Arbeit macht frei: - Fredrick Töben

Arbeit macht frei: - Fredrick Töben

Arbeit macht frei: - Fredrick Töben


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author Xueyan Zaho at Monash University looked at price variations<br />

around the country, quantity discount (which means bulk buying), and<br />

what would happen if governments could tax the weed. What their<br />

research shows about the dollar value of the crop will astound most<br />

people. ‘We estimate that nationally the marijuana market is threequarters<br />

as large as the beer market and if you think the wine industry is<br />

booming, consider the fact that Australians are currently spending twice as<br />

much of marijuana as they do on wine,’ it found.<br />

So how much is that in dollars? Well, the ABS says beer and malt<br />

manufacturing was worth $4,085 million dollars in 03/04, and that’s<br />

production alone. As average annual household spending on wine was<br />

$329, that’s $758 on marijuana per household a year.<br />

‘The 1990’s may well be remembered as the decade in which marijuana<br />

established itself in the Australian market. During the decade, production<br />

of the illicit drug graduated from the uncertainties of bush cultivation to<br />

the efficiency of the home-based hydroponics, supplies multiplied, prices<br />

fell and consumption spiralled,’ Professor Clements said.<br />

So how many people smoke dope in Adelaide? Almost one in three, says<br />

the National Drug Strategy survey. And that’s just the number who ‘fessed<br />

up’ to the government pollster. That means an absolute minimum of<br />

300,000.<br />

SA decriminalised the ‘personal’ use of marijuana in 1987. It was a happy<br />

hippy period. People grew up to 10 plants in the backyard and no criminal<br />

conviction was recorded. They gave each of their plants some TLC to gain<br />

their THC.<br />

‘A plant can be worth up to $5,000,’ Wells (of Stickypoint) said. ‘Ten<br />

plants is $50,000. ‘Dope growing puts food on the table, petrol in the car,<br />

school uniforms on kids’ backs, and Christmas presents under the tree.’<br />

But when police surveillance helicopters took to the air and discovered<br />

large plantations, the crops moved indoors. ‘Hydroponics systems are<br />

being used to grow cannabis on a relatively large scale’, the Bureau of<br />

Criminal Intelligence finds.<br />

‘Unlike external plantations, hydroponic cultivation can be used in any<br />

region and in not regulated by growing seasons. Both residential and<br />

industrial areas are used to establish these indoor sites. Cellars and<br />

concealed rooms in existing residential and commercial properties are<br />

also used.’ Wells puts it simply. ‘Outdoors you get one crop a year.<br />

Indoors, hydroponically, three or four. It fits into people’s quarterly billpaying<br />

cycle.’<br />

But an indoor set-up is more expensive to set up, as it were, than its<br />

outdoor equivalent. ‘It used to be moms and pops.’ Says one long-time<br />

Adelaide marijuana wholesaler. ‘Pushing it indoors allowed the criminal<br />

element in. ‘It was a backyard garden. Now because it’s bloody dangerous<br />


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