COSMOS, VOL. II - World eBook Library

COSMOS, VOL. II - World eBook Library

COSMOS, VOL. II - World eBook Library


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the gradual development of the science of the Cosmos are,<br />

into the<br />

therefore, of very different kinds; viz., investigations<br />

structure of languages; the deciphering of ancient inscriptions<br />

and historical monuments in hieroglyphics and arrow-<br />

headed writing; the greater perfection of mathematics,,<br />

especially of that powerful analytic calculus by which the<br />

form of the earth, the ebb and flow of the sea, and the regions<br />

of space are brought within the compass of calculation. To><br />

these aids must be further added the material inventions<br />

which have procured for us, as it were, new organs, sharpened<br />

the power of our senses, and enabled men to enter into a<br />

closer communication with terrestrial forces, and even with the<br />

remote regions of space. In order to enumerate only a few<br />

of the instruments, whose invention characterises great epochs<br />

in the history of civilisation, I would name the telescope,,<br />

and its too long delayed connection with instruments of measurement<br />

; the compound microscope, which furnishes us with the<br />

means of tracing the conditions of the process of development<br />

of organisms, which Aristotle gracefully designates as "the formative<br />

activity the source of being;" the compass, and the different<br />

contrivances invented for measuring terrestrial magnetism<br />

the use of the pendulum as a measure of time ; the barometer *<br />

r<br />

the thermometer ; hygrometric and electrometric apparatuses ;<br />

and the polariscope, in its application to the phenomena of<br />

coloured polarisation, in the light of the stars, or in luminous<br />

regions of the atmosphere.<br />

The history of the physical contemplation of the universe,,<br />

which is based, as we nave already remarked, on a meditative-<br />

consideration of natural phenomena, on the connection of great<br />

events, and on inventions which enlarge the domain of sensuous<br />

perception, can only be presented in a fragmentary and<br />

superficial manner, and only in its leading features. I flatter<br />

myself with the hope that the brevity of this mode of treatment<br />

will enable the reader the more readily to apprehend the<br />

spirit in which a picture should be sketched, whose limits it is<br />

so difficult to define. Here, as in the picture of nature which<br />

is given in the former part of this work, it will be my object<br />

to treat the subject not with the completeness of an individual-<br />

ising enumeration, but merely by the development of leading<br />

ideas, that indicate some of the paths which must be pursued<br />

by the physicist in his historical investigations. The know-

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