bibliography of new guinea entomology1 - Hawaii Biological Survey ...

bibliography of new guinea entomology1 - Hawaii Biological Survey ...

bibliography of new guinea entomology1 - Hawaii Biological Survey ...


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1967 Gressitt & Szent-Ivany: Bibliography <strong>of</strong> New Guinea entomology 43<br />

Bird, L. 1905. Rovarrostalas Uj-Guineaban. Insektenfang mit dem Kafersieb in Neu Guinea.<br />

Roy art. Lapok 12: 1-4.<br />

Collecting: seiving.<br />

1909. Lixus truncatulus Fabr., az Uj-<strong>guinea</strong>i ultetvenyek kartevoje.- (Lixus truncatulus Fab., ein<br />

Schadling der Anpflanzungen Neu-Guineas). Rovart. Lapok 16: 1-2, 15-16.<br />

Col., Curculion.: Agr. ent.<br />

Black, Robert Hugh. 1952. A survey <strong>of</strong> malaria in the British Solomon Islands Protectorate.<br />

S. Pacif. Comm. Tech. Pap. 33: 1-27, 4 fig., 7 maps, appendix.<br />

Med. ent.<br />

1954a. A malaria survey <strong>of</strong> the people living on the Min j River in the Western Highlands <strong>of</strong><br />

New Guinea. Med. J. Austral. 2: 782-87, 8 fig.<br />

Med. ent.<br />

1954b. Malaria in the Trobriand Islands (Territory <strong>of</strong> Papua and New Guinea). A survey and<br />

a report on experiments with Totaquine and plans for mosquito control. S. Pacif. Comm.<br />

Tech. Pap. 61: 1-54, 8 map.<br />

Med. ent.<br />

1955a. Malaria control and research in Netherlands New Guinea. S. Pacif. Comm. Tech. Pap.<br />

80: 1-16, 1 map, summary in French.<br />

Med. ent.<br />

1955b. Observations on the behaviour <strong>of</strong> Anopheles far anti Lav., an important malaria vector in<br />

the Territory <strong>of</strong> Papua-New Guinea. Med. J. Austral. 1(26) : 949-55, 5 fig.<br />

Med. ent.: Biol.<br />

1955c. Malaria in the South-West Pacific. S. Pacif Comm. Tech. Pap. 81: 1-56, 1 map.<br />

Med. ent.<br />

1955d. The geographic distribution <strong>of</strong> malaria in the Southwest Pacific. Austral. Geogr. 6(4) :<br />

32-35, 2 fig.,<br />

Med. ent.<br />

Blackburn, Thomas. 1896. Further notes on Australian Coleoptera, with descriptions <strong>of</strong> <strong>new</strong> genera<br />

and species: XIX. Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Austral. 20: 35-109.<br />

Col., Chrysomel.: Candezea bimaculata NG.<br />

Blair, Kenneth George 1914. Heteromerous Coleoptera collected by the British Ornithologists'<br />

Union and the Wollaston Expeditions in Dutch New Guinea. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 130:<br />

(Abstract): 19-20. (See also Exhibitions and Notices, March 17, 1914: 476.)<br />

Col., Heterom.: Sev. n. spp., W NG.

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