Arbeit macht frei: - Fredrick Töben

Arbeit macht frei: - Fredrick Töben

Arbeit macht frei: - Fredrick Töben


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They have received complaints about Geert Wilders reproducing<br />

controversial Danish cartoons of the prophet on his website.<br />

But a Holocaust-denial cartoon on an Arab lobby-group website was<br />

punishable, they found.<br />

The Hitler–Owens controversy has been exploited by so-called<br />

internationalists and anti-racists for decades. I find when such haters write<br />

about my work, I can see how they twist my intentions, how they distort and<br />

fabricate and outright lie about what I am on about. We have prime<br />

examples of these ugly minds at work in the various articles my imprisonment<br />

generated in the media. It is an ugly mind attempting to project its own<br />

foulness on to others, then claiming victim status when that impertinence is<br />

resisted and refuted in open debate, and logically as well.<br />

It is this self-defence mechanism, of resisting ugliness that the hate-filled<br />

individuals wish to break down, to neutralise. Prime ugly, Jeremy Jones, did<br />

publicly state that it was his intention to stop me ‘from functioning’. Such a<br />

thought coming from a prime-ugly merely confirms my conviction that he is a<br />

destroyer of culture rather than a creator of culture.<br />

But then, the other prime uglies, such as Steven Lewis and Peter Wertheim,<br />

know about this because when they look at themselves in the mirror, the<br />

reflection of their eyes exposes their self-hatred, from which they wish to<br />

escape by scapegoating, that most elementary and crude mechanism that<br />

does not contribute to our stock of world knowledge nor adds anything to<br />

our cultural stock. Only a fleeing into their incestuous little legal world<br />

rescues them from any clarifying moment before they are out again in search<br />

of more ‘anti-Semites’ without whom their life would collapse into total<br />

futility. Such is the lot of the eternal wanderer, the vagabond, the predatory<br />

prime ugly without any redeeming attributes.<br />

Tony Beales of Gawler East puts a different slant on the various issues that<br />

merge into the larger one by writing ironically about them to the Barossa<br />

Valley Herald which published it on 14 January 2009, just as the Jewish state<br />

was again busy exterminating the Palestinians:<br />

Political comment<br />

Let’s not get too uptight about the Israeli attacks on the Palestinians.<br />

There were really only a few hundred killed and the Israelis will probably<br />

stop before the figure hits five or six thousand. They certainly won’t go<br />

above 10,000.<br />


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