COSMOS, VOL. II - World eBook Library

COSMOS, VOL. II - World eBook Library COSMOS, VOL. II - World eBook Library
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Post, Franz, his paintings of South American landscapes, 449, 450. Poussin, Gaspnrd and Nicholas, their landscapes, 447, 454. Printing, invention of, 623. Prometheus, myth of, 508. Psalms, the, their sublime poetic feeling for nature, 411, 413. 414. Ptolemacus, Claudius, on the locality of Sapphara, 499, 500 ; influence of his Universal Geography, its merits and defects, 558560; researches on optical refraction, 550, 551, 561, 562; geographical and mathematical knowledge, 550, 551, 555: on the configuration of the 561. Caspian, 560, Ptolemies, the, important result of their rule in Egypt, 536 546; their intercourse with distant countries, 538 540; scientific expeditions, 540, 541; peculiar character of the Ptolemaic period, 641; accessions to general knowledge, 543; to astronomical knowledge, 544 546; mathematical investigations, 546. his restoration Ptolemy, Philadelphus, of the canal of Darius Hystaspes, 539; scientific researches, 540, 541. Punic, see Carthage, Phoenicians; Punic work on agriculture, 553. Pythagoreans, their views on the structure of the universe, 469; on the motion of the planets, 695 697. Quatremere, Etienne, on the circumnavigation of Libya, 489; on the locality of Ophir, 500. Quinsay, Chinese city, as described by Rubruquis, 624; erroneous views of Columbus on its geographical locality, 644, 645. Rachias, his embassy from Ceylon to Rome, 554. Rafn, Christian, American antiquities of, 603, 606, 607. Ramayana, Indian heroic poem. 404, 406, 407. Ramses Miamen, King of Egypt, his expeditions, victories, and achievements, 486, 487, 539. Razes, Arabian Chemist, 589. Realists, school of, in the middle ages, 617. 3 Red Sea, canal of, early attempts at its construction, 539. Regiomontanus (Johann. Miiller), 630, 644, 685 ; ou the anatomical dissections of Aristotle, 529; on the drawings of petrifactions by Scilla, 733 ; meteoroscope of, 631 ; astronomical ephemerides, 671. Reisch, Gregory, Margarita Philosophica, 621,676, 677. Remusat, Abel, researches on the Indo-Germanic races, 554. Renaud, his researches on the intercourse of the Arabs and Persians with India, 583, 584. Reubens, truth and vividness of his landscapes, 448. Rey, Jean, one of the founders of pneumatic chemistry, 728; experiments by, 729 Rhakotis, library of, 542. Ritter, Carl, his monograph on incense, 574. Romans, the, rarity of their poetic de- scriptions of nature, 382; their landscape paintings, 442 444; influence of their universal dominion, 547 568; extent of their empire and its diversity, 548, 549; their expeditions and statistical labours, 549; (on the superior scientific knowledge of the Hellenic races, 550, 551 ;) causes of the rise and fall of their universal sway, 551, 552; embassy to China, 554, 555; use of Avay measurers in their navigation, 631, 632. Romer, Olaus, discovery of the measurable velocity of light, 716. Rosen, Friedrich, translated the Algebra of Mohammed Ben-Musa, 596. Ross, Sir James Clark, Antarctic expedition of, 720. Ross, Ludwig,, on the early intercourse between Greece and Egypt, 490. Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 431, 432. Riickert, his translations from Eastern literature, 408, 416. Rufus, of 563. Ephesus, early anatomist, Ruisbrock (Rubruquis), travels of, and results 640. of his narrative, 624, 625, Rumohr, Baron von, description c 2 of an early Psalter, 444 ; on conical form*

of mountains in early Italian landscapes, 445, 446. Hnth, book of, its naive simplicity, 415. Ruysdael, his landscapes, 447, 454. Sadi, Persian Poet, 410. Ste. Croix, 519. St. Pierre, Bernardin de, 400, 431, 432; inimitable truth to nature of his writings, 433. Sanctorius, 591. Sanscrit language, its with the Greek, 472. intermixture Santa Cruz, Alonzo de, his general variation chart, 658; proposals for determining longitudes, 072. Saturn, gradual discovery of its ring, 705, 706; Kepler's conjectures, 711; discovery of its satellites, 712. his observations Scheiner, Christopher, on the solar spots, 706 708. Schiller, on the rarity of descriptions of nature in the poetry of Greece, 372, 373. Schiltberger, Hans, of Munich, early traveller, 434. Schlegel, August Wilhelm von, 519, 527. Schoner, Johann, of Nuremberg, calumnies on Amerigo Vespucci, 676, 680 ; superintended the publication of the writings of Columbus, 686, 687. Scilla, drawings by, of the petrifactions of Calabria and Malta, 733. Scotus, Nicolaus, 602. Scylax, of Karyanda, explored the course of the Indus, 506. Scythians, the, investigations on their relationship to the Goths, 510. Sedillot, M., on the astronomical instruments of the Arabians, 585, 594 595, 630. See-ma-kuang (early Chinese statesman), his poem of 'the Garden,' 464. Seleucida;, 536. Seleucus of Babylon, his correct know- ledge of the earth's structure, 469, 691; of astronomy, 544, 545. Seleucus Nicator, 535, 537. Seneca, Etruscan Augur-theory, 503, narrow confines of the earth, 516. Sevigne, Madame de, letters of, 432. L 14 ] Sextus Empiricus, 550 Shakspeare, powerful descriptions of natural scenery in his writings, 430. Sidonians, their commerce, knowledge of astronomy, arithmetic, and navi- gation, 492. See Plusnicians. Silius, Italicus, scenery of the Alps and Italy, 391. Simplicius, on the date of Babylonian astronomical notices, 476. Sismondi, on Camoens, 42G; Ercilla 428. Solis, Juan Diaz de, discovery of the Rio de la Plata, 646. Solomon, route of his maritime expeditions, 499, 500. Sophocles, beautiful descriptions of nature, in his ' CEdipus Colonos,' 377, 462. ( Sousa, Martin Alfonso de, botanic garden at Bombay, 653. Southern Cross, constellation of, early notices, 666 609. Spanish writers of the 16th century, characteristics of, 634 640. Staunton, Sir George, description of the imperial garden of Zhehol, 463. Steno, on the substances contained in rocks, 732. Strabo, on the Mediterranean coast line, 481, 482; on Ilamses the Great, 488; on the circumnavigation of Libya, 489 ; on the Sidonians, 492; on the Tyrian cities of the North-west Coast of Africa, 405; Phoenician commercial settlements in the Persian Gulf, 499 ; on the Turduli and Turdetani, 504, 505 ; con- jecture of undiscovered lands in the Northern hemisphere, 516; on the passage of Alexander's army across the mountainous district of the Paropanisada?, 522 ; his great work on Geography, 555 558; supposed existence of another continent between the west of Europe and Asia, 556, 557, 645. Sturm, Johann Christian, discoverer of the differential thermometer, 724. Suanpan, Mogul reckoning machine, 597. Syracuse, 513 Tacitus, descriptions of nature in his

Post, Franz, his paintings of South<br />

American landscapes, 449, 450.<br />

Poussin, Gaspnrd and Nicholas, their<br />

landscapes, 447, 454.<br />

Printing, invention of, 623.<br />

Prometheus, myth of, 508.<br />

Psalms, the, their sublime poetic feeling<br />

for nature, 411, 413. 414.<br />

Ptolemacus, Claudius, on the locality<br />

of Sapphara, 499, 500 ; influence of<br />

his Universal Geography, its merits<br />

and defects, 558560; researches<br />

on optical refraction, 550, 551, 561,<br />

562; geographical and mathematical<br />

knowledge, 550, 551, 555: on the<br />

configuration of the 561.<br />

Caspian, 560,<br />

Ptolemies, the, important result of their<br />

rule in Egypt, 536 546; their intercourse<br />

with distant countries, 538<br />

540; scientific expeditions, 540,<br />

541; peculiar character of the Ptolemaic<br />

period, 641; accessions to<br />

general knowledge, 543; to astronomical<br />

knowledge, 544 546; mathematical<br />

investigations, 546.<br />

his restoration<br />

Ptolemy, Philadelphus,<br />

of the canal of Darius Hystaspes,<br />

539; scientific researches, 540, 541.<br />

Punic, see Carthage, Phoenicians;<br />

Punic work on agriculture, 553.<br />

Pythagoreans, their views on the structure<br />

of the universe, 469; on the<br />

motion of the planets, 695 697.<br />

Quatremere, Etienne, on the circumnavigation<br />

of Libya, 489; on the<br />

locality of Ophir, 500.<br />

Quinsay, Chinese city, as described by<br />

Rubruquis, 624; erroneous views of<br />

Columbus on its geographical locality,<br />

644, 645.<br />

Rachias, his embassy from Ceylon to<br />

Rome, 554.<br />

Rafn, Christian, American antiquities<br />

of, 603, 606, 607.<br />

Ramayana, Indian heroic poem. 404,<br />

406, 407.<br />

Ramses Miamen, King of Egypt, his<br />

expeditions, victories, and achievements,<br />

486, 487, 539.<br />

Razes, Arabian Chemist, 589.<br />

Realists, school of, in the middle ages,<br />

617.<br />

3<br />

Red Sea, canal of, early attempts<br />

at its<br />

construction, 539.<br />

Regiomontanus (Johann. Miiller), 630,<br />

644, 685 ; ou the anatomical dissections<br />

of Aristotle, 529; on the drawings<br />

of petrifactions by Scilla, 733 ; meteoroscope<br />

of, 631 ; astronomical<br />

ephemerides, 671.<br />

Reisch, Gregory, Margarita Philosophica,<br />

621,676, 677.<br />

Remusat, Abel, researches on the<br />

Indo-Germanic races, 554.<br />

Renaud, his researches on the intercourse<br />

of the Arabs and Persians<br />

with India, 583, 584.<br />

Reubens, truth and vividness of his<br />

landscapes, 448.<br />

Rey, Jean, one of the founders of<br />

pneumatic chemistry, 728; experiments<br />

by, 729<br />

Rhakotis, library of, 542.<br />

Ritter, Carl, his monograph on incense,<br />

574.<br />

Romans, the, rarity of their poetic de-<br />

scriptions of nature, 382; their<br />

landscape paintings, 442 444; influence<br />

of their universal dominion,<br />

547 568; extent of their empire<br />

and its diversity, 548, 549; their<br />

expeditions and statistical labours,<br />

549; (on the superior scientific<br />

knowledge of the Hellenic races,<br />

550, 551 ;) causes of the rise and fall<br />

of their universal sway, 551, 552;<br />

embassy to China, 554, 555; use of<br />

Avay measurers in their navigation,<br />

631, 632.<br />

Romer, Olaus, discovery of the measurable<br />

velocity of light, 716.<br />

Rosen, Friedrich, translated the Algebra<br />

of Mohammed Ben-Musa, 596.<br />

Ross, Sir James Clark, Antarctic expedition<br />

of, 720.<br />

Ross, Ludwig,, on the early intercourse<br />

between Greece and Egypt, 490.<br />

Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 431, 432.<br />

Riickert, his translations from Eastern<br />

literature, 408, 416.<br />

Rufus, of 563.<br />

Ephesus, early anatomist,<br />

Ruisbrock (Rubruquis), travels of, and<br />

results<br />

640.<br />

of his narrative, 624, 625,<br />

Rumohr, Baron von, description<br />

c 2<br />

of an<br />

early Psalter, 444 ; on conical form*

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