FEIS - Tahoe Regional Planning Agency

FEIS - Tahoe Regional Planning Agency FEIS - Tahoe Regional Planning Agency


RESPONSE TO COMMENTS ON THE DEIS B o u l d e r B a y C o m m u n i t y E n h a n c e m e n t P r o g r a m P r o j e c t E I S • Providing connectivity between multi-use paths for bicycles and pedestrians through the NSCP area. Comment 313-c: Comment Summary - Please describe BMPs; and how the system responds to releases of nitrates, phosphates, and fine, suspended particulate matter; how added sewage is handled; and how much hardscape will be incorporated into the project and predicted runoff. BMPs are described on page 2-18 of the Project Description and further detailed in Figures 2-8 and 2-9. See Appendix AB for the supplemental analysis of storm water quality using LSPC modeled load reductions for the proposed stormwater treatment system. Sewage will be handled by IVGID's Incline Village Waste Water Reclamation Facility (see page 4.12-12). Land coverage is analyzed for Impact GEO-1 (pages 4.2-14 to 4.2-23) and stormwater runoff is analyzed in Impact HYDRO-3 (pages 4.3-36 to 4.3-47). Comment 313-d: Comment Summary - Describe the landscaping plan, including lawns, phosphate and nitrate residues from fertilization, and native species. The requirements of the TRPA landscaping plan are discussed on page 2-26 in the project descriptions and in Standard Practice (SP-7) in the mitigation and monitoring plan. The Landscaping Plan will be based on the selected Alternative and submitted to TRPA as a condition for project permitting. See response to comment 244c for discussion of irrigation, fertilizers use and native plant selection. Comment 313-e: Comment Summary - Describe how parking impacts will be mitigated. There are no significant parking impacts associated with any of the Alternatives. A Shared Parking analysis (based on the methodology presented in the Urban Land Institute’s (ULI) Shared Parking, 2 nd Edition), which accounts for internalization between uses and time of day factors, was performed to determine the minimum number of parking spaces that will be needed to adequately serve the uses included in each Alternative. The maximum number of parking spaces allowed by the NSCP was also calculated based on the land uses included in each Alternative. The number of parking spaces proposed as part of each Alternative falls between the minimum and maximum required number of parking spaces. Comment 313-f: Comment Summary - Describe the project's LEED status, and use of recyclable and renewable materials. As stated in Chapter 2-Project Description, the Project will pursue LEED certification upon completion of the selected Alternative design drawings and is currently registered with the U.S. Green Building Council (Registration number 2424574999124310). Design elements that will be included for LEED silver-level certification include: green roofs and building materials, on-site water treatment and infiltration, land coverage reduction, peak VMT reduction, shuttle services, pedestrian-oriented design, onsite electric bike rentals, alternative fuel carshare and employee transit programs, green building and sustainable design, solar water heating and electricity, high efficiency recycled insulation, ultra-efficient windows and appliances, and radiant floor heating. Recyclable and renewable materials will be used within the structures such as, but not limited to, the building insulation, recycled metal or rubber roofs, and green roofs. Recycled concrete may also be used. Comment 313-g: Comment Summary - Describe mitigation measures for public services, such as trash, gas, electricity, and emergency services, and fiscal impacts. PAGE 8- 80 HAUGE BRUECK ASSOCIATES SEPTEMBER 8 , 2010

RESPONSE TO COMMENTS ON THE DEIS B o u l d e r B a y C o m m u n i t y E n h a n c e m e n t P r o g r a m P r o j e c t E I S Mitigation measures are described in Chapter 4.12-Public Services and Utilities. These measures include special event security, additional water rights dedication, construction coordination, and safety planning during design. The two latter measures are related to project design and do not affect operations. The two former mitigation measures are funded by Boulder Bay. All trash, gas, electrical, and other utility services are paid by Boulder Bay and no mitigation is needed for these services as no significant impact to utilities will occur. As stated in Chapter 4.12, the emergency service providers indicate that current staffing and equipment are sufficient to serve this Project and no mitigation is needed other than additional safety enforcement during special events (mitigation measure PSU-1A) which is funded by Boulder Bay. Comment 313-h: Comment Summary - Describe fiscal impacts of traffic, air quality, and sewage mitigation measures and impacts. As shown in Chapter 6-Mitigation and Monitoring Program, Boulder Bay, as the implementing entity, is responsible for funding identified mitigation measures. Please see response to comment 137-h regarding TRPA’s requirements for analyzing funding costs and sources. Comment 313-i: Comment Summary - Without answers to the questions above, I cannot support this development and will use the legal process to stop it. Development has already exceeded the carrying capacity of the road system around Lake Tahoe, which seriously impacts the quality of other services and the lake itself. This is not a comment on the content or adequacy of the DEIS. This information is passed on to the Project proponent and decision maker(s) for consideration. No further response to this comment in relation to the DEIS is warranted. Comment Letter 316 – Welker, Bill, 02/03/2010 Comment 316-a: Comment Summary - Project should be downsized. Please refer to Chapters 4.8 and 4.9 regarding traffic and air quality. This is not a comment on the content or adequacy of the DEIS. This information is passed on to the Project proponent and decision maker(s) for consideration. No further response to this comment in relation to the DEIS is warranted. Comment Letter 322 – North Tahoe Preservation Alliance, 02/03/2010 Comment 322-a: Comment Summary - The DEIS fails to address issues made during the scoping process, and failed to include building elevations, project populations, location of coverage reductions or additions, and massing volume comparisons. Comments and concerns raised during the scoping process were addressed in the EIS and helped provide a basis for the criteria and analysis. Building heights are included in Chapter 4.5 Scenic Resources; however, due to the large volume of drawings that would need to be included to show elevations of each building for each Alternative, the drawings were made available to the public at TRPA offices. Chapter 4.5 also includes visual simulations of the Alternatives to illustrate massing volume. Project populations are included in Chapter 4.11 Socioeconomics, Population, and Housing. In Chapter 4.11, Impact SPH-3 provides population numbers under each Alternative. Coverage reduction is addressed in Chapter 4.2 Geology as well as DEIS Appendix D. While a figure of coverage additions and removal is not provided, the text indicates coverage will be removed within the existing parking lots, at the site SEPTEMBER 8 , 2010 HAUGE BRUECK ASSOCIATES PAGE 8- 81


B o u l d e r B a y C o m m u n i t y E n h a n c e m e n t P r o g r a m P r o j e c t E I S<br />

Mitigation measures are described in Chapter 4.12-Public Services and Utilities.<br />

These measures include special event security, additional water rights dedication,<br />

construction coordination, and safety planning during design. The two latter<br />

measures are related to project design and do not affect operations. The two former<br />

mitigation measures are funded by Boulder Bay. All trash, gas, electrical, and other<br />

utility services are paid by Boulder Bay and no mitigation is needed for these<br />

services as no significant impact to utilities will occur. As stated in Chapter 4.12, the<br />

emergency service providers indicate that current staffing and equipment are<br />

sufficient to serve this Project and no mitigation is needed other than additional<br />

safety enforcement during special events (mitigation measure PSU-1A) which is<br />

funded by Boulder Bay.<br />

Comment 313-h: Comment Summary - Describe fiscal impacts of traffic, air quality, and sewage<br />

mitigation measures and impacts.<br />

As shown in Chapter 6-Mitigation and Monitoring Program, Boulder Bay, as the<br />

implementing entity, is responsible for funding identified mitigation measures.<br />

Please see response to comment 137-h regarding TRPA’s requirements for analyzing<br />

funding costs and sources.<br />

Comment 313-i: Comment Summary - Without answers to the questions above, I cannot support this<br />

development and will use the legal process to stop it. Development has already<br />

exceeded the carrying capacity of the road system around Lake <strong>Tahoe</strong>, which<br />

seriously impacts the quality of other services and the lake itself.<br />

This is not a comment on the content or adequacy of the DEIS. This information is<br />

passed on to the Project proponent and decision maker(s) for consideration. No<br />

further response to this comment in relation to the DEIS is warranted.<br />

Comment Letter 316 – Welker, Bill, 02/03/2010<br />

Comment 316-a: Comment Summary - Project should be downsized.<br />

Please refer to Chapters 4.8 and 4.9 regarding traffic and air quality. This is not a<br />

comment on the content or adequacy of the DEIS. This information is passed on to<br />

the Project proponent and decision maker(s) for consideration. No further response<br />

to this comment in relation to the DEIS is warranted.<br />

Comment Letter 322 – North <strong>Tahoe</strong> Preservation Alliance, 02/03/2010<br />

Comment 322-a: Comment Summary - The DEIS fails to address issues made during the scoping<br />

process, and failed to include building elevations, project populations, location of<br />

coverage reductions or additions, and massing volume comparisons.<br />

Comments and concerns raised during the scoping process were addressed in the EIS<br />

and helped provide a basis for the criteria and analysis. Building heights are included<br />

in Chapter 4.5 Scenic Resources; however, due to the large volume of drawings that<br />

would need to be included to show elevations of each building for each Alternative,<br />

the drawings were made available to the public at TRPA offices. Chapter 4.5 also<br />

includes visual simulations of the Alternatives to illustrate massing volume. Project<br />

populations are included in Chapter 4.11 Socioeconomics, Population, and Housing.<br />

In Chapter 4.11, Impact SPH-3 provides population numbers under each Alternative.<br />

Coverage reduction is addressed in Chapter 4.2 Geology as well as DEIS Appendix<br />

D. While a figure of coverage additions and removal is not provided, the text<br />

indicates coverage will be removed within the existing parking lots, at the site<br />


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