bibliography of new guinea entomology1 - Hawaii Biological Survey ...

bibliography of new guinea entomology1 - Hawaii Biological Survey ...

bibliography of new guinea entomology1 - Hawaii Biological Survey ...


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1968 Gressitt & Szent-Ivany: Bibliography <strong>of</strong> New Guinea entomology 183<br />

Gestro, R. 1906. Materiail per lo studio delle Hispidae. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova 42: 468-500.<br />

Col., Hisp.: Micrispa vulnerata, Prionispa longicornis* Batchian, NG.<br />

1907. Materiail per lo studio delle Hispidae. XXXI. Sopra alcune Hispidae del Museo Nazionale<br />

di Budapest. Ann. Hist. Nat. Mus. Nat. Hung. 5: 67-83.<br />

Col., Hisp.: List, Micrispa majuscula*, Monochirus csikii* Sol. Is., NG.<br />

1910a. Rhysodidae. Coleopt. Cat., Junk 1: 1-11.<br />

Col., Rhysod.: Rees.<br />

1910b. Cupedidae, Paussidae. Coleopt. Cat., Junk 5: 1-31.<br />

Col., Pauss.: Rees.<br />

1913. Materiali per lo studio delle Hispidae. XLV-XLVIII. Alcune osservazioni intorno ai<br />

Cryptonychini. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova 46: 7-18, 41-45.<br />

Col., Chrysomel.: Xiphispa kolbei*, Hispodonta loriae* NG.<br />

Gestro, R. & L. M. D'Albertis. 1876. Descrizione di una nuova specie di Eupholus. Ann. Mus. Civ.<br />

Genova 28: 387-89, 1 fig.<br />

Col., Curculion.: E. bennetti* SE NG.<br />

Ghauri, Mohammed Sultan Khan. 1961. A <strong>new</strong> genus <strong>of</strong> Pentatomidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera)<br />

from New Guinea. Proc. R. Ent. Soc. Lond. B 30 (7-8): 90-94, 18 fig.<br />

Hem.-Het, Pentatom.: Parafolengus* pipturuscus* Manus.<br />

1963. Distinctive features and geographical distribution <strong>of</strong> two closely similar pests <strong>of</strong> cotton<br />

(Empoasca devastans Dist. and E. terraereginae Paoli) (Homoptera, Cicadellidae). Bull.<br />

Ent. Res. 53 (4) : 653-56, 2 fig.<br />

Hem.-Hom., Cicadell.: N. Brit. ref.<br />

1965. Two <strong>new</strong> species <strong>of</strong> Cicadelloidea (Homoptera) attacking c<strong>of</strong>fee in New Guinea. Ann.<br />

Mag. Nat. Hist, ser 13, 7: 635-39, 2 fig.<br />

Hem.-Hom., Cicadell.: Batrachomorphus szentivanyi*, blotei* NG.<br />

1966. Revision <strong>of</strong> the genus Orosius Distant (Homoptera: Cicadelloidea). Bull. Brit. Mus. (N.<br />

#.) Ent. 18 (7) : 229-52, ll fig.<br />

Hem.-Hom.: Cicadell.: Orosius argentatus novaebritanniae* N. Brit.<br />

Ghosh, C. C. 1924. The palm beetles in Burma with notes on other palm pests. Dept. Agr. Burma<br />

Bull. 19: 1-38, 9 pl.<br />

Col., Dynast.: Oryctes preussi, Camelonotus quadrituber, Oryctoderus latitarsis, Xylotrupes gideon<br />

NG.<br />

Giblin, W. E. 1935. Gambusia affinis as a factor in mosquito elimination in Papua. Annexure "A"<br />

in Territory <strong>of</strong> Papua. Annual report for the year 1934-1935. Canberra. Government<br />

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Med. ent.

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