Arbeit macht frei: - Fredrick Töben

Arbeit macht frei: - Fredrick Töben

Arbeit macht frei: - Fredrick Töben


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not published criticisms of the judgment against the Adelaide Institute<br />

website but in-depth presentations for and against the position by<br />

Frederick Toben and others like him.’ In other words, just to defend his<br />

right to speak without dealing directly with the content of his speech is a<br />

cop-out. So, was there a program of mass extermination of Jews and<br />

others in which gas was used? The answer is an unequivocal yes.<br />

How do we know? Because, amongst others, we have the testimony of<br />

Rudolph Hoess, the commandant of Auschwitz. In his deposition to the<br />

Nuremberg court Hoess says that in 1941 his executioners were being<br />

overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of Russian prisoners sent to him to be<br />

murdered. Shooting was inefficient.<br />

Hoess knew that gas was being used at Treblinka to kill Warsaw Jews, so<br />

he went to inspect. He found gas was, indeed, a more efficient method of<br />

mass-producing death, but he was not impressed with the carbon<br />

monoxide that was being used. It was too slow.<br />

At Auschwitz he began his first experiments with Zyklon B, a form of<br />

crystallised hydrocyanic acid. The first experiments were crude, and<br />

involved herding prisoners into a room and throwing in a Zyklon B<br />

cylinder and slamming the door. Guards and witnesses wore gas masks.<br />

Later, when Jews started arriving in huge transports, larger rooms were<br />

pressed into service and some improvements were made to the delivery of<br />

the gas through holes in the ceiling. Hoess describes murdering Jews in a<br />

chamber that held 2000 people - every day, even on Christmas Day.<br />

As the Allies approached, efforts were made to eradicate the evidence of<br />

mass murder. To go looking for ‘gas chambers’ now - as though they were<br />

some sort of large-scale equivalent of the American execution chambers -<br />

is ridiculous. As is the suggestion by the historical revisionists that<br />

autopsies should have been carried out at Auschwitz,<br />

Treblinka and Majdanek to determine if the corpses carried signs of gas.<br />

Autopsies in the charnel house of 1945 Europe?<br />

Revisionists go to absurd lengths to discredit Hoess’ evidence, proposing<br />

that it was beaten out of him. Hoess was tried at Nuremberg and again in<br />

Poland and was executed at Auschwitz in 1947.<br />

If Toben were given space here to put his case he would be aggravating his<br />

offence and The Sunday Age would be breaching anti-discrimination laws.<br />

That is outrageous. The tranquillity of society is not disturbed by<br />

argument, but rather by the silencing of those who hold improper<br />

opinions.<br />

http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2002/09/21/1032054997894.html<br />

The originator of the legal battle, Jeremy Jones, gloats about my 1999<br />

German arrest and he ultimately wins the case against me because he did<br />


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