bibliography of new guinea entomology1 - Hawaii Biological Survey ...

bibliography of new guinea entomology1 - Hawaii Biological Survey ...

bibliography of new guinea entomology1 - Hawaii Biological Survey ...


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464 Pae. Ins. Mon. 18<br />

Silvestri, F. 1898. Alcuni nuovi Diplopodi della N. Guinea. Ann. Mus Civ. Genova 39: 441-50,20<br />

fig.<br />

Diplop.; Platyrrhac, Stronglysomat.: Sev. n. spp. NG.<br />

1899. Diplopoda nova a L. Biro in Nova-Guinea collecta. Termesz. Fiiz. 22: 205-12, 5 pl.<br />

Diplop.; Strongylosomat., Platyrrhach., Spirobol., Stemmatoiul.: 6 n. spp. NE NG.<br />

1919. Contributions to a knowledge <strong>of</strong> the Chilopoda Geophilomorpha <strong>of</strong> India. Rec. Ind.<br />

Mus. 16: 45-107, 39 fig.<br />

Chilop.: Lamnonyx modestus*, subgigas*, uncifer NG.<br />

1934. Myriopoda from the Society Islands. Bishop Mus. Bull. 113: 131-34.<br />

Chilop.; Scolopendr., Geophil.; Diplop., Polydesm.,: Sev. spp. Aru Is., Kei, Sol. ls., NG.<br />

Simmonds, Frederick John. 1957. An investigation <strong>of</strong> the possibilities <strong>of</strong> biological control <strong>of</strong><br />

Melittoma insulare Fairm. (Coleoptera, Lymexylonidae), a serious pest <strong>of</strong> coconut in the<br />

Seychelles. Bull. Ent. Res. 41 (4) : 685-702, 5 fig., 1 pl.<br />

Col., Lymexylon.: M. javanicum, Atractacerus bicolor, bifasciatus NG.<br />

1960. Report on a tour <strong>of</strong> Commonwealth countries April-November, 1957. Commonwealth<br />

Agricultural Bureaux, Lond.: 1-108.<br />

Agr. ent., biol, control: Visit to NG incl.<br />

1964. Report on a tour <strong>of</strong> Australasia, New Zealand and Pacific Territories, December 1963-<br />

March 1964. Cmwlth Agr. Bur., Lond.: 1-86.<br />

Econ. ent.: NG., N. Brit., Sol. Is. ref s.<br />

1965. <strong>Biological</strong> Control Information Bulletin. (International Advisory Committee for Biologi­<br />

cal Control), Switzerland 1: 1-40.<br />

Econ. ent.: N. Brit., N. Ireland & NG refs.<br />

Simmonds, Hubert W. 1924a. Mission to New Guinea, Bismarcks, Solomons and New Hebrides.<br />

Legislative Council, Fiji, Council Paper No. MP 1069/24: 1-12. (See also Rev. App. Ent.<br />

A 12: 298-300.)<br />

Orth., Tettigoni.; Col.; Lep.: NG., Bismarcks, Sol. Is. refs.<br />

1924b. Report by the acting entomologist for the year 1923. Ann. Rep. Fiji Dep. Agr. 1923:<br />

8.<br />

Agr. ent.<br />

1925. Pests and diseases <strong>of</strong> the coconut palm in the islands <strong>of</strong> the southern Pacific. Fiji Dep.<br />

Agr. Bull. 16: 1-31, 4pl.<br />

Agr. ent.: NG, Bismarcks, Sol. Is. ref. Orth., Hem., Lep., Col., Arachn.<br />

1935. Entomological notes. Agr. J. Fiji 8(1): 32.<br />

Agr. ent.: Papuana laevipennis Sol. Is.

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