bibliography of new guinea entomology1 - Hawaii Biological Survey ...

bibliography of new guinea entomology1 - Hawaii Biological Survey ...

bibliography of new guinea entomology1 - Hawaii Biological Survey ...


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382 Pae. Ins. Mon. 18<br />

Paine, R. W. & F. W. Edwards. 1929. Mosquitos from the Solomon Is. Bull. Ent. Res. 20 (3) :<br />

303-16, 2 pl., 2 fig.<br />

Dipt., Culic.: Uranotaenia quadrimaculata*, Aedes longi forceps*, Pardomyia aurantia nigrescens*,<br />

Culex fraudatrix solomonis* Sol. Is.<br />

Panning, Albert. 1956. Johann Theodor Kleinschmidt. Mitt. Hamb. Zool. Mus. Inst. 54: ll.<br />

Insecta: N. Brit. & Sol. Is. refs.<br />

Papp, Charles S. 1952. Eine neue Calochromus-Ait und -Larve aus Indien (West-Bengal) und ein<br />

Catalog liber die bisher bekannten Arten (Coleoptera: Lycidae). Ark. Zool, ser 2, 3: 159-<br />

71, 1 pl, 4 fig.<br />

Col., Lye.: 7 spp. Sol. Is., NG.<br />

Paramonov, Sergei Jacques. 1951. Notes on Australian Diptera (VI-VIII). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.<br />

ser 12, 4(44) : 745-79.<br />

Dipt., Strebl.: Nycteribosca minuta, amboinensis, franclemonti, gigantea Bismarcks, Sol. Is., Am­<br />

bon.<br />

1953. A review <strong>of</strong> Australian Nemestrinidae (Diptera). Austral. J. Zool. 1 (2): 242-90, 5 fig.<br />

Dipt., Nemestrin.: Atriadops aruana* Aru.<br />

1955a. A review <strong>of</strong> Australian Scenopinidae (Diptera). Austral. J. Zool. 3 (4) : 634-53.<br />

Dipt., Scenopin.: Scenopinus papuana, biroi NE NG.<br />

1955b. Notes on Australian Diptera (XVI-XIX). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, ser 12, 8 (86): 125-44.<br />

Dipt., Tachin.: Ormiominda* punctigera* NE NG, papuana* SE NG.<br />

1956. A review <strong>of</strong> the Australian species <strong>of</strong> Cylindromyia Meigen and Saralba Walker (Tachini­<br />

dae : Diptera). Austral J. Zool. 4 (3) : 358-75.<br />

Dipt., Tachin.: S. ocypteroides NG.<br />

1957. Notes on Australian Diptera (XXIII). Notes on some Australian Ameniini (Tachinidae,<br />

Diptera). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, ser 12, 10 (109) : 52-62.<br />

Dipt., Tachin: Paramenia macularis Aru.<br />

1958. A review <strong>of</strong> Australian Pyrgotidae (Diptera). Austral. J. Zool. 6(1): 89-137, 2 pl, 17 fig.<br />

Dipt., Pyrgot.: NG ref.<br />

1959. Zoogeographical aspects <strong>of</strong> the Australian Dipter<strong>of</strong>auna. In Biogeography and ecology<br />

in Australia. Monogr. Biol. 8: 164-91, 1 fig.<br />

Zoogeogr.<br />

1960. A review <strong>of</strong> the genus Euphumosia Malloch (Diptera, Calliphoridae). Nova Guinea, n. s.<br />

10 (1) : 1-13, 2 fig.<br />

Dipt, Calliphor.: 5 spp., E. obscura* SE NG.

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