bibliography of new guinea entomology1 - Hawaii Biological Survey ...

bibliography of new guinea entomology1 - Hawaii Biological Survey ...

bibliography of new guinea entomology1 - Hawaii Biological Survey ...


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630 Pae. Ins. Mon. 18<br />

Parent, L'Abbe O. 1932c. Fauna Buruana. Diptera, Fam. Dolichopodidae. Treubia 7 (Suppl. 7) :<br />

349-53.<br />

Dipt., Dolichopod.: N. spp. recs.<br />

Parrott, Arthur W. 1955. A note on the distribution and host <strong>of</strong> Hyptiogaster inaequalis Turner,<br />

an Australian gasteruptionid (Evanioidea). Proc. R. Zool. Soc. N. S. W. 1953-54: 68-69.<br />

Hym., Gasteruption.: Zoogeogr.<br />

Pemberton, C. E. 1957. Progress in the control <strong>of</strong> invertebrate pests in the Pacific islands. Proc.<br />

VIII Pacif. Sci. Congr. 3A: 1205-17.<br />

Agr. ent.: Oryctes rhinoceros N. Brit.<br />

Peschet, Raymond. 1925. Fauna Buruana. Coleoptera, Fam. Gyrinidae. Treubia 7 (1) : 5-7,<br />

Col., Gyrin.: NG recs.<br />

Peters, Wm. L. 1967. New species <strong>of</strong> Prosopistoma from the Oriental Region (Prosopistomatoi-<br />

dea : Ephemeroptera). Tijds. Ent. 110 (9) : 207-22, 34 fig.<br />

Ephemer.: P. sedlaceki* NE NG.<br />

Petersen, B^rge. 1967. A <strong>new</strong> species <strong>of</strong> Falsorhipidius Pic, with notes on the genus (Col., Rhi­<br />

piphoridae). (Noona Dan Pap. 57). Ent. Meddel. 35(4): 327-32.<br />

Col., Rhipiphor.: F. lemkaminensis* N. Ireland.<br />

Pont, A. C. 1967c. Studies on Australian Muscidae (Diptera). I. Some species <strong>of</strong> Dichaetomyia<br />

Malloch. Austral. J. Zool. 15 (3) : 619-40, 18 fig.<br />

Dipt., Muse.: NG lectotypes designated.<br />

Popham, E. J. & A. Brindle. 1967b. Genera and species <strong>of</strong> the Dermaptera. 5. Spongiphorinae and<br />

Labiinae. Entomologist 100 (1253) : 255-62.<br />

Derm.: Recs; key to genera.<br />

Priesner, H. 1930. Indomalayische Thysanopteren, II. Treubia ll (3) : 357-71, 10 fig.<br />

Thysanopt.: Ecacanthothrips crassiceps, inermis NG.<br />

Princis, K. 1967. Blattariae: Subordo Epilamproidea. Fam: Nyctiboridae, Epilampridae. Or­<br />

thopt. Cat., Junk ll: 615-710.<br />

Blatt., Epilampr.: Recs.<br />

Prout, L. B. 1912-35. Geometridae. Lepid. Cat., Junk. Subfam. Brephinae, Oenochrominae. 8:<br />

1-94 (1912). Subfam. Hemitheinae. 14: 1-192 (1913). Subfam. Sterrhinae I-III. 61: 1-176<br />

(1934); 63: 177-432 (1934); 68: 433-86 (1935).<br />

Lep., Geometr.: Recs.<br />

1918c. New species and forms <strong>of</strong> Geometridae. Novit. Zool. 25(1): 76-89.<br />

Lep., Geometr.: Dithecodes phaenomeris*, Chrysocraspeda euryodia*, auristigma NG, phaedra*<br />

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