Arbeit macht frei: - Fredrick Töben

Arbeit macht frei: - Fredrick Töben

Arbeit macht frei: - Fredrick Töben


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of a million, about the number of German women and children and<br />

wounded who died in the bloody attack on Dresden, than that it is six<br />

million. Tragic and criminal enough–but Dresden was tragic, too, and<br />

perjuring historical truth is criminal, too!<br />

The first duty of the victor toward the vanquished is the truth. It is a pity<br />

that President Lübke felt he had to echo that libel in order not t be smearterrorized.<br />

Yours truly<br />

Austin J. App, Ph.D.<br />

* * * * *<br />

Better, smarter role models required<br />

Robert Goldney, The Advertiser, May 11, 2010<br />

THE continuing focus on law and order by the Rann Government<br />

warrants close scrutiny.<br />

Why after eight years and entering a third term of government is such a<br />

focus still necessary? If there is still a need for tougher laws and increased<br />

punishments, why has that escalation occurred on the Rann Government's<br />

watch?<br />

One possibility is that the anti-social behaviour that is the target of new<br />

laws is related to the erosion of trust in our Government and its<br />

institutions.<br />

If our governing agencies do not demonstrate decent behaviour and<br />

respect for the law, why should laws be obeyed?<br />

Criticisms regarding the work of the DPP and the Parole Board have<br />

hardly reflected respect. Former attorney-general Atkinson even used the<br />

words ‘daft’ and ‘delusional’ in relation to the decision of a magistrate.<br />

Then there was the retention of minister Tom Koutsantonis, despite his<br />

appalling driving record, which could only be interpreted as condoning<br />

hoon driving, despite government rhetoric. And why doesn't the<br />

Government wish to have an independent crime and corruption<br />

commission?<br />

But it is not just in the area of the law that the Government appears to<br />

have little respect for others. Important decisions which have the potential<br />

to effect all South Australians have been made with minimal consultation,<br />

sometimes with the signing of confidentiality agreements, thereby stifling<br />

wide debate.<br />

Examples include the now-abandoned move of forensic mental-health<br />

facilities to Mobilong; the backdown due to public outrage about youth<br />

correctional services; the move of the RAH to the rail yards, with the<br />


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