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Chapter Two Project Justification<br />

Civil Works<br />

There is no new road construction or rehabilitation of existing Oben Location road. The new process<br />

modules to be installed in the gas plant will make use of the existing concrete bays. Hence, no civil<br />

work is envisaged for this plant upgrade.<br />

Logistics<br />

Transportation of Equipment to site and Mechanical Handling:<br />

• The process modules and containerized goods will be transported using trucks and off-loaded on<br />

site with heavy duty cranes<br />

• Cranes will support the site installation works throughout the duration of the construction activities.<br />

• SPDC shall establish lay-down area (size to be provided) near the gas plant, but within SPDC<br />

acquired area to carry out hot work (welding activities). ---Provide site map<br />

Accommodation Of Site Personnel<br />

• At peak period, about 50 personnel will be on site, but temporary site accommodation is planned for<br />

about 25 SPDC and Contractor workers. The other 25 personnel will be drawn from the nearby<br />

communities.<br />

• The temporary camp site (size; 1Ha -----) will be located near the gas plant, and within SPDC<br />

acquired area.<br />

2.8 Drilling of one (1) New Well<br />

2.8.1 Subsurface (Drilling) Activities<br />

The drilling activities involve preparation of well locations, campsite, access road for the new well from<br />

the existing Well 28, drilling and production testing of wells and site reinstatement.<br /> Well Location/Access Road Preparations<br />

The well location activities will also include construction of campsite, which will be situated in the vicinity<br />

of the well location, along the existing road, which may require some repair work. Activities to be<br />

undertaken prior to actual construction work include soil investigation. These will be followed by<br />

location clearance, earthwork, construction of slabs (for cellar, generator, chemicals etc), stabilisation of<br />

location/campsite and access road. Surfacing with asphalt and blockwall fencing of location/campsite<br />

will then follow. A plot size of about 60 m x 110 m will be required for the drilling location or campsite.<br />

The completion of location preparation is expected in about 3 calendar months from the time the<br />

contractor is mobilised to site.<br /> Drilling of NAG Well<br />

To minimise landtake and other impact on the environment, the proposed NAG well will be drilled<br />

closed to Well 28.<br /> Waste and/or By-Products Generated<br />

This section describes the waste and by-products that could be generated during drilling activities.<br />

Drilling Waste<br />

The drilling waste management principles in this project will focus on waste minimisation and recycling.<br />

Drilling wastes expected to be generated during the drilling operations are:<br />

• Drill cuttings / excess or spent drilling mud and completion fluids<br />

• Rig wash (Detergent) water.<br />

• Cementing waste.<br />

• Discarded consumables.<br />

• Domestic waste (solid and sewage).<br />

• Drilling effluents.<br />


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