bibliography of new guinea entomology1 - Hawaii Biological Survey ...

bibliography of new guinea entomology1 - Hawaii Biological Survey ...

bibliography of new guinea entomology1 - Hawaii Biological Survey ...


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526 Pae. Ins. Mon. 18<br />

Usinger, Robert Leslie (with chapters by Jacques Carayon, Norman T. Davis, Norihiro Ueshima,<br />

Hadley E. McKean). 1966. Monograph <strong>of</strong> Cimicidae (Hemiptera-Heteroptera). Thomas<br />

Say Foundation 7: i-xi, 1-585, many ill.<br />

Hem.-Het, Cimic.: Paracimex capitatus"' N. Brit., reductus* NW NG.<br />

Usinger, R. L. & R. Matsuda. Classification <strong>of</strong> the Aradidae (Hemiptera-Heteroptera). British<br />

Mus. (Nat. Hist.) vii-MlO p., 102 fig.<br />

Hem.-Het., Arad.: 9 n. spp. NG, N. Ireland, Ambon; Rossius*, Acoryphocoris*, Zeugocoris*.<br />

Uvarov, Boris Petrovich (Sir). 1923. A revision <strong>of</strong> the Old World Cyrtacanthacrini (Orthop­<br />

tera, Acrididae)-III. Genera Valanga to Patanga. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, ser 9, 12 (70):<br />

345-67, 1 fig.<br />

Orth., Acrid.: V. nigricornis conspersa*, papuasica Waigeu, NG.<br />

1924. A <strong>new</strong> long-horned grasshopper damaging coconut palms in New Britain. Bull. Ent.<br />

Res. 15 (1): 35-36, 1 fig.<br />

Orth., Tettigoni.: Hahetia defoliaria* N. Brit.<br />

1937. Some Acrididae from the Solomon Islands. (Orthoptera). Treubia 16 (1): 15-20.<br />

Orth., Acridi.: Bumacris leveri*, Opiptacris signata tulagii*, Modernacris callosa* Sol. Is.<br />

Uyttenboogaart, D. L. & C. de Jong (Ed.) Posthumous work <strong>of</strong> F. T. V. Lucassen. 1961. (See<br />

Lucassen, F. T. Valck.)<br />

Vachal, Joseph. 1894. Nouvelles especes d'Hymenopteres des genres Halictus, Prosopis, Allodape<br />

et Nomiodes rapportees par M. Fea de Ia Birmanie. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova ser 2, 14:<br />

428-49.<br />

Hym., Apoid.: NG recs.<br />

1903. Note sur Euaspis Gerst, et Ctenoplectra Sm., deux genres d'Hymenoptera mellifera peu<br />

ou mal connus. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1903: 95-100.<br />

Hym., Melin.: Ctenoplectra chalybea NG.<br />

Valck, Lucassen, F. T. (see Lucassen, F. T. Valck)<br />

Van Duzee, Edward Payson. 1940. New species <strong>of</strong> Hemiptera collected by the Templeton Crock­<br />

er Expedition to the Solomon Islands in 1933. Pan-Pacif. Ent. 16 (4): 178-92.<br />

Hem., sev. fam.: 16 n. spp., J n. ssp. Sol. Ls.<br />

Van Zwaluwenburg, Reyei* Herman. 1931. Elateridae from New Guinea and New Britain in the<br />

H. S. P. A. Experiment Station. Proc. <strong>Hawaii</strong>. Ent. Soc. 7 (3): 427-36, 1 pl.<br />

Col., Elater.: 6 n. spp., Horizoteichos* N. Brit., E NG.<br />

1932. Check list <strong>of</strong> the Elateridae <strong>of</strong> Oceania. Occ. Pap. Bishop Mus. 9 (23): 1-28.<br />

Col, Elater.: Many spp. NG, Trobriands, Bismarcks, Sol. Is.

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