Fruit Preserves

Fruit Preserves

Fruit Preserves


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cucumber, zucchini, and so on ) , and hence they do not appear in this<br />

list. There also exist many fruits which are edible and palatable but<br />

for various reasons have not become popular.<br />

2 - List of culinary fruits by climate :<br />

2 – 1 - Temperate fruits :<br />

<strong>Fruit</strong>s of temperate climates are almost always borne on trees or<br />

woody shrubs or lianas. They will not grow adequately in the tropics,<br />

as they need a period of cold (a chilling requirement) each year before<br />

they will flower. The apple, pear, cherry, and plum are the most<br />

widely grown and eaten, owing to their adaptability. Many other fruits<br />

are important regionally but do not figure prominently in commerce.<br />

Many sorts of small fruit on this list are gathered from the wild, just<br />

as they were in Neolithic times.<br />

Lemon Grapes Rasp berries Apple<br />

The pome fruits :<br />

Copyright © Tarek Kakhia. All rights reserved. http://tarek.kakhia.org<br />

Apple and crabapple (Malus)<br />

Chokeberry (Aronia)<br />

Hawthorn (Crataegus and Rhaphiolepis)<br />

Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica)<br />

Medlar (Mespilus germanica)<br />

Pear, European and Asian species (Pyrus)<br />

Quince (Cydonia oblonga and Chaenomeles)<br />

Rose hip, the fruitlike base of roses (Rosa); used mostly<br />

for jams and herbal teas<br />

Rowan (Sorbus)<br />


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