bibliography of new guinea entomology1 - Hawaii Biological Survey ...

bibliography of new guinea entomology1 - Hawaii Biological Survey ...

bibliography of new guinea entomology1 - Hawaii Biological Survey ...


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1968 Gressitt & Szent-Ivany: Bibliography <strong>of</strong> New Guinea entomology 275<br />

Kevan, D. K. McE. & S. S. Akbar. 1964. The Pyrgomorphidae (Orthoptera: Acridoidea) : Their<br />

Systematics, tribal divisions and distribution. Can. Ent. 96(12): 1505-36, 7 fig.<br />

Orth., Pyrgomorph.: NG refs.<br />

Kevan, D. K. McE. & Santosh K. Banerjee. 1961. Taxonomy and distribution <strong>of</strong> Old World Atractomorphini<br />

(Orthoptera: Acridoidea: Pyrgomorphidae). Verh. XI Int. Kongr. Ent. Wien<br />

1960 1: 23-26, 6 fig.<br />

Orth., Pyrgomorph.: NG refs.<br />

Keyserling, Eugen (Graf) von. 1883. Die Arachniden Australiens. Nurnberg 1(2): 1421-89.<br />

Aran., Saltic.: Margaromma gazellae NG.<br />

1887. Die Arachniden Australiens. 2. Nurnberg, Bauer & Raspe. 35-36: 153-232.<br />

Aran., Epeir.: Meta coccinea*, Gastracantha karshii* NG.<br />

1889. Die Arachniden Australiens. 2 (Nachtrag) p. 225-74, pl. 20-24.<br />

Aran., Oonop.,: Gmogala scarahaeus* NG, Epeira bradleyi NG, Aru, exanthematica NG.<br />

1890. Die Arachniden Australiens nach der Natur beschrieben und abgebildet. Nurnberg, Bauer<br />

& Raspe. 37: 233-74.<br />

Aran., Epeir.: Epeira anseripes NG.<br />

Kieffer, Jean Jacques (l'Abb6). 1904a. Descriptions de nouveaux Dryininae et Bethylinae du<br />

Musee Civique de Genes. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova 41: 351-412.<br />

Hym., Bethyl.: Rees.<br />

1904b. Description de Stephanides et d'Evaniides nouveaux. Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat., Metz 23: 1-<br />

30.<br />

Hym., Evani.: Rees.<br />

1905a. Description de quelques Hymenopteres exotiques. Bull. Soc.Hist. Nat., Metz 24: 85-114.<br />

Hym., Diapriidae : Hemilexis flavitarsis* NG.<br />

1905b. Diptera. Fam. Chironomidae Genera Ins. 42: 1-78, 4 pl.<br />

Dipt., Chironom.: Chironomus instabilis NG.<br />

1905c. Nouveaux Proctotrypides exotiques conserves au Musee Civique de Genes. Ann. Mus.<br />

Civ. Genova 42: 9-39, 1 fig.<br />

Hym., Proctotryp.: 5 n. spp., Platyscelio*, Psilopria* Dilo, NG.<br />

1908. Description de quelques nouveaux Serphides. Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Metz 25: 1-7.<br />

Hym., Serph.: Allobethylus multicolor* NG.<br />

1911. fitude sur les fivaniides exotiques (Hym.) du British Museum de Londres. Ann. Soc.<br />

Ent. Fr. 80: 151-231, 7 fig.<br />

Hym., Evani.: Gasteruption microthorax* NG.

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