Arbeit macht frei: - Fredrick Töben

Arbeit macht frei: - Fredrick Töben

Arbeit macht frei: - Fredrick Töben


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It Is Valuable to a Society To Have a Consensus As to What Constitutes<br />

‘Science.’<br />

8. It is well established that scientific research is a particular endeavor<br />

requiring disciplined thought. One is expected to ‘follow the rules of<br />

science.’ The acceptance of the results of a scientist’s research is<br />

dependent, in the first instance, on a showing that she, for example, used a<br />

properly selected a control group for comparison with the subjects of her<br />

experiment, or that she made scrupulously careful measurements.<br />

9. It is also undisputed that a person can start with any theory about the<br />

world, marshal facts and arguments in support of it, and draw a conclusion<br />

as to whether he has proved his point. Others will then agree or disagree<br />

with his methods or his conclusion; they may offer an alternative theory to<br />

explain the same set of empirical facts.<br />

10. The integrity of the existing body of science, and the validity of yet-tobe-produced<br />

scientific work, are protected by a culture within the scientific<br />

community that jumps at sloppiness of research and erroneous<br />

conclusions, and praises careful work.<br />

11. Young students need to be made aware of how science works. In a<br />

famous case in Louisiana, United States, concerning so-called Creation<br />

Science, 72 Nobel laureates (31 in physics, 13 in chemistry, and 28 in<br />

physiology and medicine) submitted an amici curiae whose key paragraph<br />

is as follows:<br />

12. This case is crucial to the future of scientific education in this nation.<br />

As researchers in many different branches of advanced science, amici<br />

share a concern for the basic scientific education of this nation's publicschool<br />

students. Scientific education should accurately portray the current<br />

state of substantive scientific knowledge. Even more importantly, scientific<br />

education should accurately portray the premises and processes of<br />

science. Teaching religious ideas mislabeled as science is detrimental to<br />

scientific education: It sets up a false conflict between science and religion,<br />

misleads our youth about the nature of scientific inquiry, and thereby<br />

compromises our ability to respond to the problems of an increasingly<br />

technological world. Our capacity to cope with problems of food<br />

production, health care, and even national defense will be jeopardized if<br />

we deliberately strip our citizens of the power to distinguish between the<br />

phenomena of nature and supernatural articles of faith. [emphasis added]<br />

-- Don Aguillard v Edwin Edwards, No. 85-1513, 1986 US Court of<br />

Appeals for the Fifth Circuit<br />

A Welcoming Environment for New Scientific Ideas Has Helped Australia<br />

13. Today, Australia is among the leaders in many fields of science and<br />

technology.<br />


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