FEIS - Tahoe Regional Planning Agency

FEIS - Tahoe Regional Planning Agency

FEIS - Tahoe Regional Planning Agency


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B o u l d e r B a y C o m m u n i t y E n h a n c e m e n t P r o g r a m P r o j e c t E I S<br />

REC-1B: Stateline Lookout Access Improvements. Boulder Bay will work<br />

with the USDA Forest Service to identify areas where additional access<br />

signage may be placed and if access point improvements are warranted. If<br />

necessary, such improvements will be funded by Boulder Bay. Recreation<br />

access signage or information shall be provided at the resort, informing<br />

guests of trailhead locations and access routes. Boulder Bay will work with<br />

the USDA Forest Service to improve existing parking areas and signage to<br />

reduce erosion potential. Coordination shall occur prior to construction and<br />

improvements, if approved by the USDA Forest Service, will be immediately<br />

funded by Boulder Bay and implemented within the first year of resort<br />

operation.<br />

Comment 322-cb: Comment Summary - Lookout Point forces cars to park on shoulders, causing<br />

erosion.<br />

Because the Stateline lookout is located 1.2 miles from the resort and can be accessed<br />

from the resort via Lakeview Ave to the lookout fire road, guests will be encouraged<br />

to hike to the lookout. New mitigation to address potential for increased use and<br />

needed improvements in this area is provided in the response to comment 322-ca.<br />

Comment 322-cc: Comment Summary - Discuss impact on Summers Loop lake access and provide<br />

mitigation.<br />

Somers Loop lake access is not a public recreational facility and therefore not<br />

available for Boulder Bay guest use.<br />

Comment 322-cd: Comment Summary - Review existing inventory entitlements. Mariner entitlements<br />

should be listed.<br />

A detailed listing of project area entitlements, including Mariner entitlements are<br />

provided in Appendix D of the DEIS. Please see response to comment 100-g.<br />

Comment 322-ce: Comment Summary - Existing and new CFA not broken down by location and use so<br />

it can't be properly analyzed.<br />

CFA verified for the Boulder Bay project area (see DEIS Appendix D) can be used<br />

within the project area. As stated in Chapter 2, neither Alternative proposes to use all<br />

of the existing CFA (including GFA) verified on the project area.<br />

Comment 322-cf: Comment Summary - What assurances are there that the wellness center won't be<br />

advertized publically in the future?<br />

Please see response to comment 286-y. As described in the Boulder Bay Project<br />

application and DEIS project description (Chapter 2) the proposed hotel will operate<br />

spa and wellness programming as well as group meeting business to support room<br />

night demand. The size, design and operation of the spa and meeting space will<br />

conform with TRPA Chapter 18 and Chapter 33 definition of Accessory Space as<br />

documented in DEIS Chapter 4.1, Land Use.<br />

Comment 322-cg: Comment Summary - Inappropriate traffic baseline used and the population of each<br />

Alternative is not revealed.<br />

Master Response 2 provides information related to an alternative existing baseline<br />

analysis. The population of each Alternative is provided in the analysis under DEIS<br />


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