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Officer Transfers and Discharges - Army Publishing Directorate ... Officer Transfers and Discharges - Army Publishing Directorate ...


Figure 2–7. Sample format for recommendation for involuntary early release from ADT, ADSW–AC, or ADSW–RC Chapter 3 Resignations Section I Scope 3–1. Introduction a. This chapter prescribes the tasks, rules, and steps for processing voluntary resignations. Except as provided in b, below, any officer of the Active Army or USAR may tender a resignation under provisions of this chapter. The 42 AR 600–8–24 12 April 2006/RAR 19 November 2008

Secretary of the Army or his designee may accept resignations and orders will be issued by direction of the CG, HRC. An officer whose resignation has been accepted will be separated on the date specified in DA’s orders or as otherwise directed by the DA. An appropriate discharge certificate as specified by the CG, HRC, will be furnished by the appropriate commander at the time the officer is separated. The date of separation, as specified or directed, will not be changed without prior approval of HQDA nor can valid separation orders be revoked subsequent to the specified or directed date of separation. b. Except when resignation is under section VI of this chapter, USAR officers in an AGR status or on ADT, ADSW, TTAD and Soldiers on AD pursuant to 10 USC 12304 (Presidential Selected Reserve) will request resignations under the provisions of AR 135–175. Before such a request is submitted, they must be released from their AD status. c. Under normal circumstances, any RA officer or USAR Officer who has completed their 8–year MSO may submit a request for unqualified resignation, provided all Service Remaining Requirements (SRRs) have been met. Such application will be submitted not earlier than 12 months or less than 6 months prior to the requested separation date. The 6 month requirement may be waived by the Separation Approval Authority. Appropriate documentation must accompany the request. 3–2. Date changes/withdrawals of resignation a. An officer may request withdrawal of resignation at any time prior to commencing travel pursuant to orders issued for the purpose of separating the officer. The request, including reasons, will be forwarded through channels specified in paragraph 3–4. Each forwarding endorsement will include recommendation for approval or disapproval. Reasons for disapproval will be stated. b. A resignation may be withdrawn only with the approval of HQDA, with the exception of an unqualified resignation. An unqualified resignation may be withdrawn on the approval of an endorsing commander in the field and returned to the officer concerned, provided the resignation has not been forwarded by the commander to CG, HRC. c. All date change/withdrawal requests should follow the procedures outlined in figures 3-5 and 3-6, respectively. 3–3. Notification to finance and accounting officer When notice of acceptance of the resignation is received by the installation or local commander, he or she will notify the appropriate finance and accounting officer. 3–4. Routing a. Resignations under paragraphs 3–13 and 4–11(i)(2), of this regulation must be processed through the GOSCA or through the GCMCA. These actions will be routed to that commander through the same channels as court-martial actions. The GOSCA or GCMCA will forward the resignation with the recommendation for elimination and comments directly to CDR, HRC–Alexandria (AHRC–OPD–A). Additionally, an information copy of the correspondence will be forwarded to interested higher headquarters (for example, ACOM/ASCC/DRU) in the chain of command. b. Resignations under paragraphs 3–5 and 5–9 of this regulation will be forwarded through normal administrative c h a n n e l s t o H R C . F o r r e s i g n a t i o n s u n d e r p a r a g r a p h 3 – 5 , f o r w a r d t o C D R H R C – A l e x a n d r i a ( A H R C – O P D – A ) , Alexandria, VA 22332–0478; Headquarters, Department of the Army (DAJA–PT), The Judge Advocate General, 2200 Army Pentagon, Washington, DC 20310–2200; or Headquarters, Department of the Army (DACH–PER), Chief of Chaplains, 2700 Army Pentagon, Washington, DC 20310–2700, as applicable. The officer’s immediate commander will send resignations under paragraph 3–11 (resignation because of pregnancy) directly to CDR, HRC–Alexandria (AHRC–OPD–A), or the HQDA agency shown above as applicable to judge advocates or chaplains. Resignations under paragraphs 3–5 and 5–9 will be processed as follows: In those commands where the normal administrative channels include a headquarters exercising GCM authority, that headquarters will— (1) Forward resignations under paragraph 3–5, as stated in b, above, and under paragraph 5–9, directly to CDR HRC–Alexandria (AHRC–OPD–A), Alexandria, VA 22332–0478. (2) Provide information copies of the action to interested higher headquarters (for example, ACOM/ASCC/DRU) in the chain of command. c. In those commands authorized to deal directly with HQDA on routine personnel matters and those administrative channels that do not include a headquarters that exercises GCM jurisdiction, the commander may designate, in writing, the subordinate units or activities in his command that may forward these separation requests directly to CDR, HRC–Alexandria (AHRC–OPD–A), or agency shown in b, above. Principal officials of HQDA Staff agencies are included in this category concerning class II installations under their control. The headquarters designated will ensure that the request is complete and correct. Resignations under this paragraph will be in writing and an information copy of the resignation will be sent to CDR, HRC–Alexandria (AHRC–OPD–A). The first forwarding endorsement will contain the following: (1) Recommendation for approval or disapproval and type of discharge to be furnished. If approval is recommended and the officer has not fulfilled the service requirements specified in paragraph 3–5, complete justification will be included. Similarly, recommendations for disapproval will state reasons. (2) Statement that none of the conditions in paragraph 1–11b exist or if any do exist, a complete explanation. AR 600–8–24 12 April 2006/RAR 19 November 2008 43

Figure 2–7. Sample format for recommendation for involuntary early release from ADT, ADSW–AC, or ADSW–RC<br />

Chapter 3<br />

Resignations<br />

Section I<br />

Scope<br />

3–1. Introduction<br />

a. This chapter prescribes the tasks, rules, <strong>and</strong> steps for processing voluntary resignations. Except as provided in b,<br />

below, any officer of the Active <strong>Army</strong> or USAR may tender a resignation under provisions of this chapter. The<br />

42 AR 600–8–24 12 April 2006/RAR 19 November 2008

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