COSMOS, VOL. II - World eBook Library

COSMOS, VOL. II - World eBook Library COSMOS, VOL. II - World eBook Library
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Bacon, Roper, 396, 602, 615, 617, 700 ; liis scientific writings and their influence on tho extension of the natural sciences, 619, 620. Balboa, Vasco Nunez de, his navigation of tho Pticilir, 12 tilO, 04S. Banana (tho), the aru'iia of Pliny, 524, 525. Barometer, invention of, 722; hypsoniftrical uses, 723. Barros, Johannes, Portuguese histo- rian, writings of, 072. 614,649, 650, 670, Basil the Great, simple and beautiful description of Nature in his letter to Gregory of Nazianzum, 393 394; his Hexameron, 395. Behaim, Martin, of Nurnberg, 613, 631,645616,670. Bembo, Cardinal, his /Etna Dialogus, 3S7, 420; Historian Venetee, 420. Berghaus, Professor, on the the Roman Empire, 548. extent of Beriguardi, Claudio, first observed the pressure of the atmosphere at varying altitudes, 722. Bernaldez, Andres, MS. writings 641. Bhatti-Kavya, of, Indian poem, 407. Bles, Henry de, Flemish landscape painter, 446. Boccaccio, a reviver of the study of classical literature, 622, 623. Bockh, on the ' Adonis Gardens ' of the ancients, 450 ; on the knowledge of the Pythagoreans of the ' precession,' 545. Bodner, Carl, fidelity of his drawings to nature, 451. Boethius, Geometry of, 597. Boiardo, smaller poems of, 419. Boreas, meteorological myth of, 511. Botanical knowledge of the Arabs, 581, 587; of the Mexicans, 652. Brahmagupta, Indian 555. mathematician, Brahmins, and Brahminical 534, 535. districts, Breughel, Jouann, his fruit pieces, and flower 449. Brewster, Sir David, on Kepler's method of investigating truth, 710; important discovery of the connection between the angle of complete polarisation ana the index of refraction, 715; on the date of Newton's optical discoveries, 716. Brevtenlach, Bernhard von, early traveller, 434. Bril, Matthew and Paul, Flemish landscape painters, 446. Brongniart, Alexander, palaeontological researches of, 733. Bruchium, Library of, 542. Bucolic poetry, its characteristics, 378. Button, 431 ; deficiency of personal observation in his writings, 431,432. Bunsen, Chevalier, note from his ' Egypt,' 486. Byron, Lord, his poetry, 433. Cabot, Sebastian, vovages and discoveries of, 640642", 657, 608. Cabral, Alvarez, 614, 639. Cabrillo, Rodriguez, 602, 649. Csesar, 558. Julius, writings of, 388, 391, Calderon, dazzling descriptions ture, in his writings, 429. of na- Callimachus, Nature, in gloomy descriptions of ' his Hymn on Delos,' 377. Callisthenes of Olynthus, 529, 530, 532. Camoens, faithful individuality of nature in his ' Lusiad,' and its inimitable description of physical phenomena, 424 427. Canary Islands, regarded by Don Fernando, son of Columbus, as the Cassiterides, of the Carthagenians, of 495 ; supposed ' happy the ancients, 496 : early ' islands notices 497. of, Caravan trade, of the Phoenicians, 492, 493; of Western Asia, 536, 537; Egypt, 538. Cardanus 636, 637. Hieronymus, writings of, Carthage, its geographical site, 481 ; navigation, 405; greatness, 513. See Phoenicians. Carus, on tlu tone of mind, awakened by landscape, 447. Caspian Sea, 508, 509; Chinese expedition to, 553. Cassini, Dominicus, his observations on Saturn's ring, 706, 712; Zodiacal light, 712.

Cassius, Mount, the probable ' amber coast of the Phoenicians, 492, 493. Castilian heroic ages, impulses of, 421. Castor, Antonius, botanical gardens of, 563. Catlin, on the language and descent of the Indian tribe of the Tuscaroras, 609. Caucasus, Grecian myths respecting, 508. Celto-Irish poems, 402. Cervantes, his Don Quixote, and Galatea, 423, 427. Chceremon, his remarkable love of nature compared by Sir William Jones, to that of the Indian poets, 380. Chaldean astronomers and mathematicians, 532, 533, 544. Charlemagne, Arabian presents sent to, 591. Charles V., letter to Cortez, 647. Chateaubriand, Augusts de, 431 434. Chemistry, pneumatic, dawn of, 729 731 : chemical knowledge of the llomans, 562, 563; of the Arabs, 581, 582, 589. Childrey, light, 712. Chinese, their pleasure-gardens, and passages from their writers on the of their r first observed the Zodiacal subject, 462 464 ; antiquity chronology, 475, 476; warlike expedition to the Caspian, 553, Roman embassy to China, 554, 555; early use of the magnetic needle, 559, 628 ; 623. of moveable types in printing, Chivalric poetry of the tury, thirteenth cen- 400. Christianity, results of its diffusion in the exoansion of the views of men, in Uutir communion with nature, 392; its humanisation of nations, 567, 568. Chrysostom, his eloquent admiration of nature, 396. Cicero, on the golden flow of Aristo- tle's eloquence, 381 ; his keen sus- ceptibility for the beauties of nature, 383, 384, 385 ; on the ennobling results of its contemplation, 566. Cimento, Accademia del, searches of, 721 728, scientific re- 4 Civilization, early centres of, 475, 476, 478, 484 Classical literature, why so termed, 548; influence of its revival on the contemplation of nature, 622 624. Claude, Lorraine, his landscapes, 447, 454. Claudian, quotation from, on the dominion of the Romans, 567. Colceus, of Samos, his passage through the pillars of Hercules, into die Western Ocean, 514, 515, 517. Colchis, Argonautic expedition to, 508, 509. Colebrooke, on the epochs of the Indian mathematicians, 555 ; on the incense of Arabia, 574; Arabic translation of Diophantus, 596. Colonna, Vittoria, her poems, 419. Columbus, peculiar charm lent to his delineations of nature, 420; their religious sentiment, 420, 421 ; their beauty and simplicity, 422; his acute and discriminating observation of nature, 422, 423 ; his dream on the shore of Veragua, 423 ; letter to Queen Isabella, 435 ; on the land of Ophir, 501; visit to Iceland, 611, 612; died in the belief that the lands discovered in America were portions of Eastern Asia, 612, 613, 641 ; made use of the writings of Cardinal Alliacus, 623, 626; his letter to Ferdinand and Isabella, on the coast of Veragua, 626 ; on his knowledge of the log, 633 ; characteristics, 63i), 640, 651 ; scientific erro- neous views on the extent of the old continent, 644, 645 ; heraldic bearings bestowed on, 647; physical observations in his letter from Hayti, October, 1498, 653,654; discovery of the magnetic line of no variation, 654, 657 first described the ; equatorial current, 662, 663; the Mar de Sargasso, 663 on the method of ; taking a ship's reckoning, 671 673. Compass, its discovery and employment, 628 630; transmission through the Arabs to Europe from the Chinese, 628630. Conquista, age of the, great events it embraced, 675. Couquistadores, impulses which, ani- mated them, 648, 649.

Bacon, Roper, 396, 602, 615, 617,<br />

700 ;<br />

liis scientific writings and their<br />

influence on tho extension of the<br />

natural sciences, 619, 620.<br />

Balboa, Vasco Nunez de, his navigation<br />

of tho Pticilir, 12 tilO, 04S.<br />

Banana (tho), the aru'iia of Pliny, 524,<br />

525.<br />

Barometer, invention of, 722; hypsoniftrical<br />

uses, 723.<br />

Barros, Johannes, Portuguese histo-<br />

rian, writings of,<br />

072.<br />

614,649, 650, 670,<br />

Basil the Great, simple and beautiful<br />

description of Nature in his letter to<br />

Gregory of Nazianzum, 393 394;<br />

his Hexameron, 395.<br />

Behaim, Martin, of Nurnberg, 613,<br />

631,645616,670.<br />

Bembo, Cardinal, his /Etna Dialogus,<br />

3S7, 420; Historian Venetee, 420.<br />

Berghaus, Professor, on the<br />

the Roman Empire, 548.<br />

extent of<br />

Beriguardi, Claudio, first observed the<br />

pressure of the atmosphere at varying<br />

altitudes, 722.<br />

Bernaldez, Andres, MS. writings<br />

641.<br />

Bhatti-Kavya,<br />

of,<br />

Indian poem, 407.<br />

Bles, Henry de, Flemish landscape<br />

painter, 446.<br />

Boccaccio, a reviver of the study of<br />

classical literature, 622, 623.<br />

Bockh, on the '<br />

Adonis Gardens '<br />

of the<br />

ancients, 450 ; on the knowledge of<br />

the Pythagoreans of the<br />

'<br />

precession,'<br />

545.<br />

Bodner, Carl, fidelity of his drawings<br />

to nature, 451.<br />

Boethius, Geometry of, 597.<br />

Boiardo, smaller poems of, 419.<br />

Boreas, meteorological myth of, 511.<br />

Botanical knowledge of the Arabs,<br />

581, 587; of the Mexicans, 652.<br />

Brahmagupta, Indian 555.<br />

mathematician,<br />

Brahmins, and Brahminical<br />

534, 535.<br />

districts,<br />

Breughel, Jouann, his fruit<br />

pieces,<br />

and flower<br />

449.<br />

Brewster, Sir David, on Kepler's method<br />

of investigating truth, 710; important<br />

discovery of the connection<br />

between the angle of complete polarisation<br />

ana the index of refraction,<br />

715; on the date of Newton's optical<br />

discoveries, 716.<br />

Brevtenlach, Bernhard von, early traveller,<br />

434.<br />

Bril, Matthew and Paul, Flemish<br />

landscape painters, 446.<br />

Brongniart, Alexander, palaeontological<br />

researches of, 733.<br />

Bruchium, <strong>Library</strong> of, 542.<br />

Bucolic poetry, its characteristics, 378.<br />

Button, 431 ; deficiency of personal<br />

observation in his writings, 431,432.<br />

Bunsen, Chevalier, note from his<br />

'<br />

Egypt,' 486.<br />

Byron, Lord, his poetry, 433.<br />

Cabot, Sebastian, vovages and discoveries<br />

of, 640642", 657, 608.<br />

Cabral, Alvarez, 614, 639.<br />

Cabrillo, Rodriguez, 602, 649.<br />

Csesar,<br />

558.<br />

Julius, writings of, 388, 391,<br />

Calderon, dazzling descriptions<br />

ture, in his writings, 429.<br />

of na-<br />

Callimachus,<br />

Nature, in<br />

gloomy descriptions of<br />

'<br />

his Hymn on Delos,'<br />

377.<br />

Callisthenes of Olynthus, 529, 530,<br />

532.<br />

Camoens, faithful individuality of nature<br />

in his '<br />

Lusiad,' and its inimitable<br />

description of physical phenomena,<br />

424 427.<br />

Canary Islands, regarded by Don<br />

Fernando, son of Columbus, as the<br />

Cassiterides, of the Carthagenians,<br />

of<br />

495 ; supposed '<br />

happy<br />

the ancients, 496 : early<br />

'<br />

islands notices 497.<br />

of,<br />

Caravan trade, of the Phoenicians, 492,<br />

493; of Western Asia, 536, 537;<br />

Egypt, 538.<br />

Cardanus<br />

636, 637.<br />

Hieronymus, writings of,<br />

Carthage, its geographical site, 481 ;<br />

navigation, 405; greatness, 513.<br />

See Phoenicians.<br />

Carus, on tlu tone of mind, awakened<br />

by landscape, 447.<br />

Caspian Sea, 508, 509; Chinese expedition<br />

to, 553.<br />

Cassini, Dominicus, his observations<br />

on Saturn's ring, 706, 712; Zodiacal<br />

light, 712.

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