COSMOS, VOL. II - World eBook Library

COSMOS, VOL. II - World eBook Library COSMOS, VOL. II - World eBook Library
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DISCOVERIES IN THJ5 CELESTIAL SPACES. 715 exercised direct and special influence on general, or in other words, on cosmical views of nature. With reference to the processes of light, heat, and magnetism, I would first name Huygens, Galileo, and Gilbert. While Huygens was occupied with the double refraction of light in crystals of Iceland spar, i. e. 9 with the separation of the pencils of light into two parts, he also discovered in 1 678 that kind of polarisation of light which bears his name. The discovery of this isolated phenomenon, which was not published till 1690, and consequently only five years before the death of Huygens, was followed, after the lapse of more than a century, by the great discoveries of Malus, Arago, Fresnel, Brewster, and Biot.* Malus, in 1808, discovered / polarisation by reflection from polished surfaces, and Arago in 1811, made the discovery of coloured polarisation. A world of wonder composed of manifold modified waves of light, having new properties, was now revealed. A ray of light which reaches our eyes, after traversing millions of miles, from the remotest regions of heaven, announces of itself in Arago's polariscope, whether it is reflected or refracted, whether it emanates from a solid, or fluid, or gaseous body ; an- nouncing even the degree of its intensity.! By pursuing this course, which leads us back through Huygens to the seventeenth century, we are instructed concerning the constitution of the solar body and its envelopes; the reflected or the pro- per light of cometary tails and the zodiacal light ; the optical properties of our atmosphere; and the position of the four neutral points of polarisation]: which Arago, Babinet, and Brewster discovered. Thus does man create new organs which when skilfully employed, reveal to him new views of the universe. Next to polarisation, I should name the interference of light, the most striking of all optical phenomena, faint traces of which were also observed in the seventeenth century by Grimaldi in 1665, and by Hooke, although without a proper * On the important law discovered by Brewster, of the connection between the angle of complete polarisation and the index of refraction, see Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Societyfor the pp. year 1815, 125-159. t See Cosmos, pp. 18 and 33. J Sir David Brewster, in Berghaus and Johnson's Physical Atlas, 1847, part vii, p. 5 (Polarisation of tJie Atmosphere).

716 COSMOS. understanding of its original and causal conditions.* Modern times owe the discovery of these conditions, and the clear in- sight into the laws, according to which (unpolarised) rays of light emanating from one and the same source, but with a different length of path, destroy one another and produce darkness, to the successful penetration of Thomas Young. The laws of the interference of polarised light were discovered in 1816, by Arago and Fresnel. The theory of undulations advanced by Huygens and Hooke, and defended by Leonhard Euler, was at length established on a firm and securebasis. Although the latter half of the seventeenth century acquired distinction from the attainment of a successful insight into the nature of double refraction, by which optical science was so much enlarged; its greatest splendour was derived from Newton's experimental researches and Olaus Romer's discovery, in 1675, of the measurable velocity of light. Half a century afterwards, in 1728, this discovery enabled Bradley to regard the variation he had observed in the apparent place of the stars as a conjoined consequence of the movement of the earth in its orbit, and of the propagation of light. Newton's splendid work on Optics did not appear in English till 1704, having been deferred, from personal considerations, till two years after Hooke's death; but it would seem a well attested fact that even before the years 1666 and 1667f he was in of the principal points of his optical researches, Eossession is theory of gravitation and differential calculus (method of fluxions). * On Grimaldi's and Hooke's attempt to explain the polarisation of soap-bubbles by the interference of the rays of light, see Arago, in the Annuaire for 1831, p. 164, (Brewster's Life of Newton, p. 53). t Brewster, The Life of Sir Isaac Newton, p. 17. The date of the year 1665 has been adopted for that of the invention of the method of fluxions, which, according to the official explanations of the Committee of the Royal Society of London, April 24, 1712, is "one and the same with the differential method, excepting the name and mode of notation." "With reference to the whole unhappy contest on the subject of priority with Leibnitz, in which, strange to say, accusations against Newton's orthodoxy were even advanced, see Brewster, pp. 189-2] 8. The fact that all colours are contained in white light was already maintained by De la Chambre, in his work entitled "La Lumiere" (Paris, 1657), and by Isaac Vossius, (who was afterwards a Canon at Windsor,) in a remarkable me-


exercised direct and special influence on general, or in other<br />

words, on cosmical views of nature. With reference to the processes<br />

of light, heat, and magnetism, I would first name Huygens,<br />

Galileo, and Gilbert. While Huygens was occupied with<br />

the double refraction of light in crystals of Iceland spar, i. e. 9<br />

with the separation of the pencils of light into two parts, he also<br />

discovered in 1 678 that kind of polarisation of light which bears<br />

his name. The discovery of this isolated phenomenon, which<br />

was not published till 1690, and consequently only five years<br />

before the death of Huygens, was followed, after the lapse of<br />

more than a century, by the great discoveries of Malus, Arago,<br />

Fresnel, Brewster, and Biot.* Malus, in 1808, discovered /<br />

polarisation by reflection from polished surfaces, and Arago in<br />

1811, made the discovery of coloured polarisation. A world<br />

of wonder composed of manifold modified waves of light,<br />

having new properties, was now revealed. A ray of light<br />

which reaches our eyes, after traversing millions of miles,<br />

from the remotest regions of heaven, announces of itself in<br />

Arago's polariscope, whether it is reflected or refracted, whether<br />

it emanates from a solid, or fluid, or gaseous body ; an-<br />

nouncing even the degree of its intensity.! By pursuing this<br />

course, which leads us back through Huygens to the seventeenth<br />

century, we are instructed concerning the constitution<br />

of the solar body and its envelopes; the reflected or the pro-<br />

per light of cometary tails and the zodiacal light ; the optical<br />

properties of our atmosphere; and the position of the four<br />

neutral points of polarisation]: which Arago, Babinet, and<br />

Brewster discovered. Thus does man create new organs which<br />

when skilfully employed, reveal to him new views of the<br />

universe.<br />

Next to polarisation, I should name the interference of light,<br />

the most striking of all<br />

optical phenomena, faint traces of<br />

which were also observed in the seventeenth century by Grimaldi<br />

in 1665, and by Hooke, although without a proper<br />

* On the important law discovered by Brewster, of the connection<br />

between the angle of complete polarisation and the index of refraction,<br />

see Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Societyfor the pp.<br />

year 1815,<br />

125-159.<br />

t See Cosmos, pp. 18 and 33.<br />

J Sir David Brewster, in Berghaus and Johnson's Physical Atlas,<br />

1847, part vii, p. 5 (Polarisation of tJie Atmosphere).

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