bibliography of new guinea entomology1 - Hawaii Biological Survey ...

bibliography of new guinea entomology1 - Hawaii Biological Survey ...

bibliography of new guinea entomology1 - Hawaii Biological Survey ...


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574 Pae. Ins. Mon. 18<br />

Yasumatsu, K. 1952. The occurrence <strong>of</strong> the Orussid genus Ophrynella Ross in New Guinea (Hy­<br />

menoptera : Orussidae). Wasmann J. Biol. 10 (1) : 75-79, 1 fig.<br />

Hym., Oruss.: Ophrynella rossi* NG.<br />

Yoshikawa, Kimio. 1962. Introductory studies on the life economy <strong>of</strong> polistine wasps. VI.<br />

Geographical distribution and its ecological significance. /. Biol. Osaka City Univ. 13:<br />

19-43.<br />

Hym., Vesp.: 14 spp. Sol. Is., N. Brit., NG.<br />

Yoshimoto, Carl Masaru. 1962. Hymenoptera: Eucoilinae (Cynipoidea). Ins. Micronesia 19(3):<br />

89-107, 12 ^g.<br />

Hym., Eucoil.: Bismarck Is. recs.<br />

1963. The genera Leptolamina and Maacynips, n. gen., from the Papuan subregion (Hymeno­<br />

ptera: Cynipoidea, Eucoilinae). Pacif. Ins. 5(3): 513-17, 3 fig.<br />

Hym., Cynip.: Maacynips* papuana*, distincta*, parva*, Leptolamina papuensis* Bismarcks, N.<br />

Brit., NG.<br />

Yoshimoto, C. M. & Tei Ishii. 1965. Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Eulophidae, Encyrtidae (part),<br />

Pteromalidae. Ins. Micronesia 19 (4) : 109-78, 34 fig.<br />

Hym., Euloph.: Tetrastichus brontispae NG.<br />

Yosii, Ryozo. 1959. Studies on the collembolan fauna <strong>of</strong> Malaya and Singapore; with special<br />

reference to the genera: Lobelia, Lepidocyrtus and Callyntrura. Contr. Biol. Lab. Kyoto<br />

Univ. 10: 1-65, 37 fig.<br />

Collemb.: NG ref s.<br />

1960. On some Collembola <strong>of</strong> New Caledonia, New Britain and Solomon Islands. Bull.<br />

Osaka Mus. Nat. Hist. 12: 1-38, 21 fig.<br />

Collemb.: Acrocyrtus solomonensis*, Lepidonella* tokiokai*, Paronella bougainvilleae*, Dicyr-<br />

tomina bougainvilleae* Gizo, Bougainville, N. Brit.<br />

Young, David Allan. 1965. Cicadelline types in the British Museum (Natural History) (Homo­<br />

ptera: Cicadellidae). Bull. Brit. Mus. (N. H.) Ent. 17(4): 161-99.<br />

Hem.-Hom., Cicadell.: Recs.<br />

Zacher, Friedrich. 1913. Die Schadlinge der Kokospalmen auf den Siidinseln. Arch. K. Biol.<br />

Land Forstw. 9 (1) : 73-120, 38 fig.<br />

Col., Scarabae.: 13 spp. NG.<br />

Zaitzev, Philipp Adamovitsh. 1908. Catalogue des Coleopteres aquatiques des families des Dryo­<br />

pidae, Georyssidae, Cyathoceridae, Heteroceridae et Hydrophilidae. Hor. Soc. Ent. Ross.<br />

38: 283-420.<br />

Col.; Dryop., Hydrophil.: NG recs.

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