bibliography of new guinea entomology1 - Hawaii Biological Survey ...

bibliography of new guinea entomology1 - Hawaii Biological Survey ...

bibliography of new guinea entomology1 - Hawaii Biological Survey ...


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1968 Gressitt & Szent-Ivany: Bibliography <strong>of</strong> New Guinea entomology 381<br />

Pagenstecher, A. 1900a. Ueber die geographische Verbreitung der Tagfalter im Malayischen Ar­<br />

chipel. Jahrb. Nassau. Ver. Naturk. 53: 85-200.<br />

Lep., Rhopaloc.: Zoogeogr.<br />

1900b. Die Lepidopterenfauna des Bismarck-Archipels mit Berucksichtigung der thiergeographi-<br />

schen und biologischen Verhaltnisse systematisch dargestellt. Erster Theil.: Die Tagfalter.<br />

Zoologica, Stutt. 27: 1-160, 2 pl.<br />

Lep., Rhopaloc: Many n. spp. Bismarcks.<br />

1900c. Die Lepidopterenfauna des Bismarck-Archipels mit Berucksichtigung etc. II. Teil: Die<br />

Nachtfalter. Zoologica, Stutt. 29: 1-268, 2 pl.<br />

Lep., Heteroc.: Many n. spp. Bismarcks.<br />

1901a. Lepidoptera. Libytheidae. Tierreich 14: 1-18, 4 fig.<br />

Lep., Libythe.: Libythea narina Moluccas, ge<strong>of</strong>froy sspp. NG, Ke, N. Brit., Sol. Is.<br />

1901b. Lepidoptera Rhopalocera. Fam. Libytheidae. Genera Ins. 5: 1-3, 1 pl.<br />

Lep., Libythe.: Rees.<br />

1902. Lepidoptera. Callidulidae. Tierreich 17: 1-25, 19 fig.<br />

Lep., Callidul.: Sev. spp. Moluccas, Aru, NG, etc.<br />

1903. Uber Ornithoptera goliath Oberth. Jahrb. Nassau. Ver. Naturk. 56: 75-84.<br />

Lep., Papilion.: NG ref.<br />

1909. Die geographische Verbreitung der Schmetterlinge. Med.-Nat. Ges. Jena. IX+451 p, 2 map.<br />

Insecta : NG distr. ref s.<br />

1911. Callidulidae, Libytheidae. Lepid. Cat., Junk 2: 1-14; 3: 1-12.<br />

Lep.; Callidul., Libythe.: Rees.<br />

1912. Alcidis ribbei nov. spec. Fauna Exotica, Frankf. 2(11): 44.<br />

Lep., Urani.: A. ribbei* Bougainville.<br />

Paine, Ronald Wood. 1960. Observations on the banana moth (Nacoleia octasema Meyr.) in Indo­<br />

nesia; and on the introduction from Flores to Java <strong>of</strong> its parasite Chelonus striatigena<br />

Cam. Pemberitaan Balai Besar Penjelidikan Pertanian, Bogor, Indonesia No. 160: 1-33.<br />

Lep., Pyral.: N. octasema NG.<br />

1962. Observations on the banana scab moth in the Territory <strong>of</strong> Papua and New Guinea. Papua<br />

N. Guin. Agr. J. 14 (1) : 45-47.<br />

Lep., Pyral.: Nacoleia octasema widespread; biol.<br />

1964. The banana scab moth Nacoleia octasema (Meyrick) its distribution, ecology and control.<br />

S. Pacif. Comm. Tech. Pap. 145: 1-70, 21 pl.<br />

Lep., Pyral.: NG data.

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