[en] Landscape Ecological Survey of the Bipindi-Akom II ... - ITTO

[en] Landscape Ecological Survey of the Bipindi-Akom II ... - ITTO

[en] Landscape Ecological Survey of the Bipindi-Akom II ... - ITTO


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Vegetation type la<br />

N umber <strong>of</strong> rei eves 23 21 12 16 18<br />

Vegetation type<br />

Number <strong>of</strong> releves<br />

11<br />

11<br />

13<br />

lIb <strong>II</strong>c <strong>II</strong>I IV V Growth form<br />

Differ<strong>en</strong>tial species <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Strombosia-Polylthia community (lIb)<br />

Grewia coriacea + <strong>II</strong> r + I MT<br />

Saccoglottis gabon<strong>en</strong>sis I r + + LT<br />

Differ<strong>en</strong>tial species <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Strombosia-Polyalthia community (lIb) and <strong>the</strong> Diospyros-<br />

PolyaIthia community (lIc)<br />

Calpocalyx dinklagei I HI HI I I<br />

MT<br />

Rinorea kamerun<strong>en</strong>sis <strong>II</strong> I HI IV + I<br />

ST<br />

Olax staudtii + <strong>II</strong> I + + ST<br />

Chrytranthus talbotii <strong>II</strong> n I + MT<br />

Klainedoxa gabon<strong>en</strong>sis I <strong>II</strong><br />

LT<br />

Lasian<strong>the</strong>ra africana + <strong>II</strong> <strong>II</strong>I I I<br />

S<br />

Differ<strong>en</strong>tial species <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Diospyros-Polyalthia community (lIc)<br />

Diospyros suaveol<strong>en</strong>s + <strong>II</strong> I IV HI I<br />

Draca<strong>en</strong>a grl + + <strong>II</strong> I<br />

Picralina nitida + I <strong>II</strong><br />

Lasian<strong>the</strong>ra sp2 + r I<br />

Marantaceae sp 1 I<br />

Pycnocoma macrophylla I +<br />

Differ<strong>en</strong>tial species <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Maran<strong>the</strong>s-Anisophyllea community (I), <strong>the</strong> Polyalthia community<br />

group (11), and <strong>the</strong> Carapa-Mitragyna community (Ill)<br />

Cola ficifolia I + <strong>II</strong> I I MT<br />

Strombosia pustulata I <strong>II</strong> IV <strong>II</strong>I <strong>II</strong> MT<br />

Mammea africana <strong>II</strong> + <strong>II</strong> r I LT<br />

Halopegia grl HI IV IV HI IV H<br />

Beilschmiedia gr2 I <strong>II</strong> <strong>II</strong> <strong>II</strong> <strong>II</strong> +<br />

Aphanocalyx grl I <strong>II</strong> I <strong>II</strong> I +<br />

Santiria trimera <strong>II</strong>I <strong>II</strong>I HI <strong>II</strong> <strong>II</strong> + MT<br />

Differ<strong>en</strong>tial species <strong>of</strong> all forest communities (I, 11, <strong>II</strong>I and IV)<br />

Calamus deeratus HI IV IV HI <strong>II</strong>I HI PL<br />

Palisota mannii HI IV IV <strong>II</strong> IV <strong>II</strong> H<br />

Strombosia grl <strong>II</strong>I IV <strong>II</strong> <strong>II</strong>I <strong>II</strong>I <strong>II</strong><br />

Scaphopetalum thonneri <strong>II</strong> IV <strong>II</strong>I <strong>II</strong> <strong>II</strong> I S<br />

Staudtia kamerun<strong>en</strong>sis <strong>II</strong> <strong>II</strong>I IV V I IV + LT<br />

Coula edulis <strong>II</strong> n <strong>II</strong>I <strong>II</strong> + I MT<br />

Rubiaceae spl <strong>II</strong>I <strong>II</strong>I <strong>II</strong> <strong>II</strong> I<br />

Beilschmiedia grl I I I <strong>II</strong> <strong>II</strong> I<br />

Rubiaceae gr2 <strong>II</strong>I IV <strong>II</strong> <strong>II</strong> I <strong>II</strong> +<br />

TetraberIinia bifoliata <strong>II</strong>I + <strong>II</strong> <strong>II</strong> <strong>II</strong> LT<br />

Draca<strong>en</strong>a phrynioides <strong>II</strong> I + <strong>II</strong> +<br />

Glossocalyx brevipes <strong>II</strong> + <strong>II</strong>I <strong>II</strong> + ST<br />

Dacryodes gr 1 <strong>II</strong> <strong>II</strong> <strong>II</strong> + I<br />

V oacanga gr 1 <strong>II</strong> <strong>II</strong>I <strong>II</strong> + + I<br />

la<br />

11<br />

Diospyros gr2 <strong>II</strong> HI <strong>II</strong> + <strong>II</strong><br />

Blighia welwitschii + <strong>II</strong> I I + <strong>II</strong> LT<br />

11<br />

13<br />

151<br />

lIb <strong>II</strong>c <strong>II</strong>I IV V Growth form<br />

23 21 12 16 18<br />

Differ<strong>en</strong>tial species <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Strombosia-Polylthia community (lIb)<br />

Grewia coriacea + <strong>II</strong> r + I MT<br />

Saccoglottis gabon<strong>en</strong>sis I r + + LT<br />

Differ<strong>en</strong>tial species <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Strombosia-Polyalthia community (lIb) and <strong>the</strong> Diospyros-<br />

PolyaIthia community (lIc)<br />

Calpocalyx dinklagei I HI HI I I<br />

MT<br />

Rinorea kamerun<strong>en</strong>sis n I HI IV + I<br />

ST<br />

Olax staudtii + <strong>II</strong> I + + ST<br />

Chrytranthus talbotii <strong>II</strong> <strong>II</strong> I + MT<br />

Klainedoxa gabon<strong>en</strong>sis I n<br />

I LT<br />

Lasian<strong>the</strong>ra africana + <strong>II</strong> <strong>II</strong>I I I<br />

S<br />

Differ<strong>en</strong>tial species <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Diospyros-Polyalthia community (lIc)<br />

Diospyros suaveol<strong>en</strong>s + <strong>II</strong> I IV <strong>II</strong>I I<br />

Draca<strong>en</strong>a gr 1 + + n I<br />

Picralina nitida + I <strong>II</strong><br />

Lasian<strong>the</strong>ra sp2 + r I<br />

Marantaceae sp 1 I<br />

Pycnocoma macrophylla I +<br />

Differ<strong>en</strong>tial species <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Maran<strong>the</strong>s-Anisophyllea community (I), <strong>the</strong> PolyaIthia community<br />

group (11), and <strong>the</strong> Carapa-Mitragyna community (Ill)<br />

Cola ficifolia I + n I I MT<br />

Strombosia pustulata I n IV <strong>II</strong>I <strong>II</strong> MT<br />

Mammea africana n + n r I LT<br />

Halopegia gr I <strong>II</strong>I IV IV <strong>II</strong>I IV H<br />

Beilschmiedia gr2 I <strong>II</strong> n n <strong>II</strong> +<br />

Aphanocalyx grl I <strong>II</strong> I n I +<br />

Santiria trimera <strong>II</strong>I <strong>II</strong>I <strong>II</strong>I <strong>II</strong> <strong>II</strong> + MT<br />

Differ<strong>en</strong>tial species <strong>of</strong> all forest communities (I, 11, <strong>II</strong>I and IV)<br />

Calamus deeratus HI IV IV HI <strong>II</strong>I HI PL<br />

Palisota mannii <strong>II</strong>I IV IV <strong>II</strong> IV <strong>II</strong> H<br />

Strombosia grl <strong>II</strong>I IV n <strong>II</strong>I <strong>II</strong>I <strong>II</strong><br />

Scaphopetalum thonneri n IV <strong>II</strong>I <strong>II</strong> <strong>II</strong> I S<br />

Staudtia kamerun<strong>en</strong>sis n <strong>II</strong>I IV V I IV + LT<br />

Coula edulis If If <strong>II</strong>I n + I MT<br />

Rubiaceae sp I <strong>II</strong>I HI If n I<br />

Beilschmiedia grl I I I n <strong>II</strong> I<br />

Rubiaceae gr2 <strong>II</strong>I IV n n I <strong>II</strong> +<br />

TetraberIinia bifoliata <strong>II</strong>I + <strong>II</strong> n <strong>II</strong> LT<br />

Draca<strong>en</strong>a phrynioides If I + <strong>II</strong> +<br />

Glossocalyx brevipes <strong>II</strong> + <strong>II</strong>I <strong>II</strong> + ST<br />

Dacryodes gr 1 <strong>II</strong> <strong>II</strong> <strong>II</strong> + I<br />

Voacanga gr 1 <strong>II</strong> <strong>II</strong>I <strong>II</strong> + +<br />

Diospyros gr2 <strong>II</strong> HI <strong>II</strong> + <strong>II</strong><br />

Blighia welwitschii + <strong>II</strong> I I + n LT<br />

151<br />

+<br />

+<br />

+<br />

+<br />

I<br />

+<br />

+<br />

+<br />

+<br />

MT<br />

MT<br />

MT<br />

MT<br />

H<br />

H<br />

S<br />


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