COSMOS, VOL. II - World eBook Library

COSMOS, VOL. II - World eBook Library

COSMOS, VOL. II - World eBook Library


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two poets,<br />

linked together by the closest ties of friendship,<br />

Petrarch and Boccacio. A monk of Calabria, Barlaam, who<br />

had long resided in Greece under the patronage of the Emperor<br />

Andronicus, was the instructor of both*. They were the first to<br />

begin to make a careful collection of Roman and Greek manuscripts<br />

; and a taste for a comparison of languages had even been<br />

awakened in Petrarchf, \\hose philological acumen seemed to<br />

strive towards the attainment of a more general contemplation<br />

of the universe. Kmanucl Chrysoloras, who was sent as<br />

Greek ambassador to Italy and England (1391), Cardinal<br />

Bessarion of Trebisond, Gemistus Pietho, and the Athenian<br />

Demetrius Chalcondylas, to whom we owe the first printed<br />

edition of Homer, were all valuable promoters of the study of<br />

the Greek writersJ. All these came from Greece before the<br />

eventful taking of Constantinople, (29th May 1453;) Constantine<br />

Lascaris alone, whose forefathers had once sat on the<br />

Byzantine throne, came later to<br />

Italy. He brought with him<br />

a precious collection of Greek manuscripts, now buried in the<br />

rarely used library of the Escurial. The first Greek book<br />

was printed only fourteen years before the discovery of<br />

America, although the invention of printing, was probably<br />

made simultaneously and wholly independently, by Guttenberg<br />

in Strasburg and Mayence, and by Lorenz Yansson<br />

Koster at Haarlem, between 1436 and 1439, and, therefore, in<br />

the fortunate period of the first immigration of the learned<br />

Greeks into Italy. ||<br />

*<br />

Heeren, Gesch. der dassisclien Litteratur, bd. i. s. 284-290.<br />

t Klaproth, Memoires relatives a I'Asie, t. iii. p. 113.<br />

t The Florentine edition of Homer of 1488; but the first printed<br />

Greek book was the grammar of Constantine Lascaris. in 1476.<br />

Villemain, Melanges historiques et litteraires, t. ii. p. 135.<br />

|| The result of the investigations of the librarian Ludwig Wachler,<br />

at Breslau (see his Geschichte der Litteratur, 1833, th. i. s. 12-23).<br />

Printing without moveable types does not go back, even in China, beyond<br />

the beginning of the tenth century of our era. The first four books<br />

of Confucius were printed, according to Klaproth, in the province of<br />

Sziitschun, between 890 and 925 ; and the description of the technical<br />

manipulation of the Chinese printing press might have been read in<br />

western countries even as early as 1310, in Raschid-eddin's Persian history<br />

of the rulers of Khatai. According to the most recent results of<br />

the important researches of Stanislas Julien, however, an ironsmith in<br />

China itself, between the years 1041 and 1048 A.D., or almost 400 years<br />

before Guttenberg, would seem to have used moveable types, made of

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