Arbeit macht frei: - Fredrick Töben

Arbeit macht frei: - Fredrick Töben

Arbeit macht frei: - Fredrick Töben


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to prove the existence of homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz. Secondly,<br />

the letter is an example of extreme persuasion, perhaps even a threat, which<br />

is not at all exclusive Jewish behaviour. It was said that Australian media<br />

magnate Kerry Packer had an army of lawyers ready to slap defamation<br />

writs on anyone who dared criticise him. Paul Barry could only write his<br />

expose of the Packer mindset after Kerry died, as he did in The Rise and<br />

Rise of Kerry Packer. This is how the book is publicised on the Internet:<br />

Paul Barry's THE RISE AND RISE OF KERRY PACKER is a classic<br />

piece of Australian non-fiction publishing. Originally released in 1993<br />

when Packer was still alive, it has sold well over a quarter of a million<br />

copies and is widely seen as the definitive book on a man who throughout<br />

his remarkable life mystified, inspired and challenged those around him.<br />

Since Kerry Packer's death Barry has unearthed a substantial amount of<br />

new testimony from those now prepared to come forward. This new<br />

edition of the book - THE RISE AND RISE OF KERRY PACKER<br />

UNCUT brings the true Packer story to Australia in a way that was never<br />

possible for the first edition. This is the real deal about Kerry Packer:<br />

unvarnished, uncut, more astonishing than you ever could have imagined.<br />

ISBN: 9781863253314.<br />

Bennett is now a retired senior Revisionist who would rather travel the<br />

world and sun his butt on some Greek island, though in 2009 he could not<br />

attend this trial because he had other exploratory things to do in Australia’s<br />

north-west, around Broome. What that was, that will remain a mysterysecret<br />

for a while yet.<br />

* * * * *<br />

Then there was Victor Harbour resident Tom Dolling who had come to<br />

Adelaide to attend the League of Rights Frank Bowden Annual Dinner<br />

where I was guest speaker. He decided to stay on for those extra few days<br />

and attend the appeal hearing. When I was imprisoned in Mannheim in<br />

1999 it was Tom who moved into my Adelaide home and held the fort,<br />

staying on for an extra year after my return. Coming from a long line of<br />

Dolling’s, Tom has researched his family tree. His ancestors were part of<br />

the German migration to South Australia from the late 1830s, to settle in<br />

the Barossa Valley in particular. Like most Germans, basic values of<br />

personal cleanliness and hard physical and mental work enabled them to<br />

carve a future and flourish and prosper in South Australia and Queensland.<br />


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