bibliography of new guinea entomology1 - Hawaii Biological Survey ...

bibliography of new guinea entomology1 - Hawaii Biological Survey ...

bibliography of new guinea entomology1 - Hawaii Biological Survey ...


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1968 Gressitt & Szent-Ivany: Bibliography <strong>of</strong> New Guinea entomology 559<br />

Willemse, C. 1942. On a collection <strong>of</strong> Indo-Australian, Melanesian and Micronesian Tettigoniidae.<br />

Natuurk. Maandbl. 31(9): 86-88; (10): 94-100; (ll): 107-12, 29 fig.<br />

Orth., Tettigoni.: Sev. n. spp., recs., Spinisternum* N. Brit., Sol. Is., NG.<br />

1947. On Phyllium species, known from the Key Islands (Orthoptera: Phasmidae, Phyllinae).<br />

Tijds. Ent. 88 (1945) : 316-22, 5 fig.<br />

Orth., Phasm.: P. keyicum, insulanicum Kei.<br />

1950. Description <strong>of</strong> a <strong>new</strong> genus and species <strong>of</strong> Acrididae (Orthoptera) from the Solomon<br />

Islands. Tijds. Ent. 92: 251-55, 4 fig.<br />

Orth., Acrid.: Bunacris* forcipata*, carpentieri* Bougainville, Sol. Is.<br />

1951. Synopsis <strong>of</strong> the Acridoidea <strong>of</strong> the Indo-Malayan and adjacent regions (Insecta, Ortho­<br />

ptera). Part 1 Fam. Acrididae.; subfam. Acridinae. Pub. Natuurk. Gen. Limburg 4: 41-<br />

46, 1 pl., 6 fig.<br />

Orth., Acrid.: Recs.<br />

1953a. On a collection <strong>of</strong> Orthoptera from the Solomon Islands, chiefly from the Institut<br />

Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. Bull. Inst. R. Sci. Nat. Belg. 29(7): 1-27, 17<br />

fig.<br />

Orth.; Acrid., Tettigoni., Gryllacrid.: ll n. spp., Solomogryllacris* Sol. Is.<br />

1953b. On a collection <strong>of</strong> Orthoptera from the Sumba Island (Indonesia). Wiss. Ergebn.<br />

Sumba-Exp. Mus. Volkerk. Naturh. Mus. Basel, 1949. Verh. Naturf. Ges. Basel 64(1):<br />

89-104, 6 fig.<br />

Orth., Conocephal.: Catantops transversa, Gonatacanthus decipiens Kei, NG.<br />

1955a. Descriptions <strong>of</strong> some <strong>new</strong> Orthoptera, 1-3. Natuurk. Maandbl. 44(1-2): 17-18; (3-4)<br />

36-37; (7-8) 79-82, 3 fig.<br />

Orth., Phyllophor.: Parasasima* elegans* NG.<br />

1955b. Description <strong>of</strong> a <strong>new</strong> species <strong>of</strong> Megacrania from Obi (Moluccas) with remarks on<br />

Megacrania alpheus Westwood (Orthoptera, Phasmidae). Treubia 23 (1) : 41-46, 1 pl., 6<br />

fig.<br />

Phasm.: M. wegneri* Obi., alpheus Kei, Aru, Bismarcks, NG, Sol. ls.<br />

1956. Synopsis <strong>of</strong> the Acridoidea <strong>of</strong> the Indo-Malayan and adjacent regions (Insecta, Ortho­<br />

ptera). Part II. Fam. Acrididae, subfam. Catantopinae, Pari I. Pub. Natuurk. Gen.<br />

Limburg 8: 1-226, 111 fig.<br />

Orth., Acrid.: ll n. spp., Musciacris*, Fusiacris*,Toxopeusiacris* Moluccas, Kei, Sol. Is., NG.<br />

1957a. Synopsis <strong>of</strong> the Acridoidea <strong>of</strong> the Indo-Malayan and adjacent regions, (Insecta, Or­<br />

thoptera). Part II. Fam. Acrididae, subfam. Catantopinae, part 2. Pub. Natuurk. Gen.<br />

Limburg 10: 227-500, 15 pl., 74 fig.<br />

Orth., Acrid.: 3 n. spp. Salinacris* Sol. Is., NG.

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