog. If the<br />

buttons and options are greyed out, this indicates that the selected elements have<br />

different settings.<br />

The program also shows how many invisible texts there are within the selected range.<br />

Modify the elements by clicking or selecting and then click the OK button.<br />


Text<br />

Modify<br />

The modifiable properties of the object Simple Text are grouped into their own dialog.<br />

If the buttons and options are greyed out, this indicates that the selected elements have<br />

different settings.<br />

The program also shows how many invisible texts there are within the selection. Modify<br />

the elements by clicking or selecting and then click the OK button.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Hint<br />

308<br />

The UNDO function cannot be used here

Line, Rectangle, Circle and Connection Line<br />

Modify<br />

The modifiable properties of the objects Line, Rectangle, Circle and Connection Line<br />

are grouped into their own dialog.<br />

The program also shows how many objects there are within the selected range. Modify<br />

the elements by clicking or selecting and then click the OK button.<br />

Note<br />

The UNDO function cannot be used here<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Symbol modification<br />

The modifiable properties of any selected symbol are grouped into their own dialog,<br />

which is very similar to the Materials browser dialog.<br />


Excluding components from the Materials List<br />

Modify<br />

Select one or more fields in the 'Exclude' column. Then click on the relevant buttons<br />

(1and 2) to change the status. You can also change the status by double clicking the<br />

relevant field.( ).<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Navigating within the Dialog<br />

←→ ↓ Using the arrow keys you can move the active field within the dialog. Use the<br />

keyboard to start your input into the field (or double click). The key takes you to<br />

the next field, Shift + Tab takes you to the previous field..<br />


Component Name , Function Text and Additional<br />

Text 1..16 and Manufacturer<br />

Modify<br />

Each of these fields is activated by a double click. After editing, close the dialog with OK<br />

and the texts are automatically updated in the drawing. Command buttons in the dialog<br />

control the editing functions. Button 1 attaches an exclamation mark to all selected texts<br />

which thus become invisible in the drawing. Button 2 reverses the procedure.<br />

1 2<br />

For text editing, buttons 1 to 3 are used. Button 1 is used to cut text (CTRL +X),<br />

button 2 copies text (CTRL +C) and button 3 inserts text (CTRL +V). Click in the<br />

relevant field(s) in order to use these editing shortcuts.+<br />

1 2 3<br />

A special case is inputting new text<br />

If you are inputting new texts into "empty" fields, you must position them in the<br />

schematic when you have ended the dialog. The relevant symbol is greyed out and the<br />

cursor with the text is positioned on this symbol. The texts are positioned one after the<br />

other.<br />

Texteingabe Platzierung im Plan<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Assigning Parts<br />

The button Assign part number is used in order to access the Parts manager directly<br />

and choose a part from the database.<br />

If the option 'Contactors Online...' is active in the dialog, all the modified contactor<br />

data such as comb, contact pins and cross references are updated in the drawing as soon<br />

as you leave the Materials browser. If the field is not active, once you have quit out of<br />

the dialog a further dialog is displayed. Select OK to write the modifications into the<br />

drawings.<br />

Hint<br />

314<br />

If you use this function, it can take a little time to update the<br />


Hints to use the Dialog<br />

Sorting<br />

Modify<br />

The visible columns in the dialog can be displayed in various ways. You can highlight a<br />

column by clicking in the column header.<br />

The menu symbols become active and you can set the sort order alphabetically to<br />

Ascending (button 1) or Descending (button 2).<br />

1 2<br />

Hide/unhide columns:<br />

In order to keep the dialog uncluttered, you can hide or unhide individual columns, so<br />

you only have to display a column when you actually need it. Click with the right mouse<br />

button in the column header to display the context menu in which you can unhide the<br />

individual columns.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />


Reference replacement<br />

Reference replacement<br />

Modify<br />

The 'Reference replacement' command is used to automatically change the first<br />

few letters of the component reference name for all similar components in a drawing set<br />

and also to automatically change the size of all reference names in a drawing set. As a<br />

reference name can also include a unit designation and/or field designation (UFD), this<br />

function enables you to replace the UFD in the complete drawing set.<br />

Replace text<br />

<strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 can change reference names, even if the component is already<br />

numbered.<br />

Parts stored in the component libraries are assigned Reference names that help to<br />

identify them, e.g. R for a resistor, C for a capacitor, F for a Fuse. If you do not agree<br />

with these assignments, you can change them with this command, e.g. substituting a 'Q'<br />

with a 'B', even if the components are already placed in your schedule and numbered. To<br />

change a reference name, select the 'Replace text' command and you are prompted for<br />

the "replaceable tokens", i.e. the characters of the existing name that you wish to<br />

replace. After entering the characters you are prompted to enter the "new tokens" (or<br />

characters). After entering the new characters, <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 processes each of the<br />

drawings in turn and replaces the existing Reference names with the new ones. During<br />

the replacement process the information bar shows the name of the file currently being<br />

processed.<br />

Example: If you want to change circuit breaker 'Reference Names' from '-Qxx' to '-<br />

Bxx': enter '-Q' first, then '-B'. All the components designated '-Qxx' will be changed to<br />

'-Bxx'.<br />

If you are using UFD in your project, internally the local UFD (of the current page) is<br />

combined with the reference name, if you have not manually added a UFD to the<br />

reference name. Therefore you must also enter a reference name including the UFD, if<br />

you want to replace a reference name in such case.<br />

Example<br />

The local UFD is '=27A12+2C5', the reference name is '-S16' and should be<br />

replaced with '-S2.3':<br />

Ref. name to be replaced =27A12+2C5-S16<br />

Hint<br />

New ref. name =27A12+2C5-S2.3<br />

The local UFD of the current page is automatically shown at the<br />

input prompt. Please press the 'END' key before any other text,<br />

otherwise the input field will be cleared.<br />

If you want to change the UFD, enter only the UFD text<br />

Example<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

318<br />

You want to change UFD '=27A12' to '=15A12':<br />


New UFD =15A12<br />

This command changes not only the UFD in front of the reference name, but also the<br />

local UFD on all pages of your drawing set.<br />

If you only enter '=27' and '=15', all UFD's beginning with '=27' will be replaced with<br />

'=15' !<br />

Tip<br />

This command provides an easy method of making Reference<br />

names visible, or invisible, in the drawings<br />

It also works if the Reference names are numbered.<br />

The length of the Reference name is limited to 48 characters.<br />

The replacement process, for the characters in a Reference name, is case sensitive.

Change size<br />

Modify<br />

To change the size of the Reference names in all the drawings, select the 'Change size'<br />

command and then select the new size from the list that appears in a dialog.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Foreign languages<br />

General<br />

The use of foreign languages is taken for granted, particularly in international<br />

companies. Projects which are provided for foreign customers inland must be presented<br />

to both the technical designer and the customer in the usual language. <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 is able<br />

to display all the texts of the free graphics as well as the symbol parameters<br />

Text1...16 and function text in up to 3 languages. The technical designer can initially<br />

create the diagram in the host language (= version language of <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5) and then<br />

transfer the foreign language texts to the diagram as well. The fact that the<br />

underlying dictionary is also well able to be used to standardise the texts can be<br />

inferred from the Quicktext section.<br />


Lexicon file format<br />

Modify<br />

The lexicon consists of a database in the ACCESS format with the lexicon table. Thus, it<br />

is also possible to edit the lexicon using Microsoft ACCESS. Each language appears in the<br />

database table in a separate column and each entry appears on a separate line.<br />

Specify the lexicon with which you want to work under Parameters / General /<br />

Directories / Dictionary.<br />

If you enter a filename which does not already exist, the file is created with the<br />

standard languages German (DE) and English (GB).<br />

Hint<br />

Do not change the structure when working with external programs.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Editing the lexicon<br />

After invoking the lexicon via the menu option Change / Foreign language / Edit<br />

lexicon, you will see the name of the current lexicon file (= database) in the dialog<br />

heading as it is set in the configuration under Parameters / General / Directories<br />

(here e.g. the database Translate.mdb).<br />

The language identification appears as a column heading and the host language is<br />

underlined.<br />

Hint<br />

322<br />

The dialog size and column widths can be changed by dragging<br />

them with the mouse. These are saved when the dialog is ended.<br />

New lexicon entry<br />

Another entry can be created at the end of the lexicon by using the New entry button.

Modify<br />

The entry is confirmed with and can be aborted with . You can switch<br />

to the desired language field with the arrow keys or and start inputting the<br />

translation directly.<br />

The entry recognises whether an appropriate host language entry is already present.<br />

Editing a lexicon entry<br />

The input mode of the field concerned is activated by double-clicking on a cell while<br />

maintaining the existing text, which is recognised by the different background colour.<br />

However, if you mark a cell without double clicking on it and start entering text directly<br />

via the keyboard, then any existing text is deleted.<br />

Hint<br />

The entry is aborted with and you can switch between fields<br />

with the cursor keys.<br />

Of course, you can also use and to copy texts.<br />

This also applies to texts, which have been saved to the Windows<br />

clipboard from an external program (translation program) etc.<br />

Searching for a lexicon entry<br />

The Search button offers this function also and opens an entry field in which you can<br />

enter the search term. The display is updated immediately with each character entered.<br />

The search is carried out in the host language.<br />

Deleting an entry<br />

In order to delete an entry, select the cell or line concerned and delete using the Delete<br />

button, the key or . If the host language is affected as well, after<br />

prompting, the entire entry is deleted, otherwise just the field concerned.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Exporting texts<br />

After invoking the lexicon via the menu option Change / Foreign language / Edit<br />

lexicon, you can use the Export button to create an ACCESS database or a text file<br />

into which the texts are to be exported.<br />

As a text file: there is a text line for each entry and each language is separated by a #.<br />

The languages which have been output are located in the first line of text.<br />

As an ACCESS file: a database is generated with the lexicon table. A column is available<br />

for each language and a field for each entry. This database is created in the respective<br />

project path according to choice.<br />

Example<br />

Click on the Save button and then the dialog (Language selection) will start.<br />


Modify<br />

With Options, you can specify which languages are to be exported and whether all texts<br />

should be exported or only those texts with no translation. The output is in the form of<br />

an ACCESS file in the default format (ACCESS 97 or ACCESS 2000) or a text file. In<br />

the setting for ACCESS 97/2000, you will find in the configuration under Parameters /<br />

General / Miscellaneous. After confirming with the OK button, the export is started.<br />

Importing texts into the lexicon<br />

Texts and translations can be transferred from an external file to the lexicon. There<br />

are two possible methods:<br />

From a text file: the structure corresponds to the file generated during the export. The<br />

first line indicates which languages (e.g. DE, NL,...) are present and all the other lines<br />

are text entries.<br />

From an ACCESS database: the database must have a lexicon table. The column<br />

headings determine the languages and they determine how the text is allocated in the<br />

lexicon. If the entry concerned is missing in the host language, a new entry is produced<br />

in the lexicon.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Cyrillic character set<br />

Switch to Russian under XP/Control panel/Regional and language<br />

options/Extended.<br />

<strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 can then enter and display the Russian language in the lexicon.<br />

After switching the keyboard to Russian<br />

Settings in <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5<br />

In the lexicon, select Russian under the Foreign language 1 or 2.<br />


Set the drawing set to Cyrillic.<br />

Modify<br />

The text can then be translated in the lexicon from German to Russian providing the Russian<br />

keyboard setting is used. See figure top right.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />


Manager dialog for the foreign language display<br />

Modify<br />

With the menu command Change / Foreign languages / Manage + translate, the<br />

lexicon dialog appears.<br />

Reading in texts<br />

Click on the Read in texts Button then all of the texts from your entire project are<br />

collected together.<br />

Another dialog appears in which you can decide on the file types from which the texts<br />

can be read out.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

If a certain text is missing in the host language of the lexicon, then a new entry is<br />

produced within the lexicon. At the end, a short information dialog appears indicating<br />

how many new entries have been produced. In the display group, you can set whether<br />

just texts, just variables or just PLC texts are displayed. The following restrictions<br />

(concerning the texts) can be imposed for accepting new entries in the lexicon.<br />

Translating texts<br />

After you have translated the host language texts in the lexicon into the respective<br />

language, start the actual translation process with the Translate Button under Group<br />

lexicon / translation. The entire project is then processed. The translation includes<br />

general text, free text, symbol texts, variables and function text, providing these<br />

are within the drawing area of the page and also within the drawing frame.<br />

In the Status field dialog you select which languages you want to be displayed. After<br />

double clicking on the relevant field of the Status column, a list opens from which you<br />

can make a selection. Inactive means that the language concerned cannot be used for<br />

the translation. Only one language at a time can be activated as Foreign language 1 or<br />

2 but the Host language is always determined by the language version of <strong>WSCAD</strong>.<br />


Modify<br />

If a host language text is not yet present in the lexicon, a new entry is generated.<br />

This function can be prevented by means of the option Enter missing texts. In the<br />

Translate these texts column, select the texts which are to be translated and<br />

displayed.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Install and delete a foreign language<br />

Install a foreign language<br />

Using the menu command Change / Foreign languages / Manage+Translate, the<br />

Lexicon dialog appears, click on the Install new button in the language group. If no<br />

foreign languages are set in the table, the Translate button is inactive. Enter the<br />

language abbreviation (e.g. FR) in the activated entry field and click on the button to<br />

the right of it.<br />

The new language will appear in the table and a new column will be set up for it in the<br />

lexicon.<br />

Deleting a foreign language<br />

Click in a field of the language concerned and then click on the Delete button. After a<br />

prompt for confirmation, the language is deleted.<br />

Hint<br />

332<br />

In the lexicon, the entire column is deleted with all the entries.

Displaying several languages<br />

Modify<br />

After the translation run, the relevant texts in the set of drawings are, strictly<br />

speaking, in 3 languages. These are, the host language and the two foreign languages.<br />

Hint<br />

Of the multilingual texts (host language and 1 st + 2 nd foreign<br />

language), only the highest can be selected or edited on the<br />

drawing in each case. They are displayed inter-dispersed.<br />

The language which you want to see can be specified in the Display group according to<br />

different categories. At least one language must be activated for each category at any<br />

one time. The All the same button copies the options Host language, 1 st + 2 nd<br />

Foreign language for all text types under the display area.<br />

Hint<br />

If one foreign language is activated but the foreign language text is empty, then the text<br />

is displayed in the host language.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Special character set<br />

With the foreign language display, it may be necessary to use a special character<br />

set. With a double click in the Character set column, the Windows standard dialog<br />

appears for selecting the font. When you select a character set, its name is transferred<br />

to the table:<br />

In order to delete a character set, select the field with one click of the mouse and then<br />

press the key.<br />

Hint<br />

334<br />

<strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 normally recognises four different character sets<br />

(general text + 3 free texts). A language-specific definition affects<br />

the way that all of the texts of the foreign language concerned are<br />

displayed but only the font, the font size and the style are adopted<br />

from the general font configuration.

Foreign languages in the basic version<br />

Modify<br />

So that you can at least change the character sets of the Foreign languages 1 and 2 in<br />

the basic version, new dialogs have been introduced here also. Under Change /<br />

Foreign languages / Manage and translate, a dialog starts which enables the fonts<br />

to be changed for Foreign languages 1 and 2.<br />

Under Group, you set the general text type to which this change is to apply: (General<br />

text, PLC text and Variable)<br />

The fonts which are displayed are determined under Display. The relevant display is<br />

switched on or off depending on whether the box has been checked. Now click on the<br />

Foreign language 1 field of the Character sets for foreign languages area, then the<br />

button next to it turns into a set of binoculars symbol. If you click on the binoculars,<br />

then the standard Windows dialog opens for setting the character set.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

After selection, the type of character set which has been chosen is written to the<br />

relevant field, and after clicking on the Finished button, the font of the character set<br />

changes and the dialog closes. However, the font size is ignored.<br />


Quick Text<br />

Modify<br />

Even though you do not require multiple languages in your projects, the lexicon can<br />

be of immense use to you:<br />

The Quick text makes it possible to search for similar texts even while entering texts in<br />

the lexicon and to suggest these during the input.<br />

When you've to make an input (e.g. function text) the field for text input is activated<br />

and coloured. The last text inputs are stored and are at any time callable. In addition the<br />

input is compared with the foreign language lexicon and indicated with agreement. The<br />

selection window is resizeable. You can accept the selection by the key () on the right<br />

side or Return.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Connection line<br />

General<br />

Via the menu option Connection line or by selecting a connection line with a click<br />

of the right mouse button, another menu appears with commands which can be used to<br />

influence the course of the connection and its line name later on.<br />

Changing the line parameters later on<br />

In order to change line parameters later on, simply click on the connection concerned<br />

with the right mouse button. The associated context menu appears.<br />

Placing a bend in the connection line<br />

A bend is placed in a piece of straight line. First select the piece of line, then you can<br />

specify the point of the bend by positioning the mouse pointer accordingly. The<br />

connection line can be moved like an elastic band and re-positioned.<br />


Removing a bend from the connection line<br />

Modify<br />

On a connection line, select the point of the bend that you want to remove. Remove<br />

the bend by pressing the left mouse button (or the key).<br />

Moving the ends of a connection line<br />

Select the start or end point of a connection line and re-position it. A connection<br />

node at the end of the line cannot be moved.<br />

Colour<br />

Setting for the current colour of the connection line.<br />

Line type<br />

Setting for the line type.<br />

Delete or copy immediately<br />

Deletes or copies a connection.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Move<br />

Moves the current connection line.<br />

Enter name<br />

The full dialog appears, enter the line name if this is not generally blocked. The<br />

appearance of the dialog is also determined by the on-line destination wiring<br />

parameters setting under Parameters / General / Compatibility. If this has been<br />

activated, then you can enter the line name in the dialog which then opens, otherwise<br />

the entry is made via the entry field of the Information bar. If you just want to move<br />

or rotate the line name, click on the line name directly with the right mouse button and<br />

the line name context menu will appear where you can select the desired action. When<br />

changing, the dialog then appears again, enter the line name if this is not generally<br />

blocked.<br />


Functionality<br />

Reference name<br />

Modify<br />

The 'Reference name' command is used to change the reference name of existing<br />

components on a drawing. The 'Reference name' command opens the 'Reference'<br />

menu, from which you can select the desired modification command.<br />

Here you can change, delete or move the name; rotate it 90°; enlarge or reduce its<br />

size; or offset it from the cursor position. After selecting the desired modification<br />

command, from the 'Reference' menu, identify the specific component you wish to<br />

modify, using the left mouse button (or key). If you are modifying the name,<br />

the existing name appears in the prompt field, at the bottom of the screen, ready for<br />

modification. After making the required changes, accept them with the left mouse button<br />

(or key) and then position the text as required.<br />

Hint<br />

The existing name appears in the prompt field<br />

The Move, Rotate, Enlarge and Reduce commands also prompts you to position the<br />

text. Remember that if you wish the name to be invisible in the drawing, place a '!' in<br />

front of it. The name remains visible until it has been positioned.<br />

Hint<br />

If you change the reference name of a coil and the contactor<br />

manager is on, the reference names of all contacts and the comb<br />

will be changed automatically. In this case it is not possible to do it<br />

by modifying the Symbol parameters!<br />

Any character combination is possible for a component reference name, e.g. '-3K',<br />

'AB.1/z', 'K2'.<br />

Hint<br />

Please remember that Auto-numbering will change or extend the<br />

names.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Component name<br />

The 'Component name' command is used to modify the name of an existing<br />

component on a drawing. The 'Component name' command opens the 'Component<br />

name' menu, from which you can select the desired modification command.<br />

Here you can change, delete or move the name; rotate it 90°; enlarge or reduce its<br />

size; or offset it from the cursor position. After selecting the desired modification<br />

command, from the 'Component name' menu, identify the specific component you wish<br />

to modify, using the left mouse button (or key).<br />

If you are modifying the name, the existing name appears in the prompt field, at the<br />

bottom of the screen, ready for modification. After making the required changes, accept<br />

them with the left mouse button (or key) and then position the text as required.<br />

Hint<br />

342<br />

Remember that if you wish the name to be invisible in the drawing,<br />

place a '!' in front of it. The name remains visible until it has been<br />

positioned.<br />

You can easily exclude components from the material list<br />

If the first sign (or the second one, if the name begins with '!') is a certain character, the<br />

component is not included in the material list. You can set this sign in the settings for the<br />

material list.<br />

Tip<br />

The parts in the libraries have names that are generally valid (e.g. NO 1 pole).<br />

These names also appear in the material list (except if you are working with the<br />

Mega module which uses information from the database). Therefore it is a good<br />

idea to give parts, that are often used in a library, appropriate names.

Search + Replace<br />

Modify<br />

The 'Search + Replace' command allows you to search for some entities, lines,<br />

text etc. throughout the drawing, and to replace them with specified changes.<br />

The 'Search + Replace' command allows you to search for<br />

• Reference name<br />

• Part number<br />

• Component name<br />

• Function text<br />

• Line name<br />

• Text (incl. Simple text)<br />

The search process can be defined by selecting the 'From the beginning' toggle which<br />

defines if the search should encompass all drawings in the set. To carry out a search,<br />

select the appropriate options and then click on the Start button. <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 will open<br />

the appropriate drawing and highlight the component or text identified by the search. If<br />

more than one match is available, <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 will display each in turn. If the 'Output'<br />

toggle is selected, <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 prompts for the name of a file and then outputs a list of<br />

the selected text (e.g. Reference names, Part Numbers or Component names, etc.) to<br />

that file. This text is in ASCII format and can be viewed by any editor. In addition, the<br />

'Exact' toggle is used to determine if an exact match is required or if text containing the<br />

word(s) should be searched for. Note that in both cases, the search process is case<br />

sensitive.<br />

Replace<br />

If the toggle 'Replace-YES' is selected you can replace the following text:<br />

• Component name<br />

• Part number<br />

• Function text<br />

• Line name<br />

• Text (incl. Simple text)<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Note<br />

344<br />

You cannot replace reference names (use the command 'Modify -<br />

reference name') and part numbers of coils and contacts in the<br />

Mega module, if the contactor manager is enabled (use the<br />

command 'Modify - Comp. parameters - Part number).<br />

To carry out a search and replace operation, enter the search text and the replacement<br />

text and click on the start button. <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 can replace text from a text file with foreign<br />

language text. If the 'Text from file' toggle is selected, <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 shows the standard<br />

windows File open dialog for selection of the input text file.<br />

This text file must be structured in the following way:<br />

The first line is the text to be search for, the following line is the replacement text. Empty<br />

lines will be skipped, but the line sequence must be 'Search text - Replacement text' !<br />

The size of the text file doesn't matter, but the line length is limited to 200 characters.<br />

If the text should have multiline style, you must enter '\n' for each line feed. If the<br />

toggle 'Exact' is not set, the text to be searched for can be longer then the text entered,<br />

but the whole text will be replaced. Text attributes such as size, colour, direction or<br />

position remain unchanged.<br />

Example<br />

Existing:<br />

Search for<br />

Replace with<br />

Result:<br />

Testword<br />

Test<br />

New word<br />

Testword -> New word<br />

If the toggle 'Text output' is selected, all text which is processed will be written to a<br />

text file. <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 shows the standard Windows File open dialog for determination of<br />

the output file. Path and file name will also be shown in the 'Search + Replace' dialog.<br />

The text file is structured as described in the previous section: The first line is the text,

Modify<br />

the next line is an empty line, ready for you to enter the replacement text, and so on. As<br />

a safety measure, the 'Safety copies' toggle causes <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 to save a backup copy of<br />

the drawing files prior to making the changes to the text.<br />

Hint<br />

I you want to use foreign languages within you project, we strongly<br />

recommend you utilise the lexicon in the Mega module.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Cable name/type<br />

The 'Cable name/type' command is used to make changes to the name (e.g. W101)<br />

or type (e.g. 4x1.5mm²) of an existing cable. In addition it can be used to change the<br />

"type" of the line that defines the cable. Once the command has been selected, you are<br />

prompted to select the cable line that defines the cable and after the line has been<br />

selected the 'Modify cable' menu appears where you can select the desired modification.<br />

If 'Cable name or Cable type' is selected, the 'Cable name or Cable type' menu<br />

appears, showing the options available for modifying the text (both menus have the<br />

same modification commands). Here you can modify, delete or move the text; rotate it<br />

90°; enlarge or reduce its size; or offset it from the cursor position. Once text has been<br />

modified, you will be prompted to position the text. This is also true for the Move, Rotate,<br />

Enlarge and Reduce commands. If 'Line type' is selected, the 'Line type' menu appears.<br />

Selecting a new line type from the menu replaces the existing line type with the one<br />

selected.<br />

Note<br />

346<br />

Components that are designated as 'Cable conductor' component<br />

types cannot be modified with the 'Component type' command.<br />

These components must be modified with the 'Modify Component'<br />


Text allocators<br />

Modify<br />

This command starts a Text allocators Manager dialog. In this dialog, you can add<br />

new wild cards or delete existing ones and change the formatting and the font size of<br />

the display. Text allocators can only be edited in forms, or in evaluation lists<br />

prepared from forms. The menu option is only activated when there is a form (or<br />

evaluation list) in the active drawing memory.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Contactor<br />

The 'Contactor' command allows you to change the type of contactor that is being<br />

used in a circuit. To change a contactor, select the command and then identify the<br />

contactor to be changed, using the left mouse button (or key). Once the<br />

contactor has been identified, a list of available contactors, in the database, is displayed<br />

in a menu window. Select the required contactor from the list and the 'Symbol<br />

parameters' menu appears showing the parameters for the component and the new<br />

part number of the contactor. At this point additional changes can be made to the<br />

parameters, or the 'Symbol parameters' menu can be dismissed by pressing the right<br />

mouse button (or key).<br />

Hint<br />

348<br />

If you change the contactor, the new comb is loaded and the crossreference<br />

text at comb and contacts will be regenerated. The<br />

configuration determines if the pin numbers can be retained, or if<br />

the pin numbers are assigned new

Modify<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Make text invisible<br />

Use this command to hide text very easily. This command applies not only to both<br />

types of text, but also to every internal text of a component such as function text. Click<br />

on this command again to make the text visible.<br />

Tip<br />

350<br />

If you don't know the text position, use the command 'Settings -<br />

Options - Invisible text' to show all text on the screen.<br />

Select the desired text and the text becomes invisible immediately, the position remains<br />

unchanged. Now you can select the next text, or you can cancel the command with the<br />

right mouse button (or Escape).<br />

A text is invisible if the first character is a '!'.<br />

Tip<br />

It's useful to have a button for this command

Exclude from material list<br />

Modify<br />

You should use this command if you want a component not to appear in the material<br />

list. This command inserts at the beginning of the component name (but after an existing<br />

'!') a specified sign (default: '.'). You can configure this sign.<br />

Repeat this function to undo the exclusion<br />

Hint<br />

You can see the special sign if you use the command 'Modify -<br />

Symbol parameters'<br />

If you set the menuitem View / Mark mat-locked symbols then you'll see a sign at<br />

the excluded component.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Exclude from auto-numbering<br />

You should use this command if you want a component not to include at the autonumbering.<br />

Repeat this function to undo the exclusion<br />

Hint<br />

352<br />

You can see the special sign if you use the command 'Modify -<br />

Symbol parameters'<br />

If you set the menuitem View / Mark num-locked symbols then you'll see a sign at<br />

the excluded component.

Terminal<br />

Terminal/Cable numbers<br />

Modify<br />

Use this command if you want to modify the pin numbers of terminals or cables (not<br />

reference names) easily!<br />

Select the first terminal or cable conductor, the input line is preset with the current<br />

number. You can enter the new number or accept the existing one by pressing the<br />

key. The sequence of the highlighted pins corresponds to the sequence of the<br />

parts in the drawing memory. If you have already used the automatic numbering<br />

function and the option 'Sorted' was activated, the parts are already in the correct<br />

sequence, corresponding to the configuration. The process stops after the last terminal<br />

pin or cable conductor. You can also cancel the command with the Escape key or the<br />

right mouse button.<br />

Hint<br />

This command is an easy way to change the pin numbers of<br />

terminals and cable conductors manually. Position and direction<br />

remain unchanged, if you want to change these attributes you must<br />

use the command 'Modify - Component - Pins'<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Terminal destination<br />

The terminal destination assignment (internal/external) can be reversed by using<br />

the 'Terminal destination' command. To do this, select the command and identify the<br />

terminal, using the left mouse button (or key), and the dot will be moved to the<br />

other terminal pin, indicating the change of assignment.<br />

The "dot", used to indicate the internal destination, is defined by the 'Pin name' and<br />

can be changed by using the 'Pins' command on the 'Modify - Component' menu and then<br />

selecting 'Pin name' after the pin has been identified. In the configuration you can<br />

prevent the output of the dot on a printer or plotter.<br />

If a terminal is to be created, using the Symbol editor, all terminal pins must have pin<br />

names and pin numbers that are located in the correct positions. In this way when the<br />

terminal destination is reversed, the new location for the destination assignment symbol<br />

will be known (i.e. the location of the other 'Pin name').<br />

Tip<br />

354<br />

If a 'Pin name' was assigned to both pins of a terminal and then the<br />

destination assignment was changed, both pin names would<br />

disappear. If only one 'Pin name' exists (e.g. a "dot"), the name is<br />

transferred to the other terminal when the destination assignment<br />

is changed. If it is invisible please check the position of the other<br />

pin name!

Draw<br />

General<br />

The commands on the 'Draw' menu are used to add additional graphics, e.g. lines,<br />

circles, and text, that are required to complete the drawing. None of the automatic<br />

features and list generation routines recognize elements created using these commands.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Line<br />

The 'Line' command is used to draw any additional lines, that are required on the<br />

drawing, that do not represent an electrical connection. To draw a line, select the<br />

command and you will be prompted to enter the start point. This can be done by<br />

inputting the co-ordinates, using the keyboard, or by positioning the cursor on the<br />

screen. If you are using the cursor, when the cursor is in the correct location, press the<br />

left mouse button (or key) to fix the first point and you will be prompted to<br />

enter the next point. Continue entering as many points as required to complete the line.<br />

Although these lines are created in a similar manner to those created using the<br />

'Schematic - Line' command, they will not be recognised by the list generator or other<br />

automatic functions. The width of a line can be set using the 'Line width' command,<br />

with the maximum width being 1 inch (25.4mm). In the case of a very thick line, it is<br />

created symmetrically about the center line (in contrast to a rectangle whose width is<br />

generated inwards from the base line). If you need to select a thick line, e.g. for a modify<br />

operation, it must be selected by placing the cursor on the center of the line and not on<br />

the edge. In addition to the width you can also set the colour and type of the line, prior<br />

to placing. In the case of a drawing generated in colour, it is also possible to output plots<br />

in corresponding colours.<br />


Automatic pre-assignment of line parameters<br />

Draw<br />

When creating an electrical connection line or a simple line, the line parameters<br />

such as colour, type of line and line width (line only) can be transferred from an<br />

existing line. If you set the starting point of the new line on an existing line, then<br />

this line accepts the parameters specified above.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Rectangle, Full Rectangle<br />

The 'Rectangle' and 'Full Rectangle' commands are used to draw a rectangle /<br />

full rectangle, by entering two points representing diagonally opposite corners.<br />

To draw a rectangle, select the command and you will be prompted to enter the start<br />

point. This can be done by inputting the co-ordinates, using the keyboard, or by<br />

positioning the cursor on the screen. If you are using the cursor, when the cursor is in<br />

the correct location, press the left mouse button (or key) to fix the first point<br />

and you will be prompted to enter the next point. As you move the cursor, the rectangle<br />

will be displayed in dynamic mode until the second point is entered by pressing the left<br />

mouse button (or key).<br />

Like the 'Line' command, rectangles will not be recognised by the list generator or other<br />

automatic functions. You can set the line type, line width, and colour. When a rectangle<br />

is drawn with a line width greater than 0,25mm, then the thickness is generated towards<br />

the inside of the rectangle and not symmetrically about the lines. If you need to select a<br />

rectangle having thick lines, e.g. for a modify operation, it must be selected by placing<br />

the cursor on the outer edge of a line and not in the center.<br />


Circle (parts)<br />

Draw<br />

The 'Circle (parts)' command is used to draw complete circles or parts of<br />

circles:<br />

• Circle<br />

• Half circle<br />

• Quarter circle<br />

• Arc<br />

• Ellipse<br />

With all four commands, the required coordinates of the input points can<br />

be entered using the keyboard, or by positioning the cursor on the screen.<br />

If you are using the cursor, when the cursor is in the correct location,<br />

press the left mouse button (or key) to fix the position.<br />

Additionally, when the cursor is used to enter the second point, the<br />

resultant circle or arc, etc., will be displayed in dynamic mode until the<br />

second point is fixed.<br />

When drawing a circle, you are first prompted to enter the point<br />

representing the center of the circle and then another for the radius.<br />

With half and quarter circles you are first prompted to enter the point<br />

representing the center of the circle and then another for the radius. In<br />

addition to determining the radius, the second point also determines the<br />

direction of the circle segment. Half and quarter circles are drawn along<br />

the 'X' or 'Y' axis of the center point.<br />

For an arc, you are prompted to enter the point representing the center,<br />

and then start and end points of the arc. The start point determines the<br />

radius, and the end point determines the arc length.<br />

Circle segments will not be recognised by the list generator or other<br />

automatic functions. You can set line width and colours.<br />

When a circle, or segment, is drawn with a line width greater than<br />

0,25mm, then the thickness is generated towards the inside of the circle<br />

and not symmetrical about line. If you need to select a circle having thick<br />

lines, e.g. for a modify operation, it must be selected by placing the<br />

cursor on the outer edge of the circle.<br />

Hint<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

360<br />

Arcs are always drawn counter-clockwise. By selecting<br />

the appropriate start and end points you can draw any<br />


Ellipse<br />

Draw<br />

The default of the ellipse shape is made via a rectangle. The properties of the<br />

drawn element can be changed by using the right mouse button via a context menu. In<br />

order to do this, select the relevant property and carry out the changes.<br />

n<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Simple text<br />

This command can be used to enter any text. This text is not taken into<br />

consideration by the automatic functions. You can change the size of the text, rotate<br />

it (0°, 90°) and place it in any position. This can also be done later on. The length of<br />

the text is restricted to 100 characters. The text can be marked as invisible by an !<br />

(exclamation mark) placed in front, i.e. although the text is present on the drawing, it<br />

is not displayed. In order to make these texts visible or editable, you can activate the<br />

option Reveal all under Parameters / Options.<br />

If the escape sequence \n is entered at the word wrap, the text can be displayed on<br />

several lines. The text, however, is always displayed on a single-line in the input line.<br />

Example Wor\nd wr\nap<br />

end up as:<br />

Wor<br />

d wr<br />

ap<br />

Hint<br />

362<br />

Misalignment shifts the text a few points upwards and to the right<br />

but only with the grid function switched on.<br />

You can configure the font to be used for displaying the General text, but only<br />

TrueType Fonts with fixed character separation can be used. If the capabilities of the<br />

text configuration (size and font) are not sufficient for you, use Free text (see next<br />

section). However, General text is simpler to handle, faster in screen layout and<br />

requires less storage space.<br />

Switch fonts<br />

Another font can be selected under Parameters / Fonts. The change will affect all<br />

general type texts on the circuit diagrams.<br />

Automatic pre-assignment of text parameters<br />

When entering General text and line name, the size and direction as well as the<br />

angle of rotation of the last entry or change is used as a pre-assignment.

Text<br />

General<br />

Draw<br />

Text type text offers substantially more possibilities for text configuration than the<br />

General text. 3 different character fonts are available and you can also configure the<br />

character height and character width. When selecting an existing text, its attributes<br />

are adopted and therefore applied to new entries. The figure shows the configuration<br />

options for text.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Entering a text<br />

When entering the new text, the attributes such as size, width factor, colour and type<br />

of display are adopted according to the settings. The entered text can be placed<br />

anywhere and rotated to any degree. Otherwise, the text is fixed immediately at the<br />

position of the mouse. The cursor is then automatically positioned on the next line, the<br />

line space being determined by the character size and whether the grid is switched on.<br />


Text entry using the window default<br />

Draw<br />

For fitting text into a window. This is very practical if you are unable to indicate<br />

precise dimensions. First enter the text then specify the window size by drawing a<br />

rectangle with the mouse. The window is then deleted again. Now you can place or<br />

rotate / flip the text at will. The Height and width of the text are automatically<br />

adjusted to the window.<br />

Window default<br />

Automatic text adjustment<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Overwriting text<br />

The text content of an existing text is changed. The attributes such as size or width<br />

however remain unchanged.<br />


Changing the text attributes and properties<br />

The size, width factor, colour and font of existing texts can be changed.<br />

Hint<br />

The values entered for size and width factor are approximate and<br />

depend on the font selected.<br />

Deleting text<br />

Draw<br />

Any texts are deleted immediately without prompting for confirmation (can be<br />

undone with UNDO).<br />

Moving text<br />

Any texts can be repositioned later. The attributes of the selected text still apply to the<br />

next new entry.<br />

Hint<br />

A function is implemented until it is aborted ( or right mouse<br />

button). Example, dragging: Select first text, move, fix, select next<br />

text, drag, fix..<br />

Rotating text<br />

You can rotate free text clockwise or anticlockwise in 90° steps. The attributes of the<br />

selected text still apply to the next new entry.<br />

Changing text size<br />

Specify the size for the next entry.<br />

Factor<br />

Specify the size factor for the next entry.<br />

Changing colour<br />

Specify the colour of the next entry.<br />

Offset<br />

When Offset is switched on, the text is repositioned a few points upward and to the<br />

right, but only with the grid function switched on. This is really useful if text is to be<br />

written on lines which are drawn in the snap grid (e.g. tables).<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Copy immediately<br />

Text can be selected and immediately copied to any place on the page.<br />


Character sets (fonts)<br />

The following fonts are available for selection:<br />

Hint<br />

• Standard font with fixed character separation (e.g. Courier New)<br />

• Proportional font with variable character separation (e.g. Arial)<br />

• Special font with variable character separation (e.g. Arial)<br />

The text can also be displayed on several lines like the general<br />

text.<br />

Draw<br />

You can select these fonts from among all the fonts available on your computer system.<br />

However, bear in mind that these fonts must also be available on another computer (e.g.<br />

that of the client) so that the drawing will appear the same. Special characters can also<br />

be introduced, by using special fonts such as Wingdings. You can also use fonts for<br />

foreign languages (e.g. Arial CE for the Slavonic font).<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Text alignment<br />

The text alignment can be specified for any text, whether it is General text, Free text<br />

or symbol parameters.<br />

For example, click on a General text with the right mouse button and select the<br />

Alignment command in the following object menu.<br />

The following dialog appears in which you can specify the text alignment.<br />

You can see how it will look in principle in the small preview window.<br />

Hint<br />

370<br />

In regard to older files (up to V4.1), when changing into the new<br />

file format, the reference names are also provided with a text<br />

alignment automatically (normally right-justified, since the<br />

reference is left of the symbol). Thus, a re-calculation of the<br />

position is omitted with the automatic numbering.<br />


When creating your own symbols, you must make certain that the<br />

text alignment of the reference name is set correctly e.g. Text<br />

alignment right, if the reference name has been positioned left of<br />

the symbol.<br />

Draw<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Text Box<br />

The Text Box offers the possibility larger text sections keeping together. This is useful<br />

for formatting and of determining the line-makeup. At the same time 3 different versions<br />

can be stored by a Text Box.<br />

Give after menu call a rectangle, into which the Text Box is to be inserted.<br />


The dialogue functions<br />

The Text Box can be made invisible with the small box Invisible.<br />

Draw<br />

Within the Frame determine you a Line type, Line width and Color for the noted<br />

rectangle.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

y<br />

In the range text parameters adjust you beside the text size and the color the<br />

adjustment 0° or 90° as well as the general adjustment (left, centrically, right) of<br />

the text in the rectangle. Here you know also a margin region between rectangle and<br />

text for all pages adjusting framing for the noted rectangle.<br />


Draw<br />

In the range text you can enter the text or use an import function of texts from a<br />

text file. Look for the text over the file open dialgue. After the selection the text is<br />

indicated immediately and can be edited.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

The text under the option Main language is stored automatically. If they place 1 or 2<br />

now on foreign language, then you can store further 2 versions of the text. The foreign<br />

language becomes visible only if it in the foreign language translation the attitude 1. or<br />

2. Foreign language for the block text stop.<br />

With OK you leave the dialogue and the text into the rectangle are positioned. The text is<br />

cut off, if it does not fit into the rectangle.<br />

Functions in the plan<br />

If you click with the right mouse button on the Text Box, then a context menu becomes<br />

active.<br />

376<br />

• With Modify the input dialogue restarts.

Draw<br />

• With Remove you delete the Text Box with all versions.<br />

• With Move you can again position the block text within the plan<br />

• With Resize you must the edge of the rectangle select and be able to do the form<br />

to then determine again the text thereby are automatically adapted.<br />

• Provided with Copy will made a copy of the Text Box and these can within the<br />

plan again be positioned.<br />

• If you would like to copy the Text Box on another side, use the function Ctrl+C<br />

and Ctrl+V.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Dimension<br />

Dimension lines with 4 different line ends are available for providing the<br />

dimensioning.<br />

Display dimensions. Under menu option View / Show dimensions, you can hide and<br />

reveal dimensioning.<br />

Procedure<br />

After defining the start and end point, the entry line for the text is pre-assigned<br />

with the length of the dimension line. This value is calculated from the units chosen (mm<br />

or inch) as well as the current cursor scale. The text is automatically positioned correctly<br />

in the line or, with a line which is too short, on the line. The line can be prevented from<br />

being disconnected in the configuration.<br />

Hint<br />

378<br />

The dimension line can be disconnected automatically and provided<br />

with the unit.<br />

The text size entered can be from approximately 1.5 mm to approx. 10 mm. Text can<br />

only be written horizontally or vertically. The dimension line, consisting of the line<br />

and the text, is stored internally as a symbol without a symbol name. The colour<br />

therefore depends on the value specified for symbol bodies.<br />

Measurement data in mm<br />

When the option is activated, the measurement data are always output in mm (instead<br />

of cm or m), whatever the value.<br />

Disconnect dimension line (otherwise set to line)<br />

This option is used to determine whether the dimensioning text is placed over the<br />

dimension line. When the option is active, the ratio of the line length to the text<br />

length determines whether the line is disconnected.

Display units with the measurement data<br />

This is used to determine whether the unit is attached to the dimensioning text or not.<br />

Hint<br />

The specified cursor scale is only important for showing the cursor<br />

coordinates and pre-assignment of the measurement text. The<br />

output of the drawing on printers or plotters is not dependent on<br />

this scale.<br />

Draw<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Color<br />

The 'Color' command is used to select the active drawing colour. After selecting the<br />

command, a dialog shows you the 16 available colours, from which a colour can be<br />

selected:<br />

The active colour, designated by a rectangle in the middle of the colour area, is the<br />

colour used by the drawing commands on the ‘Draw’ menu. The colour selected on this<br />

palette has no effect on the colour selected for the text commands.<br />

Hint<br />

380<br />

You also have access to the current drawing colour by using the<br />

information bar

Line width<br />

Draw<br />

The 'Line width' command is used to set the active line width for the elements<br />

drawn in ‘Draw’. After selecting the command, a dialog appears and you can select a<br />

value between 1 and 16 or enter a larger value. This value is limited to 100.<br />

The numbers represent multiples of a width unit with one width unit equal to 0.01 inch,<br />

or 0.254mm.<br />

Hint<br />

You also have access to the current line width by using the<br />

information bar<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Line type<br />

The 'Line type' command is used to set the active line type for the elements drawn in<br />

'Draw'. After selecting the command, a submenu displays the available line types. To<br />

make a selection, move the selection bar to the desired type and select it with the left<br />

mouse button (or key).<br />

Hint<br />

382<br />

It is more convenient to change the line type by clicking on the line<br />

field in the information bar

Delete / Move<br />

General<br />

The commands on the 'Delete/Modify' menu are used to manipulate existing elements<br />

on a drawing<br />

The commands available include delete, move, drag, copy, rotate and mirror as well as<br />

undo and redo. The functions are not limited to components, but also operate on all other<br />

elements within the drawing, including text and elements created with the 'Draw'<br />

commands.<br />

Apart from undo and redo, in order to manipulate an element, it has to be selected first.<br />

After choosing a command, a menu appears providing the options available for selecting<br />

elements. There are four methods by which an element or elements can be selected.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

1 Window / M-Window<br />

The '1 Window' command is used to select elements by enclosing them in a window.<br />

After choosing the command, you are prompted to define the two diagonal points that<br />

define the window. All components in this window, with at least one co-ordinate pair, are<br />

selected and highlighted ready for manipulation.<br />

384<br />

• Lines and rectangles must have at least one coordinate point in the window.<br />

• The center point of the circle must be in the window.<br />

• Library components must have at least one corner in the window.<br />

By using the 'M-Windows' command, it is possible to select elements using multiple<br />

windows. After defining the window, the 'Selection' menu re-appears. Here you can<br />

terminate the selection process, with the right mouse button (or key), or you can<br />

continue adding more elements to the selection, e.g. with the '1 Object' option.<br />

TIP<br />

TIP<br />

Elements selected with 'Window' can only be deselected with the<br />

'Objects' command<br />

On a complex drawing, it is sometimes easier to select a number of<br />

elements using the Window command and then to deselect the few<br />

that are not required by using the Objects command.

1 Object / Objects<br />

Delete / Move<br />

The '1 Object' command is used to select a single object (or element). After selecting<br />

the command, you are prompted to 'Select 1 Object'. Position the cursor on the<br />

required element and then press the left mouse button (or key) to select it, and<br />

the selected element will be highlighted ready for manipulation.<br />

• Lines, rectangles and circles with normal line width, are selected by positioning<br />

the cursor on the line.<br />

• Lines with multi line width are selected by positioning the cursor in the middle<br />

of the line.<br />

• Rectangles and circles with multi line width are selected by positioning the<br />

cursor on the outer edge of the line.<br />

• Text is selected by positioning the cursor on any letter.<br />

• Library components are selected by positioning the cursor anywhere on the<br />

component.<br />

If you choose the same object a second time it is de-selected. If a single element is<br />

selected, using the '1 Object' command, then the selection process ends immediately.<br />

By using the 'Objects' command, it is possible to select several elements. After<br />

identifying the required elements press the right mouse button (or key) and the<br />

'Select' menu re-appears. Here you can terminate the selection process, with the right<br />

mouse button (or key), or you can continue adding more elements to the<br />

selection, e.g. with the 'Window' option.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Rotate / Mirror<br />

The 'Rotate/Mirror' command is used to rotate an element through 90º, or to<br />

mirror the element about the 'X' or 'Y' axis.<br />

The commands can also be used in conjunction with each other e.g. rotate 90º and then<br />

mirror. After selecting the 'Rotate/ Mirror' command and identifying an element(s), a<br />

menu appears from which you can select the desired action.<br />

Hint<br />

386<br />

You can use Rotate / Mirror for single elements or components<br />

Here the Mirror-X P. and Mirror Y P. operate in the same way as for other elements and<br />

that is that the rotation point is determined by the position of the cursor. With the Mirror-<br />

X and Mirror Y commands the mirroring process takes place about the center point of the<br />

component and does not require any input to determine the mirroring point. This can be<br />

useful as the position of the component doesn't change.<br />

Note<br />

We recommend that you use point-related Rotate/Mirror<br />

commands<br />

In both cases when a component is mirrored, the location of the text associated with the<br />

component is mirrored, but the text maintains the correct orientation (i.e. the text is not<br />

generated backwards). When a component is rotated, the text maintains either a horizontal<br />

orientation or a vertical orientation rotated 90º counter-clockwise (i.e. text is not<br />

generated up-side-down or vertical to the right).<br />

Text that was written using 'Draw - Text', can be rotated in 90º steps, but not<br />

mirrored, and the text will not maintain a correct orientation.<br />

TIP<br />

Be careful when using the 'Rotate/Mirror' command as the<br />

component pins may not fall on grid points after the change. This<br />

would then make connections more difficult.<br />

See also<br />

1 Window / M-Window<br />

1 Object / Objects<br />


Delete<br />

Delete / Move<br />

After selecting the 'Delete' command and identifying an element(s), you are<br />

prompted to 'Confirm delete'. Upon confirmation, using the left mouse button (or<br />

key), the element is deleted. To abort the command, without deleting any<br />

elements, press the right mouse button (or key). This is different to the 'Delete'<br />

command to the one found on the 'Draw' menu, as that command deletes a single<br />

element immediately, without asking for confirmation.<br />

TIP<br />

If you delete an element, or elements, by mistake, they can be<br />

recovered by the 'UNDO' command.<br />

However, if you accidentally delete more elements than are stored<br />

by the UNDO buffer, then only those in the UNDO buffer can be<br />

restored<br />

See also<br />

1 Window / M-Window<br />

1 Object / Objects<br />

Move<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Copy<br />

The 'Copy' command is used to copy existing elements in a drawing. After<br />

selecting the 'Copy' command and identifying an element(s), you are prompted to<br />

'Place' the copy in its new location. Move the element to the new location and "fix" its<br />

position, by pressing the left mouse button (or key). After pressing the left<br />

mouse button (or key), a dialog appears where you can select the number of<br />

copies. If you select a single copy, the copy will be placed at the point entered for the<br />

copy.<br />

If you select multiple copies, the first copy will be placed at the point entered for the<br />

copy and subsequent copies will be placed an equal distance from each other, as the<br />

second was from the first, and in the same direction. In this way it is easy to create an<br />

array of elements with equal spacing. This procedure can only be reversed with the<br />

UNDO function.<br />

Care should be taken, when copying coils, contacts or PLC modules when contactor<br />

manager or PLC manager are on, as both managers try to assign the elements. So<br />

'virtual' contactors or PLC modules may be created.<br />

TIP<br />

388<br />

Notice that the reference names of coils/contacts can be changed<br />

automatically when copied, so that no conflicts occur during<br />

automatic numbering<br />

See also<br />

1 Window / M-Window<br />

1 Object / Objects<br />


Move<br />

Delete / Move<br />

The 'Move' command is used to move element(s) in the drawing. After selecting the<br />

'Move' command and identifying an element(s), you are prompted to 'fix' the position of<br />

the element. Move the element to the new location and "fix" its position, by pressing the<br />

left mouse button (or key). By selecting several elements at once, it is possible<br />

to move them at the same time, while maintaining their relationship to each other.<br />

Note<br />

The procedure cannot be reversed by UNDO<br />

See also<br />

1 Window / M-Window<br />

1 Object / Objects<br />

Move<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Drag<br />

The 'Drag' command is similar to the 'Move' command, with the exception that if<br />

there are any connection lines connected to the component, then they will be dragged<br />

along with the component, so that they maintain their connection to the component<br />

being moved and also to the component connected to the other end of the lines. Also, in<br />

the case of the 'Drag' command, there are only two options for selecting elements. If '1<br />

Object' is used as the selection command, only components can be selected, all other<br />

elements will be ignored. If 'Window' is used as the selection command, then all elements<br />

that have a co-ordinate point in the window will be highlighted and moved. Any<br />

connection lines that have "bend" points that are outside the window, then the "bend"<br />

point remains in its original location and the drag takes effect from the "bend" point.<br />

See also<br />

1 Window / M-Window<br />

1 Object / Objects<br />

Move<br />


Repeat<br />

Delete / Move<br />

The 'Repeat' command is used to repeat the last drawing procedure. When the<br />

command is selected, the cursor jumps automatically to the starting point of the last<br />

drawn element. You will then be prompted to enter the starting point for the copy. This<br />

start point can be in any direction and distance from the original start point. Once the<br />

cursor is in the right position, fix the new start point with the left mouse button (or<br />

key) and the procedure will be repeated producing a copy of the original.<br />

By pressing the left mouse button (or key) again, an additional element will be<br />

placed that is the same distance and direction from the second as the second was from<br />

the first.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

UNDO<br />

The 'UNDO' command is very useful as it allows you to UNDO the last drawing<br />

procedure. It's not only useful for deleting the last part drawn, but what is more useful is<br />

that you can reverse a deletion.<br />

When you manipulate several elements at one time, e.g. using the 'Multiple objects' or<br />

'Window' options with a 'Delete' or 'Copy' command, the elements are recognised and<br />

manipulated as individual parts and hence the 'UNDO' command only undoes the last<br />

part it manipulated and not all of the parts it manipulated together.<br />

Only those procedures that add or remove elements from the drawing are flagged for use<br />

by the UNDO command, 'UNDO' does not work with the Move, Turn or Rotate<br />

commands.<br />

Note<br />

392<br />

When the 'Contactor Manager' or PLC manager are turned on, you<br />

cannot recover deleted coils /contacts or PLC modules with the<br />

UNDO command.<br />

The last 150 drawing procedures are stored in the UNDO buffer. When the drawing is<br />

saved, part of the UNDO/REDO buffer is stored along with the drawing, so that after a<br />

drawing has been opened again, previous manipulations can be undone. The<br />

UNDO/REDO buffer will be emptied if any of the following commands are used: 'File -<br />

Compress' and 'Sort' (when using 'Automatic numbering').

REDO<br />

Delete / Move<br />

With the 'REDO' command you can reverse the UNDO procedure, e.g. if you<br />

accidentally deleted an object with the 'UNDO' command.<br />


Automatic function<br />

General<br />

All automatic functions apply to a complete drawing set or a complete project. A<br />

universal connection file must be present in order to create line cross-references,<br />

terminal chart, wiring chart, cable chart, cable list, net list and connection list. This<br />

‘*.CXK’ file is created if it is not already present, or when a drawing in the drawing set is<br />

created or modified at a time later than the time stamp of the connection file. It is<br />

therefore especially important that the time function in your computer is operating<br />

properly. The connection file is situated in the project directory and is given the name of<br />

the project with the file extension ‘.CXK’.<br />

Security copies<br />

<strong>WSCAD</strong> can make safety copies automatically. If you want to record the situation prior to<br />

automatic processing, <strong>WSCAD</strong> can do this for you if the corresponding configuration is<br />

set . To do this, a subdirectory ‘Safe’ is created in the project directory and the security<br />

copies are stored in this subdirectory. Every time you make a security copy, the<br />

previous security copy is overwritten!<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Automatic numbering<br />

Automatic numbering<br />

Automatic numbering<br />

The reference names of the symbols as well as the terminal connection and cable core<br />

are automatically numbered.<br />

Actions during numbering<br />

During the numbering, <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 performs checks with certain symbols. For terminals<br />

without reference, the assignment is thereby searched; for auxiliary SPS elements, the<br />

assignment to the main element is verified. In addition, for versions without contactor<br />

management (Basic and Compact), coils without reference or with multiple assigned<br />

references as well as contacts without reference are detected and reported. After the<br />

auto-numbering, the contactor management, cable management, plug management<br />

and the SPS database are updated.<br />


Select the type of numbering from the dialog and then start the numbering run.<br />

Automatic function<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

How symbols are numbered<br />

You can use the following options to specify which symbol types are processed by the<br />

automatic numbering. Only the selected elements are numbered, the remaining ones are<br />

not modified.<br />

The symbol types, e.g., standard, coil / contact, main – auxiliary element must be<br />

selected if the relevant symbol type shall be included in the next numbering run.<br />

Selection and reference name extension (type of numbering)<br />

Corresponding to the numbering type selected, the reference names of the selected<br />

symbol types are renumbered and extended in the reference name.<br />

Type Type of numbering<br />

Name # Number consecutively across the entire drawing set<br />

Name sheet Path Name, sheet number, path<br />

Sheet Name #1 Sheet, name, number beginning with 1 for each sheet<br />

Sheet Name # Sheet, name, consecutive number<br />

Sheet Name #1 Sheet, name, number beginning with 1 for each sheet<br />

Sheet Name path Sheet number, name, path<br />

Terminal and cable<br />

Since reference names of terminals and cables are usually assigned manually, they are<br />

normally excluded from numbering. In addition, the options all cable cores or 1 cable<br />

are only active if the online cable management is deactivated. All existing reference<br />

names and their connections are numbered with all cable cores all terminal connections.<br />

The starting value here applies to the first reference name.<br />


Automatic function<br />

If you activate the option 1 cable or 1 terminal strip, then you will prompted – after<br />

clicking on the Start button – (to specify) the respective cable core or terminal symbol.<br />

The auto-numbering dialog is closed thereby without performing another numbering<br />

activity.<br />

If you select 1 terminal strip then the value in the field starting number will be<br />

defined as starting value for the first connection of the selected symbol (e.g., first<br />

terminal connection).<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

If you select All Terminal strip then the value in the field starting number will be<br />

defined as starting value for the first terminal strip.<br />


Hint<br />

If the automatic numbering is started although no symbol type has<br />

been activated, then the symbols are nonetheless sorted in the<br />

drawing memory if this option is activated !<br />

Automatic function<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Numbering types and additional variants<br />

The following options for numbering defaults are available:<br />

Fixed length<br />

You can specify a fixed character length for the numbering. Simply enter the number of<br />

digits in the field fixed length. Number values are 0-9 whereby 0 is numbered as<br />

previously and 1-9 (max.) completes the number at least to the respective length.<br />

Preceding symbol<br />

This is only active if the project is not a KTP project and if the drawing scope does not<br />

contain any attachments and location identifications.<br />

A symbol can be placed before each reference name, e.g., a minus symbol (-). When<br />

using installations and/or location identification, then this symbol must be available for<br />

separation and, if applicable, is set automatically. If the option preceding symbol has<br />

been activated, then the preceding symbol is removed!<br />

Priority: left to right<br />

Now for illustration you imagine, you put a ruler on the sheet (horizontal) then you move<br />

the ruler vertically = with adjusted switch "Priority: left to right" the numbering always<br />

starts from left to the right and then vertically down.<br />

If you turn the ruler now around 90°, push it horizontal to the right. then the numbering<br />

starts always along the ruler (from left to the left above down).<br />

Correcting switch cabinet layout<br />

If the option is activated, then the existing switch cabinet layout is automatically<br />

compared with the changed reference names and will be corrected. If, e.g., a contactor<br />

receives –Q6 as new reference, then it is also renamed in the switch cabinet layout.<br />


Specific numbering<br />

Reference fragment<br />

Automatic function<br />

An input is only possible if no entry has been made in the number based field. Here, you<br />

have the options of a text-based selection criteria for the reference names you would like<br />

to number. A text comparison hereby takes place permitting the detection of special<br />

symbols or numbers within the reference name, e.g., in case of symbols that have been<br />

added subsequently (-X?; -F100).<br />

When you now enter the following into the dialog<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

then all fuses are numbered containing F10 in the reference name (e.g. F10000;<br />

F10999; F101;...).<br />

Special<br />

An input is only possible here if no entry has been made in the reference fragment field.<br />

Here, you have the options:<br />

• only one reference family<br />

• only reference names without appended number<br />

• only reference names with number greater as, equal<br />

This allows for the numbering of symbols added subsequently without changing already<br />

existing ones.<br />

404<br />

Input in the field Special The following reference names are numbered:<br />

- without appended number (e.g., -F)<br />

1000 with appended number greater equal 1000<br />

F with reference trunk F<br />

F1000 greater equal F1000<br />

#F all having numbers preceding reference trunk<br />

F- with reference trunk F without trailing number<br />

Exceptions<br />

In this field, you can specify up to 20 exceptions for the numbering. For this purpose,<br />

enter the capital initial letters of the operating materials identifications (e.g., FV for fuses<br />

F and valves V).<br />

Starting number<br />

For numbering type name # and sheet name #, a starting number can still be entered<br />

before beginning the numbering<br />

Example 1<br />

For the condition for numbering you have entered<br />

Input in field number based, e.g., F30, then all symbols with the operating materials<br />

identifier F and an appended number greater or equal 30 are numbered. If you have<br />

entered, e.g., 100 as starting number, then F30 becomes F100, F31 becomes F101, etc..

Example 2<br />

For the condition for numbering you have entered<br />

Automatic function<br />

Input in field number based, e.g. F, then all symbols not yet numbered are numbered<br />

with the operating materials identifier F, beginning with the starting number entered by<br />

you.<br />

Attention<br />

Do not specify starting numbers, that have already been used to<br />

number symbols with the identifier F. Otherwise, duplicate<br />

numbering may occur since no verification is done whether the<br />

number already exists. If you enter the starting number 1, then the<br />

actual starting number is automatically determined from the next<br />

available number.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Expanded view in the autonumbering dialog<br />

If you click on the Expanded button in the dialog, then an image appears of all the<br />

reference names being used throughout the project (including the CPP project) and a<br />

short reading-in procedure starts.<br />

This extension is used to display the lockouts of individual references for the<br />

numbering. The two buttons, Lock and Unlock enable the reference to be locked and<br />

unlocked after selection. This is represented by a special symbol. The OK button closes<br />

this extension and then you only see the Autonumbering dialog.<br />


Automatic function<br />

The Unit or Field tabs have been introduced to enable you to work in CPP projects also<br />

flexibly and clearly.<br />

If you want to lock a reference name for the numbering, then select one or more<br />

references (left mouse button (individual), Shift + left mouse button (range) or Ctrl +<br />

left mouse button (add individually)) and click on the Lock button.<br />

Example: individual selection<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Example: selection of Unit or Field<br />

Once you have made your selection, start the autonumbering procedure with the<br />

other desired settings using the Start button. If you have implemented further settings<br />

here, all the settings are taken into account for the numbering.<br />


Visualisation on the circuit diagram<br />

Automatic function<br />

In the main menu, under View / Indicate symbols with num. lock you will find a way<br />

of showing the locks on the circuit diagram. The reference names which contain locks will<br />

be indicated by a padlock.<br />

The symbol parameters for this symbol are given another value which you can use to<br />

activate or deactivate this lock.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />


Auto. cross-reference<br />

Auto. cross-reference<br />

Automatic function<br />

Cross references are automatically generated texts, which signify assignments and<br />

relationships. The settings for the cross-references are modified in the Configuration.<br />

The following types of cross-reference are available in <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 .<br />

Cross-reference type: indicates:<br />

Related lines open line end with same line name<br />

Contacts with/without reflector assignment of coil to contact in the Automatic version<br />

Contactors assignment of coil to contact in the Mega version<br />

PLC and main/side elements assignment of main/side elements and PLC modules<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Reference algorithm<br />

There are several possibilities, each with a lower priority. This means that if case a) is<br />

not true, then option b) will be checked, and so on.<br />

The highest priority however has the information 'connection name' in combination<br />

with the line names as used in the destination wiring. When building cross-references<br />

only information on co-ordinates, page number and direction of line ends is used.<br />

One open end in the drawing<br />

412<br />

• Cross-references to a preceding page, if the line end shows towards the left,<br />

otherwise it references to a following page.<br />

• Cross-references to a leading page, if enabled in the Configuration.<br />

• Cross-references to itself.<br />

Two open ends in the drawing<br />

The left end cross-references to:<br />

• A leading page<br />

• The right end on this page<br />

The right end cross-references to:<br />

• A following page<br />

• The left end on this page<br />

MORE than 2 open ends in the drawing:<br />

The left end cross-references to:<br />

• A leading page<br />

• The nearest right end on this page, direction is ignored<br />

The right end cross-references to:<br />

• A following page<br />

• The nearest left end of this page, direction is ignored<br />

The other ends refer to:<br />

• The nearest right or left end.<br />

TIP<br />

If cross-reference text appears in unexpected places, there could<br />

be an open line end. Perhaps the line end is not exactly connected<br />

to a component (turn on ‘Snap’!). Check this with the command<br />

('Delete/move - Drag'); the electrical connections should move at<br />

the same time as if connected with rubber bands! Perhaps a line<br />

was created out of several overlapping lines which are not directly<br />

visible. If so, use the function ‘Compress file’.

Line-related cross references<br />

Automatic function<br />

With this command, the page number with the coordinates of the extended line<br />

which has the same line name and is also open is written automatically at open line<br />

ends (with connecting lines only). When using the destination wiring elements for<br />

producing lines, another connection designation must be entered as well as the line<br />

name. The cross references are then created for lines with the same line names and<br />

connection designation only.<br />

Hint<br />

The criterion for connecting open line ends is that the line names<br />

are the same.<br />

The line ends are labelled in the direction of the line. With lines which are open on the<br />

right (or below or above), the automatic system searches on the following pages first but<br />

with lines which are open on the left, the automatic system searches on the preceding<br />

pages first. Open line ends can have different line names, even though they are at the<br />

same potential. This enables the cross references to be unambiguous.<br />

Hint<br />

Only line ends to which the same line name can be assigned refer<br />

to one another.<br />

The beginning of the name must lie on the line between the end of the line and the<br />

next coordinate point of the line (kink or other line end), otherwise another appropriate<br />

name will be assigned for this line group. If several of such names are assigned for the<br />

group of lines, the first which is found in the drawing memory will be used.<br />

Position the line name with active offset directly on the connection line, and the<br />

system and location identifications (SLI) will be placed in front if the destination has<br />

a different system and/or local identification. Some line cross references can be locked.<br />

Hint<br />

The current page must have an SLI, otherwise all cross-references<br />

are written without an SLI.<br />

On-line line cross references<br />

After entering the line name and connection name in the dialog, the on-line cross<br />

reference relating to the line is written if there are exactly TWO connection<br />

segments and the line name also has a connection name.<br />

If a line has two open ends, the cross reference is written at the end, where the line<br />

name AND connection name agrees with the values just entered.<br />

The function can be locked in the cross-references configuration and is not available in<br />

the Basic Version.<br />

Hint<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

414<br />

A connection segment is a symbol connection with an open line<br />

end, otherwise the symbol is connected nowhere. If several<br />

symbols are connected on the page, destination connection<br />

elements with 3 connection points must be used.<br />

Line cross references with destination module<br />

The function can be activated in the cross-reference configuration. In addition to the<br />

previous cross-reference text, the reference name and connection of the attached<br />

symbol can be entered on the extension page. In order to do so, a destination<br />

connection arrow need only be positioned ACCURATELY at the line end. The function<br />

text destination connection arrow must not be empty but can contain any text<br />

desired.<br />

Hint<br />

Exactly 2 connection segments must exist.<br />

The display options of the destination module are set in the cross-references<br />

configuration:<br />

• Without destination module, display of the cross reference as before.<br />

• Single line, cross reference as before, then separators, then reference name:<br />

connection.<br />

• 2-line, cross reference at previous position, reference name: connection one line<br />


Automatic function<br />

Contact cross-reference without contact reflectors<br />

Cross-reference texts on contacts can also be disabled. For every crossreferenceable<br />

contact, the co-ordinates of the associated coil are written beneath in the<br />

same direction as the reference name. Any existing contactor reflectors will be deleted.<br />

In the Professional module, this function is only needed in order to prepare older<br />

drawings for the Contactor manager. Cross reference text can be disabled in the<br />

Configuration because as a result of ‘Numbering with paths’, the reference name<br />

and cross-reference text are identical.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Contact cross-reference with contact reflectors<br />

This function is normally not required with the Professional module, because it<br />

works with contact combs (i.e. complete contact arrangements) that are automatically<br />

loaded and managed by the Contactor manager. This function is only of use when<br />

converting older projects which were not produced with the Contactor manager. Therefore<br />

you cannot access this command when the Contactor manager is active.<br />

In addition to the cross-references at the contacts, duplicate contacts are displayed<br />

under the corresponding coil together with the co-ordinates of the original contacts.<br />

These duplicate contacts are rotated through 90 degrees. Any vacant contacts cannot<br />

be displayed. An additional auxiliary line can be inserted to show the height of the<br />

reflected contacts. The position of the reflector contacts is set in the Configuration, as is<br />

the type of display for page and co-ordinates. In the case of coils with aux. contacts<br />

(such as MPCBs) no contact reflectors are generated, but the cross-reference text is<br />

written directly underneath the manually inserted auxiliary contact.<br />

TIP<br />

416<br />

This is how an auxiliary contact is created: Load a NO contact or an<br />

NC contact from the library. Do not enter a reference name (or<br />

simply accept the preset ‘K’) and place it on the right hand side of a<br />

coil. An auxiliary line (dotted) will be inserted automatically.<br />

Attention<br />

The pin numbers of all pins must be numeric, otherwise the<br />

automatic functions cannot recognise the contact as reflector<br />


Contactors<br />

Automatic function<br />

This function creates cross-references on contacts and contact comb. These crossreferences<br />

are created On-line when a contact is placed, if the Contactor manager is<br />

activated.<br />

The allocator '!#rws-q>' indicates a right-justified cross-reference; the allocator itself<br />

is invisible.<br />

The cross-reference text on contacts is normally written right-justified under the<br />

reference name. However if the allocator ‘ws-q’ is present, the cross-reference will be<br />

placed in its position. To do this, put an invisible allocator against each desired<br />

component in the Symbol editor (For basic information on allocators.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

PLC + Main/side element<br />

PLC + Main/side element. The distance between the lines is determined by the<br />

current Snap range. The cross-reference on Main and side elements is normally written<br />

right-justified under the reference name, if the allocator ‘ws-q’ is not present in the<br />

component. If several side elements are present, the cross-references are arranged<br />

below each other starting at the allocator.<br />

With Main/side elements the allocator can also have trailing numerals. These<br />

numerals can be used to differentiate between the individual side elements, provided<br />

these are also clearly numbered. The numbers must begin with 1 and be continuous.<br />

The cross reference is then written in the relevant position on the main element.<br />

Example<br />

Hint<br />

418<br />

!#lws-q1><br />

!#lws-q2><br />

The cross-references on side elements are not created On-line but<br />

only when the command is activated<br />

At the same time the cross-references on PLC modules are newly created. In the case<br />

of these components which are controlled by the PLC-manager, the position of the crossreferences<br />

is always indicated by an associated allocator.<br />

Hint<br />

When the PLC manager is activated, these components are created<br />


Control Cabinet Manager (CCM)<br />

General<br />

Automatic function<br />

In the Professional version, the Create Control Cabinet Manager CCM provides<br />

support by producing the layout drawing of the switch cabinet. It shows clearly the<br />

symbols and components used on the circuit diagram. The size of the Control<br />

Cabinet Manager CCM can be changed and notes the position at which it was last<br />

placed. The Switch Cabinet Manager (SCM) dialog is activated by using the menu<br />

command Automatic / Control Cabinet Manager CCM. A menu line appears in its<br />

display field with View, Automatic, Display and Parameters.<br />

View System/Location View Location/System<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />


Menu in the CCM<br />

Automatic function<br />

Under menu option View on the left side, the sorting can be determined for the<br />

displayed symbols in the Control Cabinet Manager CCM, depending on the CPP in the<br />

project. If the option is active in the foreground, then the dialog remains visible when<br />

setting the modules.<br />

Under menu option Automatic, you can read in the diagrams (inserting symbols into the<br />

CCM), determine the dimension (space requirement), set the display lock and start<br />

the output for positioning the symbols according to Steinhauer.<br />

The menu option Display enables you to choose the handling mode quickly.<br />

The menu option Parameter is used to determine the display and handling mode.<br />

Symbols in the CCM<br />

The symbol list at the bottom shows all the symbols in the diagram with reference<br />

names, numbers, symbol names and item numbers. If there are several symbols<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

with the same reference name (terminal strips), the number is simply totaled up. In<br />

the symbol list, only one entry then appears but with the corresponding number.<br />

The checkbox Show all offers the possibility of revealing or hiding symbols in the<br />

bottom symbol list which have already been placed and locked.<br />

The symbols displayed in the bottom symbol list are oriented to the selection in the top<br />

SLI list if you have issued system or location identifications.<br />

System / Location<br />

When you select System / Location, you will see the sorting in the bottom symbol list<br />

first according to system and then according to location.<br />

Location / System<br />

Alternatively if you determine the sorting according to location / system (without<br />

system or location identification) only the information for the project in the CCM<br />

appears in the top CPP list.<br />

In the foreground<br />

If In the foreground is activated, then the CCM remains visible when placing the<br />

symbols. Otherwise it is switched to the background and only switched to the foreground<br />

again after placement.<br />

Show all<br />

The display can also be influenced by means of the checkbox Show all. Without<br />

activation, neither locked symbols nor symbols which have already been placed appear<br />

on the display.<br />


Create Control Cabinet file type<br />

Automatic function<br />

Use the Project Manager to create a Control Cabinet file. The file type for this<br />

circuit diagram page is placed on the Control cabinet layout automatically. If you<br />

want to provide a Control cabinet layout without Project Manager, you must<br />

produce a new empty circuit diagram page first and then place the file type for this<br />

circuit diagram page on the Control cabinet layout via the main menu command<br />

Parameters / Options.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Scale presentation in Control Cabinet Manager<br />

(CCM)<br />

In order to generate the switch cabinet layout correctly and true to scale, various<br />

entries must be made in the item database. In principle, there are three possible<br />

methods of creating the Control Cabinet layout.<br />

1st Method<br />

The fields width, height and length (= > depth) must be entered in the item<br />

database (if not already entered).<br />

Example Extract from an ACCESS data base table<br />

2nd Method<br />

The second method is derived from the fact that a detail drawing of this symbol is located<br />

in a separate layout library. In order to load this layout drawing, you need the name<br />

of the layout library with the symbol name. The layout libraries must be in the<br />

directory which is located under the configuration Parameter / General / <strong>Directory</strong><br />

tab / Field layout libraries, e.g. C:\<strong>WSCAD</strong>50\LIBRARIES\LAYOUT\. The assigned<br />

item entry of the symbol used needs a reference to the respective symbol drawing in<br />


Automatic function<br />

a layout library in the database. This entry produces an entry in the item database in<br />

the Switch cabinet field.<br />

Select a symbol from a cabinet library<br />

3rd Method<br />

The third method comes from the previous Version 4.0 and should only be mentioned<br />

here. A symbol abbreviation is entered in the Switch cabinet database field. This<br />

abbreviation is assigned to the symbol (e.g. symbol name). The symbol is as detail<br />

drawing in a certain layout library. It is this library which must be activated for<br />

loading.<br />

Summary<br />

Particularly important for the CCM are the height, width, and depth (length) data<br />

and, if a layout diagram for a symbol is present, accurate information in the Switch<br />

cabinet field (library name and symbol name). These data are looked after in your<br />

item database, if not yet available.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Reading in diagrams (in the CCM)<br />

In order to work with the CCM, a list of all symbols must first be created internally<br />

despite all the circuit diagram pages. The plugs and sockets are also read into the<br />

CCM.<br />

You start reading in the diagrams of a project using the CCMmenu command Automatic<br />

/ Read in diagrams. When you are carrying this out for a project for the first time, this<br />

list (of all the modules from the circuit diagrams) is created internally. If a list has<br />

already been created at some time, the following query dialog appears:<br />

If you select Yes, then placements made on a control cabinet diagram before are<br />

retained. If this list has changed, because symbols have been deleted for example, this<br />

will be indicated by corresponding messages such as “3 has been deleted”.<br />

If you confirm with No, then the entire symbol list is created all over again. All<br />

placements which were possibly noticed beforehand are rejected, recreated from the<br />

circuit diagram pages and compared with those in the control cabinet diagram. If<br />

you have made manual changes to the control cabinet diagram afterwards, it is<br />

possible that the restoration will not be complete. At this point, you can make a backup<br />

copy.<br />

As things develop, the CCM will recognise item numbers in the modules which have<br />

already been placed. Here, a message will appear and you can decide whether the<br />

symbol in the CCM is to continue to be treated as placed.<br />


Cancel aborts the reading in process.<br />

Hint<br />

When you start the CCM for the first time for a particular project,<br />

then you must first allow the diagrams to be read in again. The<br />

program will recognize a symbol list which may have been created<br />

beforehand and will activate it without starting the reading-in<br />

process again.<br />

Automatic function<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Display lock for symbols<br />

With the CCM menu commands Automatic / Display lock / Set or Remove, you can<br />

hide selected symbols in the CCM preview or remove this lock again. It is also possible to<br />

make repeated selections (hold down the key and click on the individual symbols<br />

using the left mouse button).<br />

By activating the checkbox Show all, you can ignore the selection mentioned above so,<br />

as you see from the symbol list all symbols read in, regardless of whether or not they<br />

have already been placed in the control cabinet layout.<br />

Hint<br />

428<br />

If a symbol has been placed, the text color of the symbol in the<br />

symbol list of the SCM changes or no longer appears in the symbol<br />

list if Show all is switched off.<br />

Show all<br />

Off On

Automatic function<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Calculate dimensions<br />

The 'Calculate dimensions' function calculates the lengths and areas of Control cabinet<br />

components.<br />

With the CCM menu command 'Automatic - calculate dimensions' you get the<br />

following dialog:<br />

The Calculate button starts up the calculation across every page of the drawing. Each<br />

supplement part is shown on a separate row in the list. For fixed components such as<br />

back plates the number of parts is shown as a total, for extendable components the total<br />

length is given in metres 'm'. In addition, even before a Control cabinet is constructed,<br />

the surface area requirements for all the parts in the component list can be calculated.<br />

This sum is also governed by the current selection in the UFD list field (e.g. a unit<br />

designation). In addition the maximum depth is also calculated. This is useful for<br />

determining the necessary depth of the cabinet.<br />


Display options for the CCM and the control<br />

cabinet diagram pages<br />

Automatic function<br />

The CCM has its own menu commands for adjusting the various settings for its<br />

functionality. Under Parameters / Displays, you can quickly set certain display<br />

characteristics by simply clicking on them with the mouse. Everything will be displayed<br />

transparent starting from the time of activation, i.e. the characteristic concerned<br />

will apply to all symbols which are placed on the control cabinet diagram from this<br />

time onwards. You will see whether the option is already active or not by means of the<br />

tick in front.<br />

Reference names option: Show reference Yes/No<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Item number option: Show item number Yes/No<br />

CPP + reference name option: the CPP + reference name is shown<br />

Move CPP+ reference option: the CPP+ reference name are shown and can be<br />

placed anywhere at the cursor. (no picture)<br />

Transparent reference option: the reference name is shown transparent and<br />

therefore does not mask lines or texts. (no picture)<br />

No display of reference several transparent option: reference only placed with the<br />

first symbol and not with any others.<br />

Further options in the SCM menu under Parameters / Options<br />

(You must always be on a control cabinet diagram in order to make these settings.<br />

Always applies to the next symbol to be placed and not to those which have already<br />

been placed).<br />


Hint<br />

• Change scale (switches to the Desktop dialog).<br />

• The following applies to the reference:<br />

Automatic function<br />

Automatic move option. The reference name is moved automatically<br />

when the symbol is positioned.<br />

Set size option. Here, the reference size can be set to very small<br />

values. The outputs in [mm] relate to the scale 1:1. Standard values are<br />

marked with an *.<br />

No display option. With several identical symbols (such as terminals)<br />

the reference name is not displayed.<br />

• Show item number<br />

• Show SLI<br />

• (RID) of the additions: Set the default resource identifications (=<br />

mounting plate, DIN rail and cable channelling, etc.) standard U. If you are<br />

working with the previous DIN, then you must set E here. However, if you are<br />

working with the new DIN, the identification letter U must be used.<br />

If you have created your layout symbols on a scale 1:1, then place<br />

the desired scale (at the beginning) to be used for the symbols on<br />

the layout circuit diagram in the Switch Cabinet Manager.<br />

If, as was usually the case in earlier versions, you have created<br />

your layout symbols to scale (e.g. 1:10), then set the scale for the<br />

Switch Cabinet Manager to 1:1.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Example Exact presentation of a terminal 7 mm wide. An internal coordinate<br />

resolution of 1/100 inch produces a resolution of 1/10 inch = 2.5 mm for an M 1:10.<br />

Thus, a 7 mm wide terminal, for example, cannot be displayed accurately. If the M1:4 is<br />

used, then the resolution is 1/25 inch = 1 mm and the picture is shown accurately.<br />

Example In above dialog, you can also determine which texts should be visible<br />

when placing the symbols: Reference name, item number.<br />

Hint<br />

434<br />

If you display all the available texts, then the layout of the switch<br />

cabinet becomes very unclear in the case of terminals. The<br />

checkbox ‘Do not show when there are several components’ is<br />

available in order to avoid this. This checkbox should always be<br />

activated.<br />

• Ignore cabinet data in database. Another option is Ignore cabinet data in<br />

database. By activating this option, the entries Length, Width and Height will<br />

determine the scale of the symbol representation in the item database. If this<br />

information is missing, then enter the height, length and width via a separate<br />

dialog (this starts automatically). This symbol then appears as an empty<br />

rectangle. In so doing, you will ignore a detail drawing in a layout library which<br />

may exist (entry in the switch cabinet item database field)<br />

• Rectangle as per symbol body colour assignment. The option Rectangle as<br />

per symbol body colour allocation draws a rectangle in the colour which is<br />

principally created for the symbol bodies under the main menu option Parameter<br />

/ Colours.<br />

• Centric. The option centric is useful for symmetrical symbols, since scaling is<br />

relative to the centre.<br />

• Rounding down symbol size calculation. Rounding down symbol size<br />

calculation corrects the scaled representation in the switch cabinet with the<br />

function Round down. Advantage: in no way are the symbols shown larger.<br />

If this option has not been selected, rounding down is applied.<br />

Reference lines<br />

The dialog for adjusting the reference lines of the SCM appears with the SCM Menu<br />

command Parameter / Reference lines. With Reference lines, you can produce<br />

horizontal and vertical reference lines which are used to assist in positioning the<br />

symbols in the diagram better. Enter the values in mm. Visible must be checked in order<br />

for these lines to appear on the diagram. The reference line of the standard circuit<br />

diagram page is not affected by this.<br />

Hint<br />

The values are always displayed in relation to the origin of the<br />

coordinates on the circuit diagram page. The lines are independent

of the selected scale in the Switch Cabinet Manager and always<br />

remain stationary in the diagram, even when the scale is changed<br />

subsequently.<br />

Automatic function<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Required entries in the parts database<br />

In order to place the additional parts easily with the CCM, certain entries are needed in<br />

the parts database. All your additional parts such as back plates, cable channels and<br />

mounting rails are activated by selecting them for use in the CCM.<br />

Hint<br />

436<br />

The additional parts stored in the parts database must be specified<br />

by selecting them separately.<br />

The fixed-size components such as Control cabinets or mounting plates are specified with<br />

the abbreviation SSM&… The extendable components such as cable channels or guard<br />

rails are given the abbreviation SSM-… The following table illustrates the uses of<br />

abbreviations:<br />

Element Abbreviation<br />

Mounting plate SSM-&MP<br />

Cabinet SS-&SCH<br />

Cable tray SSM-KK<br />

Stay brace SSM-MS<br />

Top hat rail SSM-MS<br />

Collection bar SSM-SS<br />

End holder SSM-&Z<br />

Separator SSM-&Z<br />

Intermediate plate SSM-&Z<br />


Hint<br />

The abbreviations above have been created arbitrarily and refer to<br />

the selection of the symbols in the library 'Cabinet.bib'.<br />

Round components<br />

Automatic function<br />

Can be created by entering into the Width field in the parts database a value<br />

corresponding to the diameter of the round component. You must not specify a Height.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Creating a mechanical Control cabinet layout with<br />

supplements<br />

The "Supplements" button in the CCM opens up a selection window in the parts<br />

database, showing all the parts which are available for constructing a mechanical<br />

switching cabinet.<br />

Tip<br />

438<br />

There is a quick method of loading additional parts, via a new<br />

library toolbar 'Switching cabinet' which gives direct access to the<br />

parts database, where you can select parts of a particular<br />

component type. The mechanical parts which are available for<br />

inclusion in a Control cabinet are listed selectively.<br />

This symbol toolbar is activated by clicking with the right mouse button on the header or<br />

the information bar and then clicking with the left mouse button on symbol toolbar.<br />

There are basically two different types of component:

• Fixed-size components<br />

• Components with variable length<br />

Automatic function<br />

If you load, for example, a mounting plate (a fixed-size component), the size stored in<br />

the parts database will automatically be used. If the selected database record has no<br />

dimensioning values (Example: general mounting plate), an input field for Width /<br />

Height / Depth will appear.<br />

If you enter the measurements in 'mm' and confirm with OK, a component of this size<br />

(appropriately scaled) will be located on the cursor and can then be placed. If you select<br />

a component with variable length e.g. cable channel and set the starting point, a defined<br />

length will appear in the edit field. You now have two possibilities: cancel using the<br />

key and the component will be located under the cursor. Now you can enter the<br />

starting point and set the size and alignment of the component by dragging with the<br />

mouse. Or you can accept the measurements given and place the component using the<br />

given length.<br />

Example: Constructing a switching cabinet<br />

Back plate + cable tray + mounting rail + Control cabinet housing<br />

Sie haben jetzt 2 Möglichkeiten:<br />

• Brechen Sie diesen Vorschlag mit ab. Das Symbol befindet sich jetzt am<br />

Cursor. Nun können Sie den Startpunkt vorgeben und die Größe und Richtung<br />

des Symbols mit Ziehen der Maus bestimmen.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

440<br />

• Oder Sie übernehmen die Maßangabe und das Symbol wird in dieser Länge zur<br />

Positionierung angeboten.<br />

• Sie haben bei nachträglicher Selektion des Kabelkanal mit der rechten Maustaste<br />

im Parametermenü die Option Ziehen zur Auswahl und können somit die Länge<br />

bzw. die Breite des Kanals korrigieren. Die gewählte Kante (lange oder breite<br />

Seite) der Selektion bestimmt die Änderungsmöglichkeit.<br />

Beispiel Schaltschrankaufbau Montageplatte + Kabelkanal + Hutschiene +<br />


Automatic function<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Placing the symbols in the control cabinet<br />

The individual symbols can be collected from the symbol list double clicking on them with<br />

the mouse and then placed on the diagram. The dimensions are taken from the Item<br />

database.<br />

If no dimension entries are available, a dialog is offered to you for entering the<br />

dimensions for the symbol.<br />

Set the option Accept values in the database if you want to save the dimensions for<br />

this item permanently in the database.<br />

If you have activated the checkbox Centred in the CCM, then the symbol body will be<br />

located centred at the cursor. With a click of the left mouse button, position the symbol<br />

at the desired location on the control cabinet layout. The alignment can be changed<br />

via the rotation menu.<br />

If you set the checkbox Automatic after the first symbol then, after a double click, all<br />

other symbols will be placed at the preset distance next to the previous symbol. All<br />

settings which relate to the view are adopted. This process can be reversed by deleting<br />

the symbol which has been placed or by using the UNDO function.<br />

Alternatively, click with the mouse button and the symbol will remain on the switchcabilnet<br />

layout diagram and merely the placement in the CCM will be taken back.<br />

Example Symbol placed at a distance of 1.0 mm automatically and reference<br />

name revealed.<br />


Automatic function<br />

If there are several symbols with the same reference name (e.g. terminals) you will see<br />

the corresponding number of pieces in the bottom symbol bar of the CCM in Column #.<br />

After you have placed a symbol, the number of pieces is divided up: You will now see the<br />

total number and the number of symbols which have already been placed. After the<br />

first symbols, set the checkbox for Automatic and activate the Plus button, a counter<br />

dialog will appear which will enable you to place one or more symbols automatically.<br />

With OK, the chosen number of symbols are placed one after the other at the preset<br />

distance next to the previous symbol. All settings which relate to the view are adopted.<br />

The process can also be reversed. As with the placement of individual symbols, you can<br />

choose whether all the placements or only one should be removed again.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Navigating from the CCM to the switch-cabinet<br />

pages<br />

In the CCM, you can mark the symbols which have been placed individually with the<br />

right mouse button and activate the option To diagram page and display under<br />

Symbol parameters and then the cursor will jump to the page entered and to the<br />

symbol.<br />

444<br />


Cable manager<br />

General<br />

Automatic function<br />

The Cable manager enables you to easily allocate wires within multicore cables, and<br />

assign colour code schemes to the wires.<br />

The option for activating the online Cable manager can be found under 'Settings -<br />

Common Settings –(tab) Cables'.<br />

The Cable manager works with an ACCESS database which contains the data on the<br />

cables being used.<br />

You can see, together with other information, the quantity of free wires and the assigned<br />

colour code. If the column 'Shield' shows a '+', based on the information of the material<br />

database the cable has a shield. If the option 'Show all' is NOT selected, only cables<br />

with free wires are listed (or cables with a shield, if you are assigning a cable shield). If<br />

you now add a cable to your project or remove one, the changes will be monitored in the<br />

background by the Cable manager and updated automatically.<br />

Hint<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

446<br />

If the Online Cable manager is not activated, you can open the<br />

cable manager dialog manually, although any changes will not be<br />

automatically recorded. This means that the state of the cable<br />

database could differ from the content of the drawing.

The cable database<br />

Automatic function<br />

This database is located in the same directory as the circuit diagram drawings. The<br />

name of the database is taken from the project name and has the added letters "kab"<br />

and the extension 'MDB'. All the cables in a current project are managed within the cable<br />

database. When switched on, the Cable manager automatically updates the database<br />

both when a cable is drawn and when it is deleted.<br />

Example: Extract from cable database<br />

In order to use the Cable manager, every cable used, together with its full data, must<br />

be entered in the main <strong>WSCAD</strong> parts database.<br />

Example: Extract from parts database<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />


The conductors file<br />

Automatic function<br />

There is a text file for defining cable colour schemes. It contains the correct colour<br />

abbreviation for each conductor using common colour codes. The file name is<br />

'Conductors.txt' and must be located in the same directory as the parts database. Each<br />

line contains the name of the colour code, a sequential number beginning with 1 and the<br />

wire colour. You can easily add customer specific colour codes by editing the conductors<br />

file.<br />

Hint<br />

Don't enter control characters and keep the format of the original<br />

conductors file.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />


Change wire colour<br />

Automatic function<br />

You can change the wire colour within the Cable manager dialog or directly within the<br />

schematics. Open the Cable manager dialog via the menu command 'Automatic funct.<br />

– Cable manager'. Select the cable you want to modify. Select the colour you want the<br />

change. Press and hold the -key and select the new colour. Click on the 'Change'<br />

button.<br />

You can change one or several wire colours. Then click on the OK button to close the<br />

Cable manager dialog.<br />

alternative way<br />

In the schematics right click the wire you want to change. You'll get an information dialog<br />

denoting which component is selected. If the conductor is listed confirm with YES. Select<br />

the command 'Change colour/wire' in the Symbol parameters menu. You get a<br />

dialog which lists the available colours of the assigned colour code, similar to the Cable<br />

manager dialog. The currently selected wire is marked with a '

<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Select another colour and then click on the OK button, the new colour will be copied to<br />

the element in the schematics.<br />

Hint<br />

452<br />

If you select a used colour as the new colour, the two colours will<br />

be exchanged

Removing cables<br />

Automatic function<br />

If you delete a cable e.g. by marking it in a window and then pressing the <br />

key, the entry in the cable database and all wires / shields within your schematics<br />

with this reference name will be removed.<br />

Note<br />

You cannot UNDO this function.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Working on existing circuit diagrams in <strong>WSCAD</strong><br />

4.0 format<br />

When you start up Scan existing drawings the program checks whether the conductors<br />

of the cables used in the chart correspond with the associated colour code in the parts<br />

database. If there is no entry for a colour code in the parts database, or it differs from<br />

that of the cables being used, the dialog Select colour codes is started automatically.<br />

The cable designation is displayed with the conductor colours in use, and you can select<br />

the appropriate colour code from the upper selection window. Confirm your choice with<br />

OK and the colour code will then be transferred to the cable database.<br />

Warning<br />

Hint<br />

Hint<br />

454<br />

The chosen colour code must correspond to the actual conductor<br />

colours in use<br />

You can only assign the actual colour code being used and not<br />

another one later on, because the changes will not be written back<br />

into the circuit diagrams. If it is not possible to do this, you can bypass<br />

the allocation using 'Ignore'. If you want to abort the entire<br />

assignment procedure use the 'Cancel' button.<br />

The type 'Numbers' is permanently defined as an alternative colour<br />

code, i.e. this colour code is assigned to all cables in the chart<br />

which do not have a pin number, in cases where there is no colour<br />

code definition in the parts database.

Connector manager<br />

Connector manager<br />

Automatic function<br />

The Connector manager is a feature of Professional module. This functionality offers<br />

you a detailed overview of all the plugs and sockets in use in the current project. The<br />

individual connections are checked using the Parts manager and compared with the<br />

assigned coding. The Online Connector manager is activated via ‘Settings –<br />

Common Settings – Connectors. For the menu items ‘Schematic - Connector –<br />

Plug’ or ‘- Socket’ or ‘- Plug+Socket’, the dialog above must be set.<br />

If you load a Plug or a Socket via the Schematic - Load Symbol command, other<br />

symbols can then be used by this method.<br />

Used library<br />

The library to be used is selected.<br />

Plug symbol<br />

The symbol to be used for the plugs is taken from the used Library . The symbol must<br />

be of the component type Plug!<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Socket symbol<br />

The symbol for the sockets is also taken from the used Library. The symbol must be of<br />

the component type Socket!<br />


Auto. line names<br />

Create line names<br />

Automatic function<br />

This function automatically generates line names (wire numbers) in different styles<br />

for all the lines (i.e. connection lines with the same potential), which:<br />

• don't have an open line end<br />

• do not already have a line name<br />

With the menu command Automatic funct. – Auto. Line names - Create you get the<br />

following dialog to determine how the line names are to be created:<br />

The five main methods are:<br />

Main Method Example<br />

# continuos 1,2,3,.....<br />

Page . #1 1.1, 1.2, .....2.1, 2.2,.....<br />

Page .# 1.1,..1.2,.....2.3, 2,4,......<br />

Source/Target -Q6:1,-Q6:3,...<br />

Page . Path # 1.3, 1.3A, 1.4, 1.5,<br />

If you select Source/Target the complete reference name with pin number will be<br />

the new line name.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Settings:<br />

458<br />

• It is also possible to specify a hyphen or other symbol as a preceding character.<br />

• With the option 'Fixed Length' you can set a constant length for the names, e.g.<br />

0001,0002 etc. …<br />

• The option Lines with Conductor indicates whether line names should also be<br />

generated for the connections where there is already a component of the type<br />

'Cable Conductor'.<br />

The options of the group ‘Per Unit’ only work under the setting ‘#<br />

Continuous’<br />

• Start at 1 means that for every new unit designation the names start at number<br />

1 (units are for example part projects with extended reference names such as:<br />

=Unit1, =Unit 2, etc.)<br />

• Reserved block size means that you can choose a range to suit the job. When<br />

you enter e.g. 200 and in the first unit 153 lines are numbered, the second unit<br />

numbering will begin at 200. If 203 lines are numbered then the next series will<br />

start at 400.<br />

• Specified start value opens up a dialog which can store permanent values for<br />

the various unit.<br />

The generated line names conform automatically to the current<br />

drawing functionality and path settings<br />

The currently used drawing functionality and path settings determines the position of the<br />

line name. With horizontal functionality selected (USA) the line name is positioned in the<br />

middle of a horizontal line, with vertical functionality selected (Germany) it is positioned

Automatic function<br />

in the middle of a vertical line. Similarly this determines whether the horizontal<br />

(Germany) or the vertical (USA) path settings are used for the line names.<br />

Warning<br />

Manually marked line names can no longer be deleted automatically!<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Delete line names<br />

With this command you can delete from the circuit diagram all line names which<br />

have been created automatically and are not assigned to open lines. Line names entered<br />

or modified manually will not be removed.<br />


Contactor manager<br />

Contactor manager<br />

Automatic function<br />

The Contactor manager governs and monitors the allocation of contactors and relays.<br />

Because of its complexity, it is explained separately in the chapter Contactor manager.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Project data<br />

Project data<br />

You can start this automatic function with the menu command 'Automatic Funct.<br />

– Project data' or directly from the project manager dialog. The project data contains<br />

general information about the project such as customer, project number …., but also<br />

technical information like voltage, phase … . First you'll get the windows standard dialog<br />

to determine the output file, then you have to select the graphic form.<br />

Note<br />

462<br />

If you start creation of the project data from the project manager<br />

dialog and a graphic form is already assigned, the selection of the<br />

graphic form is skipped.

Variables<br />

Drawing sheet Variables<br />

Automatic function<br />

This command transfers general functional information such as page<br />

descriptions into a project summary. You can enter and automatically<br />

manage 10 general variables (0 … 9) as well as variables for ‘Page<br />

number’, ‘Page quantity’, ‘Date’, ‘Time’ (year 2000 compliant),<br />

‘File name long’, ‘File name short’, ‘Next page’, and ‘Previous<br />

page’. They can then be distributed throughout the whole drawing set.<br />

In the case of the variable ‘File name long’, the full name, consisting of<br />

drive directories and file name is copied across. In the case of ‘File name<br />

short’, only the file name itself is copied.<br />

The numerals in the file name extension gives the page number; the<br />

page quantity is the file name extension of the final page<br />

The text is always displayed on a single line and the length is limited to<br />

48 characters<br />

The variables ‘File name short/long’ and ‘Variables 0 to 9’ are distributed to all the<br />

pages when the Automatic function is activated, whereas the other variables such as the<br />

Page numbers are set on-line. When this command is activated, the following dialog<br />

appears, containing all the variables of the active drawing window. Thus you can see at<br />

a glance all the variables for this page.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

New/modify<br />

Select the field of the relevant variable and insert the desired text. You can of course<br />

edit several variables before sending the information to the circuit diagram with the OK<br />

button. If you modify an existing variable, only the new value will be entered: all the<br />

other settings such as the position remain unchanged. After entering a new variable you<br />

will see the following menu:<br />

In the above example, Variable 2 was entered. You can now set the position (‘Move’)<br />

or, for example, alter the size. After you have positioned the variable correctly with<br />

‘Move’, you can quit out of the menu with ESC or the right mouse button. If you have<br />

entered several new variables, this process must be repeated for each variable.<br />

Remember<br />

464<br />

You only need to enter variables onto one page of your drawing set;<br />

the distribution and updating for the complete set, is then done<br />

with the 'Automatic' command.

Automatic<br />

Automatic function<br />

When updating page numbers, page quantity, date and time, only the characters up<br />

to the first number are transferred unchanged; the current number is then appended. All<br />

other variables are generated completely from new. Select the variables to be updated<br />

with the options in the ‘Automatic’ group.<br />

You can transfer the date of the current page onto all the other pages.<br />

When updating the date, you can choose via a dialog whether to transfer the current<br />

value across to all the pages (meaning that every page will then have the same date), or<br />

to retain the date of the last drawing modification. (Note! A drawing will have been<br />

modified even after you have drawn only one line and deleted it again!).<br />

‘Variables 0 to 9’ will be distributed to the whole drawing set as they were originally<br />

entered. Position, size, direction and value of the variables in the currently displayed<br />

drawing will be transferred to the whole drawing set if the switch ‘Position and size<br />

remain unchanged’ is off; if it is on, only the value will be updated.<br />

TIP<br />

TIP<br />

Before a variable can be automatically handled, it must first be<br />

entered and placed by hand, otherwise the Automatic command will<br />

not be able to find it.<br />

The variables ‘Date’ and ‘Time’ are automatically updated when a<br />

modified drawing is saved, if this is allowed in the Configuration.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Position and size remain unchanged<br />

The variables can also be updated without resetting the position. If this switch is on, the<br />

position, size and direction of the variables on the various pages - if already present<br />

there - will not be altered during the automatic run. If it is off, then the position, size<br />

and direction of the variables in the current page will be transferred across.<br />


Fix date<br />

Automatic function<br />

The variable ‘Date’ is converted into simple text. Thus you have a very simple way of<br />

“freezing” the date of the various modification stages. If you enter a completely new<br />

date later (as a ‘Date’ variable, of course), you can again position it where you wish.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

PLC<br />

Activating PLC Manager<br />

In order to use the automatic functions of the PLC Manager, the latter must first be<br />

activated in the configuration (Professional Version). Therefore, check the configuration<br />

Parameters / General / Contactor and PLC / PLC Manager. Invocation via the PLC<br />

Manager takes place via Automatic / PLC / PLC Manager and displays the contents<br />

of the PLC database.<br />


Creating project database<br />

Automatic function<br />

The project database is created as an Access file in the project directory and is used<br />

as the basis for automatic PLC Management by using the PLC Manager.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Importing / Exporting PLC list<br />

Siehe<br />

Import-Export-SPS Listen<br />


Drawing frames<br />

Replace drawing frames<br />

Automatic function<br />

A drawing frame is not a element in its own right, but a collection of normal drawing<br />

elements. All these elements are simply added to the current file when you insert a<br />

drawing frame. If a drawing frame is already loaded, the elements of this frame must be<br />

removed before you insert the new drawing frame. This can be done automatically if the<br />

margin settings of the current drawing and the file type of the drawing frame are correct.<br />

Drawing sheet variables and Unit/Field designation will remain, if the new drawing frame<br />

also contains these elements.<br />

Hint's<br />

The margin settings are a basic requirement to remove the<br />

elements of the existing drawing frame. As the drawing frame is<br />

not a element of its own all elements are considered as part of the<br />

drawing frame which are located within the margins. If elements of<br />

the old frame are not removed please check the margin settings!<br />

To copy the margin setting into files without margin settings, use<br />

an ‘empty’ drawing frame (no graphic element at all) with correct<br />

margins. No replacement will happen, only the settings will be<br />

copied to the files.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Manually replace a drawing frame<br />

If you want to replace the drawing frame of one sheet, you only have to load the new<br />

drawing frame using the menu command 'File – Insert drawing macro'. If all the<br />

requirement (margins settings, file type of the drawing frame) are fulfilled the following<br />

will happen in one operation:<br />

472<br />

• The elements of the existing drawing frame are removed<br />

• The new drawing frame is inserted<br />

• Drawing sheet variables and Unit/Field designation will remain, if the new drawing<br />

frame also contains these elements.

Automatic drawing frame replacement<br />

Automatic function<br />

With the menu command 'Automatic funct. – Replace drawing frames' you can<br />

replace the drawing frame in the schematics and control cabinet layout of a complete<br />

project.<br />

Important<br />

It's strongly recommended to make a safety copy of the complete<br />

project. Therefore you'll get a safety dialog every time you use this<br />

command.<br />

First you have to select the new drawing frame using the windows standard dialog. The<br />

file type of this file must be 'drawing frame', therefore files of previous <strong>WSCAD</strong> versions<br />

are not supported. As the replacement process modifies the complete project, all sheets<br />

are analyzed. If any problem is found you will get an information dialog which reports<br />

any problems:<br />

Hint<br />

You should correct the reported problems in every case before<br />

trying to continue the replacement process.<br />

If many problems are reported you can print the list by clicking the 'Print' button. You<br />

can, even if not recommended, ignore the reported problems, but then sheets may be<br />

not replaced, if the format differs, or if there is not enough free drawing memory.<br />

CPP projects<br />

It's necessary for CPP projects that the new drawing frame<br />

contains unit designation (field designation recommended).<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Project data<br />

Project data (first sheet)<br />

This automatic function is started via the menu command Automatic / Project data or<br />

directly from the PM. After the command has been invoked, output the Project data to<br />

a file. The Windows standard dialog will then appear for entering the filename and then<br />

the choice of graphics form. The Project data should contain fundamental information<br />

about the project such as the client and project number etc. as well as technical<br />

information. The following figure shows an example of a Project data.<br />

Automatic Project data in the PM creates several different first pages if additional<br />

sequential forms *.0002, *.0003... are present in the template directory.<br />


Material list<br />

General<br />

Automatic function<br />

With this function you can create a materials list from a complete project (drawing set).<br />

You can also initiate creation of the materials list from the project manager.<br />

Output to Browser<br />

The ‘Output to’ either produces a formatted printout or a <strong>WSCAD</strong> form as well as<br />

various different file types and the Material browser. Each printout is limited using the<br />

other settings.<br />

Type of printout<br />

Separate All the symbols which are selected in the dialog under output elements<br />

are placed in the materials list. One line is generated in the list for each symbol.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Combined All symbols with the same item number or symbol name are combined<br />

and sorted according to symbol name.<br />

Hint<br />

476<br />

The contactor and terminal browser and the Cable Manager which<br />

are intended for the purpose should be used for the item<br />

assignment of contactors, terminals and cables.<br />

Sort according to<br />

The sorting sequence (Sort according to: in the dialog area) can be defined according<br />

to number or manufacturer etc. (all database fields). The sorting functions for<br />

creating the material list have been extended by additional criteria. Until now, sorting<br />

was according to one criterion. Now, several criteria can be linked with AND in order<br />

to make sorting more efficient.<br />

Criteria are: Manufacturer + Items, Manufacturer + Types, Supplier + Items and<br />

Supplier + Types. Sorting is initially executed according to the first named field value<br />

and then according to the second field value.<br />

Output material lists: which symbols are output. The symbols of the circuit diagrams to<br />

be listed are specified in the Output elements area. They are specified by selecting the<br />

relevant symbol type: Standard, Terminals, Contactors, Cables and Plugs.<br />

Filters for the material list via System identification / Location<br />

identification<br />

The transfer of symbols to the material list can be prevented if the symbol name<br />

starts with a particular character. This can be configured in Configuration under Start<br />

characters if the symbol is not on list. The ! at the front of the symbol name is<br />

ignored during the comparison.<br />

Example The following table should explain the possibilities for entries in the field<br />

System identification / Location identification.<br />

Entry Refers to<br />

=System1 All symbols from System 1<br />

=System1;=System2 All symbols from System and System 2<br />

=Sys* All symbols where the symbol identification starts with Sys<br />

=System1+Loc* All symbols from System 1 where the location identification starts

Automatic function<br />

with Loc<br />

=Sys*+Loc? All systems where the identification starts with Sys AND the<br />

location identification starts with Loc and only where the location<br />

identification only has one other character (e.g. Loc1 or Loc9)<br />

+Loc7* All symbols where the location identification starts with Loc7.<br />

-X5? All symbols where the reference (regardless of the SLI) starts<br />

with –X5 and has one other character (e.g. –X<strong>51</strong>, -X56...)<br />

#K2? All symbols with the following resource identification e.g. 1K21,<br />

10K25, 71K23<br />

-#V*;-#M* Linked filter (valves and motors are evaluated)<br />

#K* All symbols where the resource identification has any number of<br />

numerals (0-9) in front of the K<br />

Output elements<br />

Here, you simply select the symbol type which should be used for creating the material<br />

list.<br />

Output option<br />

The option Database is deactivated when you issue item numbers and symbol names<br />

under Symbol parameters which do not come from the item database. When the<br />

database is deactivated, then +Additional components and Additional components zus.<br />

cannot be selected.<br />

When Database is selected, data are transferred from the ACCESS database and then<br />

Replace is switched off automatically. The wildcard for Page/Path is only taken into<br />

consideration with the output Separate. Additional elements (e.g. covers or plug<br />

contacts) can be output when the option +Additional components is activated and the<br />

item is a combi-element.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Material lists with additional items<br />

When the option Database is configured, then the option Additional components zus<br />

can be activated. The additional items which are stored for an item in the database are<br />

then also collected together in a list and no longer assigned to the respective main<br />

components. This option should be activated in order to generate an order list, for<br />

example. But not only the evaluation of the additional components (combi-element)<br />

saved in the item database is evaluated but also the subsequent parameter function in<br />

the relevant symbol on the circuit diagram.<br />


Automatic function<br />

In the dialog, further data can now be entered by either collecting it from the item<br />

database or by entering it direct in the individual lines.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Material list considering Unit and Field<br />

designation<br />

The area Unit and Field designation is needed to create the material lists just for one<br />

or more particular part-areas. This can be done by entering the corresponding<br />

information in the field Unit and Field designation.<br />

Important<br />

480<br />

It is important that a system identification starts with an = and a<br />

location idenfication starts with a +.<br />

You can be very flexible by using wildcards. As well as this, you can enter several<br />

specifications by separating them with a ‘;’. The wildcards ‘*’ (for as many subsequent<br />

characters as you want) and ? and # for exactly one character makes it possible to use a<br />

very flexible specification. Reference names can also be entered selectively e.g. M or<br />

V.<br />

Take into account whether it is upper or lower case.

Material list in form<br />

Automatic function<br />

In the Professional Version, the data are transferred from the database. After clicking<br />

on the Start button, with the option Form->File activated, a <strong>WSCAD</strong> material list is<br />

produced by means of a form. By using wildcards, the material list can be created<br />

flexibly for the output. If there are extra-added database fields in the item database,<br />

then these have to be taken into consideration when creating the form so that they can<br />

be evaluated in the material list.<br />

Material list in file<br />

Select this type of output when you want to create the material list as a <strong>WSCAD</strong> file and<br />

possibly edit it on the screen. Before selecting the graphics form, the Window standard<br />

dialog appears for creating a file and can also be used to define the file name. The first<br />

page of the material list is displayed immediately in a drawing window. Use the Project<br />

Manager to generate lists repeatedly without further pre-settings.<br />

The following list shows the sorting options and the associated wildcards of the graphics<br />

form:<br />

Sorting options Wildcards in the graphics form<br />

Item number type<br />

Part number ptno<br />

Manufacturer manu<br />

Supplier suppl<br />

Type type<br />

Symbol name symbol<br />

Reference name ref<br />

Additional text 1 atxt1<br />

Additional text 2 atxt2<br />

Function text fctext<br />

Page/path path (not with option Combined)<br />

After the internal editing is complete, you still have to define the content of the output<br />

first and then obtain a dialog which lists the available graphics forms.<br />

Important<br />

Only symbols with symbol names and reference names are output.<br />

Material list on printer<br />

If you want the output to be on the drawing printer, a standard dialog will appear as for<br />

the drawing output but with some of the functions of the dialog deactivated.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Material list while using the Project Manager<br />

The material list is best generated for the project which is open via the Project<br />

Manager.<br />


Automatic function<br />

Material list according to Access, Excel, ASCII,<br />

dBASE or UGS or KWP format<br />

The material list can also be written to an ACCESS, EXCEL, ASCII or dBASE<br />

formatted file for further processing. The wholesale format UGS or KWP can also be<br />

used. Which values are output is determined by selecting the corresponding field<br />

values. The file extension is automatically set to MDB, XLS, TXT or 0000.<br />

The field names and field lengths of the item file which is produced correspond to<br />

those of the database currently being used.<br />

In the list on the left, you will see the available output fields. The field which has just<br />

been selected is transferred to your Output at the same time by clicking on the >><br />

button at the top, the

<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Output to UGS<br />

In this case, a file (in the special format) is always created in the current project<br />

directory.<br />

484<br />


Material list in the Compact Version<br />

Automatic function<br />

A symbol list of the character set is output on the printer or written to a file. An output<br />

form is the creation of an ASCII list. Outputting in ASCII is useful for editing with a<br />

word processing program or to file when the printout is to be deposited with a materiallist<br />

form. You can determine the structure of the output list yourself by using forms.<br />

You can produce an output list in which each symbol is listed separately, even with<br />

coordinates. With outputs Combined and Combined+references, sorting is always<br />

according to symbol name, otherwise it can be according to reference.<br />

The text of the header for the ASCII list is transferred from the configuration with<br />

associated text columns. If a column is set to zero, the corresponding value is not<br />

transferred to the list. The values of the text columns determine the sequence within a<br />

line.<br />

Hint<br />

Place the column Add.+References in the configuration far enough<br />

to the right for the values not be overwritten with the symbol<br />

names, particularly when working with the replacement list. The<br />

output is completely suppressed when the column is set to zero.<br />

With coordinates: The output is executed as for Separate but with the coordinate<br />

output (page/path) of the symbols.<br />

Replace: When generating the material list, all symbol names of the drawing are<br />

replaced with text from a foreign data file. This file must be structured as follows. The<br />

symbol name which is to be replaced (possibly without) is the first word of a line but<br />

this must not be positioned at the start of a line. The symbol name must be a word,<br />

i.e. not a space. The replacement text is positioned behind the symbol name to be<br />

replaced in the same line up to but not beyond the line end and, of course, can be made<br />

up of several words (e.g. new symbol name, supplier and company number etc.).<br />

If an existing symbol name cannot be found in the replacement list, it is retained. The<br />

maximum size of a conversion file is 64 kB, which is sufficient for more than 1000<br />

items. You will find an example file for a replacement list (*.ERS) in the <strong>WSCAD</strong><br />

directory or on the installation CD:<br />

CD:\Installed\Projects\<strong>WSCAD</strong> Exampleproject1\Ws_mat1.ERS<br />

Any number of conversion files of this type can be present but only one at a time can<br />

be selected for the generating procedure for producing the material list.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Material browser<br />

General<br />

When starting the Material browser, the following view appears.<br />

Material browser display<br />

The following fields are displayed in the Material browser:<br />

Lock, Number, Symbol(module)names, Item, Manufacturer, Reference name, Page/Path,<br />

Function text, Symbol type, Selection, Designation as well as the Additional texts 1..16 ,<br />

Catalogue of Symbols (when Separate is invoked). The field values which have been<br />

saved can be edited by using the browser. When you change field content, the whole line<br />

is given a coloured background and marked with an *.<br />


Changing items<br />

Automatic function<br />

When you select a field in the Item column, the Assign item button becomes active:<br />

Now press this button and the database selection dialog will open. When you select<br />

an item to which a contact comb is allocated, you will see this in the Preview at the<br />

same time:<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />


Automatic function<br />

You can now allocate a new item to the selected symbol. In order to do so, determine the<br />

new item identification from the selection list by double clicking on the identification or<br />

clicking on OK. Only symbols of the same type can be selected. Once you have selected<br />

the option Combined as the material list dialog, all symbols of the same type will be put<br />

together.<br />

Hint<br />

You can also select as a group and assign identical item numbers to<br />

several symbols.<br />

When you change an item, the line is given a coloured background and marked with an<br />

*. The change is transferred to the diagram by clicking on OK.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />


Contactor online<br />

Automatic function<br />

If the function Contactors on-line in the Material browser are activated, all changed<br />

contactor data such as comb, contact PINs and cross-references are transferred to<br />

the diagrams immediately on leaving the Material browser. If the field is not ticked,<br />

then the following dialog will appear after ending the Material browser. Click on OK<br />

and all changes will be written back to the diagram.<br />

Hint<br />

When this function is executed, the writing back process may take<br />

a little time.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Show destination<br />

If you want to jump directly from the Material browser onto the circuit diagram page<br />

on which, for example, the changed symbol is located, then select the symbol and then<br />

click on Show destination. If several symbol types are combined, the cursor jumps to the<br />

first found (also applies to terminals which are always combined anyway).<br />


Lock module for material list<br />

Automatic function<br />

Mark one or more fields in the Lock column. Then click on the relevant button in order to<br />

change the status. The status can also be changed by double clicking on the relevant<br />

field (terminals are always combined).<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Module name, function texts and additional text<br />

1-16<br />

The relevant fields are activated for the entry by double clicking on them with the mouse.<br />

After correction and ending the dialog with OK, all of the texts are positioned on the<br />

drawing automatically.<br />

Special feature<br />

Additional texts can only be edited providing they already exist before invoking the<br />

Material browser. Additional texts are only displayed when they have been selected<br />

separately when invoking the Material browser. The function text cannot be edited<br />

when the option Combined is activated. Terminals, plugs and cables are always<br />

displayed together.<br />

Symbols on the menu bar are there to assist during editing. Thus, all marked texts are<br />

furnished with an exclamation mark by clicking on Button 1 and are therefore not<br />

visible on the circuit diagram. The action is reversed by clicking on Button 2.<br />

1 2<br />

Buttons 1 to 3 are used for editing the text in the Material browser. Button 1 cuts<br />

text (), Button 2 pastes text () and Button 3 copies text<br />

(). You must click on the relevant field in order to edit it.<br />

494<br />

1 2 3<br />

Exception enter new text:<br />

New texts cannot be entered in “empty” fields.<br />

Positioning changed texts:<br />

The changed texts are placed on the circuit diagram where they were before.

Organisation in the Material browser dialog<br />

Sorting<br />

Automatic function<br />

The visible columns in the dialog can be displayed in different ways. Columns are marked<br />

by clicking on the column header.<br />

The menu symbols become active and you can define the sorting sequence as<br />

ascending or descending alphabetically.<br />

Inserting or hiding columns:<br />

In order to make the dialog easy to see, the individual columns must be hidden or<br />

revealed. In this way, you only show those columns which you really need. Click on the<br />

column header with the right mouse button and a context menu will appear which you<br />

can use to reveal or hide columns individually.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />


Material browser with catalogue<br />

Automatic function<br />

The introduction of the catalogues enables electrical wholesalers’ catalogues to be<br />

read in by means of the data standard in the <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 item database. These<br />

catalogues can be used to assign items to the individual symbols in the Material<br />

browser.<br />

In order to do this, separate fields are displayed in the Material browser which you have<br />

filled in when invoking the item database.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

External Text Source<br />

If you possess data sources, which would not like to merge or be able to import to the<br />

<strong>WSCAD</strong> database, then you have nevertheless access to these information. Typical<br />

example of use is subsequent reading in of measurement records.<br />

If the Material browser is opened you start the procedure with the button Ext. text<br />

source These texts can possess the formats text (* txt), Excel (* xls) or ACCESS (*<br />

mdb).<br />

In the first line of the dialogue you're searching the data source by clicking the button<br />

[...] .<br />


Automatic function<br />

Dependent on the source format attitudes concerning table or fields have to be made.<br />

The option Show all in the source on shows also that one, which already selected you.<br />

They can select in the dialogue individually or several times (Ctrl and/or Shift). If you<br />

selected values, then you pull these with pressed left mouse button into the<br />

Materialbrowser into the field, in which inserting is to take place.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

The values are then transferred to the symbol parameters. From there you can use the<br />

values for Automated lists (e.g. material list).<br />


Connection list<br />

General connection list<br />

Simple connection list<br />

Automatic function<br />

This consists of the different line names or a serial number if the name does not<br />

exist and the reference name with pin number.<br />

The connection list can be started via the menu command Automatic / Connection<br />

list / Simple.<br />

Possible outputs of the simple connection list<br />

The simple connection list only outputs two connection points for each line indicated<br />

(source and destination). After starting the menu option Automatic / Connection list /<br />

Simple in the Professional Version, the Connection list dialog opens. In the Compact<br />

Version, the output on the printer or in text or ASCII list is offered immediately. You<br />

decide on the form the output of the list should take simply be selecting the relevant<br />

option.<br />

Detailed connection list<br />

The text of the header with associated text columns is transferred from the<br />

configuration. If a column is set to zero, the corresponding value is not transferred to<br />

the list. The values of the text columns determine the sequence of the contents of a<br />

line.<br />

This is an ASCII list and consists, per line, of:<br />

serial number, line name, reference name, symbol name, pin number, pin name,<br />

pin type and page number<br />

Hint<br />

In the automatic version, the evaluation via the Project Manager<br />

supplies the connection list.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Reference name connection list<br />

Separate reference connection list<br />

This is an ASCII list in which only the connection list of a single symbol is<br />

produced. Enter a reference name for which the connection list is to be created (e.g.<br />

K4 or even X1). On the list, only those connections are indicated to which all<br />

connections of the chosen symbol are connected. This type is useful, for example, for<br />

plugs and sockets. Unwanted connections or open connections can therefore be easily<br />

recognised. The output format corresponds to the settings in the configuration.<br />

Hint<br />

502<br />

If you are working with SLIs, you must enter the SLI along with<br />

the reference name.<br />

Reference family connection list<br />

The Reference family connection list is an ASCII list. Specify the core name (=<br />

reference name without numbers on the end of the name) for which the connection list<br />

is to be created. With this, by specifying the letter F, for example, it is possible to create<br />

a connection list for all symbols with the resource identification F.<br />

Hint<br />

If you are working with SLIs, you must enter the SLI along with<br />

the core name.

Wiring diagram<br />

Automatic function<br />

With the destination wiring functionality, it is possible to generate a detailed type<br />

of connection list. The wiring diagram now makes it possible to pursue the<br />

destination of connections precisely and allows the interlinked connections to be listed<br />

precisely. The connection list can be started via the menu command Automatic /<br />

Wiring diagram or in the Project Manager.<br />

Possible outputs of the wiring diagram<br />

The wiring diagram outputs a line for each connection (each connection supplies the<br />

line name, source, destination and the connection name, colour and cross<br />

section). In the Compact Version, in the Project Manager, the connection list can be<br />

output on the printer or in an ASCII list. You decide on the form of the output simply<br />

by selecting the relevant option (in this case, e.g. Browser). Output via a form is<br />

achieved by using extended connection list forms.<br />

Sorting<br />

If you want a sorted wiring diagram, then you must select an output via a form or a<br />

database format beforehand. Sorting is carried out via a list field in which you can set the<br />

desired criterion.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Limitation<br />

The display or output of the list can be limited via the option Limitation. In order to do<br />

this, you must enter one or more reference names to be displayed.<br />

Hint<br />

504<br />

Alternatively, the evaluation can be started via the Project<br />

Manager. If you have permanently assigned the connection list in<br />

the Project Manager, then the form which is set there will be used<br />


Wiring diagram browser<br />

Automatic function<br />

The browser provides a quick overview of the connected destinations of the respective<br />

connection lines. Advantage: You do not have to create an output such as a file first in<br />

order to monitor your connections. Sorting and selection (limitation) take place in the<br />

browser, i.e. the connections appear in the browser as they will appear later in an<br />

output file.<br />

Editing fields<br />

The fields Colour, Cross section and Length can be edited by double clicking on the<br />

relevant field and carrying out the desired changes using the keyboard.<br />

Special function<br />

Activate a field in the Source or Destination column in the browser and the Show<br />

button becomes active. After clicking on this button, the cursor jumps to the site of the<br />

connection on the circuit diagram. Even double clicking on a field in these columns<br />

triggers the jump function.<br />

Adapting forms<br />

The wiring diagram operates like other output lists (terminal diagram and material<br />

list etc.) with a graphics form. The corresponding wildcards are available for preparing<br />

the contents. Using the new Form dialog is also very helpful. The following wildcards are<br />

available especially for the wiring diagram:<br />

Wild cards Function<br />

Colour Colour information for the connection<br />

Length Length information for the connection<br />

Sr. no. Serial number<br />

Line name Line name<br />

Source Source of the connection<br />

Source coord Coordinates of the source<br />

Cross section Cross section information of the connection<br />

Connection Connection name<br />

Destination Destination of the connection<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Destcoord Coordinates of the destination<br />


Terminal diagram<br />

Terminal diagram<br />

Automatic function<br />

The Terminal diagram dialog is invoked using the Automatic / Terminal<br />

diagram menu command.<br />

In the Compact and Professional Version, a terminal diagram is written in the<br />

form of output units to a <strong>WSCAD</strong> file (graphical form), a text file (ASCII), DBase ,<br />

Access or Excel file, for one terminal strip or for all terminal strips according to<br />

choice. The terminal diagram with <strong>WSCAD</strong> file is standard for <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 and is<br />

already available in the Compact version. <strong>WSCAD</strong> uses a graphics form which<br />

you can set up yourself with a high level of flexibility as a <strong>WSCAD</strong> drawing. You<br />

yourself decide on what information you would like to see in the terminal diagram<br />

via so-called wildcards. Apart from information such as target information,<br />

line names, pin numbers, function texts and cable information relating to the<br />

terminals, this also includes general information such as the date and filenames.<br />

You will find the exact list of available wildcards in the chapter Form configuration.<br />

The graphical forms can be very easily adapted to your individual needs by using the<br />

wildcards.<br />

Two targets on each connection side (internal/external) per terminal<br />

connection are administered in each case. The two nearest connection points<br />

(seen from left to right, located exactly above the terminal connection, however,<br />

have priority) are labelled as the target by other symbols which are connected to this<br />

terminal connection.<br />

Classification<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

508<br />

• According to coordinates: The terminals are output according to their<br />

position on the circuit diagram, in other words, first from left to right and then<br />

from top to bottom.<br />

• Alphabetical: The terminals are output arranged according to terminal<br />

number. In this case, the sorting algorithm determines how terminal<br />

numbers which are made up of numbers and letters are treated.<br />

• Mixed: The terminals are initially arranged according to terminal number.<br />

Terminal connections which are only provided with letters as the terminal<br />

identification (such as PE) are classified according to the position on the<br />

circuit diagram between the terminals which are arranged according to<br />

number.<br />

• According to levels: The terminals are output arranged according to their<br />

levels.<br />

• According to terminal position number (TPN): Sorting according to the<br />

terminal position number produces an arrangement of multi-stage terminal<br />

connections according to their position within the multi-stage terminal.<br />

• Taking into account the manual sequence: In the Terminal browser,<br />

you can determine any sequence for the terminal output which can vary from<br />

all standard arrangements.<br />

• Determining the output unit: In the selection field Output unit, you can<br />

determine the target for the output. The points, Printer, <strong>WSCAD</strong>, ASCII ,<br />

DBASE , ACCESS and EXCEL, however, are only available in the<br />

Professional version.<br />

After activating the menu command of the output unit, you will need to press the<br />

desired button 1 Terminal strip or All terminal strips in the dialog. Now, in the<br />

dialog File, enter the filename of the new terminal diagram being created and<br />

then in the next dialog File, select the desired terminal form which is to be used as

Automatic function<br />

the basis for the output. This is necessary in order to define the values to be output.<br />

Work as for the days of <strong>WSCAD</strong> for Windows Version 4.3<br />

If you want to use the conventional terminal diagram, then you will have to make<br />

the following adjustment. Terminal diagram compatible with V 4.3<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

1 Terminal strip<br />

On request, you must click on a terminal connection from the desired terminal strip. Then<br />

you have to select the output device.<br />

On file you must decide the filename for the new terminal diagram.<br />


Automatic function<br />

Then select the appropriate form in a dialog. This form is filled with the information from the circuit<br />

diagram and printed out or displayed on the screen.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />


All Terminal strips<br />

Automatic function<br />

Here, there is no need to enter a name. All the symbols from the symbol type, Terminal,<br />

(i.e. whatever the reference name) are edited. Then you have to select the output device.<br />

On file you must decide the filename for the new terminal diagram.<br />

• First, decide on the first filename of the first new terminal diagram.<br />

• Then select the appropriate form in a dialog. This form is filled with the<br />

information from the circuit diagram and printed out or displayed on the<br />

screen.<br />

• With the vast majority of forms, a separate new terminal diagram is<br />

generated for each terminal strip. However, there is also the option of<br />

outputting all terminal strips directly one after the other by using the<br />

wildcard kbezM.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Terminal browser<br />

Terminal browser interface<br />

The terminal browser starts with a generation process which goes through all the<br />

circuit diagram pages so that all the terminal connections for the selected terminal<br />

strips can be shown on the screen. During this process, you will only see the terminal<br />

strips which have a reference name.<br />

The terminal strips without a reference name can also be displayed by an INI switch<br />

Showallterminalstrips=1 in the [Config terminal cable] column in the WS_PRJ<strong>51</strong>.INI<br />

file.<br />

Left side in the terminal browser<br />

On the left in terminal browser, you will see all the terminal strips of the project<br />

listed in the selection field. The register cards at the bottom left (All, System, Site)<br />

allow the terminals to be sorted in KTP mode. If this mode has been used, you will be<br />

able to select the terminal strips to be evaluated by clicking with the left mouse button<br />

(single selection), holding down the key + left mouse button (multi selection)<br />

or holding down the key + left mouse button (range selection). The function<br />

key + A allows all terminal strips to be selected immediately.<br />

Top centre in the terminal browser<br />

The function buttons are arranged at the top centre of the terminal browser. The Item<br />

button is only visible in the Professional version and is only active once you have<br />

clicked on the Item field.<br />

Right side in the terminal browser<br />

On the right in the terminal browser, the individual terminal connections are listed in<br />

a table. You can, of course, display as many terminal strips as you like by clicking other<br />

terminal strips in the left selection field. The display is updated.<br />

Column arrangement<br />


Automatic function<br />

The columns in this table can be included in or excluded from the display by clicking on<br />

the column heading you want to exclude, for example, with the right mouse button or by<br />

clicking wherever you want to insert another column. Select the corresponding Context<br />

menu.<br />

The columns in this table can also be shifted into position by clicking on the column<br />

heading to be shifted with the left mouse button and holding it down. Now move the<br />

mouse pointer to the place in the table where you want to reposition the column. The<br />

current position will be indicated by a small white triangle.<br />

Outer right<br />

Register cards which sort terminal connections in the respective manner are located on<br />

the right.<br />

According to coordinates: The terminals are output according to the position on the<br />

circuit diagram.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Alphabetical: The terminals are output arranged according to terminal number. In this<br />

case, the sorting algorithm determines how terminal numbers which are made up of<br />

numbers and letters are treated.<br />

Mixed: The terminals are initially sorted according to terminal number. Terminal<br />

connections which are only provided with letters for the terminal identification (such<br />

as PE) are classified according to the position on the circuit diagram between the<br />

terminals which are arranged according to number.<br />


Automatic function<br />

Level: Sorts multi-stage terminals according to the available connection levels.<br />

These are recorded and administered in a separate Level column.<br />

TPN: Sorts multi-stage terminals according to the Terminal Position Number<br />

(TPN). These are recorded and administered in a separate TPN column.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Bottom left<br />

Register cards are located here for displaying the terminal strips in regard to the<br />

system location designation (SLD).<br />

All<br />

Lists all the terminal strips of the project.<br />

System<br />

Lists all the system designations with the respective terminal strips.<br />


Field<br />

Lists all the location designations with the respective terminal strips.<br />

Test button<br />

Automatic function<br />

Monitors the terminal strips as to whether a multi-stage terminal which has a double<br />

TPN (Terminal Position Number) is positioned within the terminal strip. Monitoring<br />

takes place automatically every time the browser is invoked.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Generating a terminal diagram from the browser<br />

The Output button uses a graphics form in which the terminal diagram is output. If you want to<br />

output all the values in the table, then you must use a form which has all the necessary wildcards.<br />

First, you must specify the filename of the terminal diagram. If you put in a file type, then a file<br />

of this type is produced with the values from the form.<br />

Then enter the form which is to be used as the basis for a template.<br />


The terminal diagram is then produced in the background.<br />

Output in other formats<br />

If, for example, you set to Access, then you must enter the target database.<br />

Automatic function<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Numbering terminal browser<br />

The individual terminal strips can be numbered manually. You can also renumber all terminal strips.<br />

Specify the desired terminal number in the Number field for the first terminal connection by<br />

marking the Terminal connection field in the Number column and entering the start value there.<br />

The value is saved by pressing Return and the next field in the Number column then becomes<br />

active. With this, it is also possible to number the terminals manually. If this is not what you want,<br />

cancel with .<br />

Select the other terminal connections. You can select the terminal connections by clicking with<br />

the left mouse button (for selecting a single terminal connection), holding down the key +<br />

left mouse button (for selecting several terminal connections), holding down the key +<br />

left mouse button (for selecting a range) or by clicking on the column header to mark all the<br />

terminal connections and the type of numbering has to be determined:<br />


Automatic function<br />

• Continuous also includes terminals such as N and PE internally in the count and increases<br />

the next terminal number by these terminals which have been included in the count.<br />

However, N and PE are not overwritten.<br />

• Overwrite all overwrites all existing texts in the Number field section (including N and<br />

PE).<br />

• By pressing the Number button, the marked terminals are counted up from this start<br />

number.<br />

E.g. Index 1 is changed to 10 by using the Continuous option<br />

Result: Terminals which have been changed are marked darker yellow in the individual list and the<br />

terminal strip which has been changed is marked red in the tree on the left.<br />

Confirm with OK and the terminal numbers in the terminal diagram are now changed.<br />

The Overwrite all option also replaces terminal numbers such as N and PE terminal numbers with<br />

continuous numbers. Caution: no way back.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Manual sequence terminal browser<br />

The sequence of terminal connections displayed can be changed manually by marking the<br />

Terminal connection field in the Sequence column and entering the position value there. The<br />

value is saved by pressing Return and the next field in the Sequence column then becomes active.<br />

This does not affect the terminal number.<br />

Note the option Take into account manual sequence. This option must be activated if the<br />

Sequence column is not to be disregarded on the display. In the example, you will see that<br />

Terminal 14 is displayed at Position 14. This function can be used to set up the terminal<br />

diagram.<br />

Special function<br />

This function can be used especially for PE and N (text in general) by entering, for example, #PE in<br />

the sequence field and then the terminal connection so labelled is automatically placed behind the last<br />

PE terminal.<br />


Output medium and output sequence<br />

The target for the output can be determined in the selection field Output unit.<br />

In the Compact version, <strong>WSCAD</strong> and Printer only.<br />

Automatic function<br />

After the menu command for the output unit has been activated, the filename of the new<br />

terminal diagram being created must be entered in the File dialog and then the desired terminal<br />

form which is to be used as the basis for the output selected in the next File dialog. This is necessary<br />

in order to define the values and the position on the graphics to be output. The sequence of the<br />

terminals output can be predetermined using the option Take into account manual sequence.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Allocating item numbers in the terminal browser<br />

Click on a field for a terminal connection in the terminal browser. Press the button Allocate<br />

part and then the database selection starts. You can select the terminal connections by clicking<br />

with the left mouse button (for selecting a single terminal connection), holding down the key<br />

+ left mouse button (for selecting several terminal connections), holding down the key<br />

+ left mouse button (for selecting a range) or by clicking on the column header to mark all the<br />

terminal connections.<br />

Now look for the appropriate item and confirm with OK. The item will then be saved to all the marked<br />

terminal connections. Terminal connections which have been changed will be marked in darker<br />

yellow. Press on OK and all the changes in the diagram will be saved. If you now click on the relevant<br />

terminal in the diagram with the right mouse button, the parameter field will open with the changed<br />

item number.<br />


Function text in the terminal browser<br />

Automatic function<br />

Switch into the relevant field in the Function text column in the Terminal browser and activate<br />

the entry with a double click. Now enter the desired function text. In this case, for example,<br />

Controller. This function text is now assigned to this terminal pin as a visible function text.<br />

Alternatively<br />

You can also assign a function text directly to each terminal. The parameter menu for the relevant<br />

terminal is opened by clicking on the terminal in the circuit diagram with the right mouse button. You<br />

can also edit the function text there.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Show button in the terminal browser<br />

The Show button makes it possible to navigate precisely to the terminal on the diagram which is<br />

displayed in the terminal browser, even in complex projects, by marking any field from the desired<br />

terminal with a click of the left mouse button.<br />

Mark Line 1-column / internal target and after confirming with the Show button, the cursor<br />

jumps to the selected Terminal. In the reverse direction, click on a terminal with the right mouse<br />

button, the Parameter menu opens, select Browser and, likewise, you will find yourself in the<br />

Terminal browser table with complete listed terminal strip for the current terminal.<br />

The cursor is positioned at the selected terminal.<br />


Multi-stage in the terminal browser<br />

Automatic function<br />

If there are multi-stage terminals (these cannot be resolved into individual terminals) on the<br />

circuit diagram, these will be displayed immediately in the Index column with a special mark. The<br />

main connection for this terminal is marked in red. Make sure that the Level column is included.<br />

All the functions described (numbering, item number and sequence etc.) can likewise be<br />

executed here as shown above. Since the multi-stage terminal is only available once as a<br />

component, you can issue an identical number. The levels provide the differentiation in the spatial<br />

connection assignment.<br />

Defining the multi-stage terminal<br />

If you want to generate multi-stage terminals from standard terminals afterwards, this can be<br />

done here in the terminal browser. The symbols on the circuit diagram are unaffected and the<br />

assignment is carried out via the database only.<br />

If, for example, you wish to generate a five-fold multi-stage terminal, then simply select the 5<br />

associated connections on a terminal strip.<br />

Now press the Define button in the Multi-stage terminal section of the browser and then the<br />

terminals will be assembled.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

If a number between - and 5 is set in the selection field, in the case of -, all marked terminals are<br />

added to one multi-stage terminal. If, for example, 3 is selected, then the marked terminals are added<br />

to the 3 rd multi-stage terminal.<br />

Pin name and number of the terminal<br />

Now change how the numbers and the names can be written back in the diagram by using the<br />

automatic numbering modes. Note the Same number option in the terminal browser dialog. This<br />

is used to impose an identical number for all the connections of a multi-stage terminal.<br />

Item number<br />

Specify an item number for the main connection from the item administration window (marked in<br />

red). The other connections are given the identical item number automatically. However, only the<br />

main connection entry is used in the material list.<br />

Changing a multi-stage terminal into separate terminals<br />

If, for example, you wish to resolve a five-fold multi-stage terminal into separate terminals again, then<br />

simply select the 5 associated connections on a terminal strip.<br />


Automatic function<br />

Now press the Delete button in the Multi-stage terminal section of the browser and the Multistage<br />

terminal is then resolved into separate terminals again.<br />

Levels<br />

The levels determine the spatial assignment and can also be used as a separate view in the general<br />

sorting window. Example of the possible uses of a multi-stage terminal.<br />

When you have several multi-stage terminals on a terminal strip, you can control the numbering using<br />

Sort display to produce the desired result on the terminal diagram.<br />

TPN (Terminal Position Number). By using the Level register card, the same levels are assembled<br />

within the terminal strip and by using the TPN (Terminal Position Number) it is possible see which<br />

terminal this connection physically belongs to.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Now, with the numbering changed.<br />


Fields in the terminal browser<br />

Automatic function<br />

The fields in the Terminal browser can be adjusted. A lot of information can be seen at a glance<br />

and you can arrange how it is presented yourself. Click on the column header with the right mouse<br />

button and you will obtain an overview of the fields which are not yet displayed. Select the desired<br />

field and move this into position on the grid.<br />

The fields are primarily for the function texts for the units and cables connected to the terminals,<br />

divided up according to whether they are internal or external. If, for example, you use the target<br />

wiring, then ….<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Terminal destination<br />

The Button Terminal destination makes it possible to exchange the internal and the<br />

external side of the terminal. This is indicated in Terminal Browser. Mark any field of<br />

the desired terminal with one click to the left mouse button. If you click on the button,<br />

then the internal and external targets are exchanged.<br />


Set Color<br />

Automatic function<br />

If you liked a coloured distinction (e.g. potentials) visible in the Browser , then you select<br />

the button Set color to adjust.<br />

The dialogue show all pin numbers and pin names of the selected terminal, the colors<br />

actual colors will be shown. The yellowish dye is standard. If you select now a text (or<br />

several by means of Ctrl key) and select Modify background colour , then you can<br />

choose the new background colour for the selected texts from the color chart. Mide the<br />

button Modify text color.<br />

The changes become immediately visible in the dialogue. With Remove color you delete<br />

the attitudes for the selected texts again.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

If they terminate the dialogue with OK , all texts become L1, L2, L3 coloured accordingly<br />

represented.<br />


Connector chart<br />

General Connector chart<br />

Automatic function<br />

The Connector chart is the evaluation of the plugs and sockets which exist in the<br />

project. The forms for the evaluation can be organised without restriction. By using<br />

wildcards, the values can be selectively entered in the lists which are required for the<br />

documentation. The evaluation is carried out using the menu option Automatic /<br />

Connector chart. This menu option invokes a dialog in which the output of the<br />

Connector chart can be determined. In this, click on Selection and all the plugs in the<br />

current project will be listed.<br />

• With the 1 Plug button, you are requested to select the relevant plug on the page<br />

for which the plug diagram is to be created.<br />

• All plugs selects all the plugs in the project.<br />

• Selection displays all the plugs found in the project (selection is made by clicking<br />

with the mouse)<br />

• The plug diagram can then be output via a form, into a file or on the printer.<br />

For this, you must always select the form to be used from a dialog.<br />

Example Connector chart<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Cable<br />

Cable list<br />

In the Professional Version, Cable list is used to produce a list of all the cables in<br />

the project. If the cable list is to be output to a file, you can sort according to the<br />

following criteria.<br />

Search for the relevant destination file. When you select a file, then you must first<br />

specify the filename and then the form.<br />


Cable chart<br />

Automatic function<br />

The Cable chart is a diagram in which all the individual cores are available together<br />

with additional information about the connected components. The prerequisite for this is<br />

that the cable core type symbols are used as a cable presentation, since the cable line<br />

contains no information about the numbering of the cores.<br />

The Cable chart contains various pieces of information about the individual cores and<br />

the components connected to them. The graphics form allows the cable diagram to be<br />

arranged flexibly.<br />

First specify the output unit.<br />

Select the option File if you want to create the material list as a <strong>WSCAD</strong> file in a predefined<br />

form and possibly edit it on the screen. The first page of the cable diagram is<br />

displayed immediately in a drawing window.<br />

If you select printer, the output will be fed directly to the drawing printer. A standard<br />

dialog will then appear for the drawing output but certain parameters will be locked.<br />

Evaluating the cable shield on the cable diagram<br />

Via the menu option Automatic – Cable – Cable chart – 1 Cable, a cable diagram can<br />

be produced according to the form specifications for a selected cable. Alternatively, the<br />

Cable chart can be generated directly from the Project Manager. After clicking on the<br />

command, you must select the cable for which the diagram is to be produced by clicking<br />

on a crossover point between the cable line and the connection line.<br />

In the menu which now opens, select File<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

After selection, a file dialog opens in which you can enter the name of the cable<br />

diagram.<br />

After issuing the filename with the OK button, you must specify the form which is<br />

needed as the template for creating the cable diagram.<br />


Automatic function<br />

This is specified by selection and then clicking on the OK button. A cable diagram is<br />

then created.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Option: 1 Cable<br />

The cable chart is created for 1 cable. Specify the cable by selecting a core of the<br />

cable with the mouse. The automatic system searches the entire project for the<br />

associated cores. Specify the output unit and then select the desired graphics form from<br />

a dialog. This will be filled in with the information from the circuit diagram.<br />


Option: All cables<br />

Automatic function<br />

The cable diagram is produced for all cables in the project. Specify the output<br />

unit and then select a suitable graphics form from a dialog. This is then output on the<br />

printer or displayed on the screen.<br />

A new page is produced for each cable.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Summary<br />

Summary specification<br />

Formerly, the Summary specification took the information from variables which were<br />

located on the pages of the circuit diagram. By using the Project Manager, the<br />

Summary specification can be created for an entire project, even though the individual<br />

output lists have different filenames. So that existing projects and forms can continue<br />

to be evaluated, there are two separate invocations in the Main menu 2.<br />


Automatic function<br />

Summary from information from Project Manager<br />

The information relating to the page is entered within Project Manager and saved in the<br />

database.<br />

In the project <strong>WSCAD</strong> EXAMPLE PROJECT 1, the text SUPPLY is indicated as the file<br />

content.<br />

The menu option Tools / Overall evaluation / Option content specification in the<br />

Project Manager starts the setting up of content specification in the new style. At the<br />

same time, the file name, the file content and the date are transferred to the content<br />

specification via wildcards.<br />

The content specification can also be generated by clicking on the Content<br />

specification folder with the right mouse button and then clicking on the context menu<br />

option Generate with the left mouse button.<br />

Evaluation can equally be carried out via the menu option from information from the<br />

Project Manager in the main menu (see above).<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Tip<br />

546<br />

The text from the File content field can also be transformed to the<br />

diagram pages via wildcards by extending the desired drawing<br />

frame and the Form content specification using the Form dialog.

Summary with the variables<br />

Automatic function<br />

The command in the main menu Automatic / Content specification /<br />

Consisting of variables from all diagram pages prepares the content specification in<br />

the conventional style by using the variables.<br />

The Overall evaluation of the new Project Manager can be converted to the previous<br />

mode by means of the option Content specification consisting of variables from all<br />

diagram pages. You set up a list (overview) which contains certain information<br />

(variables) from each page of the circuit diagram. Use, for example, the variable 6 to<br />

briefly name the function of each circuit diagram page. Enter the function text on each<br />

page via the Variable command. In this example, the variable (6) must be the same on<br />

each page but the position and size of the text can be selected according to your<br />

requirements.<br />

In the next dialog, you can either work with a graphics form (Professional Version only)<br />

or specify which variable should be used for the content specification.<br />

When you select the option Activate graph. form, you do not need to select any of the<br />

variables offered. Rather, the output takes place in a graphics form. Consequently, the<br />

wildcards in the form concerned determine the information of the content specification.<br />

The content specification in a form can be in several columns (up to 4). The columns can<br />

be assigned page numbers (always the three-place name extension) as well as the<br />

variables 0 to 9 beforehand as variable wildcards (# as the first character).<br />

Important<br />

Tip<br />

The graphics form must use old wildcards. The new forms of<br />

<strong>WSCAD</strong> Version 5 have no such wildcards. The multi-column output<br />

can also be controlled via the configuration so that approximately<br />

the same number of lines is output in each column.<br />

It is essential that you avoid using Automatic to edit a variable<br />

which you are using for the content specification. Otherwise the<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

548<br />

text of the variables on all the pages will be overwritten by the text<br />

of the variables of the drawing which is loaded. This process<br />

cannot be reversed with UNDO.

Modification list<br />

Modification list<br />

Automatic function<br />

The Modification list can be started with the menu option Automatic / Change list or<br />

directly from the Project Manager. The Modification list is based on the<br />

management of change states as the Project Manager makes them available. There,<br />

specify the change states and enter the associated information which is then output in<br />

the Modification list.<br />

After invoking the command, the Windows standard dialog will appear for entering the<br />

filename and then the choice of graphics form.<br />

Hint<br />

At least 1 page is output for each change state and no more than<br />

15 change states can be managed.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Reference list<br />

Reference list<br />

The reference list shows you all the connections between the individual unit with the<br />

information reference name, pin number, pin name and function texts. You can see<br />

exactly which connections are connected together. At the same time, the individual<br />

connection are continuously counted up. The filter possibilities for the different SLI<br />

scenarios appear in the dialog for activating the reference list.<br />

550<br />

• The output can be to printer or file, via a <strong>WSCAD</strong> form in each case, and to<br />

Access, Excel and ASCII.<br />

• The output can be sorted in the sequence System, Location, Reference or<br />

Location, System, Reference.<br />

• The output is restricted in the entry line with the complete system identification or<br />

location identification.<br />

• Determine whether the output should be executed with terminals and/or<br />

plugs.<br />

• The output is started with the OK button.<br />


Automatic function<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Labels<br />

Labels in general<br />

When outputting the labels (resource labels, terminal labels and cable labels) via the<br />

menu command Automatic / Labels / Resources, the following dialog will appear, for<br />

example.<br />

Via this dialog, you can either start the label output immediately, select another printer<br />

or switch directly into the label configuration.<br />

Hint<br />

552<br />

This also applies to the cable and terminal labels.<br />

If the option In file has been set, the list of the supported output formats is activated.<br />

The output can also be to Microsoft Office Products ACCESS and EXCEL. In each case,<br />

you will produce a file in original format which can be processed further using the usual<br />

software products. Next, you must specify the name and directory for this file in the<br />

Windows standard dialog. Switch into the configuration dialog in which the format for the<br />

output is configured via the Label configuration button.

Symbol editor<br />

General information<br />

General<br />

This chapter describes:<br />

• How a component is created or modified.<br />

• How to graphically display the component library.<br />

• How to create a new button for a library toolbar<br />

When you select 'Symbol editor' you can create a new component or modify an existing<br />

one. Using 'Select objects' you can copy parts of your drawing (components and simple<br />

graphics) into the symbol editor. You can copy imported DXF symbols into the symbol<br />

editor.<br />

After starting the Symbol editor you will see that it has its own menu<br />

Please check the grid settings before you start creation of a new symbol. The menu gives<br />

you quick access to the symbol editor specific commands. Within the symbol editor only<br />

one drawing window can be used. If you have several windows opened in the current<br />

drawing, these will be hidden and re-activated when you quit the symbol editor. The<br />

library toolbars remain visible, but cannot be used. Buttons in drawing toolbars bars may<br />

become inactive, depending on the command.<br />

Note<br />

You can only exit the symbol editor with the command 'Exit'! The<br />

standard windows icon at the right top corner for closing the editor<br />

is intentionally disabled<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Background and grid colors<br />

The background and grid colors can be set independently of the general settings under<br />

‘Settings – Colors’ in the main menu. The advantage is that when you "record" symbols<br />

to library toolbar buttons you can use different colors for the background and grid.<br />


Summary<br />

Symbol editor<br />

The following summary shows a brief list of what has to be done to create or modify a<br />

symbol.<br />

If you wish to modify an existing symbol<br />

• Switch on the snap grid with F5<br />

• Activate the library in which the desired symbol is saved.<br />

• Bring the symbol to the screen using Delete+Load.<br />

• Delete previous parts of the symbol and draw new ones.<br />

• If necessary, delete pins and re-set them with type, shape and direction.<br />

• Enter pin numbers and/or pin names.<br />

• If necessary, change symbol name and possibly the reference name<br />

Activate another library if the symbol is not to be saved in the same<br />

library.<br />

In the library, select Save component, specify the suspension point and the symbol<br />

will be saved. In order to check, use Delete+Load or even Paste (for direct comparison)<br />

to bring the symbol back to the screen.<br />

If you wish to create a new symbol<br />

Note<br />

• Adjust the grid range under Options (optimum, 2.50 mm or 0.1 inch).<br />

• Enter number/cabinet (select no more than 1).<br />

• Select symbol type.<br />

• Create shape of symbol. Switch between snap grid and ortho using Keys F5 and<br />

F6 as needed. Bear in mind that the pins must be arranged inside a grid area.<br />

• Set the pins with the shape (point), type and direction. The snap grid is<br />

automatically switched on. Specify the pin number and possibly switch off Auto for<br />

better positioning. You can also specify the pin name and make it invisible (! as<br />

the first character).<br />

• Enter the symbol name (usually invisible).<br />

• Enter the reference name. The position and correct text alignment is important<br />

(may be placed left of the symbol).<br />

• Activate the library (if the correct one is not already selected) or create a new<br />

one.<br />

• Select Save component and after specifying the suspension point, the<br />

component is saved.<br />

• Load again with Library – Delete+Load in order to check.<br />

A detailed example of symbol creation is described in the practice<br />

example of the Installation and Practice Manual and you should at<br />

any rate read the entire example.<br />

Special features of the terminal symbol<br />

When creating a terminal, some special features must be taken into consideration<br />

because of the additional information for the automatic functions (Terminal destination<br />

direction and Numbering location).<br />

• In the symbol editor, first enter 1 for Number / Cabinet.<br />

• Select symbol type Terminal.<br />

• Allocate Draw body, Symbol name and Reference name.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Note<br />

556<br />

• Set pins: Each terminal must have at least 2 connections (or better: 2 + bridge<br />

pins). Set passive pins in point form on top of one another. A terminal can also<br />

have more pins (multi-storey terminals) but must be one symbol. Only one<br />

number is allocated to each terminal when numbering, regardless of the number<br />

of pins.<br />

• The pin orientation is set manually (e.g. right) not automatically. In so doing,<br />

you also immediately specify the orientation of the pin numbers created during<br />

automatic terminal numbering.<br />

The pin orientation during automatic numbering is altered<br />

according to the configuration.<br />

Allocate all pin numbers – the automatic positioning should be switched off.<br />

Position the pin numbers to how they should appear later during auto-numbering.<br />

Next, delete all pin numbers again (not with the space bar but with the backspace key).<br />

You have now allocated the positions for the automatic numbering.<br />

The pin name is used to label the internal side of the terminal (terminal destination).<br />

Likewise, allocate all pin numbers because of the position determination. Delete the pin<br />

names again at all pins of the outer side. What you enter as the pin name is not<br />

important, a full stop (.) is usually used. With multi-storey terminals, it is useful to use +<br />

or - to distinguish between different pin names.<br />

Draw another pin using the point shape and of the type bridge. e.g. in the centre of<br />

the terminal. The pin must only be used for the bridge connections of terminals. The<br />

bridge pins can be connected in the drawing by means of a continuous line – coordinate<br />

points are not necessary.<br />

Save the component in the library.

Exit Symbol editor<br />

Symbol editor<br />

The Exit command is the only command that will abort the symbol editor. When the<br />

command is selected, you are prompted with the safety request 'Release editor'. You<br />

have to answer the safety request prompt with a 'YES' to dismiss the editor. This should<br />

act as a reminder if you have forgotten to save a component.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Libraries<br />

General<br />

The 'Library' command opens the 'Library' menu. Using the menu you can add<br />

components to a library, create a new one, and transfer parts between two libraries. A<br />

library can store several components, the maximum size of a library file is the drawing<br />

memory size.<br />


New library<br />

Symbol editor<br />

The 'New library' command is used to create a new component library. After selecting<br />

the command you are prompted to enter the Name of the new library (without<br />

extension). The name must have a maximum of 8 letters and the name extension<br />

'.BIB' is attached automatically.<br />

You can create as many libraries as you need.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Control cabinet libraries<br />

If the option 'Control cabinet libraries' is set, the directory for the control cabinet<br />

libraries is used instead of the directory of the IEC 40719 symbol libraries<br />


Content<br />

Symbol editor<br />

The 'Content' command allows you to output the component names, of all components<br />

in the active library, either directly to a printer or to a file. A semi-automatic graphical<br />

display of the library contents is possible using the 'Output library' command.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Change symbol size<br />

Multiple use of this command can produce rounding errors. The 'Change symbol size'<br />

command is used to modify the size of all components in the active library.<br />

When the command is selected, three choices are displayed in the 'Factor' menu:<br />

If 'Input' is selected you are prompted to 'Input the scale (0.5 to 2.0)'. This capability<br />

can be useful if you change the grid spacing being used to create drawings.<br />


562<br />

Care should be taken when using this command as it modifies the<br />

size of ALL the components in a library. A better approach may be<br />

to copy the components to a new library prior to changing the size.

IEC 61346 libraries<br />

Symbol editor<br />

If the option IEC 61346 libraries is set, the directory for the IEC 61346 is used<br />

instead of the directory of the IEC 40719 libraries.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

IEC 40719-libraries<br />

If the option IEC 40719 libraries is set, the directory for the IEC40719 symbol<br />

libraries is used.<br />


Pin<br />

Place pin<br />

Symbol editor<br />

This command generates a new connection point. The grid function is always<br />

switched on for this. The shape, type and orientation still have to be selected. A<br />

dialog is provided to assist in the settings for the connection pins that you wish to<br />

place on the symbol body.<br />

This dialog appears when the option Aids for the electronics is switched under<br />

Parameters / General / Compatibility tab.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />


Pin type<br />

The type of connection is only important for generating lists.<br />

Symbol editor<br />

• Type Bridges for the terminals of the main PLC and auxiliary element channels<br />

• Type PASSIV for PLC connections, contactor and standard symbol<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Pin form<br />

The shape of the connection is mainly for visual purposes. Where possible, always use<br />

the point pin shape. This type of pin is represented by a short line on the screen but is<br />

not output on the printer.<br />


Pin direction<br />

Symbol editor<br />

The direction of a pin can be specified manually or determined automatically. The<br />

envelope of the symbol is formed internally for the automatic determination. The<br />

automatic pin orientation is determined by the outer edge of the envelope at which<br />

the pin is positioned, i.e. a pin on the outside right is assigned the pin direction– right.<br />

Note<br />

The pin orientation also determines the text direction for the pin<br />

number and pin name.<br />

Normally, the pin numbers and pin names are aligned the same<br />

way. However, if the pin orientation is automatically recognised as<br />

top or bottom, the pin number is vertical but the pin name is<br />

horizontal. This property is used for auxiliary contacts arranged at<br />

the side.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Size of pin number and pin name<br />

This text size can be specified for each pin of a symbol. This normally takes place in<br />

the symbol editor with setting the connection points but can also take place later via the<br />

menu command Change / Symbol / Connections. The 4 available sizes correspond to<br />

the first 4 size classifications of the Gen. text.<br />

Note<br />

570<br />

The specification for the size always relates to the pin number and<br />

the pin name of the connection point concerned to the same extent.

Move pin<br />

Symbol editor<br />

An individual pin can be moved with its pin number and pin name. First release the<br />

grid lock so that pins which do not lie precisely on the grid can also be selected.<br />

However, always reactivate the grid for positioning.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Delete pin<br />

This command removes a connection with number and name. The grid lock is<br />

released at the same time so that the grid can be switched off if necessary.<br />


Enter pin name<br />

Symbol editor<br />

The pin name can be up to 10 characters long. Using an ! as the first character<br />

makes the pin name invisible. After entering a name, you can position the pin name<br />

providing the Auto switch is not active. The cursor automatically switches to the next<br />

pin. In the symbol editor, an invisible pin name is visible in any case.<br />

Note<br />

A connection must have a pin name and/or pin number, otherwise<br />

it will not be included by the list generator.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Enter pin number<br />

The pin number can be up to 6 characters long and does not have to consist solely of<br />

numbers. After entering a number, you can position it providing the Auto switch is not<br />

active. The cursor automatically then switches to the next pin. For this reason, the<br />

numbers can be entered very quickly without frequently having to reposition them. The<br />

option Auto (avoid using if possible) applies to all pins.<br />

574<br />

It is not possible to position one pin manually and another<br />

automatically.<br />

The orientation of the text is determined by the pin orientation which has been set<br />

(except for auto pin orientation, where the text orientation is determined by the<br />

position of the pin number relative to the pin).

Editing pins (connections)<br />

Symbol editor<br />

The pins of a symbol represent the electrical connection points of a symbol. Electrical<br />

connections are then only recognised as such when the connection line is connected to<br />

a pin exactly. Up to 2 parameters can be assigned to each of these pins – the pin<br />

number and pin name.<br />

Important<br />

However, the pins cannot be placed until the symbol body has been<br />

created.<br />

Some special features<br />

The connection is important for the list generator (terminal diagram and connection<br />

list). For the list generator, the pin number has a higher priority than the pin name.<br />

A pin name can be made invisible by using an ! as the first character. An invisible<br />

name is visible in the symbol editor in any case but a pin number is always visible.<br />

Give each pin a pin number or a pin name. The list generator cannot<br />

process a pin without a pin number or a pin name and it will not<br />

appear on the terminal diagram.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Symbols<br />

New symbol<br />

If you click on the menu option Body / New symbol, the contents of the Symbol<br />

editor will be deleted and the Parameters will be set to zero.<br />


Characteristics of a component<br />

Symbol editor<br />

A component is not just a simple collection of graphic entities and text. <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5<br />

provides several automatic functions. To take advantage of these automatic functions,<br />

components consist of the following parts:<br />

Element Function<br />

Component graphic determines visual shape or form of the component<br />

Pins determines the component connection points<br />

Component name name in the library<br />

Component type determines the automatic functions available to the component<br />

Reference name for numbering<br />

n addition certain texts (text allocators) have special functions, e.g. to determine the<br />

position of cross references.<br />

When creating a new component you should follow this sequence:<br />

Note<br />

1. Quantity/Enclosure enter (mostly 1)<br />

2. Select component type<br />

3. Draw component graphics<br />

4. Place pins and pin numbers/names<br />

5. Enter component name<br />

6. Enter Reference name<br />

The maximum pin qty. is 255, the maximum component size is 32<br />

kB.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Create symbol body<br />

All elements which are created using this menu option determine the shape and<br />

appearance of the symbol.<br />

Switch off the grid function when creating small elements (function key ). However,<br />

bear in mind that the connection points (pins) must always be located inside the snap<br />

grid. The grid size of 0.1 inch or 2.50 mm is a good value and most libraries are set to<br />

this grid size. You can then take advantage of the automatic sizing feature if you really<br />

have to work in another grid size.<br />

The drawing possibilities largely correspond to those of freehand drawing.<br />

UNDO and REDO memory are deleted with the selection ALL, by selecting the menu<br />

option Pins, Symbol name, Reference name and Change size and in the Library<br />

menu in the case of Delete+Load and Load component.<br />

Note<br />

578<br />

Make sure that your connection pins are always drawn with the grid<br />

switched on (F5).

Edit symbol parameters<br />

Symbol editor<br />

The Parameter dialog is started after invoking the menu option or clicking on a<br />

symbol with the right mouse button. A menu is opened with the symbol parameters for<br />

the selected symbol – the values can be changed.<br />

All texts are of the General text type with an (internal) separate identification. The<br />

changes which can be made correspond to those of General text. The width of the<br />

window adjusts itself dynamically to the length of the text. Parameters can be reentered<br />

or changed in the entry field by clicking on the relevant line.<br />

Reference name<br />

The reference name is used as the basis of the resource identification (e.g. R for a<br />

resistor, F for a fuse or K for a contactor). The reference name also has a significant<br />

influence on the access to the database in the Professional version. The reference<br />

name can be placed anywhere or rotated but, with automatic numbering, it is<br />

extended in accordance with the type of numbering selected. The reference name can<br />

be made invisible by using the prefix !. The user must set the text orientation of the<br />

reference name.<br />

A symbol can also be created without a reference name but will then not be available<br />

for the connection generator etc. The reference name comes under the Symbol<br />

parameters and can also be changed in the drawing manually via Symbol parameters.<br />

Note<br />

When using System and Location identification in the Profession<br />

Version, the reference name is extended internally with the System<br />

and Location identification.<br />

Symbol name<br />

Here, enter the name of the symbol by which it is to be found in the library. The name<br />

can be placed anywhere, rotated, enlarged or reduced in size. The symbol name comes<br />

under the symbol parameters and as such can also be changed at any time later on.<br />

The symbol name is also transferred to the Material list but the original name (in the<br />

library) is overwritten with corresponding text from the database in the Professional<br />

version when the database is accessed. The symbol name is normally not visible on<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

the circuit diagram. This is achieved by prefixing it with an ‘!’ when the symbol is<br />

created.<br />

By entering a certain lock character in the symbol name, you can prevent the symbol<br />

from being transferred to the Material list. The character (usually a full stop .) can be<br />

specified in the configuration and must be placed at the beginning of the symbol name,<br />

behind the leading !. This lock character takes on the function of a lock for the material<br />

list.<br />

Note<br />

580<br />

Many symbols in the libraries supplied by us have general names<br />

such as !SSwitch1pol.. Give these symbols the names which are<br />

appropriate for your application (special Compact version) and in<br />

regard to the conversion file for the Material list.<br />

Make sure that the name does not contain spaces, otherwise these<br />

will lead to problems when using the name for the conversion file.<br />

Item number<br />

The Item number is used as an index for access to the <strong>WSCAD</strong> database. If the line<br />

Item number is selected while the database access is activated in the Professional<br />

version, the database selection appears again as it does when loading the symbol<br />

and the components are displayed in accordance with the identification letters and<br />

selection criteria. The symbol parameters Symbol name, Item number and<br />

Additional text 2-16 are transferred and the Additional text1 is not changed. If<br />

aborted or if no components are in the database according to the identification<br />

letters, the Item number can be changed manually.<br />

Manufacturer<br />

Manufacturer is mainly used in the Compact version to allocate the symbols to the<br />

manufacturer who is mainly used for this element from the beginning.<br />

Note<br />

With a coil and with the Contactor Manager switched on, if a new<br />

contactor is selected, the comb, contact inscription and reference<br />

text are automatically corrected (menu option Change / Contactor).<br />

Function text<br />

The function text can be transferred to the terminal diagram, cable diagram/list<br />

and material list by means of wildcards (see Wildcards). When assigning a contact, with<br />

the Contactor Manager switched on, the function text for the coil is displayed in the<br />

assignment dialog at the same time for better orientation.<br />

Symbol type<br />

The Symbol type can be changed.<br />

Additional texts<br />

16 texts for additional information such as fuse rating, power or other information.<br />

These texts can be accessed in the material list by means of wildcards. Text2 is used<br />

for specifying the automatic contactor for the power or current specification.<br />

Note<br />

Quick access is also provided to the symbol parameters via the<br />

object properties.

Determine component type<br />

Symbol editor<br />

To take advantage of the automatic functions provided by <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 , components must<br />

be designated a certain 'Component type' according to the function of the component. To<br />

do this select the Component type command and the 'Component type' menu<br />

appears. Here you can select the appropriate type designation for the component.<br />

Subsequent changes can be made to the component type<br />

Standard<br />

All components not designated as one of the other component types are designated as<br />

'Standard'.<br />

Coil<br />

Components of type Coil and Contact can be recognised and processed by the contactor<br />

manager. Automatic functions assign elements of the type 'Contact' to<br />

components of the type 'Coil' , if they have the same ref. name. 'Coils' and 'Contacts'<br />

can be distributed over the complete drawing set. Only the component name of the 'Coil'<br />

is entered in the material list.<br />

Contact<br />

The position of the cross reference text can be preset by using text allocators. All<br />

elements (contacts) need to have this designation, if they are to be assigned to a 'Coil'<br />

with automatic cross-reference to it. Reflector contacts, i.e. duplicates of the contact in<br />

the schematic, are displayed next to the coil with the page number and path, where the<br />

original contact can be found, displayed next to it. Contacts are not added to the<br />

material list.<br />

Terminal<br />

To create a terminal list you need elements of the type 'Terminal'. A terminal normally<br />

has three pins:<br />

• one for the external side (type: passive)<br />

• one for the internal side (type: passive)<br />

• one for jumper connections (type: jumper)<br />

For the connection generator, the pins of the terminal are not connected, that's why you<br />

have the possibility of naming wires and cables separately.<br />

Cable conductors<br />

You can identify a cable by using the 'Conductor line' command on the 'Schematics'<br />

menu. You can also draw a cable using components of the type 'Cable conductor'.<br />

These components consist of a graphic (e.g. short line) and one pin. The reference name<br />

corresponds to the cable name (e.g. 'W'), the component name is the cable type (e.g. 4<br />

x 1,5, 10m long), and the component must be assigned as a component type 'Cable<br />

conductor'.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

The component pin must be placed on the connection line. The method of drawing a<br />

cable using components of the type 'Cable conductor' is similar to that for terminal<br />

strips.<br />

Main element<br />

Main and side elements can be distributed over the complete drawing set. The<br />

component types 'Main element' and 'Side element' enable you to draw a widely<br />

distributed component e.g. PLC sub-components or switches. One component can consist<br />

of several different elements with the following features.<br />

582<br />

• Every element is one library component.<br />

• Only one part/enclosure is allowed.<br />

• One element is assigned as the component type 'Main element', all other<br />

elements are assigned as the type 'Side element'.<br />

The procedure corresponds exactly to the Coils/Contacts:<br />

• The reference name of main and side elements must be the same.<br />

• Only the component name will appear in the material list.<br />

• Main and side elements can be placed anywhere in the drawing set.<br />

• The cross-reference of the side elements will point to the main element.<br />

• During automatic assignment a dash line is drawn from main to side element.<br />

When loading a side element you must enter a complete reference name. This must be<br />

the reference name of the corresponding main element. If the side element is placed on<br />

the right side of the main element, a reference name is not needed. It will be<br />

automatically assigned and attached with a dash line.<br />

Side element<br />

See previous description 'Main element'. Cross reference text is placed right-aligned<br />

below the reference name, if there is no appropriate text allocator 'ws-q' (Example:<br />

'!#lws-q>'. You can use the text allocator in two different ways:<br />

A text allocator can determine the position of cross reference text.<br />

Text allocator without additional number: Each side element has the same text allocator<br />

as the main element ('!#lws-q>'). For every side element a cross reference text is<br />

created like the main element, but you cannot distinguish the side elements. Text<br />

allocator with additional numbers: Each side element belonging to a main element has a<br />

unique number, the main element has one text allocator for every side element ('!#lwsq1>',<br />

'!#lws-q2>'....). This gives a clear assignment at the main module.<br />

Hint<br />

Cross reference text for side elements is not created on-line. Please<br />

use the command 'Automatic func. - Auto. cross reference - PLC<br />

and main/side elements' to do that. The only exception are PLC<br />

side elements, which are controlled by the PLC manager.<br />

Contact Comb

Symbol editor<br />

This component type is restricted to contact combs, where a contact comb represents the<br />

layout of the complete contact arrangement.<br />

Destination wiring<br />

This component type is restricted to the destination wiring symbols.<br />

Cable Shield<br />

This component type is restricted to the cable symbols.<br />

Connectors<br />

Two new component types are defined to facilitate the use of the Connector manager.<br />

Sub-Type ‘Plug’<br />

The selection text here should be std-st. This is necessary in order to display the correct<br />

parts in the parts manager dialog.<br />

Sub-Type ‘Socket'<br />

The selection text here should be std-bu. This is necessary in order to display the correct<br />

parts in the materials database manager.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Modify size<br />

Scale setting<br />

When Scale setting' is selected, you are prompted to 'Input the scale (0.5 to 2.0) :' .<br />

All co-ordinates will be multiplied by the scale entered. Pay attention when using 'Scale<br />

setting' so that the pins stay on the grid! If a component is magnified several times, it<br />

could produce errors if the pins no longer fall on grid points.<br />

Rectangle setting<br />

When the Rectangle setting is selected, a rectangle appears that encompasses the<br />

component graphics and the pins. Stretching the rectangle to a new size will modify the<br />

component size (and shape) accordingly. This method of changing size is best suited to<br />

rectangular shaped components with pins on the edges, e.g. a microprocessor. Using the<br />

command for typical electro-mechanical components can distort the shape completely, if<br />

care is not taken in its use. The Rectangle setting functions only with components<br />

whose pin direction was automatically determined:<br />


Symbol link with graphic<br />

Symbol editor<br />

Load with the menu option Draw / Insert graphic (max. size of 32 KB) a prepared<br />

picture of a construction unit into the symbol editor.<br />

With the scaling methods of the diagram you can adapt the bitmap in the size. Position<br />

the bitmap at the Editor. Select the bitmap with the right mouse button and select in the<br />

context menu the resize option, if you want to increase or make the picture smaller. Set<br />

the pins and/or other parameters as used and store the symbol in any library.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

The symbol appears as used in the Symbol Explorer .<br />


Symbol editor<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Functions<br />

Content specification<br />

All symbol names of the selected library are output to the printer or to a file. First<br />

select a library and then start the printout.<br />

Note<br />

588<br />

A semi-automatic graphics display of the content of a library can be<br />

output by means of the command Library in the main menu under<br />

Symbol / Database.

Reset editor and load symbol<br />

Symbol editor<br />

This command is used to erase the symbol memory and then load an existing symbol in<br />

the symbol editor. This can then be modified and saved again. Use this function when<br />

there is already a similar symbol available.<br />

Note<br />

The previous symbol memory and the drawing window are erased.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Insert symbol<br />

This command is used to load a symbol in the symbol editor also. The symbol name<br />

and reference name are not transferred during this process. A symbol can easily be<br />

assembled from several symbols by first loading a base element with Delete+Load and<br />

then adding the other components.<br />

Note<br />

590<br />

Use the library symbols to assemble a symbol.

Save symbol<br />

Symbol editor<br />

This command is used to save a symbol which you are editing in the current library. If<br />

a symbol with the same name already exists, you will be asked whether you wish to<br />

overwrite it. You must specify the point where it is to be inserted. The coordinates<br />

for this point are taken into account in the path calculation. The name is correctly<br />

sorted and filed away automatically. The symbol is attached at this point when inserted.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Copy / delete symbol<br />

This command starts the dialog which should make it simpler to organise the symbols<br />

in the libraries. The symbols of the current library can be selectively copied into<br />

another library. Here, it is possible to display the contents of 2 libraries simultaneously<br />

so that you can compare their contents immediately.<br />

By using the graphics button<br />

592<br />

...<br />

it is possible to display a library from the set library<br />

directory with the library’s contents and create a new (empty) library using +<br />

name of your choosing.<br />

with a<br />

If you have selected a library on every page, the symbols contained in it will be listed<br />

underneath. The symbol preview which adheres to the left or right of the dialog in each<br />

case is started with the button .

Symbol editor<br />

For example, when copying a special symbol from the left side to the right side of the<br />

dialog, simply drag it to the right side while holding down the left mouse button and then<br />

release it again. Several symbols can be selected simultaneously with the well-known<br />

key combinations [CTRL +left click] or [SHIFT +left click]. If identical symbol<br />

names are already present on the right side, then you will be asked whether you wish to<br />

overwrite the symbol (or symbols).<br />

The procedure is the same for or . The selected symbols are now likewise<br />

located in the library on the right or the left side. Using this method, it is very easy to<br />

assemble your own libraries.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

The button can be used to make a comparison between the library on the left and<br />

the library on the right. Symbols which are present in both libraries are excluded from<br />

the marking. If you wish to transfer all the marked symbols, they can be copied to the<br />

right or left by clicking on the buttons or<br />

The button Copy produces a copy of the symbol and Remove deletes the symbol<br />

selected in the library concerned (multiple selection is possible with Delete).<br />


Extras<br />

Repair database<br />

Databases which no longer function because of a system crash etc. can be repaired or<br />

their physical size reduced by using the command from the main program Extras /<br />

Utility / DB Repair without any reduction in the number of data records.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Line name database<br />

A consistency test can be performed on the line-name database under the menu Tools<br />

/ Line-name database. This file is located in the project directory and the project name<br />

is extended with *_VLTGN.MDB. The file is an ACCESS database. When this menu<br />

command is executed, a new line-name database is created and the variables<br />

Connection name, Colour, Cross section and Length are transferred from the<br />

original line-name database, providing the new coordinates and the line names<br />

agree with the original ones. Data records which do not agree with the original ones are<br />

displayed in a dialog.<br />

Hier können Verbindungsname, Farbe, Querschnitt und Länge editiert werden. Die<br />

Feldbezeichnungen sind blau gekennzeichnet. Geänderte Datensätze werden markiert<br />

und können in die neue Leitungsnamen-Datenbank zurückgeschrieben werden.<br />


Extras<br />

Der Inhalt des Dialoges kann ausgedruckt werden. Die neu gebildete (und evtl.<br />

geänderte bzw. ergänzte) Leitungsnamen-Datenbank sollte jetzt als Original<br />

übernommen werden, die bisherige originale erhält die Extension *.OLD.<br />

Bilden Sie jetzt neu die Leitungsquerverweise siehe Leitungsbezogene Querverweise.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

System files<br />

The Conductors.TXT and Connector.TXT files with the editors for the files<br />


Please note how risky changes in the files mentioned can be.<br />


Extras<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />


Select objects<br />

Extras<br />

This command is used to load a symbol directly from the circuit diagram into the<br />

symbol editor without starting the symbol editor separately. The symbol name and<br />

reference name are transferred at the same time.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Output library as graphics<br />

The contents of the current library can be displayed as graphics and semiautomatically.<br />

After invoking this function, you will be asked whether a selection text<br />

which is present in the symbol should be displayed.<br />

To set up an overview of a library, proceed as follows.<br />

Create an empty (better several of the same) drawing page (New file), possible with<br />

a drawing frame. Copy this page (Copy page), since there will probably not be enough<br />

room on one page for all of the symbols of the library. Select the function Output<br />

library as graphics.<br />

Select the first symbol to be displayed from the selection window and position it. The<br />

symbol name is automatically made visible and positioned above the symbol. The<br />

rotation menu can still be invoked beforehand by pressing the right mouse button (e.g.<br />

in order to position the symbol name differently).<br />

Fix the symbol. The next symbol in the selection list is then immediately loaded<br />

automatically – position it accordingly.<br />

When your drawing page is full, enter the rotation menu with the right mouse button<br />

and terminate the process with Cancel+Delete. For example, use the PgUp PgDn keys<br />

to move to the next empty page and restart the output. You can start at exactly the<br />

place where you left off.<br />

Once the end of the library has been reached, the loading process is terminated<br />

automatically. In the Rotation menu, automatic loading can be terminated manually<br />

with Cancel+Delete.<br />

Note<br />

602<br />

This function can also be used to create a template for the selected<br />

graphics symbols. In which case, the selection should not<br />


ECAD module standard<br />

Conversion parameters<br />

Extras<br />

Which information has to be transferred from the ECAD file to which fields of the ACCESS<br />

database must be specified first. Furthermore, if you do not wish to read into the current<br />

material database, you must also specify the (existing) ACCESS output file. Click on the<br />

button Parameters and the following dialog will appear:<br />

Destination database<br />

The database in which the import is to take place is entered in the group Access file. By<br />

clicking on the Search button, the standard Windows dialog will appear for selecting the<br />

files. If the database has several tables, you must select one. These specifications must<br />

be met before the assignments can take place.<br />

Assignments<br />

Use Assignment to specify which variables from the ECAD file must be transferred to<br />

which ACCESS file. In the list below, the characteristic code of the ECAD standard will<br />

appear in the ‘Identification’ column, the associated database field will appear in the<br />

‘Assignment’ column and the description text of the ECAD standard will appear in the<br />

‘Text’ column.<br />

To carry out or change an assignment, select the relevant field (or empty field) in the<br />

selection box ‘Field names’ and assign this to the characteristic code in the first column of<br />

this data source by double clicking on it with the mouse.<br />

In this way, you will establish the links from the ECAD file to the ACCESS file.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

To save this compilation so that it can be easily invoked later on, simply enter a name<br />

and then click on the button.<br />

Sometimes it is necessary to include a factor during the data import. Thus, in the<br />

<strong>WSCAD</strong> database, the measurement data are generally expressed in [mm] but in the<br />

ECAD standard they are usually in [m]. To this end, after selecting the database field, the<br />

factor must be set before initiating the assignment process by double clicking with the<br />

mouse.<br />

Comb data<br />

The current adjustment of the comb library is important when transferring contactors or<br />

relays. During the import, a <strong>WSCAD</strong> comb name is determined from the contact<br />

information present in the ECAD file as it is entered in the Comb file in the database. This<br />

then starts a search in the current comb library for the appropriate comb. When an<br />

appropriate comb has been found, then the name is also entered in the database and in<br />

the assigned field:<br />

If the comb for the item cannot be found in the library, the comb identification is<br />

transferred to an error log. This can be displayed at the end of the run or will remain in<br />

the file ECADBTN.ERR which is an ASCII text file. There, by giving the item name, it is<br />

possible to check and see which combs are missing in order to create them afterwards in<br />

the symbol editor. Only then can you work with these items perfectly in regard to<br />

contactor management etc.<br />

Note<br />

604<br />

The characteristic codes KW_0 - KW_3 are not ECAD standard<br />

codes. They are special <strong>WSCAD</strong> codes for determining information<br />

from the ECAD standard.

Starting ECAD import<br />

Extras<br />

After the parameters have been set for the conversion, the ECAD file must be<br />

selected by clicking on the button Open and the standard Windows dialog for opening a<br />

file will appear.<br />

Note<br />

The ECAD files have the file extension *.VGR.<br />

The selected file is opened and read in and the dialog appears with information about the<br />

import file.<br />

This contains various pieces of information about the person who created the file.<br />

Confirm with and the data are then first read into the intermediate file and then<br />

displayed.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

As soon as the conversion has started, information about the ECAD file on how many<br />

entries the file has or has transferred is shown at the top. If no selection is made, all<br />

entries are converted and you can select the items individually by clicking on the<br />

relevant lines. By using the or keys, you can also select several at a<br />

time. By double clicking on a list entry, you can see in detail which information is being<br />

transferred.<br />

Tip<br />

606<br />

After you have invoked the detailed information, this entry in the<br />

list is selected. With the key held down, click again on the<br />

item in order to remove the selection.<br />

When the option Update has been set, then only those items are processed which are<br />

already available in the destination database, otherwise the missing items are<br />

supplemented. The actual process is started via the button Convert. When you have<br />

confirmed the following prompt with YES, the data are entered in the destination<br />

database. Completion of the transfer is indicated by the following message:<br />

If errors occur during the conversion, then the corresponding message appears and you<br />

can choose to create a detailed ASCII log file ECADBTN.TXT which can be found in the<br />

ACCESS database directory. There, by giving the item name, it is possible to check and<br />

see which combs are missing in order to create them afterwards in the symbol editor.<br />

Only then can you work with these items perfectly in regard to contactor management<br />


Part manager<br />

Extras<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

General information<br />

Part Manager<br />

The Part Manager is the interface for processing item data and assigning symbols to<br />

items. This tool can be used to process and extend the <strong>WSCAD</strong> item database. Very<br />

many filter functions have been integrated in the interface in order to search for a<br />

certain item as quickly as possible.<br />

SQL for administrators<br />

The Part Manager operates in conjunction with the Microsoft SQL server. In order to<br />

do so, a linked table must be generated in an ACCESS database and this is then linked<br />

to the SQL server table.<br />


ACCESS 97 (Standard) or ACCESS 2000<br />

Extras<br />

Since the database formats vary significantly according to the version status of ACCESS,<br />

you will need to decide which format you wish to use for the project. This can be set<br />

under the menu option Parameters / General configuration / Miscellaneous tab<br />

where, via the option Database access compatible with ACCESS 2000, you can<br />

select the general format for the databases which <strong>WSCAD</strong> creates and uses.<br />

Caution<br />

If you process an ACCESS 97 formatted database externally with<br />

ACCESS Version 2000, the database may be converted into this<br />

format and may no longer be readable.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Structure or fields of the database<br />

A data record always has a clear structure which is defined in the item database. The<br />

Part Manager interface now shows you several data records simultaneously. In order<br />

for this to remain uncluttered, only the selected database fields are shown.<br />

However, a database record may contain any number of other fields (which are<br />

important to you) but although the database fields used by <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 are<br />

predetermined, these can be adjusted by means of a dialog.<br />

The following is the table view of the <strong>WSCAD</strong>50_en.mdb without catalogues.<br />

The fields which are currently being used can be seen in the draft view of the <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5<br />

database.<br />


Extras<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Catalogues in the database<br />

One extension of the database structure is the introduction of a catalogue manager<br />

which, as well as the necessary database in the <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 format, also allows files to be<br />

saved which enable calculation or order evaluations to be carried out on the items used<br />

on the circuit diagram or installation diagram. The additional data are saved in<br />

separate tables of the <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 database.<br />

Datanorm<br />

The values are imported in the form of the Datanorm standard (Version 4.0 and 5.0).<br />

This is a form of data exchange between wholesaler / manufacturer and<br />

calculation software in the respective factory. By selective evaluation of the catalogue<br />

data, it is possible to create files or lists for further processing in other (management)<br />

software packages. Using these files, it is very easy to prepare quotations or order<br />

lists.<br />

The following is the table view of <strong>WSCAD</strong>50_en.mdb with catalogues<br />

(Salespartner1).<br />

The fields which are currently used can be seen in the draft view of the catalogue<br />

table.<br />


Extras<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Activating catalogue forwarding<br />

Catalogue forwarding (during item assignment) is activated in the Part Manager by<br />

setting the preferred catalogue in the Current catalogue field. Only when a catalogue<br />

has been selected here will the item search be automatically forwarded to the<br />

catalogue if no valid linked entry is present. If ‘none’ is entered in the Current<br />

catalogue field, catalogue forwarding is shut down.<br />


Part Manager – interface of the dialog<br />

Extras<br />

The Part Manager is accessed via the menu option Extras/ Part Manager. The Part<br />

Manager interface has been adapted to conform to the style of Windows Explorer.<br />

Part data and symbols can be seen at a glance.<br />

Reference and selection<br />

The identification letters and selection texts which are assigned to the symbol are<br />

immediately visible. The data records shown in each case are minimised by selecting the<br />

tabs. The Filter area provides numerous different ways to reduce the displayed Parts to<br />

the necessary dimensions. Both the way the Filter operates and the data fields which are<br />

displayed can be adjusted individually. The filter entries are saved in WSWIN50AT.INI<br />

in the CFG directory and can be changed directly in the dialog.<br />

Columns<br />

The columns of the Part database which are shown on the screen can be hidden or<br />

revealed by using the right mouse button. The sequence of columns shown are<br />

controlled by clicking on the column headings. The latest column heading to be<br />

clicked on moves to the first position and the search function is executed in the first<br />

column.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Part Manager – Symbol view<br />

The Symbol Explorer described above appears on the left part of the Part Manager.<br />

This was docked at the manager dialog with its functionality. Tabs (Library,<br />

Designation, Search and Favourites) are provided to enable or change the sorting or<br />

search functions within the libraries. Double clicking on the Symbol view provides a<br />

large view of the symbols in a separate window.<br />


Part Manager tabs<br />

Extras<br />

On the right edge, there are 5 tabs which limit the number of data records shown at any<br />

one time. These limitations are determined by various criteria.<br />

Show all tab<br />

The All tab shows Parts where the designation and selection agree with entries in the<br />

fields of the Part database when you have clicked on a symbol (Designation: Q //<br />

Selection: pow).<br />

If you have not marked a symbol, all database entries will be displayed since there<br />

is no filtering.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

All [Exec Combo]l tab<br />

The General tab shows all of the Parts which are not combination elements<br />

(combinations of several individual Parts). In this case also, the dependency applies to<br />

the selected symbol and the set filter.<br />

Combi only tab<br />

The Combination tab shows all of the Parts which are combination elements. In this<br />

case also, the dependency applies to the symbol which has been selected and the filter<br />

which has been set.<br />


Linked tab<br />

Extras<br />

The Connection tab shows all of the Parts which have a Linked (= link between and<br />

Part and symbol). In this case also, the dependency applies to the selected symbol and<br />

the set filter.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Linked to sel. symbol tab<br />

The Linked to sel. symbol tab shows all of the Parts which have a connection to the<br />

symbol which is currently selected. In this case, the dependency only applies to the set<br />

filter. Several Parts can be linked to one symbol.<br />


Catalogue<br />

The Catalogue shows all of the Parts which are assigned to a catalogue.<br />

Extras<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />


Part during symbol selection<br />

Extras<br />

The Part option connects the right and left part of the Item Database Manager. Once<br />

this option is activated, the other side is immediately activated by each selection in each<br />

case whether it is in the right or left window. When a symbol is selected, on the right in<br />

the database field, only those database entries are shown (with the Part option set)<br />

which also have the same designation as that of the symbol. The additional control<br />

elements make it possible to page within the filter using the arrow keys and refresh the<br />

view by means of the updating symbol.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Specifying the selection for a data record<br />

Selection codes are used to assign symbols to items from the database quickly. The<br />

selection codes are saved on your computer as a Word document within the installation<br />

path<br />

e.g. C:\ <strong>WSCAD</strong>50 \Libraries \Addition \Description overviews \Module<br />

selections \<strong>WSCAD</strong>_Module_selection.doc<br />

Even with small project-specific databases, it is very helpful to control and accelerate<br />

the database access using selection criteria. The Professional Version of <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5<br />

operates with a 3-stage selection procedure:<br />

624<br />

• The first stage is oriented to the reference name of the symbol, which is<br />

compared with the Designation field.<br />

• The second stage is based on a comparison of the selection database field with<br />

the symbol parameter Selection. This symbol parameter (created in the symbol<br />

editor) is used as a delimiter within the reference group. This is how a<br />

distinction is made between a power and contactor relay (pow or aux) or how<br />

switches are distinguished from each other by the number of contacts (1 pole<br />

and 2 pole etc).<br />

• The third stage is executed via the filter features which are available in the Item<br />

Manager dialog.<br />

First stage<br />

During Stage 1, the reference name of a loaded symbol (identification letter) is tested to<br />

see if it is similar to the first letter of the variable in the Designation field. If these are<br />

coil type symbols, then the contact designation must still start with the identification<br />

letter (e.g. K) (e.g. K22H) so that this database entry is transferred during the selection.<br />

With all other types of symbols, no other characters are allowed to follow the<br />

identification letter.<br />

Second stage<br />

During Stage 2, a text comparison is made between the selection and the symbol<br />

parameter Selection. This comparison is evaluated as positive when both values are the<br />

same and also when one of the two values is not available. It is also permitted for the<br />

symbol selection to be shorter than the selection but not the other way round.<br />

Third stage<br />

During Stage 3, a text comparison is carried out for the symbols of the respective<br />

reference family(ies) once again. Some examples of selection texts with we use are as<br />

follows:<br />

Selection Designation Identification<br />

3pol S Cam switch<br />

3pol-m Q Motor circuit breaker<br />

3pol-t F Disconnector<br />

3pol-lvhbc F l.v.h.b.c. disconnector<br />

pow Q Power circuit breaker<br />

4pol Q 4-pole power circuit breaker<br />

3pol-m Q Main switch<br />

3pol-l Q Load switch<br />

pow K Motor contactors<br />

pow-heat K 4-pole heating system contactors<br />

stc K Contactor relay<br />

3pol K Starter combination

Extras<br />

1pol-mcb F Miniature circuit breakers<br />

1pol-f F Fuses<br />

pow F Bimetallic relay<br />

1ph T Single-phase transformers<br />

3ph T Multi-phase transformers<br />

2pol-elcb F 2-pole earth-leakage circuit breaker<br />

4pol-elcb F 3-pole earth-leakage circuit breaker<br />

3pol-elcb/ocr F earth-leakage circuit breaker with overcurrent<br />

release<br />

4pol-elcb/ocr F earth-leakage circuit breaker with overcurrent<br />

release<br />

k-clock K Clock relay, flasher relay<br />

k-imp K Impulse relay<br />

k-close K Time relay - close<br />

k-open K Time relay - open<br />

k-multi K Multifunction relay<br />

k-stdr K Star-delta time relay<br />

k-surge K Surge switch<br />

3phas M 3-phase motors<br />

std M Single-phase motors<br />

std G Generators<br />

1pol N Time switches<br />

2pol N Time switches<br />

svp F Surge voltage protector<br />

SSM-&MP E Mounting plates, side panels and base plates for<br />

switch cabinet<br />

SSM-&SC E Switch cabinets<br />

SSM-CC E Cable channels<br />

SSM-MR E DIN rails, mounting rails<br />

SSM-BB E Bus bars<br />

SCM-&BSC E Base for switch cabinets<br />

SCM-&B E End retainer, insulation plates, barriers for<br />

terminals<br />

1pol S 1-pole normally open contact, break contact<br />

2pol S 2-pole normally open contact, break contact<br />

3pol S 3-pole normally open contact, break contact<br />

1pol-2-TR-NO S 1-pole normally open contact, emergency off<br />

1pol-2-TR-NC S 1-pole break contact, emergency off<br />

2pol-2-TR-NO S 2-pole normally open contact, emergency off<br />

3pol-2-TR-NO S 3-pole normally open contact, emergency off<br />

1pol-2-K-S S Normally open contact, key switch 1-pol.<br />

2pol-2-NO-KS S 2-pole normally open contact, key switch<br />

3pol-2-NO-KS S 3-pole normally open contact, key switch<br />

1pol-2-NO-LS S 1-pole normally open contact, limit switch<br />

1pol-2-BC-LS S 1-pole break contact, limit switch<br />

2pol-2-NO S 2-pole normally open contact, break contact, limit<br />

switch<br />

1pol-2-NO-S S 1-pole normally open contact, swivel<br />

2pol-2-NO-S S 2-pole normally open contact, swivel<br />

3pol-2-NO-S S 3-pole normally open contact, swivel<br />

1pol-2-NO-SL S 1-pole normally open contact, swivel, latch<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

626<br />

1pol-2-BC-SL S 1-pole break contact, swivel, latch<br />

1pol-2-NO-T S 1-pole normally open contact, tiltable<br />

1pol-2-BC-T S 1-pole break contact, tiltable<br />

1pol-2-NO-P S 1-pole normally open contact, pull<br />

1pol-2-BC-P S 1-pole break contact, pull<br />

1pol-2-NO-LD S 1-pole, normally open contact, latch-down key<br />

2pol-2-NO-LD S 2-pole, normally open contact, latch-down key<br />

3pol-2-NO-LD S 3-pole, normally open contact, latch-down key<br />

1pol-2-BC-LD S 1-pole, break contact, latch-down key<br />

2pol-2-BC-LD S 2-pole, break contact, latch-down key<br />

3pol-2-BC-LD S 3-pole, break contact, latch-down key<br />

std-t X Standard terminals general<br />

std-t2.5 X Standard terminals 2.5 mm²<br />

std-t4 X Standard terminals 4 mm²<br />

std-t6 X Standard terminals 6 mm²<br />

std-t10 X Standard terminals 10 mm²<br />

std-t16 X Standard terminals 16 mm²<br />

std-t35 X Standard terminals 35 mm²<br />

std-t50 X Standard terminals 50 mm²<br />

std-t70 X Standard terminals 70 mm²<br />

std-t95 X Standard terminals 95 mm²<br />

std-t-m X Multi-storey terminals general<br />

std-pspc X Plugs, plug strips, plug connectors

Additional information for the Part Manager<br />

Extras<br />

The lower area shows the extension fields of an Part data record which may have a<br />

large number of characters. This is where the texts are edited. Click on the blue arrow<br />

for the fields to be displayed or not displayed.<br />

When the extension field appears, click on the narrow button on the right or left and<br />

then you can select from a list which fields of the database should be displayed (select by<br />

double clicking).<br />

If you skip through the data records in the Part Manager, then, where available, the<br />

texts of the selected fields will be constantly updated on the screen. These texts can be<br />

up to 256 characters long.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />


Conversion of dBASE to ACCESS xx<br />

Extras<br />

If you have databases in dBASE format (<strong>WSCAD</strong> Version 4.0 or earlier), then contact us<br />

at our Support telephone number: +(49) 8131 3627 99.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Editing<br />

Changing the item entry in the dialog<br />

The menu option Edit / Change Online (quicker by using function key or double<br />

clicking on the field) enables the data record to be changed directly in the Item Database<br />

Manager.<br />

Navigation<br />

You can move the active field in the dialog by using the arrow keys ←→↓. Use the<br />

keyboard to make an entry in the field (double click in exactly the same way). When<br />

editing, use the key to jump to the next field (and + to jump to<br />

the previous field).<br />

Deleting an part entry<br />

The currently selected data record is deleted under the menu option Edit / Delete<br />

(invoked more quickly via the function key F8).<br />

Quick data record editing. Click on the data record with the right mouse button and a<br />

context menu will open with all the functions again as described above.<br />


Create / Change / Delete an Part entry<br />

Extras<br />

Under the menu option Edit / New entry or Change (corresponds to the function key<br />

F3 and F4) start a dialog which will enable you to create a new Part or change an<br />

existing one. You have the following options:<br />

• Pre-assign the fields with the values of the marked data record using the Load<br />

button.<br />

• Remove the assigned values with Delete.<br />

• End the dialog with OK and save any entries you have made.<br />

• Abort your changes with Cancel.<br />

The Part numbers must be entered again. The function keys in the Part Manager are reassigned.<br />

New data record Modify data record<br />

DB fields is written in the left column of the dialog concerned. These are the field names<br />

of the database which you are using.<br />

The <strong>WSCAD</strong> fields are in the middle column of the dialog. On the right, you will see the<br />

entry fields in the column Value which you can fill in with the Part values. The column<br />

Type shows you the selected field type (ACCESS) and the maximum number of<br />

characters the field concerned can accept.<br />

Database fields with special functions<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

632<br />

• Comb:<br />

The Comb button enables you to jump directly to the comb library. Click on the<br />

button in the field Comb and then open the preset comb library under<br />

Parameters / General / Directories and the comb can be picked out<br />

selectively via the name and graphics.<br />

• Switch cabinets<br />

The Switch cabinets button enables you to jump directly to the switch cabinet<br />

library. Click on the button in the field Switch cabinet and then open the<br />

preset structure directory under Parameters / General / Directories and pick<br />

out the desired structure graphics via the name.<br />

• Selection<br />

The Selection button enables you to select from all currently available selections.<br />

• Codes<br />

The Code button offers a selection for assignment (with plugs) or the Colour<br />

code (with cables).<br />

Special feature If you require round symbols for the switch cabinet layout, then enter<br />

the width or possibly the depth or length. Simply click on the fields for the entry and then<br />

edit them by using the keyboard. The entries are accepted by pressing Return and the<br />

cursor moves to the next line.<br />

Additional database control elements<br />

In the Change data record mode (F4), you will see a few buttons under the dialog title<br />

line which you can use to navigate through the data records. You can switch to the data<br />

records which were previously displayed in the Part Manager. €The single arrow jumps<br />

one data record forwards or backwards. The double arrow jumps to the beginning or end<br />

of the data records.

Extras<br />

Link with symbol<br />

Extras<br />

You can permanently connect item numbers to symbols. The advantage of this is<br />

that when you select a symbol, the associated item number is displayed automatically.<br />

In order to make the connection, first mark the symbol and then the item concerned.<br />

Execute the menu option Extras / Part/ Link with symbol (shortcut +E). This<br />

starts an assignment dialog which would otherwise show you a previous connection, but<br />

existing connection are overwritten during this process). You can generate the (new)<br />

connection by clicking on OK.<br />

• Any number of items can be connected to one symbol.<br />

• The current connection can be overwritten simultaneously at any time.<br />

• Connected items are marked in the first column.<br />

• The option Transfer designation transfers the symbol designation to the<br />

item database.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Removing a link<br />

Existing links can be removed under the menu option Extras / Parts / Remove link<br />

(shortcut +T)<br />

Extending function<br />

The menu option Extras/ Parts / Link all with symbol connects the marked symbol to<br />

all item numbers displayed by the filtering feature. The menu option Extras/ Parts /<br />

Remove all links removes these connections (this applies to all filtered data records).<br />

The process takes place after clicking on a message dialog in each case.<br />


Combination element<br />

Extras<br />

The combination element is an element which is made up of several individual parts<br />

(base element + additional components).<br />

With the aid of so-called combination elements (e.g. contactor relay + auxiliary switch<br />

block) it is possible to work with symbols for which only one symbol is present on the<br />

circuit diagram but which is made up of several elements in the material list. Examples of<br />

this are a lamp (base element) for which only one holder and cover is required or a<br />

contactor which is furnished with contact tops. Select a data record (base element) for<br />

which you wish to create a combination element.<br />

Under menu item Tools / Create combination element / Any (shortcut +B)<br />

the dialog starts which already has the selected item numbers in the item line. You will<br />

see the existing combination elements for this main element under User names. If<br />

you select an entry, the Delete button becomes active. The Delete button removes the<br />

existing combination element (caution).<br />

The entry Part must be changed since the Part number must be unambiguous. The main<br />

number, however, remains fully intact. Apart from that, the name of the combination<br />

element should be extended in a similar way. Then double click on all items in the Part<br />

Manager which are associated with this component. The dialog can be moved anywhere<br />

and still remain active.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

The number of selected items in each case can be changed using the ‘+’ and ‘-’ keys. The<br />

entries can be removed by selecting the element and pressing the key on your<br />

keyboard.<br />

Click on the OK symbol on the left in the dialog. The Part is generated and when the<br />

Combination tab is activated (right on the Part Manager dialog) all combination<br />

elements appear. Combination elements are marked specifically.<br />


Editing the combination element<br />

Extras<br />

Select an existing combination element (taking into consideration the other filter<br />

settings as well) and confirm with +B. All active fields can be edited.<br />

• You can add other Part s as well.<br />

• Delete existing Part s by selecting them and pressing the DEL button.<br />

• Under User names, you will see the existing combination elements which use<br />

the identical base element.<br />

The number of Parts selected can be changed with + and -.<br />

The OK dialog button saves the changes and X aborts them.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Data import<br />

ACCESS data, CSV data and Datanorm 4.0 files can be read into the selected ACCESS<br />

database. Select the menu option Extras / Import database. The setting under the<br />

Creation of new part possible option is crucial. If the option is set, the item numbers<br />

(source field > DB field) are compared and new part numbers are transferred<br />

complete but previously existing part numbers are only updated. If the option is not<br />

set, then only the existing part numbers are updated.<br />

In the dialog, select the database file (import database) at the top from which you<br />

wish to import the data. With File type, you decide on the data format (ACCESS, CSV<br />

or Datanorm).<br />


Extras<br />

Under Table, select the table to be selected in the import database (ACCESS<br />

databases only). Select the fields (Source field) of the import database with the<br />

contents which are to be imported into the <strong>WSCAD</strong> fields. The automatic field<br />

assignment attempts to assign fields automatically by name derivation.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Cancel aborts the whole process. Item prefix defines the character in front of the<br />

actual item name. This is for the identification of different wholesaler catalogues<br />

which can be read in with Datanorm 4.0. (e.g. Froe for Fröschl). Now start the process<br />

by clicking on the Import button. Take into account the Creation of new item<br />

possible setting.<br />


Data transfer into the <strong>WSCAD</strong> database<br />

Extras<br />

All the fields of a <strong>WSCAD</strong> database can be attached to the current database<br />

automatically. In the dialog, select the database file (import database) at the top<br />

from which you wish to import the data. The data format (ACCESS, CSV or Datanorm)<br />

is selected with File type.<br />

Complete transfer<br />

With Complete transfer, no setting of filters, all values (if not already present) are<br />

transferred to the currently selected <strong>WSCAD</strong> database. The setting under the Creation<br />

of new item possible option is crucial. Once the option is set, the item numbers<br />

(source field > DB field) are compared and new item numbers are transferred<br />

complete but previously existing item numbers are only updated. If the option is not<br />

set, then only the existing item numbers are updated.<br />

Caution<br />

In general, only the settings which are made in the Source field are<br />

transferred to the main database or updated.<br />

The number of database entries which are yet to be edited are displayed on the status<br />

bar on the bottom border of the screen.<br />

Selective transfer<br />

After specifying the filter via the Test filter button for the selective transfer, a<br />

preview appears on the screen.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

This filter is AND-linked, i.e. if you wish to implement further restrictions, you will only<br />

need to do this in the respective filter field. You can also select several entries (<br />

button with the left mouse button held down) or a range ( key with the left<br />

mouse button held down). The dialog is terminated with OK and any entries which have<br />

been selected are then copied.<br />


Extras<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Data transfer from outside -> <strong>WSCAD</strong><br />

Item files can be transferred to the <strong>WSCAD</strong> database by selecting the available<br />

Source field (in this case the source Datanorm) and starting the import.<br />

The reading-in process is started with Import. The setting under the Creation of new<br />

item possible option is crucial. Once the option is set, the item numbers (source field<br />

> DB field) are compared and new item numbers are transferred complete but<br />

previously existing item numbers are only updated. If the option is not set, then only<br />

the existing item numbers are updated.<br />


Adjusting database fields<br />

Extras<br />

Under the menu option Tools / Set database fields, all current links to the database<br />

which is being used (in this case C:\<strong>WSCAD</strong>50eng\DB\<strong>WSCAD</strong>50_en.mdb) are<br />

displayed with the fields which are available in <strong>WSCAD</strong>.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Save field association<br />


Extras<br />

The settings for the field assignment are saved in a separate table of the database (in<br />

this example under the field assignment Default). The New button is used to generate<br />

new field assignment identifications in order to save the changed assignments. The<br />

Delete button is used to delete these field assignment identifications again.<br />

Selecting a table<br />

Databases in ACCESS format may contain very different tables. A table (in this case<br />

<strong>WSCAD</strong>50) from the database which you used above can be set and another field<br />

assignment specified for it.<br />

Only show necessary fields<br />

The option, Only show necessary fields hides the fields which <strong>WSCAD</strong> can manage<br />

from the necessary fields. The blue fields on the left hand side are <strong>WSCAD</strong> data fields for<br />

which a field must be assigned. If your database does not have a suitable field, then this<br />

will be displayed on the right in red and a <strong>WSCAD</strong> field name suggested.<br />

Green fields are not necessary but can also be assigned.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

You can specify a field from your current database to accept the values via the arrow<br />

key of the combination field. If you do not select separate fields, then the separate<br />

<strong>WSCAD</strong> field names will be used. Selections which you have made can be discarded<br />

with the Cancel button. Ignore leaves the state of the table unchanged and necessitates<br />

fields to be re-assigned every time the Item Manager dialog is re-invoked. Standard<br />

attempts to find the best fields from your database according to internal criteria.<br />

Identical fields are transferred automatically.<br />

Example After clicking on the OK and Create buttons, these fields are created in<br />

the following dialog automatically and, on request, filled with a standard value (in this<br />

case £).<br />


Additional database fields<br />

Extras<br />

Since the ACCESS database can be extended by new fields, the Item Manager must<br />

be able to display all of the new fields which have been added. The following field types<br />

are supported for the additional database fields:<br />

• Text<br />

• Double<br />

• Long<br />

• Memo<br />

• Currency<br />

This extension can be made using Microsoft ACCESS. While doing<br />

so, note whether the format is ACCESS 2000 or ACCESS 97.<br />

When you have created fields in your ACCESS database, you may use them in the Item<br />

Manager. Open the Item Manager and switch to this interface under menu option Tools<br />

/ Create database fields and deactivate the option Only show necessary fields.<br />

Now look for, for example, the User field 1 (left) and select the additional database<br />

fields via the Combo box (right). Confirm the transfer with OK.<br />

Using the right mouse button, now click on the column header in the Item Manager at<br />

the position where you wish the additional field to be displayed. Then select Paste in the<br />

first context menu and then Additional_field1.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />


Database fields and their meaning<br />

Extras<br />

Field names<br />

Coding Colour code or number code for plugs or cables (selection field from Cores.txt<br />

Shield<br />

or Plugs.txt)<br />

Cable is shielded (1) or not (0)<br />

Cable cores Number of cores in the cable<br />

Plug contacts Number of plug contacts<br />

Voltage Voltage value (V)<br />

Current Current value (A)<br />

Power Power value (kW)<br />

Currency Currency (€)<br />

Designation<br />

DIN61346<br />

Identification letters according to the new DIN<br />

Field names Description<br />

Number Number of elements per symbol (with main component always set to 1). (The value<br />

indicated here multiplied by the number of symbols per drawing set gives the<br />

total number)<br />

Item While loading a symbol, the item number is transferred to the symbol<br />

parameters. This is the most important data base field. There must not be any<br />

double item numbers anywhere in the database. This is checked every time new<br />

data are entered. The number does not have to agree with the item designation<br />

of the manufacturer.<br />

Symbol name When loading a symbol, the symbol name is transferred to the symbol<br />

parameters.<br />

Manufacturer Name of manufacturer<br />

Comb Symbol name of the associated contact comb for contactor or relay. When you<br />

select the Button [...], a window opens with the names of all of the combs which<br />

are available in the comb library. By clicking on a name, the field is automatically<br />

filled and the field designation extended.<br />

Designation Identification letter of the resource, e.g. F for a fuse. While loading a symbol,<br />

only those elements are displayed where the identification letter agrees with the<br />

reference name of the symbol. This identification is very important for the<br />

Contactor Manager. Read about the structure of the contact designation in the<br />

chapter Contactor Manager.<br />

Supplier Supplier<br />

Memo field The memo field represents a list of all the parts belonging to a combination<br />

element. Enter here the number and item numbers of the individual elements,<br />

separated by at least one space in each case. Make sure that the item numbers<br />

exist in the database.<br />

Reserve1 Reserve<br />

Reserve2 Reserve<br />

Switch<br />

cabinet<br />

The text which is entered here can be written in the material list using the<br />

wildcards ssb and ssm. The name must correspond to the symbol names in the<br />

structure libraries (e.g. AUEBUNG \\Main_switchT0)<br />

Selection This field is used for limiting the data base selection when loading a symbol.<br />

Part number Additional part number, e.g. manufacturer-specific designation<br />

Text1 General text<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Text2 While loading a symbol, the general text is transferred to the symbol<br />

parameters. This text should be used to provide technical information such as<br />

power or current.<br />

Type<br />

designation<br />

652<br />

Any type information, such as item numbers of the manufacturer, if not already<br />

used in the item field.<br />

Further Can contain the item number of an additional element (including mechanical). This<br />

makes it possible to build up a concatenated list for the material list. Caution: We<br />

recommend using so-called combi-elements for additional elements. The<br />

concatenated list is still supported for compatibility reasons but should no longer<br />

be used.<br />

Time Time consumed (whole number, unit interpreted by the user)<br />

Labour costs Additional costs (e.g. for assembly), 2 places after the comma. Caution: This is a<br />

currency field<br />

Price Unit price of the symbol, 2 places after the comma. Caution: This is a currency<br />

field<br />

Width Width of symbol in mm<br />

Height Height of symbol in mm<br />

Length Length of symbol in mm<br />

Weight Weight of symbol<br />

Discount Discount<br />

Cat1..3 Catalogue fields which can accept the respective item numbers from the<br />

catalogue.<br />

Reserve3 Reserve<br />

Example Item entry; left plugs / right<br />


Extras<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />


Checking the database<br />

Extras<br />

Under the menu Part Manager / Extras / Check database, you can check the<br />

database for multiple entries (identical Part numbers) and whether combination<br />

elements correctly consist of several components. This dialog shows all of the errors<br />

found and the information can be exported as a text file (by using the Export button).<br />

By double clicking on an entry, the cursor jumps to the Part Manager.<br />

Important<br />

The Part must be included in the current selection in the Part<br />

Manager.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Converting a database<br />

The database structure of Version 50 differs from that of the previous version. If you<br />

have selected as the Part database a database of a previous version, such as a<br />

database with a 4.2 structure, then create the additional database fields when<br />

opening; the database content can be restructured to the 50 format. The conversion<br />

prepares an additional designation for a new DIN 61346 at the same time and specifies<br />

the changed designations, providing they are known. Restructuring can be restarted by<br />

using the Part Manager menu option Extras / Convert database.<br />

Note<br />

656<br />

This menu option is not available when a project has been activated<br />

with the new standard.<br />

Caution<br />

A restructured database cannot be used in an older version of<br />


Catalogue manager<br />

Creating a catalogue<br />

Extras<br />

In order to create a catalogue, the menu option Catalogue / Catalogue Manager<br />

must be started in the activated Item Manager.<br />

A new dialog will then appear showing the available catalogues. The icons which are<br />

necessary for creating or deleting the catalogues appear on the top right.<br />

Select the Create new catalogue icon and an entry will start. When making the entry,<br />

the catalogue name and associated catalogue code (always 4 characters) has to be<br />

entered. The field External source (in this case, none ) is not important.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Now click on OK and a database table with this name will be created and a Datanorm<br />

import to this table can now be executed.<br />


Datanorm import to a catalogue table<br />

Extras<br />

On the Catalogue Manager interface you will see the Import button together with a<br />

button with dots. Use the button with dots to select the site where the imported<br />

Datanorm file is to be saved. Select the relevant file and then select Import.<br />

The reading-in process now starts and a progress bar will appear. The result appears as a<br />

total of the values just entered and the individual data records are displayed at the<br />

bottom. If the import is to an existing catalogue (catalogue maintenance by the<br />

wholesaler) then the data records are updated or even removed. It is therefore<br />

necessary to compare the Datanorm data at regular intervals.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />


Linking a catalogue to an Part root<br />

Extras<br />

In order to link the catalogue data to those of the Part Manager root data<br />

permanently, open the Part Manager and insert the column of the additional<br />

catalogue field (in this case, Cat2:Wholesaler2). Then click on the data record with the<br />

right mouse button and select Assign Cat.Part in the context menu.<br />

The Catalogue Manager then opens. Select the intended Part from there.<br />

This assignment is saved in the field concerned and will be available for future<br />

evaluations. This is identified by a symbol and a separate tab is used for rapid selection.<br />

Otherwise, look for the Catalogue symbol in order to find this data record more easily.<br />

When this Part is selected from the Part Manager in future, the value will be made<br />

available in Cat2:Wholesaler2 automatically.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Filters<br />

Part Management filters<br />

Several filters are available in the Part Manager. Delete the last used filter using the<br />

function key F10 (unless it is fixed).<br />

Symbol filters<br />

If you want to search for a certain Part for a symbol, then use the additional filters of<br />

the Part Manager. The Designation display in the section shown below is determined<br />

by a selected symbol, the identification letter of which is shown (in this case, K). The<br />

selection is likewise transferred from the symbol.<br />

Special function for symbol filters<br />

If you double click on the field Designation, then the text shown switches to all<br />

designations, i.e. no filtering takes place in regard to the designation and the filter<br />

settings are switched off. The process is reversed by double clicking again.<br />

Data filters<br />

Search terms for the different database fields (Part and Manufacturer etc) can be<br />

entered in the yellow fields on the right next to the designation Filter. The entry is made<br />

by simply clicking on the field concerned and entering the desired search term.<br />


Extras<br />

All search terms are AND linked. Wildcards can be used by using ‘*’. The functionality<br />

is extended by prefixing the search term with an asterisk ‘*’. The search mode now also<br />

finds component names with additional characters in front of the word ‘contactor’. An<br />

asterisk ‘*’ is placed internally after every entry (not visible). In general, a filter setting<br />

can be saved for all designations (defined for all symbols according to DIN) in each<br />

case. Within a field, there is an OR-linked filter. Thus, with the entry *Wago* ||<br />

*Weidm* in the field Manufacturer, there is an OR-linked query result where one of<br />

the two word fragments must be contained in the data record shown in the field<br />

Manufacturer.<br />

Within a field, there is an AND-linked filter. Thus, with the entry *Cont* && *DC* &&<br />

*24* in the field Component name, there is an AND-linked query result where all<br />

three word fragments must be contained in the data record shown in the field<br />

Component name.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

The filter is saved in the WSWIN50AT.ini file which is located in the Windows System<br />

directory and should only be edited with great care.<br />

Setting data filters<br />

The filters can be set independently of the designation by clicking on the header of the<br />

filter entry fields with the right mouse button. In the dialog which now opens, you<br />

can specify the desired filter from the database for all designations for filtering. First<br />

select the designation. The dialog then shows all the previously set filters.<br />


Extras<br />

The button New in the dialog supplies all those designations for which no filters have<br />

been set. The Delete button removes the currently set designation from the selection.<br />

Selecting the filter for the set designation:<br />

•<br />

• The <strong>WSCAD</strong> database fields which are available appear on the Left (<strong>WSCAD</strong><br />

fields) in the dialog.<br />

• Specify the names of the headers in the centre (Designation).<br />

• Specify the other properties of the filter entry fields on the right (Filter property)<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

The setting with selection lists all the unambiguous entries which have been found from<br />

the database field (e.g. all manufacturers). After clicking on the field Manufacturer in<br />

the Part Manager dialog with the right mouse button, a window appears in which all the<br />

manufacturers of the your database are displayed. By selecting one, it will be transferred<br />

to the relevant filter settings.<br />

Fixing settings<br />

The data filter is always assigned to a certain designation. If a symbol with another<br />

designation is selected, the filter also changes. If no filter is logged for designations,<br />

then previously made filter settings will be deleted. However, the filter can be fixed for<br />

the current designation by clicking on its header with the left mouse button (the filter is<br />

identified with a pin). This fixed entry appears when you select a symbol with an<br />

identical designation (D).<br />

Single filters<br />

An additional search for the Part s is executed for the first column on the right hand side<br />

of the Part Database Manager if, for example, the initial letters of the entry being<br />

looked for are entered in the upper entry line (in this case CPU). This filter always groups<br />

and updates the Part s it has found for the entry at the top.<br />


Views<br />

Zoom in<br />

This function allows you to zoom in closer to the drawing and is very useful if a<br />

complex component is to be created. he view orientation will be moved so that the cursor<br />

position is in the center of the screen. The function key magnifies the drawing by<br />

a factor of 2. The position of the cursor, prior to selecting , becomes the center of<br />

the screen.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Zoom out<br />

Zooming out, allows you to see more of the drawing on the screen. You can draw at<br />

any reduced view scale. The function key reduces the display of the drawing by a<br />

factor of 2. The point on the drawing, determined by the position of the cursor, prior to<br />

selecting , becomes the center of the screen.<br />


Zoom Extents<br />

Views<br />

The 'Zoom Extents' command will display the complete drawing sheet in the<br />

drawing windows, regardless of the window size.<br />

Function key also activates the 'Zoom Extents' command.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Zoom Window<br />

The 'Zoom Window' command allows you to define the area of the drawing to be<br />

displayed on the screen. After selecting the command, you are prompted to 'Define the<br />

window'. This is done by entering two diagonal points that define a rectangle that<br />

encompasses the area to be displayed.<br />


1/1 Middle<br />

Views<br />

The '1/1 Middle' command is used to show the drawing in 1:1 scale and positions<br />

the cursor in the middle of the drawing window.<br />

Function key also activates the '1/1 Middle' command.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Zoom last<br />

This command switches back to the previous scale and display orientation, used<br />

prior to the last change.<br />


Display dimensions<br />

Views<br />

Under menu option View / Show dimensions, you can hide and reveal the<br />

dimensions.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />


Show invisible texts<br />

Views<br />

This menu option is a derivation of a dialog invocation See all which was previously and<br />

still is located under Parameters / Options. Using this option makes all texts on the<br />

diagram visible.<br />

This makes it possible to switch between the two modes quickly.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />


Identify symbols with number locks<br />

Views<br />

With this menu option, all the symbols (reference names) which are locked for the<br />

auto-numbering are marked visually on the circuit diagram.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Identify symbols with material locks<br />

With this menu option, all the symbols (reference names) which are locked for the<br />

material list are marked visually on the circuit diagram.<br />


Mouse wheel zoom<br />

Views<br />

On the basis of the current cursor position the representation is constantly increased<br />

and/or reduced depending upon direction of rotation, which picture shifted after<br />

possibility in such a way that the cursor position becomes the picture center. The<br />

function is activated and/or deactivated through to press on the mouse wheel.<br />

hint<br />

An identical effect as over mouse wheel tricks you obtain with +<br />

and - keys<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Cable visible or invisible<br />

With this menu option all cables aren't displayed in the schematic. This is corresponding<br />

to the Common Settings / Cables / Do not display conductors .<br />

See also<br />

Cables<br />


Text Box visible or invisible<br />

Views<br />

This menu option is corresponding to the option invisible at the Text Box dialogue<br />

started by the menu option Draw / Text Box. This makes it possible to switch between<br />

the two Mode.<br />

See also<br />

Text Box<br />


Settings<br />

General<br />

Software running under Windows normally uses *-INI files (or the registry) to hold the<br />

settings . These INI-files are simple text files, which you can read with any standard text<br />

editor (but please do not alter them). Inside an INI-file you can find sections (e.g.<br />

[Colours]) and the associated settings (e.g. Color0=12345678). <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 does not use<br />

the registry, so that even users with more limited systems knowledge can check and<br />

modify the configuration, if necessary.<br />

Hint<br />

Project related settings are stored in a file in the actual project directory.<br />

When you open the project the settings are automatically<br />

read..<br />

A feature is the separation between project dependent and general configuration<br />

settings, stored in two separate files. So for instance you can keep your screen colour<br />

settings unchanged, while project dependent data such as the database in current use is<br />

automatically configured correctly. During installation in the windows directory a <strong>WSCAD</strong><br />

subdirectory is created, to which the general configuration file WS_WIN50AT.INI and<br />

the project dependent file WS_PRJ50AT.INI are copied. Every time you create a new<br />

project and you want to work with project dependent configuration the file<br />

WS_PRJ50AT.INI is copied into your project directory for later use.<br />

All the configuration dialogs use the standard Windows style, which is based on an<br />

‘index card’ format. This offers quick access and easy control. You can only change the<br />

settings which are relevant to the current situation. For example, there is no point in<br />

changing the settings for the Contactor manager when working with a Basic version.<br />

Hint<br />

When you work with <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 an additional file (<strong>WSCAD</strong>50.INI) is<br />

created in the windows directory. In this file the MFC software<br />

(from Microsoft) stores information about the position and state of<br />

the toolbars.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Color and Font settings<br />

Color settings<br />

<strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 has separate settings for screen and printer/plotter colours. In both<br />

cases <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 handles 16 colors, which you can modify using the standard windows<br />

color dialog. On the left side you can see the colors <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 is currently using (Custom<br />

colors). If you click on the button 'Define custom colors' the dialog is extended:<br />

Select the colour you want to change and modify it. Then click on the button 'Add to<br />

custom Colours' to store the changed <strong>WSCAD</strong> colour.<br />

Hint<br />

684<br />

There is a difference between solid colors (used for drawing lines)<br />

and the color used for area filling. This depends on the color<br />

resolution of your system. Have a look at the field 'Color/Solid',<br />

there you can see the difference.

Screen colors<br />

You can modify your screen colors for the drawings with the following dialog:<br />

Settings<br />

On the right side you see the 16 colors <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 supports for the screen. By clicking on<br />

the button 'Change' you get the standard windows color dialog and you can change the<br />

color definitions. To change a color setting first select the color you want to use. The<br />

selected color is marked with a small rectangle in the middle of the color field. Then click<br />

on the button for the element you want the change. Every change is immediately displayed<br />

in the current drawing window. The setting for 'Drawing color' only shows the<br />

current state. It's easier to modify this directly from the information bar.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Printer colors<br />

The separation of screen colors and printer colors allows you to set both output areas<br />

optimally:<br />

On the right side you see the 16 colors <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 supports for printers/plotters. By<br />

clicking on the button 'Change' you get the standard windows color dialog and you can<br />

change the color definitions. For every element for which you can set a printer color you<br />

have a button in the relevant color area, showing the current setting. Modifications are<br />

made in the same way as for the screen colors .<br />


Fonts<br />

<strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 supports TrueType fonts for screen and printer/plotter output.<br />

Settings<br />

It depends on your system as to which fonts are available. Normally you can find Arial<br />

and Courier New on all systems.<br />

<strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 supports the following text types:<br />

• Simple text, as used for all Symbol parameters like function text or part number<br />

• Text in three different styles (Standard, Propo, Special)<br />

The following dialog shows you the settings available for screen and printer:<br />

The style is very important if you need special character sets for eastern countries. You<br />

can select a font from the list available on your system. You can also select script and<br />

style for every font, but these attributes are only effective is the compatibility is set to<br />

Mode 3! For 'Simple text' only monospaced fonts are listed. For the type 'text' you can<br />

select any TrueType font available on your system.<br />

Hint<br />

You can also use special fonts like 'Wingdings' or even foreign<br />

language fonts, if your system is set up for these.<br />

An optimised font manager is used when the option 'Mode 3: Optimal text scaling' is<br />

selected.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

This should be the standard mode. All other modes are only useful if you have to display<br />

older projects in the conventional style.<br />

Hint<br />

688<br />

There is no longer any differentiation between fonts for screen and<br />

plotter. The only output devices supported are those allowing True<br />

Type fonts.

Options<br />

Options<br />

Hint<br />

The 'Options' dialog controls some important and useful settings.<br />

the dialog can be opened by a right mouse click at the plan if a<br />

special option in the Miscellaneous index card is set.<br />

Settings<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />


Snap settings<br />

Settings<br />

Is used to change the spacing of the grid points. Click on the '' sign to the right of the<br />

field, and you get a list of all available values.<br />

With the 'Activate snap' toggle ticked (check marked), the cursor will jump from grid<br />

point to grid point and changing the 'Grid settings' will change the effective jump that the<br />

cursor makes. You can also use to toggle the snap state.<br />

Tip<br />

The Library components were made using a 2.5mm - grid. If you<br />

work with a 4mm grid and the automatic size fitting is turned off,<br />

some component pins will not fit the grid (3x 2.5mm = 7.5mm).<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Ortho mode<br />

If the Ortho mode is activated, you can only draw vertical and horizontal lines. An 'O',<br />

displayed on the left of the information bar, indicates that Ortho mode is turned on.<br />

Hint<br />

692<br />

You can also turn the Ortho mode On/Off with function key

Grid setting<br />

Settings<br />

Grid setting is used to change the spacing of the grid points. Click on the '' sign to the<br />

right of the field, and you get a list of all available values. The values depend on the<br />

current snap settings. When the 'Activate Grid' toggle is ticked (check marked), a grid<br />

is displayed in the drawing window. You can also toggle the grid state with .<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Auto-connection<br />

Activating Auto-connection turns on the Automatic Connection mode. An 'A', displayed<br />

on the left of the information bar, indicates that 'Automatic Connection' mode is turned<br />

on.<br />

Hint<br />

694<br />

You can also turn the 'Auto-connection mode On/Off with function<br />

key <br />

When a component is placed with 'Auto-connection active, it will be automatically<br />

connected to the component above or below it (or to the right or left depending on the<br />

mode selected). In addition, if a node is drawn, a connection line will also be drawn to a<br />

component directly above or below it. Existing connection lines will be opened<br />

automatically. Automatic connection and opening of connection lines also works with the<br />

UNDO, REDO, Repeat and Copy commands. Opened lines will also be closed again if<br />

Delete, UNDO or REDO is used.

Cursor<br />

Within this section you can select from four different cursor shapes:<br />

• Small cross<br />

• Arrow<br />

• Cross hair (large cross).<br />

• Standard Windows cursor<br />

TIP<br />

When placing components, it is often easier to use the crosshair<br />

type format to line up connection points<br />

Settings<br />

Selecting either 'inch' or 'mm' causes the readout to display in the corresponding units.<br />

When adding dimensions to a drawing, the dimension text will also be written according<br />

to the units selected.<br />

TIP<br />

You can toggle between readouts in 'inches' or 'mm' by pressing<br />

function key <br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Cursor scale<br />

Cursor scale is used to enter a scale factor for the drawing. This is more applicable to<br />

physical layout type drawings, where equipment, etc., is often drawn to scale. Typical<br />

schematic drawings are drawn at a scale factor of 1. Readouts and dimensioning are<br />

generated according to the scale. Select the field with a left mouse button click and<br />

enter a scale factor between 1 and 1000 (e.g. enter 50 for a scale of 1:50).<br />

Hint<br />

696<br />

The scale changes only the display co-ordinates and the<br />

dimensioning, but does not affect the drawing output size.

Page scale<br />

Settings<br />

The value entered here determines the standard scale for the current switch cabinet<br />

layout page. This scale is also applied to all of the pages which are subsequently<br />

prepared on the basis of this page<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

File type<br />

The different file types are very important for many functions.<br />

When preparing the lists, such as the material list, the file type is automatically<br />

corrected. When a new file is generated with the command File / New, the default<br />

setting is the same as that for the current drawing. However, if this file is a form or a<br />

drawing frame, the type will have to be set manually.<br />

Freehand graphics<br />

This file type is, for example, a standard <strong>WSCAD</strong> drawing but is completely ignored<br />

when the lists and evaluations are being prepared<br />

Others<br />

This file type can be permanently deposited with all file types and representations in the<br />

preview. For example, by setting *.txt for file filters, all text files in the project folder<br />

will be shown and made visible in the preview window when they are selected.<br />


Drawing frames<br />

Settings<br />

Matters are made significantly simpler when loading a drawing frame because the<br />

values of the drawing frame for cross references, path classifications and borders<br />

can be transferred automatically, thus making manual checking and reworking<br />

unnecessary. You would do well to adjust your existing drawing frames so that you can<br />

take advantage of this new functionality.<br />

When converting old circuit diagrams into the new file format, all of<br />

the lists are recognised as such and precise specification (terminals<br />

and cables) is not possible.<br />

The following settings under Parameters / General / File are necessary for the<br />

automatic transfer of drawing frame values.<br />

• Transfer drawing settings: ON<br />

• Values when inserting a drawing frame: ON<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Invisible text<br />

With this toggle you can turn on/off the display of all text that has been designated as<br />

invisible (i.e. invisible texts have '!' as the first character).<br />


Margins<br />

Settings<br />

The margin settings are primarily important in connection with:<br />

• Foreign languages, so that margin texts can be excluded from any translation.<br />

• Replacement of the drawing frame, so that all elements of the drawing frame can<br />

be removed.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Auxiliary lines<br />

Auxiliary lines are very helpful to position symbols exactly. Auxiliary lines are<br />

displayed in the specified distance (mm), beginning from the bottom of the drawing area.<br />

The separator for the values is the '#' character, the decimal separator is the '.'<br />

character. You can enter up to 10 values to get up to 10 lines.<br />


Exact conversion<br />

Settings<br />

This toggle is used to determine the conversion factor for the cursor coordinates. If this<br />

option is set, the conversion factor is 1" = 2.54 cm, otherwise 1" = 2.50 cm.<br />

Internally calculations are always done in (inches).<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Format<br />

The 'Format' section is used to select the sheet size for the drawing. Selecting the list<br />

box displays a list of available sizes from which the required size can be selected. The<br />

choices available are European DIN A0 to DIN A4 and North American A to E size.<br />

The fields 'X:' and 'Y:' show the size in mm or inches, depending on the selected cursor<br />

unit. You can set the size of the drawing to any desired value by selecting 'Special' and<br />

then entering the sizes in the 'X:' / 'Y:' fields. The maximum sheet size, using the<br />

'Special' command, is 3000mm x 3000mm. You can also select Landscape or<br />

Portrait format. Selecting one de-selects the other.<br />

TIP<br />

704<br />

When a drawing is plotted and it appears to be too small, the most<br />

likely problem is that a larger sheet format was chosen and then a<br />

smaller format drawing frame was placed on the sheet, e.g. a<br />

DINA3 format and a DINA4 frame. A solution to this problem is to<br />

move the complete drawing to the upper left corner and to select<br />

the correct format. The upper left corner is fixed and only the lower<br />

right corner changes.

Desktop interface<br />

Arranging the (desktop) interface<br />

Settings<br />

The <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 interface can be freely adapted to your personal presentations. Here, an<br />

important factor is the function bars. You can decide on the composition and appearance<br />

of the function bars (this also applies to the library bars).<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Toolbars general<br />

The arrangement or adjustment of the desktop is one of the most important criteria<br />

for the fast and efficient use of a program. In Windows the arrangement of the elements<br />

available to the user and the degree of variability are especially important. Toolbars play<br />

a major part here, and there are various types of toolbar. Toolbars have common<br />

features, but offer various functions.<br />

The toolbars can take two different forms:<br />

706<br />

• an independent window which can be placed anywhere on the desktop and which<br />

has its own window text (“floating” toolbar).<br />

• a linked toolbar, which can be ‘docked' to any side of the main window; it does<br />

not have any window text (“docked” toolbar).<br />

You can switch between the two forms using the following<br />

Windows-standard methods:<br />

• Double click the edge of the toolbar with the left mouse button to change the form<br />

of the toolbar.<br />

• Click on the edge of the toolbar, and then drag with the left mouse button held<br />

down, to move and place the toolbar as you wish. If you move the bar right to<br />

any side of the main window, it becomes “docked” again.<br />

Toolbars can be positioned parallel (next to each other) or in rows (one behind the other)<br />

at the edge of an application window.<br />

As soon as the cursor moves onto a button, a short help text appears explaining the<br />

button’s function. The individual buttons are always arranged in rows in the toolbar. If<br />

you move the mouse onto a button, a “Tool tip” is displayed, describing the function of<br />

the button. If you press the button and hold it down, you will see additional information<br />

in the status bar. In order to avoid overcrowding the desktop, every toolbar can be made<br />

invisible. Move the mouse onto the area of the toolbar (but not onto a button) and click<br />

with the right mouse button to obtain a menu covering both the visible and the invisible<br />

toolbars.<br />

<strong>WSCAD</strong> has three different types of toolbars:<br />

1. Command toolbars<br />

2. Library toolbars<br />

3. Information bar<br />

<strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 can handle up to 200 toolbars and a maximum of 2000 buttons in the library<br />

toolbars. The number of command and library toolbars together is limited to 200. They

Settings<br />

can be held in the background (invisible) or can be switched off. The maximum number<br />

of buttons per bar is set in the configuration and can be modified. On all the library toolbars<br />

together, there can be a maximum of 2000 buttons. There is only one information<br />

bar.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Managing function bars<br />

Function bars can be quickly and conveniently managed with the aid of the Working<br />

interface dialog. The dialog is invoked via the menu option Parameters / Desktop /<br />

Function bars.<br />


Settings<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Choose between the library bars and command bars in the upper area. The available<br />

function bars for the category concerned then appear in the list underneath. Active<br />

function bars are marked with an ‘*’ and invisible ones are marked with a ‘.’ If you<br />

select one of the bars, you will see the size of a button on the immediate right and<br />

underneath, the functions assigned to each button. The Library column, however, only<br />

appear in the case of library bars.<br />

The command or library bar options<br />

Note<br />

710<br />

• Independent The symbol bar is always displayed whatever the standard<br />

setting you are working with in the current project.<br />

• DIN 61346 The symbol bar is only displayed when the DIN61346 standard<br />

field has been set in the Project Manager for the active project.<br />

• Neither of the two The symbol bar is only displayed when you are working<br />

without the new DIN in the active project.<br />

• Structure identifies libraries which can accept symbols for the switch cabinet<br />

layout.<br />

• Off The function bar is not displayed and is removed from the memory. There<br />

is no longer any link to the program but the bar continues to be defined and can<br />

be activated again.<br />

• On If the function bar was already loaded but was not visible, it is activated<br />

at the previous position. Otherwise, the function bar is loaded and displayed at<br />

the top left edge as a window.<br />

• Hidden The function bar is merely made invisible and not removed from the<br />


You can change the size of each column (e.g. Name or File) in the<br />

list field by dragging the heading field with the mouse.<br />

Settings<br />

The function bars can be switched between the states On and Hidden very quickly by<br />

clicking on the open area at the top next to a command bar, for example. A list of all<br />

the function bars loaded is displayed and the state is switched simply by clicking with<br />

the left mouse button. A new function bar is created by clicking on the button NEW and a<br />

new dialog starts which can be used to adjust the name of the function bar concerned,<br />

the number of buttons and the size of the library bars. You can give the function<br />

bar any name you like and specify the number of buttons on the bar. The size of the<br />

command bars is fixed. With library bars, you can either choose the standard size or<br />

specify the size of the buttons. The DELETE button permanently deletes a function bar<br />

after a prompt.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Command bars<br />

The command bars are generated under the menu option Parameters / Desktop. In<br />

the associated dialog, select the tab Function bars and there set the option Command.<br />

Next, click on the button New and enter the name of the command bar in the field<br />

Designation. The Number-of-buttons slider bar gives the number of the buttons<br />

which are initially available.<br />

After clicking on the OK button, the command bar is accepted and deposited with empty<br />

commands.<br />


Settings<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Configuring a command toolbar<br />

In order to configure the buttons in a toolbar according to your preferences, you can<br />

activate the Object characteristics menu by positioning the cursor on the button and<br />

clicking the right mouse button.<br />

Inserting a button<br />

You can insert an additional button or a separator at the insertion point (the point in<br />

front of the cursor position). If this point is already a separator, a further separator<br />

cannot be inserted. If a new button is inserted, it is initially empty, i.e. no function has<br />

been assigned to it. If the maximum number of buttons has been reached, an error<br />

message appears and the function is not carried out.<br />

Appending a button<br />

A new button can also be attached to the end of a toolbar. As with an inserted button, it<br />

is initially unoccupied and you must first of all assign a function to it before you can work<br />

with it.<br />

Moving a button<br />

The button on which the cursor is positioned can be moved to another position on the<br />

same Toolbar. You start the procedure by selecting the menu item ‘Move’ in the Object<br />

characteristics menu. Now move the cursor to the position where you want to insert the<br />

button and activate the Object characteristics menu again using the right mouse button.<br />

Delete<br />

When this item is selected, the button or separator on which the cursor is located, will be<br />

deleted from the toolbar without any further security prompts.<br />

Record (=assign function)<br />

You can see which function is assigned to a button, by looking at the first line of the<br />

Object properties menu. In order to modify or reassign a function, select the menu<br />


Settings<br />

item ‘Record’. This item always requires the user to take the appropriate action, which is<br />

then recorded. A tick within the menu will show whether this mode is still active.<br />

If you activate the recording, the program waits for you to select the desired menu item.<br />

If the command is assignable the button display momentarily changes. When the menu<br />

closes, the recording automatically terminates.<br />

Options<br />

This item brings you directly to the appropriate section of the configuration, assuming<br />

that the command in question is configurable. If not, the menu item is shown as inactive<br />

(grey).<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Library bars<br />

A library bar can manage buttons for symbols from very different libraries. Assign<br />

symbols to the bar in the symbol editor.<br />

The buttons of a library bar provide the “direct loading” of a symbol from a library as<br />

a functionality where symbols from different libraries can be assigned to each bar. The<br />

composition is according to choice and is put together in the symbol editor. The<br />

graphics appearance of the buttons is determined by a “photo” of the symbol.<br />

716<br />

A total of 2000 buttons can be managed for all library bars<br />


Library bars and IEC 61346<br />

Settings<br />

A standard arrangement can be made for the library bars with the options from the<br />

Standard group. If the Standard option is set to IEC 61346 for library bars, they<br />

will only be active when the Standard project mode is also IEC 61346. Library<br />

bars must be populated with symbols from the corresponding libraries so that the<br />

standard arrangement works. In the case of projects for which the project mode<br />

standard is not set to IEC 61346, the library bars which are set to Standard IEC<br />

61346 are hidden and those for which this option is not set are revealed. The standard<br />

assignment is independent, for the Destination wiring library bar, for example. This<br />

status has the effect of the library bar being independent of the standard project mode<br />

of the currently active project, and is therefore visible.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Generating library bars<br />

The library bars are generated under the menu option Parameters / Desktop. In the<br />

associated dialog, select the tab Function bars and there set the option Library. Next,<br />

click on the button New and enter the name of the library bar in the field<br />

Designation. The Number-of-buttons slider bar gives the number of buttons which<br />

are initially available. In the Size panel, the standard can be activated or, if the<br />

standard is deactivated, a special size can be entered. The Size is entered as length x<br />

width in the two boxes next to the Standard option. Whole numbers between 5 and 99<br />

can be used.<br />

After clicking on the OK button, the library bar is accepted and deposited with empty<br />

commands.<br />


Settings<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Configuring a library toolbar<br />

Library toolbar configuration differs from that of a command toolbar only in the<br />

assignment process:<br />

The component which is to be assigned must first be loaded into the Symbol editor.<br />

Use the zoom function to enlarge the drawing so that you can easily identify the section<br />

to be allocated to the button. With the right mouse button, activate the Object<br />

characteristics of the desired button and choose the command Record.<br />

The program waits for you to open up a window with the mouse. This section is then<br />

sized to suit the button and displayed within it. The component name and the name of<br />

the active library are also transferred. When you activate the button , the component is<br />

immediately loaded onto the cursor. The background color of the Symbol editor is<br />

also displayed.<br />

Tip<br />

720<br />

You can check the allocation of each button within a toolbar from<br />

the component list in the Desktop dialog.

Library bar cabinet<br />

Settings<br />

The library bar type allows immediate selection of symbols in the switch cabinet<br />

layout diagram from special layout libraries. Layout components are, for example,<br />

a front view of its mechanical structure. This view is drawn to scale in the symbol editor<br />

and is saved in special cabinet libraries.<br />

Important<br />

The components on this bar can now be pasted directly on the<br />

switch cabinet diagrams. During this process, they are adjusted to<br />

scale. They are only used on the switch cabinet diagram since they<br />

are only used for viewing and have no logical function.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Creating a new cabinet library bar<br />

The cabinet bars are generated under the menu option Parameters / Desktop. In the<br />

associated dialog, select the tab Function bars and there set the option cabinet . Next,<br />

click on the button New and enter the name of the library bar in the field<br />

Designation. The Number-of-buttons slider bar gives the number of buttons which<br />

are initially available.<br />

Now label the new library bar as the type Cabinet.<br />


Drawing the symbols on buttons<br />

Settings<br />

The buttons of cabinet library bars are drawn on in the symbol editor by loading the<br />

symbol concerned in the editor and activating the cabinet library bar. Click on the<br />

Library button which you want to accept the symbol with the right mouse button and<br />

select Draw in the context menu. The window function of the cursor can be used to<br />

draw the outline. The symbol is now copied graphically onto the library bar.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

System performance<br />

Under Microsoft Windows, the processing time for many different tasks is largely<br />

shared (Multitasking or Multithreading). Numerous processes are already running in<br />

the background (e.g. updating of function bars) without the user himself initiating the<br />

process. Within <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5, this effect can be used for displaying the working interfaces<br />

and the relationship between these and the drawing processes.<br />

However, it is important to make sure that the settings are not too high otherwise some<br />

of the states which are displayed will not change quickly enough and will cause confusion<br />

instead. If in doubt, a comparison can be made between the current setting and “the<br />

setting against the left stop”.<br />

Drawing priority<br />

The relationship between the general display and the drawing processes is<br />

designated a drawing priority. At high priority, the process of refreshment of general<br />

displays during the drawing or functions such as moving or dragging is rarely invoked<br />

and the drawing processes are therefore accelerated.<br />

Display delay<br />

The display delay is defined as the time which elapses before the general displays on<br />

the working interface are refreshed. This includes, for example, the presentation of<br />

alternating types of function bar display or alternating types of button display. If the time<br />

is increased, more of the computer processing time is available for the drawing<br />

processes.<br />


Note<br />

<strong>WSCAD</strong> has no influence on the processing time demanded by other<br />

applications. If there is a time deficit, the best solution is to shut<br />

down as many other programs running at the time as possible. Note<br />

that this is often not synonymous with the iconisation.<br />

Copying to clipboard<br />

Settings<br />

This option must be set in order to copy selected components or objects to the clipboard<br />

using the +C key command and then pasting them to other Windows applications.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Design<br />

This is a new feature in regard to the graphics appearance of the <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 screen. You<br />

can include the features of Windows XP / 2000 by the way you configure an individual<br />

design.<br />

The Design tab provides all the tools which are required for this purpose.<br />

726<br />

• The Windows standard interface option offers the not-so-courageous <strong>WSCAD</strong><br />

user a work interface in the conventional style.<br />

• The checkboxes Menu, Function bars and Buttons activate the graphics<br />

settings for the selected colours.<br />

• The Preview immediately displays a dialog button with the settings updated.<br />

Here you will see, for example, the type of colour blending, horizontal and 3D.<br />

The settings must be made separately for <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 circuit diagram editing,<br />

installation diagram editing and module building and are only updated after the<br />

program has been restarted.

Settings<br />


Common Settings<br />

Tabs<br />

Directories<br />

The 'Directories' group is used to set the default directory paths for the different files<br />

used by <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5. With the different setting possibilities flexible network operation is<br />

possible, because every user has an own configuration file (s). When you enter path<br />

names, (e.g. for the contact-comb library, database, DB selection or DB Field renaming)<br />

a complete name with path and file extension must be entered. It is much easier first to<br />

select the field you want to change, and then to click on the 'Search' button. You get the<br />

standard Windows File Open dialog for selecting the file or path.<br />

Hint<br />

If there is no setting for the Project database, project management<br />

is automatically disabled.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

File<br />

Within this tab are all the settings, which control the loading, and storing of drawings.<br />

Auto-load of last drawing when starting program anew<br />

If this option is selected, <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 will automatically load the last active drawing when<br />

the program is started again. Otherwise <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 will open with an empty screen.<br />

Accept default settings of loaded drawing<br />

When a drawing is saved the following settings are stored along with the drawing: Page<br />

size, display status, grid size, path assignment for cross-reference, position of<br />

the reflector contacts. If you activate this option, the above values, stored with the<br />

drawing, are used when the drawing is loaded.<br />

Hint<br />

730<br />

If you wish to change the parameters of the drawing (e.g. path<br />

width), use the 'File save' command to write the changes to disk.<br />

Otherwise, the old values will always be selected.<br />

Accept Settings when loading a drawing frame

Common Settings<br />

If you are inserting a drawing frame into a schematic and this option is activated, then<br />

values form the path and distances will be take over.<br />

Exact Format adaption<br />

Setting this options ensures that the drawing sheets exactly fit the current format size<br />

(A4, A3…).<br />

Accept Settings when loading a drawing frame<br />

If you are inserting a drawing frame into a schematic and this option is activated, then<br />

values form the path and distances will be take over.<br />

Disable request 'Safety copies'<br />

Select this option if you do not want to work with safety copies.<br />

Store display status+zoom with every page<br />

If this option is selected, display viewing information (e.g. zoom value and pan position)<br />

will be stored. The next time the drawing is opened, it will be displayed at exactly the<br />

same position.<br />

Remember that only modified drawings are automatically saved.<br />

Store drawing if only display position modified<br />

If this option is selected, the display status will be stored, even if the drawing itself has<br />

not been modified.<br />

This is useful when paging through a drawing set (if the display status was also stored).<br />

The disadvantage is that the automatic function will always create the universal<br />

connection file (*.CXK).<br />

Time interval for automatic saves<br />

<strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 has the ability to regularly save onto disk the file you are currently working<br />

on. Set the value to 0 to disable the automatic save.<br />

Automatic Safety Copies<br />

If you are saving single schematics <strong>WSCAD</strong> creates a subfolder BAK in the project folder.<br />

In this folder, the files will be saved with their original name.<br />

Deleting files to the recycle bin<br />

This option prevents files from being deleted immediately without the possibility of<br />

recovery. If you tick on this option, the deleted files are stored in the Windows recycle<br />

bin and must be deleted again from there for them to be removed completely.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Printer<br />

This group contains options for schematic and label printers.<br />

Line width<br />

Here you can control the width of different types of lines. (0.1 to 1.0 mm)<br />

Always enable color printout<br />

This option overrules the settings of the printer driver. At the print dialog you select<br />

whether the printout is colored or not<br />

Here you can also change the current printers<br />

These buttons starts the same function like menu item 'File-Change printer'.<br />


Cross reference<br />

Common Settings<br />

This tab covers all the settings for size, content, orientation and layout of crossreferences<br />

displayed on the drawing.<br />

Leading character<br />

This character will become the first character of every cross-reference text. The default<br />

value is '/', but you also can enter a string.<br />

Separation between page # and path<br />

Here enter the sign, which is displayed in cross-reference texts between the page<br />

number and the path.<br />

Disable contact cross-reference<br />

With this option, you can prevent the generation of cross-reference text at contacts and<br />

(Mega module only) at side elements.<br />

Also, forward on the last page<br />

If a line has an open end on the right side and this line is not continued on the following<br />

pages, normally the cross-reference points at the line end itself. If you set this option,<br />

you can force the cross-reference text to point to a preceding page.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Disable Unit/field designation<br />

If this option is NOT selected the UFD is included in the cross-reference text (at the<br />

beginning).<br />

Disable at single line end<br />

If a line has only one open end in the complete project, you can disable creation of the<br />

cross-reference text.<br />

Disable at the last line end<br />

Select this option if the cross-reference text at the last open end on the right should not<br />

be generated.<br />

Space upper contact -> page edge<br />

This option defines the location of the first reflector contact, and this is the reference<br />

point for the automatic positioning of the contact combs in the Professional module.<br />

Space between reflector contacts<br />

This option defines the space between the various contacts of a reflector (the duplicate<br />

contacts displayed next to the coil that are used to display the cross references).<br />

Display in snap grid<br />

If this option is selected, the contacts are placed 1 grid space away from the preceding<br />

contact. If disabled, the size of the contact is calculated and the distance away is adapted<br />

to this size. The previous setting 'Space between reflector contacts' then has no effect.<br />

Cross reference text at reflector / comb<br />

With this option, you can determine whether the cross-reference text at contact comb<br />

and contact reflector is generated at the left or right side.<br />

Hint<br />

734<br />

The pin direction at the contact comb must be ‘left’ for the lefthand<br />

pins and ‘right’ for the right-hand pins. A wrong pin direction<br />

causes a missing cross-reference text!<br />

Group path<br />

With these settings, you can modify the path parameters. All entries can be made in mm<br />

or inches.<br />

Hint<br />

Be careful when setting the path unit to ‘Grid’. The cross references<br />

will change if the grid setting is altered.<br />

The Distance from frame represents the space between your drawing frame and the<br />

format area. You can also set the start values (Blank = disable).<br />

Hint<br />

Remember that the path setting you can see in your drawing is only<br />

optical, which means there is no fixed relationship between what<br />

you see and the path settings used by the cross reference<br />

generator. You must therefore make sure the path setting matches<br />

the frame. You can easily check this by moving the cursor from left<br />

to right and noting the path information in the information bar.

Common Settings<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Miscellaneous<br />

This group contains options, which do not fall clearly into any other category.<br />

Drawing memory<br />

This amount of drawing memory is allocated for every drawing<br />

window you create. The value is not as important for the actual drawing<br />

size (a typical drawing needs about 10-20kB), as it is for the speed of the<br />

automatic functions (Good value 4096kB).<br />

Note<br />

736<br />

This settings also determines the maximum size of a symbol<br />

library!<br />

Full horizontal functionality<br />

For European drawings, the layout is typically in a vertical orientation<br />

and hence this option is NOT set as a default. In North America, the<br />

layout of schematics is typically in a horizontal orientation and hence the<br />

horizontal mode is required.<br />

This option affects many functions:

Common Settings<br />

• The automatic connection feature when inserting a symbol<br />

• The automatic break in connection lines when inserting a symbol<br />

• The identification of terminals/cable conductors belonging together.<br />

For these components, the reference name can be taken from<br />

another component of the same type.<br />

• Automatic positioning of the contact combs<br />

• Display of the auxiliary line for the reflector contacts<br />

• Creating of reflector contacts<br />

• Creating and positioning of line related cross-reference texts.<br />

Simple sorting algorithm<br />

Typically, this option is not set; which means that the letters are<br />

outputted in sequence relative to the numbers. When the option is set,<br />

the numbers are outputted in sequence relative to the letters.<br />

Example: For numbers in a terminal chart<br />

NOT SET: 1A, 2A, 3A, 1B, 2B, 3B, 1C, 2C, and 3C...<br />

SET: 1A, 1B, 1C, 2A, 2B, 2C, 3A, 3B, 3C,.....<br />

This is also important for the sequence in which the contactors and<br />

contacts are displayed in the dialogs of the 'Contactor Manager'.<br />

Calculate ref. name position when auto-numbering<br />

With components that are placed in a vertical orientation (typically<br />

European), the reference name is located on the left side of the<br />

component. If the reference name has been moved, during automatic<br />

numbering, the reference name will be re-positioned to the existing<br />

location. To prevent this from happening this option should be deselected.<br />

Error beep<br />

Deselecting this option disables the warning beep when an error occurs.<br />

The error message is still displayed at the bottom of the screen.<br />

Update variable date automatically<br />

Select this option if you want the 'date' variable to be automatically<br />

updated each time a drawing is opened and modified.<br />

Cursor Auto-Position to Standard Button<br />

The cursor jumps always to the default button on each call up dialog.<br />

ACCESS 2000 compatibility<br />

If you select this option, all internal databases external Access lists (like<br />

Material list) will be saved in the new format except the large Accessdatabase<br />

(wscad42.mdb) that includes all parts.<br />

The Access-database must be converted with the program ACCESS 2000.<br />

Be carefully with this option cause ACCESS 2000 format is not readable in<br />

ACCESS97.<br />

Display<br />

Within this group, you can set the style of date presentation and the<br />

printout of nodes. The limits on the display of names and pin<br />

numbers/names affect what happens when you zoom. Depending upon<br />

the resolution and screen size, it may become impossible to read the text<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

for the component names, reference names, line names, pin numbers and<br />

simple text. Entering a value here controls whether the text is displayed<br />

or not. For example, if the display factor is set to 0.5, text will be displayed<br />

up to the point where it is being displayed at 50% of its size, and<br />

0.1 up to 10%. With a factor of 0.5, if the view were zoomed to 1/2<br />

(50%) the text would be displayed, but if the factor was .6, it would not,<br />

because the viewing scale exceeded the entered display factor.<br />

Show dialog 'Option' with right mouse button<br />

If you right click within a drawing window, but not on an element, the<br />

'Option' dialog appears if this option is set.<br />


Contactors + PLC modules<br />

Common Settings<br />

Within this group are all the settings for contactor and PLC processing. If you are working<br />

with a Basic module most of the settings are disabled (greyed).<br />

Activate contactor manager<br />

The automatic 'Contactor Manager' can be switched on. (Contactor Manager is only<br />

available in the Professional module).<br />

If it is switched off, and contacts or coils are added or deleted, the contactor project<br />

file will cease to reflect these changes, and has to be generated anew.<br />

Semi-automatic<br />

If this option is activated you will be able to use the conductor browser this also prevents<br />

an automatic database call up during placing conductors.<br />

Display occupied contacts<br />

If a contact is selected for placement, all coils that have been placed will appear in a<br />

dialog. Selecting a coil assigns the contact to it.<br />

Deselecting this option means that only the free contacts is displayed at the appropriate<br />

coil (displayed as capital letters 'OOCO'). Otherwise, all contacts assigned to this coil are<br />

displayed: The unoccupied contacts are displayed using capital letters and the occupied<br />

ones with small letters (only Professional module).<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Accept function text of the coil for the contact<br />

If this option is selected, when a contact is placed and associated to an existing coil<br />

whose function text has already been entered, the function text of the coil will<br />

automatically appear ready for the text to be placed.<br />

Preset vertical position of function text<br />

If you enter 'Function text' when placing a coil, this text can automatically be displayed<br />

for each associated contact. The position of the text is pre-defined. If contacts are placed<br />

vertically (typically European style), the 'y' position is set by the location of the contact<br />

and the 'x' position is taken from the contact itself. If contacts are placed horizontally<br />

(typically North American style) the 'x' 'y' positions are reversed (Professional module<br />

only).<br />

Determine pin numbers anew when changing a contactor<br />

When a contactor is replaced (using the 'Contactor' command on the 'Modify' menu, or<br />

by selecting 'Change' on the 'Contactor management' menu found under 'Automatic<br />

functions'), you can accept the existing pin numbers or regenerate the pin numbers as<br />

per the new contactor.<br />

Show auxiliary line for reflector contacts<br />

Activating this option will display an aux. line at same level as that defined for the<br />

location of the reflector contact in configuration. This line acts as a guide only and is not<br />

printed or plotted.<br />

Automatically change Ref. Name coil/contact using copy/repeat<br />

If this option is selected, the coil/contact reference names are changed automatically if<br />

'Repeat', 'Copy', 'Insert File/Block' and 'Copy File' are used, so that identical<br />

reference names will not appear in the drawing set. The reference names are changed in<br />

such a way that the page number and a number that does not already appear on the<br />

page will be added. Some component reference names (e.g. coils and associated<br />

contacts) are modified in the same manner if using 'Copy' and 'Insert' is used, so that<br />

the assignment of coil to contact is not destroyed. During the automatic numbering run,<br />

the reference names will be converted to the correct numbering scheme.<br />

TIP<br />

740<br />

If 'Repeat' and 'Copy (immediately)' are used, no assignment will<br />

be detected, because single elements are copied.<br />

Activate PLC manager<br />

The automatic PLC-manager can be switched on. (PLC-manager is only available in the<br />

Professional module). If it is switched off, the PLC project file and PLC modules are<br />

added or deleted, the PLC project file will cease to reflect these changes, and has to be<br />

generated anew.<br />

Import symbol text instead of comment from the PLC list<br />

This setting determines if the symbol or comment is used when importing a PLC list, or<br />

creating a PLC list with <strong>WSCAD</strong> for Windows. The system is able automatically to read<br />

and assign Comment and Symbol Text from a S5 formatted list (only Professional<br />

module).<br />

Note<br />

This setting only takes effect if you are working without the PLC<br />

manager. The components for the PLC manager have text allocators<br />

for symbol and comment!

Export using DOS character set<br />

This allows exporting a PLC list in a text file with DOS code.<br />

Import using DOS character set<br />

This allows importing a PLC list in a <strong>WSCAD</strong> project.<br />

Common Settings<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Connect + Load<br />

Within this group, are all the settings, which have an effect on procedures such as<br />

placing a component, drawing or entering text.<br />

Adapt component size automatically<br />

Standard library components are all created using a 2.5mm grid so that the pins fall on<br />

grid points. If you work with another grid, the component pins will not fit. Enabling this<br />

toggle will cause the component size to be adapted from a 2.5mm grid to suit the<br />

selected grid size.<br />


742<br />

Please use this setting with care. If you draw using a 2.5mm grid,<br />

there will be no problems. However, if you draw in a 1, 2 or 4mm<br />

grid and use 2.5mm library components, you must make sure that<br />

any components that you create, are created using a 2.5mm grid,<br />

otherwise the size adaptation will not work.<br />

Take values from database

Common Settings<br />

If this is activated, you can select Symbol parameters, e.g. part numbers, component<br />

names and Text2 from the database. Only components corresponding to the designated<br />

item will be displayed in the dialog, if it was stored in the database (only Mega module).<br />

Graphic component selection<br />

If this is activated, every time you use the command 'Schematics - Select<br />

component', <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 displays the drawing corresponding to the current library, and<br />

you can simply pick the symbol you need by positioning the cursor over it and clicking<br />

the left mouse button.<br />

Assignment Component Parameter Text to Database<br />

Here you can create a connection between Component Text (Text3…Text16) and a<br />

specified Database field. When placing components the values from database will be<br />

assigned to the particular Component Text. (If option 'Take values from database' is<br />

activated)<br />

Disable request to enter 'line name'<br />

This prevents the call up of the 'Input line name:' dialog to enter the line name and<br />

additional information.<br />

Enter line name in general input field<br />

If this option is selected you must use the general input field at the information bar to<br />

enter line names.<br />

Pre-set last text when input<br />

If this option is selected, any text entered last will be displayed in the input field of the<br />

information bar (e.g. reference name, component name, variables,...). This is very useful<br />

when using similar text inputs.<br />

Place entered text immediately<br />

When placing components and entering the associated text for the component,<br />

deselecting this option means you can position the text in any desired location after it<br />

has been inputted. Selecting this option means that the text will automatically be placed<br />

at the location determined for that text when the component was created.<br />

Auto-connection possible when a node is drawn<br />

If this is activated, a connection line will automatically be drawn from the point where a<br />

node is placed to a connection pin on a component, if the node and pin are directly above<br />

or below each other (or directly left or right depending upon the setting for horizontal or<br />

vertical functionality). The automatic connection line is disabled if the general automatic<br />

connection (Function key ) is disabled.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Compatibility<br />

The tab Compatibility is designed specifically for adherents of the earlier method of<br />

working.<br />

Graphical Symbol selection<br />

This activates the menu item Schematics - Graphical Symbol selection – Select<br />

component or ‘Library’ (here you activate the individual libraries). Corresponds to the<br />

working style of previous versions.<br />

Utilities for Electronics<br />

Switches on the various pin types and pin forms and activates the menu item Automatic<br />

funct. – Export/Import - Net list.<br />

Activate Destination Wiring<br />

Switches on the Destination wiring functionality and switches off the drawing element<br />

Nodes.<br />


Cables<br />

Common Settings<br />

The options under this tab can be used for specifying settings for cables. In the Basic<br />

version, most of these settings are irrelevant and are therefore inactive. This is where<br />

the basic settings for defining the cable shield are located.<br />

Place cable cores automatically at the intersection point.<br />

When drawing a cable line, <strong>WSCAD</strong> can automatically place cable-core type symbols<br />

at the crossover point with the connection lines. During this process, the cable<br />

designation and cable type which have been entered are converted into reference<br />

names or symbol names.<br />

Line when cable core on cable line<br />

When cable cores are placed automatically, the cable is identified with these symbols<br />

and the cable line element is unnecessary. However, if you wish to see a cable line on<br />

the circuit diagram, with this option, you can specify that a cable line (free graphics) be<br />

added with the colour setting for cables. But this cable line only has visual significance<br />

and is hidden (see next option).<br />

Do not show cables<br />

This option is used to prevent the cable line from appearing on the screen or on the<br />

printout.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Activate Online Cable Manager<br />

This is where the Cable Manager is switched on or off. Logging takes place in the<br />

background simultaneously when new cables are laid or existing cables are changed.<br />

Overwrite all<br />

When this option is ticked, all of the cable-core type symbols are numbered. Otherwise,<br />

only those cable cores are changed which start with a number. This is only active when<br />

the Cable Manager is switched off.<br />

Continuous counting<br />

When this option is ticked, the cable cores for which the number has already been<br />

specified (important – the first character must not be a number) are counted during<br />

numbering.<br />

From top to bottom<br />

As with the terminals, numbering can be from top to bottom or from left to right. Note<br />

that the option must be set for a diagonal line from top right to bottom left if the left<br />

core is to start with 1.<br />

Number reference names automatically<br />

Normally, the reference names for the cables are issued manually. When this option<br />

has been ticked, after prompting, the reference names of the cable are logged at the<br />

same time by the automatic numbering.<br />

Transfer terminal numbers<br />

This option allows the numbers for the connected terminals to be transferred as core<br />

numbers. With a cable between 2 terminals (or 2 standard symbols) the number is<br />

transferred from the internal side.<br />

Shielding<br />

746<br />

• Select the type of line which is to be drawn for the shield under Line type.<br />

• The Radius determines how the shield connections are presented as a drawing.<br />

• The Designation, in this case, the shield, is transferred to the function text for<br />

the shield symbol.<br />

• The ‘Sh’ under Connection is the pin name of the shield connection.<br />

Load symbols automatically<br />

Library used: this is where the library which is to be used is selected. Cable symbol:<br />

this is where the symbol from the library being used is selected for the cable<br />

presentation. The symbol must be of the symbol type, Cable core.

Terminals<br />

Common Settings<br />

The options under this tab can be used for specifying settings for terminals. In the<br />

Basic version, most of these settings are unnecessary and are therefore inactive.<br />

Output pin name to printer<br />

When output to the printer, the pin name (=designation internal side) is output at the<br />

same time.<br />

Attach pin names to pin numbers. With multi-storey terminals, it is often useful to<br />

label the pin names (= designation internal side of terminals) with, for example, a and b<br />

etc. rather than using points. These pin names can then be attached to the terminal<br />

diagram for the pin numbers (= terminal connection).<br />

Note<br />

Only the first character of the pin name is transferred.<br />

Terminal processing compatible with Version 4.3<br />

Only tick this option when an editing mode is wanted, as is conventionally described<br />

under Terminal diagram.<br />

Terminal numbering continuous or page / path<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

When numbering, the terminals are referenced with serial numbers or numbers<br />

relating to page/path depending on the setting.<br />

Terminal numbering bottom or top<br />

With this, you can decide whether the terminal numbers are positioned at the top or<br />

bottom connection (pin) of the terminal (i.e., either the top or the bottom pin number<br />

is placed).<br />

Note<br />

If the connection has not been selected, the pin number is deleted anyway. This is<br />

important if you, for example, mark (PE) manually and then number automatically.<br />

Direction of the terminal numbers<br />

In the auto setting, the pin direction of the terminal (as they were issued when<br />

preparing the symbols) determines the orientation of the terminal numbers. If you<br />

select Horizontal or Vertical, the specified pin direction is permanently changed. This<br />

cannot be reversed again by using automatic numbering.<br />

Overwrite all<br />

When this option is ticked, all of the terminal connections are numbered. Otherwise,<br />

only those terminal connections are changed which start with a number.<br />

Continuous counting<br />

Ticking this option means that the terminals for which the terminal numbers have already<br />

been specified (important: first character must not be a number) are counted during the<br />

numbering.<br />

active<br />

not active<br />

Number connections from top to bottom<br />

The terminal numbers are issued on the circuit diagram in relation to the position. If<br />

this option is not ticked, the terminal numbers are incremented line by line from left to<br />

right.<br />

not active<br />


active<br />

Note<br />

If the output is not sorted, the output sequence of the terminal<br />

diagram corresponds to the direction set here.<br />

Number manually when loading<br />

Common Settings<br />

If you tick this option, you will be able to enter the terminal numbers directly while<br />

loading. Pay attention to the display on the information bar which provides you with the<br />

appropriate information.<br />

Number reference names automatically<br />

If this option is ticked, the reference names of the terminals are also processed during<br />

automatic numbering. Before this, however, a prompt appears. The reference names<br />

of terminal strips are usually issued manually.<br />

Attach pin names to pin numbers<br />

If you tick this option, the terminal numbers are supplemented with the pin names<br />

when the terminal diagram is output. Ideal for multi-storey terminals which have<br />

an identical terminal number.<br />

Automatic empty lines and Automatic numbers in empty lines<br />

If you tick the option Automatic empty lines, the empty lines are added during the<br />

terminal diagram output. With the option Automatic numbers in empty line, the<br />

pin numbers are added to the empty lines as the terminal diagram is output.<br />

Automatically empty<br />

lines<br />

Automatically insert<br />

number into empty lines<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />


Plug/Socket<br />

Common Settings<br />

The Online Plug Manager is activated via Parameters / General / Plug/Socket<br />

Manager.<br />

For the menu option Connect+load / Plug or socket or plug+socket, the following<br />

settings are necessary. If you load the plug or socket via the function symbol then, of<br />

course, the alternative plug symbols can also be used. The library which is to be used is<br />

selected under Library used. The socket symbol is the symbol from this library which<br />

is used for displaying the socket. The symbol must be of the symbol type, Socket. The<br />

same applies to the plug symbol.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Database<br />

Database access compatible to ACCESS 2000<br />

If the option Database compatible to ACCESS 2000 is selected, then all of the<br />

databases generated are saved re-formatted (both internal databases and databases<br />

which can be output as files such as material lists).<br />

If you use an older <strong>WSCAD</strong> database in ACCESS 97 format, then the format of this will<br />

not be changed. Conversion to ACCESS 2000 must be carried out manually with the<br />

database program ACCESS 2000.<br />

Important<br />

752<br />

When you convert the database access to ACCESS 2000, you must<br />

bear in mind that all databases produced in this way (material and<br />

PLC etc) from the previous version V 4.2, and of course V 4.4<br />

installations which have not set this option, can no longer be read.<br />

This can lead to problems when starting the program.

Labels<br />

Labels<br />

<strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 provides the ability to create labels for three different sections:<br />

• Equipment<br />

• Cable<br />

• Terminals<br />

Common Settings<br />

Some parts of the settings are identical for each section. The size and position of the<br />

labels can be in mm or inches depending upon the units selected:<br />

A Label width<br />

B Vertical spacing (distance between rows)<br />

C Horizontal spacing (distance between columns)<br />

D Left margin<br />

E Top margin<br />

F Number of columns<br />

G Number of rows<br />

Please remember that the Windows printer drivers have margin settings. We recommend<br />

that you print a test page and then correct the values. Within the group 'Font' you can<br />

change character size, font type and thickness. Remember that most available fonts only<br />

include 2 or 3 thicknesses (THIN, NORMAL, BOLD).<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Equipment labels<br />

In addition to the common label settings you can control the creation of equipment<br />

labels. The text can be positioned left aligned or centered. You can determine if Unit<br />

and/or field designation should also be included. If so, you can output the text in<br />

Multiline style, e.g. different lines will be created for Unit designation, field designation<br />

and reference name. The required line distance is calculated from the font size used.<br />

Hint<br />

754<br />

For left aligned text there is a margin of 5% of the label width.<br />

Within the section Component types you can determine which types of components<br />

should have labels.<br />

Selection<br />

With ‘Selection’ it is easy to make further restrictions. By the use of the wildcards '?',<br />

'*' and '#', you can create the appropriate specification. Multiple specifications must be<br />

separated with a ';'. If the toggle 'Inclusive mode' is selected, only those components<br />

are processed which match the selection.<br />

Example<br />

Selection what happens<br />

-K* All symbols who starts with an K in the reference name. A UFD has<br />

no effect

Hint<br />

Common Settings<br />

-#K* All symbols who have numerals (0...9) before the reference name<br />

-#K2? All symbols with a reference name like:<br />

z.B. 1K21, 10K25, 71K23<br />

-K1?.* All symbols who starts with an K1 in the reference name behind them<br />

must be any character and a . (dot) further characters can but not<br />

must be.<br />

=Anl*-K* All symbols with Unit designation like Anl and the reference name<br />

like K starts . The Field designation will not considered.<br />

=Anl*+Ort?-K* All symbols with Unit designation like Anl and the reference name<br />

like K starts . Additional the Field designation must have 4<br />

characters.<br />

+Ort? All symbols where the Field designation have 4 characters.<br />

Components which are not listed in the material list, will also not<br />

be processed during label creation.<br />

Use ANSI Code<br />

If you want to use a label printer, you have to create a print file. For this here you can<br />

determine which character set is used ANSI or DOS.<br />

2 copies<br />

Here you can determine a label print out twice. (For Equipment and Cable labels).<br />

Templates<br />

Here you be able to save different templates for different label styles. Make first your<br />

settings and then type the template name in the list box. Now press the right button<br />

(picture has changed) to save the template. If you want to delete a template, select the<br />

template in the list box and then press the left button. (Picture has changed)<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Cable labels<br />

756<br />

In addition to the label sizes, you can control which labels are created.<br />

The text can be positioned left aligned or centered. You can determine if Unit, and/or<br />

field designation should also be processed. If so, you can output the text in Multiline<br />

style, e.g. different lines will be created for Unit designation, field designation and<br />

reference name. The required line distance is calculated from the font size used.<br />

Hint<br />

For left aligned text there is a margin of 5% of the label width.<br />

<strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 offers 4 different types of cable labels:<br />

Cables Cable name only<br />

Cable - Dest. Cable name + Reference name of destination<br />

(typically an external component)<br />

Cable - Source Cable name + Reference name of source<br />

(typically a terminal)<br />

Source - Cable - Dest. Reference name of source + Cable name +<br />

Reference name of destination<br />


Even when you select 'Multiline style' and the Unit or field<br />

designation is included, the Unit/Field information is not printed on<br />

a separate line.<br />

Common Settings<br />

If you want to specify further restriction criteria you can do it with the 'Selection' field.<br />

All the entered specifications refer to a reference name, depending on the type of cable<br />

label you have selected:<br />

Cable label type Reference name<br />

Cable Cable<br />

Cable - Dest. Destination<br />

Cable - Source Source<br />

Source - Cable - Dest. Destination<br />

By use of the wildcards '?', '*' and '#' you can create the appropriate specification.<br />

Multiple specifications must be separated with a ';'. If the toggle 'Inclusive mode' is<br />

selected, only those components are processed which match the selection.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Terminal labels<br />

For the terminal marking, information can be printed out on labels via the<br />

terminals which are present in the circuit. In order to do this, you must provide certain<br />

information (such as the width, height and distance etc.) via the labels being used. You<br />

can also decide whether only numbers should be printed out, whether the output should<br />

be rotated or whether the pin numbers (identification of the internal side of the<br />

terminal) should be output at the same time.<br />

Selection<br />

The extensive selection capabilities have been extended further by the introduction of<br />

the wildcard #. This character stands for any number of numbers and makes it easier to<br />

select certain symbols which, for example, are designated with a prefixed page number.<br />

Another selection criterion can be to restrict to certain reference names (setting<br />

inclusive is active) or to exclude certain reference names (setting inclusive is not<br />

active).<br />

Example #K2? => 1K21, 10K21, 72K25 ........<br />

ANSI-Code<br />

With the option Output in ANSI code, you can specify whether DOS or ANSI<br />

(=Windows) character sets should be used when outputting to a file for marking<br />

systems. If incorrectly set, the special characters such as ä or Ü will appear incorrectly.<br />


Rotate terminal no.<br />

The terminal number is rotated by 90 o anticlockwise when output.<br />

Output numbers only<br />

No terminal numbers with letters are printed out.<br />

+Pin name<br />

The pin name is output together with the terminal numbers.<br />

Common Settings<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Output lists<br />

General<br />

In this folder, all of the configurations are combined which have an influence on the<br />

difference output lists. Settings which, depending on the configuration level, have no<br />

effect are deactivated and greyed out. However, the appearance of the graphics form will<br />

not be discussed here.<br />


Summary specification with variables<br />

Common Settings<br />

In this group, all of the settings are collected which relate to the creation of the content<br />

information in the previous style with variables.<br />

In the Professional version, the setting Graphics form determines whether the content<br />

information is created using a graphics form. In this case, the text spaces and their<br />

positions determine the information to be output.<br />

Note<br />

This setting represents a preset for the dialog of the automatic<br />

function Content information.<br />

If the option Align column height is set, the number of lines to be filled in is calculated<br />

so that approximately the same number of lines is written in each column. Otherwise, the<br />

first column is filled first before the next column(s).<br />

The information in the ASCII list panel determines the appearance of the content<br />

information and how it is generated in the Automatic version or the Professional version<br />

without a graphics form. In each case, you can specify the column position and, for some<br />

settings, the heading text. If a column value is set to 0, output of the information<br />

concerned is suppressed.<br />

Note<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

762<br />

Unlike the graphics form, only one variable can be transferred to<br />

the ASCII list at a time.

Reference list<br />

Common Settings<br />

A reference list is a special connection list which only contains the connections of a<br />

symbol or symbols with the same identification letters.<br />

In the Column panel, you can specify the column position for the individual pieces of<br />

information. The Path setting determines whether the path should also be output at the<br />

same time. The settings in this group determine the appearance of the path and at what<br />

distance from the reference name the path should be output. Likewise, either the header<br />

data (i.e. headings) or empty lines can be output instead. This is important if you wish to<br />

output the reference list together with an ASCII form.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Connection list<br />

The connection list shows all of the electrical connections for the entire project. This<br />

can either be output directly to the printer, an ASCII list or to a text file. In order to meet<br />

the maximum number of requirements, you can generate different types of lists. This<br />

group includes all of the settings which relate to the creation of the connection list.<br />

In the group Columns, the column positions can be specified for the individual pieces of<br />

information as can the text which is to be transferred from the line name dialog.<br />

Likewise, either the header data (i.e. headings) or empty lines can be output instead.<br />

A simple output will only output the first connection name.<br />


Tablet<br />

Requirements<br />

Common Settings<br />

As mentioned at the beginning, a correctly installed tablet is a requirement for correct<br />

use of the program. The tablet pen moves the cursor like the mouse.<br />

Hint<br />

<strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 can give no support whatsoever regarding the installation<br />

of the tablet or its driver. This applies particularly to the tablet's<br />

WINTAB driver. Consult the manufacturer or your dealer.<br />

The procedure for working with a tablet is as follows:<br />

• Create or select your template.<br />

• Scale the tablet.<br />

• Load or display your template.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Activate<br />

You can activate the drawing tablet with the menu command 'Settings - Digitiser -<br />

On'. A button with a tick will appear in front.<br />

'On' without a tick means that in this setting, the stylus or puck attached to the tablet<br />

functions only as a mouse. If you click on 'On', the functions of your tablet template will<br />

become active.<br />

Hint<br />

766<br />

If the command is shown as inactive (greyed out), this means the<br />

tablet was switched off at startup and the WINTAB drivers are not<br />


Create or select template<br />

Common Settings<br />

The first step towards working with a drawing tablet is the creation of a template.<br />

Templates are constructed as a table with as many columns and rows as desired. The<br />

position of the individual fields in these templates is determined by coordinates. In these<br />

fields you can specify <strong>WSCAD</strong> commands, and in any order, components from any<br />

available library and also complete drawing macros. The dialog 'Digitizer template'<br />

appears, preset with the most recent settings. In the Fields section you can enter the<br />

number of rows (Y-direction) and columns (X-direction) which determine by multiplication<br />

the maximum number of fields which can be used. The Size shows the X and Y<br />

extensions of an individual field. This value is constantly updated and is displayed in<br />

'mm'.<br />

The Format section determines the page size on which the tablet template will be<br />

output. You can choose from any current paper size, and the dimensions (x and y) of the<br />

current size are displayed. Margins can also be defined (in 'mm'). Under Name you see<br />

the drive and directory where the templates are stored. If you want to create a new<br />

template, then first complete the settings described above, give the template a new<br />

name e.g. 'Tablet.901'. and click on the button New. This loads a new template as a<br />

<strong>WSCAD</strong> drawing with the name Tablet.901. All the columns and rows are created and<br />

the individual fields can then be completed graphically with each symbol or command.<br />

With the button '…' you can change the preset directory or drive where the file<br />

Tablet.901 is stored.<br />

Hint<br />

As long as you do not enter any other template into the Name field,<br />

this template is active for your drawing tablet. This also applies to<br />

the menu item Load/display template.<br />

Please note that the file extension *.901 should not overflow the<br />

900 range of numbers, as this ensures the unambiguous<br />

assignment of <strong>WSCAD</strong> tablet templates.<br />

Load/display template<br />

In order to load a tablet template or to display its contents you use the menu command<br />

'Settings - Digitiser – show assignments' or the corresponding Command Button.<br />

In the display at the top left you see the currently selected field with the co-ordinates<br />

Column/row. If you click on a particular field of the tablet then the current settings of<br />

this field are displayed under Type and Description. To change a field first select it by<br />

clicking on it and then select the desired Type.<br />

Hint<br />

For the assignment you can choose from any <strong>WSCAD</strong> command, any<br />

library component and any drawing macro.<br />

Depending on the chosen Type, you will now see under Commands all the commands,<br />

components or macros which are available for selection. The plus sign in front of a<br />

command shows that for this group there is a further level of commands for you to<br />

choose from. A minus sign shows that you have reached the lowest level. Click on the<br />

minus sign and you can move back up to the next level of commands. Once you have<br />

found the desired command or component you can assign this value to the previously<br />

selected field of your template, by using the button Assign to Field. Thus you can assign<br />

components or commands field by field as you wish.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Hint<br />

768<br />

These settings are stored with the template in their own *.ini file.

Scale tablet<br />

Common Settings<br />

These define the limits of the usable tablet template area and of the drawing area itself.<br />

To start the scaling procedure click on the Start button. Follow the instructions in the text<br />

fields and the relevant coordinates will automatically be transferred into the adjacent<br />

boxes. If you are working without a defined drawing area, finish the scaling procedure<br />

after you have determined the tablet area, simply by clicking on 'OK'.<br />

Tip<br />

You must scale your digitizer, if your template (paper on the<br />

digitizer) has been moved.<br />


Windows<br />

General<br />

<strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 allows you to work in multiple windows. This makes it easy to copy sections of<br />

an existing project into your current project<br />

Hint<br />

Each window is linked to one page It is not possible to show one<br />

page (or a part of it) in two different windows simultaneously.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Tile horizontally<br />

772<br />

Use this command to arrange the windows as non-overlapping horizontal tiles.

Tile vertically<br />

Use this command to arrange the windows as non-overlapping vertical tiles.<br />

Windows<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Window list<br />

At the end of the window menu you can see the list of the currently open windows. The<br />

active window is marked with a '' in front. If you select a window from this list, the<br />

window will be activated and shown in the foreground.<br />


Cascade<br />

Windows<br />

Use this command to arrange the windows overlapped. The currently active window<br />

is shown in the foreground.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

The full screen<br />

With this menu option, all of the elements of the working interface up to the symbol,<br />

command and information bars are hidden to produce a larger “work station”. This<br />

option is switched on and off using the function key.<br />


Help<br />

Online Hilfe<br />

Online help overview<br />

The Online help is started directly by using the menu option Help / Overview or<br />

. The Online help is installed on your system as standard and is therefore<br />

available at any time. If your PC has internet access and you have activated the<br />

connection (menu command Help / WebHelp), then the help data are loaded directly<br />

from the internet.<br />

If you now wish to access specific information on a topic, press the F1 key and the<br />

relevant data will be loaded directly from the internet. You will find the information on<br />

the topic which you have just selected.<br />

Note<br />

The files for the online help on our homepage are constantly<br />

updated. These files are supplemented with tips and pieces of<br />

advice which can be downloaded from the internet to be displayed<br />

on your system at any time.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />


Help in Search mode<br />

Use this command also to start the Help, but this time in Search mode:<br />

Help<br />

Sometimes, the index file which is necessary for this is not created so a dialog appears<br />

beforehand in which you can start creating the index file. This usually only happens when<br />

starting the Help in Search mode for the first time.<br />

Index<br />

It is usually better to look in the last pages of the reference manual in the index where<br />

you will find an alphabetical list of headwords and keywords. The page numbers refer to<br />

the relevant places in the book.<br />

Online<br />

Alternatively, when the mouse cursor is on a menu option or inside a dialog, you can<br />

press the F1 key to invoke the Online Help for this particular topic.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Services<br />

Software maintenance via the internet and<br />

version status checking<br />

Also check for the current version status by looking at the setting for the time interval.<br />

Parties to the maintenance contract have access to the latest software updates at any<br />

time. You can enter a time interval within which <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 is to remind you to check for<br />

the availability of newer versions (releases).<br />

Conditions<br />

The <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 working computer must have internet access (with network systems, at<br />

least one computer must have this capability). The user must have the appropriate user<br />

rights (e.g. administrator rights) to execute the downloads and the customer must have<br />

a valid maintenance contract.<br />


Time interval<br />

Help<br />

Once the time interval has elapsed, a dialog which enables you to carry out the check<br />

and download starts automatically.<br />

In the top right of the dialog, click on the graphics button Fetch update from internet<br />

to start the checking procedure for checking whether the version you are currently using<br />

is the latest version. If you are already using the latest version, this will be confirmed by<br />

a message and the download process will not be continued. In the bottom part of the<br />

dialog, start the program with the graphics button <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5.<br />

Setting the time interval<br />

The time interval can always be set for a few days at a time. Here, the setting 0 days has<br />

the effect of repeatedly invoking the dialog. The setting none suppresses this invocation<br />

completely. If the dialog is left via the program start, then the dialog does not appear<br />

again until after the number of days set for the interval has elapsed.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Online checking and download<br />

Once the online checking and download have started, a dialog appears which shows the<br />

current information on the available software package. The directory into which the<br />

download file is copied is permanently created internally.<br />

The dialog is closed by clicking on the button Finish and then <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 can be started<br />

in the normal way. The button Start download starts the process and a progress bar<br />

appears on the screen. The process can be aborted at any time by clicking on the button<br />

Cancel download. The option Automatically disconnect connection when finished<br />

closes the online connection after the software has been successfully downloaded and<br />

disconnects any remote data transfer connection via the modem or modem card.<br />


Activating the new version<br />

Help<br />

The setup starts immediately after the download is complete. If the installation is<br />

aborted, the <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 recognises that there is an incomplete version on your system<br />

the next time the program is started and starts the setup process again automatically.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Online update directly from the program<br />

The download can be started from the main program at any time by activating the<br />

information dialog via the menu option Help / Via <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 and clicking on the Online<br />

update button there. The reminder interval can be set up here as well. If the interval<br />

has been shut down completely in the loader at any time, here it is also possible to<br />

specify a time interval again. A direct link can be set up to the <strong>WSCAD</strong> homepage and<br />

your local e-mail system can also be started here.<br />


DLL information<br />

Help<br />

Activate the information dialog via Help / Via <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5. The button DLL’s displays all<br />

of the DLL (Dynamic Link Library) files which are used by your system in another dialog.<br />

These files are very important for the software on your system to operate smoothly. The<br />

version of each DLL which is registered here is crucial.<br />

Report<br />

The Report button prints out all of the important system information on the printer<br />

which is connected to your system.<br />

Use this form when you want to contact our hotline by fax.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Error log<br />

Use the option Help / Error log or start a list directly to give you an overview of all the<br />

messages which have been generated for the current project with the date and time.<br />

This will enable you to understand your work procedures better. The list is arranged in<br />

chronological order. The button Delete until removes all entries prior to the selected<br />

entry. The button Delete from removes all entries after the selected entry. Cancel<br />

aborts the deletions and closes the dialog. OK accepts the changes and likewise, closes<br />

the dialog.<br />


Function keys<br />

Help<br />

With this menu option you start an overview of all keyboard instructions, which are<br />

available in <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 .<br />

See also<br />

Function keys<br />


Terminals<br />

General<br />

The handling of terminals is a topic which, like the Contactor manager, gives rise to a<br />

lot of questions. The following section therefore explains the general functions of<br />

terminals and the internal details of the automatic functions.<br />

Standard terminals each have one internal and one external connection<br />

and one jumper pin.<br />

The word Terminal includes all components designated as ‘Terminal’. A normal<br />

terminal must have at least 2 connection points. One of these pins is designated as<br />

‘internal’ by having the pin name attached to this contact. As a rule this pin is marked<br />

by a full stop, but it could be any letter (or ‘+’ or ‘-’). Our standard terminals each<br />

have 3 pins: one each on the internal and the external sides and also a so-called<br />

jumper pin, which can only be used for forming jumpers within a terminal bar.<br />

The reference name of a terminal can be omitted if it can be allocated<br />

from another terminal by the automatic process.<br />

As the components concerned have special characteristics, you will normally find them in<br />

the library ‘ELEKCROS’. In order that the automatic process can combine the individual<br />

terminal connections into a terminal bar, the reference name must be given for each<br />

individual terminal connection. An exception to this are terminal connections where the<br />

reference can be transferred from another terminal. In this instance the automatic<br />

process looks for terminals which are drawn on the left at precisely the same height.<br />

Then the reference name must be present only on the left most terminal (or on the top).<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Terminal chart algorithm<br />

The following section explains how the automatic function creates the<br />

terminal chart. The automatic function finds the terminal pin position in<br />

the general connection file '*.CXK'. The destination reference is created<br />

as follows:<br />

790<br />

• All component pins found on the same 'X' co-ordinate as the<br />

terminal pin are treated with highest priority.<br />

• If no connection was found on the same 'X' co-ordinate, the closest<br />

component pin to the left of the terminal pin will be selected, even if<br />

it is placed on a different drawing sheet.<br />

• If no connection was found to the left of the terminal pin, the closest<br />

component pin to the right will be selected, even if it is on a<br />

different drawing sheet.<br />

The example on the following page shows a strange terminal chart, which<br />

the algorithm has created from a certain component arrangement. It is<br />

not incorrect, but is not practical.<br />

• -X2 pin 2 only locates the component K1/13 on the right side.<br />

• -X2 pin 3 sees X2 pin 2, marked for jumper connection, and on its<br />

left side component K1/13.<br />

• The external -X2 pin 5 in connected to K1 pin 13 on its left side<br />

and to K2 pin 13 on its right side. According to the algorithm, the<br />

terminal chart lists K1/13 again.<br />

• K1/13 is listed three times, K2/13 is not mentioned at all.<br />

A practical solution, created with the Professional module, for the same<br />

arrangement is shown on page following the above example, but this time<br />

using terminals with 'jumper' pins.<br />

Hint<br />

The section on ‘Jumpers’ shows how, for the same drawing, the use<br />

of ‘jumper’ pins can create a more correct and more practical<br />

terminal chart in graphical form.

Terminals<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Terminal destination<br />

The designation of a terminal connection as internal or external, is called the terminal<br />

destination assignment. This simply means that for connections assigned to the internal<br />

side, there must be a pin name. For the libraries supplied with <strong>WSCAD</strong>, the pin name<br />

is marked with a dot ‘.’, but this can be any letter you wish (e.g. ‘a’, ‘b’, or even ‘+’, ‘-’<br />

). The dot is visible on the screen, but for plotting it must first be enabled in the<br />

Configuration.<br />

With the command Modify - Terminal destination the destination assignment can also<br />

be easily reversed after a terminal connection has been loaded. The figure shows two<br />

display options for the terminal destination:<br />


Terminal numbering<br />

Terminal numbering comprises 2 levels:<br />

• the reference name of the whole terminal strip<br />

• the individual terminal connections.<br />

Terminals<br />

Since reference names are usually entered manually, you must explicitly allow the<br />

numbering of reference names, by enabling it in the Configuration. You can also set the<br />

option of numbering the terminal connections manually as soon as a terminal contact is<br />

loaded. This is useful in the case of terminal contacts named with letters (e.g. PE) .<br />

The numbering itself is carried out automatically. The type of numbering<br />

is set in the Configuration:<br />

• continuous or with page/path<br />

• position pin numbers on top or bottom. The unselected pin number<br />

(top or bottom) will be deleted!<br />

• orientation (vertical/horizontal, auto)<br />

• count to include previously created terminal connections<br />

• superscribe all previously created terminal connections<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Hint<br />

794<br />

he setting ‘Auto’ for the orientation of the pin numbers means that<br />

the orientation given in the Symbol editor will be retained. Any<br />

other setting (vertical or horizontal) alters the pin orientation of<br />

the terminal contacts (and the text orientation as well)<br />


Vertical terminals<br />

Terminals<br />

The use of vertical orientation for terminal connections is relatively rare. The main<br />

functions are not affected by this, but two small points should be observed:<br />

• The configuration for pin numbers changes from Top or Bottom to Left or<br />

Right.<br />

• The reference name must be given for all terminal connections if you are not<br />

working in horizontal mode. This can be made invisible by adding a preceding ‘!’<br />

to avoid many overlapping references..<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Terminals with several connections (e.g. multistorey<br />

terminals)<br />

Create a terminal with, for example, 4 connections (2 internal and 2 external). Simply<br />

imagine a square with 2 pins on its top surface and 2 pins on its bottom surface.<br />

However, when creating the symbol, make sure that the first two pins which you create<br />

are on top of one another (in other words, first the pin on the bottom left and then the<br />

pin on the top left and so on). When numbering, the automatic uses the two<br />

connection points drawn first only. Set the assignment destination by giving the pin<br />

names at the top the values A or B or even a or b (remembering that each pin with an<br />

assigned pin number is internal). You now have a symbol which has 2 internal and 2<br />

external connections. During numbering, the automatic counts the connections as one.<br />

Under Parameter lists, specify that the pin names of the terminal connections on<br />

the terminal diagram are attached to the pin numbers. They will then be given the<br />

terminal connection designations 1A and 1B etc.<br />

In the example you will see that. Terminal X4 has been created as a separate multistorey<br />

terminal, as described above. The identical result is obtained when using<br />

terminal symbols (Xterminal) and assigning to multi-storey terminals in the<br />

terminal browser later on (significantly easier and more flexible).<br />


Jumpers<br />

Terminals<br />

The automatic identification of jumpers is a relatively difficult task especially when there<br />

is a mixture of jumper connections and connections to other equipment. <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5<br />

therefore uses ‘jumper’ type pins. Thus a standard terminal has 2 connections for the<br />

component and 1 connection for the jumper connection..<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Jumpers display (standard)<br />

Jumpers are displayed without dividing them up into web and wire Jumpers. The<br />

following example shoes the drawing from the terminal algorithm section where the<br />

Jumper pin type is used for the connection at the same time. The drawing can of course<br />

be arranged better by, for example, moving the Jumper pins outwards – see the<br />

example for the multi-storey terminals. The type of display which we have chosen<br />

should show the Jumper pin more clearly and be as similar to the first drawing as<br />

possible. The terminal diagram now shows clear, practical assignments.<br />

Note<br />

798<br />

Jumper pins are not recognised if you use the terminal diagram in<br />

ASCII format since another bridge algorithm is used for this<br />


Terminals<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Plug-in jumpers<br />

Jumpers pins are used for fixed web bridges between the individual terminals of the<br />

terminal strips.<br />

As you can see from the picture above, the Jumpers pin is drawn exactly in the centre<br />

of each terminal, the pin shape is a point and pin type is a bridge. Because of the<br />

shape of the pin, the connection point does not appear on the printout. The<br />

connection line between Jumpers pin 1 and Jumpers pin 4 can be drawn as a<br />

continuous connection line and coordinate points are not necessary for connection to<br />

Jumpers pins. The web bridges can run over different pages of the diagram. You can<br />

also use the destination wiring elements for this purpose providing, in this case, that<br />

the line name and the connection name of the connection line which runs from one<br />

Jumpers pin to another is known.<br />

Note<br />

800<br />

If a terminal has a Jumpers pin, then this terminal must have at<br />

least 3 pins. The Jumpers pin can be positioned anywhere and can<br />

also be the top most pin.<br />

Jumpers pins may only be connected to each other and not to a<br />

symbol connection.<br />

Jumpers pins only being allowed to be connected to one another means that the<br />

information for the automatic function is unambiguous. This rule however, is not always<br />

as easy to implement in practice as in the previous example without impairment to the<br />

visual appearance.

Terminals<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Wire jumper<br />

The wire jumpers connects the individual terminals to the external connections via<br />

connection lines. In so doing, the web jumpers can run over different pages of the<br />

diagram. You can also use the destination wiring elements for this purpose,<br />

providing, in this case, that the line name and the connection name of the<br />

connection line which runs from one jumper pin to another is known. The wire<br />

jumpers can only be displayed and managed within a terminal strip, i.e. from<br />

Terminal X1 Connection 1 to Terminal X1 Connection 2 etc. or here, for example<br />

PE.<br />


Contactor Management<br />

Fundamentals of contactor management<br />

By using Contactor Management, it is very easy to add contactors and relays to the<br />

circuit diagram and then arrange and manage them.<br />

All the symbols for coils and contacts are subject to Contactor Management. All<br />

information about these symbols is managed in the so-called contactor database. This<br />

file has the name Schütz.Mdb and is located in the project directory.<br />

Contact Management supports 2 modes which can be set in the configuration or under<br />

the menu Automatic / Contactor Manager / Semi-Automatic (on / off).<br />

Hint<br />

• Fully Automatic Contactor Management (all actions are monitored by<br />

Contactor Management to see whether the values from the database agree<br />

with the values from the contactor database)<br />

• Semi-Automatic (contacts and coils are added to the contactor database<br />

arranged according to reference name in order to carry out a comparison with<br />

the database later on)<br />

Editing procedures which affect contactor coils and contacts are carried out<br />

using the Contactor Manager<br />

The contact comb carries all the collected contactor-specific information about available<br />

contacts and contact numbers. This is normally assigned to a real component via the<br />

field comb in the database. This contact comb is analysed automatically as the coil or<br />

the contact is loaded and the recognised values are transferred to the contactor<br />

database at the same time. It does not matter whether you load the coil or a<br />

contactor contact first in the circuit diagram.<br />

When loading a coil or contact of a new contactor without using semi-automatic, a<br />

selection must always be made in the database even if this is a contact. I.e. in this<br />

case, although the contact comb is analysed, it is not transferred to the circuit diagram.<br />

This is then defined as a so-called virtual contactor because, although it is available for<br />

contact assignment, the contactor coil has not yet been added to the circuit diagram.<br />

When the coil is added later on, it need only be assigned to the virtual contactor. A<br />

virtual contactor can be recognised by virtual of the fact that it is labelled graphically<br />

in the symbol manager.<br />

Component with part number assignment from the database with the<br />

contact comb<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

=><br />


Contactor Management<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

The following commands have no effect on coil or contact symbols when Contactor<br />

Management is activated:<br />

806<br />

• Repeat<br />

• UNDO / REDO<br />

• Change symbol type

Rebuilding the contactor database<br />

Contactor Management<br />

The contents of the contactor database is re-built with the coils/contacts which<br />

are available in the project. A contact or coil which has not been entered can be assigned<br />

on-line. Faulty entries in the contactor database are recognised and displayed in the<br />

contactor manager where they can be corrected.<br />

Mind the dialogue which appears every time, even you've select the New project file<br />

command.<br />

Choose Yes, if just want to update the conductor database or choose No if you want a<br />

re-assignment of the contact numbers (belonging to the comb which is assigned to the<br />

coil ).<br />

The contactor database is adjusted automatically with the following functions:<br />

• Copying, deleting and moving a file<br />

• Inserting a drawing macro<br />

• Inserting a block<br />

• Copying and multiple copying<br />

• Deleting and multiple deleting<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Cross reference coil-contact<br />

The cross reference of a contact to a coil is written on-line beneath the reference<br />

name of the contact (if not barred in the configuration). The cross reference is<br />

written on the contact just loaded at the corresponding position of the contact comb<br />

on-line, even if the comb is located on another page. The cross references to the<br />

contact and contact comb are produced on-line.<br />

See also<br />

Contactors + PLC modules<br />


Creating symbols<br />

Creating coil and contact symbols<br />

Contactor Management<br />

In the following, the most important points are numbered step-by-step when creating<br />

new contactors.<br />

1 Contactor coil<br />

It is only rarely necessary to create a new contactor coil. A new symbol must also be<br />

created as described in the chapter Symbol editor. The appearance of the coil is<br />

unimportant for contactor management but the symbol type COIL is absolutely<br />

necessary. The optional selection must also not be forgotten.<br />

Example:<br />

Power contactor with the connections A1 and A2, the reference name –Q5, the<br />

selection !pow and the symbol type coil<br />

2 Contact<br />

If a new contact is required, a new symbol must also be created of the symbol type<br />

CONTACT. In this case, familiarise yourself with the presentation of the symbols of the<br />

library CONTACTCOMBS.BIB also supplied. It is important that the contact type and<br />

the expanded type declaration are specified. The pin names must therefore be<br />

assigned to all pins of the contact, as described under Characteristics of a contactor<br />

contact.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

3 Creating the contact comb<br />

The contact comb is a central element of Contactor Management. Follow the rules<br />

precisely which are described in the section Creating contact comb for contactor.<br />

Transfer an existing comb to the symbol editor and consider it in the light of the points<br />

listed below.<br />

See also<br />

Expanding contactor contact<br />

4 Database adjustment<br />

After having created all the conditions, the database which you have used (which<br />

represents the link between the coil and contact comb) still has to be adjusted. Create a<br />

new item database entry by filling out the following fields:<br />

810<br />

• Set the signal designation in Component Name. This overwrites the preassigned<br />

general symbol name in the library (e.g. C COIL becomes POWER<br />

CONTACTOR). This value is transferred to Symbol Parameters.<br />

• Enter the Part number in Part number. This number must only occur once<br />

throughout the entire database. Here, you do not have to enter the<br />

manufacturer's item number. If you would like to have this listed in the<br />

material list, write the actual item number or order number e.g. in the field<br />

Part Number and use the corresponding wild card. This value is transferred to<br />

Symbol Parameter.<br />

• Enter the reference name (= such as K) of the coil in Designation but not the<br />

contact designation (this is set automatically when selecting the contact comb).<br />

• Click on the button in the field Comb. All contact combs for the comb<br />

library which has been set are now shown in one window. Select the relevant one

Contactor Management<br />

and the name will be automatically transferred to the database field. The field<br />

Designation will also be expanded by the contact designation (= the first three<br />

characters of the comb name).<br />

Display Database<br />

The display of the Change Data Record dialog of this starts when the button F4 is<br />

pressed in the current data record.<br />

With these 4 fields, the minimum conditions have been created for working with<br />

Contactor Management correctly. The other fields of the database entry can also be<br />

filled but this does not effect Contactor Management. The contents of the field Text2<br />

are always transferred to Text2 of the symbol parameters but made invisible if this<br />

entry has not been pre-assigned in the symbol.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Contact and Contact comb<br />

Contact comb in general<br />

The contact comb can be created manually in the symbol editor. However, if it is<br />

desired to expand the contact combs subsequently which are already present on the<br />

circuit diagram, then Contactor Manager must be used to do so.<br />

Start the symbol editor and load an existing contact.<br />


Contactor Management<br />

Once the contact has been loaded, it is possible to edit it graphically (menu symbol)<br />

and edit the connections (menu Pins) also.<br />

All contact combs must be saved in the library (CONTACTCOMBS.BIB) which is set<br />

under Settings/Common settings/ Directories. This setting applies to all projects<br />

regardless of which standard has been set in the Project Manager.<br />

If you have created your own contact combs and / or comb directories, then it is<br />

advisable to copy all the comb symbols into the new CONTACTCOMBS.BIB of <strong>WSCAD</strong><br />

Version 5.1 by using the function Copy /remove Symbol(s) of the symbol editor.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Characteristics of a contactor contact<br />

Each contact carries the information (invisibly) about the contact type and the type of<br />

connection in the pin name. A certain number of connection pins must also be<br />

available depending on the contact type. The contacts within a contact comb are<br />

subject to the same conditions although a serial number is still available. The pin name<br />

consists of a contact designation followed by an additional type declaration. This<br />

prevents connection numbers being confused and contact types from being assigned<br />

incorrectly. The characters for the additional type declaration can be chosen at will but<br />

must agree exactly in the symbol of the contact comb and in the symbol of the<br />

corresponding contact.<br />

Example Double-throw contactor (W)<br />

814<br />

Contact part Contact Contact comb<br />

Normally-open<br />

contactor part<br />

!Ws !0Ws<br />

Normally-closed<br />

contactor part<br />

!Wo !0Wo<br />

Common connection !Wc !0Wc<br />

Hint<br />

The contact comb and the contact must be provided with the<br />

extended type declaration.<br />

The <strong>WSCAD</strong> DOS version had an alternative algorithm here (without<br />

an expanded type declaration) which is no longer valid.<br />

The following is a list of different contact types and the identification of the pin<br />

name:<br />

Contact type Fixed part Moving part<br />

Normally-open<br />

contactors<br />

general<br />

Normally-open<br />

contactors<br />

Normally-open<br />

contactors slow<br />

release<br />

!Sa !Sb<br />

!Sc !Sd<br />

!Se !Sf

Advanced<br />

normally-open<br />

contactor<br />

Power normallyopen<br />

contactor<br />

(4 th contact)<br />

Normally-open<br />

contactor, slow<br />

acting and<br />

release<br />

Normally-open<br />

contactor 3-pole<br />

Normally-closed<br />

contactors<br />

general<br />

Normally-closed<br />

contactors slow<br />

acting<br />

Normally-closed<br />

contactor, slow<br />

release<br />

Retarded<br />

normally-closed<br />

contactor<br />

Changeover<br />

contactors<br />

general<br />

Changeover<br />

contactors slow<br />

acting<br />

Changeover<br />

contactor, slow<br />

release<br />

Hint<br />

!Sg !Sh<br />

!Sk !Sl<br />

!Sm !Sn<br />

!Ha, !Hc, !He !Hb, !Hd, !Hf<br />

!Oa !Ob<br />

!Oc !Od<br />

!Oe !Of<br />

!Oi !Oj<br />

Normally-closed- Common part<br />

normally-open<br />

contactor part<br />

!Wo !Ws !Wc<br />

!Wv !Ww !Wu<br />

!Wy !Wz !Wx<br />

Contactor Management<br />

If you require a power contactor with 4 power contacts, first load<br />

the 3-pole normally-open contactor, then the normally-open<br />

contactor _ power _ main contact4, for example, from the library<br />

DIN_Q_power-switchgear with the identifiers !Sk and !Sl. The<br />

standard normally-open contactors have the identifiers !Sa and !Sb<br />

and are assigned as an auxiliary contact.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Creating a contact comb for contactor<br />

The contact comb is a central element of Contactor Management. It contains all of<br />

the information about the available contacts such as the contact type, pin numbers<br />

and number of contacts. For this reason, a few rules must be followed during creation.<br />

The contact comb must be created using the symbol editor or with the expansion<br />

dialog of the Contactor Manager. In order to do so, the library<br />

CONTACTCOMBS.BIB (created in the 2.5 mm grid) must be set and must remain in the<br />

configuration. Then an existing comb should be loaded, changes only carried out on the<br />

existing comb and then saved with a new designation.<br />

See also<br />

General information on the symbol editor<br />

Symbol name (designation of comb)<br />

816<br />

• The symbol name starts with a three/four-place designation (e.g. 31P) for the<br />

contact arrangement and the contactor type.<br />

• The fourth/fifth character must either be a – (hyphen) for fixed pin numbers or<br />

a / (forward slash) for flexible pin numbers<br />

• Any text can then be entered which corresponds to the contact arrangement in<br />

a meaningful way.<br />

When loading the contact comb automatically, the first four characters are compared<br />

with the contact designation of the contactor (see Loading Coil). The symbol name<br />

need not be prefixed with the ! character because it is not transferred to the circuit<br />

diagram.<br />

Designation Structure<br />

Character value Meaning<br />

1. Character Number of normally-open contactors or changeover contactors<br />

(when contactor only consists of changeover contactors)<br />

2. Character Number of normally-closed contactors or lower case letter w<br />

when contactor only consists of changeover contactors.<br />

3. Character (omitted if only Number of changeover contactors

changeover contactors or no<br />

changeover contactors)<br />

4. Character<br />

5. Character<br />

H for auxiliary contactor<br />

R for relay<br />

Contactor Management<br />

L for power contactor when a 3-pole contactor is available<br />

S for automatic circuit breaker when the letter is not K and no<br />

3-pole contactor is available.<br />

The comb is positioned at the side<br />

- Hyphen always, if the pin numbers are defined (as defined<br />

during creation).<br />

/ forward slash always, if pin numbers are subject to the<br />

automatic pin-number assignment of the Contactor Manager.<br />

Designation Meaning<br />

11S 1 normally-open contactor, 1 normally-closed (NC) contactor, circuit<br />

breaker<br />

42H 4 Normally-open contactors, 2 normally-closed contactors, circuit<br />

breaker<br />

10P Power contactor with one 3-pole normally-open contactor, 1<br />

normally-closed contactor as circuit breaker<br />

12P Power contactor with one 3-pole normally-open contactor, 1<br />

auxiliary normally-open contactor, 2 auxiliary circuit breakers<br />

102H 1 normally-open contactor, 0 normally-closed contactor, 2<br />

changeover contactor, auxiliary contactor<br />

2wH 2 changeover contactors, auxiliary contactor<br />

E.g.,42H-SOOSSS designation42H contactor with one normally-open contactor, two<br />

normally-closed contactors and then three normally-open contactors. The 42H-<br />

characters are compulsory, instead of SOOSSS, any text can be used.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Fully automatic<br />

General information on fully automatic Contactor<br />

Management<br />

When working with the Contactor Management activated all of the time, all relevant<br />

changes are logged immediately and the contactor database updated accordingly.<br />

Coils can then only be assigned to matching contacts (in the database) because the<br />

contactor item from the item database has been defined beforehand. Every change is<br />

carried out monitored via the item database.<br />

Contactor determination = item selection in the case of coils (or contact) from<br />

the item database<br />

Power contacts<br />

With reference name –Q (or formerly –K), a 3-pole contact must be assigned in the<br />

comb identification, otherwise the contactor cannot be specified automatically. For<br />

this reason, only items with the designation Q... (or formerly –K) can be suggested<br />

for the assignment.<br />

Pre-selection of item data<br />

When positioning a coil (fully automatic), all contactors are displayed in the item<br />

database and must be assigned manually. If a valid item number is already available<br />

in a contactor, then Contactor Management will orientate itself to this during the preselection.<br />

Otherwise, a designation is formed from the sum of contacts used internally<br />

and is used, possibly with a power specification, during the database search.<br />

Check when having the contactor database rebuilt<br />

If a contact has been introduced without Contactor Management ( = its reference<br />

name is not to be assigned to a coil) then a message appears when the contactor<br />

database is rebuilt.<br />

Existing contact combs are in any case deleted and replaced but their position retained.<br />

With a new comb, the standard position is beneath the coil (when the identification<br />

letter is K or Q) and the height corresponds to the distance for mirror contacts<br />

specified in the configuration from the bottom edge of the page or to the right of the<br />

coil (e.g. circuit breaker, identification letter Q). The connection numbers are<br />


Contactor Management<br />

specified all over again or the pin numbers remain, as far as possible, unchanged<br />

depending on the configuration.<br />

Example from the contactor database<br />

The contactor –Q5 is saved in the first entry in the contactor database with its position<br />

defined as well as the item data values. The following lines contain the analysis results<br />

for the contact comb (connection numbers and contact types).<br />

-Q5 Pos: 790 500 0 2 22L-HSOOS !DIL00AM/22(240V50HZ) !Power contactor ...<br />

-Q5 43/44 Sa/Sb ...<br />

-Q5 31/32 Oa/Ob ...<br />

-Q5 21/22 Oa/Ob ...<br />

-Q5 1/2/3/4/5/6 Ha/Hb/Hc/Hd/He/Hf ...<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Loading contactor coil<br />

Loading contactor coil (first)<br />

When loading a coil symbol (-Q, -K or motor contactor –F), you will obtain<br />

Contactor list which shows all the contactors available on the circuit diagram when the<br />

fully automatic Contactor Management is activated after the contactor coil has<br />

been positioned.<br />

A new reference name must now be specified via the button New. Normally, a<br />

reference which does not exist will be suggested which you must then overwrite.<br />

After clicking on OK, Database starts automatically with the pre-selection –Q or –K<br />

depending on the reference name. Now pick out the affected item (contactor) in<br />

Item Management. The pre-selection can be shut down using the option Pre-<br />

Selection Off and all the items will then appear in your database.<br />


Contactor Management<br />

After assignment (double click) the data are transferred to Contactor Selection and<br />

therefore to the contactor database. Also enter the function text immediately.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Extract from <strong>WSCAD</strong>-svw.mdb<br />

After clicking on the OK button, the symbol parameters are invoked for editing again.<br />

If no changes are necessary or if changes have already been made, then cancel the<br />

process with the ESC key and position the contact comb which has been transferred<br />

from the item database. The entry in the field Comb in Item Management represents<br />

the symbol name of the associated contact comb. With this, a search is carried out for<br />

the corresponding symbol in the current comb library (e.g. CONTACTCOMBS.BIB,<br />

depending on the configuration) and it is displayed. It can then be placed on the circuit.<br />


See also<br />

Changing the reference name<br />

Changing the item number<br />

Changing the symbol name<br />

Changing addition text2<br />

Changing the function text<br />

Naming a contact comb<br />

Contactor Management<br />

The contact comb is automatically given the same reference name as the coil (the<br />

association is therefore specified unambiguously) but it is marked invisible.<br />

Cross reference<br />

The cross reference of a contact to a coil is written on line underneath the reference<br />

name (if not barred in the configuration). The cross reference is written on the<br />

contact just loaded at the corresponding position of the contact comb on line, even if<br />

the comb is located on another page.<br />

Re-building contactor project database<br />

If the contactor project database is rebuilt now, then a log file may appear showing<br />

all the incomplete contactors. This can also be selectively printed out. You are then<br />

automatically guided to the Contactor Manager which shows all the contactors for the<br />

project. The contact comb is recreated at the same time.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />


Using virtual contactor coils<br />

Contactor Management<br />

When loading a coil symbol (-Q, -K or motor contactor –F), with Contactor<br />

Management activated, you will obtain Contactor Selection, which shows all the<br />

contactors available on the circuit diagram, after the contactor coil has been positioned.<br />

All the virtual contactors (here -Q7) are displayed at the same time. These are marked<br />

specifically. Select the Ref.-name .<br />

After clicking on the OK button, the symbol parameters are invoked for editing again.<br />

If no changes are necessary or changes have already been made, then cancel the<br />

process with the ESC key and position the contact comb which has been transferred<br />

from the item database. The entry in the field Comb in Item Management represents the<br />

symbol name of the associated contact comb. With this, a search is carried out for the<br />

corresponding symbol in the current comb library (e.g. CONTACTCOMBS.BIB , depending<br />

on the configuration) and it is displayed. You can then placed it on the circuit.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Naming a contact comb<br />

The contact comb is automatically given the same reference name as the coil (the<br />

association is therefore specified unambiguously) but it is marked invisible.<br />

Cross reference<br />

The cross reference of the contact to the coil is written on line underneath the<br />

reference name (if not locked in the settings). The cross reference is written on the<br />

contact just loaded at the corresponding position of the contact comb on line, even if<br />

the comb is located on another page.<br />

Rebuilding contactor project database<br />

If the contactor database is rebuilt now, a log file will appear showing all the<br />

incomplete contactors. This can also be selectively printed out. You are then<br />

automatically guided to the Contactor Manager which shows all the contactors for the<br />

project.<br />

The contact comb is recreated at the same time.<br />


Contactor Management<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Reference name<br />

The reference name is normally pre-assigned (first the page number and followed by a<br />

sequentially number) so that it only occurs once throughout the entire set of drawings.<br />

This reference name is changed into the desired format later by using the<br />

autonumbering feature (see also “Automatic numbering”).<br />

Alternatively, select the option Preset ref. name with page/path under the Settings<br />

tab Contactor and PLC modules.<br />

The reference name can be changed directly by clicking on the menu Symbol<br />

Parameters – the contacts and the contactor database are corrected automatically<br />

(with Contactor Management switched on).<br />


Changing part numbers<br />

Contactor Management<br />

The part numbers can be re-assigned by clicking directly on the symbol parameters.<br />

The part number is transferred from the database to the symbol parameters.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

If a number already exists, this is overwritten but the position and visibility remain<br />

unaltered. If not, the part number is marked invisibly and positioned beneath the<br />

reference name.<br />


Contactor Management<br />

The contacts, the contact comb and the contactor database are automatically<br />

corrected (with the Contactor Management switched on).<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Symbol name<br />

The symbol name is transferred from the database and overwrites the symbol name<br />

issued to the library. You can also click on the parameter directly and change it via the<br />

entry line. The contactor database is adjusted automatically (with Contactor<br />

Management switched on).<br />


Changing addition text2<br />

Contactor Management<br />

The text from TEXT2 of the database is transferred, if available, to Addition text2<br />

(e.g. power specification) of the symbol parameters. If you assign another part<br />

number, a new Text2 is accepted if available. You can also click on the parameter<br />

directly and change it via the entry line. The position and visibility are transferred from<br />

an existing text2 or else the text is marked invisible and positioned beneath the<br />

reference name.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Changing the function text<br />

Click on the symbol with the right mouse button and change the function text directly in<br />

the symbol parameters (by clicking on it and changing it via the entry line).<br />

This function text appears in the Contactor list dialog (even though it is not visible on<br />

the circuit diagram (when prefixed with the exclamation mark !)) and makes the<br />

assignment very much easier.<br />


Naming a contact comb<br />

Contactor Management<br />

The contact comb is automatically given the same reference name as the coil (the<br />

association is therefore specified unambiguously) but it is marked invisible.<br />

Special case of protective contacts already loaded<br />

When loading a coil of a contactor from which you have already issued contacts (a socalled<br />

virtual contactor) you are not allowed to make a selection in the database<br />

dialog. Abort the assignment with the button Cancel in the database dialog or the<br />

key.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Loading contact<br />

Loading contact with existing coil<br />

When loading a contact symbol (-Q, -K or motor contactor –F), you will obtain<br />

Contactor list, which shows all the contactors available on the circuit diagram, when the<br />

fully automatic Contactor Management is activated after the contactor contact<br />

has been positioned.<br />

You must now select a reference name. All the contacts which are assigned to this coil<br />

(via the item database) appear on the right hand side. Select the desired contact type<br />

with the matching number.<br />

After clicking on OK (only becomes active when the correct contact type has been<br />

selected) the reference name of the coil is transferred to the contact. A function text<br />

which has been entered is transferred to the contact symbol. The option (Transfer the<br />

function text of the coil for the contact) on the tab Contactor and PLC has the<br />


Contactor Management<br />

effect of transferring the function text (which you entered when loading a coil) to the<br />

contact if Contactor Management is activated.<br />

Cross reference<br />

The cross reference from the contact to the coil is written on line beneath the<br />

reference name of the contact (if not barred in the configuration). The cross<br />

reference is written on line on the contact just loaded at the corresponding position of<br />

the contact comb, even if the comb is located on another page. The cross references<br />

to the contact and contact comb are generated on line.<br />

Re-building the contactor project database<br />

If the contactor project database is rebuilt now, a log file will appear showing all the<br />

incomplete contactors. This can also be selectively printed out. You are then<br />

automatically guided to the Contactor Manager which shows all the contactors for the<br />

project.<br />

The contact comb is recreated at the same time.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Contact without a coil (creating a virtual<br />

contactor coil)<br />

When loading a contact symbol (-Q, -K or motor contactor –F), you will obtain<br />

Contactor Selection which shows all the contactors available on the circuit diagram<br />

when the fully automatic Contactor Management is activated after the contactor<br />

contact has been positioned.<br />

A new reference name must now be specified via the button New. Normally, a<br />

reference which does not exist will be suggested which you must then overwrite.<br />

After clicking on OK, Database starts automatically with the pre-selection –Q or –K<br />

depending on the reference name. Now pick out the affected item (contactor) in<br />

Database . The pre-selection can be shut down using the option pre-selection off<br />

and all the items will then appear in your database (including those which have not<br />

been assigned to a comb).<br />


Now pick out the affected item (contactor) in Item Management.<br />

Contactor Management<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />


Contactor Management<br />

After assignment (double click), the data are transferred to Contactor Selection and<br />

therefore to the contactor database. Select the contact on the right which you want to<br />

use. You can also enter the function text there. Then confirm with OK. The contactor<br />

database is corrected.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

After clicking on the OK button, the symbol parameters are invoked for editing again.<br />

The option (Transfer the function text of the coil for the contact) on the tab<br />

Contactor and PLC has the effect of transferring a function text (which you have<br />

entered) to the contact when Contactor Management is activated.<br />

If no changes are necessary or have already been made, then cancel the process with<br />

the ESC key.<br />


Cross reference<br />

Contactor Management<br />

The cross reference of a contact to a coil is written on line underneath the reference<br />

name of the contact (if not barred in the configuration).<br />

Building new contactor project database<br />

If the contactor project database is rebuilt now, then a log file will appear showing all<br />

the incomplete contactors. This can also be selectively printed. You are then<br />

automatically guided to the Contactor Manager which shows all the contactors for the<br />

project (the virtual contactors are identified graphically, in this case, Q5).<br />

No contact comb is created.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Expanding a contactor contact<br />

Expanding a contactor contact<br />

When positioning a contact, if you discover that the selected contactor in Contactor<br />

Selection no longer has a sufficient number of free contacts available with the correct<br />

contact type, then you can switch to the expand dialog during the selection process.<br />

There, it is possible to change the existing comb (contact mirror) which has been<br />

assigned to the contactor via the allocation from Item Management. The pin numbers<br />

can also be changed here.<br />

Hint<br />

844<br />

This of course only make sense if the contactor type (depending on<br />

the item) permits this expansion. The user must know or look up<br />

this information himself. "Throwing together" any design series<br />

inevitably leads to material lists which are incorrect.<br />

You may, for example, want to use a normally-open contact although the contactor<br />

type used (basic contactor) does not have normally-open contacts or no longer has<br />

any free. Select a normally-open contact from the Symbol Explorer and position it<br />

anywhere you like. Contactor Selection is loaded. You may want to assign the<br />

reference name there. However, this is not possible because the basic contactor does<br />

not have normally-open contacts.<br />

Select in the Expand dialog via the button Expand.

Contactor Management<br />

Here, you can see all the information about the current state of the contact comb.<br />

Now you can decide which mode you would like to use to expand the existing basic<br />

contactor.<br />

• Changing the basic contactor or contact block<br />

• Contact block from the item database<br />

• Contact block as comb only<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Changing the basic contactor or contact block<br />

If it is desired to change the basic contactor or the contact block by means of a<br />

certain item number so that, for example, it has more contacts available, then select<br />

the basic contactor or the contact block and click on the button Modify.<br />

After clicking on OK, Database starts automatically with the pre-selection –Q or –K<br />

depending on the reference name and the minimum number of contacts (in this case<br />

Q00). Now pick out the affected item (contactor) in Database. The pre-selection can<br />

be shut down using the option pre-selection off and all the parts will then appear in<br />

your database (including those which have not been assigned to a comb).<br />


Contactor Management<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

This is transferred with the other comb.<br />


Contactor Management<br />

Pin numbers can be changed when the designation of the contact block allows it.<br />

Contactor Selection is corrected with OK and then the normally-open contact from<br />

the example mentioned at the beginning can be assigned using OK. The function text is<br />

assigned (or not) at the same time depending on the configuration settings.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />


Contactor Management<br />

Adding the contact block from the database again<br />

If it is desired to add an auxiliary switch block of a certain part again, then select the<br />

button Parts database without previous selection. Mind the tooltip .<br />

The database opens where you can search for and accept the auxiliary switch block<br />

with OK. The pre-selection shows all contactors of the manufacturer without<br />

designation and with comb entries. The pre-selection can be shut down using the<br />

option Pre-selection off and all the items will then appear in your database (including<br />

those which have not been assigned to a comb).<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />


Contactor Management<br />

The display is extended with the new auxiliary switch block. These can be deleted<br />

again with the button Delete but only when the contact block has been marked<br />

beforehand. Pin numbers can be changed when the designation of the contact block<br />

allows it.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Contactor Selection is corrected with OK and then the normally-open contact can be<br />

assigned.<br />


Assembling a contact block yourself<br />

Contactor Management<br />

You must only assemble a contact block yourself if no comb exists in the comb library<br />

which complies with the requirements.<br />

When you have assembled a contact block, then assignment to an item from the<br />

database must take place. Here, an existing part or a new part can be used. The<br />

designation of the contact block is assigned to the part in the field Comb (or<br />

overwritten).<br />

Method1<br />

If it is desired to expand the basic contactor with an auxiliary switch block (item<br />

unknown) then select the button New Contact Block.<br />

An empty contact block is generated which can be expanded with individual contacts<br />

from the right-hand side. There, it is possible to see individual contacts (normallyopen<br />

contacts, normally-closed contacts and changeover contactors) depending<br />

on the selection.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Notice the option Horizontal which allows a targeted pre-selection of the contacts<br />

shown. For example, only horizontal contact comb elements will be seen. If the<br />

option is not set, then only the vertical contact comb elements will appear. The<br />

character _ (transverse) or |(vertical for combs at the side) are used to show this<br />

clearly again.<br />

Select the contacts you require. This is added to the new contact block simply by a<br />

double click on the contact symbol. The pin numbers are issued automatically with the<br />

option Auto.<br />

Caution<br />

856<br />

Now issue a new designation for the comb. The pin numbers can be<br />

changed when the designation of the contact block allows it. An<br />

item number must be assigned to the contact block.<br />


Contactor Management<br />

If you already know the contact block, select the matching one from the available<br />

contact blocks (fixed or variable) in the right panel of the dialog (see the preview<br />

for this).<br />

The contact block is copied to the left panel of the dialog with all the specifications<br />

(fixed or variable pin numbers). An Part number must now be assigned to the contact<br />

block. The pre-selection can be shut down using the option pre-selection off and all<br />

the parts will then appear in your database (including those which have not been<br />

assigned to a comb).<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Caution<br />

858<br />

The pin numbers can be changed when the designation of the<br />

contact block allows it.

Contactor Management<br />

Saving a contact block to the comb library as a new comb with<br />

designation<br />

Mark the text New Contact Block and click on the button with the diskette symbol<br />

next to the button New Contact Block, then the contact block which has just been<br />

created can be transferred (saved) to the comb library.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

A pre-assignment is available. Issue a meaningful name (designation) for the new<br />

comb. Then confirm the save and the overwrite if that is the case.<br />


Contactor Management<br />

If the new contact comb is marked with a grey circle, no item number has been<br />

assigned yet.<br />

Assigning a contact block to an item from the database<br />

Mark the contact block which has been created and click on the button with the<br />

diskette symbol next to the button Item Database.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Then the contact block which has just been created can be transferred (saved) to the<br />

item database and assigned to one (or more) items. The contact block designation is<br />

entered in the field Comb.<br />


Contactor Management<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Changing the pin numbers in the Expand dialog<br />

Whether pin numbers can be changed or not depends on the designation (/ or -) of<br />

the contact block.<br />

864<br />

• While the contact is marked in the left panel of the dialog, it can increase or<br />

decrease the pin numbers in steps of 10 via the up / down arrow keys.<br />

• If the selected designation (the name of the contact block) shows a forward<br />

slash (/), then the automatic (auto pin numbering) attempts to determine<br />

one of the available pin numbers from the comb which already exists.

Contactor Management<br />

• A hyphen in the designation of the contact block is always used when the pin<br />

numbers have been defined by the manufacturer. Here, it is not possible to<br />

change them afterwards.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Semi automatic<br />

General information on semi-automatic contactor<br />

management<br />

With semi-automatic Contactor Management, you can assign any contacts to any<br />

coils without specifying the contactor item from the item database beforehand. By<br />

using fully automatic Contactor Management, the contactor can then be determined<br />

by assigning the item number, the contactor assignment and possibly the power<br />

specification. The associated contact combs are likewise automatically loaded and<br />

positioned.<br />

The contactor coil (–Q5) is saved in the entry in the contactor database with its<br />

position defined.<br />

-Q5 660 500 0 2 0 0<br />

The contactor coil–Q5 is defined in the entry with its position as well as the<br />

connection numbers and contact types and saved in the contactor database.<br />

-Q5 13/14 Sa/Sb 6 660 440 0 2 1 0<br />


Loading contactor coil (semi-automatic)<br />

Re-loading contactor coil (semi-automatic)<br />

Contactor Management<br />

When loading a coil symbol (-Q, -K or motor contactor –F), with semi-automatic<br />

Contactor Management activated, you will obtain Contactor Selection (which shows<br />

all the contactors available on the circuit diagram) after the contactor coil has been<br />

positioned.<br />

A new reference name must now be specified via the button New. Normally, a<br />

reference which does not exist will be suggested which you must then overwrite.<br />

After clicking on the OK button, the symbol parameters are invoked for editing.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Leave the parameters with ESC; the symbol is then positioned without contact comb.<br />

If the contactor project database is now rebuilt, then a log file will appear showing all<br />

the incomplete contactors. This can also be selectively printed.<br />

Print from the selection or delete up to the selection<br />

If incomplete contactors have been found, you are then automatically guided to the<br />

Contactor Manager which shows all the contactors for the project.<br />


Contactor Management<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Using virtual contactor coil (semi-automatic)<br />

If you load a coil symbol (-Q, -K or motor contactor –F), with semi-automatic<br />

Contactor Management activated, you will obtain Contactor Selection (which shows<br />

all the contactors available on the circuit diagram) after the contactor coil has been<br />

positioned. All the virtual contactors are also shown at the same time. These are<br />

shown in the graphics in different ways.<br />

You must now click on a virtual contactor (reference name) and then the OK button<br />

becomes active. You will also see all the contacts assigned so far, listed in the right<br />

panel.<br />

After clicking on the OK button, the symbol parameters are invoked for editing again.<br />


Contactor Management<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Loading contact (semi-automatic)<br />

Loading contact with existing coil (semiautomatic)<br />

When loading a contact symbol (-Q, -K or motor contactor –F), with semiautomatic<br />

Contactor Management activated, you will obtain Contactor Selection<br />

(which shows all the contactors available on the circuit diagram) after the contactor<br />

contact has been positioned.<br />

You must now select a reference name. No contacts appear on the right hand side<br />

because this coil is still not assigned to a part number (semi-automatic). After clicking<br />

on OK, the reference name of the coil is transferred to the contact. A function text<br />

which has been entered is transferred only to the contact symbol.<br />

The option Transfer the function text of the coil for the contact on the tab<br />

Contactor and PLC has the effect of transferring the function text, which you entered<br />

when loading a coil, to the contact when the Contactor Management is activated.<br />

Cross reference<br />

The cross reference of the contact to the coil is written on line beneath the<br />

reference name of the contact (if not barred in the configuration). A contact comb<br />

has not been formed here yet.<br />

Contactor project database<br />

If the contactor project database is rebuilt now, then a log file will appear showing all<br />

the incomplete contactors. This can also be selectively printed.<br />


Print from the selection or delete up to the selection<br />

Contactor Management<br />

If incomplete contactors have been found, you are then automatically guided to the<br />

Contactor Manager which shows all the contactors for the project (now with<br />

contacts).<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Loading a contact without a coil (creating a<br />

virtual contactor coil)<br />

When loading a contact symbol (-Q, -K or motor contactor –F), with fully<br />

automatic Contactor Management activated, you will obtain Contactor Selection<br />

(which shows all the contactors available on the circuit diagram) after the contactor<br />

contact has been positioned.<br />

A new reference name must now be specified via the button New.<br />

After clicking on the OK button, the symbol parameters are invoked for editing again.<br />


Contactor Management<br />

If no changes are necessary or changes have already been made, then cancel the<br />

process with the ESC key.<br />

Cross reference<br />

No cross reference from contact to coil is possible because no coil has been positioned<br />

yet.<br />

Contactor project database<br />

If the contactor project database is rebuilt now, then a log file will appear showing all the<br />

incomplete contactors. This can also be selectively printed.<br />

Print from the selection or delete up to the selection.<br />

If incomplete contactors have been found, you are then automatically guided to the<br />

Contactor Manager which shows all the contactors for the project (now with contacts).<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />


Contactor Manager<br />

Contactor Manager in general<br />

Contactor Management<br />

The Contactor Manager makes it possible to show a compact presentation of<br />

contactor coils and their contacts within a project in a simple way. It is invoked via<br />

Automatic / Contactor Management / Contactor Manager.<br />

The Contactor Manager is characterised by the following features:<br />

• Clear organisation of existing contactor coils<br />

• Automatic contact mirror generation<br />

• Graphics monitoring of the current project status (contactor related)<br />

• Direct contactor database regeneration.<br />

• Project-related selection of contactors from one database<br />

• Automatic monitoring of contacts per contactor and automatic issuing of<br />

connection numbers<br />

• Very simple subsequent alteration of contactors which are already drawn<br />

• On-line issuing of cross reference to contact and comb, even if both are on<br />

different drawing pages<br />

In Contactor Manager, the contactor coils are presented in a general overview.<br />

There, different contactor contacts can be managed individually or in groups. The<br />

contactor coils and their contacts are managed via an Access Database which can be<br />

generated on line from the diagram pages.<br />

The Contactor Manager can be invoked directly via the symbol parameters.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Activating Contactor Manager<br />

In order to use the automatic functions of the Contactor Manager, Contactor<br />

Management must first be activated in the configuration (Professional Version<br />

only). Therefore, check the configuration Parameters / General / Contactor and PLC<br />

/ Activate Contactor Management.<br />

Contactor Manager is invoked via Automatic / Contactor / Contactor Manager and<br />

displays the contents of the contactor database. This database (<strong>WSCAD</strong>-SVW.mdb) is<br />

located within the relevant project directory.<br />


Contactor Manager interface<br />

Contactor Management<br />

Editing in the Contactor Manager is similar to editing in the Project Manager. All<br />

information is taken directly from the contactor database.<br />

Left panel of the Manager<br />

The existing reference names (of the contactor coils) appear in the Contactor<br />

Manager on the left. Each entry corresponds to a coil (or even a virtual coil).<br />

The contacts can be seen inside the coil, where the red marking indicates that the<br />

contact is being used.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Here, the graphics presentation shows the status of the coil.<br />

Symbol Description Explanation<br />

880<br />

Green box Coil has item number with defined number of<br />

contacts and is already positioned on the page<br />

Green box with red<br />

cross<br />

Grey box with few<br />

points<br />

Coil is available on the page. Item number and<br />

contact are not yet determined or not positioned<br />

Contact is already positioned on the page but coils<br />

are not yet available on the page (virtual contactor)<br />

Grey box Reference name of the coil is being managed but<br />

neither contact nor coil are positioned on a page on<br />

the circuit diagram<br />

Grey box with points<br />

filled<br />

Virtual contactor: Coil not yet available on the page<br />

but the comb is fully assigned<br />

Green box filled red Various fields during the coil-to-contact-to-contactcomb<br />

assignment<br />

Green box with points<br />

filled<br />

Green contacts Contact free<br />

Red contacts Contact assigned<br />

Coils fully assigned. Addition of boxes due to<br />

expansion of the contact comb<br />

Box red with contacts Comb not available, item missing<br />

Right panel of the Manager<br />

Located on the right in the Contactor Manager is a table which is used for the display<br />

and entry. The display depends on the element selected on the left side. There are two<br />

possible views: the coil (click on reference name) or the contact. You will then see the<br />

information and the preview of the file where the selected element occurs.<br />

When you click on a coil<br />

Again, there are two views: List or Standard. Either of these can be selected via the<br />

menu View / List or the command-bar button.<br />

Standard view<br />

Standard view shows all of the information about the component name, function<br />

text, assignment, item, group, page ….. as well as a plan preview of where the<br />

element is located.

Field<br />

designation<br />

Function<br />

Contactor Management<br />

Component name Contents cannot be edited either from the symbol name or from the<br />

database<br />

Function text This is where the function text for the coils is shown. This can be<br />

changed or entered again. (! makes the text invisible)<br />

Assignments This is where you will see the designation of the contact comb which<br />

cannot be edited<br />

Part number This is where the part number is shown and can be changed by a double<br />

click and invoking the database.<br />

Group This is where the functional groups can be entered to make it easier to<br />

sort the coils in the Contactor Manager.<br />

Sheet Shows the number of the page on which coil is positioned<br />

List mode<br />

List mode shows all the connections to component name, function text, connection,<br />

pin and page.<br />

Field<br />

designation<br />

Function<br />

Component name Contents either from the symbol name or from the item designation<br />

(cannot be edited)<br />

Function text This is where the function text for the coil is shown. This can be<br />

changed or entered again. (! makes the text invisible)<br />

Connection This is where you will now see the pin numbers for individual connections<br />

(can be edited)<br />

Pin This is where the internal abbreviations of the connection pins are<br />

shown. These determine the contact type (cannot be edited)<br />

Page Shows the number of the page on which coil is positioned (cannot be<br />

edited)<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

When you click on a contact<br />

Here, there is only one view standard.<br />

Field<br />

designation<br />

882<br />

Function<br />

Component name Contents of symbol name (cannot be edited)<br />

Function text This is where the function text is shown. This can be changed or<br />

entered again, even if a contact has not been used yet. (! makes the text<br />

invisible)<br />

Part number<br />

Pin This is where you will now see the pin numbers of individual connection<br />

(can be edited)<br />

Type This is where the internal abbreviations of the connection pins are<br />

shown. These determine the contact type (cannot be edited)

Contactor Management<br />

Page Shows the number of the page on which coil is positioned (cannot be<br />

edited)<br />

Tabs in the Contactor Manager<br />

The display in the Contactor Manager can be structured using the tabs.<br />

All<br />

The tab All shows all the reference names listed in alphabetical order.<br />

Unit<br />

The tab Unit shows a structure according to designation in a CPP project<br />

Field<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

The tab Field shows a structure according to UFD in a CPP project.<br />

Group<br />

The tab Group supplies a structure according to any function groups which can be<br />

defined for each reference name (contactor coil) in the field Group.<br />

Part number<br />

The tab Part number supplies a structure according to item numbers which can be<br />

created for each reference name (contactor coil) in the field Part number.<br />


Contactor Management<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Contactor Manager functions<br />

Delete<br />

You can delete from the circuit diagram via the command Contactor Coils. The<br />

symbols are removed at the same time and you can decide whether the associated<br />

contacts should also be deleted.<br />

Select a reference or several references and invoke the menu item Edit / Delete<br />

(The Del key and the symbol delete amount to the same thing).<br />

First, you must generally confirm with Yes or No.<br />

Then the marked references are listed with the message as to whether the contacts<br />

should also be deleted Yes No Cancel.<br />

With Yes, the affected symbols are removed from the circuit diagram and the<br />

connection lines closed.<br />

Copy / Move<br />

Contacts of identical type can be moved both within a reference and between<br />

different references. To do this, you only need to move the assigned contact to the<br />

new position with the left mouse button held down (drag and drop). This can also be<br />

done via the menu Edit / copy and then Edit / Move.<br />

Example of moving a normally-closed contact<br />


New<br />

Contactor Management<br />

With the command Edit New, a new reference can be created directly without a<br />

symbol. The symbol<br />

can also be used.<br />

The reference is then shown as a virtual coil.<br />

Expand<br />

Starts the Expand Dialog. The symbol<br />

can also be used.<br />

Split power contacts as single elements<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Power contacts are usually issued with 3 poles. However, if you require the power<br />

contacts separately, then a non-assigned 3-pole contact is converted into 3<br />

individual power contacts.<br />

Result:<br />

It is not necessary to create a new symbol for the contact comb nor assign a new item<br />

to this reference. When issuing the contact in the circuit diagram, however, the symbol<br />

for the individual power contact must be used.<br />

Swapping over contact numbers<br />

The contact numbers can be rotated simply by selecting the contact concerned and<br />

executing the menu item Exchange Edit Contact Number. The symbol remains intact.<br />

The symbol can also be used.<br />


Open file<br />

Contactor Management<br />

This menu item enables a kind of Go-To function. Invoking this menu item after selecting<br />

a reference loads the circuit diagram page. Alternatively, the symbol can also be<br />

used.<br />

Stack of contacts or Function Text<br />

The function texts and the Stack of contacts (designation of the contact comb)<br />

can also be shown. The menu items View /Stack of contacts and View / Function<br />

text are available for this purpose, or use the middle command bar commands Stack<br />

of contacts and Function text .<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Filters<br />

Filters can also be used to restrict the associated references which are displayed and<br />

which have been set in Filter1 and Filter2. Enter the references to be filtered.<br />

Then, only those references will be shown which correspond to Filter1 or Filter2.<br />

Error log<br />

This is a file which records all error messages from the contactor project database<br />

formation. This can be selectively printed out or even selectively cleaned.<br />

Re-building a contactor project database<br />

Rebuilding the contactor database<br />


Changing Part numbers<br />

Contactor Management<br />

A new Part number can be assigned for one reference or several identical references. In<br />

order to do so, you must select the references (multiple selection is also possible) and<br />

double click in the field Part numbers on the right hand side of the Manager.<br />

The database selection then opens. Select the new Part number from there.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

This Part number is transferred to all selected references, regardless of whether the<br />

assignment is sufficient or not.<br />


Contactor Management Compact Version<br />

Make sure that Contactor Management is activated.<br />

Re-loading contactor coil<br />

Contactor Management<br />

When loading a coil symbol (-Q, -K or motor contactor –F), with fully automatic<br />

Contactor Management activated, you will obtain Contactor Selection, which shows<br />

all the contactors available on the circuit diagram, after the contactor coil has been<br />

positioned.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

A new reference name must now be specified via the button New.<br />

After clicking on OK, the reference is transferred to the Contactor Selection list.<br />

After clicking on the OK button, the symbol parameters are invoked for editing again.<br />


If no changes are necessary, cancel the process with the ESC key.<br />

Using virtual contactor coils<br />

Contactor Management<br />

When loading a coil symbol (-Q, -K or motor contactor –F), you will obtain Contactor<br />

Selection, which shows all the contactors available on the circuit diagram, when<br />

Contactor Management is activated after the contactor coil has been positioned. All<br />

the virtual contactors (here –Q5 and –Q7) are displayed at the same time. These are<br />

marked specifically.<br />

You must now click on a virtual contactor (reference name) and then the OK button<br />

becomes active. Also enter the function text immediately.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

After clicking on the OK button, the symbol parameters are invoked for editing again.<br />

If no changes are necessary or if changes have already been made, then cancel the<br />

process with the ESC key.<br />

Loading contact (coil isn't virtual)<br />

When loading a contact symbol (-Q, -K or motor contactor –F), with fully<br />

automatic Contactor Management activated, you will obtain Contactor Selection<br />

(which shows all the contactors available on the circuit diagram) after the contactor<br />

contact has been positioned. You must now select a reference name. On the right<br />

hand side, you may see contacts which are already assigned to this coil. After clicking on<br />

OK, the reference name of the coil is transferred to the contact.<br />


Contactor Management<br />

Loading a contact without a coil (creating a virtual contactor<br />

coil)<br />

When loading a contact symbol (-Q, -K or motor contactor –F), with fully automatic<br />

Contactor Management activated, you will obtain Contactor Selection (which shows<br />

all the contactors available on the circuit diagram) after the contactor contact has been<br />

positioned.<br />

A new reference name must now be specified via the button New and confirm it with<br />

OK.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

After clicking on the OK button, the symbol parameters are invoked for editing again.<br />

If no changes are necessary or changes have already been made, then cancel the<br />

process with the ESC key.<br />

Mirror contacts on the side<br />

In the case of coils with the contact mirror on the side (e.g. motor circuit breaker), to<br />

obtain a cross reference which has been created automatically, it is only necessary to<br />

position a contact which has already been used for a circuit on the side next to the coil<br />

again.<br />

In Contactor Selection, then select the relevant coil and the contact for which the<br />

mirror is to be formed.<br />


After clicking on OK, you will receive the relevant message.<br />

Select Yes if this applies.<br />

Another message may appear here, depending on the positioning.<br />

Contactor Management<br />

On selecting Yes, no reference name is written and a reference line is automatically<br />

created.<br />

Now have a cross reference made with Automatic function / Auto cross reference /<br />

Contact with reflects, then the cross reference is written to the mirror contact.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />


PLC Manager<br />

General overview of the PLC manager<br />

The PLC manager offers a simple way of showing PLC modules with their classifications.<br />

Whereas the main module gives a general overview, the individual inputs and outputs<br />

(side modules) can be used either singly or in groups in the circuit diagram.<br />

The PLC manager has the following features:<br />

• Project-related selection of the PLC modules from a database.<br />

• Automatic monitoring of connections and automatic allocation of<br />

connection numbers and descriptions.<br />

• Clear depiction of all existing connections.<br />

• Handling of two information texts per channel (symbol and<br />

comment).<br />

• Depiction of cross-reference, comment text and symbol text on main<br />

and side modules.<br />

• On-line allocation of cross-reference for main module.<br />

• Input and display on circuit diagram of PLC list.<br />

• Output of PLC list for programming<br />

• A main module has the allocator sps-m and the component type is<br />

main element.<br />

• A side module has the allocator sps-s and the component type is<br />

side element.<br />

• In text 2 of the Symbol parameters there is an allocator sps-byte<br />

which may have additional numbers.<br />

• The allocator sps-adr is so present, with additional numbers.<br />

In accordance with the rules for text allocators, the component allocators<br />

have to be given labels for invisibility, assignment and formatting. There<br />

are strict rules for creating a PLC symbol.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Activating the PLC manager<br />

Before the automatic functions of the PLC manager can be used, it must first be<br />

activated in the configuration (Professional module only). You should therefore check<br />

the configuration 'Settings - Common Settings – (tab) Contactors and PLC modules<br />

-> Activate PLC manager'.<br />


PLC Manager interface<br />

PLC Manager<br />

Editing in the PLC Manager is similar to editing in the Project Manager. All information<br />

is taken directly from the PLC database.<br />

Left side<br />

The existing reference names are shown on the left in the PLC Manager. Each entry<br />

corresponds to a main module.<br />

The picture shows the status of the main module.<br />

• Few points in the picture corresponds to a main element<br />

which is not fully assigned.<br />

• Many points in the picture corresponds to a main element<br />

which is fully assigned.<br />

• Grey graphics corresponds to a virtual main element which<br />

is not fully assigned (i.e. the main module has not been placed on the circuit<br />

diagram).<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

The connections can be seen within the main module itself. Here, the red marking<br />

means a connection which has been assigned or an auxiliary element which has been<br />

placed.<br />

The function texts and the start addresses can be revealed. The menu options View<br />

/Start addresses and View / Function text are available for this purpose or use the<br />

middle command bar commands Start addresses and Function text<br />

Right side<br />

A table which is used for the display and entry is located on the right in the PLC<br />

Manager. The display is dependent on the element selected on the right side. There are<br />

two possible views. The main module (click on the reference name) or the auxiliary<br />

module (click on the connection). The auxiliary module also shows the preview of the<br />

file, where it exists, in addition to the connection information.<br />


PLC Manager<br />

Again, with the main module, there are two views: List or Detail, which can be<br />

switched over via the menu View / List or the command-bar button:<br />

List mode shows all of the connections with comments, symbol texts, addresss, pin<br />

numbers and pages.<br />

Detail mode shows all of the information about the filename, function text, address<br />

assignment, group definition ….. as well as a plan preview of where the element is<br />

located.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Tabs in the PLC Manager<br />

The display in the PLC Manager can be structured using the tabs.<br />

The tab All shows all the main elements (reference names) listed in alphabetical order.<br />

The System card shows a structure according to system identification.<br />

The Location card shows a structure according to location identification.<br />

The Assembly card shows a structure according to assembly.<br />


PLC Manager<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

PLC Manager functions<br />

Changes are immediately transferred to the database and the diagram pages.<br />

File functions<br />

In the menu Edit / Open, the respective file of the Preview can be opened.<br />

Entries for addressings<br />

Entries are possible in both preview modes, List and Detail; comments, system<br />

text, address (connection), pin number, assembly and slot can be changed.<br />

If the main modules are loaded, the addressing can be easily changed. If you change<br />

the basis address of the module, but wish to leave the individual groups in the<br />

previously assigned sequence, simply change the number at the end of the text.<br />

908<br />

Examples<br />

You have Module 6ES5 434-4UA12 with 4 groups with 8 digital inputs each. When 10 is<br />

entered, the outputs have the designations E10.0 - E10.7 , E11.0 - E11.7, E12.0 - E12.7<br />

and E13.0 - E13.7 and occupy the corresponding addresses. If, however, you wish to<br />

change the individual groups separately, you can assign an address for each group within<br />

the module.

PLC Manager<br />

If you enter 24,22,20,18, the entries have the designations E24.0 - E24.7, E22.0 - E22.7<br />

etc.<br />

Byte addressing. The Byte (address) can be changed. If, for example, 10 is entered,<br />

then the address of each group will increase automatically via the definition in the main<br />

module.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Hexadecimal addressing<br />

Byte numbers and bit numbers may also be hexadecimal, in which case, there must be at<br />

least one space before the byte number.<br />

Special case addressing<br />

Changing the 1 st address of a group in Detail mode. In this case, the bit<br />

(connection) can be changed but this will also change all other bits in the group at the<br />

same time.<br />

Deleting PLC main or auxiliary elements<br />

The individual main or auxiliary elements can be easily deleted by selection and<br />

choosing the menu option Edit / Delete or using the Del key (several can be deleted at<br />

a time by using the Ctrl and Shift keys).<br />


PLC Manager<br />

If you choose Yes and you're deleting a main element you must to decide whether the<br />

side elements to be along-deleted be supposed.<br />

When you confirm the prompt with Yes, the elements will be deleted from the drawing<br />

and the status released again.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

RE-addressing PLC inputs and outputs<br />

Directly on the circuit diagram<br />

If you activate the symbol parameters, re-addressing is carried out by positioning the<br />

cursor on the auxiliary module, pressing the right mouse button and selecting the<br />

Additional text2. The PLC selection then appears with an overview of all of the PLC<br />

modules present on the circuit diagram. The selected reference name is preselected.<br />

Also pay attention to the option Show all which hides fully assigned PLC main<br />

elements or those which do not have the correct connection type. Then select the new<br />

connection. In this case, for example A0.3, the comment text is then assigned online.<br />

Directly in the PLC Manager<br />

Connections (auxiliary element) of identical type can be moved both within a main<br />

element and between different main elements. To do this, you only need to move the<br />

assigned connection (auxiliary element) to the new position with the left mouse<br />

button held down (drag and drop). Alternatively, this can be done via the menu Edit /<br />

copy and then Edit / Move. Example, move Input 5.6 to 5.11.<br />


Import Export PLC lists<br />

PLC Manager<br />

In the PLC Manager, PLC lists can be read in or out selectively or together by selecting<br />

the main module or modules (selection using the Ctrl or Shift key). Then click on the<br />

menu Tools / Export and you will be able to specify the output name and output file<br />

type in a file dialog.<br />

Reading in a PLC list<br />

Use this command to start reading in a PLC list from a text file which must be in SEQ or<br />

Excel 5.0 format. The PLC texts are normally read in the current project or part project.<br />

If the PLC list is to be read over several part projects, a configuration entry must be<br />

made in the WS_Win44.ini file – see General information on configuration.<br />

Separator Operand Separator Symbol text Separator Comment Line break<br />

E4.1 SK23 Safety circuit <br />

E4.2 SK23 Motor brake <br />

The Symbol text and Comment text columns of the list are transferred and<br />

displayed in the PLC symbol when the operand of the PLC list matches a pin name in<br />

terms of the byte number and bit number of a PLC module.<br />

In the “Contactor and PLC” configuration on Page 320, for old symbols with only one<br />

wildcard, it is possible to specify whether the symbol text or the comment text is<br />

transferred. The byte number of the PLC module must have already been specified<br />

manually. The symbol text and comment text replace the corresponding wild cards in the<br />

PLC module. These wildcards (as with the form creation) are permanently specified words<br />

with an attached number corresponding to the bit number. The wildcard must be of the<br />

permanent type (| as the first character) and the right hand limiter (>) determines the<br />

maximum length. Each line of the PLC list contains the channel designation (e.g. A5.7),<br />

symbol text and comment, separated by a tab or at least 2 spaces in each case (not in<br />

the case of hexadecimal channel numbers).<br />

If the comment is longer than the wildcard allows, the text continues on the next line.<br />

However, only spaces, plus +, minus - and forward slash / are recognised as<br />

separators but the words themselves are not separated. The line break is placed after the<br />

separator. Therefore, avoid long words or cut them when generating the list, e.g.<br />

operating hours meter: operat- ing_hour meter takes up three lines. The maximum<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

number of characters is limited to 48. The wildcards for Symbol / Comment are<br />

subject to the same conditions as those for creating the form, with the following<br />

exceptions:<br />

914<br />

• They must be a component of the symbol, i.e. entered when a PLC module is<br />

created.<br />

• They must be permanent wildcards otherwise the text will not be presented on<br />

several lines.<br />

• They can be marked invisible (! as the first character) but the text being<br />

replaced is still made visible.<br />

• The specified wildcard word is plc text with attached number corresponding to<br />

the input and output.<br />

Example<br />

|lplc text > with PLC Manager<br />

|lplc text5 > without PLC Manager<br />

The wildcards are marked invisible after the text transfer but are still present in the<br />

symbol. With each additional numbering procedure with a PLC list which may be<br />

different or corrected, previously set annotations are deleted.<br />

Note<br />

When saving the configuration, the name of the PLC list is also<br />

saved and is therefore immediately available when the program is<br />

started the next time.<br />

Output of a PLC list<br />

The output format corresponds to the SEQ format of Siemens or Excel 5.0:<br />

Separator Operand Separator Symbol text Separator Comment Line break<br />

E4.1 SK23 Safety circuit

PLC database<br />

PLC Manager<br />

The PLC Manager uses the PLC project database for the management. This can<br />

be re-built via the icon next to it or the menu invocation Automatic / PLC / Project<br />

database.<br />

In CPP mode, the project name is adopted as the filename and in Standard mode,<br />

the name of the current drawing is used. In each case, the filename extension is<br />

.MDB.<br />

This function can be used at any time to re-build the PLC project database from the<br />

information from the circuit diagram. A project database which already exists is backed<br />

up by using the extension .OLD.<br />

Rebuilding the PLC database<br />

The PLC manager is hidden during this action.<br />

Should be carried out whenever, for example, PLC symbols have been removed from<br />

the circuit diagram or, for example, connection diagram pages with PLC symbols have<br />

been copied to an existing project. But also when you have been working with the PLC<br />

Manager switched off.<br />

When re-building the project database, the information is taken from the PLC<br />

modules present on the circuit diagram. Bear in mind that, for example, the comments<br />

text may be present on the circuit diagram in an abbreviated form if the length of the<br />

text wildcard in the symbol was not sufficient. This sometimes makes it necessary to<br />

extend the texts concerned manually or to read in the previously generated PLC list.<br />

Procedure for rebuilding the PLC database<br />

The main and auxiliary modules of the entire circuit diagram are searched for and<br />

combined using the reference names. If the main module is present, this is analysed<br />

and the auxiliary modules assigned. If the main module for a reference name<br />

(virtual module) is missing and if an item number is available for one of the auxiliary<br />

modules, then the database is searched for this number and then, using the symbol<br />

name from the database, the current library is searched for the matching main module.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

If no assignment according to the two previous points can be found for an auxiliary<br />

module, these can be assigned online or a new PLC module (virtual module) can be<br />

generated by selecting an entry in the main module which is offered.<br />

Note<br />

916<br />

The PLC texts present in the project database can sometimes be<br />

longer than the visible text on the circuit diagram (formatted and<br />

limited by the text wildcards). The automatic determination is only<br />

based on the information (texts) on the circuit diagram so the texts<br />

sometimes still have to be re-edited somewhat.

PLC Manager prerequisites<br />

PLC Manager<br />

When loading the symbol of a PLC main element, it is analysed and the<br />

inputs/outputs which are available determined from this analysis. All information is<br />

then pooled in a PLC project database. The connection numbers and connection<br />

identifications are automatically transferred from this when inserting the<br />

inputs/outputs (auxiliary elements).<br />

Important<br />

Only those auxiliary modules can be assigned where the letters of<br />

the pin name (which have already been assigned in the symbol)<br />

match those in the main module.<br />

Example<br />

The table shows an example of a designation of inputs/outputs on the symbol main<br />

element and the possible designations of the individual inputs/outputs of the symbol<br />

auxiliary element.<br />

Main module Auxiliary module Application<br />

E0.0 E Digital input<br />

E0.0 EW Digital input<br />

A0.0 A Digital output<br />

A0.0 AW Digital output<br />

EW0.0 E Analogue input<br />

EW0.0 EW Analogue input<br />

AW0.0 A Analogue output<br />

AW0.0 AW Analogue output<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Procedure when working with a PLC<br />

There are two possible procedures.<br />

1. First place the main element<br />

Load a PLC main module at the position on the circuit diagram where you wish to have<br />

your PLC overview. If you place it by clicking once with the left mouse button, the<br />

database selection will appear.<br />

In the database selection, pick out the corresponding PLC main module according to<br />

the item number.<br />

In the symbol parameters for the main module, extend the Text2 by the address<br />

number. By doing this, you provisionally specify the addressing (e.g.!sps-byte10.0).<br />

then assign the auxiliary element<br />

Load a PLC auxiliary element symbol (input or output) at the position on the circuit<br />

diagram where you require it. Position it by double clicking with the mouse or by pressing<br />

the space bar (or abort the database selection with ). The list of all of the modules<br />

being used by the PLC Manager will appear. Select a module and then you can<br />

immediately assign the free channel of the module.<br />

2. First place a virtual auxiliary element<br />

Load a PLC auxiliary element symbol (input or output) at the position on the circuit<br />

diagram where you need it. If you place it by clicking once with the left mouse button,<br />

the database selection will appear.<br />

If this channel is the first channel of a PLC module, pick out the corresponding PLC main<br />

module in the database selection. In so doing, you will specify the symbol of the PLC<br />

main module which is loaded virtually, analysed and managed from then on by the PLC<br />

Manager.<br />

In the Symbol parameters for the auxiliary element, extend the Text2 by the<br />

address number. By doing this, you specify the addressing provisionally.<br />

Assign the current channel to an Input/Output from the list of the main element.<br />

Switch to Plc text in the Symbol parameters (click on the auxiliary element with the<br />

right mouse button) and the cursor will position itself automatically on the first available<br />

PLC connection pin.<br />

When you confirm the connection, you will be prompted (depending on the wildcard<br />

present in the symbol) to enter the comment text and/or a symbol text.<br />

then assign a virtual main element to a symbol<br />

Load a symbol of the PLC main module and position it by double clicking with the<br />

mouse. A list of all of the main modules managed by the PLC Manager (including the<br />

virtual ones) will then appear. Assign the main module to the corresponding list entry<br />

(modules which have already been assigned are identified by !* at the end). All of the<br />

cross references are created and the PLC texts displayed automatically. Work in this<br />

way until the main symbol has been loaded for all of the PLC modules being managed.<br />

Important<br />

918<br />

A symbol of the same name must be present in the library for each<br />

entry of a PLC main module in your item database.<br />

Rule of thumb<br />

The PLC Manager creates a new module every time you make a<br />

selection in the database dialog. This does not depend on whether<br />

you just load a main or auxiliary module. Skipping (double click or<br />

space bar) or cancelling the database selection always leads to an<br />


Inserting PLC elements with the PLC selection<br />

Auxiliary elements<br />

PLC Manager<br />

If you want to introduce PLC auxiliary elements into an existing project then, after the<br />

PLC auxiliary element has been placed (the PLC input or output bit which is<br />

displayed separately), the PLC main elements which are already listed in the project<br />

are listed in a PLC selection. All of the main elements appear in the dialog on the left<br />

(sorted according to list, system, location and assembly) and all of the inputs and<br />

outputs of the main element selected at any one time appear on the right.<br />

• An entry field for a search criterion appears at the top left. A search is carried<br />

out in the reference name of the main elements which are displayed (entry<br />

e.g. =H3).<br />

• An entry field for a comment text in which you can immediately enter the<br />

comment text for the relevant input or output appears at the top right.<br />

Also pay attention to the option Show all which hides fully assigned PLC main<br />

elements or those which do not have the correct connection type. Here, select the<br />

main element and then the relevant connection. Also enter the comment text<br />

immediately. In order to recognise which PLC main elements are already fully<br />

assigned, they are written in red and marked in the PLC selection. They are also<br />

marked in red when there is no longer any valid connection free.<br />

Note<br />

If you use multi-digit pin numbers in the main element, e.g. EAZ,<br />

then, it is precisely this pin name which must also be used in the<br />

auxiliary elements otherwise the PLC Manager cannot establish a<br />

match and no free channels will appear in the PLC selection dialog.<br />

The remedy in this case is a somewhat unusual entry in the<br />

WS_WIN50.INI file. There enter the following:<br />

[Config Contactor/PLC]<br />

PLC_check precisely=0<br />

Main elements<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

If you wish to introduce PLC main elements into an existing project which are already<br />

present on the circuit diagram, although virtually (e.g. a previously placed auxiliary<br />

element) then, after placing the PLC main element, the PLC main elements already<br />

listed in the project will be listed in an overview. Select the virtual module (pale grey<br />

symbol).<br />


Deleting the PLC main element and auxiliary<br />

elements<br />

Main element<br />

PLC Manager<br />

Deleting the PLC main elements in the PLC Manager can also have the effect of<br />

deleting the PLC auxiliary elements simultaneously. This can be prevented by a prompt.<br />

If the dialog is confirmed with No, the PLC auxiliary elements will remain in the<br />

project (a virtual PLC module will appear). If the PLC database is now recreated,<br />

individual bits of the deleted virtual PLC module will appear on the screen one after the<br />

other. Bestätigen Sie die Zuweisung mit OK, so können Sie eine erneute Zuweisung in<br />

der Projektübersicht vornehmen.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Entering a comment text and/or symbol text<br />

directly in the symbol<br />

Two texts can be entered for each PLC channel (auxiliary element) providing the<br />

corresponding wildcard is present in the symbol. Once a PLC symbol has been selected,<br />

the PLC text line is added to the Symbol parameter menu. As soon as you click on this<br />

field, the cursor automatically jumps to the PLC connection of the symbol (or to the<br />

first connection, if there are several connections in the symbol). Accept this or position<br />

the cursor on another channel if there is one available. You will be prompted to enter a<br />

comment text and/or the symbol text, depending on which wildcard (plc text or plc<br />

sym) is present in the symbol. The position and formatting are transferred to the symbol<br />

from the wildcard.<br />


Assigning a PLC text online<br />

PLC Manager<br />

It makes no difference whether the text is entered at the main element or auxiliary<br />

element, the other page is supplemented online in each case. Select the PLC PIN of the<br />

main element by clicking with the right mouse button and the parameters are activated<br />

automatically.<br />

Now click on the PLC text with the left mouse button. The text entry field becomes active<br />

and you can now enter and place the PLC text. After confirming with , the new<br />

text is placed at the position of the old text and the PLC text of the next PIN is<br />

automatically activated for editing. Cancel with .<br />

Caution<br />

With the PLC Manager activated, the PLC text is immediately placed<br />

at the auxiliary element.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

PLC cross reference navigator<br />

Cross references, which enable you to switch to the relevant main element or<br />

auxiliary element by clicking on the cross reference with the right mouse button, are<br />

written to the symbol. This works on all main elements and auxiliary elements<br />

whether the PLC Manager is switched on or not. Also applies to the Basic version<br />

onwards. The navigator opens the corresponding page but cannot position on the<br />

relevant element.<br />

Example<br />

Click on Cross reference 4.2 (with the right mouse button).<br />

Result<br />

The circuit diagram page with the auxiliary element is immediately loaded and the cursor<br />

is placed on the auxiliary element.<br />

While doing so, you must make sure that you click precisely on the cross reference text,<br />

otherwise, you may find you have selected more than one (even the symbol) and will still<br />

have to select correctly.<br />

Important<br />

924<br />

The cross reference wildcard which was placed when the PLC<br />

module was created should not lie outside the symbol. However, if<br />

the wildcard does lie outside the symbol, then the text of the<br />

wildcard must start as near [

PLC assemblies without PLC Manager<br />

PLC Manager<br />

A symbol is recognised as a PLC assembly when the plc byte wildcard is found for the<br />

byte number. The byte number is attached to the wildcard plc byte (Text2 of the<br />

parameter block) by the user. This is easiest when loading the symbol or via Change /<br />

Symbol parameters.<br />

Note<br />

• The byte number can be multi-digit, decimal or hexadecimal. After it is entered<br />

or while the bytes are being numbered (Automatic numbering), the byte<br />

number is distributed to the connections unaltered when reading in the PLC list.<br />

• The pin name of a connection contains the designation for inputs or outputs,<br />

the byte number and the bit number, e.g. E2.5 or X AF.<br />

The designation X may consist of several characters such as E or A<br />

or CH.<br />

• The bit number can only be a single digit number, decimal 0 to 7 or hexadecimal<br />

0 to F. The total length of the pin name is limited to 10.<br />

In order for the Automatic to distinguish these pins from the standard connections<br />

such as the power supply which may also have pin names, the following rules must be<br />

obeyed:<br />

Rule 1<br />

Any separator for separating between the byte number and bit number. In this case,<br />

the byte number must only consist of numbers, the text in front of the byte number must<br />

not have any numbers and the bit number must always be the last number. The bit<br />

number can be hexadecimal but the byte number cannot. Example: E2.5 or E 2.5 or<br />

E 2.A<br />

Rule 2<br />

Byte numbers and bit numbers may also be hexadecimal. In which case, there must<br />

be at least one space before the byte number.<br />

Example X AF or X 1CA.<br />

An (invisible) wildcard is assigned to each input or output. When a PLC list is read in or<br />

when a comment text is entered, the text is automatically placed at the position of these<br />

wildcards. The plc text wildcards must still be supplemented by the bit number of the<br />

input or output which has been assigned, from 0 to 7 or 0 to F.<br />

Example |msps-text2 > |msps-textA ><br />

Caution<br />

A text cannot be assigned if there is no wildcard. The wildcards<br />

should be General text and not Free text. General text is used for<br />

the comment text and symbol text in any case. The length of this is<br />

limited to 48 characters.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Creating a PLC symbol<br />

General rules<br />

The process of creating a PLC symbol involves specified steps which must be carried<br />

out. A good basis for starting is to load an existing PLC symbol in the symbol editor<br />

and become familiar with the explanations of this example.<br />

The sequence in which the pins of the PLC channels are placed is a very important<br />

aspect of this process. Pay very close attention to this later on.<br />

Furthermore, there is only one wildcard for each cross reference and PLC text for all<br />

channels. The position of the other texts is determined by the distance of the wildcard<br />

from the first PLC pin. For example, if the wildcard for the cross reference is on the<br />

right of the first pin, then the cross reference for the second pin is positioned at the<br />

same distance as that of the wildcard from the first pin. This means that it is not<br />

possible to place the cross reference to the left of the pin for one part of the connection<br />

and the cross reference to the right of the pin for another part of the connection within<br />

a PLC symbol. One wildcard is available for the position of the cross reference and the<br />

PLC texts in each case. The relative position to the PLC pin drawn is transferred to all of<br />

the other channels. All wildcards are a component of the symbol and must be entered as<br />

general text.<br />

The symbol which displays all connections of a PLC assembly (main element) in a clear<br />

way is designated as the main module. A single input / output or a group of inputs /<br />

outputs can represent an auxiliary module (auxiliary element). A PLC symbol (main<br />

module or auxiliary module) contains a certain number of channels which are<br />

combined in groups. Each channel can in turn have an unlimited number of connections<br />

(pins).<br />


Creating a PLC symbol<br />

First, the new symbol is created with the symbol editor as follows:<br />

PLC Manager<br />

• Create the body of the symbol with commands consisting of characters and<br />

free text. Set the symbol type to Main element (for a PLC main module) or<br />

Auxiliary element (PLC auxiliary module).<br />

• Set the pins for all general connections, e.g. supplies, earths or references.<br />

The pin type should be PASSIVE and never BRIDGE.<br />

• Set the pins for the PLC connections. Important: The pin type must be<br />

BRIDGE, but the orientation and shape etc. are determined by the conditions.<br />

Start with the first pin of the first channel of the first group. Then set all other pins of<br />

the channel, then the pins of the other channels in the group and finally the other<br />

groups. If you are not sure of the sequence, delete the PLC pins and start again. Bear in<br />

mind that the pin numbers in this sequence are transferred to the auxiliary<br />

module. This applies especially to channels with several pins per channel. Mistakes at<br />

this stage can lead to incorrect connection numbers on the auxiliary module.<br />

Issue a pin number for all pins.<br />

Note<br />

You can find the first pin of a symbol by selecting command Pin<br />

type in the symbol editor under the Pins menu. The cursor is then<br />

automatically positioned at the first pin.<br />

Issue a pin name for the first pin of a channel in each case. This must have at least 1<br />

letter (example EW4 , E0.0), and it will be changed later according to the specifications<br />

from the symbol parameters sps-byte or the wildcard sps-adr.<br />

Important<br />

Later, you can only assign those auxiliary modules for which all of<br />

the characters of the pin name of the PLC channel are identical. (An<br />

InI switch which waives this precise assignment is available for<br />

older symbols. In this case, only the first character has to match.<br />

WSPRJ50AT.INI [Config Contactor/PLC] PLC_PRECISE_CHECK=0)<br />

Place the wildcard !#lws-q> at the position where you wish to have the cross reference<br />

for the first channel of the first group (Important: first pin drawn). When forming the<br />

cross references later, the distance is determined between the position of the wildcard<br />

and the first pin drawn which represents the cross reference of the other PLC channels at<br />

the same relative distance.<br />

• Set the wildcard !#lsps-text > for the PLC comment and/or the wildcard !#lspssym><br />

for the symbol text. Adjust the length of the wildcard to the available room.<br />

For the positioning, the same applies as for the cross reference wildcards.<br />

• Set the wildcard !#lsps-s > for an auxiliary module or !#lsps-m > for a main<br />

module – the position is not critical.<br />

• Set the wildcard !#lsps-adr, extended by a 3-digit number block. This type of<br />

number block must be present for each group within the PLC module.<br />

• The first number indicates how many channels are available for each group.<br />

• The second number indicates how many pins a channel or a group has.<br />

• The last number indicates whether the addressing is to be increased by channel or<br />

by group and the value as well.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

928<br />

• The separator for the individual characters or groups is the comma.<br />

Example !#lsps-adr8,1,1<br />

implies that your symbol has 1 group, that there are 8 channels in the group, each<br />

channel has 1 pin and the address should be increased by 1 byte per group. This<br />

corresponds, for example, to a digital output card with 8 connections, such as the<br />

Siemens 6ES5 441-8MA11.<br />

Example !#lsps-adr8,2,1,8,2,1<br />

implies that there are 2 groups, each group has 8 channels, each channel has 2 pins and<br />

the address is increased by 1 byte for each group. This corresponds, for example, to a<br />

digital output card with 16 x 2-pole channels, such as the Siemens 6ES5 454-4UA13.<br />

Example !#lsps-adr8,2,-2<br />

implies that there is one group with 8 channels, each channel has 2 pins and the address<br />

is increased by 2 bytes for each channel. This corresponds, for example, to an analogue<br />

input card with 8 x 2-pole channels where the address is increased by 2 bytes per<br />

channel, which corresponds to a card such as the Siemens 6ES5 460-4UA13.<br />

Set the Text2 of the symbol parameters to !sps-byte. For certain modules, it makes<br />

sense to enter the complete address now (e.g. !lsps-byte0) if this is adjusted to be so as<br />

standard. In which case, make sure that the pin names of the PLC channels are<br />

already assigned correctly (i.e. in accordance with the addressing).<br />

Set the symbol parameters Selection so that when selecting a database, the<br />

delimitation is as accurate as possible. This is desirable with PLC assemblies, since each<br />

symbol has only one equivalent at most in the database. Make the symbol name invisible<br />

(by prefixing with a ! character).<br />

Tip<br />

Study the symbols in our libraries. A relatively complex example is<br />

Assembly S95-U from Library S5-100

Creating the database entry<br />

PLC Manager<br />

There must also be a database entry for each PLC main element. It is important for<br />

the symbol name in the field COMPONENT NAME of the database which you are using<br />

to match the symbol name of the symbol in the library (except for the ! which makes the<br />

identification invisible).<br />

Example Database entry for a PLC main element<br />

The reason for this is that the PLC Manager has to analyse this symbol. Load a PLC<br />

auxiliary module and generate a virtual PLC module by the database selection (i.e.<br />

the main module does not yet exist on the circuit diagram), so the PLC Manager still<br />

has to load the main module temporarily. It therefore takes the symbol name (Field:<br />

Component name) of the database entry which you have selected and searches for this<br />

symbol in the current library.<br />

Note<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

930<br />

With PLC auxiliary modules, the general connection generator<br />

adopts the PLC comment text as the function text (instead of the<br />

function text of the symbol parameters) providing one has been<br />

entered. The PLC comment text is therefore available in different<br />

output lists which have a wildcard for the function text (e.g.<br />

terminal diagram): However, this is limited to auxiliary modules<br />

which only have one channel since only 1 function text is managed<br />

per symbol.<br />

Form layout<br />

General<br />

A graphic form is a normal <strong>WSCAD</strong> drawing file, which contains special texts, the text<br />

allocators. By using the 'Draw' commands you can create a graphic form which contains<br />

text allocators and drawing sheet variables. It is these text allocators that are substituted<br />

with data automatically generated from the schematic.<br />

A text is recognised as a text allocator if the first character is a certain sign. This is<br />

followed by the formatting sign and the text itself. The end of the string is the<br />

delimiter sign, which determines the max. length of the filled allocator.<br />

The minimum length of a text allocator is 4 characters: (Allocator designation ,<br />

alignment format, min. 1 character allocator text and right range limit).<br />

Sometimes allocators will not fit in a column (e.g. terminal pin, conductor number). In<br />

this case the allocators can be positioned so that they overlap, without adversely<br />

affecting the outcome. The only resultant problem is in reading and controlling the positioning<br />

of the allocators, which is more difficult due to them overlapping. When<br />

positioning the allocator be careful with the alignment formats selected (left, right and<br />

middle). In the Compact module you can use a graphic form for the terminal chart,<br />

material list and summary, in the Mega module for cable list, cable chart and wiring<br />

chart, too.

Why Form / Drawing frame<br />

Index<br />

Forms and lists are used for outputting information and data from your circuit diagrams.<br />

By using wildcards and variables, you can organise the data on your forms and lists on<br />

an individual basis. The data which are used to fill out the wildcards are transferred from<br />

the material database, project database, customer database and of course the<br />

circuit diagram which you are using.<br />

In order to produce a structure in your form collection, the forms can be sorted<br />

according to the various frames or page sizes etc. Create subfolders in the form folder in<br />

order to organise them according to page size or frame type etc.<br />

Example Where the forms are installed immediately after <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 is installed.<br />

Installation<br />

path<br />

Default template<br />

directory<br />

Form directory with<br />

identical frames<br />

In the directory of<br />

available forms<br />

C:\<strong>WSCAD</strong>50\ Templates\ Frames 1-8 A4\ Change_list.0001<br />

Content_info.0001<br />

First_page.0001<br />

Cable_list.0001<br />

Terminal_diag.0001<br />

Material_list.0001<br />

. . .<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

New Form (or change an existing)<br />

To create a new form, you must select the menu item File-New (or if you want to use an<br />

existing form as a template File-Open). Now choose your target folder and enter a name<br />

for the new form.<br />

Ein sehr schneller Weg zu einem neuen Formular ist die Modifikation eines bereits<br />

bestehenden Formulars. Wählen Sie den Menüpunkt Datei / Laden und suchen im<br />

Dateidialog den betreffenden Pfad, in dem sich die Vorlagen befinden. Die<br />

Dateivorschau hilft das Formular leichter zu erkennen, außerdem ist die Größe<br />

veränderbar . Alle Formulare in dem Verzeichnis Rahmen 1-8 A4 haben den<br />

identischen Rahmen mit einer Pfadeinteilung von 1 bis 8 und das Blattformat DIN<br />

A4. Wählen Sie als Vorlage ein bereits vorhandenes Formular des zu erstellenden Typs<br />

und betätigen Sie die Schaltfläche Öffnen, so wird dieses Formular geöffnet. Ändern Sie<br />

das Formular graphisch nach Ihren Wünschen ab. Speichern Sie dann das geladene<br />


Index<br />

Formular mit dem Menübefehl Datei / Sichern als unter einem eindeutigen Dateinamen<br />

ab.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Form type<br />

First you have to decide which file type, size and so on this sheet should have. With<br />

menu item 'Settings-Options' the Options dialog will appear.<br />

Important<br />

934<br />

The form type decide which kind of text allocators are available<br />

Example<br />

File type: Material list; Format: DIN A4; Snap setting: 4 mm

Inserting a frame<br />

Index<br />

Use the menu item File-Insert drawing macro to insert a frame into the empty sheet.<br />

Select the folder which contains the frames and choose one (preview).<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Draw lines<br />

Now you be able to design your form by drawing lines and rectangles. You can use all<br />

commands from the 'Draw' menu.<br />

Save the new form, or your changes from an existing form by using menu item 'Filesave'<br />

or 'File-save as'.<br />


Form dialog<br />

Managing text allocators using the form dialog<br />

Index<br />

Use the form dialog in order to manage the numerous text allocators easily. This form<br />

dialog monitors each form which is loaded in respect of the text allocators which have<br />

already been set and the text allocators which are still available for the current file type<br />

(material list, terminal diagram, cable list and content specification etc.). You can<br />

also adjust the general format of the text allocator concerned in the form dialog.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Starting the form dialog<br />

The form dialog is started via the menu command Change / Text allocators.<br />

However, this menu option is only activated when the page which has been loaded<br />

corresponds to one of the following file types: terminal diagram, material list, cable<br />

list, cable diagram, content specification, drawing frame, first page, change<br />

status, plug diagram or connection list. The file type can be adjusted for each form<br />

under the menu option Parameters / Options.<br />

Caution<br />

938<br />

The dialog for which the size can be changed starts after activating<br />

the command Change / Text allocators. If Text allocators have<br />

already been set on the page which has been loaded, these will<br />

appear in the area of the existing Text allocators.

Organising the Text allocators<br />

Index<br />

The large number and variety of uses of the Text allocators which are available means<br />

that they have to be organised. For this purpose, a list has been introduced into the form<br />

dialog area Data source which you can use to adjust the generic terms.<br />

Choose a generic term (e.g. Specific Text allocators) and you will now see the<br />

wildcard concerned in the list field below it.<br />

Caution<br />

The specific Text allocators which are available in the list field will<br />

appear, depending on the file type (of the current page). This is<br />

important since not all of the Text allocators are permitted in all of<br />

the form types.<br />

In the Text allocators window, you can influence the Text allocators being used in<br />

respect of their position. Thus, the setting Text allocators on the form shows all of the<br />

Text allocators which have already been placed on the form except those which are<br />

located in the drawing frame. Text allocator in the frame gives exactly the opposite<br />

result. All Text allocators shows the sum of the two above. The Text allocators which<br />

have already been used on the current form and those from the respective data source<br />

which still have to be used for this file type are marked is colour in the data source<br />

window. The Text allocators which are currently available are shown in the area<br />

Available Text allocators. Old Text allocators from your previous forms remain the<br />

same and are shown in the Available Text allocators area with a description.<br />

Example Start with the form type Material list, which already has Text<br />

allocators on it.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />


Formatting and inserting the Text allocators<br />

For all text allocators:<br />

Every allocator can be formatted at the right side of the dialog in various ways.<br />

Length<br />

• Maximum number of characters: Text = 100 Simple text = 49 characters<br />

Text style<br />

• Standard font; Propo font; Special font; Text<br />

Size<br />

• of the characters<br />

Rotation of the allocator:<br />

• 0°; 90°; 180°; 270°<br />

Alignment of the text:<br />

• left; centered; right<br />

Example<br />

Snapshot from Cable list<br />

Index<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

text allocators based on additional database fields:<br />

This allocators are only in the form type 'material list' available<br />

Formatting<br />

In the Length column, the number of characters can be specified, i.e. how many<br />

characters of the value which is to be displayed are output on the form. The maximum<br />

number of characters is determined by the text type.<br />

Simple Text = 49 and Text = 100 characters<br />

Example ##...> Text allocators six characters long when the length = 6<br />

Text type<br />

With Text type, it is possible to adjust the font and the text type. It is advisable to use<br />

Simple Text for Text allocators if a maximum length of 49 characters is sufficient.<br />

Although there are more degrees of freedom with Text, this should not be used,<br />

particularly for number variables, since a proportional font (such as Arial) is often used<br />

for Text and series of numbers may not line up exactly. Selection is made by double<br />

clicking on the field.<br />

Size<br />


Index<br />

The Size column determines the font size of the Text allocator and the value shown.<br />

Select by double clicking on the field.<br />

Rotation<br />

In the column Rotation, you can enter the angle in degrees at which the Text allocator<br />

must be rotated when placed. Select by double clicking on the field.<br />

Alignment<br />

The alignment defines the position of the displayed value shown within the character<br />

length of the Text allocator. (left justified, right justified or centred). Select by double<br />

clicking on the field.<br />

Other functions<br />

The form dialog is closed by clicking on the Place button. The new Text allocators are<br />

laid at the cursor one after another and can be placed on the form. The Delete button<br />

deletes all of the Text allocators from the current form which are marked in the right<br />

hand window of the form dialog. The form dialog remains active even when you click on<br />

the form which is displayed in order, for example, to place the selected Text allocator.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Text allocators which specify the number of lines<br />

on each form page (obligatory)<br />

Each form must have the Text allocator Max. lines from the data source Gen. text<br />

allocators. This Text allocator quantifies the number of possible lines with which the<br />

form can be filled before the page has to be changed.<br />

In the form dialog, the column length normally calculates the number of available<br />

characters for the Text allocator concerned. Exception: with Max. lines text allocators,<br />

this value is synonymous with the maximum number of lines.<br />

If the Text allocator Max. lines is shown in the form dialog with a length of 31, the Text<br />

allocator will be found on the form as #lws_rows31>, which means that the maximum<br />

line length on the form is specified as 31.<br />


Sum value of the Text allocator<br />

Index<br />

The Style column specifies whether the Text allocator is a single value, a sum or a<br />

product. Defined as a Value, the Text allocator expresses the value for the item saved<br />

in the database. The Text allocator forms the product of all of the values of this Text<br />

allocator multiplied by the number as the Total value. The Text allocator forms the sum<br />

of all of the values in a column (in the fields above) defined as the Final sum.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Text allocators based on additional database<br />

fields<br />

Unit<br />

The material list allocator will be followed by _A or _kW or £<br />

Style<br />

Single means a single value<br />

Sum means the product of the value and the number of parts<br />

Total sum means the sum of all values in one column.<br />

Format<br />

Is a template in which style the value will be displayed e.g. ##.###,##<br />

but not for currency!!!<br />

Example<br />

Snapshot from database editor<br />

Add field3 = price of one unit<br />

Snapshots from material list Add field3 = sum = quantity multiply by price of<br />

one unit<br />


Formatting the unit (only additional database<br />

fields)<br />

Index<br />

In the Unit column, you can enter labels which are attached to the actual value. Bear in<br />

mind that these abbreviations reduce the value which can be shown in the Length<br />

column. The relevant field can be edited by double clicking on it with the mouse. (e.g.<br />

enter kW, A or €).<br />

Unit Effect<br />

kW Wildcard = (length – 2 characters) i.e. 2 characters for the label kW directly following the<br />

value<br />

_kW Wildcard = (length - 3 characters) i.e. 3 characters for the label kW with 1 space in front<br />

_A Wildcard = (length – 2 characters) i.e. 1 space ( _ ) as a space character and A as the label<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Formatting the number format<br />

In the Format column, database Text allocators can also be configured for the number<br />

format according to Excel. The format ##,###.## means: 2 places after the<br />

decimal point, thousands marked off with a comma, a maximum of 5 places before the<br />

decimal point.<br />

Note<br />

948<br />

The unit (kW) can also be entered in the fields for powers by<br />

entering it in the Unit field. (0.500 kW)

Multi-line texts with Text allocators<br />

Index<br />

Here, the first page serves as an example since a multi-line output is only useful for<br />

texts which occur on their own. With lists or diagrams on the other hand, during the<br />

generation process (e.g. terminal diagram), the Text allocator replacements are<br />

listed in tabular form on the form under the respective Text allocator. Otherwise they<br />

would be overwritten. Load the form that you wish to use from the Template folder and<br />

start the form dialog with the menu option Change / Text allocator. Then select, for<br />

example, the Text allocator Customer from the generic term Project manager. Gen.<br />

Transfer the Text allocator by double clicking with the mouse.<br />

Caution<br />

Pay attention to the colour of the Text allocator which indicates<br />

whether the Text allocator has already been used in the present<br />

form or not.<br />

When formatting, you should generally consider how long your texts can be for this<br />

Text allocator. If you set the Text type to Simple text, you will have 48 characters<br />

maximum available (including the line break). If this is not enough, then the Text<br />

type should be set to Standard font with a maximum of 100 characters. You can<br />

also specify other formats such as the font size, rotation and orientation. Now click on<br />

the Place button and the format dialog will close and you can place the Text allocator<br />

on the form.<br />

Um dies jetzt auszuwerten, speichern Sie das Formular ab und wechseln dann in die<br />

Projektverwaltung. Dort wechseln Sie in das Feld Kunde und geben dort den<br />

gewünschten Text ein. Wollen Sie einen Zeilenumbruch einfügen, so geben Sie das<br />

Zeichen \n ein. In order to evaluate this, save the form and then switch to the Project<br />

Manager. There, switch to the field Customer and enter the desired text. If you wish to<br />

enter a line break, enter the character \n.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Moveable Text allocators<br />

Moveable Text allocators (start character: #) are always used when information on<br />

each page is presented line-by-line (e.g. terminal number, number and item<br />

number). Make sure that all of the moveable Text allocators are on one line. They<br />

must also all have the same orientation (horizontal / vertical) since the lines are always<br />

oriented according to the corresponding text orientation of the Text allocator<br />

concerned. The line spacing for automatically filled forms is equal to the grid size of the<br />

form. The optimum grid size is 4 mm.<br />

Moveable Text allocators are identified with a # and several Text allocators of this type<br />

may be present on each form.<br />

Note<br />

950<br />

Text which is formatted on several lines is always shown on a<br />

single line in the case of moveable Text allocators and the linebreak<br />

character \n is removed.

Fixed Text allocators<br />

Index<br />

Fixed Text allocators (start character: |) are used for words which only appear once<br />

on each page, such as the page data, filename and Text allocator for a variable or<br />

additional text (e.g. text1) which has to be entered manually.<br />

Note<br />

With fixed Text allocators, text which is formatted on several lines<br />

must also be shown on several lines but the calculation only<br />

regards the text as single line text during formatting. The Text<br />

allocator length must correspond to the length of the whole text<br />

and formatting should on the left.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Manual additional texts<br />

When generating lists, up to 6 texts can be entered also depending on the choice of<br />

graphic form when the corresponding Text allocators are present on the form (text1 to<br />

text6 are located in the form dialog in the area Data source gen. Text allocators).<br />

These texts are not taken from the drawing automatically but you will be asked to enter<br />

the texts while each generation process is filling a form (e.g. after starting the terminal<br />

diagram). The texts can only be entered for the Text allocators which have been issued.<br />

Without Text allocators, you will not be asked to enter text.<br />


Multi-page forms with Text allocators<br />

Index<br />

In general, each form has a unique name. If there are forms with the same name but<br />

with a serial name extension (e.g. 0000 and 0001 etc.) they are loaded in order per<br />

page created. The form with the last serial extension is loaded repeatedly<br />

correspondingly often. For example, an address field can therefore be designated on the<br />

first form but not on the second form.<br />

Example Creating the cable list with the forms cable-list_high.00^01 and Cablelist_high.0002<br />

Page 1 of the cable list is created with the form *.0001 and Page 2 etc. with the form<br />

*.0002.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Text allocator<br />

What Text allocators are available?<br />

The Text allocator is a composite of formatting characters and text which is used at the<br />

specified positions to acquire information of common interest from each circuit diagram<br />

page.<br />

954<br />

• The Text allocator starts with the characters ##<br />

• The Text allocators are shown on two lines.<br />

• The text used to replace it is positioned in place of the top Text allocator line.<br />

The first line of the Text allocator can be made visible on the form in order to position it<br />

for example, under Parameters / Options / See all. Once the option Change /<br />

Foreign language / Manage and Translate / Main language and 1 st foreign<br />

language has been activated for texts as well as the above option See all, the two lines<br />

of the Text allocators will appear.<br />

The Text allocators Date and Editor, for example, are replaced as follows.<br />

The following general Text allocators can be used on any form<br />

These Text allocators can be used for any type of form whether it is a material list,<br />

terminal diagram or content specification. Here, you will also find the important Text<br />

allocator Max. lines which controls the number of possible lines on each page of the<br />

form.<br />

With the switch AutoFileText allocator=0 in the WS_PRJ50.INI file under category<br />

[Misc], the Text allocator filename of the drawing (!#lfilel> on the drawing) can be<br />

used to output or display the complete filename.

Index<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Text allocators which can be placed for each<br />

terminal form<br />

The following Text allocators can be used for each terminal diagram form page.<br />

View in the form Dialog View in the form<br />


Index<br />

The Text allocator with a running number can be placed multiple in a terminal chart.<br />

You can see it also in the Form Dialog.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Text allocator of the material-list form which can<br />

be placed<br />

The following Text allocator can only be used for the form for the material list:<br />

Text allocator of the material-list form which can be placed<br />

several times<br />

The following is a Text allocator with attached number (e.g. b1; b2) for the position of<br />

independent references for material lists. Important for the generation option<br />

Add.+References.<br />

958<br />

Text<br />

allocator<br />

Function<br />

r1 Reference

name<br />

Index<br />

The positions can therefore be specified separately while with Text allocator ref, the<br />

references are written directly behind one another.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Universal database Text allocators for the<br />

material list<br />

Once you have set the material list as File type, in the Professional version you can<br />

access your material database using the universal Text allocators on additional<br />

fields as well as the permanently defined specific Text allocators. The advantage is<br />

that you can integrate significantly more technical information in the material list which<br />

is necessary, particularly in the areas such as ventilation and air-conditioning<br />

systems.<br />

These database Text allocators are produced dynamically from the Microsoft Access<br />

Database (*.mdb) set under Parameters /General / <strong>Directory</strong> tab / Field:<br />

Database.<br />

Caution<br />

960<br />

The Text allocators are formed from the field names of the<br />

respective database set. This means that the Text allocator<br />

designation displayed and the number of the database Text<br />

allocators which are available are determined by the structure of<br />

your database.<br />

Example Database excerpt with field names revealed. In this database, the fields<br />

Addition1 and Addition2 have been attached to the existing fields (with MS ACCESS).<br />

Caution<br />

These fields have to be created with a certain field type. Summing<br />

is only possible with fields with number types or currency. Field<br />

values of another type can only be displayed as a value. The field<br />

must be specified by using the ACCESS database program. And<br />

should only be done by experienced ACCESS users.<br />

With material list file type, the additional database fields appear in the form<br />

dialog. The additional Text allocators (with the additional designation Db: ) appear in<br />

the list field on the left.

Text allocators for revision history<br />

Index<br />

4 revision history can be documented in the standard frame using Text allocators (15<br />

revision history altogether), NAME#0 always being the name of the first completed<br />

state of a project. NAME#1 - NAME#3, on the other hand always represent the last 3<br />

revision history (also applies to COMMENT, DATE and EDITOR).<br />

• 4 revision history (#0-#3) should be transferred to the drawing frame.<br />

• Name#0 = name of the change state.<br />

• Comment#0 = content of the field ‘Comment on change state’.<br />

• Editor#0 = content of the field ‘Editor of change state’.<br />

• Date#0 = content of the field ‘Date of change state’.<br />

These Text allocators provide the INFO texts for all different types of diagram and<br />

should be transferred to the drawing frame. e.g. Prj.Txt. Comment_state = the<br />

content of the field ‘Comment’ of the folder ‘Change state’.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

The following Text allocators should be transferred to the change list:<br />

962<br />

• CH state… gives information on the change state concerned once for each<br />

list. e.g. CH state description = comment on the change state.<br />

• Change… gives information on the changed circuit diagram in question<br />

(appears for every changed circuit diagram on a change list. E.g. Change<br />

on = date of change.<br />

These Text allocators supply the field information from the project information. E.g.<br />

Prj gen. designation = content of the field Designation in the Project Manager.

Text allocators for cable lists<br />

Index<br />

Cable list is used to generate a list of all the cables in the set of drawings. When the<br />

cable designation for the external destination is missing but the cable type is present,<br />

the reference name of the external destination with the prefix W is used as the cable<br />

designation.) Cables are only transferred to the cable list when the cable type and<br />

the cable designation are both present or the cable designation can be assigned by<br />

the external destination.<br />

Note<br />

Every symbol which is not a terminal but is connected to a terminal<br />

is recognised as a destination. Or if this component is explicitly<br />

designated as external.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Special case of several cables per form page<br />

Text allocators exist for the cable diagram which enable several cables to be<br />

accommodated on one page of the cable diagram:<br />

Text allocator Function<br />

nameUFM Cable designation (multiple)<br />

nameM Cable designation without CPP multiple)<br />

Of course, the form must be adjusted for this new function.<br />

Important<br />

964<br />

These Text allocators may only be used as an alternative to the<br />

previous Text allocators cdes or cdeswithout. If one of the new<br />

Text allocators is present on a form then the previous Text<br />

allocators are ignored.

Text allocators for cable diagram<br />

Index<br />

The following Text allocators can also be used for the general Text allocators on the cable<br />

diagram:<br />

Dialog view<br />

(long text)<br />

Form view Description<br />

Cable name name Reference name of the cable (=Cable name)<br />

Comp. name of cable component Component name of the cable (=cable type)<br />

Function text external<br />

side<br />

fctext Function text of the external component<br />

Function text internal<br />

side<br />

fctint Function text of the internal component<br />

Function text of the<br />

cable<br />

fcttl Function text of the cable<br />

Part number PtNr Part number of the cable<br />

Path path Page number + path<br />

Pin name external side pne1 Pin name of the external component<br />

Pin name internal side pni1 Pin name of the internal component<br />

Pin number external side pe1 Pin number of the external component<br />

Pin number internal side pi1 Pin number of the internal component<br />

Ref.-Name cable nameUFM Reference (Cable) -name, with unit and field<br />

multiline<br />

designation, but it is allowed to place it more than<br />

once per form<br />

Ref.-Name cable without cnam Reference (Cable) -name, without unit and field<br />

UFD<br />

designation<br />

Ref.-Name cable without nameM Reference (Cable) -name, without unit and field<br />

UFD multiline<br />

designation, but it is allowed to place it more than<br />

once per form<br />

Ref.-Name external side ext1 Reference name of the external component<br />

Ref.-Name internal side int1 Reference name of the internal component<br />

Seq. number ln Continuous number, starting with '1' at each cable<br />

Text1 cable addtxt1 Text1 of Symbol parameters<br />

Text2 cable addtxt2 Text2 of Symbol parameters<br />

Wire cnr Pin number of cable conductor (conductor number)<br />

Note<br />

Every symbol which is not a terminal but is connected to a terminal<br />

is recognised as external. Otherwise, the external page must be<br />

explicitly designated with !ext.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Text allocators for content specification<br />

Here, what is important is that the automatic generation of content specification makes<br />

a distinction between Project Manager Text allocators and conventional Text allocators<br />

consisting of Variables 0-9. The forms (from Version 4.2) only contain new style Text<br />

allocators and are prepared for content specification from the Project Manager.<br />


Text allocators for content specification from<br />

variables<br />

Index<br />

The old style Text allocators are located under Data source in the Special Text<br />

allocators area of the form dialog. However, these should only be used in order to<br />

evaluate old projects selectively or when you deliberately want to use variables.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

The content specification on a form can be spread over several columns (up to 4).<br />

Page numbers (possibly including the system identification in the case of KTP projects) as<br />

well as the variables 0 to 9 can be assigned beforehand to each column as variable<br />

wildcards (# as the first character). All variables can therefore be assigned to each<br />

column also.<br />

In the configuration, they determine whether all columns are filled approximately<br />

uniformly or whether the next column is not entered until the previous column is already<br />

full. With the wildcards vara to vard, the number of the variables must still be attached,<br />

e.g. vara4.<br />

Text<br />

allocators<br />

968<br />

Function and designation on the form<br />

dialog<br />

vara.. Variable 0…9, 1 st column<br />

varb.. Variable 0…9, 2 nd column<br />

varc.. Variable 0…9, 3 rd column<br />

vard.. Variable 0…9, 4 th column<br />

pgno Page number (possibly including system) 1 st column<br />

pgb Page number (possibly including system) 2 nd column<br />

pgc Page number (possibly including system) 3 rd column<br />

pgd Page number (possibly including system) 3rd<br />

column<br />

slida System and location identification, 1 st column<br />

slidb System and location identification, 2 nd column<br />

slidc System and location identification, 3 rd column<br />

slidd System and location identification, 4 th column

Text allocators for summary specification from<br />

the Project Manager<br />

Index<br />

The new style Text allocators are located under ‘Data source’ in the Project Manager-<br />

>summary specification area of the form dialog.<br />

These Text allocators are linked to the fields of the new Project Manager, File summary,<br />

Filename, Creation date, KTP description and CPP comment.<br />

Text<br />

allocator<br />

Ref. in the form<br />

dialog<br />

Function<br />

sum_ufd Prj. CPP Output from the respective CPP page<br />

sum_cppdescrPrj: Description Output of the File summary field for each page of the<br />

diagram (Diagram page is only accepted in the summary<br />

specification once the File summary field has been filled<br />

with text)<br />

sum_sh Prj: page number Output of the respective diagram page number (e.g. 001 only<br />

useful for projects for which all of the pages have the same<br />

name and only differ by the file number)<br />

sum_file Prj: File Output of the respective filename (useful either for<br />

summary file or summary page but not for both)<br />

sum_dat Prj: Date Output of the respective diagram page date (depending on<br />

the last save)<br />

sum_descr Prj: Ltp description Output of the Description field of the individual part<br />

projects (e.g. =H1)<br />

sum_cppcomm Prj: CPP comment Output of the Comment field of the individual part projects<br />

(e.g. =H1)<br />

Caution<br />

The last two Text allocators only work when the option Tools /<br />

Overall evaluation / Output to each part project is activated.<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

The following text allocators can be used for<br />

connector chart<br />

You will find the allocators if you have:<br />

970<br />

• Selected the form type Connector chart<br />

• Dialog for text allocators is opened<br />

• Data source is selected as Specific text allocators<br />

Dialog view<br />

(long text)<br />

Form view Description<br />

Ref.-name with UFD<br />

multiline<br />

BezM Multiline reference name with UFD<br />

Ref.-name without<br />

UFD multiline<br />

bezohneM Multiline reference name without UFD<br />

Socket: Part number buart Part number of socket<br />

Socket: Symbol name bubauteil Component name of socket<br />

Socket: Ref.-name<br />

bubez Reference name of equipment attached to<br />

connected symbol<br />

socket<br />

Socket: function<br />

text<br />

bufkt Function text of socket<br />

Socket: Cable<br />

function text<br />

buftxtkabel Function text of cable attached to socket<br />

Socket: function<br />

buftext Function text of equipment attached to<br />

text connected<br />

symbol<br />

socket<br />

Socket: Cable<br />

conductor<br />

buader Cable conductor<br />

Socket: Cable name<br />

with UFD<br />

bukabmit Cable name of attached cable with UFD<br />

Socket: Cable name<br />

without UFD<br />

bukabohne Cable name of attached cable without UFD<br />

Socket: Line name to buleitg Line name of connection line to the attached<br />

connected symbol<br />

equipment<br />

Socket: Path bupfad Path name of socket<br />

Socket: Pin name<br />

connected symbol<br />

bunam Pin name of attached equipment<br />

Socket: Pin number bun Pin number of socket<br />

Socket: Pin number<br />

connected symbol<br />

bunum Pin number of attached equipment<br />

Socket: Add. Text 1 butxt1 Additional text 1 of socket<br />

Socket: Add. Text 2 butxt2 Additional text 2 of socket<br />

Plug: Part number start Part number of plug<br />

Plug: Part number<br />

cable<br />

stkabart Part number of cable attached to the plug<br />

Plug: Symbol name stbauteil Component name of plug<br />

Plug: Reference name<br />

connected symbol<br />

stbez Reference name of plug<br />

Plug: Function text stfkt Function text of plug<br />

Plug: Cable function stftxtkabel Function text of cable attached to plug

Index<br />

text<br />

Plug: Function text<br />

connected symbol<br />

stftext Function text of equipment attached to plug<br />

Plug: Pin number stader Pin assignment<br />

Plug: Cable name with<br />

UFD<br />

stkabmit Cable name of attached cable with UFD<br />

Plug: Cable name<br />

without IFD<br />

stkabohne Cable name of attached cable without UFD<br />

Plug: Line name<br />

stleitg Line name of connection line attached to<br />

connected symbol<br />

plug<br />

Plug: Path stpfad Path of plug<br />

Plug: Pin name<br />

connected symbol<br />

stnam Pin name of equipment attached via plug<br />

Plug: Pin number stn Pin number of plug<br />

Plug: Pin number<br />

connected symbol<br />

stnum Pin number of equipment attached via plug<br />

Plug: Add. Text 1 sttxt1 Additional text 1 of plug<br />

Plug: Add. Text 2 sttxt2 Additional text 2 of plug<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Text allocator for connection list<br />

When creating a connection list, the dialog for the Text allocators appears via the menu<br />

option Change / Text allocators. When the File type is set to Connection list, the<br />

Text allocators of the connection list will appear by selecting the data source Specific<br />

Text allocators.<br />

972<br />

Dialog view<br />

(long text)<br />

Form view Description<br />

Ref.-name with UFD<br />

multiline<br />

BezM Multiline reference name with UFD<br />

Ref.-name without<br />

UFD multiline<br />

bezohneM Multiline reference name without UFD<br />

Socket: Part number buart Part number of socket<br />

Socket: Symbol name bubauteil Component name of socket<br />

Socket: Ref.-name<br />

bubez Reference name of equipment attached to<br />

connected symbol<br />

socket<br />

Socket: function<br />

text<br />

bufkt Function text of socket<br />

Socket: Cable<br />

function text<br />

buftxtkabel Function text of cable attached to socket<br />

Socket: function<br />

buftext Function text of equipment attached to<br />

text connected<br />

symbol<br />

socket<br />

Socket: Cable<br />

conductor<br />

buader Cable conductor<br />

Socket: Cable name<br />

with UFD<br />

bukabmit Cable name of attached cable with UFD<br />

Socket: Cable name<br />

without UFD<br />

bukabohne Cable name of attached cable without UFD<br />

Socket: Line name to buleitg Line name of connection line to the attached<br />

connected symbol<br />

equipment<br />

Socket: Path bupfad Path name of socket<br />

Socket: Pin name<br />

connected symbol<br />

bunam Pin name of attached equipment<br />

Socket: Pin number bun Pin number of socket<br />

Socket: Pin number<br />

connected symbol<br />

bunum Pin number of attached equipment<br />

Socket: Add. Text 1 butxt1 Additional text 1 of socket<br />

Socket: Add. Text 2 butxt2 Additional text 2 of socket<br />

Plug: Part number start Part number of plug<br />

Plug: Part number<br />

cable<br />

stkabart Part number of cable attached to the plug<br />

Plug: Symbol name stbauteil Component name of plug<br />

Plug: Reference name<br />

connected symbol<br />

stbez Reference name of plug<br />

Plug: Function text stfkt Function text of plug<br />

Plug: Cable function<br />

text<br />

stftxtkabel Function text of cable attached to plug<br />

Plug: Function text stftext Function text of equipment attached to plug

Index<br />

connected symbol<br />

Plug: Pin number stader Pin assignment<br />

Plug: Cable name with<br />

UFD<br />

stkabmit Cable name of attached cable with UFD<br />

Plug: Cable name<br />

without IFD<br />

stkabohne Cable name of attached cable without UFD<br />

Plug: Line name<br />

stleitg Line name of connection line attached to<br />

connected symbol<br />

plug<br />

Plug: Path stpfad Path of plug<br />

Plug: Pin name<br />

connected symbol<br />

stnam Pin name of equipment attached via plug<br />

Plug: Pin number stn Pin number of plug<br />

Plug: Pin number<br />

connected symbol<br />

stnum Pin number of equipment attached via plug<br />

Plug: Add. Text 1 sttxt1 Additional text 1 of plug<br />

Plug: Add. Text 2 sttxt2 Additional text 2 of plug<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Text allocators for reference list<br />

When creating a reference list, the dialog for the Text allocators appears via the menu<br />

option Change / Text allocators. When the File type is set to reference list, the Text<br />

allocators of the reference list will appear by selecting the data source Specific Text<br />

allocators. The meaning of each Text allocator can be very easily deduced from their<br />

designation.<br />


Index<br />


<strong>WSCAD</strong> <strong>51</strong><br />

Text allocators for Project manager texts<br />

If you wish to use description texts for comments, descriptions and file content then,<br />

in the dialog for the Text allocators, use the data source Specific Text allocators on<br />

Project user texts. The file content is, for example, also transferred back to the<br />

Project Manager when you change Text allocator content on the page concerned.<br />

These Text allocators are assigned to the individual files, folders and part projects<br />

visible in the Project Manager.<br />


Text allocator for drawing macro<br />

Index<br />

Due to the Circuit Manager of the Building module (not yet as english version),<br />

Text allocators are necessary in the macro concerned for the automatic transfer of<br />

information from the circuit database (SK.mdb and Einsp.mdb). These Text<br />

allocators are filled in when the circuit diagram is automatically generated for the<br />

respective circuit from information in the Circuit Manager dialog.<br />

In order to use the Text allocators in the drawing macro, the macro must be loaded as<br />

a <strong>WSCAD</strong> 5 drawing, and there the type drawing macro must have been setup. When<br />

you open the Text allocator dialog, the specific Text allocators appear and are<br />

placed and formatted in the macro.<br />


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