[en] Landscape Ecological Survey of the Bipindi-Akom II ... - ITTO

[en] Landscape Ecological Survey of the Bipindi-Akom II ... - ITTO

[en] Landscape Ecological Survey of the Bipindi-Akom II ... - ITTO


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Vegetation type<br />

Vegetation type<br />

Number <strong>of</strong> rei eves<br />

Number <strong>of</strong> rei eves<br />

la<br />

11<br />

11<br />

13<br />

lib <strong>II</strong>c <strong>II</strong>I IV<br />

23 21 12 16<br />

V Growth form<br />

18<br />

Differ<strong>en</strong>tial species <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Diospyros - PolyaIthia community (lIc), <strong>the</strong> Xylopia - Musanga<br />

community (IV), and <strong>the</strong> Macaranga - Chromola<strong>en</strong>a community (V)<br />

Hylod<strong>en</strong>dron gr 1 <strong>II</strong> <strong>II</strong>I <strong>II</strong> IV + IV I<br />

Ouratea flava + If + <strong>II</strong>I + ST<br />

Eribroma gr 1 + nr + n HI<br />

Terminalia superba <strong>II</strong> + n I LT<br />

Myrianthus arboreus r <strong>II</strong> n I MT<br />

Differ<strong>en</strong>tial species <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Xylopia - Musanga community (IV) and <strong>the</strong> Macaranga -<br />

Chromola<strong>en</strong>a community (V)<br />

la<br />

11<br />

Musanga cecropioides + + r n IV IV MT<br />

Funtumia elastica I r r nr HI MT<br />

Rauvolfia macrophylla r + n n MT<br />

Vernonia conferta n I ST<br />

Macaranga gr2 I n ST<br />

Anthoc1eista schweinfurthii I I MT<br />

Hamikoa grl r + InS<br />

Mareya brevipes r I +<br />

Melastomataceae gr2 r r I n<br />

Anthoc1eista vogelii I n MT<br />

Differ<strong>en</strong>tial species <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Macaranga - Chromola<strong>en</strong>a community (V)<br />

11<br />

13<br />

Macaranga grl n IV ST<br />

Chromola<strong>en</strong>a odorata + IV H<br />

Fern grl I <strong>II</strong> n + n IV H<br />

Costus violaceus 11 nr H<br />

Trifolium spl (cultivated) nr H<br />

Milicia excelsa r <strong>II</strong>I LT<br />

Manihot escul<strong>en</strong>ta (cult.) + HI S<br />

Anchomanes spl (cult.) + nr H<br />

Ceiba p<strong>en</strong>tandra + r + HI LT<br />

Rauvolfia vomitoria I HI ST<br />

Albizia zygia I + I I n nr LT<br />

Dioscorea bulbifera 11 NL<br />

Trema ori<strong>en</strong>talis<br />

ST<br />

Sc1eria barteri<br />

Dioscorea burkeliana<br />

Colocasia escul<strong>en</strong>ta (cult.)<br />

n<br />

Musa gr I (cultivated)<br />

Jateorhiza macrantha<br />

NL<br />

Trifolium sp I (cult.)<br />

n<br />

Brucea spl<br />

r + n<br />

Millettia macrophylla r r +<br />

n<br />

Tetrorchidium didymost. r<br />

n<br />

Harungana madagasc. r<br />

I MT<br />

Theobroma cacao (cult.)<br />

I ST<br />

153<br />

lib <strong>II</strong>c <strong>II</strong>I IV<br />

23 21 12 16<br />

+<br />

+<br />

11<br />

11<br />

11<br />

11<br />

11<br />

V Growth form<br />

18<br />

Differ<strong>en</strong>tial species <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Diospyros - PolyaIthia community (lIc), <strong>the</strong> Xylopia - Musanga<br />

community (IV), and <strong>the</strong> Macaranga - Chromola<strong>en</strong>a community (V)<br />

Hylod<strong>en</strong>dron gr 1 <strong>II</strong> <strong>II</strong>I <strong>II</strong> IV + IV I<br />

Ouratea flava + If + nr + ST<br />

Eribroma gr 1 + HI + n HI<br />

Terminalia superba If + n I LT<br />

Myrianthus arboreus r If n I MT<br />

Differ<strong>en</strong>tial species <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Xylopia - Musanga community (IV) and <strong>the</strong> Macaranga -<br />

Chromola<strong>en</strong>a community (V)<br />

Musanga cecropioides + + r n IV IV MT<br />

Funtumia elastica I r r nr HI MT<br />

Rauvolfia macrophylla r + n n MT<br />

Vernonia conferta n I ST<br />

Macaranga gr2 I n ST<br />

Anthoc1eista schweinfurthii I I MT<br />

Hamikoa grl r + I <strong>II</strong> S<br />

Mareya brevipes r I +<br />

Melastomataceae gr2 r r I <strong>II</strong><br />

Anthoc1eista vogelii I n MT<br />

Differ<strong>en</strong>tial species <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Macaranga - Chromola<strong>en</strong>a community (V)<br />

Macaranga grl n IV ST<br />

Chromola<strong>en</strong>a odorata + IV H<br />

Fern grl I 11 n + n IV H<br />

Costus violaceus 11 HI H<br />

Trifolium spl (cultivated) HI H<br />

Milicia excelsa r HI LT<br />

Manihot escul<strong>en</strong>ta (cult.) + <strong>II</strong>I S<br />

Anchomanes spl (cult.) + <strong>II</strong>I H<br />

Ceiba p<strong>en</strong>tandra + r + <strong>II</strong>I LT<br />

Rauvolfia vomitoria I <strong>II</strong>I ST<br />

Albizia zygia I + I I n <strong>II</strong>I LT<br />

Dioscorea bulbifera n NL<br />

Trema ori<strong>en</strong>talis<br />

ST<br />

Sc1eria barteri<br />

Dioscorea burkeliana<br />

Colocasia escul<strong>en</strong>ta (cult.)<br />

Musa gr I (cultivated)<br />

Jateorhiza macrantha<br />

Trifolium sp I (cult.)<br />

Brucea spl<br />

r +<br />

Millettia macrophylla r r +<br />

Tetrorchidium didymost. r<br />

Harungana madagasc. r<br />

I MT<br />

Theobroma cacao (cult.)<br />

I ST<br />

153<br />

+<br />

+<br />

n<br />

<strong>II</strong><br />

n<br />

n<br />

11<br />

<strong>II</strong><br />

n<br />

<strong>II</strong><br />

n<br />

GH<br />

GH<br />

WC<br />

WC<br />

H<br />

H<br />

HIS<br />

HIS<br />

NL<br />

MT<br />


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