Arbeit macht frei: - Fredrick Töben

Arbeit macht frei: - Fredrick Töben

Arbeit macht frei: - Fredrick Töben


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Federal Court of Australia, and who lied because of a $77 traffic<br />

infringement. I shall not mention the matter of circumcision because<br />

periodically that is pulled out as a health issue, if not a necessity on<br />

religious grounds.<br />

40. #19: The thought in this paragraph reflects what Lewis and Wertheim<br />

and other ‘Holocaust-Shoah’ promoters are on about. They don’t have<br />

‘patsies’ doing their work for them but rather use the court system as a<br />

proxy and then by deception they persecute through legal prosecution.<br />

We have numerous individuals who have experienced such legal<br />

persecution so what I experienced is nothing new because their<br />

unimaginative approach to solving problems remains primitive. They<br />

know that in open court their Holocaust-Shoah narrative will crumble,<br />

much like we have the climate change fear-mongers who unwittingly or<br />

knowingly are attempting to establish another unifying principle that will<br />

bring in some money, which the world bank or the IMF will administer.<br />

The new paradigm is needed because the Holocaust is losing its grip and<br />

the post World War two political order is falling apart, and a new<br />

universal Weltanschauung framework is needed.<br />

41 This legal action has cost them dearly and this is an indication how<br />

important the Holocaust myth has become for these men, so much so that<br />

they have honed their legal argumentation to a fine art where the actual<br />

subject matter is discussed away and becomes irrelevant, and were the<br />

individual who refuses to go along with their nonsense is crucified. Again,<br />

their tactics are nothing new – though it may be new for the individual who<br />

first meets up with such mechanism of elimination. The whole action<br />

against myself, against Mrs Olga Scully, et al, has cost them perhaps a<br />

million dollars, if not more. This seems to confirm what Prof Norman<br />

Finkelstein called the ‘Holocaust Industry’, though he still remains a<br />

believer in the gas chambers’ existence. Recently Prof Deborah Lipstadt<br />

of Emory University, Atlanta, USA, received a $7 million grant to<br />

continue with her Holocaust propagation. And to think that for almost 14<br />

years I had only a simple website hosted by a local Internet provider who<br />

supported free expression on the Internet – all financed through<br />

donations that never reached the dizzying heights of millions of dollars!<br />

42. #20: In this final paragraph the kettle calls the pot black. As the Jews<br />

are not a race, this whole argumentation is spurious because they are the<br />

actual haters, as can be found in their moral primer called Babylonian<br />

Talmud. They have used the term ‘racism’ to their own advantage but<br />

never did they extend such protection to Palestinians – that’s what history<br />

teaches us.<br />

* * * * *<br />


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