bibliography of new guinea entomology1 - Hawaii Biological Survey ...

bibliography of new guinea entomology1 - Hawaii Biological Survey ...

bibliography of new guinea entomology1 - Hawaii Biological Survey ...


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602 Pae. Ins. Mon. 18<br />

Trop. Agr., Peradeniya—Tropical Agriculturist and Magazine <strong>of</strong> the Ceylon Agricultural Society.<br />

Peradeniya. (1881- ).<br />

Trop. Agr., Trin.—Tropical Agriculture. The Journal <strong>of</strong> the Imperial College <strong>of</strong> Agriculture.<br />

Trinidad (1924- ).<br />

Trop. Geogr. Med.—Tropical and Geographical Medicine. Amsterdam (1958- ). (C. <strong>of</strong>: Documenta<br />

de medicina geographica et tropica, 1952-1957; Doc. Neerl, et Indonesica de morbis<br />

tropicis, 1949-1951).<br />

Tropenpflanzer—Tropenpflanzer. Berlin (1897-1944).<br />

Tropische Natirar (See: Pengg. Alam)<br />

U. S. D. A. Agr. Handb. (& Mon.)—United States Department <strong>of</strong> Agriculture. Handbooks. Agriculture<br />

Handbooks. (1950- ). Agric. Monographs. Washington, D. C.<br />

U. S. D. A. Misc. Pub.—Miscellaneous Publications. United States Department <strong>of</strong> Agriculture.<br />

Washington, D. C. (1927- ). (C. <strong>of</strong>: Misc. Circ. U. S. D. A., 1923-1927).<br />

U. S. D. A. Tech. Bull.—Technical Bulletin. United States Department <strong>of</strong> Agriculture. Washington,<br />

D. C. (1927- ). (Replaces: Dep. Bull., U. S. D. A., 1923-1927; and Bull., U.S.D.A.,<br />

1913-1923).<br />

U. S. Arm. Forces Med. J.—United States Armed Forces Medical Journal, Washington, D. C.<br />

(1950-1960). (C. <strong>of</strong>: Bull. U. S. Army Med. Dep., 1888-1902; Nav. Med. Bull., 1907-1949).<br />

U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull.—United States National Museum Bulletin, Washington, D. C. (1875- ).<br />

U. S. Nav. Med. Bull.—United States Naval Medical Bulletin. (See also under Naval Medical<br />

Bulletin and U. S. Arm. Forces Med. J.)<br />

Univ. Calif. Pub. Ent.—University <strong>of</strong> California Publications in Entomology. Berkeley (1906- ).<br />

Univ. Kans. Sci. Bull. (See: Kans. Univ. Sci. Bull.)<br />

Univ. Osaka Pref., Pub. Ent. Lab.—Publications. Entomology Laboratory, University <strong>of</strong> Osaka<br />

Prefecture. Osaka, Japan.<br />

Univ. Qld Pap. Dep. Biol.—Papers from the Department <strong>of</strong> Biology, University <strong>of</strong> Queensland.<br />

Brisbane (1937-1950). (C: Pap. Dep. Zool., Univ. Qld, 1952- ).<br />

Univ. Qld Pap. Dep. Ent.—Papers. Department <strong>of</strong> Entomology, University <strong>of</strong> Queensland. Brisbane<br />

(1955- ).<br />

Univ. Qld Pap. Dep. Zool.—Papers. Department <strong>of</strong> Zoology, University <strong>of</strong> Queensland. Brisbane<br />

(1952- ). (C. from: Pap. Dep. Biol Univ. Qld, 1937-1950).<br />

Varsava. Zool. Kab. Univ.—Raboty iz laboratorli Zoologicheskago Kabineta Imperatorskago varshavskago<br />

universiteta. Varshava. Travaux de Ia sociSte des naturalistes de Varsovie. Proces-verbaux<br />

de Ia reunion generale (=Trudy Varshavskago obshchestva estestvoispytatelei,<br />

1889-1913?).<br />

Veeartsenijk Meded., Batavia—Veeartsenijkundige mededeelingen uit het Geneeskundig laboratorium<br />

te Weltevreden. Batavia (1909-1941 ?).<br />

Verh. Akad. Wet. Amst.—Verhandelingen der Konink. Akademie van wetenschappen. (a) Natuurh.<br />

geolog. en med. wet. (b) Wis- en natuurk. Wet. Amsterdam (1892-1937). (C. as: Verh, der<br />

K. Nederl. Acad. Wet., 1937- ).<br />

Verh. Intern. Kongr. Ent.—Verhandlungen. Internationaler Kongress fiir Entomologie. (1910- )<br />

See also: Proc. Intern. Cong. Ent.<br />

Verh. VQ. Intern. Kongr. Ent.—Verhandlungen. Vll. Internationaler Kongress fiir Entomologie. Berlin<br />

(1938; published 1939-1940).<br />

Verh. VIII. Intern. Kongr. Ent.—Verhandlungen. VUL Internationaler Kongress fiir Entomologie.<br />

Stockholm (1950; published 1950).<br />

Verh. XI. Intern. Kongr. Ent.—Verhandlungen des XI Internationalen Kongress fiir Entomologie.<br />

Wien (1960).<br />

Verh. Naturf. Ges. Basel—Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel (1854- ).<br />

Verh. Naturf. Ver. Brunn—Verhandlungen des Naturf orschenden Vereins in Brunn (1862-1944).<br />

Verh. Ver. Hamb.—Verhandlungen des Vereins fiir naturwissenschaftliche Unterhaltung zu Hamburg<br />

(1871-1929) (C. as Verh. Ver. naturw. Heimatforschung Hamburg, 1930-1939; 1947- ).

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