Arbeit macht frei: - Fredrick Töben

Arbeit macht frei: - Fredrick Töben

Arbeit macht frei: - Fredrick Töben


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Incidentally, the people in the camp were chiefly Gentile, rather than<br />

Jewish …Indeed, the population of Auschwitz was about 80 per cent<br />

Gentile. The reason was no secret. Most of the Jews were immediately<br />

sent to the gas chamber and the crematory ovens.>In 1944 a large number of priests arrived in Auschwitz. They were put<br />

through the usual formalities; bathing. Clipping, and search. The<br />

Germans took away their prayer books, crucifixes, and other religious<br />

objects, and gave them the striped prisoners’ rags. To the surprise of the<br />

itnernee officials, the priests were not ordered to be tattoed. But the<br />

Germans did nothing without cunning. Even before the priests had<br />

entered the ‘baths,’ the administration had given the word that they were<br />

to be killed that evening.>One doctor courageously reminded the German that hyere were<br />

relatively few sick in this camp and no contagious cases. The S.S. chief<br />

doctor replied ironically: ‘Since you have such a lively interest in the fate<br />

of these internees, you shall follow them into their new homes.’ By ‘new<br />

home,’ he meant, of course, the crematory oven.>The extermination of the Jews–Polish, Lithuanian, French, etc.,–was<br />

carried out in groups by national regions. The extermination of the Jews<br />

of Hungary took place in the summer of 1944. This mass liquidation<br />

was without precedent even in the annals of Birkenau. In July, 1944, the<br />

five crematory ovens, the mysterious ‘white house,’ and the death pit<br />

worked to full capacity. Ten transports arrived daily. There were not<br />

enough workers to carry all the luggage, so it was piled in mountainous<br />

heaps and remained there at the station for days.>Auschwitz was w work camp while Birkenau was an extermination<br />

camp. But there were a few work commandos at Birkenau for various<br />

manual tasks. I was forced to participate in most of these squads, at one<br />

time or another.>> p.125<br />

>>From time to time, the Germans disinfected the camp. Executed<br />

rationally this measure would have contributed to the betterment of our<br />

hygienic conditions. But, like everything else at Auschwitz-Birkenau, the<br />

disinfection was carried out in a mocking fashion and only increased our<br />

mortality rate. That was doubtless part of the idea. The disinfection<br />

began with the isolation of four or five barracks. We had to present<br />

ourselves by barracks at the washroom. Our clothing and shoes, items<br />

that had been acquired at the cost of great privations, were taken away<br />

and placed in a fumigation oven, while we passed under a shower. The<br />

operation lasted only a minute, not long enough to get clean at all. Then,<br />

after being doused with a disinfectant on the head and the parts of the<br />

body covered with hair, we were moved to the exit. Those who had lice<br />

had their hair clipped again.

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