Cecropiaceae: Coussapoa and Pourouma, with an ... - CNCFlora

Cecropiaceae: Coussapoa and Pourouma, with an ... - CNCFlora

Cecropiaceae: Coussapoa and Pourouma, with an ... - CNCFlora


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Org<strong>an</strong>ization for Flora Neotropica<br />

<strong>Cecropiaceae</strong>: <strong>Coussapoa</strong> <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>Pourouma</strong>, <strong>with</strong> <strong>an</strong> Introduction to the Family<br />

Author(s): C. C. Berg, R. W. A. P. Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s, E. C. H. v<strong>an</strong> Heusden<br />

Reviewed work(s):<br />

Source: Flora Neotropica, Vol. 51, <strong>Cecropiaceae</strong>: <strong>Coussapoa</strong> <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>Pourouma</strong>, <strong>with</strong> <strong>an</strong> Introduction<br />

to the Family (Apr. 11, 1990), pp. 1-208<br />

Published by: New York Bot<strong>an</strong>ical Garden Press on behalf of Org<strong>an</strong>ization for Flora Neotropica<br />

Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/4393813 .<br />

Accessed: 23/03/2012 09:29<br />

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MONOGRAPH 51<br />




by<br />

C. C. Berg, R. W. A. P. Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> E. C. H. v<strong>an</strong> Heusden<br />

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Published for<br />

Org<strong>an</strong>ization for Flora Neotropica<br />

by<br />

The New York Bot<strong>an</strong>ical Garden<br />

New York<br />

Issued 11 April 1990

Copyright ? 1990<br />

The New York Bot<strong>an</strong>ical Garden<br />

Published by<br />

The New York Bot<strong>an</strong>ical Garden<br />

Bronx, New York 10458<br />

International St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ard Serial Number 0071-5794<br />

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data<br />

Flora neotropica. - Monograph no. 1 - New York: Published<br />

for Org<strong>an</strong>ization for Flora Neotropica by the New York<br />

Bot<strong>an</strong>ical Garden, 1968-<br />

v.: ill.; 26 cm.<br />

Irregular.<br />

Each issue has distinctive title.<br />

Separately cataloged <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> classified in LC before monograph no. 40.<br />

ISSN 0071-5794 = Flora neotropica.<br />

1. Bot<strong>an</strong>y-Latin America-Classification-Collected works. 2. Bot<strong>an</strong>y-<br />

Tropics-Classification-Collected works. 3. Bot<strong>an</strong>y-Classification-Col-<br />

lected works. I. Org<strong>an</strong>ization for Flora Neotropica. II. New York Bot<strong>an</strong>ical<br />

Garden.<br />

QK205.F58 581.98'012-dcl9 85-647083<br />

AACR 2 MARC-S<br />

Library of Congress [8508]<br />

ISBN 0-89327-352-x



C. C. BERG,1 R. W. A. P. AKKERMANS,2 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> E. C. H. v<strong>an</strong> Heusden3<br />


Abstract .................................................................. 2<br />

Introduction to the Family (C. C. BERG) ....... ..................................... ............ 2<br />

History <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Circumscription of the Family ..... ................. ............................ 2<br />

Description of the Family ......... ........................................ .. .............. 3<br />

Key to the Neotropical Genera ................................................ ............. 3<br />

Genus Description of Cecropia .... ......................................................... 3<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> (C. C. BERG AND R. W. A. P. AKKER NS) ............................................ 4<br />

In tro d u ctio n ............................................................................. 4<br />

Taxonom ic H istory ....................................................................... 4<br />

M o rp h o logy ........... ........................ ........................................... 4<br />

A natom y (K . BoNSEN ) .................................................................... 8<br />

Distribution <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Ecology ......................... ......................................... 10<br />

Systematic Position of the Genus ........................................................... 15<br />

Systematic Arr<strong>an</strong>gement of the Species ...................................................... 15<br />

Taxonom y ........ ........................ .............................................. 16<br />

Generic D escription .................................................................. 16<br />

K eys to the Species .................. ........ ......................................... 17<br />

Treatments of the Species <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Subspecies .... .................................... 28<br />

U nnam ed Collections .... ........................ .......... .......................... 108<br />

Names Not Included .................................................................. 109<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> (C. C. BERG AND E. C. H. VAN HEUSDEN) .............................................. 110<br />

Introduction ............................................................................. 110<br />

Taxonom ic H istory ....................................................................... 111<br />

M orphology .............................................................................. 111<br />

Phenology ............................................................................... 113<br />

Pollination .................. .... ......................................................... 113<br />

Dispersal ............................................................................... 114<br />

R elations w ith A nts ....................................................................... 114<br />

Distribution <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Ecology ......... ...... ................................ ................... 114<br />

Systematic Position of the Genus .... ..................... .................................. 115<br />

Systematic Arr<strong>an</strong>gement of the Species ...................................................... 115<br />

U ses .................................................................................... 116<br />

Taxonom y ............................................................................... 116<br />

Generic Description .... .. ........................................................ , ... 116<br />

Key to the Species <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Subspecies ...... ................................................ 117<br />

Treatments of the Species <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Subspecies ............................................. 122<br />

Unnamed Collections ............. . ............................................ 193<br />

Names Excluded ................................................................. .... 194<br />

A cknow ledgm ents ............................................................................ 194<br />

Literature Cited .............. .. ...... ................................... ..................... 194<br />

N um erical List of Taxa ......... .............................................................. 196<br />

L ist of E xsiccatae ............................................................................. 197<br />

Index of Vernacular Names . ................................................................... 205<br />

Index of Scientific Names ................................... .............................. .. .. 206<br />

Arboretum <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Bot<strong>an</strong>ical Garden (ARBOHA), University of Bergen, N-5067 Store Milde, Norway.<br />

2 Institute for Systematic Bot<strong>an</strong>y, State University of Utrecht, Heidelbergla<strong>an</strong> 2, 3508 TC Utrecht, The<br />

Netherl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>s.<br />

3 Institute for Systematic Bot<strong>an</strong>y, State University of Utrecht, Heidelbergla<strong>an</strong> 2, 3508 TC Utrecht, The<br />

Netherl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>s.<br />

4 Institute for Systematic Bot<strong>an</strong>y, State University of Utrecht, Heidelbergla<strong>an</strong> 2, 3508 TC Utrecht, The<br />

Netherl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>s.<br />


2 Flora Neotropica<br />


Berg, C. C. (Arboretum <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Bot<strong>an</strong>ical Garden [ARBOHA], University of Bergen, N-5067<br />

Store Milde, Norway), R. W. A. P. Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> E. C. H. v<strong>an</strong> Heusden (Institute for<br />

Systematic Bot<strong>an</strong>y, State University of Utrecht, Heidelbergla<strong>an</strong> 2, 3508 TC Utrecht, The<br />

Netherl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>s). <strong>Cecropiaceae</strong>: <strong>Coussapoa</strong> <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>Pourouma</strong>. Flora Neotropica 51: 1-000. 1990.<br />

The present monograph comprises the revisions of two of the three Neotropical genera of<br />

the <strong>Cecropiaceae</strong>: <strong>Coussapoa</strong> <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>Pourouma</strong>. For <strong>Coussapoa</strong> 46 species are recognized at<br />

present; 15 of them have been described as new during the present study. All or most species<br />

are hemi-epiphytes. They have entire leaves <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> are dioecious. The small simple flowers<br />

are borne in uni- to pluricapitate inflorescences. The staminate flowers have one stamen or<br />

two or three connate stamens. The fruits are small. The genus r<strong>an</strong>ges from southern Mexico<br />

to south-eastern Brazil <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> is absent in the West Indies. Most species are components of<br />

lowl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> rain forest habitats. Few species are wide-spread, most species have relatively small<br />

or even very small (known) r<strong>an</strong>ges of distribution. The species are morphologically clearcut<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> most of them rather uniform. For several reasons, e.g., lack of staminate material,<br />

the species are (provisionally) arr<strong>an</strong>ged in alphabetical sequences. Little is known about the<br />

biology of the genus. For <strong>Pourouma</strong> 25 species are presently recognized. Four taxa have<br />

been described as new during the preparation of this revision. All species are terrestrial,<br />

usually small to medium-sized trees. They have entire to palmately lobed to parted leaves<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> are dioecious. The pistillate flowers are pedicellate <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> are arr<strong>an</strong>ged in repeatedly<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched to subumbellate inflorescences. The small staminate flowers are pedicellate or<br />

sessile <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> occur + loosely glomerate or in globose heads. The stamens are free in all species<br />

but one. The fruits are relatively large. The genus r<strong>an</strong>ges from Central America to southeastern<br />

Brazil <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> is absent in the West Indies. Most of them occur in + disturbed <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>/or<br />

+ open places in lowl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> rain forest. Besides a number of clear-cut <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> slightly variable<br />

species the genus comprises a number of (very) variable <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> + complex species: P. bicolor,<br />

P. cucura, P. gui<strong>an</strong>ensis, P. melinonii, P. mollis, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P. tomentosa. The former three <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

the latter three species are often difficult to separate from each other (<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> some other species).<br />

These six taxa <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> some others show a considerable plasticity, especially <strong>with</strong> regard to the<br />

leaf shape, leaf dimension, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> composition of the indument, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> most prominently so in<br />

the Upper Amazon Basin. Little is known about the biology of the genus. P. cecropiifolia<br />

is in cultivation as a fruit tree.<br />



The present monograph is comprised of re-<br />

visions of two Neotropical genera of the Ce-<br />

cropiaceae, <strong>Coussapoa</strong> <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>Pourouma</strong>. To place<br />

these revisions in a proper setting, there is pro-<br />

vided first a history <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> circumscription of the<br />

family, along <strong>with</strong> a brief discussion of the char-<br />

acters that separate the family from the related<br />

Moraceae <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Urticaceae, a description of the<br />

family <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the type genus, Cecropia, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> a key<br />

to the Neotropical genera.<br />

History <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Circumscription<br />

of the Family<br />

The family was proposed by Berg (1978a) <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

accepted by Cronquist (1981). It comprises six<br />

genera: three (Cecropia, <strong>Coussapoa</strong> <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>Pourouma</strong>)<br />

that are Neotropical, two (Mus<strong>an</strong>ga <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

Myri<strong>an</strong>thus) Afric<strong>an</strong>, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>an</strong> Asi<strong>an</strong>-Australasi<strong>an</strong><br />

genus (Poikilospermum). The majority of the<br />

members of the family constituted subfamily<br />

Conocephaloideae in Engler's Moraceae (Engler,<br />

1889), but Poikilospermum <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> some of the<br />

species presently included in it were included in<br />

the Urticaceae. Chew Wee-lek (1963) proposed<br />

r<strong>an</strong>king the four microspermous genera (Cecropia,<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong>, Poikilospermum <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Mus<strong>an</strong>ga)<br />

under the Urticaceae <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> leave the two macrospermous<br />

genera (Myri<strong>an</strong>thus <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>Pourouma</strong>) in<br />

the Moraceae. Corer (1962), however, regarded<br />

all six genera as members of the Urticaceae. The<br />

creation of a new family appeared to be <strong>an</strong> appropriate<br />

resolution to <strong>an</strong> unsatisfactory situation.<br />

Several features suggest that the <strong>Cecropiaceae</strong>

Introduction<br />

are more closely related to the Urticaceae th<strong>an</strong> attached, entire, palmately-incised, or peltate <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

to the Moraceae. Poikilospermum shows more radially-incised; venation pinnate, (sub)palmate,<br />

urticaceous features, including the typical urti- trinervate, or radial; stipules fully amplexicaul<br />

caceous cystoliths, th<strong>an</strong> the other five genera (cf. <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> connate. Inflorescences in the leaf axils, usu-<br />

Berg, 1989c; Bonsen & ter Welle, 1983). All gen- ally in pairs, unisexual, br<strong>an</strong>ched, <strong>with</strong> the flowera<br />

match the Urticaceae in the (sub)basal at- ers ? solitary or clustered in heads or spikes, or<br />

tachment of the ovule <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the absence of milky unbr<strong>an</strong>ched <strong>with</strong> a single head or spike, bracteate<br />

sap. They are, however, clearly different from or ebracteate. Staminate flowers <strong>with</strong> 2-4 free or<br />

the Urticaceae in the absence of urticaceous (i.e., connate tepals; stamens 1-4; pistillode absent.<br />

explosive) stamens. Such stamens are inflexed in Pistillate flowers <strong>with</strong> 2-4 connate tepals; pistil<br />

the bud <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>, at <strong>an</strong>thesis, bend suddenly <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> one, ovary free from the peri<strong>an</strong>th, unilocular;<br />

elastically outward, throwing out the pollen. The ovule one, (sub)basally attached; stigma one,<br />

Afric<strong>an</strong> <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Neotropical genera have a truly penicillate to peltate. Fruit <strong>an</strong> achene or somewoody<br />

habit (cf. Bonsen & ter Welle, 1983). Oth- times (in <strong>Coussapoa</strong>) ? drupaceous, enveloped<br />

er features which characterize the family are strict by a ? fleshy peri<strong>an</strong>th; seed small, <strong>with</strong> endodioecy,<br />

watery sap that turns black after exposure sperm, or large <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong>out endosperm; embryo<br />

to the air, the common occurrence of palmately- straight, cotyledons equal <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> flat or thickened.<br />

incised leaves <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>, in certain species, radially- A p<strong>an</strong>tropical family <strong>with</strong> six genera <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> apincised,<br />

peltate leaves, large stipules (connected proximately 180 species.<br />

<strong>with</strong> the protection of young inflorescences), <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

adventitious aerial roots. While these roots are<br />

m<strong>an</strong>ifest as stilt-roots in most genera, in Cous- Key to the Neotropical Genera<br />

sapoa they are associated <strong>with</strong> the hemi-epi- 1. Lamina peltate, radially-incised. ...... Cecropia.<br />

phytic habit <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> in Poikilospermum <strong>with</strong> the 1. Lamina basally attached, entire or palmately-inclimbing<br />

habit.<br />

cised.<br />

The inflorescences of the 2. Staminate flowers <strong>with</strong> 1 or <strong>with</strong> 2 or 3 con-<br />

<strong>Cecropiaceae</strong> vary nate<br />

from being br<strong>an</strong>ched, <strong>with</strong> a + loose<br />

stamens; pistillate flowers sessile, in gloarr<strong>an</strong>ge-<br />

bose (to ellipsoid) heads; fruits small; stipule<br />

ment of the flowers (as in some staminate inflo- scars usually ascending. .......... <strong>Coussapoa</strong>.<br />

rescences of <strong>Pourouma</strong>), to unbr<strong>an</strong>ched, <strong>with</strong> a 2. Staminate flowers <strong>with</strong> 2-4 free stamens (or,<br />

single globose flower head (as in some pistillate<br />

in P. napoensis, 3-4 connate stamens); pistilinflorescences<br />

of <strong>Coussapoa</strong>), to a subumbellate<br />

late flowers pedicellate (to subsessile), solitary<br />

or in non-capitate clusters; fruits<br />

inflorescence (as in<br />

large; stipule<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> minor), or clusters scars horizontal. ................ <strong>Pourouma</strong>.<br />

of spikes enveloped by a spathe (as in most Cecropia<br />

species).<br />

In all <strong>Cecropiaceae</strong> the fruits are enveloped by<br />

a ? fleshy peri<strong>an</strong>th, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> regard to pollination<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> dispersal, the <strong>Cecropiaceae</strong> are more<br />

similar to the Moraceae th<strong>an</strong> to the Urticaceae.<br />

The genus Cecropia shows the most derived<br />

characters in the family, not only <strong>with</strong> regard to<br />

leaves <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> inflorescences, but also in the features<br />

connected <strong>with</strong> the adaptation to a mutualistic<br />

relation <strong>with</strong> <strong>an</strong>ts, as well as in the peculiar detachment<br />

(abscission) of the <strong>an</strong>thers (cf. Berg,<br />

1977b).<br />

Cecropia Loefling, Iter Hisp<strong>an</strong>. 272. 1758, nom.<br />

conserv. Type. C. peltata Linnaeus.<br />

Trees, terrestrial, usually <strong>with</strong> stilt-roots; internodes<br />

usually hollow. Lamina peltate, radially<br />

incised, venation radial, petiole mostly <strong>with</strong><br />

1-2 trichilia (patches of dense indument, usually<br />

<strong>with</strong> trichomes forming Miilleri<strong>an</strong> bodies) at the<br />

base. Inflorescences digitate clusters of spikes (or<br />

a single spike), usually enveloped by a spathe<br />

until <strong>an</strong>thesis, interfloral bracts absent. Peri<strong>an</strong>th<br />

tubular; stamens two; stigma penicillate to peltate.<br />

Fruit small, dry, enveloped by a greenish<br />

Description of the Family<br />

<strong>Cecropiaceae</strong><br />

Trees or shrubs, terrestrial or hemi-epiphytic,<br />

<strong>with</strong> aerial roots, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> watery sap turning black<br />

upon exposure. Leaves in spirals; lamina basally<br />

fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th.<br />

With approximately 80 species throughout the<br />

Neotropics, <strong>with</strong> a distinct concentration of<br />

species in the Ande<strong>an</strong> region.<br />

Revisions of <strong>Coussapoa</strong> <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>Pourouma</strong> are<br />

presented sequentially below.<br />


4 Flora Neotropica<br />


Engler's system of the Moraceae (Engler, 1889).<br />

This subfamily was tr<strong>an</strong>sferred to the Urticaceae<br />

Introduction<br />

by Corner (1962), but has recently been recognized<br />

as a<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong>, one of the three<br />

separate family <strong>Cecropiaceae</strong> (Berg,<br />

Neotropical genera<br />

of the <strong>Cecropiaceae</strong>, is a well-defined<br />

1978a; Cronquist, 1981).<br />

genus.<br />

The majority of its species are arboreous hemiepiphytes,<br />

a peculiar life-form shared <strong>with</strong> a few<br />

Morphology<br />

other genera like Ficus (subg. Urostigma), Clusia, Habit. - <strong>Coussapoa</strong> species are shrubs or more<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Schefflera. The species are rather similar in<br />

their ecology <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> show little variation in<br />

commonly small to medium-sized trees (up to<br />

morca.<br />

20 m<br />

phological characters. Knowledge of their<br />

tall), but they c<strong>an</strong> sometimes form<br />

biolhuge<br />

wide-crowned trees up to 40 m tall,<br />

ogy is very limited.<br />

e.g., C. curr<strong>an</strong>ii<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> C. trinervia. On labels the<br />

The poor state of bot<strong>an</strong>ical exploration of<br />

height is<br />

m<strong>an</strong>y<br />

regions of the Neotropics has adversely affected<br />

probably not always correctly stated, because for<br />

the present revision, as is evident from the fact<br />

epiphytes the host often appears to be included.<br />

Most<br />

that it has not proved possible to make a<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> species are hemi-epiphytic or<br />

systematic<br />

arr<strong>an</strong>gement of the species <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> from the<br />

secondarily terrestrial. Probably only C. trinervia<br />

is<br />

way in which the keys have had to be constructbasically<br />

terrestrial. As in Ficus, <strong>Coussapoa</strong><br />

ed. In about one-third of the species only one of<br />

species c<strong>an</strong> be epilithic. The (hemi-)epiphytic<br />

the sexes is known. M<strong>an</strong>y species are known from<br />

growth habit is evident in the presence of aerial<br />

roots. These aerial roots c<strong>an</strong> form baskets of roots<br />

only one or at most just a few specimens. More<br />

around the stem of the host tree. Sometimes, the<br />

th<strong>an</strong> one-quarter of the species now known have<br />

aerial root<br />

been recognized as new during the<br />

system consists of a main (vertical)<br />

preparation axis <strong>with</strong> at more or less<br />

of this revision; m<strong>an</strong>y of them are based on reregularly<br />

dist<strong>an</strong>ced pairs<br />

of horizontal br<strong>an</strong>ches<br />

cent collections. The increase in the number of<br />

clasping the trunk of the<br />

host tree. In<br />

species suggests that further exploration will lead<br />

general, hemi-epiphytic <strong>Coussapoa</strong><br />

to the discovery of additional<br />

species are not true (or vigorous) str<strong>an</strong>glers like<br />

species.<br />

hemi-epiphytic Ficus species.<br />

Most <strong>Coussapoa</strong> species have straight, stiff<br />

Taxonomic<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ches. The smaller br<strong>an</strong>ches c<strong>an</strong> be hollow<br />

History<br />

(widely so in C. asperifolia, but narrowly in sev-<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> was established by Aublet (1775), eral other species, e.g., C. villosa). When br<strong>an</strong>chwho<br />

described two species from French Gui<strong>an</strong>a. es are hollow they are often inhabited by biting<br />

Names were added by Trecul (1847), Klotzsch <strong>an</strong>ts (Azteca?) or stinging <strong>an</strong>ts (often in the case<br />

(1847), Miquel (1853), <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> later on by St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley of C. villosa). These insects bore openings to the<br />

(1919, 1924, 1930, 1937a, 1940), Mildbraed interior of the br<strong>an</strong>ches. Like (most?) other gen-<br />

(1928, 1942), <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Cuatrecasas (1951, 1956b), era of the <strong>Cecropiaceae</strong>, when wounded Cousamong<br />

others, so that ca. ninety names were cre- sapoa species exude a (more or less mucilagiated<br />

for thirty-four of the taxa recognized in the nous) watery sap which turns black after exposure<br />

present paper. In the course of the preparation to the air.<br />

of present treatment 15 new species were de- Indumentum. -Four types of trichomes c<strong>an</strong><br />

scribed (Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s & Berg, 1982; Berg, 1983). be recognized:<br />

Taxonomic, mostly floristic, treatments of the<br />

genus are to be found in the work of Trecul (1847), 1. Unicellular arachnoid (cobwebby) hairs. These<br />

Flora brasiliensis (Miquel, 1853), Flora of Peru very thin, crinkled, interwoven hairs of dif-<br />

(Macbride, 1937), Flora of P<strong>an</strong>amai (Woodson & ferent lengths are mostly white, sometimes<br />

Schery, 1960), Flora of Suririame (Berg, 1975), brownish.<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Flora Costaricensis (Burger, 1977). Thus, 2. Unicellular non-arachnoid, thicker <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> mostsince<br />

the treatments by Trecul <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Miquel, the ly more or less straight hairs of different lengths<br />

genus has never been studied as a whole. <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> white, yellow, or brown.<br />

The genus belongs to a group of genera that 3. Pluricellular hairs-dark or pale brown, short<br />

constitute the subfamily Conocephaloideae in <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> subglobose to long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> moniliform. These

<strong>Coussapoa</strong><br />

hairs are very common on young leaves, stipules,<br />

inflorescences, etc. In dry material they<br />

are more or less gr<strong>an</strong>ular (powdery) in appear<strong>an</strong>ce.<br />

4. Pearl bodies (or gl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>s)-hyaline, succulent,<br />

more or less club-shaped, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> confined almost<br />

entirely to the leaves. These trichomes<br />

are found in specimens of <strong>Coussapoa</strong> microcarpa<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> C. villosa cultivated in green houses.<br />

Pearl bodies are probably common in the genus,<br />

but are often not found in the field because<br />

they are easily detached; moreover, they<br />

are probably harvested by <strong>an</strong>ts (cf. O'Dowd,<br />

1982).<br />

As <strong>with</strong> m<strong>an</strong>y other genera of the <strong>Cecropiaceae</strong>,<br />

these four types of hairs are also often<br />

encountered in <strong>Coussapoa</strong> species. M<strong>an</strong>y species<br />

have a dense or rather dense indumentum. In<br />

several species arachnoid hairs are lacking <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

most of these species have sparse indumentum<br />

as well.<br />

common in elliptic leaves, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> in obovate leaves<br />

normally there is none. Venation types in the<br />

genus c<strong>an</strong> be seen in Figure 1.<br />

The ovate lamina <strong>with</strong> br<strong>an</strong>ched, basal, lateral<br />

veins <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> a relatively long petiole c<strong>an</strong> be regarded<br />

as the least derived type of leaf in the genus,<br />

as it shows the closest resembl<strong>an</strong>ce to leaves in<br />

other genera of the family, especially <strong>Pourouma</strong>.<br />

The leaves of P. minor resemble those of C. contorta<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the leaves of P. tomentosa <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P. meliononii<br />

are reminiscent of those of C. villosa <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

C. nitida, respectively. The obovate, trinervate<br />

lamina <strong>with</strong> a short petiole c<strong>an</strong> be regarded as a<br />

derived type of leaf. Another type of leaf, which<br />

c<strong>an</strong> also be regarded as derived, is that found in,<br />

e.g., C. parvifolia <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> C. contorta. This type of<br />

leaf has <strong>an</strong> elliptic to subovate lamina <strong>with</strong> m<strong>an</strong>y<br />

unbr<strong>an</strong>ched lateral veins, a very regular venation,<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> a relatively short petiole. These features<br />

are characteristic more of the Moraceae th<strong>an</strong> of<br />

the <strong>Cecropiaceae</strong>.<br />

The indumentum of the leaves also shows some<br />

Leaves. -The petiole in most species is rela- variation in denseness <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> occurrence of differtively<br />

long-up to half the length of the lamina. ent types of hairs. The occurrence of a dense <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

There is a tendency towards shortening of the varying indumentum appears to be weakly corpetiole<br />

(to one-tenth of the length of the lamina) related <strong>with</strong> primitiveness in other leaf characin<br />

species <strong>with</strong> derived (i.e., obovate, trinerved) ters.<br />

types of lamina. The relative length of the petiole C. contorta is distinct in having domatiumis<br />

not subject to great variation as is the case in like cavities in the axils of the lateral veins.<br />

related genera, such as Myri<strong>an</strong>thus <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Pou- The stipules are connate, fully amplexicaul <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

rouma.<br />

caducous, usually leaving oblique scars, char-<br />

The length of the lamina varies from more acteristic for the genus. The length varies conth<strong>an</strong><br />

50 cm to less th<strong>an</strong> 10 cm <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> more or less siderably in the genus. One c<strong>an</strong> roughly recognize<br />

parallels the ch<strong>an</strong>ge in the shape of the lamina three categories: long stipules (5-15 cm long or<br />

from cordiform, subreniform, or broadly ovate longer), medium-long stipules (1-5 cm long) <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

to elliptic or oblong to obovate or subobovate; short stipules (less th<strong>an</strong> 1 cm long). Long stipules<br />

at the same time, this correlates <strong>with</strong> a gradation give protection for a longer time to young leaves<br />

in the leaf base from cordate to truncate to <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> developing inflorescences, but a correlation<br />

rounded to obtuse to subacute.<br />

between the type of inflorescence or habit pref-<br />

The venation is pinnate <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> brochidodromous erence <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the length of the stipules is not ap<strong>with</strong><br />

a more or less regular parallel tertiary ve- parent.<br />

nation in the intercostal area. The venation may Inflorescences. - <strong>Coussapoa</strong>, like all other gentend<br />

toward subpalmate (C. v<strong>an</strong>nifolia), or may era of the <strong>Cecropiaceae</strong>, is dioecious. Monoebe<br />

more or less clearly trinervate (C. trinervia, cious specimens are rare.<br />

C. cinnamomifolia), <strong>with</strong> this development being The inflorescences occur in pairs in the leaf<br />

combined <strong>with</strong> a ch<strong>an</strong>ge towards a (sub)obvate axils, a feature common in the <strong>Cecropiaceae</strong> <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

lamina. In ovate leaves the basal pair of lateral related families. The ramification of the inflovein<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ches is mostly br<strong>an</strong>ched. Especially in rescence is basically similar to that usually found<br />

large leaves, the other lateral veins show little in Myri<strong>an</strong>thus (see: De Ruiter, 1976) <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Poubr<strong>an</strong>ching<br />

(being mostly only furcate); however, rouma. The common peduncle bears at its apex<br />

in C. asperifolia the other lateral veins are mostly (at least) three br<strong>an</strong>ches, a pattern repeated in<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched. Br<strong>an</strong>ching of the lateral veins is less secondary <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> further ramifications. However,<br />


6 Flora Neotropica<br />

Ni<br />

3 4 5<br />

FIG. 1. Schematic drawings of types of venation in <strong>Coussapoa</strong>: 1, most lateral veins br<strong>an</strong>ched; 2, 3, only<br />

the basal pair of lateral veins br<strong>an</strong>ched; 4, lateral veins unbr<strong>an</strong>ched, the basal pair reaching the margin above<br />

the middle; 5, three-nerved.<br />


Morphology<br />

T<br />

FIG. 2. Schematic drawings of types of pistillate inflorescences in <strong>Coussapoa</strong>.<br />

FIG. 2. Schematic drawings of types of pistillate inflorescences in <strong>Coussapoa</strong>.<br />

reduction of the number of br<strong>an</strong>ches to two, re- bracts c<strong>an</strong> be subpeltate or more or less cucullate.<br />

sulting in a (sub)dichotomous ramification, is also Sometimes, these bracts are truly peltate--as in<br />

found, especially in the ultimate ramification, C. contorta. Bracts outside the flower heads are<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> may occur down to the primary ramification mostly scale-like <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> ovate to oblong.<br />

as well. Pistillate inflorescences are schematized Staminate Flowers.-The small staminate<br />

in Figure 2.<br />

flowers have a tubular peri<strong>an</strong>th which is 3-lobed<br />

The sessile flowers are arr<strong>an</strong>ged in terminal at the apex. The number of stamens is 3, 2, or<br />

globose heads. Solitary (often more or less abort- 1. In 3- <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 2-staminate flowers the stamens are<br />

ed) flowers may occur elsewhere in the inflores- fused, forming a stalk <strong>with</strong>, respectively, 6 (or<br />

cence, but their presence is mostly connected <strong>with</strong> occasionally 5) or 4 thecae at the apex. The numpoints<br />

of br<strong>an</strong>ching. Solitary flowers are rare in ber of stamens is very const<strong>an</strong>t <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> may prove<br />

pistillate inflorescences.<br />

to be the (only?) basis for subdivision of the genus<br />

The staminate inflorescences are normally re- <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> arr<strong>an</strong>gement of the species. The length of<br />

peatedly br<strong>an</strong>ched <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> bear small terminal heads. the filaments varies from about as long as the<br />

In pistillate inflorescences, however, the number peri<strong>an</strong>th to more th<strong>an</strong> twice as long as the periof<br />

flower heads is often reduced to one, due to <strong>an</strong>th, the differences being distinctive at the<br />

reduction of the ramification <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>/or to fusion of species level.<br />

the flower heads. In some species, e.g., C. bre- Pistillate Flowers. -The small pistillate flowvipes,<br />

C. duquei, the flower heads are ellipsoid ers have a tubular peri<strong>an</strong>th <strong>with</strong> a narrow (alto<br />

clavate <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> combined <strong>with</strong> a very short pe- most) entire opening that allows the style through.<br />

duncle.<br />

The flowers are free, but in C. parviceps the mar-<br />

The inflorescences are bracteate in the major- gins of the flattened apices of the peri<strong>an</strong>ths of<br />

ity of the <strong>Coussapoa</strong> species. The bracts are mostly adjacent flowers cohere. The ovary is free <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

confined to the flower heads, but sometimes oc- the stigma is penicillate to subpeltate.<br />

cur elsewhere in the inflorescence, as in the sta- Staminate <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> pistillate flowers <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> their asminate<br />

inflorescences of C. tessm<strong>an</strong>nii. In some sociated bracts are shown schematically in Figspecies,<br />

e.g., C. microcarpa <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> C. viridifolia, the ure 3.<br />

interfloral bracts are very small; they may also Fruits <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Seeds.-The small fruits are free<br />

be few in number or sometimes even absent. In from the peri<strong>an</strong>th. The pericarp consists of a<br />

C. parviceps, the only species in which the pis- rather thick <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> crustaceous endocarp <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> a very<br />

tillate flowers are connate (or cohering), inter- thin to rather thick, slightly fleshy to mucilagifloral<br />

bracts are absent in the pistillate inflores- nous layer. Thus, depending on the features of<br />

cence but present in the staminate. This lack of the exocarp, the ellipsoid to ovoid, 1-3 mm long<br />

interfloral bracts is apparently a derived state. fruitlets are achene-like or more or less drupa-<br />

The interfloral bracts are more or less distinct- ceous. Fruits are depicted schematically in Figly<br />

spathulate, often <strong>with</strong> the lower part very nar- ure 4.<br />

row (<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> stipe-like). Relatively large interfloral In C. asperifolia, while the exocarp is present<br />


8 Flora Neotropica<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a ' 9.<br />

FIG. 3. Schematic drawings of flowers <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> interfloral bracts in <strong>Coussapoa</strong>: 1-3, staminate flowers, 1, <strong>with</strong><br />

three connate stamens, 2, <strong>with</strong> two connate stamens, 3, <strong>with</strong> one stamen; 4, pistillate flower; 5-9, various<br />

interfloral bracts.<br />

as a very thin (membr<strong>an</strong>aceous) outer layer, the<br />

mesocarp is relatively thick <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> exp<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>s in such<br />

a way as to push the endocarp body out of the<br />

peri<strong>an</strong>th, the apex of which becomes torn in the<br />

process. Whether this phenomenon is confined<br />

to C. asperifolia or also occurs in other species<br />

is not clear. At <strong>an</strong>y rate, it is not general in <strong>Coussapoa</strong>,<br />

as previously assumed (Berg, 1975, 1977a).<br />

In m<strong>an</strong>y (or all?) species the fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th<br />

becomes more or less juicy, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> it is also often<br />

colored-or<strong>an</strong>ge, yellow, or brown. Sometimes,<br />

as in C. villosa, the peri<strong>an</strong>th remains greenish,<br />

at least the apical part.<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> is one of the four microspermous<br />

genera of the <strong>Cecropiaceae</strong>. In the genus microspermy<br />

is related to the (hemi-)epiphytic habit,<br />

as well as to the occurrence of a mucilaginous<br />

layer (cf. Berg, 1983b).<br />

Phenology, Pollination, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Dispersal. -<br />

Available herbarium <strong>an</strong>notations suggest that in<br />

general <strong>Coussapoa</strong> species flower (<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> fruit)<br />

throughout the year.<br />

Nothing is known about pollination in <strong>Coussapoa</strong>.<br />

Neither the structure of the inflorescences<br />

nor the features of the stamens suggest the occurrence<br />

of wind pollination, however.<br />

In most cases dispersal is probably endozo-<br />

ochorous, often by frugiferous birds, but also by<br />

monkeys (Dr. M. v<strong>an</strong> Roosmalen, pers. comm.).<br />

Exozoochorous dispersal may occur when the<br />

exocarp is more or less mucilaginous (<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> sticky),<br />

as in C. asperifolia.<br />

Anatomy<br />

By K. BONSEN<br />

Secondary Xylem. -General Properties. Col-<br />

or: light yellowish brown. Grain: straight, some-<br />

times slightly interlocked. Texture: medium.<br />

Odor <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> taste: not characteristic. Specific grav-<br />

ity: 0.50-0.75.<br />

Structure. Based on eight species, nine speci-<br />

mens, the growth rings are faint or absent. Ves-<br />

sels diffuse, round to oval, solitary (25-83%), <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

in radial multiples <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> irregular clusters of 2-8<br />

(-21), (0-1)1-6(-11) per sq mm, diameter (200-)<br />

220-300(-340) gm. Vessel member length (400)<br />

475-600(-725) Mm. Perforations simple. Inter-<br />

vascular pits alternate, round or polygonal, 10-<br />

15 Lm. Thin-walled tyloses are usually present.<br />

Fibers non-septate, diameter 18-25 ,m, walls 2-<br />

3.5 tm, L/W ratio 2-5, gelatinous fibers usually<br />

present. Pits simple, mainly on the radial walls.<br />

a ad tfg<br />

1 2 34 5 6<br />

FIG. 4. Schematic drawings of fruits in <strong>Coussapoa</strong>: 1-4, C. asperifolia type, 1, 2, fruit in peri<strong>an</strong>th, 3, fruit<br />

in opened peri<strong>an</strong>th, 4, endocarp body; 5, 6, C. villosa type, fruit in peri<strong>an</strong>th. a, embryo; b, endosperm; c, testa;<br />

d, endocarp; e, mucilaginous mesocarp; f, exocarp; g, peri<strong>an</strong>th.

Anatomy<br />

, ,. : ?<br />

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- i. " ' ~, c .?.h<br />

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... ~ ,,~x ~ ~ .....~<br />

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FiG. 5. Woo of Co p~ltf'l9 , ,cos ci~ ~ lsci~(.22<br />

Length (875-)1100-1800(-2175) .m, F/V ratio<br />

2.5-3.7.<br />

Rays heterogeneous, uniseriate (21-35%) <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

multiseriate (3-)4-7(-9) per mm, sheath cells<br />

present or absent. Uniseriate rays mainly composed<br />

of square to upright cells, ray height<br />

(200-)300-500(-980) gtm. Multiseriate rays<br />

composed of upright <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> procumbent cells, vertically<br />

compounded 1-10%, (450-)700-1100<br />

(-1600) ,m high, 3-6 cells in width, uniseriate<br />

parts (0-)1-2(-8) cells.<br />

Parenchyma paratracheal, b<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ed, irregular,<br />

wavy, (0-)1-2(-3) per mm, (3-)5-9(-15) cells in<br />

width. Str<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>s 5-8(-14) cells, length (530-)600-<br />

710(-870) Mm, containing some to m<strong>an</strong>y rhombic<br />

crystals. Radial latex tubules have been observed<br />

in <strong>Coussapoa</strong> latifolia (see Fig. 5).<br />

The wood of <strong>Coussapoa</strong> resembles that of Myri<strong>an</strong>thus<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> some species of <strong>Pourouma</strong>. The<br />

presence of confluent-b<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ed parenchyma in the<br />

wood of <strong>Coussapoa</strong> distinguishes this genus from<br />

the wood of Cecropia <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Mus<strong>an</strong>ga (Bonsen &<br />

ter Welle, 1983).<br />

'<br />

. . . .<br />

Leaf Anatomy. -Structure. Based on 11<br />

species, 18 specimens.<br />

In surface view. Indumentum of thin, inter-<br />

woven, unicellular arachnoid hairs, abaxial pres-<br />

ent or absent; unicellular needle-shaped, often<br />

wavy hairs (mostly on abaxial surface, rarely on<br />

adaxial surface); adaxial, gl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ular hairs <strong>with</strong><br />

multicellular, globular heads on 3-5-celled, uni-<br />

seriate stalks, mostly in groups of 2-4, present<br />

or absent; abaxial, uniseriate, 6-10-celled, curved,<br />

gl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ular hairs <strong>with</strong> globular to elongated heads,<br />

mostly present; <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> conical papillae sometimes<br />

present. Epidermal cells polygonal; adaxial cells<br />

overlying large crystalliferous mesophyll cells<br />

forming a rosette. Stomata confined to abaxial<br />

surface, <strong>an</strong>omocytic, average length of guard cell<br />

pairs 15-20 gm, average width 12-18 um. Hy-<br />

dathodes formed by 10-15 water pores each,<br />

present or absent on adaxial surface. Minor veins<br />

usually very prominent in abaxial epidermis.<br />

In tr<strong>an</strong>sverse section. Lamina bifacial. Epi-<br />

dermal cells small, especially abaxially between<br />

the veins. Adaxial epidermal cells sometimes <strong>with</strong>

10 Flora Neotropica<br />

silicified outer walls. Stomata sometimes raised higher altitudes (from ca. 800 m) in the Gui<strong>an</strong>a<br />

above level of unspecialized cells. Adaxial hy- (=Guay<strong>an</strong>a) Highl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> region, e.g., C. argentea<br />

podermis of two or three layers of parenchyma <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> C. viridifolia, while others are found in higher<br />

cells, including mucilage cells except for C. vil- altitudes (from ca. 900 m or from ca. 1400 m)<br />

losa. Mesophyll consisting of one layer of pali- in the Ande<strong>an</strong> region, e.g., C. cinnamomifolia<br />

sade cells, sometimes subdivided loose spongy <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> C. duquei; C. crassivenosa is found in both<br />

tissue, <strong>with</strong> or <strong>with</strong>out <strong>an</strong> intermediate layer. regions. Some species also occur in drier habitats,<br />

Veins <strong>with</strong> sclerenchymatous vertical bundle such as sav<strong>an</strong>na (C. viridifolia) or semi-decidusheath<br />

extensions (touching adaxial hypodermis ous forest (C. purpusii). Most lowl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> species<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> abaxial epidermis). Midrib <strong>with</strong> a flat or appear to occur both in upl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> riverine forraised<br />

adaxial surface <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> a prominently raised est. A few species, like C. nitida, appear to show<br />

abaxial surface; peripheral ground tissue paren- a preference for riverside (varzea) forest. C. trichymatous<br />

to collenchymatous, interspersed <strong>with</strong> nervia, the only truly terrestrial species of the<br />

mucilage cells; vascular system composed of a genus, is confined to riverb<strong>an</strong>ks, apparently<br />

closed or variously interrupted cylinder, partly (only?) of black-water rivers.<br />

or wholly surrounded by sclerenchyma fibers, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Only two species, C. villosa <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> C. asperifolia,<br />

enclosing one or two rows of bundles which are have <strong>an</strong> extended distribution. Most of the other<br />

situated in the same direction as the most abaxial species are confined to, or at least distinctly asbundle<br />

of the cylinder. Vascular system of petiole sociated <strong>with</strong>, one of the phytogeographic resimilar.<br />

Crystals present as druses throughout the gions, such as eastern Brazil, Amazon Basin,<br />

mesophyll, in the petiole <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> midrib; rhombic eastern Gui<strong>an</strong>a (=Guay<strong>an</strong>a Lowl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>) region,<br />

crystals sometimes present. Distinguishment of western Gui<strong>an</strong>a (=Guay<strong>an</strong>a Highl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>) region,<br />

the inner structure of the leaves of <strong>Coussapoa</strong> Ande<strong>an</strong> region, Pacific coastal region, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Cenfrom<br />

those of the other Neotropical genera, Ce- tral America. M<strong>an</strong>y species are only known from<br />

cropia <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>Pourouma</strong>, c<strong>an</strong> be accomplished on a very small area.<br />

the basis of the petiole vascular system type Several species <strong>with</strong> medium-sized areas show<br />

(Bonsen & ter Welle, 1983). Some differences in a discontinuous distribution. It is, however, not<br />

the inner structure of some species <strong>with</strong>in the certain whether these discontinuities are real or<br />

genus <strong>Coussapoa</strong> are mentioned by Renner due to insufficient exploration. The Amazoni<strong>an</strong><br />

(1907).<br />

C. trinervia has a disjunct distribution, which<br />

appears to be related to its ecology (see above).<br />

Distribution <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> C. crassivenosa is known from<br />

Ecology<br />

four remote regions.<br />

C. latifolia <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> C. asperifolia ssp. asperi-<br />

The genus, being distinctly associated <strong>with</strong> the folia, common taxa of the eastern Gui<strong>an</strong>a region<br />

rain forest habitat, is widespread in tropical to eastern Parf, show similar gaps in distribution<br />

America, but is absent in the West Indies; see <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> are found segregated in more central parts<br />

Figures 6-9.<br />

of the Amazon Basin as well. If these gaps are<br />

Most species are components of lowl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> rain real, the same factors may have caused the westforests.<br />

A few species, e.g., <strong>Coussapoa</strong> villosa <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> ern Parf gap in the distribution of C. nitida, as<br />

C. asperifolia, extend into submont<strong>an</strong>e or mon- well as the disjunct distribution of the species<br />

t<strong>an</strong>e forest. Some species are associated <strong>with</strong> pairs C. arachnoidea-C. orthoneura <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> C. le-<br />

FIG. 6. Distribution of <strong>Coussapoa</strong> <strong>an</strong>gustifolia, C. arachnoidea, C. argentea, C. asperifolia ssp. asperifolia,<br />

C. asperifolia ssp. magnifolia, C. asperifolia ssp. rhamnoides, C. batavorum, C. brevipes, C. chocoensis, C.<br />

cinnamonea, C. cinnamomifolia, C. contorta, C. crassivenosa, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> C. cupularis.<br />

FIG. 7. Distribution of <strong>Coussapoa</strong> curr<strong>an</strong>ii, C. duquei, C. echinata, C. ferruginea, C. floccosa, C. glaberrima,<br />

C. herthae, C. latifolia, C. leprieurii, C. macerrima, C. microcarpa, C. microcephala, C. napoensis, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> C.<br />

parvifolia.<br />

FIG. 8. Distribution of <strong>Coussapoa</strong> longepedunculata, C. m<strong>an</strong>uensis, C. nitida, C. nymphaeifolia, C. oligocephala,<br />

C. orthoneura, C. ovalifolia, C. pachyphylla, C. parviceps, C. purpusii, C. scabra, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> C. sprucei. ?<br />

unnamed collection aff. C. ovalifolia.

Distribution <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Ecology<br />

0 C.<strong>an</strong>gustifolia<br />

Aublet<br />

OC.arachnoidea Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s 6 Berg<br />

^^-^^'.L_ n //i C ^ 4-Lc

12 Flora Neotropica<br />

v* r<br />

r'^S'9n 7<br />

J<br />

(^^'^^J^'^<br />

- ^^Q^0 C.duquei St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley<br />

A C.echinata Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s Berg<br />

* C.curr<strong>an</strong>li Blake i . e<br />

-<br />

T C.ferruginea Trecul<br />

| ? (% 'J/' / { , t<br />

__l<br />

|:<br />

A C.glaberrima<br />

Burger<br />

* C.herthee<br />

S Mildbred<br />

C.p_rvi fo ^g d C-latifolia Aublet<br />

C .floccosa i<br />

y<br />

Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s Berg .<br />

B<br />

C.cerricroc Akkerpa (SchQtt) Berg izzini ~ -<br />

0 C'microcephala Trdcul '<br />

V' C.parvifolia St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley<br />

A C.napoensis Akkermmns & Berg<br />


Distribution <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Ecology<br />

OC.nitida Mfquel /). ^~:t ,._ A *C.nymphaeifolia St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley<br />

~<br />

.AC.oligo ala Donnael Smith<br />

C.orthoneura St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> ey<br />

*C.pachyphylla Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s & Berg 0 C.ovalifolia Trcul C .<br />

HC.pcyhl tcuatl Aknn Tra ~ t C.oval 1<br />

i fol ia<br />

C.parviceps St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ey\<br />

C.scabra Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s 6 Berg<br />

*C.sprucel<br />

Mildbraed<br />

\<br />

%<br />


1.trinervia<br />

*C.villosa Poeppig 6 Endlicher<br />

AC.viridifolia<br />

Cuatrecasas<br />

I<br />

C. tessm<strong>an</strong>nll M Ildbrwd<br />

A C. fulvescens C.C. Berg<br />

VC. tolimensis C.C. Berg<br />

Ce. voiaria C.C. Berg<br />

C<br />

Mil dbraed<br />

A C.v<strong>an</strong>nifolia Cuatrecasas<br />

FIG. 9. Distribution of <strong>Coussapoa</strong><br />

fulvescens, C. tessm<strong>an</strong>nii, C. tolimensis, C. trinervia, C. v<strong>an</strong>nifolia, C.<br />

villosa, C. viridifolia, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> C. valaria (name is misspelled in legend).

Systematic Position 15<br />

prieurii-C. sprucei. This type of distribution<br />

may be connected <strong>with</strong> the distribution of Pleistocene<br />

rain forest refugia (cf. Pr<strong>an</strong>ce, 1977).<br />

Another remarkable discontinuity in distribution<br />

occurs <strong>with</strong> C. cinnamomifolia, a species of<br />

medium altitudes in the Ande<strong>an</strong> region. This<br />

discontinuity shows resembl<strong>an</strong>ces to that of two<br />

partial areas of C. crassivenosa. The Ecuador-<br />

Bolivia disjunction is probably not genuine <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

more likely to be due to inadequate exploration<br />

in Peru.<br />

The discontinuities in the distribution of C.<br />

microcarpa, especially the isolated localities in<br />

Perambuco <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Paraiba, could be related to the<br />

more or less isolated occurrence of forest <strong>with</strong><br />

rain forest elements on low mountain tops.<br />

sion of the diaspores is <strong>an</strong>other feature which the<br />

two genera have in common; in <strong>Coussapoa</strong> it is<br />

(probably) confined to C. asperifolia <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> in Poi-<br />

kilospermum it is only found in subg. Liguli-<br />

stigma (cf. Chew Wee-Lek, 1963). This phenom-<br />

enon, in combination <strong>with</strong> microspermy, is<br />

probably associated <strong>with</strong> the hemi-epiphytic<br />

habit. In <strong>Coussapoa</strong> the mucilaginous layer that<br />

swells <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> pushes the endocarp out of the<br />

peri<strong>an</strong>th is formed by the middle layer of the<br />

pericarp. In Poikilospermum, however, the ex-<br />

pulsion of the fruits is achieved by the swelling<br />

of the inner surface of the peri<strong>an</strong>th, which be-<br />

comes mucilaginous during the ripening of the<br />

fruit (cf. Chew Wee-Lek, 1963).<br />

Judging from (the nature of) the similarities<br />

In the present treatment, several pairs of closely <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> differences, the two genera are ecological<br />

related species are recognized, e.g., C. crassive- equivalents rather th<strong>an</strong> systematically closely renosa-C.<br />

ferruginea, C. latifolia-C. viridifolia. lated. Morphological as well as <strong>an</strong>atomical char-<br />

These pairs of species have allopatric distribu- acters (cf. Bonsen & ter Welle, 1983) suggest a<br />

tions.<br />

closer relationship of <strong>Coussapoa</strong> to the other five<br />

genera of the family, especially to the Neotrop-<br />

Systematic Position of the Genus ical ones. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> matches Cecropia in microspermy.<br />

The two genera show similarities in<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong>, together <strong>with</strong> the Neotropical gen- the flowers, but otherwise are quite different.<br />

era Cecropia <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>Pourouma</strong>, the Afric<strong>an</strong> genera More similarities are found between <strong>Coussapoa</strong><br />

Mus<strong>an</strong>ga <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Myri<strong>an</strong>thus, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the Asiatic genus <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>Pourouma</strong>, although the latter genus is mac-<br />

Poikilospermum, constitute the family Cecropi- rospermous. The inflorescences of <strong>Coussapoa</strong> reaceae<br />

(Berg, 1978).<br />

semble the staminate ones of some <strong>Pourouma</strong><br />

Poikilospermum, geographically isolated from species, e.g., P. tomentosa <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P. mollis; some<br />

the other genera, has more characters, especially <strong>Pourouma</strong> species have leaves strongly reminis<strong>an</strong>atomical<br />

ones, in common <strong>with</strong> the Urticaceae cent of those common in <strong>Coussapoa</strong> (see above).<br />

th<strong>an</strong> the other genera (cf. Bonsen & ter Welle,<br />

1983). The latter authors, indeed, suggest tr<strong>an</strong>s-<br />

Systematic<br />

ferring the<br />

Arr<strong>an</strong>gement<br />

genus back to the Urticaceae. Neverof<br />

the<br />

theless, considering the distribution of<br />

Species<br />

characters<br />

throughout the (complex of) families Cecropi- In the present revision the species are treated<br />

aceae, Urticaceae, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Moraceae, placing Poi- in alphabetical order, as it is not possible to prokilospermum<br />

in the <strong>Cecropiaceae</strong> appears to be pose a satisfactory systematic arr<strong>an</strong>gement.<br />

justified, although not beyond all doubt. For most characters clear discontinuities in<br />

Both <strong>Coussapoa</strong> <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Poikilospermum are pre- their variation are lacking. Primitive <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> derived<br />

domin<strong>an</strong>tly hemi-epiphytic (cf. Chew Wee-Lek, state (as the extremes of a morphological series)<br />

1963). However, the two genera differ in habit! c<strong>an</strong> be inferred, like lamina broadly ovate-nar-<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> species are shrubs or trees <strong>with</strong> straight rowly obovate, basal lateral veins br<strong>an</strong>ched-un<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

stiff br<strong>an</strong>ches, while Poikilospermum species br<strong>an</strong>ched, lateral veins numerous-few, petiole<br />

are more or less li<strong>an</strong>a-like <strong>with</strong> long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> weak long-short, stipules long-short, indumentum <strong>with</strong><br />

(scrambling) br<strong>an</strong>ches (cf. Chew Wee-Lek, 1963). all types of hairs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> ? dense-less diverse <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

The two genera resemble each other in the ? sparse, inflorescences repeatedly br<strong>an</strong>chedbr<strong>an</strong>ched<br />

inflorescences <strong>with</strong> terminal globose unbr<strong>an</strong>ched, interfloral bracts present-absent, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

heads, but the basic ramification of the inflores- stamens three-two. See Table I.<br />

cence appears to be different. Dichotomous ram- In some species (e.g., C. nymphaeifolia, C. vilification<br />

appears to be basic in Poikilospermum, losa, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> C. tessm<strong>an</strong>nii) a predomin<strong>an</strong>ce of<br />

but is derived in <strong>Coussapoa</strong> (see above). Expul- "primitive" characters c<strong>an</strong> be found or a pre-

16 Flora Neotropica<br />

Table I<br />

Extremes in a morphological character series in<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong>, inferred to be primitive <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> derived<br />

respectively.<br />

Primitive states Derived states<br />

Lamina broadly ovate Lamina narrowly obovate<br />

Basal lateral veins Basal lateral veins unbr<strong>an</strong>ched<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched<br />

Lateral veins numerous Lateral veins few<br />

Petiole long<br />

Petiole short<br />

Stipules long Stipules short<br />

Indument <strong>with</strong> all types Indument less diverse<br />

of hairs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> ? dense <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> + sparse<br />

Inflorescences repeatedly Inflorescences unbr<strong>an</strong>ched<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched<br />

Interfloral bracts present Interfloral bracts absent<br />

Stamens 3 Stamen 1<br />

number of stamens in arr<strong>an</strong>ging the species, since<br />

for about one-third of the species recognized material<br />

belonging to only one sex is known.<br />

Accept<strong>an</strong>ce of the number of stamens as the<br />

basis for subdividing the genus would imply the<br />

occurrence of parallel (or homologous) differentiation<br />

of m<strong>an</strong>y characters, e.g., in the differentiation<br />

of the leaf shape, dimensions, venation,<br />

indumentum, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> length of the petiole, in three<br />

groups of species (judging from the comparison<br />

of characters in the taxa of which the number of<br />

stamens is known).<br />

Taxonomy<br />

1. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> Aublet, Hist. pl. Gui<strong>an</strong>e 2: 955.<br />

1775; Trecul, Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. Ser. 3, 8: 92.<br />

1847; Miquel, Fl. bras. 4(1): 131. 1853; Macbride,<br />

Publ. Field Mus. Bot. 13(2.2): 295. 1937;<br />

Woodson & Schery, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard.<br />

47: 168.<br />

domin<strong>an</strong>ce of"derived" characters in others<br />

1960; Berg, Fl. Suriname 5(1): 279.<br />

(e.g.,<br />

C. cinnamomifolia, C. trinervia, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> C. viridi-<br />

1975; Burger, Fieldi<strong>an</strong>a Bot. 40: 131. 1977;<br />

Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s &<br />

folia), <strong>with</strong> the majority of the species some-<br />

Berg, Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad.<br />

Wetensch. Ser.<br />

where in between. A few species have<br />

C, 85(4): 441. 1982. Lectotype<br />

exceptional<br />

characters: C. trinervia has a truly terrestrial hab- species (Berg, Fl. Suriname 5(1): 279. 1975):<br />

it, C. parviceps has fused pistillate flowers; C.<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> latifolia Aublet.<br />

contorta has domatium-like cavities in the axils Hemi-epiphytic (or epiphytic) or terrestrial<br />

of the lateral veins; C. asperifolia has abruptly trees or shrubs <strong>with</strong> aerial roots or stilt-roots.<br />

thickened twigs <strong>with</strong> wide cavities <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>, more- Leaves in spirals, entire, venation pinnate to triover,<br />

a thick mucilaginous mesocarp, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> C. pur- nervate, margin entire to subcrenate, stipules<br />

pusii is (often?) deciduous.<br />

fused, fully amplexicaul, usually leaving oblique<br />

The difference in the number of stamens ap- scars. Inflorescences mostly in pairs in the leaf<br />

pears to be a promising basis for the arr<strong>an</strong>gement axils, br<strong>an</strong>ched or in pistillate ones often unof<br />

the species or the subdivision of the genus. br<strong>an</strong>ched, bracteate (mostly only <strong>with</strong> interfloral<br />

The signific<strong>an</strong>ce of these differences lies not only bracts) or ebracteate. Flowers in globose (to elin<br />

the absence of tr<strong>an</strong>sitions but also in the dis- lipsoid or clavate) terminal heads, free or pistiltribution<br />

r<strong>an</strong>ges: the predomin<strong>an</strong>ce of species <strong>with</strong> late ones sometimes connate, peri<strong>an</strong>th tubular,<br />

3-staminate flowers in Central America <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the in staminate flowers (2-)3(-4)-lobed, in pistillate<br />

Pacific coastal region of Colombia <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Ecuador; ones entire; stamens two or three <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> connate,<br />

the predomin<strong>an</strong>ce of species <strong>with</strong> 2-staminate or one; ovary free, stigma penicillate to subpelflowers<br />

in eastern South America, especially east- tate. Fruit a drupelet or almost <strong>an</strong> achene, enern<br />

Brazil; <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the concentration of species <strong>with</strong> closed in the enlarged + fleshy peri<strong>an</strong>th; seed<br />

uni-staminate flowers in the Upper Amazon Ba- <strong>with</strong> endosperm, embryo straight <strong>with</strong> flat <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

sin. It is not yet possible, however, to use the equal cotyledons <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> relatively short radicle.

<strong>Coussapoa</strong><br />

General key<br />

Keys to the species in:<br />

1. Central America <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Mexico<br />

2. Colombia<br />

3. Venezuela<br />

4. the Gui<strong>an</strong>as2<br />

5. Ecuador<br />

Keys to the Species of <strong>Coussapoa</strong><br />

6. Peru <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Bolivia " \ . 7 /<br />

7. Amazoni<strong>an</strong> Brazil<br />

8. Eastern Brazil<br />

General Key to the Species of <strong>Coussapoa</strong><br />

1. Interfloral bracts absent.<br />

2. Basal lateral veins br<strong>an</strong>ched.<br />

3. Lamina beneath <strong>with</strong> dense indumentum of minute hairs, at least in the areoles <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> on the<br />

reticulum.<br />

4. Indumentum (unicellular hairs only!) predomin<strong>an</strong>tly white; pistillate inflorescences unicapitate;<br />

stamens 3.<br />

5. Intercostal venation prominent beneath; Costa Rica. .............. 29. C. nymphaeifolia.<br />

5. Intercostal venation pl<strong>an</strong>e beneath; P<strong>an</strong>ama. ............................. 6. C. brevipes.<br />

4. Indumentum (unicellular hairs only!) at least partly brownish or yellow; pistillate inflorescences<br />

usually pluricapitate; stamen 1 or unknown; Amazon Basin or Colombia at ca. 1900 m.<br />

6. Lamina usually elliptic; lateral veins 5-9 pairs. ..................... See 12. C. cupularis.<br />

6. Lamina usually ovate; lateral veins 8-15 or 14-22 pairs.<br />

7. Lateral veins 8-15 pairs; peduncle of the pistillate inflorescence 1-2.5 mm thick.<br />

8. Intercostal venation (almost) pl<strong>an</strong>e; indumentum of petiole consisting of dense<br />

minute hairs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> distinctly longer, yellowish hairs; Amazon Basin ..... 28. C. nitida.<br />

8. Intercostal venation prominent; indumentum of the petiole consisting of hairs not<br />

distinctly different in length; Colombia (ca. 1900 m). ............. 45. C. tolimensis.<br />

7. Lateral veins 14-22 pairs; peduncle of the pistillate inflorescence 6-10(-15) mm thick;<br />

Colombia (Amazonas). ......................................... 8. C. cinnamomea.<br />

3. Lamina beneath <strong>with</strong> sparse indumentum or glabrous, at least in the areoles <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> on the reticulum.<br />

9. Stipules 0.5-1 cm long; Venezuela (Bolivar <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Amazonas), Guy<strong>an</strong>a, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Brazil (Amazonas,<br />

R oraim a). ........................................ .................. 43. C. viridifolia.<br />

9. Stipules at least 1 cm long.<br />

10. Lateral veins 3-6 pairs, the basal pair reaching the margin at or above the middle of the<br />

lamina; pistillate flowers cohere; stamens 3; Central America <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Pacific coastal region<br />

of Colombia <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Ecuador. ...........................................34. C. parviceps.<br />

10. Lateral veins 7 or more pairs, the basal pair reaching the margin below the middle of the<br />

lamina; if less th<strong>an</strong> 7 pairs of lateral veins then the pistillate flowers free <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> stamen 1.<br />

11. Lamina <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> leafy twigs glabrous; base of the lamina cordate; Colombia (Choco).<br />

.............................................................. 5. C. batavorum .<br />

2<br />


18 Flora Neotropica<br />

11. Lamina <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> leafy twigs at least sparsely puberulous; base of the lamina acute to<br />

truncate.<br />

12. Stipules (normally) 1-4 cm long.<br />

13. Margin of the lamina revolute at the base; Pacific coastal region (Colombia).<br />

......................................................... 46. C. valaria.<br />

13. Margin of the lamina not revolute at the base; Amazon Basin <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Central<br />

America.<br />

14. Lamina coriaceous, mostly ovate; stamen 1; Amazon Basin (<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P<strong>an</strong>ama?).<br />

............................................. 32. C. ovalifolia.<br />

14. Lamina subcoriaceous, elliptic to subobovate; stamens 2; Costa Rica.<br />

........................................ 23. C. macerrima.<br />

12. Stipules 4-13 cm long; Amazoni<strong>an</strong> Ecuador <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Colombia. .... 27. C. napoensis.<br />

2. Basal lateral veins unbr<strong>an</strong>ched (or occasionally <strong>with</strong> a single br<strong>an</strong>ch).<br />

15. Stipules 0.5-1 cm long; stamens 2; common peduncle or br<strong>an</strong>ches of the pistillate inflorescence<br />

not distinctly broadened towards the flower heads; eastern Venezuela, Guy<strong>an</strong>a, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Brazil<br />

(Am azonas, Roraim a). ................................................... 43. C. viridifolia.<br />

15. Stipules (normally) at least 1 cm long, if shorter, then stamen 1 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> br<strong>an</strong>ches of the pistillate<br />

inflorescence more or less distinctly broadened towards the flower heads.<br />

16. Margin of the lamina distinctly revolute towards the base; pistillate inflorescences mostly<br />

unicapitate; stamens 2; eastern Brazil. ................................ 25. C. microcarpa.<br />

16. Margin of the lamina pl<strong>an</strong>e, or if more of less revolute, then the pistillate inflorescences<br />

pluricapitate <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> stamen 1; Amazon Basin or Central Brazil.<br />

17. Lateral veins 2-8; basal pair of lateral veins reaching the margin above to just below<br />

the middle of the lamina <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>/or (often) the lamina beneath <strong>with</strong> dense, minute hairs<br />

in the areoles.<br />

18. Intercostal venation prominent beneath; lamina beneath <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> inflorescences <strong>with</strong><br />

dense, white, arachnoid indumentum; Brazil (Amapa) .......... 2. C. arachnoidea.<br />

18. Intercostal venation pl<strong>an</strong>e beneath; lamina <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> inflorescences <strong>with</strong>out arachnoid<br />

indumentum, or if present, then mostly sparse <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> soon disappearing; Upper<br />

Amazon Basin.<br />

19. Basal lateral veins reaching the margin above to just below the middle of the<br />

lamina; stipules mostly <strong>with</strong>out or <strong>with</strong> sparse, long, yellow hairs; br<strong>an</strong>ches<br />

of the pistillate inflorescence slightly broadened towards the flower heads;<br />

Upper Amazon Basin <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Colombia (S<strong>an</strong>t<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>er). .......... 31. C. orthoneura.<br />

19. Basal lateral veins reaching the margin below to just above the middle of the<br />

lamina; stipules <strong>with</strong> dense, long, yellow hairs; br<strong>an</strong>ches of the pistillate inflorescence<br />

strongly broadened towards the flower heads; Brazil (R6ndonia).<br />

......................................................... 12. C. cupularis.<br />

17. Lateral veins (normally) 7-13 or 7-21 pairs, basal pair reaching the margin far below<br />

the middle of the lamina; lamina beneath glabrous or <strong>with</strong> sparse hairs in the areoles.<br />

20. Stipules (normally) 1-4 cm long.<br />

21. Lamina coriaceous, mostly ovate; stamen 1; Amazon Basin (<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P<strong>an</strong>ama?).<br />

......................................................... 32. C. ovalifolia.<br />

21. Lamina subcoriaceous, elliptic to subobovate; stamens 2; Costa Rica. .....<br />

........................................ 23. C. macerrima.<br />

20. Stipules 4-13 cm long; Amazoni<strong>an</strong> Ecuador <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Colombia. ...... 27. C. napoensis.<br />

1. Interfloral bracts present (sometimes small <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>/or few!).<br />

22. Lamina trinervate or <strong>with</strong> only the basal pair of lateral veins prominent <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the other lateral veins<br />

weak <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> inconspicuous.<br />

23. Lamina trinervate; intercostal venation prominent beneath; Amazon Basin .... 40. C. trinervia.<br />

23. Lamina <strong>with</strong> only the basal pair of lateral veins prominent <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the other lateral veins weak<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> inconspicuous; intercostal venation beneath; Bolivia (La Paz), Ecuador (Pastaza), <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

Colombia (Antioquia). ..............................................9. C. cinnamomifolia.<br />

22. Lamina pinnately veined.<br />

24. Lamina above <strong>with</strong> white arachnoid hairs, at least (sub)persistent on the midrib; eastern Brazil.<br />

25. Stipules ca. 0.5 cm long ............................................... 13. C. curr<strong>an</strong>ii.<br />

25. Stipules 1-2.5 cm long ................................................ 17. C. floccosa.<br />

24. Lamina above glabrous (sometimes except for the base of the midrib) or scabrous to scabridulous<br />

<strong>with</strong> short, rigid hairs; not in eastern Brazil.<br />

26. Lamina scabrous to scabridulous above.<br />

27. Stipules ca. 6 cm long; lamina beneath <strong>with</strong> arachnoid hairs; basal lateral veins br<strong>an</strong>ched;<br />

Peru (Loreto) <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Ecuador (Napo). ........................ 22. C. longepedunculata.<br />

27. Stipules up to 3.5 cm long, mostly less th<strong>an</strong> 1 cm long; lamina beneath lacking<br />

arachnoid hairs, or if present then the basal lateral veins unbr<strong>an</strong>ched.

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> 19<br />

28. Leafy twigs (rather) abruptly thickened <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> distinctly hollow; widespread ....<br />

............................................................ 4. C asp erifolia.<br />

28. Leafy twigs gradually thickened <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> solid.<br />

29. Lateral veins 6-13 pairs; lamina subcoriaceous; southern Amazon Basin. ...<br />

............................... ................ ........... 37. C. scabra.<br />

29. Lateral veins 6-7 pairs; lamina coriaceous; French Gui<strong>an</strong>a <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Brazil (Para).<br />

........................................................ 21. C. leprieurii.<br />

26. Lamina smooth <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> glabrous above.<br />

30. Basal lateral veins unbr<strong>an</strong>ched (or sometimes <strong>with</strong> 1 or 2 br<strong>an</strong>ches).<br />

31. Lamina beneath <strong>with</strong> domatium-like cavities in the axils of the lateral veins;<br />

interfloral bracts large <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> peltate; western Ecuador <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Colombia. ..........<br />

....................................... ...................... 10 . C . contorta.<br />

31. Lamina beneath <strong>with</strong>out domatium-like cavities; interfloral bracts relatively small<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> spathulate to subpeltate.<br />

32. Stipules 0.5-1 cm long.<br />

33. Lateral veins 2-3(-4) pairs.<br />

34. Apex of the lamina acute; Central America. ...... 18. C. glaberrima.<br />

34. Apex of the lamina rounded to obtuse; Surinam, French Gui<strong>an</strong>a,<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Brazil (Amapa <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Para). .................... 1. C. <strong>an</strong>gustifolia.<br />

33. Lateral veins at least 4 pairs.<br />

35. Young leaves <strong>with</strong> arachnoid indumentum; lamina obovate to subobovate;<br />

lateral veins 7-10 pairs; terminal buds slender; eastern<br />

Brazil. .................... ..................... 13. C. curr<strong>an</strong>ii.<br />

35. Young leaves <strong>with</strong>out arachnoid indumentum; lamina elliptic, or if<br />

(sub)obovate, then lateral veins 4-7 pairs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>/or terminal buds<br />

swollen; not in eastern Brazil.<br />

36. Terminal buds swollen; Upper Amazon Basin <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Colombia.<br />

........................................ 35. C. parvifolia.<br />

36. Terminal buds slender.<br />

37. Lateral veins 4-7 pairs.<br />

38. Hairs on the main veins beneath of equal length; Lower<br />

Amazon Basin, Surinam, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> French Gui<strong>an</strong>a. ...<br />

.............. ...................... 20. C. latifolia.<br />

38. Hairs on the main veins beneath of different lengths;<br />

eastern Venezuela, Guy<strong>an</strong>a, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Brazil (Amazonas,<br />

Roraima). ......................... 43. C. viridifolia.<br />

37. Lateral veins 7-11 pairs; Upper Amazon Basin <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Colombia.<br />

................................ 35. C. parvifolia.<br />

32. Stipules at least 1 cm long.<br />

39. Lateral veins 2-3(-4) pairs.<br />

40. Lamina glabrous; Central America. .............. 18. C. glaberrima.<br />

40. Lamina beneath <strong>with</strong> (partly arachnoid) indumentum; Venezuela.<br />

........................................ 3. C. argentea.<br />

39. Lateral veins at least 4 pairs.<br />

41. Lamina beneath <strong>with</strong> dense indumentum.<br />

42. Arachnoid hairs present on the lamina beneath, at least in young<br />

leaves.<br />

43. Arachnoid hairs brownish.<br />

44. Lateral veins 10-14 pairs; pistillate inflorescences unicapitate,<br />

head ellipsoid to clavate; staminate flower<br />

heads 4-8 mm in diameter; Ande<strong>an</strong> Colombia <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

Ecuador (1400-2000 m). ............... 14. C. duquei.<br />

44. Lateral veins at most 10(-11); pistillate inflorescences<br />

pluricapitate, or if unicapitate then the heads globose;<br />

staminate flower heads 1-3 mm in diameter.<br />

45. Lateral veins 4-5 pairs; lamina oblong; French<br />

Gui<strong>an</strong>a <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Brazil (Amapa). ..... 16. C. ferruginea.<br />

45. Lateral veins (4-)5-8(-11) pairs; lamina mostly<br />

elliptic to ovate.<br />

46. Hairs on the smaller veins beneath appressed;<br />

Gui<strong>an</strong>as ................ 26. C. microcephala.<br />

46. Hairs on the smaller veins beneath (at least<br />

partly) patent.<br />

47. Stamens slightly longer th<strong>an</strong> the peri-

20 Flora Neotropica<br />

<strong>an</strong>th; pistillate flower heads 1-3; eastern<br />

Brazil. ............... 33. C. pachyphylla.<br />

47. Stamens distinctly longer th<strong>an</strong> the peri<strong>an</strong>th;<br />

pistillate flower heads 3-7; Venezuela<br />

(Bolivar), Brazil (Roraima), Amazoni<strong>an</strong><br />

Bolivia <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Ecuador, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

P<strong>an</strong>ama. ............ 11. C. crassivenosa.<br />

43. Arachnoid hairs whitish.<br />

48. Lamina mostly ovate; lateral veins 9-16 pairs; stamen<br />

1; peduncle of the pistillate inflorescence 2-4 mm thick;<br />

Amazon Basin. .................... 39. C. tessm<strong>an</strong>nii.<br />

48. Lamina mostly elliptic to oblong; lateral veins 5-12<br />

pairs; stamens 3; peduncle of the pistillate inflorescence<br />

ca. 1 mm thick.<br />

49. Stipules 0.5-1.5(-2) cm long; heads of staminate<br />

inflorescence m<strong>an</strong>y, 3-4 mm in diameter; heads<br />

of pistillate inflorescence 2-5; peri<strong>an</strong>th glabrous;<br />

Amazon Basin. .................... 38. C. sprucei.<br />

49. Stipules 1-5 cm long; heads of staminate inflorescence<br />

3-10, 4-6 mm in diameter; heads of pistillate<br />

inflorescence 1(-3); peri<strong>an</strong>th minutely puberulous;<br />

Central America to Mexico..........<br />

............................. 30. C. oligocephala.<br />

42. Arachnoid hairs lacking on the lamina beneath, or if present<br />

then sparse <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> (soon) disappearing.<br />

50. Lateral veins 5-8 pairs; eastern Brazil. .. 33. C. pachyphylla.<br />

50. Lateral veins 8-12 pairs; not in eastern Brazil.<br />

51. Margin of the lamina revolute at the base; Upper Amazon<br />

Basin <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Colombia. ........... 35. C. parvifolia.<br />

51. Margin of the lamina not revolute at the base.<br />

52. Petiole 1-3 cm long; stipules 1.5-2.5 cm long;<br />

pistillate inflorescences unicapitate, the peduncle<br />

0.5-1 cm long; Colombia (Choc6). 7. C. chocoensis.<br />

52. Petiole 3-9 cm long; stipules 2-6 or 3-20 cm long;<br />

pistillate inflorescences pluricapitate, or if unicapitate<br />

then the peduncle at least 1 cm long.<br />

53. Heads of pistillate inflorescence 6-10; stamens<br />

3; Pacific coastal region of Ecuador <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

Colombia. ................... 19. C. herthae.<br />

53. Heads of pistillate inflorescence 1(-2); stamens<br />

2 or unknown.<br />

54. Lamina broadly elliptic to obovate, apex<br />

shortly acuminate; pistillate flower heads<br />

ca. 4 mm, in fruit up to 12 mm in diameter;<br />

Amazoni<strong>an</strong> Peru ...........<br />

...................... 24. C. m<strong>an</strong>uensis.<br />

54. Lamina mostly ovate to subovate, apex<br />

acute to obtuse; pistillate flower heads<br />

ca. 5-10 mm, in fruit up to 40 mm in<br />

diameter; widespread....... 42. C. villosa.<br />

41. Lamina beneath <strong>with</strong> sparse indumentum.<br />

53. Margin of the lamina distinctly revolute towards the base.<br />

56. Stipules 1-7 cm long; terminal buds slender; eastern Brazil<br />

...................................... 25. C. m icrocarpa.<br />

56. Stipules up to 1.3 cm long; terminal buds usually swollen;<br />

Upper Amazon Basin <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Colombia. ..... 35. C. parvifolia.<br />

55. Margin of the lamina pl<strong>an</strong>e or entirely revolute.<br />

57. Leafy twigs (rather) abruptly thickened <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> wide cavities;<br />

stamen 1; widespread ............... 4. C. asperifolia.<br />

57. Leafy twigs gradually thickened <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> solid or <strong>with</strong> narrow<br />

cavities.<br />

58. Stipules glabrous or puberulous.<br />

59. Basal lateral veins reaching the margin above the

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> 21<br />

middle of the lamina; base of the lamina acute;<br />

pistillate inflorescences pluricapitate; P<strong>an</strong>ama. ..<br />

............................... 15. C. echinata.<br />

59. Basal lateral veins mostly reaching the margin<br />

below the middle of the lamina; base of the lamina<br />

mostly obtuse to (sub)cordate.<br />

60. Stamens 3; pistillate inflorescences unicapitate;<br />

northern Central America to Mexico.<br />

............................. 36. C. purpusii.<br />

60. Stamens 2; pistillate inflorescences pluricapitate;<br />

South America.<br />

61. Hairs on the main veins beneath equal<br />

in length <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> arachnoid hairs lacking;<br />

Surinam, French Gui<strong>an</strong>a, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Brazil<br />

(Amapa, Para, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Amazonas). ......<br />

......................... 20. C. latifolia.<br />

61. Hairs on the main veins beneath of different<br />

lengths <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>/or on the main veins<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> margin subpersistent arachnoid<br />

hairs; Gui<strong>an</strong>as....... 26. C. microcephala.<br />

58. Stipules (sub)sericeous, (sub)hirsute, (sub)villous, etc.<br />

62. Stamens 3; pistillate flower heads 6-10, 5-9 mm<br />

in diameter; Pacific coastal region of Ecuador <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

Colombia.<br />

63. Petiole 5-10 cm long, or if shorter, then stamens<br />

3, pistillate flower heads 6-10, 5-9 mm<br />

in diameter; Pacific coastal region of Colombia<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Ecuador.<br />

64. Stipules 2-6 cm long. ..... 19. C. herthae.<br />

64. Stipules 1.5-2 cm long. .. 44. C. fulvescens.<br />

63. Petiole up to 5 cm long; stamens 2; flower<br />

heads 1-5; not in Pacific coastal region.<br />

62. Stamens 2; pistillate flower heads 1-3, or if more<br />

th<strong>an</strong> 3 then 2-5 mm in diameter.<br />

64. Stamens slightly longerth<strong>an</strong> the peri<strong>an</strong>th; pistillate<br />

flower heads 1-3; eastern Brazil ......<br />

........................ 33. C. pachyphylla.<br />

64. Stamens distinctly longer th<strong>an</strong> the peri<strong>an</strong>th;<br />

pistillate flower heads (1-)3-15; Gui<strong>an</strong>as. ..<br />

........................ 26. C. microcephala.<br />

30. Basal lateral veins br<strong>an</strong>ched.<br />

65. Lamina beneath <strong>with</strong> (rather) dense, (rather) conspicuous <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> (sub)persistent<br />

arachnoid indumentum.<br />

66. Arachnoid hairs on the lamina brownish.<br />

67. Lateral veins 4-8(-11) pairs; pistillate inflorescences mostly pluricapitate;<br />

staminate flower heads ca. 2-3 mm in diameter.<br />

68. Hairs on the smaller veins beneath (at least partly) patent.<br />

69. Stamens slightly longer th<strong>an</strong> the peri<strong>an</strong>th; pistillate flower heads<br />

1-3; eastern Brazil. ....................... 33. C. pachyphylla.<br />

69. Stamens distinctly longer th<strong>an</strong> the peri<strong>an</strong>th; pistillate flower<br />

heads 3-7; Venezuela (Bolivar), Brazil (Roraima), Amazoni<strong>an</strong><br />

Bolivia <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Ecuador, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P<strong>an</strong>amf. ......... 11. C. crassivenosa.<br />

68. Hairs on the smaller veins beneath appressed; Gui<strong>an</strong>as..........<br />

............................................ 26. C. m icrocephala.<br />

67. Lateral veins (7-)10-24 pairs; pistillate inflorescences usually unicapitate;<br />

staminate flower heads 4-10 mm in diameter.<br />

70. Common peduncle of the staminate inflorescence 1-2 cm long, that<br />

of the pistillate inflorescence 0.5-0.8 cm long; pistillate heads ellipsoid<br />

to clavate; Ande<strong>an</strong> Ecuador <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Colombia (1400-2000 m). ..<br />

.................................................. 14. C. duquei.<br />

70. Common peduncle of the staminate inflorescence 2-6 cm long, that<br />

of the pistillate inflorescence (1-)2-13 cm long; pistillate flower<br />

heads (sub)globose; widespread. ..................... 42. C. villosa.

22 Flora Neotropica<br />

66. Arachnoid hairs on the lamina whitish.<br />

71. Lateral veins ca. 10 or 9-24 pairs; lamina mostly longer th<strong>an</strong> 15 cm;<br />

stipules mostly longer th<strong>an</strong> 2 cm.<br />

72. Lamina beneath <strong>with</strong> dense brown hairs on the main veins; common<br />

peduncle of the staminate inflorescence ca. 9 cm long; Amazoni<strong>an</strong><br />

Peru <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Ecuador. ....................... 22. C. longepedunculata.<br />

72. Lamina beneath <strong>with</strong> whitish hairs on the main veins; peduncle of<br />

the staminate inflorescence up to 6 cm long.<br />

73. Stamen 1; pistillate inflorescences pluricapitate <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> common<br />

peduncle 2-3 cm long; Amazon Basin. ....... 39. C. tessm<strong>an</strong>nii.<br />

73. Stamens 2 or 3; pistillate inflorescences unicapitate, or if 2-3capitate<br />

then the common peduncle longer th<strong>an</strong> 3 cm.<br />

74. Stamens 3; pistillate flower heads ellipsoid to clavate; peduncle<br />

of the pistillate inflorescence 1-2 cm long; Central<br />

America. .......................... 29. C. nymphaeifolia.<br />

74. Stamens 2; peduncle of the pistillate inflorescence (1-)2-<br />

13 cm long; pistillate flower heads (sub)globose; widespread.<br />

................................... 42. C. villosa.<br />

71. Lateral veins 4-10(-11) pairs; lamina mostly shorter th<strong>an</strong> 15 cm.<br />

75. Hairs on the smaller veins beneath appressed; Gui<strong>an</strong>as..........<br />

............................................ 26. C. m icrocephala.<br />

75. Hairs on the smaller veins beneath (at least partly) patent.<br />

76. Stipules up to 2 cm long.<br />

77. Hairs on the stipules predomin<strong>an</strong>tly weak <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> crinkled;<br />

stamens 2; pistillate flower heads 1-3; eastern Brazil. ...<br />

..................................... 33. C. pachyphylla.<br />

77. Hairs on the stipules predomin<strong>an</strong>tly stiff <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> straight; stamens<br />

3; pistillate flower heads 2-6; Amazoni<strong>an</strong> Brazil. ..<br />

.......................................... 34. C. sprucei.<br />

76. Stipules 3-20 cm long; widespread. .............. 42. C. villosa.<br />

65. Lamina beneath <strong>with</strong>out arachnoid indumentum, or if present then sparse <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

soon disappearing.<br />

78. Leafy twigs (rather) abruptly thickened <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> wide cavities; stamen 1;<br />

widespread. ............................................. 4. C. asperifolia.<br />

78. Leafy twigs gradually thickened, solid or <strong>with</strong> narrow cavities; stamens 2<br />

or 3.<br />

79. Lateral veins 4-10(-11) pairs.<br />

80. Lamina almost as long as broad; pair of main basal veins reaching<br />

the margin far above the middle of the lamina; most lateral veins<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched; Pacific coastal region of Ecuador <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Colombia. ......<br />

............................................... 41. C. v<strong>an</strong>nifolia.<br />

80. Lamina mostly distinctly longer th<strong>an</strong> broad, or if almost as long as<br />

broad then only the basal pair of lateral veins br<strong>an</strong>ched.<br />

81. Hairs on the smaller veins beneath appressed; Gui<strong>an</strong>as. .....<br />

........................................ 26. C. m icrocephala.<br />

81. Hairs on the smaller veins beneath at least partly patent.<br />

82. Stamen 1; pistillate inflorescences pluricapitate <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the<br />

common peduncle 2-3 cm long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 2-4 cm thick, peri<strong>an</strong>th<br />

of the pistillate flower (almost) glabrous; Amazon Basin.<br />

...................................... 39. C. tessm <strong>an</strong>nii.<br />

82. Stamens 2 or 3; pistillate inflorescences unicapitate, or if<br />

pluricapitate then the common peduncle longer th<strong>an</strong> 3 cm,<br />

less th<strong>an</strong> 2 mm thick; <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>/or the peri<strong>an</strong>th of the pistillate<br />

flower densely puberulous.<br />

83. Stamens 3; pistillate inflorescence <strong>with</strong> 6-10 heads, 5-<br />

9 (in fruit up to 15) mm in diameter <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the common<br />

peduncle 3-6 mm long; Pacific coastal region of Ecuador<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Colombia. ................. 19. C. herthae.<br />

83. Stamens 2; pistillate inflorescences <strong>with</strong> 1-3 heads, or<br />

if more then the heads 3-5 mm in diameter <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the<br />

common peduncle 1-3 cm long.<br />

84. Stamens slightly longer th<strong>an</strong> the peri<strong>an</strong>th; pistil-

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> 23<br />

late flower heads 1-3; peri<strong>an</strong>th of the pistillate<br />

flower glabrous; eastern Brazil. .. 33. C. pachyphylla.<br />

84. Stamens distinctly longer th<strong>an</strong> the peri<strong>an</strong>th; pistillate<br />

flower heads 3-7, or if less then the peri<strong>an</strong>th<br />

of the pistillate flower densely puberulous.<br />

85. Staminate flower heads 2-3 mm in diameter;<br />

pistillate flower heads 3-7, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 2-5 mm in<br />

diameter; Venezuela (Bolivar), Brazil (Roraima),<br />

Amazoni<strong>an</strong> Bolivia <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Ecuador, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

P<strong>an</strong>ama. ................. 1. C. crassivenosa.<br />

85. Staminate flower heads 5-10 mm in diameter;<br />

pistillate flower heads 1(-3) <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 5-10 mm<br />

in diameter; widespread. ....... 42. C. villosa.<br />

79. Lateral veins at least 10 pairs.<br />

86. Stamen 1; pistillate inflorescences pluricapitate <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the common<br />

peduncle 2-3 cm long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 2-4 cm thick; peri<strong>an</strong>th of the pistillate<br />

flower (almost) glabrous; Amazon Basin. ......... 39. C. tessm<strong>an</strong>nii.<br />

86. Stamens 2 or 3; pistillate inflorescences unicapitate, or if pluricapitate<br />

then the common peduncle longer th<strong>an</strong> 3 cm, less th<strong>an</strong> 2 mm<br />

thick, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>/or the peri<strong>an</strong>th of the pistillate flower densely puberulous.<br />

87. Stamens 3; pistillate flower heads 6-10; Pacific coastal region<br />

of Ecuador <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Colombia. ..................... 19. C. herthae.<br />

87. Stamens 2; pistillate flower heads 1(-3); widespread .........<br />

........................................ 42. C. villosa.<br />

1. Key to the <strong>Coussapoa</strong> Species in Central America <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Mexico<br />

1. Interfloral bracts absent.<br />

2. Lamina beneath glabrous or <strong>with</strong> sparse indumentum.<br />

3. Lateral veins 3-6 pairs, the basal pair reaching the margin above or at the middle of the lamina.<br />

.. ............... ....................................................... 34. C. parviceps.<br />

3. Lateral veins 7-13 pairs, the basal pair reaching the margin below the middle of the lamina.<br />

4. Stipules 1-2 cm long; lamina 5-13 x 4-7 cm. ........................... 23. C. macerrima.<br />

4. Stipules 2-3 cm long; lamina 13-20 x 9-13 cm. ................. See under 32. C. ovalifolia.<br />

2. Lamina beneath <strong>with</strong> dense indumentum.<br />

5. Intercostal venation prominent beneath; stipules <strong>with</strong> brownish indumentum (unicellular hairs<br />

only). ........................................................ .. .... 39. C. nym phaeifolia.<br />

5. Intercostal venation pl<strong>an</strong>e beneath; stipules <strong>with</strong> whitish indumentum (unicellular hairs only!).<br />

........................................................................... 6. C brevipes.<br />

1. Interfloral bracts present.<br />

6. Lamina beneath <strong>with</strong> dense indumentum, partly arachnoid indumentum.<br />

7. Arachnoid indumentum on the lamina brownish. .......................... 11. C. crassivenosa.<br />

7. Arachnoid indumentum on the lamina whitish.<br />

8. Basal pair of lateral veins unbr<strong>an</strong>ched. ................................. 30. C. oligocephala.<br />

8. Basal pair of lateral veins br<strong>an</strong>ched.<br />

9. Stamens 3; (common) peduncle of the pistillate inflorescence 1-2 cm long, pistillate flower<br />

heads ellipsoid to obovoid. ...................................... 39. C. nymphaeifolia.<br />

9. Stamens 2; (common) peduncle of the pistillate inflorescence (1-)2-13 cm long, pistillate<br />

flower heads (sub)globose. ............................................. 42. C. villosa.<br />

6. Lamina beneath glabrous or <strong>with</strong> sparse indumentum, arachnoid indumentum lacking.<br />

10. All or most lateral veins br<strong>an</strong>ched; leafy twigs more or less abruptly thickened, <strong>with</strong> wide cavities. C<br />

......... . .....................................................<br />

asperifolia.<br />

10. All or most lateral veins unbr<strong>an</strong>ched; leafy twigs gradually thickened, solid or <strong>with</strong> narrow<br />

cavities.<br />

11. Lateral veins 2-3 pairs. ............................................ 18. C. glaberrima.<br />

11. Lateral veins 4-6 pairs.<br />

12. Basal pair of lateral veins unbr<strong>an</strong>ched; pistillate inflorescences unicapitate. .........<br />

...................................... ............................ 36. C. purpusii.<br />

12. Basal pair of lateral veins (faintly) br<strong>an</strong>ched; pistillate inflorescences pluricapitate. ..<br />

................................................................. 15. C. echinata.

24 Flora Neotropica<br />

2. Key to the <strong>Coussapoa</strong> Species in Colombia<br />

1. Interfloral bracts absent.<br />

2. Lateral veins 2-8 pairs, basal pair reaching the margin above (or at) the middle of the lamina.<br />

3. Basal pair of lateral veins unbr<strong>an</strong>ched; stamen 1; pistillate flowers free. ........ 31. C. orthoneura.<br />

3. Basal pair of lateral veins br<strong>an</strong>ched; stamens 3; pistillate flowers cohere. .........34. C. parviceps.<br />

2. Lateral veins at least 8 pairs, or if less then basal pair reaching the margin below the middle of the<br />

lamina.<br />

4. Lamina in the areoles beneath glabrous or <strong>with</strong> sparse hairs.<br />

5. Stipules 2-3 cm long . .................................................... 46. C. valaria.<br />

5. Stipules 4-13 cm long.<br />

6. Base of the lamina cordate; basal pair of lateral veins reaching the margin above or at the<br />

middle of the lamina . .............................................. 5. C. batavorum.<br />

6. Base of the lamina (sub)obtuse or rounded to truncate; basal pair of lateral veins reaching<br />

the margin below the middle of the lamina ........................... 27. C. napoensis.<br />

4. Lamina in the areoles beneath <strong>with</strong> dense, minute hairs.<br />

7. Indumentum of the petiole consisting of dense, minute hairs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> distinctly longer, yellowish<br />

hairs . .................................................................... C. 28. nitida.<br />

7. Indumentum of the petiole consisting of short hairs, not distinctly different in length.<br />

8. Indumentum of the leafy twigs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> stipules (unicellular hairs only) brown(ish); petiole 5-<br />

7 m m thick. ..................................................... 8. C. cinnam omea.<br />

8. Indumentum of the leafy twigs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> stipules (unicellular hairs only) white or yellowish;<br />

petiole 2-4 mm thick.<br />

9. Intercostal venation almost pl<strong>an</strong>e; pistillate inflorescences unbr<strong>an</strong>ched ... 6. C. brevipes.<br />

9. Intercostal venation prominent; pistillate inflorescences br<strong>an</strong>ched .... 45. C. tolimensis.<br />

1. Interfloral bracts present.<br />

10. Lamina trinervate ........................................................... 40. C. trinervia.<br />

10. Lamina pinnately veined.<br />

11. Lamina beneath <strong>with</strong> arachnoid indumentum.<br />

12. Arachnoid indumentum on the lamina beneath brown(ish).<br />

13. Lateral veins 4-8(-11) pairs; pistillate inflorescences pluricapitate; staminate flower<br />

heads ca. 2-3 mm in diameter ................... .............. 11. C. crassivenosa.<br />

13. Lateral veins (7-)10-24 pairs; pistillate inflorescences (usually) unicapitate; staminate<br />

flower heads 4-10 mm in diameter.<br />

14. Common peduncle of the staminate inflorescence 1-2 cm long, that of the pistillate<br />

inflorescence 0.5-0.8 cm long; pistillate flower heads ellipsoid to clavate. .....<br />

........................... ................................... 14. C . duquei.<br />

14. Common peduncle of the staminate inflorescence 2-6 cm long, that of the pistillate<br />

inflorescence (1-)2-13 cm long; pistillate flower heads (sub)globose. .. 42. C. villosa.<br />

12. Arachnoid indumentum on the lamina beneath whitish.<br />

15. Stamen 1; pistillate inflorescence pluricapitate <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the common peduncle 2-3 cm long,<br />

2-4 mm thick; peri<strong>an</strong>th of the pistillate flower almost glabrous ...... 39. C. tessm<strong>an</strong>nii.<br />

15. Stamens 2 or 3; pistillate inflorescence unicapitate, or if pluricapitate then the common<br />

peduncle longer th<strong>an</strong> 3 cm, less th<strong>an</strong> 2 mm thick, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>/or the peri<strong>an</strong>th of the pistillate<br />

flower densely puberulous.<br />

16. Stamens 3; pistillate flower heads 6-10. ......................... 19. C. herthae.<br />

16. Stamens 2; pistillate flower heads 1(-3). ........................ 42. C. villosa.<br />

11. Lamina beneath <strong>with</strong>out arachnoid indumentum.<br />

17. Lamina beneath <strong>with</strong> domatium-like cavities in the axils of the lateral veins; interfloral<br />

bracts large <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> peltate .................................. ............. 10. C. contorta.<br />

17. Lamina beneath <strong>with</strong>out domatium-like cavities; interfloral bracts relatively small <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

spathulate to subpeltate.<br />

18. Stipules glabrous or sparsely puberulous ............................ 34. C. parviceps.<br />

18. Stipules <strong>with</strong> + dense indumentum.<br />

19. Basal lateral veins distinctly br<strong>an</strong>ched.<br />

20. Lamina about as long as broad; lateral veins 5-9 pairs. ..... 41. C. v<strong>an</strong>nifolia.<br />

20. Lamina distinctly longer th<strong>an</strong> broad; lateral veins 8-12 pairs.... 19. C. herthae.<br />

19. Basal lateral veins unbr<strong>an</strong>ched (or sometimes <strong>with</strong> 1-2 br<strong>an</strong>ches).<br />

21. Lateral veins 5-6 pairs; intercostal venation inconspicuous .............<br />

................................................... 9. C. cinnam om ifolia.<br />

21. Lateral veins 7-12 pairs; intercostal venation conspicuous.<br />

22. Stipules 0.3-1.3 cm long. ............................ 35. C. parvifolia.<br />

22. Stipules 1.5-2.5 cm long.

<strong>Coussapoa</strong><br />

23. Lateral veins 10-12 pairs; petiole 1-3 cm long; pistillate inflores-<br />

cences unbr<strong>an</strong>ched. .............................. 7. C. chocoensis.<br />

23. Lateral veins 5-10 pairs; petiole 5-10 cm long; pistillate inflores-<br />

cences br<strong>an</strong>ched. ............................... 44. C. fulvescens.<br />

3. Key to the <strong>Coussapoa</strong> Species in Venezuela<br />

1. Interfloral bracts absent.<br />

2. Stipules 0.5-1 cm long; stamens 2; pistillate flower heads 1-3. ....................<br />

2. Stipules (0.5-)1-7 cm long; stamen 1; pistillate flower heads 2-10. ...............<br />

1. Interfloral bracts present.<br />

3. Lamina trinervate .............................................................<br />

43. C. viridifolia.<br />

31. C. orthoneura.<br />

40. C. trinervia.<br />

3. Lamina pinnately veined.<br />

4. Lamina beneath <strong>with</strong> arachnoid indumentum.<br />

5. Arachnoid indumentum on the lamina brownish . ......................<br />

5. Arachnoid indumentum on the lamina whitish.<br />

6. Lateral veins 2-3(-4) pairs ........ .....................................<br />

6. Lateral veins 4-24 pairs . .................. ...........................<br />

4. Lamina beneath <strong>with</strong>out arachnoid indumentum.<br />

11. C. crassivenosa.<br />

3. C. argentea.<br />

42. C. villosa.<br />

7. Leafy twigs (rather) abruptly thickened <strong>with</strong> wide cavities; stamen 1 ......... 4. C. asperifolia.<br />

7. Leafy twigs gradually thickened solid or <strong>with</strong> narrow cavities.<br />

8. Lamina <strong>with</strong> patent hairs on the venation beneath; stipules 1-5 cm long. .............<br />

....................................................11. C. crassivenosa.<br />

8. Lamina <strong>with</strong> appressed hairs on the venation beneath; stipules 0.3-1(-1.3) cm long.<br />

9. Lateral veins 7-11 pairs; terminal buds usually swollen; margin of the lamina ? revolute<br />

at the base. ....................................... .... 35. C. parvifolia.<br />

9. Lateral veins 4-7 pairs; terminal buds slender; margin of the lamina not revolute at<br />

the base ........................................................ 43. C. viridifolia.<br />

4. Key to the <strong>Coussapoa</strong> Species in Guy<strong>an</strong>a, Surinam, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> French Gui<strong>an</strong>a<br />

1. Lamina above scabrous.<br />

2. Basal lateral veins reaching the margin above the middle of the lamina. ............4. C. asperifolia.<br />

2. Basal lateral veins reaching the margin below the middle of the lamina ............. 21. C. leprieurii.<br />

1. Lamina above smooth.<br />

3. Lamina beneath <strong>with</strong> arachnoid indumentum.<br />

4. Arachnoid indumentum on the lamina brownish.<br />

5. Lamina beneath <strong>with</strong> patent hairs on the venation.<br />

6. Lateral veins 4-5 pairs; lamina oblong. ............................... 16. C. ferruginea.<br />

6. Lateral veins (4-)5-8 pairs; lamina mostly elliptic to ovate to obovate or to suborbicular.<br />

..........................1.............. ...... . . .. 1 . C. crassivenosa.<br />

5. Lamina beneath <strong>with</strong> appressed hairs on the venation .................. 26. C. microcephala.<br />

4. Arachnoid indumentum on the lamina whitish.<br />

7. Lateral veins 2-3(-4)pairs. ......................... ... .... ................. 3.C. argentea.<br />

7. Lateral veins 4-11 pairs. .......................... .................. 26. C. microcephala.<br />

3. Lamina beneath <strong>with</strong>out arachnoid indumentum.<br />

8. Lateral veins 2-4 pairs. .................. ..... ........ .................... 1. C. <strong>an</strong>gustifolia.<br />

8. Lateral veins 4-11 pairs.<br />

9. Leafy twigs (rather) abruptly thickened <strong>with</strong> wide cavities; stamen 1. .........4. C. asperifolia.<br />

9. Leafy twigs gradually thickened <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> solid or <strong>with</strong> narrow cavities.<br />

10. Lateral veins 7-11 pairs; terminal buds usually swollen. .............. 35. C. parvifolia.<br />

10. Lateral veins 4-7 pairs; terminal buds slender.<br />

11. Hairs on the lamina beneath of about equal length .................. 20. C. latifolia.<br />

11. Hairs on the lamina beneath of different lengths ... ................ 43. C. viridifolia.<br />

5. Key to the <strong>Coussapoa</strong> Species in Ecuador<br />

1. Interfloral bracts absent.<br />

2. Basal pair of lateral veins unbr<strong>an</strong>ched (or occasionally a single br<strong>an</strong>ch).<br />

3. Lateral veins 2-7 pairs, the basal pair reaching the margin above to just below the middle of the<br />

lam ina. ................................................................. 3 1. C . orthoneura.<br />


26 Flora Neotropica<br />

3. Lateral veins (5-)7-21 pairs, the basal pair reaching the margin (far) below the middle of the<br />

lamina.<br />

4. Stipules 1-4 cm long; apex of the lamina mostly acute to shortly acuminate. . 32. C. ovalifolia.<br />

4. Stipules 4-13 cm long; apex of the lamina mostly obtuse. .................. 27. C. napoensis.<br />

2. Basal pair of lateral veins br<strong>an</strong>ched.<br />

5. Stipules glabrous or sparsely puberulous .....................................34. C. parviceps.<br />

5. Stipules subvelutinous, subhirsute, or subsericeous.<br />

6. Stipules 1-4 cm long; apex of the lamina mostly acute to shortly acuminate. .. 32. C. ovalifolia.<br />

6. Stipules 4-13 cm long; apex of the lamina mostly obtuse. .................. 27. C. napoensis.<br />

1. Interfloral bracts present.<br />

7. Lamina trinervate or only the basal pair of lateral veins strong <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the other lateral veins weak <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

inconspicuous.<br />

8. Lamina trinervate; intercostal venation prominent beneath. .... ............ 40. C. trinervia.<br />

8. Lamina <strong>with</strong> only the basal pair of lateral veins strong <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the other lateral veins weak <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

inconspicuous; intercostal venation pl<strong>an</strong>e beneath. ............... ........9. C. cinnamomifolia.<br />

7. Lamina pinnately veined.<br />

9. Lamina beneath <strong>with</strong> arachnoid indument.<br />

10. Arachnoid indumentum on the lamina beneath brown(ish).<br />

11. Lateral veins 4-8(1 1) pairs; pistillate inflorescences pluricapitate; staminate flower heads<br />

ca. 2-3 mm in diameter. ........................................ 11. C. crassivenosa.<br />

11. Lateral veins (7-)10-24 pairs; pistillate inflorescences (usually unicapitate; staminate<br />

flower heads 4-10 mm in diameter.<br />

12. Common peduncle of the staminate inflorescence 1-2 cm long, that of the pistillate<br />

inflorescence 0.5-0.8 cm long; pistillate flower heads ellipsoid to clavate. .......<br />

...................................... . ........................ 14. . C . duquei.<br />

12. Common peduncle of the staminate inflorescence 2-6 cm long, that of the pistillate<br />

inflorescence (1)2-13 cm long; pistillate flower heads (sub)globose .... 42. C. villosa.<br />

10. Arachnoid indumentum on the lamina beneath whitish.<br />

13. Stamens 2; pistillate flower heads 1(-3). ................................. 42. C. villosa<br />

13. Stamens 3; pistillate flower heads 3-10.<br />

14. Common peduncle 8-20 cm long; base of the lamina cordate to rounded ........<br />

...................................................... 22. C longepedunculata.<br />

14. Common peduncle up to 7 cm long; base of the lamina usually obtuse to rounded.<br />

............................................................... 19. C. herthae.<br />

9. Lamina beneath <strong>with</strong>out arachnoid indumentum.<br />

15. Lamina beneath <strong>with</strong> domatium-like cavities in the axils of the lateral veins; interfloral bracts<br />

large <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> peltate. ...................................................... 10. C. contorta.<br />

15. Lamina beneath <strong>with</strong>out domatium-like cavities; interfloral bracts relatively small <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> spathulate<br />

to subpeltate.<br />

16. All lateral veins usually br<strong>an</strong>ched; pistillate inflorescences usually unicapitate; stamen<br />

1. ......... ..................................... . .. 1. .. C. asperifolia.<br />

16. Only the basal pair of lateral veins usually br<strong>an</strong>ched; pistillate inflorescences pluricapitate;<br />

stamens 3.<br />

17. Stipules glabrous or sparsely puberulous ............................... 34. C. parviceps.<br />

17. Stipules <strong>with</strong> dense indumentum.<br />

18. Lamina about as long as broad; lateral veins 5-9 pairs. ....... 41. C. v<strong>an</strong>nifolia.<br />

18. Lamina distinctly longer th<strong>an</strong> broad; lateral veins 8-12 pairs.<br />

19. Common peduncle 8-20 cm long; base of the lamina cordate to rounded.<br />

..................................... 22. C. longepedunculata.<br />

19. Common peduncle up to 7 cm long; base of the lamina usually obtuse to<br />

rounded. .............................................. 19. C. herthae.<br />

6. Key to the <strong>Coussapoa</strong> Species in Peru <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Bolivia<br />

1. Interfloral bracts absent.<br />

2. Basal lateral veins unbr<strong>an</strong>ched (or occasionally <strong>with</strong> a single br<strong>an</strong>ch).<br />

3. Lateral veins 7-21 pairs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the lamina beneath (almost) glabrous in the areoles. .. 32. C. ovalifolia.<br />

3. Lateral veins 2-9 pairs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>/or the lamina beneath <strong>with</strong> dense, minute hairs in the areoles.<br />

4. Basal lateral veins reaching the margin above or just below the middle of the lamina; stipules<br />

mostly <strong>with</strong>out or <strong>with</strong> sparse long yellow hairs; br<strong>an</strong>ches of the pistillate inflorescence slightly<br />

broadened towards the flower heads ..................................... 31. C. orthoneura.<br />

4. Basal lateral veins reaching the margin below to just above the middle of the lamina; stipules

<strong>Coussapoa</strong><br />

<strong>with</strong> dense, long, yellow hairs; br<strong>an</strong>ches of the pistillate inflorescence strongly broadened<br />

towards the flower heads ................................................ 12. C. cupularis.<br />

2. Basal lateral veins br<strong>an</strong>ched.<br />

5. Lateral veins 5-9 pairs; lamina usually elliptic. ........................... See 12. C. cupularis.<br />

5. Lateral veins 8-15 or 14-22; lamina usually ovate.<br />

6. Indumentum of the petiole consisting of dense minute hairs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> distinctly longer, yellowish<br />

hairs; lateral veins 8-15 pairs; peduncle of the pistillate inflorescence 1-2 mm thick; Amazon<br />

Basin. ........................... .................................... 28. C. nitida.<br />

6. Indumentum of the petiole consisting of short hairs, not differing distinctly in length; lateral<br />

veins 14-22 pairs; peduncle of the pistillate inflorescence 6-10(-15) mm thick; Colombia<br />

(Am azonas). ........................................................ 8. C. cinnam om ea.<br />

1. Interfloral bracts present.<br />

7. Lamina trinervate or only the basal pair of lateral veins strong <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the other lateral veins weak <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

inconspicuous.<br />

8. Lamina trinervate; intercostal venation prominent beneath. .................... 40. C. trinervia.<br />

8. Lamina <strong>with</strong> only the basal pair of lateral veins strong <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the other lateral veins weak <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

inconspicuous; intercostal venation pl<strong>an</strong>e beneath. ....................... 9. C. cinnamomifolia.<br />

7. Lamina pinnately veined.<br />

9. Lamina beneath glabrous or <strong>with</strong> sparse indumentum.<br />

10. Basal lateral veins unbr<strong>an</strong>ched; stipules up to 1(-1.3) cm long; margin of the lamina +<br />

revolute at the base. .................................................. 35. C. parvifolia.<br />

10. Basal <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>/or other lateral veins usually br<strong>an</strong>ched; stipules up to 3.5 cm long; margin of the<br />

lamina not revolute at the base. ......................................... 4. C. asperifolia.<br />

9. Lamina beneath <strong>with</strong> dense indumentum.<br />

11. Lamina beneath <strong>with</strong>out arachnoid indumentum <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> basal pair of veins unbr<strong>an</strong>ched. ....<br />

.................................................................... 24. C. m<strong>an</strong>uensis.<br />

11. Lamina beneath <strong>with</strong> arachnoid indumentum <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> basal pair of lateral veins br<strong>an</strong>ched.<br />

12. Stamens 3; common peduncle 8-20 cm long; pistillate flower heads 3-10 ...........<br />

............... ........................................... 22. C. longepedunculata.<br />

12. Stamens 2 or 1; common peduncle up to 6 cm long, or if longer in pistillate inflorescences<br />

then a single flower head.<br />

13. Stamens 2; pistillate inflorescences unicapitate, or if pluricapitate then the peri<strong>an</strong>th<br />

of the pistillate flower densely puberulous. ......................... 42. C. villosa.<br />

13. Stamen 1; pistillate inflorescences pluricapitate <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> peri<strong>an</strong>th of the pistillate flower<br />

alm ost glabrous. ........................................ ... 39. C. tessm<strong>an</strong>nii.<br />

7. Key to the <strong>Coussapoa</strong> Species in Amazoni<strong>an</strong> Brazil<br />

1. Interfloral bracts absent.<br />

2. Lateral veins 2-8 pairs.<br />

3. Stipules 0.5-1 cm long; stamens 2; pistillate flower heads 1-3 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> common peduncle or br<strong>an</strong>ches<br />

not thickened below these heads. ........................................... 43. C. viridifolia.<br />

3. Stipules usually longer th<strong>an</strong> 2 cm, if shorter th<strong>an</strong> 1 cm then stamen 1 or pistillate flower heads<br />

2-10 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the br<strong>an</strong>ches of the inflorescence more or less thickened below these heads.<br />

4. Intercostal venation prominent beneath; lamina beneath <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> inflorescences <strong>with</strong> dense, white<br />

arachnoid indumentum; Lower Amazon Basin. .......................... 2. C. arachnoidea.<br />

4. Intercostal venation pl<strong>an</strong>e beneath; lamina <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> inflorescences <strong>with</strong>out arachnoid indumentum,<br />

or if present then mostly soon disappearing; Upper Amazon Basin.<br />

5. Basal lateral veins reaching the margin above to just below the middle of the lamina;<br />

stipules mostly <strong>with</strong>out or <strong>with</strong> sparse, long, yellow hairs; br<strong>an</strong>ches of the pistillate inflorescence<br />

slightly thickened below the flower heads. .................... 31. C. orthoneura.<br />

5. Basal lateral veins reaching the margin below to just above the middle of the lamina;<br />

stipules <strong>with</strong> dense, long, yellow hairs; br<strong>an</strong>ches of the pistillate inflorescence strongly<br />

thickened below the flower heads. .................................... 12. C. cupularis.<br />

2. Lateral veins (7-)9-22 pairs.<br />

6. Basal lateral veins (mostly unbr<strong>an</strong>ched; lamina beneath in the areoles glabrous or sparsely puberulous.<br />

................................................................. 32. C. ovalifolia.<br />

6. Basal lateral veins br<strong>an</strong>ched; lamina beneath in the areoles <strong>with</strong> dense, minute hairs.<br />

7. Petiole 2-4 mm thick, <strong>with</strong> dense, minute hairs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> sparse, much longer, yellowish hairs.<br />

......................................................................... 28. C . m itida.<br />

7. Petiole 5-7 mm thick, <strong>with</strong> short hairs about the same in length. ......... 8. C. cinnamomea.<br />


28 Flora Neotropica<br />

1. Interfloral bracts present.<br />

8. Lamina trinervate ............................................................. 40. C. trinervia.<br />

8. Lamina pinnately veined.<br />

9. Lamina scabrous above.<br />

10. Lateral veins unbr<strong>an</strong>ched. ................................................ 37. C. scabra.<br />

10. All or most lateral veins br<strong>an</strong>ched .......................................4. C. asperifolia.<br />

9. Lamina smooth above.<br />

11. Lam ina trinervate. ..................................................... 40. C. trinervia.<br />

11. Lamina pinnately veined.<br />

12. Lamina beneath <strong>with</strong> dense, partly arachnoid indumentum.<br />

13. Arachnoid indumentum on the lamina brownish.<br />

14. Lateral veins 4-5 pairs; lamina oblong. ..................... 16. C. ferruginea.<br />

14. Lateral veins (4-)5-8 pairs; lamina mostly elliptic to ovate to obovate or to<br />

suborbicular. ........................................... 11. C. crassivenosa.<br />

13. Arachnoid indumentum on the lamina whitish.<br />

15. Stamens 2; pistillate inflorescences (usually) unicapitate; peri<strong>an</strong>th of the pistillate<br />

flower densely puberulous. .............................. 42. C. villosa.<br />

15. Stamen 1; pistillate inflorescences pluricapitate; peri<strong>an</strong>th of the pistillate flower<br />

almost glabrous. ........................................<br />

39. C. tessm<strong>an</strong>nii.<br />

12. Lamina beneath glabrous or <strong>with</strong> sparse indumentum <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> arachnoid indumentum lacking.<br />

16. Lateral veins 2-4 pairs. .......................................1. C. <strong>an</strong>gustifolia.<br />

16. Lateral veins 4-11 pairs.<br />

17. Lateral veins 7-11 pairs; terminal buds usually swollen. ...... 35. C. parvifolia.<br />

17. Lateral veins 4-7 pairs; terminal buds slender.<br />

18. Leafy twigs (rather) abruptly thickened <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> wide cavities; stamen 1.<br />

...................................................... . C. asperifolia.<br />

18. Leafy twigs gradually thickened <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> solid or <strong>with</strong> narrow cavities.<br />

19. Hairs on the lamina beneath distinctly different in lengths. ........<br />

................................................. 43. C. viridifolia.<br />

19. Hairs on the lamina beneath about equal in length ..... 20. C. latifolia.<br />

8. Key to the <strong>Coussapoa</strong> Species in Eastern Brazil<br />

(Rio Gr<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>e do Sul to Pernambuco)<br />

1. Stipules up to 1 cm long. ........................................... 13. C. curr<strong>an</strong>ii.<br />

1. Stipules at least 1 cm long.<br />

2. Lamina above <strong>with</strong> subpersistent, white, arachnoid indumentum. ................... 17. C. floccosa.<br />

2. Lamina above glabrous.<br />

3. Stamens much longer th<strong>an</strong> the peri<strong>an</strong>th; pistillate inflorescences mostly unicapitate, (common)<br />

peduncle 1-2.5 cm long; stipules up to 7 cm long; leaf margin usually revolute towards the base.<br />

........................................................................ 25. C . m icrocarp a.<br />

3. Stamens as long as the peri<strong>an</strong>th; pistillate inflorescences mostly pluricapitate, common peduncle<br />

2.5-4 cm long; stipules up to 2 cm long; leaf margin entirely revolute or pl<strong>an</strong>e ...............<br />

....................................................................... 33. C . p achyp hylla.<br />

1. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> <strong>an</strong>gustifolia Aublet, Hist. pl. Gui-<br />

<strong>an</strong>e 2: 956, t. 363. 1775; Miquel, Fl. bras. 4(1):<br />

138. 1853; Berg. Fl. Suriname 5(1): 283. 1975.<br />

Type. French Gui<strong>an</strong>a. Without locality, -,<br />

Aublet s.n. (BM, leaf fragment). Fig. 10.<br />

Shrub or tree, mostly hemi-epiphytic, up to 30<br />

m tall. Leafy twigs 3-8 mm thick, glabrous or<br />

sparsely, minutely puberulous, lenticels numer-<br />

ous <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> conspicuous. Lamina coriaceous ob-<br />

ovate or subobovate (to obl<strong>an</strong>ceolate or ellip-<br />

tic to oblong), 2-11 x 1-6 cm, apex obtuse to<br />

rounded or emarginate, base acute to cuneate (or<br />

to subobtuse), margin entire; upper surface glabrous,<br />

lower surface glabrous or sparsely appressed-puberulous;<br />

lateral veins 2-4 pairs,<br />

straight or curved, basal pair unbr<strong>an</strong>ched, reaching<br />

the margin far above the middle of the lamina;<br />

intercostal venation mostly pl<strong>an</strong>e; petiole 1-<br />

5 cm long, glabrous or sparsely appressed-puberulous;<br />

stipules 0.5-1 cm long, glabrous or<br />

sparsely appressed-puberulous. Staminate inflorescences<br />

poorly br<strong>an</strong>ched, heads 3-5, sometimes<br />

partly fused, globose, 5-8 mm diam.; common<br />

peduncle 0.5-1.5 cm long, minutely

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> 29<br />

FIG. 10. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> <strong>an</strong>gustifolia: 1, leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences (Schulz 10344a); 2, staminate<br />

inflorescences (Pires et al. 50631).<br />

puberulous; peri<strong>an</strong>th 1 mm high, glabrous; sta-<br />

men one, as long as the peri<strong>an</strong>th. Pistillate inflo-<br />

rescences unbr<strong>an</strong>ched or rarely br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads<br />

1(-2), globose, ca. 5 mm, in fruit up to 20 mm<br />

diam.; (common) peduncle 0.3-3 cm long, mi-<br />

nutely puberulous; peri<strong>an</strong>th 1(-2) mm high, gla-<br />

brous; fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th yellow to or<strong>an</strong>ge. Inter-<br />

floral bracts spathulate to subpeltate, apex<br />

ciliolate.<br />

Distribution (Fig. 6). Surinam, French Gui<strong>an</strong>a,<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Brazil (Amapa <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Para); in upl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> riverine<br />

forest.<br />

Specimens studied. SURINAM. Brownsberg, 6 Sep<br />

1915 (e), BW 772 (A, K, NY, U); Brokopondo Lake,

30<br />

10 Sep 1965 (st), V<strong>an</strong> Donselaar 2569 (U); Wilhelmina<br />

Mts., Zuid: River, 45 km above confluence <strong>with</strong> Lucie<br />

River, 25 Sep 1963 (9), Irwin et al. 57574 (B, G, MO,<br />

NY, OXF, R, S, U); Coppename River, Bitagron, 28<br />

Jul 1954 (9), Lindem<strong>an</strong> 6362 (F, U); Z<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>erij Sav<strong>an</strong>na,<br />

28 Aug 1954 (st), Lindem<strong>an</strong> 6545 (U); Z<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>erij, 15<br />

Apr 1954 (st), Lindem<strong>an</strong> 6600 (MO, U); Saramacca<br />

River, Jacobkondre, 19 Jun 1944 (6), Maguire 23867<br />

(A, F, K, NY, U, US); Saramacca River, nr. Kwattahede,<br />

22 Jun 1944 (2), Maguire 23942 (A, F, K, MO,<br />

NY, P, RB, U); Wilhelmina Mts., S of Juli<strong>an</strong>atop, 7<br />

Aug 1963 (8), Schulz 10344a (NY, U); Suriname River,<br />

G<strong>an</strong>see, 8 Jul 1908 (9), Tresling 55 (U).<br />

FRENCH GUIANA. Without locality, - (st), Aublet<br />

s.n. (BM, type collection); It<strong>an</strong>y River, isl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> in<br />

rapids, 30 Sep 1961 (9), BAFOG (=Graimleux) 7938<br />

(CAY, U); Maroni River, 15 Sep 1903 (9), Geay 3285<br />

(P), Oyapock River, nr. Gr<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Roche Fall, 17 Jul 1960<br />

(9), Maguire et al. 47049 (G, GH, LE, NY, OXF, U,<br />

US); nr. Cayenne, - (9), Martin s.n. (BM, BR, K);<br />

Maroni River, 1854 (9), Melinon 172 (LE, P); Camopi<br />

River, below Gr<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Tamouri Creek, 2 Feb 1968 (2),<br />

Oldem<strong>an</strong> et al. 207 (CAY, P, U, US); Sinnamary River,<br />

1.5 km above Courcibo River, 7 Aug 1967 (9), Oldem<strong>an</strong><br />

B1167 (CAY); Kourou River, 2 km above Cr6ole,<br />

18 Sep 1967 (9), Oldem<strong>an</strong> B1324 (CAY, U); Oropu<br />

River, 1.5 km above Degrad Lal<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>e, 16 Oct 1965 (9),<br />

Oldem<strong>an</strong> 1619 (CAY); Approuague River, 5 km above<br />

Maripa Creek, 3 Feb 1967 (9), Oldem<strong>an</strong> 2476 (CAY,<br />

P, U); Oyapock River, above Moutouci Falls, 15 May<br />

1970 (6), Oldem<strong>an</strong> B3243 (CAY, U); Sinnamary, road<br />

to St. Elie, 18 Jul 1977 (6), Sastre 5500 (P, U).<br />

BRAZIL. AMAPA: Rio Araguari, between 1055'N,<br />

51?51'W <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 2?5'N, 51056'W, 1 Sep 1961 (9), Pires et<br />

al. 50631 (NY, U, US). PARA: Mun. Oriximina, road<br />

to Cachoeira Porteira, 18 Jun 1980 (9), Cid et al. 1053<br />

(U); Rio Paru do Oeste, Cachoeira Chuvisco, 17 Sep<br />

1980 (9), Cid et al. 2223 (U), Ilhas de Breves, Furo<br />

Macujubim, 16 Nov 1922 (9), Ducke (HJBR) 18461<br />

(RB); Rio Trombetas, Cachoeira Porteira, 8 Jun 1978<br />

(9), N. T. Silva et al. 4757 (U).<br />

This species, <strong>with</strong> few lateral veins in a mostly<br />

subobovate lamina, appears to be related to C.<br />

trinervia. In its leaf characters C. <strong>an</strong>gustifolia is<br />

tr<strong>an</strong>sitional to the trinervate state of the latter<br />

species. It also shows m<strong>an</strong>y similarities to the<br />

Central Americ<strong>an</strong> C. glaberrima.<br />

2. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> arachnoidea Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s & C. C.<br />

Berg, Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch. Ser.<br />

C, 85(4): 442. 1982. Type. Brazil. Amapa: Rio<br />

Araguari, between 1?55'N, 51?59'W <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 2?5'N,<br />

51?56'W, 1 Sep 1961 (2), Pires et al. 50656<br />

(holotype, IAN; isotypes, M, MG, NY, OXF,<br />

US, VEN). Fig. 11.<br />

Tree. hemi-epiphytic, up to 35 m tall. Leafy<br />

twigs 3-8 mm thick, <strong>with</strong> sparse, arachnoid hairs<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> yellowish, straight hairs on the scars of the<br />

Flora Neotropica<br />

stipules. Lamina coriaceous, elliptic to ovate or<br />

to l<strong>an</strong>ceolate, (6-)9-16 x (2-)3-7 cm, apex acute,<br />

base obtuse to acute, margin entire; upper surface<br />

glabrous, lower surface in the areoles rather<br />

densely, minutely puberulous, on the main veins<br />

sparse, rather long, yellowish hairs, initially the<br />

whole surface densely covered <strong>with</strong> white arachnoid<br />

hairs; lateral veins 5-8 pairs, almost straight,<br />

basal pair unbr<strong>an</strong>ched, reaching the margin at or<br />

just below the middle; intercostal venation rather<br />

prominent; petiole 3-6 cm long, villous <strong>with</strong> white<br />

arachnoid hairs, glabrescent; stipules 5-8 cm long,<br />

villous <strong>with</strong> white arachnoid hairs, mixed <strong>with</strong><br />

rather long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> straight appressed, yellowish hairs<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> reddishbrown pluricellular hairs. Staminate<br />

inflorescences unknown. Pistillate inflorescences<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads 2-4, globose ca. 4-5<br />

mm diam.; common peduncle 1.5-2 cm long,<br />

densely villous <strong>with</strong> yellowish to white arachnoid<br />

hairs, mixed <strong>with</strong> straight appressed yellowish<br />

hairs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> reddish-brown pluricellular hairs,<br />

apices of the br<strong>an</strong>ches broadened towards the<br />

heads; peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1 mm high, minutely puberulous.<br />

Interfloral bracts absent.<br />

Distribution (Fig. 6). Brazil (Amapa).<br />

Specimens studied. BRAZIL. AMAPA: Rio Araguari,<br />

between 1?55'N, 51059'W <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 2?5'N, 51056'W, 1 Sep<br />

1961 (v), Pires et al. 50656 (IAN, M, MG, NY, OXF,<br />

US, VEN, type collection).<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> arachnoidea appears to be closely<br />

related to C. orthoneura, from which it differs in<br />

the prominent intercostal venation <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the dense<br />

covering of white arachnoid hairs on the leaves<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> inflorescences. Staminate inflorescences are<br />

needed to determine the validity or not of the<br />

presumed relationship. It may prove to be distinct<br />

from C. orthoneura only at the subspecific<br />

level.<br />

3. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> argentea Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s & C. C. Berg,<br />

Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch. Ser. C, 85(4):<br />

443. 1982. Type. Venezuela. Bolivar: 119 km<br />

S of El Dorado, 12 J<strong>an</strong> 1964 (6), Steyermark<br />

et al. 92991 (holotype, VEN; isotypes, NY, U,<br />

US). Fig. 12.<br />

Tree, hemi-epiphytic or terrestrial, up to 30 m<br />

tall. Leafy twigs 3-5 mm thick, brownish pu-<br />

berulous to strigose or partly to hirsute <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong><br />

brown to white arachnoid hairs. Lamina coria-<br />

ceous, obovate to elliptic, occasionally ovate or

<strong>Coussapoa</strong><br />

FG. 11. <strong>Coussapoa</strong>1 ly tg wh p e is (s et<br />

FIG. 11. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> arachnoidea: 1, leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences<br />

(Pires et al. 50656).<br />

oblong, 2-12 x 1-6 cm, apex obtuse to acute or<br />

acuminate, base obtuse, margin entire; upper<br />

surface glabrous, lower surface sparsely to densely<br />

appressed-puberulous <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> a dense cov-<br />

cm.<br />

31<br />

ering of silvery arachnoid hairs, deciduous <strong>with</strong><br />

age; lateral veins 2-3(-4) pairs, slightly curved,<br />

basal pair unbr<strong>an</strong>ched, reaching the margin above<br />

the middle of the lamina; intercostal venation

32 Flora Neotropica<br />

c.<br />

FIG. 12. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> argentea: 1, leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences (Steyermark & Nilsson 487); 2, leafy<br />

twig <strong>with</strong> staminate inflorescences (Steyermark & Nilsson 388).

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> 33<br />

slightly prominent to almost pl<strong>an</strong>e; petiole 1-2 abruptly thickened just below the apex <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> widely<br />

cm long, brownish puberulous to strigose or part- hollow, (rather) sparsely puberulous to hispiduly<br />

to hirsute <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> brown to white arachnoid lous, often also <strong>with</strong> brown pluricellular hairs,<br />

hairs; stipules 1-5 cm long, densely covered <strong>with</strong> sometimes partly hirtellous. Lamina coriaceous<br />

brownish curled to arachnoid hairs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> whitish to subcoriaceous, obovate to subobovate to elstraight<br />

hairs. Staminate inflorescences repeat- liptic to oblong to suborbicular to ovate or to<br />

edly br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads m<strong>an</strong>y, globose, ca. 2-3 mm cordiform, 7-32 x 4-24 cm, apex rounded to<br />

diam.; common peduncle 2-3 mm long, puber- obtuse to emarginate, base obtuse to rounded to<br />

ulous to hirtellous; peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1 mm high, truncate to cordate, margin entire to subcrenate;<br />

3-lobed, glabrous; stamens two, exceeding the upper surface scabrous <strong>with</strong> minute rigid hairs<br />

peri<strong>an</strong>th. Pistillate inflorescences unbr<strong>an</strong>ched; to smooth <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> glabrous, lower surface densely<br />

head globose, ca. 4 mm diam.; peduncle 2-3.5 to sparsely puberulous <strong>with</strong> curved (to straight)<br />

cm long, puberulous, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> silvery arachnoid hairs or only minutely puberulous on the main<br />

hairs; peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1 mm high, glabrous. Inter- veins, sometimes partly hirtellous, in juvenile<br />

floral bracts spathulate to subpeltate, sometimes leaves sometimes the whole surface hisfew.<br />

pid(ulous); lateral veins 4-9 pairs, usually all or<br />

Distribution (Fig. 6). Venezuela (Bolivar); most of them br<strong>an</strong>ched, sometimes the basal pair<br />

mostly in moist forest on table mountains, be- unbr<strong>an</strong>ched or faintly br<strong>an</strong>ched but some of the<br />

tween (450-)1000 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 1300 m.<br />

other lateral veins poorly br<strong>an</strong>ched, (main) basal<br />

pair reaching the margin at, below, or above the<br />

Specimens studied. VENEZUELA. BOLIVAR: Road middle of the<br />

El Dorado-S<strong>an</strong>ta<br />

lamina; intercostal venation<br />

Elena, km 109, 23<br />

prom-<br />

Feb 1959 (6), Bernardi<br />

7238<br />

inent to<br />

(G); upper Rio Cuyuni, Cumbre de La Es- pl<strong>an</strong>e; petiole 1.5-15 cm long, sparsely<br />

calera, 1000 m, 20-21 Aug 1962 (6), Maguire et al. to densely minutely puberulous, sometimes part-<br />

46879 (U, US, VEN); nr. Cerro Uei, between Luepa ly hirtellous; stipules 0.5-3.5 cm long, puberu<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

Cerro Venamo, 1100 m, 20-22 Apr 1960 (6), Stey- lous to hispidulous, often also <strong>with</strong> brown pluriermark<br />

& Nilsson 388 (NY, US, VEN); NE of Luepa, cellular<br />

1300 m, 23 Apr 1960 (v), Steyermark & Nilsson<br />

hairs, sometimes<br />

487<br />

partly hirtellous.<br />

(NY, VEN); 119 km S of El Dorado, 12 J<strong>an</strong> 1964 Staminate<br />

(6),<br />

inflorescences br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads m<strong>an</strong>y,<br />

Steyermark et al. 92991 (NY, U, US, VEN, type col- free or partly fused, (sub)globose, 3-10 mm diam.;<br />

lection).<br />

common peduncle 2-8 cm long, puberulous;<br />

peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1 mm high, minutely puberulous or<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> argentea is similar to C. micro- glabrous; stamen one, as long as or slightly longer<br />

cephala in m<strong>an</strong>y features. The species differs from th<strong>an</strong> the peri<strong>an</strong>th. Pistillate inflorescence unthe<br />

latter in the smaller number of lateral veins, br<strong>an</strong>ched or br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads 1-6, free or partly<br />

the basal pair of which reaches the margin below fused, 3-12 mm, in fruit up to 30 mm diam.;<br />

the middle of the lamina. Moreover, the pistillate (common) peduncle 1-9.5 cm long, puberulous<br />

inflorescence is unicapitate, being normally plur- to almost glabrous; peri<strong>an</strong>th 1.2 mm high, miicapitate<br />

in C. microcephala. The two species nutely puberulous or glabrous. Interfloral bracts<br />

appear to differ ecologically (altitudinal condi- (sub)spathulate to (sub)peltate, minutely pubertions)<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> may prove to be distinct only at the ulous at the apex.<br />

subspecies level.<br />

C. asperifolia differs from the other <strong>Coussapoa</strong><br />

species: (1) The endocarp body is pushed out of<br />

4. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> asperifolia Trecul, Ann.<br />

the<br />

Sci. Nat. peri<strong>an</strong>th through the torn apex of the peri-<br />

Bot. Ser. 3, 8: 96. 1847; Miquel, Fl. bras. <strong>an</strong>th, due to the<br />

4(1):<br />

exp<strong>an</strong>sion of the mucilaginous<br />

135. 1853; Macbride, Publ. Field Mus. Bot. mesocarp (see p. 8). (2) Furthermore, the leafy<br />

13(2.2): 296. 1937; Berg, Fl. Suriname twigs widen rather abruptly<br />

5(1):<br />

just below the apex<br />

284. 1975. Lectotype. Suriname.<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> have<br />

Without<br />

wide<br />

lo-<br />

cavities, which are often occupied<br />

cality, 1843 ($), Hostm<strong>an</strong>n 1189 by <strong>an</strong>ts.<br />

(holotype, P;<br />

Within this<br />

isotypes, B, G, K, LE, U).<br />

widespread <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> polymorphic<br />

species three subspecies c<strong>an</strong> be recognized. These<br />

Tree or shrub, hemi-epiphytic or terrestrial, up three subspecies are not well separated morphoto<br />

25 m tall. Leafy twigs 3-20 mm thick, (usually) logically or geographically.

34 Flora Neotropica<br />

Key to the Subspecies of <strong>Coussapoa</strong> asperifolia<br />

1. Lamina scabrous to scabridulous above, densely (to rather sparsely) puberulous <strong>with</strong> curved hairs on<br />

the smaller veins beneath; intercostal venation prominent; lamina mostly obovate. ....a. ssp. asperifolia.<br />

1. Lamina smooth (to scabridulous) above, glabrous or sparsely puberulous on the smaller veins, sparsely<br />

to rather densely minutely puberulous <strong>with</strong> straight hairs on the main veins beneath; intercostal venation<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>e to prominent.<br />

2. All or most lateral veins br<strong>an</strong>ched, sometimes poorly so <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the basal pair unbr<strong>an</strong>ched; lamina<br />

mostly ovate to cordiform or elliptic; pistillate heads mostly 1, more th<strong>an</strong> 10 mm, in fruit up to 35<br />

mm in diam. ........................................................... ..b. ssp. magnifolia.<br />

2. Few or none of the lateral veins (poorly) br<strong>an</strong>ched, the basal pair unbr<strong>an</strong>ched or faintly br<strong>an</strong>ched;<br />

lamina mostly obovate to subobovate; pistillate heads 3-5, ca. 3-6 mm, in fruit up to 15 mm in<br />

diam ........ ........................................................... c. ssp. rham noides.<br />

4a. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> asperifolia ssp. asperifolia 1921 (6), BW 5262 (A, U); <strong>with</strong>out locality, 1843 (8),<br />

Fig. 13. Hostm<strong>an</strong>n 1189 (B, G, K, LE, P, U, lectotype collection);<br />

Lely Mts., 19 Sep 1975 (st), Lindem<strong>an</strong> et al. 34<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> ficina St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley, Publ. Field Mus. Bot. 17: (U); Concession Haenen, W of mouth of Coppename<br />

161. 1937. Type. Brazil. Amazonas: Nr. M<strong>an</strong>aus, River, 25 Mar 1954 (st), Lindem<strong>an</strong> 5709 (U); upper<br />

road to Aleixo, 12 Aug-1 Sep 1936 (9), Krukoff7966 Lit<strong>an</strong>i River, 9 Aug 1937 (a), Rombouts 803 (A, K,<br />

(holotype, NY; isotypes, A, BM, F, K, LE, MO, S, NY, U); Pl<strong>an</strong>tation Lustrijk, Dec 1837 (8), Splitgerber<br />

U).<br />

448 (=122) (L, P); Maratakka River, 20 Aug 1976 (2),<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> cayennensis Hawkes, Phytologia 3: 30. 1948. Teunissen (LBB) 16031 (U).<br />

Type. French Gui<strong>an</strong>a. Nr. Cayenne, 17 Jul 1921 (9), FRENCH GUIANA. It<strong>an</strong>y River, isl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> in rapids,<br />

Broadway 880 (holotype, NY; isotypes, GH, NY, 30 Sep 1962 (9), BAFOG (=Graimleux) 7942 (CAY,<br />

US).<br />

U); nr. Cayenne, 17 Jul 1921 (9), Broadway 880 (GH,<br />

NY, US, type collection of C. cayennensis); Oyapock<br />

Lamina mostly obovate to subobovate or el- River, Les Trois Sauts, 27 Mar 1975 (9), Gren<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 966<br />

liptic to oblong, mostly 10-17 cm long, base<br />

(CAY); Anse Bruyere, 15 Aug 1978 (a), Gren<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 1596<br />

(U); nr. Cayenne,<br />

mostly obtuse to rounded; upper surface scabrous<br />

<strong>with</strong> a dense covering of minute rigid hairs,<br />

sometimes scabridulous, lower surface on the<br />

smaller veins mostly densely puberulous <strong>with</strong><br />

curved (to straight) hairs; lateral veins 4-7 pairs,<br />

all or most of them br<strong>an</strong>ched, the (main) basal<br />

pair reaching the margin above the middle of the<br />

lamina; intercostal venation prominent; petiole<br />

1.5-9 cm long; stipules 0.5-1.5 cm long. Staminate<br />

inflorescences <strong>with</strong> heads up to 10 mm<br />

diam.; common peduncle up to 4.5 cm long. Pistillate<br />

inflorescences <strong>with</strong> mostly, sometimes two,<br />

(partly fused) heads, mostly more th<strong>an</strong> 1 cm, in<br />

fruit up to 2.5 cm diam.; (common) peduncle 1-<br />

3 cm long.<br />

Distribution (Fig. 6). Eastern Gui<strong>an</strong>a region<br />

(Surinam <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> French Gui<strong>an</strong>a), in Brazil in Amapa<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> eastern Para <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> also, apparently segregated<br />

from the main area, in the central part of<br />

the Amazon Basin; in upl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> riverine forest.<br />

This distribution shows striking similarities to<br />

that of C. latifolia.<br />

Specimens studied. SURINAM. Section 0, 11 Nov<br />

1915 (st), BW1322 (U); Cor<strong>an</strong>tijn River, Kabouri, 26<br />

Jun 1916 (st), BW2070 (U); Maratakka River, 25 Nov<br />

1917 (9), BW 3430 (F, NY, U, US); Section 0, 10 Aug<br />

- (9), Lem<strong>an</strong> s.n. (P); nr. Cayenne,<br />

Mar 1900 (st), Lemee s.n. (P); <strong>with</strong>out locality, - (9),<br />

Leprieur s. n. (P); Kuataka, Antecume Pata, confluence<br />

of It<strong>an</strong>y River <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Marouini River, 14 Nov 1977 (9),<br />

Moretti 837 (CAY); Approuague River, between Sapokaye<br />

Creek <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Gr<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> C<strong>an</strong>ori Falls, 23 Oct 1968<br />

(9), Oldem<strong>an</strong> T243 (CAY, GH, NY, P, U); Oyapock<br />

River, between Notaye Creek <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Caim<strong>an</strong> Creek, 10<br />

Jul 1969 (st), Oldem<strong>an</strong> T366 (CAY, U); Oyapock River,<br />

Sav<strong>an</strong>e-Roche, Baton Pilon, 12 Jul 1969 (6), Oldem<strong>an</strong><br />

B2538 (CAY, U); Oyapock River, above Oscar,<br />

18 Jun 1970 (9), Oldem<strong>an</strong> B3420 (CAY, P, U); <strong>with</strong>out<br />

locality, 1820 (9), Perrotet s.n. (P); Sinnamary, road to<br />

St. Elie, km 8, 28 Aug 1979 (st), Provost 738 (U);<br />

Acarou<strong>an</strong>y, 1856 (st), Sagot s.n. (P); nr. Kourou, 14<br />

Dec 1978 (9), Sastre 6417 (CAY, P, U); <strong>with</strong>out locality,<br />

23 Jun 1921 (9), Wachenheim 426 (P).<br />

BRAZIL. AMAPA: Rio Araguari, between 1?2'N,<br />

51?15'W <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 0?57'N, 51?29'W, 13 Sep 1961 (6), Pires<br />

et al. 50913 (NY, OXF, R, U, US). AMAZONAS: Nr.<br />

M<strong>an</strong>aus, BR. 17, ca. km 9, 5 Aug 1955 (9), D. Coelho<br />

(INPA) 1577 (U), 8 Jul 1955 (8), Chagas (INPA) 1364<br />

(U); nr. M<strong>an</strong>aus, Colonia Joao Alfredo, 21 Aug 1947<br />

(9), Ducke 2103 (IAN, R, U); nr. M<strong>an</strong>aus, Pensador,<br />

Aug 1910 ($), Ule 8836 (G, K, MG); M<strong>an</strong>aus-Caracarai<br />

road, ca. km 130, 13 Feb 1974 (9), Stewardet al. P.20255<br />

(MO, U). PARA: Res. Florest, Rio Aura, 18 Oct 1978<br />

(9), Carauta et al. 3011 (RB); Belem, 21 Oct 1915 (st),<br />

Ducke (HAMP) 15804 (BM); Mun. Oriximinf, Rio<br />

Mapuera, 19 Aug 1986 (a), Ferreira et al. 7831 (BG);<br />

Arama, 2 Nov 1900 (9), Huber (HAMP) 1873 (G); Rio<br />

J<strong>an</strong>, rd. to Munguba, km 15, 13 Jul 1964 (9), N. T.<br />

Silva 2166 (U).

.". ~:.,, .<br />


36 Flora Neotropica<br />

4b. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> asperifolia ssp. magnifolia (Trecul)<br />

Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s & C. C. Berg, Proc. Kon. Ned.<br />

Akad. Wetensch. Ser. C, 85(4): 445. 1982.<br />

Fig. 14.<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> magnifolia Trecul, Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. Ser.<br />

3, 8: 98. 1847; Miquel, Fl. bras. 4(1): 139. 1853;<br />

Macbride, Publ. Field Mus. Bot. 13(2.2): 297. 1937;<br />

Woodson & Schery, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 47:<br />

169. 1960. Type. Peru. Without locality, - (2), Ruiz<br />

& Pavon s.n. (or 4) (holotype, FI; isotypes, B, BM,<br />

F, US).<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> ruizii Klotzsch, Linnaea 20:529. 1847. Type.<br />

Peru. Without locality, - Specimens studied. PANAMA. CANAL ZONE: Fort<br />

S<strong>an</strong> Lorenzo, 13 Sep 1947 (a), Alien 5120 (BM, G,<br />

MO); Barro Colorado Isl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>, 27 Apr 1968 (a), Croat<br />

5124 (DUKE, F, MO), (9), Croat 5125 (F), 1 Oct 1968<br />

(9), Croat 6588 (MO), 10 Feb 1969 (8), Croat 7859<br />

(MO), 13 Jul 1969 (6), Foster 1101 (DUKE, F), Chagres,<br />

22 Jun 1860 (9 + d), Hayes 354 (NY, syntypes of C.<br />

chagresi<strong>an</strong>a); nr. Fort Sherm<strong>an</strong>, 16 Nov 1955 (2), Johnston<br />

1709 (A); E of Indio Tower, 2 Apr 1956 (9), Johnston<br />

1768 (A, MO); Barro Colorado Isl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>, 16 Feb<br />

1932 (a), Woodworth & Vestal 606 (A, F, MO).<br />

COLOMBIA. ANTIOQUIA: Rio Porce, 1000 m, Dec<br />

1962 (2), Espinal 882 (COL). BOYACA: El Humbo region,<br />

130 km N ofBogoti, 1200-1300m, 19 May 1933<br />

(9), Ruiz & Pavon s.n. (or (8), Lawr<strong>an</strong>ce 810 (A, F, G, K, MO, US, type collection<br />

4) (holotype, B; isotypes, BM, F, FI, US).<br />

of C. hypochlora). CAQUETA: La Tagua, 5 May 1953<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> hypochlora St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley, Publ. Field Mus. Bot. (9), Romero-Cast<strong>an</strong>eda 4211 (COL, MO). CHOCO: Nr.<br />

17: 162. 1937. Type. Colombia. Boyaca: El Humbo Helipad, Rio Tru<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>o, at junction <strong>with</strong> Quebrada Buche,<br />

region, 130 km N of Bogota, ca. 1150 m, 19 May 1 Apr 1968 (a), Duke 15742 (U); El Valle, beach, 5<br />

1933 (6), Lawr<strong>an</strong>ce 810 (holotype, F; isotypes, A, G, Aug 1976 (9), Gentry et al. 17217 (MO, NY, U); Rio<br />

K, MO, US).<br />

El Valle, between El Valle <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> village nr. mouth of Rio<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> cardonae Pittier, Bol. Soc. Venez. Cienc. Mutatt, 10 Aug 1976 (8), Gentry et al. 17493 (U); 5<br />

Nat. 8: 257. 1943, as cardonaei. Type. Venezuela. km E of Istmo de S<strong>an</strong> Pablo, ca. 12 km W of Las<br />

Bolivar: Rio Caura, sab<strong>an</strong>as de C<strong>an</strong>aracuni, J<strong>an</strong> 1942 Animas, 12 J<strong>an</strong> 1979 (2), Gentry et al. 24074 (MO, U).<br />

(9), Cardona 374 (holotype, VEN; isotypes, GH, S, CUNDINAMARCA: La Palma, road to Pacho, Rio Murca,<br />

US).<br />

1150-1400 m, 27 Jul 1947 (2), Garcia-Barriga 12408<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> chagresi<strong>an</strong>a Hawkes, Phytologia 3: 30. 1948. (US). SANTANDER: Rio Opon, Atl<strong>an</strong>tico railway, 5 Jul<br />

Syntypes. P<strong>an</strong>ama. C<strong>an</strong>al Zone, Chagres, 22 Jun 1860 1958 (6), Garcia-Barriga 16239 (NY). VALLE: Nr.<br />

(6 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 9), Sutton Hayes 354 (NY).<br />

Buenaventura, 15 Nov 1979 (8), V<strong>an</strong> Rooden et al. 258<br />

(U). VAUPES: Rio Vaup6s, Yurupari Falls, 12 Apr 1953<br />

Lamina mostly ovate to cordiform or elliptic (8), Schultes et al. 18996 (F), Nov 1951 (2), Schultes et<br />

al. 19758<br />

to suborbicular, sometimes obovate, mostly 17-<br />

(GH, MO, US).<br />

VENEZUELA. AMAZONAS: Between Yavita <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

25 cm long, base often subcordate to cordate; Maroa, 6-19 Jul 1969 (st), Bunting et al. 3959 (MY,<br />

upper surface smooth <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> glabrous, sometimes U); upper Rio Orinoco, Raudal de los Guaharibos, 24<br />

scabridulous, lower surface on the smaller veins Jul 1951 (2), Croizat 343 (F, US); Yavita, 10 Jul 1972<br />

glabrous or sparsely puberulous, on the main (9), Lizot (1972-) 1 (US, VEN); S<strong>an</strong> Carlos de Rio<br />

Negro, 7 Mar 1942 (9), LI. Williams 14675 (A, F, G,<br />

veins sparsely to densely minutely puberulous K, NY, RB, US, VEN). BOLIVAR: Rio Caura, sab<strong>an</strong>as<br />

<strong>with</strong> straight hairs, sometimes on the main veins de C<strong>an</strong>aracuni, J<strong>an</strong> 1942 (9), Cardona 374 (A, S, US,<br />

partly hirtellous; lateral veins 4-9 pairs, all or VEN, type collection of C. cardonae); Rio Cuyuni, El<br />

most of them br<strong>an</strong>ched, sometimes the basal pair Chibau, 2 km S of Rio Chibau, 1 Sep 1962 (9), Maguire<br />

et al. 53517<br />

not or faintly br<strong>an</strong>ched but some of the other<br />

(F, NY, OXF, US, VEN); Rio Cuyuni, NE<br />

of Luepa, 1300 m, 23 Apr 1960 (9), Steyermark &<br />

lateral veins poorly br<strong>an</strong>ched, basal pair reaching Nilsson 507 (NY, US, VEN); Ptari-tepui, 1600 m, 11<br />

the margin at, below, or above the middle of the Nov 1964 (st), Steyermark 60002 (F, VEN); between<br />

lamina; intercostal venation pl<strong>an</strong>e to prominent; S<strong>an</strong>ta Teresita de Kav<strong>an</strong>ayen <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Rio Pacairao, Quebrada<br />

petiole 4-17 cm long; stipules 0.5-3.5 cm Oparu-ma, 1065-1220 m, 20 Nov 1944 (9), Steylong.<br />

ermark 60432 (F, VEN); between Rio Paramichi <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

Staminate inflorescences <strong>with</strong> the heads up to 6 Salto de Chalim<strong>an</strong>o, NW of Serr<strong>an</strong>ia Pia-soi, 5 J<strong>an</strong><br />

mm diam.; common peduncle up to 8 cm long. 1962 (9), Steyermark 90583 (US, VEN); Rio Parami-<br />

Pistillate inflorescences mostly <strong>with</strong> one head, chi, between mouth of Rio Paramichi <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Salto de<br />

more th<strong>an</strong> 1 cm, in fruit up to 3 cm diam.; (com- Chalim<strong>an</strong>o, 8-9 J<strong>an</strong> 1962 (9), Steyermark 90736 (K,<br />

mon) peduncle 1.5-9.5 cm<br />

NY, US); Rio Cuyuni, 140-142 km S of El Dorado,<br />

long.<br />

1300-1380 m, 22-28 Dec 1970 (9), Steyermark et al.<br />

Distribution (Fig. 6). Amazon Basin (Bolivia, 104348 (MY, NY). DELTA AMACURO: Cariapo, 13 Dec<br />

Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Venezue- 1953 (9), Little et al. 15990 (VEN); Dto. Antonio Diaz,<br />

la), western Gui<strong>an</strong>a region (Guy<strong>an</strong>a, Venezuela),<br />

C<strong>an</strong>fo Guiniquina, 5 Feb 1977 (6), Marc<strong>an</strong>o-Berti et al.<br />

84-22-77<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> in the central <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Pacific coastal part of Co-<br />

(U); Rio Cuyubini, above Casa Cuyubini, 12<br />

Nov 1960 (9), Steyermark 87480 (G, GH, NY, U, US,<br />

lombia, as far north as P<strong>an</strong>ama; in upl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> VEN); Dto. Antonio Diaz, Caio Htioba, tributary of<br />

riverine forests up to 2000 m.<br />

Rio Araquoa, 16 Oct 1977 (st), Steyermarket al. 114759

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> 37<br />

FIG. 14. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> asperifolia ssp. magnifolia: 1, leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences (Harling et al.<br />

14733); 2, staminate inflorescence (Garcia-Barriga 16239).

38 Flora Neotropica<br />

(MO); Dto. Antonio Diaz, upper part of Cafno Jobure, 4c. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> asperifolia ssp. rhamnoides<br />

7 Apr 1955 (2), Wurdack 286 (F, NY).<br />

(St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley) Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s & C. C. Berg, Proc. Kon.<br />

GUYANA. Upper Rupununi River, nr. Dad<strong>an</strong>awa,<br />

24-29 Jul 1922 (9), De la Cruz 1729<br />

Ned. Akad. Wetensch. Ser.<br />

(F, GH, MO, NY);<br />

C, 85(4): 445.<br />

Mazaruni station, 7 May 1943 (2), F<strong>an</strong>shawe 1278 (FD 1982. Fig. 15.<br />

4014) (K, NY); Essequibo River, Tiger Creek, 3 Jun<br />

1943 (6), F<strong>an</strong>shawe 1337 (FD 4073) (K, NY); Esse- <strong>Coussapoa</strong> rhamnoides St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley, Publ. Field Mus. Bot.<br />

quibo River, Bartica, 8 Jul 1952 (6), F<strong>an</strong>shawe 3409 17: 166. 1937. Type. Brazil. Amazonas: Mun. Sao<br />

(FD 6973) (K, NY); Pomeroon River, Kabakaburi, 19 Paulo de Olivenca, 11 Sep-26 Oct 1936 (9), Krukoff<br />

Aug 1918 (2), Hohenkerk s.n. (FD 738) (K, OXF); Ber- 8406 (holotype, NY; isotypes, A, BM, F, G, K, LE,<br />

bice River, Apr 1889 (2), Jenm<strong>an</strong> 4947A (K); Deme- MO, S, U).<br />

rara River, - (8), Parker s.n. (K); Ekaria, Rosedale,<br />

Aug 1924 (2), Persaud 116 (B, F, K, NY).<br />

Lamina obovate to subobovate or elliptic to<br />

ECUADOR. NAPO: 3 mi SW of Tena, 28 Aug 1960 oblong, 7-16 cm long, base obtuse to rounded<br />

(2), Grubb et al. 1498 (K, NY). PASTAZA: Nr. Mera, (to subcordate); upper surface smooth <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> glaca.<br />

1000 m, 10 Dec 1955 (9), Asplund 18780 (S); between<br />

Palora <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Shell, 4 Mar 1980 (st), Berg & Akbrous;<br />

lower surface on the main veins sparsely<br />

kerm<strong>an</strong>s 1119 (U), (9), Berg & Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s 1133 (U); minutely puberulous <strong>with</strong> straight hairs; lateral<br />

nr. Mera, 17 J<strong>an</strong> 1977 (9), Harling et al. 14733 (GB), veins 4-6 pairs, unbr<strong>an</strong>ched or some of the lat-<br />

18 Mar 1940 (8), Lugo 83 (S).<br />

eral veins (poorly) br<strong>an</strong>ched, the basal pair un-<br />

PERU. Without locality (2), Ruiz & Pavon s.n. (or br<strong>an</strong>ched or faintly br<strong>an</strong>ched, reaching the mar-<br />

4) (B, BM, F, FI, US, type collection of C. magnifolia<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> C. ruizii). JUNiN: La Merced, 10-24 Aug 1923 gin above the middle of the lamina; petiole 2-7<br />

(2),<br />

Macbride 5447 (F, C). LORETO: Prov. Maynas, Pefia cm long; stipules 0.5-2 cm long. Pistillate inflo-<br />

Negra, 25 km SW of Iquitos, 1 Aug 1972 (st), Croat rescences <strong>with</strong> (1-)3-5 (sometimes partly fused)<br />

18643 (MO, NA); Prov. Requena, Rio Ucayali, Jenaro heads, 3-6 mm, in fruit up to 15 mm diam.;<br />

Herrera, below Requena, 9 Dec 1977 (2), Gentry et al.<br />

21319 (MO, U); Prov. Maynas, nr. Quistococha, 26<br />

(common) peduncle 1-4 cm long.<br />

May 1978 (6), Gentry et al. 22280 (MO, U); Prov.<br />

Distribution (Fig. 6). Amazon Basin (Brazil,<br />

Maynas, Rio N<strong>an</strong>ay, below Bellavista, 31 May 1972 Peru); in upl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> riverside (varzea) forest.<br />

(6), McD<strong>an</strong>iel 16092 (NA); Prov. Maynas, Dist. Iquitos,<br />

Puerto Almendra, Rio N<strong>an</strong>ay, 1 Nov 1976 (6), Specimens studied. PERU. LORETO: Rio Tacsha<br />

Revilla 1260 (MO, U). SAN MARTIN: Prov. Marichal Curaray, 18 Sep 1972 (2), Croat 20370 (F, GH, NA,<br />

Caceres, Dist. Tocache Nuevo, Fundo Gr<strong>an</strong> Chaparral, NY, P, RB).<br />

11 Nov. 1975 (6), Schunke 8666 (U); Prov. Mo- BRAZIL. AMAZONAS: Rio Solimoes, Rio Bia, affluyobamba,<br />

1906 (st), Weberbauer 4472 (G).<br />

ent of Rio Jutai, 5 Nov 1975 (Q), L. Coelho et al. 332<br />

BRAZIL. ACRE: Cruzeiro do Sul, 2 Mar 1976 (2), (U); Barcelos, 7 Sep 1962 (Q), Duarte et al. 6970 (RB);<br />

Marinho 348 (IAN). AMAZONAS: Rio Negro, Sao Ga- Mun. Sao Paulo de Olivenca, nr. Palmares, 11 Sep-26<br />

briel de Cachoeira, 28 Feb 1975 (9), Cordeiro 367 (IAN); Oct 1936 (2), Krukoff8406 (A, BM, F, G, K, LE, MO,<br />

mouth of Rio Caiari, affluent of Rio Negro, 15 Sep NY, S, U, type collection of C. rhamnoides); M<strong>an</strong>aus-<br />

1952 (?), Fro6s et al. 28585 (IAN); mun. Humaiti, Itacoatiara road, Res. Flor. Ducke, 1 Sep 1966 (2),<br />

nr. Livramento on Rio Livramento, 12 Oct-6 Nov Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 2153 (INPA, NY, U). PARA: Rio Tapajos,<br />

1934 (2), Krukoff6662 (A, B, BM, F, G, K, LE, MO, Periquito, 27 Jul 1923 (2), Ducke (HJBR) 18460 (RB).<br />

NY, RB, S, U, US); nr. M<strong>an</strong>aus, 1906 (2) Lambroy s.n.<br />

(P); Rio Negro, U<strong>an</strong>ari, nr. Sao Gabriel, 31 Oct 1947<br />

(6), Pires 805 (IAN, NY), 2 Nov 1947 (9), Pires 830 5. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> batavorum Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s & C. C.<br />

(NY); Rio Negro, between Sao Gabriel <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Sao Felipe, Berg, Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch. Ser.<br />

base of Serra U<strong>an</strong>ari, Oct 1947 (6), Schultes & Pires C, 85(4): 447. 1982.<br />

8976 (GH, U); Rio Negro, Sao<br />

Type. Colombia. Valle:<br />

Gabriel de Cachoeira,<br />

J<strong>an</strong>-Aug 1852 (6), Spruce 2260 (BR, K, P). MATO<br />

Nr. Buenaventura, 5 Dec 1979 (9), V<strong>an</strong> Rood-<br />

GRosso: Rio Aripuafia, nr. Humboldt Center, 59?21'N, en et al. 700 (holotype, COL; isotypes, AAU,<br />

10?12'S, 19 Oct 1973 (st), Berg s.n. (U); Rio Juruena, K, NY, U, US). Fig. 16.<br />

airport, 17 Jul 1977 (9), M. G. Silva et al. 3368 (U).<br />

PARA: Almeirim, Barreira da Velha Pobre, 6 Jul 1919 Tree, terrestrial, ca. 15 m tall. Leafy twigs 10-<br />

(2), Ducke (HBJR) 13605 (RB); Rio Br<strong>an</strong>co de Obidos, 19 mm<br />

21 Jul 1918 (6), Ducke (HAMP) 17132 thick, glabrous. Lamina coriaceous,<br />

(MG).<br />

RONDONIA: Nr. Porto Velho, 28 Jun 1952 (9), J. F. broadly ovate to cordiform, 36-40 x 34-37 cm,<br />

Silva 227 (IAN); Rio Madeira, Cachoeira Misericorde, apex obtuse to emarginate, base cordate, margin<br />

Riberao, 2 Aug 1968 (9), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 6718 (NY, U). subcrenate; both surfaces glabrous; lateral veins<br />

RORAIMA: West facing slopes of Serra Tepequem, 1200 10-13<br />

m, 20 Feb 1967 (2), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 4588<br />

pairs, 3-5 of which arise at the base of the<br />

(NY, U).<br />

BOLIVIA. LA PAZ: Prov. S. Yungas, basin of Rio midrib, straight, main basal pair br<strong>an</strong>ched,<br />

Bopi, S<strong>an</strong> Bartolome, nr. Calisaya, 1-22 Jul 1939 (2), reaching the margin at or above the middle of<br />

Krukoff 10123 (A, F, G, K, MO, NY, S, U). the lamina; intercostal venation almost pl<strong>an</strong>e to

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> 39<br />

FIG. 15. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> asperifolia ssp. rhamnoides: 1, leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences (Krukoff 8406).<br />

slightly prominent; petiole 10-12 cm long, dis-<br />

tinctly ribbed <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> densely minutely puberulous;<br />

stipules 8-10 cm long, densely to sparsely red-<br />

dish-brown puberulous <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> longer straight<br />

white hairs. Staminate inflorescences unknown.<br />

Pistillate inflorescences unbr<strong>an</strong>ched or poorly<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads 1-2(-3), free or partly fused,<br />

globose to ovoid, ca. 8-10 mm, in fruit up to 27<br />

mm diam.; common peduncle 0.5-2 cm long,<br />

rather densely puberulous to hirtellous; peri<strong>an</strong>th<br />

1 cm<br />

1(-3) mm high, white puberulous; fruiting peri-<br />

<strong>an</strong>th brown. Interfloral bracts absent.<br />

Distribution (Fig. 6). Colombia (Choco); in<br />

riverside forest. Known only from the type col-<br />

lection.<br />

Knowledge of the staminate inflorescence is<br />

required in order to determine the relationships<br />

of this species. In the shape, size, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> sparse<br />

indumentum of the lamina, it resembles C. as-<br />

perifolia ssp. magnifolia as well as forms of C.

40 Flora Neotropica<br />

FIG. 16. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> batavorum: 1, leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences<br />

(V<strong>an</strong> Rooden et al. 700).

<strong>Coussapoa</strong><br />

v<strong>an</strong>nifolia having leaves <strong>with</strong> a sparse indumen- NY); Cocle del Norte, 23 Aug 1978 (2), Hammel 4475<br />

tum.<br />

(U); ca. 11 km SW of Cerro Braja, 9?25'N, 79?35'W,<br />

2 May 1981 (8), Sytsma et al. 4225 (U). PANAMA: Cerro<br />

Jefe, 3 Mar 1979 (8), d'Arcy 12329 (U); road to Cerro<br />

6. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> brevipes Pittier, Contr. U.S. Natl. Camp<strong>an</strong>a, 3 km from Interameric<strong>an</strong> Highway, 18 Sep<br />

Herb. 18:225. 1917; Woodson & Schery, Ann. 1968 (6), Correa et al. 1031A (DUKE, F, MO); Cerro<br />

Missouri Bot. Gard. 47:171. 1960. Type. P<strong>an</strong>- Camp<strong>an</strong>a, 9 Apr 1970 (9), Croat 14212 (GH, MO);<br />

amf. S<strong>an</strong> Bias: Nr. Puerto Obaldia, hills of<br />

Cerro Jefe region, La Eneida, 25 Mar 1968 (2), Dressier<br />

3454 (DUKE,<br />

Sperdi, Sep 1911<br />

MO); 10 km N of<br />

(v), Pittier 4386<br />

Margarita, on road<br />

(holotype, to Madronio, 31 J<strong>an</strong> 1979 (8), Hammel 6006 (U); 3 mi<br />

US; isotype, B). Fig. 17. NE of Altos de Pacora, Campo Tres, 10 Mar 1973 (6),<br />

Liesner 515 (K, MO, NY, US); Altos de<br />

Tree, terrestrial or<br />

Camp<strong>an</strong>a, 28<br />

hemi-epiphytic, up to 15 m May 1977 (8), Mendez 15 (MO); 6.5 km N of Lago<br />

tall. Leafy twigs 4-11 mm thick, more or less Azul, 13 J<strong>an</strong> 1974 (9), Nee 9281 (MO, NY, U); El<br />

densely white (appressed-)puberulous <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> Ll<strong>an</strong>o-Carti road, 8 mi from P<strong>an</strong> Americ<strong>an</strong> Hwy., 17<br />

reddish-brown pluricellular hairs, or also <strong>with</strong> Apr 1981 (2), Sytsma 4024 (U); Cerro Camp<strong>an</strong>a, 18<br />

sparse arachnoid hairs.<br />

Sep 1968<br />

Lamina<br />

(a), Weaver et al. 1677<br />

coriaceous, ovate<br />

(DUKE). SAN BLAS:<br />

Road El Ll<strong>an</strong>o-Carti-Tupile, 1 mile from continental<br />

to elliptic or occasionally obovate, 5-30 x 2.5- divide, 30 Mar 1973 (9), Liesner 1309 (DUKE, GH,<br />

18 cm, apex obtuse to acute or to subcordate, MO, NY, US); nr. Puerto Obaldia, hills of Sperdi, Sep<br />

base obtuse to rounded to subcordate, sometimes 1911 (9), Pittier 4386 (B, US, type collection); Rio Acla,<br />

acute, margin entire or subcrenate towards the 8048'38"N, 77040'30"W, 7 Feb 1979 (2), Sugden 415<br />

(K).<br />

apex; upper surface glabrous, lower surface appressed-puberulous,<br />

densely so in the areoles, <strong>Coussapoa</strong> brevipes shows morphological af<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

on the main veins often <strong>with</strong> white arach- finities especially <strong>with</strong> C. chocoensis but also <strong>with</strong><br />

noid hairs which are soon deciduous; lateral veins C. contorta.<br />

6-18 pairs, straight or slightly curved, basal pair<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched, reaching the margin below the middle 7. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> chocoensis Cuatrecasas, Caldasia<br />

of the lamina; intercostal venation almost pl<strong>an</strong>e; 7:287.1956. Type. Colombia. Choc6: Rio S<strong>an</strong><br />

petiole 1-7 cm long, 2-4 mm thick, appressed- Ju<strong>an</strong>, Quebrada del Taparal, 30 May 1946 (2),<br />

puberulous <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> often also <strong>with</strong> white arachnoid Cuatrecasas 21446 (holotype, F). Fig. 18.<br />

hairs which are infrequently deciduous; stipules<br />

3-10 cm<br />

Tree,<br />

long, densely covered <strong>with</strong><br />

hemi-epiphytic. Leafy twigs 3-6 mm<br />

appressed<br />

white<br />

thick, brownish subhirsute to hirtellous.<br />

puberulous hairs, mixed<br />

Lamina<br />

<strong>with</strong> reddishbrown<br />

pluricellular hairs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> often also<br />

coriaceous, ovate to<br />

<strong>with</strong><br />

elliptic, 8-16 x 4-12, apex<br />

sparse to dense white arachnoid hairs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>/or<br />

shortly acuminate, base rounded to subcordate,<br />

long<br />

yellowish straight hairs.<br />

margin<br />

Staminate<br />

entire; upper surface glabrous, lower surinflorescences<br />

face<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads 4-20, globose, ca. 4-5 mm<br />

densely appressed-puberulous in the areoles,<br />

diam.;<br />

common<br />

sparsely puberulous to hirtellous on the smaller<br />

peduncle 0.5-3 cm long, densely covered<br />

<strong>with</strong> short<br />

veins,<br />

white puberulous <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

densely subhirsute,<br />

reddishsubvelutinous,hirtelbrown<br />

lous,<br />

pluricellular hairs; peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1<br />

strigose or<br />

mm<br />

strigillose on the main veins;<br />

high, lateral veins 10-12 pairs, curved <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

densely minutely puberulous; stamens three, far<br />

distinctly<br />

exceeding the<br />

looping, basal<br />

peri<strong>an</strong>th. Pistillate<br />

pair unbr<strong>an</strong>ched or<br />

inflorescences<br />

sparsely<br />

unbr<strong>an</strong>ched; heads globose to<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched,<br />

ellipsoid, ca. 5-7<br />

reaching the margin below the middle<br />

of the<br />

mm, in fruit up to 14 mm diam.; peduncle 0.4lamina;<br />

intercostal venation rather prom-<br />

1.5(-2.5) cm long, densely white<br />

inent; petiole 1-3 cm<br />

puberulous <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

long, brown subhirsute to<br />

also <strong>with</strong> reddish-brown<br />

subvelutinous; stipules 1.5-2.5 cm<br />

pluricellular<br />

long, brown<br />

hairs; peri<strong>an</strong>th<br />

ca. 1-2 mm<br />

(sub)hirsute. Staminate inflorescences unknown.<br />

high, densely minutely pub- Pistillate inflorescences<br />

erulous; fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th or<strong>an</strong>ge. Interfloral bracts<br />

unbr<strong>an</strong>ched; head (globose<br />

or<br />

absent.<br />

ellipsoid?), ca. 15 mm diam.; peduncle<br />

0.5-1 cm<br />

Distribution (Fig. 6). P<strong>an</strong>ama, in forests up to<br />

long, hirtellous to subhirsute; peri<strong>an</strong>th<br />

ca. 2 mm<br />

800 m.<br />

high, minutely brown puberulous. Interfloral<br />

bracts subspathulate, hirtellous at the<br />

Specimens studied. PANAMA: COCLE: Nr. La Mesa, apex.<br />

4 km from El Valle, 15 Sep 1968 (Y), Correa et al. 1002<br />

(DUKE, F); foothills of Cerro Pil6n, nr. El Valle, 5 Oct Distribution (Fig. 6). Colombia (Choc6); low-<br />

1967 (Q), Duke et al. 14712 (MO, US). COLON: Nr. l<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>, riverside. Known only from the type col-<br />

Guasimo, 22 Apr 1970 (Q), Croat 9973A (F, GH, MO, lection.<br />


A'<br />

..<br />

.<br />

FIG. 17. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> brevipes: 1, leafy twig <strong>with</strong> staminate inflorescences (Weaver & Foster 1677); 2, pistillate in<br />

11<br />

c1m<br />


'?<br />

' Cous': '.' .. . . . c e :1..<br />

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~?~<br />

8~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br />

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.:; 0 .-; - :. .<br />

i'1'::" .. - .<br />

,~~ ~ j. 'i :<br />

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." :,,; ' .?<br />

.<br />

iI.' ;... ?. ?<br />

':I~~~<br />

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~~~~'"' (.:??<br />

"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'<br />

. . i,:~..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br />

....:<br />

"' ~~~~~. ?'"....:',,:<br />

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'-~~~~ ' ~ ~~~~~~~I<br />

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br />

. '? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br />

::i.: ?<br />

'<br />

.,. ':." ::'"..?..<br />

''(...'".1 ~~? '"!;:"i,~'i ~~~~~~~ ~<br />

FIG. 18. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> chocoensis: 1, leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences (Cuatrecasas 214<br />

~<br />

.. \ ..?. . .<br />

FIG. 18. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> chocoensis: , leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate iniorescences (Cuatrecasas<br />

~ cm

44 Flora Neotropica<br />

This species resembles C. brevipes, from which<br />

it clearly differs in the brown indumentum <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

the presence of interfloral bracts.<br />

8. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> cinnamomea Cuatrecasas, Calda-<br />

sia 7: 288. 1956. Type. Colombia. Amazonas:<br />

Trapecio Amaz6nico, Rio Loretoyacu, 28 Sep<br />

1946 (9), Schultes & Black 8269 (=Black &<br />

Schultes 46-137) (holotype, F; isotypes, A,<br />

IAN, K, US). Fig. 19.<br />

C. cinnamomea has m<strong>an</strong>y features in common<br />

<strong>with</strong> C. tessm<strong>an</strong>nii, but in most parts is larger<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> more robust th<strong>an</strong> the latter species. The two<br />

species appear to be closely related.<br />

9. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> cinnamomifolia Mildbraed, No-<br />

tizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 15: 783. 1942. Type.<br />

Ecuador. Pastaza: Nr. Mera, ca. 1000 m, 28<br />

Oct 1938 (i), Schultze-Rhonhof 2943 (holo-<br />

type, B). Fig. 20.<br />

Tree, mostly terrestrial, up to 35 m tall. Leafy<br />

twigs 2-5 mm thick, densely brownish appressed-puberulous,<br />

glabrescent. Lamina coriaceous,<br />

oblong to subovate or subobovate, 3-13<br />

x 1-5 cm, apex (sub)acute to obtuse, base obtuse<br />

to acute, margin entire; upper surface glabrous,<br />

lower surface glabrous or appressed-puberulous<br />

in the lower part; lateral veins 3-6 pairs, the basal<br />

pairs strong, unbr<strong>an</strong>ched, reaching the margin<br />

far below the middle of the lamina, the other<br />

lateral veins weak <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> inconspicuous; intercostal<br />

venation pl<strong>an</strong>e; petiole 1-2 (or -3) cm long,<br />

densely brownish appressed-puberulous; stipules<br />

0.5-2.5 cm long, brownish subsericeous to subvelutinous.<br />

Staminate<br />

Tree, hemi-epiphytic or terrestrial, up to 8 m<br />

inflorescences poorly<br />

tall. Leafy twigs 9-22 mm thick, brownish<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads 2-7, partly fused, globose, ca.<br />

2-3 mm<br />

(sub)velutinous, glabrescent. Lamina coria- diam.; common peduncle 1.5-3 cm long,<br />

ceous, (broadly) ovate, 16-38 x<br />

brownish<br />

12-28 puberulous, peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1 mm high,<br />

cm, apex<br />

obtuse to (acute), base rounded to truncate or to sparsely minutely puberulous; stamens three, just<br />

cordate, margin subcrenate; upper surface exceeding the peri<strong>an</strong>th. Pistillate inflorescences<br />

glaunbr<strong>an</strong>ched<br />

or<br />

brous, lower surface densely puberulous in the<br />

poorly br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads 1-2,<br />

sometimes partly fused, globose, ca. 4-7 mm, in<br />

areoles, (rather) sparsely appressed puberulous<br />

fruit<br />

to substrigose on the veins; lateral veins 14-22 up to 9 mm diam.; (common) peduncle 2-<br />

5 cm<br />

pairs, (almost) straight, basal pair br<strong>an</strong>ched,<br />

long, brownish puberulous; peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1<br />

mm<br />

reaching the margin below the middle of the lam- high, glabrous; fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th yellow. Inina;<br />

intercostal venation terfloral bracts spathulate to<br />

(almost) pl<strong>an</strong>e; petiole<br />

subpeltate or pel-<br />

5-15 cm long, 5-7 mm<br />

tate.<br />

thick; shortly subvelu-<br />

Distribution<br />

tinous, also brown pluricellular hairs. Staminate<br />

(Fig. 6). Known in Colombia<br />

inflorescences unknown. Pistillate (Antioquia), Ecuador (Pastaza), <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Bolivia<br />

inflorescences<br />

(La<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads 2-4, often partly fused, sub- Paz); in forest at altitudes between (400-?) 800<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

globose, in<br />

1200 m.<br />

fruit up to 40 mm in diam.; common<br />

peduncle 2-4 cm long, peduncle <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> br<strong>an</strong>ches<br />

Specimens studied. COLOMBIA. ANTIOQUIA: Mun.<br />

6-10(-15) mm thick, shortly velutinous; peri- S<strong>an</strong> Luis, rd. Medellin-Bogota, quebrada La Tebaida,<br />

<strong>an</strong>th glabrous. Interfloral bracts absent. 1000-1100 m, 22 Jun 1987 (2), Callejas et al. 3997<br />

Distribution (Fig. 6). Colombia (Amazonas, (BG); nr. S<strong>an</strong> Luis, 900-1000 m, 21 Jun 1982 (6), Her-<br />

Trapecio Amaz6nico); riverside forest.<br />

n<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ez et al. 369 (HUA).<br />

ECUADOR. PASTAZA: Nr. Mera, ca. 1000 m, 14<br />

Specimens studied. COLOMBIA. AMAZONAS: Tra- Feb 1955 (9), Asplund 18840 (S), 28 Oct 1938 (6),<br />

pecio Amaz6nico, Rio Loretoyacu, 22 Nov 1945 (2), Schultze-Rhonhof2943 (B, type collection).<br />

Duque-Jaramillo 2179 (COL), Oct 1945 (2), Schultes BOLIVIA. LA PAZ: Prov. Larejaca, Copacab<strong>an</strong>a, 10<br />

6693 (F, GH, U, US), 28 Sep 1946 (2), Schultes & Black km S of Mapiri, 850-950 m, 8 Oct-15 Nov 1939 (6),<br />

8269 (=Black & Schultes 46-137) (F, GH, IAN, K, US, Krukoff 11275 (A, F, G, K, MO, NY, S, U, US), (9)<br />

type collection).<br />

Krukoff 11276 (A, F, G, MO, S, U, US).<br />

In m<strong>an</strong>y characters, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> especially in the sub-<br />

trinervate lamina, C. cinnamomifolia is similar<br />

to C. trinervia. The 3-staminate flowers, how-<br />

ever, suggest relationships <strong>with</strong> other species, in<br />

particular <strong>with</strong> C. parviceps.<br />

The Colombi<strong>an</strong> collection differs somewhat<br />

from the other collections in the longer petiole<br />

(up to 3 cm) <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> peltate <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> larger bracts.<br />

10. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> contorta Cuatrecasas, Caldasia 7:<br />

289. 1956. Type. Colombia. Valle: Pacific<br />

Coast, Rio Naja, braza Aji, Calle Larga, 28<br />

Feb 1943 (6), Cuatrecasas 14284 (holotype,<br />

F). Fig. 21.

<strong>Coussapoa</strong><br />

"~ [<br />

FIG. 19. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> cinnamomea: 1, leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences (Schultes 6693 (inflorescences)<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Schultes & Black 8269 (leaf <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> stipules)).<br />

1 cm<br />


46 Flora Neotropica<br />

1 cm<br />

FIG. 20. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> cinnamomifolia: 1, leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences (Krukoff11276); 2, staminate<br />

inflorescences (Krukoff 11275).<br />

Shrub or tree, hemi-epiphytic or terrestrial, up<br />

to 20 m tall. Leafy twigs 3-6 mm thick, yellowish<br />

appressed-puberulous or sometimes partly hirtellous.<br />

Lamina chartaceous to coriaceous, ellip-<br />

tic or oblong to ovate or obovate, 5-26 x 1.5-<br />

13 cm, apex acute to acuminate, base acute to<br />

obtuse <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> occasionally to cordate, margin en-<br />

tire; upper surface glabrous, lower surface on the

<strong>Coussapoa</strong><br />

X { cm<br />

FIG. 21. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> contorta: 1, leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences (Javita & Epling 1097); 2, leafy twig<br />

<strong>with</strong> staminate inflorescences (Cuatrecasas 14284).<br />

main veins rather sparsely appressed-puberulous<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> sometimes, only in the axils of the lateral<br />

veins on more or less distinct domatium-like<br />

cavities, distinctly longer stiff yellowish hairs, on<br />

the smaller veins rather sparsely puberulous to<br />

glabrous; lateral veins 6-15 pairs, slightly curved,<br />

basal pair unbr<strong>an</strong>ched, reaching the margin below<br />

the middle of the lamina; intercostal vena-<br />


48 Flora Neotropica<br />

tion pl<strong>an</strong>e; petiole 1-8 cm long, appressed-pu- small, ca. I cm long stipules, the basal pair of<br />

berulous; stipules 2-4 cm long, yellowish lateral veins reaching the margin of the lamina<br />

appressed-puberulous to (sub)sericeous. Stami- at about the middle, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the rather dense brownnate<br />

inflorescence poorly br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads 6-10, ish hairs on the peri<strong>an</strong>th of the pistillate flower.<br />

globose, ca. 2-3 mm diam.; common peduncle It could represent a distinct species or subspecies.<br />

1-3 cm long, densely puberulous to hirtellous;<br />

peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1 mm high, minutely puberulous;<br />

stamens three, far exceeding the peri<strong>an</strong>th. Pis- 11. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> crassivenosa Mildbraed, Notizbl.<br />

tillate inflorescences mostly unbr<strong>an</strong>ched, occa- Bot. Gart. Berlin 15: 784. 1942. Type. Ecuasionally<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads 1-2, globose, 5-7 mm, dor. Pastaza: Nr. Mera, ca. 1000 m, 7 Sep 1938<br />

in fruit up to 10 mm diam.; (common) peduncle (a), Schultze-Rhonhof 2783 (holotype, B).<br />

1-2 cm long, densely puberulous to hirtellous;<br />

Fig. 22.<br />

peri<strong>an</strong>th 1-2 mm high, minutely puberulous. Interfloral<br />

bracts peltate, relatively large, densely<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> steyermarkii Cuatrecasas, Fieldi<strong>an</strong>a<br />

Bot.<br />

puberulous.<br />

28(1): 212. 1951. Type. Venezuela. Bo-<br />

Distribution (Fig. 6). Colombia <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

livar:<br />

Ecuador,<br />

Ptari-tepui, 1600 m, 10 Nov 1944 (Y),<br />

Pacific coastal region, also in Costa Rica?; in Steyermark 60002a (holotype, F; isotype,<br />

forest up to 1500 m altitude.<br />

VEN).<br />

Specimens studied. COLOMBIA. CAUCA?: Tree, often<br />

Juntas,<br />

hemi-epiphytic, up to 20 m tall.<br />

- (2), Lehm<strong>an</strong>n BT694 (A, GH, K, L, NY). CHocO: Leafy twigs 6-9 mm thick, densely (pale) brown<br />

Rio S<strong>an</strong> Ju<strong>an</strong>, Quebrada de Taparal, 30 May 1946 (6), puberulous to hirtellous or to subhirsute to stri-<br />

Cuatrecasas 21496 (F); Rio S<strong>an</strong> Ju<strong>an</strong>, between Que- gose. Lamina coriaceous, oblong to elliptic to<br />

brada La Sierpe <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Quebrada El Quicharo, 27 Mar suborbicular to subobovate or to<br />

1979 (6), Forero et al. 4099 (COL, MO, U); Rio S<strong>an</strong><br />

(sub)ovate, 4-<br />

Ju<strong>an</strong>, nr. Palestina, 26 Mar 1979 (6), Forero et al. 4110 24(-43) x 2-14(-20) cm, apex acuminate to ob-<br />

(COL, MO, U); Rio S<strong>an</strong> Ju<strong>an</strong>, Quebrada de Taparal, tuse <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> to rounded, base obtuse to rounded (or<br />

5 Dec 1979 (9), V<strong>an</strong> Rooden et al. 699 (U). NARIRO: to acute), margin entire; upper surface glabrous,<br />

Mun. Iscu<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>6, Quebrada La Berrera, 28 Nov 1955 lower surface<br />

(6), Romero-Castaieda 5512 strigose to subsericeous on the main<br />

(COL). VALLE: Pacific<br />

Coast, Rio Naja, Calle Larga, 28 Feb 1943 (6), Cua- veins, sparsely (along margin of the lamina) putrecasas<br />

14284 (F, type collection); Pacific Coast, Rio berulous to hirtellous, in addition covered<br />

Cajambre, 5-15 May 1944 (9), Cuatrecasas 17647 (F). <strong>with</strong> (rather) dense, sometimes very sparse,<br />

ECUADOR. BOLIVAR: Valley of Rio Tablas, 1300 (sub)persistent<br />

m, 1<br />

(pale) brown arachnoid hairs; lat-<br />

Oct 1943 (st), Acosta Solis 6008 (F). CARCHI: Rio<br />

eral veins<br />

Bl<strong>an</strong>co, tributary of Rio S<strong>an</strong> Ju<strong>an</strong>, above Chical, 1300-<br />

(4-)5-8 pairs, slightly curved, basal<br />

1500 m, 25 Sep 1979 (Q), Gentry et al. 26525 (SEL, pair br<strong>an</strong>ched (or sometimes unbr<strong>an</strong>ched),<br />

U). ESMERALDAS: Rio Onzole, Estero Chontaduro, 14 reaching the margin at or above the middle of<br />

Jul 1966 (Q), Javita et al. 1097 (MO, NY, S, US). IM- the lamina; intercostal venation (very) promi-<br />

BABURA: Collapi, 4 Jul 1949 (2), Acosta Solis 12797<br />

(F). EL<br />

nent;<br />

ORO: Trail to<br />

petiole 1-4 cm<br />

Sambotambo, Rio Moro<br />

long, (puberulous to) sub-<br />

Moro,<br />

S of Buenaventura, highway to Portovele, 1035-1800 strigose to hirsute; stipules 1-5 cm long, brown<br />

m, 29 Aug 1943 (2), Steyermark 54214 (F). PICHINCHA: subsericeous to subhirsute. Staminate inflores-<br />

Nr. S<strong>an</strong>to Domingo de los Colorados, 30 Aug 1930 (6), cences br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads 4-20, globose, ca. 2-3<br />

Benoist 3010 (P); road S<strong>an</strong>to Domingo de los Colo- mm diam.; common peduncle 1-4.5 cm<br />

rados-Quininde (km 170-175), 2<br />

long,<br />

Sep 1949 (st), Acosta<br />

Solis 13687, 4 Sep 1949 (8), Acosta Solis 13713 (rather) densely puberulous to hirtellous to<br />

(F).<br />

strigillose;<br />

peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1 mm high, minutely brown<br />

The taxonomic relationships of C. contorta are puberulous; stamens two, far exceeding the perinot<br />

clear. Overall similarities suggest affinity <strong>with</strong> <strong>an</strong>th. Pistillate inflorescences br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads 3-<br />

C. brevipes, but a connection <strong>with</strong> C. oligoceph- 7, globose, 2-5 mm diam.; common peduncle 1-<br />

ala is also possible. The species is distinguished 3 cm long, brownish puberulous to hirtellous to<br />

by the domatium-like cavities in the axils of the strigillose; peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1-1.5 mm high, glabrous.<br />

lateral veins <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> by the large interfloral bracts. Interfloral bracts spathulate, often the lower part<br />

Collection S<strong>an</strong>chez & Zamora 512, from Cos- very narrow, minutely puberulous at the apex.<br />

ta Rica, S<strong>an</strong> Jose, below La Hondrua, Parque Distribution (Fig. 6). Presently known from<br />

Nacional Braulio Carrillo, 2 J<strong>an</strong> 1984 (2), (AAU) the following disjunct areas: the eastern Gui<strong>an</strong>a<br />

differs from the collections cited above in the region (Venezuela <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> northern Brazil), Ama-

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> 49<br />

I.<br />

FIG. 22. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> crassivenosa: 1, leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences (Steyermark et al. 104296); 2,<br />

leafy twig <strong>with</strong> staminate inflorescences (Krukoff 11085).<br />

zoni<strong>an</strong> Bolivia, Amazoni<strong>an</strong> Ecuador, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P<strong>an</strong>- NY); Meseta del Jaua, Cerro Sarisarinama, 700 m, 12ama;<br />

in forests, mostly between 700 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 15 Feb 1974 (6), Steyermark et al. 108988 (F, K, NY);<br />

1700 m.<br />

6 km N of Mision de S<strong>an</strong>ta Teresita de Kav<strong>an</strong>ayen,<br />

1100 m, 21 Feb 1978 (st), Steyermark et al. 115549<br />

(U, VEN).<br />

ECUADOR. MORONA-SANTIAGO: Cord. de Cutucui,<br />

Specimens studied. PANAMA. PANAMA: Road El 5-10 km from Logrono, 1200-1500 m, 7-9 Oct 1975<br />

Ll<strong>an</strong>o-Carti, 9'20'N, 78?50'W, 7 J<strong>an</strong> 1981 (d), Hahn (2), Little et al. 635 (COL, Q). PASTAZA: Road Puyo-<br />

347 (U).<br />

Tena, ca. 8 km, Tnte. Hugo Ortiz, ca. 950 m, 4 Mar<br />

VENEZUELA. AMAZONAS: Brazili<strong>an</strong> border, ca. 1980 (8), Berg & Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s 1120 (U); between Palora<br />

2?27'24'N, 63056'W, 22 May 1972 (a), Steyermark <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Shell, ca. 900 m, 4 Mar 1980 (6), Berg & Akker-<br />

106118 (U, VEN). BoLnvAR: Meseta del Jaua, Cerro m<strong>an</strong>s 1129 (st), Berg& Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s 1131 (U); nr. Mera,<br />

Sarisarinama, 700 m, 10 Feb 1976 (a), Brewer-Carias ca. 1000 m, 7 Sep 1938 (8), Schultze-Rhonhof2783 (B,<br />

s.n. (COL, MY); Ptari-tepui, 1600 m, 10 Nov 1944 (2), type collection), 20 Nov 1938 (9), Schultze-Rhonhof<br />

Steyermark 60002a (F, VEN, type collection ofC. stey- 3006 (B).<br />

ermarkil); Quebrada O-paru-ma, between S<strong>an</strong>ta Ter- BRAZIL. RoRAIMA: Nr. Auaris, 4?3'N, 64?22'W,<br />

esita de Kav<strong>an</strong>ayen <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Rio Pacairao, 1065-1220 m, 760-800 m, 7 Feb 1969 (6), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al 9679 (F, GH,<br />

20-21 Nov 1944 (st), Steyermark 60364 (F, VEN); K, NY, P, S, U, US); Serra Surucucu, 26 J<strong>an</strong> 1975 (e),<br />

Ptari-tepui, 1220 m, 28 Nov 1944 (st), Steyermark Ribeiro 612 (IAN, MG, RB), 23 J<strong>an</strong> 1975 (9), Rosa<br />

60673 (F); Chim<strong>an</strong>ta-tepui (Torono-tepui), 1700 m, 296 (IAN).<br />

21 May 1953 (9), Steyermark 75522 (F, NY, VEN); BOLIVIA. LA PAZ: Prov. Larecaja, Copacab<strong>an</strong>a, ca.<br />

Rio Cuyuni, ca. 142 km S of El Dorado, 1300-1380 10 km S of Mapiri, 850-950 m, 8 Sep-15 Nov 1939<br />

m, 22-28 Dec 1970 (2), Steyermark et al 104296 (MY, (8), Krukoff 11085 (A, F, G, K, MO, NY, S, US).<br />

1 cm

50 Flora Neotropica<br />

This species has a remarkable, apparently dis-<br />

continuous, distribution. It appears to be very<br />

closely related to C. ferruginea. The two taxa<br />

could prove to be conspecific, although probably<br />

distinct at the subspecific level. Several speci-<br />

mens from Venezuela <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the Roraima Territory<br />

(Brazil) are distinct in having relatively broad (to<br />

suborbicular) leaves.<br />

12. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> cupularis Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s & C. C.<br />

Berg, Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch. Ser.<br />

C, 85(4): 448. 1982. Type. Brazil. Rond6nia:<br />

P6rto Velho, 5 Jun 1952 (9), J. F. Silva 69<br />

(holotype, IAN). Fig. 23.<br />

Trees, terrestrial. Leafy twigs 3-7 mm thick,<br />

brownish puberulous to hirtellous. Lamina coriaceous,<br />

elliptic to obovate, 5-10 x 3-7 cm,<br />

apex obtuse to shortly acuminate, base obtuse to<br />

(sub)cordate, margin entire to subcrenate; upper<br />

surface glabrous, lower surface on the midrib <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

lateral veins sparsely to rather densely appressedpuberulous<br />

to strigillose, for the rest densely (appressed-)puberulous;<br />

lateral veins 5-8 pairs,<br />

slightly curved, basal pair unbr<strong>an</strong>ched or occasionally<br />

<strong>with</strong> a single br<strong>an</strong>ch, reaching the margin<br />

below to just above the middle of the lamina;<br />

intercostal venation pl<strong>an</strong>e; petiole 2-5 cm long,<br />

densely puberulous to strigillose; stipules 2-5 cm<br />

long, yellow to brownish subsericeous to subhirsute.<br />

Staminate inflorescences unknown. Pistil-<br />

of which tends to be below the middle; in the<br />

strongly broadened, almost cupuliform apices of<br />

the head-bearing br<strong>an</strong>ches of the pistillate inflo-<br />

rescences; <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> in the relatively dense brown pa-<br />

pillate apex of the peri<strong>an</strong>th of the pistillate flow-<br />

er. Moreover, the stipules are densely covered<br />

<strong>with</strong> long yellowish hairs, which is uncommon<br />

in C. orthoneura. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> cupularis also shows<br />

resembl<strong>an</strong>ces to C. nitida.<br />

Because of the occurrence of more or less conspicuously<br />

broadened br<strong>an</strong>ches below the pistillate<br />

flower heads <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> other similarities, as in the<br />

indumentum, C. cupularis, C. orthoneura, C.<br />

arachnoidea, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> C. nitida appear to constitute<br />

a rather distinct group among the taxa <strong>with</strong><br />

ebracteate inflorescences <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> unistaminate flowers.<br />

Collection Huashikat 1585, Peru, Amazonas,<br />

basin of Rio S<strong>an</strong>tiago, 65 km N of Pinglo, near<br />

Caterpiza, 19 Dec 1979 (9) (MO, U), resembles<br />

C. cupularis in m<strong>an</strong>y characters. The main difference<br />

is the br<strong>an</strong>ching of the basal lateral veins.<br />

Less import<strong>an</strong>t are the greater number of lateral<br />

veins (8-9 pairs) <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> some differences in the indumentum.<br />

In the leaf venation the specimen<br />

approaches C. nitida. The identity of this collection<br />

is uncertain.<br />

13. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> curr<strong>an</strong>ii Blake, Contr. U.S. Natl.<br />

Herb. 20: 237. 1919. Type. Brazil. Bahia: Rio<br />

late inflorescences br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads 3-4, globose, Gongoji, 1 Oct-30 Nov 1915 (9), Curr<strong>an</strong> 8<br />

ca. 4-6 mm, in fruit up to ca. 10-15 mm diam.; (holotype, US; isotype, RB). Fig. 24.<br />

common peduncle 2-4 cm long, puberulous to<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> warburgi<strong>an</strong>a Mildbraed, Notizbl. Bot. Gart.<br />

hirtellous, br<strong>an</strong>ches below the heads more or less Berlin 10: 416. 1928. Type. Brazil. Rio de J<strong>an</strong>eiro:<br />

strongly broadened (more or less cupuliform); Serra da Estrella, 21 May 1877 (3), Glaziou 8934<br />

peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1-2 mm high, subpapillate <strong>with</strong> mi- (holotype, B; isotypes, BR, G, K, LE, MO, P, S, U,<br />

nute thick brown hairs. Interfloral bracts absent. US).<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> incomitata St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley, Publ. Field Mus. Bot.<br />

Distribution (Fig. 6). Brazil (Rond6nia); in for- 22: 72. 1940. Type. Brazil. Minas Gerais: Mun.<br />

est of terra firme.<br />

Tombos, Fazenda da Cachoeira, 29 Jul 1935 (9),<br />

Mello Barreto 1795 (holotype, F).<br />

Specimens studied. BRAZIL. RONDONIA: Road Porto<br />

Velho-Cuiaba, km 117, Rio Jamari, 15 Aug 1968 Tree, (mostly?) terrestrial, up to 40 m tall.<br />

(2), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 6969 (U); 8 km from Porto Velho, 5 Leafy twigs 4-6 mm thick, glabrous or sparsely<br />

Jun 1952 (2), J. F. Silva 69 (IAN, type collection), 26<br />

Jun 1952 (2), J. F. Silva 211 puberulous, sometimes initially <strong>with</strong> sparse<br />

(IAN).<br />

arachnoid hairs. Lamina (sub)coriaceous, ob-<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> cupularis, represented by three col- ovate or subobovate, 4-19 x 1-9 cm, apex oblections<br />

from the same area, appears to be closely tuse to rounded to emarginate or shortly acurelated<br />

to C. orthoneura, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> may even prove minate, base obtuse to acute, margin entire; upper<br />

not to be distinct at the species level. At present, surface glabrous or <strong>with</strong> sparse (to rather dense)<br />

the species differs from C. orthoneura in the basal white arachnoid hairs which soon disappear,<br />

lateral veins which mostly reach the margin be- lower surface sparsely puberulous, often also <strong>with</strong><br />

low the middle of the lamina, the broadest part (mostly sparse) deciduous arachnoid hairs; lat-

<strong>Coussapoa</strong><br />

1 cm<br />

FIG. 23. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> cupularis: 1, leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences (J. F. Silva 69).<br />

eral veins 7-10 pairs, basal pair unbr<strong>an</strong>ched or<br />

sometimes faintly br<strong>an</strong>ched, reaching the margin<br />

below the middle of the lamina; intercostal venation<br />

slightly prominent, the smaller veins pl<strong>an</strong>e;<br />

petioles 1-5 cm long, glabrous to sparsely pub-<br />

erulous or also <strong>with</strong> sparse to dense arachnoid<br />

hairs; stipules 0.4-0.6 cm long, appressed-pub-<br />

erulous to strigillose to subsericeous (to subhir-<br />


52 Flora Neotropica<br />

I<br />

1 cm<br />

FIG. 24. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> curr<strong>an</strong>ii: 1, leafy twig <strong>with</strong> staminate inflorescences<br />

(Glaziou 8934).<br />

sute). Staminate inflorescences br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads<br />

several to m<strong>an</strong>y, globose, ca. 2 mm diam.; com-<br />

mon peduncle 1-5 cm long, sparsely to densely<br />

puberulous or glabrous; peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1 mm high,<br />

sparsely minutely puberulous; stamens two, ex-<br />

ceeding the peri<strong>an</strong>th. Pistillate inflorescences<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads 3-6, globose, ca. 4-6 mm diam.;<br />

common peduncle 1-4 cm long, patent to ap-<br />

pressed puberulous; peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1-2 mm high,<br />

minutely puberulous. Interfloral bracts sub-<br />

spathulate to subpeltate, puberulous at the apex.<br />

Distribution (Fig. 7). Eastern Brazil, from Rio<br />

de J<strong>an</strong>eiro to Bahia; in moist forests up to<br />

500 m.<br />

Specimens studied. BRAZIL. Without locality, 2 Dec<br />

1968 (8), Gomes et al. 2818 (RB). BAHIA: Rio Gongoji,<br />

1 Oct-20 Nov 1915 (9), Curr<strong>an</strong> 8 (RB (HJBR 13070),<br />

US, type collection). EsPiarro SANTO: Res. Flor. de<br />

Linhares, 24 May 1978 (d), DAF 004 (GUA). MINAS<br />

GERAIS: Mun. Tombos, Fazenda da Cachoeira, 29 Jul<br />

1935 (9), Mello Barreto 1795 (F). Rio DE JANEIRO:<br />

Corcovado, 1857 (2), Casaretto 617 (G); Givea-Sao<br />

Conrado, Jun 1960 (2), Duarte 5239 (M, NY, RB, US);<br />

Serra da Estrella, Petr6polis, 21 May 1877 (a), Glaziou<br />

8934 (B, BR, G, K, LE, MO, P, U, US, type collection<br />

of C. warburgi<strong>an</strong>a); Corcovado, 29 Jun 1876 (st), Glaziou<br />

8934a (P); Rio de J<strong>an</strong>eiro, Tijuca, J<strong>an</strong> 1837 (2),<br />

Guillemin 1339 (P); Rio de J<strong>an</strong>eiro, Jardim Bot<strong>an</strong>ico,<br />

3 Sep 1926 (2), Kuhlm<strong>an</strong>n s.n. (U); Cordeira, Fazenda<br />

S<strong>an</strong>ta Clara, Feb 1970 (6), Lisboa s.n. (R); Rio de J<strong>an</strong>eiro,<br />

Jardim BotAnico, 29 Jul 1922 (8), Occhioni et<br />

al. (HJBR) 5864 (GUA, RB, U), 25 Jul 1922 (9), Occhioni<br />

et al. (HJBR) 5917 (RB).<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> curr<strong>an</strong>ii is very closely related to<br />

C. floccosa. Affinities of these two species <strong>with</strong><br />

other <strong>Coussapoa</strong> are not clear.

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> 53<br />

14. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> duquei St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley, Publ. Field Mus. PASTAZA: Rd. Hollin-Loreto-Coca, between Rio Pu-<br />

Bot. 22: 71. 1940. Type. Colombia. Caldas: cuno <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Cacerio de Guam<strong>an</strong>i, 1200 m, 12 Dec 1987<br />

Palestina, 1500 m, 15 Jun 1938<br />

(6), Cer6n M. 2955<br />

(d), Duque-<br />

(BG); nr. Mera, ca. 1400 m, 22<br />

Nov 1938 (9), Schultze-Rhonhof3020 (B, type collec-<br />

Jaramillo 1767 (holotype, F; isotypes, A, K, tion of C. apoda). PICHINCHA: Rd. N<strong>an</strong>egalito-Pacto,<br />

NY, US). Fig. 25. 5 km W of Tulipe, 1300-1500 m, 22 Jul 1980 (6),<br />

Holm-Nielsen et al. 24519 (BG).<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> apoda Mildbraed, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin<br />

15: 784. 1942. Type. Ecuador. Pastaza: Nr. Mera, C. duquei is closely related to C. villosa, esca.<br />

1400 m, 22 Nov 1938 (9), Schultze-Rhonhof3020 pecially to the form <strong>with</strong> brown arachnoid in-<br />

(holotype, B).<br />

dumentum (see p. 104). The species is distinct in<br />

the shortly pedunculate pistillate inflorescence<br />

<strong>with</strong> <strong>an</strong> ellipsoid to clavate head. This taxon could<br />

be regarded as distinct only at the subspecies<br />

level.<br />

Tree, (secondarily?) terrestrial, up to 30 m tall.<br />

Leafy twigs 5-10 mm thick, hirtellous to hirsute.<br />

Lamina coriaceous, elliptic to ovate, 8-18 x 5-<br />

11 cm, apex obtuse to acute to shortly acuminate,<br />

base subacute to obtuse (or to subcordate), margin<br />

entire to subcrenate; upper surface glabrous,<br />

lower surface puberulous to hirtellous on the<br />

veins, the whole surface densely covered <strong>with</strong><br />

(sub)persistent pale yellow-brown arachnoid<br />

hairs; lateral veins 10-14 pairs, straight, main<br />

basal pair (sometimes faintly) br<strong>an</strong>ched, reaching<br />

the margin below the middle of the lamina; intercostal<br />

venation prominent; petiole 2-10 cm<br />

long, (rather) sparsely puberulous, <strong>with</strong> whitish<br />

to yellowish-brown arachnoid hairs which are<br />

also sometimes deciduous; stipules 2-7 cm long,<br />

white to brown strigose to hirsute <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> reddish-brown<br />

arachnoid hairs. Staminate inflorescences<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads m<strong>an</strong>y, globose to oblate,<br />

ca. 4-8 mm diam.; common peduncle 1-2 cm<br />

long, puberulous to hirtellous, sometimes also<br />

<strong>with</strong> arachnoid hairs; peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1 mm high,<br />

yellowish-brown puberulous; stamens two, far<br />

exceeding the peri<strong>an</strong>th. Pistillate inflorescences<br />

unbr<strong>an</strong>ched; heads ellipsoid to clavate, ca. 1.5<br />

x 1 cm; peduncle 0.5-0.8 cm long, puberulous<br />

to hirtellous hairs, sometimes also <strong>with</strong> arachnoid<br />

hairs; peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1-2 mm high, densely,<br />

minutely puberulous. Interfloral bracts (sub)<br />

spathulate, puberulous at the apex.<br />

Distribution (Fig. 7). Ande<strong>an</strong> region (Colombia<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Ecuador); in (sub)mont<strong>an</strong>e forest, between<br />

1200 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 2000 m.<br />

15. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> echinata Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s & C. C. Berg,<br />

Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch. Ser. C, 85(4):<br />

449. 1982. Type. P<strong>an</strong>ama. P<strong>an</strong>ama: Cerro Jefe,<br />

Altos de Pacora, Rio Diablo, 15 km NE of<br />

Cerro Azul village, 5 J<strong>an</strong> 1975 (9), Gentry &<br />

Mori 13408 (holotype, U; isotype, MO).<br />

Fig. 26.<br />

Tree, hemi-epiphytic. Leafy twigs 4-6 mm<br />

thick, glabrous or sparsely appressed-puberulous.<br />

Lamina coriaceous, oblong to elliptic to<br />

subobovate, 9-20 x 4-10 cm, apex acute to acuminate,<br />

base acute, margin entire; upper surface<br />

glabrous, lower surface (purplish or reddish), glabrous<br />

or on the veins sparsely puberulous; lateral<br />

veins 4-5 pairs, slightly curved, basal pair (faint-<br />

Specimens studied. COLOMBIA. ANTIOQUIA: Medellin,<br />

ca. 1500 m, - ly) br<strong>an</strong>ched, reaching the margin above the middle<br />

of the lamina; intercostal venation slightly<br />

prominent to pl<strong>an</strong>e; petiole 2-6 cm long, glabrous;<br />

stipules 1.5-2.5 cm long, sparsely appressed-puberulous.<br />

Staminate inflorescences<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads numerous, ca. 2 mm diam.;<br />

common peduncle ca. 1.5-2 cm long, puberulous;<br />

peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1 mm high, glabrous; stamens<br />

three. Pistillate inflorescences br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads 3-<br />

8, globose, ca. 4-6 mm, in fruit up to 8 mm<br />

diam.; common peduncle 1-3.5 cm long, <strong>with</strong><br />

sparse patent short hairs, occasionally mixed <strong>with</strong><br />

some longer hairs; flowers free, peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1-2<br />

mm high, (when dry) <strong>with</strong> <strong>an</strong> acute apex, gla-<br />

(st), Toro 120c<br />

brous;<br />

(US). CALDAS:<br />

fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th or<strong>an</strong>ge. Interfloral bracts<br />

Cord. Central, Palestina, 1500 m, 15 Jun 1938 (8), narrowly spathulate, short, sparsely, minutely<br />

Duque-Jaramillo 1767 (A, F, K, NY, US, type collec- puberulous.<br />

tion). NORTE DE SANTANDER: Ocafa, Jun 1845 (9), Pur- Distribution (Fig. 7). P<strong>an</strong>ama (P<strong>an</strong>ama <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

die s.n. (K).<br />

S<strong>an</strong><br />


Bias); in wet<br />

SE<br />

forest,<br />

of Borja, ca.<br />

up to 800 m.<br />

1900 m, 3 Aug<br />

1960 (d), Grubb et al. 1205 (K, NY); NE of Borja, ca. Specimens studied. PANAMA. PANAMA: Road El<br />

1800 m, 15 Aug 1960 (9), Grubb et al. 1283 (K, NY); Ll<strong>an</strong>o-Carti, km 17-20, 8 Mar 1974 (9), Dressier 4636<br />

nr. Borja, 1650 m, 16 Aug 1975 (9), Little et al. 212 (F); Cerro Jefe, Altos de Pacora region, Rio<br />

(Q), 1850<br />

Diablo,<br />

m, 16 Aug 1975 (8), Little et al. 213 (Q). 15 km E of Cerro Azul village, 5 J<strong>an</strong> 1975 (2), Gentry

54<br />

2 ~ ? I<br />

wo t :1cm<br />

Flora Neotropica<br />

FIG. 25. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> duquei: 1, leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences (Grubb et al. 1283); 2, staminate<br />

inflorescences<br />

(Grubb et al. 1205).

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> SS<br />

FIG. 26. <strong>Coussapoa</strong><br />

'1 R~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~?<br />

: e'<br />

r ]; e<br />

echinata: 1, leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences<br />

4636).i? ?.<br />


56 Flora Neotropica<br />

G. 27. oussapoaferruginea: 1, leafy twig <strong>with</strong> staminate inflorescences (Irwin am et<br />

FIG. 27. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> ferruginea: 1, leafy twig <strong>with</strong> staminate inflorescences (Irwin et al. 48631).<br />

& Mori 13408 (MO, U, type collection). SAN BLAS:<br />

Nusag<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>i, rd. to Carti, 18 Jul 1984 (a), McDonagh et<br />

al. 114 (MO).<br />

The species shows similarities to C. parviceps,<br />

from which it is distinct in the shape of the leaves,<br />

the free pistillate flowers, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the presence of<br />

interfloral bracts in the pistillate heads. On the<br />

other h<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>, C. echinata shows similarities to C.<br />

herthae, especially in the acute apex of the fruit-<br />

ing peri<strong>an</strong>th (in dry material).<br />

16. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> ferruginea Trecul, Ann. Sci. Nat.<br />

Bot. Ser. 3, 8: 93. 1847; Miquel, Fl. bras. 4(1):<br />

137. 1853; Berg, Fl. Suriname 5(1): 286. 1975.<br />

Type. French Gui<strong>an</strong>a. Without locality, 1838<br />

(6), Leprieurs.n. (holotype, P; isotypes, G, GH,<br />

L, U). Fig. 27.<br />

Tree, hemi-epiphytic. Leafy twigs 3-7 mm<br />

thick, brown(ish) (sub)hirsute. Lamina coria-<br />

ceous, l<strong>an</strong>ceolate to oblong, 2-8 x 1-4 cm, apex<br />

acute to subobtuse, base acute, margin entire;<br />

upper surface glabrous, lower surface appressed-<br />

puberulous to strigose on the main veins, pu-<br />

berulous to hirtellous (to subhirsute) on the<br />

smaller veins, the whole surface covered <strong>with</strong><br />

dense persistent brown arachnoid hairs; lateral<br />

veins 4-5(-6) pairs, straight, basal pair unbr<strong>an</strong>ched,<br />

reaching the margin below the middle<br />

of the lamina; intercostal venation prominent;<br />

petiole 0.5-1.5 cm long, densely brown hirtellous<br />

to subhirsute; stipules 1.5-3 cm long, brown<br />

(sub)hirsute to strigose or partly whitish subsericeous.<br />

Staminate inflorescences br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads<br />

several to m<strong>an</strong>y, ca. 2-3 mm diam.; common<br />

peduncle ca. 1 cm long, densely hirtellous; peri-<br />

<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1 mm high, densely puberulous; stamens<br />

two, far exceeding the peri<strong>an</strong>th. Pistillate inflorescences<br />

unknown. Interfloral bracts spathulate,<br />

puberulous.<br />

Distribution (Fig. 6). French Gui<strong>an</strong>a <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the<br />

adjacent part of Amapa (Brazil); in riverine forest.<br />

Specimens studied. FRENCH GUIANA. Without<br />

locality, 1838 (d), Leprieur s.n. (F, G, GH, L, P, R, U,<br />

type collection), 1840 (8), Leprieur s.n. (FI, G, GH, K,<br />

P).<br />

BRAZIL. AMAPA: Rio Oiapoque, between mouth of<br />

Camopi River <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Cachoeira Camaraua, 3 Oct 1960<br />

(d), Irwin et al. 48631 (F, K, MO, NY, U, US).<br />

The species is similar in m<strong>an</strong>y characters to<br />

C. crassivenosa. However, it is distinct from the

<strong>Coussapoa</strong><br />

FIG. 28. <strong>Coussapoa</strong>floccosa: 1, leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences<br />

(Irwin 2058).<br />

latter in having a narrower lamina, a smaller<br />

number of lateral veins, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> a relatively short<br />

petiole. Pistillate inflorescences are needed to decide<br />

whether this taxon is distinct from C. crassivenosa<br />

at the specific or only intraspecific level.<br />

17. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> floccosa Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s & C. C. Berg,<br />

Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch. Ser. C, 85(4):<br />

451. 1982. Type. Brazil. Minas Gerais: Vi9osa,<br />

16 Nov 1935 (2), Kuhlm<strong>an</strong>n 2074 (holotype,<br />

RB; isotypes, RB, U, US). Fig. 28.<br />

Tree or shrub, (mostly?) hemi-epiphytic.<br />

Leafy twigs 10-15 mm thick, (rather) densely<br />

57<br />

puberulous to (sub)hirsute. Lamina coriaceous,<br />

elliptic to ovate or obovate, 10-25 x 6-17 cm,<br />

apex rounded to obtuse or to emarginate, base<br />

obtuse to rounded to cordate, margin entire; upper<br />

surface often densely covered <strong>with</strong> white<br />

arachnoid hairs which later disappear, lower surface<br />

hirtellous to subtomentellous on the veins,<br />

the whole surface sparsely to densely covered<br />

<strong>with</strong> white arachnoid hairs, later deciduous; lateral<br />

veins 7-10 pairs, (main) basal pair distinctly<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched, reaching the margin at or above the<br />

middle of the lamina; intercostal venation very<br />

prominent; petiole 1.5-5 cm long, tomentose to<br />

densely hirtellous; stipules 1-2.5 cm long, white<br />

to brownish appressed-puberulous to strig(ill)ose

58 Flora Neotropica<br />

to subsericeous (to subhirsute), sometimes also mm high, glabrous. Interfloral bracts (sub)peltate,<br />

<strong>with</strong> sparse arachnoid hairs. Staminate inflores- nearly glabrous.<br />

cences br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads numerous, globose, ca. 4 Distribution (Fig. 7). Central America: Costa<br />

mm diam.; common peduncle 1.5-4 cm long, Rica (Puntarenas), Nicaragua (Bluefields <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Rio<br />

puberulous; peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1 mm high, puberulous; S<strong>an</strong> Ju<strong>an</strong>), P<strong>an</strong>ama (S<strong>an</strong> Blas); in wet (riverside<br />

stamens two, exceeding the peri<strong>an</strong>th. Pistillate or swamp) forest.<br />

inflorescences br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads 2-3, partly fused,<br />

(sub)globose, 5-7 mm diam.; common peduncle<br />

Specimens studied. NICARAGUA. BLUEFIELDS: Rio<br />

1-3 cm long, densely puberulous; peri<strong>an</strong>th 1-2<br />

Kama, between Kama <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> C<strong>an</strong>io Valentin, 10 Mar<br />

1966 (2), Proctor et al. 27080 (F, US, type collection).<br />

mm high, glabrous. Interfloral bracts sub- Rio SAN JUAN: 1 km NW of Rio S<strong>an</strong>ta Cruz, 22 Feb<br />

spathulate, puberulous at the apex.<br />

1984 (2), Moreno 23629 (BG).<br />

Distribution (Fig. 7). Brazil (Minas Gerais, Vi- COSTA RICA. PUNTARENAS: Peninsula de Osa, 8<br />

qosa) in<br />

km S of<br />

forest.<br />

Rinc6n, 28 Feb 1965 (9), Jimenez 3016 (F).<br />

PANAMA. SAN BLAS: El Ll<strong>an</strong>o-Carti rd., km 19.1,<br />

Specimens studied. BRAZIL. MINAS GERAIS: Est. 1 Feb 1985 (2), Nevers et al. 4804 (WIS), 3 Nov 1985<br />

Exp. de Agua Limpa, Feb 1968 (2), Gomes et al. 2819 (st), Nevers et al. 6186 (BG). SAN BLAS-PANAMA: El<br />

(RB); Vi9osa, 10 Nov 1958 (2), Irwin 2058 (F, NY,<br />

Ll<strong>an</strong>o-Carti rd., 28 Aug 1982 (d), Hamilton et al. 1062<br />

R, US), 31 Aug 1934 (st), Kuhlm<strong>an</strong>n 1832 (US), 1935 (BG).<br />

(st), Kuhlm<strong>an</strong>n 2073 (RB, US), 16 Nov 1935 (2), Kuhlm<strong>an</strong>n<br />

2074 (RB, U, US, type collection), 31 Aug 1934<br />

This species appears to be one of a group which<br />

(st), Kuhlm<strong>an</strong>n 2117 (RB), 1935 (9), Kuhlm<strong>an</strong>n 2207 also includes C. <strong>an</strong>gustifolia <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> C. trinervia <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

(GUA), 8 Oct 1976 (9), G. Rodrigues et al. 877 (RB); is characterized by shortly petiolate, more or less<br />

Capolivinba, nr. Rio Novo, Sep 1895 (6), Schwacke distinctly obovate leaves <strong>with</strong> few lateral veins,<br />

11895 (B, P).<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> sparse indumentum.<br />

This species, known only from the surroundings<br />

of Vicosa, is very closely related to C. cur- 19. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> herthae Mildbraed, Notizbl. Bot.<br />

r<strong>an</strong>ii; but the two taxa are sufficiently different Gart. Berlin 14: 29. 1938. Type. Ecuador. Pifor<br />

them each to be regarded as species in their chincha: S<strong>an</strong> Carlos de los Colorados, 5 Oct<br />

own right.<br />

1935 (d), Schultze-Rhonhof 953 (holotype, B).<br />

Fig. 30.<br />

18. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> glaberrima W. Burger, Phytolo-<br />

gia 26: 422. 1973; Burger, Fieldi<strong>an</strong>a Bot. 40:<br />

133, t. 22. 1977. Type. Nicaragua. Bluefields:<br />

Rio Kama, between Kama <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> C<strong>an</strong>io Valentin,<br />

10 Mar 1966 (2), Proctor et al. 27080 (holo-<br />

type, F; isotype, US). Fig. 29.<br />

Tree, hemi-epiphytic or terrestrial, small.<br />

Leafy twigs 2-5 mm thick, glabrous. Lamina<br />

subcoriaceous, obovate to narrow elliptic, 2-14<br />

x 1-6 cm, apex acute, base acute to obtuse, margin<br />

entire; both surfaces glabrous; lateral veins<br />

2-3 pairs, slightly curved, basal pair indistinctly<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched, reaching the margin far above the<br />

middle of the lamina; intercostal venation slightly<br />

prominent; petiole 0.5-2 cm long, glabrous;<br />

stipules 1.2 cm long, glabrous. Staminate inflorescences<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads ca. 10-12, ca. 2 mm<br />

diam.; common peduncle 1.5-3 cm long, gla-<br />

brous; peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1 mm high, glabrous; stamens<br />

two, just exceeding the peri<strong>an</strong>th. Pistillate inflorescences<br />

poorly br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads 2-3, globose,<br />

ca. 6 mm, in fruit up to 15 mm diam.; common<br />

peduncle 2-4 cm long, glabrous; peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1<br />

Tree, mostly hemi-epiphytic, up to 25 m tall.<br />

Leafy twigs 5-13 mm thick densely, yellow to<br />

brown, strigose to hirsute to subvillous. Lamina<br />

coriaceous, elliptic to ovate to obovate or to ob-<br />

long, 16-32 x 10-20 cm, apex acuminate to<br />

acute, base obtuse to rounded or occasionally<br />

subcordate, margin entire or subcrenate; upper<br />

surface glabrous, sparsely to rather densely pub-<br />

erulous to hirtellous or on the main veins to<br />

subsericeous, sometimes <strong>with</strong> white arachnoid<br />

hairs which soon disappear; lateral veins (4-)<br />

8-11 pairs, curved, basal pair distinctly to faintly<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched, reaching the margin usually below,<br />

sometimes at or just above the middle of the<br />

lamina, sometimes also other lateral veins<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched, a distinct submarginal vein in the lower<br />

part of the lamina; intercostal venation (often<br />

very) prominent; petiole (1-)3-9 cm long, puberulous<br />

to hirtellous (to subhirsute); stipules 2-<br />

6 cm long, densely reddish- to yellowish-brown<br />

subsericeous to subhirsute to subvillous. Staminate<br />

inflorescences br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads m<strong>an</strong>y,<br />

globose, 2-3 mm in diam.; common peduncle

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> 59<br />

1 cm<br />

FIG. 29. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> glaberrima: 1, leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences<br />

(Proctor et al. 27080).<br />

(1-?)3-7 cm long, puberulous to hirtellous; peri-<br />

<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1 mm high, glabrous; stamens three, far<br />

exceeding the peri<strong>an</strong>th. Pistillate inflorescences<br />

uador <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> southern Colombia); in wet forest, up<br />

to 1200 m.<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads 6-10, sometimes partly fused,<br />

Specimens studied. COLOMBIA. NARuio: Bay of<br />

Tumaco, Rio<br />

(sub)globose, 5-9 mm, in fruit up to 13 mm<br />

Y<strong>an</strong>aje, 6 Jul 1955 (9), Romero-Castadiam.;<br />

ineda 5283 (COL).<br />

common peduncle 3-6 cm long, 2-3 mm thick, ECUADOR. CARCHI: Rio S<strong>an</strong> Ju<strong>an</strong>, nr. Chical, 12<br />

puberulous to hirtellous; peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 2 mm high, km below Maldonado, 1200 m, May 1978 (2), Madison<br />

minutely puberulous; fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th<br />

et al. 4764<br />

or<strong>an</strong>ge.<br />

(AAU, F, QCA, SEL, U); El Pail6n, 45 km<br />

below<br />

Interfloral bracts spathulate to Maldonado, 28 Nov 1979 (d), Madison et al.<br />

subpeltate, pub- 7101 (SEL, U). ESMERALDAS: Nr. Lita, W of Rio Lita,<br />

erulous at the apex.<br />

9 Feb 1981 (2), Berg 1259 (QCA, U). GUAYAS: Nr.<br />

Distribution (Fig. 7). Pacific coastal region (Ec- Bucay (=Grl. Elizalda), 8-15 Jun 1945 (9), CampE3674

60<br />

cm1<br />

2 I!<br />

1<br />

Flora Neotropica<br />

FIG. 30. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> herthae: 1, leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences (Schulze-Rhonhof 1953); 2, staminate<br />

inflorescences (Dodson 5776).

<strong>Coussapoa</strong><br />

(NY, U). IMBABURA: Parambas, 30 May 1949 (9), Acosta<br />

Solis 12661 (F). Los Rios: Rio Palenque Biol. St.,<br />

km 56 on road Quevedo-S<strong>an</strong>to Domingo de los Colorados,<br />

27 Feb 1975 (6), Dodson 5776 (MO, QCA),<br />

29 May 1976 (2), Dodson 6082 (MO), 20 Mar 1980<br />

(a), Dodson et al. 9539 (SEL, U), 13 Feb 1974 (6),<br />

Gentry 9892 (MO, U). PICHINCHA: 35 km N of S<strong>an</strong>to<br />

Domingo de los Colorados, nr. bridge over Rio Bl<strong>an</strong>co,<br />

3 Feb 1974 (2), Gentry 9606 (MO, U); S<strong>an</strong> Carlos de<br />

los Colorados, 5 Oct 1935 (6), Schultze-Rhonhof 1953<br />

(B, type collection).<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> herthae shows general similarity to<br />

C. nymphaeifolia <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> in the echinate (dry) fruiting<br />

head to C. echinata.<br />

The species is very variable in the shape <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

venation of the leaves.<br />

20. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> latifolia Aublet, Hist. pl. Gui<strong>an</strong>e<br />

2: 955, t. 362. 1775; Trecul, Ann. Sci. Nat.<br />

Bot. Ser. 3, 8: 94. 1847; Miquel, Fl. bras. 4(1):<br />

135. 1853; Berg, Fl. Suriname 5(1): 280. 1975.<br />

Type. French Gui<strong>an</strong>a. Without locality, - (9),<br />

Aublet s. n. (holotype, BM). Fig. 31.<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> obovata Miquel, Het Instituut (1842): 200,<br />

t. 3. 1843. Type. Surinam. Pl<strong>an</strong>tation Bergendaal, -<br />

(2), Focke 9 (holotype, L).<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> latifolia Aublet var. obovata (Miquel) Miquel,<br />

Fl. bras. 4(1): 135. 1853.<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> froesii St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley, Publ. Field Mus. Bot. 17:<br />

162. 1937. Type. Brazil. Mar<strong>an</strong>hao: Rio Maracassume<br />

region, 14 Sep 1932 (2), Fr6es 1907 (holotype,<br />

NY; isotypes, A, G, K, U).<br />

Shrub or tree, mostly hemi-epiphytic, up to 35<br />

m tall. Leafy twigs 4-9 mm thick, glabrous. Lamina<br />

coriaceous or subcoriaceous, ovate to elliptic,<br />

sometimes oblong to obovate, occasionally to<br />

suborbicular, 4-18(-25) x diam.; common peduncle 0.5-3 cm long, sparsely<br />

to densely appressed-puberulous; peri<strong>an</strong>th ca.<br />

0.5-1 mm high, glabrous; stamens two, just exceeding<br />

the peri<strong>an</strong>th. Pistillate inflorescences<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads 2-15, globose, ca. 3-4 mm, in<br />

fruit up to 8 mm diam.; common peduncle 1-3<br />

cm long, sparsely to densely appressed-puberulous;<br />

peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1-1.5 mm high, glabrous.<br />

Interfloral bracts small, subpeltate to (sub)<br />

spathulate, minutely puberulous at the apex.<br />

Distribution (Fig. 7). Western Gui<strong>an</strong>a region<br />

(Surinam <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> French Gui<strong>an</strong>a), in Brazil from<br />

Amapa through eastern Para to Mar<strong>an</strong>hao; further,<br />

apparently segregated from the main area<br />

in the central part of the Amazon Basin; forest<br />

of terra firme.<br />

Specimens studied. SURINAM. Brownsberg, 3 Sep<br />

1915 (9), BW(Stahel & Gonggrijp) 732 (K, MO, NY,<br />

P), 19 Sep 1931 (9), V<strong>an</strong> Emden s.n. (F, U, US), 23<br />

Sep 1931 (st), V<strong>an</strong> Emden LVI (U); Wilhelmina Mts.,<br />

upper Gr<strong>an</strong> Rio, Maup6 dam, 20 Feb 1926 (st), Exp.<br />

Wilhelmina Gebergte 196 (U); <strong>with</strong>out locality,<br />

3-15 cm, apex acute<br />

to shortly acuminate to obtuse to rounded, base<br />

acute to obtuse or to subcordate, margin entire,<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>e or more or less revolute towards the base;<br />

upper surface glabrous, lower surface glabrous or<br />

sparsely appressed-puberulous <strong>with</strong> hairs of about<br />

equal length; lateral veins 4-7 pairs, (slightly)<br />

curved, basal pairs mostly br<strong>an</strong>ched, sometimes<br />

(especially) in narrow leaves unbr<strong>an</strong>ched, reaching<br />

the margin at to below or (especially in obovate<br />

leaves) above the middle of the lamina,<br />

the other lateral veins sometimes poorly br<strong>an</strong>ched<br />

(furcate); intercostal venation (almost) pl<strong>an</strong>e;<br />

petiole 1-7 cm long, sparsely to rather densely<br />

minutely appressed-puberulous; stipules 0.5-<br />

1.5(-2.5) cm long, sparsely to densely whitish to<br />

brownish appressed-puberulous, sometimes<br />

brownish subvelutinous. Staminate inflorescences<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads m<strong>an</strong>y, globose, ca. 1 mm<br />

- (2),<br />

Focke s.n. (GH); pl<strong>an</strong>tation Bergendaal, - (9), Focke<br />

9 (L, type collection of C. obovata = C. latifolia var.<br />

obovata); pl<strong>an</strong>tation Blauberg, - (9), Focke 418 (U);<br />

Distr. Nickerie, ca. 20 km SW of Av<strong>an</strong>avero dam site,<br />

14 Nov 1976 (9), Heyde et al. 78 (U); Wilhelmina Mts.,<br />

Lucie River, 2-5 km below confluence <strong>with</strong> Oost River,<br />

8 Sep 1963 (9), Irwin et al. 55487 (MO, NY, OXF, R,<br />

S, U, US); Lely Mts., 19 Sep 1975 (st), Lindem<strong>an</strong> et<br />

al. 33 (U), 19 Sep 1975 (8), Lindem<strong>an</strong> et al. 73 (U), 4<br />

Oct 1975 (9), Lindem<strong>an</strong> et al. 749 (K, U), 5 Oct 1975<br />

(st), Lindem<strong>an</strong> et al. 799 (U); Jodensav<strong>an</strong>ne-Map<strong>an</strong>e<br />

Creek area, camp 8, 21 Dec 1954 (st), Lindem<strong>an</strong> 6938<br />

(U); Coppename River, Doksi Creek, 11 Oct 1954 (6),<br />

Mennega 271 (C, NY, U); T<strong>an</strong>jimama River, Kodji<br />

Creek, 25 Nov 1954 (6), Mennega 521 (A, C, NY, U);<br />

Voltzberg, 22 Sep 1956 (st), Schulz (LBB) 7787 (U);<br />

Jodensav<strong>an</strong>ne-Map<strong>an</strong>e Creek area, 5 May 1967 (st),<br />

Vreden (LBB) 11747 (U).<br />

FRENCH GUIANA. Without locality, - (2), Aublet<br />

s.n. (BM, type collection), Feb 1868 (2), Aubry-Lecompte<br />

s.n. (FI); Sinnamary, road to St. Elie, 22 Oct<br />

1981 (9), Billiet et al. 1108 (U); Montagne de Kaw, 13<br />

Dec 1954 (9), Cow<strong>an</strong> 38774 (F, K, NY, P, US); Mont<br />

Belvedere, 18 Nov 1974 (2), De Gr<strong>an</strong>ville et al. B5191<br />

(CAY, U); Oyapock River, Myuli Creek, Les Trois<br />

Sauts, 15 Sep 1977 (6), Gren<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 1478 (CAY, U); <strong>with</strong>out<br />

locality, -<br />

(9), Lem<strong>an</strong> s.n. (P); Cayenne, - (9),<br />

Martin s.n. (or 112) (K); <strong>with</strong>out locality, - (9), Melinon<br />

s.n. (A, P); Maroni River, 1864 (9), Melinon 18<br />

(GH, K, LE, P); Antecume Pata, at confluence of It<strong>an</strong>y<br />

River <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Maroni River, 14 Nov 1977 (2), Moretti 836<br />

(CAY); Kourou River, 3 km above Couy Creek, 19<br />

Sep 1967 (6), Oldem<strong>an</strong> B1338 (CAY, U); Cayenne, -<br />

(st), Poiteau s.n. (FI); Acarou<strong>an</strong>y, 1857 (6), Sagot 1136<br />

(B, BM, G, GH, K, S, U); Sinnamary, road to St. Elie,<br />

15 Sep 1978 (6), Sastre 6130 (P, U).<br />

BRAZIL. AMAPA: "Gafcho area," 21 Oct 1979 (9),<br />

Austin et al. 7149 (U); Rio Araguari, between 1?26'N,<br />


FIG. 31. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> latifolia: 1, leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences (Ducke (HJBR) 18456); 2, staminate inflor

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> 63<br />

51?58'W <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 109'N, 51?52'W, 11 Sep 1961 (2), Pires<br />

et al. 50864 (NY, OXF, P, R, U, US); Rio Araguari,<br />

nr. 1?11'N, 52?8'W, 1 Oct 1964 (6), Pires et al. 51409<br />

(F, GH, NY, U); Col6nia Torrao, 2?25'N, 51015'W, 29<br />

Aug 1962 (2), Pires et al. 52656 (NY, OXF, U, US).<br />

AMAZONAS: Road M<strong>an</strong>aus-Caracarai, km 97, 30 Aug<br />

1979 (e), Cid et al. 942 (U); road M<strong>an</strong>aus-Porto Velho,<br />

km 235, Igarape Acu, 24 Nov 1973 (d), Lleras et al.<br />

P19661 (F, M, MO, NY, P, S, U); road M<strong>an</strong>aus-Caracarai,<br />

km 159, 20 Sep 1974 (6), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 22720<br />

(K, MO, NY, S, U, US). MARANHAO: Rio Maracassume<br />

region, 14 Sep 1932 (2), Frogs 1907 (A, G, K,<br />

NY, U, type collection of C. froesii). PARA: Col6nia<br />

Benjamin Const<strong>an</strong>t, Brag<strong>an</strong>oa, 21 Nov 1908 (2),<br />

Anonymous (HAMP) 9783 (G); Sta. Izabel, 10 Sep 1922<br />

(2), Ducke (HJBR) 18456 (RB); Col6nia Augusto Montenegro,<br />

Igarape Pitor6, 18 Sep 1958 (2), Frogs 34651<br />

(IAN); road Belem-Brasilia, km 93, 19 Sep 1959 (2),<br />

Kuhlm<strong>an</strong>n et al. 263 (NY, US); road Belem-Brasilia,<br />

km 301-306, 7 Aug 1960 (2), Oliveira 985 (U); Rio<br />

Jari, Monte Dourado, 16 Nov 1967 (2), Oliveira 3550<br />

(NY), 9 Nov 1967 (2), Oliveira 3599(NY), 8 Nov 1967<br />

(9), Oliveira 3682 (NY), 23 J<strong>an</strong> 1968 (st), Oliveira 3954<br />

(NY), road Cap<strong>an</strong>ema-Mar<strong>an</strong>hao, km 96,27 Oct 1965<br />

(2), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 1720 (MO, NY, S, U, US), km 98,<br />

21 Aug 1964 (2), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 58783 (U); Peixe Boi,<br />

26 Oct 1907 (2), Seguiera (HAMP) 8808 (BM, G, U);<br />

Rio Jari, Monte Dourado, 15 Oct 1968 (d), N. T. Silva<br />

1207 (NY), 28 Oct 1968 (2), N. T. Silva 1321 (NY, U,<br />

US); Rio Jari, between Pilao <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Repartimento, 12<br />

Nov 1968 (2), N. T. Silva 1380 (IAN, NY, U, US).<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> latifolia is very closely related to<br />

C. viridifolia. The species shows affinities <strong>with</strong><br />

C. microcephala, C. microcarpa, C. pachyphylla,<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> also <strong>with</strong> the Central Americ<strong>an</strong> C. macering<br />

the margin at or below the middle of the<br />

lamina, the other lateral veins sometimes<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched; intercostal venation prominent; petiole<br />

1.5-3 cm long, puberulous to hirtellous; stipules<br />

0.5-1 cm long, yellowish to brown hirsute<br />

to subsericeous; terminal buds often more or less<br />

swollen. Staminate inflorescences br<strong>an</strong>ched;<br />

heads m<strong>an</strong>y, globose, ca. 6 mm diam.; common<br />

peduncle 4-7 cm long, puberulous to hirtellous;<br />

peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1 mm high, glabrous; stamens three,<br />

far exceeding the peri<strong>an</strong>th. Pistillate inflorescences<br />

unbr<strong>an</strong>ched; heads globose, ca. 5-8 mm<br />

diam.; peduncle 0.5-2.5 cm long, puberulous to<br />

hirtellous; peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1-2 mm high, glabrous.<br />

Interfloral bracts spathulate to subpeltate, puberulous.<br />

Distribution (Fig. 7). In (eastern) French<br />

Gui<strong>an</strong>a <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> in Brazil in eastern Para; in upl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> riverine forest.<br />

Specimens studied. FRENCH GUIANA. Without<br />

locality (3), Leprieur s.n. (P, type collection); Approuague<br />

River, between Sapokaye Creek <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Gr<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

C<strong>an</strong>ori Falls, 23 Oct 1968 (6), Oldem<strong>an</strong> T243a (CAY);<br />

Sapkaye Creek, 22 Oct 1968 (3), Oldem<strong>an</strong> B1946 (CAY,<br />

K, P, U); Approuague River, Mapaou Falls, 26 J<strong>an</strong><br />

1970 (6), Oldem<strong>an</strong> B2861 (CAY, U); Oyapock River,<br />

3 km above Camopi, 8 Apr 1970 (6), Oldem<strong>an</strong> 3062<br />

(CAY, P, U).<br />

BRAZIL. PARA: Ilhas de Breves, Furo Macujubim,<br />

16 Nov 1912 (6), Ducke (HJBR) 18462 (RB); Alto<br />

Quatipuir, Dec 1899 (6), Huber(HAMP) 1775 (F, MG).<br />

rima. Because of similarities in the vegetative<br />

parts, C. latifolia c<strong>an</strong> be confused <strong>with</strong> C. orthoneura,<br />

especially specimens <strong>with</strong> elliptic leaves.<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> leprieurii, one of the few species in<br />

which the lamina is scabrous above, appears to<br />

be rather closely related to C. sprucei. Specimens<br />

<strong>with</strong> <strong>an</strong> elliptic to oblong lamina having arachnoid<br />

hairs beneath are very similar to C. sprucei.<br />

Specimens <strong>with</strong> obovate leaves are reminiscent<br />

of (the unrelated) C. asperifolia ssp. asperifolia.<br />

21. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> leprieurii Benoist, Bull. Mus. Hist.<br />

Nat. Paris 30:103. 1924. Type. French Gui<strong>an</strong>a.<br />

Without locality, - (6), Leprieur s.n. (holo-<br />

type, P). Fig. 32.<br />

Tree, hemi-epiphytic, up to 10 m tall. Leafy<br />

twigs 5-8 mm thick, brown(ish) puberulous to<br />

hirtellous to hirsute, solid. Lamina coriaceous,<br />

(broadly) ovate to (broadly) elliptic to (broadly)<br />

obovate to oblong, 5-18 x 1.5-12 cm, apex ob-<br />

tuse to subacuminate to acute, base subcordate<br />

to obtuse or acute, margin entire, often more or<br />

less revolute, especially towards the base; upper<br />

surface scabrous, lower surface puberulous, on<br />

the main veins to hirtellous, sometimes also white<br />

arachnoid hairs present; lateral veins 6-7 pairs,<br />

straight or curved, basal pair unbr<strong>an</strong>ched, reach-<br />

22. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> longepedunculata Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s &<br />

C. C. Berg, Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch.<br />

Ser. C. 85(4): 453. 1982. Type. Peru. Loreto:<br />

Prov. Maynas, Quebrada Sucusari, Llachapa<br />

camp of Explorama, N side of Rio Napo, below<br />

Maz<strong>an</strong>, 6 Nov 1979 (6), Gentry et al. 27566<br />

(holotype, U; isotype, MO). Fig. 33.<br />

Tree, up to 25 m tall, hemi-epiphytic or terrestrial.<br />

Leafy twigs 1-1.5 cm thick, brown hirsute.<br />

Lamina coriaceous, oblong to elliptic, 15-<br />

50 x 7-30 cm, apex obtuse, base cordate to<br />

rounded margin rep<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> to subcrenate; upper sur-

64 Flora Neotropica<br />

FG2 3,si1e tg ts iore s l a 1 cm<br />

FIG. 32. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> leprieurii: 1, leafy twig <strong>with</strong> staminate inflorescences (Oldem<strong>an</strong> B1946); 2, pistillate<br />

inflorescences (Oldem<strong>an</strong> 3062).<br />

face scabridulous to smooth, sparsely hispidu-<br />

lous to hirtellous, often ? bullate, lower surface<br />

sparsely hirtellous on the veinlets, between the<br />

lateral veins white arachnoid hairs, rather dense<br />

or sparse <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> then concentrated at the margin;<br />

lateral veins 9-11 pairs, more or less curved, at<br />

least the lower ones br<strong>an</strong>ched, basal pair reaching<br />

the margin far below the middle of the lamina;<br />

intercostal venation prominent; petiole 3-10 cm<br />

long, brown hirsute; stipules 2-6 cm long, some-<br />

times subpersistent, hirsute to subsericeous, <strong>with</strong><br />

brown hairs of different lengths. Staminate in-<br />

florescences rather poorly br<strong>an</strong>ched; common<br />

peduncle 9-16 cm long, the br<strong>an</strong>ches in two clusters<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> all or some of them very short, peduncle<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> br<strong>an</strong>ches brown hirtellous to pubescent;<br />

heads m<strong>an</strong>y, (sub)globose, 3-5 mm diam.; peri<strong>an</strong>th<br />

ca. 1 mm high, sparsely minutely puberulous;<br />

stamens three, exceeding the peri<strong>an</strong>th. Pistillate<br />

inflorescences br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads 3-10,<br />

(sub)globose, 5-8 mm, in fruit up to 15 mm diam.;<br />

common peduncle 8-20 cm long, peduncle <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

br<strong>an</strong>ches brown hirtellous to subtomentose; peri<strong>an</strong>th<br />

ca. 1 mm long, glabrous; fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th<br />

red. Interfloral bracts ca. 1 mm long, spathulate,<br />

subpeltate, at the apex puberulous.

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> 65<br />

?~<br />

?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~L<br />

~ ' ~/ ~ 1o g .<br />

' ',<br />

_ i , .,<br />

'?<br />

... ~ ~ ~ .'. ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~.<br />

,...<br />

: ~. -<br />

"'<br />

-r . . ' - ..;<br />

???~ ~~~~~~~~~~'<br />

?<br />

.'<br />

,, -<br />

?<br />

?'<br />

. .<br />

.. ? . . ... .<br />

or ?- -.' .<br />

*~~ -, ~ ~~~~ -..s<br />

??.?<br />

... ,,<br />

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...<br />

-~~~~~~~~~~~~ :<br />

.'? ~ ..- ~ ~ *-. .I<br />

~~ ,. ....<br />

. ''' =, '? IY~~~<br />

~~~~~~ .~~~~~~~~~~~.<br />

I'<br />

r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. o o-<br />

..,.<br />

I '~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'<br />

~'C ?1 .'E":? .<br />

..?<br />

",<br />

'~~~~~~~~'<br />

.'<br />

-?~~~~1<br />

?~~~~~~~~~?<br />

FIG 33<br />

c.<br />

Cossaoa<br />

?<br />

onepeunclat: 1 lafytwi wih samiat iniorsceces(Gntr etal.2756)<br />

''.<br />


66 Flora Neotropica<br />

Distribution (Fig. 8). Peru (Loreto) <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Ec-<br />

uador (Napo); in non-inundated or periodically<br />

inundated forest.<br />

Specimens studied. ECUADOR. NAPO: Parque Nacional<br />

Yasuni, 16-19 J<strong>an</strong> 1988 (d), Ceron M. 3495<br />

(BG), 9-19 J<strong>an</strong> 1988 (9), Neill et al. 8289 (BG).<br />

PERU. LORETO: Prov. Maynas, Quebrada Sucusari,<br />

Llachapa camp of Explorama, N side of Rio Napo,<br />

below Maz<strong>an</strong>, 6 Nov 1979 (a), Gentry et al. 27588 (MO,<br />

U, type collection); Prov. Maynas, Puerto Almendras,<br />

12 J<strong>an</strong> 1982 (9), Vdsquez 2852 (BG); Iquitos, Rio Itaya,<br />

Buena Suerte, 16 Nov 1986 (9), Vdsquez et al. 8380<br />

(BG); Nauta, 12 Dec 1986 (9), Vdsquez et al. 8600 (BG).<br />

C. longepedunculata resembles C. nymphaeifolia<br />

in m<strong>an</strong>y features. It is distinct from the<br />

latter especially in the indumentum, the wider<br />

(looser) venation, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> in the scabridulous upper<br />

surface of the lamina. The species also shows<br />

affinities <strong>with</strong> C. sprucei <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> C. leprieurii.<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> allied species. In the shape <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> venation of<br />

the leaves it resembles C. contorta, from which<br />

it clearly differs in the 2-staminate flower.<br />

24. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> m<strong>an</strong>uensis C. C. Berg, Proc. Kon.<br />

Ned. Akad. Wetensch. Ser. C, 86(3): 305. 1983.<br />

Type. Peru. Madre de Dios: Parque Nacional<br />

del M<strong>an</strong>u, Rio M<strong>an</strong>u, Cocha Cashu Station,<br />

26 Oct 1980 (v), Foster 5641 (holotype, F).<br />

Fig. 35.<br />

Tree, hemi-epiphytic, 25 m tall. Lamina coriaceous,<br />

broadly elliptic to obovate, 10.5-19 x<br />

8-13 cm, apex shortly acuminate, base rounded<br />

to subcordate, margin entire to subcrenate; upper<br />

surface glabrous or sparsely puberulous at the<br />

base of the midrib, lower surface densely puberulous<br />

to hirtellous (to subtomentose); lateral<br />

veins 8-12 pairs, almost straight, the basal pair<br />

unbr<strong>an</strong>ched, reaching the margin below the mid-<br />

23. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> macerrima Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s & C. C. dle of the lamina; intercostal venation more or<br />

Berg, Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch. Ser. less prominent; petiole 3-5 cm long, puberulous<br />

C, 85(4): 455. 1982; Burger, Fieldi<strong>an</strong>a Bot. 40: to hirtellous; stipules ca. 6 cm long, chartaceous,<br />

133, t. 22. 1977 (sub C. contorta). Type. Costa subsericeous (to subhirsute), <strong>with</strong> rather con-<br />

Rica. Puntarenas: Above Palmar Norte de Osa, spicuous (parallel) venation. Staminate inflores-<br />

22 Feb 1951 (d), Allen 5949 (holotype, F; iso- cences unknown. Pistillate inflorescences untypes,<br />

A, F). Fig. 34. br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads globose, ca. 4 mm, in fruit up<br />

Tree, up to 25 m tall. Leafy twigs 2-4 mm<br />

to 12 mm diam.; peduncle 2.2-2.7 cm long, puthick,<br />

sparsely appressed-puberulous, on the scars berulous; peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1 mm high, sparsely miof<br />

the stipules distinctly longer hairs. Lamina nutely puberulous; fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th yellow. Insubcoriaceous,<br />

elliptic to oblong to subobovate,<br />

terfloral bracts spathulate, puberulous at the apex.<br />

5-13 x 4-7 cm, apex shortly acuminate, base<br />

Distribution (Fig. 8). Peru (Madre de Dios).<br />

acute to obtuse, margin entire; upper surface<br />

Known<br />

glaonly<br />

from the type collection.<br />

brous, lower surface on the main veins rather<br />

C. m<strong>an</strong>uensis shows no distinct affinities <strong>with</strong><br />

sparsely appressed-puberulous <strong>with</strong> hairs of dif- <strong>an</strong>y of the other <strong>Coussapoa</strong> species.<br />

ferent lengths or partly strigillose; lateral veins<br />

25.<br />

7-13 pairs, straight to curved, basal pair un-<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> microcarpa (Schott) Rizzini, Dusenia<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched reaching the margin below the middle<br />

1(5): 295. 1950. Fig. 36.<br />

of the lamina; intercostal venation pl<strong>an</strong>e; petiole Brosimum microcarpon Schott in Sprengel, Syst. Veg.<br />

2-5 cm long, sparsely appressed-puberulous <strong>with</strong> 4 (Curr. Post., App.): 403. 1827. Type. Brazil. Withhairs<br />

of different<br />

out<br />

lengths; stipules 1-2 cm locality,<br />

long, (sub)sericeous. Staminate inflorescences<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads m<strong>an</strong>y, globose, ca. 1-2 mm<br />

diam.; common peduncle 2-3 cm long, appressed-puberulous;<br />

peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1 mm high, glabrous;<br />

stamens two, far exceeding the peri<strong>an</strong>th.<br />

Pistillate inflorescences unknown. Interfloral<br />

bracts absent.<br />

Distribution (Fig. 7). Costa Rica (Puntarenas);<br />

in forest at 450 m. Known only from the type<br />

collection.<br />

This species may be related to C. microcephala<br />

- (Y), Schott s.n. (holotype, W, destroyed).<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> schottii Miquel, Fl. bras. 4(1): 137. 1853,<br />

as a synonym of Brosimum microcarpon.<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> schottii Miquel var. l<strong>an</strong>ceolata Miquel, Fl.<br />

bras. 4(1): 137. 1853. Type. Brazil. Without locality,<br />

- (Y), Pohl s.n. (holotype, U; isotypes, B, M (herb.<br />

Zuccarini 105 sub forma <strong>an</strong>gustifolia)).<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> schottii Miquel var. longifolia Miquel, Fl.<br />

bras. 4(1): 137. 1853. Type. Cult. bot. garden Minchen,<br />

1835 (2), herb. Zuccarini 103 (holotype, M).<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> font<strong>an</strong>esi<strong>an</strong>a Trecul, Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot.<br />

Ser. 3, 8: 94. 1847. Syntypes. Brazil. Sao Paulo:<br />

Without locality, - (8 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 2), Gaudichaud 922 (lectotype<br />

(Q), P).

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> 67<br />

I<br />

1 cm<br />

FIG. 34. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> macerrima: 1, leafy twig <strong>with</strong> staminate inflorescences (Allen 5949)<br />

Shrub or tree, terrestrial or occasionally hemi-<br />

epiphytic, up to 20 m tall. Leafy twigs 2-5 mm<br />

thick, white to yellowish appressed-puberulous<br />

to hirtellous or to hirsute, sometimes also <strong>with</strong><br />

white to brownish arachnoid hairs. Lamina co-<br />

riaceous, subovate to ovate oblong to elliptic to<br />

(sub)obovate or to l<strong>an</strong>ceolate, 3-21 x 2-7 cm,<br />

apex shortly acuminate to acute or to obtuse,<br />

base acute to obtuse to rounded, margin entire,<br />

usually revolute towards the base; upper surface<br />

glabrous, lower surface glabrous or sparsely appressed-puberulous<br />

(to strigose) to (sub)hirsute

FIG.c3.m cousapoa <strong>an</strong>uenss 1 leves sipue n itlaeiforsecs(otr54)<br />

FIG. 35. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> m<strong>an</strong>uensis: 1, leaves, stipules <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> pistillate inflorescences (Foster 5641

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> 69<br />

"-; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'?<br />

?: ' ~C .. ?<br />

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.. U ? :<br />

??<br />

: 7:I .i<br />

?~ ~~~~~~~~~~?<br />

.. 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br />

?: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ~ ~ ~ ~ : .?? ,.<br />

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.2<br />

~~?. ?'''" .:?<br />

.. ".'<br />

I- ".i ii{<br />

' . .. ~<br />

FIG. 36. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> microcarpa: l, leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences (Mexia 5115); 2, leafy twig <strong>with</strong><br />

staminate inflorescence (Hage 31).<br />

on the main veins; lateral veins 6-11 pairs,<br />

straight, basal pair unbr<strong>an</strong>ched, reaching the<br />

margin below the middle of the lamina; intercostal<br />

venation pl<strong>an</strong>e to slightly prominent; petiole<br />

1-4 cm long, appressed-puberulous to hirtellous<br />

to (sub)hirsute; stipules 1-7 cm long,<br />

yellowish puberulous to subsericeous to hirsute<br />

or also <strong>with</strong> white to brownish arachnoid hairs.<br />

Staminate inflorescences br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads 5-9,<br />

globose, ca. 2-3 mm diam.; common peduncle<br />

1-2 cm long, puberulous to hirtellous; peri<strong>an</strong>th<br />

ca. 1 mm high, minutely puberulous; stamens<br />

two, far exceeding the peri<strong>an</strong>th. Pistillate inflo-<br />

rescences unbr<strong>an</strong>ched or rarely br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads<br />

1(-5), globose, ca. 3-5 mm, in fruit up to 10 mm<br />

diam.; (common) peduncle 2-5 cm long, pu-

70 Flora Neotropica<br />

berulous to hirtellous; peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1 mm high,<br />

glabrous; fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th yellow <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> or<strong>an</strong>ge. Interfloral<br />

bracts small, narrowly spathulate, often<br />

only a few are sometimes absent.<br />

Distribution (Fig. 7). Brazil, from Rio Gr<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>e<br />

do Sul to Espirito S<strong>an</strong>to, common in forests up<br />

to 1800 m <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> in restinga vegetation; moreover,<br />

apparently in more or less isolated populations<br />

further north, in Bahia (near Ilheus) <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> in Paraiba<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Pernambuco (on the top of low mountains?).<br />

Specimens studied. BRAZIL. Without (certain) locality,<br />

1814-1817 (9), Bowie & Cunningham 57 (BM),<br />

- (d <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 2), Burchell 3148 (GH, K, P), - (6), Glaziou<br />

1942 (P), - (6), Glaziou 2016 (P), - (6), Glaziou 6009<br />

(C), - (9), Graham s.n. (K), - (2), Pohl s.n. (B, M<br />

(herb. Zuccarini 105), U, type collection of C. schottii<br />

var. l<strong>an</strong>ceolata), 11 Nov 1822 (d), Riedel s.n. (LE), 5<br />

Oct 1863 (st), Warming s.n. (C), 1835 (d), (cult. in hort.<br />

bot. Munchen), herb. Zuccarini 103 (M, type collection<br />

of C. schottii var. longifolia). BAHIA: Nr. Ilheus, 1 Apr<br />

1965 (2), Belem et al. 644 (U); <strong>with</strong>out locality, - Porto de Cima, 26 Jun 1914 (6), Jonsson 610a (F, GH,<br />

K, NY, S); Rio Sao Joao, W of road to Joinville, N of<br />

Garuva, 16 Jul 1966 (st), Lindem<strong>an</strong> et al. 1857 (U);<br />

Serra do Mar, nr. old road Curitiba-Morretes, Bella<br />

Vista, 25 Jul 1967 (st), Lindem<strong>an</strong> et al. 5682 (U); nr.<br />

Pontal do Sul, 20 Jun 1967 (st), Lindem<strong>an</strong> et al. 5748<br />

(U); Caioba, 35 km S of Par<strong>an</strong>agua, 10 Nov 1947 (9),<br />

Tessm<strong>an</strong>n s.n. (MO); Mun. Guaraqueqaba, Serrinha,<br />

13 Apr 1967 (6), Tessm<strong>an</strong>n s.n. (MO). PERNAMBUCO:<br />

"Gurgaf" (=Gurjao?), 14 May 1952 (8), Ducke & Lima<br />

104 (R). Rio DE JANEIRO: Rio de J<strong>an</strong>eiro,<br />

(9),<br />

Bl<strong>an</strong>chet s.n. (BM, M, U); nr. Ilheus, 1836 (2), Bl<strong>an</strong>chet<br />

2327 (G, M, P), 30 Nov 1970 (6), Emygdio 3018 (=Emmerich<br />

3556) (R); Itabuna, 16 Dec 1966 (9), Emygdio<br />

et al. 2447 (=Emmerich et al. 3002 = Andrade et al.<br />

2340) (R); nr. Ilheus, 23 Nov 1970 (6), Hage 31 (GUA,<br />

U), 24 Nov 1971 (2), Pinheiro 1716 (U); Castelo Novo,<br />

Oct 1821 (2), Riedel s.n. (LE), Mar 1822 (2), Riedel 664<br />

(LE). ESPiRITO SANTO: Mun. Linhares, Res. Biol. Sooretama,<br />

14 Mar 1972 (2), Sucre 8690 (U). MINAS GERMS:<br />

Lagoa S<strong>an</strong>ta, - (6), Lund 139 (C); Viqosa, Fazenda de<br />

Aguada, 29 Sep 1930 (2), Mexia 5115 (A, BM, F, G,<br />

GB, GH, K, MO, NY, S, U); Lagoa S<strong>an</strong>ta, - (?),<br />

Warming 1917 (C), 13 Oct 1863 (?), Warming 1918<br />

(C), 5 Oct 1863 (6), Warming 1919 (C), 29 Dec 1864<br />

(8), Warming 1942 (C). PARAiBA: Serro Araripe, S<strong>an</strong>ta<br />

Ana, Aug 1921 (2), Luetzelburg 12471 (M). PARANA:<br />

Mun. Guaratuba, Garuva, 28 Jul 1960 (9), Duarte et<br />

al. 5328 (F, RB); Jacarehy, 27 Sep 1908 (st), Dusen<br />

6635 (GH, NY); Caita de Agua, 28 Aug 1910 (st),<br />

Dusen 10134 (NY); Morretes, 7 Sep 1910 (2), Dusen<br />

10186 (F, GH, K, L, MO, NY, P, S); Jacarehy, 25 Mar<br />

1911 (6), Dusen 11419 (F, GH, NY); Rio Cubatao, 28<br />

Dec 1911 (8), Dusen 13653 (F, GH, NY, S); Jacarehy,<br />

26 Mar 1914 (6), Dusen 14718 (F, GH, K, MO, NY,<br />

P), 11 May 1915 (st), Dusen 17030 (NY); Cerro Azul,<br />

2 Oct 1949 (6), Hatschbach 1475 (S); Mun. Par<strong>an</strong>agua,<br />

Rio Cachoeirinha, 25 Aug 1951 (6), Hatschbach 2458<br />

(RB); Mun. Par<strong>an</strong>agua, Porto D. Pedro 2?, 31 J<strong>an</strong> 1961<br />

(8), Hatschbach 7807 (RB); Mun. Cerro Azul, Turvo,<br />

6 Feb 1961 (6), Hatschbach 7833 (RB); between Curitiba<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Par<strong>an</strong>agua, 10 Nov 1948 (6), Hatschbach<br />

16304 (F, K); Mun. Guaraquecaba, Rio do Cedro, 8<br />

Nov 1968 (9), Hatschbach 18680 (C, MO, NY); Mun.<br />

Bocaiuva do Sul, Sesmaria, Rio Capivari, 11 Nov 1968<br />

(6), Hatschbach 20253 (C); Mun. Guaratuba, Rio Tupitinga,<br />

29 Apr 1972 (6), Hatschbach 29629 (NA); Par<strong>an</strong>agua,<br />

7 Mar 1914 (2), Jonnson 5a (F, GH, K, NY, S);<br />

- (2), Bl<strong>an</strong>chet<br />

s.n. (NY), 1835 (8), Bl<strong>an</strong>chet s.n. (FI); Itatiaia, 10<br />

J<strong>an</strong> 1910 (st), Campos Porto 863 (RB); Rio de J<strong>an</strong>eiro,<br />

Collegio Anglo-Brasileiro, 22 Sep 1916 (2), Const<strong>an</strong>tino<br />

(HJBR) 19689 (RB); Restinga de Itapeba, nr. C<strong>an</strong>al<br />

das Taxas, 22 May 1963 (2), Carauta 178 (GUA,<br />

K); Rio de J<strong>an</strong>eiro, Gavea, 11 Aug 1974 ($), Carauta<br />

1716 (F, GUA, K, U); Rio de J<strong>an</strong>eiro, Morro da Urca,<br />

17 Apr 1975 (st), Carauta 1780 (F), (2), Carauta 1781<br />

(GUA); Rio de J<strong>an</strong>eiro, Bot<strong>an</strong>ical Garden, 9 Nov 1978<br />

(2), Carauta 3050 (RB); Rio de J<strong>an</strong>eiro, Alto da Boa<br />

Vista, 7 Aug 1974 (2), Carauta et al. 1714 (F, GUA,<br />

RB); between Serra de Macah6 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Novo Friburgo,<br />

Sao Pedro, 18 Oct 1977 (2), Carauta et al. 2722 (GUA,<br />

U); Rio de J<strong>an</strong>eiro, Pao de Acucar, 26 Aug 1979 (2),<br />

Carauta et al. 3166 (GUA, U); Turin, 1857 (2), Casaretto<br />

643 (G); Joatinga Joa, 24 Mar 1959 ($), Duarte<br />

et al. 4650 (RB); Dois Irmaos, 19 Feb 1921 (2), Ducke<br />

et al. (HJBR) 16361 (RB); Meio Serra, old road to<br />

Petr6polis, 3 Nov 1928 (9), Ducke (HJBR) 21200 (RB);<br />

Serra de Itatiaia, Mont Serrat, 21 Oct 1903 (2), Dusen<br />

2160 (S); Rio de J<strong>an</strong>eiro, Prainha, 4 Dec 1978 (2),<br />

Ferreira 493 (RB); Serra dos Orgaos, Apr 1837 (6),<br />

Gardner 732 (BM, K); Rio de J<strong>an</strong>eiro, Gavea, Aug<br />

1837 (9), Gardner 5632 (BM, K); Teres6polis, 1100 m,<br />

31 J<strong>an</strong> 1978 (9), Gentry et al. 918 (MO, U); Rio de<br />

J<strong>an</strong>eiro, Gavea, 19 J<strong>an</strong> 1861 (st), Glaziou s.n. (P), 28<br />

Aug 1861 (st), Glaziou s.n. (P); Rio de J<strong>an</strong>eiro, Copacab<strong>an</strong>a,<br />

4 May 1866 (9), Glaziou 1013 (C, NY, P);<br />

Rio de J<strong>an</strong>eiro, Gavea, 28 Apr 1867 (6), Glaziou 1138<br />

(C, P); Rio de J<strong>an</strong>eiro, - (st), Glaziou 1881 (G); Rio<br />

de J<strong>an</strong>eiro, Gavea, 28 Nov 1869 (6), Glaziou 4937 (P);<br />

Rio de J<strong>an</strong>eiro, Copacab<strong>an</strong>a, 1871 (6), Glaziou 4938<br />

(C: K, P); Rio de J<strong>an</strong>eiro, Tijuca, 6 Feb 1871 (2), Glaziou<br />

6009 (K, P); Rio de J<strong>an</strong>eiro, 12 Aug 1876 (2),<br />

Glaziou 8936 (A, K, LE, P); Serra dos Orgaos, 23 Mar<br />

1880 (2), Glaziou 12166 (C, F, G, K, LE, P); Petr6polis,<br />

Bairro Amoeda, Dec 1943 (8), Goes et al. 815 (GUA,<br />

RB); Recreio dos B<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>eir<strong>an</strong>tes, 30 km W of Rio de<br />

J<strong>an</strong>eiro, 5 Mar 1964 (6), Lems s.n. (NY); Rio de J<strong>an</strong>eiro,<br />

1839 (6), Luschnath s.n. (LE); between Serra de<br />

Macah6 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Novo Friburgo, 1000 m, 18 Oct 1977 (2),<br />

Maas et al. 3325 (K, U); Petr6polis, Vale das Videiras,<br />

1800 m, 6 J<strong>an</strong> 1973 (2), Martinelli 150 (U); Rio de<br />

J<strong>an</strong>eiro, 1867 (8), Miers s.n. (BM); Rio de J<strong>an</strong>eiro,<br />

Tijuca, 1879 (2), Miers s.n. (BM); Rio de J<strong>an</strong>eiro, Jul<br />

1878 (6), Miers 2714 (K, P); Rio de J<strong>an</strong>eiro, Tijuca,<br />

Jul 1878 (9), Miers 3792 (K); Rio de J<strong>an</strong>eiro, Pedreiro,<br />

Jul 1878 (6), Miers 3858 (K, P); Restinga de Jacarepagua,<br />

Res. Biol., 12 Apr 1967 (6), Moreira 46 (F, GH,<br />

GUA, US); Rio de J<strong>an</strong>eiro, Corcovado, 20 Sep 1974<br />

(8), Mosen 2614 (S); Rio de J<strong>an</strong>eiro, Sep 1862 (9), Nadeaud<br />

s.n. (P); Rio de J<strong>an</strong>eiro, Copacab<strong>an</strong>a, Oct 1862

<strong>Coussapoa</strong><br />

(a), Nadeaud s. n. (P); Rio de J<strong>an</strong>eiro, Bot<strong>an</strong>ical Garden,<br />

8 Mar 1936 (9), Occhioni (HJBR) 35333 (RB); Serra<br />

dos Orgaos, Rio Paquequer, 4 Mar 1949 (9), Pereira<br />

39 (RB); Rio de J<strong>an</strong>eiro, Bot<strong>an</strong>ical Garden, 23 May<br />

1961 (9), Pereira 5670 (B, M); Rio de J<strong>an</strong>eiro, Gavea,<br />

3 Oct 1927 (9), Pessoal do Horto Florestal 654 (RB);<br />

Rio de J<strong>an</strong>eiro, Tijuca, 14 Jun 1969 (st), Plowm<strong>an</strong> 2919<br />

(=Sucre 5209) (GH, K, US); Rio de J<strong>an</strong>eiro, 1829 (a),<br />

Riedel 7 (LE), Sep-Dec 1831 (9), Riedel 75 (LE, NY,<br />

RB, US), 1832 (st), Riedel et al. s.n. (LE), 1832 (st),<br />

Riedel et al. I (LE); Teres6polis, Rio Imbui, 2 Oct 1952<br />

(9), Rizzini 144 (RB); Belem, Oct 1867 (9), Schwacke<br />

1067 (RB); Rio de J<strong>an</strong>eiro, Corcovado, 2 Nov 1883<br />

(9), Schwacke 6783 (RB), 11 Mar 1883 (2), Schwacke<br />

8418 (R); Rio de J<strong>an</strong>eiro, Copacab<strong>an</strong>a, 25 Oct 1967<br />

(9), Sucre 1783 (F, GUA, K, RB); Cabo Frio, Restinga<br />

do Per6, 14 Sep 1968 (9), Sucre 3633 (GUA, U); Restinga<br />

de Jacarapagua, 8 May 1969 (9), Sucre 4989 (U);<br />

Parades da Subida, Pedra da P<strong>an</strong>ela, 3 Nov 1971 (9),<br />

Sucre 7878 (U); Rio de J<strong>an</strong>eiro, Gavea, Nov 1899 (8),<br />

Ule s.n. (R); Rio de J<strong>an</strong>eiro, Copacab<strong>an</strong>a, - (9), Ule<br />

1693 (P); Itatiaia, 1935 (a), Zik<strong>an</strong> (HJBR) 29279 (RB).<br />

Rio GRANDE DO SUL: Fazenda das Almas, nr. Palmares,<br />

J<strong>an</strong> 1945 (8), Buck (in Rambo) 26425 (B); P6rto<br />

Alegre, 1 Oct 1957 (9), Camargo 1849 (B); Morro Teres6polis,<br />

Dec 1940 (8), Leite 413 (A), Dec 1942 (8),<br />

Leite 872 (A); P6rto Alegre, 2 Jun 1893 (9), Malme<br />

826 (S), 26 Feb 1902 (6), Malme 1428 (R, S), 16 Oct<br />

1932 (d <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 9), Rambo 426 (F, MO, S), 10 Nov 1946<br />

(9), Rambo 27092 (FI, S), 2 Oct 1948 (9), Rambo 37782<br />

(C), 1 Dec 1948 (9), Rambo 38427 (B); Lami, nr. Viamao,<br />

3 J<strong>an</strong> 1949 (6), Rambo 39413 (F); Estacao Pereci,<br />

14 J<strong>an</strong> 1949 (9), Rambo 39780 (P); Ilha das Flores, 22<br />

Apr 1949 (9), Rambo 41173 (C, K, US); Lagoa dos<br />

Barros, nr. Osoria, 14 Feb 1949 (9), Rambo 44743 (P);<br />

Fazenda do Arroio, nr. Osoria, 4 J<strong>an</strong> 1950 (a), Rambo<br />

45136 (K); Lagoa dos Quadros, nr. Torres, 21 Feb 1950<br />

(a), Rambo 45904 (K); nr. Tram<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ai, 5 Mar 1950 (a),<br />

Rambo 46145 (P); <strong>with</strong>out locality, - NY, S, U), 20 Dec 1952 (6), Reitz et al. 5030 (F, G,<br />

NY, S, U); Mina Velha, Garuva, Sao Fr<strong>an</strong>cisco do Sul,<br />

8 Nov 1957 (9), Reitz et al. 5611 (B, US); Serra do<br />

Matador, Rio do Sul, 26 J<strong>an</strong> 1959 (2), Reitz et al. 8294<br />

(G, M); Ilha da S<strong>an</strong>ta Catarina, 6 Mar 1962 (8), Sehnem<br />

7993 (B); P6rto Belo, Ilha Joao da Cunha, 31 Mar 1957<br />

(Q), L. B. Smith et al. 12307 (NY, R, US). SAO PAULO:<br />

Mun. Picinguaba, Picinguaba beach, 2 Oct 1975 (9),<br />

Araujo et al. 848 (RB); Mun. Iguape, Morro das Pedras,<br />

Aug 1915 (8), Brade 7887 (R), 1917 (9), Brade 7949<br />

(R, RB); Mun. Iguape, Iguape Isl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>, 19 Feb 1965 (2),<br />

Eiten et al. 6214 (MO, US); <strong>with</strong>out locality, 1917 (6),<br />

Frazas(HJBR) 13059 (RB); 1833 (2), Gaudichaud 992<br />

(P); Sao Paulo, Parque do Estado, 4 Sep 1933 (6), Hoehne<br />

30923 (F, GUA, NY, P); road Caraguatatuba-Ubatuba,<br />

10 Oct 1968 (9), Leitao Filho 685 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 686 (GUA);<br />

S<strong>an</strong>tos, 1 Dec 1874 (2), Mosen 2941 (C, S).<br />

This species appears to be related to C. latifolia<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> C. microcephala. It is quite variable in the<br />

shape <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> dimensions of the lamina. A form <strong>with</strong><br />

relatively long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> narrow leaves is cultivated in<br />

several Europe<strong>an</strong> greenhouses <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> (in The Netherl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>s)<br />

as <strong>an</strong> indoor ornamental.<br />

26. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> microcephala Tr6cul, Ann. Sci.<br />

Nat. Bot., Ser. 3, 8: 96. 1847; Miquel, Fl. bras.<br />

4(1): 136. 1853; Berg, Fl. Suriname 5(1): 282.<br />

1975. Type. Guy<strong>an</strong>a. Pomeroon River,<br />

(9), Sello 241<br />

(B, P, US); Rio Tapuchy, 1837 (6), Tweedie 29 (K);<br />

Col6nia Sao Pedro Torres, 12 Nov 1968 ($), Vi<strong>an</strong>na<br />

et al. 5465 (U). SANTA CATARINA: Rio Claro, Linha de<br />

Joinville, 30 Oct 1882 (6), Anonymus s.n. (RB); Ilha<br />

da S<strong>an</strong>ta Catarina, 8 Dec 1950 (9), Duarte et al. 3410<br />

(F, K, NY, RB, U); Ibirama, 13 Dec 1953 (8), Gevieski<br />

85 (B, NY, S, US); Rio Pirai, 6 J<strong>an</strong> 1950 (6), H<strong>an</strong>s 335<br />

(R, RB); Brusque, Mata Sao Pedro, 30 Dec 1949 (a),<br />

Klein 79B (= Veloso 97) (RB, US); Morro de Fazenda,<br />

Itajai, 25 Mar 1954 (6), Klein 772 (S, US); Morro dos<br />

Conventos, E of Arar<strong>an</strong>gua, 5 Nov 1972 (6), Lima<br />

20795 (U), 15 Nov 1971 (9), Lindem<strong>an</strong> et al. 9105 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

9110 (U); Sombrio, 3 Sep 1945 (8), Reitz 1912 (F, R,<br />

NY); Sao Fr<strong>an</strong>cisco do Sul, 9 J<strong>an</strong> 1951 (9), Reitz 3809<br />

(US); Campo do Massiambfi, Palhoca, 24 Sep 1953<br />

(a), Reitz et al. 975 (NY, S); Morro de Fazenda, Itajai,<br />

3 Mar 1954 ($), Reitz et al. 1688 (NY, S, US); Sombrio,<br />

8 Feb 1946 (8), Reitz et al. 2008 (US); Cunhas, Itajai,<br />

5 Aug 1954 (8), Reitz et al. 2027 (US); Morro de Ressacada,<br />

Itajai, 29 Mar 1957 (9), Reitz et al. 2913 (US);<br />

Morro do Bau, Itajai, 1 Nov 1951 (6), Reitz 4167 (NY,<br />

S); Trds Barras, Garuva, Sao Fr<strong>an</strong>cisco do Sul, 24 Aug<br />

1957 (9), Reitz et al. 4692 (NY); Campo do Massiambi,<br />

Palhoca, 19 Dec 1952 (9), Reitz et al. 4965 (F, G,<br />

- (6),<br />

Schomburgk 876 (holotype, P; isotypes, BM,<br />

F, FI, NY). Fig. 37.<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> fagifolia Klotzsch, Linnaea 20: 528. 1847;<br />

Miquel, Fl. bras. 4(1): 136. 1853. Type. Guy<strong>an</strong>a.<br />

Pomeroon River, - (8), Schomburgk 1366 (=876?)<br />

(holotype, B; isotype, K).<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> cuneata Miquel, Fl. bras. 4(1): 138. 1853.<br />

Type. Guy<strong>an</strong>a. Berbice River, - (6), Schomburgk<br />

287 (holotype, U; isotypes, BM, G, GH, K, L, P,<br />

OXF, U).<br />

Tree, often hemi-epiphytic, up to 20 m tall.<br />

Leafy twigs 2-9 mm thick, sparsely to densely<br />

yellowish appressed-puberulous to hirtellous to<br />

subhirsute or also <strong>with</strong> white to brown arachnoid<br />

hairs. Lamina coriaceous (to subcoriaceous),<br />

ovate to subovate or elliptic to oblong, 3-27 x<br />

1.5-16 cm, apex acuminate to acute, base rounded<br />

to obtuse, margin entire, + revolute towards<br />

the base; upper surface glabrous, lower surface<br />

densely to very sparsely appressed-puberulous<br />

(on the main veins <strong>with</strong> hairs of different lengths)<br />

or also densely to sparsely covered <strong>with</strong> white to<br />

pale brown arachnoid hairs, disappearing or more<br />

or less persistent on the main veins <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the margin;<br />

lateral veins 4-11 pairs, straight or slightly<br />

curved, basal pair br<strong>an</strong>ched or unbr<strong>an</strong>ched, in<br />


FIG. 37. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> microcephala: ssp. microcephala: 1, leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences (Maguire 24588); 2, lea<br />

(Gleason 405).<br />

I<br />


<strong>Coussapoa</strong><br />

ovate to elliptic leaves reaching the margin below<br />

or sometimes at the middle of the lamina; intercostal<br />

venation more or less prominent to<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>e; petiole 0.5-5 cm long, appressed-puberulous<br />

to hirtellous or also <strong>with</strong> arachnoid hairs;<br />

(U); Pakaraima Mts., Kamar<strong>an</strong>g, 8 Sep 1979 (6), Maas<br />

et al. 4126 (U); Kaieteur Gorge, 14 May 1944 (6),<br />

Maguire et al. 23449 (F, G, K, MO, NY, P, U, US);<br />

Demerara River, Comaka, Apr 1933 (6), Persaud 222<br />

(F); Essequibo River, Moraballi Creek, nr. Bartica, 18<br />

Sep 1929 (8), S<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><strong>with</strong> 290 (K, NY, RB), 19 Sep 1929<br />

stipules 1.2-5 cm long, yellowish puberulous to (2), S<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><strong>with</strong> 302 (K, U), 7 Oct 1929 (6), S<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><strong>with</strong> 394<br />

subsericeous, often also <strong>with</strong> brownish arachnoid (K, P, US); <strong>with</strong>out locality,<br />

hairs; terminal buds slender. Staminate inflorescences<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads six to m<strong>an</strong>y, globose, ca.<br />

2 mm diam.; common peduncle 1-4 cm long,<br />

puberulous; peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1 mm high, glabrous;<br />

stamens two, far exceeding the peri<strong>an</strong>th. Pistillate<br />

inflorescences br<strong>an</strong>ched, occasionally unbr<strong>an</strong>ched;<br />

heads (1-)3-15, sometimes fused, globose,<br />

2-5 mm, in fruit up to 10 mm diam.;<br />

(common) peduncle 1-10 cm long, puberulous;<br />

peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1 mm high, glabrous. Interfloral<br />

bracts (sub)spathulate, minutely puberulous at<br />

the apex.<br />

Distribution (Fig. 7). Common in Guy<strong>an</strong>a, apparently<br />

rare in Surinam <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> French Gui<strong>an</strong>a; in<br />

forest, often along streams, at altitudes up to<br />

900 m.<br />

- (?), Schomburgk s.n.<br />

(F, G), - (6), Schomburgk 118 (B, K), - (9), Schomburgk<br />

167 (G, K, P); Berbice River, 1837 (6), Schomburgk<br />

287 (BM, G, GH, K, L, OXF, P, U, type collection<br />

of C. cuneata); Pomeroon River (?), - (6),<br />

Schomburgk 876 (by error 276) (BM, F, FI, G, NY, P,<br />

type collection of C. microcephala), Schomburgk 1366<br />

(=?876) (B, K, type collection of C. fagifolia); Potaro<br />

River, nr. Amatuk, 26 Aug 1959 (8), Whitton 179 (K).<br />

SURINAM. Without locality, - (9), Anderson s.n.<br />

(BM); Tafelberg, 1 Sep 1944 (9), Maguire 25488 (A, F,<br />

G, K, MO, NY, U, US).<br />

FRENCH GUIANA. Road to Brazil, km 6, at bridge<br />

over Compt6 River, ca. 51 km S of Cayenne, 1 J<strong>an</strong><br />

1977 (2), Mori 8864 (CAY, MO, NY, U).<br />

Specimens studied. GUYANA. Northwest District,<br />

Kaituma River, 27 Oct 1908 (a), Anderson 188 (K,<br />

NY); Cuyounia Creek, - (8), Appun 296 (K); Potaro<br />

River, nr. Kaieteur Falls, 18 Feb 1962 ($), Cow<strong>an</strong> et<br />

al. 1868 (F, K, US), 18 Feb 1962 (9), Cow<strong>an</strong> et al. 1880<br />

(F, K, US); Northwest District, Anabisi River, 15 Feb<br />

1922 (9), De la Cruz 1367 (GH, NY); upper Rupununi<br />

River, nr. Dad<strong>an</strong>awa, 14 Jun 1922 (a), De la Cruz 1501<br />

(F, GH, MO, NY); between Demerara River <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Ber-<br />

bice River, 5?50'N, 15-19 Jul 1922 (6), De la Cruz<br />

1577 (F, GH, MO, NY); upper Mazaruni River, ca.<br />

60?10'W, 22 Sep-6 Oct 1922 (8), De la Cruz 2241 (F,<br />

GH, MO, NY, US), De la Cruz 2387 (F, GH, MO,<br />

NY, US); Demerara River, Malali, 30 Oct-5 Nov 1922<br />

(6), De la Cruz 2636 (F, GH, K, NY); upper Mazaruni<br />

River, Kamakusa, 23-29 Nov 1922 (9), De la Cruz<br />

2813 (F, GH, MO, NY); Demerara River, Malali, 30<br />

Oct-5 Nov 1922, De la Cruz 3070 (NY); Essequibo<br />

River, Winiperu Creek, 2 Nov 1939 (9), F<strong>an</strong>shawe 295<br />

(FD 3031) (K, NY, U); Mazaruni River, Kurupung<br />

River, Sep 1925 (a), Gleason 405 (K, NY); Potaro Riv-<br />

er, Tumatumari, 4-6 Jul 1921 (9), Gleason 415 (GH,<br />

K, NY); Potaro River, nr. Kaieteur Falls, 17 J<strong>an</strong> 1954<br />

(a), Irwin 183 (US); Mazaruni River, Sep 1880 (9),<br />

Jenm<strong>an</strong> 652 (K); upper Demerara River, nr. Great<br />

Falls, Sep 1887 (2), Jenm<strong>an</strong> 3995 (K, NY); Berbice<br />

River, May 1889 (2), Jenm<strong>an</strong> 4947 (K), <strong>with</strong>out lo-<br />

cality, Jun 1889 (e), Jenm<strong>an</strong> 5315 (K); Demerara Riv-<br />

er, Mar 1898 (9), Jenm<strong>an</strong> 7310 (K, S, U); Pomeroon<br />

River, nr. Macasuma, Feb 1904 (e), Jenm<strong>an</strong> 7933 (K);<br />

Kupurung River, 22 Nov 1922 (9), Leng 177 (NY);<br />

Waine River, 10-15 km S of Kwab<strong>an</strong>na, 10 Aug 1977<br />

(9), Maas et al. 2478 (F, K, U); S of Timehri, Mr.<br />

Thompson's farm, 17 Oct 1979 (a), Maas et al. 3622<br />

73<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> microcephala is closely related to<br />

C. argentea. Because of more or less distinct sim-<br />

ilarities in the dimensions, shape, margin, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

venation of the leaves these two species together<br />

<strong>with</strong> C. latifolia, C. viridifolia, C. parvifolia, C.<br />

microcarpa, C. pachyphylla (<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> C. macerrima)<br />

constitute a more or less distinct group <strong>with</strong>in<br />

the taxa having 2-staminate flowers.<br />

27. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> napoensis Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s & C. C.<br />

Berg, Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch., Ser.<br />

C. 85(4): 457. 1982. Type. Ecuador. Napo:<br />

Coca, 17 J<strong>an</strong> 1973 (6), Lugo 2820 (holotype,<br />

GB). Fig. 38.<br />

Tree, up to 25 m tall, terrestrial or hemi-epiphytic.<br />

Leafy twigs 5-12 mm thick, sparsely puberulous,<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> mostly also <strong>with</strong> sparse, distinctly<br />

longer, straight to curved, stiff hairs. Lamina coriaceous,<br />

broadly ovate to broadly elliptic, 7-30<br />

x 6-22 cm, apex obtuse, occasionally acuminate,<br />

base subobtuse to rounded or to truncate,<br />

margin entire to subcrenate; upper surface glabrous,<br />

lower surface on the main veins <strong>with</strong> appressed<br />

straight hairs of different lengths <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong><br />

sparse arachnoid hairs which later disappear; lateral<br />

veins (5-)7-12(-15) pairs, almost straight,<br />

basal pair (sometimes faintly) br<strong>an</strong>ched, reaching<br />

the margin below the middle of the lamina; intercostal<br />

venation slightly prominent to almost<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>e; petiole 3-10 cm long, <strong>with</strong> appressed<br />

straight hairs of different lengths, glabrescent;<br />

stipules 4-13 cm long, subvelutinous, also <strong>with</strong><br />

distinctly longer straight stiff hairs. Staminate

74 Flora Neotropica<br />

~.I.<br />

FIG. 38. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> napoensis: 1, leafy twig <strong>with</strong> staminate inflorescences<br />

(Lugo 2857).<br />

I cm.

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> 75<br />

inflorescences repeatedly br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads m<strong>an</strong>y,<br />

globose, 2-3 mm diam.; common peduncle 2.5-<br />

6 cm long, puberulous to hirtellous; peri<strong>an</strong>th ca.<br />

0.5-1 mm high, glabrous; stamen one, far exceeding<br />

the peri<strong>an</strong>th. Pistillate inflorescences<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads 3-9, subglobose, 6-10 mm<br />

diam.; common peduncle 3-4 cm long, puberulous<br />

to subhirsute; peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1 mm high, glabrous.<br />

Interfloral bracts absent.<br />

Distribution (Fig. 7). Ecuador (Napo) <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Colombia<br />

(Putumayo); Amazoni<strong>an</strong> forest.<br />

Specimens studied. COLOMBIA. PUTUMAYO: Rio<br />

Putumayo, Pifiufia Negro, 20 Nov 1940 (6), Cuatrecasas<br />

10714 (F, US).<br />

ECUADOR. NAPO: Nr. Coca, 17 J<strong>an</strong> 1973 (6), Lugo<br />

2820 (GB, type collection), 22 J<strong>an</strong> 1973 (6), Lugo 2909<br />

(GB); Rio Payamino, nr. Payamino Capihuara, 19 J<strong>an</strong><br />

1973 (6), Lugo 2857 (GB); Shushufindi, 4 Aug 1975<br />

(e), Little et al. 43 (Q); 20 km W of Coca, 22-23 April<br />

1985 (v), Palacios et al. 6387 (BG).<br />

This species has m<strong>an</strong>y features in common<br />

<strong>with</strong> C. ovalifolia. It is distinct from the latter<br />

mainly in the longer stipules (of fertile twigs!),<br />

the smaller number of lateral veins, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the larger<br />

flower heads of the staminate inflorescence. The<br />

two species could prove to be distinct only at the<br />

subspecific level.<br />

28. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> nitida Miquel, Fl. bras. 4(1): 113,<br />

t. 44. 1853. Type. Brazil. Para: "Jaguary"<br />

(=Jaguarari?), - (e), Martius s.n. (lectotype,<br />

M; isolectotypes, B?, BR, U). Fig. 39.<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> intermedia Miquel, Fl. bras. 4(1): 133, t.<br />

43. 1853. Type. Brazil. Without locality ("prov. Paraensi<br />

et Rio Negro"), - sparsely (to rather densely) covered <strong>with</strong> arachnoid<br />

hairs which are deciduous; lateral veins 8-<br />

15 pairs, mostly straight, basal pair (normally)<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched, reaching the margin below the middle<br />

of the lamina; intercostal venation (almost) pl<strong>an</strong>e;<br />

petiole 3-13 cm long, 2-4 mm thick, densely<br />

brownish to white puberulous <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> distinctly<br />

longer yellowish appressed to patent hairs; stipules<br />

2.5-10 cm long, yellowish to brownish subsericeous<br />

to hirsute or predomin<strong>an</strong>tly densely<br />

puberulous. Staminate inflorescence br<strong>an</strong>ched;<br />

heads numerous, free, globose, ca. 2 mm diam.,<br />

often several solitary flowers on the br<strong>an</strong>ches of<br />

the inflorescence; common peduncle 2-5 cm long,<br />

rather densely puberulous to hirtellous to subhirsute;<br />

peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1 mm high, glabrous or minutely<br />

puberulous; stamen one, far exceeding the<br />

peri<strong>an</strong>th. Pistillate inflorescence br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads<br />

2-7, free, globose, ca. 4-6, in fruit up to 20 mm<br />

diam.; common peduncle 2-7 cm long, peduncle<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> br<strong>an</strong>ches 1-2 mm thick, rather densely puberulous<br />

to hirtellous, apices of the br<strong>an</strong>ches often<br />

more or less broadened towards the heads; peri<strong>an</strong>th<br />

ca. 1 mm high, sparsely minutely white puberulous<br />

to glabrous. Interfloral bracts absent.<br />

Distribution (Fig. 8). Amazon Basin (Brazil<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Peru), especially along the Amazon River;<br />

mostly in riverside (varzea) forest.<br />

Specimens studied. COLOMBIA. AMAZONAS: Rio<br />

Caqueta, Puerto Cordoba, 13 Nov 1912 (8), Ducke<br />

(HAMP) 12238 (MG); Trapecio Amazonico, nr. mouth<br />

of Rio Loretoyacu, 26 Nov 1945 (2), Duque-Jaramillo<br />

2207 (COL); Rio Loretoyacu, Oct 1945 (9), Schultes<br />

6726 (F, GH), Sep 1946 (2), Schultes et al. 8380 (F).<br />

(8), Martius s.n.<br />

PERU. LORETO: Rio<br />

(holotype,<br />

Itaya, ca. 5 km above Iquitos,<br />

6<br />

M; isotype, B).<br />

Aug 1972 (a), Croat 18850 (MO, U); Prov. Maynas,<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> schunkei St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley, Publ. Field Mus.<br />

Rio<br />

Bot. Ampiyacu, between Pebas <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> mouth of Rio Ya-<br />

22: 72. 1940. Type. Peru. Loreto: Rio Maz<strong>an</strong>, Gam- guasyacu, 7 Nov 1977 (2), Gentry et al. 20381 (MO,<br />

it<strong>an</strong>acocha, 27 J<strong>an</strong> 1935 (6), Schunke 130 (holotype,<br />

U); Rio Ampiyacu, above junction of Rio Yaguasyacu,<br />

9 Nov<br />

F;<br />

1977<br />

isotypes, A, NY, US).<br />

(2), Gentry et al. 20495 (MO, U); Rio<br />

Yavari, opposite Paumari, 23 Nov 1977 (a), Gentry et<br />

Tree, hemi-epiphytic or terrestrial, up to 30 m al. 20802 (U); Rio N<strong>an</strong>ay, Mish<strong>an</strong>a, halfway between<br />

tall. Leafy twigs 5-12 mm thick, densely brown- Iquitos <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> S<strong>an</strong>ta Maria de N<strong>an</strong>ay, 26 Feb 1979 (st),<br />

ish<br />

Gentry et al. 25124<br />

puberulous to<br />

(MO, U); lower Rio<br />

shortly velutinous, often<br />

Mom6n, nr.<br />

partly Iquitos, 8 Dec 1979 (9), J. Jones et al. 9712 (LAM, U),<br />

(sub)hirsute. Lamina (sub)coriaceous, ovate (to 9 Dec 1979 (8), J. Jones et al. 9769 (LAM, U); Rio<br />

elliptic), 8-30 x 4-20 cm, apex acute to obtuse, Ampiyacu, Puca Urquillo, 2 Apr 1977 (9), Plowm<strong>an</strong><br />

base obtuse to rounded to truncate to et al. 6555<br />

cordate,<br />

(F, GH, K, U); Rio Ampiyacu, Pebas, 16<br />

Jul 1976<br />

margin entire to subcrenate; upper surface (a), Revilla 805 (MO); Rio Mom6n, Mogla-<br />

noncillo, 17 Aug 1976 (9), Revilla 1099<br />

brous, lower<br />

(MO,<br />

surface<br />

U); Rio<br />

densely minutely puberu- Mom6n, above Bellavista, 19 Sep 1975 (9), Rimachi<br />

lous in the areoles <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> on the reticulum, usually 1943 (NA); Rio Maz<strong>an</strong>, Gamit<strong>an</strong>acocha, 27 J<strong>an</strong> 1935<br />

sparsely puberulous to hirtellous on the (parallel) (8), Schunke 130 (A, F, NY, US, type collection of C.<br />

tertiary venation, (appressed-)puberulous to stri- schunkei).<br />

BRAZIL. Without<br />

gose or to sparsely hirsute on<br />

locality (Prov. Paraensi et Rio<br />

the midrib <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Negro),<br />

lateral veins, sometimes the whole surface<br />

- (a), Martius s.n. (B, M, type collection of C.<br />

intermedia); - (a + 9, monoecious!), Poeppigs.n. (BR).

76 Flora Neotropica<br />

FIG. 39. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> nitida: 1, leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences<br />

(Schultes 6726).

<strong>Coussapoa</strong><br />

ACRE: Rio Purus, nr. mouth of Rio Macaua, tributary<br />

of Rio Iaco, 21 Aug 1933 (6), Krukoff5596 (A, BM,<br />

F, G, K, LE, M, MO, NY, Q, S, U, US). AMAPA: Rio<br />

Jari, 2 km E of Arum<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>uba, 27 Jun 1961 (2), W. A.<br />

Egler et al. 46027A (IAN, MG, MO, NY, S, U).<br />

AMAZONAS: Rio Solim6es, B6ca de M<strong>an</strong>aquiri, 3 Oct<br />

1973 (6), Berg et al. P17591 (F, M, MO, P, S, U), 3<br />

Oct 1973 (2), Berg et al. P17592 (F, MO, K, P, S, U);<br />

Rio Japura, Mun. Maraa, Ilha dos Macacos, 30 Oct<br />

1977 (8), Damiao 2503 (INPA); Rio Japura, Costa do<br />

Jacitaria, 8 Dec 1977 (8), Damido 2817 (INPA); Rio<br />

Solimoes, Fonte Boa, 9 Oct 1945 (6), Ducke 1795 (A,<br />

F, K, MG, NY, R, RB, US); Rio Japura, 19 Sep 1904<br />

(9), Ducke (HAMP) 6782 (S, U); Rio Ia, 9 Sep 1906<br />

(9), Ducke (HAMP) 7715 (BM, G); Rio Ton<strong>an</strong>tins, 26<br />

Oct 1949 (6), Frogs 25531 (IAN); Mun. Sao Paulo de<br />

Olivenca, nr. Palmares, 11 Sep-26 Oct 1936 (6), Krukoff<br />

8401 (A, B, BM, F, G, K, LE, NY, P, S, U, US);<br />

Rio Solimoes, Mamia, 20 J<strong>an</strong> 1924 (8), Kuhlm<strong>an</strong>n 1178<br />

(RB); Rio Javari, behind Palmeiras (army post), 6 Aug<br />

1973 (8), Lleras et al. P17197 (C, K, M, MO, NY, U,<br />

US). PARA: Rio Tajapurir, Ant6nia Lemos, Igarape Pixuna,<br />

19 Jul 1948 (2), Black 48-2949 (IAN); Rio Tajapuri,<br />

Ilha Sao Sebastiao, Nazar6, 31 Jul 1948 (6),<br />

Black 48-3017 (IAN); Gurupa, 27 J<strong>an</strong> 1916 (6), Ducke<br />

(HJBR) 13066 (=HAMP 16003) (BM, RB); Rio Tajapurfi,<br />

- 21 cm, apex acute to obtuse to shortly acuminate,<br />

base cordate, margin entire or subcrenate; upper<br />

surface glabrous, lower surface densely minutely<br />

puberulous in the areoles <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> on the reticulum,<br />

(rather) sparsely hirtellous to puberulous on the<br />

other veins, on the main veins <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> margin also<br />

sparse white arachnoid hairs; lateral veins 9-11<br />

pairs, slightly curved, basal pairs br<strong>an</strong>ched,<br />

reaching the margin below the middle of the lamina,<br />

other lateral veins often poorly br<strong>an</strong>ched<br />

(furcate); intercostal venation very prominent;<br />

petiole 8-13 cm long, sparsely to densely minutely<br />

puberulous <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> sparsely covered <strong>with</strong> distinctly<br />

longer straight stiff hairs; stipules 0.5-3.5<br />

cm long, brownish subsericeous <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> a dense<br />

covering of reddish-brown pluricellular hairs.<br />

Staminate inflorescences br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads m<strong>an</strong>y,<br />

globose, ca. 4-6 mm diam.; common peduncle<br />

1.5-3 cm long, puberulous to hirtellous, on the<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ches to tomentellous, mixed <strong>with</strong> sparse to<br />

dense reddish-brown pluricellular hairs; peri<strong>an</strong>th<br />

(), Martius s.n. (FI); "Jaguary" (=?Jaguar- ca. 1 mm high, densely minutely puberulous;<br />

ari), Aug (9), Martius s.n. (B, BR, M, U, lectotype col- stamens three, exceeding the peri<strong>an</strong>th. Pistillate<br />

lection), "Insulae Archipelagi Paraensis," Aug (d <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> inflorescences unbr<strong>an</strong>ched; heads ellipsoid to<br />

2), Martius s.n. (or 2673) (M, L, LE); Rio Jari, between<br />

Monte Dourado <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Caracura, 18 Nov 1967 (9), Oliv- obovoid, ca. 20 x 10, in fruit up to 15 mm diam.;<br />

eira 3627 (IAN, NY); Rio Jari, between Monte Dour- peduncle 1-2 cm long, reddish-brown puberuado<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Patricia, 27 Mar 1970 (6), N. T. Silva 303 lous to hirtellous; peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 2 mm high, dense-<br />

(IAN).<br />

ly reddish-brown puberulous. Interfloral bracts<br />

subpeltate, often only a few or sometimes absent.<br />

Distribution (Fig. 8). Costa Rica (Alajuela); in<br />

rain forest up to 800 m.<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> nitida c<strong>an</strong> easily be confused <strong>with</strong><br />

C. tessm<strong>an</strong>nii, due to the strong overall similar-<br />

ities. However, C. nitida is clearly distinct from<br />

the latter in the absence ofinterfloral bracts. Oth-<br />

er differences occur in the indumentum, espe-<br />

cially in that of the petiole, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> in the diameter<br />

of the peduncle of the pistillate inflorescence. C.<br />

nitida appears to be related to C. cupularis <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

more remotely to C. orthoneura <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> C. arach-<br />

noidea.<br />

29. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> nymphaeifolia St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley, Proc.<br />

Biol. Soc. Wash. 37: 50. 1924; Burger, Field-<br />

i<strong>an</strong>a Bot. 40: 134, t. 22. 1977. Type. Costa<br />

Rica. Alajuela: Road to S<strong>an</strong> Carlos valley,<br />

Buena Vista, 16 Apr 1903 (2), Cook & Doyle<br />

157 (holotype, US). Fig. 40.<br />

Tree, hemi-epiphytic or terrestrial, ca. 20 m<br />

tall. Leafy twigs 5-17 mm thick, densely mi-<br />

nutely puberulous or also <strong>with</strong> dense reddish-<br />

brown pluricellular hairs. Lamina coriaceous,<br />

(broadly) elliptic to ovate, (9-)24-29 x (6-)18-<br />

Specimens studied. COSTA RICA. ALAJUELA: Road<br />

to S<strong>an</strong> Carlos Valley, Buena Vista, 16 Apr 1903, (2),<br />

Cook & Doyle 157 (US, type collection); c<strong>an</strong>ton S<strong>an</strong><br />

Carlos, Villa Quesada, 21 Feb 1939 (8), A. Smith 1632<br />

(F, MO). HEREDIA: Nr. Puerto Viejo de Sarapiqui, 3<br />

Apr 1974 (2), Hartshorn 1436 (U).<br />

77<br />

Although C. nymphaeifolia is reminiscent of<br />

C. villosa in general appear<strong>an</strong>ce <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> also to C.<br />

duquei in the nature of the pistillate inflores-<br />

cence, these species are probably unrelated. The<br />

occurrence of 3-staminate flowers <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> other sim-<br />

ilarities in leaf characters <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the staminate in-<br />

florescence suggest a relationship <strong>with</strong> C. lon-<br />

gepedunculata.<br />

30. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> oligocephala Donnell Smith, Bot.<br />

Gaz. 40: 11. 1905. Type. Guatemala. Alta Ve-<br />

rapaz: Cubilguitz, Apr 1904 (6), Von Tuerk-<br />

heim 8659 (=11.942) (holotype, US; isotype,<br />

B). Fig. 41.

78 Flora Neotropica<br />

?~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br />

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FIG. 40. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> nymphaeifolia: 1, leafy twig <strong>with</strong> staminate inflorescences, 2, leaf (A. Smith 1632).<br />

?:".<br />

'. .:i.- ; .

<strong>Coussapoa</strong><br />

I<br />

1 cm<br />

FIG. 41. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> oligocephala: 1, leafy twig <strong>with</strong> staminate inflorescences (Schipp 999); 2, pistillate<br />

inflorescences<br />

(Contreras 5787); 3, leaf (Contreras 5787).<br />


80<br />

Specimens studied. MEXICO. TABASCO: La Palma,<br />

Bal<strong>an</strong>c<strong>an</strong>, 6 Jun 1939 (6), Matuda 3300 (A, F, K, NA,<br />

NY).<br />

BELIZE. EL CAYO DISTRICT: Nr. El Cayo, 1933 (d),<br />

Flora Neotropica<br />

Shrub or tree, hemi-epiphytic or GUATEMALA. ALTA VERAPAZ:<br />

terrestrial, up<br />

Sebol, 21 Apr 1964<br />

(8), Contreras 4449<br />

to 20 m tall. Leafy twigs 4-7 mm<br />

(NY, S); El Cacao, Trece Aguas,<br />

thick, ap- - (9), Cooks.n. (F, US); Cerro Chinaja, between Finca<br />

pressed-puberulous to hirtellous to strigillose or Yalpemech <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Chinnaja, 1-2 Apr 1942 (st), Steyerto<br />

hirsute. Lamina (sub)coriaceous, elliptic to mark 45663 (F); Cubilgultz, Apr 1904 (6), Von Tuerckoblong<br />

to (sub)ovate to (sub)obovate, 4-21 x 1- heim 8659 (=11.942) (B, US, type collection). IZABAL:<br />

7 cm, apex shortly acuminate to acute to<br />

Rio<br />

obtuse,<br />

Dulce, road Seja-Cienaga, km 5, 11 Jul 1970 (2),<br />

Contreras 10195 (BM, DUKE, MO, U); Rio Dulce, 21<br />

base obtuse to subcordate, margin entire; upper Jul 1936 (2), Hatch et al. s.n. (F); lower Rio Oscuro,<br />

surface glabrous, lower surface minutely puber- SW of Lake Izabal, 27 Apr 1966 (9), G. C. Jones et al.<br />

ulous to glabrous in the areoles sparsely hirtel- 3152 (NY, US); Lake Izabal, Jagua Creek, 31 May 1965<br />

lous on the smaller veins, the main veins gla- (9), Snedaker C39 (F), 28 May 1966 (9), Snedaker D88<br />

brous, the whole surface <strong>with</strong> (persistent) white (A, F); Rio Dulce, between Livingstone <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 6 mi up<br />

river, 14 Apr 1940 (8), Steyermark 39460 (F); Rio Frio,<br />

arachnoid hairs; lateral veins (5-)8-12, straight, 17 Dec 1941 (st), Steyermark 39934 (F, US); Rio Dulce,<br />

basal pair unbr<strong>an</strong>ched, reaching the margin be- 21 May 1939 (8), Wilson 381 (F). PETEN: Vaxactun,<br />

low the middle of the lamina; intercostal vena- 30 May 1931 (2), Bartlett 12356 (GH, NY, S, US);<br />

tion prominent; petiole (1-)2-6 cm Tikal, 31 Jul 1959 (2), Contreras 61 (NY,<br />

long, sparsely<br />

S); Lake Itza,<br />

between Remate <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> S<strong>an</strong> Andr6s, 18 Apr 1960 (9),<br />

to densely minute puberulous to hirtellous, or Contreras 845 (F, NY, S, US); old road to Machaquila,<br />

hairs mixed <strong>with</strong> longer patent to appressed, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Dolores, 27 Apr 1961 (8), Contreras 2220 (NY, S); nr.<br />

sometimes also arachnoid hairs; stipules 1-5 cm S<strong>an</strong> Andr6s, Apr 1962 (2), Contreras 3559 (F, NY, S);<br />

long, (rather) sparsely appressed-puberulous (to Mac<strong>an</strong>che, 18 May 1966 (9), Contreras 5787 (GH, US);<br />

Cadenas<br />

brownish subsericeous). Staminate road, km 138, La Cumbre, 25 Sep 1966 (9),<br />

inflores- Contreras 6231 (BM, MO, U); Lake Yaxha, archeocences<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads 3-10, globose, ca. 4-6 logical camp on north shore, 18 Jun 1973 (st), Croat<br />

diam.; common peduncle 1-5 cm long, <strong>with</strong> pu- 24663 (MO, NY); nr. Carmelita, 25 Jun 1942 (st), F.<br />

berulous to hirtellous to subtomentellous; peri- E. Egler 42-229 (F); 5 mi S of Tikal, 19 Jun 1973 (9),<br />

<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1 mm high, minutely puberulous; sta- Gentry 8348 (U); nr. S<strong>an</strong> Andr6s, 2 May 1933 (9),<br />

Lundell 3170<br />

mens three, far<br />

(F); La Libertad, 31<br />

exceeding the peri<strong>an</strong>th. Pistillate<br />

May 1933 (9), Lundell<br />

3535 (F, S); Tikal, 30 Apr 1959 (6), Lundell 15930<br />

inflorescences unbr<strong>an</strong>ched or occasionally poorly (S), 2 Jul 1959 (8), Lundell 16122 (F, S), 4 Jul 1959<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads 1(-3), globose, ca. 5-8 mm, in (9), Lundell 16162 (G, NY, S, US), 27 Jul 1969 (6),<br />

fruit up to 10 mm diam.; (common) peduncle 1- Ortiz 200 (BM, F); S<strong>an</strong> Benito, nr. Playa Pl<strong>an</strong>ca, 26<br />

5 cm long, ca. 1 mm thick, puberulous to hir- Apr 1970 (8), Ortiz 1030 (BM, F, MO, NY); Tikal, 29<br />

May 1971 (9), Ortiz 1810 (BM, F, US); Cerro Ceibal,<br />

tellous to subtomentellous; peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1 mm between Rio S<strong>an</strong>ta M6nica <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> mouth of Rio Martin,<br />

high, minutely puberulous; peri<strong>an</strong>th or<strong>an</strong>ge or 30 Apr 1942 (st), Steyermark 46103 (F); Rio Machayellow.<br />

Interfloral bracts (sub)spathulate to sub- quila, N of El Cambio, 25 Apr 1942 (6), Steyermark<br />

peltate, minutely puberulous at the 45981<br />

apex.<br />

(F).<br />

Distribution (Fig. 8). Northern Central Amer- <strong>Coussapoa</strong> oligocephala is strongly reminisica<br />

(Guatemala <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Belize) to southern Mexico cent of the Amazoni<strong>an</strong> C. sprucei, especially when<br />

(Tabasco); in lowl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> (often riverine) forest. the specimens have <strong>an</strong> elliptic to subovate lamina<br />

<strong>with</strong> subcordate base.<br />

31. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> orthoneura St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley, Publ. Field<br />

Mus. Bot. 17: 165. 1937.<br />

Ch<strong>an</strong>ek 220<br />

Type. Brazil. Ama-<br />

(F, K); between Millionaro <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Cueras,<br />

30 May 1973 (6), Dwyer 10799 (U); Vaca, 12<br />

zonas: Mun. Sao Paulo de<br />

May<br />

OlivenSa, nr. Pal-<br />

1938 (6), Gentle 2602 (A, F, K, MO); nr. Millionaro, mares, 26 Oct-11 Dec 1936 (2), Krukoff8518<br />

30 May 1973 (6), Gentry 7727 (MO, NY); Valentin, (holotype, NY; isotypes, A, B, BM, F, G, K,<br />

Jun-Jul 1936 (6), Lundell 6224 (F, GH, NY, S, US), LE, MO, SU, U, US). Fig. 42.<br />

Jun-Jul 1936 (2), Lundell 6350 (C, F, GH, MO, NY,<br />

S, US); Macaw B<strong>an</strong>k, 3 Apr 1969 (9), Proctor 30273 <strong>Coussapoa</strong> williamsii Cuatrecasas, Fieldi<strong>an</strong>a Bot. 28(1):<br />

(BM, MO). TOLEDO DISTRICT: Bolo Camp, 13 Apr 212. 1951. Type. Venezuela. Terr. Fed. Amazonas:<br />

1944 (6), Gentle 4528 (DUKE); Honey Camp-Or<strong>an</strong>ge Isla Solitaria, between Tamatama <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Esmeralda, 7<br />

Walk, Sep 1928 (st), Lundell 2 (BM, F, K), 24 Oct 1929 May 1942 (6), LI. Williams 15240 (holotype, F; iso-<br />

(6), Lundell 648 (F, K, MO, NY, S, US); Toledo, 1906- types, A, G, NY, RB, US, VEN).<br />

1907 (6), Peck 497 (GH, K, NY, U); Punta Gorda, 7 <strong>Coussapoa</strong> pr<strong>an</strong>cei C. C. Berg, Acta Bot. Neerl. 27(1):<br />

Aug 1932 (6), Schipp 999 (A, BM, F, G, GH, K, MO, 11. 1978. Type. Brazil. Amazonas: Rio Cuieras, nr.<br />

NY, S).<br />

Jarada, 17 Sep 1973 (9), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 18032 (holo-

<strong>Coussapoa</strong><br />

FIG. 42. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> orthoneura: 1, leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences (Pr<strong>an</strong>ce 14092); 2, leafy twig <strong>with</strong><br />

staminate inflorescences (Schultes et al. 13774).<br />

type, INPA; isotypes, C, F, K, M, MICH, MO, NY,<br />

P, SU, U, US).<br />

Tree, hemi-epiphytic or terrestrial, up to 35 m<br />

tall. Leafy twigs 2-6 mm thick, glabrous or<br />

sparsely, puberulous, sometimes hirtellous.<br />

Lamina (sub)coriaceous, obovate to (broadly) elliptic<br />

to oblong, 2-15(-24) x 1-8(-11) cm, apex<br />

1 cm<br />

81<br />

acute to shortly acuminate or obtuse, base obtuse<br />

to acute or truncate, margin entire or subcrenate;<br />

upper surface glabrous, lower surface glabrous or<br />

sparsely to densely appressed-puberulous, sometimes<br />

substrigose or <strong>with</strong> white arachnoid hairs<br />

later deciduous; lateral veins 2-7 pairs, straight<br />

or slightly curved, basal pairs unbr<strong>an</strong>ched reach-

82 Flora Neotropica<br />

ing the margin above to just below the middle PERU. AMAZONAS: Prov. Bagua, Dist. Cenepa,<br />

of the lamina; intercostal venation (almost) pl<strong>an</strong>e;<br />

Nueva Nazareth, nr. mouth of Rio Imaza, on Rio Mapetiole<br />

1-7 cm long, glabrous or raiion, 26 J<strong>an</strong>-18 Feb 1967 (2), Tillett 671-33 (YEN).<br />

appressed-pu- LORETO: Prov. Maynas, Rio N<strong>an</strong>ay, nr. Moron Cocha,<br />

berulous to strigillose or to hirtellous; stipules N of Iquitos, 21 Mar 1977 (6), Gentry et al. 18528<br />

(0.5-)1-7 cm long, sparsely to densely appressed- (MO, U), Rio N<strong>an</strong>ay, nr. Caserio S<strong>an</strong>ta Clara, nr. Iquipuberulous<br />

or to mostly sparsely yellowish sub- tos, 19 Nov 1976 (2), Revilla 1847 (U).<br />

sericeous (to subhirsute or to subvillous), occa- BRAZIL. AMAZONAS: M<strong>an</strong>aus, Igarap6 do Leao, 3<br />

sionally also <strong>with</strong> sparse to rather dense<br />

Sep 1957 (6), L. Coelho<br />

white<br />

(INPA) 5728 (U); Nogueira-<br />

Tef'e, 26 Oct 1972 (2), D<strong>an</strong>ta 12383 (INPA); Ton<strong>an</strong>arachnoid<br />

hairs. Staminate inflorescences tins, 7 Feb 1944 (9), Ducke 1528 (NY, US); Rio Purus,<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads m<strong>an</strong>y, sometimes partly fused, Quinta de Sao Christovao, 18 J<strong>an</strong> 1873 (6), Glaziou<br />

globose, ca. 1-6 mm diam.; common peduncle 10070a (P); Mun. Sao Paulo de Olivenca, nr. Palmares,<br />

1-3 cm long, <strong>with</strong><br />

11<br />

(dense) appressed-puberulous,<br />

Sep-26 Oct 1936 (2), Krukoff8518 (A, BM, F, G,<br />

K, LE, NY, S, U, US,<br />

sometimes<br />

type collection), (6), Krukoff8587<br />

also <strong>with</strong> reddish-brown pluricellular (F); Mun. Sao Paulo de Olivenca, Belem Creek, 26<br />

hairs; peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1 mm high, glabrous or min- Oct-11 Dec 1936 (6), Krukoff8967 (A, B, BM, F, G,<br />

utely puberulous; stamen one, just exceeding K, LE, MO, NY, S, U); Lago do Tefe, 10 km above<br />

the peri<strong>an</strong>th. Pistillate inflorescences br<strong>an</strong>ched;<br />

Tefe, 26 Jul 1971 (8), McD<strong>an</strong>iel et al. 2666 (US); Rio<br />

heads 2-10, sometimes partly fused, 3-6 mm, in Ituxi, nr. B6ca do Curuquete, 9 Jul 1971 ((), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et<br />

al. 14029 (F, GH, K, M, S, U); Rio Cuieras, just below<br />

fruit up to 15 mm diam.; common peduncle 1- mouth of Rio Br<strong>an</strong>chino, 29 Sep 1971 (6), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et<br />

3 cm long, (densely) appressed-puberulous, al. 15039 (F, GH, K, M, P, S, U); Rio Cuieras, nr.<br />

sometimes partly hirtellous, apices of the head- Jarada, 17 Sep 1973 (2), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 18032 (C, F, K,<br />

bearing br<strong>an</strong>ches often (especially in fruit) more M, MICH, MO, NY, P, S, U, US, type collection of<br />

C.<br />

or less<br />

pr<strong>an</strong>cei); road M<strong>an</strong>aus-Itacoatiara, km 29, 14 Sep<br />

swollen; peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1-2 mm high, gla- 1974 (2), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 22729 (INPA, U); Mun. Purabrous<br />

or sparsely papillate at the apex; fruiting quequara, road to M<strong>an</strong>aus, P<strong>an</strong>ama, 6 Jun 1963 (2),<br />

peri<strong>an</strong>th yellow to red. Interfloral bracts absent. W. A. Rodriques et al. 5266 (U); Rio Cast<strong>an</strong>ho, road<br />

Distribution (Fig. 8). Upper Amazon Basin to Careiro, 11 Jul 1972 (8), M. Silva et al. 466 (U); Rio<br />

(Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Venezuela); in Uaup6s, Taracua, Rio Tikie, 28 J<strong>an</strong>-9 Feb 1948 (6),<br />

up- Schultes et al. 9685 (GH, K); Rio Uaup6s, P<strong>an</strong>ur6, Oct<br />

l<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> riverine (varzea) forest; also known from 1852-J<strong>an</strong> 1853 (8), Spruce 2498 (BM, G, GH, K, LE,<br />

Central Columbia (S<strong>an</strong>t<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>er, at ca. 1000 m). NY, OXF, P).<br />

Specimens studied. COLOMBIA. AMAZONAS: Rio<br />

Igara-Par<strong>an</strong>a, affluent of Rio Putumayo, La Chorrera,<br />

19 Dec 1973 (9), Gasche et al. 29 (U). GUAINiA: Rio<br />

Guainia, M<strong>an</strong>acal, 21 Oct 1977 (2), Espina et al. 219<br />

(COL). SANTANDER: Rio Negro, El Play6n, 1000 m, -<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> orthoneura is a variable species,<br />

especially in the shape, dimensions, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> secondary<br />

venation of the lamina <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> also in the indumentum<br />

of the stipules. More or less distinct<br />

(st), Fr<strong>an</strong>co & Garces 419 (COL). VAUPES: Upper Rio regional forms, like the small-leaved form found<br />

Vaup6s, La Jirisa, 9 J<strong>an</strong> 1944 (a), Guttierrez et al. 562 near M<strong>an</strong>aus, at the time described as C. pr<strong>an</strong>cei,<br />

(COL, GH); upper Rio Vaup6s, between La Jarisa <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> have<br />

Las Bocas, 12 J<strong>an</strong> 1944 (Q), Guttierrez et al. 595<br />

proved not to be sufficiently different to be<br />

(COL);<br />

Rio Apaporis, nr. Cachivera de Jirijirimo, 8 Jul 1951 recognized as distinct (infraspecific) taxa. Cous-<br />

(Y), Schultes et al. 12985 (F); Rio Apaporis, between sapoa arachnoidea appears to be closely related<br />

Rio Pacoa <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Rio K<strong>an</strong><strong>an</strong>ari, 27 Aug 1951 (6), Schultes to C. orthoneura, which shows affinities espeet<br />

al. 13774 (COL, GH, U); Rio Apaporis, Raudal de<br />

Jirijirimo, below<br />

cially to C. cupularis <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> C. nitida. In the<br />

mouth of Rio K<strong>an</strong><strong>an</strong>ari, 14<br />

veg-<br />

Feb 1952<br />

(9), Schultes et al. 15324<br />

etative<br />

(GH,<br />

parts the<br />

US).<br />

species c<strong>an</strong> easily be confused<br />

VENEZUELA. AMAZONAS: Rio Casiquiare, be- <strong>with</strong> C. latifolia, C. viridifolia <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> C. microcephtween<br />

Lago de Vasiva <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Rio Pacimoni, 1853-1854 ala, but it is quite distinct from these three species<br />

(a), Spruce 3231 (B, C, G, K, P, S); Rio Ocama, above in the ebracteate inflorescence <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the staminate<br />

confluence <strong>with</strong> Rio Orinoco, nr. Ocama Mission, 23- flower.<br />

24 May 1972 (8), Steyermark 106167 (U, VEN); Isla<br />

Solitaria, between Tamatama <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Esmeralda, 7 May<br />

1942 (6), Ll. Williams 15240 (A, F, G, type collection 32. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> ovalifolia Trecul, Ann. Sci. Nat.<br />

of C. williamsii); Esmeralda, 14 May 1942 (a), LI. Wil- Bot. S6r. 3, 8: 95.<br />

liams<br />

1847;<br />

15363<br />

Miquel, Fl. bras. 4(1):<br />

(G, NY, US, VEN).<br />

139.<br />

ECUADOR. NAPO: Misahualli, mouth of Rio Misa-<br />

1853; Macbride, Publ. Field Mus. Bot.<br />

hualli, 3 Mar 1980 (st), Berg & Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s 1111 (U); 13(2.2): 298. 1937. Type. Peru. Hu<strong>an</strong>uco: Maroad<br />

Coca-Lago Agrio, 9 km NE of Rio Coca, 20 Mar cora ?,<br />

1980 (st), Br<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>byge et al. 30258 (AAU).<br />

- (2), Ruiz & Pavon s.n. (or 2) (holotype,<br />

FI; isotypes, F, US). Fig. 43.

<strong>Coussapoa</strong><br />

FIG. 43. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> ovalifolia: 1, leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences<br />

(Krukoff5657); 2, staminate inflo-<br />

rescences (Ule 9316).<br />


84 Flora Neotropica<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> hirsuta Tr6cul, Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. Ser. 3, & Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s 1132 (U). ZAMORA-CHINCHIPE: Road<br />

8: 97. 1847; Macbride, Publ. Field Mus. Bot. 13(2.2): to Guayzimi, 27 km NNE of Zamora, 17 Sep 1975<br />

297. 1937. Type. Peru. Hu<strong>an</strong>uco: Macora, - (9), (st), Little et al. 424 (COL, Q).<br />

Ruiz & Pavon s.n. (or 5) (holotype, FI; isotype, B). PERU. AMAZONAS: E ofHuampmai, 4 Jul 1974 (2),<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> acutifolia Klotzsch, Linnaea 20: 529. 1847; Berlin 1531 (MO, U). HuANuco: Prov. Leoncio Prado,<br />

Macbride, Publ. Field Mus. Bot. 13(2.2): 296. 1937. Tingo Maria, 7 Dec 1981 (9), Plowm<strong>an</strong> et al. 11179 (U);<br />

Type. Peru. Hu<strong>an</strong>uco: Cochero (fide Macbride, 1937), Chinchoa-Pillao-Pozuzo-Mucuna, - (2), Ruiz & Pa-<br />

- (9), Ruiz & Pavon s. n. (or 7) (holotype, B; isotype, von s.n. (or 6), (B, F, lectotype collection of C. puber-<br />

FI).<br />

ula); Cochera, - (2), Ruiz & Pavon s.n. (or 7) (B, F,<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> puberula Klotzsch, Linnaea 20: 529. 1847. FI, US, type collection of C. acutifolia); Macora,<br />

Type. Peru. Huinuco: "Chinchao-Pillao-Pozuzo-<br />

Mucona," - (9), Ruiz & Pavon s.n. (or 6) (holotype,<br />

B; isotype, F).<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> setosa Klotzsch, Linnaea 20: 528. 1847.<br />

Type. Peru. Huinuco: Macora, - (9), Ruiz & Pavon<br />

s.n. (or 5) (holotype, B; isotype, FI).<br />

- (2),<br />

Ruiz & Pavon s.n. (or 2) (F, FI, US, type collection of<br />

C. ovalifolia), - (2), Ruiz & Pavon s.n. (or 7) (B, FI,<br />

type collection of C. hirsuta <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> C. setosa); Prov. Pachitea,<br />

Dtto. Honoria, Bosque Nac. Iparia, Schunke V.<br />

1162 (F, G, NY, US). JUNIN: Valley of Rio Paucartambo,<br />

nr. Perene bridge, 19 Jun 1929 (a), Killip et al.<br />

25341 (F, NY, S, US); P<strong>an</strong>chis trail, between S<strong>an</strong> Nicolas<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Azupizfi, 6 Jul 1929 (2), Killip et al. 26095<br />

(NY); La Merced, 10-24 Aug 1928 (a), Macbride 5594<br />

(F). LORETO: Prov. Maynas, Rio N<strong>an</strong>ay, Mish<strong>an</strong>a, halfway<br />

between Iquitos <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> S<strong>an</strong>ta Maria de N<strong>an</strong>ay, 26<br />

Jul 1979 (st), Gentry 25151 (MO, U); Rio Marafion,<br />

Y<strong>an</strong>ache, 2 Mar 1924 (9), Kuhlm<strong>an</strong>n 1540 (U); Quebrada<br />

Aucaya, 12 May 1973 (9), Rimachi 359 (NA);<br />

Rio Mar<strong>an</strong>ion, between Iquitos <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Pongo de M<strong>an</strong>seriche,<br />

1924 (9), Tessm<strong>an</strong>n 3922 (G); Matari Cocha, 3<br />

Oct 1968 (d), Torres M. 482 (K). MADRE DE DioS:<br />

Parque Nacional del M<strong>an</strong>u, Cocha Cashu, between<br />

Punagua <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Tayakome, 17-24 Aug 1974 (2), Foster<br />

et al. 3412 (F). SAN MARTIN: Eslab6n, between Saposoa<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Tinge de Saposoa, Rio Saposoa, 8 Sep 1948<br />

(9), Ferreyra 4813 (US); between Gramalote <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Saposoa,<br />

29 Apr 1962 (a), Woytkowski 7306 (GH, US).<br />

BRAZIL. ACRE: Mouth of Rio Macaua, tributary of<br />

Rio laco, 26 Aug 1933 (9), Krukoff 5657 (A, BM, F,<br />

G, K, LE, M, S, U); nr. Tarauaca, 25 Sep 1970 (2),<br />

Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 7371 (U); Rio Acre, Seringal Sao Fr<strong>an</strong>cisco,<br />

Aug 1911 (9), Ule 9315 (G, K, L, MG), May<br />

1911 (a), Ule 9316 (G, K, L, MG, US).<br />

BOLIVIA. SANTA CRUZ: Buena Vista, Jun 1915 (8),<br />

Steinbach 1484 (GH, U).<br />

Tree, hemi-epiphytic, up to 20 m tall. Leafy<br />

twigs 3-9 mm thick, glabrous or puberulous, often<br />

also <strong>with</strong> distinctly longer straight stiff hairs.<br />

Lamina coriaceous, ovate to subovate (or elliptic<br />

to obovate), 7-32 x 2-16 cm, apex shortly acu-<br />

minate to acute (to obtuse), base obtuse to round-<br />

ed or acute to truncate, margin entire or sub-<br />

crenate; upper surface glabrous, lower surface<br />

glabrous or <strong>with</strong> the main veins having appressed<br />

straight hairs of different lengths, often initially<br />

also <strong>with</strong> sparse or sometimes rather dense white<br />

arachnoid hairs on the main veins <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> along the<br />

margin; lateral veins 7-21 pairs, almost straight<br />

to curved, basal pair unbr<strong>an</strong>ched or in large leaves<br />

poorly br<strong>an</strong>ched, reaching the margin far below<br />

the middle of the lamina; intercostal venation<br />

almost pl<strong>an</strong>e to slightly prominent; petiole 2-9<br />

cm long, glabrous or <strong>with</strong> appressed hairs of dif-<br />

ferent lengths; stipules 1-4 (in rapidly growing<br />

shoots up to 13) cm long, subsericeous (to sub-<br />

hirsute). Staminate inflorescences repeatedly<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads numerous, globose, ca. 1(-2) mm<br />

diam.; common peduncle 1.5-3 cm long puberu-<br />

lous to hirtellous, occasionally also <strong>with</strong> sparse<br />

arachnoid hairs; peri<strong>an</strong>th 0.5-1 mm high, gla-<br />

brous; stamen one, just exceeding the peri<strong>an</strong>th.<br />

Pistillate inflorescences br<strong>an</strong>ched or sometimes<br />

unbr<strong>an</strong>ched; heads 1-5, subglobose, 5-8 mm, in<br />

fruit up to 15 mm diam.; (common) peduncle 2-<br />

6 cm long, puberulous to hirtellous; peri<strong>an</strong>th ca.<br />

1-2 mm high, glabrous; fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th brown-<br />

ish. Interfloral bracts absent.<br />

Distribution (Fig. 8). Upper Amazon Basin<br />

(Bolivia, Peru, Brazil <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Ecuador); in upl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> riverine forest, up to 900 m.<br />

Specimens studied. ECUADOR. NAPO: Lago Agrio,<br />

3 Apr 1980 (9), Br<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>byge et al. 30421 (AAU). PASTA-<br />

ZA: Between Palora <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Shell, 4 Mar 1980 (st), Berg<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> ovalifolia is closely related to C.<br />

napoensis. The collection Gentry & Mori 14011,<br />

P<strong>an</strong>ama, Cerro Tacaruna, premont<strong>an</strong>e wet for-<br />

est, 1300 m, 30 J<strong>an</strong> 1975 (MO, U), probably<br />

represents a separate taxon, possibly distinct at<br />

the subspecific level from the Amazoni<strong>an</strong> rep-<br />

resentatives of C. ovalifolia. The collection is<br />

similar in most characters to the other collections<br />

of C. ovalifolia, but is distinct mainly in the short<br />

(1-1.5 cm long) peduncle of the pistillate inflo-<br />

rescence <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>the br<strong>an</strong>ching of the basal lateral<br />

veins-features which hardly justify recognition<br />

as a distinct species. Staminate material is need-<br />

ed to confirm the present supposition.<br />

33. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> pachyphylla Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s & C. C.<br />

Berg, Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch. Ser.<br />

C, 85(4): 459. 1982. Type. Brazil. Bahia: Mun.

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> 85<br />

lcm.<br />

FIG. 44. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> pachyphylla: 1, leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences<br />

(Mori & S<strong>an</strong>tos 11655).<br />

S<strong>an</strong>ta Cruz de Cabralia, old road to S<strong>an</strong>ta Cruz,<br />

ca. 15 km NW of P6rto Seguro, 3 Apr 1979<br />

(9), Mori & dos S<strong>an</strong>tos 11655 (holotype, CE-<br />

PEC; isotype, U). Fig. 44.<br />

Shrub, often (hemi-)epiphytic, up to 5 m tall<br />

(or taller?). Leafy twigs 4-8 mm thick, rather<br />

densely to sparsely appressed-puberulous, also<br />

<strong>with</strong> distinctly longer straight stiff hairs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> brown<br />

pluricellular hairs, glabrescent. Lamina coriaceous,<br />

ovate to elliptic (or obovate), 6-16(-24)<br />

x 3.5-10(-19), apex acute to subacuminate, base<br />

acute, obtuse or sometimes subcordate, margin<br />

entire to subcrenate; upper surface glabrous, lower<br />

surface densely to sparsely puberulous to subtomentose,<br />

initially often <strong>with</strong> sparse brownish<br />

arachnoid hairs, especially along the margin; lateral<br />

veins 5-8 pairs, basal pair br<strong>an</strong>ched or sometimes<br />

(in small leaves) unbr<strong>an</strong>ched, reaching the<br />

margin below the middle of the lamina; inter-<br />

costal venation more or less prominent; petiole<br />

0.5-3(-5) cm long, densely to sparsely puberu-<br />

lous, often also <strong>with</strong> distinctly longer straight stiff<br />

hairs; stipules 1-2 cm long, densely covered <strong>with</strong><br />

short reddish-brown arachnoid hairs. Staminate<br />

inflorescences br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads ca. 6-12, some-<br />

times fused, globose, ca. 1-2 mm diam.; com-<br />

mon peduncle 1-2 cm long, densely puberulous;<br />

peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 0.5 mm high, nearly glabrous; sta-<br />

mens two, as long as the peri<strong>an</strong>th. Pistillate in-<br />

florescences unbr<strong>an</strong>ched or few-br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads<br />

1-3, sometimes partly fused, ca. 5-8 mm, in fruit<br />

up to 13 mm diam.; (common) peduncle 2.5-4<br />

cm long, 1-1.5 mm thick, densely puberulous;<br />

peri<strong>an</strong>th 1(-2) mm high, glabrous. Interfloral<br />

bracts, few, subpeltate to spathulate.<br />

Distribution (Fig. 8). Brazil (Bahia); in humid<br />

forests in the coastal region.

86<br />

Specimens studied. BRAZIL. BAHIA: Road Una-Ilheus,<br />

ca. km 21, 2 Apr 1980 (st), Berg et al. 1153<br />

(CEPEC, K, NY, RB, U); Mun. S<strong>an</strong>ta Cruz de Cabralia,<br />

old road to S<strong>an</strong>ta Cruz, ca. 15 km NW of Porto Seguro,<br />

3 Apr 1979 (Q), Mori et al. 11655 (CEPEC, U, type<br />

collection); Ilh6us-Repartimento (Fortuna), 21 Nov<br />

1944 (8), Vellozo 737 (R).<br />

Tree, hemi-epiphytic or terrestrial, up to 30 m<br />

tall. Leafy twigs 4-8 mm thick, glabrous or pu-<br />

berulous. Lamina coriaceous, broadly ovate to<br />

elliptic or suborbicular, sometimes tending to<br />

obovate, 7-24 x 4-18 cm, apex shortly acumi-<br />

nate, sometimes almost rounded or obtuse, base<br />

rounded to truncate or subcordate, margin en-<br />

tire; upper surface glabrous, lower surface gla-<br />

brous, occasionally sparsely puberulous to to-<br />

mentellous; lateral veins 3-6 pairs, slightly<br />

curved, basal pair br<strong>an</strong>ched, reaching the margin<br />

at or above the middle of the lamina; intercostal<br />

venation pl<strong>an</strong>e or slightly prominent; petiole<br />

(0.5-)2-7 cm long, occasionally sparsely puber-<br />

ulous; stipules 1.5-5 cm long, glabrous or sparse-<br />

ly puberulous. Staminate inflorescences br<strong>an</strong>ched;<br />

heads m<strong>an</strong>y, globose, ca. 1 mm diam.; common<br />

peduncle 1-5 cm long, glabrous or sparsely pu-<br />

berulous; peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 0.5 mm high, glabrous;<br />

stamens three, just exceeding the peri<strong>an</strong>th. Pis-<br />

tillate inflorescences br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads 3-12, glo-<br />

bose, ca. 2-3 mm, in fruit up to 6 mm diam.;<br />

common peduncle 1-4 cm long, glabrous or<br />

sparsely puberulous; flowers connate, peri<strong>an</strong>th<br />

ca. 1 mm high, glabrous. Interfloral bracts lack-<br />

ing or in the staminate heads a few, more or less<br />

distinctly spathulate (more or less cucullate), gla-<br />

brous or ciliolate bracts.<br />

Flora Neotropica<br />

Distribution (Fig. 8). Costa Rica, P<strong>an</strong>ama, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

in the Pacific coastal region of Colombia <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

northern Ecuador; in forests up to 1250 m.<br />

Specimens studied. COSTA RICA. ALAJUELA: Nr.<br />

S<strong>an</strong> Ram6n, Cataratas (Los Angeles) de S<strong>an</strong> Ram6n,<br />

17 Apr 1935 (9), Brenes 20542 (F, NY, type collection<br />

This species appears to be related to C. latifolia of C. brenesii); S<strong>an</strong> Carlos, Buena Vista, Finca La Con<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

allied taxa.<br />

st<strong>an</strong>cia, 3 Mar 1963 (2), Jimenez 433 (F, MO); Rio S<strong>an</strong><br />

Rafael, 2 km W of La Marina, Ll<strong>an</strong>ura de S<strong>an</strong> Carlos,<br />

21 Feb 1966 (6), Molina R. et al. 17694 (F); S<strong>an</strong> Carlos,<br />

34. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> parviceps St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley, Proc. Biol. La Sucre, 1025 m, 2 Mar 1939 (6), A. Smith 1650 (A,<br />

Soc. Wash. 37: 51. 1924; Burger, Fieldi<strong>an</strong>a F, MO), 1 Mar 1939 (2), A. Smith 1939 (6), A. Smith<br />

Bot. 40: 136, t. 22. 1977. Type. Costa Rica. 1650 (A, F, MO), 1 Mar 1939 (2), A. Smith 1663 (F).<br />

CARTAGO:<br />

Puntarenas: Agua Buena valley, nr. Cafnas<br />

Rio Pejibaye, between Rio Taus <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Quebrada<br />

Azul, 28 May 1972 (st), Lent 2538 (COL, F);<br />

Gordas, 1100 m, Feb 1897 (9), Pittier 11166 Moraria de Turrialba, 21 Apr 1975 (st), Poveda 951<br />

(holotype, US; isotype, MO). Fig. 45. (F); nr. Orosi, 30 Mar 1924 (6), St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley 39792 (US).<br />

PUNTARENAS: C<strong>an</strong>ias Gordas, Finca Loma Linda, 1140<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> brenesii St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley, Publ. Field Mus. Bot. 18: m, 23 Feb 1973 (9), Busey 628 (F, GH, MO); Rio Java,<br />

383. 1937. Type. Costa Rica. Alajuela: nr. S<strong>an</strong> Ra- Las Cruces Bot. Garden, 16 Mar 1978 (9), Hartshorn<br />

m6n, Cataratas (Los Angeles) de S<strong>an</strong> Ram6n, 17 Apr 2157 (U); Agua Buena valley, nr. C<strong>an</strong>ias Gordas, 1100<br />

1935 (Q), Brenes 20542 (holotype, F; isotype, NY). m, Feb 1897 (2), Pittier 11166 (MO, US, type collec-<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> oligoneura Mildbraed, Notizbl. Bot. Gart.<br />

tion).<br />

Berlin 10: 415. 1928. Type. Colombia. Without lo- PANAMA. CHIRIQUi: Burica Peninsula, Mellize, 6<br />

cality, 19 Feb 1892 (9), Tri<strong>an</strong>a 866 (holotype, B; mi S of Puerto Armuelles, 5 Mar 1973 (st), Liesner<br />

isotype, P).<br />

417A (MO). COCLE: Road La Pineda-El Cope, nr. sawmill<br />

above El Cop6, 1000 m, 20 May 1978 (6), Hammel<br />

2576 (U). PANAMA: Road El Ll<strong>an</strong>o-Carti, km 8-12,<br />

13 May 1973 (st), Nee et al. 8822 (MO, NY, U). VERA-<br />

GUAS: NW of S<strong>an</strong>ta F6, 2.7 km from Escuela Agricola<br />

Alto de Piedra, 30 Mar 1975 (2), Mori et al. 5360 (MO,<br />

NY).<br />

COLOMBIA. Without locality, 19 Mar - (2), Tri<strong>an</strong>a<br />

866 (B, P, type collection of C. oligoneura). NARIuO:<br />

Barbacoas, May 1853 (9), Tri<strong>an</strong>a 1866 (NY, photograph).<br />

VALLE: Rio Cajambre, Barco, 21-30 Apr 1944<br />

(2), Cuatrecasas 17351 (F); Rio Anchicaya, Alto Yunda,<br />

1000 m, May 1972 (2), Hilty M87 (MO).<br />

ECUADOR. ESMERALDAS: Alto Tambo, 23 Sep 1965<br />

(8), Little et al. 21136 (NY, Q, US).<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> parviceps differs from other Cous-<br />

sapoa species in the connate pistillate flowers,<br />

which is probably the reason why interfloral<br />

bracts, present in staminate inflorescences, are<br />

lacking in the pistillate ones.<br />

Several characters, particularly as exhibited in<br />

the collection Little & Dixon 21136, suggest<br />

taxonomic relationship to C. cinnamomifolia.<br />

The collections Liesner 417A <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Nee et al.<br />

8822, both from P<strong>an</strong>ama, presumably represent<br />

juvenile specimens of the species. They are dis-<br />

tinct in having narrower (oblong to subovate)<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> larger (up to 50 cm long) laminae <strong>with</strong> up<br />

to 18 pairs of lateral veins, the basal pair of which<br />

reaches the margin below the middle of the lam-<br />

ina; petiole up to 20 cm long; the densely puberu-

<strong>Coussapoa</strong><br />

Fa1to4 I"<br />

FIG. 4.osppc 11 w<br />

.cm<br />

FIG. 45. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> parviceps: 1, leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences<br />

(Jimenez 433).<br />

lous twigs, petioles, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> stipules (both sides!);<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> in the presence of white arachnoid hairs on<br />

the margin <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> midrib on the lower surface of<br />

the lamina. The characters of these specimens<br />

are not included in the species description. Cous-<br />

sapoa parviceps appears to be the only <strong>Coussapoa</strong><br />

species <strong>with</strong> pronounced dimorphism of leaves<br />

depending upon age.<br />

87<br />

35. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> parvifolia St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley, Publ. Field<br />

Mus. Bot. 17: 165. 1937. Type. Brazil. Ama-<br />

zonas: Mun. Sao Paulo de Olivenga, nr. Pal-<br />

mares, 11 Sep-26 Oct 1936 (Q), Krukoff8273<br />

(holotype, NY; isotypes, A, BM, F, G, K, LE,<br />

MO, S, U, US). Figs. 46, 47.<br />

Cousspoa cornifolia St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley, Publ. Field Mus. Bot.<br />

17: 160. 1937. Type. Brazil. Amazonas: Mun. Sao

FIG. 46. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> parvifolia: 1, leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences (Krukoff8539); 2, leafy twig <strong>with</strong><br />

staminate inflorescences (Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 9054); 3, leaf (Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 22999); 4, stipules (Krukoff 8539).

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> 89<br />

F: 1, ly tg wh 1 cm<br />

FIG. 47. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> parvifolia: 1, leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences<br />

(Krukof 8273).<br />

Paulo de Oliven:a, Bel6m Creek, 26 Oct-11 Dec ger brownish patent hairs, soon disappearing;<br />

1936 (d), Krukoff8897 (holotype, NY; isotypes, A, stipules 0.4-1(-1.3) cm long, appressed-puber-<br />

F, G, K, LE, MO, P, S, U, US).<br />

ulous to<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> microcephala subsp. cornifolia Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s subsericeous, terminal buds mostly<br />

& C. C. Berg, Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch., Ser. swollen (containing young inflorescences). Sta-<br />

C, 85(4): 457. 1982.<br />

minate inflorescences repeatedly br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads<br />

ca. 15-30, globose, ca. 2-3 mm diam.; common<br />

Tree, up to to 20 m tall, hemi-epiphytic. Leafy peduncle 1.5-2 cm long, rather sparsely pubertwigs<br />

2-5 mm thick, rather sparsely appressedulous<br />

or partly hirtellous; peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1 mm high,<br />

puberulous, sometimes on the younger parts also minutely ciliolate; stamens two, filaments just to<br />

longer, brownish, patent (to appressed) hairs, soon far exceeding the peri<strong>an</strong>th. Pistillate infloresdisappearing.<br />

Lamina coriaceous to subcoria- cences unbr<strong>an</strong>ched or br<strong>an</strong>ched heads (1-5, gloceous,<br />

l<strong>an</strong>ceolate to narrowly ovate, sometimes bose, 4-8 mm diam.; (common) peduncle 1-2.5<br />

subobovate, 4-14(-21) x 1.5-5.5(-11) cm, apex<br />

cm long, puberulous peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1 mm high,<br />

acute to acuminate, base acute to obtuse, margin glabrous. Interfloral bracts (sub)spathulate, mientire,<br />

towards the base + revolute; upper sur- nutely puberulous.<br />

face glabrous, lower surface ? densely ap-<br />

Distribution (Fig. 8). Upper Amazon Basin, in<br />

pressed-puberulous to glabrous; lateral veins Brazil (Amazonas), Peru (Loreto), Venezuela<br />

(4-)7-11 pairs, basal pair unbr<strong>an</strong>ched, reaching (Amazonas), also in Extra-Amazoni<strong>an</strong> Colombia<br />

the margin below or in subobovate leaves above (Antioquia <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Vichada); in non-inundated forthe<br />

middle of the lamina; intercostal venation est.<br />

slightly prominent; petiole 0.5-3(-4) cm long, Specimens studied. COLOMBIA. ANTIOQuIA: Rd.<br />

appressed-puberulous to glabrous also <strong>with</strong> lon- Mutat&-Pavar<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>6, between haciendas La Esper<strong>an</strong>za

90 Flora Neotropica<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Mocari, 150 m, 6 Mar 1987 (6), Fonnegra et al. cm long, glabrous; peri<strong>an</strong>th 1-2 mm high, gla-<br />

1798 (BG, HUA). VICHADA: Gaviotas, Caino Ariba, 19<br />

Feb 1973 (9), Cabrera 2668 brous; fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th yellow or or<strong>an</strong>ge. Inter-<br />

(COL).<br />

VENEZUELA. AMAZONAS: Rio Cucucucuma, be- floral bracts (sub)spathulate, sparsely puberulous<br />

low Raudal Pacure, 9 Nov 1950 (6), Maguire et al. at the apex.<br />

29408 (NY); Dpto. Atabapo, 15 km SE of S<strong>an</strong> Fer- Distribution (Fig. 8). Southern Mexico <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

n<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>o de Atabapo, 10-16 Feb 1988 (d), Stergios et al. north-western<br />

11530<br />

Guatemala; in evergreen forest in<br />

(BG).<br />

BRAZIL. AMAZONAS: Mun. Sao Paulo de<br />

moist<br />

Olivenoa,<br />

places (often along streams) or in seminr.<br />

Palmares, 11 Sep-26 Oct 1936 (2), Krukoff 8273 deciduous forest; up to 1700 m.<br />

(A, F, G, K, LE, MO, NY, P, S, U, US, type collection<br />

of C. parvifolia), (2), Krukoff8539 (A, BM, F, G, LE, Specimens studied. MEXICO. CHIAPAS: Ov<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>o Mt.,<br />

MO, NY, P, S, U, US); Mun. Sao Paulo de 17 Dec 1936<br />

Olivenca,<br />

(6), Matuda 446 (MO, NY, US); S<strong>an</strong>ta<br />

Belem Creek, 26 Oct-11 Dec 1936 (6), Krukoff8658<br />

Rita, Mapastepec, J<strong>an</strong> 1938 (6), Matuda 2020 (A, F,<br />

(A, BM, F, G, K, LE, MO, NY, P, S, U, US), (6), Krukoff<br />

K, NA, NY); between Guatimoc <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Cacahuat<strong>an</strong>, 3<br />

8897 Dec 1941<br />

(A, BM, F, G, K, LE, MO, NY, P, S, U, US, type<br />

(9), Mir<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>a 1737 (US); NW of S<strong>an</strong> Fercollection<br />

of C. cornifolia); rd. M<strong>an</strong>aus-Itacoatiara, km n<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>o, NW ofTuxtla, 1000 m, 2 Apr 1950 (9), Mir<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>a<br />

65-70, 23 Oct 1963 (8), Oliveira 2764 (IAN); rd. Ma-<br />

6164 (US); nr. El Ocote, 30 km NW of Ocozocu<strong>an</strong>tla,<br />

naus-Itacoatiara, km 61, Res. Flor. Walter Egler, 17 24 Mar 1951 (9), Mir<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>a 6273 (US), GUERERO: Distr.<br />

Dec 1968 (6), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 9054 Montes de<br />

(M, MO, NY, P, S,<br />

Oca, S<strong>an</strong> Antonio, 18 Apr 1938 (9), Hinton<br />

U); rd. M<strong>an</strong>aus-Porto Velho, km 510, 5 km N of Rio 14018 (K, NY, P, US). JALISCO: Sierra Madre Occi-<br />

Purusinho, 17 Oct 1974 (6), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 22999 (INPA,<br />

dental, NW of S<strong>an</strong> Sebasti<strong>an</strong>, Las Mesitas, Arroyo de<br />

NY, U, US). PARA: Rd. Cuiaba-S<strong>an</strong>tar6m, km las<br />

1417, Caaitas, 1700 m, 15 Mar 1927 (6), Mexia 1872 (A,<br />

Rio Itapacura, 25 Nov 1977 (6), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 25748 BM, F, GH, MO, NY, US). VERACRUZ: Paso del In-<br />

(MO, RB, U).<br />

genio, Jun 1971 (9), Calzada 325 (U); <strong>with</strong>out locality,<br />

1930 (st), Purpus s.n. (B, F, K); Zacualp<strong>an</strong>, Mar 1908<br />

This species belongs to a group <strong>with</strong> two sta- (6), Purpus 5996 (BM, F, GH, MO, NY, US), Mar 1930<br />

mens <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> leaf margins which mostly are revolute (8), Purpus 11161 (K), Apr 1928 (6), Purpus 11162 (F,<br />

at the base, comprising e.g., C.<br />

type collection), Jun 1930<br />

microcarpa <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

(9), Purpus 11162 (A, K,<br />

MO), Sep 1930 (9), Purpus 11162 (C), Apr 1931 (9),<br />

C. microcephala.<br />

Purpus 11162 (C), May 1933 (6 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 9), Purpus 11162<br />

Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 9054 is aberr<strong>an</strong>t in having (A), May 1934 (6 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 9), Purpus 11162 (K, US), Sep<br />

(sub)obovate leaves.<br />

1929 (8), Purpus 11182 (A).<br />


1000 m, 28 Dec 1934 (6), Skutch 2023 (BM, F, GH,<br />

36. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> purpusii St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley, Publ. Field NY). SAN MARCOS: Finca El Porvenir, on Potrero Ma-<br />

Mus. Bot. 8: 6. 1930. Type. Mexico. Veracruz: tas<strong>an</strong>, Rio Cabuis, Volc<strong>an</strong> Tajumulco, 1000-1300 m,<br />

Zacualp<strong>an</strong>, Apr 1928 (6), Purpus 11162 12 Mar<br />

(ho-<br />

1940 (9), Steyermark 37602 (F), 25 Mar 1943<br />

lotype, F). Fig. 48.<br />

(st), Steyermark 52334 (F).<br />

The species appears to be related to C. parviceps.<br />

Tree, hemi-epiphytic or terrestrial, often (?)<br />

deciduous, up to 20 m tall. Leafy twigs 3-6 mm<br />

thick, glabrous or puberulous on the scars of the<br />

stipules. Lamina chartaceous, ovate to elliptic or<br />

to obtuse, occasionally obovate, 4-16 x 1-7 cm,<br />

apex acute to acuminate to obtuse, base obtuse<br />

sometimes subacute or subcordate, margin en-<br />

tire; both surfaces glabrous; lateral veins 4-6 pairs,<br />

curved, basal pair unbr<strong>an</strong>ched reaching the mar-<br />

gin below, at, or slightly above the middle of the<br />

lamina; intercostal venation pl<strong>an</strong>e; petiole 1-5<br />

cm long, glabrous; stipules 1-3 cm long, glabrous<br />

or sparsely to densely appressed-puberulous.<br />

Staminate inflorescences br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads 2-6,<br />

globose, ca. 5-8 mm diam.; common peduncle<br />

2-4 cm long, glabrous; peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1 mm high,<br />

glabrous or sparsely minutely puberulous; sta-<br />

mens three, far exceeding the peri<strong>an</strong>th. Pistillate<br />

inflorescences unbr<strong>an</strong>ched; heads globose, 4-6<br />

mm, in fruit up to 10 mm diam.; peduncle 3-4<br />

37. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> scabra Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s & Berg, Proc.<br />

Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch. Ser. C 85(4): 460.<br />

1982. Type. Brazil. Rondonia: Rio Ouro Pre-<br />

to, affluent of Rio Pacaas Novos, 18 Sep 1923<br />

(9), Kuhlm<strong>an</strong>n 470 (HJBR 19836) (holotype,<br />

RB; isotypes, RB, U). Fig. 49.<br />

Tree. Leafy twigs 2-5 mm thick, puberulous<br />

to subhirsute; internodes solid. Lamina charta-<br />

ceous, elliptic to ovate or obovate, 4-10 x 2.5-<br />

7 cm, apex acute to shortly acuminate, base ob-<br />

tuse to acute, margin entire; upper surface, sca-<br />

brous, lower surface, scabridulous, sparsely to<br />

rather densely puberulous to hirtellous; lateral<br />

veins 6-13 pairs, straight to curved, basal pair<br />

unbr<strong>an</strong>ched, reaching the margin far below the<br />

middle of the lamina; intercostal venation slight-<br />

ly prominent; petiole 1-3 cm long, densely pu-

FIG. 48. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> purpusii: 1, leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences (Hinton 14018); 2, leafy twig <strong>with</strong><br />

staminate inflorescences (Skutch 2023).

92<br />

1cm<br />

Flora Neotropica<br />

FIG. 49. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> scabra: 1, leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences<br />

(Kuhlm<strong>an</strong>n 470).<br />

berulous to hirtellous; stipules 0.5-0.7 cm long,<br />

subhirsute. Staminate inflorescences unknown.<br />

Pistillate inflorescences unbr<strong>an</strong>ched or poorly<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads 1-5, globose, 2-4 mm diam., in<br />

fruit up to 6 mm; (common) peduncle 1-3 cm<br />

long, puberulous; peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1 mm high, glabrous.<br />

Interfloral bracts (sub)spathulate, minutely<br />

puberulous at the apex.<br />

Distribution (Fig. 8). Brazil, R6ndonia. Known<br />

only from the type collection.<br />

The position of this species, whose leaves have<br />

a characteristic scabrous <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> chartaceous lamina,<br />

is unclear. The shape <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> venation of the<br />

lamina show similarities to those found in C.<br />

parvifolia <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> C. macerrima.<br />

38. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> sprucei Mildbraed, Notizbl. Bot.<br />

Gart. Berlin 10:415.1928. Type. Brazil. Ama-<br />

zonas: "Rio Negra," probably Rio Taruma,<br />

Dec 1854 (9), Spruce 3782 (holotype, B; iso-<br />

types, BM, BR, C, G, GH, K, LE, NY, OXF,<br />

P). Fig. 50.<br />

Tree or shrub, mostly hemi-epiphytic, up to<br />

30 m tall. Leafy twigs 3-7 mm thick, puberulous<br />

to hirtellous to brownish hirsute, sometimes also

<strong>Coussapoa</strong><br />

2 1cm<br />

FIG. 50. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> sprucei: 1, leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences (Spruce 3782); 2, leafy twig <strong>with</strong><br />

staminate inflorescences<br />

(Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 14976).<br />

<strong>with</strong> white arachnoid hairs. Lamina coriaceous,<br />

oblong to elliptic, subovate or to subovate, 5-18<br />

x 3-8 cm, apex shortly acuminate to acute, base<br />

subcordate to rounded, margin entire; upper surface<br />

glabrous, lower surface puberulous in the<br />

areoles, hirtellous (to tomentellous) on the smaller<br />

veins, appressed-puberulous on the main veins,<br />

sometimes also <strong>with</strong> a few distinctly longer appressed<br />

hairs, the whole surface covered <strong>with</strong><br />

rather dense to sparse (sub)persistent white<br />

arachnoid hairs; lateral veins 5-10 pairs, slightly<br />

curved, basal pair unbr<strong>an</strong>ched or inconspicuously<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched, reaching the margin below the<br />

middle of the lamina; intercostal venation (very)<br />

prominent; petiole 1-4 cm long, puberulous, often<br />

also having distinctly longer straight hairs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

white arachnoid hairs; stipules 0.5-1.5(-2) cm<br />

long, brownish sericeous to subhirsute, terminal<br />

buds often more or less swollen. Staminate inflorescences<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads m<strong>an</strong>y, globose, ca.<br />

3-4 mm diam.; common peduncle (2-)4-8 cm<br />

long, puberulous to hirtellous; peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1 mm<br />

high, glabrous; stamens three, far exceeding the<br />

peri<strong>an</strong>th. Pistillate inflorescences br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads<br />

2-5, globose, ca. 3-5 mm in fruit up to 8 mm<br />

diam.; common peduncle 2-8 cm long, ca. 1 mm<br />

thick, puberulous to hirtellous; peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1<br />

mm high, glabrous. Interfloral bracts spathulate<br />

to subpeltate, puberulous, mostly conspicuous.<br />

Distribution (Fig. 8). Brazil, Amazon basin,<br />

near M<strong>an</strong>aus, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> in the basin of the Rio Trombetas;<br />

in forest of terra firme.<br />

93<br />

Specimens studied. BRAZIL. AMAZONAS: Nr. M<strong>an</strong>aus,<br />

Rio Taruma, 27 Oct 1943 (6), Ducke 1354 (A,<br />

F, NY, R, RB, US); nr. M<strong>an</strong>aus, C6lonia Joao Alfredo,<br />

27 Sep 1946 (8), Ducke 1999 (A, NY, R, RB, U); nr.<br />

M<strong>an</strong>aus, Rio Taruma, Cachoeira Gr<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>e, 17 Oct 1929<br />

(9), Ducke (HJBR) 23609 (RB); M<strong>an</strong>aus, 17 Oct 1929<br />

(9), Killip & Smith 30179 (NY); Rio Cuieras, 2 km<br />

below mouth ofRio Br<strong>an</strong>cinho, 27 Sep 1971 (6), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce<br />

et al. 14976 (K, M, MO, NY, S, U), 12 Sep 1973 (8),<br />

Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 17847 (F, K, M, MO, NY, P, S, U); "Rio<br />

Negro," possibly Rio Taruma, Dec 1854 (9), Spruce<br />

3782 (B, BM, BR, C, G, GH, K, LE, NY, OXF, P,<br />

type collection). PAIA: Rio Mapuera, 11 Dec 1907 (2),<br />

Ducke (HAMP) 9096 (MG, US).<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> sprucei appears to be closely related<br />

to C. leprieurii. It differs distinctly from the latter<br />

in the smooth <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> glabrous upper surface of the<br />

lamina. Other differences are of little signifi-<br />

c<strong>an</strong>ce. C. sprucei also resembles the Central<br />

Americ<strong>an</strong> C. oligocephala, from which it differs<br />

mainly in the length of the stipules <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> to a lesser<br />

extent in the nature of the indumentum. This<br />

group of three species is probably related to the<br />

large-leaved taxa C. nymphaeifolia <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> C. lon-<br />

gepedunculata, judging from the similarities in<br />

indumentum, leaf venation, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> number of sta-<br />

mens.<br />

39. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> tessm<strong>an</strong>nii Mildbraed, Notizbl.<br />

Bot. Gart. Berlin 10: 413. 1928; Macbride,<br />

Publ. Field Mus. Bot. 13(2.2): 298. 1937. Type.<br />

Peru. Loreto: Mouth of Rio S<strong>an</strong>tiago, 3 Dec<br />

1924 (p), Tessm<strong>an</strong>n 4673 (holotype, B; iso-<br />

types, G, S). Fig. 51.

94 Flora Neotropica<br />

FIG. 51. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> tessm<strong>an</strong>nii: 1, leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences (Krukoff 8994); 2, staminate<br />

inflorescences (Krukoff 1187).

<strong>Coussapoa</strong><br />

Tree or shrub, (mostly) hemi-epiphytic, up to PERU. LORETO: Prov. Maynas, Rio Yaguasyuca, af-<br />

20 m tall. Leafy twigs 5-13 mm, brown<br />

fluent of Rio<br />

puber-<br />

Ampiyacu, nr. Brillo Nuevo, 2 Mar 1978<br />

(2), Balick et al. 1021 (MO, U); road Zungarochaulous<br />

to strigillose to hirtellous to strigose or to Puerto Almendra, 3 Dec 1964 (2), Dodson et al. 3017<br />

(sub) velutinous, often also <strong>with</strong> a dense covering (F); Rio Yavari, behind Angamo Garrison, 5 Oct 1973<br />

of (long) dark brown pluricellular hairs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> (a), Lleras et al. P17178 (F, K, NY, P, S, U); Puerto<br />

sometimes whitish arachnoid hairs as well. Lam- Almendra, nr. Rio N<strong>an</strong>ay, 23 Feb 1977 (a), Revilla<br />

2378<br />

ina coriaceous, ovate to elliptic, 13-32 x 11-20<br />

(U); mouth of Rio S<strong>an</strong>tiago, 3 Dec 1924 (2),<br />

Tessm<strong>an</strong>n 4673 (B, G, S, type collection).<br />

cm, apex subacute to obtuse to rounded, base BRAZIL. AMAZONAS: Rio Negro, Uaup6s, Jauarite,<br />

obtuse to subcordate, margin entire to subcren- 23 Aug 1945 (9), Froes 21264 (NY); Mun. Sao Paulo<br />

ate; upper surface glabrous, lower surface densely<br />

de Olivenca, Belem Creek, 26 Oct-11 Dec 1936 (2),<br />

minutely puberulous in the areoles <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> on the Krukoff8994 (A, G, K, LE, NY, P, S, U); road M<strong>an</strong>aus-Porto<br />

Velho, km 379, Rio Jutai, 12 Oct 1974<br />

reticulum, to (sparsely) hirtellous on the (paral- (9), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 22836 (MG, NY, U); Rio Javari, 7<br />

lel) tertiary venation, appressed-puberulous to hours above Paumari, 16 Oct 1976 (2), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al.<br />

strig(ill)ose on the midrib <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> lateral veins, the 23846 (NY, U). PARA: Cupary, Sep 1931 (6), da Costa<br />

whole surface <strong>with</strong> rather sparse to dense sub- 90 (IAN); upper Rio Cupary, Sep 1931 (a), Krukoff<br />

1147<br />

persistent white to pale brown arachnoid<br />

(A, BM, G, K, NY, P, S, U), Krukoff 1187 (A,<br />

hairs; BM, G, K, MO, NY, S, U); road S<strong>an</strong>tarem-Palhao,<br />

lateral veins 9-16 pairs, straight, main basal pair km 70, 15 Sep 1969 (8), M. Silva et al. 2591 (F, K,<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched, sometimes faintly so (in small leaves MG, NY, S, U, US). RONDONIA: Porto Velho, 15 Sep<br />

sometimes unbr<strong>an</strong>ched), reaching the margin far 1975 (a), Mota et al. 154 (U).<br />

below or sometimes just below the middle of the In the vegetative parts C. tessm<strong>an</strong>nii shows<br />

lamina; intercostal venation very to slightly similarities to C. villosa, but it is distinct from<br />

prominent; petiole 3.5-9 cm long, 2-5 mm thick, the latter in having a ramified, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> thus pluribrown(ish)<br />

puberulous to hirtellous to subvelucapitate,<br />

pistillate inflorescence <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> a unistamitinous,<br />

often also <strong>with</strong> dark brown pluricellular nate flower. C. tessm<strong>an</strong>nii shows distinct affinhairs<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> sometimes arachnoid hairs; stipules 2- ities <strong>with</strong> C. cinnamomea, e.g., in the relatively<br />

3(-9) cm long, yellowish to brown strigose to thick peduncle <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> br<strong>an</strong>ches of the pistillate insubhirsute<br />

or also <strong>with</strong> dark brown pluricellular florescence, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> it c<strong>an</strong> be easily confused <strong>with</strong><br />

hairs. Staminate inflorescences br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads C. nitida. Several collections made in the Rio<br />

m<strong>an</strong>y, crowded at the end of the br<strong>an</strong>ches, Tapajos area (da Costa 90, Krukoff 1147 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

(sub)globose, 2-4 mm diam., often fused; com- 1187, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> M. Silva et al. 2591) differ from the<br />

mon peduncle 1-3 cm long, brown puberulous other collections in the presence of a dense covto<br />

hirtellous to short-velutinous or also (densely) ering of dark brown moniliform pluricellular (=<br />

covered <strong>with</strong> dark brown pluricellular hairs; peri- gr<strong>an</strong>ular) hairs on the leafy twig, petiole, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1 mm high, puberulous; stamen one, inflorescence. Moreover, the lamina tends to be<br />

just exceeding the peri<strong>an</strong>th. Pistillate inflores- elliptic rather th<strong>an</strong> ovate (as is normal in the<br />

cences br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads 2-7, (sub)globose, 5-10<br />

species). In the vegetative parts, these collections<br />

mm, in fruit up to 15 mm diam.; common pe- show striking similarities to the aberr<strong>an</strong>t pistilduncle<br />

2-3 cm long, peduncle <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> br<strong>an</strong>ches 2- late collection (Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 26402) assigned to<br />

4 mm thick, appressed puberulous to hirtellous C. villosa (see p. 104).<br />

to short-velutinous or also <strong>with</strong> dark brown pluricellular<br />

hairs; peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1 mm high, (almost)<br />

glabrous, sometimes muriculate.<br />

40.<br />

Interfloralbracts<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> trinervia Spruce ex Mildbraed,<br />

(sub)spathulate to subpeltate, puberulous at the<br />

Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 10:416. 1928. Type.<br />

apex; extrafloral bracts often present on the<br />

Venezuela. Terr. Fed. Amazonas: Rio Casibr<strong>an</strong>ches<br />

of staminate inflorescences.<br />

quiare, between Lago de Vasiva <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Rio Pa-<br />

Distribution (Fig. 9). Amazon Basin cimoni, 1853-1854<br />

(Brazil,<br />

(2), Spruce 3464 (holotype,<br />

Peru, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Colombia); in upl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> riverside B; isotypes, BM, BR, G, GH, K, LE, NY, OXF,<br />

forest.<br />

P). Fig. 52.<br />

Specimens examined. COLOMBIA. VAUPES: Rio<br />

Tree, terrestrial, up to 20 m tall, mostly <strong>with</strong><br />

Papuri, nr. Montfort Mission, 3 Sep 1943 (s), P. H. stilt roots. Leafy twigs 3-8 mm thick, glabrous.<br />

Allen 3103 (COL).<br />

Lamina coriaceous, subobovate to obovate to<br />


2<br />

1cm<br />

FIG. 52. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> trinervia: 1, leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences (Berg et al. P18453); 2, leafy twig<br />

<strong>with</strong> staminate infiorescences (Schunke 371).

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> 97<br />

oblong to elliptic, 4-14 x 1.5-7 cm, apex obtuse<br />

to shortly acuminate, base (sub)acute to cuneate,<br />

margin entire; both surfaces glabrous; trinervate,<br />

the single pair of lateral veins, unbr<strong>an</strong>ched,<br />

reaching the margin near or at the apex of the<br />

lamina; intercostal venation promin<strong>an</strong>t; petiole<br />

1-4 cm long, glabrous; stipules 0.5-1.5 cm long,<br />

glabrous or occasionally appressed-puberulous.<br />

Staminate inflorescences br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads 3-9,<br />

often partly fused, globose, 2-5 mm diam.; com-<br />

mon peduncle 1-3 cm long, glabrous or sparsely<br />

puberulous; peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1 mm high, glabrous;<br />

stamen one, just exceeding the peri<strong>an</strong>th. Pistil-<br />

late inflorescences unbr<strong>an</strong>ched; heads globose, ca.<br />

5-7 mm, in fruit up to 10 mm diam.; peduncle<br />

1-3 cm long, glabrous or sparsely puberulous;<br />

peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1 mm high, glabrous. Interfloral<br />

bracts subspathulate to peltate, sparsely puber-<br />

ulous at the apex.<br />

Distribution (Fig. 9). Amazon Basin (Brazil,<br />

Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Venezuela); the<br />

main area apparently in the north-western part<br />

of Amazonia-elsewhere in smaller, more re-<br />

stricted, areas; on periodically inundated b<strong>an</strong>ks<br />

(always?) of black-water rivers.<br />

Rio Maz<strong>an</strong>, Gamit<strong>an</strong>ococha, 14 Mar 1935 (6), Schunke<br />

371 (A, F, NA, NY).<br />

BRAZIL. AMAZONAS: Rio Negro Basin, Tapuruquara,<br />

21 Oct 1971 (9), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 15764 (F, GH,<br />

K, NY, S, U); Rio Uaup6s, P<strong>an</strong>ur6, Oct 1852-J<strong>an</strong> 1853<br />

(Y), Spruce 2616 (B, BM, BR, C, G, GH, K, LE, NY,<br />

OXF, P). MARANHXO: Turiaga, Astonas, 6 Dec 1978<br />

(2), Rosa et al. 2874 (U). MATO GROSSO: Rio Aripuafia,<br />

nr. Humboldt Center, 10?12'S, 59?21'W, 10 Oct 1973<br />

(a), Berg et al. P18409 (F, K, MO, NY, P, U, US), 12<br />

Oct 1973 (2), Berg et al. P18453 (K, MO, NY, S, U,<br />

US); Rio Juruena, Cachoeira de Sao Joao da Barra, 3<br />

Jun 1977 (a), Rosa et al. 2053 (NY); Rio Juruena,<br />

Igarape Chuini, 15 Jul 1977 (2), M. G. Silva et al. 3345<br />

(U). PARA: Mun. Itapir<strong>an</strong>ga, Rio Uamata, nr. Igarap6<br />

S<strong>an</strong>ta Luzia, 16 Aug 1974 (2), Cid et al. 435 (U), nr.<br />

Cachoeira do Tucumari, 19 Aug 1974 (Y), Cid et al.<br />

511 (U); Belem, between Val de Caes <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Sao Joaquin,<br />

7 Nov 1922 (2), Ducke (HJBR) 18455 (RB); Belem,<br />

Sep-Oct 1961 (st), Pires 51736 (NY).<br />

This remarkable species, probably the only<br />

truly terrestrial species, resembles terrestrial fig<br />

trees (like F. trigona L. f.) in habit <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> has me-<br />

Specimens studied. COLOMBIA. CAQUETA: Rio Caqueta,<br />

Sol<strong>an</strong>o, 8 km SE ofTres Esquinas, below mouth<br />

of Rio Orteguaza, 7 Mar 1945 (st), Little et al. 9629<br />

(COL); Rio Apaporis, between Rio Pacoa <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Rio<br />

K<strong>an</strong><strong>an</strong>ari, Soratama, 16 Aug 1961 (d), Schultes et al.<br />

13589 (GH, U).<br />

VENEZUELA. AMAZONAS: Rio M<strong>an</strong>ariche, Kalohi-teri,<br />

- lastomataceous leaves. It appears to be confined<br />

to periodically inundated b<strong>an</strong>ks of black-water<br />

rivers; this may explain the disjunct distribution.<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> trinervia appears to be closely related<br />

to C. <strong>an</strong>gustifolia, as the two species have m<strong>an</strong>y<br />

characters in common. The difference in the<br />

number of stamens suggests that C. trinervia <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

C. cinnamomifolia are not related, in spite of<br />

similarities in the leaf venation.<br />

41. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> v<strong>an</strong>nifolia Cuatrecasas, Caldasia<br />

(2), Lizot 83 (VEN); Rio Yatua, just above 7: 296. 1956.<br />

Piedra Arauicaua, 28 Sep 1957 (2), Maguire et al.<br />

Type. Colombia. Valle: Rio An-<br />

41620<br />

(K), Esmeralda-Oc<strong>an</strong>a, Mavaca, 23 Apr 1968 (2), Me- chicayf, between Sabuletas <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Quebrada Tadina<br />

397 (VEN); Rio Casiquiare, between Lago de Va- tabro, 28-29 Sep 1946 (9), Cuatrecasas 22048<br />

siva <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Rio Pacimoni, 1853-1854 (9), Spruce 3464 (holotype, F). Fig. 53.<br />

(B, BM, BR, G, GH, K, LE, NY, OXF, P, type collection);<br />

Rio Yatua, just above Piedra Arauicaua, 16 Jul <strong>Coussapoa</strong> rotunda Little, Phytologia 18: 196. 1969.<br />

1959 (9), Wurdack et al. 43485 (K).<br />

Type. Ecuador. Esmeraldas: Junction of Rio Hoja<br />

ECUADOR. NAPO: Rio Cuyabeno, ca. 0?10'S, Bl<strong>an</strong>ca <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Rio Hualpi, 50 km S of Borb6n, 14 Sep<br />

76?55'W, 16 Feb 1980 (d), Berg & Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s 1038 1965 (6), Little & Dixon 21056 (holotype, US; iso-<br />

(U), 17 Feb 1980 (2), Berg & Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s 1048 (U), 18 types, NY, Q).<br />

Feb 1980 (2), Berg & Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s 1058 (U); Laguna<br />

Cuyabeno, 7 Aug 1980 (9), Jaramillo et al. 2888 (AAU),<br />

Tree, terrestrial or hemi-epiphytic, up to 20 m<br />

PASTAZA: Rio Capihuari, 23 Jul 1980 (st), Ollgaard et tall. Leafy twigs 5-9 mm thick, white to brown<br />

al. 35068 (AAU).<br />

hirtellous to hirsute. Lamina coriaceous,<br />

PERU.<br />

broadly<br />

LORETO: Quebrada Cuninico, 7 Jul 1972 (2), ovate to cordiform to subreniform<br />

Croat<br />

or to<br />

17784<br />

subor-<br />

(F, NY); Rio Tacsha Curary, 18 Sep 1972<br />

(a), Croat 20411 (C, F, GH, L, MO, NA, NY, P,<br />

bicular, 4-22 x 4-25<br />

S);<br />

cm, apex rounded to ob-<br />

Rio Yavari, Emilia, above Atalaia del Norte, 22 Nov tuse, base cordate, occasionally obtuse, margin<br />

1977 (2), Gentry et al. 20766 (MO, U); Prov. Maynas, entire or subcrenate; upper surface glabrous, low-<br />

Rio Mom6n, tributary of Rio N<strong>an</strong>ay, nr. Iquitos, 9 er surface rather<br />

Dec 1979 (2), J. Jones et<br />

densely white puberulous to hiral.<br />

9788 (LAM, U); Rio Na- tellous on the main<br />

nay, Quebrada Morropon, 26 Jun 1972 (2), McD<strong>an</strong>iel<br />

veins, otherwise glabrous or<br />

16344 (NA); Rio N<strong>an</strong>ay, Mapa Cocha, 17 Mar 1976 sparsely puberulous to hirtellous on the tertiary<br />

(a), McD<strong>an</strong>iel et al. 20555 (NA); Rio N<strong>an</strong>ay, Quebrada (parallel) venation; lateral veins 5-9 pairs, in-<br />

Morropon, 31 May 1976 (2), Rimachi 2297 (F, MO), cluding 2-4 pairs of basal veins, basal veins

FG53 Cosaov<strong>an</strong>fla1leftwgwtstmntifoecne Apud141'<br />

....... cm .... I<br />

FIG. 53. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> v<strong>an</strong>nifolia: 1, leafy twig <strong>with</strong> staminate infiorescences (Asplund 1640

<strong>Coussapoa</strong><br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched, the upper pair of basal veins reaching<br />

the margin at or above the middle of the lamina,<br />

the other lateral veins often poorly br<strong>an</strong>ched (furcate);<br />

intercostal venation almost pl<strong>an</strong>e; petioles<br />

1-6 cm long, (rather) densely white to brownish<br />

hirtellous to hirsute; stipules 2-8 cm long, densely<br />

puberulous to hirtellous to strigillose, mostly<br />

also <strong>with</strong> brown pluricellular hairs. Staminate<br />

inflorescences br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads m<strong>an</strong>y, globose, ca.<br />

1.2 mm diam.; common peduncle 1-2 cm long,<br />

hirtellous to subtomentose; peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1 mm<br />

high, apex minutely puberulous; stamens three,<br />

just exceeding the peri<strong>an</strong>th. Pistillate inflorescences<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads 3-5, free or sometimes<br />

partly fused, (sub)globose, 6-9 mm diam.; common<br />

peduncle 1.5-2.5 cm long, hirtellous to subtomentose;<br />

peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1 mm high, papillate.<br />

Interfloral bracts present, subpeltate, at the apex<br />

minutely puberulous, in pistillate inflorescences<br />

often only a few.<br />

Distribution (Fig. 9). Ecuador <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Colombia,<br />

Pacific coastal region; in lowl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> rain forest.<br />

Specimens studied. COLOMBIA. CAUCA: Rio Timbiqui,<br />

- <strong>Coussapoa</strong> vellerea Klotzsch, Linnaea 20: 527. 1847;<br />

Miquel, Fl. bras. 4(1): 139. 1853; Macbride, Publ.<br />

Field Mus. Bot. 13(2.2): 299. 1937. Syntypes. Peru,<br />

Hu<strong>an</strong>uco: Macora,<br />

(8), Lehm<strong>an</strong>n BT948 (B, GH, K, NY). VALLE:<br />

Rio Callima, between Pailon <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> El Coco, 23 May<br />

1946 (Q), Cuatrecasas 21256 (F); Rio Anchicaya, between<br />

Sabuletas <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Quebrada de Tatabro, 28-29 Sep<br />

1946 (Q), Cuatrecasas 22048 (F, type collection).<br />

ECUADOR. ESMERALDAS: Junction of Rio Hoja<br />

Bl<strong>an</strong>ca <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Rio Hualpi, 14 Sep 1965 (6), Little et al.<br />

21056 (NY, Q, US, type collection of C. rotunda). Los<br />

Rios: Rio Palenque, along road after crossing Rio Bimbe<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Rio Waija, 7 Oct 1976 (Q), Dodson et al. 6513<br />

(MO, QCA). PICHINCHA: Nr. S<strong>an</strong>to Domingo de los<br />

Colorados, 18 May 1955 (a), Asplund 16401 (S), 20<br />

Aug 1920 (st), Benoist 3042 (P, U), 5 Feb 1979 (Q),<br />

Dodson 7416 (SEL, U), 5 Feb 1979 (6), Dodson et al.<br />

7616 (MO), 9 Apr 1892 (9), Sodiro 193/12 (B).<br />

In the shape <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> venation of the leaves, C.<br />

v<strong>an</strong>nifolia is reminiscent of broad-leaved forms<br />

of C. asperifolia ssp. magnifolia but also of C.<br />

batavorum. Because of the difference in the number<br />

of stamens, a taxonomic relationship <strong>with</strong> C.<br />

asperifolia is unlikely.<br />

42. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> villosa Poeppig & Endlicher, Nov.<br />

gen. sp. pl. 2: 33, t. 147. 1838; Trecul, Ann.<br />

Sci. Nat. Bot. S6r. 3, 8: 99. 1847; Miquel, Fl.<br />

bras. 4(1): 138. 1853; Macbride, Publ. Field<br />

Mus. Bot. 13(2.2): 299. 1937. Type. Peru.<br />

Hu<strong>an</strong>uco: Casapi (fide Macbride, 1937) ($ <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

2 ?) Poeppig s.n. (holotype, W, destroyed; isotypes<br />

(6), B, OXF). Fig. 54.<br />

- (6 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 2), Ruiz & Pavon s.n.<br />

(or 3) (holotype (2), B; isotype (2), FI; isotypes (8),<br />

BR, G, OXF, US).<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> marti<strong>an</strong>a (Miquel, Fl. bras. 4(1): 132, t. 42.<br />

1853. Type. Brazil. Without locality ("prov. Paraensi<br />

et Rio Negro"), - (2), Martius s.n. (holotype, M).<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> subinc<strong>an</strong>a Miquel, Fl. bras. 4(1): 134, t. 45.<br />

1853. Type. Brazil. Without locality, - (6), Martius<br />

s.n. (holotype, M; isotypes, BR, M, U).<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong>p<strong>an</strong>amensis Pittier, Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb.<br />

18: 226. 1917; Woodson & Schery, Ann. Missouri<br />

Bot. Gard. 47: 169, t. 59. 1960; Burger, Fieldi<strong>an</strong>a<br />

Bot. 40:135, t. 22. 1977. Type. P<strong>an</strong>ama. Col6n: Rio<br />

Fat6, Jul 1911 (9), Pittier 3892 (holotype, US; isotypes,<br />

B, GH, NY).<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> donnell-smithii Mildbraed, Notizbl. Bot.<br />

Gart. Berlin 10: 414. 1928. Type. Costa Rica. Cartago:<br />

Rio Turrialba, Mar 1894 (2), Donnell Smith<br />

4826 (holotype, US; isotypes, GH, K, US).<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> gr<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>iceps Killip in Macbride, Publ. Field<br />

Mus. Bot. 13(2.2): 297. 1937. Type. Peru. Loreto:<br />

Lower Rio Huallaga, Y<strong>an</strong>6n, 5-11 Sep 1929 (2), Killip<br />

& Smith 29246 (holotype, US).<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> st<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>leyi Macbride, Publ. Field Mus. Bot.<br />

13(2.2): 298. 1937. Type. Peru. Hu<strong>an</strong>uco: Huamalies,<br />

between Monzon <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Rio Huallaga, - (9), Weberbauer<br />

3702 (holotype, B, destroyed; isotype, G).<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> ar<strong>an</strong>eosa St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley, Publ. Field Mus. Bot.<br />

17: 158. 1937. Type. Brazil. Amazonas: Mun. Humayta,<br />

Tres Casas, 14 Sep-11 Oct 1934 (2), Krukoff<br />

6524 (holotype, F; isotypes, A, BM, K, LE, MO, NY,<br />

S, U, US).<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> bolivi<strong>an</strong>a St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley, Publ. Field Mus. Bot.<br />

17: 159. 1937. Type. Bolivia. S<strong>an</strong>ta Cruz: Prov. Ichilo,<br />

Rio Vibora, 5 Oct 1926 (2), Steinbach 7567 (holotype,<br />

F; isotypes, A, GH, K, MO, S, U).<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> eggersii St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley, Publ. Field Mus. Bot. 17:<br />

160. 1937. Type. Ecuador. M<strong>an</strong>abi: El Recreo, Dec<br />

1891 (6), Eggers 14165 (holotype, F; isotypes, probably<br />

in A, BR, L, M, US).<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> embir<strong>an</strong>a St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley, Publ. Field Mus. Bot.<br />

17:161. 1937. Type. Brazil. Amazonas: Basin of Rio<br />

Jurua, nr. mouth of Rio Embira (tributary of Rio<br />

Tarauaca), 26 Jun 1933 (6), Krukoff 4994 (holotype,<br />

NY; isotypes, A, G, K, U, US).<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> lawr<strong>an</strong>cei St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley, Publ. Field Mus. Bot.<br />

17: 164. 1937. Type. Colombia. Boyaca: El Humbo,<br />

130 km N of Bogota, ca. 1000 m, 26 Apr 1933 (6),<br />

Lawr<strong>an</strong>ce 769 (holotype, F; isotypes, A, B, F, FI, G,<br />

K, MO, S, US).<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> lehm<strong>an</strong>nii St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley, Publ. Field Mus. Bot.<br />

17: 164. 1937. Type. Ecuador. Azuay: Western Andes<br />

of Cuenca, Chacayacu, - (2), Lehm<strong>an</strong>n 5606<br />

(holotype, F; isotype, K).<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> subcrenata St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley, Publ. Field Mus. Bot.<br />

17: 166. 1937. Type. Brazil. Amazonas: Mun. Tefe,<br />

Rio Solim6es, Paleta, 21 May 1933 (6), Krukoff4518<br />

(holotype, F; isotypes, A, BM, G, K, M, MO, NY,<br />

S, U, US).<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> d<strong>an</strong>ielis Cuatrecasas, Caldasia 7: 290. 1956.<br />


100 Flora Neotropica<br />

FIG. 54. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> villosa: 1, leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences (Steyermark et al. 95170); 2, twig <strong>with</strong><br />

stipules <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> staminate inflorescences (Elias 631); 3, pistillate inflorescences (Donnell Smith 4826).<br />

3<br />

1 cm

<strong>Coussapoa</strong><br />

Type. Colombia. Antioquia: Jardin, 1800 m, Dec<br />

1941 (2), Bro. D<strong>an</strong>iel 2652 (holotype, US; isotypes,<br />

COL, F).<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> macarenensis Cuatrecasas, Caldasia 7: 292.<br />

1956. Type. Colombia. Meta: Sierra de la Macarena,<br />

Caino Entrada, 24 Dec 1949 (5), Phillipson & Idrobo<br />

1914 (holotype, BM; isotypes, COL, US).<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> macarenensis Cuatrecasas var. <strong>an</strong>tioquiensis<br />

Cuatrecasas, Caldasia 7: 293. 1956. Type. Colombia,<br />

Antioquia: Rio Cauca, Puento Valdiva, 17-<br />

20 Feb 1942 (2), Metcalf& Cuatrecasas 30093 (holotype,<br />

F; isotypes, A, MO, US).<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> mutisii Killip & Cuatrecasas, Caldasia 7:<br />

293. 1956. Type. Colombia. Without locality, - lutinous or to (sub)hirsute, often also <strong>with</strong> reddish-brown<br />

pluricellular hairs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> sometimes<br />

arachnoid hairs; peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1 mm high, densely,<br />

minutely puberulous; stamens two, (rather) far<br />

exceeding the peri<strong>an</strong>th. Pistillate inflorescence<br />

mostly unbr<strong>an</strong>ched, sometimes poorly br<strong>an</strong>ched;<br />

heads 1(-4), free or occasionally partly fused,<br />

(sub)globose, ca. 5-10 mm, in fruit up to 40 mm<br />

diam.; (common) peduncle (1-)2-13 cm long, 1-<br />

4 mm thick, densely to sparsely puberulous to<br />

hirtellous to shortly velutinous or to (sub)hirsute,<br />

(2),<br />

Mutis 646<br />

often also <strong>with</strong> reddish-brown<br />

(holotype, US).<br />

pluricellular hairs<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>itiensis Cuatrecasas, Caldasia 7: 295. <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> sometimes arachnoid hairs; peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1-<br />

1956. Type. Colombia. Vaupes: Rio Guayabero, 8 2 mm high, densely minutely white to brownish<br />

Nov 1939 (6), Cuatrecasas 7510 (holotype, US). puberulous; fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th at the apex green,<br />

below the apex or<strong>an</strong>ge. Interfloral bracts<br />

(sub)spathulate to subpeltate, white to brownish<br />

puberulous at the apex.<br />

Distribution (Fig. 9). Central America (from<br />

Guatemala to P<strong>an</strong>ama), the Ande<strong>an</strong> region (Ecuador<br />

to Venezuela), extending to the coastal<br />

mountain r<strong>an</strong>ge of Venezuela, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> wide-spread<br />

(especially) in the (Upper) Amazon Basin; in upl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>,<br />

riverine, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> mountain forest, up to 2400<br />

m; often in secondary vegetation.<br />

Tree or shrub, hemi-epiphytic or terrestrial, up<br />

to 35 m tall. Leafy twigs 5-15 mm thick, sparsely<br />

to densely white (to brown) puberulous to hirtellous<br />

to (sub)hirsute to (sub)villous. Lamina<br />

coriaceous, broadly ovate to subovate, sometimes<br />

to elliptic, occasionally to obovate, 6-60<br />

x 5-40 cm, apex obtuse to acute, sometimes<br />

rounded to emarginate, base obtuse to cordate<br />

(sometimes deeply cordate <strong>with</strong> overlapping<br />

lobes), margin entire to subcrenate; upper surface<br />

glabrous, lower surface sparsely to densely minutely<br />

puberulous in the areoles <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> mostly also<br />

on the reticulum, hirtellous to hispidulous on the<br />

(parallel) tertiary venation, sometimes puberu-<br />

Specimens studied. GUATEMALA. IZABAL: Peten<br />

road, 2 km from Fronteras, Rio Ju<strong>an</strong> Vicente, 11 May<br />

1971 (8), Contreras 10763 (DUKE, MO, P, US); Quirigua,<br />

15-31 Mar 1922 (6), St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley 23766 (GH, NY),<br />

lous to (sub)hirsute, on the midrib <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the lateral 26-27 Apr 1939 (9), St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley 72288 (F, NY); Lago<br />

veins sparsely, sometimes rather densely, puber- Izabal, between Punta dos Reales <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Punta de Leulous<br />

to hirtellous or to (sub)hirsute, the whole<br />

chuga, 17 Apr 1940 (2), Steyermark 39618 (F).<br />

HONDURAS. ATLANTIDA: La Ceiba, 22 Sep 1916<br />

surface covered <strong>with</strong> sparse to dense whitish to (9), Dyer A85 (F, US); L<strong>an</strong>cetilla Valley, nr. Tela, 6<br />

brownish subpersistent arachnoid hairs; lateral Dec 1927-20 Mar 1928 (st), St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley 53230 (A, F,<br />

veins (7-)9-24, straight or slightly curved, main US), (9), St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley 53991 (A, F, US), (st), St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley 54325<br />

basal pair br<strong>an</strong>ched, reaching the margin below (A, F), (2), St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley 55155 (A, F, US), (st), St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley<br />

55445 (A, F,<br />

the middle of the lamina, in<br />

US), (6), St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley 56623<br />

large leaves<br />

(F). COMAYAGUA:<br />

some- Lake Yojoa, Pito Solo, nr. Pito Solo, 16 Apr 1951 (6),<br />

times also <strong>with</strong> other lateral veins poorly P. H. Alien 6186 (F, GH), 8 Aug 1932 (st), Edwards<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched (furcate); intercostal venation more or 400 (A, F, US); 15 km E of Lake Yojoa, 20 May 1974<br />

less prominent; petiole (2-)3-20 cm long, white (6), Hazelett s.n. (MO); nr. Pito Solo, 14 Aug 1973 (2),<br />

Hazelett 664<br />

(to yellowish) puberulous to hirtellous to<br />

(MO); Lake Yojoa, 29 Jul-10 Aug 1951<br />

(6), Howard et al. 605 (A); nr. Pito Solo, 18 Apr 1945<br />

(sub)hirsute or to (sub)villous; stipules 3-20 cm (2), J. V. Rodriguez 2929 (F); Rio Tempemechin, ca.<br />

long, puberulous to hirtellous to strigose to hir- 6 km N of Pito Solo, 15 Apr 1951 (d), L. O. Williams<br />

sute, mostly also <strong>with</strong> dense (moniliform) red- et al. 18014 (F, GH). COPAN: Rio Cop<strong>an</strong>, 2 mi E of<br />

dish-brown pluricellular hairs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> sometimes Cop<strong>an</strong> ruins, 27 Aug 1975 (8), Molina et al. 30747 (F,<br />

MO). CORTES: Naciemento del Rio<br />

arachnoid<br />

Lindo, nr.<br />

hairs. Staminate<br />

Jaral, 9<br />

inflorescence Apr 1947 (6), St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley et al. 7081 (F); Rio Londo, 8<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched, occasionally unbr<strong>an</strong>ched; heads (1-)2- Apr 1945 (6), L. O. Williams et al. 12394 (F, GH); Rio<br />

30(-ca. 50), often partly fused, (sub)globose to Lindo, nr. Carrizal, 12 Apr 1951 (st), L. O. Williams<br />

ovoid to oblate, often more or less irregular in et al. 17817 (F), GRACIAS A Dios: Rio Plat<strong>an</strong>o, 0-4<br />

hours<br />

shape <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> dimensions, ca. 5-10(-20) mm upstream Ras, 23 May 1973 (9), Gentry et al.<br />

diam.; 7530 (MO, U).<br />

common peduncle 2-6 cm long, densely to NICARAGUA. BLUEFIELDS: Finca S<strong>an</strong>ta Rosa, ca.<br />

sparsely puberulous to hirtellous to shortly ve- 2.5 km ENE of Rama, 5 Apr 1966 (6), Proctor et al.<br />


102 Flora Neotropica<br />

27336 (F, US). CHONTALES: Nr. La Libertad, 29 May- Cricamola Valley, 17 Feb-l Mar 1928 (8), Cooper 538<br />

1 Jun 1947 (st), St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley 8861 (F). JINOTEGA: Cord. (F, K); Ch<strong>an</strong>guinola Valley, 10 J<strong>an</strong> 1924 (2), Dunlap<br />

Isabelia, Macizos de Penias Bl<strong>an</strong>cas, 7 May 1976 (9), 299 (F, US); nr. Chiriqui Lagoon, 9 Nov 1940 (st), Von<br />

Neill 7179 (MO). MATAGALPA: Rio Yasica, 20 km E Wedel 1548 (S), 22 Nov 1940 (6), Von Wedel 1733<br />

of Matagalpa, 25 May 1977 (2), Neill 1984 (U); 10-15 (GH, US), 26 Oct 1941 (9), Von Wedel 2879 (GH, MO,<br />

km NE of Matagalpa, 16 J<strong>an</strong> 1963 (2), L. O. Williams US); Rio Cricamola, between Finca St. Louis <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Konet<br />

al. 24005 (F). NUEVA SEGOVIA: Rio Solonli, 5 km kintoe, 12-16 Aug 1938 (6), Woodson et al. 1893 (F,<br />

N of Jalapa, 5 Apr 1977 (8), Neill 1653 (U). ZELAYA: MO, NA, NY). CANAL ZONE: Barro Colorado Isl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>,<br />

Comarca El Hormiguero, W of Rio Uli, 6 May 1977 7 Feb 1969 (2), Croat 7768 (F, MO), 10 Feb 1969 (6),<br />

(6), Neill 1919 (U).<br />

Croat 7839 (MO), 21 Jun 1971 (2), Croat 15064 (DUKE,<br />

COSTA RICA. ALAJUELA: Between La Palma <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> F, GH, MO, NY), 25 Jun 1968 (2), Foster 631 (DUKE);<br />

Rio Plat<strong>an</strong>illo, 19 Feb 1964 (6), Jimenez 1750 (US); Rio Providencia, 5 Dec 1973 (st), Gentry 8707 (MO,<br />

NE-base of Volc<strong>an</strong> Arenal, 5 km W of Fortuna S<strong>an</strong> U); Gatun, 4 Mar 1860 (9), Hayes 1008 (NY); Mindi<br />

Carlos, 29 Apr 1972 (6), Lent 2520 (F, MO, U, US); Hills, 28 Mar 1956 (st), Johnston 1725 (A); Barro Col-<br />

N side of Volc<strong>an</strong> Arenal, Quebrada Guillermina, 21 orado Isl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>, 19 Mar 1932 (9), Shattuck 832 (F, MO);<br />

Apr 1973 (st), Lent et al. 3388 (F). CARTAGO: Road nr. Fort Sherm<strong>an</strong>, 15 J<strong>an</strong> 1924 (st), St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley 30924<br />

Turrialba-Moravia de Chirrip6, between Tuis <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Bajo (US); Barro Colorado Isl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>, 18-24 Nov 1925 (2),<br />

Pacuare, 15 Nov 1975 (8), Burger et al. 10040 (F); St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley 41170 (US), 12 Mar 1931 (6), Wilson 127 (F,<br />

Turrialba, 10 Dec 1952 (2), Cordoba 295 (NA); Rio MO), 6 Feb 1932 (6), Woodworth et al. 445 (A, F, MO),<br />

Turrialba, Mar 1894 (2), Donnell Smith 4826 (GH, K, 22 Feb 1932 (9), Woodworth et al. 660 (A, F, MO).<br />

US, type collection of C. donnell-smithii); Atirro, Apr CHIRIQUI: La Fortuna hydroelectric project, 1200 m,<br />

1896 (2), Donnell Smith 6770 (BM, F, GH, K, US); 22 Mar 1978 (2), Hammel 2176 (U). COLON: Rio<br />

Rio Raventaz6n, nr. Turrialba, 13 Feb 1971 (6), Gilles Guache, 1 Oct 1972 (st), Gentry 6314 (MO); road to<br />

et al. 10191 (F, GH); Rio Pejibaye, between Rio Taus Portobelo, Villa Alondra, 13 Apr 1971 (6), Lao et al.<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Quebrada Azul, 28 May 1972 (2), Lent 2535 (F, 21 (DUKE, MO); Rio Fat6, Jul 1911, (2), Pittier 3892<br />

MO, U); Turrialba, May 1847 (st), Oersted 14317 (C, (B, GH, NY, US, type collection of C. p<strong>an</strong>amensis).<br />

part of the type collection of Urostigma intermargin- PERLAS ARCHIPELAGO: S<strong>an</strong> Jose Isl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>, 28 May 1945<br />

ale), May 1898 (2), Pittier 12288 (B, BM, GH, P, US), (2), Erl<strong>an</strong>son 240 (GH, NA, NY), 29 Mar 1945 (9),<br />

1 Sep 1920 (st), Rowle et al. 856 (NY, US); nr. Pejivalle, Johnston 580 (GH), 2 Apr 1945 (6), Johnston 606 (FI,<br />

J<strong>an</strong> 1940 (6), Skutch 4612 (A, MO, NA, US), 7-8 Feb GH, MO), (st), Johnston 608 (GH), 5 Apr 1945 (2),<br />

1926 (6), St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley et al. 47791 (US). GUANACASTE: El Johnston 652 (BM, DUKE, FI, GH, MO, P, S), 10 Apr<br />

Arenal, 18-19 J<strong>an</strong> 1926 (2), St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley et al. 45182 (F, 1945 (2), Johnston 678 (GH).<br />

US); nr. Tilerfn, 10-31 J<strong>an</strong> 1926 (6), St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley et al. COLOMBIA. Without locality,<br />

44550 (US), St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley et al. 44968 (F, US), (2), St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley<br />

et al. 45661 (US), 3 J<strong>an</strong> 1964 (2), L. O. Williams et al.<br />

26529 (F, US). LIMON: Road Bribri-Bratsi, Rio Sixaola,<br />

12 Feb 1977 (8), Burger et al. 10474 (DUKE, F,<br />

MO); Las Diam<strong>an</strong>tas, Rubber Expt. Station, 5 May<br />

1943 (st), Dayton 3019 (F); between Portete <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Moin,<br />

13 Feb 1965 (2), Jimenez 2887 (F); nr. mouth of Rio<br />

Bl<strong>an</strong>co, N of Moin, 13 Feb 1965 (9), Lent 349 (COL);<br />

ca. 4.5 km N of El Carmen, 17 Mar 1973 (st), Lent<br />

3279 (F); Zent, Oct 1904 (6 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 2), Pittier s.n. (GH,<br />

US); affluence of Rio Parismina <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Rio Reventaz6n,<br />

Suerre, 3 Oct 1951 (st), Sh<strong>an</strong>k et al. 4294 (F); nr. Guapiles,<br />

12-13 Mar 1924 (6), St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley 37259 (US); Rio<br />

Reventaz6n, Finca Montecristo, below Cairo, 18-19<br />

Feb 1926 (6), St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley et al. 48594 (F, US); Puerto<br />

Viejo, Apr 1895 (2), Tonduz 9520 (F, US); PUNTARE-<br />

NAS: Golfito, 27 Jul 1951 (8), P. H. Allen 6280 (F, GH,<br />

US); Burica Peninsula, Quebrada Palito, 6 Mar 1973<br />

(st), Croat 22635 (MO). SAN JOSt: Guayabo, 3 Feb<br />

1908 (st), Ferry s.n. (F); Rio Vargas, Tabarcia, Mora,<br />

22 Apr 1963 (2), Jimenez 657 (COL, F); S<strong>an</strong> Isidro El<br />

General, 3 Mar 1966 (6), Molina et al. 18289 (F, US);<br />

El General, Mar 1939 (6), Skutch 4256 (A, K, MO, S,<br />

US), (2), Skutch 4262 (A, K, MO, S, US), (6), Skutch<br />

4267 (A, K, MO, S, US); Las Vueltas, Tucirrique, Feb<br />

1899 (8), Tonduz 13280 (BM, F, G, K, LE, MO, P,<br />

US).<br />

PANAMA. Without locality (Isthmus of P<strong>an</strong>ama),<br />

1859-1860 (st) Hayes 414 (NY), Hayes 867 (NY), (2),<br />

Hayes 986 (NY), (2), Hayes s.n. (BM). BocAs DEL TORO:<br />

- (2), Mutis 646<br />

(US, type collection ofC. mutisii), (a), Mutis 4558 (US),<br />

- (2), Tri<strong>an</strong>a 867 (BM, K, P), - (6), Tri<strong>an</strong>a s.n. (COL).<br />

AMAZONAS: Nr. Puerto Narifio, 24 Jul 1965 (6), Loz<strong>an</strong>o<br />

640 (COL), 28 J<strong>an</strong>-7 Feb 1969 (6), Plowm<strong>an</strong> et al.<br />

2362 (F, GH, K, NY, S), 13 Sep 1963 (2), Soejarto 856<br />

(A). ANTIOQUIA: Cocorna, Jun 1937 (st), Bro. D<strong>an</strong>iel<br />

1793 (US); Jardin, 1800 m, Dec 1941 (2), Bro. D<strong>an</strong>iel<br />

2652 (COL, F, US, type collection of C. d<strong>an</strong>ielis); Rio<br />

Porce, 1100 m, 19 Sep 1963 (2), Espinal 1314 (COL);<br />

Rio Cauca, Puerto Valdiva, 17-20 Feb 1942 (2), Metcalf&<br />

Cuatrecasas 30093 (A, MO, US, type collection<br />

of C. macarenensis var. <strong>an</strong>tioquensis). BOLiVAR: 150<br />

km N of Barr<strong>an</strong>cabermeja, Mico-Ahumado camp, ca.<br />

8?15N, 74?4'W, 25 Aug 1966 (6), De Bruijn 1123 (K,<br />

M, MO, NY, S, U, VEN). BOYACA: El Humbo, 130<br />

km N of Bogotf, ca. 1000 m, 26 Apr 1933 (6), Lawr<strong>an</strong>ce<br />

769 (A, B, F, FI, G, K, MO, S, US, type collection of<br />

C. lawr<strong>an</strong>cei). CALDAS: Salamina, Aug 1943 (?), Bro.<br />

Tomas 1923 (US). CAQUETA: Rio Caquetf, Rio Orteguaza,<br />

nr. Potosi, 7 Mar 1945 (2), Little et al. 9641<br />

(NY, US), 15 Mar 1945 (8), Little et al. 9789 (NY, US).<br />

CHOC6: Between Alto Curiche <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Camp Curiche, E<br />

od Boca Curiche, 20 May 1967 (2), Duke et al. 11273<br />

(US); road Medellin-Quibd6, 6 km W of Siete, 38 km<br />

W of Bolivar, 1400 m, 6 J<strong>an</strong> 1979 (2), Gentry et al.<br />

23713 (MO, U). CUNDINAMARCA: 5 km W of El Salto<br />

de Tequendama, on road to El Colegio, 1800 m, 14<br />

Jul 1972 (8), Barclay et al. 3593 (NA); between El Salto<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> El Colegio, 1480 m, 10 Mar 1940 (st), Cuatrecasas<br />

8291 (F, US); nr. Albfn, Aug 1962 (2), Ferndndez-

<strong>Coussapoa</strong><br />

Perez F3 (COL); 3 km N of Tena, nr. La Laguna de<br />

Pedro Palo, 2080 m, 9 May 1952 (8), Ferndndez-Perez<br />

et al. 1458 (US); Mun. La Mesa, road to Mosquera,<br />

1800 m, 5 Aug 1963 (8), Soejarto 327 (A, K); Rio<br />

Bogota, 1600 m, 1909 (a), Uribe-Uribe 364 (COL).<br />

META: Rio Negro, 20 km W of Villaviicencio, 24 Mar<br />

1972 (Q), Barclay et al. 3294 (NA, US); nr. Villavicen-<br />

cio, 1-15 Aug 1946 (8), Duque-Jaramillo 3957 (COL),<br />

- (a), Karsten s.n. (LE); Sierra de la Macarena, Calno<br />

Entrada, 24 Dec 1949 (6), Phillipson et al. 1914 (BM,<br />

COL, US, type collection of C. macarenensis), 13 J<strong>an</strong><br />

1950 (2), Phillipson et al. 2095 (BM); nr. Villavicencio,<br />

Ll<strong>an</strong>o de S<strong>an</strong> Martin, Feb 1856 (9), Tri<strong>an</strong>a 1866 (COL,<br />

F, K, NY). VALLE: Rio S<strong>an</strong>quinini, La Laguna, 1250-<br />

1400 m, 10-20 Dec 1943 (st), Cuatrecasas 15589 (F);<br />

Gibraltar, N of Las Brisas, 2100-2200 m, 25 Oct 1946<br />

(2), Cuatrecasas 22526 (F). VAUPES: Rio Guayabero,<br />

8 Nov 1939 (a), Cuatrecasas 7510 (US, type of C.<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>itensis).<br />

VENEZUELA. Without locality, 26 Jun 1956 (2),<br />

Bernardi s.n. (8), 4 Mar 1957 (6), Bernardi s.n. (NY),<br />

1865 (a), Ernst 324 (BM), 1930-1934 (a), Vogl 1379<br />

(BR). AMAZONAS: Raudal de los Guaharibos, 24 Jul<br />

103<br />

et al. 95170 (NY, U, US, VEN); nr. C<strong>an</strong>oabo, 5 Mar<br />

1964 (8), Trujillo 6141 (MY). Departamento Federal:<br />

Nr. Caracas, 1940 (6), Bro. Elias 130 (F), J<strong>an</strong> 1931 (6),<br />

Bro. Elias 631, 1 Oct 1972 (6), Hoyos 2043 (VEN), 17<br />

Nov 1975 (2), Oliva s.n. (MY, VEN), 24 Nov 1975 (9),<br />

Oliva s.n. (VEN). FALCON: Distr. Acosta, Mun. Jacura,<br />

Cerra de la Mina, 13 Feb 1961 (st), Ruiz-Terdn 423<br />

(MER). FALCON-YACACUY: Res. For. Rio Tocuyu,<br />

Quebrada El Charalito, Aug 1970 (9), Bl<strong>an</strong>co 958 (NY,<br />

VEN). MERIDA: Merida(?), 26 Jun 1956 (9), Bernardi<br />

s.n. (MY). MIRANDA: Cerros del Bachiller, between<br />

Quebrada Corozal <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Quebrada S<strong>an</strong>ta Cruz, S of S<strong>an</strong>ta<br />

Cruz, 18-19 Mar 1978 (st), Steyermarket al. 116463<br />

(MO, U, VEN). YARACUY: Bosques de Yumare, 10 Feb<br />

1959 (8), Bernardi 7017 (FI, G, MO); 35 km N of S<strong>an</strong><br />

Felipe, 19 Feb 1954 (6), Little 16245 (VEN); El Guaremal,<br />

between Valencia <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> S<strong>an</strong> Felipe, Feb 1919 (8),<br />

Pittier 8404 (GH, US, VEN); Rio Taria, La Ll<strong>an</strong>ada<br />

de Taria, 5 Mar 1973 (st), Romero 548 (MY). ZULIA:<br />

Quebrada Perayra, affluent of Rio Tokuku, SW of<br />

Machiques, 29 Aug 1967 (St), Steyermark 99829 (VEN).<br />

ECUADOR. AZUAY: Chacayuca, western Andes of<br />

Cuenca,<br />

1951 (st), Croizat 312 (US); Salto Salas, 20 Aug 1951<br />

(2), Croizat 541 (US). ARAGUA: Cerro de Avila, 1 May<br />

1859 (8), Crueger s.n. (K); Colonia Tovar, May 1854<br />

(2), Fendler 1237 (GH, K), Jul 1854 (a), Fendler 1237a<br />

(GH, MO); nr. Maracay, 30 J<strong>an</strong> 1857 (6), Fendler 1237<br />

(G), 1860 (9), Fendler 1237a (G), R<strong>an</strong>cho Gr<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>e, 6<br />

Jun 1963 (st), Montaldo 3435 (MY); Rio Chuao, El<br />

Medio, 15 Mar 1926 (8), Pittier 12124 (US, VEN); nr.<br />

Maracay, 2 Apr 1926 (9), Pittier 12142 (US, VEN), 2<br />

Apr 1926 (2), Pittier 12144 (A, G, M, MO, NY, VEN);<br />

road Maracay-Choroni, nr. El Castafio, 18 Feb 1937<br />

(a), Pittier 13985 (F, K, NY, US, VEN); Cerros de<br />

Guamitas, 1100 m, 27 Feb 1948 (a), Pittier et al. 15733<br />

(US, VEN); Parque Nacional Henri Pittier, 31 Oct 1975<br />

(2), H. Rodriguez 399 (MY); nr. El Castaino, 23 Mar<br />

1953 (2), Schnee 1337 (MY); road Maracay-Choroni,<br />

20 Dec 1948 (6), St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>en 20 (MY); nr. El Castaino, 21<br />

Feb 1968 (2), Trujillo 8765 (MY); Guamitas, 12 May<br />

1938 (a), Ll. Williams 10071 (B, F, VEN), between<br />

Guamitas <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> El Lim6n, 28 J<strong>an</strong> 1940 (a), Ll. Williams<br />

12348 (F, S, US, VEN); nr. El Castafio, 18 Feb 1937<br />

(st), Ll. Williams 13895 (US). BARINAS: Road Barinitas-Barinas,<br />

Mar 1953 (9), Aristeguieta 1699 (MY, NY,<br />

US, VEN); nr. Barinitas, Quebrada Par<strong>an</strong>gula, Mar<br />

1953 (9), Aristeguieta 1704 (MY, NY, VEN); confluence<br />

of Rio Curbacitico <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Rio Madre del Monte, 10<br />

Dec 1954 (a), Bernardi 1724 (F, FI, K, VEN); Alto del<br />

Aguada, Pedreza, 19 Feb 1955 (9), Bernardi 1980 (F,<br />

NY); Barinitas, 26 Jun 1956 (st), Bernardi 3354 (NY);<br />

between Altamira <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Filo de Mertiuez, nr. Calderas,<br />

4 Mar 1957 (6), Bernardi 6348 (G); Res. For. Ticoporo,<br />

Rio Bumbum, 3 May 1964 (8), Breteler 3889 (G, MO,<br />

NY, P, S, U, US, VEN); Rio Caparo, 2-5 km above<br />

dam, 12 Mar 1980 (9), Liesner et al. 9443 (MO, U);<br />

Cuidad Bolivia, 12 J<strong>an</strong> 1968 (a), R. F. Smith 3313<br />

(VEN); Res. For. Caparo, E of El C<strong>an</strong>ton, 10 Apr 1968<br />

(2), Steyermark et al. 102083 (U, VEN), 12 Apr 1968<br />

(2), Steyermark et al. 102211 (F, MY, VEN). CARABOBO:<br />

Bejuma, 18 Feb 1954 (8), Little 16230 (VEN); Rio S<strong>an</strong><br />

Gi<strong>an</strong>, S of Borburata, 27-28 Mar 1966 (9), Steyermark<br />

- (9), Lehm<strong>an</strong>n 5606 (F, K, type collection<br />

of C. lehm<strong>an</strong>nii). ESMERALDAS: Borb6n, 11 Sep 1965<br />

(8), Little et al. 21047 (NY, Q, US); 10 km SE of Esmeraldas,<br />

29 Sep 1965 (9), Little et al. 21172 (NY, Q,<br />

US). GUAYAS: Nr. Nar<strong>an</strong>jito, 6-7 Jul 1945 (st), Camp<br />

E3626 (NY, U); Baloa, - (9), Eggers 14165 (A, L, LE,<br />

M, US). IMBABURA: Nr. Lita, 7 Feb 1981 (8), Berg<br />

1241 (U). Los Rios: Pichilingue, 18 May 1943 (2),<br />

Little 6461 (F, US); Rio Palenque Biol. Station, km 56<br />

on road Quevedo-S<strong>an</strong>to Domingo de los Colorados,<br />

11 Feb 1973 (6), Dodson 5241 (MO, QCA, SEL, U),<br />

27 Feb 1975 (6), Dodson 5778 (QCA, US), 29 Jul 1972<br />

(6), Dwyer 10305 (MO), 15 Feb 1974 (9), Gentry 9934<br />

(MO, QCA, U), 22 Feb 1974 (6), Gentry 10127 (MO,<br />

QCA, U); c<strong>an</strong>ton Vinces, hacienda S<strong>an</strong>ta Lucia, 18-<br />

28 Oct (8), Mexta 6573 (F, NA). MANABI: El Recreo<br />

Dec 1891 (8), Eggers 14165 (A, BR, L, M, US, type<br />

collection of C. eggersii), 1897 (9), Eggers 15615 (F,<br />

LE, P). MORONA-SANTIAGO: Macas, 18 Mar 1956 (2),<br />

Asplund 19835 (S); 5 km SW of Macas, 26 J<strong>an</strong> 1981<br />

(9), Berg 1222 (U); Cord. de Cucutfi, 5-10 km E of<br />

Logronio, 1200-1500 m, 7-9 Oct 1975 (6), Little et al.<br />

602 (COL, Q). NAPO: Rio Cuyabeno, ca. 0?10'S,<br />

76?55'W, 16 Feb 1980 (2), Berg & Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s 1033<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 1040 (U), 19 Feb 1980 (6), Berg & Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s<br />

1062 (U); Misahualli, mouth of Rio Misahualli, 3 Mar<br />

1980 (9), Berg & Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s 1113 (U); 1 km S of Lago<br />

Agrio, 5 Nov 1974 (6), Gentry 12474 (MO, U); Rio<br />

Putumayo, just above mouth of Rio Gueppi, 19 May<br />

1978 (9), Gentry 22095 (MO, U). PICHINCHA: Road<br />

S<strong>an</strong>to Domingo de los Colorados- Quinind6 (km 170-<br />

175), 1 Sep 1949 (st), Acosta Solis 13629 (F); S<strong>an</strong>to<br />

Domingo de los Colorados, 20 Aug 1930 (st), Benoist<br />

3044 (P, S, U, US); nr. Alluriquin, bridge over Rio<br />

Toachi, 23 Feb 1981 (6), Berg 1301 (U); road S<strong>an</strong>to<br />

Domingo de los Colorados-Chona, km 5, 3 Apr 1943<br />

(8), Little 6155 (K, Q); S<strong>an</strong>to Domingo dos Colorados,<br />

21 Apr 1943 (9), Little 6328 (F, K, NY, Q, US); nr.<br />

Alluriquin, at confluence of Rio Alluriquin <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Rio<br />

Toachi, 14 Mar 1967 (8), Sparre 14822 (S). ZAMORA-<br />

CHINCHIPE: Quebrada Las Pavas Pavas, 14 km from

104 Flora Neotropica<br />

Loja, 1800 m, 21 Aug 1975 (st), Sam<strong>an</strong>iego et al. 92<br />

(COL, Q).<br />

PERU. Without locality, - (9), Dombey s.n. (F, P,<br />

US), 1835 (6), Matthews 2068 (K, OXF, U), 1829 (6),<br />

Poeppig s.n. (B, OXF, type collection). AMAZONAS: Rio<br />

Cenepa, Aintami Creek, 24 Nov 1972 (6), Berlin 372<br />

(MO, U); Pongo de M<strong>an</strong>seriche, 1924 (9), Tessm<strong>an</strong>n<br />

4696 (B, NY); Rio S<strong>an</strong>tiago, Caterpiza, 20 Nov 1979<br />

(8), Tunqui 103 (U). Hu<strong>an</strong>uco: Pampayacu, nr. Hu<strong>an</strong>aco,<br />

20 J<strong>an</strong> 1927 (6), K<strong>an</strong>ehira 99 (GH); Prov. Leoncio<br />

Prado, Tingo Maria, 7 Dec 1981 (6), Plowm<strong>an</strong> et al.<br />

11180 (U); Macora, - (9), Ruiz & Pavon s.n. (or 3) (B,<br />

FI, type collection of C. vellera), - (5), Ruiz & Pavon<br />

s.n. (BR, G, OXF, US); Huamalies, between Monzon<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Rio Huallaga, - (9), Weberbauer 3702 (G, type<br />

collection of C. st<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>leyi). JUNIN: La Merced, Puente<br />

Quimiri, 24 Oct 1950 (6), Nunez 2928 (US); S<strong>an</strong>abeni,<br />

4 Sep 1960 (8), Woytkowski 5956 (MO, U). LORETO:<br />

Prov. Maynas, Rio Itaya, above Puerto Belen, 16 Nov<br />

1978 (9), Diaz et al. 618 (U); Prov. Maynas, Rio Itaya,<br />

nr. Palo Seco, ca. 40 km above Iquitos, 20 Mar 1977<br />

(6), Gentry et al. 18458 (MO, U); Prov. Requena, Rio<br />

Tapiche, tributary of Rio Ucayali, 1 hour above Requena,<br />

8 Dec 1972 (,), Gentry et al. 21291 (MO, U);<br />

lower Rio Huallaga, Y<strong>an</strong>6n, 5-11 Sep 1929 (9), Killip<br />

et al. 29249 (NY, US, type collection of C. gr<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>iceps);<br />

Rio Marafion, lower Rio Ampiyacu, 6 Mar 1977 (6),<br />

Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 24687 (U); Prov. Maynas, Rio N<strong>an</strong>ay,<br />

Mish<strong>an</strong>a, 1978 (6), Ramirez 1084 (U); Rio Ucuyali,<br />

Yarinacocha, between 10?S <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> mouth, 1923 (6), Tessm<strong>an</strong>n<br />

3461 (B, G, NY, S); lower Rio Huallaga, Yurimaguas,<br />

26 Oct 1929 (6), LI. Williams 4179 (F); Puerto<br />

Arturo, Yurimaguas, 22 Nov 1929 (2), LI. Williams<br />

5349 (B, F). (LORETO?): Rio Zungarococha, 28 J<strong>an</strong><br />

1978 (6), Ayala et al. 1436 (MO, U). MADRE DE Dios:<br />

Prov. Tambopata, affluence of Rio Tambopata <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Rio<br />

Le Torre, Tambopata Nat. Res., ca. 30 km SSW of<br />

Puerto Maldonado, 16 May 1980 (9), Balbour 5372<br />

(U); Parque Nacional del M<strong>an</strong>u, Rio M<strong>an</strong>u, Pakitza<br />

station, 9 Nov 1980 (6), Foster 5721 (F).<br />

BRAZIL. Without locality, - (9), Martius s.n. (M,<br />

type collection of C. marti<strong>an</strong>a), - (6), Martius s.n. (BR,<br />

M, U, type collection of C. subinc<strong>an</strong>a). ACRE: Rio Acre,<br />

Itui, 4 Nov 1923 (9), Kuhlm<strong>an</strong>n 759 (RB, U); Tarauaca,<br />

1-2 km E of Rio Tarauaca, 24 Sep 1968 (2), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et<br />

al. 7530 (F, GH, K, NY, P, R, S, U, US); Rio Jurui-<br />

Mirim, Aug 1901 (6), Ule 5717 (B, G, K, L, MG).<br />

AMAZONAS: Rio Solimoes, Mun. Tefe, Paleta, 21 May<br />

1933 (6), Krukoff4518 (A, BM, F, G, K, M, MO, NY,<br />

S, U, US, type collection of C. subcrenata); nr. mouth<br />

of Rio Embira, tributary of Rio Tarauaca, 26 Jun 1933<br />

(6), Krukoff4994 (A, G, K, NY, U, US, type collection<br />

of C. embir<strong>an</strong>a); Mun. Humaita, Tres Casas, 14 Sep-<br />

11 Oct 1934 (9), Krukoff 6165 (A, F, FI, K, MO, NY,<br />

S, U, US), Krukoff 6524 (A, BM, F, G, K, LE, MO,<br />

NY, S, U, US, type collection of C. ar<strong>an</strong>eosa); Rio<br />

Madeira, Boa Hora, 4 Sep 1923 (2), Kuhlm<strong>an</strong>n 368<br />

(RB); Rio Japura, - K, NY, P, R, S, U, US); Rio Purus, between Lago Quati<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Lago Arima, 20 Jun 1971 (6), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 13438<br />

(K, M, MO, NY, S, U, US); M<strong>an</strong>aquiri, Jun 1851 (8),<br />

Spruce 1608 (BM, BR, C, G, GH, K, LE, NY, P, OXF).<br />

MATO GROSSO: Rio Aripu<strong>an</strong>a, nr. Humboldt Center,<br />

ca. 10?12'S, 59021'W, 12 Oct 1973 (9), Berget al. P18455<br />

(F, K, MO, NY, S, U, US), 22 Oct 1973 (6), Berg et<br />

al. P19841 (F, K, MO, NY, P, S, U, US); Sarar6, 14?<br />

50'S, 59'45'10"W, 4 Aug 1972 (6), Pires et al. 16461<br />

(U). PARA: Alto Tapaj6s, Rio Curucii 1-5 km above<br />

Missao Cururui, 7?35'S, 57?31'W, 17 Feb 1974 (9), Anderson<br />

11033 (MO, U); Gleba Bacaja, below mouth of<br />

Rio Bacaja, 22 Nov 1980 (2), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 26402 (U).<br />

RORAIMA: Rio Mucajai, Posto 17 Mar 1971 (6), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce<br />

et al. 11066 (K, M, NY, P, S, U).<br />

BOLIVIA. SANTA CRUZ: Prov. Ichilo, Rio Vibora,<br />

5 Oct 1926 (2), Steinbach 7567 (A, F, GH, K, MO, S,<br />

U, type collection of C. bolivi<strong>an</strong>a).<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> villosa is a widespread species (like<br />

C. asperifolia) <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> is extremely variable in m<strong>an</strong>y<br />

characters. Although the occurrence of some of<br />

the features is associated <strong>with</strong> certain parts of the<br />

species area, e.g., br<strong>an</strong>ched pistillate inflorescences<br />

in Central America <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> brown arachnoid<br />

hairs in Colombia <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> adjacent parts of Ecuador,<br />

infraspecific taxa c<strong>an</strong>not readily be recognized.<br />

Some specimens from the periphery of the species<br />

area <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>/or <strong>with</strong> features near the extreme of the<br />

variation must be mentioned. Barclay et al. 3593<br />

(Colombia) has staminate inflorescences <strong>with</strong> extremely<br />

numerous (ca. 50) heads; Gentry et al.<br />

23713 (Colombia) has pistillate inflorescences<br />

<strong>with</strong> very short (less th<strong>an</strong> 2 cm long) peduncles<br />

(in this respect it forms a tr<strong>an</strong>sition to C. duquei);<br />

Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 26402 (Brazil, Pari) is peculiar in<br />

that the head of the pistillate inflorescence is lobed<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> obliquely attached to the peduncle. This last<br />

collection matches some more or less aberr<strong>an</strong>t<br />

collection of C. tessm<strong>an</strong>nii (see p. 95) in the dense<br />

covering of dark brown moniliform pluricellular<br />

(=gr<strong>an</strong>ular) hairs on the peduncle, leafy twig, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

petiole.<br />

Typification of C. villosa: It is unknown<br />

whether the destroyed type material in W consisted<br />

of a pistillate <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> a staminate specimen as<br />

the drawing in Poeppig & Endlicher (1838) suggests.<br />

The specimens in B <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> OXF which could<br />

replace the holotype material are staminate.<br />

(6), Martius s.n. (G); Lago de Ma- Typification of C. eggersii: Eggers made sevnacapuru,<br />

10 Oct 1972 (2), 0. Pires 248 (U); Tefe, 23 eral collections under number<br />

Jul 1972<br />

14165-<br />

(9), PLK& Urb<strong>an</strong>o 12296<br />

staminate<br />

(INPA); road Boca<br />

do Acre-Rio Br<strong>an</strong>co, km 1-4, 19 Sep 1966 (6), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> pistillate ones from different localities in Ecet<br />

al. 2306 (F, GH, K, P, R, S, U); Rio Demini, To- uador (El Recreo <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Baloa)-at several dates.<br />

totobi, 28 Feb 1969 (2), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 10348 (F, GH, These collections have been mixed up. The spec-

<strong>Coussapoa</strong><br />

imen in F on which C. eggersii is based is staminate<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> possibly from El Recreo. In the original<br />

description the specimen is wrongly described<br />

as pistillate.<br />

43. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> viridifolia Cuatrecasas, Fieldi<strong>an</strong>a<br />

Bot. 28(1): 213. 1956. Type. Venezuela. Bolivar:<br />

0-8 km N of S<strong>an</strong>ta Teresita de Kav<strong>an</strong>ayen,<br />

23 Nov 1944 (6), Steyermark 60456 (holotype,<br />

F; isotype, VEN). Fig. 55.<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> viridifolia Cuatrecasas var. tenuifolia Cuatrecasas,<br />

Fieldi<strong>an</strong>a Bot. 28(1): 214. 1956. Type. Venezuela.<br />

Bolivar: Cerro Duida, C<strong>an</strong>io Negro, 25-26<br />

Aug 1944 (9), Steyermark 57955 (holotype, F; isotype,<br />

VEN).<br />

Tree or shrub, often hemi-epiphytic, up to 20<br />

m tall. Leafy twigs 2-5 mm thick, appressedpuberulous<br />

to substrigose to hirtellous, <strong>with</strong> hairs<br />

differing distinctly in length. Lamina coriaceous<br />

to subcoriaceous, obovate to elliptic to oblong,<br />

2.5-10 x 1-6 cm, apex obtuse to shortly acuminate<br />

or rounded to emarginate, base obtuse to<br />

acute to cuneate to rounded, margin entire to<br />

subcrenate; upper surface glabrous, lower surface<br />

sparsely puberulous to substrigose on the main<br />

veins, the hairs differing distinctly in length; lateral<br />

veins 4-7 pairs, basal pair unbr<strong>an</strong>ched or<br />

faintly br<strong>an</strong>ched reaching the margin at or above<br />

the middle of the lamina, sometimes some of the<br />

other lateral veins poorly br<strong>an</strong>ched (furcate); intercostal<br />

venation pl<strong>an</strong>e to more or less prominent;<br />

petiole 1-3 cm long, sparsely (to rather<br />

densely) appressed-puberulous to substrigose,<br />

<strong>with</strong> hairs differing distinctly in length; stipules<br />

0.5-1 cm long, densely appressed-puberulous to<br />

subsericeous; terminal buds slender. Staminate<br />

inflorescences br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads 3-14, globose, ca.<br />

2-4 mm diam.; common peduncle 1-3 cm long,<br />

sparsely puberulous; peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1 mm high,<br />

glabrous; stamens two, just exceeding the peri<strong>an</strong>th.<br />

Pistillate inflorescences unbr<strong>an</strong>ched or<br />

poorly br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads 1-3, globose, ca. 3-6 mm,<br />

in fruit up to 8 mm diam.; (common) peduncle<br />

0.5-2.5 cm long, sparsely (to rather densely) puberulous;<br />

peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1 mm high, glabrous. Interfloral<br />

bracts often only a few (sometimes lacking?),<br />

small, subspathulate to subpeltate, minutely<br />

puberulous at the apex.<br />

Distribution (Fig. 9). Eastern Gui<strong>an</strong>a (=Highl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>)<br />

region, in Venezuela (Bolivar <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Ama-<br />

105<br />

zonas), Guy<strong>an</strong>a (Upper Mazaruni), <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Brazil<br />

(Roraima); in rain forest <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> sav<strong>an</strong>nas, up to<br />

1250 m.<br />

Specimens studied. VENEZUELA. AMAZONAS:<br />

"Alto Orinoco," 1951 (2), Croizat 959 (F, US); Cerro<br />

Duida, C<strong>an</strong>io Negro, 25-26 Aug 1944 (2), Steyermark<br />

57955 (F, VEN, type collection of C. viridifolia var.<br />

tenuifolia). BOLIVAR: Region of Rio Icabaru <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Rio<br />

Hacha, 2 J<strong>an</strong> 1956 (2), Bernardi 2744 (F, FI, NY, VEN);<br />

between S<strong>an</strong>ta Teresita de Kav<strong>an</strong>ayen <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> ravine ca.<br />

8 km NW of it, 23 Nov 1944 (8), Steyermark 60451<br />

(F, VEN, type collection).<br />

GUYANA. Kamar<strong>an</strong>g River, below mouth of Utschi<br />

Creek, 30 Oct 1960 (8), Tillett et al. 45869 (F, NY, U).<br />

BRAZIL. AMAZONAS: Serra de Neblina, Rio Cauaburi-Rio<br />

Maturaca, 600-1300 m, 16 Dec 1965 (2),<br />

N. T. Silva et al. 60670 (U). RORAIMA: Serra Surucucu,<br />

2 Feb 1975 (9), Ribeiro 655 (IAN), 1 Feb 1975 (2), Rosa<br />

339 (IAN).<br />

This species appears to be closely related to C.<br />

latifolia. The two are allopatric <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> apparently<br />

ecologically distinct, but morphologically very<br />

close. The two taxa show (minor) differences in<br />

the leaf venation, the length of the stipules, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

the indumentum of the leaves. The morphological<br />

differences suggest the possibility of distinction<br />

at the subspecific level.<br />

The following three species have been discov-<br />

ered <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> described after submission of the post-<br />

review m<strong>an</strong>uscript of the revision <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> are, there-<br />

fore, not placed in the alphabetical sequence.<br />

44. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> fulvescens C. C. Berg, Brittonia<br />

42: 59-65. 1990. Type. Colombia. Choc6: Rd.<br />

Quibdo-Bolivar, ca. km 50, 9 Jul 1986 (2),<br />

Berg 1546 (holotype, COL; isotypes, AAU,<br />

BG, F, HUA, MO, NY). Fig. 56.<br />

Tall, hemi-epiphytic tree. Leafy twigs ca. 10<br />

mm thick, white-appressed-puberulous, partly<br />

also brownish-hirsute, lenticels conspicuous.<br />

Lamina coriaceous, oblong to subobovate, 18-<br />

26 x 9-15 cm, apex short-acuminate to obtuse,<br />

base obtuse, margin entire; upper surface glabrous,<br />

lower surface sparsely appressed-puberulous;<br />

lateral veins 7-9 pairs, basal pair unbr<strong>an</strong>ched<br />

(or very faintly br<strong>an</strong>ched) reaching the<br />

margin at or just below the middle of the lamina,<br />

usually the second <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>/or third lateral veins (from<br />

the base) <strong>with</strong> one or two strong br<strong>an</strong>ches, tertiary<br />

venation distinct, slightly prominent; petiole<br />

5-10 cm long, appressed-puberulous; stipules 1.5-

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> 107<br />

FXG. 56. <strong>Coussapoa</strong>fillvescens: 1, leafy twig <strong>with</strong> Distillate in~lorescences (Berg 1546), x0.75.<br />

r;:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'<br />

":~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.:?<br />

1~~?. ~ .<br />

?i I?:i,<br />

?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'<br />

"'<br />

FIG. 56. Coussaoafulvescens: 1 leafy twig wih pistillate inflorescence (Beg 1546), x0.75

108 Flora Neotropica<br />

2 cm long, yellowish- to brown-(sub)hirsute. Pistillate<br />

inflorescences br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads 10-20,<br />

sometimes partly fused, (sub)globose, 3-5 cm in<br />

diam.; common peduncle 3-6 cm long, ca. 2 mm<br />

thick, appressed-puberulous <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> partly also<br />

brownish-hirtellous; peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 2 mm high, glabrous,<br />

+ distinctly ribbed. Interfloral bracts subulate<br />

to narrowly spathulate, <strong>with</strong> a few hairs at<br />

the apex.<br />

Distribution (Fig. 9). Colombia (Choc6), only<br />

known from the type locality, in lowl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> secondary<br />

growth.<br />

Tree, 18 m tall. Leafy twigs 5-12 mm thick,<br />

yellowish- to whitish-hirtellous. Lamina coriaceous,<br />

ovate to elliptic, 10-21 x 8-16 cm, apex<br />

shortly acuminate (to acute), base rounded to<br />

subcordate, margin coarsely crenate to subentire;<br />

upper surface <strong>with</strong> sparse hairs on the midrib,<br />

lower surface hirtellous on the veins, in the reticulum<br />

minutely puberulous; lateral veins 12-<br />

14 pairs, basal pair br<strong>an</strong>ched, reaching the margin<br />

below the middle of the lamina, tertiary <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

quarterary venation <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> reticulum prominent;<br />

petiole 4-6 cm long, 2-4 mm thick, hirtellous,<br />

hairs not distinctly different in length; stipules<br />

4-12 cm long, densely yellowish-puberulous <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

partly also hirsute. Pistillate inflorescences<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads 4-5, globose (to subdiscoid), in<br />

fruit 0.7-1.3(-1.5) mm in diam.; common peduncle<br />

2.5-3 cm long, ca 2-2.5 mm thick, hirtellous;<br />

peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1.5 mm high, at the apex<br />

puberulous, in fruit red. Interfloral bracts absent.<br />

Distribution (Fig. 9). Colombia (Tolima), only<br />

known from the type locality.<br />

Specimens studied. COLOMBIA. TOLIMA: 3.4 km<br />

from Las Juntas, 1940 m, 9 Apr 1984 (v), Escobar et<br />

al. 4219 (HUA, type collection).<br />

This species resembles C. nitida, known from<br />

the Amazon Basin <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> mostly occurring in riv-<br />

erside vegetation. It differs clearly from the latter<br />

in the prominent tertiary <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> quartemary ve-<br />

nation at the lower surface of the lamina <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> in<br />

the red-colored fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th.<br />

46. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> valaria C. C. Berg, Brittonia 42:<br />

59-65.1990. Type. Colombia. Valle: Bajo Cali-<br />

ma, rd. to Dindo, 25 Sep 1986 (2), Monsalve<br />

B. 1176 (holotype, CUVC; isotypes, BG,<br />

MO). Fig. 58.<br />

Specimens studied. COLOMBIA. CHOC6: Rd.<br />

Quibdo-Bolivar, ca. km 50, 9 Jul 1986 (9), Berg 1546<br />

(AAU, BG, COL, F, HUA, MO, NY, type collection).<br />

This species is closely related to C. herthae, Tree, hemi-epiphytic. Leafy twigs 5-10 mm<br />

known from western Ecuador <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Narifio (Co- thick, brown strigose, at least at the scars of the<br />

lombia). It differs from the latter, e.g., in the stipules, glabrescent. Lamina coriaceous, ellipindument<br />

of the leaves, the venation, the shorter tic, 15-17 x 11-14 cm, apex rounded to shortly<br />

stipules, the more numerous <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> smaller flower acuminate, base rounded to subcordate, margin<br />

heads of the pistillate inflorescence. The two taxa subentire, at the base revolute; upper surface glamight<br />

prove to be distinct only at the subspecific brous, lower surface strigillose at the base of the<br />

level. C. fulvescens may also be related to C. midrib, on the midrib <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> lateral veins <strong>with</strong> a<br />

echinata.<br />

soon disappearing white arachnoid indument;<br />

lateral veins 8-10 pairs, basal pair + br<strong>an</strong>ched,<br />

45. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> tolimensis C. C. Berg, Brittonia reaching the margin at or just below the middle<br />

42: 59-65. 1990. Type. Colombia. Tolima: 3.4 of the lamina, tertiary venation almost pl<strong>an</strong>e;<br />

km from Las Juntas, 1940 m, 9 Apr 1984 (9), petiole 5-6.5 cm long, glabrous or brownish stri-<br />

Escobar et al. 4219 (holotype, HUA). gose, stipules 2-3 cm long, rather densely whit-<br />

Fig. 57. ish appressed-puberulous to -strigillose, or also<br />

<strong>with</strong> white arachnoid hairs. Pistillate inflorescences<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched; heads 3-9, 3-4 (in fruit 7-9)<br />

mm diam.; common peduncle 2-4 cm long,<br />

densely minutely puberulous; peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1.5<br />

mm high, minutely puberulous around the aperture.<br />

Interfloral bracts absent.<br />

Distribution (Fig. 9). Colombia (Valle), in lowl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

forest.<br />

Specimens studied. COLOMBIA. VALLE: Bajo Calima,<br />

rd. to Ju<strong>an</strong>chaco Palmeras, 10 Jul 1984 (9), Gentry<br />

et al. 47838 (BG); Bajo Calima, rd. to Dindo, 25 Sep<br />

1986 (9), Monsalve B. 1176 (BG, MO, type collection).<br />

This species resembles both C. ovalifolia <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

C. parviceps. It differs from these species in, e.g.,<br />

the venation <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the number <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> dimensions of<br />

the flower heads of the pistillate inflorescences.<br />

Unnamed Collections<br />

Gentry & Mori 14011 from P<strong>an</strong>ama: Discussed<br />

under C. ovalifolia.<br />

Huashikat 1585 from Peru: Discussed under C.<br />


<strong>Coussapoa</strong><br />

FIG. 57. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> tolimensis: 1, leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences<br />

(Albert de Escobar et al. 4219), x0.6.<br />

Names Not Included<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> dealbata Andre, Ill. Hort. 17: 17.<br />

1870--nomen nudum.<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> dolich<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ra Cuatrecasas Caldasia 7:<br />

287. 1956-based on collection Cuatrecasas<br />

17458 (Colombia, Valle: Rio Cajambre, 5-15<br />

May 1944 (holotype <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> isotype, F)-consists<br />

109<br />

of discord<strong>an</strong>t elements: staminate inflores-<br />

cences of a <strong>Coussapoa</strong> species <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> leafy twigs<br />

of some species not belonging to the Urticales,<br />

but possibly to the Lauraceae. The latter parts<br />

constitute the lectotype, chosen here.<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> emarginata Killip in Macbride, Publ.<br />

Field Mus. Bot. 13(2.2): 296. 1937 = Pourou-<br />

ma minor Benoist.

110 Flora Neotropica<br />

FIG. 58. <strong>Coussapoa</strong> valaria: 1, leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences<br />

(Gentry et al 47838), x0.55.<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> krukovii St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley, Publ. Field Mus.<br />

Bot. 17:1937 = <strong>Pourouma</strong> tomentosa Miquel.<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> laevigata Poeppig & Endlicher, Nov.<br />

gen. sp. pl. 2: 33. 1838-based on material<br />

from Brazil (Amazonas: Tefe). The holotype<br />

in W has been destroyed. Isotypes have not<br />

been traced. The identity is uncertain. The<br />

name possibly applies to C. villosa.<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> leopoldii Micheli, Rev. Hort. (1894):<br />

251. 1894-nomen nudum.<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> obovata Warburg ex Glaziou, Bull.<br />

Soc. Bot. Fr<strong>an</strong>ce 59 (Mem. 3g): 645. 1913nomen<br />

nudum.<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> pittieri St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley in Hoyos, Los Ar-<br />

= Ficus intermarginalis (Liebm<strong>an</strong>n) Miquel,<br />

Ann Bot. Lugd. Bat. 3:297. 1867; see St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley,<br />

Publ. Field Mus. Bot. 18(1): 383. 1937.<br />


Introduction<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> is the smallest of the three Neotropical<br />

genera of the <strong>Cecropiaceae</strong>. It is a welldefined<br />

genus of small to medium-sized trees of<br />

the rain forest areas of South <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Central America,<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> has not drawn much attention, except<br />

that the fruits of P. cecropiifolia are suitable for<br />

boles de Caracas, ed. 2 (Monogr. 24. Soc. Cienc. hum<strong>an</strong> consumption. The genus is rather uni-<br />

Nat. La Salle, Caracas, Venezuela) p. 242, tab. form in its ecology. Besides a number of clear-<br />

(of C. villosa)-nomen nudum.<br />

cut species, mostly of limited distribution, it<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> plicata Warburg ex Ule, Bot. Jahrb. comprises several more wide-spread <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> rather<br />

40: 143. 1907- nomen nudum.<br />

complex groups of taxa <strong>with</strong> a confusing varia-<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> rekoi St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley, Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb tion in leaf shapes <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> indument, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> to which<br />

20: 211. 1919 = Poulsenia armata (Miquel) the following quotation applies: "The species of<br />

St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley: see Mildbraed, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. <strong>Pourouma</strong> are perhaps the most ambiguous <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

Berlin 10: 413. 1928; St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley, Trop. Woods vexatious of the Americ<strong>an</strong> Moraceae, a dubious<br />

33: 4. 1933.<br />

distinction" (Woodson & Schery, 1960:166). The<br />

Urostigma intermarginale Liebm<strong>an</strong>n, Kongel. lack of sufficient field work must be deemed a<br />

D<strong>an</strong>ske Vidensk.-Selsk. Skr. Ser. 5,2:328.1851 great disadv<strong>an</strong>tage in the preparation of the pres-

Morphology<br />

ent revision, especially <strong>with</strong> regard to the vari-<br />

ation in the leaves.<br />

111<br />

They are often very dense <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> form a powdery<br />

layer in dried material. The denseness of these<br />

hairs is often variable.<br />

Taxonomic History<br />

2. Unicellular arachnoid (cobwebby) hairs. These<br />

very thin, crinkled, interwoven hairs of dif-<br />

The genus <strong>Pourouma</strong> was established by Au- ferent length are mostly white, sometimes<br />

blet (1775) who described one species, P. gui- brownish (in P. ferruginea). Short arachnoid<br />

<strong>an</strong>ensis. Names were added by Martius (in Spix hairs are always found in the areoles at the<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Martius, 1831, 1843), Tr6cul (1847), Klotzsch lower leaf surface. Longer arachnoid hairs c<strong>an</strong><br />

(1847), <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Miquel (1853), <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> in this century be found on the smaller veins, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> in some<br />

by Rusby (1910), Benoist (1922, 1924), Mild- species (e.g., P. ferruginea <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P. tomentosa)<br />

braed (1927, 1928), Macbride (1930), Ducke also on the main veins, from which they often<br />

(1932a, 1932b, 1947), St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley (1937a, 1937b, disappear <strong>with</strong> age. Long arachnoid hairs also<br />

1939), Cuatrecasas <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley (in Cuatrecasas, occur on the petioles, stipules, leafy twigs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>/<br />

1951, 1956b), Cuatrecasas (1954, 1956a, 1956b, or the inflorescences in some species.<br />

1956c, 1967), Woodson <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Schery (1960), <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 3. Unicellular non-arachnoid, thicker <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> mostfinally<br />

by Berg <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Kooy (1982), Berg <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> v<strong>an</strong> ly more or less straight hairs. Short hairs are<br />

Heusden (1988), <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Berg (1989, 1990).<br />

usually whitish, the longer ones mostly yel-<br />

Since the comprehensive treatments of Pou- low(ish). They c<strong>an</strong> be found on most parts of<br />

rouma by Trecul (1847) <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Miquel (1853) the the pl<strong>an</strong>t. In some species, forms <strong>with</strong> only<br />

genus has only been treated for regional floras: short, whitish hairs occur beside forms pos-<br />

Peru (Macbride, 1937), P<strong>an</strong>ama (Woodson & sessing longer yellowish hairs. In several<br />

Schery, 1960), Costa Rica (Burger, 1977), <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> species, all or some specimens have short,<br />

Surinam (Berg, 1975).<br />

rigid hairs on the upper or sometimes on the<br />

lower leaf surface.<br />

Morphology<br />

Leaves. -The leaves are medium-sized to<br />

Habit.-<strong>Pourouma</strong> species are usually small<br />

large,<br />

entire or<br />

to medium-sized trees, often <strong>with</strong> stilt-roots from palmately incised. In taxa <strong>with</strong> incised<br />

leaves the first formed leaves are<br />

the lower part of the trunk, as in most of the<br />

entire; subseother<br />

terrestrial, non-climbing species of Cecro- quently leaves sooner or later, frequently or alpiaceae.<br />

In some species (e.g., P. ways, become incised. In adult specimens, eshirsutipetiolata)<br />

the trunk may become buttressed. The architecpecially<br />

on flowering br<strong>an</strong>ches, entire leaves c<strong>an</strong><br />

ture of the trees of P. minor is that of the model<br />

again be found, although different in shape <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

texture from the leaves in the<br />

of Aubreville (F. Halle, pers. comm.). The<br />

juvenile stage. Entire<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> incised leaves<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ches may be thick (as in species <strong>with</strong> incised<br />

may occur on the same<br />

br<strong>an</strong>chlet. Leaves similar to those formed in the<br />

leaves) or rather thin (as in species <strong>with</strong> mediumsized,<br />

entire<br />

subjuvenile stage often appear again on sucker<br />

leaves).<br />

shoots of adult<br />

The wood (<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> other vegetative parts) of some<br />

specimens <strong>with</strong> entire leaves.<br />

Leaves are<br />

species (e.g., P. myrmecophila) give out a<br />

always incised in adult specimens of<br />

pecu- <strong>Pourouma</strong><br />

liar odor, indicated as cecropiifolia, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> probably also in P.<br />

'spearmint', 'winter-green',<br />

'balsam', or 'bengie'. For other species (e.g., P.<br />

myrmecophila, P. oraria, P. stipulacea, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P.<br />

villosa. Incised leaves<br />

qui<strong>an</strong>ensis) a 'balsam' odor is reported for the<br />

appear to occur const<strong>an</strong>tly<br />

in some<br />

fruits.<br />

subspecies of species in which entire<br />

leaves are common. In<br />

When cut the pl<strong>an</strong>t parts exude a species in which<br />

watery sap<br />

only<br />

entire leaves are<br />

which is clear or sometimes reddish (e.g., in P.<br />

found, the leaves in the juvenile<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

bicolor); after exposure to the air it turns black. subjuvenile stages are basically similar to<br />

those of adult<br />

Indumentum. -Three types of trichomes c<strong>an</strong><br />

specimens. A number of species<br />

be<br />

appear to be const<strong>an</strong>tly entire-leaved (e.g., P. borecognized:<br />

livarensis, P. minor, P. ovata, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P. phaeotri-<br />

1. Pluricellular hairs, often more or less globose, cha). In this group of species the leaves may vary<br />

pale brown to dark brown or purple. These from predomin<strong>an</strong>tly ovate to elliptic to oblong,<br />

hairs occur on most young parts of the pl<strong>an</strong>t. or even to obovate.

112 Flora Neotropica<br />

Leaf texture varies from chartaceous or subcoriaceous<br />

to coriaceous, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> leafindument from<br />

flowers. A subumbellate pistillate inflorescence<br />

is characteristic for <strong>Pourouma</strong> minor. Staminate<br />

dense (<strong>with</strong> the three types of trichomes repre- inflorescences are often more or less dorsivensented)<br />

to sparse.<br />

trally flattened.<br />

The venation varies from pinnate in entire The flowers of the staminate inflorescences are<br />

leaves to subpalmate in incised leaves. In species more or less closely clustered at the end of the<br />

in which palmately incised leaves occur, the bas- br<strong>an</strong>ches. In several species the flowers form<br />

al lateral veins even of entire leaves are normally (sub)globose heads.<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched, while in species in which incised leaves The inflorescences are mostly ebracteate, alare<br />

not formed, the basal lateral veins are often though minute bracts are found in staminate <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

unbr<strong>an</strong>ched or only faintly or sparsely br<strong>an</strong>ched. pistillate inflorescences of P. cucura, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> some-<br />

The tertiary venation is scalariform.<br />

what larger (caducous) bracts at the base of the<br />

The leaf margin is entire or often more or less peduncle are sometimes found in other species.<br />

faintly crenate. In most species the petioles are Staminate Flowers. -Staminate flowers are<br />

relatively long, <strong>with</strong> a considerable variation in pedicellate or sessile <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> tetramerous, or somelength<br />

on the same twig. Relatively short peti- times trimerous. The tepals are free, basally conoles,<br />

only slightly varying in length, are found in nate, or almost entirely connate, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> then they<br />

a few species (e.g., P. formicarum). In P. for- form <strong>an</strong> urceolate or infundibuliform peri<strong>an</strong>th.<br />

micarum <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P. myrmecophila the base of the The stamens are short in species <strong>with</strong> free or<br />

petiole is swollen <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> has <strong>an</strong> abaxial slit. These basally connate tepals, but in species <strong>with</strong> almost<br />

two species are myrmecophilous.<br />

entirely connate tepals the filaments are longer<br />

The mostly large stipules are connate <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> fully th<strong>an</strong> the tepals. Probably in connection <strong>with</strong> the<br />

amplexicaul, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> appear to be of import<strong>an</strong>ce for rather narrow opening of the urceolate peri<strong>an</strong>th,<br />

the protection of young inflorescences-espe- the <strong>an</strong>thers are outside the peri<strong>an</strong>th (long?) before<br />

cially staminate inflorescences <strong>with</strong> flowers <strong>with</strong> <strong>an</strong>thesis. The filaments are free, sometimes baa<br />

connate (more or less urceolate) peri<strong>an</strong>th <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> sally connate, but in <strong>Pourouma</strong> melinonii subsp.<br />

the <strong>an</strong>thers already exserted before <strong>an</strong>thesis, as glabrata they c<strong>an</strong> be entirely connate, thus largely<br />

in P. tomentosa. In some species the stipules are similar to the <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>roecium characteristic for<br />

short, e.g., P. ovata. While in most species the <strong>Coussapoa</strong>. In the center of the flower one c<strong>an</strong><br />

stipules are caducous, they are (sub)persistent in usually find a tuft of hairs, which might represent<br />

P. myrmecophila, P. oraria, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P. stipulacea. a pistillode.<br />

The stipules leave a horizontal <strong>an</strong>nular scar, not Pistillate Flowers. -Pistillate flowers are aloblique<br />

as in <strong>Coussapoa</strong>. This feature may help ways pedicellate. The peri<strong>an</strong>th is tubular <strong>with</strong> <strong>an</strong><br />

to distinguish sterile specimens of the two genera, entire or slightly lobed margin. The ovary is free<br />

of which the leaves c<strong>an</strong> be very similar. from the peri<strong>an</strong>th. The short style bears a stigma<br />

The leaf characters mentioned are more or less that is subpeltate or peltate to knob-like, in Poucorrelated.<br />

In taxa <strong>with</strong> incised leaves the leaves rouma minor.<br />

tend to be large, often subcoriaceous <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> densely Fruits <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Seeds.- The fruit has a dry pericarp<br />

hairy, <strong>with</strong> relatively long petioles, often quite <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> is completely enclosed by the enlarged perivariable<br />

in length, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> often <strong>with</strong> long stipules. <strong>an</strong>th. The inner layer of the fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th be-<br />

Contrariwise, in taxa <strong>with</strong> entire leaves, the leaves comes soft <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> whitish <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the other layer (skin)<br />

tend to be medium-sized, usually coriaceous <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> ? leathery <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> at full maturity often purple to<br />

often rather sparsely hairy. They have relatively black or red-brown. The whole (fruit <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> perishort<br />

petioles, more or less const<strong>an</strong>t in length, <strong>an</strong>th) c<strong>an</strong> be indicated as a pseudodrupe (or func<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

the stipules tend to be small.<br />

tional drupe).<br />

Inflorescences. -The inflorescences are nearly The pedicel under mature fruits may become<br />

always ramified, basically <strong>with</strong> three br<strong>an</strong>ches reddish (a contrasting color against black?).<br />

departing from the top of the peduncle. Further Whether this color is caused by a ch<strong>an</strong>ge of color<br />

ramification is usually (sub)dichotomous. The of tissues of the pedicel or by the presence of redprimary<br />

ramification c<strong>an</strong> be dichotomous as well. brown pluricellular hairs is not clear.<br />

In pistillate inflorescences the ramification is often The fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th is reported to be aromore<br />

reduced th<strong>an</strong> in the staminate ones, <strong>with</strong> matic for some species (e.g., <strong>Pourouma</strong> bicolor).<br />

a tendency to a subumbellate arr<strong>an</strong>gement of the <strong>Pourouma</strong> <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the Afric<strong>an</strong> Myri<strong>an</strong>thus are

Morphology; Phenology; Pollination 113<br />

macrospermous, in contrast to the other four<br />

Phenology<br />

genera of the <strong>Cecropiaceae</strong>.<br />

General Remarks. -The greatest variation of From label data alone it is difficult if not imcharacters<br />

(mainly, but not only of the leaves) in possible to draw conclusions about the phenolthe<br />

genus is found among taxa in which incised ogy of a particular species.<br />

leaves do not occur const<strong>an</strong>tly. Only part of this In <strong>an</strong> area explored (Montagne de Trinite,<br />

variation is connected <strong>with</strong> distribution. Taxa French Gui<strong>an</strong>a, short rainy season, J<strong>an</strong>-Feb 1984)<br />

<strong>with</strong> const<strong>an</strong>tly incised leaves in adult specimens<br />

none of the numerous <strong>Pourouma</strong> specimens of<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> those <strong>with</strong> entire leaves in all stages of de- different species was bearing flowers or fruits.<br />

velopment tend to be rather uniform, even if This<br />

they suggested seasonal flowering. The combihave<br />

a relatively wide distribution.<br />

nation of label data of all <strong>Pourouma</strong> collections<br />

It is somewhat difficult to indicate which char- made in the Gui<strong>an</strong>as gives a pattern indicating<br />

acters c<strong>an</strong> be regarded as derived or as a main<br />

special- flowering period in August-October (in<br />

ized. In several of its characters (especially of the the long dry season) <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> a fruiting period which<br />

vegetative parts) <strong>Pourouma</strong> is (like the Afric<strong>an</strong> may extend to February, thus from the end of<br />

genus Myri<strong>an</strong>thus) intermediate between Cecro- the long dry season into a short rainy season.<br />

pia (<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the Afric<strong>an</strong> genus Mus<strong>an</strong>ga) <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Cous- According to Croat (1978) P. bicolor fruits in<br />

sapoa (<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the Malesi<strong>an</strong> P<strong>an</strong>ama in the end of the<br />

genus Poikilospermum).<br />

dry season. According<br />

From about the middle of the spectrum of vari- to Martius (in Spix & Martius, 1831) P. cecroation<br />

in <strong>Pourouma</strong> one could indicate a pro- piifolia c<strong>an</strong> bear (ripe?) fruits in May <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Nogression<br />

towards Cecropia, ending in a form <strong>with</strong> vember. The occurrence of these two periods of<br />

thick br<strong>an</strong>ches <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> large, const<strong>an</strong>tly incised leaves fruiting gets some support from the label data of<br />

<strong>with</strong> m<strong>an</strong>y incisions (but never peltate as in Ce- the examined material of this species. Falcao <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

cropia), represented, e.g., by P. cecropiifolia <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Lleras (1980) found that P. cecropiifolia in the<br />

P. cuspidata; <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>an</strong>other progression towards M<strong>an</strong>aus region was flowering at the height of the<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong>, ending in a form <strong>with</strong> rather slender rainy season (April-June), <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> producing a crop<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ches <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> medium-sized, const<strong>an</strong>tly entire of ripe fruit at the end of the dry season to the<br />

leaves. As indicated (p. 5), there is <strong>an</strong> overlap beginning of the next rainy season.<br />

of the leaf characters of <strong>Pourouma</strong> <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Cous- The period between flowering <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> bearing ripe<br />

sapoa, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> sterile material of both genera c<strong>an</strong> be fruit appears to be longer in P. cecropiifolia th<strong>an</strong><br />

easily confused.<br />

in (most?) other species of <strong>Pourouma</strong>. The dis-<br />

In addition to these characters one c<strong>an</strong> also crep<strong>an</strong>cy between the data supplied by Falcao<br />

regard as derived: sparse indument (e.g., Pourou- <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Lleras <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the observations of Martius might<br />

ma ovata), elliptic to obovate leaves (e.g., P. be caused by the presence of several strains. In<br />

phaeotricha <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P. bolivarensis), unbr<strong>an</strong>ched lat- the publication "Underexploited Tropical Pl<strong>an</strong>ts<br />

eral veins (e.g., P. acuminata <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P. <strong>with</strong><br />

ovata), peti- Promising Economic Value" (National<br />

olulate leaf segments (in taxa <strong>with</strong> incised leaves), Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C., 1975)<br />

as in P. tomentosa subsp. persecta, short a<br />

petioles fruiting period of three months in the rainy<br />

of const<strong>an</strong>t length (P. formicarum), swollen <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> season is mentioned for P. cecropiifolia.<br />

saccate base of the petiole (P. formicarum, P.<br />

myrmecophila), short stipules (e.g., P. ovata), sta-<br />

Pollination<br />

minate flowers in globose heads (P. melinonii<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P. myrmecophila), subumbellate pistillate Little is known about pollination in Pourouinflorescences<br />

(P. minor), elongate peduncle of ma. Neither morphological features (of infloresthe<br />

pistillate inflorescence (P. ferruginea <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P. cences <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> flowers) nor habit <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> habitat (small<br />

ovata), staminate flowers <strong>with</strong> fused tepals (P. to medium-sized trees in forests) suggest the ocmollis),<br />

stamens <strong>with</strong> partly or fully connate fil- currence of wind pollination. The herbarium maaments<br />

(P. melinonii <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P. napoensis respec- terial indicates that most pistils develop into<br />

tively), <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> knob-like stigma (P. minor). fruits, which suggests <strong>an</strong> effective pollination sys-<br />

The above summation of derived characters tem. Falcao <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Lleras (1980) found a number<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> specializations shows that they tend to be of bee species as pollinators of P. cecropiifolia.<br />

'at the <strong>Coussapoa</strong> side' of the variation spectrum The bees collect pollen in the staminate infloin<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong>.<br />

rescences <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> fly to pistillate inflorescences. The

114<br />

authors do not give indications about the attract<strong>an</strong>t(s)<br />

of the pistillate inflorescences. One<br />

may wonder whether the pluricellular ('gl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ular')<br />

hairs, which occur so abund<strong>an</strong>tly in inflorescences<br />

of most <strong>Pourouma</strong> species (as a powdery<br />

layer, as in dry material?), may play a role<br />

(as attract<strong>an</strong>t or a substitute for pollen?).<br />

Dispersal<br />

Again, little is known about dispersal of <strong>Pourouma</strong><br />

seeds. One may assume that the 'fruits'<br />

<strong>with</strong> a fleshy mesocarp-like inner layer of the<br />

enlarged peri<strong>an</strong>th, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> a purple to black (or a<br />

red-brown) exocarp-like outer layer (skin) are<br />

eaten by several frugiverous arboreal <strong>an</strong>imals;<br />

monkeys are mentioned in label data.<br />

The presence of very long peduncles of pistillate<br />

inflorescences in P. ovata <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P. ferruginea<br />

could be <strong>an</strong> adaptation to dispersal by bats.<br />

Relations <strong>with</strong> Ants<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> formicarum <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P. myrmecophila<br />

are myrmecophilous. These species have swollen<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> saccate bases of the petiole ("domatia"), usually<br />

occupied by small <strong>an</strong>ts. According to Benson<br />

(1985) these <strong>an</strong>ts belong to genus Allomerus <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

presumably eat food bodies, produced on the<br />

inner surface of the domatia. Sometimes, as in<br />

P. mollis subsp. triloba (collection Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al.<br />

7907) <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> most collections of P. napoensis, <strong>an</strong>ts<br />

(of the genus Crematogaster) build tubular nests<br />

on the leafy twigs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> on the lower leaf surface.<br />

The nest-building on the lower leaf surface (only<br />

if the main venation is subpalmate?) starts in the<br />

axils of the main veins; then the nests look like<br />

domatia. Later on these nests are often extended<br />

as tubes. A peculiar aspect is the use of the long,<br />

rather stiff hairs (occurring on various parts of<br />

the pl<strong>an</strong>t) in the nest building, perhaps as a protective<br />

cover of the nests.<br />

Distribution <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Ecology<br />

The distribution r<strong>an</strong>ge of <strong>Pourouma</strong> is almost<br />

the same as that of <strong>Coussapoa</strong>. <strong>Pourouma</strong> is con-<br />

fined to rain forest areas, but is notably absent<br />

in the West Indies <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> southern Mexico. Most<br />

are lowl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> species, found at altitudes up to 1000<br />

m, occasionally up to ca. 1500 m, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> excep-<br />

tionally (P. tomentosa in Bolivia <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Peru) up<br />

Flora Neotropica<br />

to ca. 1800 or 1900 m. Some taxa (P. bolivarensis<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P. gui<strong>an</strong>ensis subsp. venezuelensis) appear<br />

to be confined to altitudes of about 1000 m (600-<br />

1400 m). The unnamed collections Gentry et al.<br />

22866 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> D. N. Smith et al. 4743 (see unnamed<br />

collections 1, p. 193) may represent a mont<strong>an</strong>e<br />

taxon. Most species are components of non-inundated<br />

forest, but P. acuminata is often found<br />

in (occasionally?) inundated forest. <strong>Pourouma</strong><br />

(probably) needs light for germination <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> is<br />

commonly found in places <strong>with</strong> more or less distinct<br />

traces of previous disturb<strong>an</strong>ce of the forest<br />

(e.g., chablis) or in rather open forest (e.g., on<br />

rather poor ? s<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>y soils) <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> secondary forest.<br />

A number of species have a wide distribution.<br />

All these species are represented in the Amazon<br />

Basin <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the Gui<strong>an</strong>as. Two, P. bicolor <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P.<br />

minor, extend to Central America, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P. melinonii<br />

to P<strong>an</strong>ama. <strong>Pourouma</strong> mollis, P. velutina,<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P. gui<strong>an</strong>ensis also occur in eastern Brazil,<br />

the latter in the coastal mountain r<strong>an</strong>ge of Venezuela<br />

as well. <strong>Pourouma</strong> tomentosa, however,<br />

is confined to the Amazon Basin <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the Gui<strong>an</strong>as.<br />

Most of these wide-spread species are very<br />

variable in a confusing way. In five of these<br />

species, two or more infraspecific taxa are recognized.<br />

The other species are much more uniform <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

have much smaller or even very small distribution<br />

r<strong>an</strong>ges. Only one of the this group of<br />

species (P. hirsutipetiolata, from northern <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

western Colombia) is subdivided into two subspecies<br />

(but in a more clear way th<strong>an</strong> in the widespread<br />

species). This species <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P. oraria (from<br />

western Colombia) are the only ones not occurring<br />

in the Amazon Basin or the Gui<strong>an</strong>as. Of the<br />

remaining species, three (P. bolivarensis, P. saulensis,<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P. stipulacea), are confined to the<br />

Gui<strong>an</strong>a region, all probably <strong>with</strong> very small distribution<br />

r<strong>an</strong>ges. The others are confined to the<br />

Amazon Basin, or almost so as P. acuminata, P.<br />

cucura, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P. ovata (found in the Guine<strong>an</strong> part<br />

of Venezuela).<br />

The present r<strong>an</strong>ge of distribution of the very<br />

uniform P. cecropiifolia might be largely <strong>an</strong>thropogenous.<br />

The Amazon Basin <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the Gui<strong>an</strong>as in all respects<br />

represent the center of the genus. Three<br />

centers of distribution c<strong>an</strong> be distinguished:<br />

(a) The Upper Amazon Basin (down to ca.<br />

60?W) <strong>with</strong> <strong>Pourouma</strong> acuminata, P. cecropiifolia,<br />

P. cucura, P. cuspidata, P. elliptica, P. fer-

Distribution <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Ecology<br />

ruginea, P. formicarum, P. herrerensis, P. myrmecophila,<br />

P. napoensis, P. ovata, P. phaeotricha,<br />

as well as P. bicolor subsp. tessm<strong>an</strong>nii, P. mollis<br />

subsp. triloba, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P. tomentosa subspp. apiculata,<br />

persecta, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> tomentosa. A concentration<br />

of taxa is found in the north-western part of this<br />

region.<br />

(b) The Gui<strong>an</strong>a (or Guay<strong>an</strong>a) region, the Lower<br />

Amazon Basin (Brazil: eastern Para <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Amapa),<br />

including <strong>an</strong> extension to eastern Brazil, <strong>with</strong><br />

the following taxa confined or distinctly connected<br />

to this area: <strong>Pourouma</strong> bolivarensis, P.<br />

saulensis, as well as P. bicolor subsp. digitata, P.<br />

melinonii subsp. melinonii, P. mollis subsp. mol-<br />

lis, P. tomentosa subsp. essequiboensis <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> subsp. <strong>Pourouma</strong> shows m<strong>an</strong>y morphological simimaroniensis,<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P. velutina.<br />

larities to the Afric<strong>an</strong> genus Myri<strong>an</strong>thus (<strong>with</strong> 7<br />

(c) The Pacific Coastal region (Colombia <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> species), revised by de Ruiter (1976). The sim-<br />

Ecuador) to P<strong>an</strong>ama, <strong>with</strong> extensions to Gua- ilarities are found in the habit, the leaf shape <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

temala <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> through northern Colombia to north- dimension <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> their infraspecific variation, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

western Venezuela, <strong>with</strong> <strong>Pourouma</strong> hirsutipetio- the (variable) length of the petiole. Furthermore,<br />

lata, P. oraria, P. bicolor subsp. choco<strong>an</strong>a <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the staminate inflorescences show similarities,<br />

subsp. scobina, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P. melinonii subsp. glabrata. but the pistillate ones are different, as they are<br />

The features of the East-Brazili<strong>an</strong> populations capitate in Myri<strong>an</strong>thus, where the pistillate flowof<br />

P. gui<strong>an</strong>ensis, P. mollis, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P. velutina, re- ers are sessile <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> clustered in a single head. Both<br />

semble those of the material of the same species genera are macrospermous in contrast to the othin<br />

the Lower Amazon Basin <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> adjacent parts er genera of the <strong>Cecropiaceae</strong>. The two genera<br />

of the Gui<strong>an</strong>as.<br />

also show strong ecological similarities <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> are<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> bicolor, P. melinonii, P. mollis <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> found in similar types of habitat. These two gen-<br />

P. tomentosa have one (or two) morphologically era may also be regarded not only as genetically<br />

distinct entities (subspecies) distinctly connected related but also as the most primitive among the<br />

<strong>with</strong> the Gui<strong>an</strong>a (Lowl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>) region <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the ad- <strong>Cecropiaceae</strong>.<br />

jacent part of the Amazon Basin. In P. bicolor The leaves of some taxa, <strong>Pourouma</strong> cecropi<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

P. melinonii one or two disjunct subspecies ifolia <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P. aspera subsp. digitata, resemble those<br />

occur in the third center of the genus <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> in P. of Cecropia because of the great number of ingui<strong>an</strong>ensis<br />

a disjunct subspecies occurs in north- cisions, but the leaves are never peltate as they<br />

ern Venezuela.<br />

always are in Cecropia. Leaves of some other<br />

In the wide-spread species the material in the taxa resemble leaves of some <strong>Coussapoa</strong> species<br />

Upper Amazon Basin is morphologically more (see p. 5).<br />

variable th<strong>an</strong> in the other parts of their distribution<br />

r<strong>an</strong>ges. <strong>Pourouma</strong> cucura shares this trait.<br />

Systematic<br />

In<br />

Arr<strong>an</strong>gement<br />

most parts of the distribution r<strong>an</strong>ge of Pouof<br />

the<br />

rouma the taxa (even those at the<br />

Species<br />

subspecific<br />

level) c<strong>an</strong> be recognized, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> well-collected ma- On the basis of overall similarities, several<br />

terial of adult specimens c<strong>an</strong> readily be identi- groups of species c<strong>an</strong> be recognized. Not all<br />

fied. In contrast, the situation in the Upper Am- species c<strong>an</strong> be placed <strong>with</strong> certainty into one of<br />

azon Basin, especially in its northwestern part, them, however, as the staminate inflorescences<br />

is rather unclear <strong>with</strong> regard to the delimitation are not known (as in P. bolivarensis, P. saulensis,<br />

of subspecies (even species in some cases). In <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P. stipulacea).<br />

several species (e.g., P. bicolor, P. mollis, P. to- One group of species is characterized by havmentosa)<br />

morphologically aberr<strong>an</strong>t collections ing the tepals of the staminate flower almost enhave<br />

been made, e.g., in the valley of the Rio tirely connate, forming <strong>an</strong> urceolate infundibu-<br />

S<strong>an</strong>tiago (Peru, Amazonas).<br />

liform peri<strong>an</strong>th <strong>with</strong> the filaments of the stamens<br />

115<br />

In some cases (P. cucura <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P. tomentosa<br />

subsp. persecta) the present data suggest the oc-<br />

currence of a disjunction between populations in<br />

the southwestern part <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> those in the north-<br />

western part of the Amazon Basin.<br />

The genus appears to be underrepresented in<br />

a zone from southeastern to northwestern Para<br />

largely consisting of'mata de cip6' <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> north of<br />

the Rio Solim6es of patches of'campos de terra<br />

firme' (Pires, 1973). A similar disjunctive gap is<br />

found in <strong>Coussapoa</strong> (see p. 10).<br />

Systematic Position of the Genus

116 Flora Neotropica<br />

longer th<strong>an</strong> the tepals. The staminate flowers are the fleshy (mesocarp-like) inner layer of the periusually<br />

clustered in distinct, terminal, globose <strong>an</strong>th strongly resembles that ofgrapes. P. cecropiheads.<br />

The arachnoid indument often occurs on ifolia (Amazon grape, uva, uvilla, imbauiba do<br />

the lateral veins of the lamina beneath or also vinho) is one of the taxa mentioned in "Underon<br />

other parts, such as the stipules. The lamina exploited Tropical Pl<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>with</strong> Promising Ecois<br />

usually smooth above. The leaves are entire nomic Value" (National Academy of Sciences,<br />

or palmately incised. The basal part of the leaf Washington, D.C., 1975). P. cecropiifolia c<strong>an</strong> start<br />

margin is formed by the basal part of the basal reproducing (thus forming fruits) a few years after<br />

lateral vein in all (or most?) species. <strong>Pourouma</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ting, as small trees. Other <strong>Pourouma</strong> species<br />

mollis, P. melinonii, P. hirsutipetiolata, P. to- may have fruits as tasty as those of P. cecropimentosa,<br />

P. herrerensis, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P. napoensis com- ifolia, but the fleshy mesocarp-like layer is usuprises<br />

this group, as may P. acuminata <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P. ally thinner <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> m<strong>an</strong>y of them become mediumstipulacea,<br />

of which the staminate flowers are sized trees before fruiting. <strong>Pourouma</strong> cecropistill<br />

unknown.<br />

ifolia fruits are used to make a sweet wine. For<br />

About equally well-defined is a group formed a detailed study on the reproduction <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> propby<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> myrmecophila, P. formicarum, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> erties of the fruits of P. cecropiifolia see Falcao<br />

P. phaeotricha, in which the laminae are mostly <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Lleras (1980).<br />

scabrous above. The staminate flowers, <strong>with</strong> (almost)<br />

free tepals <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> short filaments, are clus-<br />

Taxonomy<br />

tered in distinct, terminal, globose heads. The<br />

hairs of the tepals <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the stigma are long (com- <strong>Pourouma</strong> Aublet, Hist. pl. Gui<strong>an</strong>e 2: 891. 1775;<br />

pared <strong>with</strong> other species). The lamina is entire Tr6cul, Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., Ser. 3, 8: 100.<br />

or 3-lobed <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the tendency toward entire leaves 1847; Miquel in Martius, Fl. bras. 4(1): 122.<br />

is strong. The base of the petiole of P. myrme- 1853; Bentham in Bentham & Hooker, Gen.<br />

cophila <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P. formicarum is swollen <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> sac- pi. 3(1): 357. 1880; Baillon, Hist. pl. 6: 141.<br />

cate. These two species are myrmecophilous. 1875-1876; Engler in Engler & Pr<strong>an</strong>tl, Nat.<br />

Less well-defined is a group of species in which Pfl<strong>an</strong>zenfam. 3(1): 95. 1889; Benoist, Arch.<br />

the lamina is usually scabrous <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>/or has more Bot. Mem. 5: 29. 1931; Woodson & Schery,<br />

th<strong>an</strong> 7 incisions. The staminate flowers are more Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 47: 165. 1960. Berg<br />

or less clustered, but not in globose heads. In in L<strong>an</strong>jouw & Stoffers, Fl. Suriname 5(1): 265.<br />

most of the species the lamina is incised. This 1975. Burger, Fieldi<strong>an</strong>a Bot. 40: 200. 1977;<br />

group is formed by <strong>Pourouma</strong> gui<strong>an</strong>ensis, P. as- Berg & v<strong>an</strong> Heusden, Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad.<br />

pera, P. velutina, P. cucura, P. cuspidata, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P. Wetensch., Ser. C., 91(2): 105. (1988). Type<br />

cecropiifolia.<br />

species. <strong>Pourouma</strong> gui<strong>an</strong>ensis Aublet.<br />

The rest of the species c<strong>an</strong>not be satisfactorily Trees, terrestrial, often <strong>with</strong> stilt-roots. Leaves<br />

grouped, except for pairs of species showing more in spirals, entire or<br />

or<br />

palmately incised,<br />

less distinct<br />

margin<br />

similarities, such as <strong>Pourouma</strong> entire to subcrenate; stipules fused,<br />

minor <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P. bolivarensis or<br />

fully am-<br />

P. ovata <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P.<br />

plexicaul. Inflorescences in the leaf axils,<br />

saulensis.<br />

mostly<br />

in pairs, br<strong>an</strong>ched (or to subumbellate in pistil-<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> ovata <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P. ferruginea both have late inflorescences),<br />

pistillate inflorescences <strong>with</strong><br />

mostly ebracteate, somevery<br />

long peduncles. times bracteate; staminate flowers sessile or<br />

But they are so different in other<br />

pedfeatures<br />

that<br />

icellate,<br />

this<br />

tepals (3-)4, free or<br />

similarity appears not<br />

connate; stamens<br />

to indicate common<br />

(3-)4,<br />

origin, but<br />

mostly free, sometimes connate;<br />

rather a similar<br />

pistillate<br />

adaptation (to dis- flowers pedicellate, peri<strong>an</strong>th tubular; ovary free,<br />

persal by bats?).<br />

stigma (sub)peltate or sometimes-knob-like. Fruit<br />

<strong>an</strong> achene, large, surrounded by the enlarged,<br />

Uses<br />

more or less fleshy peri<strong>an</strong>th <strong>with</strong> a purplish to<br />

blackish or red-brown outer<br />

Most, if not all, <strong>Pourouma</strong> species have edible<br />

layer at full matufruits.<br />

As far as known, only P. cecropiifolia is<br />

rity; seed <strong>with</strong>out endosperm, embryo straight,<br />

cultivated as a fruit tree, however. The taste of<br />

cotyledons thick, radicle short.

<strong>Pourouma</strong> 117<br />

Key to the Species <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Subspecies of <strong>Pourouma</strong><br />

1. Base of the petiole swollen.<br />

2. Petiole 1-1.5 cm long ..................................................... 8. P. formicarum.<br />

2. Petiole 8-27 cm long ..................................................... 7. P. myremcophila.<br />

1. Base of the petiole not swollen.<br />

3. Stipules (sub)persistent.<br />

4. Lamina smooth above.<br />

5. Stipules <strong>with</strong> dense, white, arachnoid hairs; Guy<strong>an</strong>a. ...................... 14. P. stipulacea.<br />

5. Stipules <strong>with</strong>out white, arachnoid hairs; Colombia .............................. 18. P. oraria.<br />

4. Lamina scabrous above ....................................... 3e. P. bicolor subsp. choco<strong>an</strong>a.<br />

3. Stipules caducous.<br />

6. Lamina more or less scabrous above.<br />

7. Lamina entire.<br />

8. Lateral veins 2 x 7-10 (in large leaves up to 13), the basal pair unbr<strong>an</strong>ched (or faintly<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched); lamina mostly elliptic to oblong or to subobovate.<br />

9. Pluricellular hairs on the leafy twigs dense; staminate flowers in globose heads; pistillate<br />

inflorescence <strong>with</strong> 11-15 flowers. .......... ......................... 9. P. phaeotricha.<br />

9. Pluricellular hairs on the leafy twigs sparse or lacking; staminate flowers not in globose<br />

heads; pistillate inflorescence <strong>with</strong> 2-8 flowers. ........................ 2. P. velutina.<br />

8. Lateral veins 2 x 10-25, the basal pair br<strong>an</strong>ched; lamina mostly ovate.<br />

10. Lamina above yellowish-hirsute to -hirtellous over the whole surface.<br />

11. Staminate flower <strong>with</strong> connate tepals <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> filaments longer th<strong>an</strong> the peri<strong>an</strong>th;<br />

(fruiting) peri<strong>an</strong>th of pistillate flower velutinous. . ............. 25. P. herrerensis.<br />

11. Staminate flower <strong>with</strong> (almost) free tepals <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> filaments shorter th<strong>an</strong> the peri<strong>an</strong>th;<br />

(fruiting) peri<strong>an</strong>th of pistillate flower hispidulous to hirtellous ........ 5. P. cucura.<br />

10. Lamina above yellowish- to whitish-hirtellous only on the main veins.<br />

12. White, arachnoid hairs on the main veins of the lamina beneath <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>/or also on<br />

the stipules, petioles, leafy twigs, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> peduncles ...........................<br />

.......................................... 13b. P. tomentosa subsp. apiculata.<br />

12. White, arachnoid hairs only in the areoles or also on the smaller veins of the<br />

lamina beneath.<br />

13. Hairs on the lamina beneath (more or less) appressed. .......... 3. P. bicolor.<br />

14. Stipules hairy inside. ...................... 3a. P. bicolor subsp. bicolor.<br />

14. Stipules glabrous inside. ............... 3b. P. bicolor subsp. tessm<strong>an</strong>nii.<br />

13. Hairs on the lamina beneath at least partly patent.<br />

15. Stipules inside densely hairy; pluricellular hairs on the leafy twigs sparse<br />

or lacking; pistillate inflorescences <strong>with</strong> 2-8 flowers ........ 2. P. velutina.<br />

15. Stipules inside glabrous, or if <strong>with</strong> sparse hairs, then pluricellular hairs<br />

on the leafy twigs usually (rather) dense; pistillate inflorescences usually<br />

<strong>with</strong> at least 10 flowers.<br />

16. Pluricellular (brown) hairs sparse or lacking on the leafty twigs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

petioles .. ............................... .......... 5. P. cucura.<br />

16. Pluricellular (brown) hairs (rather) dense on the leafy twigs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the<br />

petioles.<br />

17. Arachnoid hairs on the lamina beneath confined to the areoles;<br />

tepals of the staminate flowers (almost) free; apex of the pedicels<br />

at fruit not widened.. ....... la. P. gui<strong>an</strong>ensis subsp. gui<strong>an</strong>ensis.<br />

17. Arachnoid hairs on the lamina beneath also on the smaller<br />

veins; tepals of the staminate flowers connate; apex of the pedicels<br />

at fruit widened (aberr<strong>an</strong>t form from Peru)............<br />

.................................. 10. P. m ollis subsp. triloba.<br />

7. Lamina lobed to parted.<br />

18. Stipules hairy inside.<br />

19. Lamina <strong>with</strong> the hairs beneath on the veins more or less appressed <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the smaller<br />

veins pl<strong>an</strong>e or only slightly prominent . ............................... 3. P. bicolor.<br />

20. Lamina (usually) 5-7(-9)-fid to -parted.<br />

21. Lamina <strong>with</strong> arachnoid indument beneath, covering also the almost pl<strong>an</strong>e,<br />

smaller veins.<br />

22. Stipules subpersistent; midsegment of the lamina oblong to elliptic;<br />

leafy twigs often hirsute; P<strong>an</strong>ama <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> western Colombia ..........<br />

......... ..................... ...... 3e. P. bicolor subsp. choco<strong>an</strong>a.

118 Flora Neotropica<br />

22. Stipules caducous; midsegment of the lamina l<strong>an</strong>ceolate; leafy twigs<br />

never hirsute; Gui<strong>an</strong>as <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Lower Amazon Basin (to southern Venezuela?).<br />

................................. 3c. P. bicolor subsp. digitata.<br />

21. Lamina <strong>with</strong> arachnoid indument beneath (almost) confined to the areoles,<br />

the smaller veins more or less prominent; Central America <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the Pacific<br />

coastal region of Colombia, Ecuador, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> northwest Venezuela (also Amazoni<strong>an</strong><br />

Peru?). ............................. 3d. P. bicolor subsp. scobina.<br />

20. Lamina (usually) 3-lobed to -fid.<br />

23. Lamina <strong>with</strong> arachnoid indument beneath, covering also the almost pl<strong>an</strong>e<br />

smaller veins or <strong>with</strong> arachnoid indument confined to the areoles, but then<br />

the spots of white indument distinctly separated by the thick smaller veins;<br />

pistillate inflorescences mostly <strong>with</strong> up to 25(-35) flowers; Gui<strong>an</strong>as, Amazon<br />

Basin, to northern Colombia. ................. 3a. P. bicolor subsp. bicolor.<br />

23. Lamina <strong>with</strong> arachnoid indument beneath (almost) confined to the areoles,<br />

the smaller veins more or less prominent <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> thin; pistillate inflorescences<br />

<strong>with</strong> up to 50 flowers; Central America, the Pacific coastal region of Colombia,<br />

Ecuador, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> to northwestern Venezuela (also Amazoni<strong>an</strong> Peru?).<br />

........................................... 3d. P. bicolor subsp. scobina.<br />

19. Lamina <strong>with</strong> hairs beneath (partly) patent on the veins, the smaller veins prominent.<br />

24. Leafy twigs yellow-hirsute <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>/or the whole upper surface of the lamina hirtellous;<br />

fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th rarely scabrous; Upper Amazon Basin <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> northern Venezuela.<br />

..................................... .............. 1. P. gui<strong>an</strong>ensis.<br />

25. Lamina 3-5-fid to -parted; leafy twigs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> petioles <strong>with</strong> long yellow hairs;<br />

stipules always hairy inside; fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th 2-2.5 cm long; northern Venezuela.<br />

............................ lb. P. gui<strong>an</strong>ensis subsp. venezuelensis.<br />

25. Lamina entire, 5-7-fid to -parted, or if 3-5-fid to -parted, then the leafy<br />

twigs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the petioles <strong>with</strong>out long yellow hairs, the stipules glabrous inside<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>/or the fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th 1.2-2 cm long; Gui<strong>an</strong>a region, eastern Brazil,<br />

Amazon Basin to eastern Colombia. ..... la. P. gui<strong>an</strong>ensis subsp. gui<strong>an</strong>ensis.<br />

24. Leafy twigs pale yellow-hirtellous (to subtomentose); upper surface of the lamina<br />

only hirtellous on the main veins; fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th usually scabrous; Central<br />

America, the Pacific coastal region of Colombia <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Ecuador (also Amazoni<strong>an</strong><br />

Peru?). ................................ ...... 3d. P. bicolor subsp. scobina.<br />

18. Stipules glabrous inside.<br />

26. Lamina yellow-hirsute to -hirtellous above on the whole surface.<br />

27. Brown, pluricellular hairs on the leafy twigs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> petioles sparse or lacking;<br />

arachnoid hairs on the lamina beneath also on the smaller veins.<br />

28. Lamina 7-fid to -parted, usually longer th<strong>an</strong> 30 cm; peri<strong>an</strong>th of pistillate<br />

flower hirtellous to hirsute; filaments connate. ............ 24. P. napoensis.<br />

28. Lamina at most 5-parted, usually up to 20 cm long; peri<strong>an</strong>th of pistillate<br />

flower hispidulous; filaments free. ........................... 5. P. cucura.<br />

27. Brown, pluricellular hairs on the leafy twigs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> petioles (rather) dense <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>/or<br />

the arachnoid hairs on the lamina beneath (almost) confined to the areoles.<br />

.......................................... la. P. gui<strong>an</strong>ensis subsp. gui<strong>an</strong>ensis.<br />

26. Lamina yellow-hirsute to -hirtellous or whitish strigose above only on the main<br />

veins.<br />

29. Pluricellular (brown) hairs sparse or lacking on the leafy twigs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> petioles.<br />

30. Lamina 7-fid to -parted, usually longer th<strong>an</strong> 30 cm; peri<strong>an</strong>th of pistillate<br />

flower hirtellous to hirsute; filaments connate. ............ 24. P. napoensis.<br />

30. Lamina at most 5-parted, usually up to 20 cm long; peri<strong>an</strong>th of pistillate<br />

flower hispidulous; filaments free. ........................... 5. P. cucura.<br />

29. Pluricellular (brown) hairs (rather) dense on the leafy twigs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> petioles.<br />

31. Lamina <strong>with</strong> more or less appressed hairs on the veins beneath. ........<br />

........................................ 3b. P. bicolor subsp. tessm <strong>an</strong>nii.<br />

31. Lamina <strong>with</strong> (partly) patent hairs on the veins .......................<br />

...................................... la. P. gui<strong>an</strong>ensis subsp. gui<strong>an</strong>ensis.<br />

6. Lamina smooth above.<br />

32. Lamina scabrous beneath.<br />

33. Stipules glabrous inside. ..........................................6. P. cuspidata.<br />

33. Stipules hairy inside. ................................. 3a. P. bicolor subsp. bicolor.<br />

32. Lamina smooth beneath.<br />

34. Lamina 7-11-parted (to -fid).

<strong>Pourouma</strong> 119<br />

35. Leafy twigs hirsute, or if glabrous or puberulous, then the incisions reaching<br />

down to the petiole <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the segments often petiolulate.<br />

36. Lamina hirsute to hirtellous above, at least on the main veins ...........<br />

...................................................... 24. P. napoensis.<br />

36. Lamina (sub)glabrous above. ............. 13c. P. tomentosa subsp. persecta.<br />

35. Leafy twigs puberulous; incisions usually not entirely down to the petiole <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

leaf segments <strong>with</strong> a broader base.<br />

37. Base of the lamina usually deeply cordate; fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th 1.5-3.5 cm long;<br />

Upper Amazon Basin to eastern Colombia. .............. 4. P. cecropiifolia.<br />

37. Base of the lamina often truncate to shallowly cordate; fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th to<br />

ca. 1.5 cm long; Gui<strong>an</strong>as <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Lower Amazon Basin (to southern Venezuela?).<br />

............................................ 3c. P. bicolor subsp. digitata.<br />

34. Lamina entire or at most 5-parted.<br />

38. Petiole <strong>with</strong> a mixture of minute whitish hairs, long yellowish hairs, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> sparse<br />

brown pluricellular hairs.<br />

39. Staminate flowers <strong>with</strong> connate tepals <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> filaments longerth<strong>an</strong> the peri<strong>an</strong>th;<br />

(fruiting) peri<strong>an</strong>th of pistillate flower velutinous. ......... 25. P. herrerensis.<br />

39. Staminate flowers <strong>with</strong> (almost) free tepals <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> filaments shorter th<strong>an</strong> the<br />

peri<strong>an</strong>th; (fruiting) peri<strong>an</strong>th hispidulous to hirtellous. .......... 5. P. cucura.<br />

38. Petiole <strong>with</strong> indument otherwise.<br />

40. Lamina 3-lobed to 5-parted.<br />

41. Arachnoid hairs of indument confined to the lamina beneath in the<br />

areoles or also the smaller veins.<br />

42. Lamina beneath <strong>with</strong> the hairs on the veins appressed.<br />

43. Stipules hairy inside; tepals of the staminate flowers almost<br />

free.<br />

44. Leafy twigs <strong>with</strong> appressed hairs. ............ 3. P. bicolor.<br />

Repeat 20-20 for subspecies; see also unnamed collection<br />

#5.<br />

44. Leafy twigs <strong>with</strong> patent hairs. ............... 17. P. villosa.<br />

43. Stipules glabrous inside; tepals of the staminate flowers connate.<br />

45. Leafy twigs sparsely appressed-puberulous to strigose.<br />

...................................... 11. P. m elinonii.<br />

46. Base of the lamina truncate to subcordate (occasionally<br />

deeply cordate); fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th usually densely<br />

puberulous to subvelutinous; stamens <strong>with</strong> the filaments<br />

(almost) free; Gui<strong>an</strong>as <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Amazon Basin. ..<br />

.................. 1 la. P. melinonii subsp. melinonii.<br />

46. Base of the lamina deeply cordate; fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th<br />

almost glabrous; stamens <strong>with</strong> the filaments mostly<br />

connate, P<strong>an</strong>ama, northern <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> western Colombia.<br />

1 lb. P. melinonii subsp. glabrata.<br />

45. Leafy twigs hirsute. . 12b. P. hirsutipetiolata subsp. hispida.<br />

42. Lamina beneath <strong>with</strong> the hairs on the veins patent.<br />

47. Leafy twigs <strong>with</strong> appressed hairs ........................<br />

.......................... 1 la. P. melinonii subsp. melinonii.<br />

47. Leafy twigs <strong>with</strong> patent hairs.<br />

48. Basal part of the margin of the lamina formed by the basal<br />

lateral veins; tepals of the staminate flowers for the greater<br />

part connate; fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th velutinous. .... 10. P. mollis.<br />

49. Pistillate inflorescences <strong>with</strong> the flowers in two more<br />

or less distinct clusters; Gui<strong>an</strong>as, eastern Brazil, Lower<br />

Amazon Basin. ........ 1 Oa. P. mollis subsp. mollis.<br />

49. Pistillate inflorescences <strong>with</strong> the flowers usually more<br />

or less diffusely distributed; Upper Amazon Basin <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

eastern Colombia. ....... 1Ob. P. mollis subsp. triloba.<br />

48. Basal part of the margin of the lamina separated from the<br />

basal lateral veins by mesophyll; tepals of the staminate<br />

flowers free or up to halfway connate; fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th<br />

sparsely puberulous ....................... 17. P. villosa.<br />

41. Arachnoid hairs also on the petiole, the main veins of the lamina be-

120 Flora Neotropica<br />

neath, the leafy twigs, the stipules, the peduncles <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>/or the peri<strong>an</strong>th<br />

of the pistillate flower.<br />

50. Peduncle of the pistillate inflorescence 32-48 cm long; tepals of the<br />

staminate flower almsot free ..................... 16. P. ferruginea.<br />

50. Peduncle of the pistillate inflorescence 2-13 cm long; tepals of the<br />

staminate flower connate.<br />

51. Lower leaf surface tomentose to subvelutinous ...........<br />

................................ lOa. P. m ollis subsp. mollis.<br />

51. Lower leaf surface appressed-puberulous to strigose on the<br />

main veins. ............................... 13. P. tomentosa.<br />

52. Stipules hairy inside. ....13b. P. tomentosa subsp. apiculata.<br />

52. Stipules glabrous inside.<br />

53. Leafy twigs yellow-hirsute (or glabrous). ..........<br />

.................. 13c. P. tomentosa subsp. persecta.<br />

53. Leafy twigs puberulous to hirtellous.<br />

54. Base of the lamina deeply cordate. ...........<br />

......... 13d. P. tomentosa subsp. essequiboensis.<br />

54. Base of the lamina truncate to subcordate.<br />

55. Apex of the lamina acuminate; heads of staminate<br />

flowers 2-3 mm in diameter; Gui<strong>an</strong>as,<br />

Amapa, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> near M<strong>an</strong>aus. ...........<br />

....... 13e. P. tomentosa subsp. maroniensis.<br />

55. Apex of the lamina usually rounded; heads<br />

of staminate flowers 4-6 mm in diameter;<br />

Upper Amazon Basin. ..................<br />

......... 13a. P. tomentosa subsp. tomentosa.<br />

40. Lamina entire.<br />

56. Basal lateral veins br<strong>an</strong>ched.<br />

57. Lamina broadest above or in the middle.<br />

58. Arachnoid hairs only on the lamina beneath in the areoles or<br />

also on the smaller veins.<br />

59. Leafy twigs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> lamina beneath on the main veins <strong>with</strong><br />

appressed hairs. ...................... 22. P. bolivarensis.<br />

59. Leafy twigs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> lamina beneath on the main veins <strong>with</strong><br />

patent hairs.<br />

60. Basal (most) part of the margin of the lamina formed<br />

by the basal lateral veins; tepals of the staminate flower<br />

for the greater part connate. .......... 10. P. mollis.<br />

Repeat 48-48 for subspecies.<br />

60. Basal (most) part of the margin of the lamina separated<br />

from the basal lateral veins by mesophyll; tepals<br />

of the staminate flower free or up to halfway connate.<br />

61. Stipules hairy inside. .............. 17. P. villosa.<br />

61. Stipules glabrous inside. ......... 21. P. elliptica.<br />

58. Arachnoid hairs also on the petiole, the main veins of the<br />

lamina beneath, the leafy twigs, the stipules, the peduncle <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>/<br />

or the peri<strong>an</strong>th of the pistillate flower .....................<br />

........................ 13a. P. tomentosa subsp. tomentosa.<br />

57. Lamina broadest below the middle.<br />

62. Lamina <strong>with</strong> ? patent hairs on the main veins beneath.<br />

63. Basal part of the margin of the lamina formed by the basal<br />

lateral veins; tepals of the staminate flower for the greater<br />

part connate.<br />

64. Leafy twigs <strong>with</strong> patent hairs. .......... 10. P. mollis.<br />

Repeat 49-49 for subspecies; see also unnamed collection<br />

#2.<br />

64. Leafy twigs <strong>with</strong> appressed hairs. ................<br />

.................. 1 a. P. melinonii subsp. melinonii.<br />

63. Basal part of the margin of the lamina separated from the<br />

basal lateral veins by mesophyll; tepals of the staminate<br />

flower free or up to halfway connate. ........ 17. P. villosa.<br />

See also unnamed collection #4.<br />

62. Lamina <strong>with</strong> appressed hairs on the main veins beneath.

<strong>Pourouma</strong> 121<br />

65. Arachnoid hairs confined to the areoles or also on the<br />

smaller veins on the lamina beneath.<br />

66. Stipules densely or sparsely hairy inside.<br />

67. Staminate flowers <strong>with</strong> connate tepals <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> filaments<br />

longer th<strong>an</strong> the peri<strong>an</strong>th; (fruiting) peri<strong>an</strong>th<br />

of pistillate flower velutinous; stipules<br />

sparsely hairy inside. .......... 25. P. herrerensis.<br />

67. Staminate flowers <strong>with</strong> (almost) free tepals, filaments<br />

shorter th<strong>an</strong> the peri<strong>an</strong>th; (fruiting) peri<strong>an</strong>th<br />

hispidulous, scabrous; stipules densely hairy<br />

inside. .............. 3a. P. bicolor subsp. bicolor.<br />

See also unnamed collections #1, #3, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> #4.<br />

66. Stipules glabrous inside.<br />

68. Leafy twigs sparsely appressed-puberulous to<br />

strigose. ...................... 11. P. melinonii.<br />

Repeat 46-46 for subspecies.<br />

68. Leafy twigs hirsute ........................<br />

..... 12a. P. hirsutipetiolata subsp. hirsutipetiolata.<br />

65. Arachnoid hairs also on the petiole, the main veins of the<br />

lamina beneath, the leafy twigs, the stipules, the peduncles<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>/or the peri<strong>an</strong>th of the pistillate flower.<br />

69. Peduncle of the pistillate inflorescence 32-48 cm long;<br />

tepals of the staminate flower almost free. ........<br />

.................................. 16. P. ferruginea.<br />

69. Peduncle of the pistillate inflorescence 2-13 cm long;<br />

tepals of the staminate flower connate. ...........<br />

.................................. 13. P. tom entosa.<br />

70. Stipules hairy inside........................<br />

.............. 13b. P. tomentosa subsp. apiculata.<br />

70. Stipules glabrous inside.<br />

71. Apex of the lamina usually rounded to emarginate,<br />

sometimes short-acuminate; heads<br />

of the staminate inflorescences 4-6 mm in<br />

diameter; Upper Amazon Basin ..........<br />

......... 13a. P. tomentosa subsp. tomentosa.<br />

71. Apex of the lamina acuminate; heads of the<br />

staminate inflorescences 2-3 mm in diameter;<br />

Gui<strong>an</strong>as, Amapa, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> near M<strong>an</strong>aus.<br />

....... 13e. P. tomentosa subsp. maroniensis.<br />

56. Basal lateral veins unbr<strong>an</strong>ched.<br />

72. Stipules 1-3 cm long.<br />

73. Leafy twigs white-puberulous to subglabrous.<br />

74. Lateral veins 2 x 7-12; stipules glabrous inside; peduncle<br />

of the pistillate inflorescence 3-5 cm long. . 19. P. saulensis.<br />

74. Lateral veins 2 x 9-21; stipules hairy inside; peduncle of<br />

the pistillate inflorescence up to 32 cm long. .. 20. P. ovata.<br />

73. Leafy twigs yellow-sericeous to -hirtellous .... 9. P. phaeotricha.<br />

72. Stipules 3-13 cm long.<br />

75. Lower surface of the lamina initially entirely or largely covered<br />

<strong>with</strong> white or brownish, arachnoid hairs; peduncle of the pistillate<br />

inflorescence up to ca. 50 cm long. ..... 16. P. ferruginea.<br />

75. Lower surface of the lamina <strong>with</strong> white arachnoid hairs in the<br />

areoles only (or sometimes extending to the main veins); peduncle<br />

of the pistillate inflorescence up to ca. 10 cm long.<br />

76. Lamina <strong>with</strong> dense yellow hairs on the main veins beneath.<br />

77. Leafy twigs <strong>with</strong> very short <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> much longer yellow<br />

hairs. ............................... 21. P. elliptica.<br />

77. Leafy twigs <strong>with</strong> hairs of about equal length. ......<br />

...................................... 23. P. m inor.<br />

76. Lamina <strong>with</strong> sparse <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> inconspicuous hairs on the main<br />

veins beneath.<br />

78. Hairs on leafy twigs very short ..... 25. P. herrerensis.<br />

78. Hairs on leafy twigs long or absent. ... 15. P. acuminata.

122 Flora Neotropica<br />

1. <strong>Pourouma</strong> gui<strong>an</strong>ensis Aublet, Hist. pl. Gui<strong>an</strong>e<br />

2: 892, t. 341. 1775; Miquel in Martius, Fl.<br />

bras. 4(1): 127. 1853; Berg, Fl. Suriname 5(1):<br />

267. 1975; Croat, Flora Barro Colorado Isl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

360. 1978. Type. French Gui<strong>an</strong>a. Sinnamary<br />

R., <strong>with</strong>out date (Y), Aublet s.n. (holotype, BM,<br />

only photographs in NY <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> U seen; isotypes?,<br />

LE, S).<br />

(8-)10-25; pedicel 0.2-0.5 cm, in fruit 0.4-1 cm<br />

long, peri<strong>an</strong>th 2-4 mm long, subvelutinous,<br />

sometimes sparsely puberulous, stigma subpel-<br />

tate, 1.5-2 mm diam., shortly pilose. Fruiting<br />

peri<strong>an</strong>th purple, (sub)ovoid to ellipsoid, 1.2-2 or<br />

2-2.5 cm long, mostly (sub)velutinous, some-<br />

times sparsely puberulous, scabrous or almost<br />

glabrous.<br />

This taxon c<strong>an</strong> be difficult to distinguish from<br />

P. bicolor. The two taxa have overlapping dis-<br />

tributions <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> are each very variable <strong>with</strong>, more-<br />

Tree, up to 30 m tall. Leafy twigs 3-15 mm<br />

thick, white-puberulous, white- to yellow-hirtellous,<br />

yellow-(sub)velutinous or yellow-hirsute, over, quite <strong>an</strong> overlap of characters <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> their<br />

<strong>with</strong> dense to/or (very) sparse, brown, pluricel- variation. Considering the variation in both taxa,<br />

lular hairs; lenticels rather conspicuous. Lamina one would be inclined to combine the two. How-<br />

3-fid to 3-lobed, 3- or 5-fid (to -lobed or to -part- ever, as distinct morphological entities occur in<br />

ed), sometimes 5-7-fid to -parted ca. 10-25(-45) the same areas <strong>with</strong>out having clear intermedix<br />

10-25(-45) cm, or entire (to 3-lobed), broadly ates it is likely that they are genetically separated;<br />

ovate to elliptic (to oblong), (4-)10-20 x (2-)7- only in a few cases do the collected specimens<br />

14 cm, subcoriaceous to chartaceous, apex acu- show ? intermediate features.<br />

minate, base cordate, the sinus rather shallow <strong>Pourouma</strong> gui<strong>an</strong>ensis c<strong>an</strong> be distinguished<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> wide or deep <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> narrow, often <strong>with</strong> over- from P. bicolor in the following ways:<br />

lapping lobes, sometimes truncate, in entire leaves (a.) The indument of the inner surface of the<br />

to rounded (to subacute); upper surface scabrous, stipules. In subsp. gui<strong>an</strong>ensis the inner surface<br />

on the main veins hirtellous or hirsute or the of the stipules is usually glabrous or <strong>with</strong> sparse,<br />

whole surface hirtellous to subvelutinous, lower white hairs. However, in some forms of subsp.<br />

surface subtomentose to subvelutinous or hir- gui<strong>an</strong>ensis <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> in subsp. venezuelensis the inner<br />

tellous, or on the smaller veins to puberulous, surface of the stipules is generally covered <strong>with</strong><br />

hairs on main veins often + appressed, white, (rather dense) yellow hairs, apparently correlated<br />

arachnoid hairs usually (almost) confined to the <strong>with</strong> the yellow-hirsute indument on the leafy<br />

areoles; tertiary venation <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> reticulum + prom- twigs, the outer surface of the stipules, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> other<br />

inent (<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> conspicuous) beneath; lateral veins parts. <strong>Pourouma</strong> bicolor (except for subsp. tess-<br />

(7-)12-26 pairs, basal pair br<strong>an</strong>ched; petiole 4- m<strong>an</strong>nii.) is likewise characterized by the occur-<br />

25(-40) cm long, whitish-yellow-puberulous to rence of dense, whitish to yellow hairs on the<br />

-hirtellous to -hirsute <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> dense to (very) inner surface of the stipules, but in this species<br />

sparse, brown, pluricellular hairs; stipules (2-)4- (except for subsp. choco<strong>an</strong>a.) this indument co-<br />

15 cm long, caducous, outside whitish- (to pale occurs <strong>with</strong> <strong>an</strong> indument on the leafy twigs, petyellow-)subsericeous<br />

to -subhirsute to -subto- ioles, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> outer surface of the stipules consisting<br />

mentose or to -subvelutinous or yellow-hirsute, of short, appressed hairs.<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> dense to (very) sparse, brown, pluri- (b.) The indument on the smaller veins of the<br />

cellular hairs, inside glabrous or <strong>with</strong> sparse, white lamina beneath. In P. gui<strong>an</strong>ensis this consists of<br />

hairs or <strong>with</strong> rather dense, yellow hairs. Stami- relatively long, patent hairs. In P. bicolor the<br />

nate inflorescences up to 20 cm long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 12 cm hairs on both the main veins <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the smaller<br />

wide; peduncle 4-6 cm long, peduncle <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> veins is mostly appressed, only occasionally pabr<strong>an</strong>ches<br />

puberulous to hirtellous to (sub)hirsute tent on the smaller veins <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> then mostly shorter<br />

or to subvelutinous, often <strong>with</strong> dense, brown, th<strong>an</strong> in P. gui<strong>an</strong>ensis. Only in several specimens<br />

pluricellular hairs; flowers + clustered, but not of P. bicolor subsp. scobina does the indument<br />

in (sub)globose heads; tepals l<strong>an</strong>ceolate, (almost) resemble that normally occurring in P. gui<strong>an</strong>enfree;<br />

filaments shorter th<strong>an</strong> the tepals. Pistillate sis.<br />

inflorescences in fruit up to 20 cm long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 12 (c.) The prominence of the reticulum <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> occm<br />

wide; peduncle (3-)6-15(-20) cm long, in- currence of the white-arachnoid indument on the<br />

dument of the peduncle <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> br<strong>an</strong>ches similar to lamina beneath. In P. gui<strong>an</strong>ensis the reticulum<br />

that of the staminate inflorescence; flowers is prominent <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>, moreover, conspicuous as the

<strong>Pourouma</strong> 123<br />

white-arachnoid indument is usually confined to<br />

the areoles. In P. bicolor the reticulum is, in most<br />

of the subspecies, merely slightly prominent to<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>e <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> usually inconspicuous as the arachnoid<br />

indument usually also occurs on the smaller veins.<br />

However, in a form of P. bicolor subsp. bicolor,<br />

occurring in the western part of the r<strong>an</strong>ge of the<br />

subspecies, the arachnoid indument is confined<br />

to the very small areoles surrounded by relatively<br />

thick veinlets, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> in P. bicolor subsp. scobina<br />

the arachnoid indument is also more or less confined<br />

to the areoles, but in this subspecies this<br />

feature is combined <strong>with</strong> ? prominent smaller<br />

veins.<br />

In P. gui<strong>an</strong>ensis two allopatric subspecies c<strong>an</strong><br />

be recognized.<br />

Key to the Subspecies<br />

of <strong>Pourouma</strong> gui<strong>an</strong>ensis<br />

1. Lamina 3-5-fid to -parted; leafy twigs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> petioles<br />

<strong>with</strong> long yellow hairs; stipules hairy inside;<br />

fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th 2-2.5 cm long; northern Venezuela<br />

................ b. subsp. venezuelensis.<br />

1. Lamina entire, 5-7-fid to -parted, or if 3-5-fid<br />

to -parted, then the leafy twigs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the petioles<br />

<strong>with</strong>out long yellow hairs, the stipules glabrous<br />

inside, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>/or the fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th 1.2-2 cm long;<br />

Gui<strong>an</strong>a region, eastern Brazil, Amazon Basin to<br />

eastern Colombia. ........ a. subsp. gui<strong>an</strong>ensis.<br />

la. <strong>Pourouma</strong> gui<strong>an</strong>ensis Aublet subsp.<br />

gui<strong>an</strong>ensis. Fig. 59.<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> palmata Poeppig & Endlicher, Nov. gen.<br />

sp. pi. 2: 29, t. 141. 1838; Tr6cul, Ann. Sci. Nat.<br />

Bot., Ser. 3, 8: 104. 1847; Miquel in Martius, Fl.<br />

bras. 4(1): 126. 1853; Macbride, Publ. Field Mus.<br />

Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser., 13(2.2): 293. 1937. Type. Peru.<br />

S<strong>an</strong> Martin: Tocache, Aug 1830 (6 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 9), Poeppig<br />

s.n. or 1881 (holotype or syntypes, W, destroyed;<br />

lectotype, G (Q specimen!), fragment of 6 specimen<br />

in F).<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> acutiflora Trecul, Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., S&r.<br />

3, 8: 105. 1847; Miquel in Martius, Fl. bras. 4(1):<br />

126. 1853. Type. Brazil. Rio de J<strong>an</strong>eiro: Without<br />

locality, 1839 (6), Guillemin 1024 (holotype, P).<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> cinerascens Martius ex Miquel in Martius,<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> scabra Rusby, Bull. New York Bot. Gard.<br />

6: 498. 1910. Type. Bolivia. P<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>o: S<strong>an</strong>ta Barbara,<br />

30 Aug 1902 (9), R. S. Williams 1560 (holotype, NY;<br />

isotype, US).<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> radula Benoist, Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. (Paris)<br />

28: 320. 1922; Woodson & Schery, Ann. Missouri<br />

Bot. Gard. 47: 166, t. 58. 1960. Type. Colombia.<br />

Without locality, <strong>with</strong>out date (a), Tri<strong>an</strong>a 860 (ho-<br />

lotype, P; isotypes, E, NY).<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> subtriloba Rusby, Mem. New York Bot.<br />

Gard. 7: 232. 1927. Type. Bolivia. La Paz: Nr. Tu-<br />

mapasa, 12 Oct 1921 (9), Cardenas 1990 (holotype,<br />

NY; isotypes, GH, US).<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> substrigosa Mildbraed, Notizbl. Bot. Gart.<br />

Berlin-Dahlem 10:192. 1927; Macbride, Publ. Field<br />

Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser., 13(2.2): 293. 1937. Type.<br />

Peru. Loreto: Pongo de M<strong>an</strong>seriche, 26 Nov 1924<br />

(8), Tessm<strong>an</strong>n 4642 (holotype, B, isotypes, B, G,<br />

NY).<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> mildbraedi<strong>an</strong>a St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley, Publ. Field Mus.<br />

Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser., 17: 183. 1937. Type. Brazil.<br />

Amazonas: Mun. Sao Paulo de Olivenoa, nr. Pal-<br />

mares, 11 Sep-26 Oct 1936 (a), Krukoff 8386 (ho-<br />

lotype, NY; isotypes, A, BR, F, G, LE, MO, P, S, U,<br />

US).<br />

Leafy twigs pale to bright yellow-hirtellous to<br />

-subvelutinous to -hirsute, brown, pluricellular<br />

hairs dense to sparse. Lamina entire, 3-5-lobed<br />

to -parted, or sometimes 5-7-parted, base shal-<br />

lowly to deeply cordate or sometimes rounded;<br />

lateral veins mostly 10-16, sometimes up to 20,<br />

or occasionally up to 25 pairs; stipules outside<br />

pale to bright yellow-hirtellous, -subvelutinous,<br />

-subtomentose or -hirsute, inside glabrous or<br />

sometimes hairy. Fruitingperi<strong>an</strong>th 1.2-2 cm long,<br />

mostly densely hairy, sometimes sparsely hairy<br />

or scabrous.<br />

Distribution (Fig. 60). Throughout the Ama-<br />

zon Basin, extending to eastern Colombia <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

the Gui<strong>an</strong>a region; occurring disjunctly in east-<br />

ern Brazil (from Pernambuco to S<strong>an</strong>ta Catarina);<br />

mostly in non-inundated forest, sometimes in<br />

periodically inundated (varzea) forest; mostly at<br />

low altitudes, in Venezuela (Bolivar) up to ca.<br />

1300 m, in Bolivia up to 1500 m.<br />

Specimens examined. Colombia. Without locality,<br />

<strong>with</strong>out date (d), Tri<strong>an</strong>a 860 (E, NY, P, type collection<br />

Fl. bras. 4(1): 125, t. 37. 1853. Type. Brazil. Ama- of P. radula), <strong>with</strong>out date (6 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 9), Tri<strong>an</strong>a s.n. (E, P).<br />

zonas: Rio Japura, Maripi, <strong>with</strong>out date (6), Martius META: Puerto Lopez, 3 Aug 1944 (st), Liitle et al. 8423<br />

s.n. (holotype, M; isotypes, M, U).<br />

(F); Villavicencio, Ll<strong>an</strong>o de S<strong>an</strong> Martin, <strong>with</strong>out date<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> heterophylla Martius ex Miquel in Martius, (9), Karsten s.n. (GOET, LE).<br />

Fl. bras. 4(1): 125. 1853. Type. Brazil. Amazonas: VENEZUELA. AMAZONAS: Rio M<strong>an</strong>avicke, Indi<strong>an</strong><br />

Rio Japura, Dec 1819 (st, juv), Martius s.n. (holo- village "Kalchi-Teri," <strong>with</strong>out date (juv.), Lizot s.n.<br />

type, M; isotypes, M, U).<br />

(VEN); Sierra Parima, 1300 m, 18-23 May 1972 (st),<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> fulginea Miquel in Martius, Fl. bras. 4(1): Steyermark 106086 (NY); Parima Mts., nr. Simara-<br />

129. 1853. Type. Brazil. Amazon Basin, <strong>with</strong>out date wochi, Rio Matacuni, 18 Apr-23 May 1973 (d), Stey-<br />

(Q), Martius s.n. (holotype, M; isotype, U). ermark 107154 (F, U, VEN). BOLIVAR: Reserva Fo-

124 Flora Neotropica<br />

JII'd~~~~~~~i<br />

_ ,e<br />

4~, ,. \<br />

as t af +<br />

POUROUMA einerascenx

<strong>Pourouma</strong>125<br />

restal "La Paragua," Rio Asa, Jun 1970 (st,juv), Bl<strong>an</strong>co<br />

810 (VEN); slopes of Quebrada O-paru-ma, between<br />

S<strong>an</strong>ta Teresita de Kav<strong>an</strong>ayen <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Rio Pacairao (tributary<br />

of Rio Mouak), alt. 1065-1220 m, 20-21 Nov<br />

1944 (2), Steyermark 60407 (F, VEN); 45 km N of<br />

Tumeremo, Sierra de Nuria, 5-8 Feb 1961 (st), Steyermark<br />

89134 (VEN); Rio Nichare (tributary of Rio<br />

Caura), nr. the confluence <strong>with</strong> Rio Cicuta, 25 Apr<br />

1966 (2), Steyermark et al. 95711 (VEN). DELTA<br />

AMACURO: E of Rio Gr<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>e, ENE of El Palmar, 29<br />

Nov-18 Dec 1964 (2), Marc<strong>an</strong>o Berti 471 (NY, VEN),<br />

19 J<strong>an</strong> 1965 (2), Marc<strong>an</strong>o Berti 611 (F, NY, VEN); Rio<br />

(9), Huashikat 1216 (BG); Rio Cenepa, 30 J<strong>an</strong> 1973<br />

(6), Kayap 268 (F, GH, MO), 21 Feb 1973 (9), Kayap<br />

393 (F, GH); Quebrada Huampami, 5 Jul 1974 (9),<br />

Kayap 1057 (F, GH, MO). HuANuco: Tingo Maria,<br />

13 Aug 1940 (9), Asplund 13020 (G, A, S, US); Pachita,<br />

Codo de Pozuzo, 24 Oct 1982 (6), Foster 9373 (BG);<br />

Distr. Churubamba, Rio Cayumba, 11 Sep 1936 (9),<br />

Mexia 8172 (F, G, GB, GH, MO, NA, NY, S, U, UC,<br />

US); between Monz6n <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Rio Huallaga, <strong>with</strong>out date<br />

(9), Weberbauer 3639 (G). LORETO: Prov. Coronel Portillo,<br />

Dist. Calleria, rd. Pucallpa-Hu<strong>an</strong>uco, km 34, 23<br />

May 1968 (6), Castillo S. 11 (DUKE, F, P, US); Que-<br />

Amacuro, Venezuela-Guy<strong>an</strong>a frontier, Imataca Mts., brada Sh<strong>an</strong>uce, above Yurimaguas, 11 Jul 1972 (2),<br />

downstream from S<strong>an</strong> Victor, 4 Nov 1960 (st), Stey- Croat 18016 (F, MO, NY); Rio Napo, Caserio Bella<br />

ermark 87307 (NY, VEN).<br />

Vista, 22 Sep 1972 (6), Croat 20161 (C, DUKE, F, GH,<br />

GUYANA. Kartabo region, Kartabo, 22 Jul 1920 NA, NY); Rio Ucayali, Jenaro Herrera, 7 Dec 1977<br />

(st, juv) Bailey 18 (GH), Bailey 19 (GH), Bailey 20 (st), Gentry et al. 21205 (MO, U); Prov. Maynas, Y<strong>an</strong>a-<br />

(GH), 20 Aug 1920 (st), Bailey 146 (GH), Bailey 147 mono Explorama Tourist Camp, 15 Jul 1983 (st), Gen-<br />

(GH); Pomeroon district, Kamwatta, 21 Sep 1921 (st), try et al. 43066 (BG); Pongo de M<strong>an</strong>seriche, nr. mouth<br />

Cruz 1175 (NY); between Demarara R. <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Berbice of Rio S<strong>an</strong>tiago, 2 Dec 1931 (d), Mexia 6201 (F, G,<br />

R., 19 Jul 1922 (9), de la Cruz 1657 (F, MO, NY, US); GB, GH, MO, NY, S, U, UC, US), 26 Nov 1924 (8),<br />

Kurumaikabra Creek, Essequibo R., 22 Nov 1930 (2), Tessm<strong>an</strong>n 4642 (B, G, NY, type collection of P. sub-<br />

FD 1011 (FHO); Takutu Creek to Puruni R., Mazaruni strigosa). MADRE DE DIos: Parque Nacional del M<strong>an</strong>u,<br />

R., 25 Oct 1944 (6), F<strong>an</strong>shawe 2050 (=FD 4786) (A, Rio M<strong>an</strong>u, Cocha Cashu Station, Jul 1978 (st), Foster<br />

F, NY, U, US); Mazaruni station, forest nursery, 1945 et al. 6568 (F); Rio Tambopata, at mouth of Rio D'Or-<br />

(st, juv), FD 4970 (U); FD 5011 (U, S); K<strong>an</strong>uka Mts., bigny, 1 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 2 Mar 1981 (st), Gentry et al. 31816 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

Iramaip<strong>an</strong>g, Nov 1948 (6), FD 5936 (NY); 11/2 mile 31933 (U). PASCO: Prov. Oxapampa, Vivero, Puerto<br />

along Bartica-Potaro rd., <strong>with</strong>out date (juv), FD 6914 Bermudez, 16 J<strong>an</strong> 1983 (st), Gentry et al. 42029 (BG).<br />

(U); Tumatumari, 18 Jun-8 Jul 1921 (st), Gleason 174 SAN MARTIN: Tocache, Aug 1830 (6 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 9), Poeppig<br />

(GH, NY); Pakaraima Mts., just N of Paruima Mis- s.n. (or 1881) (F, G, type collection of P. palmata);<br />

sion, 19 Oct 1981 (9), Maas et al. 5858 (U); basin of Maynas Alto, <strong>with</strong>out date (9), Poeppig s.n. (B, OXF);<br />

Shodikar Creek, tributary of Essequibo R., 8-22 J<strong>an</strong> <strong>with</strong>out locality, <strong>with</strong>out date (6), Poeppig s.n. (LE, P);<br />

1938 (2), A. C. Smith 2845 (A, F, G, MO, NY, P, S, Distr. Tocache, rd. to Almendras, 7 Aug 1969 (2), J.<br />

U, US); Marudi Mts., 02?15'N, 59?10'W, 12 Nov 1982 Schunke V. 3309 (F, G, US); rd. to Shunthe, E ofPuente<br />

(2), Stoffers et al. 311, 312 (U).<br />

de Palo Bl<strong>an</strong>co, 14 Jul 1974 (9), J. Schunke V. 7415<br />

SURINAM. Raleigh falls, base of Voltzberg, Nature (MO, NY, U).<br />

Reserve on the Coppename R., 18 Nov 1979 (9), Mori BRAZIL. Without locality, 1839 (3), Guillemin 1024<br />

et al. 8662 (NY, U).<br />

(P, type collection of P. acutiflora); "Amazon Basin,"<br />

FRENCH GUIANA. Without locality, <strong>with</strong>out date <strong>with</strong>out locality, <strong>with</strong>out date (9), Martius s.n. (M, U,<br />

(2), Aublet s.n. (BM, LE, ?S, type collection of P. gui- type collection of P. fulginea). ACRE: Cruzeiro do Sul,<br />

<strong>an</strong>ensis); nr. Saul 3 Oct 1973 (9), Gr<strong>an</strong>ville et al. B.5071 21 Feb 1976 (9), Marinho 273 (IAN), 18 Feb 1976 (2),<br />

(U); Paul Isnard region, 5 km of Citron, 12 Nov 1982 Monteiro et al. 477 (INPA, MG); rd. Rio Br<strong>an</strong>co-Porto<br />

(2), Gr<strong>an</strong>ville 5284 (U); Oyapock R., Trois Sauts, 13 Acre, km 83, 10 Oct 1980 (9), Nelson 681 (BG)<br />

Jul 1774 (st), Gren<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 445 (CAY); Zidock Ville, 26<br />

Aug 1976 (st), Gren<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 1352 (CAY); Comte R., Cacao,<br />

25 Feb 1965 (2), Halle 1132 (U, P); nr. Sail, J<strong>an</strong> 1975<br />

(2), Moretti 102 (CAY); Comte R., ca. 60 km S of<br />

Cayenne, 26 Feb 1965 (9), Oldem<strong>an</strong> 1179 (CAY); Saiil,<br />

19 Oct 1971 (2), Oldem<strong>an</strong> B.4108 (CAY, P, U); Kourou,<br />

<strong>with</strong>out date (9), (herb.) Richard s.n. (P).<br />

ECUADOR. NAPO: Rio Pucino, first major tributary<br />

of Rio Aguarico, above bridge at Aguarico, 10 Feb<br />

1974 (2), Gentry 9824 (U); Rio Napo, 8 km below<br />

Puerto Mishualli, 25-27 Mar 1986 (2) Neill et al. 7082<br />

(BG).<br />

PERU. AMAZONAS: 6 Apr 1973 (2), Ancuash 178 (F,<br />

GH, MO); Rio S<strong>an</strong>tiago, nr. Caterpiza, 9 Nov 1979<br />

= Cid<br />

et al. 2870 (U); rd. Sena Madureira-Rio Br<strong>an</strong>co, nr.<br />

km 7, 30 Sep 1968 (6), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 7670 (GH, INPA,<br />

M, NY, R, S, U, US). AMAZONAS: Rio Antimari 30<br />

Feb 1904 (st), Huber (MG) 4244 (MG); Rio Madeira,<br />

nr. Calama, 7 Nov 1931 (9), Krukoff 1297 (G, NY, P,<br />

S, U); nr. mouth of Rio Embira, 14 J<strong>an</strong> 1933 (9), Krukoff4817<br />

(A, F, G, MO, NY, S, U, US); Mun. Humaita,<br />

Tres Casas, 14 Sep-11 Oct 1934 (o), Krukoff6238 (B,<br />

BR, F, LE, MO, NY, S, U, US); Sao Paulo de Olivenca,<br />

nr. Palmares 11 Sep-26 Oct 1936 (9), Krukoff8369 (A,<br />

B, BR, F, G, LE, NY, P, U), (6), Krukoff8386 (A, BR,<br />

F, G, LE, MO, NY, P, S, U, US, type collection of P.<br />

mildbraedi<strong>an</strong>a); Sao Paulo de Olivenca, Creek Belem,<br />

26 Nov-11 Dec 1936 (2), Krukoff8652 (A, BR, F, G,<br />

FIG. 59. <strong>Pourouma</strong> gui<strong>an</strong>ensis subsp. gui<strong>an</strong>ensis. From Martius, Flora Brasiliensis 4(1). 1853: tab. 37 (as<br />

P. cinerascens). Leafy twig <strong>with</strong> staminate inflorescence, leaf apex, part of staminate inflorescence (28), diagram<br />

of staminate flower (D), staminate flower (1).

~~~ II ~~~ I<br />

P. guiamnonsi<br />

^%^_ 1 ^vf'^^/9^^ ^^\?^^^/ v * \ subsp. quirnnisL<br />

---- ---------- - --<br />

^l -<br />

i~subap. vwwwcLensnir,<br />

- '--- - - p l<br />

FIG. 60. Distribution of <strong>Pourouma</strong> gui<strong>an</strong>ensis subsp. gui<strong>an</strong>ensis, P. gui<strong>an</strong>ensis subsp. venezuelenyis',<br />

Pourou-<br />

ma velutina.

<strong>Pourouma</strong>127<br />

LE, MO, NY, P, S, U, US); Mun. Coari, Rio Coari,<br />

20 Apr 1976 (st), Magnago et al. (INPA) 58046 (INPA);<br />

Rio Japura, Dec 1819 (st, juv), Martius s.n. (M, U,<br />

type collection ofP. heterophylla); Rio Japura, Mapiri,<br />

<strong>with</strong>out date (8), Martius s.n. (M, U, type collection of<br />

P. cinerascens); M<strong>an</strong>aus-Itacoatiara rd., km 27, Reserva<br />

Florestal Ducke, 30 Jun 1976 (st), Mello (INPA)<br />

57509 (INPA); km 26,6 J<strong>an</strong> 1977 (st), Nascimento 303<br />

(INPA); Rio C<strong>an</strong>uma, Mun. Nova Olinda do Norte,<br />

Nov 1976 (st), Monteiro 1295 (INPA); Rod. BR-174,<br />

Reserva Biologica do INPA, 28 Sep 1976 (st), Mota<br />

740 (INPA); Reserva Florestal Ducke, 11 J<strong>an</strong> 1976<br />

(st), Nascimento 387 (INPA), Nov 1972 (st), Rodrigues<br />

9219 (INPA); rd. Humaita to Labrea, km 80, between<br />

Rios Ipixuna <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Itapar<strong>an</strong>a, 29 J<strong>an</strong> 1970 (9), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce<br />

et al. 3260 (F, INPA, NY, R, S, U, US); basin of Rio<br />

Demeni, nr. Totobi, 25 Feb 1969 (9), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al.<br />

10233 (C, G, INPA, MO, NY, R, S, U, US); M<strong>an</strong>aus-<br />

P6rto Velho rd. BR-319, km 175, between Rio Tup<strong>an</strong>a<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Rio Igapo-aqu, 11 Oct 1974 (9), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 22803<br />

(INPA, MO, U). BAHIA: Agua Preta, 13 Oct 1937 (a),<br />

Bondar s.n. (GUA); Rio das Contas, 3 Oct 1919 (8),<br />

Curr<strong>an</strong> 19 (C, F, MO, NY, US); rd. from Camaca-<br />

C<strong>an</strong>avieiro, Apr 1965 (9), Magalhaes 733 (M); nr. Urucuca,<br />

4 Nov 1978 (9), Mori et al. 11046 (RB, U); Ilh6us,<br />

Sep 1821 (9 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> d), Riedel 2 or s.n. (LE, mixed <strong>with</strong><br />

sterile specimen of P. mollis), 10 Nov 1944 (9), Velloso<br />

723 (R). CEARA: Without locality, <strong>with</strong>out date (st),<br />

Allemao et al. 446 (R); Serra de Baturit6, Sep 1897 (st),<br />

Huber 238 (MG). EspiRITO SANTO: 9 Aug 1965 (9),<br />

Belem 1471 (MG, NY, U); rd. BR-5 (BR-101), Morro<br />

D<strong>an</strong>tos, 8 Aug 1965 (9), L<strong>an</strong>na Sobrinho 1011 (FEE-<br />

MA, U); nr. Linhares, 1 Oct 1971 (6), T. S. S<strong>an</strong>tos<br />

2035 (MG, NY, U). MATO GROSSO: Rd. to Font<strong>an</strong>ilha,<br />

15 Sep 1976 (9), Gomes et al. 326 (INPA); Sarar6, 10<br />

Aug 1978 (9), Pires et al. 16547 (MG); Nuicleo de Humboldt,<br />

(9), Roth 36 (INPA); Rio Juruena, road to Aripu<strong>an</strong>a,<br />

km 5, 9 Jul 1977 (a), M. G. Silva et al. 3305<br />

(MG); Aripu<strong>an</strong>a, rd. to airport, 2 Jun 1979 ($), M. G.<br />

Silva et al. 4750 (MG). MINAS GERAIS: Viosa, 16 May<br />

1935 (9), Kuhlm<strong>an</strong>n 2075 (US), 1936 (9), Kuhlm<strong>an</strong>n<br />

(RB) 2200 (RB); Mun. Caratinga, Faz. Montes Claros,<br />

23 J<strong>an</strong> 1980 (9), Nsihimura 39 (FEEMA, GUA, U);<br />

Rio Novo, - da Divisa, 19 Dec 1964 (6), Hatschbach 12049 (F);<br />

above Antonia, 18 J<strong>an</strong> 1966 (9), Hatschbach et al. 13537<br />

(F, NY, P, RB, U, US); Mun. Guaraquecaba, Rio B<strong>an</strong><strong>an</strong>al,<br />

8 Dec 1970 (9), Hatschbach 25765 (C, MO, NA,<br />

S, UC); Rio do Costa, 9 Feb 1972 (9), Hatschbach<br />

29129 (NA). PERNAMBUCO: Quipapa, Eng. Brejino 22<br />

Mar 1967 (9), Andrade-Lima 67-4983 (F). Rio DE<br />

JANEIRO: Tingua, 1 Oct 1946 (6), Brade et al. 18619<br />

(GUA, RB, U); Palmeiras, 13 J<strong>an</strong> 1877 (st), Glaziou<br />

8935 (E, P); Serra dos Orgaos, Tabuinha, 21 Mar 1980<br />

(st), Glaziou 12173 (P, mixed <strong>with</strong> Cecropia glaziovii);<br />

Serra da Estrella, nr. M<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ioca, 15 May 1880 (6), Glaziou<br />

12174 (C, E, P), <strong>with</strong>out date (6), Glaziou 20408<br />

(C, P); Matta do Teizeira Borges, nr. Gavea, 12 Dec<br />

1928 (9), Pessoal do Horto Florestal 650 (RB); Matta<br />

dos Tres Barros, nr. Gavea, 14 Mar 1927 (9), Pessoal<br />

do Horto Florestal 651 (RB). RONDONIA: Mineraao<br />

Campo Novo, 100 km SW of Ariquemes, 10 Oct 1979<br />

(9), Zarucchi 2744 (INPA, NY). RORAMA: Rio Catrim<strong>an</strong>i,<br />

13 Feb 1975 (9), Pires 15088 (IAN); Serra Tepequem,<br />

west facing slopes, 1200 m, 17 Feb 1967 (9),<br />

Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 4438 (G, INPA, M, NY, P, R, S, U, US);<br />

Indi<strong>an</strong> trail Surucucu-Uaica, nr. Uaica airstrip, Rio<br />

Uraricoeira, 2 Mar 1971 (9), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 10836 (F,<br />

GH, INPA, M, NY, P, S, U); between Botamatatedi<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Maita, 9 Feb 1971 (9), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 13579 (F,<br />

INPA, NY, U, US). SANTA CATARINA: Brusque, 15 Feb<br />

1951 (9), Klein 89 (US); nr. Blumeneau, 18 J<strong>an</strong> 1955<br />

(9), Klein 110 (NY, S, UC, US); Brusque, 15 Feb 1952<br />

(9), Veloso 89 (RB); nr. Blumeneau, Nov 1888 (6), Ule<br />

991 (F, HGB, P, US). SAO PAULO: Ubatuba, 8 J<strong>an</strong><br />

1985 (9), Gentry et al. 49346 (BG).<br />

BOLIVIA. LA PAZ: Nr. Tumapasa, 12 Oct 1921<br />

(9), Cardenas 1990 (GH, NY, US, type collection of P.<br />

subtriloba); 16 km N ofCarrasco, 1500 m, 31 Oct 1984<br />

(9), Solomon et al. 12655 (BG). PANDO: Mukden, Jun-<br />

Dec 1979 (9), Izawa 9 (U); Prov. N. Suarez, 20 Aug<br />

1978 (9), Mences 759 (MG); W b<strong>an</strong>k of Rio Madeira,<br />

nr. Abufia, 22 Jul 1970 (9), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 6253 (B, INPA,<br />

NY, S, U, UC, US), 19 Nov 1968 (9), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al.<br />

8670 (F, INPA, MG, NY, S, U); Prov. N. Suarez, S<strong>an</strong><br />

Pedro 13 Oct 1977 (9), Terceros 1400 (INPA); S<strong>an</strong>ta<br />

Barbara, 30 Aug 1902 (9), R. S. Williams 1560 (NY,<br />

(9), Schwacke 10393 (P). PARA: Serra US, type collection of P. scabra).<br />

dos Carajas, Serra Norte, ca. 20 km N of Amza Exploration<br />

camp, 17 Oct 1977 (9), Berg et al. 598 (MG, Vernacular names. Colombia. Meta: papa-<br />

U); Cuiaba-S<strong>an</strong>tarem rd., km 1183, 2 Feb 1977 (9), quillo. Venezuela. Bolivar: amia-yek; Delta<br />

Berg et al. 772 (F, MG, MO, RB, S, U); Breves, Oct- Amacuro: chaparro de agua. Guy<strong>an</strong>a. buruma,<br />

Nov 1957 (a), Pires et al. 6663 (U); Rio Itacaiunas,<br />

affluent of Rio Toc<strong>an</strong>tins, Serra Buritirama, Jul 1970 s<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>paper. Surinam. M<strong>an</strong>bospapaja. French<br />

(9), Pires et al. 12570 (IAN); Cap<strong>an</strong>ema-Mar<strong>an</strong>hao rd. Gui<strong>an</strong>a. Bois c<strong>an</strong>on, kuluma, kalate, (Wayapi).<br />

BR-22, km 96, 29 Oct 1965 (9), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 1777 (F, Peru. Amazonas: shuiya (Huambisa), sugkama(t)<br />

GH, NY, P, S, U, US); Gleba Bacaja, just below mouth shuiya, tsakap suiya (Huambisa); Hu<strong>an</strong>uco: paof<br />

Rio Bacaja 21 Nov 1980 (st), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 26375<br />

(U); S<strong>an</strong>tar6m, km 70 Estrada do<br />

paya del monte; Loreto: uvilla; S<strong>an</strong> Martin: uvil-<br />

Palhao, Ramal do<br />

Caetetu, 16 Sep 1969 (a), M. Silva et al. 2623 (G, NY, la, uvilla bl<strong>an</strong>ca. Brazil. Bahia: itarar<strong>an</strong>ga, tara-<br />

S, U, US). PARANA: P6rto de la Cima, 17 Jul 1911 (st), r<strong>an</strong>ga bl<strong>an</strong>ca; Mar<strong>an</strong>hao: kaymbe'y (Ka'apor);<br />

Dusen 11942 (S); Jacarehy (=Sao Joao), 8 Oct 1915 Mato Grosso; imbaubar<strong>an</strong>a, imbauba-torem;<br />

(st), Duskn 17239 (F, NY, S), 22 Nov 1915 (9 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 6), Para: amapati or mapati; Par<strong>an</strong>a: imbaubar<strong>an</strong>a,<br />

Dusen' 17345 (F, GH, NY, S); Morretes, 1904 (st),<br />

Dusen s.n. (S); 14 Aug 1911 (st), Dusen s.n. pau de jacu; Pernambuco: embauba da mata.<br />

(F, GH,<br />

NY, S); Mun. Guaratuba, Pedra Br<strong>an</strong>ca do Araraquara,<br />

This subspecies is very variable in the density<br />

3 Nov 1960 (9), Hatschbach 7411 (R, U, US), 3 Nov <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> length of the indument. The material from<br />

1960 (6), Hatschbach 7466 (US); Mun. Guarataba, Rio eastern Brazil often has 5-fid leaves, the indu-

128 Flora Neotropica<br />

ment is rather short, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the leaf base is deeply tinct forms of the subspecies in the same area<br />

to shallowly cordate. Some collections from the <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the absence of intermediates between these<br />

southern part of the Amazon Basin (Bolivia <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> forms.<br />

adjacent parts of Brazil) usually have 5-7-fid to<br />

-parted leaves, while elsewhere in the Amazon<br />

Basin the leaves are 3-lobed to -fid or entire.<br />

Most collections from the Gui<strong>an</strong>a region <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the<br />

Lower Amazon Basin have 3-fid leaves <strong>with</strong> a<br />

shallowly cordate to truncate leaf base or entire<br />

leaves; the indument is short, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the brown,<br />

pluricellular hairs on the twigs are usually dense.<br />

Material from the Upper Amazon Basin is<br />

much more variable. Some of the collections have<br />

almost elliptic (to oblong) entire leaves. Another<br />

group of collections have entire leaves (often <strong>with</strong><br />

relatively short petioles) or 3-fid to -parted,<br />

sometimes 5-parted leaves <strong>with</strong> the lobes rather<br />

close together, due to a smaller <strong>an</strong>gle in which<br />

the main basal lateral veins depart from the midrib.<br />

These collections often have sparse pluricellular<br />

hairs on the leafy twigs, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> those <strong>with</strong><br />

entire leaves resemble P. velutina, from which<br />

they differ in a greater number of lateral veins.<br />

A third group of specimens have 3-fid to -parted<br />

leaves <strong>with</strong> a deeply cordate leaf base, often <strong>with</strong><br />

overlapping lobes. Several of these collections<br />

have relatively long yellow hairs on the leafy<br />

twigs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> stipules, or have a rather densely hirtellous<br />

upper leaf surface. The collections <strong>with</strong><br />

long, yellow hairs usually have stipules in which<br />

the inner surface is rather densely hairy, unlike<br />

the other collections of subsp. gui<strong>an</strong>ensis which<br />

have the inner surface of the stipules glabrous or<br />

sometimes <strong>with</strong> very sparse, white hairs. Three<br />

collections (Croat 20616, Krukoff4817 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 8369)<br />

have 3-fid, deeply cordate leaves <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> long, yellow<br />

hairs on various parts, including the inner surface<br />

of the stipules <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> more numerous lateral veins<br />

(up to 25 pairs), in medium-sized leaves less th<strong>an</strong><br />

1 cm from each other. Other collections ofsubsp.<br />

gui<strong>an</strong>ensis (<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> collections of subsp. venezuelensis)<br />

have the lateral veins more th<strong>an</strong> 1 cm from<br />

each other.<br />

The material examined does not provide clear<br />

indications about the nature of the various forms<br />

<strong>with</strong>in the subspecies no more th<strong>an</strong> about the<br />

distribution of these forms. Material received<br />

from <strong>an</strong> inventory of a forest in the Upper Rio<br />

Moa region (Brazil, Acre) by Campbell <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> collaborators<br />

indicates the presence of several dis-<br />

In several specimens from the Upper Amazon<br />

Basin the leafy twigs, petiole, stipules, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> lower<br />

surface of the lamina are covered by a white<br />

layer, actually the mycelium of some fungus which<br />

apparently uses the pluricellular hairs as a substrate.<br />

lb. <strong>Pourouma</strong> gui<strong>an</strong>ensis Aublet subsp. venezuelensis<br />

(Cuatrecasas) C. C. Berg & v<strong>an</strong> Heusden,<br />

Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch., Ser.<br />

C. 91(2): 106. 1988. Fig. 61.<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> venezuelensis Cuatrecasas, Bol. Soc. Venez.<br />

Ci. Nat. 15: 107. 1954. Type. Venezuela. Aragua:<br />

Parque Nacional Henri Pittier, 20 Nov 1953 (6),<br />

Aristeguieta 2005 (holotype, F, not seen; isotype,<br />

VEN).<br />

Leafy twigs yellow-hirsute, brown, pluricellular<br />

hairs dense. Lamina 3-5-fid to -parted, base<br />

? deeply cordate; lateral veins 16-26 pairs; stipules<br />

outside yellow-hirsute, inside <strong>with</strong> yellow<br />

hairs. Fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th 2-2.5 cm long.<br />

Distribution (Fig. 60). Northern Venezuela<br />

(Aragua, Carabobo, Mir<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>a, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Yaracuy),<br />

coastal mountains; in forest at altitudes between<br />

ca. 1000 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 1200 m.<br />

Specimens examined. VENEZUELA. ARAGUA: Parque<br />

Nacional "H. Pittier," 20 Nov 1953 (6), Aristeguieta<br />

2005 (VEN, type collection of P. venezuelensis),<br />

12 Mar 1964 (6), Ijjdsz-Madriz 28 (VEN), 24 Dec 1946<br />

(9), Lasser 2202 (VEN); R<strong>an</strong>cho Gr<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>e, 30 Dec 1946<br />

(6), Lasser 2267 (VEN); Guamitas, 5 Nov 1947 (6),<br />

Pittier et al. 15641 (US, VEN); Parque Nacional "H.<br />

Pittier," 6 J<strong>an</strong> 1968 (st), R. F. Smith V-3321 (VEN);<br />

Chorni, 39 Apr-1 May 1972 (2), Steyermark et al.<br />

105863 (NY, VEN); Agua Amarilla, 12 Nov 1947 (6),<br />

Tamayo 3370 (VEN), R<strong>an</strong>cho Gr<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>e, 26 Mar 1938<br />

(9), LI. Williams 9983 (A, F, GH, NY, US, VEN).<br />

CARABOBO: Between Valencia <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Camp<strong>an</strong>ero, 7 Mar<br />

1860 (2), Fendler 2420 (G); Cumbre de Valencia, Pt.<br />

Cabello, <strong>with</strong>out date (6), Karsten s.n. (LE); E of Los<br />

T<strong>an</strong>gues, S of Borburata, 31 Mar 1966 (9). Steyermark<br />

et al. 95378 (NY, VEN, U). MIRANDA: Guatopo, 19<br />

Nov 1956 (9), Bernardi 5696 (VEN), Bernardi s.n. (NY);<br />

S<strong>an</strong> Ju<strong>an</strong>, 18 km SW of Cupira, 2-7 Sep 1977 (6),<br />

Gonzalez et al. 1319 (BG); S of S<strong>an</strong>ta Cruz, Mar 1978<br />

(2), Steyermark et al. 116884 (BG); 11 km SSE of El<br />

Guapo, 27-28 Mar 1978 (2), Steyermark et al. 116966<br />

(U). YARACUY: N of Salom, 4 Mar 1982 (st), Liesner<br />

et al. 12394 (U).

<strong>Pourouma</strong><br />

~ I I<br />



FIG. 61. <strong>Pourouma</strong> gu<strong>an</strong>enss Abl subsp. Leafy t wig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences (Steyermark et<br />

ial. 105863).sden tr: a<br />

D Ce.: C,C, Blrg<br />

E,C.I. v<strong>an</strong> in- He usden<br />

Utrecht r'.<br />

...X'lr , A. R I%, ? %t<br />

,,,. J.&M<br />

a.<br />

Cm"t<br />

FIG. 61. <strong>Pourouma</strong> gui<strong>an</strong>ensis subsp. venezuelensis. Leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences (Steyermark et<br />

al. 105863).<br />

Vernacular names. Venezuela. Carabobo: tambor;<br />

Mir<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>a: yagrumo negro.<br />

This subspecies is very uniform compared <strong>with</strong><br />

subsp. gui<strong>an</strong>ensis. Some collections of the latter<br />

subspecies from the Upper Amazon Basin resemble<br />

subsp. venezuelensis, but are distin-<br />

129<br />

guished by smaller leaves <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> smaller fruiting<br />

peri<strong>an</strong>ths.<br />

2. <strong>Pourouma</strong><br />

velutina Martius ex Miquel in Mar-<br />

tius, Fl. bras. 4(1): 130, t. 41. 1853; Berg, Fl.<br />

Suriname 5(1): 269. 1975. Type. Brazil. Para:

130<br />

Flora Neotropica<br />

Mouth of Rio Toc<strong>an</strong>tins, Aug 1819 (6), Mar- widened apex; peri<strong>an</strong>th 4-6 mm long, yellowishtius<br />

s.n. (lectotype, M, chosen here; isolecto- velutinous, at the apex <strong>with</strong> brown, pluricellular<br />

type, M).<br />

Fig. 62. hairs; stigma peltate, 1.5-3 mm diam., <strong>with</strong><br />

sparse, yellow hairs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> dense, brown, pluricel-<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> steyermarkii St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley & Cuatrecasas in lular hairs. Fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th black, ovoid to el-<br />

Cuatrecasas, Fieldi<strong>an</strong>a Bot. 28(1): 210. 1951. Type.<br />

Venezuela. Bolivar: Ptari-tepui, between Rio<br />

lipsoid or sometimes to<br />

Karuai<br />

oblongoid, 1.2-1.8 x<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> first ridge above Rio Karuai, 28 Nov 1944<br />

0.6-1<br />

(v),<br />

cm, densely to sparsely hairy.<br />

Steyermark 60665 (holotype, F; isotype, VEN). Distribution (Fig. 60). Venezuela (Amazonas<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Bolivar), Surinam, French Gui<strong>an</strong>a, Ama-<br />

Tree, up to 15 m tall. Leafy twigs 2-6 mm zoni<strong>an</strong> Brazil (Amapa, Amazonas, Mato Grosso,<br />

thick, brownish- to yellowish- to whitish-seri- <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Para) <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Peru (Loreto), <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> eastern Brazil<br />

ceous to -puberulous <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> sometimes <strong>with</strong> brown, (Bahia <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Espirito S<strong>an</strong>to); in non-inundated<br />

arachnoid hairs. Lamina entire, elliptic to ovate, forest, mostly at low altitudes, in Venezuela up<br />

rarely to obovate, 6-30 x 2-20 cm, coriaceous to ca. 1200 m.<br />

to subcoriaceous or sometimes chartaceous, apex<br />

acuminate, base rounded to acute, sometimes Specimens examined. VENEZUELA. AMAZONAS:<br />

truncate or<br />

Atures, 20<br />

subcordate; upper surface<br />

Apr 1978 (9), Davidse et al. 15365 (MO,<br />

scabrous, U); Cam<strong>an</strong>i, 24 Apr 1971 (9), Foldats 114-1A (NY,<br />

the main veins brown-tomentose to -sericeous, VEN). BOLIVAR: Lower S-facing slopes of Ptari-tepui<br />

sometimes <strong>with</strong> or<strong>an</strong>ge or or<strong>an</strong>ge-brown, pluri- between Rio Karuai <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> first ridge above Rio Karuai,<br />

cellular hairs; lower surface whitish-sericeous to ca. 1200 m, 28 Nov 1944 (9) Steyermark 60665 (F,<br />

-velutinous, sometimes <strong>with</strong> VEN, type collection of P. steyermarkii).<br />

brown, pluricellular SURINAM. Sectie O, 11 Nov 1915 (st), BW 1368<br />

hairs, white arachnoid hairs in the areoles <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> (U); Tibiti sav<strong>an</strong>na, 20 J<strong>an</strong> 1949 (st), L<strong>an</strong>jouw et al.<br />

on the smaller veins; lateral veins 7-13 pairs, 1761 (NY, U); Jodensav<strong>an</strong>ne, Map<strong>an</strong>e Creek, 13 Jun<br />

basal pair br<strong>an</strong>ched or unbr<strong>an</strong>ched, tertiary ve- 1953 (st), Lindem<strong>an</strong> 4057 (U); 1 Oct 1953 (st), Lindenation<br />

prominent beneath; petiole 1.5-20 cm m<strong>an</strong> 4794 (U); Upper Coppename R., 6 Aug 1954 (st),<br />

Lindem<strong>an</strong> 6418<br />

long, yellow- to brown-sericeous to<br />

(U).<br />

-tomentose, FRENCH GUIANA. St. Laurent, 10 Oct 1956 (9),<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> sometimes <strong>with</strong> brown, pluricellular hairs; BAFOG 7562 (CAY, NY, P, U); Gregoire, 26 J<strong>an</strong> 1972<br />

stipules 2-12 cm long, caducous, outside yellow- (9), Deward 138 (CAY, P, U); Maroni R., 1891 (6),<br />

sericeous to -velutinous, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> often <strong>with</strong> brown G<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>oger 19 (P); Orapu, 26 Oct 1970 (9), Oldem<strong>an</strong><br />

B.3786A<br />

to yellow, pluricellular hairs, inside (A, CAY, P, U); Acarou<strong>an</strong>y, 1858 ($),<br />

yellow-se-<br />

Sagot<br />

1163 (BR, F, G, GH, GOET, NY, P, S, U); Godebert,<br />

riceous to -velutinous. Staminate inflorescences 20 Dec 1920 (6), Wachenheim 271 (P).<br />

up to 12 cm long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 8 cm wide; peduncle 2-7 PERU. LORETo: Rio N<strong>an</strong>ay, trail from Astoria to<br />

cm long, peduncle <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> br<strong>an</strong>ches yellowish-seri- Rio Maz<strong>an</strong>, 9 J<strong>an</strong> 1976 (9), McD<strong>an</strong>iel et al. 20403<br />

ceous to -velutinous or to -tomentose, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> often (NA).<br />

BRAZIL. AMAPA: Mun.<br />

<strong>with</strong> Mazagao, 75-80 km WSW<br />

dense, brown, pluricellular hairs; flowers of Macapa, 5-10 km SW of Rio Prato, 20 Dec 1984<br />

sessile, diffusely distributed along the ultimate (9), Daly et al. 3936 (BG); Clevel<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ia, 2 Aug 1960 (6),<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ches; tepals 1.3-1.8 mm long, free or basally Westra 47303 (FHO, GH, MG, NY, U, UC, US).<br />

connate, white-puberulous, filaments shorter th<strong>an</strong> AMAZONAS: M<strong>an</strong>aus, 9 Aug 1962 (6), Chagas (INPA)<br />

the peri<strong>an</strong>th, free. Pistillate inflorescences in fruit<br />

1655 (INPA, U); Rio Uatuma, Itapir<strong>an</strong>ga, 27 Aug 1979<br />

(9), Cid 849<br />

up to 12 cm long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 7<br />

(U); M<strong>an</strong>aus, 8 Jul 1933 (9 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 6), Ducke<br />

cm wide; peduncle 2.5-<br />

(RB) 25247 (INPA, RB); M<strong>an</strong>aus-Itacoatiara rd., km<br />

7 cm long, peduncle <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> br<strong>an</strong>ches yellowish- to 26, 4 J<strong>an</strong> 1977 (st), Nascimento 262 (INPA); track from<br />

brownish-sericeous to -velutinous, sometimes to Boca de Acre airstrip to Monte Verde, 21 Sep 1966<br />

-tomentose or to -puberulous, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> dense, (9), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 2469 (INPA, MO, NY, R, S, U, UC,<br />

brown, pluricellular hairs; flowers 2-8, + dis- US); M<strong>an</strong>aus, Aleixo rd., km 11, 2 May 1974 (6), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce<br />

et al. 21011 (INPA, MG, MO, NY, S, U, US); M<strong>an</strong>aus,<br />

tinctly in two clusters; pedicel up to 0.4 cm long, Binda Creek rd., 26 Jun 1961 (9 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 6), Rodrigues et<br />

in fruit up to 1 cm, already at <strong>an</strong>thesis <strong>with</strong> a al. 2892 (INPA as 2092, MG, RB, U); M<strong>an</strong>aus Pas-<br />

FIG. 62. <strong>Pourouma</strong> velutina. From Martius, Flora Brasiliensis 4(1). 1853: tab. 41. Leafy twig <strong>with</strong> staminate<br />

inflorescences, diagram of staminate flower (D), part of staminate inflorescence (28), staminate flower (1), tepals<br />

(4), stamens (7).<br />


<strong>Pourouma</strong> 131<br />

'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r<br />

'~i '<br />

"<br />

,?il:~~~~~~~~~~<br />

, ^ > 3<br />

\<br />

POUROUMA vebl iainas.

132 Flora Neotropica<br />

sarinho rd., 14 Sep 1961 (9), Rodrigues et al. 3267 (U), 4(1): 129, t. 39. 1853. Type. Colombia. Ama-<br />

9 Aug 1962 (2), Rodrigues et al. 4585 (U). BAHIA: Road zonas: Rio<br />

from Rod. Sao Jose-Buerarena to Una, 7 Jul 1980 Caqueta, Puerto Miraia, J<strong>an</strong> 1820<br />

(juv),<br />

Berg et al. 1143 (U); Una, 29 Aug 1978 (2), Mori et al. (Q), Martius s.n. (holotype, M; isotype, U).<br />

11026 (MG, RB, U); between Vit6ria <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Salvador,<br />

<strong>with</strong>out date (2), Sello s.n. (B). ESPIRITO SANTO: Rio Tree, up to 15 m tall. Leafy twigs 3-15 mm<br />

Doce, Velho-P<strong>an</strong>cas rd., 20 Sep 1930 (6), M. Kuhlm<strong>an</strong>n thick, yellowish- to whitish-puberulous to<br />

383 (RB); Linhares, 11 Mar 1972 (st), Sucre 8684 (U). -(sub)sericeous, or yellow-hirsute, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> sparse<br />

MATO GROSSO: Aripu<strong>an</strong>a, 28 Mar 1977 (st), Gomes et to dense, brown, pluricellular hairs. Lamina enal.<br />

1021 (INPA), 12 Apr 1977 (st), Gomes et al. 1196<br />

(INPA), <strong>with</strong>out date (9), Ryl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>s 15 (INPA); Mun.<br />

tire, ovate to subovate or elliptic to oblong, 5-<br />

Sinop, 6-9 km E of BR-163, on rd. to Fazenda Lon- 25 x 3-18 cm, 3-5-lobed to -parted, or 5-9drina,<br />

24 Sep 1985 (9), Thomas et al. 4018 (BG); Mun. parted, 13-30(-42) x 13-30(-40) cm, coriaceous<br />

Sinop-Colider, BR-080, ca. 91 km E of junction <strong>with</strong> to chartaceous, apex acuminate (to obtuse), base<br />

BR-163, Serra Formosa, 3 Oct 1985 (9), Thomas et al. (obtuse to) truncate to deeply cordate; upper sur-<br />

4179 (BG); Mun. Vila Bela S<strong>an</strong>tissima Trinidade, 4<br />

km<br />

face<br />

S of border ofRond6nia, 3<br />

scabrous to<br />

Nov 1985 (9), Thomas<br />

scabridulous or sometimes<br />

et al. 4810 (BG). PARA: Belem, 2 Jul 1914 (8), Ducke smooth, hairy on the main veins, puberulous on<br />

(MG) 15350 (G, MG, P, US); Belem, 18 Jul 1899 (2), the smaller veins, lower surface smooth, some-<br />

Huber (MG) 1640 (G, MG, P, S, U); Gurupa (2), Ducke times scabridulous, yellowish-appressed-puber-<br />

(MG) 15935 (MG); Rio Xingfi, Vit6ria-Ponte Nova ulous on the main<br />

rd., 7 Aug 1918 (9), Ducke (MG) 17167 (MG); B6a<br />

veins, arachnoid hairs in the<br />

Vista, 15 Oct 1897 (2), Guedes (MG) 1235 areoles <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> on the<br />

(G, MG,<br />

smaller<br />

P,<br />

veins, or confined to<br />

S, U); Bel6m-Brasilia rd., km 93, 19 Aug 1959 (6), M. the areoles; lateral veins (6-)12-25(-40) pairs,<br />

Kuhlm<strong>an</strong>n et al. 52 (GUA, MG, R, S, US); mouth of basal pair br<strong>an</strong>ched, tertiary venation almost<br />

Rio Toc<strong>an</strong>tins, Aug 1819 (8), Martius s.n. (M, lectotype pl<strong>an</strong>e beneath; petiole<br />

collection of P.<br />

(2-)4-30(-46) cm<br />

velutina); Jacuarary (=Jaguarari), 21<br />

long,<br />

Aug 1819 (8), Martius s.n. (M); Bel6m, 12 Aug 1945 appressed-puberulous to -strigose, sometimes<br />

(9), Pires et al. 161 (RB); Pirelli, Jul 1958 (a), Pires yellowish-hirtellous to -(sub)tomentose or yel-<br />

7015 (U); Belem, Sep-Oct 1961 (9), Pires 51882 (NY, low-hirsute; stipules 2-13.5(-25) cm long, out-<br />

U, US); Ilha de Breu, 5 Oct 1965 (9), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 1548 side yellowish- to whitish-appressed-puberulous<br />

(F, GH, NY, P, S, U, US); Cuiaba-S<strong>an</strong>tarem rd., km to<br />

163, 10 Nov 1977 (2), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 25167<br />

-(sub)sericeous or sometimes yellowish-hir-<br />

(F, INPA,<br />

MO, RB, U), km 941, 13 Nov 1977 (9), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. tellous to -(sub)tomentose or yellow-hirsute, in-<br />

25363 (MO, RB, S, U, US); S<strong>an</strong>tar6m-Palhao rd., km side ? densely hairy, sometimes glabrous, ca-<br />

35, 28 Aug 1969 (9), M. Silva et al. 2423 (F, GH, MG, ducous. Staminate inflorescences up to 17 cm<br />

NY, S, U, US).<br />

long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 14 cm wide; peduncle 2.5-7 cm long,<br />

yellow-puberulous <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> dense (most dense<br />

Vernacular names. Venezuela. Amazonas: cu- on the br<strong>an</strong>ches), dark-brown or red-brown,<br />

cura. Surinam. Boroma or boroma ibeberob<strong>an</strong>a<br />

pluricellular hairs;flowers usually sessile, ? clus-<br />

(Arawak), bospapaja, yarayara (Carib). French<br />

tered, but not in (sub)globose heads; tepals 1-2<br />

Gui<strong>an</strong>a. Bois c<strong>an</strong>on, papaye apici (Paramaka). mm long, free or basally connate, (sparsely) pu-<br />

Brazil. Amazonas <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Mato Grosso: imbafibaraberulous;<br />

filaments shorter th<strong>an</strong> the tepals. Pisna;<br />

Para: mapatir<strong>an</strong>a.<br />

tillate inflorescences in fruit up to 26 cm long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

This species c<strong>an</strong> sometimes be very difficult 14 cm wide; peduncle 1.5-14 cm long peduncle<br />

to distinguish from forms ofP. gui<strong>an</strong>ensis subsp. <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> br<strong>an</strong>ches <strong>with</strong> indument similar to that of<br />

gui<strong>an</strong>ensis <strong>with</strong> entire leaves <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> sparse pluri- the staminate inflorescences; flowers 6-40; pedcellular<br />

hairs on the leafy twigs.<br />

icel 0.2-0.5 cm long, in fruit 0.4-1 cm long; peri-<br />

The lectotype is chosen from the two (syntype) <strong>an</strong>th 2-4 mm long, scabrous; stigma peltate, 1-2<br />

collections of Martius cited above.<br />

mm in diam. Fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th purple to black,<br />

ovoid to ellipsoid, ca. 1.5 cm long, scabrous (or<br />

3. <strong>Pourouma</strong> bicolor Martius, Syst. mat. med. smooth), sparsely hairy.<br />

bras. 34. 1843; Miquel in Martius, Fl. bras. In P. bicolor five subspecies c<strong>an</strong> be recognized.<br />

Key to the Subspecies of <strong>Pourouma</strong> bicolor<br />

1. Stipules glabrous inside. ........................................................ . subsp. tessm <strong>an</strong>nii.<br />

1. Stipules hairy inside.<br />

2. Arachnoid hairs on the lower leaf surface confined to the areoles or almost so.

<strong>Pourouma</strong> 133<br />

3. Smaller veins (reticulum) of the lamina beneath pl<strong>an</strong>e or almost so, the veinlets rather thick <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

the spots of arachnoid indument distinctly separated; lamina mostly entire or 3-lobed; Upper<br />

Amazon Basin to northern Colombia. ...................................... a. subsp. bicolor.<br />

3. Smaller veins (reticulum) of the lamina beneath more or less prominent, the spots of arachnoid<br />

indument mostly not distinctly separated; lamina mostly 5-7-parted; Central America to the<br />

Pacific coastal region of Colombia <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Ecuador <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> to northwestern Venezuela (also in Amazoni<strong>an</strong><br />

Peru?). .................................... ....................... d. subsp. scobina.<br />

2. Arachnoid hairs on the lower leaf surface also covering the smaller veins, usually covering the area<br />

between the parallel tertiary veins.<br />

4. Lamina usually 5-7-parted; pistillate inflorescences often <strong>with</strong> up to 50 flowers.<br />

5. Stipules subpersistent; segments ofthe lamina relatively broad; leafy twigs often yellow-hirsute;<br />

P<strong>an</strong>ama <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> western Colombia. ....................................... e. subsp. choco<strong>an</strong>a.<br />

5. Stipules caducous; segments of the lamina relatively narrow; leafy twigs never hirsute; Gui<strong>an</strong>as<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the Lower Amazon Basin (to southern Venezuela?). ................... c. subsp. digitata.<br />

4. Lamina usually entire or 3-lobed; pistillate inflorescences mostly <strong>with</strong> up to 25(-35) flowers;<br />

Gui<strong>an</strong>a region, Amazon Basin to northern Colombia. ........................ a. subsp. bicolor.<br />

3a. <strong>Pourouma</strong> bicolor Martius subsp. bicolor.<br />

Fig. 63.<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> aspera Tr6cul, Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., Ser. 3,<br />

8: 102. 1847; St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley, Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist.,<br />

Bot. Ser., 18(1): 391. 1937; St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley & Steyermark,<br />

Fieldi<strong>an</strong>a Bot. 24(4): 52.1946. Type. French Gui<strong>an</strong>a.<br />

Without locality, <strong>with</strong>out date (9), Poiteau s.n. (ho-<br />

lotype, P; isotypes, LE, P).<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> crassivenosa Mildbraed, Notizbl. Bot. Gart.<br />

Berlin-Dahlem 10:419.1928. Type. Bolivia. La Paz:<br />

Nr. Mapiri, Sep 1907 (2), Buchtien 2050 (holotype,<br />

US; isotypes, B, NY).<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> lawr<strong>an</strong>cei St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley, Publ. Field. Mus. Nat.<br />

Hist., Bot. Ser., 17: 183. 1937. Type. Colombia. Bo-<br />

yaca: El Humbo, 31 Mar 1933 (2), Lawr<strong>an</strong>ce 727<br />

Specimens examined. COLOMBIA. Without locality,<br />

<strong>with</strong>out date (2), Tri<strong>an</strong>a 861 (E, P). AMAZONAS:<br />

Rio Caqueta, Puerto Mirafia, 1820 (2), Martius s.n. (M,<br />

U type collections of P. bicolor) (M, U).<br />

AMAZONAS-VAUPES: Rio Apaporis, Jinogoj6, 25 Sep<br />

1952 (2), Schultes & Cabrera 17615 (F, type collection<br />

*of P. schultesii). ANTIOQUIA: Confluence of Rios Ite<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Tamar into Rio Cimatarra, ca. 38 km W of Bar-<br />

r<strong>an</strong>cabermeja, 24 Nov 1967 (6), Bruijn 1497 (F, M,<br />

MO, NY, S, U, US, VEN), 26 Nov 1967 (6), Bruijn<br />

1514 (F, M, MO, NY, S, U, US, VEN), (st), Bruijn<br />

1516 (F, M, MO, NY, S, U, US, VEN), (8), Bruijnl517<br />

(F, M, MO, NY, S, U, US, VEN), 27 Nov 1967 (6),<br />

Bruijn 1526 (F, MO, NY, S, U, US, VEN). BOYACA:<br />

El Humbo, 31 Mar 1933 (6), Lawr<strong>an</strong>ce 727 (A, E, F,<br />

G, MO, S, UC, type collection of P. lawr<strong>an</strong>cei). META:<br />

(holotype, F; isotypes, A, E, G, MO, S, UC). Footpath between Rio Giiejar <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> C<strong>an</strong>a Guapayita,<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> schultesii Cuatrecasas, Caldasia 7: 303. 1956. Cafno Yerli, 20-28 Dec 1950 (2), Idrobo et al. 786 (F,<br />

Type. Colombia. Amazonas-Vaup6s: Rio Apaporis, MO, NY, US); Villavicencio (2), Karsten s.n. (LE); Sier-<br />

Jinogoje, 25 Sep 1952 (2), Schultes & Cabrera 17615 ra de la Macarena, Cafno Ciervo, 12 J<strong>an</strong> 1950 (2), Phil-<br />

(holotype, F).<br />

ipson et al. 2086 (S, US). PUTUMAYO: S<strong>an</strong>ta Rosa on<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> camarat<strong>an</strong>a Cuatrecasas, Acta Bot. Venez. Rio Guamfies, 26 Nov 1966 (2), Pinkley 556 (S).<br />

2(5-8): 202.1967. Type. Venezuela. Bolivar: Auy<strong>an</strong>- SANTANDER: Region Carare-Op6n (Capote), nr. Rio<br />

tepui, above valley of Camarat<strong>an</strong>a, 18 May 1964 (2), Magdalena, 6 Jul 1968 (9), Garcia et al. 9 (US). Vi-<br />

Steyermark 94810 (holotype, US; isotypes, NY, CHADA: 3 km S ofLinea Roja, Parque Nacional Naturel<br />

VEN).<br />

"El Tuparro," 14 Mar 1985 (2), Zarucchi et al. 3720<br />

(BG).<br />

Leafy twigs appressed-puberulous to strigose. VENEZUELA. AMAZONAS: Reserva Forestal "El<br />

Lamina entire to 3-lobed, sometimes 3-fid, oc- Sipapo," Rio Sipapo, May 1971 (2), Bl<strong>an</strong>co 1149 (NY,<br />

casionally (in subjuvenile material?) 5-parted; US, VEN); Rio Marawinuma, nr. Cerro de La Neblina<br />

Base<br />

upper surface scabrous, sometimes smooth, low- Camp, 6 Feb 1984 (st), Liesner 15681 (BG), 28<br />

Feb 1984 (9), Liesner 16299<br />

er surface<br />

(BG); Depto.<br />

smooth, sometimes<br />

Atures, N<br />

scabridulous, the side of Rio Cat<strong>an</strong>iapo, 45 km SE of Puerto Ayacucho,<br />

arachnoid hairs in the areoles <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> on the smaller 13 May 1980 (2), Steyermark et al. 122390 (U); Depto.<br />

veins or confined to the areoles, but then the Atabapo, Rio Cunucunuma, between Cerro Duida <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

smaller veins relatively thick <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the spots of<br />

Cerro Huachamacahi, J<strong>an</strong>-Feb 1982 (9), Steyermark<br />

et al. 12585<br />

arachnoid hairs<br />

(BG); Rio<br />

clearly separated; stipules inside<br />

Marawinuma, nr. Cerro de La<br />

Neblina Base Camp, 5 May 1984 (6), Thomas 3370<br />

glabrous, caducous. Pistillate inflorescences (BG). BOLIVAR: Rio Chizca, Urim<strong>an</strong>, 5-8 Sep 1953<br />

mostly <strong>with</strong> 3-25 flowers.<br />

(st), Bernardi 910 (NY, VEN); Rio Hacha, 28 Dec 1955<br />

Distribution (Fig. 68). Throughout the Ama- (2), Bernardi 2657 (G, NY,); slopes ofQuebrada O-pozon<br />

Basin <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the Gui<strong>an</strong>a region, extending to<br />

ru-ma, between S<strong>an</strong>ta Teresita de Kav<strong>an</strong>ayen <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Rio<br />

Pacairao (tributary of Rio<br />

northern Colombia; in<br />

Mouak), 20-21 Nov 1944<br />

non-inundated forest at<br />

(st), Steyermark 60401 (F); lower SW slopes of Chilow<br />

altitudes, in Bolivia up to ca. 900 m. m<strong>an</strong>ta-tepui (Torono-tepui), nr. Rio Tirica, 24 May

134 Flora Neotropica<br />

!ie.<br />

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z<br />

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POURi~A biol.<br />

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. ~~~~~~~~

<strong>Pourouma</strong> 135<br />

1953 (st), Steyermark 75540 (F, NY, VEN); Sierra de Reserva Florestal Ducke, Nov 1972 (st), Rodrigues 9206<br />

Lema, lowl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> between Rio Chic<strong>an</strong><strong>an</strong> <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Rio Ay- (INPA). MATO GROSSO: Aripu<strong>an</strong>a, 21 Feb-2 Aug 1977<br />

aiche, between Puerta Lema <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> base of the Sierra, 24 (2 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> st), Gomes et al 676, 786, 843, 966, 979, 1052,<br />

Aug 1961 (9), Steyermark 89457 (NY, VEN); frontier 1072, 1079, 1088, 1123, 1176, 2399 (INPA); Ari-<br />

Venezuela-Brazil, NE ofSerr<strong>an</strong>ia Pia-soi, 5-6 J<strong>an</strong> 1962 pu<strong>an</strong>a, nr. Humboldt Centre, rd. to Rio Juruena, 8 Oct<br />

(st), Steyermark 90644 (VEN); Auy<strong>an</strong>-tepui, above 1973 (6), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 18250 (INPA, NY, U), 30 Nov<br />

valley of Camarata, alt. 1500-1530 m, 18 May 1964 1978 (2), Ryl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>s 52 (INPA). PARA: Rios Mojfi <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

(9), Steyermark 94180 (NY, US, VEN, type collection Acara, S of Belem, ca. 7 km N of Mojfi, 3 Jun 1969<br />

of P. camarat<strong>an</strong>a); Rio Caura, nr. Salto Para, 15-17 (6), Austin et al. 4140 (MO); Faro, 6 J<strong>an</strong> 1920 (2), Ducke<br />

J<strong>an</strong> 1977 (9), Steyermark et al. 113096 (U).<br />

(RB) 13057 (RB); between Rio Pacaja <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Rio Muira-<br />

SURINAM. Forest Reserve Z<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>erij 1, 24 Oct 1917 pir<strong>an</strong>ga, SW of Ilha de Breu, 20 Sep 1965 (2), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce<br />

(9), BW3376 (MO, U); Watramiri, 8 Oct 1918 (9), BW et al. 1397 (NY, US); BR-22, km 64, 25 Aug 1964 (6),<br />

4033 (NY, U), 13 Dec 1920 (9), BW 5036 (U); Sectie Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 58862 (F, GH, NY, S, U, US); Belem<br />

0, Feb 1943 (9), Stahel (Woodherb. Sur.) 166 (A, F, (IAN) 17 Oct 1963 (2), N. T. Silva 57832 (NY, U, US).<br />

NY, U, UC).<br />

RONDONIA: Forte Principe da Beira, Estrada do Igarape<br />

FRENCH GUIANA. S of Saul, 12 Feb (9), Leeu- da Viiva, 5 J<strong>an</strong> 1962 (2), Rodrigues et a. 4237 (U).<br />

wenberg 11784 (CAY); <strong>with</strong>out locality, (9), Poiteau RORAIMA: Indi<strong>an</strong> trail from Surucucu W to Uaica bes.n.<br />

(LE, P, type collection of P. aspera).<br />

tween Botamatedi <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Maitf, 10 Feb 1971 (2), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce<br />

ECUADOR. NAPO: 6 km SE of Los Sachas, 14 Apr et al. 13582A (INPA, F, GH, M, NY, P, S, U).<br />

1985 (9), Baker 6017 (BG); 5 km N of Coca, on Coca- BOLIVIA. LA PAZ: Nr. Mapiri, Sep 1907 (2), Buch-<br />

Lago Agrio rd., 16 Mar 1980 (st), Br<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>byge et al. tien 2050 (B, NY, US, type collection of P. crassiveno-<br />

30194 (AAU); El Chuncho, Estaci6n INIAP, 2 Oct sa), Sep 1907 (6), Buchtien 2122 (NY, US), 12-30 Sep<br />

1987 (st), Palacios 2059 (BG).<br />

1939 (9), Krukoff10867 (A, F, G, MO, NY, S, U, UC,<br />

PERU. AMAZONAS: Rio S<strong>an</strong>tiago, nr. Caterpiza, 14 US), Sep 1939 (8), Krukoff 10874 (F, NY), 8 Oct-15<br />

Nov 1979 (9), Huashikat 1241 (U), 28 Nov 1979 (2), Nov 1939 (2), Krukoff 11254 (F, NY).<br />

Junqui 149 (U). LORETO: Rio Mom6n, 4 Sep 1972 (9),<br />

Croat 19997 (MO); Maynas, Yaguasyacu, tributary of Vernacular names. Colombia. Antioquia-Bo-<br />

Rio Ampiyacu, below Borro Indi<strong>an</strong> village of Brilla livar: cirpe (or sirpe) hembra,<br />

Nueva, 7<br />

cirpe (or<br />

Nov 1977 (9), Gentry et al. 20356<br />

sirpe)<br />

(MO); Rio<br />

Ucayali, Jenaro Herrera, 7 Dec 1977 (9), Gentry et al. macho; Boyaca: cormi; Meta: caimar6n de mico.<br />

21193 (MO, U); Rio Javari, between Rio Curaqa R. Putumayo: otsepacho tsaha (Kof<strong>an</strong>). Venezuela.<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Tambaqui, 28 Oct 1976 (9), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 24188 Amazonas: cucura or cucure, sadha'fhi; Bolivar:<br />

(INPA, MG, U).<br />

cay-bari-cay, cay-i-wari-cay-yek, sarasara. Suri-<br />

BRAZIL. Without locality (9), Burchel 9792 (GH, nam. Boroma<br />

LE, P, under the same number P. mollis (Arawak), pourouma or<br />

subsp.<br />

puruma<br />

mollis).<br />

ACRE: Upper Rio Moa, Fazenda Arizona, 10-16 Oct (Carib). Peru. Amazonas: paui shuina, tsakap sui-<br />

1985 (st), Campbell et al. 6650 (BG); Rio Jurua, nr. ya (Huambisa). Brazil. Acre: imbafbar<strong>an</strong>a.<br />

Cruzeiro do Sul, 22 Oct 1966 (9), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 2754 Amazonas: imbafiba; Mato Grosso: imbafibar-<br />

(INPA, MG, U). AMAPA: Rio Oiapoque, 1-3 km N of<br />

<strong>an</strong>a,<br />

Cachoeira Tres Saltos, 12 Sep 1960 (6), Irwin<br />

tamaoquare; Para:<br />

et al.<br />

garguaba, mapatir<strong>an</strong>a.<br />

48192 (GH, M, NY, P, U, US). AMAZONAS: 27<br />

Bolivia. La Paz: uva menueda.<br />

Sep<br />

1973 (8), Berg et al. P. 18152 (INPA, MO, NY, P, U); In <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> towards the eastern part of the species<br />

M<strong>an</strong>aus-Caracarai rd., km 148, 26 Sep 1973 (6), Bisby r<strong>an</strong>ge (from Colombia to Bolivia) the arachnoid<br />

et al. P.18118 (F, INPA, MO, NY, S, U, US); Rio hairs on the lower leaf surface are confined to the<br />

Negro, Uaupes, 22 J<strong>an</strong> 1960 (9), Cavalc<strong>an</strong>te 777 (MG); areoles in<br />

Serra de Neblina, Rio Cauaburi, Camp Tuc<strong>an</strong>o, 5<br />

combination<br />

Dec<br />

<strong>with</strong> <strong>an</strong> increase of the<br />

1965 (9), Maguire et al. 60333 (F, MG, NY, P, U, US);<br />

thickness of the smaller veins, causing distinct<br />

Benjamin Const<strong>an</strong>t, 16 Oct 1956 (9), Meyer Drees 9 separation of the "islets" of arachnoid indument.<br />

(INPA, U); M<strong>an</strong>aus, Reserva Florestal Ducke, 6 Dec The tr<strong>an</strong>sition of the normal form of subsp. bi-<br />

1976 (2), Nascimento et al. (INPA) 66338) (INPA); Rio<br />

color, <strong>with</strong> the arachnoid indument<br />

Negro, Uaup6s, 1 May 1947 (9), Pires 502 (NY); Rio<br />

extending<br />

Negro, Sao Gabriel, 1 May 1947 (6), Pires 587<br />

over the<br />

(NY); relatively thin smaller veins to the form<br />

Tapuruquara, rd. to airport, 17 Oct 1917 (9), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce de scribed above, is rather gradual. Both forms<br />

et al. 15366 (INPA, M, MO, NY, S, U, US); M<strong>an</strong>aus, may occur in the same region. In the eastern part<br />

FIG. 63. <strong>Pourouma</strong> bicolor subsp. bicolor. From Martius, Flora Brasiliensis, 4(1). 1853: tab. 39, Leafy twig<br />

<strong>with</strong> fruiting pistillate inflorescence, fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th (17), fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> fruit (1711), pericarp (43), fruit<br />

(19), pericarp <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> seed (21), seed (19).

136 Flora Neotropica<br />

A 3<br />

?3X3l cm<br />

t. '- ?<br />

FG. 64. <strong>Pourouma</strong> bicolor subsp. tessm<strong>an</strong>ni. Leafy twigs <strong>with</strong> pistillate 94).'ur inflorescence (Tunqui<br />

(!<br />

L<br />

..'<br />

i-"<br />

i. _ .......<br />

'<br />


<strong>Pourouma</strong> 137<br />

of the species r<strong>an</strong>ge the upper leaf surface is often<br />

smooth. See unnamed collection #1 (p. 193).<br />

3b. <strong>Pourouma</strong> bicolor Martius subsp. tessm<strong>an</strong>nii<br />

(Mildbraed) C. C. Berg & v<strong>an</strong> Heusden, Proc.<br />

Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch., Ser. C 91(2): 106.<br />

1988. Fig. 64<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> tessm<strong>an</strong>nii Mildbraed, Notzibl. Bot. Gart.<br />

Berlin-Dahlem 10: 192. 1927. Type. Peru. Loreto:<br />

Pongo de M<strong>an</strong>seriche, 8 Oct 1924 (6), Tessm<strong>an</strong>n<br />

4236 (holotype, B; isotypes, NY, S, US).<br />

Leafy twigs appressed-puberulous to strigose.<br />

Lamina entire or occasionally 3-lobed to -fid;<br />

upper surface scabrous, lower surface smooth,<br />

appressed hairs on the main veins, arachnoid<br />

hairs in the areoles <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> on the smaller veins;<br />

smaller veins (almost) pl<strong>an</strong>e; stipules outside <strong>with</strong><br />

appressed hairs, inside glabrous, caducous. Pistillate<br />

inflorescences mostly <strong>with</strong> 3-16 flowers.<br />

Distribution (Fig. 68). Peru (Amazonas <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

Loreto); in non-inundated forest.<br />

Specimens examined. PERU. AMAZONAS: Rio S<strong>an</strong>tiago,<br />

65 km N of Teniente Pinglo, Quebrada Caterpiza,<br />

13 Oct 1979 (2), Huashikat 912 (U), 30 J<strong>an</strong> 1980<br />

(9), Huashikat 1872 (U); Rio S<strong>an</strong>tiago, nr. La Paz, 12<br />

Nov 1979 (2), Tunqui 7 (BG); Rio S<strong>an</strong>tiago, Quebrada<br />

Caterpiza, 17 Nov 1979 (6 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 2), Tunqui 94 (U).<br />

HuANuco: Prov. Leoncio Prado, 80 km NE of Tingo<br />

Maria, nr. La Divisoria, 18 J<strong>an</strong> 1976 (2), Gentry et al.<br />

1604 (DUKE, MO, NY). LORETO: 22 km S of km 86<br />

on Pucallpa-Tingo Maria hwy., 11 Feb 1981 (2), Gentry<br />

et al. 31197 (U); Pongo de M<strong>an</strong>seriche, nr. mouth of<br />

Rio S<strong>an</strong>tiago, 8 Oct 1924 (d), Tessm<strong>an</strong>n 4236 (B, NY,<br />

S, US, type collection of P. tessm<strong>an</strong>nii).<br />

Vernacular names. Peru. Amazonas: shuiya<br />

(Huambisa), t<strong>an</strong>ta shuiya, tentar shuina (Huambisa).<br />

This subspecies is similar to subsp. bicolor in<br />

most features but the stipules are glabrous inside.<br />

3c. <strong>Pourouma</strong> bicolor Martius subsp. digitata<br />

(Trecul) C. C. Berg & v<strong>an</strong> Heusden, Proc. Kon.<br />

Ned. Akad. Wetensch., Ser. C 91(2): 106.<br />

1988. Fig. 65.<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> digitata Tr6cul, Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., S6r. 3,<br />

8: 106. 1847; Miquel in Martius, Fl. bras. 4(1): 124.<br />

1853. Type. French Gui<strong>an</strong>a. Without locality, <strong>with</strong>-<br />

out date (9), Poiteau s.n. (lectotype P, chosen here;<br />

isolectotype B).<br />

Leafy twigs appressed-puberulous to strigose.<br />

Lamina 5-7(-9)-parted, midsegment l<strong>an</strong>ceolate<br />

to obovate, base truncate to shallowly cordate or<br />

sometimes deeply cordate; upper surface scabrous<br />

to scabridulous, sometimes smooth, lower<br />

surface <strong>with</strong> appressed hairs on the main veins,<br />

arachnoid hairs in the areoles <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> on the smaller<br />

veins; smaller veins (almost) pl<strong>an</strong>e: stipules outside<br />

<strong>with</strong> appressed hairs, inside hairy, caducous.<br />

Pistillate inflorescences mostly <strong>with</strong> 10-50 flowers.<br />

Distribution (Fig. 68). Guy<strong>an</strong>a, Surinam,<br />

French Gui<strong>an</strong>a, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Brazil (Amapa <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Parf),<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> probably in southeastern Venezuela; in noninundated<br />

forest at low altitudes.<br />

Specimens exmained. VENEZUELA. AMAZONAS:<br />

Nr. Cerro de La Neblina Base Camp, 19 Apr 1984 (st),<br />

Gentry et al 46752 (BG).<br />

GUYANA. NW slopes of K<strong>an</strong>uku Mts., drainage of<br />

Moku-Moku Creek, Takutu tributary, 31 Mar-16 Apr<br />

1938 (2), A. C. Smith 3564 (B, F, LE, MO, NY, P, S,<br />

U, US).<br />

SURINAM. Watramiri, 9 Jun 1916 (st), BW 2030<br />

(U); Kaboeri, 30 Oct 1920, B W 4866 (U); Brownsberg,<br />

4 Oct 1923 (S), BW 6292 (U); Distr. Brokopondo, 2<br />

km S of G<strong>an</strong>see, 27 Apr 1964 (st), Donselaar 1262 (U);<br />

Nassau Mts., at km 0.2 on terrace of Marowijne R.,<br />

16 Feb 1949 (st), L<strong>an</strong>jouw et al. 2213 (F, NY, RB, U);<br />

Distr. Saramacca, nr. Groningen, 19 Feb 1954 (st),<br />

Lindem<strong>an</strong> 5468 (U); Rik<strong>an</strong>au, nr. Moengo, 6 Jun 1954<br />

(st), Lindem<strong>an</strong> 6123 (U); S of Moengotapoe, 14 Jun<br />

1954 (st), Lindem<strong>an</strong> 6166 (U); Jodensav<strong>an</strong>ne-Map<strong>an</strong>e<br />

Creek area, 10 Dec 1954 (st), Lindem<strong>an</strong> 6765 (U);<br />

Distr. Nickerie, area of Kabalebo Dam project, 4 km<br />

NW of rd., km 39.5, 4 Nov 1981 (st), Lindem<strong>an</strong> & de<br />

Roon 750 (U); Lely Mts., E rd. on plateau 1, 29 Sep<br />

1976 (juv), Lindem<strong>an</strong> & Stoffers et al. 539 (U), 22 J<strong>an</strong><br />

1970 (2), Oldenburger et al. 1120 (U); Sipaliwini area,<br />

Brazili<strong>an</strong> frontier, 2.5 km S of Sipaliwini R., Feb 1970<br />

(st), Oldeburger et al. 1406 (U); Winn<strong>an</strong>a Creek, Upper<br />

Kabouir Creek, Cor<strong>an</strong>tyne R., 20 May 1960 (st), Schulz<br />

(LBB) 8316 (U); Section 0, ca. 5?N, 55?W, Nov 1942<br />

(a), Stahel 123A (U), Dec 1942 (S), Stahel (Woodherb.<br />

Sur.) 166B (A, NY, U, UC).<br />

FRENCH GUIANA: Cayenne, 1 Dec 1955 (2), BAF-<br />

OG (=Bena) 1050 (CAY, F, U); upper Oyapock R.,<br />

Zidock ville, 6 Sep 1977 (st), Gren<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 1442 (CAY, U);<br />

Saul, 8 Dec. 1982 (2), Mori et al. 15350 (BG); deserted<br />

village of Eau Claire, about 7 km N of Belizon, 12 Feb<br />

1966 (9), Oldem<strong>an</strong> 2030 (CAY); Yaroupi R., 8 km<br />

downstream of Saut Tainoua, 18 Apr 1970 (st), Oldem<strong>an</strong><br />

3115 (CAY, P, U); <strong>with</strong>out locality, <strong>with</strong>out date<br />

(9), Poiteau s.n. (B, P, type collection of P. digitata),<br />

<strong>with</strong>out date (8), Poiteau s.n. (P); Oyapoque R., Camopi,<br />

8 Mar 1976 (9), Sastre 4350 (P, U); Mt. St.<br />

Marcel, 28 Mar 1976 (9), Sastre 4579 (P).<br />

BRAZIL. AMAPA: Serra do Navio, 1961 (2), Aubreville<br />

144 (P, U, US); rd. to Clevel<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ia, 14 Oct 1950<br />

(9), Fr6es 26631 (IAN), 13 Oct 1960 (a), Irwin 48682<br />

(GH, IAN, NY, U, US); Rio Oiapoque, Mt. Tipac, 16<br />

Oct 1960 (8), Irwin 48755 (IAN, NY); Rio Oiapoque,<br />

Mt. Tipac, 16 Oct 1961 (6), Pires et al. 51624 (B, F,

138 Flora Neotropica<br />

? ..J<br />

'" - i; . . . . .<br />

.ru<br />

_l<br />

*<br />

,| x. . . . | |.. | . .<br />

FIG. 65. <strong>Pourouma</strong> bicolor subsp. digitata. Leaf <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> pistillate inflorescences BAFOG 1050).<br />

FIG. 65. <strong>Pourouma</strong> bicolor subsp. digitata. Leaf <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> pistillate inflorescences (BAFOG 1050).<br />

NY, R, UC, US). PARA: Rio Jari, Monte Dourado, 4<br />

Feb 1969 (9), Cavalc<strong>an</strong>te 2297 (MG); 25-35 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 65<br />

km SW of Tucurui, 4 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 18-20 Nov 1981 (9), Daly<br />

et al. 1208 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 1474 (BG); Rio Jari, Monte Dourado,<br />

15 Nov 1968 (9), N. T. Silva 1411 (NY, U, US), 15<br />

Nov 1968 (8), N. T. Silva 1412 (NY, U).<br />

Vernacular names. Surinam. boroma (Ara-<br />

wak), bospapaja, pourouma or puruma (Carib),<br />

yarayara (Carib). French Gui<strong>an</strong>a. a'ilea (Waya-<br />

pi), male bois c<strong>an</strong>on or bois c<strong>an</strong>on, kulumatelelel<br />

(Wayapi). Brazil. Para: mapatir<strong>an</strong>a.

<strong>Pourouma</strong> 139<br />

This subspecies resembles P. cecropiifolia very<br />

much. It is therefore somewhat doubtful whether<br />

Gentry et al. 46752 (from Venezuela, Amazonas)<br />

belongs to subsp. digitata or represents a juvenile<br />

form of P. cecropiifolia. Subspecies digitata dif-<br />

30 Apr 1939 (st), St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley 72667 (F); between Virginia<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Lago Izabal, 5 Apr 1940 (st), Steyermark 38916<br />

(F).<br />

BELIZE. Belmop<strong>an</strong>, 21 Jun 1973 (6), Croat 24831<br />

(MO); St<strong>an</strong>n Creek district, Middlesex, 5 May 1939<br />

(9), Gentle 2787 (A, F, NA, NY, US); St<strong>an</strong>n Creek<br />

valley, 18 Mar 1940 (9), Gentle 3265 (A, NY); Monkey<br />

R., 18 Oct 1942 (6), Gentle 4211 (DUKE); El Cayo<br />

district, Hummingbird Hwy., 16 Apr 1955 (9), Gentle<br />

8675 (F, S, US); Maya Mts., 18 Jun 1930 (9), Schipp<br />

fers from P. cecropiifolia in the smaller number<br />

of incisions of the lamina <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> usually a scabrous<br />

to scabridulous upper surface of the lamina.<br />

Nests of small <strong>an</strong>ts are sometimes found in 127 (A, F, G, GH, MO, NY, S).<br />

between the bases of the main veins.<br />

HONDURAS. Rio Esper<strong>an</strong>za, 28 Feb 1903 (6), Wil-<br />

From the two syntype collections, Leprieurs.n. son 606 (NY, US). ATLANTIDA: S<strong>an</strong> Alejo, 22-27 Apr<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Poiteau s. n. (staminate specimens), the latter 1947 (st), St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley 7878 (F); Tela, 4 Dec 1927-20 Mar<br />

1928<br />

is chosen as lectoptype collection.<br />

(st), St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley 52900 (A, F, US), (9), St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley<br />

53951 (F, US). CORTES: Agua Azul, 9 Feb 1952 (9),<br />

Allen 6401 (F, GH, US). GRACIAS A Dios: Rio Plat<strong>an</strong>o,<br />

17-23<br />

3d. <strong>Pourouma</strong> bicolor Martius subsp. scobina May 1973 (9), Clewell et al. 4142 (MO).<br />

NICARAGUA. ZELAYA: Puerto Cabezas, 2 Dec 1927<br />

(Benoist) C. C. Berg & v<strong>an</strong> Heusden, Proc. (9), Englesing 50 (F), (st), Englesing 52A (F); between<br />

Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch., Ser. C 91(2): 106. Bluefields <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Ginney Point, 24 Mar 1949 (st), Molina<br />

1988. Fig. 66. R. 1963 (GH); El Recreo-El Pijibaye rd., 11 May 1949<br />

(st), St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley 19904 (F); rd. to Colonia M<strong>an</strong><strong>an</strong>tiales, S<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> scobina Benoist, Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. (Paris) of ridge of Serr<strong>an</strong>ias de Yol<strong>an</strong>ia, 29-31 Oct 1977 (st),<br />

28: 320. 1922; Woodson & Schery, Ann. Missouri Stevens 4839 (BG); ca. 14.3 km N of El Enpalme, along<br />

Bot. Gard. 47: 167. 1960. Type: Costa Rica. S<strong>an</strong> new rd. to Mina Nueva America, 27 Apr 1978 (9),<br />

Jose: Tucurrique, Dec 1898 (i), Tonduz 12930 (ho- Stevens 8323 (BG).<br />

lotype, P; isotypes, F, GH, M, NY, S, US).<br />

COSTA RICA. ALAJUELA: Caribl<strong>an</strong>co, Quebrada<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> crassivenia Cuatrecasas, Revista Acad. Co- Array<strong>an</strong>es, 1 Jul 1973 (6), Lent 3547 (DUKE, F, MO,<br />

lomb. Ci. Exact. 9(36/37): 340. 1956. Type. Colom- U). CARTAGO: Turrialba, 20 May 1951 (9), Le6n 3501<br />

bia. Valle: Rio Digua, Piedra de Moler, 24 Aug 1943 (NA). HEREDIA: Puerto Viejo, Rio Sarapiqui, 19 J<strong>an</strong><br />

(9), Cuatrecasas 15071 (holotype, F; isotypes, GH, 1974 (st), Hartshorn 1348 (F), 1 Oct 1974 (9), Hart-<br />

NY).<br />

shorn 1539 (F, U); Rio Sarapiqui, Tirimbina, 16 Jul<br />

1971 (6), Lent 2004 (F, G, MO, NY, U, US); Rio<br />

Leafy twigs appressed-puberulous to strigose Sarapiqui, La Virgen, 23 Jul 1979 (9), Stevens 13341<br />

or hirtellous. Lamina usually 5-7(-9)-parted, (U). LIMON: Madre de Dios, 26 Feb 1949 (9), Holdridge<br />

sometimes 3-lobed to -parted, midsegment<br />

2514 (US); Rio Hondo, Aug 1901 (9), Pittier 16163<br />

mostly l<strong>an</strong>ceolate to oblong, sometimes (G, US). PUNTARENAS: Valley of Rio Diquis, between<br />

elliptic Union <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> S<strong>an</strong> Pedro, 29 Mar 1898 (9), Pittier 12105<br />

to obovate, base + deeply cordate; upper surface (BR, P, US). SAN JOSE: S<strong>an</strong> Pablo, 2 Mar 1966 (9),<br />

scabrous (to scabridulous), lower surface smooth, Jimenez 3816 (F); S<strong>an</strong> Isidro, El General, 2 Mar 1966<br />

hairs on the main vein appressed to patent, ar- (9), Molina R. 18227 (F, NY, US); El General, J<strong>an</strong><br />

achnoid hairs (almost) confined to the areoles<br />

1939 (6), Skutch 4083 (A, MO, NY, S, US), Feb 1939<br />

but the spots of arachnoid<br />

(9), Skutch 4225<br />

hairs mostly not clear-<br />

(A, MO, NY, S); Rio de las Vueltas,<br />

Tucurrique, Dec 1898 (6), Tonduz 12930 (F, GH, M,<br />

ly separated by the smaller veins; smaller veins NY, P, S, US, type collection of P. scobina).<br />

more or less prominent; stipules outside <strong>with</strong> ap- PANAMA. COCLE: Valley of Rio Anton, 1000 m,<br />

pressed or patent hairs, inside hairy, caducous. 27 Sep 1946 (9), Allen 3742 (BR, E, F, G, MO, P).<br />

Pistillate<br />

COLON: S<strong>an</strong>ta<br />

inflorescences <strong>with</strong> (10-)20-50 (or more<br />

Rita, Feb 1968 (9), Gomez-Pompa 3385<br />

(MO). DARIEN: Cerro Pirre, 14 Dec 1962 (9), Duke<br />

?) flowers.<br />

6588 (MO); Pidiaque, 28 Mar 1966 (9), Duke 8035<br />

Distribution (Fig. 68). Central America (from (MO); between Cerro Pierre <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Piji Vasal, 15 Nov<br />

Guatemala to P<strong>an</strong>ama) <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the Pacific coastal 1977 (st), Folsom 6377 (MO); Cocalito, 8-9 Apr 1978<br />

region of Colombia <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Ecuador, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> to north- (st), Garwood 759 (F); Cerro Pirre, 1000-1400 m, 29<br />

Dec 1972<br />

western Venezuela, possibly also in<br />

(9),<br />

Peru<br />

Gentryet al. 6997 (F, MO); Rio Setig<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>i,<br />

(Loreto 19 Apr 1980 (9), Gentry et al. 28609 (U); M<strong>an</strong>ene, 23<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> S<strong>an</strong> Martin); in non-inundated forest at al- Dec 1980 (9), Hartm<strong>an</strong> 12176 (U); between Paya <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

titudes up to ca. 1600 m.<br />

Pucro, 12 Jun 1959 (9), Steam et al. 423 (G, GH, LE,<br />

US); Pediaque Hill, nr. Rio Sab<strong>an</strong>a <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Rio Lara, 16<br />

Specimens examined. GUATEMALA. ALTA VERA- Jul 1966 (2), Tyson et al. 4734 (DUKE, GH, MO);<br />

PAZ: Finca Cubilguitz, Mar 1913 (Q), Tuerckheim 4082 C<strong>an</strong>a, 17 Apr-8 Jun 1908 (9), R. S. Williams 983 (NY,<br />

(US). IZABAL: Puerto Mendez, 12 Jun 1970 (2), Con- US). PANAMA: El Ll<strong>an</strong>o-Carti rd., 20 Feb 1973 (9),<br />

treras 10026 (DUKE, F, U, US); El Estor, 7 Mar 1972 Correa et al. 1854 (F, MO); Cerro Azul, 26 Jul 1970<br />

(2), Contreras 11195 (DUKE, P, S, US); Entre Rios, (st), Croat 11591 (F, MO); between Cerro Azul <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>

140 Flora Neotropica<br />

' I?<br />


inch ?<br />

. J e . td. .<br />

-N-<br />

FIG. 66. <strong>Pourouma</strong> bicolor subsp. scobina. Leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences<br />

(Allen 6401).<br />

Cerro Jefe, 6 Aug 1968 (Q), Dressier 3579 (DUKE, GH,<br />

MO); El Ll<strong>an</strong>o-Carti rd., 17 Apr 1981 (Q), Sytsma 4018<br />

(U). SAN BLAS: C<strong>an</strong>g<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>i, 10 Feb 1986 (st), Nevers et<br />

al. 7178 (BG), 27 Mar 1986 (st), Nevers et al. 7542<br />

(BG).<br />


Rio Curiche, camp Curiche,<br />

25 May 1967 (9), Duke 11599 (US). VALLE: Rio Digua,<br />

Piedra de Moler, 24 Aug 1943 (2), Cuatrecasas 15071<br />

(F, GH, NY, type collection of P. crassivenia); Rio<br />

S<strong>an</strong>quinini, La Laguna, 14 Dec 1943 (d), Cuatrecasas

<strong>Pourouma</strong><br />

15520 (F, GH, NY), (9), Cuatrecasas 15534 (F, GH, subspecies <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> in that of the other subspecies,<br />

NY).<br />

except for subsp. choco<strong>an</strong>a. Such specimens are<br />

VENEZUELA. BARINAS: Pedreza, Feb 1955 (2),<br />

Bernardi 1986 (NY, VEN); rd. Barinitas-El Cacao, 21 hardly distinguishable from P. gui<strong>an</strong>ensis subsp.<br />

Sep 1982 (9), Marc<strong>an</strong>o-Bert et al. 982-154 (U). MERI- gui<strong>an</strong>ensis <strong>with</strong> regard to the leaf indument (see<br />

DA: Caiio Amarillo, 5 Feb 1955 (2), Bernardi 1919 (F, p. 122). Fortunately these taxa c<strong>an</strong> mostly be<br />

NY, VEN); El Vigia, 14 Jun 1979 (6), Marc<strong>an</strong>o-Bert distinguished on the presence of hairs on the inet<br />

al. 238-979 (U). TACHIRA: La Fria, 22 Dec 1965 (2), ner surface of the<br />

Breteler 4920 (MO, U); 35 km SSE of S<strong>an</strong> stipules <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> are, moreover,<br />

Cristobal,<br />

20-21 Mar 1981 (2), Liesner et al. 10944 (BG); S<strong>an</strong> geographically separated. However, two recent<br />

Joaquino de Navay, 6 Nov 1979 (2), Stevermark et al. collections from Peru (S<strong>an</strong> Martin; Gentry et al.<br />

119396 (U). ZULIA: Dtto. Col6n, nr. Casuigua El Cubo, 45160) <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> (Loreto, Gentry et al. 42168) may<br />

21 J<strong>an</strong> 1979 (9), Bunting 6836 (BG); Sierra de Perija, also<br />

SW ofMachiques, 31 Aug 1967 (2), Steyermark 99945<br />

belong to subsp. scobina. The indument on<br />

the<br />

(U, VEN).<br />

petiole, the leafy twigs, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the main veins<br />

ECUADOR. CARCHI: Maldonado, 25 Sep 1979 (6), of the lamina beneath is denser th<strong>an</strong> usual in the<br />

Gentry et al. 26530 (U). EL ORO: Piedras, 20 Jun 1943 collections from Central America <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> western<br />

(st), Little 6640 (F, US). ESMERALDAS: S<strong>an</strong>to Domingo Ecuador. The latter collection has, moreover,<br />

de los Colorados-Quininde rd., 14 Apr 1943, Acosta<br />

S. 13605 (F); Quininde, 12-14 Apr 1943 (2), Little 6241 bright-yellow hairs on the stipules <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 9-parted<br />

(F, US), (st), Little 6258 (F, UC, US); S<strong>an</strong> Lorenzo, 20 leaves <strong>with</strong> subpetiolulate segments. The identity<br />

Apr 1943 (2), Little 6301 (F, U, UC, US). IMBABURA: of these two collections is rather uncertain.<br />

Collapi, 4 Jun 1949 (st), Acosta S. 12884 (F). Los Rios:<br />

Rio Palenque Biol. Station, 16 Aug 1976 (st), Dodson<br />

6156 (MO), 2 Oct 1976 (st), Dodson et al. 6312 (MO), 3e. <strong>Pourouma</strong> bicolor Martius subsp. choco<strong>an</strong>a<br />

(6), Dodson et al. 6327 (GB, MO, U), 2 Feb 1974 (9), (St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley) C. C. Berg & v<strong>an</strong> Heusden, Proc.<br />

Gentry 9552 (MO, U). PICHINCHA: S<strong>an</strong>to Domingo de Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch., Ser. C 91(2): 106.<br />

los Colorados, 30 Aug 1930 (6), Benoist (P, S, U), 17<br />

Oct 1961 (2), Cazalet et<br />

1988.<br />

al. 5037 (FHO, NY, UC, US),<br />

Fig. 67<br />

19 Oct 1961 (6), Cazalet et al. 5072 (FHO, NY, UC, <strong>Pourouma</strong> choco<strong>an</strong>a St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley, Publ. Field Mus. Nat.<br />

US).<br />

Hist., Bot. Ser., 22: 73. 1940.<br />

PERU. LORETO: Prov. Maynas, Y<strong>an</strong>amono<br />

Type: Colombia. Cho-<br />

Explora- c6: Junction of Rio Condoto <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Rio S<strong>an</strong><br />

ma Tourist Camp, 26 Jun 1983 (st), Gentry et al.<br />

Ju<strong>an</strong>, 20<br />

42168<br />

(BG). SAN<br />

Apr 1939<br />

MARTIN:<br />

(2), Killip & A. C. Smith 35095<br />

Rioja-Pomacochas rd., below<br />

(holotype,<br />

F;<br />

Venceremos, 1600 m, 8 Feb<br />

isotype, US).<br />

1984 (9), Gentry et al. <strong>Pourouma</strong><br />

45160<br />

johnstonii Woodson, Ann. Missouri Bot.<br />

(BG).<br />

Gard. 47: 166. 1960; Burger, Fieldi<strong>an</strong>a Bot. 40: 201.<br />

1977. Type. P<strong>an</strong>ama. C<strong>an</strong>al Zone, W of Lim6n Bay,<br />

Vernacular names. Guatemala. Guarumo de Gatun Locks, Maru Towers, 27 Mar 1956 (Q), Johnston<br />

1714<br />

montafia. Belize. Trumpet tree. Honduras.<br />

(holotype, MO; isotype, A).<br />

Guarumo de montafia, m<strong>an</strong>o de le6n. Nicaragua.<br />

Guarumo macho, pacica, yahal (Moskito Indi<strong>an</strong>s).<br />

Costa Rica. Chumico, guarumo de montafia,<br />

lija. P<strong>an</strong>ama. Darien: guarumo macho, piraejo.<br />

Colombia. Choc6: uva. Venezuela. Barinas:<br />

tinajero. Merida: orumo de monte. Ecuador. Esmeraldas:<br />

guagay, guarumo de montafia, uva, uva<br />

del monte.<br />

The lamina is mostly 5-7-fid to -parted, but<br />

in P<strong>an</strong>ama 3-lobed laminas occur. The number<br />

of flowers in the pistillate inflorescence is often<br />

50 or more. In Guatemala <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P<strong>an</strong>ama collections<br />

<strong>with</strong> (10-20) flowers in the pistillate inflorescence<br />

have been made. In several collections<br />

in the southern part of the subspecies r<strong>an</strong>ge (Ec-<br />

Leafy twigs patent- to appressed-puberulous<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> at least on the scars of the stipules (sparsely)<br />

yellow-hirsute. Lamina mostly 5-fid to -parted,<br />

sometimes 3-lobed to -fid or entire, occasionally<br />

(in subjuvenile material?) 7-parted, midsegment<br />

broadly elliptic to oblong, base deeply or sometimes<br />

shallowly cordate; upper surface scabrous,<br />

lower surface smooth, appressed hairs on the main<br />

veins, arachnoid hairs in the areoles <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> on the<br />

smaller veins, mostly covering the areas between<br />

the parallel tertiary veins; smaller veins (almost)<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>e; stipules outside yellow-hirsute to -subsericeous,<br />

inside hairy, subpersistent. Pistillate inflorescences<br />

mostly <strong>with</strong> up to 50 (or more?) flowers.<br />

uador to P<strong>an</strong>ama) the indument of the lamina<br />

beneath, the petioles, stipules, peduncles <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> leafy<br />

twigs is patent (hirtellous to (sub)tomentose) instead<br />

of appressed as in most collections of this<br />

Distribution (Fig. 68). P<strong>an</strong>ama (C<strong>an</strong>al Zone<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Col6n) to western Colombia (Choc6 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

Valle); in non-inundated forest at altitudes up to<br />

ca. 1000 m.<br />


142 Flora Neotropica<br />

movririg-. o<br />

-..<br />

Ievsed for YXora eotr ei''<br />

Pouroum bicolar orths* subsp, chocoasa<br />

?Staodisy) C.C. krg & v<strong>an</strong> Seusden<br />

Dec~L~E~I!t.: C.c. Barg Utrechtr 19L6<br />


der*-o lno Tru4. . 5<br />

un~err<br />

t.e inch99 Jaa<br />

en<br />

~rp~<br />

i<br />

~ ~ ~ r<br />

rortbO~h ofr trwil, tr--, : rtire tr,<strong>an</strong>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~rt-in~f4etedm<br />

tkr~- ~-~:ht brow:1., ,('!'t wi';<br />

~ag<br />

irr-f~'Lr hc~riz,.ntml rineg; c~r~. 1<br />

%N0 p<br />

C.RAVfJR~rok;%s~l<br />

6,FR pCv.bl Ftrol..'<br />

Il . Feb. r ; z, 1c60<br />

"'Cf.7<br />

FIG. 67. <strong>Pourouma</strong> bicolor subsp. choco<strong>an</strong>a. Leafy twig <strong>with</strong> staminate inflorescence<br />

(Croat 8097).<br />

Specimens examined. PANAMA. Without locality,<br />

1861 (st), Hayes 32 (E), <strong>with</strong>out date (2), Hayes 348<br />

(NY). CANAL ZONE: Nr. Gamboa, 8 Feb 1966 (2), Blum<br />

2039 (MO), 19 Jun 1968 (st); Barro Colorado Isl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>,<br />

22 Feb 1969 (d), Croat 8097 (F, MO, NY), (9), Croat<br />

8100 (F, MO), 14 Mar 1969 (st), Croat 8648 (MO), 23<br />

May 1970 (st), Croat 10343 (MO), 9 Jun 1970 (st),<br />

Croat 10830 (MO); nr. Gamboa, Foster et al. 584<br />

(DUKE, NY), 18 Dec 1972 (d), Gentry 6679 (MO);<br />

Gatun Lake, Gatun Locks, 27 Mar 1956 (2), Johnston<br />

1714 (A, MO, type collection of P. johnstonii); Barro<br />

Colorado Isl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>, 16 Aug 1927 (st), Kenoyer 312 (US),<br />

27 Oct 1931 (st), Shattuck 260 (A, F, MO), 4 Dec 1931<br />

(d), Shattuck 522 (F, MO, US) <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 525 (F, MO); N of<br />

Frijoles, 19 Dec 1923 (st), St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley 27479 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 27502<br />

(US). CoIkN: Donese district, Camp Batija, 9-14 May<br />

1968 (9), Holdridge 6254A (MO).<br />

COLOMBIA. CHOC6: Quibdo-Istmina rd., 48 km<br />

S of Quibdo, nr. Certegui, 8 J<strong>an</strong> 1979 (9), Gentry et al<br />

23835 (BG); Quibdo-Tutunendo rd., 3 km W of Tutunendo,<br />

7 J<strong>an</strong> 1981 (st), Gentry et al. 30278 (U); junction<br />

of Rio Condoto <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Rio S<strong>an</strong> Ju<strong>an</strong>, 20 Apr 1939

_' "(<br />

O^^Jgy -' i biccoolr<br />

P. bicolor subsp.<br />

-r~ E^^<br />

-<br />

_SAs.<br />

*<br />

L ?<br />

*?'7 ^ ^<br />

[<br />

*'<br />

"*^<br />

^ ~ * nde<br />

s.cbina<br />

A<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

p. biColor subsp. digitate<br />

-<br />

P. bicolor subsp.<br />

P. bicolor *P. ccrepifo.<br />

'- s<br />

FIG. 68. Distribution of <strong>Pourouma</strong> bicolor subsp. bicolor, P. bicolor subsp. choco<strong>an</strong>a, P. bicolor subsp.<br />

digitata, P. bicolor subsp. scobina, P. bicolor subsp. tessm<strong>an</strong>nii, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P. cecropiifolia.

144 Flora Neotropica<br />

(9), Killip 35095 (F, US, type collection ofP. choco<strong>an</strong>a). 7: 231. 1927. Type. Bolivia. Beni: Rurrenabaque,<br />

NARIMO: Mun. Barbacoas, Barbacoas-Junin rd., 1050 Oct 1921 (9), Rusby 1599 (holotype, NY; isotypes,<br />

m, 7 Aug 1982 (9), Mora 2295 (US); Mun. Iscu<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>e, F, GH, US).<br />

Rio Sequi6n, 22 Nov 1955 (d), Romero-Cast<strong>an</strong>eda 5484<br />

(AAU). VALLE: Rio Yurum<strong>an</strong>gui, Veneral, 28 J<strong>an</strong>-10 Tree, up to 20 m tall. Leafy twigs 5-30 mm<br />

Feb 1944 (a), Cuatrecasas 15876 (F); Rio Calima, La<br />

Trojita, 19 Feb-10 Mar 1944 (2), Cuatrecasas 16315<br />

thick, (sparsely) white-pubescent <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> sparse<br />

(F); La Esper<strong>an</strong>za, 6-7 Mar 1944 (d), Cuatrecasas 16755<br />

to dense, brown, pluricellular hairs, often gla-<br />

(F); S<strong>an</strong> Isidro, 2-5 May 1944 (8), Cuatrecasas 17357 brescent. Lamina 7-1 1-parted, rarely 3-5-lobed,<br />

(F); Rio Cajambre, Silva, 5-15 May 1944 (st), Cuatre- ca. 10-40 x 13-60 cm, coriaceous, apex acucasas<br />

17451 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 17479 (F); Bajo Calima, ca. 15 km N minate to acute, base deeply cordate, <strong>with</strong> or<br />

of Buenaventura, 18 Feb 1983 (st), Gentry et al. 40479 <strong>with</strong>out<br />

(BG); Bajo Calima, rd. to Ju<strong>an</strong>chaco Palmares, 18 Jul overlapping lobes; upper surface smooth,<br />

1984 (2), Gentry et al. 48303 (BG).<br />

white puberulous on the main veins <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> sometimes<br />

<strong>with</strong> sparse, red-brown, pluricellular hairs<br />

Vernacular names: P<strong>an</strong>ama. M<strong>an</strong>gabe. Colom- usually on the smaller veins, lower surface whitebia.<br />

Antioquia: sirpo; Nariiio: guagay. or sometimes yellow-, usually appressed-pubes-<br />

This subspecies c<strong>an</strong> be easily distinguished cent to -puberulous on the veins, occasionally<br />

from subsp. scobina by the arachnoid indument brown, pluricellular hairs on the main veins,<br />

covering the smaller veins (between the parallel arachnoid hairs in the areoles, often also on the<br />

tertiary veins), <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> often also by the relatively smaller veins; lateral veins ca. 15-30 pairs, terbroad<br />

segments of the lamina. Some of the spec- tiary venation almost pl<strong>an</strong>e beneath; petiole 8-<br />

imens are yellow-hirsute on the leafy twigs, or 50 cm long, glabrous or occasionally <strong>with</strong> brown,<br />

also on the stipules, petioles, main veins of the pluricellular hairs; stipules 2-20 cm long, outside<br />

lamina above <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>/or the peduncles. Such spec- white-appressed-puberulous <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> (dense) redimens<br />

resemble P. oraria very much. The two brown, pluricellular hairs, inside densely yellowtaxa<br />

differ in the smooth upper surface of the hirsute <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> sometimes <strong>with</strong> brown, pluricellular<br />

lamina, the smooth fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the hairs, caducous. Staminate inflorescences up to<br />

concentration of hirsute indument at the adaxial 27 cm long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 17 cm wide; peduncle 2-11 cm<br />

side of the petiole. The resembl<strong>an</strong>ces between long, peduncle <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> br<strong>an</strong>ches yellow- or white-,<br />

these two taxa are so striking that we sometimes usually appressed-puberulous <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> usually <strong>with</strong><br />

wondered whether they could be two forms of dense, (dark- or red-)brown, pluricellular hairs;<br />

the same species (distinct from P. bicolor). flowers sessile, ? diffusely distributed along the<br />

ultimate br<strong>an</strong>ches; tepals ca. 2.5 mm long, free<br />

4. <strong>Pourouma</strong> cecropiifolia Martius in Spix & or occasionally basally connate, ciliolate; fila-<br />

Martius, Reise Bras. 3:1130. 1831, as Puruma ments shorter th<strong>an</strong> the tepals, free. Pistillate incecropiaefolia;<br />

Martius, Syst. mat. med. bras. florescences in fruit up to 24 cm long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 22 cm<br />

34. 1843; Miquel in Martius, Fl. bras. 4(1): wide; peduncle 2-13.5 cm long, peduncle <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

123, t. 36. 1843; Macbride, Publ. Field Mus. br<strong>an</strong>ches <strong>with</strong> indument similar to that of the<br />

Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser., 13(2.2): 291. 1937. Type.<br />

staminate inflorescence; flowers 25-170; pedicel<br />

Brazil. "In silvis prov. Paraensis et Rio Ne- up to 0.6 cm, in fruit up to 2 cm long; peri<strong>an</strong>th<br />

gro," Dec 1819 (st), Martius s. n. (lectotype M,<br />

4-9 mm long; white- to yellow-puberulous <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

chosen here). Fig. 69. usually <strong>with</strong> (dark or red-) brown, pluricellular<br />

hairs; stigma peltate, ca. 1.5-2 mm diam., sparsely<br />

white-puberulous. Fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th dark purple<br />

to black, ovoid to subglobose, 1.5-3.5 x 0.7-2<br />

cm, densely to sparsely puberulous <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> sometimes<br />

<strong>with</strong> brown, pluricellular hairs.<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> multifida Trecul, Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., Ser.<br />

3, 8: 107. 1847; Miquel in Martius, Fl. bras. 4(1):<br />

123, 1853. Type. Brazil? Without locality, <strong>with</strong>out<br />

date (9), Anonymus (=Ferreira?) s.n. (holotype, P;<br />

isotype, P).<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> sapida Karsten, Fl. Columb. 2: 19, t. 110.<br />

1862. Type. Colombia. Meta: Villavicencio, nr. Jiramene,<br />

Oct 1872 (a), Karsten s.n. (holotype, GOET;<br />

isotype?, LE-<strong>with</strong> fragments of staminate inflorescences!).<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> edulis Dufresne, Ill. Hort. 20: 70. 1873. Based<br />

on (living?) material from Colombia, collected by<br />

Linden).<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> uvifera Rusby, Mem. New York Bot. Gard.<br />

Distribution (Fig. 68). Extending from Colombia<br />

(Meta) through Amazoni<strong>an</strong> Ecuador, Peru,<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Brazil (Acre <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> western Amazonas) to Amazoni<strong>an</strong><br />

Bolivia, also in Amazoni<strong>an</strong> Venezuela;<br />

in non-inundated forest, at altitudes up to ca.<br />

1000 m. Often cultivated <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> their occurrence<br />

often indicating previous hum<strong>an</strong> inhabitation.

<strong>Pourouma</strong> 145<br />

,J,<br />

? ^T \Sr~~u. I<br />

. .<br />

0f W/+ O.+ 14+ I+<br />

P OUR 0 ITMA cecropiaefolia.<br />

FIG. 69. <strong>Pourouma</strong> cecropiifolia. From Martius, Flora Brasiliensis 4(1). 1853: tab. 36. Leaf, stipule (32),<br />

staminate inflorescence, diagram of staminate flower (D), part of staminate flower (28), staminate flower (1),<br />

tepals (4), stamens (7).

146 Flora Neotropica<br />

Also cultivated in some places outside the species<br />

r<strong>an</strong>ge, e.g., Bahia (Brazil).<br />

al. 43137 (BG); 2-8 Aug 1929 (9), Killip et al. 27381<br />

(NY, US); Yurimaguas, 24-25 Aug 1929 (2), Killip et<br />

al. 27932 (F, NY, US); Iquitos, 26 Sept 1929 (2), Killip<br />

et al. 29839 (F, NY, US), Apr 1930 (6), Klug 1185 (F,<br />

Specimens examined. COLOMBIA. Without locality,<br />

<strong>with</strong>out date (9), Tri<strong>an</strong>a 862 (E, NY, P), <strong>with</strong>out NY, US), May 1930 (2), Klug 1326 (F, NY, US); Rio<br />

date (9), Tri<strong>an</strong>a 1892 (NY). AMAZONAS: Rio Boiauasu, Marafion, Persever<strong>an</strong>ca, 5 Feb 1924 (2), Kuhlm<strong>an</strong> 1337<br />

28 Nov 1945 (st), Duque-Jaramillo 2261 (NY); Rio (F, RB); Pongo de M<strong>an</strong>seriche, 11 Dec 1931 (2), Mexia<br />

Loretoyacu, Barracon, 25 Dec 1945 (2), Duque-Jara- 6257 (F, G, GB, NY, S, U, UC, US); Prov. Requena,<br />

millo 2446 (NY); between Rio K<strong>an</strong><strong>an</strong>ari <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Rio Pa- nr. Jenaro Herrera, 4 Nov 1986 (2), Peters 187 (BG);<br />

coa, 1-5 Dec 1951 (6), Garcia-Barriga 13871 (US); Rio Rio Yaguasyacu, Brillo Nuevo, 16 Apr 1977 (2), Plow-<br />

Igara-Par<strong>an</strong>a, La Chorrera, 20 Sep 1973 (2), Sastre 2274 m<strong>an</strong> et al. 6903 (F, GH); Rio Yucayali, 1923 (a), Tess-<br />

(G, P); Los Monos, 24 Sep 1978 (st), Pabon E. 573 m<strong>an</strong>n 3054 (G, S); Rio Itaya, Paraiso, 9 Oct 1929 (2),<br />

(herb. Araracuara); Rio Carapar<strong>an</strong>a, El Enc<strong>an</strong>to, 22- Ll. Williams 3347 (F, US); Yurimaguas, 4 Nov 1929<br />

28 May 1942 (st), Schultes 3826 (NA), (2), Schultes (9), Ll. Williams 3984 (F), 10 Nov 1929 (2), LI. Wil-<br />

3862 (F); Rio Igara-Par<strong>an</strong>a, La Chorrera, 4-10 1942 liams 4627 (F). MADRE DE Dios: Rio M<strong>an</strong>u, Cocha<br />

(2), Schultes 3901 (F); Rio Boiauasu, Nov 1945 (2), Cashu Station, 25 Nov 1980 (2), Foster 5905 (F), 15<br />

Schultes 6805 (F, US). CAQUETA: Las Guacamayas, 28 Sep 1979 (st), Foster 7001 (F); Tambopata, 19 Feb<br />

Apr 1944 (9), Little 7756 (US); Morelia, 7 Oct 1941 1984 (st), Gentry et al 45660 (BG). PASCO: Prov. Ox-<br />

(6), von Sneidern s.n. (S). META: Villavicencio, nr. Jira- apampa, Iscozacin, 24 Jun 1982 (2), D. Smith et al.<br />

mene, Oct 1872 (9), Karsten s.n. (GOET, LE), (6), Kar- 2089 (BG). SAN MARTIN: Puerto Piz<strong>an</strong>a, 27 Jul 1973<br />

sten s.n. (GOET, LE, type collection of P. sapida). (9), J. Schunke V. 6485 (F, GH, MO, NY). UCAYALI:<br />

PUTUMAYO: Rio Putumayo, 28 Aug 1966 (9), Pinkley Prov. Coronel Portillo, Lago Yarinacocha, Povenir, 5<br />

405 (S); Puerto Lim6n, 27-28 Feb 1942 (st), Schultes Nov 1984 (2), Maas et al. 6201 (U); Prov. Coronel<br />

3343 (F). VAUPES: Mitui, 10 Sep 1939 (9), Cuatrecasas Portillo, km 13 of rd. from Campo Verde, km 34 of<br />

et al. 6737 (F); Upper Rio Guaviare, 9 Nov 1939 (6), rd. Pucallpa-Tingo Maria, 7 Nov 1984 (2), Maas et al.<br />

Cuatrecasas 7602 (F, US); Mitui, 7-8 Nov 1952 (2), 6225 (U).<br />

Humbert et al. 27221 (P, U, US); nr. Yavarate, 20 Nov BRAZIL. Without locality, <strong>with</strong>out date (2), Anon-<br />

1952 (6), Romero-Cast<strong>an</strong>eda 3647 (NY); Mitu, 26 Sep ymus (=Ferreira?) s.n. (P, type collection of P. multi-<br />

1976 (6), Zarucchi 2145 (INPA).<br />

fida). ACRE: Rd. Abuna-Rio Br<strong>an</strong>co, km 242-246, 20<br />

VENEZUELA. AMAZONAS: Cerro Duida, base of Jul 1968 (2), Forero et al. P.6419 (INPA, NY, R, S,<br />

Duida, J<strong>an</strong>-Feb 1939 (st), Farinas et al. 347 (NY, U, U); mouth of Rio Macauh<strong>an</strong>, 8 Aug 1933 (2), Krukoff<br />

VEN); Depto. Atures, 35 km SE of Puerto Ayacucho, 5327 (A, F, G, LE, M, MO, NY, S, U, UC, US), (a),<br />

25 Sep 1980 (9), Gu<strong>an</strong>chez 239 (VEN); Rio Orinoco, Krukof 5332 (A, F, G, M, MO, NY, S, U, UC); Rio<br />

between Cafno Grulla <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Grulla, 8 Apr 1978 (9), Mo- Br<strong>an</strong>co, Parque Zoobot<strong>an</strong>ico da Univ. Fed., 15 Oct<br />

rillo et al. 7384 (VEN); Depto. Atapabo, nr. Culebra, 1980 (2), Nelson 705 (BG); Tarauaca, 24 Sep 1968 (2),<br />

Rio Cunucunuma, 22 Mar-4 Apr 1983 (st), Steyer- Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 7503 (F, INPA, M, NY, P, R, S, U, US);<br />

mark et al. 129163 (BG, VEN).<br />

Sao Fr<strong>an</strong>cisco, Jun 1911 (2), Ule 9314 (G, MG).<br />

ECUADOR. MORONA-SANTIAGO: 5 km SW of Ma- AMAZONAS: Rio Javari, Atalaia do Norte, <strong>with</strong>out date<br />

cas, 26 J<strong>an</strong> 1981 (6), Berg 1223 (BG, U). NAPO: Tena, (2), Braga et al. 3178 (INPA); M<strong>an</strong>aus (cult.!), 15 Apr<br />

20 Oct 1939 (9), Asplund 9462 (R); S<strong>an</strong> Pablo de los 1955 (2), Chagas (INPA) 962 (INPA, U), 29 Jul 1978<br />

Secoyas, 19 Aug 1980 (9), As<strong>an</strong>za C. 32929 (AAU); (6), Falcao 215 (INPA); Marco, 29 J<strong>an</strong> 1969 (2), Croat<br />

Aii<strong>an</strong>gu, 30 May-21 Jun 1982 (st), SEF8764 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 8930 7633 (MO); Rio Japura, mouth of Rio Apaporis, 4 Dec<br />

(U); 3 km E of Atahualpa, 10 km E of Puerto Napo, 1912 (a), Ducke (MG) 12366 (MG); Rio Solimoes, Fon-<br />

13 Dec 1985 (9), Neill et al. 7044 (BG). PASTAZA: Rio teboa, 8 Jun 1945 (9), Fr6es 21048 (NY, US); Tefe, 19<br />

Curaray, Loricachi, 30 May 1980 (9), Jaramillo et al. Jul 1972 (9), Krieger et al. (INPA) 2268 (INPA); mouth<br />

31516 (AAU).<br />

of Rio Embira, 1 Jul 1933 (2), Krukoff 5109 (A, F, G,<br />

PERU. AMAZONAS: Rio Cenepa, 13 Dec 1972 (2), M, MO, NY, S, UC, US); Sao Paulo de Olivenca, 11<br />

Berlin 523 (F, GH, NY), 4 Aug 1974 (9), Berlin 1999 Sep-26 Oct 1936 (2), Krukoff8332 (BR, F, G, LE, MO,<br />

(NY). HUANUCO: Tingo Maria, 10 Aug 1940 (9), As- P, S, U, US), (2), Krukoff 8469 (A, B, BR, F, G, LE,<br />

plund 12933 (S, US), 10 Jul 1957 (st), Ellenberg 2288 MO, NY, P, S, U, US); M<strong>an</strong>aus, Estrada Roas de Maio,<br />

(U); Aucayacu, 27 Sep 1967 (9), Lao et al. s.n. (F, G, Arm<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>o (cult.!), 25 Sep 1973 (8), Lisboa 27 (INPA);<br />

US); Puerto Inca, 7 Dec 1968 (2), J. Schunke V. 2824 Rio Papori, Trindade, 13 Dec 1928 (st), Luetzelburg<br />

(F, G, GH, NY, US). JUNiN: La Merced, 10-24 Aug 23913 (R), 27 Dec 1928 (2), Luetzelburg23887 (M, R);<br />

1923 (9), Macbride 5446 (F, GH, US). LORETO: Iquitos, Rio Curicuriari, 8 Jul 1979 (2), Maia et al. 497 (INPA);<br />

29 Oct 1970 (2), Asplund 14124 (G, S); Zungarococha, various collections <strong>with</strong>out precise indications of lo-<br />

28 J<strong>an</strong> 1978 (st), Ayala et al. 1446 (U); Rio Ampiaco, calities (probably most of them along Rio Amazonas<br />

Puca Urquilla, 24 Feb 1972 (9), Croat 20662 (DUKE, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Rio Japurf, (Dec) 1819-(Feb) 1820 (6 or st), Mar-<br />

MO, NY, U); Iquitos, 8 Aug 1906 (9), Ducke (MG) tius s.n. (G, M, including lectotype of P. cecropiifolia);<br />

7581 (G, MG); El Sacramento, 89 km S of Pucallpa, Taparuquara, 22 Oct 1971 (2), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 15791<br />

22 Jul 1957 (st), Ellenberg 2474 (U); halfway between (INPA, NY, U), Jul-Aug 1967 (9), Schultes 24547<br />

Iquitos <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> S<strong>an</strong>ta Maria de N<strong>an</strong>ay, 30 May 1978 (st), (INPA); between Barcellos <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Sao Gabriel, Dec 1851<br />

Gentry et al. 22460 (U); Prov. Maynas, Y<strong>an</strong>amono (2), Spruce 2023 (B, BR, CGE, P); Rio Jurua, Bom Fin,<br />

Explorama Tourist Camp, 15 Jul 1983 (st), Gentry et Oct 1900 (2), Ule 5265 (B, F, G, HBFG, MG, NY);

<strong>Pourouma</strong> 147<br />

Rio Jurua, Marary, 8 Oct 1900 (c), Ule 5266 (HBG, 1951 (e), Garcia-Barriga 14002 (holotype, US; iso-<br />

MG).<br />

type, NY).<br />

BOLIVIA. BENI: Prov. Moxos, S of Moxos, 18 Sep<br />

1976 (9), Meneces et al. 338 (MG, MO); Rurrenabaque, Tree, up to 30 m tall. Leafy twigs 4-8 mm<br />

Oct 1921 (9), Rusby 1599 (F, GH, NY, US). PANDO: thick, densely to sparsely yellow-hirsute, these<br />

Prov. Nicolas Suarez, Mukden, Jun-Dec 1979 (2), Izawa<br />

21 long hairs often intermixed <strong>with</strong> much shorter,<br />

(U).<br />

whitish hairs, sometimes also <strong>with</strong> sparse, brown,<br />

Vernacular names. Colombia. bochoa tsaha pluricellular hairs, sometimes (sub)glabrous or<br />

(Kof<strong>an</strong>), caimaron, caimaron silvestre, uva, uva subvelutinous. Lamina entire, ovate to subovate<br />

del monte, uvilla, uvo; Amazonas: guruc<strong>an</strong>a. or elliptic to oblong <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 6-20 x 2.5-12 cm or<br />

Venezuela: cocura, sadajii. Peru. sacha uvilla, 3-lobed to -parted (or in subjuvenile material up<br />

uvilla, suia; Pasco: shew<strong>an</strong>taqui. Brazil: cucura, to 5-parted, sometimes <strong>with</strong> the segments almost<br />

cucuva, imbauba (or ambauva) m<strong>an</strong>sa, imbafba petiolulate) <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> up to ca. 25 x 25 cm, coriaceous<br />

(or ambauva) do vinho, mapati, puruma, puru- to subcoriaceous, apex acuminate, acute, apicma-y,<br />

sucuuiba, uva. Bolivia. uva silvestre; Beni: ulate, or sometimes emarginate, base subcordate<br />

t<strong>an</strong>aribe, uva del monte.<br />

to truncate to rounded to subacute; upper surface<br />

This species shows strong similarities to P. bi- ? scabrous, occasionally smooth, yellow-hirsute<br />

color, especially to the subspecies digitata <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> to -hirtellous on the whole surface or only on the<br />

scobina. It mainly differs in the greater number main veins, lower surface yellow-hirsute (to -hirof<br />

segments of the leaves of adult specimens (nor- tellous) to -substrigose on the main veins, white<br />

mally 7-11 versus normally 5-7 in subsp. digi- arachnoid hairs in the areoles <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> on the smaller<br />

tata <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> subsp. scobina), the smooth upper sur- veins; lateral veins 10-20 pairs, the basal pair<br />

face, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the sparser indument on the leafy twigs. br<strong>an</strong>ched, tertiary venation prominent beneath;<br />

The lamina of subsp. digitata <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> subsp. scobina petiole 3-17 cm long, yellow-hirsute, intermixed<br />

is sometimes smooth <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> subjuvenile specimens <strong>with</strong> short, whitish hairs; stipules 2-12.5 cm long,<br />

may have up to 9 leaf segments, which makes outside yellow-hirsute to -strigose, inside gladistinction<br />

of the taxa on the basis of morpho- brous, caducous. Staminate inflorescences up to<br />

logical characters sometimes impossible. For- 12 cm long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 4.5 cm wide; peduncle 3-6.5 cm<br />

tunately, the taxa are allopatric (or almost so, see long, peduncle <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> br<strong>an</strong>ches yellow-hirsute;<br />

p. 139).<br />

flowers sessile, rarely pedicellate, clustered, but<br />

The lectotype ofP. cecropiifolia is selected from not in globose heads; tepals almost free, (sparsenine<br />

Martius syntype collections listed above, ly) puberulent; filaments free, shorter th<strong>an</strong> the<br />

that of P. sapida from two Karsten (syntype) col- tepals. Pistillate inflorescences in fruit up to 19<br />

lections.<br />

cm long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 10.5 cm wide; peduncle 3-9 cm long,<br />

The fully mature fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th of most (if peduncle <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> br<strong>an</strong>ches yellow-hirsute;flowers 20not<br />

all) <strong>Pourouma</strong> species is suitable for hum<strong>an</strong> 25; pedicel up to 0.6 cm long, in fruit up to 1<br />

consumption, but P. cecropiifolia is the only cm; peri<strong>an</strong>th 0.3-0.9 mm long, hispidulous (or<br />

species in cultivation (see p. 116).<br />

hirtellous); stigma peltate, ca. 2 mm in diam.,<br />

The fact that the species is so often found in whitish puberulous. Fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th blue-black,<br />

(formerly) inhabited places suggests that the ellipsoid to oblongoid to subglobose, ca. 1-1.5<br />

present distribution is (at least) partly <strong>an</strong>thro- cm long, hispidulous (or hirtellous).<br />

pogenous.<br />

Distribution (Fig. 74). Colombia (Amazonas<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Vaupes), Venezuela (Amazonas <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Boli-<br />

5. <strong>Pourouma</strong> cucura St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley & Cuatrecasas in var), Ecuador (Napo <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Morona-S<strong>an</strong>tiago), Peru<br />

Cuatrecasas, Fieldi<strong>an</strong>a Bot. 28(1): 211. 1951. (Loreto <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Madre de Dios) <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Brazil (Amapa,<br />

Type. Venezuela. Amazonas: Capihuara, Alto Amazonas, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Mato Grosso), extending to east-<br />

Casiquiare, 5 Jun 1942 (Q), LI. Williams 15812 ern Venezuela (Bolivar); in non-inundated or in<br />

(holotype, F; isotypes, G, NY, RB, US). periodically inundated (varzea or igap6) forest;<br />

Fig. 70. mostly at low altitudes, sometimes (in Ecuador)<br />

up to ca. 1500 m.<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> garci<strong>an</strong>a Cuatrecasas, Caldasia 7:298. 1956.<br />

Type. Colombia. Amazonas-Vaupes: Rio Apaporis, Specimens examined. COLOMBIA. AMAZONAS: Rio<br />

between Rio K<strong>an</strong><strong>an</strong>ari <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Rio Pacoa, 1-15 Dec Apaporis, above mouth of Rio K<strong>an</strong><strong>an</strong>ari, Soratama,

148 Flora Neotropica<br />

dl;i?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,T!<br />

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ?~<br />

::.<br />


5352 ew J Starl,l. /rurourm eurura<br />

.F2;?Z,3!: -~ '; T.'l<br />

^* 1 " -'<br />

FIG.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1<br />

'v-~~~ 70. cucra<br />

^near<br />

-<br />

rlpu , Hufb,b't C t.r. - t<br />

Rio Jurw-. 59"'?1'N: 10 ':"<br />

disturbed f"rest r"n terra firrie. ;ie, .<br />

Nx hnc. lt . W*itbh tilt. 7.t. i.- ; -<br />

gla oiua to whitte benestb, 3 partim-l r *r<br />

fol~avt., p.-dofv pweri<strong>an</strong>thb, papper & "r "<br />

inftovescence brown. Puroua~ Exuding Lefwgwihpitllat<br />

nireenesl br iw (rnce -] et :<br />

t 'nning to blacsk. "UmbinublI 'A ,' L<br />

O.T.Pr nce, F.A.ilsby, C...Berg.<br />

W.C.St_fw d, E . Lleras, T . s..,<br />

--<br />

ii____ _ _ . ctber A<br />

FIG. 70 <strong>Pourouma</strong> cu. atIg~~~~~ <strong>with</strong> pist~ilat ~<br />

flrM.. a"n: s (<br />

PA. r' <strong>an</strong>e, et.<br />

i.8<br />

l. 84)<br />

FIG. 70. <strong>Pourouma</strong> cucura. Leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences (Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 18240).<br />

15-19 Dec 1951 (9), Garcia-Barriga 14106 (NY, US),<br />

18 Mar 1952 (9), Schultes et al. 15973 (F), J<strong>an</strong> 1952<br />

(6), Schultes et al. 19835 (US). AMAZONAS-VAUPES: Rio<br />

Apaporis, between Rio K<strong>an</strong><strong>an</strong>ari <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Rio Pacoa, 1-<br />

15 Dec 1951 (9), Garcia-Barriga 14002 (GH, NY, US,<br />

type collection of P. garci<strong>an</strong>a).<br />

VENEZUELA. AMAZONAS: Capihuara, Alto Casiquiare,<br />

5 Jun 1942 (9), Ll. Williams 15812 (G, NY,<br />

RB, VEN, US, type collection of P. cucura). BOUVAR:<br />

Rio Tirica, Oct 1947 (9), Cardona 2170 (MO, VEN).<br />

ECUADOR. NAPO: Rio Cuyabeno, 16 Feb 1980 (8),<br />

Berg & Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s 1041 (U), Berg & Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s 1042<br />


<strong>Pourouma</strong><br />

(U), 17 Feb 1980 (6), Berg & Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s 1045 (U), (2), 3-lobed leaves (similar to the common leaf shape<br />

Berg & Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s 1053 (U), 20 Feb 1980 (st), Berg in P. bicolor<br />

& Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s 1070 (U); Rio<br />

subsp. bicolor). Subjuvenile material<br />

Aguarico, Shushufindi,<br />

26 Dec 1974 (2), Vickers 86 from these two countries often have<br />

(F).<br />

up to 7-parted<br />

PERU. LORETO: Rio Ucayali, Jenaro Herrera, Jul- leaves, <strong>with</strong> the segments often petiolulate.<br />

Sep 1976 (6), Bernardi s.n. (U); Rio N<strong>an</strong>ay, Puerto The species may prove to consist of two or<br />

Almendras, 22 Feb 1979 (st), Gentry et al. 24900 (U); three morphologically readily distinguishable<br />

Rio Yaguasyacu, tributary of Rio Ampiyacu, 9 Nov<br />

1977 (6), Gentry et al. 20515 (MO, U); Rio entities,<br />

N<strong>an</strong>ay,<br />

mainly based on differences in the shape<br />

halfway between Iquitos <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> S<strong>an</strong>ta Maria de N<strong>an</strong>ay, 26 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> incisions of the lamina. The relatively small<br />

Feb 1979 (st), Gentry et al. 25100, 25050 (U); E of number of collections prevent establishing new<br />

Tamshiyacu, below Serafin Filomeno, 19 Mar 1979 infra-specific taxa.<br />

(2), Gentry et al. 25854 (U); Rio N<strong>an</strong>ay, between Iqui- The<br />

tos <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> S<strong>an</strong>ta Maria, de N<strong>an</strong>ay, 23 Feb 1979 identity of the two Rosa collections from<br />

(2), Gentry<br />

et al. 31655 (U); below Serafin Filomeno, 19 Mar 1979 Amapa (Serro do Navio), consisting only of (fal-<br />

(2), Gentry et al. 25854 (U); Rio Yaguasyacu, nr. Brillo len?) leaves, is not certain. The petioles <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the<br />

Nuevo, 16 Apr 1977 (st), Plowm<strong>an</strong> et al. 6906 (F, GH); main veins of the lamina beneath are densely<br />

Rio N<strong>an</strong>ay, nr. Iquitos, 14 Nov 1976 (st), Revilla 1818<br />

yellow-hirsute.<br />

(U); rd. to Pena Negra, 25 km from Iquitos, 30 Nov<br />

1976 (9), Rimachi 2724 (DUKE, F, MO, NY) Rio N<strong>an</strong>ay,<br />

above Bella Vista, 18 J<strong>an</strong> 1977 (2), Ramachi 2765 6. <strong>Pourouma</strong> cuspidata Mildbraed, Notizbl. Bot.<br />

(F, MO); rd. from Orell<strong>an</strong>a to Sta. Catalena, km 5, 9<br />

Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 10: 417.<br />

Dec 1982 (2), C. R. Rodrigues 944 (BG). MADRE 1926;<br />

DE<br />

Warburg<br />

Dios: Rd. Maldonado-Quincemil, 10 Jul 1968 (6),<br />

ex Ule, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 40:150. 1907, nomen.<br />

Acosta M. 12 (BG, DUKE, F, NY, P); Tambopata, 22 Type. Brazil. Acre: Confluence of Rio Jurua-<br />

Feb 1984 (st), Gentry et al. 45922 (BG).<br />

Mirim <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Rio Juruf, Aug 1901 (6), Ule 5719<br />

BRAZIL. ACRE: Reserva INCRA S<strong>an</strong>ta Luzia, km<br />

40, BR-364, 5-19 Oct 1984 (st), Campbell et al. 6927<br />

(lectotype B, chosen here; isolectotypes, F, G,<br />

(BG). AMAPA: Serro do Navio, P6rto Platon, 10 Oct- GH, MG).<br />

15 Dec 1976 (st), Rosa 1091 (MG), 10 Oct-15 Dec <strong>Pourouma</strong><br />

1976 (st), Rosa 1159 (MG). AMAZONAS: Rio tergoscabra Cuatrecasas, Caldasia 7: 304.<br />

Japura, 1956.<br />

Vila Bitt<strong>an</strong>court, 20 Nov 1982 (8), Amaral et al. 604<br />

Type. Colombia. Caqueta: Rio Caqueta, below<br />

mouth of Rio<br />

(BG); M<strong>an</strong>aus-Itacoatiara rd., km 26, 12 Aug 1976<br />

Orteguaza, Sol<strong>an</strong>o, 8 km SE of Tres<br />

(st), Oliveira (INPA) 60534 (INPA); Tototobi, Rio De- Esquinas, 4 Mar 1945 (v), Little et al. 9527 (holotype,<br />

mini, 25 Feb 1969 (9), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 10231<br />

F; isotypes, NY, US).<br />

(INPA, MG,<br />

MO, NY, U, US); M<strong>an</strong>aus-Itacoatiara rd., km 26, 2 Tree, up to 30 m tall. Leafy twigs 8-12 mm<br />

Oct 1965 (st), Rodrigues 8066 (INPA). MATO GROSSO:<br />

Aripu<strong>an</strong>a, 28 J<strong>an</strong> 1977 (st), Gomes et al. 614 thick, white-hirtellous to -puberulous, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong><br />

(INPA),<br />

21 Feb 1977 (st), Gomes et al. 844 (INPA), 29 Mar usually rather dense, brown, pluricellular hairs.<br />

1977 (st), Gomes et al. 1040 (INPA); Aripu<strong>an</strong>a, nr. Lamina 3-lobed or 3-5 parted, 10-35 x 18-45<br />

Humboldt Centre, rd. to Rio Juruena, 8 Oct 1973 (2), cm, coriaceous, apex long acuminate, base cor-<br />

Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 18240 (F, INPA, MG, MO, NY, P, S, U, date, <strong>with</strong> or <strong>with</strong>out overlapping lobes; upper<br />

US).<br />

surface smooth, hirtellous or occasionally also<br />

Vernacular names. Venezuela. Amazonas: cu- <strong>with</strong> brown, pluricellular hairs on the main veins,<br />

cura; Bolivar: kaibarikei (Arekuna), sarasara lower surface strigose, main veins hispidulous<br />

(Camaracoto). Ecuador. S<strong>an</strong>tiago-Zamora: guar- <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> sometimes <strong>with</strong> brown, pluricellular hairs,<br />

umo colorado. Peru. Loreto: dacha uvillos, uvil- arachnoid hairs confined to the areoles; lateral<br />

la; Brazil. Amazonas: imbaubar<strong>an</strong>a br<strong>an</strong>ca; veins 13-30 pairs, tertiary venation + prominent<br />

Amapa: imbaubar<strong>an</strong>a br<strong>an</strong>ca, inbaubar<strong>an</strong>a folha beneath; petiole 11-40 cm long, white-hispidupeluda;<br />

Mato Grosso: imbaiuba or umbauiba, im- lous, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> brown, pluricellular hairs; stipules<br />

baubar<strong>an</strong>a.<br />

7-13 cm long, outside white-appressed-puberu-<br />

The species is very variable. The long, yellow lous <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> brown, pluricellular hairs, inside<br />

hairs on the leafy twigs, petioles <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> stipules vary sparsely white-puberulous to subglabrous, cafrom<br />

very dense to sparse. The leaves of (adult) ducous. Staminate inflorescences up to 11 cm<br />

specimens collected in Colombia, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Venezuela long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 4.5 cm wide; peduncle 4-6 cm long,<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> in Amapa <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Amazonas (Brazil) normally (densely) white-puberulous <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> (dense),<br />

have entire <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> elliptic leaves. The collections brown, pluricellular hairs; flowers sessile, + difmade<br />

in Mato Grosso (Brazil) have on the same fusely distributed along the ultimate br<strong>an</strong>ches;<br />

twig entire <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 3-parted leaves. The material from tepals ca. 1 mm long, free or basally connate,<br />

Ecuador <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Peru mostly have ovate <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> often sparsely hairy; filaments shorter th<strong>an</strong> the tepals.<br />


150 Flora Neotropica<br />

Pistillate inflorescences in fruit up to 12.5 cm<br />

long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 8 cm wide; peduncle 4-6 cm long, peduncle<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> br<strong>an</strong>ches <strong>with</strong> indument similar to<br />

that of the staminate inflorescences; flowers 10-<br />

35; pedicel 0.2-0.4 cm, in fruit up to 0.8 cm long;<br />

peri<strong>an</strong>th 2-6 mm long, hispidulous <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong><br />

brown, pluricellular hairs; stigma peltate, ca. 1.5<br />

mm diam., white puberulous. Fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th<br />

ovoid to ellipsoid, 12-15 x 5-11 mm, scabrous.<br />

prominent beneath; petiole 8-27 cm long, whitish-hirsute<br />

to -hirtellous to -subhispid, at the base<br />

swollen <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> saccate; stipules 2-7.5 cm long, outside<br />

yellowish-hirsute, inside sparsely hairy, ca-<br />

Distribution (Fig. 74). Colombia (Caqueta) Ecuador<br />

(Napo), Peru (Pasco), <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Brazil (Acre <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

Amazonas); in non-inundated forest.<br />

Specimens examined. COLOMBIA. CAQUETA: Sol<strong>an</strong>o,<br />

8 km SE of Tres Esquinas, Rio Caqueta, below<br />

mouth of Rio Orteguaza, 4 Mar 1945 (2), Little et al.<br />

9527 (F, GH, NY, US, type collection of P. tergoscabra).<br />

ECUADOR. NAPO: Afi<strong>an</strong>gu, 30 May-21 Jun 1982<br />

(st), SEF 8532 (U).<br />

PERU. PASCO: Prov Oxapampa, Rio Iscozacin, Cabeza<br />

de Mono, 12 Jun 1983 (st), Gentry et al. 41890<br />

(BG).<br />

BRAZIL. ACRE: Reserva INCRA S<strong>an</strong>ta Luzia, km<br />

40, BR-364, 5-19 Oct 1984 (st), Campbell et al. 6834<br />

(BG); confluence of Rio Jurua-Mirim <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Rio Jurua,<br />

Aug 1901 (6), Ule 5719 (B, F, G, GH, MG, lectotype<br />

collection ofP. cuspidata), Aug 1901 (2), Ule 5719 (B,<br />

G). AMAZONAS: Sao Paulo de Olivenca, 11 Sep-26 Oct<br />

1936 (Q), Krukoff 8373 (A, F, NY, S, U).<br />

ducous. Staminate inflorescences up to 12 cm<br />

long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 6 cm wide; peduncle 1-3.5 cm long,<br />

peduncle <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> br<strong>an</strong>ches puberulous or partly hirtellous;flowers<br />

sessile, clustered in globose heads,<br />

these 2-3 mm diam.; tepals ca. 0.5-1 mm long,<br />

basally connate, hirtellous; filaments shorter th<strong>an</strong><br />

the tepals. Pistillate inflorescences br<strong>an</strong>ched, in<br />

fruit up to 8 cm long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 7 cm wide; peduncle<br />

3-4 cm long, indument or peduncle <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> br<strong>an</strong>ches<br />

similar to that of the staminate inflorescences;<br />

flowers 8-ca. 30; pedicel up to 0.3 cm long, in<br />

fruit up to 0.5 cm; peri<strong>an</strong>th 0.3-0.4 cm long,<br />

(densely) hirsute-hirtellous, usually arachnoid<br />

hairs near the apex; stigma peltate, ca. 1.5 mm<br />

diam., hirtellous. Fruitingperi<strong>an</strong>th purple, ovoid<br />

to ellipsoid, 1-1.5 cm long, puberulous, also<br />

sparsely yellow-hirsute, sometimes <strong>with</strong> brown,<br />

pluricellular hairs.<br />

Distribution (Fig. 74). Colombia (Amazonas),<br />

Peru (Loreto), <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Brazil (Amazonas); in noninundated<br />

forest.<br />

This species, characterized by incised leaves<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the smooth upper surface, but scabrous low-<br />

er surface of the lamina, may be related to P.<br />

bicolor.<br />

Ule collected staminate <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> pistillate speci-<br />

mens under the same number 5719. The sta-<br />

minate collection is selected as the lectotype col-<br />

lection.<br />

7. <strong>Pourouma</strong> myrmecophila Ducke, Bull. Mus.<br />

Hist. Nat. (Paris), Ser. 2, 4: 723. 1932. Type.<br />

Brazil. Amazonas: M<strong>an</strong>aus, Cachoeira do<br />

Mindui, 8 Jul 1929 (d), Ducke (RB) 23607 (lec-<br />

totype, RB, chosen here; isolectotypes, G, P,<br />

S, US). Fig. 71.<br />

Tree, up to 8 m tall, or shrub, myrmecophilous.<br />

Leafy twigs 0.6-1 cm thick, densely yellow(ish)-hirsute,<br />

glabrescent, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> reddishbrown,<br />

pluricellular hairs. Lamina 3-5-lobed, to<br />

-fid, 13-38 x 15-42 cm, subcoriaceous to chartaceous,<br />

rarely coriaceous, midsegment relatively<br />

long, apex acuminate, base subcordate to deeply<br />

cordate; upper surface scabrous, yellow-hirsute<br />

to -hirtellous on the main veins, elsewhere<br />

sparsely so or only hispidulous, lower surface<br />

pale yellow-hirtellous on the veins, white, arach-<br />

noid hairs in the areoles or sometimes also on<br />

the smaller veins; lateral veins 14-17 pairs, the<br />

basal pair usually br<strong>an</strong>ched, tertiary venation<br />

Specimens examined. COLOMBIA. AMAZONAS:<br />

C<strong>an</strong>to Aduche, 12 Nov 1981 (2), La Rotta 101 (herb.<br />

Araracuara), 4 Mar 1982 (2), La Rotta 139 (herb. Araracuara).<br />

PERU. LORETO: 13 J<strong>an</strong> 1976 (2), Gentry et al. 15876<br />

(U); Puerto Almendras, 11 Nov 1984 (2), Maas et al.<br />

6249 (U), 13 J<strong>an</strong> 1976 (2), McD<strong>an</strong>iel et al. 20436 (U);<br />

Rio N<strong>an</strong>ay, Puerto Almendras, 29 Nov 1976 (2), Revilla<br />

1966 (U).<br />

BRAZIL. AMAZONAS: Mun. Tefe, Lago de Tefe, 14<br />

Dec 1982 (8), Amaral et al. 76113 (BG); Rio Cuieras,<br />

mouth of Rio Br<strong>an</strong>chinho, Sep 1973 (st), Berg 276<br />

(MO, U); upper Rio Alalau, 24 Feb 1968 (2), Bov<strong>an</strong><br />

267 (INPA); BR-17, km 11, 4 Aug 1955 (6), Chagas<br />

(INPA) 1564 (INPA, U); M<strong>an</strong>aus-Mindfi rd., 3 Nov<br />

1955 (9), L. Coelho (INPA) 2265 (INPA); Mun. Jutai,<br />

Copessfi, nr. P6rto Alfonso, 24 Oct 1986 (2), Daly et<br />

al. 4129 (BG), 24 Oct 1986 (6), Daly et al. 4135 (BG);<br />

M<strong>an</strong>aus, Aleixo rd., 29 Dec 1942 (9), Ducke 1149 (MG,<br />

MO, NY, R, US), 23 Sep 1945 (6), Ducke 1764 (A, F,<br />

MG, NY, R, US), 19 Sep 1929 (2), Ducke (RB) 23606<br />

(RB, US); M<strong>an</strong>aus, Cachoeira do Mindu, 8 Jul 1929<br />

(8), Ducke (RB) 23607 (G, P, RB, S, lectotype collection<br />

of P. myrmecophila); M<strong>an</strong>aus, BR-17, km 3, <strong>with</strong>out<br />

date (a), Fr<strong>an</strong>cisco (INPA) 2186 (INPA); nr. P6rto Velho,<br />

8 Sep 1923 (a), Kuhlm<strong>an</strong>n (RB) 19843 (B, U);

<strong>Pourouma</strong><br />

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..<br />

44deS A._ S 4 V<br />



gftt. at A? .m<br />

-Gd , - v~~~~~~~~~~~~~T?e m e h. y tg<br />

' S Anto NAntni<br />

,24313<br />

x 22 d-.meterl de pAbonIariA ,M-.<strong>an</strong>aus-I<br />

Crcrintuits 220 aForest on terra<br />

Pouroum&<br />

? mateat<br />

S:nto Antonio de Abonari.<br />

brown.<br />

C rac&raj, Km 220. Forest<br />

I:<strong>an</strong>aur,<strong>an</strong><br />

terra<br />

br&ct brown.<br />

Prne,RJ<br />

Negat've<br />

G.T.<br />

ime<br />

ol. vember 2619?<br />

iach<br />

L,F,~L.F Coelho- J.F. Ramosj_ ... _ .ln:<br />

.% '1??~ 1 1 1 55551 nr. C=ll 21 cr 31 | 51 wf *-ffi0st I....<br />

rwr ar<br />

1w JtPAN n^<br />

:<br />

21RK 3F1N41<br />

71i~<br />

FIG. 71. <strong>Pourouma</strong> myrmecophila. LeafS twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences (Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 24313).<br />

M<strong>an</strong>aus, Reserva Florestal Ducke, 6 Dec 1976 (st),<br />

Nascimento et al. (INPA) 66396 (INPA); M<strong>an</strong>aus-Itacoatiara<br />

rd., km 192, 13 Sep 1974 (6), Pennington et<br />

al. P.22647 (INPA, NY); Humaita-Labrea rd., km 80,<br />

27 J<strong>an</strong> 1970 (9), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 3253 (F, INPA, NY, R,<br />

151<br />

S, U, US); Rio Cuieras, mouth of Rio Br<strong>an</strong>cinho, 24<br />

Sep 1971 (d), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 14795 (F, INPA, NY, U);<br />

Rio Javari, Attalaia, 14 Oct 1976 (9), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al.<br />

23776 (G, INPA, MG, NY, U); M<strong>an</strong>aus-Caracarai rd.,<br />

km 220, S<strong>an</strong>ta Antonio de Abonari, 26 Nov 1976 (2),

152 Flora Neotropica<br />

Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 24313 (INPA, MO, NY, S, U, US); Ma- peri<strong>an</strong>th (sparsely) hirsute; stigma peltate, ca. 1.5<br />

naus-Itacoatiara rd., km 79, 1 Sep 1965 (8), Rodrigues cm diam., subhirsute. Fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th ovoid to<br />

et al. 7069 (U), km 74, 3 Sep 1965 (d), Rodrigues et<br />

al. 7076 (INPA).<br />

ellipsoid, ca. 1.5 cm long, blue-black, yellowhirsute.<br />

Vernacular names. Brazil. Amazonas: embau- Distribution (Fig. 74). Brazil (Amazonas); in<br />

bar<strong>an</strong>a or imbafbar<strong>an</strong>a.<br />

non-inundated forest.<br />

From the syntype collections of P. myrmecophila,<br />

Ducke (RB) 23606 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 23607 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Kuhl- Specimens examined. BRAZIL. AMAZONAS: Mun.<br />

Sao Paulo de Olivenca, Rio J<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>iatuba, 27 Nov 1986<br />

m<strong>an</strong>n (RB) 19843, Ducke (RB) 23607, is chosen (9), Daly et al. 4456 (BG); nr. Sao Paulo de Olivenca,<br />

as the lectotype collection.<br />

5 Dec 1986 (8), Daly et al. 4485 (BG); Ton<strong>an</strong>tins, Rio<br />

The collection Kuhlm<strong>an</strong>n (RB) 150082, ac- Solim6es, 7 Feb 1944 (9), Ducke 1917 (F, NY, R, type<br />

cording to the label from Rio de J<strong>an</strong>eiro, is collection of P.<br />

prob-<br />

formicarum); Sao Antonia de Ia, 2<br />

ably either from Amazonas or was cultivated in<br />

May 1945 (8). Fr6es 20870 (NY, US), 19 Aug 1973<br />

(8). Lleras et al. P.17411 (F, INPA, MO, NY, S, U,<br />

Rio de J<strong>an</strong>eiro.<br />

US); Carauari, Poco Jurua, 7 Jul 1980 (8), A. S. Silva<br />

Vegetative parts (e.g., the wood) are (strongly) et al. 476 (BG, INPA).<br />

aromatic, smelling like spearmint or, according<br />

to other labels, like<br />

Vernacular names. Brazil. Amazonas: imbai-<br />

"bengue."<br />

binha, mapati.<br />

This species matches P. myrmecophila in the<br />

8. <strong>Pourouma</strong> formicarum Ducke, Trop. Woods swollen <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> saccate base of the petiole, a feature<br />

90: 9. 1947. Type. Brazil. Amazonas: Rio So- connected <strong>with</strong> myrmecophily. The two species<br />

limoes, Ton<strong>an</strong>tins, 7 Feb 1944 (9), Ducke 1917 also show strong resembl<strong>an</strong>ces in the indument,<br />

(not 1916!) (holotype, R, not indicated by staminate inflorescences <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> flowers in the pis-<br />

Ducke, designated here; isotypes, F, NY). tillate flowers. They are quite distinct in the shape<br />

Fig. 72. of the lamina <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> in the length of the petiole.<br />

Tree, up to ca. 10 m<br />

"The<br />

tall, or<br />

br<strong>an</strong>chlets are inhabited<br />

shrub, myrmeby<br />

stinging 'jicophilous.<br />

Leafy twigs ca. 6 mm quitaia' <strong>an</strong>ts which nest<br />

thick, yellowamong<br />

the hairs" (Daly<br />

to<br />

et<br />

brownish-hirsute <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

al.<br />

<strong>with</strong> sparse, brown 4456).<br />

pluricellular<br />

hairs. Lamina entire, subovate, (14-) 18-<br />

32 x 6-12<br />

9.<br />

cm, chartaceous<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong><br />

to subcoria-<br />

phaeotricha Mildbraed, Notizbl.<br />

Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem<br />

ceous, apex abruptly short-acuminate, base<br />

10:193.1927.<br />

ob-<br />

Type.<br />

tuse to<br />

Peru. Loreto:<br />

subacute; upper surface scabrous to sca-<br />

Iquitos, 20 Aug 1925 (2), Tessm<strong>an</strong>n<br />

5364<br />

bridulous, yellow-hirsute, lower surface +<br />

(holotype, B; isotypes, S,<br />

densely<br />

US).<br />

yellow-hirsute on the main veins to (very) sparse-<br />

Fig. 73.<br />

ly hirsute on the smaller veins, arachnoid hairs Tree, up to 10 m tall. Leafy twigs 4-6 mm<br />

in the areoles <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> on the smaller veins; lateral thick, yellow-sericeous to -hirtellous, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong><br />

veins 10-20 pairs, the basal pair unbr<strong>an</strong>ched, dense long, brown pluricellular hairs. Lamina<br />

tertiary venation slightly prominent beneath; entire, oblong to obovate, 8-23 x 3-9 cm, copetiole<br />

1-1.5 cm long, yellow-hirsute, at the base riaceous to subcoriaceous, apex acuminate, base<br />

swollen <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> saccate; stipules 3-5 cm long, outside acute to rounded; upper surface smooth or scayellow-hirsute,<br />

inside glabrous, caducous. Sta- brous, yellow-hirtellous on the main veins, lower<br />

minate inflorescences up to 12 cm long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> to 6 surface yellow-hirsute on the veins <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> sparse or<br />

cm wide; peduncle 2-4 cm long, peduncle <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> sometimes dense, or<strong>an</strong>ge, pluricellular hairs,<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ches yellow-hirtellous to -hirsute; flowers arachnoid hairs confined to the areoles or almost<br />

sessile, clustered in globose heads, these 2-3 mm absent; lateral veins 8-10 pairs, basal pair unin<br />

diam.; tepals ca. 1 mm long, almost free, yel- br<strong>an</strong>ched, tertiary venation prominent beneath;<br />

lowish-hirtellous; filaments shorter th<strong>an</strong> the te- petiole 2-6 cm long, indument similar to that of<br />

pals. Pistillate inflorescences br<strong>an</strong>ched, in fruit the twigs; stipules 1-4.5 cm long, outside yellowup<br />

to 7.5 cm long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 3.5 cm wide; peduncle ca. sericeous to -velutinous, inside sparsely yellow-<br />

4 cm long, peduncle <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> br<strong>an</strong>ches <strong>with</strong> indument hairy to glabrous, caducous. Staminate infloressimilar<br />

to that of the staminate inflorescences; cences up to 10 cm long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 6 cm wide; peduncle<br />

flowers 5-6; pedicel in fruit up to 0.5 cm long; 1.5-3 cm long, white- to yellow-sericeous to -ve-

<strong>Pourouma</strong> 153<br />

FG<br />

R.:<br />

17. 411...<br />

. ur Uri? fr)i' -r : *<br />

If*,, r, , '*^>r ,, i /'.:<br />

X>.t 'i. E.< L: . ?J.1 W.C...<br />

. c O k ..y .<br />

penin * .l ei<br />

P Cul betLw. *.<br />

;i5 Behi m Ant r .i e J .<br />

72_.. Poru a'o1r1ma1m.11 1ea i 11g w h s i InfloFre"nce tiete. s e<br />

'__A 35<br />

212*.<br />

likl , 1 . -.<br />

i* ......<br />

FIG. 72. <strong>Pourouma</strong>formicarum. Leafy twig <strong>with</strong> staminate inflorescences (Lleras et al. P.17411).<br />

lutinous, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> dense (but on the ultimate<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ches sparse) brown, pluricellular hairs;flowers<br />

sessile, clustered in globose heads, these ca.<br />

2 mm diam.; tepals ca. 0.7 mm long, free or<br />

basally connate, hairy; filaments shorter th<strong>an</strong> the<br />

petals. Pistillate inflorescences in fruit up to 9 cm<br />

long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 8 cm wide; peduncle 2-5 cm long, peduncle<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> br<strong>an</strong>ches yellow- to white-hirtellous<br />

to sericeous; flowers 11-15; pedicel 0.1-0.2 cm<br />

long, in fruit up to 0.9 cm; peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 2 mm

154 Flora Neotropica<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> phaeotricha<br />

HAtM OF PLRU<br />

mildbr.<br />

Maynas: Dtto. Iquitos. lio :lar.na,<br />

Caserio de<br />

IItjt<br />

Iish<strong>an</strong>a trail to :<br />

|tg N ~ative i ?nch 1 2 de Yar<strong>an</strong>a, upl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>s, I( :,<br />

"uvilla",.<br />

green.<br />

FIG. 73. Porio p ec fL.<br />

:- R~oX// r-5355S 1 I 21 31 41 5 Dececber 4, 1976<br />

/ . -,,,,,,,I,,,h,,,l.,,I,,,, II all C M<strong>an</strong>uel Rimachi Y. 2725<br />

FIG. 73. <strong>Pourouma</strong> phaeotricha. Leafy twigs <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences<br />

(Rimachi Y. 2725).

<strong>Pourouma</strong> 155<br />

long, yellow-velutinous, <strong>with</strong> long, brown, pluri- mostly also on the smaller veins, occasionally<br />

cellular hairs; stigma peltate, ca. 1.5 mm diam., also on the leaf margin; lateral veins (6-)10-25<br />

yellow-puberulous. Fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th ovoid to al- (-30) pairs, basal pair br<strong>an</strong>ched or sometimes (in<br />

most ellipsoid, 1.1-1.5 x 0.7-0.9 cm long, pu- obovate to elliptic leaves) unbr<strong>an</strong>ched, the basal<br />

berulous.<br />

part of these veins forming the basal part of the<br />

Distribution (Fig. 85). Peru (Loreto) <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Brazil leaf margin (thus not separated from the margin<br />

(Amazonas, along Rio Javari); in non-inundated by mesophyll), reticulum <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> tertiary venation<br />

forest.<br />

(rather) pl<strong>an</strong>e beneath; petiole 3-22(-35) cm long,<br />

sparsely to densely white-puberulous (to -subve-<br />

Specimens examined. PERU. LORETO: Rio N<strong>an</strong>ay,<br />

Casario de Mish<strong>an</strong>a 3 Dec 1976 (9), Davidson 5203 lutinous) to yellow-hirsute, occasionally also <strong>with</strong><br />

(MO, U, US), 4 Dec 1976 (9), Rimachi 2725 (DUKE, long white, arachnoid hairs; stipules 3-16 cm long,<br />

F, NY); Iquitos, 3 Dec 1976 (9), Tessm<strong>an</strong>n 5364 (B, outside yellow(ish)-(sub)velutinous to -hirsute to<br />

S, US, type collection of P. phaeotricha). -(sub)sericeous, inside glabrous or sometimes<br />

BRAZIL. AMAZONAS: Rio Javari, Estirao do Ecuador,<br />

8 Aug 1973 (8), Lleras et al. P.17242 (F, INPA,<br />

sparsely hairy, caducous. Staminate inflores-<br />

MO, NY, U, US), 21 Oct 1976 (v), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 23966 cences up to 10 cm long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 5 cm wide; peduncle<br />

(G, INPA, NY, U).<br />

2-6 cm long, peduncle <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> br<strong>an</strong>ches whitish- to<br />

yellow-puberulous<br />

Vernacular names. Peru. Loreto: Sacha<br />

(to -subvelutionous) to -hiruvilla,<br />

tellous;flowers sessile or pedicellate, most of them<br />

uvilla.<br />

in<br />

The features of the staminate inflorescences<br />

globose heads, these 3-4 mm diam.; tepals<br />

0.5-1 mm<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> flowers <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the pistillate flowers suggest close<br />

long, connate, forming a ? urceolate<br />

peri<strong>an</strong>th,<br />

relationships to P. heterophylla <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P.<br />

hairy; filaments longer th<strong>an</strong> the periformica<strong>an</strong>th,<br />

free. Pistillate<br />

rum. However, P. phaeotricha lacks the swollen<br />

inflorescences in fruit up to<br />

18 cm<br />

petiole base.<br />

long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 10 cm wide; peduncle 3-12 cm<br />

The two collections from the<br />

long, peduncle <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> br<strong>an</strong>ches <strong>with</strong> indument sim-<br />

Brazili<strong>an</strong> b<strong>an</strong>k<br />

ilar to that of the staminate<br />

of Rio Javari have leaves <strong>with</strong> a scabrous<br />

inflorescence;flowers<br />

upper<br />

surface in<br />

10-30, in two clusters or more<br />

contrast to the other collections.<br />

diffusely distributed<br />

in the inflorescence; pedicel up to 1 cm, in<br />

fruit<br />

10. <strong>Pourouma</strong> mollis Trecul, Ann. Sci. Nat.<br />

up to 1.5 cm long, often already at <strong>an</strong>thesis<br />

Bot., <strong>with</strong> a<br />

Ser. 3, 8: 102, 1847; Miquel in Martius, Fl.<br />

strongly (+ capula-like) widened apex;<br />

bras. 4(1): 127. 1853; Berg, Fl. Suriname<br />

peri<strong>an</strong>th 0.5-1 cm long, yellow(ish)-(sub)ve-<br />

5(1):<br />

272, t. 15b. 1975. Type. French Gui<strong>an</strong>a.<br />

lutinous,<br />

Withapex<br />

? tuberculate; stigma peltate, ca.<br />

2 mm<br />

out locality, <strong>with</strong>out date (2), Leprieur s.n.<br />

diam., white-puberulous. Fruiting peri-<br />

(lec- <strong>an</strong>th black or<br />

totype, P. chosen by Berg, Fl. Suriname<br />

purplish, ovoid to ellipsoid or to<br />

5(1):<br />

272.<br />

oblongoid, 1-2 x 0.7-1.5 cm, usually<br />

1975;<br />

densely<br />

isolectotype, G).<br />

hairy.<br />

This species is very closely related to P. melinonii.<br />

We had considered recognizing the two<br />

taxa only at the subspecific level, but the lack of<br />

intermediates in areas where the two taxa grow<br />

together indicates that they are probably good<br />

species.<br />

Two allopatric subspecies c<strong>an</strong> be recognized.<br />

Tree, up to 30 m tall. Leafy twigs 4-10 mm<br />

thick, rather sparsely to densely white-puberu-<br />

lous (to -subvelutinous) to yellow-hirsute, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

<strong>with</strong> sparse to dense, purple to reddish-brown,<br />

pluricellular hairs, occasionally sparse, white,<br />

arachnoid hairs. Lamina entire, ovate to elliptic<br />

(or obovate), 6-25(-35) x 4-20(-30) cm or 3-5-<br />

lobed to -parted, ca. 10-25(-40) x 10-25(-40)<br />

cm, coriaceous (to subcoriaceous), apex acumi-<br />

nate, base acute, rounded to truncate, or sub-<br />

cordate; upper surface smooth, sometimes sca-<br />

brous, hairy on the main veins or subglabrous,<br />

occasionally yellow-hirsute, lower surface,<br />

sparsely to densely puberulous to hirtellous to<br />

subtomentose, often part of the hairs on the main<br />

veins appressed, arachnoid hairs in the areoles,<br />

Key to the Subspecies of<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> mollis<br />

1. Lamina usually entire; pistillate inflorescences<br />

<strong>with</strong> the flowers in two, more or less distinct<br />

clusters; Gui<strong>an</strong>as, Lower Amazon Basin, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

eastern Brazil. ................ a. subsp. mollis.<br />

1. Lamina usually 3-5 parted; pistillate inflorescences<br />

usually <strong>with</strong> the flowers diffusely distrib-

156 Flora Neotropica<br />

uted; Upper Amazon Basin to eastern Colombia.<br />

............................ b. subsp. triloba.<br />

lOa. <strong>Pourouma</strong> mollis Trecul subsp. mollis.<br />

Fig. 75b-f.<br />

Lamina usually entire, sometimes 3-lobed or<br />

to 5-parted, subjuvenile material usually 3-5-<br />

parted; upper surface smooth, <strong>with</strong> hairs on the<br />

main veins or subglabrous. Pistillateflowers ar-<br />

r<strong>an</strong>ged in two + distinct clusters, due to the<br />

shortening of one (or two) of the primary br<strong>an</strong>ch-<br />

es <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the short pedicels, being at fruit up to 0.7<br />

cm long.<br />

Distribution (Fig. 74). Eastern Guy<strong>an</strong>a, Suri-<br />

nam, French Gui<strong>an</strong>a, Amazoni<strong>an</strong> Brazil<br />

(Amampa <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Para), <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> eastern Brazil (Bahia<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Espirito S<strong>an</strong>to); in non-inundated forest at<br />

low altitudes.<br />

1978 (6), DAF 027 (GUA); Reserva de Linhares, 30<br />

Oct 1930 (6), Kuhlm<strong>an</strong>n 446 (U); Linhares, Corriogo<br />

de Durao, 2 J<strong>an</strong> 1972 (9), Sucre 8303 (U). PARA: Faro,<br />

6 J<strong>an</strong> 1920 (6), Ducke (RB) 13058 (RB); Obidos, 27<br />

Dec 1913 (9), Ducke (MG) 15261 (MG); Belem, 1 Feb<br />

1928 (6), Ducke (RB) 19455 (RB); Rio Guama; Sao<br />

Miguel, Oct 1906 (6), Goeldi (MG) 7731 (G, MG, S,<br />

U); Acarai Mts., Rio Taruini, 20 Nov 1952 (6), Guppy<br />

656 (=FD 7671) (NY, US); Belem, 19 Sep 1963 (6),<br />

Oliveira 2597 (IAN), 26 Sep 1963 (9), Oliveira 3071<br />

(IAN), 3 Sep 1966 (3), Pires 10123 (IAN), 24 Aug 1967<br />

(), Pires et al. 10578 (IAN), 2 Sep 1967 (6), Pires et<br />

al. 10809 (IAN), Sep-Oct 1961 (9), Pires 51676 (F,<br />

NY, US); Cuiaba-S<strong>an</strong>tar6m rd., km 919,13 Nov 1977<br />

(9), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 25337 (F, MG, RB, U); Mun. Almeirim,<br />

Monte Dourado, 2 Dec 1978 (6), S<strong>an</strong>tos 455<br />

(U); Belem, 12 J<strong>an</strong> 1966 (6), M. Silva 354 (MG), 4 Oct<br />

1942 (6), M. B. Silva 130 (NY, US).<br />

Vernacular names. Surinam. Boroma (Arowak),<br />

bospapaja, gr<strong>an</strong>boesipapaja, yarayara<br />

(Carib). French Gui<strong>an</strong>a. Bois c<strong>an</strong>on male, bois<br />

Specimens examined. GUYANA. Essequibo R., nr.<br />

c<strong>an</strong>on sauvage. Brazil. Amapa: uva de macaco.<br />

Rockstone, 1 Aug 1921 (juv), Gleason 670 (GH, NY, Bahia: itarar<strong>an</strong>ga, tarar<strong>an</strong>ga, tarar<strong>an</strong>ga vermel-<br />

US), 4 Nov 1979 (2), Maas et al. 3938 (U).<br />

ha; Mar<strong>an</strong>hao: ama'yrary (Ka'apor); Para: im-<br />

SURINAM. Peninica Creek, 20 Apr 1950 (st), BW bauiba, imbauibar<strong>an</strong>a vermelha, mapatir<strong>an</strong>a, ka-<br />

1128 (U); Sectie 0, 15 Sep 1916 (st), BW2410 (NY),<br />

U), 19 Dec 1919 (2), BW 4494 (NY, U), 25 Feb 1921 moyuwa (Wai-wai), sa-ouro (Maway<strong>an</strong>).<br />

(2), BW5048 (U, UC), 15 Nov 1921 (2), BW 5440 In<br />

(A, Amapa <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Para this subspecies c<strong>an</strong> be con-<br />

RB, U, US), 28 J<strong>an</strong> 1922 (9), BW 5581 (MO, U), 24 fused <strong>with</strong> a form of P. melinonii subsp. meli-<br />

Nov 1922 (2), BW 5992 (F, U); nr. G<strong>an</strong>see, 26 May nonii <strong>with</strong> patent hairs on the lower leaf surface.<br />

1964 (juv), Donselaar 1373 (U); nr. Brownsberg, 14<br />

Oct 1964 (st), Donselaar 1681 (U), 4<br />

However, the latter has<br />

J<strong>an</strong> 1966<br />

sparse, appressed hairs<br />

(juv),<br />

Donselaar 2924 (U); Gr<strong>an</strong> Dam, 13 Oct 1966 (st), Donon<br />

the leafy twigs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> stipules <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the flowers in<br />

selaar 3688 (U); Map<strong>an</strong>e Creek, Feb 1964 (2), Elburg the pistillate inflorescence are diffusely distrib-<br />

(LBB) 9843 (MO, NY, U), 7 Mar 1963 (2), LBB 9424 uted, thus not in two clusters as in subsp. mollis.<br />

(U); Suriname R., <strong>with</strong>out date (8 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 9), Hostm<strong>an</strong>n Hostm<strong>an</strong>n & Kappler 1272<br />

(& Kappler) 1272<br />

(6) belongs to P.<br />

(B, CGE, G, GH, LE, NY, OXF, P,<br />

S, U, mixed <strong>with</strong> P.<br />

melinonii<br />

melinonii subsp. melinonii); Nas-<br />

subsp. melinonii while Hostm<strong>an</strong>n (&<br />

sau Mts., 16 Feb 1949 (9), L<strong>an</strong>jouw et al. 2106 (NY, Kappler) 1272 (9 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 6) belongs to P. mollis subsp.<br />

U); Jodensav<strong>an</strong>ne, 27 Mar 1953 (st), Lindem<strong>an</strong> 3631 mollis.<br />

(U), 16 May 1953 (st), Lindem<strong>an</strong> 3989 (U), 20 Dec The description of P. mollis was based on the<br />

1954 (st), Lindem<strong>an</strong> 6923 (U).<br />

collections Bl<strong>an</strong>chet 2361<br />

FRENCH GUIANA. Massif des Emerillons, source<br />

(from Brazil, Bahia);<br />

of Approuage R., 19 Sep 1980 (8), Cremers 6726<br />

Hostm<strong>an</strong>n<br />

(U);<br />

(from Suriname), <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Leprieur 141.<br />

upper Crique Nouciri, 13 Dec 1983 (st), Cremers 8271 The latter was selected as the lectotype collection<br />

(U); <strong>with</strong>out locality, <strong>with</strong>out date (2), Leprieur s.n. (G, (Berg, 1975).<br />

P, lectotype collection of P. mollis); Orapu, 13 Oct<br />

1966 (9), Oldem<strong>an</strong> B.644 (CAY, P, U); piste de St. Elie,<br />

km 16, 19 Apr 1982 (st), Riera 573 (U).<br />

1Ob. <strong>Pourouma</strong> mollis Trecul subsp. triloba<br />

BRAZIL. Without locality, <strong>with</strong>out date (a), Burchell (Trecul) C. C. Berg & v<strong>an</strong> Heusden, Proc. Kon.<br />

9792 (GH, P, the same collection number is also used Ned. Akad. Wetensch., Ser. C, 91(2): 107. 1988.<br />

for a collection of P. gui<strong>an</strong>ensis subsp. gui<strong>an</strong>ensis).<br />

AMAPA: Serra do Navio, 1961 (st), Rodrigues 2984 <strong>Pourouma</strong> triloba Trecul, Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., Ser. 3,<br />

(INPA); between P6rto Platon <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Serra do Navio, 8:104. 1847 (Aug); Miquel in Martius, Fl. bras. 4(1):<br />

1976 (st), Rosa 1158 (MG). BAHIA: Without locality, 126. 1853; Macbride, Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist.,<br />

<strong>with</strong>out date (6), Bl<strong>an</strong>chet 2361 (or 94) (FHO, G, LE, Bot. Ser., 13(2.2): 294. 1937. Type. Peru. Hu<strong>an</strong>uco:<br />

P); P6rto Seguro, 20 Sep 1968 (6), Almeida et al. 71 Macora, <strong>with</strong>out date (6!), Ruiz & Pavon s.n. (lec-<br />

(NY, U); Agua Preta, 23 Feb 1937 (9), Bondar 2169 totype P, chosen here; isolectotypes, G, OXF, US).<br />

(GUA); Rio das Contas, 3 Oct 1919 (8), Curr<strong>an</strong> 21 (C, <strong>Pourouma</strong> jussiae<strong>an</strong>a Trecul, Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., Ser.<br />

F, NY, US); Ilheus, 1848 (8), Luschnath s.n. (BR), Sep 3, 8: 106. 1847; Miquel in Martius, Fl. bras. 4(1):<br />

1821 (a), Riedel 2 (LE); Castelo Novo, 15 Sep 1944 (2), 124. 1853. Type. Peru. Buena Vista, <strong>with</strong>out date<br />

Velloso 1083 (R). ESPiRITO SANTO: Linhares, 18 Aug (2), Anonymus s.n. (holotype, P).

.?<br />

P. cucura P. cuspidats<br />

GP. 7rorPcabrL P<br />

leo myrsoMaphile<br />

P.<br />

r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br />

subsp.<br />

tizab<br />

'' ? ~~~~ulSlsp. grlabrat<br />

~~~I 'I ~~~~Ubp. mebli inmii<br />

FIG. 74. Distribution of <strong>Pourouma</strong> cucura, P. cuspidata, P. formicarum, P. melinonii subsp. glabrata, P.<br />

melinonii subsp. melinonii, P. mollis subsp. mollis, P. mollis subsp. triloba, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P. myrmecophila.

158 Flora Neotropica<br />

~,<br />

a-<br />

e t~~~e7 f~~

<strong>Pourouma</strong>159<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> triloba Klotzsch, Linnaea 20: 526. 1847<br />

(Sep). Type. Peru. Hu<strong>an</strong>uco: Macora, <strong>with</strong>out date<br />

(9!), Ruiz & Pavon s.n. (holotype, B; isotypes, BR,<br />

G, OXF).<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> jaramilloi Cuatrecasas, Caldasia 7: 300.<br />

1956. Type. Colombia. Meta: Sierra de la Macarena,<br />

Cafno Ciervo, 19 J<strong>an</strong> 1950 (2), Philipson & Jaramillo<br />

2133 (holotype, BM, not seen; isotypes, F, US).<br />

V. 10650 (BG). UYACALLI: Prov. Coronel Portillo, Pucallpa-Tingo<br />

Maria rd., 1980 (9), Trucios 9 (BG).<br />

BRAZIL. ACRE: Upper Rio Moa, nr. Fazenda Arizona,<br />

24-30 Sep 1984 (st), Campbell et al. 8383 (BG);<br />

mouth of Rio Macauh<strong>an</strong>, 5 Aug 1933 (d), Krukoff5309<br />

(F, G, GB, M, MO, NY, S, U, UC, US); Sena Madureira,<br />

Rio Caete, 7 Oct 1968 (d), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 7907 (F,<br />

GH, NY, P, R, S, U, US).<br />

Lamina usually 3-5-parted, sometimes entire; Vernacular names. Peru. Amazonas: suia, suir<br />

upper surface sometimes scabrous; petiole oc- shuina (Huambisa), uhukamsuiya; S<strong>an</strong> Martin:<br />

casionally <strong>with</strong> white-arachnoid hairs. Pistillate obija, uvilla.<br />

flowers usually more or less diffusely distributed This subspecies is more variable th<strong>an</strong> subsp.<br />

in the inflorescence, sometimes in two ? distinct mollis <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> may prove to consist of several infraclusters;<br />

pedicels in fruit up to 1 cm long. specific taxa. In particular Huashikat 944, Hu-<br />

Distribution (Fig. 74). Colombia (Meta), Peru ashikat 1027, Tunqui 296 (all from Peru, Ama-<br />

(Amazonas, Loreto, Madre de Dios, Pasco <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> zonas, valley of Rio S<strong>an</strong>tiago) <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Gentry et al.<br />

S<strong>an</strong> Martin), <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Brazil (Acre); in non-inundated 15621 (from Loreto, Rio N<strong>an</strong>ay) are a distinct<br />

forest at low altitudes.<br />

set of collections. They have entire leaves <strong>with</strong><br />

a ? scabrous upper leaf surface, the basal lateral<br />

Specimens examined. COLOMBIA. META: S<strong>an</strong> Ju<strong>an</strong> veins are often<br />

de Arama, Rio Guejar, 26 J<strong>an</strong> 1951 (9), Idrobo et al.<br />

unbr<strong>an</strong>ched, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the stipules are<br />

1316 (US); Sierra de la Macarena, Caino Ciervo, 19 J<strong>an</strong><br />

rather densely hairy inside.<br />

1950 (9), Philipson & Jaramillo 2133 (BM, P, US, type Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 7907 has relatively m<strong>an</strong>y lateral<br />

collection of P. jaramilloi).<br />

veins, up to ca. 30 pairs, whereas in other col-<br />

ECUDADOR. NAPO: Lumbaqui, 25 Nov 1987 (8), lections there are at most 25 pairs.<br />

Pennington et al. 12300 (BG).<br />

PERU. Without locality, <strong>with</strong>out date<br />

Schunke V. 7729 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 10650, Foster 5791, D.<br />

(9), Anonymus<br />

s.n. (P, type collection of P. jussiae<strong>an</strong>a). AMAZONAS: N. Smith 5134, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Trucios 9 have entire leaves<br />

Rio Cenepa, 30 Dec 1972 (9), Berlin 746 (F, GH, MO); <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the pistillate inflorescences tend to the type<br />

Rio S<strong>an</strong>tiago, nr. Caterpiza, 15 Oct 1979 (9), Huashikat of inflorescence normal in subsp. mollis.<br />

944 (U), 24 Oct 1979 (2), Huashikat 1027 (BG); Rio The<br />

Huampi, 26 Jul 1974 (8), Kayap 1306 (MO, US); Rio<br />

description of P. triloba Tr6cul was based<br />

S<strong>an</strong>tiago, nr. Caterpiza, 12 Dec 1979 (9), Tunqui 296 on both staminate <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> pistillate material collect-<br />

(BG). HUANUco: Tingo Maria, 13 Jul 1957 (st), Ellen- ed by Ruiz & Pavon, the staminate material is<br />

berg 2297 (U); Macora, <strong>with</strong>out date (6), Ruiz & Pavon chosen as the lectotype collection, the pistillate<br />

s.n. (G, OXF, P, US, lectotype collection of P. triloba material has been used for the description of P.<br />

Tr6cul), <strong>with</strong>out date (2), Ruiz & Pavon s.n. (B, BR, G,<br />

OXF, type collection of P. triloba<br />

triloba Klotzsch.<br />

Klotzsch); Pampayacu,<br />

5 Jun 1927 (d), Sawada 21 (F). JUNiN: Prov. Satipo,<br />

Gr<strong>an</strong> Pajonal, S of Chequitaro, 22 Sep 1983 (8), D. N. 11. <strong>Pourouma</strong> melinonii Benoist, Bull. Mus. Hist.<br />

Smith 5134 (BG). LORETO: Prov. Maynas, Rio N<strong>an</strong>ay, Nat. (Paris) 28: 318. 1922; Berg, Fl. Suriname<br />

Puerto Almendras, 5 J<strong>an</strong> 1976 (9), Gentry et al. 15621<br />

(BG); 22 km S of km 86 on Pucallpa-Tingo Maria 5(1): 274, t. 15a. 1975. Type. French Gui<strong>an</strong>a.<br />

rd.,<br />

11 Feb 1981 (2), Gentry et al. 31179 (BG); Prov. La<br />

May- M<strong>an</strong>a, Sep 1846 (9), Sagot 990 (lectotype,<br />

nas, Y<strong>an</strong>amono Explorama Tourist Camp, 27 Jun 1983 P. chosen by Berg, Fl. Suriname 5(1): 274.1975;<br />

(st), Gentry et al. 42232 (BG), 8 Jul 1983 (st), Gentry isolectotype, B).<br />

et al. 42793 (BG); Yurimaguas, Oct-Nov 1929 (6), LI.<br />

Williams 4688 (F). MADRE DE Dios: Rio M<strong>an</strong>u, Pak- Tree, up to 30 m tall. Leafy twigs 4-12 mm<br />

itza Station, 20 Nov 1980 (9), Foster 5781 (BG, F); thick, sparsely whitish, mostly appressed-puber-<br />

Rio M<strong>an</strong>u, Cocha Cashu Station, Jul 1978 (st), Foster ulous to<br />

et al. 6569 (F). SAN MARTIN: Prov. Mariscal<br />

strigose, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> purple to reddish-<br />

Caceres,<br />

Rio Uchiza, 24 Jul 1974 (a), J. Schunke V. 7729 (MO,<br />

brown, pluricellular hairs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> occasionally sparse,<br />

NY, U); Prov. Mariscal Caceres, Dist. Tocache Nuevo, white, arachnoid hairs. Lamina entire, ovate (to<br />

Quebrada de Ischichini, 12 Oct 1978 (2), J. Schunke elliptic) or 3-lobed, 6-25(-35) x 4-16(-27) cm<br />

FIG. 75. a. <strong>Pourouma</strong> melinonii subsp. melinonii. Leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences (Irwin et al. 47832).<br />

b-f. P. mollis subsp. mollis. b. Leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences (Elburg (LBB) 9843). c. Staminate flower<br />

(Pires et al. 51625). d. Pistillate flower. e. Ovule f. Seed <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> embryo (BW 5581).

160 Flora Neotropica<br />

or 3-5-parted <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> ca. 10-27 x 10-27 cm, co-<br />

Key to the Subspecies of<br />

riaceous, apex acuminate, base acute, rounded<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> melinonii<br />

to truncate to subcordate or cordate; upper surface<br />

smooth, hairy on the main veins or subgla-<br />

1. Lamina usually entire, if 3-5-parted, then the<br />

base<br />

brous, lower surface usually truncate to subcordate; fruiting peri-<br />

(rather) sparsely appressed- <strong>an</strong>th sparsely or densely hairy; stamens usually<br />

puberulous to strigose or patent-puberulous to <strong>with</strong> free filaments; Amazon Basin <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Gui<strong>an</strong>as.<br />

hirtellous or subglabrous on the veins, arachnoid .......................... a. subsp. m elinonii.<br />

hairs in the areoles or also on the smaller veins; 1. Lamina 3-5-parted, base more or less deeply corlateral<br />

veins 12-20 pairs, basal pair br<strong>an</strong>ched,<br />

date; fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>ths subglabrous; stamens<br />

(often) <strong>with</strong> connate filaments; P<strong>an</strong>ama <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

the basal part of these veins forming the basal northern <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> western Colombia ..............<br />

part of the leaf margin (thus not separated from ........................... b. subsp. glabrata.<br />

the margin by mesophyll), tertiary venation almost<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>e beneath; petiole 3-22 cm long, strilla.<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> melinonii Benoist<br />

gillose to strigose or puberulous to<br />

subsp.<br />

hirtellous; melinonii.<br />

stipules (2-)4-17 cm long, outside sparsely white-<br />

Fig. 75a.<br />

strigose, inside glabrous, caducous. Staminate <strong>Pourouma</strong> apaporiensis Cuatrecasas, Caldasia 7: 297.<br />

inflorescences up to 12 cm long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 12 cm wide; 1956. Type. Colombia. Amazonas-Vaupes: Rio<br />

peduncle 2-6 cm long, peduncle <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> br<strong>an</strong>ches Apaporis, Lagunas del Chucuro, 22 Nov 1951 (9),<br />

Garcia-Barriga 13643 (holotype, US; isotype,<br />

sparsely to rather<br />

NY).<br />

densely puberulous; flowers <strong>Pourouma</strong> apaporiensis Cuatrecasas forma macrosessile<br />

or pedicellate, most of them in globose phylla Cuatrecasas, Caldasia 7:298. 1956. Type. Coheads,<br />

these 3-4 mm diam.; tepals 0.5-1 mm lombia. Vaup6s: Rio Cubiyi, 8 Dec 1943 (9), Allen<br />

long, connate, forming a ? urceolate 3251<br />

peri<strong>an</strong>th, (holotype, US, isotype, MO).<br />

sparsely to densely hairy; filaments longer th<strong>an</strong> Leafy twigs hairy or subglabrous. Lamina<br />

the tepals, free or + connate. Pistillate inflores- mostly entire <strong>with</strong> a rounded to truncate base,<br />

cences in fruit up to 17 cm long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 11 cm wide; sometimes 3-lobed <strong>with</strong> a truncate to subcordate<br />

peduncle 3-12 cm long, peduncle <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> br<strong>an</strong>ches base, occasionally 3-parted <strong>with</strong> a deeply cordate<br />

<strong>with</strong> indument similar to that of the staminate base; lower surface on the veins ? sparsely hairy,<br />

inflorescence; flowers 10-30; pedicel up to 1 cm, mostly <strong>with</strong> appressed hairs, sometimes <strong>with</strong><br />

in fruit up to 1.5 cm long; peri<strong>an</strong>th 0.5-1 cm patent hairs. Stamens <strong>with</strong> (almost) free filalong,<br />

(rather) sparsely puberulous, apex tuber- ments. Fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th sparsely or + densely<br />

culate; stigma peltate, ca. 2 mm diam. Fruiting puberulous to subvelutinous.<br />

peri<strong>an</strong>th dark violet or dark maroon, ovoid to Distribution (Fig. 74). Colombia (Amazonas),<br />

ellipsoid to oblongoid, 1-2 x 0.7-1.5 cm, sparse- Venezuela (Amazonas <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Bolivar), Guy<strong>an</strong>a,<br />

ly to densely puberulous to subvelutinous or Surinam, French Gui<strong>an</strong>a, Peru (Amazonas <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

subglabrous.<br />

Loreto), <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Brazil (Amapa, Amazonas, Mato<br />

This species is very closely related to P. mollis Grosso, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Para); in non-inundated forest at<br />

from which it is not always easy to separate. One low altitudes.<br />

of the main reasons for treating P. melinonii as<br />

distinct at the species level is the co-occurrence Specimens examined. COLOMBIA. AMAZONAS: Rio<br />

of P. mollis subsp. mollis <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P. melinonii subsp. Apaporis, between Rio Pacoa <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Rio K<strong>an</strong><strong>an</strong>ari, 15-<br />

19 Dec 1951<br />

melinonii in the Gui<strong>an</strong>as <strong>with</strong>out indications of<br />

(9), Garcia-Barriga 14116 (NY, US).<br />

AMAZONAS-VAUPES: Rio Apaporis, Lagunas del Chuinterbreeding.<br />

P. melinonii c<strong>an</strong> be distinguished ruco, 22 Nov 1951 (9), Garcia-Barriga 13643 (NY, US,<br />

from P. mollis by the sparse indument in most type collection of P. apaporiensis). VAUPES: Cabeceras<br />

parts of the pl<strong>an</strong>t, but especially on the stipules; Rio Cubyyfi, 8 Dec 1943 (9), Allen 3251 (MO, type<br />

only the fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th is sometimes<br />

collection of P.<br />

densely<br />

apaporiensis Forma macrophylla).<br />


puberulous to subvelutinous. The sparse indu-<br />

Upper Rio Orinoco,<br />

1951 (9), Croizat 962 (US); base of Cerro Duida, J<strong>an</strong>ment<br />

on the stipules <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> leafy twigs of P. meli- Feb 1969 (st), Farinas et al. 490 (U, VEN); Rio Cainonii<br />

is whitish <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> usually appressed, whereas quiare, Rio Vaciva <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Rio Yatua, Apr 1853 (6), Spruce<br />

the dense indument on the stipules <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 3176<br />

leafy (C, CGE, E, GH, GOET, MG, NY, OXF, P).<br />

twigs of P. mollis is yellow <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

BOLiVAR: Rio Chirea Urim<strong>an</strong>, 5<br />

usually +<br />

Aug 1953<br />

patent.<br />

(st), Bernardi<br />

902 (NY, VEN); Rio Icabaru <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Rio Hacha, 7<br />

Within P. melinonii two allopatric subspecies J<strong>an</strong> 1956 (9), Bernardi 2808 (G, NY); Mun. Urd<strong>an</strong>eta,<br />

c<strong>an</strong> be recognized.<br />

Rio Chinarok, 10 J<strong>an</strong> 1986 (9), Hern<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ez 317 (BG);

<strong>Pourouma</strong> 161<br />

between Rio Chic<strong>an</strong><strong>an</strong> <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Rio Ayaiche, 24 Aug 1961 (Arawak), bospapaja, gr<strong>an</strong>boesipapaja, poeroe-<br />

(6), Steyermark 89452 (NY, VEN); Sierra Ichun, Salto ma or<br />

Maria Espuma, 29 Dec 1961<br />

puruma (Carib),<br />

(6), Steyermark 90408<br />

yarayara (Carib). French<br />

(NY); El Tigre, 2 May 1939 (9), LI. Williams 12008<br />

Gui<strong>an</strong>a. Bois c<strong>an</strong>on, papaye apici (Paramaka).<br />

(F, S, US, VEN).<br />

Peru. Amazonas: dakamtazshuiya, mimpashui-<br />

GUYANA. Pakaraima Mts., Kam<strong>an</strong>a falls, 25 Aug ya washi shuina; Loreto: uvilla. Brazil. Amazo-<br />

1961 (6), Maguire et al. 45945 A (NY, US); upper nas: imbaibar<strong>an</strong>a; Para: mapatir<strong>an</strong>a.<br />

Mazaruni R., Kako R., 23 Sep 1960 (6), Tillett et al. The collection from Amazoni<strong>an</strong><br />

45495 Colombia, in-<br />

(U).<br />

SURINAM. Marowijne R., <strong>with</strong>out date (6), (Host- cluding the type collection of P. apaporiensis,<br />

m<strong>an</strong>n &) Kappler 1272 (LE, M, P); Grote Zwiebel- have deeply cordate leaves, like the material of<br />

zwamp, 22 Sep 1948 (2), L<strong>an</strong>jouw et al. 399 (NY, U); subsp. glabrata, but in contrast to the other col-<br />

Jodensav<strong>an</strong>ne, 4 Jul 1961 (st), Schulz (LBB) 8976 (F, lections of subsp. melinonii. Pistillate specimens<br />

U).<br />

FRENCH GUIANA. Without locality, <strong>with</strong>out data<br />

from this area c<strong>an</strong> be distinguished from those<br />

(2), Aublet s.n. (BM, S), 1986 (6), Melinon 457 (A, G, of subsp. glabrata in the dense indument of the<br />

P, U), 1863 (2), Melinon s.n. (P), 1863 (6), Melinon s.n. peri<strong>an</strong>th of the pistillate flower.<br />

(E, LE, NY, P, US), (8), Poiteau s.n. (LE), 1865 (st) The description of P. melinonii was based on<br />

Sagot s.n. (P); Bolatee Creek, 2 Nov 1948 (st), BAFOG<br />

the collections<br />

4272 (CAY, U);'St. Pierre Creek, 28 Feb 1959 Kappler 1272 (from<br />

(st),<br />

Suriname)<br />

C<strong>an</strong>tonnement de Cayenne s.n. (CAY); Trois Sauts, 28 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> three collections made in French Gui<strong>an</strong>a:<br />

Oct 1974 (2), Lescure 343 (CAY); Cayenne, <strong>with</strong>out Sagot 517 (p.p.), Sagot 990, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Melinon 457.<br />

date (2), Martin s.n. (BR, F, MO, U); Cacao, S of Cay- Sagot 990 has been selected as the lectotype colenne,<br />

21 Apr 1965 (6), Oldem<strong>an</strong> 1243 (CAY); piste de lection<br />

St. Elie, 1 Jun 1981 (st), Sabatier 51 (Berg, 1975). The (Hostm<strong>an</strong>n &) Kappler<br />

(CAY); Acarou<strong>an</strong>y,<br />

May 1858 (6), Sagot 517 (F, P; under the same number collection has the same number as a collection<br />

the lectotype collection of P. laevis); La M<strong>an</strong>a, Sep 1856 of Hostm<strong>an</strong>n (& Kappler) of P. mollis subsp. mol-<br />

(2), Sagot 990 (B, P, lectotype collection of P. meli- lis.<br />

nonii), 1856 (2), Sagot 990bis (G); Godebert, 13 Jul<br />

1921 (2), Wachenheim 232 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> s.n. (P).<br />

PERU. AMAZONAS: Monte Chichijam, 24 Apr 1973 lib. <strong>Pourouma</strong> melinonii Benoist subsp. glabra-<br />

(2), Ancuash 290 (F, GH, MO); Rio S<strong>an</strong>tiago, nr.. Ca- ta C. C. Berg & v<strong>an</strong> Heusden, Proc. Kon. Ned.<br />

terpiza, 7 Sep 1977 (2), Huashikat 431 (BG); Rio Cusu, Akad. Wetensch., Ser. C, 91(2): 108. 1988.<br />

Yucui, 12 Mar 1973 (2), Kayap 571 (GH). LORETO:<br />

Rio Tacsha, Curaray, 19 Sep 1972 (6), Croat 20447<br />

Type. P<strong>an</strong>ama. C<strong>an</strong>al Zone: Pipeline Rd., 10<br />

(C, km NW of<br />

DUKE, F, GH, MO, NY).<br />

Gamboa, 14 Dec 1973 (9), Berg &<br />

BRAZIL. AMAPA: Rio Jaue, 3 km E of confluence Nee 355 (holotype, U; isotypes, BG, COL, K,<br />

<strong>with</strong> Rio Oiapoque, 26 Aug 1960 (2), Irwin et al. 47832 MO, NY, PMA). Fig. 76.<br />

(GH, NY, U, US); Rio Mutura, 22 Sep 1960 (2), Irwin<br />

et al. 48439 (NY, U, US); Mun. Mazagao, 81 km NW Leafy twigs subglabrous. Lamina usually 5- or<br />

of Macapa, 20 Dec 1984 (2), Mori et al. 17478 (BG). 3-parted <strong>with</strong> a distinctly cordate base, some-<br />

AMAZONAS: Mun. Tefe, Rio Solimoes, Lago de Tefe, times entire <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> then <strong>with</strong> a cordate to subacute<br />

15 Oct 1982 (2), Amaral et al. 101 (BG); Rio Japura,<br />

Vila Bitt<strong>an</strong>court, 19 Nov 1982 (2), Amaral et al. 595 base; lower surface on the main veins subgla-<br />

(BG); M<strong>an</strong>aus-Caracarai rd., km 148, 27 Sep 1973 (2), brous. Stamens often <strong>with</strong> + connate filaments.<br />

Berg et al. P. 18136 (F, INPA, MO, NY, P, S, U, US); Fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th (sub)glabrous.<br />

Mun. Anori, rd. Amori-Anama, 27 Nov 1975 (8), D. Distribution (Fig. 74). P<strong>an</strong>ama <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Colombia<br />

Coelho et al. 672 (INPA); Rio Solimoes, Belem, 16<br />

Dec 1948 (6), Fr6es 23725 (IAN), 25 Mar 1976 (Antioquia); in non-inundated forest at low al-<br />

(st),<br />

Mello s.n. (INPA); M<strong>an</strong>aus-Itacoatiara rd., km 26, 2 titudes.<br />

Sep 1966 (6), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 2180 (F, GH, INPA, NY,<br />

P, R, S, U, US). MATO GROSSO: Brasilia-Acre Specimens examined. PANAMA. CANAL ZONE:<br />

hwy.,<br />

215 km, west of Rio Juruena, 2 Sep 1963 Pipeline Rd., ca. 10 km NW of Gamboa, 14 Dec 1973<br />

(6), Maguire<br />

et al. 56511 (F, NY, RB, U, US). PARA: Rio (9), Berg & Nee 355 (BG, COL, K, MO, NY, PMA,<br />

Guama,<br />

U,<br />

Sao Miguel, Oct 1906 (2), Goeldi (MG) 7732 type collection of P. melinonii subsp.<br />

(G,<br />

glabrata), 12 Oct<br />

MG);<br />

Rio<br />

1971<br />

Jari, Monte Dourado, 16 Nov 1967 (2), Oliveira (9), Gentry 2046 (MO); Gamboa, 21 Nov 1971<br />

3736 (IAN), 22 J<strong>an</strong> 1968 (2), Oliveira 3936 (NY), 30<br />

(9), Gentry 2657 (MO, NA). DARIEN: S of El Real, nr.<br />

C<strong>an</strong>a<br />

J<strong>an</strong> 1961 (9), Oliveira 4047 (NY), 9 Sep 1968 (2), N.<br />

mine, 21 Aug 1987 (9), McPherson 11510 (BG).<br />

SAN BLAS:<br />

T. Silva 921<br />

Rio<br />

(NY, U), 11 Sep 1968 (6); N. T. Silva 949<br />

C<strong>an</strong>g<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>i, nr. C<strong>an</strong>g<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>i, 18 Feb 1984<br />

(NY, U), 16 Sep 1968 (2) N. T. Silva 995 (9), Nevers 4929 (BG).<br />

(IAN, NY). COLOMBIA. ANTIOQUIA: 38 km W of Barr<strong>an</strong>cabermeja,<br />

24 Feb 1967 (8), Bruijn 1496 (F, M, MO, NY,<br />

Vernacular names. Venezuela. Bolivar: kai- S, U, US, VEN), 25 Feb 1967 (9), Bruijn 1502 (F, M,<br />

warikai, yagrumo-sunsun. Surinam. Boroma MO, NY, S, U, US, VEN), 1 Mar 1967 (st), Bruijn

162<br />

1546 (F, M, MO, NY, S, U, US, VEN), 2 Feb 1967<br />

(st), Bruijn 1555 (F, M, MO, NY, S, U, US, VEN);<br />

Anori, 6-12 Sep 1973 (9), Soejarto 4283 (MO).<br />

Vernacular names. Colombia. Antioquia: cirpe<br />

macho.<br />

12. <strong>Pourouma</strong> hirsutipetiolata Mildbraed, No-<br />

tizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 10: 420. 1928.<br />

Type. Colombia. Bolivar: Norosi-Tiquiso trail,<br />

l<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>s of Loba, Apr-May 1916 (Q), Curr<strong>an</strong> 116<br />

(holotype, US, fragment in B).<br />

Tree, up to ca. 30 m tall, <strong>with</strong> butresses. Leafy<br />

twigs 6-20 mm thick, yellow-hirsute <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong><br />

minute, whitish, appressed or patent hairs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

usually also <strong>with</strong> brown, pluricellular hairs.<br />

Lamina entire, ovate (to elliptic or suborbicular),<br />

10-25 x 7-18 cm, or 3-lobed to -parted <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> ca.<br />

10-35 x 10-35 cm, coriaceous, apex acuminate,<br />

base cordate or subcordate or sometimes rounded;<br />

upper surface smooth, hairy on the main veins<br />

or subglabrous, lower surface (rather) sparsely<br />

strigose to strigillose on the veins or puberulous<br />

to hirtellous on the smaller veins, arachnoid hairs<br />

in the areoles, usually extending to the lateral<br />

veins; lateral veins (5-)12-15 pairs, basal pair<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched, tertiary <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> quarterary venation<br />

rather prominent beneath; petiole 3-20 cm long,<br />

yellow-hirsute, usually also <strong>with</strong> minute, whitish<br />

hairs; stipules 4-24 cm long, outside yellow-hirsute<br />

(to -subsericeous), <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> also <strong>with</strong> much<br />

shorter, whitish hairs, inside glabrous, caducous.<br />

Staminate inflorescences up to 10 cm long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

8 cm wide; peduncle 3-4 cm long, densely pub-<br />

Flora Neotropica<br />

leafy twigs, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the more prominent smaller veins<br />

at the lamina beneath, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the broader segments<br />

of the incised leaves. It differs from P. mollis in<br />

the cordate leaf base of the incised leaves <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

the more prominent smaller veins on the lamina<br />

beneath.<br />

Two (probably) allopatric subspecies c<strong>an</strong> be<br />

recognized.<br />

Key to the Subspecies of<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> hirsutipetiolata<br />

1. Lamina entire; northern Colombia. ..........<br />

.................... a. subsp. hirsutipetiolata.<br />

1. Lamina 3-lobed to -parted; western Colombia<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Ecuador. ................ b. subsp. hispida.<br />

12a. <strong>Pourouma</strong> hirsutipetiolata Mildbraed subsp.<br />

hirsutipetiolata. Fig. 77.<br />

Lamina entire.<br />

Distribution (Fig. 81). Colombia (Antioquia,<br />

Bolivar, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> S<strong>an</strong>t<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>er); in non-inundated, lowl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

forest.<br />

Specimens examined. COLOMBIA. ANTIOQUIA: 38<br />

km W ofBarr<strong>an</strong>cabermeja, 1 Mar 1967 (9), Bruijn 1547<br />

(F, M, MO, NY, S, U, US, VEN). BOLIVAR: Norosi-<br />

Tiquisio trail, L<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>s of Loba, Apr-May 1916 (2), Curr<strong>an</strong><br />

116 (B, US, type collection of P. hirsutipetiolata).<br />

SANTANDER: Bucaram<strong>an</strong>ga, 11 Dec 1977 (2), Renteria<br />

et al. 45 (MO); rd. to Citimarra, 9 Dec 1979 (2), Renteria<br />

et al. 2093 (HUA); 16 km SE of Barr<strong>an</strong>cabermeja,<br />

26 Aug 1954 (9), Romero-Cast<strong>an</strong>eda 4715 (MO, US).<br />

Vernacular names. Colombia. S<strong>an</strong>t<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>er: sirpe<br />

erulous or also hirtellous; flowers sessile, most of or sirpo, urumo bl<strong>an</strong>co.<br />

them in subglobose heads, these ca. 3 mm diam.;<br />

tepals 1-1.5 mm long, connate, forming a 12b. <strong>Pourouma</strong> hirsutipetiolata Mildbraed subsp.<br />

(sub)infundibuliform peri<strong>an</strong>th, often <strong>with</strong> <strong>an</strong> hispida (St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley & Cuatrecasas) C. C. Berg &<br />

oblique apex, sparsely hairy; filaments longer th<strong>an</strong> v<strong>an</strong> Heusden, Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wethe<br />

tepals, free. Pistillate inflorescences in fruit tensch., Ser. C, 91(2): 108. 1988. Fig. 78.<br />

up to 22 cm long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 10 cm wide; peduncle 5- <strong>Pourouma</strong> hispida Cuatrecasas, St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley & Cuatreca-<br />

13 cm long; peduncle <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> br<strong>an</strong>ches minutely sas in Cuatrecasas, Caldasia 7: 299. 1956. Type. Copuberulous,<br />

sparsely so on the peduncle, more lombia. Valle: Rio Anchicaya, La Pl<strong>an</strong>ta, 5 Aug 1943<br />

densely on the br<strong>an</strong>ches <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> very densely on the (9), Cuatrecasas 14881 (holotype, F).<br />

pedicels; flowers 7-17; pedicel 0.5-1 cm long, in Lamina 3-lobed to -parted.<br />

fruit up to 1.5 cm long; peri<strong>an</strong>th 5-10 cm long, Distribution (Fig. 81). Colombia (Choc6, Valle)<br />

densely short-velutinous; stigma peltate, ca. 1.5 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Ecuador (Esmeraldas); in non-inundated,<br />

mm diam., white puberulous. Fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th lowl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> forest.<br />

dark violet or black, ellipsoid to ovoid, ca. 1.5-<br />

2 x 1-1.5 cm, densely minutely puberulous. Specimens examined. COLOMBIA. CHocO: La Mo-<br />

This species is closely related to P. jarra, 5 Nov 1983 (2), Juncosa 1253 (BG). VALLE: Rio<br />

melinonii,<br />

Anchicaya, La Pl<strong>an</strong>ta, 5 Aug 1943 (2), Cuatrecasas<br />

from which it differs in the shape of the staminate 14881 (F, type collection of P. hispida); Rio Calima,<br />

flowers, the long yellow hairs on the petioles <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> La Trojita, 19 Feb-10 Mar 1944 (9), Cuatrecasas 16826

<strong>Pourouma</strong> 163<br />

FIG.<br />

FLORA 76 Prom mn b gbith pitt inre PANAMENSIS Br<br />

b*. . . , .,<br />

A _l I - p , 10 . I w W<br />

rrrO p _ f-nTt.<br />

;<br />

-<br />

^<br />

. r<br />

^I<br />

- ^ , O^ t a r r o l e . .,, ^ V4<br />

]..p<br />

2m 20 - x ? 30 * I <strong>with</strong> L n_5 ;il1t Sotwo MP 5 tul bl z<br />

'<br />

I.-it^^^;.;'' *-i FrtouM mal.nrt^.?, Bf??.ft [,..; C Berg i * ,<br />

i^. ?: .-<br />

'Fu.: C.C. arit o llreah twig t<br />

i.<br />

*'*^ 'AM9 i^ fe tr ^"b-t* cc*B"^*t'a"*l*)^ -<br />

FIG. 76. <strong>Pourouma</strong> melinonii subsp. glabrata. Leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences (Berg et al. 355).<br />

(F); Rio Dagua, between Las Cascadas <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Alto de<br />

Yundo, 7 Jul 1984 (9), Gentry et al. 48341 (BG).<br />

ECUADOR. ESMERALDAS: Rio Pambil, Estero Bravo,<br />

6 Jul 1966 (d), Jdtiva 303 (NY), Jdtiva et al. 1079<br />

(NY, UC, US); P<strong>an</strong>adero, 5 km from the river, 26 Jul<br />

1967 (d), Jdtiva et al. 2033 (MO, NY, US), 26 Jul 1967<br />

(9), Jdtiva et al. 2037 (NY, U, UC, US); Rio Hoja<br />

Bl<strong>an</strong>ca <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Rio Hualpi, 15 Sep 1965 (d), Little et al.<br />

21070 (F, MO, NY, US); Rio Guayllabamba, Quinin-<br />

d6, 4 Oct 1965 (d), Little et al. 21225 (NY, US).<br />

Vernacular names. Ecuador. Esmeraldas: uva.

164 Flora Neotropica<br />


1I|e1 D . att 1eS s U | I A<br />

h<br />

1g|nc i :..<br />

.. 2 ..:.<br />

-. .<br />

11, 2 _34 5 ta<br />

.<br />

rir, .oula 3s t<br />

. . . .<br />

.... *.., -, . ?<br />

UNITED STATES ;' - ;<br />

Pouriou hirauriprt iolata Mtldbread subap.<br />

*!37'0h3 hr*,rup,,-tolat ... . -.<br />

NToAL Hn UI De. C . . Berg Utrech IatmD1l 1986 m1a<br />

ilo bm<br />

NATiONAL HERSA1IU E.C.K. v<strong>an</strong> Keusden<br />

FIG. 77. <strong>Pourouma</strong> hirsutipetiolata subsp. hirsutipetiolata. Leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences (Bruijn<br />

1547).<br />

13. <strong>Pourouma</strong> tomentosa Martius ex Miquel in<br />

Martius, Fl. bras. 4(1): 128, t. 38. 1853. Type.<br />

Colombia. Amazonas or Caqueta: Araracuara,<br />

Dec 1819 (Q), Martius s.n. (lectotype, M, cho-<br />

sen here; isolectotype, U).<br />

Tree, up to ca. 30 m tall. Leafy twigs 4-15 mm<br />

thick, white-puberulous or partly also yellow-<br />

hirsute, often also <strong>with</strong> white, arachnoid hairs,<br />

pluricellular hairs lacking or very sparse. Lamina<br />

entire, ovate to elliptic (to oblong), (4-)10-20<br />

(-40) x (3-)5-15(-27) cm or 3-5-lobed to -parted<br />

or 5-9-parted <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> ca. 10-35 x 10-35 cm, coriaceous,<br />

apex acuminate, rounded or sometimes<br />

emarginate, base acute to obtuse, rounded, truncate,<br />

or cordate; upper surface smooth, sometimes<br />

scabrous, hairy on the main veins or only

<strong>Pourouma</strong> 165<br />

m.m,---<br />

* _ . 1 2'. A . .. . . ;<br />

FIG. 78. <strong>Pourouma</strong> hirsutipetiolata subsp. hispida. Leafy twig <strong>with</strong> staminate inflorescences (Little e a.<br />

21225).<br />

on the midrib, in scabrous leaves hispidulous<br />

over the whole surface, lower surface rather<br />

sparsely appressed-puberulous to strigose on the<br />

(main) veins, arachnoid hairs in the areoles, usually<br />

extending to the midrib, but on the main<br />

veins ? disappearing <strong>with</strong> age; lateral veins 7-<br />

25 pairs, the basal pair br<strong>an</strong>ched or sometimes<br />

(in elliptic leaves) unbr<strong>an</strong>ched, the basal part of<br />

these veins forming the basal part of the leaf<br />

margin (thus not separated from the margin by<br />

mesophyll), tertiary (<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> quarternary) veins often<br />

rather prominent beneath; petiole 2-26 cm long,<br />

white-puberulous or yellow-(sub)hirsute, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

usually also white, arachnoid hairs; stipules (2-)6-<br />

18 cm long, outside whitish-strigose to yellowhirsute<br />

or -hirtellous, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> dense to sparse,

166 Flora Neotropica<br />

white, arachnoid hairs, usually also pluricellular This species is closely related to P. mollis <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

hairs, inside glabrous or <strong>with</strong> dense or sparse, P. melinonii. It is distinguishable by the occuryellow(ish)<br />

hairs, caducous. Staminate inflores- rence of ? dense, arachnoid hairs on the leafy<br />

cences up to 12 cm long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 12 cm wide; pe- twigs, stipules, petioles, main veins at the lower<br />

duncle 2-5 cm long, peduncle <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> br<strong>an</strong>ches + leaf surface <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>/or the inflorescences, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>, moredensely<br />

puberulous, often also <strong>with</strong> white, arach- over, by the lack or scarcity of pluricellular hairs<br />

noid hairs; flowers sessile or pedicellate, most of on the leafy twigs.<br />

them in (sub)globose heads, these 3-5 mm diam.; Five subspecies, partly allopatric, c<strong>an</strong> be rectepals<br />

0.5-1 mm long, connate, forming a more ognized. A few specimens from Peru (Amazonas)<br />

or less distinctly urceolate peri<strong>an</strong>th, sparsely to c<strong>an</strong>not be satisfactoraly inserted in one of these<br />

densely hairy; filaments longer th<strong>an</strong> the tepals, subspecies. They may represent <strong>an</strong>other subspefree.<br />

Pistillate inflorescences in fruit up to 20 cm cies. These collections (Kayap 201, Tunqui 217,<br />

long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 13 cm wide; peduncle 2-13 cm long, Huashikat 966, 1432 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 1482) largely match<br />

peduncle <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> br<strong>an</strong>ched sparsely to densely pub- the collections under subsp. tomentosa, but the<br />

erulous or also yellow-(sub)hirsute, often <strong>with</strong> arachnoid indument is almost lacking on most<br />

white, arachnoid hairs; flowers pedicellate (or parts, except for the main veins of the lamina<br />

subsessile), pedicel up to 0.5 cm long, in fruit up beneath <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the petioles. Moreover, the hairs on<br />

to 1.5 cm long; peri<strong>an</strong>th 5-10 mm long, mostly the fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th are much shorter, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the<br />

densely, yellowish, short-velutinous, sometimes apex of the leaves is short-acuminate. They are<br />

sparsely puberulous, or also <strong>with</strong> white, arach- provisionally placed under subsp. tomentosa.<br />

noid hairs; stigma (sub)peltate, ca. 1.5 mm diam. From the two syntype collections made by<br />

Fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th black or purple, oblongoid to Martius, one is chosen as the lectotype collection.<br />

ellipsoid to ovoid, 1.5-2 x 0.8-1.5 cm, mostly<br />

densely, yellowish-puberulous to -velutinous or<br />

-subhirtellous.<br />

Key to the Subspecies of <strong>Pourouma</strong> tomentosa<br />

1. Stipules hairy inside. .................................. ... ................. b. subsp. apiculata.<br />

1. Stipules glabrous inside.<br />

2. Leafy twigs yellow-hirsute (or glabrous); lamina 5-9-parted. ..................... c. subsp. persecta.<br />

2. Leafy twigs puberulous or hirtellous; lamina entire or 3-5-parted.<br />

3. Base of the lamina more or less deeply cordate; lamina 3-5-parted. ...... d. subsp. essequiboensis.<br />

3. Base of the lamina rounded to truncate or subcordate; lamina usually entire.<br />

4. Lamina 3-5-fid to -parted ............................................ a. subsp. tomentosa.<br />

4. Lamina entire.<br />

5. Apex of the lamina rounded to emarginate, (or short-acuminate in aberr<strong>an</strong>t specimens<br />

from Peru, Amazonas); heads of the staminate inflorescence 4-5 mm diam.; upper Amazon<br />

Basin. .......... ................................. a. subsp. tomentosa.<br />

5. Apex of the lamina acuminate; heads of the staminate inflorescence 2-3 mm diam.;<br />

Gui<strong>an</strong>as, Amapa, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> near M<strong>an</strong>aus. ............................. e. subsp. maroniensis.<br />

13a. <strong>Pourouma</strong> tomentosa Miquel subsp.<br />

tomentosa. Fig. 79.<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> albistipulata Cuatrecasas, Bol. Soc. Venez.<br />

Ci. Nat. 17: 92. 1956. Type. Venezuela. Amazonas:<br />

Rio Guainia, Victorino, 22 Mar 1942 (9), LI. Williams<br />

14833 (holotype, F; isotypes, F, G, NY, RB,<br />

S, US, VEN).<br />

Leafy twigs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> petioles white-puberulous.<br />

Lamina entire, elliptic to ovate, sometimes (in<br />

Colombia <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Ecuador) 3- or 5-parted, if entire,<br />

then often thickly coriaceous, + plicate, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> apex<br />

rounded or emarginate (or sometimes short-acuminate),<br />

base rounded to truncate, or (in incised<br />

leaves) to subcordate; upper surface smooth; stipules<br />

outside <strong>with</strong> dense, white-arachnoid hairs,<br />

inside glabrous. Heads of the staminate inflorescences<br />

ca. 4-6 mm in diam. Pistillate flowers +<br />

diffusely distributed in the inflorescence, sometimes<br />

clustered in two groups; peduncle mostly<br />

up to 6(-7) cm long; peri<strong>an</strong>th <strong>with</strong>out dense,<br />

white, arachnoid indument, in fruit yellowish<br />


+ AJ ++<br />

P O R O ULMA tomentosa.<br />

FIG. 79. <strong>Pourouma</strong> tomentosa subsp. tomentosa. From Martius, Flora Brasiliensis 4(1). 1853: tab. 38. Leafy twig <strong>with</strong><br />

section of pistillate flower (17), stigma (13), pericarp (19), seed (21), cotyledons (24).

168<br />

Distribution (Fig. 81). The north-western part<br />

of the Upper Amazon Basin; in non-inundated<br />

forest, at low altitudes but in Peru (Amazonas)<br />

up to 2000 m.<br />

Specimens examined. COLOMBIA. AMAZO-<br />

NAS-CAQUETA: Araracuara, Dec 1819 (9), Martius s.n.<br />

(M, U, lectotype collection of P. tomentosa), Feb 1820<br />

(st), Martius s.n. (M, U). VAUPES?: Lagos del Paso, 25<br />

Dec 1975 (6), Roa 252 (INPA).<br />

VENEZUELA. AMAZONAS: Conuco, 2 Dec 1977<br />

(st), Liesner 4105 (U); Cerro Duida, 23 Aug 1944 (st),<br />

Steyermark 57872 (F); Cerro Yapac<strong>an</strong>a, 3 May 1970<br />

(st), Steyermark et al. 103026 (U, Ven); Victorina, Rio<br />

Guainia, 22 Mar 1942 (9), LI. Williams 14833 (G, NY,<br />

RB, US, VEN, type collection of P. albistipulata).<br />

ECUADOR. NAPO: 8 km SE of Tena, 30 Sep 1960<br />

(9), Grubb et al. 1681 (NY); Parque Nacional Yasuni,<br />

9-19 J<strong>an</strong> 1988 (9), Neill et al. 8158 (BG).<br />

Vernacular names. Colombia. Chiricaba (Kar-<br />

ijona), guaumoutognac (Tuk<strong>an</strong>o); Amazonas-<br />

Vaupes: ambauiba do vinho. Venezuela. Ama-<br />

zonas: cocora, cocora mont<strong>an</strong>ero, cucura. Peru.<br />

Amazonas: paiu shuiya (Huambisa), paui shuina;<br />

Loreto: sacha uvilla. Brazil. Amazonas: imbaiba<br />

(or ambauva) do vinho.<br />

Neill et al. 8158 (from Ecuador) <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Rao 252<br />

(from Colombia) differ from the other collections<br />

in the 3- or 5-parted lamina, but match in other<br />

features subsp. tomentosa. Grubb et al. 1681 (from<br />

Ecuador) has 5-parted leaves <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the postillate<br />

flowers clustered as in subsp. apiculata, but the<br />

yellow hairs normally occurring on the leaves of<br />

that subspecies are w<strong>an</strong>ting. Gentry et al. 22865<br />

(from Peru, Amazonas, 1800-1950 m!) is <strong>an</strong>other<br />

collection which could not be placed satisfacto-<br />

rily. It matches subsp. tomentosa, except for the<br />

yellow-hirsute leafy twigs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> stipules.<br />

Flora Neotropica<br />

See also unnamed collections under number 2<br />

(p. 193).<br />

13b. <strong>Pourouma</strong> tomentosa Miquel subsp. api-<br />

culata (Benoist) C. C. Berg & v<strong>an</strong> Heusden,<br />

Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch., Ser. C,<br />

91(2): 108. 1988.<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> apiculata Spruce ex Benoist, Bull. Mus. Hist.<br />

Nat. (Paris) 28: 321. 1922. Type. Brazil. Amazonas:<br />

Rio Uaupes, nr. P<strong>an</strong>ur6 (=Ip<strong>an</strong>or6), Oct 1852-J<strong>an</strong><br />

1853 (Q), Spruce 2865 (holotype, P; isotypes, B, BR,<br />

C, CGE, E, F, G, GH, GOET, LE, MG, NY, OXF,<br />

P, US).<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> apiculata Spruce ex Mildbraed, Notzbl. Bot.<br />

Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 10: 419. 1928. Based on the<br />

specimen of Spruce 2865 in B.<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> krukovii St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley, Publ. Field Mus. Nat.<br />

PERU. AMAZONAS: 12-18 km on trail E of La Peca Hist., Bot. Ser., 17: 163. 1937. Type. Brazil. Amain<br />

Serr<strong>an</strong>ia de Bagua, 1800-1950 m, 14 Jun 1978 (8), zonas: Mun. Sao Paulo de Olivenca, 11 Sep-26 Oct<br />

Gentry et al. 22865 (BG); Rio S<strong>an</strong>tiago, Caterpiza, 17 1936 (a), Krukoff 8223 (holotype, NY; isotypes, A,<br />

Oct 1979 (9), Huashikat 966 (BG), 4 Dec 1979 (9), F, G, GH, LE, MO, P, S, U, US).<br />

Huashikat 1432 (U), 10 Dec 1979 (9), Huashikat 1482<br />

(BG); Rio Cenepa, Quebrack Yutai-entsa, 22 J<strong>an</strong> 1973 Leafy twigs yellow-hirsute (sometimes only on<br />

(9), Kayap 201 (F, GH, NO); Rio S<strong>an</strong>tiago, Quebrada the scars of the stipules), this indument often<br />

Caterpiza, 3 Dec 1979 (9), Tunqui 217 (BG). LORETO: extended to the petioles. Lamina usually entire<br />

Prov. Requena, Arboretum Jenaro Herrera, Aug-Sep <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> ovate, sometimes 3-lobed or (in<br />

1976<br />

subjuvenile<br />

(6), Bernardi s.n. (arbre 6/27) (U); Prov. Maynas,<br />

Dist. Iquitos, Zungaro Cocha, 13 Dec 1967 (9), Reyna material?) 3-5-parted, apex usually acuminate,<br />

R. 37 (BG, F).<br />

base broadly acute to truncate or (in subjuvenile<br />

BRAZIL. AMAZONAS: Tefe, 25 Sep 1940 (st), Black material?) occasionally shallowly cordate; upper<br />

47-1520 (IAN); M<strong>an</strong>aus-Itacoatiara road, km 26 (st), surface smooth or scabrous; stipules outside <strong>with</strong><br />

L. Coelho (INPA) 5223 (INPA); 5 Jun 1976 (st), Haroldo<br />

(INPA) 57512 (INPA), 26 Oct 1965 (6), Loureiro (rather) dense, white arachnoid hairs, inside <strong>with</strong><br />

(INPA) 16461 (INPA), 19 Mar 1976 (st), Mello (INPA) yellow hairs. Heads of the staminate inflores-<br />

55388 (INPA); M<strong>an</strong>aus, Dec 1850-Mar 1851 (9), Spruce cences 3-4 mm diam. Peri<strong>an</strong>th of the staminate<br />

951 (M), Spruce 1219 (P), Spruce s.n. (B, CGE, E, F, flower densely puberulous. Peduncle of the pis-<br />

G, GOET, LE, NY, OXF, P).<br />

tillate inflorescences mostly up to 8 cm long. Pistillate<br />

flowers usually in two ? distinct clusters;<br />

peri<strong>an</strong>th yellow-velutinous, <strong>with</strong>out dense, white,<br />

arachnoid hairs.<br />

Distribution (Fig. 81).Venezuela (Bolivar), Peru<br />

(Loreto), <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Brazil (Amazonas, Mato Grosso,<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Roraima); in non-inundated forest.<br />

Specimens examined. VENEZUELA, AMAZONAS:<br />

Depto. Rio Negro, nr. Cerro de La Neblina Base Camp,<br />

22 Feb 1984 (9), Liesner 16175 (BG), 4 May 1984 (2),<br />

Thomas 3349 (BG). BOLiVAR: Rio Hacha, Rio Icabaru,<br />

2 J<strong>an</strong> 1956 (8), Bernardi 2731 (F, NY), Rio Carfin, Apr<br />

1945 (a), Cardona 1222 (US, VEN).<br />

PERU. LORETO: Prov. Maynas, Rio N<strong>an</strong>ay, Mish<strong>an</strong>a,<br />

6 J<strong>an</strong> 1983 (st), Gentry et al. 39264 (BG).<br />

BRAZIL. AMAZONAS: Sao Paulo de Olivenca, 7 Oct<br />

1931 (8), Ducke s.n. (RB); Humaita, 12 Oct-6 Nov<br />

1934 (9), Krukoff 6887 (A, BR, F, G, LE, MO, NY,<br />

RB, S, U, US); Sao Paulo de Olivenca, 11 Sep-26 Oct<br />

1936 (8), Krukoff8223 (A, F, G, GH, LE, MO, NY,<br />

P, S, U, US, type collection of <strong>Coussapoa</strong> krukovii);<br />

Democracia, 31 Aug 1923 (2), Kuhlm<strong>an</strong>n 255 (BG);

<strong>Pourouma</strong> 169<br />

Varadouro do Morcego, 31 Aug 1923 (8), Kuhlm<strong>an</strong>n PERU. LORETO: Prov. Alto Amazonas, Rio Pastaza,<br />

291 (RB); M<strong>an</strong>aus-Itacoatiara rd., km 57, 15 Sep 1976 Andoar, 21 Nov 1980 (2), Vdsquez et al. 809 (BG).<br />

(a), Mota 646 (INPA); km 159, 20 Sep 1974 (8), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce PAsco: Prov. Oxapampa, Distr. Iscozacin, 22 Sep 1986<br />

et al. 22708 (INPA, MG, U), 291 (RB); Tef6, 28 Nov (8), Pariona et al. 954 (BG).<br />

1959 (st), Rodrigues et al. 1434 (INPA); Rio Solim6es, BRAZIL. AMAZONAS: Sao Paulo de Olivenca, 11<br />

Fonte Boa, 26 Oct 1968 (6), M. Silva 2199 (G, MG); Sep-26 Oct 1936 (9), Krukoff 8325 (A, BR, F, G, LE,<br />

Ip<strong>an</strong>or6 ("P<strong>an</strong>ur6"), Oct 1852-J<strong>an</strong> 1853 (9), Spruce NY, PS, U).<br />

2865 (B, BR, C, CGE, E, F, G, GH, GOET, LE, MG, BOLIVIA. COCHABAMBA: Torora, Jungas of J<strong>an</strong>a<br />

NY, OXF, P, US, type collection ofP. apiculata). MATO Maya, 1800 m, 24 Jun 1947 (2), Cardenas 3973 (US)<br />

GRosso: Rio Aripu<strong>an</strong>a, Nucleo Pioneiro Humboldt, LA PAZ: Larecaja, Mapiri, 12-30 Sep 1939 (8), Krukoff<br />

Rio Juruena rd., 25 Oct 1973 (8), Berg et al. P.19878 10861 (A, F, G, MO, NY, S, U), 8 Oct-15 Nov 1939<br />

(F, INPA, MO, NY, P, S, U, US); Aripu<strong>an</strong>a, 18 Feb- (9), Krukoff 11062 (A, F, G, MO, NY, S, U, UC, US,<br />

9 May 1977 (st), Gomes et al. 826, 1517, 1540, 1588, type collection of P. tomentosa subsp. persecta).<br />

1598, 1604, 1610, 1679 (INPA), 8 Nov 1978 (2), Ryl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>s<br />

30 (INPA); Mun. Vila Bela da S<strong>an</strong>tissima Trin- Vernacular names. Brazil. Amazonas: mapati<br />

idad, 5 km S of border of Rond6nia, 2 Nov 1985 (2), or<br />

Thomas et al. 4765 (BG). RONDONIA: Rd. to Abuna to<br />

mapaty; Mato Grosso: imbafibar<strong>an</strong>a. Bolivia.<br />

Guajara-Mirim, 1 km N of Riberao, 25 Jul 1968 Cochabamba: uva de monte.<br />

(a),<br />

Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 6292 (G, INPA, NY, S, U, US). RORAIMA: Cardenas 3973 (from Bolivia) differs from the<br />

Anaris, 12 Feb 1969 (2), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 9857 (F, GH, others in having the pistillate flowers in two clus-<br />

INPA, M, NY, P, K, S, U, US), Serra dos Surucucus, ters in the inflorescences.<br />

15 Feb 1969 (2), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce 9952 (C, INPA, MO, MY, R,<br />

S, U).<br />

Vdsquez et al. 809 (from Peru) differs from the<br />

other collections in the absence of long yellow<br />

Vernacular names. Venezuela. Bolivar: sara- hairs on the leafy twigs. The same applies to<br />

sara (Arekuna). Brazil. Amazonas: imbauibar<strong>an</strong>a, collection Korning et al. 47618 which has, morepurumai.<br />

over, distinctly petiolulate leaf segments.<br />

13c. <strong>Pourouma</strong> tomentosa Miquel subsp. per-<br />

secta C. C. Berg & v<strong>an</strong> Heusden, Proc. Kon.<br />

Ned. Akad. Wetensch., Ser. C, 91(2): 108.1988.<br />

Type. Bolivia. La Paz: Prov. Larecaja, Copa-<br />

cab<strong>an</strong>a, 10 km S ofMapiri, 8 Oct-15 Nov 1939<br />

(2), Krukoff 11062 (holotype, U; isotypes, A,<br />

F, G, MO, NY, S, UC, US). Fig. 80.<br />

13d. <strong>Pourouma</strong> tomentosa Miquel subsp. esse-<br />

quiboensis (St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley) C. C. Berg & v<strong>an</strong> Heus-<br />

den, Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch., Ser.<br />

C 91(2): 109. 1988.<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> essequiboensis St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley, Lloydia 2: 175.<br />

1939; Berg, Fl. Suriname 5(1): 276. 1975. Type.<br />

Guy<strong>an</strong>a. Essequibo R., nr. mouth of Onoro Creek,<br />

Leafy twigs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> petioles yellow-hirsute, some- 15-24 Dec 1937 (d), A. C. Smith 2731 (holotype, F;<br />

times glabrous. Lamina 5-9-parted, <strong>with</strong> inci- isotypes, A, G, Mo, NY, P, S, U, US).<br />

sions down to (near) the petiole, sometimes <strong>with</strong><br />

the segments petiolulate, occasionally entire, apex Leafy twigs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> petioles <strong>with</strong>out long yellow<br />

acuminate, base cordate to subcordate; upper hairs. Lamina 3-5-parted, apex acuminate, base<br />

surface smooth; stipules outside <strong>with</strong> sparse, ? deeply cordate; upper surface smooth; stipules<br />

white, arachnoid hairs, inside <strong>with</strong> sparse yellow <strong>with</strong> rather dense, white, arachnoid hairs, inside<br />

hairs. Heads of the staminate inflorescences ca.<br />

glabrous. Heads of the staminate inflorescences<br />

5 mm in diam. Peduncle of the pistillate inflo- ca. 3 mm diam. Peduncle of the pistillate inflorescences<br />

often longer th<strong>an</strong> 8 cm. Pistillateflow- rescences mostly up to 6(-7) cm long. Pistillate<br />

ers + diffusely distributed in the inflorescence or<br />

flowers ? diffusely distributed in the infloressometimes<br />

clustered in two groups; peri<strong>an</strong>th of cence. Peri<strong>an</strong>th of the pistillate flower yellowthe<br />

pistillate flower yellow-velutinous, <strong>with</strong>out<br />

velutinous, <strong>with</strong>out dense, white, arachnoid hairs.<br />

dense, white, arachnoid hairs.<br />

Distribution (Fig. 81). Guy<strong>an</strong>a <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Brazil<br />

Distribution (Fig. 81). Brazil (Amazonas <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

(Amazonas <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Para); in non-inundated forest.<br />

Mato Grosso), Peru (Loreto), <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Bolivia (La Paz<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Cochabamba); in non-inundated forest, at Specimens examined. GUYANA. Mouth of Onoro<br />

altitudes up to 1800 m.<br />

Creek, 15-24 Dec 1937 (6), A. C. Smith 2731 (A, F,<br />

G, GH, MO, NY, P, S, U, US, type collection of P.<br />

Specimens examined. ECUADOR. NAPO: Aii<strong>an</strong>gu, essequiboensis).<br />

30 May-21 Jun 1982 (st), SEF 8823 (U), 1-15 Feb BRAZIL. AMAZONAS: Itapir<strong>an</strong>ga, Rio Uatuma, 27<br />

1986 (2), Korning et al. 47618 (BG).<br />

Aug 1979 (C), Cid et al. 847 (BG, INPA); Rio Jurua,

170 Flora Neotropica<br />

_ I<br />

Revised<br />

SAt L arsed forkFloa e d.rrovc e. e<br />

FIG. 80. <strong>Pourouma</strong> tomentosa subsp. persecta. Leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistilate inflorescences (Krukoff 8325).<br />

Saracura, 22 Aug 1975 (9), D. Coelho et al. (INPA)<br />

53383 (INPA, U); Codajas, Rio Capitari, 3 Sep 1950<br />

(d), Fr6es 26520 (US). PARA: Cuiaba-S<strong>an</strong>tarem rd., km<br />

1180, 17 Nov 1977 (2), A. S. Silva et al. 215 (BG, COL,<br />

K, MO, U).<br />

w<br />

L U - a SL I-. ITtA<br />

ora fm bro picn a T.<br />

13e. <strong>Pourouma</strong> tomentosa Miquel subsp. ma-<br />

roniensis (Benoist) C. C. Berg & v<strong>an</strong> Heusden,<br />

Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch., Ser. C 91(2):<br />

109. 1988. Fig. 82a.<br />

FIG. 81. Distribution of <strong>Pourouma</strong> herrerensis, P. hirsutipetiolata subsp. hirsutipetiolata, P. hirsutipetiolata<br />

subsp. hispida, P. napoensis, P. tomentosa subsp. apiculata, P. tomentosa subsp. essequiboensis, P. tomentosa<br />

subsp. maroniensis, P. tomentosa subsp. persecta, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P. tomentosa subsp. tomentosa.

<strong>Pourouma</strong><br />

qlq,<br />

_ j PIF P. t os<strong>an</strong>tosa stubsp. t lontosa<br />

__ / *~ _~ *<br />

C~ Osa iF~ P <strong>with</strong> entire lamina<br />

ab^P~ 0?^P "L^ I-~~S<br />

^fr/I Z 1^ ^<br />

P..hir?utiptiolat.<br />

1A<br />

^-^<br />

^ 0<strong>with</strong> incised<br />

Smrine<br />

,wrr@e ,3<br />

s<br />

^Sfti^"1~^PA ?- 'AP. naponsis<br />

i-r g^ -r ----- ---p.-' b-------AS"s"eioovsZ<br />

'l^^ ? C<br />

^P0<br />

. sqa ounu<br />

sulbOp. mflroni.nsis<br />

.h a,~_<br />

,ns is<br />


172 Flora Neotropica<br />

FIG. 82. a. <strong>Pourouma</strong> tomentosa subsp. maroniensis. Leaf <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> pistillate inflorescences (L<strong>an</strong>jouw et al. 432).<br />

b. <strong>Pourouma</strong> minor. Leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences (Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 10089).<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> maroniensis Benoist. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat.<br />

(Paris) 28: 319. 1922; Berg, Fl. Suriname 5(1): 276,<br />

t. 14a. 1975. Type. French Gui<strong>an</strong>a. Godebert, 23<br />

Jun 1921 (d), Wachenheim ser. 2: 392 (holotype, P).<br />

Leafy twigs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> stipules <strong>with</strong>out long yellow<br />

hairs. Lamina entire <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> ovate, only in subju-<br />

venile material to 3-parted, but then the base to<br />

truncate or at most subcordate, apex acuminate;<br />

upper surface smooth; stipules outside <strong>with</strong> dense,<br />

white, arachnoid hairs, inside glabrous. Heads of<br />

the staminate inflorescences normally 2-3 mm<br />

diam. Peri<strong>an</strong>th of the staminate flower sparsely<br />

puberulous. Peduncle of the pistillate inflores-<br />

cences mostly up to 7 cm long. Pistillate flowers<br />

+ diffusely distributed in the inflorescence. Peri-<br />

<strong>an</strong>th of the pistillate flower sparsely white-pub-<br />

erulous or yellow-velutinous, often <strong>with</strong> dense,<br />

white, arachnoid hairs.<br />

Distribution (Fig. 81). Eastern Surinam, French<br />

Gui<strong>an</strong>a, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Brazil (Amapa <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Para); in non-<br />

inundated forest.<br />

Specimens examined. SURINAM. Moengo, 25 Aug<br />

1951 (st), BBS 298 (U); G<strong>an</strong>see, 21 Apr 1964 (st),<br />

Donselaar 1226 (U); Grote Zwiebelzwamp, 23 Sep 1948<br />

(9), L<strong>an</strong>jouw et al. 432 (F, NY, U); Lely Mts., 2 Oct<br />

1975 (st), Lindem<strong>an</strong> et al. 701 (U).<br />

FRENCH GUIANA. St. Laurent, Feb 1956 (9),<br />

BAFOG 7228 (NY, P, U); M<strong>an</strong>a, 3 Mar 1956 (9), BAF-<br />

OG 7330 (NY, P); Charvein, 29 Jun 1914 (d), Benoist

<strong>Pourouma</strong> 173<br />

465 (P); Trois Sauts, Zidockville, 28 J<strong>an</strong> 1975 (2), Gren- type collection of P. stipulacea); 1-6 km W of Ka<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

688 (CAY); M<strong>an</strong>a R., Saut Sabbat, 16 Jul 1981 mar<strong>an</strong>g, Mazaruni R., 21 Aug 1977 (st), Maas et al.<br />

(2), Gr<strong>an</strong>ville 4531 (BG); Godebert, 23 Jun 1921 (6), 2592 (U).<br />

Wachenheim 392 (P, type collection of P. maroniensis).<br />

This species shares (sub)persistent stipules <strong>with</strong><br />

BRAZIL. AMAPA: Serra do Navio, 4 J<strong>an</strong> 1985 (6), P. oraria <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P. bicolor subsp. choco<strong>an</strong>a. Most<br />

Mori et al. 17672 (BG), 25 Sep 1961 (6), Pires et al.<br />

51193 (B, FHO, INPA, NY, P, U, US); Rio<br />

features, e.g., the white, arachnoid indument on<br />

Araguari,<br />

9 Oct 1961 (6), Pires et al. 51625 (FHO, NY, U, US);<br />

most parts, suggest relationship to P. tomentosa.<br />

Serra do Navio, 1961 (st), Rodrigues 2986 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 2987 According to Boom (et al. 8102) the exudate<br />

(INPA). PARA: Rio Jari, Monte Dourado, 22 J<strong>an</strong> 1968 is red <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> viscous.<br />

(2), Oliveira 3936 (NY).<br />

Vernacular names. Surinam. Boroma (Ara-<br />

wak), boesipapja, gr<strong>an</strong>boesipapaja. French<br />

Gui<strong>an</strong>a. Bois c<strong>an</strong>on, bouchi papaye (Paramaka),<br />

kukuma, wilaupiyua (Wayapi).<br />

The morphological differences between subsp.<br />

maroniensis, subsp. apiculata <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> subsp. tomen-<br />

tosa are not strong.<br />

14. <strong>Pourouma</strong> stipulacea C. C. Berg, Brittonia<br />

34(1): 37, t. 2. 1982. Type. Guy<strong>an</strong>a. Bartica-<br />

Potaro rd., 25 J<strong>an</strong> 1943 (2), F<strong>an</strong>shawe 1105 =<br />

FD 3851 (holotype, K). Fig. 83.<br />

Tree, up to 6 m tall. Leafy twigs 1-2.5 cm thick,<br />

yellow-hirsute. Lamina 5-parted, 25-50 x 35-<br />

75 cm, coriaceous, apex acuminate, base deeply<br />

cordate, often <strong>with</strong> lobes overlapping; upper surface<br />

smooth, hirtellous on the main veins, lower<br />

surface white-puberulous <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> sparse, or<strong>an</strong>ge,<br />

pluricellular hairs on the veins, arachnoid<br />

hairs ? confined to the areoles; lateral veins 20-<br />

30 pairs, tertiary (<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> quartemary) veins prominent<br />

beneath; petiole 23-65 cm long, sparsely<br />

yellow-hirsute; stipules 15-20 cm long, outside<br />

yellow-hirsute <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> sparse to dense, white,<br />

arachnoid hairs, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> sparse, minute, or<strong>an</strong>ge<br />

pluricellular hairs, inside sparsely yellow-hirsute,<br />

subpersistent. Staminate inflorescences unknown.<br />

Pistillate inflorescences in fruit up to 15<br />

cm long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 8 cm wide; peduncles 10 cm long,<br />

peduncle <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> br<strong>an</strong>ches sparsely yellow-hirsute<br />

15. <strong>Pourouma</strong> acuminata Martius ex Miquel in<br />

Martius, Fl. bras 4(1): 130. t. 40. 1853; Mar-<br />

tius, Syst. mat. med. bras. 34. 1843, nomen.<br />

Type. Brazil. Amazonas: Rio Japura, between<br />

Maripi <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Par<strong>an</strong>a-Mirim, Dec 1819 (9), Mar-<br />

tius s.n. (holotype, M; isotype, U). Fig. 84.<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> populifolia St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley, Publ. Field Mus. Nat.<br />

Hist., Bot. Ser., 17: 184. 1937. Type. Brazil. Amazonas:<br />

Mun. Sao Paulo de Olivenca, nr. Palmares,<br />

1 Sep-26 Oct 1936 (9), Krukoff8427 (holotype, NY;<br />

isotypes, A, BR, F, G, LE, P, S, U, US).<br />

Tree, up to 26 m tall. Leafy twigs 4-7 mm<br />

thick, (sparsely) yellow-hirsute. Lamina entire,<br />

(broadly) ovate to deltoid or to elliptic, 5-19 x<br />

3-10 cm, coriaceous, apex (long) acuminate, base<br />

rounded to acute; upper surface smooth, main<br />

veins sparsely hairy, lower surface white-, ap-<br />

pressed -puberulous on the main veins, minutely<br />

puberulous on the smaller veins, arachnoid hairs<br />

in the areoles, sometimes extending to the main<br />

veins; lateral veins 7-14 pairs, basal pair un-<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched, tertiary venation slightly prominent<br />

beneath; petiole sparsely appressed-puberulous<br />

to glabrescent, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> usually sparsely hirsute; stip-<br />

ules 5-10 cm long, outside yellow-hirsute <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

<strong>with</strong> dense, white, arachnoid hairs, occasionally<br />

<strong>with</strong> minute, appressed, white hairs, inside gla-<br />

brous, caducous. Staminate inflorescences unknown.<br />

Pistillate inflorescences in fruit up to 10<br />

cm long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 4 cm wide; peduncle 4.5-8 cm long,<br />

peduncle <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> br<strong>an</strong>ches puberulous (velutinous<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> (dense), white, arachnoid hairs; flowers on the ultimate br<strong>an</strong>ches);flowers 4-17; pedicels<br />

ca. 15; pedicel in fruit 0.5-1 cm long; stigma 0.3-0.6 cm long, in fruit up to 1.5 cm long; peripeltate,<br />

2 mm diam. Fruitingperi<strong>an</strong>th ovoid, ca. <strong>an</strong>th 2-5 mm<br />

2 x<br />

long, densely yellow-velutinous,<br />

1 cm, yellow-hirsute <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> dense, white- apex papillose; stigma peltate, 1.5-2 mm diam.,<br />

arachnoid hairs.<br />

sometimes puberulous. Fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th ovoid<br />

Distribution (Fig. 85). Guy<strong>an</strong>a; in non-inun- to elliptic, ca. 1-1.6 x 1 cm, densely yellowdated<br />

forest at low altitudes.<br />

velutinous.<br />

Specimens examined. GUYANA. Nr. Kamer<strong>an</strong>g, 20 Distribution (Fig. 85). Brazil (Amazonas) <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

Jun 1987 (st), Boom et al. 8102 (BG); Bartica-Potaro Peru (Loreto); in periodically inundated (varzea)<br />

rd., 25 J<strong>an</strong> 1943 (2), F<strong>an</strong>shawe 1105 (=FD 3851) (K, forest or also in non-inundated forest.

174 Flora Neotropica<br />

- -<br />

g<br />

FIG. 83. <strong>Pourouma</strong> stipulacea. Leaf <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> pistillate inflorescence (F<strong>an</strong>shawe 1105); twig <strong>with</strong> stipules (Maas<br />

et al 2592).<br />

FIG. 84. <strong>Pourouma</strong> acuminata. From Martius, Flora Brasiliensis 4(1). 1853: tab. 40. Leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate<br />

inflorescences, fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> fruit (17), fruit (19), fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th (4311), pericarp <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> seed (19, 21),<br />

seed (21), embryo (23), radicle (25).

<strong>Pourouma</strong> 175<br />

I0711~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 41 al<br />

9- . . .. ,~ act ninat<br />

..4<br />

I'OU'R M A L aeminnata.

+~~~5 P. acuminata .--ID P.<br />

fei\`f `~ p ~rugines<br />

4~074' -~-3~<br />


<strong>Pourouma</strong> 177<br />

Specimens examined. VENEZUELA. BOLvAR: Mun. white-puberulous, densely so on the ultimate<br />

For<strong>an</strong>eo Aripao, Carno Fatua, 2-5 May 1988 (st), Ay- br<strong>an</strong>ches; flowers sessile, not densely clustered;<br />

mard et al. 6778 (BG).<br />

PERU. LORETO: Rio Itaya, 5 km above Iquitos, 8 tepals ca. 1.5 mm long, almost free, densely pu-<br />

Aug 1972 (9), Croat 18888 (C, DUKE, F, GH, NA, berulous; filaments shorter th<strong>an</strong> the tepals. Sta-<br />

NY, P); Rio Itaya, Nuevo Esper<strong>an</strong>za, 10 Oct 1975 (9), minate inflorescences unknown. Pistillate inflo-<br />

McD<strong>an</strong>iel et al. 20362 (NA); Rio Momon, 12 Oct 1977 rescences up to 70 cm long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 16 cm wide;<br />

(2), Rimachi 3256 (MO).<br />

peduncle 32-48 cm<br />

BRAZIL. AMAZONAS: Rio Japura, Vila<br />

long, peduncle <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> br<strong>an</strong>ches<br />

Bitt<strong>an</strong>court,<br />

11 Nov 1982 (9),Amaral etal. 473(BG); Rio ICa, 1877<strong>with</strong><br />

indument similar to that of the staminate<br />

1878 (2), Jobert 682 (P); Mun. Sao Paulo de Olivena, inflorescences;flowers 7-13; pedicel 0.7-1.3 cm<br />

nr. Palmares, 11 Sep-26 Oct 1936 (9), Krukoff 8427 long, in fruit up to 5 cm; peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1 cm long,<br />

(A, BR, F, G, LE, MO, NY, P, S, U, US, type collection densely white-puberulous;<br />

of P.<br />

stigma peltate, ca. 3<br />

populifolia); Rio Japura, Par<strong>an</strong>a-Mirim, Dec 1819 mm<br />

(2), Martius s.n. (M, U, type collection of P. acumi- diam.; bilobate, densely puberulous. Fruitnata);<br />

Rio Ia, Oct 1877 (9), (herb.) Schwacke 560 (R, ing peri<strong>an</strong>th globose, ca. 2 cm diam., apiculate,<br />

RB).<br />

yellow-short-velutinous.<br />

Distribution<br />

Vernacular names. Peru. Loreto: sacha<br />

(Fig. 85). Brazil (Amazonas), in<br />

uvilla, non-inundated forest.<br />

uvilla. Brazil. Amazonas: mapati or mapaty.<br />

This species is rather uniform. It resembles the Specimens examined. BRAZIL. AMAZONAS: Rio Soform<br />

ofP. herrerensis <strong>with</strong> oblong to elliptic leaves lim6es, mouth of Rio Jutai, 5 Sep 1975 (2), L. Coelho<br />

339<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> unbr<strong>an</strong>ched basal lateral veins, but c<strong>an</strong> be<br />

(INPA, U); Sao Paulo de Olivenca, 10 Oct 1931<br />

($), Ducke (RB) 25244 (RB); Sao Paulo de Olivenca,<br />

distinguished from the latter by the indument of Creek Belem, 26 Oct-11 Dec 1936 (6), Krukoff8807<br />

the leafy twigs, consisting of only long hairs or (A, F, NY, type collection ofP.ferruginea); Ton<strong>an</strong>tins,<br />

w<strong>an</strong>ting.<br />

19 Feb 1944 (2), Ducke 1527 (A, F, IAN, MG, NY, R,<br />

Glaziou 10070 (according to the label from<br />

UC, US); Rio Solim6es, Sao Antonio de Ila, 2 Dec<br />

1948 (2), Fr6es 23693 (IAN); M<strong>an</strong>aus-Porto Velho<br />

Brazil, Espirito S<strong>an</strong>to, Itapemerim) is probably hwy., BR-319, km 380, 2 km S of Rio Jutai, 13 Oct<br />

the same collection as Schwacke 560.<br />

1974 (6), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 22859 (INPA, MG, U).<br />

16. <strong>Pourouma</strong> ferruginea St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley, Publ. Field<br />

Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Sr., 17:181. 1937. Type.<br />

Brazil. Amazonas: Mun. Sao Paulo de Oliven-<br />

ca, Belem Creek, 26 Oct- 1 Dec 1936 (6), Kru-<br />

koff 8807 (holotype, NY; isotypes, A, F).<br />

Fig. 86.<br />

Tree, up to 20 m tall. Leafy twigs ca. 10-15<br />

mm thick, white-puberulous <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> dense,<br />

purplish, pluricellular hairs; lenticels conspicuous.<br />

Lamina entire, ovate <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 11-32 x 8-23 cm<br />

or 3-5-fid <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> up to ca. 45 x 45 cm, coriaceous,<br />

? plicate, apex rounded to acuminate, base truncate<br />

to cordate; upper surface smooth, hairy on<br />

the main veins, lower surface sparsely subsericeous<br />

to strigose on the main veins, the whole<br />

surface covered <strong>with</strong> white or brownish, arachnoid<br />

hairs, which disappear from the main veins;<br />

lateral veins 8-16 pairs, the basal pair br<strong>an</strong>ched,<br />

occasionally unbr<strong>an</strong>ched, tertiary venation pl<strong>an</strong>e<br />

to slightly prominent beneath; petiole 4-30 cm<br />

long, <strong>with</strong> dense whitish, arachnoid hairs; stipules<br />

3-13 cm long, outside hispid to substrigose,<br />

inside glabrous, caducous. Staminate inflorescences<br />

up to 30 cm long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> up to 20 cm wide;<br />

peduncle 2-9 cm long, peduncle <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> br<strong>an</strong>ches<br />

Vernacular names. Brazil. Amazonas: mapatir<strong>an</strong>a.<br />

This species matches P. ovata in the longly<br />

pedunculate, pendulous pistillate inflorescences<br />

<strong>with</strong> globose <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> apiculate fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>ths. The<br />

two species are not closely related.<br />

See unnamed collection number 3 (p. 193).<br />

17. <strong>Pourouma</strong> villosa Trecul, Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot.,<br />

Ser. 3, 8: 103. 1847; Miquel in Martius, Fl.<br />

bras. 4(1): 127. 1853. Type. French Gui<strong>an</strong>a.<br />

Without locality, 1840 (6), Leprieur s.n. (holotype,<br />

P). Fig. 87.<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> laevis Benoist, Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. (Paris)<br />

28: 319. 1922; Berg, Fl. Suriname 5(1): 270. 1975.<br />

Type. French Gui<strong>an</strong>a. Acarou<strong>an</strong>y, 1858 (6), Sagot<br />

517 (lectotype, P, chosen here; isolectotypes, B, BR,<br />

F, G, GH, GOET, P, S, U, US).<br />

Tree, up to 30 m tall. Leafy twigs 5-15 mm<br />

thick, yellow(ish)-puberulous to -subvelutinous<br />

to -subhirsute, or (at least on the scars of the<br />

stipules) pale yellow- to whitish-villous, <strong>with</strong><br />

dense, brown, pluricellular hairs. Lamina 3-5lobed<br />

to -fid, sometimes entire <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> ovate, rarely<br />

obovate to oblong, 5-40 x 4-42 cm, coriaceous,<br />

rarely chartaceous, apex acuminate, base deeply

178 Flora Neotropica<br />

?~~~~~~~~~~~~~?<br />

;: - ~<br />

?<br />

.<br />

'<br />

.. '".<br />

~<br />

~~~L~~r~~AI ~~~~R~~~??<br />

Ir ?i<br />

~ ..194 ~ . ~ ~<br />

. . ' !':,"..:<br />

r~~~~~~~~':.<br />

. :.:.::.. . . ........... ....<br />

Neg|tive nch ~ ~ ..<br />

TO 2<br />

rr<br />

F; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,' ~- ,~ ...............~,':..:,,.<br />

? ' ':.-L,. . . ~ . ,> ~ ~<br />

la"?fr ~~~~~~~<br />

,~'~ .... ,i 4: ,.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br />

r~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~?'',,<br />

-..-.:. ~ 4~ ~~~~<br />

-?. ._~ ...<br />

Jo - ......":.... .<br />

.....: .<br />

FIG. 86. <strong>Pourouma</strong> ferruginea. Leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescence (Ducke 1527).<br />

....<br />

. . ' . ':'.-,.C.~ . . . . . _<br />

IG86Poruafruine. Laytwi ihpsilt nirsecDce12)<br />

cordate to subcordate, sometimes <strong>with</strong> overlap-<br />

ping lobes; upper surface smooth, hairy on the<br />

main veins, lower surface white-puberulous to<br />

yellow-hirsute on the veins, usually <strong>with</strong> brown,<br />

pluricellular hairs on the main veins, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> white,<br />

arachnoid hairs in the areoles <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> on the smaller<br />

veins; lateral veins 6-20 pairs, the basal pair<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched (<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> their basal parts separated from<br />


<strong>Pourouma</strong><br />

11<br />

'.ciLnnr'.mon-lik<br />

2 3 4 5<br />


No". '.3 : j ", -'.<br />

Old G.D: car.p I!. ? "..<br />

Faysetr AIrstri'.)<br />

kNut.v Wnch 1of 2fpmribo.<br />

stilt roots. Fril r'd<br />

odor:?'"<br />

BOTANICAf!' ? O iO<br />

FIG. 87. <strong>Pourouma</strong> villosa. Leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences (Mori et al. 8583).<br />

the margin by mesophyll), tertiary venation<br />

slightly prominent beneath; petiole 6-35 cm long,<br />

yellow-hirsute <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> short, appres-<br />

sesd, white hairs, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> (dense), brown, arach-<br />

'<br />

179<br />

noid hairs; stipules 3-25 cm long, outside yellowhirsute<br />

to -velutinous or pale yellow- to whitishvillous,<br />

also <strong>with</strong> dense, brown, pluricellular hairs,<br />

inside yellow-hirsute to glabrous; caducous.

180 Flora Neotropica<br />

Staminate inflorescences up to 21 cm long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Serro do Navio, 10 Oct-15 Dec 1976 (st), Rosa<br />

12 cm wide; peduncle 2-10 cm 1126<br />

long, yellow-pu-<br />

(MG). AMAZONAS: M<strong>an</strong>aus, 23 Oct 1969 (8), L.<br />

Coelho 15 (INPA, U), 17 J<strong>an</strong> 1931 (2), Ducke<br />

berulous <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> dense<br />

(RB)<br />

brown, pluricellular 25243 (RB), 2 Apr 1976 (st), Macedo s.n. (INPA), 24<br />

hairs; flowers sessile, mostly clustered at the ul- Oct 1978 (8), Rodrigues et al. 10082 (INPA), 1850timate<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ches; tepals 1-2 mm long, ovate to 1851 (8), Spruce s.n. (G), Mar 1912 (2), Ule 8839 (G,<br />

l<strong>an</strong>ceolate, (almost) free or up to halfway con- MG). MARANHAO: Rod. Belem-Brasilia, km 380-375,<br />

28<br />

nate, sparsely hairy; filaments shorter th<strong>an</strong> the Aug 1960 (2), Oliveira 1074 (IAN). PARA: Faro, 3<br />

J<strong>an</strong> 1920 (9), Ducke (MG) 10736 = (RB) 13056 (MG,<br />

tepals. Pistillate inflorescences in fruit up to 19 RB); Rio Br<strong>an</strong>co, Obidos, Serra da Boa Vista, 23 Dec<br />

cm long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 10 cm wide; peduncle 2-12 cm long, 1913 (9), Ducke (MG) 25225 (MG); upper Rio Cupary,<br />

peduncle <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> br<strong>an</strong>ches yellow-puberulous to between Rio Xingu <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Rio Tapaj6s, Sep 1931 (2),<br />

-hirtellous <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> dense, brown to red-brown Krukoff 1197 (A, G, NY, P, S, U); Rio Tapaj6s, Boa<br />

or dark<br />

Vista, 1931 (2), Monteiro da Costa 92<br />

brown, pluricellular hairs;flowers ca. 10-<br />

(F); Rio Jari,<br />

Monte Dourado, 14 J<strong>an</strong> 1968 (a), Oliveira 3915 (NY).<br />

40; pedicels up to 0.6 cm long, in fruit up to 1.2 RONDONIA: P6rto Velho-Cuiaba hwy., S<strong>an</strong>ta Barbara,<br />

cm; peri<strong>an</strong>th 4-8 mm long, yellow-puberulous 16 Aug 1968 (8), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 7160 (F, GH, INPA,<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> dense, dark brown, pluricellular hairs; NY, P, S, U, US).<br />

stigma peltate, 1.5-2.5 mm diam. Fruiting peri- Vernacular names. Surinam. Boroma (Aro<strong>an</strong>th<br />

purple, (sub)ovoid to ellipsoid, ca. 1.5-2 x<br />

wak), gr<strong>an</strong>boesipapaja, kobe (Djoeka), m<strong>an</strong>bos-<br />

0.7-1.5 cm, yellow-puberulous <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> sparse papaja, pourouma or puruma (Carib), yarayara<br />

to dense, dark brown, pluricellular hairs.<br />

(Carib). French Gui<strong>an</strong>a. Bois c<strong>an</strong>on,<br />

Distribution<br />

(bouchi) pa-<br />

(Fig. 85). Surinam, French pate or papaye (Paramaka). Brazil. Amapa: im-<br />

Gui<strong>an</strong>a, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Brazil (Amapa, Amazonas, Para, bafiba bengue; Para: imbafiba br<strong>an</strong>ca, imbafiba<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Rond6nia); mostly in non-inundated forest, de cheiro uvilha.<br />

sometimes in riverine forest, at low alti- The relationships <strong>with</strong> other <strong>Pourouma</strong> species<br />

tudes.<br />

are not clear. The collections from Amazonas<br />

Specimens examined. SURINAM. Moengo, 16 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

Aug Rond6nia, three collections from Para (the<br />

1951 (st), BBS 297 (U); Brownsberg, 15 Jul 1916 (st), two Ducke collections <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Oliveira 3915) <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

BW2095 (U), 13 Sep 1917 (6), BW 3255 (NY, U), 7 the type collection of P. villosa, have long pale<br />

Sep 1917 (6), BW3302 (B, F, MO, P, U), 20 Sep 1918<br />

(), BW 4010 (U, UC), 17 Sep 1921 (9), BW<br />

yellow hairs on the<br />

5390<br />

petioles <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> leafy twigs, but<br />

(F,<br />

RB, U), 28 Jun 1924 (6), BW 6509 (U); Brownsweg,<br />

they are similar to the other collections in all<br />

16 Nov 1964 (st), Donselaar 1888 (U); Wilhelmina other features. Together <strong>with</strong> the overlap in dis-<br />

Mts., 10 Sep 1963 (8), Irwin et al. 55576 (B, FHO, GH, tribution this is a reason not to recognize the<br />

M, MO, NY, U, US), 20 Sep 1963 (6), Irwin et al. form <strong>with</strong> long hairs as a distinct<br />

55884 infraspecific<br />

(FHO, GH, NY, S, U, US); Fallawatra, 6 Nov<br />

1971 (2), Jimenez-Saa 1563 = taxon.<br />

LBB 14296 (NY, U);<br />

Lely Mts., 29 Sep 1975 (st), Lindem<strong>an</strong> et al. 540 Cut fruit<br />

(U),<br />

give out a cinnamon-like odor (Mori<br />

5 Oct 1975, Lindem<strong>an</strong> et al. 790 (U); Paris Jacob Creek, et al. 8583).<br />

28 Jun 1965 (st), Maas et al. (LBB) 11017 (U); Kayser The description of P. laevis was based on Ben-<br />

Mts., 29 Oct 1976 (9), Mori et al. 8535 (F, NY, U, US); oist<br />

Sectie O, Nov 1942<br />

341,<br />

(9), Stahel (Woodherb. Sur.) 123B<br />

Sagot 517, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Sagot 972. Sagot 517<br />

(U), Dec 1942 (9), Stahel (Woodherb. Sur.) 166A<br />

is chosen as the<br />

(U).<br />

lectotype collection.<br />

FRENCH GUIANA. Without locality (9), Aublet s. n.<br />

(G), 1840 (6), Leprieur s.n. (P, type collection of P. 18. <strong>Pourouma</strong> oraria St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley & Cuatrecasas in<br />

villosa); Charvein-Acarou<strong>an</strong>y rd., km 1, 27 Oct 1953 Cuatrecasas, Caldasia 7: 301.<br />

(9), BAFOG 93-M(CAY, P, U); St.<br />

1956;<br />

Laurent, Dec<br />

Woodson,<br />

1955<br />

(9), BAFOG 7087<br />

Ann. Missouri<br />

(CAY, NY, P, U); Route<br />

Bot.<br />

de<br />

Gard. 47:167.1960.<br />

Cayenne,<br />

Type.<br />

km 14, 28 Oct 1957 (8), BAFOG 7745 (CAY, NY, P);<br />

Colombia. Valle: Rio Yurumagui, Veneral, 28<br />

Charvein, (9), Benoist 341 (P); Acarou<strong>an</strong>y, 1858 (6), J<strong>an</strong> 1944 (2), Cuatrecasas 15720 (holotype, F).<br />

Sagot 517 (F, G, GH, GOET, P, S, U, U S, lectotype<br />

collection of P. laevis; in F <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P, material of P. mel- Tree, up to 20 m tall. Leafy twigs up to 15 mm<br />

inonii subsp. melinonii under the same number), 1856 thick, yellow-puberulous <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> dense, brown,<br />

(9), Sagot 970 (P), (9), Sagot 972 (B, BR, F, G, P, S, pluricellular hairs. Lamina 7-fid, 28-32 x 40<br />

U), (9), Sagot s.n. (U), (st), Sagot s.n. (G).<br />

BRAZIL. AMAPA: 35 km ESE of Oiapoque, 2 Dec<br />

cm, coriaceous, apex acuminate, base deeply cor-<br />

1984 (9), Daly et al. 3790 (BG); Rio Amapari, R<strong>an</strong>cho date <strong>with</strong> overlapping lobes; upper surface<br />

S<strong>an</strong>ta Ana, 30 Sep 1961 (6), Pires et al. 51390 (FHO, smooth, main veins hairy, lower surface puber-<br />

IAN, INPA, MG, MO, NY, US); between P6rto Platon ulous on the veins, arachnoid hairs confined to

<strong>Pourouma</strong> 181<br />

the areoles; lateral veins up to ca. 30 pairs, ter- pressed-puberulous on the main veins, arachtiary<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> quarternary venation prominent be- noid hairs in the areoles <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> on the smaller veins;<br />

neath; petiole 30 cm long, yellow-hirsute at the lateral veins 7-12 pairs, basal pair unbr<strong>an</strong>ched,<br />

adaxial side, for the rest sparsely hairy; stipules tertiary venation pl<strong>an</strong>e beneath; petiole 2-9 cm<br />

10-12 cm long, outside yellow-hirsute, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> long, <strong>with</strong> some (very) sparse, white hairs; stipwhite<br />

appressed hairs, occasionally <strong>with</strong> brown, ules 1-5 cm long, outside yellow-appressed-pupluricellular<br />

hairs, inside yellow-hirsute, subper- berulous, inside glabrous, caducous. Staminate<br />

sistent. Staminate inflorescences about 25 cm long inflorescences unknown. Pistillate inflorescences<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 15 cm wide; peduncle ca. 12 cm long, yellow- in fruit up to 8 cm long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 5 cm wide; peduncle<br />

puberulous; flowers in clusters of up to 10 flow- 2-3.5 cm long, peduncle <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> br<strong>an</strong>ches minutely<br />

ers; tepals free, ca. 2 mm long; filaments shorter yellow-puberulous, the ultimate br<strong>an</strong>ches more<br />

th<strong>an</strong> the tepals. Pistillate inflorescences in fruit densely hairy, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> brown, pluricellular hairs;<br />

up to 22 cm long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 18 cm wide; peduncle 14- flowers 7-10; pedicel 0.1-0.5 cm long, in fruit up<br />

15 cm long, peduncle <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> br<strong>an</strong>ches yellow-pu- to 1 cm; peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 1.5-2 mm long, yellowberulous<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> dense, dark-brown or red- puberulous; stigma bilobed, ca. 2.5 mm diam.<br />

brown or brown, pluricellular hairs; flowers ca. Fruitingperi<strong>an</strong>th ovoid, ca. 2 x 0.8 cm, sparsely,<br />

100; pedicels ca. 5 mm long, in fruit up to 10 minutely appressed-puberulous.<br />

mm long; peri<strong>an</strong>th 3-5 mm long, yellow-puber- Distribution (Fig. 85). French Gui<strong>an</strong>a <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Braulous<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> dense, dark-brown, pluricel- zil (Amapa); in non-inundated forest.<br />

lular hairs; stigma peltate, 1.5-2 mm diam.<br />

Fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th ovoid to ellipsoid, ca. 15 x 10<br />

Specimens examined. FRENCH GUIANA. Saiil, 20<br />

Dec 1976 (Q), Gr<strong>an</strong>ville 2744 (CAY), Saul, km 2.7 on<br />

mm, + sparsely hairy.<br />

trail on Montagne Belvedere Sud, 21 Oct 1971 (v),<br />

Distribution (Fig. 85). Colombia (Choc6 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Oldem<strong>an</strong> B.4132 (CAY, P, U, VEN type collection of<br />

Valle); in lowl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> forest.<br />

P. saulensis).<br />

BRAZIL. AMAPA: 109 km SSE of Oiapoque, 5 Dec<br />

Specimens examined. COLOMBIA. CHOC6: Be- 1984 (v), Mori et al. 17185 (BG).<br />

tween Certegui <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Las Animas, 17 Aug 1976 (9), Gentry<br />

et al. 17804 (BG, U); N of Certegui, 13 Jun 1982 Vernacular name. French Gui<strong>an</strong>a. Bois c<strong>an</strong>on.<br />

(8), Gentry et al. 36797 (JUAM). VALLE: Costa del This species shows similarities to P. ovata in<br />

Pacifico, Rio Yurum<strong>an</strong>gui, Veneral, 28 J<strong>an</strong> 1944 (9), the indument, the short stipules, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the un-<br />

Cuatrecasas 15720 (F, type collection of P. oraria). br<strong>an</strong>ched, basal, lateral veins. The species are<br />

distinct in the number of lateral veins, the length<br />

of the peduncle of the pistillate inflorescence, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

the shape of the fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th.<br />

This species resembles P. bicolor subsp. choco<strong>an</strong>a<br />

in m<strong>an</strong>y features (see p. 144). It differs<br />

from the latter in the smooth upper surface of<br />

the lamina, the smooth fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the<br />

concentration of the long hairs at the adaxial side<br />

of the petiole. P. oraria may be much closer to<br />

P. bicolor (subsp. choco<strong>an</strong>a) th<strong>an</strong> suggested by<br />

the arr<strong>an</strong>gement oftaxa in the present treatment.<br />

19. <strong>Pourouma</strong> saulensis C. C. Berg, Brittonia<br />

34(1): 36, t. 1. 1982. Type. French Gui<strong>an</strong>a.<br />

Sail, km 2.7 on trail of Montagne Belvedere<br />

Sud, 21 Oct 1971 (9), Oldem<strong>an</strong> B.4132 (ho-<br />

lotype, U; isotypes, CAY, P, VEN). Fig. 88.<br />

Tree, up to 11 m tall. Leafy twigs 3-5 mm<br />

thick, minutely puberulous to glabrous. Lamina<br />

entire, (broadly) ovate to elliptic, 6-14 x 3-9.5<br />

cm, coriaceous, apex (sub)acuminate, base<br />

rounded to obtuse; upper surface smooth, some<br />

sparse, white hairs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> brown, pluricellular hairs<br />

on the main veins, lower surface white-, ap-<br />

20. <strong>Pourouma</strong> ovata Trecul, Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot.,<br />

Ser. 3, 8: 101. 1847, Miquel in Martius, Fl.<br />

bras. 4(1): 132.1853. Type. Brazil. Para: Without<br />

locality, <strong>with</strong>out date (d), Ferreira s.n. (holotype,<br />

P). Fig. 89.<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> longipendula Ducke, Notizbl. Bot. Gart.<br />

Berlin-Dahlem 11: 581. 1932. Type. Brazil. Amazonas:<br />

M<strong>an</strong>aus, falls of Rio Taruma; 17 Oct 1929<br />

(v), Ducke (RB) 23608 (holotype, RB, not seen; isotypes,<br />

B, G, S, US).<br />

Tree, up to 25 m tall. Leafy twigs 4-9 mm<br />

thick, sparsely white-appressed-puberulous, more<br />

densely haired at the nodes. Lamina entire, elliptic<br />

to ovate, 7-26 x 3-13 cm, coriaceous, apex<br />

short acuminate, base acute to obtuse to rounded<br />

or sometimes truncate; upper surface smooth,<br />

sparsely hairy <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> occasionally <strong>with</strong> some brown,

182 Flora Neotropica<br />

[--<br />

i. "<br />

Q~~~~~~~~~~~,"<br />

.'<br />

? "<br />

FIG. 88. <strong>Pourouma</strong> saulensis. Leafy twig, (schematic) pistillate inflorescence, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th (Gr<strong>an</strong>ville~~~~~~<br />

2744); pstillat flower Oldem<strong>an</strong>B.413')<br />

FIG. 88. <strong>Pourouma</strong> saulensis. Leafy twig, (schematic) pistillate inflorescence, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th (Gr<strong>an</strong>ville<br />

2744); pistillate flower (Oldem<strong>an</strong> B.4132).<br />

pluricellular hairs on the midrib, lower surface<br />

white-puberulous on the veins, arachnoid hairs<br />

confined to the areoles; lateral veins 9-21 pairs,<br />

basal pair unbr<strong>an</strong>ched or occasionally br<strong>an</strong>ched,<br />

tertiary venation slightly prominent beneath;<br />

petiole 2-7.5 cm long, subglabrous to sparsely<br />

white hairy; stipules 1.5-3 cm long, outside yel-<br />

low-velutinous, usually <strong>with</strong> brown, pluricellular<br />

hairs, inside yellow-(or or<strong>an</strong>ge-brown- or<br />

white-)sericeous, caducous. Staminate inflores-<br />

cences up to 10 cm long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 9.5 cm wide; pe-<br />

duncle 1-5.5 cm long, sparsely puberulous to<br />

glabrescent, ultimate br<strong>an</strong>ches usually more<br />

densely yellow- to or<strong>an</strong>ge-puberulous; flowers<br />

sessile or occasionally pedicellate, mostly in<br />

subglobose heads, these 3-7 mm diam.; tepals<br />

ca. 1 mm long, connate, rather densely hairy;<br />

filaments shorter th<strong>an</strong> the tepals. Pistillate inflorescences<br />

in fruit up to 38 cm long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 11 cm<br />

wide; peduncle up to 32 cm long, peduncle <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

br<strong>an</strong>ches puberulous to almost glabous; flowers<br />

7-20; pedicel 0.2-2.4 cm long, in fruit 1-3 cm,<br />

obconical, conspicuously lenticellate; peri<strong>an</strong>th 3-<br />

5 mm long, densely short-velutinous; stigma pel-<br />

..<br />

-<br />


<strong>Pourouma</strong> 183<br />

Ak~~~~~~~~~~~~?IIk<br />

i.<br />

| I 3 -2^ 2 A? :.<br />

T rM w Tons BOTANICAL GAIM'W<br />

liBlTIm n lA L AiASS PA MZI.<br />

ii~L m.---.-V---lmDI,<br />

_ r ,.l. _ l,-~v kd L<br />

of tioe rm ch liho.<br />

oree<br />

?<br />

wdll<br />

Frest om terra firme on cly.<br />

Tm 1in x 20cm; frvit green, maturing red,<br />

clew light bow . ri. oraa<br />

w<br />

' g- '*--- J<br />

.<br />

'l -<br />

.*<br />

ovd'sember 1-8....<br />

FIG. 89. <strong>Pourouma</strong> ovata. Leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences<br />

(Steward et al. 107).

184 Flora Neotropica<br />

tate, bilobed, ca. 1.5-2 mm diam. Fruiting peri-<br />

<strong>an</strong>th red (mature?), (depressed-)globose, ca. 1.5<br />

cm diam., puberulous.<br />

Distribution (Fig. 85). Colombia (Vaup6s),<br />

Venezuela (Bolivar), Peru (Loreto), <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Brazil<br />

(Acre, Amazonas, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> western Para); in non-<br />

inundated forest.<br />

Vernacular names. Peru. Loreto: chullachaqui,<br />

chullachaqui bl<strong>an</strong>co, chullachaqui caspi, sacha<br />

uvillos. Brazil. Amazonas: imbafbar<strong>an</strong>a.<br />

This species resembles P. ferruginea in the longpedunculate<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> pendulous pistillate inflorescences<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the globose <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> apiculate fruiting<br />

peri<strong>an</strong>th, but is in other features quite distinct<br />

from the latter. In the<br />

Specimens examined. COLOMBIA. VAUPES: Mon-<br />

vegetative parts it shows<br />

fort, 30 Nov 1952 (9), Romero-Cast<strong>an</strong>eda 3848 resembl<strong>an</strong>ces to P. saulensis in several characters<br />

(F,<br />

MBG, NY); Rio Apaporis, Soratama, 26 Mar 1952 (2), (seep. 181).<br />

Schultes et al. 16009 (C, U, US).<br />

VENEZUELA. BOLIVAR: Sierra Ichfin, Salto Maria<br />

Espuma, 28 Dec 1961 (6), Steyermark 90368 (NY, U, 21. <strong>Pourouma</strong> elliptica St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley, Publ. Field<br />

VEN).<br />

Mus. Nat. Hist, Bot. Ser., 17:181. 1937. Type.<br />

PERU. LORETO: Prov. Requena, Rio Ucayali, Ar-<br />

Brazil. Amazonas: Mun. Sao Paulo de Olivenboretum<br />

Jenaro Herrera, Aug-Sep 1976 (st), Bernardi<br />

5.16.5 (U), Aug-Sep 1976 (9), Bernardi s.n. (tree 4/8) 9a, nr. Palmares, 11 Sep-26 Oct 1936 (6), Kru-<br />

(U), 3 J<strong>an</strong> 1974 (9), Diaz 22-A (G); Prov. Maynas, Rio koff8388 (holotype, NY; isotypes, A, BR, F,<br />

N<strong>an</strong>ay, Mish<strong>an</strong>a, 23 Mar 1979 (st), Gentry et al. 26049 G, LE, MO, P, S, U). Fig. 90.<br />

(U), 24 Mar 1979 (st), Gentry et al. 26177 (U), 12 J<strong>an</strong><br />

1983 (st), Gentry et al. 39379 (BG); Prov. Requena, Tree, up to ca. 15 m tall. Leafy twigs ca. 10<br />

Arboretum Jenaro Herrera, 9 Dec 1980 (9), Vdsquez mm thick, densely yellow-hirsute <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> yellowet<br />

al. 1004 (BG).<br />

BRAZIL. ACRE: Cruzeiro do Sul, 11 Feb 1976 subhispidulous, thus a mixture of hairs<br />

(9),<br />

distinctly<br />

Monteiro et al. 309 (INPA), 1 Mar 1976 (2), Ramos et different in length, moreover, <strong>with</strong> sparse redal.<br />

204 (INPA). AMAZONAS: M<strong>an</strong>aus, Reserva Florestal dish-brown, pluricellular hairs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> sparse, white,<br />

Ducke, 27 Nov 1957 (st), D. Coelho (INPA) 5979 arachnoid hairs. Lamina entire, elliptic to ob-<br />

(INPA), 13 Sep 1957 (6), L. Coelho (INPA) 5808 (U); long, 13-30 x 6.5-20 cm, coriaceous, apex<br />

M<strong>an</strong>aus, waterfalls of Rio Taruma, 17 Oct 1929 (9),<br />

Ducke (RB) 23608 (B, G, RB, S, US, type collection abruptly, short-acuminate, base acute to roundof<br />

P. longipendula); M<strong>an</strong>aus, Reserva Florestal Ducke, ed to truncate; upper surface smooth, hairy on<br />

17 Oct 1929 (9), Killip et al. 30139 (A, F, NY, US); the main veins, to puberulous on the smaller<br />

Humaita, 7-18 Nov 1934 (2), Krukoff 7073 (A, B, BR, veins, lower surface yellow-(sub)hirsute on the<br />

F, G, GB, LE, MO, NY, RB, S, U, US); Sao Paulo de main<br />

Olivenca, 26 Nov 1936 (9), Krukoff 8695<br />

veins, to puberulous on the smaller veins,<br />

(A, B, BR,<br />

F, G, MO, NY, P, S, U, US); M<strong>an</strong>aus-P6rto Velho rd., white, arachnoid hairs in the areoles <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> on the<br />

km 240, 21 Nov 1973 (9), Lleras et al. P.19586 (F, smaller veins, lateral veins 10-16 pairs, the basal<br />

INPA, MO, NY, P, S, U, US); M<strong>an</strong>aus, Reserva Flo- pair unbr<strong>an</strong>ched or sparsely <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>/or faintly<br />

restal Ducke, 10 Nov 1965 (9), Loureiro (INPA) 16968 br<strong>an</strong>ched, tertiary venation almost pl<strong>an</strong>e be-<br />

(U); Torquato-Tapajos rd., km 118, 28 Aug 1975 (9),<br />

Loureiro et al. (INPA) 50623 (INPA); M<strong>an</strong>aus-Cara- neath; petiole 5-13.5 cm long, yellow-hirsute <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

carai rd., km 57, 16 Sep 1976 (9), Mota 680 (INPA); <strong>with</strong> sparse to dense, white, arachnoid hairs; stip-<br />

Tapuruquara, 4 Jul 1972 (9), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 15393 (F, ules 3-9 cm long, caducous, outside yellow-hir-<br />

GH, INPA, M, NY, P, S, U); km 245, 13 Mar 1974 sute, inside glabrous. Staminate inflorescences<br />

(9), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 20454 (INPA, MO, NY, S, U, US),<br />

km 380, 13 Oct 1974 (9), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 22864 up to 19 cm<br />

(INPA,<br />

long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> up to 14 cm wide; peduncle<br />

MO, NY, P, S, U, US); M<strong>an</strong>aus, Reserva Florestal 4-7 cm long, yellow-hirsute on the peduncle to<br />

Ducke, 21 Aug 1965 (9), Rodrigues 5449 (NY, U); hispidulous on the ultimate br<strong>an</strong>ches, sometimes<br />

M<strong>an</strong>aus-Itacoatiara rd., 3 Sep 1965 (9), Rodrigues et also white, arachnoid hairs; flowers sessile, not<br />

al. 7081 (U), 26 Nov 1965 (9), Rodrigues et al. 7292<br />

(U); M<strong>an</strong>aus-Caracarai rd., km 60, 20 Aug 1976<br />

densely clustered; tepals ca. 1.5 mm long, almost<br />

(6),<br />

Shima et al. 14 (INPA); between Rio Cast<strong>an</strong>ho <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> free, densely hispidulous; filaments shorter th<strong>an</strong><br />

Rio Tup<strong>an</strong><strong>an</strong>, 14 Jul 1972 (8), M. F. Silva et al. 742 the tepals. Pistillate inflorescences unknown.<br />

(U); 18 Jul 1972 (9), M. F. Silva et al. 869 (INPA); Distribution (Fig. 85). Brazil (Amazonas); in<br />

M<strong>an</strong>aus-P6rto Velho rd., km 250, 5 J<strong>an</strong> 1974 (9), Stew- non-inundated forest.<br />

ard et al. P.20156 (INPA, U). PARA: Without locality,<br />

(6), Ferreira s.n. (P, type collection of P. ovata); Cuiaba- Specimens examined. BRAZIL. AMAZONAS: Espe-<br />

S<strong>an</strong>tarem rd., km 1230, (9), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 25530 (F, r<strong>an</strong>ga, mouth of Rio J<strong>an</strong>vari, 21 Sep 1931 (6), Ducke<br />

MO, RB, S, U); Rio Trombetas (6), N. T. Silva et al. (RB) 25246 (RB); Sao Paulo de Olivenca, nr. Palmares,<br />

4740 (MG, U). RORAIMA: M<strong>an</strong>aus-Caracarai rd., km 11 Nov-26 Oct 1936 (6), Krukoff 8388 (A, BR, F, G,<br />

343, 18 Nov 1977 (9), Steward et al. 107 (U). LE, MO, NY, P, S, U, type collection of P. elliptica).

<strong>Pourouma</strong> 185<br />

I I<br />

STPE<br />

,E Fn CL1 |SOP Y<br />

r.<br />

Tr e rn rt. 'mh; trunk 41 G<br />

Safe o AmSaonm: r u.odeO<br />

near Plmamres. Sept. Il-OCt. 26. 1M91<br />

.<br />

.di- tb.td .: thlu th. New YO3 k<br />

hlod= 6 tc .'bre 4937<br />

FIG. 90. <strong>Pourouma</strong> elliptica. Leafy twig <strong>with</strong> staminate inflorescence<br />

(Krukoff<br />


186 Flora Neotropica<br />

Vernacular names. Brazil. Amazonas: mapati<br />

or mapaty.<br />

22. <strong>Pourouma</strong> bolivarensis C. C. Berg, Brittonia<br />

34(1): 39, t. 3. 1982. Type. Venezuela. Bolivar:<br />

Cerro Venamo, SW part, upper Rio Venamo,<br />

10 J<strong>an</strong> 1964 (9), Steyermark et al. 92936 (ho-<br />

lotype, VEN; isotypes, NY, U). Fig. 91.<br />

5(1): 278, t. 14b. 1975; Burger, Fieldi<strong>an</strong>a Bot.<br />

40: 202, t. 22. 1977. Type. French Gui<strong>an</strong>a.<br />

Saint Je<strong>an</strong> de Maroni, 17 Mar 1914 (9), Benoist<br />

960 (lectotype, P, chosen here, cf. Berg, Fl.<br />

Suriname 5(1): 278. 1975). Fig. 82b.<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> aurea Ule ex Mildbraed, Notizbl. Bot. Gart.<br />

Berlin-Dahlem 10: 418. 1928; Ule, Bot Jahrb. Syst.<br />

40:149. 1907, nomen. Type. Brazil. Acre: Rio Jurua-<br />

Mirim, Aug 1901 (s), Ule 5718<br />

Tree, up to 15 m tall.<br />

(holotype, B; iso-<br />

Leafy twigs 5-8 mm types, G, MG).<br />

thick, puberulous. Lamina entire, broadly ellip- <strong>Pourouma</strong> folleata Macbride, Publ. Field Mus. Nat.<br />

tic to obovate, sometimes broadly ovate or sub- Hist., Bot. Ser., 8(2): 114. 1930, l.c. 13(2.2): 292.<br />

orbicular, 5-19 x 3-14 1937.<br />

cm, coriaceous, apex Type. Peru. Junin; Ch<strong>an</strong>chamayo valley, 1924-<br />

1927<br />

shortly acuminate to rounded to emarginate, base<br />

(8), C. Schunke 416 (holotype, F; isotype, B).<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> isophlebia St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley, Publ. Field Mus. Nat.<br />

acute to obtuse; upper surface smooth, sparsely Hist., Bot. Ser., 17: 182. 1937. Type. Brazil. Amawhite-hirtellous<br />

or glabrous on the midrib, lower zonas: Mun. Sao Paulo de Oliven9a, nr. Palmares,<br />

surface appressed whitish-pubescent on the main 11 Sep-26 Oct 1936 (9), Krukoff8037 (holotype, NY;<br />

veins, arachnoid hairs in the areoles <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> ? cov- isotypes, A, BR, G, LE, P, S, U, US).<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong><br />

ering the smaller veins; lateral<br />

subplicata<br />

veins 6-10<br />

St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley, Publ. Field Mus. Nat.<br />

pairs, Hist., Bot. Ser., 17: 184. 1937. Type. Brazil. Acre:<br />

basal pair <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> sometimes the second pair Nr. mouth of Rio Macauh<strong>an</strong>, 4 Aug 1933 (9), Krukoff<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched, tertiary venation pl<strong>an</strong>e or slightly 5282 (holotype, F; isotypes, A, G, LE, M, MO, NY,<br />

prominent beneath; petiole 1-6.5 cm long, pu- S, U, UC, US).<br />

berulous; stipules 2-6<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong><br />

cm<br />

umbellata<br />

long, outside St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley, Publ. Field Mus. Nat.<br />

yellow- Hist., Bot. Ser., 17: 185. 1937. Type. Brazil. Amapuberulous,<br />

inside glabrous, caducous. Stami- zonas: Mun. Humaita, between Rio Livramento <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

nate inflorescences unknown. Pistillate inflores- Rio Ipixuna, 7-18 Nov 1934 (9), Krukoff 7071 (hocences<br />

in fruit up to 10.5 cm long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 2 cm wide; lotype, F; isotypes, A, BR, G, GB, LE, MO, NY,<br />

peduncle 3-7 cm long, peduncle <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> br<strong>an</strong>ches RB, S, U, US).<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> emarginata Killip ex<br />

yellow-puberulous; flowers 7-12; pedicel 0.2-1<br />

Macbride, Publ. Field<br />

Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser., 13(2.2): 296. 1937. Type.<br />

cm long, in fruit up to 2 cm; peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 3 mm Peru. Loreto: Mishuyacu, nr. Iquitos, 24-28 Sep 1929<br />

long, puberulous; stigma peltate, more or less (9), Killip & A. C. Smith 29955 (holotype, US; isobilobed,<br />

2-4 mm diam. Fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th ma- types, B, F).<br />

roon-red, ca. 1.8 x 1<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> cuatrecacasii<br />

cm, puberulous.<br />

St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley in Cuatrecasas, Revista<br />

Acad. Colomb. Ci. Exact.<br />

Distribution<br />

9(36/37): 339. 1956.<br />

(Fig. 85). Venezuela (Bolivar); in Type. Colombia. Vaupes: M<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>i, nr. Mitfi, 24 Oct<br />

humid, (sub)-mont<strong>an</strong>e forest, at altitudes be- 1939 (9), Cuatrecasas 7299 (holotype, US).<br />

tween 900 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 1350 m.<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> umbellifera Burger, Phytologia 26: 430. 1973.<br />

Type. Costa Rica. Heredia: Nr. Rio Sarapiqui, Ti-<br />

Specimens examined. VENEZUELA. BOLIVAR: Cer- rimbina, 21 J<strong>an</strong> 1972 (9), Lent 2327 (holotype, F;<br />

ro Venamo, Rio Venamo, 8 J<strong>an</strong> 1964 (9), Steyermark isotypes, B, US).<br />

et al. 92850 (U, VEN); Cerro Venamo, SW part, upper<br />

Rio Venamo, alt. 950-1000 m, 10 J<strong>an</strong> 1964 (9), Stey- Tree, up to ca. 35 m tall. Leafy twigs 2-13 mm<br />

ermark et al. 92936 (NY, U, VEN, type collection of thick, yellow-sericeous to -hirsute, or appressed-<br />

P. bolivarensis); Rio Cuyuni, Rio Anawaray-parui, 1300-<br />

1350<br />

puberulous,<br />

m, 25 Dec 1970 occasionally almost<br />

(st), Steyermark et al.<br />

glabrous, some-<br />

104466<br />

times <strong>with</strong><br />

(NY, VEN).<br />

sparse brown, pluricellular hairs.<br />

Lamina entire, narrowly to broadly obovate to<br />

Vernacular names. Venezuela. Bolivar: cay- (broadly) elliptic, rarely to oblong, 4-45 x 1-15<br />

wari-cay-yek (Arekuna).<br />

cm, coriaceous to chartaceous, apex (long) acu-<br />

This species resembles P. minor, from which minate to mucronate or rounded to emarginate,<br />

it differs in the sparser indument, br<strong>an</strong>ched pis- base acute to rounded, rarely to retuse; upper<br />

tillate inflorescences, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> br<strong>an</strong>ched basal lateral surface smooth, yellow-sericeous, hirtellous, hirveins.<br />

sute, or puberulous on the midrib, occasionally<br />

brown, pluricellular hairs on the main veins, low-<br />

23. <strong>Pourouma</strong> minor Benoist, Bull. Mus. Nat. er surface yellow-sericeous to -velutinous or to<br />

Hist. (Paris) 30: 103. 1924; Berg, Fl. Suriname -hirsute on the main veins (minutely) puberulous

<strong>Pourouma</strong> 187<br />

. . .<br />

FIG. 91. <strong>Pourouma</strong> bolivarensis. Leafy twig <strong>with</strong> pistillate inflorescences (Steyermark et al. 92936); sterile<br />

leafy twig (Steyermark et al. 104466).<br />

to hirtellous on the smaller veins, or<strong>an</strong>ge, pluri-<br />

cellular hairs present or not, arachnoid hairs in<br />

the areoles, usually ? extending to the smaller<br />

veins; lateral veins 6-26 pairs, basal pair un-<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched, tertiary venation (almost) pl<strong>an</strong>e be-<br />

neath; petiole 0.7-15 cm long, yellow-velutinous<br />

to -sericeous or hirsute; stipules 1-15 cm long,<br />

outside yellow-sericeous to -velutinous, some-

188 Flora Neotropica<br />

times -hirtellous, sometimes <strong>with</strong> or<strong>an</strong>ge-brown, (F, VEN), (2), Steyermark 60414 (F, VEN); Rio Chipluricellular<br />

hairs, inside glabrous, caducous. c<strong>an</strong><strong>an</strong>, Puerta Lema, SE of El Dorado, 24 Aug 1961<br />

Staminate inflorescences up to 12 cm long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

(2), Steyermark 89506 (NY, U, VEN); Venezuel<strong>an</strong>-<br />

Brazili<strong>an</strong> frontier, Serr<strong>an</strong>ia<br />

7.5 cm wide; peduncle 1.5-8.5 cm<br />

Pia-soi, 5-6 J<strong>an</strong> 1962 (st),<br />

long, yellow- Steyermark 90620 (VEN).<br />

sericeous to -velutinous; flowers sessile or pedi- GUYANA. K<strong>an</strong>uku Mts., Iramaip<strong>an</strong>g, Nov 1948 (6),<br />

cellate, diffusely distributed along the ultimate Wilson-Browne 549 (=FD 5948) (NY).<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ches or occasionally + clustered; tepals 1.5- SURINAM. Kabalebo, 12 Nov 1976 (st), Heyde et<br />

al. 32<br />

3 mm long, connate, puberulous to almost (U), 13 Nov 1976 (9), Heyde et al. 39<br />

gla-<br />

(U); River<br />

Nassau, Mts, 16 Feb 1949 (2), L<strong>an</strong>jouw et al. 2214<br />

brous; filaments shorter th<strong>an</strong> the tepals. Pistillate (NY, U); Paris Jacob Creek, 29 Jun 1965 (st), Maas et<br />

inflorescences in fruit up to 12 cm long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 7 cm al. (LBB) 11027 (U); Tap<strong>an</strong>ahony R., at mouth of<br />

wide, subumbellate; peduncle 1-9 cm long, yel- Paloemeu R., Aug 1959 (st), Schulz 8161 (U); Goddo,<br />

low-sericeous; flowers 2-11; pedicel 0.2-1.2 cm<br />

26 J<strong>an</strong> 1926 (9), Stahel (Exp. Wilhelminageb.) 82 (F,<br />

long, in fruit up to 3.5 cm; peri<strong>an</strong>th 2-6 mm<br />

U); Voltzberg, Troon (LBB) 16310 (U).<br />

FRENCH GUIANA. St. Laurent, 13 J<strong>an</strong> 1950 (9),<br />

long, usually densely hairy; stigma knob-shaped, BAFOG 5042 (P), 2 J<strong>an</strong> 1956 (2), BAFOG 7152 (CAY,<br />

variously lobed, 2.5-6 mm diam. Fruiting peri- NY, P, U), 16 J<strong>an</strong> 1956 (2), BAFOG 7173 (CAY, NY,<br />

<strong>an</strong>th ovoid <strong>with</strong> <strong>an</strong> apiculate apex, ca. 1-2.5 x P, U), 8 Feb 1956 (2), BAFOG 7261 (NY, P), 10 Feb<br />

1-1.5<br />

1956<br />

cm, reddish,<br />

(2), BAFOG 7268<br />

hairy.<br />

(CAY, NY, P, U); Saint Je<strong>an</strong><br />

de Maroni, 17 Mar 1914<br />

Distribution<br />

(2), Benoist 960<br />

(Fig. 85). From Nicaragua to the<br />

(P, lectotype<br />

collection of P. minor); 16 Mar 1914 (2), Benoist 978<br />

Amazon Basin <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the Gui<strong>an</strong>a regions; in non- (P); Aug 1973 (st), Garnier 112 (CAY); between Saut<br />

inundated forest at altitudes up to ca. 1500 m. Emerillon <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Etats-Unis, 21 Aug 1970 (st), Gr<strong>an</strong>ville<br />

581 (CAY, P, U); Trois Sauts, 3 Nov 1974 (9), Lescure<br />

Specimens examined. NICARAGUA. Rio S<strong>an</strong> Ju<strong>an</strong>, 422 (CAY); upper Approuage R., Creek Par6pou, 7<br />

nr. Caino Chotaleno, 20 km NW of El Costillo, 7-9 Feb 1967 (st), Oldem<strong>an</strong> 2504 (CAY, NY, P, U); Ap-<br />

Mar 1978 (st), Neill 3389 (BG).<br />

prouage R., Pierrette, 14 Sep 1968 (st), Oldem<strong>an</strong> 2821<br />

COSTA RICA. ALAJUELA: 15 Sep 1973 (6), Hart- (CAY, P); Godebert, <strong>with</strong>out date (st), Wachenheim<br />

shorn 1295 (F); Corazon de Jesus, 29 Mar (6), Hart- 18 (P), 23 Jun 1921 (6), Wachenheim 467 (P), 13 Jul<br />

shorn 1431 (F, U). HEREDIA: Tirimbina, 12-15 Aug 1921 (st), Wachenheim s.n. (A, E, U, US).<br />

1971 (st), Burger et al. 8137 (F); Las Horquetas, 25 ECUADOR. NAPO: Rd. Coca-Lago Agrio, 9 km NE<br />

May 1973 (6), Hartshorn 1224 (F, MO, U); nr. Rio of Rio Coca, 20 Mar 1980 (st), Br<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>byge et al. 30252<br />

Sarapiqui at Tirimbina, 21 J<strong>an</strong> 1972 (Q), Lent 2327 (F, (AAU); Guayusa, 2 hr upstream Rio Coca from Coca,<br />

GH, MO, NY, U, US, type collection of P. umbelli- 24 Mar 1980 (st), Br<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>byge et al. 30327 (AAU); Afnfera);<br />

La Virgen, 23 Jul 1979 (6), Stevens 13340 (U). <strong>an</strong>gu, 30 May-21 Jun 1982 (st), SEF8617, 9033, 9159<br />

LIMON: Between Siquirres <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Turrialba, 10 Oct 1972 (U); MORONA-SANTIAGO: nr. Bomboiza, 27 Sep 1985<br />

(st), Holdridge 6818 (F, MO, U); Guapiles, 12-13 Mar (st), Shakaim RBAE-26 (BG).<br />

1924 (st), St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley 37121 (US); Cairo, 18-19 Feb 1926 PERU. AMAZONAS: Rio S<strong>an</strong>tiago, nr. Caterpiza, 2<br />

(juv), St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley et al. 48600 (US).<br />

Nov 1979 (6), Huashikat 1150 (U); mouth of Rio S<strong>an</strong>-<br />

PANAMA. COCLE: El Cope, 1 Sep 1977 (6), Berg tiago, 8-13 Oct 1962 (6), Wurdack 2169 (F, G, GH,<br />

400 (U); 25 Nov 1977 (st), Folsom et al. 6469 (U). SAN NY, P, S, UC). HUANUCO: Rio Pachitea, Tournavista,<br />

BLAS: Cerro S<strong>an</strong> Jose, Yar Birea, 5 Feb 1986 (st), Nevers 8 Aug 1967 (6), J. Schunke V. 2139 (F, G, GH,<br />

et al. 6997<br />

NY,<br />

(MO).<br />

US); Prov. Leoncia Prado, Tingo Maria, 17 Feb 1964<br />

COLOMBIA. AMAZONAS-VAUPES: Rio Apaporis, (st), Vasquez 17 (F). JUNiN: S<strong>an</strong> Ram6n, Aug 1925 (6),<br />

between Rio K<strong>an</strong><strong>an</strong>ari <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Rio Pacoa, 1-15 Dec 1951 C. Schunke A-95 (F, NY, US); Ch<strong>an</strong>chamayo Valley,<br />

(2), Garcia-Barriga 13836 (NY), 28 Sep 1951, Schultes 1924-1927 (8), C. Schunke 416 (B, F, type collection<br />

et al. 14148 (U). ANTIOQUIA: Between Dos Bocas <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> ofP.folleata). LORETO: Puerto Almendras, 7 Aug 1973<br />

Anori, 24-31 May 1973 (6), Soejarto et al. 4063 (A, (st), Ayala 341 (U); Rio N<strong>an</strong>ay, halfway between Iqui-<br />

MO). CHOCO: Novita, Cerro Torra, 22 Feb 1977 (2), tos <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> S<strong>an</strong>ta Maria de N<strong>an</strong>ay, 31<br />

Forero<br />

May 1975<br />

et al. 3145<br />

(st), Gen-<br />

(RB, U). META: Sierra de la Ma- try et al. 22381 (U), 23 Mar 1979<br />

carena, 19<br />

(st),<br />

J<strong>an</strong> 1950<br />

Gentry et al.<br />

(6), Philipson et al. 2134 (US). 26049 (U), 24 Mar 1979 (st), Gentry et al. 26177<br />

VALLE: Rio<br />

(U);<br />

Anchicaya, Alto Yunda, 1000 m, May 1972 Prov. Maynas, Y<strong>an</strong>amono Explorama Tourist<br />

(Q), Hilty M-86<br />

Camp,<br />

(MO). VAUPES: M<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>i, nr. Mitfi, 24 1 Jul 1983 (st), Gentry et al. 42568<br />

Oct<br />

(BG);<br />

1939<br />

Mishuyacu,<br />

(2), Cuatrecasas 7299 (US, type collection of nr. Iquitos, 24-28 Sep 1929 (2),<br />

P.<br />

Killip & Smith 29955<br />

cuatrecacasii); Rio Inirida, S<strong>an</strong> Joaquin, 27 J<strong>an</strong> 1955 (US, B, F, type collection of <strong>Coussapoa</strong><br />

(6), Fern<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ez 2019<br />

emarginata);<br />

(US).<br />

Yurimaguas-Tarapoto rd., km 14, 8 Nov 1967 (2),<br />

VENEZUELA. AMAZONAS: El Dorado-Sta. Elena Soria S. 21 (F, G, US). MADRE DE DIos: Rio<br />

rd., S of El<br />

M<strong>an</strong>u,<br />

Dorado, km 79, 25 Feb 1959 (2), Bernardi Cocha Cashu station, 2 Sep 1976<br />

7250<br />

(9), Foster et al. 5019<br />

(F, G, NY, VEN); Sierra Parima, Simarawochi, (F), 23 Oct 1979 (6), Foster et al. 7199<br />

18 Apr-23 May 1973<br />

(F); Rio Tam-<br />

(Q), Steyermark 107064 (F, U). bopata, mouth of Rio<br />

BOLiVAR:<br />

D'Orbigny, 4 Mar 1981<br />

Between S<strong>an</strong>ta<br />

(st),<br />

Teresita de Kav<strong>an</strong>ayen <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Gentry et al. 31938, 31976<br />

Rio Pacairao, 20-21<br />

(U); Rio<br />

Nov 1944<br />

M<strong>an</strong>u, Cocha Ca-<br />

(6), Steyermark 60399 shu Station, 8 Aug 1983 (st), Gentry et al. 43454 (BG);

<strong>Pourouma</strong> 189<br />

upper Rio Madre de Dios, 17 Jun 1954 (6), Rauh 1609 Thomas et al. 4794 (BG). PARA: Cuiaba-S<strong>an</strong>tarem rd.,<br />

(F). UCAYALI: Pucallpa-Tingo Maria rd., S<strong>an</strong> Alej<strong>an</strong>- km 919, 13 Nov 1977 (9), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 25336 (F, RB,<br />

dro, Gentry et al. 16181 (F, MO, NY); Pucallpa-Tingo U). RONDONIA: Mun. Presidente Medici, rd. Cuiaba-<br />

Maria rd., km 88, 13 Mar 1982 (st), Gentry et al. 36309 P6rto Velho, km 300, 25 Jun 1984 (d), Cid et al. 4798<br />

(BG).<br />

(BG); Mun. Ouro Preto, rd. Cuiaba-P6rto Velho, km<br />

BRAZIL. ACRE: Upper Rio Moa, Fazenda Arizona, 353, 39 Jun 1984 (6), Cid et al. 4919 (BG); Mun. Pi-<br />

10-15 Oct 1985 (st), Campbell et al. 6250 (BG); Abuna- menta Bueno, Guapor6, 7 Nov 1964 (st), Vieiro et al.<br />

Rio Br<strong>an</strong>co hwy., km 242-246, 18 Jul 1968 (6), Forero 985 (U). RORAIMA: Serra dos Surucucus, 19 Feb 1969<br />

et al. 6367 (C, INPA, MO, NY, S, UC, US); nr. mouth (2), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 10089 (G, INPA, NY, R, S, U, US),<br />

of Rio Macauh<strong>an</strong>, tributary of Rio Yaco, 4 Aug 1933 20 Feb 1969 (2), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 10124 (INPA, NY, S,<br />

(9), Krukoff 5282 (A, G, LE, M, MO, NY, S, U, UC, U, US); Rio Negro, left b<strong>an</strong>k of Par<strong>an</strong>a do Marara, 7<br />

US, type collection of P. subplicata); rd. Brasileia-As- Feb 1977 (9), M. R. S<strong>an</strong>tos 172 (MG, U).<br />

sis, km 16, 3 Nov 1980 (9), Lowrie et al. 710 (U); Sena BOLIVIA. BENI: Rio Beni, Cachuela Esper<strong>an</strong>za, 29<br />

Madureira, 3 Oct 1968 (9), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce et al. 7792 (GH, Nov 1922 (6), Meyer 403 (U). PANDO: Barrola, 17 km<br />

INPA, M, NY, P, R, S, U); Rio Jurua-Mirin, Aug 1901 from Cobija, 18 May 1977 (st), Meneces 613 (MG,<br />

(6), Ule 5718 (B, G, MG, type collection of P. aurea). MO); S<strong>an</strong> Fr<strong>an</strong>cisco, 50 km from Cobija to Puerto<br />

AMAPA: Confluence of Rio Oiapoque <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Rio I<strong>an</strong>6, 27 Rico, 1 Jun 1977 (6), Meneces 647 (MO); rd. Cobija<br />

Aug 1960 (6), Irwin et al. 47874 (F, FHO, GH, MG, to Extrema, Villa Marieta, 24 Jun 1978 (2), Meneces<br />

NY, RB, US); Rio Oiapoque, nr. mouth of Rio Ya- 725 (INPA); 3 km above Abuna, 13 km 1968 (a), Pr<strong>an</strong>ce<br />

roupi, 24 Sep 1960 (6), Irwin et al. 48468 (M, MG, et al. 8378 (B, INPA, NY, S, U, UC, US); Rio Na-<br />

NY, P, RB, UC); Rio Oiapoque, nr. Cachoeria S<strong>an</strong>ta reuda, Nicolas Suarrez, SW of Cobija, 31 Jul 1982<br />

Maria, 21 Aug 1961 (6), Pires et al. 50419 (FHO, G, (5), Sperling et al. 6430 (BG).<br />

MG, NY, S, US); 40 min up Rio Falcino, 14 Nov 1961<br />

(8), Pires et al. 50941 (F, MO, NY); Serra do Navio, Vernacular names. Colombia. Vaupes: uva sil-<br />

26 Sep 1961 (Q), Pires et al. 51247 (GH, MG, NY, MO, vestre. Venezuela. Bolivar: majagua, cay-wari-<br />

U, US); AMAZONAS: M<strong>an</strong>aus-Itacoatiara rd., Reserva<br />

Florestal Ducke, 6 Aug 1976 (st), Aluisio (INPA) 70809<br />

cay-yek, coiwaricoi-yek, kai-wa-rei-kei-yek. Su-<br />

(INPA); Uaup6s, Serra Sao Gabriel, 14 Feb 1959<br />

rinam.<br />

(9), Bospapaja, gr<strong>an</strong>boesipapaja. French<br />

Cavalc<strong>an</strong>te 606 (MG); Rio Uatumi, Itapir<strong>an</strong>ga, 24 Aug Gui<strong>an</strong>a. Bois c<strong>an</strong>on, bois c<strong>an</strong>on male or male<br />

1979 (6), Cid et al. 721 (INPA, U); Rio Jurua, Sta. bois c<strong>an</strong>on, bouchi papaie <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> papaye (Para-<br />

Rosa, 15 Aug 1975 (st), D. Coelho et al. (INPA) 51350 maka), kulumasi (Wayapi). Peru. Amazonas:<br />

(INPA), 22 Aug 1975 (st), D. Coelho et al. (INPA) sacha<br />

52381 (INPA); M<strong>an</strong>aus-Itacoatiara rd., Reserva Flo- uvila, shuvija (Aguaruna); Hu<strong>an</strong>uco <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

restal Ducke, 28 Sep 1962 (8), Duarte 7194 (INPA, M);<br />

S<strong>an</strong> Martin: uvilla or uvilla bl<strong>an</strong>ca; Loreto: uvilla<br />

M<strong>an</strong>icor6, nr. S<strong>an</strong>ta F6, 8-11 Sep 1934 (9), Krukoff l<strong>an</strong>uda. Brazil. Amapa: mapatir<strong>an</strong>a; Amzonas:<br />

6041 (A, B, BR, F, LE, MO, NY, S, U, US); Humaita, imbaibar<strong>an</strong>a, purumai, tourem; Mato Grosso:<br />

plateau between Rio Livramento <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Rio Ipixuna, 7-<br />

18 Nov 1934 (9), Krukoff 7071<br />

caramuri, imbaubar<strong>an</strong>a, torena. Bolivia. P<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>o:<br />

(A, BR, G, GB, LE,<br />

MO, NY, RB, S, S, U, US, type collection of P. um- ambaibochi, ambaibillo.<br />

bellata); Sao Paulo de Olivenca, nr. Palmares, 11 Sep- The species is rather variable in the dimen-<br />

26 Oct 1936 (9), Krukoff 8073 (A, BR, G, LE, MO, sions <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> shape of the leaves. The indument<br />

NY, P, S, U, US, type collection ofP. isophlebia); upper mostly consists of appressed hairs but patent hairs<br />

Rio Negro Uaupes, 12 Feb 1959 (9), Rodrigues 884<br />

(U); Tefe, 24 Nov 1959<br />

occur in the<br />

(st), Rodrigues et al. 1424<br />

Upper Amazon Basin, e.g., in the<br />

(INPA); M<strong>an</strong>aus-Itacoatiora rd., Reserva Florestal type collection ofP. aurea. The number of lateral<br />

Ducke, 19 Oct 1965 (6), Rodrigues 7532 (INPA); Tefe, veins varies from 6 to ca. 25 pairs, but in some<br />

23 Aug 1979 (6), Rodrigues et al. 10182 (INPA); Ma- collections (of juvenile material?) probably benaus-P6rto<br />

Velho rd., between Rio Cast<strong>an</strong>ho <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Rio<br />

Tapuna, 18 Jul 1972 (8), M. F. Silva et al. 903<br />

longing to P. minor, e.g., Ayala 341 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Gentry<br />

(INPA). et<br />

MATO<br />

al.<br />

GROSSO: Aripu<strong>an</strong>a, 18 Jun 1975 (8), Cordeiro 22381, the number of lateral veins may rise<br />

140 (US), 25 J<strong>an</strong>-14 May 1977 (st), Gomes et al. 547, to 40 pairs.<br />

593, 632, 635, 646, 655, 673, 690, 759, 789, 810, 813, The species is a clear-cut one, characterized<br />

838, 872, 891, 924, 926, 931, 933, 955, 1033, 1118, by the subumbellate pistillate inflorescence <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

1120, 1129, 1156, 1175, 1255, 1319, 1336, 1338, 1356, the knob-like<br />

1378, 1419, 1423, 1425,<br />

stigma. It shows resembl<strong>an</strong>ces of<br />

1444, 1446, 1534, 1568, 1570,<br />

1577, 1584, 1593, 1594, 1595, 1636, 1640, 1641, 1692,<br />

P. bolivarensis (see p. 186).<br />

1731, 1745, 1769, 1822, 1823, 1867, 1893, 1917, 1983 The fruits are eaten by the monkey Cebus apel-<br />

(INPA), 14 Jul 1977 (6), Gomes et al. 2170 (INPA), 19 la (Foster et al. 5019).<br />

J<strong>an</strong> 1979 (9), 29 May 1976 (6), Monteiro et al. 1119 From the three syntype collections from French<br />

(INPA), M. G. Silva et al. 4326 (MG), 1 J<strong>an</strong> 1979 (6),<br />

M. G. Silva et al. 4738 (MG), 8 Oct 1979<br />

Gui<strong>an</strong>a<br />

(9), Ryl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>s<br />

(Benoist 960, Benoist 978, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Wach-<br />

25 (INPA); Mun. Vila Bela da S<strong>an</strong>tissima Trinidade, enheim 18) Benoist 960 has been selected as the<br />

4 km S of border <strong>with</strong> Rond6nia, 3 Nov 1985 (2), lectotype collections (Berg, 1975).

190 Flora Neotropica<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> napoensis <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P. herrerensis have<br />

been included in this revision after submission<br />

of the (pre-review) m<strong>an</strong>uscript <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> are, therefore,<br />

placed at the end of the systematic treatment,<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> not after P. hirsutipetiolata <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P. mollis,<br />

respectively.<br />

24. <strong>Pourouma</strong> napoensis C. C. Berg, Brittonia<br />

42: 59-65. 1990. Type. Ecuador. Napo: Re-<br />

serva Biologia Jatun Sacha, 14 Aug 1987 (6),<br />

Palacios 1874 (holotype, QCNE; isotypes,<br />

AAU, BG, MO, NY, QAME). Fig. 92.<br />

Tree, up to 25 m tall. Leafy twigs 1-2.5 cm<br />

thick, yellow-hirsute, pluricellular hairs absent.<br />

Lamina 7-fid to -parted, ca. 25-45 x 25-45 cm,<br />

coriaceous, apex acuminate, base deeply cordate<br />

<strong>with</strong> overlapping lobes; upper surface smooth to<br />

slightly scabrous, yellow-hirsute to -hirtellous on<br />

the whole surface or only on the main veins,<br />

lower surface yellow-hirsute to -hirtellous on the<br />

veins, arachnoid hairs in the areoles <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> on the<br />

reticulum; lateral veins 16-25 pairs; petiole ca.<br />

25-40 cm long, yellow-hirsute; stipules 10-16 cm<br />

long, outside yellow-hirsute, inside glabrous, caducous.<br />

Staminate inflorescences ca. 12-22 cm<br />

long, ca. 8-14 cm wide; peduncle 4-8 cm long,<br />

peduncle <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> br<strong>an</strong>ches yellow-hirtellous to -pu-<br />

In the shape, dimensions, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> indument of the<br />

lamina this species resembles P. oraria. It differs<br />

from the latter in the staminate flowers <strong>with</strong> their<br />

connate tepals <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> fully connate filaments. These<br />

features suggest a close relationship to P. hirsu-<br />

tipetiolata.<br />

25. <strong>Pourouma</strong> herrerensis C. C. Berg, C<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ollea<br />

44(2): 513. 1989. Type, Peru, Loreto, Prov.<br />

Requena, Jenaro Herrera, Reserva Forestal,<br />

tree 4/122, 2 Oct 1985 (d), Spichiger et al. 1995<br />

(holotype, G; isotype, BG). Fig. 93.<br />

Tree, up to 25 m tall. Leafy twigs 3-6 mm<br />

thick, minutely puberulous to hispidulous (<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

+ scabrous) or also <strong>with</strong> much longer, yellow<br />

hairs, pluricellular hairs dark brown <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> rather<br />

sparse. Lamina entire, oblong to elliptic to ovate,<br />

8-20 x 3-11.5 cm, (sub)coriaceous, apex shortacuminate,<br />

base acute to rounded; upper surface<br />

sparsely appressed-puberulous on the midrib or<br />

the whole surface covered <strong>with</strong> long, yellow hairs,<br />

lower surface appressed-puberulous on the main<br />

veins or also <strong>with</strong> long yellow hairs, arachnoid<br />

hairs in the areoles <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> on the reticulum; lateral<br />

veins 9-14 pairs, basal pair unbr<strong>an</strong>ched or<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ched, the basal part of these veins forming<br />

the basal part of the leaf margin (thus not separated<br />

from the margin by mesophyll), tertiary<br />

venation slightly prominent; petiole 3-10 cm<br />

berulous; flowers (sub)sessile, in<br />

long, minutely puberulous or also <strong>with</strong> long, yelglobose<br />

heads, low<br />

these 7-12 mm diam.; peri<strong>an</strong>th, tubular, 1-2 mm<br />

hairs; stipules 3.5-8 cm long, caducous, outside<br />

high, puberulous at the apex; stamens 3-4, filadensely<br />

puberulous <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> <strong>with</strong> brown, pluricellular<br />

ments completley connate, 4-6 mm long. Pistilhairs,<br />

or also <strong>with</strong> long, yellow hairs,<br />

sometimes<br />

late inflorescences up to 10 cm long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> up to<br />

only a few appressed ones, inside<br />

12 cm wide, br<strong>an</strong>ched; peduncle 3-5 cm sparsely short-pubescent. Staminate infloreslong,<br />

cences<br />

peduncle <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> br<strong>an</strong>ches yellow-hirsute to -hirtel- up to 10 cm long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> up to 9 cm wide;<br />

lous; flowers ca. 40-70; pedicel 0.3-0.5 cm, in<br />

peduncle 2-6 cm long, peduncle <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> br<strong>an</strong>ches<br />

fruit up to 1.2 cm long; peri<strong>an</strong>th ca. 5 mm densely puberulous to short-velutinous or also<br />

long, <strong>with</strong><br />

yellow-hirsute to -hirtellous, sparsely so in the long, yellow hairs; flowers sessile or pedicellate,<br />

most of them in globose heads, numerous<br />

uppermost part; stigma peltate.<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 3-4 mm diam. or less<br />

Distribution (Fig. 81). Ecuador (Napo), in non-<br />

(5-12) <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 5-8 mm<br />

inundated forest, at low altitudes.<br />

diam.; tepals ca. 1 mm long, connate, forming a<br />

+ urceolate peri<strong>an</strong>th, densely hairy; filaments<br />

Specimens examined. ECUADOR. NAPO: Reserva exceeding the tepals, free. Pistillate inflorescences<br />

Biologica Jatun Sacha, Rio Napo, 8 km below Puerto up to 14 cm long <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 9 cm wide; peduncle <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

Misahualli, 4 Sep 1987 (2), Cer6n M. 2019 (BG); 8 km br<strong>an</strong>ches short-velutinous; flowers 7-25, in 1-4<br />

SE of Tena, 30 Aug 1960 (2), Grubb et al. 1545 (K,<br />

NY); Reserva Biologica Jatun Sacha, Rio Napo, 8 km<br />

+ distinct clusters, pedicels up to 0.7 cm long;<br />

below Puerto Misahualli, 2 Oct 1986 (2), Palacios 1337 peri<strong>an</strong>th yellow-velutinous, except for the apex;<br />

(BG), 14 Aug 1987 (a), Palacios 1874 (BG, type col- stigma subpeltate.<br />

lection of P. napoensis); Lumbaqui, 12 May 1987 (a), Distribution (Fig. 81). Peru (Loreto), in non-<br />

Pennington et al. 12244 (BG, K).<br />

inundated forest.<br />

Specimens examined. PERU. LORETO: Prov. Requena,<br />

Jenaro Herrera, Aug-Sep 1976 (6), Bernardi s. n.

<strong>Pourouma</strong> 191<br />

bi<br />

f<br />

In<br />

i<br />

FIG. 92. <strong>Pourouma</strong> napoensis. a. Leaf(Grubb et a. 1545). b. Stipules <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> staminate inflorescence (Pennington<br />

et al. 12244). c. Pistillate inflorescence (Grubb et al. 1545). d. Staminate flower (Pennington et al 12244). e.<br />

Pistillate flower (Ceron M. et al 2019).

.At<br />

FIG. 93. <strong>Pourouma</strong> herrerensis. a. Leafy twig <strong>with</strong> staminate inflorescences (Spichiger et al. 1995). b. Pistillate<br />

inflorescence (Spichiger et al. 1999). c. Leaf (Vasquez et al. 2623).

<strong>Pourouma</strong><br />

(BG), 9 Dec 1977 (d), Gentry et al. 21346 (U); Prov.<br />

Maynas, Puerto Almendras, 11 Nov 1984 (9), Maas et<br />

al. 6267 (BG, U); Prov. Requena, Jenaro Herrera, Reserva<br />

Forestal, 2 Oct 1985 (d), Spichiger et al. 1995<br />

(BG, G, type collection), 17 Sep 1982 (6), Spichiger et<br />

al. 1996 (BG, G), 9 Oct 1982 (st), Spichiger et al. 1997<br />

(BG, G), 14 Sep 1982 (d), Spichiger et al. 1998 (BG,<br />

G), 10 Nov 1982 (9), Spichiger et al. 1999 (BG, G);<br />

Prov. Maynas, Puerto Almendras, 17 Apr 1980 (6),<br />

Vdsquez et al. 167 (BG), 21 Oct 1981 (9), Vdsquez et<br />

al. 2623 (BG); Prov. Maynas, Rio N<strong>an</strong>ay, Mish<strong>an</strong>a, 24<br />

Apr 1986 (9), Vdsquez et al. 7535 (BG).<br />

This species has a str<strong>an</strong>ge mixture of features.<br />

The staminate inflorescences <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> flowers resemble<br />

those of P. mollis, the pistillate inflorescences<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> flowers those of P. mollis subsp. triloba <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

P. acuminata. In the indument it differs from<br />

both. One of the forms of this species has very<br />

short <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> stiff hairs, resulting in a slightly scabrous<br />

surface of the leafy twigs, petioles, stipules,<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> main veins of the lamina beneath. The other<br />

form has this short indument mixed <strong>with</strong> much<br />

longer yellow hairs, as in P. cucura, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> bears,<br />

moreover, long yellow hairs on the upper leaf<br />

surface, like some forms of P. cucura. Some of<br />

the specimens have oblong to elliptic leaves <strong>with</strong><br />

Unnamed Collections<br />

1. PERU. AMAZONAS: Serr<strong>an</strong>ia de Bagua, ca. 12-<br />

18 km on trail E of La Peca, 1800-1950 m, lower<br />

mont<strong>an</strong>e cloud forest, 14 Jun 1978 (6), Gentry et al.<br />

22866 (U). SAN MARTIN: Prov. Rioja, rd. Pedro Ruiz-<br />

Moyobamba, km 390, Venceremos, 2100 m, 7-9 Aug<br />

1983 (st), D. N. Smith et al. 4742 (MO).<br />

The indument of the leafy twigs, stipules, petioles,<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> lower surface of the lamina largely<br />

matches that of P. bicolor subsp. bicolor. The<br />

specimens differ from that taxon in the smooth<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> puberulous upper surface of the lamina, the<br />

broadly ovate lamina, the slender (ca. 15 x 10<br />

cm) staminate inflorescence, the oblong to elliptic<br />

193<br />

tepals of the staminteflower, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the sparse pluricellular<br />

hairs.<br />

These specimens may represent a distinct cloud<br />

forest species (see p. 114).<br />

2. PERU. LORETO: Rio Corrientes, between Tiente<br />

Lopez <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Puesto Av<strong>an</strong>zado, 4 Apr 1977 (st), Gentry<br />

et al. 19048 (BG); S<strong>an</strong>ta Rosa, 1-5 Sep 1929 (st), Killip<br />

& A. C. Smith 28800 (F, NY).<br />

BRAZIL. ACRE: Reserva INCRA S<strong>an</strong>ta Luzia, BR-<br />

364, km 40, 5-19 Oct 1984 (st), Campbell et al. 6820<br />

(NY) <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 7689 (BG).<br />

These have ovate to elliptic leaves (16-32 x<br />

12-22 cm) <strong>with</strong> a deeply cordate base. The leafy<br />

twigs, petioles, stipules, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> main veins at the<br />

lower surface of the lamina have dense, long,<br />

patent, yellow hairs. The stipules are glabrous<br />

inside. The presence of arachnoid hairs on the<br />

petiole, main veins of the lamina beneath, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

stipules suggest affinities to P. tomentosa. These<br />

collections may represent a new subspecies of<br />

this species.<br />

3. VENEZUELA. AMAZONAS: Nr. Yavita, 21 Apr<br />

1970 (st), Steyermark et al. 102874 (BG, MO, NY,<br />

VEN); Dept. Rio Negro, Cerro de la Neblina, Rio Mathe<br />

basal pair of lateral veins unbr<strong>an</strong>ched; such warinuma, 8-10 J<strong>an</strong> 1984 (st), Steyermarket al. 129773<br />

specimens bear some resembl<strong>an</strong>ce to P. acumi- (MO).<br />

nata. Other specimens (<strong>with</strong> long hairs) have These collections have thickly coriaceous<br />

ovate leaves <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the basal pairs of lateral veins leaves, thick leafy twigs <strong>with</strong> conspicuous lentibr<strong>an</strong>ched.<br />

However, both types of leaves may cels, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> dense, almost black, pluricellular hairs<br />

occur on the same pl<strong>an</strong>t, or even on the same on the leafy twigs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> stipules. In these features<br />

br<strong>an</strong>ch.<br />

they match P. ferruginea, but the characteristic,<br />

The material <strong>with</strong> a scabrous upper leaf sur- dense (white to brownish) villous-arachnoid inface,<br />

provisionally kept in P. mollis subsp. tri- dument on the lower surface of the lamina is<br />

loba, resembles P. herrerensis in the variation of w<strong>an</strong>ting <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the stipules are densely hairy inside.<br />

the leaves.<br />

These collections might represent <strong>an</strong> abber<strong>an</strong>t<br />

form of P. ferruginea or perhaps of P. melinonii<br />

subsp. melinonii.<br />

4. COLOMBIA. VAUPES: Alto Vaupes, 25 Nov 1975<br />

(9), Roa 251 (INPA).<br />

This collection has leafy twigs <strong>with</strong> yellow-<br />

hirsute indument <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> conspicuous lenticels. The<br />

indument of the leafy twigs <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the leaf surface<br />

resembles that of P. cucura, but the thickly co-<br />

riaceous, somewhat plicate lamina has the hairs<br />

on its upper surface confined to the main veins.<br />

Moreover, the stipules are hairy inside <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> the<br />

reticulum on the lamina beneath is very prom-<br />

inent. The fruiting peri<strong>an</strong>th is scabrous. This<br />

specimens has a mixture of characters of P. cu-<br />

cura <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> P. bicolor subsp. bicolor.

194<br />

5. ECUADOR. NAPO: Aii<strong>an</strong>gu, 1-15 Feb 1986 (st),<br />

Korning & Thomson 47801 <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 47807 (BG).<br />

The latter has most characters in common <strong>with</strong><br />

the form of P. bicolor subsp. bicolor <strong>with</strong> <strong>an</strong> entire<br />

lamina, being smooth above. However, the<br />

indument of the leafy twigs, petiole, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> lower<br />

leaf surface resembles that of P. cucura. The former<br />

collection <strong>with</strong> 5-parted leaves <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> incisions<br />

down to the petiole may represent the juvenile<br />

form of the latter collection. The mixture of characters<br />

suggests possible hybridization.<br />

Names Excluded<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> paraensis-nomen (in schedule) given<br />

by Huber; refers to Goeldi (MG) 7732 = P.<br />

melinonii subsp. melinonii.<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> retusa Bentham-nomen, see Miquel<br />

in Martius, Fl. bras. 4(1): 128. 1853; refers to<br />

Spruce s. n. from Brazil, Amazonas, M<strong>an</strong>aussyntype<br />

collection of P. tomentosa.<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> tri<strong>an</strong>ae A. Richter-nomen (in schedula);<br />

refers to Tri<strong>an</strong>a 862 = P. cecropiifolia.<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> ulei Warburg ex Ule-nomen; see Ule,<br />

Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 40: 132. 1907; refers to Ule<br />

9314 = P. cecropiifolia.<br />


The authors of the <strong>Coussapoa</strong> revision (C.C.B.<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> R.W.A.P.A.) are much indebted to Dr. N.<br />

G. Bisset (Chelsea College, London) for correct-<br />

ing the English text. They th<strong>an</strong>k Mr. Bonsen (In-<br />

stitute for Systematic Bot<strong>an</strong>y, Utrecht) for con-<br />

tributing the chapter on the wood <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> leaf<br />

<strong>an</strong>atomy, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Drs. E. C. H. v<strong>an</strong> Heusden (In-<br />

stitute for Systematic Bot<strong>an</strong>y, Utrecht) for pre-<br />

paring the distribution maps. They are grateful<br />

to the curators of the cited herbaria for putting<br />

their collections at the disposal of the authors.<br />

Gr<strong>an</strong>ts from the Netherl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>s Foundation for Ad-<br />

v<strong>an</strong>cement of Tropical Research (WOTRO) to<br />

C.C.B. enabled part of the collections <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> data<br />

on which the treatment is based to the gathered<br />

during several South Americ<strong>an</strong> trips. They also<br />

th<strong>an</strong>k Dr. L. B. Holm-Nielsen (Bot<strong>an</strong>ical Insti-<br />

tute, Aarhus) for his help during fieldwork in<br />

Ecuador. The drawings were prepared by Ms. Siri<br />

Herl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> (Bergen), Miss E. M. Hupkens v<strong>an</strong> der<br />

Elst (Utrecht), <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Mr. T. Schipper (Utrecht).<br />

The revision of <strong>Pourouma</strong> was started by Drs.<br />

Flora Neotropica<br />

E. Kieft (Utrecht), <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> some elements of that<br />

unfinished study have been used by the present<br />

authors (C.C.B. <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> E.C.H.vH.). The senior au-<br />

thor is indebted to the University of Bergen, Fac-<br />

ulty of Mathematics <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Natural Sciences, for<br />

covering traveling expenses, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> to the Bot<strong>an</strong>ical<br />

Institute at Bergen for their assist<strong>an</strong>ce. The il-<br />

lustrations were prepared by Ms. Siri Herl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

(Bergen), Mr. H. Rypkema (Utrecht), <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Mr. T.<br />

Schipper (Utrecht). The authors are indebted to<br />

Ms. Kathleen Welling for processing part of the<br />

text, to Drs. W. H. A. Hekking (Utrecht), Drs.<br />

E. Simonis (Utrecht), Ms. Edit Fjaere (Bergen)<br />

<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> Ms. Fr<strong>an</strong>cina Berg (Bergen) for their assis-<br />

t<strong>an</strong>ce in preparing the list of exsiccatae, <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> to<br />

Drs. E. Simonis for his contributions to the preparation<br />

of the lists of specimens examined <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

the distribution maps.<br />


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binations in <strong>Pourouma</strong> (<strong>Cecropiaceae</strong>). Proc. Kon. Klotzsch, J. F. 1847. Beitrage zu einer Flora de Ae-<br />

Ned. Akad. Wetensch., Ser. C, 91(2): 105-116. quinoctial-Gegenden: Artocarpeae. Linnaea 20:<br />

& F. Kooy. 1982. Three new species of Pou- 523-525.<br />

rouma (<strong>Cecropiaceae</strong>) of the Gui<strong>an</strong>a Region. Brit- Liebm<strong>an</strong>n, F.M. 1851. MexicosogCentral-Americas<br />

tonia 34(1): 36-41.<br />

neldeagtige pl<strong>an</strong>ter (Ordo: Urticaceae) indbeffat-<br />

Blake, S. F. 1919. New South Americ<strong>an</strong> spermato- tende familierne: Urticeae, Moreae, Artocarpeae<br />

phytes collected by B. M. Curr<strong>an</strong>. Contr. U.S. Natl. og Ulmaceae. Kongel. D<strong>an</strong>ske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr.<br />

Herb. 20: 237-245.<br />

Ser. 5 (Naturvidensk. Math. Afd.), 2: 285-343.<br />

Bonsen, K. & B. J. H. ter Welle. 1983. Comparative Little, E. L. 1969. New tree species from Esmeraldas,<br />

wood <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> leaf <strong>an</strong>atomy of the <strong>Cecropiaceae</strong> (Urti- Ecuador. Phytologia 18: 195-208.<br />

cales). Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. (Paris) Ser. 4, Macbride, J. F. 1930. Peruvi<strong>an</strong> Spermatophytes. 4.<br />

5(sect. B, Ad<strong>an</strong>sonia 2): 151-177.<br />

Other Peruvi<strong>an</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts, chiefly new species. Publ.<br />

Burger, W. C. 1973. Notes on the flora of Costa Rica, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser., 8(2): 113-130.<br />

3: New species in the Moraceae. Phytologia 26:<br />

1937. Flora of Peru: Moraceae. Publ. Field<br />

421-434.<br />

Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser., 13(2.2): 274-331.<br />

1977. Flora Costaricensis: <strong>Coussapoa</strong>. Field- Martius, C. F. P. 1843. Systema materiae medicae<br />

i<strong>an</strong>a Bot. 40: 131-137; <strong>Pourouma</strong> 40: 200-203. vegetabilis Brasiliensis. Leipzig.<br />

Chew Wee-Lek. 1963. A revision of the genus Poi- Mildbraed, J. 1927. Pl<strong>an</strong>tae Tessm<strong>an</strong>ni<strong>an</strong>ae Perukilospermum.<br />

Gard. Bull. Singapore 20: 1-104. vi<strong>an</strong>ae VI. Moraceae. Nitzbl. Bot. Gard. Berlin-<br />

Corner, E. J. H. 1962. The classification of Mora- Dahlem 10: 183-194.<br />

ceae. Gard. Bull. Singapore 19: 187-252.<br />

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Croat, T. B. 1978. Flora of Barro Colorado Isl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>. rouma. Aubl. Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem<br />

St<strong>an</strong>ford, California.<br />

10:413-420.<br />

Cronquist, A. 1981. An integrated system of classi- .1938. Moraceae. In L. Diels, Neue Arten aus<br />

fication of flowering pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Columbia University Ecuador. Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 14:<br />

Press, New York.<br />

29.<br />

Cuatrecasas, J. 1951. In J. A. Steyermark, Bot<strong>an</strong>ical .1942. Moraceae II. In L. Diels, Neue Arten<br />

exploration of Venezuela--I: Moraceae. Fieldi<strong>an</strong>a aus Ecuador. Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem<br />

Bot. 28(1): 210-216.<br />

15: 783-785.<br />

.1954. Dos Moraceas y dos Compuestas nue- Miquel, F. A. W. 1843. Observations bot<strong>an</strong>icae de<br />

vas de Venezuela. Bol. Soc. Venez. Ci. Nat. 15: quibusdam pl<strong>an</strong>tis, quas in colonia Surinamensi<br />

107-111.<br />

legit vir. graviss. H. C. Focke. Het Instituut 2(1842):<br />

. 956a. Notas a la Flora de Colombia, XIV. 185-205, t. 3. 1843.<br />

Revista Acad. Colomb. Ci. Exact. 9(36/37): 325- . 1853. Urticales. In C. F. P. von Martius,<br />

341, <strong>with</strong> photographs.<br />

Flora Brasiliensis 4(1): <strong>Coussapoa</strong>: 131-139, t. 42-<br />

.1956b. Morfceas nuevas de Colombia. Cal- 45. <strong>Pourouma</strong>: 122-131, t. 36-41.<br />

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O'Dowd, D. J. 1982. Pearl bodies as <strong>an</strong>t food: An<br />

1956c. Notas a la Flora de Venezuela. Bol. ecological role of some leaf emergences of tropical<br />

Soc. Venez. Ci. Nat. 17: 80-97.<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>ts. Biotropica 14(1): 40-49.<br />

. 1967. Moraceae. In J. A. Steyermark, Flora Pires, J. Murqa. 1973. Tipos de vegetaco da Amadel<br />

Auy<strong>an</strong>-tepui. Acta Bot. Venez. 2(5-8): 202- z6nia. O Museu Goeldi no Ano do Sesquicentena-<br />

205.<br />

rio. Belem.<br />

Ducke, A. 1932a. Neue Arten aus der Hylea Brasi- Pittier, H. 1917. New <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> noteworthy pl<strong>an</strong>ts from

196 Flora Neotropica<br />

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Natl. Herb. 18: 225-259.<br />

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Ruiter, G. de. 1976. Revision of the genera Myri<strong>an</strong>thus<br />

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of the Amazon valley. Mem. New York<br />

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<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> other Central Americ<strong>an</strong> republics. Bot.<br />

Gaz. 40: 1-11.<br />


1. <strong>Coussapoa</strong><br />

1-1. C. <strong>an</strong>gustifolia Aublet<br />

1-2. C arachnoidea Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s & C. C. Berg<br />

1-3. C. argentea Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s & C. C. Berg<br />

1-4. C. asperifolia Tr6cul<br />

a. subsp. asperifolia<br />

b. subsp. magnifolia (Trecul) Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s & C.<br />

C. Berg<br />

c. subsp. rhamnoides (St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley) Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s &<br />

C. C. Berg<br />

1-5. C. batavorum Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s & C. C. Berg<br />

1-6. C. brevipes Pittier<br />

1-7. C. chocoensis Cuatrecasas<br />

1-8. C. cinnamomea Cuatrecasas<br />

1-9. C. cinnamomifolia Mildbraed<br />

1-10. C. contorta Cuatrecasas<br />

1-11. C. crassivenosa Mildbraed<br />

1-12. C. cupularis Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s & C. C. Berg<br />

1-13. C. curr<strong>an</strong>ii Blake<br />

1-14. C. duquei St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley<br />

1-15. C. echinata Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s & C. C. Berg<br />

1-16. C. ferruginea Trecul<br />

1-17. C. floccosa Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s & C. C. Berg<br />

1-18. C. glaberrima Burger<br />

1-19. C. herthae Mildbraed<br />

1-20. C. latifolia Aublet<br />

1-21. C. leprieurii Benoist<br />

1-22. C. longepedunculata Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s & C. C. Berg<br />

1-23. C. macerrima Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s & C. C. Berg<br />

1-24. C. m<strong>an</strong>uensis C. C. Berg<br />

1-25. C. microcarpa (Schott) Rizzini<br />

1-26. C. microcephala Trecul<br />

1-27. C. napoensis Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s & C. C. Berg<br />

Spix, J. B. & C. F. P. von Martins. 1831. Reise in<br />

Brasiliens 3. Miinchen.<br />

St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley, P. C. 1919. Studies of tropical Americ<strong>an</strong><br />

ph<strong>an</strong>erogams-No. 3. Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb 20(6):<br />

173-220.<br />

1924. Nine new species of pl<strong>an</strong>ts from Central<br />

America. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 37: 49-54.<br />

. 1930. Studies of Americ<strong>an</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts-III. Publ.<br />

Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser., 8(1): 3-73.<br />

. 1933. Poulsenia, a genus oftrees ofthe family<br />

Moraceae. Trop. Woods 33: 4-5.<br />

- . 1937a. StudiesofAmeric<strong>an</strong>pl<strong>an</strong>ts-VII. Publ.<br />

Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser., 17(2): 155-284.<br />

1937b. Flora of Costa Rica: Moraceae. Publ.<br />

Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser., 18(1): 378-392.<br />

1939. In A. C. Smith, Notes on a collection<br />

of pl<strong>an</strong>ts from British Gui<strong>an</strong>a. Lloydia 2:161-218.<br />

1940. Studies of Americ<strong>an</strong> pl<strong>an</strong>ts-X. Publ.<br />

Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser., 22(2): 65-129.<br />

Trecul, A. 1847. Sur la famille des Artocarp6es. Ann.<br />

Sci. Nat. Bot., Ser. 3, 8: 38-157.<br />

Ule, E. 1907. Die Pfl<strong>an</strong>zenformationen des Amazonas-Gebietes.<br />

Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 40: 114-172.<br />

Woodson, R. E. & R. W. Schery. 1960. Flora of P<strong>an</strong>ama:<br />

Moraceae. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 47(2):<br />

114-178.<br />

1-28. C. nitida Miquel<br />

1-29. C. nymphaeifolia St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley<br />

1-30. C. oligocephala Donnell Smith<br />

1-31. C. orthoneura St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley<br />

1-32. C. ovalifolia Tr6cul<br />

1-33. C. pachyphylla Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s & C. C. Berg<br />

1-34. C. parviceps St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley<br />

1-35. C. parvifolia St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley<br />

1-36. C. purpusii St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley<br />

1-37. C. scabra Akkerm<strong>an</strong>s & C. C. Berg<br />

1-38. C. sprucei Mildbraed<br />

1-39. C. tessm<strong>an</strong>nii Mildbraed<br />

1-40. C. trinervia Mildbraed<br />

1-41. C. v<strong>an</strong>nifolia Cuatrecasas<br />

1-42. C. villosa Poeppig & Endlicher<br />

1-43. C. viridifolia Cuatrecasas<br />

1-44. C. fulvescens C. C. Berg<br />

1-45. C. tolimensis C. C. Berg<br />

1-46. C. valaria C. C. Berg<br />

2. <strong>Pourouma</strong><br />

2-1. P. gui<strong>an</strong>ensis Aublet<br />

a. subsp. gui<strong>an</strong>ensis<br />

b. subsp. venezuelensis (Cuatrecasas) C. C. Berg<br />

& v<strong>an</strong> Heusden<br />

2-2. P. velutina Miquel<br />

2-3. P. bicolor Martius<br />

a. subsp. bicolor<br />

b. subsp. tessm<strong>an</strong>nii (Mildbraed) C. C. Berg &<br />

v<strong>an</strong> Heusden<br />

c. subsp. digitata (Tr6cul) C. C. Berg & v<strong>an</strong><br />

Heusden<br />

d. subsp. scobina (Benoist) C. C. Berg & v<strong>an</strong><br />


Exsiccatae 197<br />

e. subsp. choco<strong>an</strong>a (St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley) C. C. Berg & v<strong>an</strong><br />

Heusden<br />

2-4. P. cecropiifolia Martius<br />

2-5. P. cucura St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley & Cuatrecasas<br />

2-6. P. cuspidata Mildbraed<br />

2-7. P. myrmecophila Ducke<br />

2-8. P. formicarum Ducke<br />

2-9. P. phaeotricha Mildbraed<br />

2-10. P. mollis Tr6cul<br />

a. subsp. mollis<br />

b. subsp. triloba (Tr6cul) C. C. Berg & v<strong>an</strong> Heusden<br />

2-11. P. melinonii Benoist<br />

a. subsp. melinonii<br />

b. subsp. glabrata C. C. Berg & v<strong>an</strong> Heusden<br />

2-12. P. hirsutipetiolata Mildbraed<br />

a. subsp. hirsutipetiolata<br />

b. subsp. hispida (St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley & Cuatrecasas) C. C.<br />

Berg & v<strong>an</strong> Heusden<br />

2-13. P. tomentosa Miquel<br />


a. subsp. tomentosa<br />

b. subsp. apiculata (Benoist) C. C. Berg & v<strong>an</strong><br />

Heusden<br />

c. subsp. persecta C. C. Berg & v<strong>an</strong> Heusden<br />

d. subsp. essequiboensis (St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley) C. C. Berg &<br />

v<strong>an</strong> Heusden<br />

3. subsp. maroniensis (Benoist) C. C. Berg &<br />

v<strong>an</strong> Heusden<br />

2-14. P. stipulacea C. C. Berg<br />

2-15. P. acuminata Miquel<br />

2-16. P. ferruginea St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley<br />

2-17. P. villosa Trecul<br />

2-18. P. oraria St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley & Cuatrecasas<br />

2-19. P. saulensis C. C. Berg & Kooy<br />

2-20. P. ovata Tr6cul<br />

2-21. P. elliptica St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley<br />

2-22. P. bolivarensis C. C. Berg<br />

2-23. P. minor Benoist<br />

2-24. P. napoensis C. C. Berg<br />

2-25. P. herrerensis C. C. Berg<br />

Some recent collections have been added to this list <strong>with</strong>out being cited in the lists of specimens.<br />

Acosta M., A., 12 (2-5).<br />

Acosta Solis, M., 6008 (1-10); 12661 (1-19); 12797 (1-<br />

10); 12884, 13605 (2-3d); 13629(1-42); 13687, 13713<br />

(1-10).<br />

Alencar, L., 497 (2-4).<br />

Allemao, F. et al., 446 (2-la).<br />

Allen, P. H., 3103 (39); 3251 (2-1 a); 3742 (2-3d);<br />

5120 (1-4b); 5949 (1-23); 6186, 6280 (1-42); 6401<br />

(2-3d).<br />

Aluisio, J., 70809 (2-23).<br />

Amaral, I. L. et al., 101 (2-11a); 473 (2-15); 478 (1-<br />

40); 595 (2-1 la); 604 (2-5); 666 (2-23); 761 (2-7);<br />

IG2-10-328, IG2-16-509 (2-5).<br />

Ameida, J. et al., 71 (2-10a).<br />

Ancuash, E., 178 (2-la); 290 (2-1 la).<br />

Anderson, C. W., 188, s.n. (1-26).<br />

Andrade, A. et al., 2340 (1-25).<br />

Andrade Lima, D. de, see Lima. D.<br />

Anonymus, 9783 (1-20); s.n. (2-4, 1-25).<br />

Appun, C. F., 296 (1-26).<br />

Araujo, D. S. Dunn de et al., 848 (1-25).<br />

Aristeguieta, L., 1699, 1704 (1-42); 2005 (2-16).<br />

As<strong>an</strong>za C., E., 32929 (2-4).<br />

Asplund, E., 9462, 12933 (2-4); 13020 (2-la); 14124<br />

(2-4); 16401 (1-41); 18780 (1-4b); 18840(1-9); 19835<br />

(1-42).<br />

Aublet, J. B. C. F., s.n. (1-20, 2-la, 2-1 la, 2-17).<br />

Aubreville, A., 144 (2-3c).<br />

Aubry-Lecompte, C. E., s.n. (1-20).<br />

Austin, D. F. et al., 4140 (2-3a); 7149 (1-20).<br />

Ayala, F. (et al.), 341 (2-spec.); 1436 (1-42); 1446 (2-<br />

4).<br />

Aymard, G. et al., 3990 (2-23); 6778 (2-15).<br />

BAFOG, 93-M (2-17); 1050 (2-3c); 4272 (2-1 la); 5042<br />

(2-23); 7087 (2-17), 7152, 7173 (2-23); 7228 (2-13e);<br />

7261, 7268 (2-23); 7330 (2-13e); 7562 (2-2); 7745<br />

(2-17); 7938 (1-1); 7942, s.n. (1-4a).<br />

Bailey, I. W., 18, 19, 20, 146, 147 (2-la).<br />

Baker, M. A., 6017 (2-3a).<br />

Balick, M. et al., 1021 (1-39).<br />

Barbour, P. J., 5372 (1-42).<br />

Barclay, A. S. et al., 3294, 3593 (1-42).<br />

Barrier, S., 5114 (2-13e).<br />

Bartlett, H. H., 12356 (1-30).<br />

Bastos, M. A., 2051 (2-la); 2220 (2-23).<br />

BBS, 3003 (1-20).<br />

BBS (=Bosbeheer Suriname), 297 (2-17); 298 (2-13a);<br />

1128 (2-la).<br />

Belem, R. P. (et al.), 644 (1-25); 1471 (2-la).<br />

Benoist, R., 341 (2-17); 465 (2-13e); 960, 978 (2-23);<br />

3003 (2-3d); 3010 (1-10); 3042 (1-41); 3044 (1-42).<br />

Berg, C. C. (et al.), 276 (2-7); 355 (2-1 lb); 400 (2-23);<br />

BG.598, BG.772 (2-la); 1033 (1-42); 1038 (1-40);<br />

1040 (1-42); 1041, 1042, 1045 (2-5); 1048 (1-40);<br />

1053 (2-5); 1058 (1-40); 1062 (1-42); 1070 (2-5);<br />

1111 (1-31); 1113 (1-42); 1119 (1-4b); 1120, 1129,<br />

1131 (1-11); 1132 (1-32); 1133 (1-4b); 1143 (2-2);<br />

1153 (1-33); 1222 (1-42); 1223 (2-4); 1241 (1-42);<br />

1259 (1-19); 1301, (1-42); 1223 (2-4); 1546 (1-44);<br />

P.17591, P.17592 (1-28), P.18136 (2-1 la); P.18152<br />

(2-3a); P.18409, P.18453 (1-40); P.18455, P.19841<br />

(1-42); P.19878 (2-13b), s.n. (1-4b, 1-42, 2-13a).<br />

Berlin, B., 372 (1-42); 523 (2-4); 746 (2-lOb); 1531 (1-<br />

32); 1999 (2-4).<br />

Bernardi, L., 902 (2-1 la); 910 (2-3a); 1724(1-42); 1919<br />

(2-3d); 1980 (1-42); 1986 (2-3d); 2657 (2-3a); 2731<br />

(2-13b); 2744 (1-43); 2808 (2-1 la); 3354 (1-42); 5696<br />

(2-lb); 6348, 7017 (1-42); 7238 (1-3); 7250 (2-23);<br />

5.16.5. (2-20); s.n. (tree 3/100) (2-25); s.n. (tree 4/8)<br />

(2-23); s.n. (tree 6/27) (2-13a); s.n. (1-42, 2-lb, 2-5,<br />

2-13a).<br />

Bisby, F. et al., P. 18118 (2-3a).<br />

Billiet, F. et al., 1108 (1-20).<br />

Black, G. A. (et al.), 46-137 (1-8); 47-1520 (2-13a); 48-<br />

2949, 48-3017 (1-28).<br />

Bl<strong>an</strong>chet, J. S., 160, 2327 (1-25); 2361 (2-lOa); s.n. (1-<br />

25).<br />

Bl<strong>an</strong>co, C., 810 (2-la); 958 (1-42); 1149 (2-3a).

198 Flora Neotropica<br />

Blum, J. L., 2039 (2-3e).<br />

Coelho, D. (et al.), 672 (2-1 la); 1577 (1-4a); 5979 (2-<br />

Boerboom, J., 9199 (2-10a).<br />

20); 51350, 52381 (2-23); 52383 (2-13d).<br />

Bondar, G., 2169 (2-10a); s.n. (2-la).<br />

Coelho, L. (et al.), 15 (2-17); 332 (1-4c); 339 (2-16);<br />

Boom, B. et al., 7812 (1-4b); 7870 (1-9); 8102 (2-14). 2265 (2-7); 5223 (2-13a); 5728 (1-31); 5808 (2-20).<br />

Bowie, J. et al., 57 (1-25).<br />

Const<strong>an</strong>ino, D., 19689 (1-25).<br />

Boy<strong>an</strong>, R., 267 (2-7).<br />

Contreras, E., 61, 845, 2220, 3559, 4449, 5787, 6231<br />

Brade, A. C. (et al.), 7887, 7949 (1-25); 18619 (2-la). (1-30); 10026 (2-3d); 10195 (1-30); 10763 (1-42);<br />

Braga, P. L. S., 3178 (2-4).<br />

11195 (2-3d).<br />

Br<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>byge, J. et al., 30194 (2-3a); 30252 (2-23); 30258 Cook, O. F. et al., 157 (1-29); s.n. (1-30).<br />

(1-31); 30327 (2-23); 30421 (1-32).<br />

Cooper, G. P., 538 (1-42).<br />

Brenes, A. M., 20542 (1-34).<br />

Cordeiro, M. R., 140 (2-23); 367 (1-4b).<br />

Breteler, F. J., 3889 (1-42); 4920 (2-3d).<br />

Cordoba, J. J., 295 (1-42).<br />

Brewer-Carias, C., s.n. (1-11).<br />

Correa, M. D. et al., 1002, 1031A (1-6); 1854 (2-3d).<br />

Broadway, W. E., 880 (1-4a).<br />

Costa, M. da, 90 (1-39).<br />

Bruijn, J. de, 1123 (1-42); 1496 (2-1 lb); 1497 (2-3a); Cow<strong>an</strong>, R. S. (et al.), 1868, 1880 (1-26); 38774 (1-20).<br />

1502 (2-llb); 1514, 1516, 1517, 1526 (2-3a); 1546 Cremers, G., 6726, 8271 (2-lOa).<br />

(2-1 lb); 1547 (2-12a); 1555 (2-1 lb).<br />

Croat, T. B., 5124,5125,6588 (1-4b); 7633 (2-4); 7768,<br />

Buchtien, 0., 2050, 2122 (2-3a).<br />

7839 (1-42); 7859 (1-4b); 8097, 8100, 8648 (2-3e);<br />

Buck, P., 26425 (1-25).<br />

9973A, 14212(1-6); 10343, 10830 (2-3e); 11591 (2-<br />

Bunting, G. S. (et al.), 3959 (1-4b); 6836 (2-3b). 3d); 15064 (1-6); 17784 (1-40); 18016 (2-la); 18643<br />

Burchell, W. J., 3148 (1-25); 9792 (2-3a <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 2-lOa). (1-4b); 18850 (1-28); 18888 (2-15); 19997 (2-3a);<br />

Burger, W. C. et al., 8137 (2-23); 10040, 10474 (1-42). 20370 (1-4c); 20411 (1-40); 20447 (2-1 a); 20616<br />

Busey, P., 628 (1-34).<br />

(2-la); 20662 (2-4); 22635 (1-42); 24663 (1-30);<br />

BW (=Boschwezen) 732 (1-20); 772 (1-1); 1322 (1-4a); 24831 (2-30); 59353 (2-3a).<br />

1368 (2-2); 2030 (2-3c); 2070 (1-4a); 2095 (2-17); Croizat, L., 312 (1-42); 343 (1-4b); 541 (1-42); 959 (1-<br />

2410 (2-lOa); 3255, 3302 (2-17); 3376 (2-3a); 3430 43); 962 (2-1la).<br />

(1-4a); 4010 (2-17); 4033 (2-3a); 4494 (2-1Oa); 4866 Crueger, H., s.n. (1-42).<br />

(2-3c); 5036 (2-3a); 5048 (2-10a); 5262 (1-4a); 5390 Cruz, J. S. de la, 1175 (2-la); 1367 (1-26); 1501 (1-<br />

(2-17); 5440, 5581, 5992 (2-10a); 6292 (2-3c); 6509 26a); 1577 (1-26); 1657 (2-la); 1729 (1-4b); 2241,<br />

(2-17).<br />

2387, 2636, 2813, 3017 (1-26).<br />

Cabrera, J., 2668 (1-35).<br />

Cuatrecasas, J. (et al.), 6737 (2-4); 7299 (2-23); 7510<br />

Callejas, R. et al., 3997 (1-9).<br />

(1-42); 7602 (2-4); 8291 (1-42); 10714 (1-27); 14284<br />

Calzada, J. I., 325 (1-36).<br />

(1-10); 14881 (2-12b); 15071, 15520, 15534 (2-3d);<br />

Camargo, -, 1849 (1-25).<br />

15589 (1-42); 15720 (2-18); 15876, 16315, 16755<br />

Camp, W. H., E3626 (1-42); E3674 (1-19).<br />

(2-3e); 16826 (2-12b); 17251 (1-34); 17357 (2-3c);<br />

Campbell, D. G. et al., 6820 (2-unnamed); 6834 (2-6), 17451, 17479 (2-3e); 17647 (1-10); 21256 (1-41);<br />

6927 (2-5); 7001 (2-la); 7157 (2-3a); 7264 (2-23); 21446 (1-7); 21496 (1-10); 22048 (1-41); 22526 (1-<br />

7600 (2-3a); 7689 (2-unnamed); 8065, 8127, 8267 42).<br />

(2-la); 8344 (2-23); 8383 (2-lOb); 8463 (2-23); 8537 Curr<strong>an</strong>, H. M., 8 (1-13); 19 (2-la); 21 (2-1Oa); 116 (2-<br />

(2-la); 8844 (2-4); 8997 (2-3a); 9120 (2-lOb); 9521 12a).<br />

(2-3a); 9610 (2-la).<br />

DAF, 004 (1-13); 027 (2-lOa).<br />

Campos Porto, P., 863 (1-25).<br />

Daly, D. C. et al., 1208, 1474 (2-3c); 3790 (2-17); 3936<br />

C<strong>an</strong>tonnement de Cayenne, s.n. (2-1 la).<br />

(2-2); 4129, 4135 (2-7); 4457 (2-16); 4456, 4485 (2-<br />

Carauta, J. P. P. (et al.), 178, 1714, 1716, 1780, 1781, 8), 5356 (1-11).<br />

2722; 3011 (1-4a); 3050, 3166 (1-25).<br />

Damazio, L. B., s.n. (1-25).<br />

Cardenas, M., 1990 (2-1a); 3973 (2-13c).<br />

Damiao, C., 2503, 2817 (1-28); 680 (2-20), see also<br />

Cardona, F., 374 (1-4b); 1222 (2-13b); 2170 (2-5). Mota, C. Damiao A. de.<br />

Casaretto, J., 617 (1-13); 643 (1-25).<br />

Damiao, J. P. L. et al., 1805 (2-3a); 1822 (2-13b).<br />

Castillo S., M., 11 (2-la).<br />

D<strong>an</strong>iel, H., 1793, 2652 (1-42).<br />

Cavalc<strong>an</strong>te, P., 606 (2-23); 777 (2-3a); 2297<br />

D<strong>an</strong>ta, M., 12383 (1-31).<br />

(2-3c).<br />

Cazolet, P. C. D. et al., 5037, 5072 D'Arcy, W. G., 12329 (1-6).<br />

(2-3d).<br />

Cer6n M., C. E.<br />

Davidse, G. et<br />

(et al.), 252<br />

al., 15365<br />

(2-4); 261<br />

(2-2).<br />

(2-la); 2019 (2-<br />

24); 2955<br />

Davidson, C., 5203<br />

(1-14); 2993 (1-9); 3389<br />

(2-9).<br />

(1-32); 3495 (1- Dayton, W. A., 3019 (1-42).<br />

22).<br />

Denslow, J., 2698 (2-3e).<br />

Chagas, J., 962 (2-4); 1364 (1-4a); 1564 (2-7); 1655 (2- Deward, G., 27 (2-17).<br />

2).<br />

Diaz, C. et al., 618 (1-32).<br />

Cid (Ferreira), C. A. et al., 435, 511 (1-40); 721 (2-23); Diaz, M., 22A (2-20).<br />

847 (2-13d); 849 (2-2); 942 (1-20); 1053, 2223 (1- Dodson, C. H. (et al.), 3017 (1-39); 5241 (1-42); 5776<br />

1); 2870 (2-la); 3297 (2-20); 6200 (2-2); 7031 (2- (1-19); 5778 (1-42); 6082 (1-19); 6156, 6312, 6327<br />

30); 7831 (1-4a).<br />

(2-3d); 6513, 7416, 7616 (1-41); 9539 (1-19); 15201<br />

Claes, F., 26 (2-4).<br />

(1-34).<br />

Clewell, A. et al., 4142 (2-3d).<br />

Doeve, -, 3003 (1-20).

Exsiccatae<br />

Dombey, J., s.n. (1-42).<br />

Focke, H. C., 9, 418, s.n. (1-20).<br />

Donnell Smith, J., 4826, 6770 (1-42).<br />

Foldats, E., 114-1A (2-2).<br />

Donselaar, J. v<strong>an</strong>, 1226 (2-13e); 1262 (2-3c); 1373, Folsom, J. P. et al., 6377 (2-3d); 6469 (2-23).<br />

1681 (2-lOa); 1888 (2-17); 2569 (1-1); 2924 (2-lOa); Fonnegra, R. et al., 1798 (1-35).<br />

3333 (2-3c); 3788 (2-lOa).<br />

Forero, E. et al., 3145 (2-23); 4099, 4110(1-10); 6367<br />

Dressier, R. L., 3454 (1-6); 3579 (2-3d); 4636 (1-15). (2-23), P.6419 (2-4).<br />

Duarte, A. P. (et al.), 3410, 4650, 5328 (1-25); 6970 Forest Department British Guy<strong>an</strong>a, see FD.<br />

(1-4a); 7194 (2-23); 9785 (2-1 la); s.n. (1-13). Foresta, H. de., 526 (2-13e); 676, 677, 4970, 5011 (2-<br />

Ducke, A. (et al.), 104 (1-25); 1149 (2-7); 1354 (1-38); la).<br />

1527 (2-16); 1528 (1-20); 1764 (2-7); 1795 (1-28); Foster, R. B. (et al.), 584 (2-3e); 631 (1-42); 1101 (1-<br />

1917 (2-8); 1999 (1-38); 2103 (1-4a); 6782, 7715 (1- 4b); 3412 (1-32); 5019 (2-23); 5641 (1-24); 5719 (2-<br />

28); 9096 (1-38); 10736 (2-17); 12238 (1-28); 12366 10b); 5721 (1-42); 5903 (2-4); 6568 (2-la); 6569 (2-<br />

(2-4); 13056 (2-17); 13057 (2-3a); 13058 (2-10a); 10b); 7001 (2-4); 7194 (2-10b); 7199 (2-23); 7200,<br />

13065 (1-4b); 13066 (1-28); 14499 (2-7); 15255 (2- 7201 (2-la); 7995 (2-lOb); 8023, 9373 (2-la).<br />

17); 15261 (2-lOa); 15350(2-2); 15804(1-4a); 15935 Fr<strong>an</strong>cisco, 2186 (2-7).<br />

(2-2); 16003 (1-28); 16321 (1-25); 17132 (1-4b); Fr<strong>an</strong>co, J. et al., 419 (1-31).<br />

17164 (2-7); 17167 (2-2); 18455 (1-40); 18456 (1- Frazao, A., s.n. (1-25).<br />

20); 18460 (1-4c); 18461 (1-1); 18462 (1-21); 19455<br />

Froes, R. de Lemos (et al.), 1907<br />

(2-1Oa); 21200 (1-25); 23606, 23607 (2-7); 23608<br />

(1-20); 20870 (2-8);<br />

(2- 21048 (2-4); 21264 (1-39); 23693<br />

20); 23609 (1-38); 25243 (2-17); 25244 (2-16); 25245<br />

(2-16); 23725 (2lla);<br />

25531 (1-28); 26520<br />

(2-13b); 25246 (2-21); 25247 (2-2); 25248<br />

(2-13d); 26631 (2-3c);<br />

(1-38); 28585<br />

s.n.<br />

(1-4b); 34651 (1-20).<br />

(2-13b).<br />

Duke, J. A. (et al.), 6588, 8035 (2-3d); 11273<br />

G<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>oger, M., 19 (2-2).<br />

(1-42);<br />

11599 (2-3d); 14712 (1-6); 15742 Garcia-Barriga, H., 12408 (1-4b); 13643<br />

(1-4b).<br />

(2-1 la); 13836<br />

Dunlap, V. C., 299 (2-23); 13871 (2-4); 14002, 14106<br />

(1-42).<br />

(2-5); 14116 (2-<br />

1<br />

Duque-Jaramillo, J. M., 1767 (1-4); 2179 (1-8); 2207<br />

la); 16239 (1-4b).<br />

(1-28); 2261, 2446 (2-4); 3957 Garcia, J. H. et<br />

(1-42).<br />

al., 9 (1-3a).<br />

Dus6n, P., 2160, 6635, 10134, 10186, 11419 (1-25);<br />

Gardner, G., 732, 5632, 5858 (1-25).<br />

11942 (2-la); 13653, 14718, 17030 (1-25); 17239, Gamier, Bro. A., 112 (2-23).<br />

17345 (2-la); s.n. (1-25, 2-la).<br />

Garwood, N. C., 759 (2-3d).<br />

Dwyer, J. D., 4734 (2-3d); 10305 (1-42); 10799 (1-30). Gasche, J. et al., 29 (1-31).<br />

Dyer, F. J., A-85 (1-42).<br />

Gaudichaud, C., 992 (1-25).<br />

Edwards, J. B., 400 (1-42).<br />

Geay, M. F., 3285 (1-1).<br />

Eggers, H. F. A. von, 14165, 15615 (1-42).<br />

Gentle, P. H., 2602 (1-30); 2787, 2917, 3265, 4211 (2-<br />

Egler, F. E., 42-229 (1-30).<br />

3d); 4528 (1-30); 6312, 6997, 8675 (2-3d).<br />

Egler, W. A. et al., 46027 (1-28).<br />

Gentry, A. H. (et al.), 918 (1-25); 2046, 2657 (2-1 lb);<br />

Eiten, G. et al., 6214 (1-25).<br />

6314 (1-42); 6679 (2-3e); 7530 (1-42); 7727, 8348<br />

Ellenberg, H., 2288 (2-4); 2297 (2-lOb); 2474 (2-4). (1-30); 8707 (1-42); 9552 (2-3d); 9606 (1-19); 9824<br />

Elias, Bro., 130, 631 (1-42).<br />

(2-la); 9892 (1-19) 9934, 10127, 12474 (1-42); 13408<br />

Emden, W. C. v<strong>an</strong>, L-VI, s.n. (1-20).<br />

(1-15); 14011 (see 1-32); 15621 (2-lOb); 15876 (2-<br />

Emmerich, M. (et al.), 3003, 3556 (1-25).<br />

7); 16041 (2-3b); 16181 (2-23); 17217, 17493 (1-4b);<br />

Emygdio de Mello Filho, L. (et al.), 412, 2340, 2447, 17804 (2-18); 18458 (1-42); 18528 (1-31); 19048 (2-<br />

3018 (1-25).<br />

unnamed); 20381 (1-28); 20356 (2-3a); 20495 (1-<br />

Englesing, F. C., 50, 52a (2-3d).<br />

28); 20515 (2-5); 20766 (1-40); 20802 (1-28); 21167<br />

Erl<strong>an</strong>son, C. 0., 240 (1-42).<br />

(1-35); 21193 (2-3a); 21205 (2-la); 21291 (1-42);<br />

Ernst, W. R., 324 (1-42).<br />

21319 (1-4b); 21346 (2-25); 22095 (1-42); 22280 (1-<br />

Escobar, L. Albert de et al., 4219 (1-45).<br />

4b); 22381 (2-spec.); 22460 (2-4); 22865 (2-13a);<br />

Espina, J. et al., 219 (1-31).<br />

22866 (2-unnamed); 23713 (1-42); 23835 (2-3e);<br />

Espinal, T. S., 822 (1-4b); 1314 (1-42).<br />

24074 (1-4b); 24900, 25050, 25078, 25100 (2-5);<br />

Falcao, M., 215 (2-4); 1105 (2-14).<br />

25124 (1-28); 25151 (1-32); 25527 (2-23); 25854 (2-<br />

F<strong>an</strong>shawe, D. B., 1105 (2-14); 2050 (2-la); 3031 (1- 5); 26049, 26117 (2-23); 26525 (1-10); 26530 (2-3d);<br />

26); 4970, 5011 (2-1a).<br />

27194 (2-23); 27566 (1-22); 27799 (2-spec.); 28609<br />

Farifias, J. et al., 347 (2-4); 490 (2-1 la).<br />

(2-3d); 30278 (2-3e); 31179 (2-10b); 31197 (2-3b);<br />

FD (=Forest Department British Guy<strong>an</strong>a), 1011 (2- 31271 (2-23); 31655 (2-5); 31816, 31933 (2-la);<br />

la); 3031 (1-26); 3851 (2-14); 4014, 4073 (1-4b); 31938, 31976, 36231 (2-23); 36241 (2-4); 36309 (2-<br />

4090, 4970, 5011, 5936, 6914 (2-la); 6973 (1-4b). 23); 36797 (2-18); 39264 (2-13b); 39379 (2-20);<br />

Fendler, A., 1237, 1237a (1-42); 2420 (2-lb).<br />

40479 (2-3e); 41890 (2-6); 41894 (2-13); 42029 (2-<br />

Fern<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ez P., A. (et al.), F3, 1458 (1-42); 2019 (2-23). la); 42168 (2-3d); 42232 (2-1 Ob); 42568 (2-23); 42793<br />

Ferreira, C. A. Cid, see Cid (Ferreira), C. A.<br />

(2-lOb); 43137 (2-4); 43454 (2-23); 45160 (2-3d);<br />

Ferreira, V. F., 493 (1-25); s.n. (2-20).<br />

45660 (2-4); 45915 (2-la); 45922 (2-5); 46154 (1-<br />

Ferreyra, R., 4813 (1-32).<br />

40); 46752 (2-3c); 47838 (1-46); 48303 (2-3e); 49026<br />

Ferry, J. F., s.n. (1-42).<br />

(2-lOa); 49127 (2-1 la); 49346 (2-13); 51089, 51111<br />

Feuillet, C. P., 1070 (2-23).<br />

(2-23); 51154 (2-la); 51177 (2-5); 51207 (2-23);<br />


200 Flora Neotropica<br />

51355 (2-19); 51515 (2-23); 53622 (2-3e); 53829 (1-<br />

10); s.n. (2-5).<br />

Gevieski, A., 85 (1-25).<br />

Gillis, W. T. et al., 10191 (1-42).<br />

Glaziou, A. F. M., 81, 1013, 1138, 1942, 2016, 4937,<br />

6009 (1-25); 8934, 8934a (1-13); 8935 (2-la); 8936<br />

(1-25); 10070a (1-31); 10070 (2-15); 12166 (1-25);<br />

12173 (2-la); 16350, s.n. (1-25); 20408 (2-la).<br />

Gleason, H. A., 174 (2-la); 405, 415 (1-26); 670 (2-<br />

10a).<br />

Goeldi, A., 7731 (2-10a); 7732 (2-1 la); 7773 (2-lOa).<br />

Goes, O. C. et al., 815 (1-25).<br />

Gomes, M. (et al.), 326 (2-la); 547, 593 (2-23); 614<br />

(2-5); 632, 635 (2-23); 636 (2-13); 646, 655, 673 (2-<br />

23); 676 (2-3a); 690, 759 (2-23); 786 (2-3a); 789,<br />

810, 813 (2-23); 826 (2-13b); 838 (2-23); 843 (2-3a);<br />

844 (2-5); 872, 891, 924, 926, 931, 933, 955; 966,<br />

979 (2-3a); 1021 (2-2); 1033 (2-23); 1040 (2-5); 1048<br />

(2-23); 1052, 1072, 1079, 1088 (2-3a); 1118, 1120<br />

(2-23); 1123 (2-3a); 1129, 1156, 1175; 1176 (2-3a);<br />

1196 (2-2); 1255, 1319, 1336, 1338, 1356 (2-23);<br />

1357 (2-2); 1378, 1419, 1423, 1425, 1444, 1446 (2-<br />

23); 1517 (2-13b); 5134 (2-23); 1540 (2-13b); 1534,<br />

1568, 1570, 1577, 1584 (2-23); 1588 (2-13b); 1593<br />

(2-25); 1594, 1595(2-23); 1598, 1604, 1610(2-13b);<br />

1636, 1640, 1641 (2-23); 1679 (2-13b); 1692, 1731,<br />

1745, 1769, 1822, 1823, 1867, 1893, 1917, 1983,<br />

2170 (2-23); 2399 (2-3a).<br />

Gomes, V. et al., 2818 (1-13); 2819 (1-17).<br />

Gomez Pompa, A. et al., 3385 (2-3d).<br />

Gonzalez, A. et al., 1319 (2-1b).<br />

Graham, Mrs., s.n. (1-25).<br />

Graimleux, -, 7938 (1-1); 7942 (1-4a).<br />

Gr<strong>an</strong>ville, J.-J. de (et al.), 581 (2-23); 2744 (2-19); 4531<br />

(2-13e); B.5071 (2-la); B.5191 (1-20); 5284 (2-la);<br />

5642 (2-23).<br />

Gren<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>, P., 445 (2-la); 688 (2-13e); 966 (1-4a); 1352<br />

(2-la); 1442 (2-3c); 1478 (1-20); 1596 (1-4a).<br />

Grubb, P. J. et al., 1545 (2-24); 1681 (2-13a).<br />

Grubbe, J. P. et al., 1205, 1283 (1-14); 1498 (1-4b).<br />

Gu<strong>an</strong>chez, F., 239 (2-4).<br />

Guedes, M. or T., 1235 (2-2).<br />

Guillemin, J.-B. A., 1024 (2-la); 1339 (1-13).<br />

Guppy, N., 656 (2-lOa).<br />

Gutierrez, G. et al., 562 (1-31).<br />

Haber, W. A., 1545 (1-34).<br />

Hage, J. L., 31 (1-25).<br />

Hahn, W., 347 (1-11).<br />

Halle, F., 1132 (2-la).<br />

Hamilton, B. et al., 1062 (1-18).<br />

Hammel, B., 2176, 2576 (1-34); 4475, 6006 (1-6).<br />

H<strong>an</strong>s, D., 335 (1-25).<br />

Harling, G et al., 14733 (1-4b).<br />

Haroldo, 57512 (2-13a).<br />

Hartm<strong>an</strong>, R. L., 12176 (2-3d).<br />

Hartshorn, G. S., 1224, 1295 (2-23); 1348 (2-3d); 1431<br />

(2-23); 1436 (1-29); 1539 (2-3d); 2157 (1-34).<br />

Hatch, W. R. et al., s.n. (1-30).<br />

Hatschbach, G., 1475, 2458 (1-25); 7411, 7466 (2-la);<br />

7807, 7833, 16304, 18680, 20253 (1-25); 25765,<br />

29129 (2-la); 29629, 41730 (1-25).<br />

Hayes, S., 32, 348 (2-3e); 354 (1-4b); 414, 867, 986,<br />

1008, s.n. (1-42).<br />

Hazlett, D., 664, s.n. (1-42).<br />

Hern<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ez, J. J. et al., 369 (1-9).<br />

Herrera Ch., G., 501, 503 (1-34); 505 (1-29).<br />

Heyde, N. M. et al., 32, 39 (2-23); 78 (1-20).<br />

Hilty, S., M-86 (2-23); M-87 (1-34).<br />

Hine, R., P-1609 (2-23).<br />

Hinton, G. B., 14018 (1-36).<br />

Hohenkerk, L. S., 738 (1-4b).<br />

Hoehne, F. C., 30923 (1-25).<br />

Holdridge, L. R., 2514 (2-3d); 6254a (2-3e); 6818 (2-<br />

23).<br />

Holm-Nielsen, L. et al., 24519 (1-14); 24856 (1-10);<br />

26331, 26610 (1-42).<br />

Hoist, B. K. et al., 2421 (2-1 la); 2719 (2-la); 3195 (2-<br />

3a).<br />

Hostm<strong>an</strong>n, F. W. R., 1189 (1-4a).<br />

Hostm<strong>an</strong>n, F. W. (& A. Kappler), 1272 (2-lOa <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><br />

2-1 la).<br />

Howard, R. A. et al., 605 (1-42).<br />

Hoyos, J., 2043 (1-42).<br />

Huashikat, V., 431 (2-1 la); 912 (2-3b); 944 (2-lOb);<br />

966 (2-13a); 1027 (2-10b); 1150(2-23); 1216 (2-la);<br />

1241 (2-3a); 1432, 1482 (2-13a); 1585 (see 1-12);<br />

1872 (2-3b).<br />

Huber, J. E., 238 (2-la); 1640 (2-2), 1775 (1-21), 1873<br />

(1-4a), 4244 (2-la).<br />

Humbert, H. et al., 27221 (2-4).<br />

Idrobo, J. M. et al., 786 (2-3a); 1316 (2-lOb).<br />

Ijjasz-Madriz, -, 28 (2-1b).<br />

Irwin, H. S. (et al.), 183 (1-26); 2058 (1-17); 4783 (2-<br />

lla); 47874 (2-23); 48192 (2-3a); 48439 (2-1 la);<br />

48468 (2-23); 48631 (1-16); 48682, 48755 (2-3c);<br />

55487 (1-20); 55576, 55884 (2-17); 57574 (1-1).<br />

Izawa, K., 9 (2-la); 21 (2-4).<br />

J<strong>an</strong>se, C. 0., 276 (2-3d).<br />

Jaramillo, J. et al., 2088 (1-40); 4586, 31516 (2-4).<br />

Jativa, C. (etal.), 303, 1079 (2-12b); 1097 (1-10); 2033,<br />

2037 (2-12b).<br />

Jenm<strong>an</strong>, G. S., 652, 3995, 4947 (1-26); 4947A (1-4b);<br />

5315 (1-26); 6310 (2-la); 7310, 7933 (1-26).<br />

Jimenez, M. A., 433 (1-35); 657, 1750, 2887 (1-42);<br />

3016 (1-18); 3816 (2-3d).<br />

Jim6nez Saa, H., 15631 (=LBB 14296) (2-17).<br />

Jobert, -, 682 (2-15).<br />

Johnston, I. M., 580, 606, 608, 652, 678 (1-42); 1709<br />

(1-4b); 1714 (2-3e), 1725, 1768 (1-42).<br />

Jones, G. C. et al., 3152 (1-30).<br />

Jones, J. et al., 9712, 9769 (1-28); 9788 (1-40).<br />

Jonsson, G., 5A, 610a (1-25).<br />

Juncosa, A., 1253 (2-12b).<br />

K<strong>an</strong>ehira, R., 99 (1-42).<br />

Kappler, A., 1272 (2-11 a).<br />

Karsten, H., s.n. (1-42, 2-la, 2-lb, 2-3a, 2-4).<br />

Kayap, R., 201 (2-13a); 268, 393 (2-la); 571 (2-1 la);<br />

1057 (2-la); 1306 (2-10b).<br />

Kenoyer, L. A., 312 (2-3e).<br />

Killip, E. P. (etal.), 25341, 26095 (1-32); 27381,27932<br />

(2-4), 28800 (2-unnamed); 29246 (1-42); 29839 (2-<br />

4); 29955 (2-23); 30139 (2-20); 30179 (1-38); 35095<br />

(2-3e).<br />

Kinloch, J. B., s.n. (1-30).<br />

Klein, R. M., 89 (2-la); 79B, 772 (1-25); 1110 (2-la).<br />

Klug,G., 1185, 1326 (2-4).

Exsiccatae 201<br />

Korning, J. et al., 47618 (2-13c), 47641, 47645 (2-3a); Lindem<strong>an</strong>, J. C. (et al.), 1857 (1-25); 3631, 3689 (2-<br />

47801, 47807 (2-unnamed).<br />

10a); 4057 (2-2); 5468 (2-3c); 5682 (1-25); 5709 (1-<br />

Kosei Izawa (see also Izawa, K), 9 (2-la); 21 (2-4). 4a); 5748 (1-25); 6123,6166 (2-3c); 6362 (1-1); 6418<br />

Krieger, P(adre) L. (as PLK) (et al.), 12268 (2-4); 12296 (2-2); 6445, 6600 (1-1); 6765 (2-3c); 6923 (2-lOa);<br />

(1-42).<br />

6938 (1-20); 9105, 9110 (1-25).<br />

Krukoff, B. A., 1147, 1187 (1-39); 1197 (2-17); 1297 Lindem<strong>an</strong>, J. C. & A. C. de Roon, 747a (2-3c); 828a,<br />

(2-la); 4518 (1-42); 4817 (2-la); 4994 (1-42); 5109 842b (2-3a).<br />

(2-4); 5282 (2-23); 5309 (2-lOb); 5327, 5332 (2-4); Lindem<strong>an</strong>, J. C. & A. L. Stoffers et al., 33 (1-29); 34<br />

5596 (1-28); 5657 (1-32); 6041 (2-23); 6165 (1-42); (1-4a); 73 (1-20); 540 (2-17); 701 (2-13e); 749 (1-<br />

6238 (2-la); 6524 (1-42); 6662 (l-4b); 6887 (2-13b); 20); 790 (2-17); 799 (1-20).<br />

7071 (2-23); 7073 (2-20); 7966 (1-4a); 8073 (2-23); Lisb6a, B., s.n. (1-13, 1-25).<br />

8223 (2-13b); 8273 (1-35); 8325 (2-13c); 8332 (2- Lisb6a, P. L., 27 (2-4).<br />

4); 8369 (2-5); 8223 (2-13b); 8273 (1-35); 8325 (2- Little, E. L. (et al.), 43 (1-27); 212, 213 (1-14); 424 (1-<br />

13c); 8332 (2-4); 8369 (2-la); 8373 (2-6); 8386 (2- 32); 602 (1-42); 635 (1-11); 6155 (1-42); 6241, 6258,<br />

la); 8388 (2-21); 8401 (1-28); 8406 (1-4c); 8427 6301 (2-3d); 6328, 6461 (1-42); 6640 (2-3d); 7756<br />

(2-15); 8469 (2-4); 8518 (1-31); 8539 (1-35); 8587A (2-4); 8423 (2-la); 9527 (2-6); 9629 (1-40); 9641,<br />

(1-31); 8652 (2-la); 8658 (1-35); 8695 (2-20); 8755 9789 (1-42); 15990 (1-4b); 16230, 16245, 21047 (1-<br />

(1-35); 8807 (2-16); 8897 (1-35); 8967 (1-31); 8994 42); 21056 (1-41); 21070 (2-12b); 21136 (1-34);<br />

(1-39); 10123 (1-4b); 10861 (2-13c); 10867, 10874 21172 (1-42); 21225 (2-12b).<br />

(2-3a); 11062 (2-13c); 11085 (1-11); 11254 (2-3a); Lizot, J., 83 (1-40); 1972-1 (1-4b); s.n. ("Cl") (2-la).<br />

11275 (1-9).<br />

Lleras, E. et al., P.17178, P.17197 (1-39); P.17242 (2-<br />

Kuhlm<strong>an</strong>n, J. G. (et al.), 255 (2-13b); 263 (1-20); 291 9); P.17411 (2-8); P.17484 (1-4a); P.19586 (2-20);<br />

(2-13b); 368 (1-42); 382 (2-2); 446 (2-10a); 470 (1- P. 19661 (1-20).<br />

37); 759 (1-42); 1178 (1-28); 1337 (2-4); 1540 (1- Loureiro, A. (et al.), 16461 (2-13a); 16568, 16968,<br />

32); 1832, 2073, 2074 (1-17); 2075 (2-la); 2177 (1- 50623 (2-20).<br />

17); 2200 (2-la); 2207 (1-17); 5004 (1-25); 19843, Lowrie, S. R. et al., 710 (2-23).<br />

150082 (2-7); s.n. (1-13).<br />

Loz<strong>an</strong>o, C. G., 640 (1-42).<br />

Kuhlm<strong>an</strong>n, M. et al., 52 (2-2).<br />

Luetzelburg, Ph. von, 12471 (1-25); 23887, 23913 (2-<br />

Lambroy, -, s.n. (1-4b).<br />

4).<br />

L<strong>an</strong>jouw, J. et et al., 399 (2-1 la); 432 (2-13e); 1761 Lugo, M., 83 (1-4b); 2820, 2857, 2909, 3563 (1-27).<br />

(2-2); 2106 (2-10a); 2113 (2-3c); 2114 (2-23). Lund, P. W., 139 (1-25).<br />

L<strong>an</strong>na Sobrinho J. de Paula et al., 376, 1011 (2-la). Lundell, C. L., 2, 648, 3170, 3535, 6224, 6350, 15930,<br />

Lao, E. A. et al., 21 (1-42).<br />

16122, 16162 (1-30).<br />

Lao, M. R. et al., s.n. (2-4).<br />

Luschnath, B., s.n. (1-25); 40, s.n. (2-lOa).<br />

Lasser, T., 2202, 2267 (2-lb).<br />

Maas, P. J. M. et al., 2478 (1-26); 2592 (2-14); 3325<br />

Lawr<strong>an</strong>ce, A. E., 727 (2-3a); 769 (1-42); 810 (1-4b). (1-25); 3622 (1-26), 3938 (2-1Oa); 4126 (1-26); 4679,<br />

LBB (='s L<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>s Bosbeheer Suriname), 8000 (2-17); 4740, 4746, (1-19); 5858 (2-la); 6201, 6225 (2-4);<br />

8161 (2-23); 8316 (2-3c); 8976 (2-1 la); 9199, 9424, 6249 (2-7); 6267 (2-25); 11017 (2-17); 11027 (2-23).<br />

9843 (2-10a), 11017(2-17); 11027 (2-23); 11747 (1- Macbride, J. F., 5446 (2-4); 5447 (1-4b); 5594 (1-32).<br />

20); 14296 (2-17); 16031, 16310 (1-4a).<br />

Macedo, R., 55753 (2-17).<br />

Leeuwenberg, A. J. M., 11784 (2-3a).<br />

Madison, M. T. et al., 4764, 7101 (1-19).<br />

Lehm<strong>an</strong>n, F. C., BT-694 (1-10); 948 (1-41); 5606 (1- Magalhaes, G. Mendes, 733 (2-la).<br />

42).<br />

Magnago,<br />

Leitao Filho, H. P., 685, 686 (1-25).<br />

Leite, J. E., 413, 892 (1-25).<br />

Lem<strong>an</strong>, D. S. (herb.), s.n. (1-4a, 1-20).<br />

Lemee, A. M. V., s.n. (1-4a); s.n. (2-3a, 2-3c).<br />

Lems, K., s.n. (1-25).<br />

Leng, H., 177 (1-26).<br />

Lent, R. W. (et al.), 349 (1-42); 2004 (2-3d); 2327 (2-<br />

23); 2520, 2535 (1-42); 2538 (1-34); 3279, 3388 (1-<br />

42); 3547 (2-3d); 5320 (1-42).<br />

Le6n, J., 3501 (2-3d).<br />

Leprieur, F. R., 141 (2-lOa); s.n. (1-4a, 1-16, 1-21,<br />

2-17).<br />

Lescure, J. P., 343 (2-1 la); 422 (2-23); 2075 (2-5).<br />

Liesner, R. L. (et al.), 417A (1-34); 515, 1309 (1-6),<br />

4105 (2-13a); 8750 (1-31); 9443 (1-42); 10944 (2-<br />

3d); 12394 (2-lb); 16175 (2-13b); 16299 (2-3a);<br />

22180 (1-11); 24462 (2-la).<br />

Lima, A., see Lima, D. de Andrade<br />

Lima, D. de Andrade (et al.), 20795 (1-25); 58-3185<br />

(2-2); 67-4983 (2-la).<br />

Lima, R., 21 (2-lOa).<br />

- et al., 58046 (2-la).<br />

Maguire, B. (et al.), 4945A (2-1 la); 23449 (1-26); 23867,<br />

23942 (1-1); 24588 (1-26); 29408 (1-35); 41620 (1-<br />

40); 46879 (1-3); 47049 (1-1); 53517 (1-4a); 56511<br />

(2-1 la); 60333A (2-3a).<br />

Maia, L. A. et al., 497 (2-4).<br />

Malme, G. O. A., 826, 1428 (1-25).<br />

Marc<strong>an</strong>o-Berti, L. (et al.), 471, 611 (2-la); 238-979 (2-<br />

3d); 84-2-77 (1-4b); 982-154 (2-3d).<br />

Marinho, L. R., 273 (2-la); 348 (1-4b).<br />

Martin, J., s.n. (1-20, 2-la, 2-3c, 2-1 la).<br />

Martinelli, G., 150 (1-25).<br />

Martius, K. F. P. von, 2620 (2-2); 2673 (1-28); s.n. (1-<br />

28, 1-42, 2-la, 2-2, 2-3a, 2-4, 2-7, 2-13a, 2-15).<br />

Mathews, S., 2060 (1-42).<br />

Matuda, E., 446, 2020 (1-36); 3300 (1-30).<br />

McD<strong>an</strong>iel, S. (et al.), 2666 (1-31); 16092 (1-4b); 16344<br />

(1-40); 20362 (2-15); 20403 (2-2); 20438 (2-7); 20555<br />

(1-40).<br />

McDonagh, J. F. et al., 114 (1-15).<br />

McPherson, G., 7594 (1-6); 11510 (2-1 lb).<br />

Medina, E., 379 (1-40).

202 Flora Neotropica<br />

Melinon, E., 18 (1-20); 172 (1-11); 457 (2-11a); s.n.<br />

(1-20, 2-1 la).<br />

Mello Barreto, H., 1795 (1-13).<br />

Mello, F., 55.388 (2-13a); 55.444 (2-1 la); 57509 (2-<br />

la).<br />

Mendez, R., 15 (1-6).<br />

Meneces, E. (et al.), 338 (2-4); 613, 647, 725 (2-23);<br />

759 (2-la).<br />

Mennega, A. M. W., 271 (1-6); 521 (1-20).<br />

Metcalf, R. D. et al., 30093 (1-42).<br />

Mexia, Y., 1872 (1-36); 5115 (1-25); 6573 (1-42).<br />

Meyer Drees, E., 5595 (2-3a).<br />

Meyer, D. G., 403 (2-23).<br />

Miers, J., 2714, 3792, 3858 (1-25); 6201 (2-la); 6257<br />

(2-4); 8172 (2-la); s.n. (1-25).<br />

Mir<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>a Bastos, A., 2051 (2-la); 2220 (2-23).<br />

Mir<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>a, F., 1737, 6164, 6273, 7180 (1-36).<br />

Molina R., A. et al., 1963 (2-3d); 17694 (1-34); 18227<br />

(2-3d); 18289, 30747 (1-42).<br />

Monsalve B., M., 1176 (1-46); 1259 (1-4b).<br />

Montaldo, P., 3435 (1-42).<br />

Monteiro da Costa, R. C., 90 (1-42); 92 (2-17).<br />

Monteiro, O. P. (et al.), 309 (2-20); 477 (2-la); 1119<br />

(2-23); 1295 (2-la).<br />

Mora, L. E., 2295 (2-3e).<br />

Morales, -, 38 (1-41).<br />

Moreira, A. S., 46 (1-25).<br />

Moreno, P. P., 23629 (1-18).<br />

Moretti, C., 102 (2-la); 836 (1-20); 837 (1-4a).<br />

Mori, S. A. (et al.), 5360 (1-34); 8583 (2-17); 8662 (2-<br />

la); 8864 (1-26); 10408 (2-4); 11025 (2-lOa); 11026<br />

(2-2); 11046 (2-la); 11655 (1-33); 14940 (2-19);<br />

15127, 15342 (2-13e); 15350 (2-3c); 15776 (1-40);<br />

16046 (2-la); 17185 (2-19); 17478 (2-1la); 17672<br />

(2-13e).<br />

Morillo, G. et al., 7384 (2-4).<br />

Mosen, H., 2614, 2941 (1-25).<br />

Mota, C. Domiao A. de (et al.), 154 (1-39); 680 (2-20);<br />

740 (2-la); see also Domino, C.<br />

Mota, M. G. et al., 1040 (2-5).<br />

Mutis, J. C., 646, 649, 4558 (1-42).<br />

Nadeaud, J., s.n. (1-25).<br />

Nascimento, R. J. (et al.), 262 (2-2); 303, 387 (2-la);<br />

66338 (2-3a); 66396 (2-7).<br />

Nee, M. (et al.), 8822 (1-34); 9281 (1-6); 30877 (2-<br />

13a).<br />

Neill, D. (et al.), 1653, 1919, 1984, (1-42); 3389 (2-<br />

23); 7044 (2-4); 7082 (2-la); 7179 (1-42); 8158 (2-<br />

13a); 8289 (1-22).<br />

Nelson, B., 680, 681 (2-la); 705 (2-4).<br />

Nevers, G. de (et al.), 4320 (1-6); 4697, 4789 (1-11);<br />

4929 (2-1 lb); 4982 (1-15); 5062, 5502, 6152 (1-6);<br />

6186 (1-18); 6194 (1-6); 6997 (2-23); 7170, 7542 (2-<br />

3d).<br />

Nishimura, A., 39 (2-1a).<br />

Nufez, O. V., 2928 (1-42).<br />

Nuiiez, P., 1823, 5761, 5946 (2-23); 5949 (2-la).<br />

Occhioni, P. (et al.), 5864, 5917 (1-13); 8228, 35333<br />

(1-25).<br />

Oersted, A. S., 14317 (1-42).<br />

Oldem<strong>an</strong>, R. A. A. (et al.), 207 (1-1); T.243 (1-4a);<br />

T.243a (1-21); 366 (1-4a); B.644 (2-10a); B.1 176 (1-<br />

1); 1179 (2-la); 1243 (2-1 la); B.1324 (1-1); B.1338<br />

(1-20); 1619 (1-1); B. 1946 (1-21); 2030 (2-3c); 2476<br />

(1-1); 2504(2-23); B.2538(1-4a); 2821 (2-23); B.2861,<br />

3062 (1-21); 3115 (2-3c); B.3243 (1-1); B.3420 (1-<br />

4a); B.3786A (2-2); B.4108, B.4132 (2-la).<br />

Oldenburger, F. H. F. et al., 1120, 1406 (2-3c).<br />

Oliva, F., s.n. (1-42).<br />

Oliveira, E. de, 985 (1-20); 1974 (2-17); 2597 (2-10a);<br />

2764 (1-35); 3071 (2-1Oa); 3550, 3599 (1-20); 3627<br />

(1-28); 3682 (1-20); 3736 (2-1 la); 3915 (2-17); 3936<br />

(2-13e); 3954 (1-20); 4047 (2-1 la); 60534 (2-5).<br />

011gaard, B. et al., 35068 (1-49); 57061 (2-3a).<br />

Ortega, -, s.n. (1-34).<br />

Ortiz, R. T., 200, 1030, 1810 (1-30).<br />

Palacios, W. (et al.), 1874 (2-24), 2059 (2-3a); 6387<br />

(1-27).<br />

Pariona, W. et al., 954 (2-13c).<br />

Parker, C. S., s.n. (1-4b).<br />

Peck, M. E., 497 (1-30).<br />

Pennington, T. D. (et al.), 12244 (2-24), P.22647 (2-<br />

7).<br />

Pereira, A. B., 39 (1-25).<br />

Pereira, L., 5670 (1-25).<br />

Perrottet, G. S., s.n. (1-4a).<br />

Persaud, A. C., 116 (1-4b); 222 (1-26).<br />

Pessoal do Horto Florestal, 650, 651 (2-la); s.n. (1-<br />

25).<br />

Peters, C., 187 (2-4).<br />

Petilon, -, 154 (1-4a).<br />

Philipson, W. R. et al., 1914 (1-42); 2086 (2-3a); 2095<br />

(1-42); 2133 (2-lOb); 2134 (2-23).<br />

Pinheiro, G. S., 1716 (1-25).<br />

Pinsley, H. V., 405 (2-4); 556 (2-3A).<br />

Pires, J. Murqa (et al.), 502, (2-39); 507, 542, 587 (2-<br />

3a); 805, 830 (1-4b); 6663 (2-la); 7015 (2-2); 10123,<br />

10758, 10794, 10809 (2-lOa); 12570, 15088 (2-la);<br />

16461 (1-42); 16547 (2-1a); 50419 (2-23); 50631 (1-<br />

1); 50656 (1-2); 50864 (1-20); 50913 (1-4a); 51193<br />

(2-13e); 51247 (2-23); 51390 (2-17); 51409 (1-20);<br />

51624 (2-3c); 51625 (2-13e); 51676 (2-10a); 51736<br />

(1-40); 51882 (2-2); 52656 (1-20).<br />

Pires, O. et al., 248 (1-42).<br />

Pittier, H. (et al.), 2286 (2-3e); 3892 (1-42); 4386 (1-<br />

6); 8404 (1-42); 11166 (1-34); 12105 (2-3d); 12124,<br />

12142, 12144, 12288, 13985 (1-42); 15641 (2-1b);<br />

15733 (1-42); 16163 (2-3d); s.n. (1-42).<br />

Plowm<strong>an</strong>, T. C. (etal.), 2362 (1-42); 2919 (1-25); 6555<br />

(1-28); 6903 (2-4); 6906 (2-5); 11179 (1-32); 11180<br />

(1-42).<br />

Poeppig, E., 1881 (2-la); s.n. (1-28, 1-42, 2-la, 2-3c).<br />

Pohl, J. E., s.n. (1-25, 1-28).<br />

Poiteau, P. A., s.n. (1-20, 2-3c, 2-3a, 2-1 la, 2-3a, 2-3c,<br />

2-1 la).<br />

Poveda, L. J., 951 (1-34).<br />

Pr<strong>an</strong>ce, G. T. (et al.), 1379 (2-3a); 1548 (2-2); 1720 (1-<br />

20); 1777 (2-la); 2153 (1-4c); 2180 (2-1 la); 2306 (1-<br />

42); 2469 (2-2); 2754 (2-3a); 3253 (2-7); 3260, 4438<br />

(2-la); 4588 (1-4b); 6253 (2-la); 6292 (2-13b); 6419<br />

(2-4); 6718 (1-4b); 6969 (1-31); 7160 (2-17); 7371<br />

(1-32); 7503 (2-4); 7530 (1-42); 7670 (2-la); 7792<br />

(2-23); 7907 (2-lOb), 8378 (2-23); 8670 (2-la); 9054<br />

(1-35); 9679 (1-11); 9857, 9952 (2-13b); 10089,10124<br />

(2-23); 10231 (2-5), 10233 (2-la); 10348 (1-42);<br />

10836 (2-la); 11066, 13438 (1-42); 13579 (2-la);<br />

13582-A (2-3a); 14029, 14146 (1-31); 14795 (2-7);<br />

14976 (1-38); 15039 (1-34); 15366 (2-3a); 15393 (2-

Exsiccatae<br />

20); 15764 (1-40); 15791 (2-4); 17242 (2-9); 17847 Ruiz-Ter<strong>an</strong>, L., 423 (1-42).<br />

(1-38); 18032 (1-31); 18204 (2-23), 18240 (2-5); Rusby, H. H., 1599 (2-4).<br />

18250 (2-3a); 19878 (2-13b); 20454 (2-20), 21011 Ryl<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>s, A. B., 15 (2-2); 25 (2-23); 30 (2-13b); 52 (2-<br />

(2-2); 22708 (2-13b); 22720 (1-20); 22729 (1-31); 3a); 59 (2-2).<br />

22740 (1-20); 22803 (2-la); 22836 (1-20); 22859 (2- Sabatier, D. R. L., 501 (2-1 la).<br />

16); 22864 (2-20); 22999 (1-35); 23776 (2-7); 23846 Sagot, P. A., 517, 970, 972 (2-17); 990, 990bis (2-1 la);<br />

(1-39); 23966 (2-9); 24188 (2-3a); 24313 (2-7); 24687 1136 (1-20); 1163 (2-2); s.n. (1-4a, 1-20, 2-17).<br />

(1-42); 25167, 25336 (2-2); 25337 (2-10a); 25363 (2- Sam<strong>an</strong>iego, A. et al., 92 (1-42).<br />

2); 25530 (2-20); 25748 (1-35); 26375 (2-la); 26402 S<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong><strong>with</strong>, N. Y., 290, 302, 394 (1-26).<br />

(1-42); 58783 (1-20); s.n. (2-5).<br />

S<strong>an</strong>tos, M. R., 172 (2-23); 455 (2-lOa).<br />

Pr6vost, M. F. et al., 738 (1-4a); 982, 983 (2-3c). S<strong>an</strong>tos, T. S. dos, 2035 (2-la).<br />

Proctor, G. R., 27080 (1-18); 27336 (1-42); 30273 (1- Sastre, C., 2274 (2-4); 4350, 4579 (2-3c); 5500 (1-1);<br />

30).<br />

6130 (1-20); 6417 (1-4a).<br />

Pruski, J. et al., 3235 (2-13b); 3239 (2-20).<br />

Sawada, M., 21 (2-1 Ob).<br />

Purdie, W., s.n. (1-14).<br />

Schipp, W. A., 127 (2-3d); 999 (1-30).<br />

Purpus, C. A., 5996, 11161, 11162, 11182, s.n. (1-36). Schnee, L., 1337 (1-42).<br />

Rambo, B., 426, 27092, 37782, 38427, 39413, 39780, Schomburgk, R., 118, 167, 287, 876, 1366, s.n. (1-26).<br />

41173, 44743, 45136, 45904, 46145 (1-25). Schubert, B. G. et al., 748 (2-3d).<br />

Ramirez, C. R., 1084 (1-31).<br />

Schultes, R. E. (et al.), 3343, 3826, 3862, 3901 (2-4);<br />

Ramos, J. et al., 204 (2-20).<br />

6693 (1-8); 6726 (1-28); 6805, 8175 (2-4); 8269 (1-<br />

Rauh, W., P-1609 (2-23).<br />

8); 8380 (1-28); 8976 (1-4b); 9685, 12985 (1-31);<br />

Reineck, E. M. et al., 446 (1-25).<br />

13589(1-40); 13774(1-31); 14148(2-23); 15324(1-<br />

Reitz, R. (et al.), 975, 1688, 1912, 2008, 2027, 2913, 31); 15973(2-5); 16009(2-20); 16112(1-31); 16334,<br />

3809, 4176, 4692, 4965, 5030, 5611, 8294 (1-25). 16367 (1-42); 17615 (2-3a); 18969, 19758 (1-4b);<br />

Renteria, E. et al., 45, 2093 (2-12a).<br />

19835 (2-5); 24547 (2-4).<br />

Revilla, J., 805, 1099 (1-28); 1260 (1-4b); 1818 (2-5); Schultze-Rhonhof, H., 1953 (1-19); 2783 (1-11); 2943<br />

1847 (1-31); 1966 (2-7); 2387 (1-39); 3387 (1-28). (1-9); 3006 (1-11); 3020 (1-14).<br />

Reyno, R. N., 37 (2-13a).<br />

Schulz, J. P. (etal.), 7787 (1-20); 8000 (2-17); 8161 (2-<br />

Ribeiro, B. G. S., 612 (1-11); 665 (1-43).<br />

23); 8316 (2-3c); 8976 (2-1 la); 10344a (1-1).<br />

Richard L. C. (herb.)., s.n. (1-20, 2-la).<br />

Schunke, C., 416, A-95 (2-23).<br />

Riedel, L. (et al.), 1 (1-25); 2 (2-la <strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong> 2-lOa); 7 (1- Schunke, J. M., 130 (1-28); 371 (1-40).<br />

25); 37, 46 (2-la); 75 (1-25); 160 (2-la); 664; s.n. Schunke V., J., 1162 (1-32); 2139 (2-23); 2824 (2-4);<br />

(1-25, 2-la).<br />

3309, 3552 (2-la); 6485 (2-4); 7415 (2-la); 7729 (2-<br />

Riera, B. J. J.-L., 206 (2-3c); 301, 571 (2-17); 573 (2- 10b); 8487 (2-23); 8666 (1-4b); 10650 (2-lOb).<br />

10a); 714 (2-la); 723 (2-13e); 923 (2-la).<br />

Schwacke, W., 560 (2-15); 1072, 6783, 8418 (1-25);<br />

Rimachi, Y. M., 359 (1-32); 1943 (1-28); 2297 (1-40); 10393 (2-la); 11895 (1-17).<br />

2724 (2-5); 2725 (2-9); 2765 (2-5); 3256 (2-15). SEF (=Studies of Ecuadori<strong>an</strong> Forest), 8532 (2-6); 8617<br />

Rizzini, C. T., 415, 1114 (1-25).<br />

(2-23); 8764 (2-4); 8823 (2-13c); 8930 (2-4); 9033,<br />

Roa T., A., 251 (2-unnamed); 252 (2-13a).<br />

9159 (2-23); 10366, 10378 (2-spec.).<br />

Rodrigues, C. R., 944 (2-5).<br />

Sehnem, A., 7993 (1-25).<br />

Rodrigues, G. et al., 877 (1-17).<br />

Sello(w), F., 241 (1-25); s.n. (2-2).<br />

Rodrigues, W. A. (et al.), 884 (2-23); 1415 (2-7); 1424 Shakaim, S., RBAE-26 (2-23).<br />

(2-23); 1434 (2-13b); 2092 (2-2) = 2892 (2-2); 2984 Sh<strong>an</strong>k, P. J. et al., 4294 (1-42).<br />

(2-1Oa); 2986, 2987 (2-13e); 3267 (2-2); 4237 (2-3a); Shattuck, O. E., 260, 522, 525 (2-3e); 832 (1-42).<br />

4585 (2-2); 5266 (1-31); 5449 (2-20); 7069, 7076 (2- Shepherd, D., 364 (2-23); 376, 379 (2-3a).<br />

7); 7081,7292 (2-20); 7532 (2-23); 8065 (2-13); 8066 Shima, D., 14 (2-20).<br />

(2-5); 9204 (2-la); 9206 (2-3a); 9219 (2-la); 10082 Sigueira, R., 8808 (1-20).<br />

(2-17); 10182 (2-23); IG1-2A-70 (2-5).<br />

Silva, A. S. Lima de et al., 215 (2-13d); 476 (2-8).<br />

Rodriguez, H., 399 (1-42).<br />

Silva, J. F., 69, 211 (1-20); 227 (1-4b).<br />

Rodriguez, J. V., 2929 (1-42).<br />

Rohr, J. B. von, 151<br />

Silva, M., 354 (2-lOa).<br />

(1-4a).<br />

Rombouts, H. E., 803<br />

Silva, M. Barbosa da, 130 (2-lOa).<br />

(1-4a).<br />

Romero, F., 548 Silva, M. F. et al., 466<br />

(1-42).<br />

(1-31); 742 (2-20); 869 (2-lOa);<br />

Romero-Castaieda, R., 3647 (2-4); 3840 (2-5); 3848<br />

903 (2-23); 2166 (1-4a); 2199 (2-13b); 2423 (2-2);<br />

(2-20); 4211 (1-4b); 4715 (2-12a); 5283 (1-19); 5484<br />

2591 (1-39); 2623 (2-la); 2712 (1-4a).<br />

(2-3e); 5512 (1-10).<br />

Silva, M. G. et al., 3345 (1-40); 3368 (1-4b); 4326,<br />

Rooden, J. v<strong>an</strong> et al., 258 (1-4b); 699 (1-10); 700 4738<br />

(1- (2-23); 4750 (2-la).<br />

5).<br />

Silva, N. T. (et al.), 921, 949, 995 (2-1 la); 1207, 1321,<br />

Rosa, N. A. (et al.), 296 (1-11); 339 (1-43); 1091 (2-<br />

1380 (1-20); 1411, 1412 (2-3c); 3013 (1-28); 4757<br />

5); 1126 (2-17); 1158 (2-lOa); 1159 (2-5); 1265 (2- (1-10); 60670 (1-43).<br />

23); 2053, 2874 (1-40).<br />

Skutch, A. F., 2023 (1-36); 4083 (2-3a); 4225 (2-3d);<br />

Rowlee, W. W. et al., 856 (1-42).<br />

4256, 4262, 4267, 4612 (1-42); 4740 (2-20); 57832,<br />

Ruiz, H. & J. Pavon, 2 (1-32); 3 (1-42); 4 (1-4b); 5, 6, 58862 (2-3a).<br />

7 (1-32); s.n. (1-4b, 1-32, 1-42, 2-lOb).<br />

Smith, A., 1632 (1-29); 1663, 1650 (1-34).<br />


204 Flora Neotropica<br />

Smith, A. C., 2731 (2-13d); 2753, 2799 (1-35); 2845 3d); 122390, 125857 (2-3a); 129163 (2-4); 129733<br />

(2-1a); 3564 (2-3c).<br />

(2-unnamed); 131962 (2-1 la).<br />

Smith, D. N. (et al.), 1090 (1-32); 2089 (2-4); 4743 (2- Stoffers, A. L. et al., 244 (2-17); 265, 311, 312 (2-la);<br />

unnamed); 5134 (2-10b); 5300 (2-4).<br />

319 (2-17).<br />

Smith, L. B. et al., 12307 (1-25).<br />

Sucre, D., 1783, 3633, 4989, 5209, 5330, 7878 (1-25);<br />

Smith, R. F., 3221 (2-lb); 3313 (1-42).<br />

8303 (2-lOa); 8684 (2-2); 8690 (1-25).<br />

Smith, S. F. et al., 695 (2-3a).<br />

Sugden, A., 415 (1-42).<br />

Snedaker, S. C., C-39, D-88 (1-30).<br />

Sytsma, K. J., 4018 (2-3d); 4024, 4225 (1-6).<br />

Sneidern, K. von., s.n. (2-4).<br />

Tamayo, F., 3370 (2-lb).<br />

Sodiro, A., 193/12 (1-41).<br />

Teixeira, L. O. A. (et al.), 61 (2-3a); 849 (1-4B).<br />

Soejarto, D. D., 327, 856 (1-42); 2917 (2-23); 3385 (2- Terceros, W., 1400 (2-la).<br />

3e); 3489, 4063 (2-23); 4283 (2-1 lb).<br />

Tessm<strong>an</strong>n, G., 3054 (2-4); 3416 (1-42); 3922 (1-32);<br />

Solomon, J. C. (et al.), 9254 (2-23); 12655 (2-la). 4236 (2-3b); 4642 (2-la); 4673 (1-39); 4696 (1-42);<br />

Soria S., M. A., 21 (2-23).<br />

s.n. (1-25); 5364 (2-9).<br />

Sparre, B., 14822 (1-42).<br />

Teunissen, P., 16031 (1-4a).<br />

Sperling, C. R. et al., 6430 (2-23).<br />

Thomas, W. W., 3349 (2-13b); 3370 (2-3a).<br />

Spichiger, G. et al., 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 (2- Tillett, S. S. (et al.), 45869 (1-43); 671-33 (1-3 1); 49495<br />

25).<br />

(2-1 la).<br />

Splitgerber, F. L., 448 (1-4a).<br />

Tomas, Bro., 1923 (1-42).<br />

Spruce, R., 951, 1219 (2-13a); 1509 (1-4a); 1608 (1- Tonduz, A., 9520 (1-42); 12930 (2-3d); 13280 (1-42).<br />

42); 2023 (2-4); 2260 (1-4b); 2498 (1-31); 2616 (1- Toro, R. A., 120C (1-14).<br />

40); 2865 (2-13b); 3176 (2-1 la); 3231, 3464 (1-40); Torres, M. J., 482 (1-32).<br />

3782 (1-38); s.n. (2-13a, 2-17).<br />

Toth, M. J., 482 (1-32).<br />

Stahel, G.et al., 732 (1-20).<br />

Tresling, J., 55 (1-1).<br />

Stahel, G., (Exp. Wilhelmina Gebergte) 196 (1-20). Tri<strong>an</strong>a, J. J., 860 (2-la); 861 (2-3a); 862 (2-4); 866 (1-<br />

Stahel, G., (Woodherb. Suriname) 82 (2-23); 123A (2- 34); 867 (1-42); 1846 (2-4); 1866 (1-34, 1-42); s.n.<br />

3c); 123B (2-17); 166 (2-3a); 166A (2-17); 166B (2- (1-42).<br />

3c).<br />

Troon, F. v<strong>an</strong> et al., 16310 (2-23); s.n. (2-la).<br />

St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>en, -, 20 (1-42).<br />

Trucios, T., 9 (2-1Ob).<br />

St<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ley, P. C. (et al.), 7081 (1-42); 7878 (2-3d); 8861, Trujillo, B., 6141, 8765 (1-42).<br />

12288 (1-42); 19904 (2-3d); 23766 (1-42); 27479, Tuerkheim, H. von, 4082 (2-3d); 8659 (1-30).<br />

27502 (2-3e); 30924 (1-42); 37121 (2-23); 37259 (1- Tunqui, S., 7, 94 (2-3b); 103 (1-42); 149 (2-3a); 217<br />

42); 39792 (1-34); 41170, 44550, 44968, 45182, (2-13a); 296 (2-10b).<br />

45661, 47791, 48594 (1-42); 48600 (2-23); 52900 Tweedie, J., 29 (1-25).<br />

(2-3d); 53230 (1-42); 53951 (2-3d); 53991, 53425, Tyson, E. L. et al., 4734 (2-3d).<br />

55155, 55445, 56623, 72288 (1-42); 72667 (2-3d). Ule, E. H. G., 991 (2-la); 1693 (1-25); 5265, 5266 (2-<br />

Steinbach, J., 1484 (1-32); 7567 (1-42).<br />

4); 5717 (1-42); 5718 (2-23); 5719 (2-6); 8836 (1-<br />

Stergios, B. et al., 11530 (1-35).<br />

4a); 8839 (2-17); 9314 (2-4); 9315, 9316 (1-32); s.n.<br />

Ster, W. L. et al., 423 (2-3d).<br />

(1-25).<br />

Stevens, W. D., 4839, 8323 (2-3d); 13340 (2-23); 13341 Uribe-Uribe, L., 364 (1-42).<br />

(2-3d).<br />

Vasquez A., R. et al., 17 (2-23); 167 (2-25); 809 (2-<br />

Steward, W. C. et al., 107, P.20156 (2-20); P.20255 13c); 2396 (2-la); 2491 (2-23); 2553, 2559 (1-42);<br />

(1-4a).<br />

2623 (2-25); 2630 (2-7); 2635 (2-5); 2539 (1-39);<br />

Steyermark, J. A. (et al.), 388, 487 (1-3); 507 (1-4b); 2719 (2-1 lb); 2852 (1-22); 2861 (2-23); 3965, 4201<br />

37602 (1-36); 38916 (2-3d); 39460 (1-30); 39618 (1- (2-7); 5111 (2-9); 5433 (1-31); 5745 (2-la); 5853 (2-<br />

42); 39934, 45663, 45981, 46103 (1-30); 52334 (1- 9); 6110 (2-23); 6156 (2-20); 6942 (1-42); 7104, 7522<br />

36); 54214(1-10); 54533 (1-42); 57872(2-13a); 57955 (1-31); 7535 (2-25); 7669 (1-4b); 8380, 8600 (1-22).<br />

(1-43); 60002 (1-4b); 60002a, 60364 (1-11); 60399 Veloso, H., 97 (1-25).<br />

(2-23); 60401 (2-3a); 60407 (2-1a); 60414 (2-23); Vellozo, -, 723 (2-la).<br />

60432 (1-4b); 60456 (1-43); 60665 (2-2); 60673 (1- Vellozo, H. P., 89, 723 (2-la); 1083 (2-lOa); 737 (1-<br />

11); 60800 (2-23); 75522 (1-11); 75540 (2-3a); 87307 33).<br />

(2-la); 87480 (1-4b); 89134 (2-la); 89452 (2-1 la); Vi<strong>an</strong>na, E. C. et al., 5465 (1-25).<br />

89457 (2-3a); 89506 (2-23); 90368 (2-20); 90408 (2- Vickers, W. T., 86 (2-5).<br />

1 la); 90583 (1-4b); 90620 (2-23); 90644 (2-3a); 90736 Vieira, M. G. de et al., 985 (2-23); 1004 (2-20).<br />

(l-4b); 92850, 92936 (2-22); 92991 (1-3); 94180 (2- Villiers, J. F., 2088, 2111 (2-23).<br />

3a); 95170(1-42); 95378 (2-lb); 95711 (2-la); 99829 Vogl, C., 1379, s.n. (1-42).<br />

(1-42); 99945 (2-3d); 102082, 102211 (1-42); 102874 Vreden, J., 11717(1-20).<br />

(2-unnamed); 103026 (2-13a); 104296 (1-11); 104348 Wachenheim, H., 18 (2-23); 232 (2-1 la); 271 (2-2);<br />

(1-4b); 104466 (2-23), 105863 (2-lb); 106086 (2- 392 (2-13e); 426 (1-4a); 467 (2-23); s.n. (1-20, 2-la,<br />

la); 106118 (1-11); 106167 (1-31); 107064 (2-23); 2-23).<br />

113096 (2-3a); 114759 (1-4b); 115549(1-11); 116463 Warming, J. E. B., 1942, s.n. (1-25).<br />

(1-42); 116884 (1-4b); 116966 (2-1b); 119396 (2- Weaver, R. et al., 1677 (1-6).

Exsiccatae 205<br />

Weberbauer, A., 3639 (2-la); 3702 (1-42); 4472 (1-<br />

44b).<br />

Wedel, H. von, 1548, 1733, 2879 (1-42).<br />

Westra, L. Y. T., 47303 (2-2).<br />

Whitton, B. A., 179 (1-25).<br />

Williams, LI. (et al.), 3347, 3984 (2-4); 4179 (1-42);<br />

4627 (2-4); 4688 (2-lOb); 5349 (1-42); 9983 (2-lb);<br />

10071 (1-42); 12008 (2-lla); 12348, 12394, 13895<br />

(1-42); 14675 (1-4b); 14833 (2-13a); 15240, 15363<br />

(1-31); 15812 (2-5).<br />

Williams, L. O. et al., 17817, 18014, 24005, 26529 (1-<br />

42).<br />

Williams, R. S., 501 (2-lb); 983 (1-3d); 1560 (2-la).<br />

Wilson-Browne, G., 549 (2-23).<br />

Wilson, C. L., 127 (1-42); 381 (1-30).<br />

Wilson, P., 606 (2-3d).<br />

Woodson, R. E. et al., 1893 (1-42).<br />

Woodworth, R. H. et al., 445 (1-42); 606 (1-4b); 660<br />

(1-42).<br />

Woytkowski, F., 5926 (1-42); 7306 (1-32).<br />

Wurdack, J. J. (et al.), 286 (1-4b); 2169 (2-23); 43485<br />

(1-40).<br />

Yele, -, DR-23 (1-26b).<br />

Zarucchi, J. L., 2145 (2-4); 2744 (2-la); 3720 (2-3a);<br />

3272 (2-3e).<br />

Zik<strong>an</strong>, J. F., s.n. (1-25).<br />

Zuccarini, J. G. (herb.), 103 (1-25).<br />


amapati (la) 127<br />

cucuva (4) 147<br />

ama'yrary (1Oa) 156<br />

dacha uvillos (5) 149<br />

ambafba do vinho (13a) 168<br />

dakamtazshiuya (1 la) 161<br />

ambauva m<strong>an</strong>sa (4) 147<br />

embauba da mata (la) 127<br />

ambauva do vinho (4, 13a) 147, 168<br />

embaubar<strong>an</strong>a (7) 152<br />

a'ilea (3c) 138<br />

garguaba (3a) 135<br />

ambaibochi (23) 189<br />

gr<strong>an</strong>boesipapaja (10a, la, 13e, 17, 23) 156, 161, 173,<br />

ambaibillo (23) 189<br />

180, 189<br />

amia-yek (la) 127<br />

guagay (3d) 141<br />

bochoa tsaha (4) 147<br />

guarumo colorado (5) 149<br />

boesipapaja (13e) 173<br />

guarumo de montafia (3d) 141<br />

bois c<strong>an</strong>on (la, 2, 3c, la, 13e, 17, 19, 23) 127, 132, guarumo macho (3d) 141<br />

138, 161, 173, 180, 181, 189<br />

guaumoutognac (13a) 168<br />

bois c<strong>an</strong>on male (10a, 23) 156, 189<br />

guruc<strong>an</strong>a (4) 147<br />

bois c<strong>an</strong>on sauvage (10a) 156<br />

hembra (3a) 135<br />

boroma (2, 3a, 3c, 10a, Ila, 13e, 17) 132, 135, 138, imbafba (4, 5, 10a) 147, 149, 156<br />

156, 161, 173, 180<br />

imbauba bengue (17) 180<br />

boroma ibeberob<strong>an</strong>a (2) 132<br />

imbauba br<strong>an</strong>ca (17) 180<br />

bospapaja(2, 3c, 10a, 1 la, 23) 132, 138, 156, 161,189 imbauba de cheirouvilha (17) 180<br />

bouchi papaie (23) 189<br />

imbauba do vinho (4, 13a) 147, 168<br />

bouchi papaye (13e, 17, 23) 173, 180, 189<br />

imbaiba m<strong>an</strong>sa (4) 147<br />

buruma (la, 3c) 127, 138<br />

imbaibar<strong>an</strong>a (la, 2, 3a, 5, 7, lla, 13b, 13c, 20, 23)<br />

caimar6n (4) 147<br />

127, 132, 135, 149, 152, 161, 169, 180, 189<br />

caimar6n de mico (3a) 135<br />

imbafbar<strong>an</strong>a br<strong>an</strong>ca (5) 149<br />

caimar6n silvestre (4) 147<br />

imbaubar<strong>an</strong>a folha peluda (5) 149<br />

caramuri (23) 189<br />

imbaubar<strong>an</strong>a vermelha (10a) 156<br />

cay-bari-cay (3a) 135<br />

imbauba-tor6m (la) 127<br />

cay-wari-cay-yek (3a, 22, 23) 135, 186, 189<br />

imbaubinha (8) 152<br />

chaparro de agua (la) 127<br />

itarar<strong>an</strong>ga (la, 10a) 127, 156<br />

chiricaba (13a) 168<br />

kaibarikei (5) 149<br />

chullachaqui (20) 184<br />

kai-wa-rei-kei-yek (23) 189<br />

chullachaqui bl<strong>an</strong>co (20) 184<br />

kaiwarikai (1 a) 161<br />

chullachaqui caspi (20) 184<br />

kalate (la) 127<br />

chumico (3d) 141<br />

kamoyuwa (10a) 156<br />

cirpe (3a) 135<br />

kaymbe'y (la) 127<br />

cirpe macho (3a, 1 b) 135, 162<br />

kukuma (13e) 173<br />

cocora(13a) 168<br />

kuluma (la) 127<br />

cocura (4) 147<br />

kulumasi (23) 189<br />

coiwaricoi-yek (23) 189<br />

kulumatelelel (3c) 138<br />

cormi (3a) 135<br />

lija (3d) 141<br />

cucura (2, 3a, 4, 5) 132, 135, 147, 149<br />

majagua (23) 189<br />

cucure (3a) 135<br />

male bois c<strong>an</strong>on (3c, 23) 138, 189

206 Flora Neotropica<br />

m<strong>an</strong>bospapaja (la, 17) 127, 180<br />

sirpe macho (3a) 135<br />

m<strong>an</strong>gab6 (3e) 144<br />

sirpo (3e, 12a) 144, 162<br />

m<strong>an</strong>o de leon (3d) 141<br />

sucufba (4) 147<br />

mapati (la, 4, 8, 13c, 15, 21) 127, 147, 152, 169, 177, sugkama(t) shuiya (la) 127<br />

186<br />

suia(4, lOb) 147, 159<br />

mapatir<strong>an</strong>a (2, 3a, 3c, 10a, la, 16, 23) 132, 135, 138, suir shuina (lOb) 159<br />

156, 161, 177, 189<br />

tamaoquare (3a) 135<br />

mapaty (13c, 15, 21) 169, 177, 186<br />

tambor (lb) 129<br />

mimpa shuiya washi shuina ( la) 161<br />

t<strong>an</strong>aribe (4) 147<br />

obija (1Ob) 159<br />

t<strong>an</strong>ta shuiya (3b) 137<br />

orumo de monte (3d) 141<br />

tarar<strong>an</strong>ga (lOa) 156<br />

otsepacho (3a) 135<br />

tarar<strong>an</strong>ga bl<strong>an</strong>ca (la) 127<br />

pacica (3d) 141<br />

tarar<strong>an</strong>ga vermelha (lOa) 156<br />

papaie (17) 180<br />

tentar shuina (3b) 137<br />

papaquillo (la) 127<br />

tinajero (3d) 141<br />

papaya del monte (la) 127<br />

torena (23) 189<br />

papaye (17) 180<br />

tourem (23) 189<br />

papaye apici (2, 1 la) 132, 161<br />

trumpet tree (3d) 141<br />

pau de jacu (la) 127<br />

tsaha (3a) 135<br />

pai shuina (3a, 13a) 135, 168<br />

tsakap suiya (la, 3a) 127, 135<br />

pai shuiya (13a) 168<br />

uhukamsuiya (10b) 159<br />

piraejo (3d) 141<br />

umbaouba (5) 149<br />

pourouma(3a, 3c, lla, 17) 135, 138, 161, 180 urumo bl<strong>an</strong>co (12a) 162<br />

puruma(3a, 3c, lla, 17) 135, 138, 161, 180 uva (3d, 4, 12b) 141, 147, 163<br />

puruma (4) 147<br />

uva de macaco (lOa) 156<br />

purumai (13b, 23) 169, 189<br />

uva de(l) monte (3d, 4, 13c) 141, 147, 169<br />

puruma-y (4) 147<br />

uva silvestre (4, 23) 147, 189<br />

sacha uvilla (4, 9, 13a, 15, 23) 147, 155, 168, 177, 189 uva medueda (3a) 135<br />

sacha uvillos (20) 184<br />

uvilla(la,4, 5, 9, 10b, 1a, 15,23) 127, 147, 149, 155,<br />

sadajii (4) 147<br />

159, 161, 177, 189<br />

sadha'fhi (3a) 135<br />

uvilla bl<strong>an</strong>ca (la, 23) 127, 189<br />

s<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>paper (la) 127<br />

uvilla l<strong>an</strong>uda (23) 189<br />

sa-ouro (10a) 156<br />

uvo (4) 147<br />

sarasara (3a, 5, 13b) 135, 149, 169<br />

wilaupiyua (13e) 173<br />

shew<strong>an</strong>toqui (4) 147<br />

yagrumo negro (lb) 129<br />

shuiya (la, 3b) 127, 137<br />

yagrumo-sunsun (10a) 156<br />

shuvija (23) 189<br />

yahal (3d) 141<br />

sirpe (3a, 12a) 135, 162<br />

yaryara (2, 3c, lOa, lla, 17) 132, 138, 156, 161, 180<br />


Synonyms are in italics. Page numbers in boldface indicate primary page references. Page numbers<br />

<strong>with</strong> <strong>an</strong> asterisk (*) indicate pages <strong>with</strong> illustrations or maps.<br />

Allomeris 114<br />

Azteca 4<br />

Brosimum 66<br />

microcarpon 66<br />

Cebus apella 189<br />

Cecropia 2, 3, 9, 10, 15, 113, 115<br />

peltata 3<br />

<strong>Cecropiaceae</strong> 2, 3, 5, 15, 110, 113<br />

Clusia 4<br />

<strong>Coussapoa</strong> 2, 3, 4, 5, 6*, 7*, 8*, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17-28<br />

(keys), 112, 113, 114, 115, 194<br />

acutifolia 84<br />

<strong>an</strong>gustifolia 11*, 28, 29*, 58, 97<br />

apoda 53<br />

arachnoidea 10, 11*, 30, 31*, 50, 77, 82<br />

ar<strong>an</strong>eosa 99<br />

argentea 10, 11*, 30, 32*, 73<br />

asperifolia 4, 5, 7, 8*, 10, 11*, 15, 16, 33, 34 (key),<br />

99, 104<br />

subsp. asperifolia 10, 11*, 34, 35*, 63<br />

subsp. magnifolia 11*, 36, 37*, 39, 99<br />

subsp. rhamnoides 11*, 38, 39*<br />

batavorum 11*, 38, 40*, 99<br />

bolivi<strong>an</strong>a 99<br />

brenesii 86<br />

brevipes 7, 11*, 41, 42*<br />

cardonaei 36<br />

cayennensis 34<br />

chagresi<strong>an</strong>a 34<br />

chocoensis 11*, 41, 43*<br />

cinnamomea 11*, 44, 45*, 95<br />

cinnamomifolia 5, 10, 11*, 15, 16, 44, 46*, 86, 97

Index of Scientific Names 207<br />

contorta 5, 7, 11*, 41, 44, 47*, 48, 66<br />

cornifolia 87<br />

crassivenosa 10, 11*, 15, 48, 49*, 56<br />

cuneata 71<br />

cupularis 11*, 50, 51*, 77, 82<br />

curr<strong>an</strong>ii 4, 12*, 50, 52*, 58<br />

d<strong>an</strong>ielis 99<br />

dealbata 109<br />

dolich<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>ra 109<br />

donnell-smithii 99<br />

duquei 7, 10, 12*, 53, 54*, 77, 104<br />

echinata 12*, 53, 55*, 61, 108<br />

eggersii 99, 104, 105<br />

emarginata 109, 186<br />

embir<strong>an</strong>a 99<br />

fagifolia 71<br />

ferruginea 12*, 15, 56*<br />

ficina 34<br />

floccosa 12*, 52, 57*<br />

font<strong>an</strong>esi<strong>an</strong>a 66<br />

froesii 61<br />

fulvescens 14*, 105, 107*, 108<br />

glaberrima 12*, 58, 59*<br />

gr<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>iceps 99<br />

herthae 12*, 56, 58, 60*, 61, 108<br />

hirsuta 84<br />

hypochlora 36<br />

incomitata 50<br />

intermedia 75<br />

krukovii 110, 168<br />

laevigata 110<br />

latifolia 9*, 10, 12*, 15, 16, 61, 62*, 63, 71, 73, 82,<br />

86, 105<br />

var. obovata 61<br />

lawr<strong>an</strong>cei 99<br />

lehm<strong>an</strong>nii 99<br />

leopoldii 110<br />

leprieurii 12*, 15, 63, 64*, 66, 93<br />

longepedunculata 13*, 63, 65*, 77, 93<br />

macarenensis 101<br />

var. <strong>an</strong>tioquiensis 101<br />

macerrima 12*, 63, 66, 67*, 73, 92<br />

magnifolia 36<br />

m<strong>an</strong>uensis 13*, 66, 68*<br />

marti<strong>an</strong>a 99<br />

microcarpa 5, 7, 12*, 15, 63, 66, 69*, 73, 90<br />

microcephala 12*, 33, 63, 66, 71, 82, 90<br />

subsp. corifolia 89<br />

subsp. microcephala 72*<br />

mutisii 101<br />

napoensis 12*, 73, 74*, 84<br />

nitida 5, 10, 13*, 50, 75, 76*, 77, 82, 108<br />

nymphaeifolia 13*, 15, 61, 66, 77, 78*, 93<br />

obovata 61, 110<br />

oligoneura 86<br />

oligocephala 13*, 48, 77, 79*, 80, 93<br />

orthoneura 10, 13*, 30, 50, 63, 77, 80, 81*, 82<br />

ovalifolia 13*, 82, 83*, 84, 108<br />

pachyphylla 13*, 63, 73, 84, 85*<br />

p<strong>an</strong>amensis 99<br />

parviceps 7, 13*, 16, 44, 56, 86, 87*, 90, 108<br />

parvifolia 5, 12*, 73, 87, 88*, 89*, 92<br />

pittieri 110<br />

pl<strong>an</strong>itiensis 101<br />

plicata 110<br />

pr<strong>an</strong>cei 80, 82<br />

puberula 84<br />

purpusii 10, 13*, 16, 90, 91*<br />

rekoi 110<br />

rhamnoides 38<br />

rotunda 97<br />

ruizii 36<br />

scabra 13*, 90, 92*<br />

schottii 66<br />

var. l<strong>an</strong>ceolata 66<br />

var. longifolia 66<br />

schunkei 75<br />

setosa 84<br />

sprucei 13*, 15, 63, 66, 80, 92, 93*<br />

st<strong><strong>an</strong>d</strong>leyi 99<br />

steyermarkii 48<br />

subcrenata 99<br />

subinc<strong>an</strong>a 99<br />

tessm<strong>an</strong>nii 14*, 15, 44, 77, 93, 94*, 104<br />

tolimensis 14*, 108, 109*<br />

trinervia 4, 5, 10, 14*, 16, 44, 59, 95, 96*, 97<br />

valaria 108, 110*<br />

v<strong>an</strong>niifolia 5, 14*, 39, 97, 98*<br />

vellerea 99<br />

villosa 4, 5, 8*, 10, 14*, 15, 53, 77, 95, 99, 100*,<br />

110<br />

viridifolia 7, 10, 14*, 15, 16, 63, 82, 105, 106*<br />

var. tenuifolia 105<br />

volaria 14*<br />

warburgi<strong>an</strong>a 50<br />

williamsii 80<br />

Crematogaster 114<br />

Ficus 4, 110<br />

intermarginalis 110<br />

Moraceae 2, 3, 5, 15, 110<br />

Mus<strong>an</strong>ga 2, 9, 15, 113<br />

Myri<strong>an</strong>thus 2, 5, 9, 15, 112, 113, 115<br />

Poikilospermum 2, 3, 15, 113<br />

subgen. Ligulistigma 15<br />

Poulsenia 110<br />

armata 110<br />

<strong>Pourouma</strong> 2, 3, 5, 9, 10, 15, 110, 111, 113, 114, 116,<br />

117-121 (key), 194<br />

acuminata 113, 114, 116, 173, 175*, 176*, 193<br />

acutiflora 123<br />

albistipulata 166<br />

apaporiensis 160, 161<br />

forma macrophylla 160<br />

apiculata Benoist 168<br />

apiculata Mildbraed 168<br />

aspera 116, 133<br />

subsp. digitata 115<br />

aurea 186, 189<br />

bicolor 111, 112, 114, 115, 122, 123, 132, 132-133<br />

(key)<br />

subsp. bicolor 123,133, 134*, 143*, 149, 193, 194<br />

subsp. choco<strong>an</strong>a 115, 141, 142*, 143*, 181<br />

subsp. digitata 115, 137, 138*, 139, 143*<br />

subsp. scobina 115, 122, 123,139, 140*, 141, 143*,<br />

144<br />

subsp. tessm<strong>an</strong>nii 115, 136*, 137, 143*

208 Flora Neotropica<br />

bolivarensis 111, 113, 114, 115, 116, 176*, 186,<br />

187*, 189<br />

camarat<strong>an</strong>a 133<br />

cecropiifolia 110, 111, 113, 114, 116,139, 143*, 144,<br />

145*, 147, 194<br />

choco<strong>an</strong>a 141<br />

cinerascens 123<br />

crassivenia 139<br />

crassivenosa 133<br />

cuatrecasasii 186<br />

cucura 112, 114, 115, 116, 147, 148*, 157*, 193,<br />

194<br />

cuspidata 113, 114, 116, 149, 157*<br />

digitata 137<br />

edulis 144<br />

elliptica 114, 176*, 184, 185*<br />

essequiboensis 169<br />

ferruginea 111, 113, 114, 116, 176*, 177, 178*, 184,<br />

193<br />

folleata 186<br />

formicarum 112, 113, 114,115,116,152,153*, 155,<br />

157*<br />

fulginea 123<br />

garci<strong>an</strong>a 147<br />

gui<strong>an</strong>ensis 111, 114, 115, 116, 122, 123<br />

subsp. gui<strong>an</strong>ensis 122, 123, 124*, 126*, 128, 129,<br />

132<br />

subsp. venezuelensis 114, 122, 126*, 128, 129*<br />

herrerensis 115, 116, 171*, 177, 190, 192*, 193<br />

heterophylla 123, 155<br />

hirsutipetiolata 111, 114, 115, 116, 162 (key), 190<br />

subsp. hirsutipetiolata 162, 164*<br />

subsp. hispida 162, 165*<br />

hispida 162<br />

isophlebia 186<br />

jaramilloi 159<br />

johnstonii 141<br />

jussiae<strong>an</strong>a 156<br />

laevis 180<br />

lawr<strong>an</strong>cei 133<br />

longipendula 181<br />

maroniensis 172<br />

melinonii 5, 113, 114, 115, 116, 155, 159, 160 (key)<br />

subsp. glabrata 112, 115, 157*, 161, 163*<br />

subsp. melinonii 115, 156, 157*, 158*, 160, 193,<br />

194<br />

mildbraedi<strong>an</strong>a 123<br />

minor 3, 5, 109, 111, 112, 113, 114, 116, 176*, 186,<br />

189<br />

mollis 15, 114, 115, 116, 155, 155-156 (key), 160,<br />

193<br />

subsp. mollis 115, 156, 157*, 158*, 159, 160<br />

subsp. triloba 114, 115, 156, 157*, 193<br />

multifida 144<br />

myrmecophila 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 150,<br />

151*, 152, 157*<br />

napoensis 113, 114, 115, 116, 171*, 190, 191*<br />

oraria 111, 112, 114, 115, 176*, 180, 190<br />

ovata 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 176*, 177,181,<br />

183*<br />

palmata 123<br />

paraensis 194<br />

phaeotricha 1 111,113, 115,116,152,154*, 155,176*<br />

populifolia 173<br />

radula 123<br />

retusa 194<br />

sapida 144, 147<br />

saulensis 114, 115, 116, 176, 181, 182*, 184<br />

scabra 123<br />

scobina 139<br />

schultesii 133<br />

steyermarkii 130<br />

stipulacea 111, 112, 114, 115, 116, 173, 174*, 176*<br />

subplicata 186<br />

substrigosa 123<br />

subtriloba 123<br />

tergoscabra 149<br />

tessm<strong>an</strong>nii 137<br />

tomentosa5, 15, 110, 111, 112, 114, 115, 116,164,<br />

166 (key), 193, 194<br />

subsp. apiculata 115, 168, 171*, 173<br />

subsp. essequiboensis 115, 169, 171*<br />

subsp. maroniensis 115, 170, 171*, 172*<br />

subsp. persecta 113, 115, 169, 170*, 171*<br />

subsp. tomentosa 115, 166, 167*, 171*, 173<br />

tri<strong>an</strong>ae 194<br />

triloba Klotzsch 159<br />

triloba Trecul 156, 159<br />

ulei 194<br />

umbellata 186<br />

umbellifera 186<br />

uvifera 144<br />

velutina 114, 115, 116, 126*, 128, 129, 131*<br />

venezuelensis 128<br />

villosa 111, 176*, 177, 179*<br />

Schefflera 4<br />

Urostigma 10<br />

intermarginala 110<br />

Urticaceae 2, 3, 15

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