Arbeit macht frei: - Fredrick Töben

Arbeit macht frei: - Fredrick Töben

Arbeit macht frei: - Fredrick Töben


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those who follow Jesus the Nazarene. In fact, nothing more abominable<br />

can be imagined than what they have to say about Christians. They say that<br />

they are idolaters, the worst kind of people, much worse than the Turks,<br />

murderers, fornicators, impure animals, like dirt, unworthy to be called<br />

men, beasts in human form, worthy of the name of beasts, cows, asses,<br />

pigs, dogs, worse than dogs; that they propagate after the manner of beasts,<br />

that they have diabolic origin, that their souls come from the devil and<br />

return to the devil in hell after death; and that even the body of a dead<br />

Christian is nothing different from that of an animal.<br />

1. IDOLATERS<br />

Since Christians follow the teachings of that man, whom the Jews regard as<br />

a Seducer and an Idolater, and since they worship him as God, it clearly<br />

follows that they merit the name of idolater, in no way different from those<br />

among whom the Jews lived before the birth of Christ, and whom they<br />

taught should be exterminated by every possible means.<br />

This is best demonstrated by the names they give Christians, and by the<br />

unmistakable words of Maimonides which prove that all who bear the<br />

name of Christian are idolaters. And anyone who examines Jewish books<br />

which speak of the ‘Worshippers of the Stars and Planets,’ ‘Epicureans,’<br />

‘Samaritans,’ etc., cannot but conclude that these idolaters are none other<br />

than Christians. The Turks are always called ‘Ismaelites,’ never idolaters.<br />


Maimonides in Hilkoth Maakhaloth (ch. IX) says: ‘It is not permitted to<br />

drink the wine of a stranger who becomes a convert, that is, one who<br />

accepts the seven precepts of Noah, but is permitted to gain some benefit<br />

from it. It is allowed to leave wine alone with him, but not to place it<br />

before him. The same is permitted in the case of all gentiles who are not<br />

idolaters, such as the Turks [Ismaelites]. A Jew, however, is not permitted<br />

to drink their wine, although he may use it to his own advantage.’<br />

3. MURDERERS<br />

In Abhodah Zarah (22a) it says: ‘A Jew must not associate himself with<br />

gentiles because they are given to the shedding of blood.’<br />

Likewise in Iore Dea (153, 2): ‘An Israelite must not associate himself with<br />

the Akum [Christians] because they are given to the shedding of blood.’<br />

In the Abhodah Zarah (25b) it says: ‘The Rabbis taught: If a Goi joins an<br />

Israelite on the road, he [the Jew] should walk on his right side. Rabbi<br />

Ismael, the son of Rabbi Jochanan the nephew of Beruka, says: if he<br />

carries a sword, let the Jew walk on his right side. If the Goi carries a stick,<br />

the Jew should walk on his left side. If he is climbing a hill or descending a<br />

steep incline, the Jew must not go in front with the Goi behind, but the<br />


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