bibliography of new guinea entomology1 - Hawaii Biological Survey ...

bibliography of new guinea entomology1 - Hawaii Biological Survey ...

bibliography of new guinea entomology1 - Hawaii Biological Survey ...


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1968 Gressitt & Szent-Ivany: Bibliography <strong>of</strong> New Guinea entomology 99<br />

Cockerell, T. D. A. 1936. Bees from the Solomon Islands. Proc. R. Ent. Soc. Lond. B 5 (12) :<br />

225-26.<br />

Hym., Apoid.: ll spp. Sol. Is.<br />

1939. Studies <strong>of</strong> the Pacific bees in the collection <strong>of</strong> the Bishop Museum (Hymenoptera, Apoidea).<br />

Occ. Pap. B. P. Bishop Mus. 15 (ll) : 133-40.<br />

Hym., Apoid.: Mesotrichia muiri*, Megachile ferricinta*, Halictus subexterus* Amboina, Gua­<br />

dalcanal.<br />

Cole, Kenneth Stewart. 1960. Robusta c<strong>of</strong>fee in South-East Papua. Papua N. Guin. Agr. J. 12 (4) :<br />

168-79, 4 pl.<br />

Agr. ent.: Papua & NG refs.<br />

Coling, L. E. 1927. Australian fish as mosquito larvae destroyers. Cmwlth Austral. Dept. Hlth<br />

Serv. Publ. (Trop. Div.) 6: 11-12.<br />

Dipt., Culic.: Biol, control.<br />

Collenette, Cyril Leslie. 1930. Some <strong>new</strong> African and Indo-Australian Lymantriidae in the<br />

collection recently presented by Mr. James J. Joicey to the British Museum. Trans. Ent.<br />

Soc. Lond. 78 (1) : 67-86, 2 pl.<br />

Lep., Lymantri.: 16 n. spp., SoreutOneura* NG, N. Ireland.<br />

1932. New African and Indo-Australian Lymantriidae. Novit. Zool. 37: 159-80, 1 pl.<br />

Lep., Lymantri.: Many n. spp. NG, Bismarcks, Sol. Is.<br />

1933a. Notes on the genus Lymantria Hbn. (Lymantriidae), descriptions <strong>of</strong> <strong>new</strong> species. Novit.<br />

Zool. 39: 21-33, 1 pl.<br />

Lep., Lymantri.: Lymantria sphalera talesea* N. Brit., doreyensis* NW NG.<br />

1933b. New Indo-Australian Lymantriidae (Lep.). Stylops 2: 43-45, 1 fig.<br />

Lep., Lymantri.: Cispia manifesta* Astrolabe Bay (NG).<br />

1938. New Palaearctic and Indo-Australian Lymantriidae in the British Museum collection.<br />

Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, ser ll, 2 (20): 368-86, 1 pl.<br />

Lep., Lymantri.: Euproctis Chlorogaster*, kunupi*, Dura niveus perenoptera* NG.<br />

1951. Some <strong>new</strong> species <strong>of</strong> Lymantriidae in the British Museum (Natural History). Ann. Mag.<br />

Nat. Hist, ser 12, 4: 1026-40, 1 pl.<br />

Lep., Lymantr.: Parakanchia cyclops*, Leucoma sericea tafa*, Kanchia dinawa tafa*, K. stibiessa*,<br />

Dasychira buinensis* Papua, New Ireland, Bougainville, NG.<br />

1955. Results <strong>of</strong> the Archbold Expeditions. Lymantriidae from New Guinea (Lepidoptera,<br />

Heterocera). Nova Guinea, n. s. 6 (1): 35-56, 2 pl.<br />

Lep., Lymantri.: many n. spp. & spp., Papuaroa* Aru, NG.

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