COSMOS, VOL. II - World eBook Library

COSMOS, VOL. II - World eBook Library COSMOS, VOL. II - World eBook Library
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OCEANIC DISCOVERIES. 617 the object that is recognised separated the dialectics into the two celebrated schools of realists and nominalists. The almost forgotten contests of these schools of the middle ages deserve a notice here, because they exercised a special influence on the final establishment of the experimental sciences. Tho nominalists, who ascribed to general ideas of objects only a subjective existence in the human mind, finally remained the dominant party in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, after having undergone various fluctuations of success. From their greater aversion to mere empty abstractions, they urged before all the necessity of experiment, and of the increase of the materials for establishing a sensuous basis of knowledge. This direction was at least influential in favouring the cultivation of empirical science but even ; among those with whom, the realistic views were maintained, an acquaintance with the literature of the Arabs had successfully opposed a taste for natural investigation against the all-absorbing sway of theology. Thus we see that in the different periods of the middle ages, to which we have perhaps been accustomed to ascribe too strong a character of unity, the great work of discoveries in remote parts of the earth, and their happy adaptation to the extension of the cosmical sphere of ideas, were gradually being prepared on wholly different paths and in purely ideal and empirical directions. Natural science was intimately associated with medicine and philosophy amongst the learned Arabs, and in the Christian middle ages with theological polemics. The latter from their tendency to assert an exclusive influence, repressed empirical enquiry in the departments of physics, organic morphology, and astronomy, which was for the most part closely allied to astrology. The study of the comprehensive works of Aristotle which had been introduced by Arabs and Jewish Ilabbis, had tended to lead to a philosophical fusion of all branches of study;* and hence Ibn-Sina (Avicenna) and Ibn-Roschd (Averroes), Albertus Magnus, and Roger Bacon, passed for the representatives of all the knowledge of their time. The fame which in the middle ages surrounded the names of these great men was proportionate to the general opinion of their endowments. diffusion of this * Jourdain, Sur les trad. d'Aristotc, p. 236; and Michael Sachs, Die religiose Poesie der Juden in Spanien, 1845, s. 180-200.

618 COSMOS. Albertus Magnus, of the family of the Counts of Bollstadt, must also be mentioned as an independent observer in the domain of analytic chemistry. It is true that his hopes were directed to the transmutation of the metals, but in his attempts to fulfil this object, he not only improved the practical manipulation of ores, but he also enlarged the insight of men into the general mode of action of the chemical forces of nature. His works contain some extremely acute observations on the organic structure and physiology of plants. He was acquainted with the sleep of plants, the periodical opening and closing of flowers, the diminution of the sap during evaporation from the surfaces of leaves, and with the influence of the distribution of the vascular bundles on the indentations of the leaves. He wrote commentaries on all the physical works of the Stagirite, although in that on the history of animals he followed the Latin translation of Michael Scotus from the Arabic.* The work of Albertus Magnus, entitled Liber cosmo- graphicus de natura locorum, is a kind of physical geography. I have found in it observations, which greatly excited my surprise, regarding the simultaneous dependence of climate on latitude and elevation, and the effect of different angles of incidence of the sun's rays in heating the earth's surface. Albertus probably owes the praise conferred on him by Dante, less to himself than to his beloved pupil St. Thomas Aquinas, who accompanied him from Cologne to Paris in 1245, and returned with him to Germany in 1248. * The greater share of merit in regard to the history of animals belongs to the emperor Frederic II. We are indebted to him for important independent observations on the internal structure of birds. (See Schneider, in Reliqua librorum Frederici II. imperatoris de arte venandi cum avibus, t. i. 1788, in the Preface.) Cuvier also calls this prince of the Hohenstaufen line, the " first independent and original zoologist of the scholastic middle ages." On the correct view of Albert Magnus, on the distribution of heat over the earth's surface under different latitudes and at different seasons, see his Liber cosmograpliicus de natura locorum, Argent. 1515, fol. 14b. and 23a. (Examen crit., t. i. pp. 51-58.) In his own observations, we, however, unhappily too often find, that Albertus Magnus shared in the uncritical spirit of his age. He thinks he knows " that rye changes on a good soil into wheat; that from a beech wood which has been hewn down, a birch wood will spring p from the decayed matter; and that from oak-branches stuck into the Ueber die Botanik des sarth vines arise." (Compare also Ernst Meyer, ISien Jahrhunderts, in the Linncea, bd. x. 1836, s. 719.)

618 <strong>COSMOS</strong>.<br />

Albertus Magnus, of the family of the Counts of Bollstadt,<br />

must also be mentioned as an independent observer in the<br />

domain of analytic chemistry. It is true that his hopes were<br />

directed to the transmutation of the metals, but in his attempts<br />

to fulfil this object, he not only improved the practical manipulation<br />

of ores, but he also enlarged the insight of men into the<br />

general mode of action of the chemical forces of nature. His<br />

works contain some extremely acute observations on the<br />

organic structure and physiology of plants. He was acquainted<br />

with the sleep of plants, the periodical opening and<br />

closing of flowers, the diminution of the sap during evaporation<br />

from the surfaces of leaves, and with the influence of the<br />

distribution of the vascular bundles on the indentations of the<br />

leaves. He wrote commentaries on all the physical works of<br />

the Stagirite, although in that on the history of animals he<br />

followed the Latin translation of Michael Scotus from the<br />

Arabic.* The work of Albertus Magnus, entitled Liber cosmo-<br />

graphicus de natura locorum, is a kind of physical geography.<br />

I have found in it observations, which greatly excited my<br />

surprise, regarding the simultaneous dependence of climate on<br />

latitude and elevation, and the effect of different angles of<br />

incidence of the sun's rays in heating the earth's surface.<br />

Albertus probably owes the praise conferred on him by<br />

Dante, less to himself than to his beloved pupil St. Thomas<br />

Aquinas, who accompanied him from Cologne to Paris in<br />

1245, and returned with him to Germany in 1248.<br />

* The greater share of merit in regard to the history<br />

of animals<br />

belongs to the emperor Frederic <strong>II</strong>. We are indebted to him for important<br />

independent observations on the internal structure of birds. (See<br />

Schneider, in Reliqua librorum Frederici <strong>II</strong>. imperatoris de arte<br />

venandi cum avibus, t. i. 1788, in the Preface.) Cuvier also calls this<br />

prince of the Hohenstaufen line, the " first independent and original<br />

zoologist of the scholastic middle ages." On the correct view of Albert<br />

Magnus, on the distribution of heat over the earth's surface under different<br />

latitudes and at different seasons, see his Liber cosmograpliicus de<br />

natura locorum, Argent. 1515, fol. 14b. and 23a. (Examen crit., t. i.<br />

pp. 51-58.) In his own observations, we, however, unhappily too often<br />

find, that Albertus Magnus shared in the uncritical spirit of his age.<br />

He thinks he knows " that rye changes on a good soil into wheat; that<br />

from a beech wood which has been hewn down, a birch wood will spring<br />

p from the decayed matter; and that from oak-branches stuck into the<br />

Ueber die Botanik des<br />

sarth vines arise." (Compare also Ernst Meyer,<br />

ISien Jahrhunderts, in the Linncea, bd. x. 1836, s. 719.)

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