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c. HRC–Alexandria (AHRC–OPD–A) will issue separation instructions on all other officers not later than 30 calendar days before the scheduled release date. 1–28. Separation requests/actions for Reserve Component Separation requests or actions not specifically covered in this regulation that pertain to an RC officer not on the ADL will be routed to CDR, HRC–St. Louis; for an ARNG (ARNGUS) officer, requests or actions will be routed to the appropriate State adjutant general for processing. 1–29. Separating an officer in a foreign country a. Officers eligible for separation and serving in a foreign country may be separated in that country, provided the— (1) Officer requests separation in that country. (2) Officer’s separation in that country is not precluded by any other provision. (3) Foreign government concerned has either formally or informally— (a) Consented to the officer’s separation in its territory. (b) Consented generally to the separation of an officer otherwise eligible for separation under (1) and (2), above. b. An officer will obtain all necessary documents for lawful presence in the foreign country prior to separation in that country. c. The ACOM/ASCC/DRU may disapprove requests for separation in an OCONUS command when— (1) Revocation action pursuant to AR 380–67, chapter 8, has been taken against the officer during current term of AD. (2) The officer’s access to defense information is suspended under AR 380–67, chapter 8. (3) There is cogent reason that the officer’s presence in the OCONUS area in a nonmilitary status would endanger U.S. national security. (4) Other cogent reasons exist that the officer should not be separated in the OCONUS command. 1–30. An officer confined pursuant to the sentence in a foreign court a. An officer confined in a foreign penal institution pursuant to the sentence of a foreign court may be separated from the Service during period of confinement only— (1) With the approval of CG, HRC. (2) After final action (including final appellate action, if any) by the foreign authority. (3) With the specific consent of the country concerned to the officer’s separation in its territory. b. When the OCONUS commander considers separating an officer before completing sentence to confinement, the commander will forward the request for approval to CDR, HRC–Alexandria (AHRC–OPD–A), with the following documentation: (1) Name, grade, SSN, and branch of service. (2) Last organization and assignment. (3) Offense(s) alleged to have been committed and the related facts and circumstances. (4) Court that tried the officer. (5) Date and place of trial. (6) Offense(s) of which the officer was convicted. (7) The officer’s sentence. (8) Matters in mitigation, extenuation, or aggravation. (9) Appellate action, if any, and result. (10) Whether the action of the foreign court is final or whether further appellate action is possible or contemplated. (11) Place and condition of confinement. (12) Possibility for parole and pertinent facts. (13) Special facts and circumstances, including reasons supporting discharge during confinement. (14) Whether consent for separation in the territory of the foreign country concerned has been obtained from that country. c. While an officer is confined in a penal institution, commander may initiate action for the officer to be discharged upon release from confinement and returned to the United States or its Territorial possessions. 1–31. Separation while under investigation or sentenced but not confined by a foreign court a. Only after final action by the foreign country can the following officers be considered for separation under paragraphs 1–29 and 1–30, whichever is appropriate. (1) An officer whose sentence to confinement by a foreign court is not suspended and who is not confined pending appellate action. 8 AR 600–8–24 12 April 2006

(2) An officer who is not confined but is charged with or is under investigation for an offense that is subject to the jurisdiction of foreign authorities that could lead to confinement. b. An officer who was accepted for separation in a foreign country but who is not stationed in that country may be returned to the place of acceptance and be separated from there if in compliance with paragraph 1–29. 1–32. Discharge based on conscientious objection Process according to AR 600–43. 1–33. Interservice transfer of Army commissioned officers on the active duty list Process according to AR 614–120. 1–34. Counseling of victims of sexual assault a. When recommending an administrative separation for any officer, for any reason covered by this regulation, commanders must ensure the separation packet contains a statement signed by the officer, with the officer’s answers to the following questions (see AR 600-20, para 8 and figs 1–1 and 1-2): (1) Did you file an unrestricted report of a sexual assault in which you were a victim within the past 24 months? (2) If the answer to (1), above, is YES, do you believe that this separation action is a direct or indirect result of your sexual assault, or your reporting of the sexual assault? b. The officer’s General Court-Martial Convening Authority (GCMCA) or higher authority will review all administrative separations involving known victims of sexual assault and officers who answered YES to any of the questions cited on their signed statement as stated in a above. The reviewing authority will determine— (1) Does the separation appear to be in retaliation resulting from the officer filing an unrestricted sexual assault report? If so, consult with your local Staff Judge Advocate? (2) Does separation involve a medical condition that is related to the sexual assault? If so, consult with the appropriate medical command personnel? (3) Is the separation in the best interest of the Army, the Servicemember, or both? If not, consult with your local Staff Judge Advocate? (4) Commanders will include a statement that the separation was reviewed in accordance with paragraph 1–34(a)(b) of this regulation. Figure 1–1. Sample format for retention affidavit AR 600–8–24 12 April 2006/RAR 19 November 2008 9

(2) An officer who is not confined but is charged with or is under investigation for an offense that is subject to the<br />

jurisdiction of foreign authorities that could lead to confinement.<br />

b. An officer who was accepted for separation in a foreign country but who is not stationed in that country may be<br />

returned to the place of acceptance <strong>and</strong> be separated from there if in compliance with paragraph 1–29.<br />

1–32. Discharge based on conscientious objection<br />

Process according to AR 600–43.<br />

1–33. Interservice transfer of <strong>Army</strong> commissioned officers on the active duty list<br />

Process according to AR 614–120.<br />

1–34. Counseling of victims of sexual assault<br />

a. When recommending an administrative separation for any officer, for any reason covered by this regulation,<br />

comm<strong>and</strong>ers must ensure the separation packet contains a statement signed by the officer, with the officer’s answers to<br />

the following questions (see AR 600-20, para 8 <strong>and</strong> figs 1–1 <strong>and</strong> 1-2):<br />

(1) Did you file an unrestricted report of a sexual assault in which you were a victim within the past 24 months?<br />

(2) If the answer to (1), above, is YES, do you believe that this separation action is a direct or indirect result of your<br />

sexual assault, or your reporting of the sexual assault?<br />

b. The officer’s General Court-Martial Convening Authority (GCMCA) or higher authority will review all administrative<br />

separations involving known victims of sexual assault <strong>and</strong> officers who answered YES to any of the questions<br />

cited on their signed statement as stated in a above. The reviewing authority will determine—<br />

(1) Does the separation appear to be in retaliation resulting from the officer filing an unrestricted sexual assault<br />

report? If so, consult with your local Staff Judge Advocate?<br />

(2) Does separation involve a medical condition that is related to the sexual assault? If so, consult with the<br />

appropriate medical comm<strong>and</strong> personnel?<br />

(3) Is the separation in the best interest of the <strong>Army</strong>, the Servicemember, or both? If not, consult with your local<br />

Staff Judge Advocate?<br />

(4) Comm<strong>and</strong>ers will include a statement that the separation was reviewed in accordance with paragraph 1–34(a)(b)<br />

of this regulation.<br />

Figure 1–1. Sample format for retention affidavit<br />

AR 600–8–24 12 April 2006/RAR 19 November 2008<br />


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