COSMOS, VOL. II - World eBook Library

COSMOS, VOL. II - World eBook Library COSMOS, VOL. II - World eBook Library
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DISCOVERIES IN THE CELESTIAL SPACES. 709 like all that refers to physical astronomy, more general attention, from the fact that several great discoveries in the heavens had aroused the attention of the public mass at the respective periods of thirty-six, eight, and four years prior to the inven- tion of the telescope in 1608, viz., the sudden apparition and disappearance of three new stars, one in Cassiopea in 1572, another in the constellation of the Swan in 1600, and the third in the foot of Ophiuchus in 1604. All these stars were brighter than those of the first magnitude, and the one observed by Kepler in the Swan continued to shine in the heavens for twenty-one years, throughout the whole period of Galileo's discoveries. Three centuries and a half have now nearly passed since then, but no new star of the first or second magnitude has appeared; for the remarkable event witnessed by Sir John Herschel in the southern hemisphere (in 1837),* was a great increase in the intensity of the light of a long known star of the second magnitude (77 Argo), which had not until then been recognised as variable. The writings of Kepler and our own experience of the effect produced by the appearance of comets visible to the naked eye, will teach us to understand how powerfully the appearance of new stars, between the years 1572 and 1604, must have arrested attention, increased the general interest in astronomical discoveries, and excited the minds of men to the com- bination of imaginative conjectures. Thus, too, terrestrial natural events, as earthquakes in regions where they have been but seldom experienced; the eruption of volcanoes that had long remained inactive ; the sounds of aerolites traversing our atmosphere and becoming ignited within its confines, impart a new stimulus, for a certain time, to the general interest in problems, which appear to the people at large even more mysterious than to the dogmatising physicist. My reason for more particularly naming Kepler in these remarks on the influence of direct sensuous contemplation, has been to point out how, in this great and highly-gifted man, a taste for imaginative combinations was combined with a remarkable talent for observation, an earnest and severe method of induction, a courageous and almost unparalleled perseverance in calculation, and a mathematical profoundness of mind, which revealed, in his Stereometria doliorum, exer- * Compare Cosmos, pp. 54, and 363.

710 COSMOS. cised a happy influence on Fermat, and, through him, on the invention of the theory of the infinitesimal calculus.* A man endowed with such a mind was pre-eminently qualified by the richness and mobility of his ideas,f and by the bold cosmical conjectures which he advanced, to animate and augment the movement which led the seventeenth century uninterruptedly forward to the exalted object presented in an extended contemplation of the universe. The many comets visible to the naked eye, from 1577 to the appearance of Halley's comet in 1607 (eight in number), and the sudden apparition already alluded to of three stars almost at the same period, gave rise to speculations on the origin of these heavenly bodies from a cosmical vapour filling the regions of space. Kepler, like Tycho Brahe, believed that the new stars had been conglomerated from this vapour, and that they were again dissolved in Comets to it.;J; which, before the discovery of the elliptic orbit of the planets, he ascribed a rectilinear and not a closed revolving course, were regarded by him, in 1608, in his "new and singular discourse on the hairy stars," as having originated from " celestial air." He even added, in accordance with ancient fancies on spontaneous generation, that comets arise " as a herb springs from * Laplace says of Kepler's theory of the measurement of casks (Stereometric!, doliorum,} 1615, "which, like the sand-reckoning of Archimedes, develops elevated ideas on a subject of little importance;" " Kepler presente dans cet ouvrage des vues sur 1'infini qui ont influe sur la revolution que la GeomStrie a eprouvee a la fin du 17 me siecle; et Fermat, que Ton doit regarder comme le veritable inventeur du calcul differentiel, a fonde sur elles sa belle methode de maximis et minimi-s. (Precis de I'hist. de I'Astronomic, 1821, p. 95)." On the geometrical power manifested by Kepler in the five books of his Harmonices Mundi, see Chasles, Apercu hist, des Methodes en Geometric, 1837, pp. 482-487. + Sir David Brewster elegantly remarks, in the account of Kepler's method of investigating truth, that " the influence of imagination as an instrument of research has been much overlooked by those who have ventured to give laws to philosophy. This faculty is of greatest value in if we use it as a guide and confide in its indications physical inquiries ; it will infallibly deceive us; but if we employ it as an auxiliary, it will afford us the most invaluable aid" (Martyrs of Science, p. 215). Arago, in the Annuaire, 1842, p. 434 (De la transformation des Nebuleuses et de la matiere diffuse en etoiles). Compare Cosmos, pp. 134 and 142.

710 <strong>COSMOS</strong>.<br />

cised a happy influence on Fermat, and, through him, on the<br />

invention of the theory of the infinitesimal calculus.* A man<br />

endowed with such a mind was pre-eminently qualified by the<br />

richness and mobility of his ideas,f and by the bold cosmical<br />

conjectures which he advanced, to animate and augment the<br />

movement which led the seventeenth century uninterruptedly<br />

forward to the exalted object presented in an extended contemplation<br />

of the universe.<br />

The many comets visible to the naked eye, from 1577 to<br />

the appearance of Halley's comet in 1607 (eight in number),<br />

and the sudden apparition already alluded to of three stars<br />

almost at the same period, gave rise to speculations on the<br />

origin of these heavenly bodies from a cosmical vapour filling<br />

the regions of space. Kepler, like Tycho Brahe, believed<br />

that the new stars had been conglomerated from this vapour,<br />

and that they were again dissolved in Comets to it.;J;<br />

which,<br />

before the discovery of the elliptic orbit of the planets, he<br />

ascribed a rectilinear and not a closed revolving course, were<br />

regarded by him, in 1608, in his "new and singular discourse<br />

on the hairy stars," as having originated from " celestial air."<br />

He even added, in accordance with ancient fancies on spontaneous<br />

generation, that comets arise " as a herb springs from<br />

* Laplace says of Kepler's theory of the measurement of casks<br />

(Stereometric!, doliorum,} 1615, "which, like the sand-reckoning of<br />

Archimedes, develops elevated ideas on a subject of little importance;"<br />

" Kepler presente dans cet ouvrage des vues sur 1'infini qui ont influe sur<br />

la revolution que la GeomStrie a eprouvee a la fin du 17 me siecle; et<br />

Fermat, que Ton doit regarder comme le veritable inventeur du calcul<br />

differentiel, a fonde sur elles sa belle methode de maximis et minimi-s.<br />

(Precis de I'hist. de I'Astronomic, 1821, p. 95)." On the geometrical<br />

power manifested by Kepler in the five books of his Harmonices<br />

Mundi, see Chasles, Apercu hist, des Methodes en Geometric, 1837,<br />

pp. 482-487.<br />

+ Sir David Brewster elegantly remarks, in the account of Kepler's<br />

method of investigating truth, that " the influence of imagination as an<br />

instrument of research has been much overlooked by those who have<br />

ventured to give laws to philosophy. This faculty is of greatest value in<br />

if we use it as a guide and confide in its indications<br />

physical inquiries ;<br />

it will infallibly deceive us; but if we employ it as an auxiliary, it will<br />

afford us the most invaluable aid" (Martyrs of Science, p. 215).<br />

Arago, in the Annuaire, 1842, p. 434 (De la transformation des<br />

Nebuleuses et de la matiere diffuse en etoiles). Compare Cosmos, pp. 134<br />

and 142.

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