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Untitled - The Alfred Russel Wallace Website

Untitled - The Alfred Russel Wallace Website


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AHACATE, AGUACATE. An oily fruit ; cats fond of it ; good for epilepsy.<br />

ABILLA, JABILLA. A twiner with large seeds producing a bitter oil for<br />

lamps on the Huallaga river.<br />

ACARICUARA. Swartzia callistemon. Curious perforated trunks ; a dye<br />

from the bark.<br />

AGUACATE. A tree (undetermined) of the fruit of which cats and many wild<br />

animals are very fond. It is very nutritious, and the seeds produce an<br />

oil very similar to that of olives.<br />

AJAR I. Tephrosia toxicaria (Legummosre).<br />

ALCORNOQUES (cork trees).<br />

Curatella Americana.<br />

ALHEA. A village.<br />

ALGARROBO (Venez.)=JuTAHi (Braz. ). Hymenrea sp. (Leg.). Fruit a<br />

remedy in asthma ; seeds give a fine varnish ; and incense.<br />

ANAPE. <strong>The</strong> Jacana, a long-toed water-fowl (Parra Jacana).<br />

\\ \PK-YAPONA. Victoria regia (Nymphreacete). Jacana's oven.<br />

ANDIROBA OIL. From Carapa Gitianeiisis (Meliacese).<br />

ANC.KLIM. Andira sp. An excellent timber-tree.<br />

ANIL. Indigofera anil. Produces blue colour used in painted cuya>.<br />

Ai'iRAX(.;A. A fruit. Mcitriria Apiranha (Melastomacece).<br />

AK APART (tree). Fine wood for cabinet work, but small (A \nnclta gt< iaiu nsis),<br />

ARK' 'A. An acid<br />

t berry. Psidinni m'ati/'clium (Myrtacerc).<br />

ARTIM.I rui'. A branch of the Trombetas river.<br />

ARVORE I>E CHAPETE. Gnstavia Brasilu-ns/s.<br />

AsSAl. A drink from fruit of Euterpe oleracea (Palmaceae).<br />

BACAISA.<br />

<<br />

Knocarpus sp. (Palmacese). Fruits yield a nutritious drink or food.<br />

I'.ACUARI-ASSU. Plaliniii insi^nis (( 'lusiacc;i:). ICdible fruit.<br />

BAUNA. Root of a climber (Menispermacese), called also " maniocca acu "<br />

(great mandiocca), larger and more poisonous<br />

than mandiucca, but<br />

makes equally good farinha and cakes, and is much used on the I'urus<br />

and Upper Amazon (see vol. i. p. 215).<br />

,<br />

I'.l ' ACK l'I I II. Clusiar, .<br />

BOGA-IK;A (I'eru), CAIWA (Maynas). Cucurbitaceix\ A gourd with seeds<br />

of an extraordinary rectangular shape.<br />

BOMBONAJE. Carludovica<br />

Panama hats.<br />

sp. (Pandanacese). Leaves used for making<br />

P>ur.o IIRANCO. White pitch. Icica sp.<br />

I>RI'SCA (\CIKV.). Cassia ivcidiitlalis. ]5itter root; good in fevers.<br />

1 This list comprises all the names I have met with in Spruce's Journals ami MSS. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

may b useful to other explorers or collectors. Eu.<br />


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