bibliography of new guinea entomology1 - Hawaii Biological Survey ...

bibliography of new guinea entomology1 - Hawaii Biological Survey ...

bibliography of new guinea entomology1 - Hawaii Biological Survey ...


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1968 Gressitt & Szent-Ivany: Bibliography <strong>of</strong> New Guinea entomology 143<br />

Elsbach, E. M. 1937b. A. barbirostris bancr<strong>of</strong>ti als overbrenger van Filaria bancr<strong>of</strong>ti. (Anopheles barbi­<br />

rostris bancr<strong>of</strong>ti as a vector <strong>of</strong> Filaria bancr<strong>of</strong>ti}. Geneesk. Tijds. Ned.-Ind. 77(25): 1536-43.<br />

Med. ent.<br />

1938. De broedplaatsen van A. barbirostris bancr<strong>of</strong>ti aan den Boven-Digoel. (The breeding<br />

places <strong>of</strong> A. barbirostris bancr<strong>of</strong>ti on the upper Digoel.) Geneesk. Tijds. Ned. Ind. 78 (10) :<br />

506-19, 2 pl., 2 map.<br />

Dipt., Culic, Anophel.: Ecol.<br />

Eltringham, Harry & K.Jordan. 1913. Nymphalidae; Subfam. Acraeinae. Lepidopt. Cat., Junk ll:<br />

1-65.<br />

Lep., Nymphal.: Rees.<br />

Elwes, Henry John & James Edwards. 1893. A revision <strong>of</strong> the genus Ypthima, with especial reference<br />

to the characters afforded by the male genitalia. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1893(1) : 1-54, 3 pl.<br />

Lep., Lycaen.: Ypthima arctous Aru, NG.<br />

Emden, Fritz Isidor van. 1926. Sandalidae von Neu-Guinea (Zur Kenntnis der Sandalidae VI);<br />

Resultats de I'expSdition scientifique Neerlandaise a Ia Nouvelle-Guinee. Nova Guinea<br />

15: 205-9.<br />

Dipt., Sandal.: 8 n. spp. NG.<br />

1927. Ein neuer Euplatyrhopalus (Col. Pauss.). Ent. Bl. 23: 126-28, 1 fig.<br />

Col., Pauss.: Euplatyrhopalus wasmanni* NG.<br />

1929. Die geographische Verbreitung der Sandalidae. 3. Wanderv er Sammlung Deut. Ent. Giessen.<br />

1929: 115-21, 3 fig.<br />

Col., Sandal.: NG ref s.<br />

1931. Zur Kenntnis der Sandalidae XI-XVI. Ent. Bl. 27(2): 49-59, 107-16, 145-52, 5 fig., 1 pl.<br />

Col., Sandal.: Keys.<br />

1937. Einige Carabidae von den Salomon- und Sta.-Cruz-Inseln, den Neuen Hebriden sowie<br />

Neu-Guinea. Stettin. Ent. Ztg 98(1): 34-45.<br />

Col., Carab.: 5 n. spp., I n, ssp. N. Hanover, Sol. ls., NG.<br />

1942. Keys to the Muscidae <strong>of</strong> the Ethiopian Region: Dichaetomyia group. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.<br />

ser ll, 9: 673-701.<br />

Dipt., Muse.: Papuaia NG, p. 677.<br />

Emerson, Alfred Edward. 1955. Geographical origins and dispersions <strong>of</strong> termite genera. Fieldiana,<br />

Zool. 37: 465-521.<br />

Isopt.; Kalotermit, Hodotermit, Rhinotermit, Termit.: Many spp. Papua, NG distr.

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