The House Of Fame - Arts

The House Of Fame - Arts

The House Of Fame - Arts


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After the clappe of a thundringe, 1040 And I of him tok leve anon,<br />

Whan Joves hath the air ybete.<br />

And gan forth to the paleys gon. 1090<br />

But yt doth me for fere swete!"<br />

"Nay, dred the not therof," quod he;<br />

"Hyt is nothing will byten the;<br />

Explicit liber secundus.<br />

Thou shalt non harm have trewely."<br />

And with this word both he and y<br />

As nygh the place arryved were<br />

As men may casten with a spere.<br />

Y nyste how, but in a strete<br />

1045<br />

He sette me fair on my fete,<br />

And seyde, "Walke forth a pas,<br />

And tak thyn aventure or cas,<br />

That thou shalt fynde in <strong>Fame</strong>s place."<br />

"Now," quod I, "while we han space<br />

1050<br />

To speke, or that I goo fro the,<br />

For the love of God, telle me --<br />

In sooth, that wil I of the lere --<br />

Yf thys noyse that I here<br />

Be, as I have herd the tellen,<br />

1055<br />

<strong>Of</strong> folk that doun in erthe duellen,<br />

And cometh here in the same wyse<br />

As I the herde or this devyse;<br />

And that there lives body nys<br />

In al that hous that yonder ys,<br />

1060<br />

That maketh al this loude fare."<br />

"Noo," quod he, "by Seynte Clare,<br />

And also wis God rede me!<br />

But o thing y will warne the<br />

<strong>Of</strong> the whiche thou wolt have wonder.<br />

1065<br />

Loo, to the Hous of <strong>Fame</strong> yonder,<br />

Thou wost now how, cometh every speche;<br />

Hyt nedeth noght eft the to teche.<br />

But understond now ryght wel this,<br />

Whan any speche ycomen ys<br />

1070<br />

Up to the paleys, anon-ryght<br />

Hyt wexeth lyk the same wight<br />

Which that the word in erthe spak,<br />

Be hyt clothed red or blak;<br />

And hath so verray hys lyknesse<br />

1075<br />

That spak the word, that thou wilt gesse<br />

That it the same body be,<br />

Man or woman, he or she.<br />

And ys not this a wonder thyng?"<br />

"Yis," quod I tho, "by heven kyng!"<br />

1080<br />

And with this word, "Farewel," quod he,<br />

"And here I wol abyden the;<br />

And God of heven sende the grace<br />

Some good to lernen in this place."<br />

1085<br />

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