bibliography of new guinea entomology1 - Hawaii Biological Survey ...

bibliography of new guinea entomology1 - Hawaii Biological Survey ...

bibliography of new guinea entomology1 - Hawaii Biological Survey ...


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1968 Gressitt & Szent-Ivany: Bibliography <strong>of</strong> New Guinea entomology 113<br />

Desneux, Jules. 1905. Isoptera <strong>of</strong> New Guinea collected by L. Biro. Ann. Hist. Nat. Mus. Nat.<br />

Hung. 3: 367-77, 5 fig.<br />

Isopt., Termit.: 8 n. spp., 1 n. ssp. Friedrich-Wilhelmshaf en, Simbang, NE NG.<br />

Detzner, Hermann. 1921. Medizinische und hygienische Streiflichter aus dem Innern von Neu-<br />

Guinea. Arch. Schijfs-u. Tropenhyg. 25: 67-79.<br />

Med. ent.<br />

Dewitz, Hermann. 1883. Beschreibungen von Jugendstadien exotischer Lepidopteren. Verh. Leop.<br />

Carol. Ak. Naturf. 44(2): 247-71, 2 pl.<br />

Lep., misc.: Immature stages <strong>of</strong> sev. spp.<br />

DeyroUe, Henri. 1865. Descriptions des Buprestides de Ia Malaisie, recueillis par M. Wallace. Ann.<br />

Soc. Ent. Belg. 8: 1-269, 4 pl.<br />

Col., Buprest.: Many spp. NG.<br />

1874. Descriptions <strong>of</strong> <strong>new</strong> species <strong>of</strong> Lucanidae. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1874(4): 411-15.<br />

Col., Lucan.: Figulus ater* Mysol.<br />

Diakon<strong>of</strong>f, Alexei. 1939. The genera <strong>of</strong> Indo Malayan and Papuan Tortricidae (2nd communi­<br />

cation on Indo-Malayan and Papuan Microlepidoptera). Zool. Meded. 21: 111-240, 19 fig.<br />

Lep., Tortric.: 10 spp., Piliscophora* grisea*, Leptochroptila* daratua*, Metaselena* alboatra*<br />

Sol. Is., Papua, NG.<br />

1941. New Asiatic and Papuan Tortricidae with records <strong>of</strong> other species (3rd communication<br />

on Indo-Malayan and Papuan Microlepidoptera). Treubia 18(1): 29-44, 4 pl.<br />

Lep., Tortric: 9 n. spp. + recs N. Brit., NG.<br />

1944. Microlepidoptera <strong>of</strong> the Wissel Lakes, West New Guinea. I. (8th paper on Indo-Malayan<br />

and Papuan Microlepidoptera). Treubia, hors ser 1(1): 34-56, 4 pl., 1 fig.<br />

Lep., Tortric.: Sev. n. spp. <strong>of</strong> Zacorisca, Isotenes, Syndemis, Schoenotenes, Diadelomorpha* NG.<br />

1948a. Microlepidoptera <strong>of</strong> the Wissel Lakes, West New Guinea II. Treubia 19(2): 183-95, 4<br />

fig., 3 pl.<br />

Lep.; Gliphipteryg., SchreckensteinL, Cryptophas., Carposin., Eucosm., Tortric.: Eudaemoneura*,<br />

Stachyneura*, Neolechia*, Allodapella* 10 n. spp. NW NG.<br />

1948b. Records and descriptions <strong>of</strong> Microlepidoptera (2). Treubia 19(3): 483-524, 46 fig.<br />

Lep., Tortric.: Isotenes miserana, Epichorista uniformis NG.<br />

1948c. Microlepidoptera from Indo-China and Japan, material from Japan (1st note). Bull. Mus.<br />

Nat. Hist. Nat. Paris, ser 2, 20 (3): 267-72, 2 fig.<br />

Lep., Tortric.: Syndemis serpentinana NG.

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